path: root/bin
authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-01-19 08:52:01 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-01-19 08:52:01 (UTC)
commitaf56077eeeab7b46b98ad5159c6653114abf6602 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
treeb621bc3c2c8d283d0aec81b2b8276074082c951a /bin
parentc626089f47244d0c0a9ba73bcd12f42927acb28f (diff)
kopi fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'bin') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index c0078be..23ff53c 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,130 +1,135 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
+********** VERSION 1.9.19 ************
+Added a lot of missing translations to KA/Pi,
+added some missing translations to KO/Pi and OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.18 ************
FYI: The VERSION 1.9.17 was a testing release only.
Please read the changelog of VERSION 1.9.17 as well.
Cleaned up the syncing config dialog.
Added sync config options for date range for events.
Added sync config options for filters on incoming data.
Added sync config options for filters on outgoing data.
Please read the updated SyncHowTo about the new filter settings.
These filter settings make it now possible to sync with shared
calendars without writing back private or confidential data
(via the outgoing filters).
To sync only with particular parts of a shared calendar,
the incoming filter settings can be used.
An example can be found in the SyncHowTo.
Same for shared addressbooks.
Added a setting for the global kdepim data storage.
Usually the data is stored in (yourhomedir/kdepim).
Now you can set in the Global config dialog TAB, subTAB "Data storage path"
a directory where all the kdepim data is stored.
That makes it easy to save all kdepim data on a SD card on the Z, for example.
The timeedit input has a pulldown list for times.
If opened, this pulldown list should now has the right time highlighted.
Added the possibility to exclude events/todos/journals in a filter.
You should exclude journals, if you do not want them to sync with a public calendar.
Added the possibility to in/exclude public/private/confidential contacts to a filter.
If you have already defined filterrules in KA/Pi you have to adjust them all by setting the "include public/private/confidential" property manually. Sorry for that ...
Added printing of card view and details view on desktop.
Printing of list view is not working...
Added button for removing pictures in contact editor.
Parsing data fix of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed the "parse name automatically" problem of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed some syncing merging problems.
********** VERSION 1.9.17 ************
Fixed that tooltips were not updated after moving an item in agenda view.
Fixed a bug in sorting start date for recurring events in list view.
Changed the left button in todo viewer from "Agenda" to "Set completed".
This makes it possible to change a todo in the What's Next View quickly to the completed state without leaving the What's Next View.
Added more info in the todo viewer: Startdate, parent/sub todos.
All fields search does now actually search all the (possible) fields,
not only those listed in the contact list.
Made is possible to inline a picture in a vcard on the Z.
This was only possible on the desktop, now is it possible on the Z as well.
Fixed of missing save settings after filter configuration.
Made saving of addressbook much faster.
Fixed extension widget layout problem.
Fixed saving of default formatted name settings.
Fixed formatted name handling in edit dialog.
Added an option for changing formatted names of many contacts
(menu: File - Change - Set formatted name).
QWhatsThis was not working on the Z ( only black rectangle was shown).
This is Fixed.
Now readonly KDE resources are synced as well.
(They are not changed in KDE itself, of course).
********** VERSION 1.9.16 ************
Fixed search dialog size on Z 6000 (480x640 display).
Added setting to hide/show time in agenda items.
Added setting to hide not running todos in todo view.
Added columns for start date/time in todo view.
Replaced the solid half-hour lines in agenda view by dot lines.
Added possibility of printing the What's Next View on the desktop
(i.e. Windows and Linux).
Fixed a crash in KO/Pi when starting KO/Pi with What's Next view.
Added tooltips in month view.(Tooltips only available on desktop)
Fixed a strange problem in KO/Pi alarm applet.
Did not find the actual problem,
such that now Qtopia reboots again if deinstalling the alarm applet.
But the alarm applet should work again.
Fixed the problem, that internal pictures were not saved.
Fixed a problem in the pi-sync mode by increasing the timeout for data transfer from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.
Fixed some minor problems. (Like word wrap in help text windows).
Fixed a compiling problem in microkde/kresources.
KO/Pi is using zdbat (renamed to db2file) for syncing with Sharp DTM.
This version now includes zdbat 1.0.0 (old version was zdbat 0.2.9)
such that now syncing KO/Pi with Sharp DTM should work on the
Zaurus C 3000 model.
********** VERSION 1.9.15 ************
Usebilty enhancements in KO/Pi:
When clicking on the date in a month view cell, the day view is shown.
Old behaviour was, that the "new event" dialog popped up.
Added a one step "undo delete" in KO/Pi (Accessable in the "Action" menu).
That means, you can restore the latest
event/todo/journal you have deleted.
A journal is deleted, if you clear all the text of the journal.
Fixed the bug of the editor dialogs in KO/Pi of version 1.9.14.
KA/Pi starting in 480x640 resolution:
Hide the filter action in toolbar
and added icons for undo/delete/redo in toolbar.
Change in OM/Pi ViewMail dialog:
When clicking on the "delete" icon the mail is deleted after confirmation as usual.
But the edit dialog is not closed as before, now the next mail in the folder is shown automatically (if there is any).
Fixed a crash when deleting mail-accounts in OM/Pi.
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt
index 5037f5f..6ebaafe 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt
@@ -60,201 +60,201 @@
{ "tomorrow","morgen" },
{ "today","heute" },
{ "yesterday","gestern" },
{ "Monday","Montag" },
{ "Tuesday","Dienstag" },
{ "Wednesday","Mittwoch" },
{ "Thursday","Donnerstag" },
{ "Friday","Freitag" },
{ "Saturday","Samstag" },
{ "Sunday","Sonntag" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeitzone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "General","Allgemein" },
{ "Full &name:","Vor- und &Nachname:" },
{ "E&mail address:","E&mail Adresse:" },
{ "Fonts","Schriftart" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" },
{ "Delete","Löschen" },
{ "New","Neu" },
{ "Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "Close","Schließen" },
{ "Size","Größe" },
{ "Date","Datum" },
{ "Please set at","Bitte einstellen in" },
{ "Settings@General TAB","Einstellungen@Allgemein TAB" },
{ "KOpieMail/Pi","KOpieMail/Pi" },
{ "Mail","Mail" },
{ "Settings","Konfig" },
{ "Get all new mails","Hole alle neuen Mails" },
{ "Get new messages","Hole neue mails" },
{ "Compose new mail","Schreibe neue Mail" },
{ "Send queued mails","Sende gespeicherte Mails" },
{ "Show/Hide folders","Zeige Verzeichnisse" },
{ "Delete Mail","Lösche Mail" },
{ "Edit settings","Ändere Einstellungen" },
{ "Configure accounts","Konfiguriere Zugänge" },
{ "Mailbox","Mailbox" },
{ "Subject","Betreff" },
{ "Sender","Sender" },
{ "Size","Größe" },
{ "Date","Datum" },
{ "Close","Schliessen" },
{ "Help","Hilfe" },
{ "About","Über" },
{ "Licence","Lizenz" },
{ "LibEtPan Licence","LibEtPan Lizenz" },
{ "Settings - some need a restart (nr)","Einstellungen - manche benötigen einen Neustart (nr)" },
{ "HINT: Separate multiple\neMail addresses by ";"","Hinweis:Trenne mehrere\nAddressen mit einem ";"" },
{ "Ignore above settings and\nuse KA/Pi "Who am I" instead!","Ignoriere obige Einstellungen und\nbenutze KA/Pi "Wer bin ich"\nstattdessen!" },
{ "View mail as html","Zeige Mails als html" },
{ "Send mails later","Sende Mails später" },
{ "Application(nr)","Applikation(nr)" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "Compose mail:","Verfasse Mail:" },
{ "Dear Mr.","Hallo Herr" },
{ "Read mail:","Lese Mail:" },
{ "Hello","Hallo" },
{ "Configure Accounts","Konfigure Zugänge" },
{ "Name of the Account","Name des Zugangs" },
{ "News","News" },
{ "Account","Zugang" },
{ "Type","Typ" },
{ "<p>Please select an account.</p>","<p>Bitte wähle einen Zugang.</p>" },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ "Configure NNTP","Konfiguriere News" },
{ "Port","Port" },
{ "Server","Server" },
{ "Use SSL","Benutze SSL" },
{ "User","Benutzer" },
{ "Password","Passwort" },
{ "Use Login","Benutze Login" },
{ "Newsgroup","Newsgroup" },
{ "Get newsgroup list from server","Hole Newsgroup Liste vom Server" },
{ "Filter:","Filter:" },
{ "Show subscribed","Zeige abbonnierte" },
{ "Groups","NewsGroups" },
{ "Configure IMAP","Konfiguriere IMAP" },
{ "Use secure sockets:","Benutze sichere Verbindung:" },
{ "ssh $SERVER exec","ssh $SERVER exec" },
{ "Prefix","Prefix" },
{ "Local storage folder:","Lokales Verzeichnis:" },
{ "Get only messages smaller","Hole nur Nachrichten kleiner" },
{ "kB","kB" },
{ "Leave Messages on Server","Belasse Nachrichten auf dem Server" },
{ "Configure POP3","Konfiguriere POP3" },
{ "ssh $SERVER exec imapd","ssh $SERVER exec imapd" },
{ "Configure SMTP","Konfiguriere SMTP" },
{ "Name of the SMTP Server","Name des SMTP Servers" },
{ "Port of the SMTP Server","Port des SMTP Servers" },
{ "Fetching folder list","Hole Verzeichnis Liste" },
{ "Fetch ","Hole " },
{ "Fetching header list","Hole Titel Liste" },
{ "Mailbox has %1 mails","Mailbox hat %1 Mails" },
{ "Read this mail","Lies diese Mail" },
{ "Move/Copy this mail","Verschiebe/kopiere diese Mail" },
{ "Delete this mail","Lösche diese Mail" },
{ "Move/Copy all selected mail","Verschiebe/kopiere selektierte Mails" },
{ "Delete all selected mails","Lösche alle selektierten Mails" },
{ "Clear selection","Selektion aufheben" },
{ "Reply","Antworten" },
{ "Forward","Weiterleiten" },
{ "Attachments","Anhang" },
{ "Show Html","Zeige in html" },
{ "Description","Beschreibung" },
{ "Filename","Dateiname" },
{ "E-Mail by %1","E-Mail von %1" },
{ "Cc","Kopie" },
{ "To","An" },
{ "From","Von" },
{ "<p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br>","<p>Wollen Sie diese Mail wirklich löschen? <br><br>" },
{ "Mailbox has %1 mail(s)","Mailbox hat %1 Mail(s)" },
{ "Move/Copie all mails","Verschiebe/kopiere alle Mails" },
{ "Delete all mails","Lösche alle Mails" },
{ "Create new subfolder","Neues Unterverzeichnis" },
{ "Delete folder","Lösche Verzeichnis" },
-{ "Refresh folder list","Aktualisiere Verzeichnis Liste" },
+{ "Refresh folder list","Aktualisiere Liste" },
{ "Create new folder","Neues Verzeichnis" },
-{ "Disconnect","Disconnect" },
+{ "Disconnect","Diskonnect" },
{ "Set offline","Gehe offline" },
{ "Select target box","Wähle Ziel Box" },
{ "<b>Store mail(s) to</b>","<b>Speichere Mail(s) nach</b>" },
{ "Folder:","Verzeichnis:" },
{ "Account:","Zugang:" },
{ "Prefix will prepend, do not enter","Pfad-Prefix wird vorangestellt" },
{ "Move mail(s)","Verschiebe Mail(s)" },
{ "only mails smaller","nur Mails kleiner" },
{ " kB"," kB" },
{ " message %1 of %2"," Nachricht %1 von %2" },
{ "Copying...","Am Kopieren..." },
{ "Copy message %1 of %2","Kopiere Nachricht %1 von %2" },
{ "Do you really want to delete\nall selected mails?","Wollen Sie wirklich alle\nselektierten Mails Löschen?" },
{ "Delete All Mails","Lösche alle Mails" },
{ "Deleting ...","Am Löschen..." },
{ "Delete message %1 of %2","Lösche Nachricht %1 von %2" },
{ "Compose Message","Verfasse Nachricht" },
{ "Reply-To","Antwort-An" },
{ "BCC","BCC" },
{ "Signature","Signatur" },
{ "CC","Kopie" },
{ "Options","Optionen" },
{ "Delete File","Lösche Datei" },
{ "Add File","Füge Datei hinzu" },
{ "Attachment","Anhang" },
{ "send later","sende später" },
{ "use:","via:" },
{ "Save","Speichern" },
{ "Name","Name" },
{ "No Receiver spezified","Kein Empfänger angegeben" },
{ "Sending mail","Sende Mail" },
{ "No","Nein" },
{ "Yes","Ja" },
{ "Store message into drafts?\n","Speichere Nachricht in Entwürfe?\n" },
{ "Store message?","Nachricht speichern?" },
{ "Select Type","Selektiere Typ" },
{ "Select Account Type","Wähle Art des Zugangs" },
{ "IMAP","IMAP (online lesen)" },
{ "POP3","POP3 (holen)" },
{ "SMTP","SMTP (senden)" },
{ "<p>Do you really want to delete the selected Account?</p>","<p>Möchten Sie wirklich den ausgewählten Account löschen?</p>" },
{ "Question","Eine Frage..." },
{ "Send this message?","Nachricht wirklich senden?" },
{ "Stop editing message","Stop editing message" },
{ "Sending mail %1 of %2","Sende Mail %1 von %2" },
{ "%1 of %2 bytes send","%1 von %2 Bytes gesendet" },
{ "Refresh header list","Aktualisiere Titel Liste" },
{ "Define a smtp\n account first!\n","Bitte zuerst einen\nSMTP Account anlegen!\n" },
{ "Mail queue flushed","Gespeicherte Mails gesendet!" },
{ "Please create an\nSMTP account first.\nThe SMTP is needed\nfor sending mail.\n","Bitte legen Sie einen\nSMTP Account an.\nDer SMTP Account wird\nfür das Versenden von\nMails benötigt!" },
{ "Show next mail","Zeige nächste Mail" },
{ "End of List","Ende der Liste" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "%1 groups subscribed","%1 Guppen abboniert" },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Ihr gerade genutztes Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverzeichnis)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>Set new data storage dir:</b>","<b>Setze neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "Not existing dirs are created automatically","Nicht existierende Verzeichnisse werden erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "The settings of the storage\ndir is saved in the file\n%1","Die Einstellungen des Speicherverzeichnisses\nwerden in folgender Datei gespeichert:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "userdefined","benutzerdefiniert" },
-{ "","" },
+{ "Reply to this mail","Beantworte diese Mail" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },