path: root/kabc/plugins
authorulf69 <ulf69>2004-06-29 03:37:25 (UTC)
committer ulf69 <ulf69>2004-06-29 03:37:25 (UTC)
commitb0a92f38dc4dfb2685581d17b72a69e30bfabedc (patch) (side-by-side diff)
treed04ca7535f36f7043c909d6df7d624503af02b8c /kabc/plugins
parent82fec00bb1355affe8093f0f92922827f0357632 (diff)
enable dynamic loading
Diffstat (limited to 'kabc/plugins') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/plugins/ldap/resourceldap.cpp b/kabc/plugins/ldap/resourceldap.cpp
index 1c54f63..55c43af 100644
--- a/kabc/plugins/ldap/resourceldap.cpp
+++ b/kabc/plugins/ldap/resourceldap.cpp
@@ -1,431 +1,431 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2002 Tobias Koenig <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "resourceldap.h"
#include "resourceldapconfig.h"
using namespace KABC;
extern "C"
- void *init_kabc_ldap()
+//US void *init_kabc_ldap()
+ void *init_microkabc_ldap()
- qDebug("resourceldap.cpp : init_kabc_ldap has to be changed");
-//US return new KRES::PluginFactory<ResourceLDAP,ResourceLDAPConfig>();
+ return new KRES::PluginFactory<ResourceLDAP,ResourceLDAPConfig>();
void addModOp( LDAPMod ***pmods, const QString &attr, const QString &value );
ResourceLDAP::ResourceLDAP( const KConfig *config )
: Resource( config ), mPort( 389 ), mLdap( 0 )
KConfig *cfg = (KConfig *)config;
if ( cfg ) {
mUser = cfg->readEntry( "LdapUser" );
mPassword = KStringHandler::obscure( cfg->readEntry( "LdapPassword" ) );
mDn = cfg->readEntry( "LdapDn" );
mHost = cfg->readEntry( "LdapHost" );
mPort = cfg->readNumEntry( "LdapPort", 389 );
mFilter = cfg->readEntry( "LdapFilter" );
mAnonymous = cfg->readBoolEntry( "LdapAnonymous" );
QStringList attributes = cfg->readListEntry( "LdapAttributes" );
for ( uint pos = 0; pos < attributes.count(); pos += 2 )
mAttributes.insert( attributes[ pos ], attributes[ pos + 1 ] );
If you want to add new attributes, append them here, add a
translation string in the ctor of AttributesDialog and
handle them in the load() method below.
These are the default values from
if ( mAttributes.count() == 0 ) {
mAttributes.insert( "commonName", "cn" );
mAttributes.insert( "formattedName", "displayName" );
mAttributes.insert( "familyName", "sn" );
mAttributes.insert( "givenName", "givenName" );
mAttributes.insert( "mail", "mail" );
mAttributes.insert( "mailAlias", "" );
mAttributes.insert( "phoneNumber", "telephoneNumber" );
mAttributes.insert( "uid", "uid" );
void ResourceLDAP::writeConfig( KConfig *config )
Resource::writeConfig( config );
config->writeEntry( "LdapUser", mUser );
config->writeEntry( "LdapPassword", KStringHandler::obscure( mPassword ) );
config->writeEntry( "LdapDn", mDn );
config->writeEntry( "LdapHost", mHost );
config->writeEntry( "LdapPort", mPort );
config->writeEntry( "LdapFilter", mFilter );
config->writeEntry( "LdapAnonymous", mAnonymous );
QStringList attributes;
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
for ( it = mAttributes.begin(); it != mAttributes.end(); ++it )
attributes << it.key() <<;
config->writeEntry( "LdapAttributes", attributes );
Ticket *ResourceLDAP::requestSaveTicket()
if ( !addressBook() ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "no addressbook" << endl;
return 0;
return createTicket( this );
bool ResourceLDAP::doOpen()
if ( mLdap )
return false;
if ( !mPort )
mPort = 389;
mLdap = ldap_init( mHost.local8Bit(), mPort );
if ( !mLdap ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to connect to server '%1' on port '%2'" ).arg( mHost ).arg( mPort ) );
return false;
if ( !mUser.isEmpty() && !mAnonymous ) {
if ( ldap_simple_bind_s( mLdap, mUser.local8Bit(), mPassword.local8Bit() ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to bind to server '%1'" ).arg( mHost ) );
return false;
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceLDAP: bind to server successfully" << endl;
} else {
if ( ldap_simple_bind_s( mLdap, NULL, NULL ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to bind anonymously to server '%1'" ).arg( mHost ) );
return false;
kdDebug( 5700 ) << "ResourceLDAP: bind anonymously to server successfully" << endl;
int deref = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS;
if ( ldap_set_option( mLdap, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, (void *) &deref ) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceLDAP: can't set 'deref' option" << endl;
return false;
if ( ldap_set_option( mLdap, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_ON ) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceLDAP: can't set 'referrals' option" << endl;
return false;
return true;
void ResourceLDAP::doClose()
if ( ldap_unbind_s( mLdap ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceLDAP: can't unbind from server" << endl;
mLdap = 0;
bool ResourceLDAP::load()
LDAPMessage *res;
LDAPMessage *msg;
BerElement *track;
char *names;
char **values;
char **LdapSearchAttr = new char*[ mAttributes.count() + 1 ];
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
int i = 0;
for ( it = mAttributes.begin(); it != mAttributes.end(); ++it ) {
if ( ! ) {
unsigned int len =;
LdapSearchAttr[ i ] = new char[ len+1 ];
memcpy( LdapSearchAttr[ i ],, len );
LdapSearchAttr[ i ][ len ] = 0;
LdapSearchAttr[ i ] = 0;
QString filter = mFilter;
if ( filter.isEmpty() )
filter = "cn=*";
int result;
if ( ( result = ldap_search_s( mLdap, mDn.local8Bit(), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, QString( "(%1)" ).arg( filter ).local8Bit(),
LdapSearchAttr, 0, &res ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to search on server '%1': %2" )
.arg( mHost )
.arg( ldap_err2string( result ) ) );
for ( i = 0; LdapSearchAttr[ i ]; ++i )
delete [] LdapSearchAttr[ i ];
delete [] LdapSearchAttr;
return false;
for ( msg = ldap_first_entry( mLdap, res ); msg; msg = ldap_next_entry( mLdap, msg ) ) {
Addressee addr;
addr.setResource( this );
for ( names = ldap_first_attribute( mLdap, msg, &track ); names; names = ldap_next_attribute( mLdap, msg, track ) ) {
values = ldap_get_values( mLdap, msg, names );
for ( int i = 0; i < ldap_count_values( values ); ++i ) {
QString name = QString::fromUtf8( names ).lower();
QString value = QString::fromUtf8( values[ i ] );
if ( name == mAttributes[ "commonName" ].lower() ) {
if ( !addr.formattedName().isEmpty() ) {
QString fn = addr.formattedName();
addr.setNameFromString( value );
addr.setFormattedName( fn );
} else
addr.setNameFromString( value );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "formattedName" ].lower() ) {
addr.setFormattedName( value );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "givenName" ].lower() ) {
addr.setGivenName( value );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "mail" ].lower() ) {
addr.insertEmail( value, true );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "mailAlias" ].lower() ) {
addr.insertEmail( value, false );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "phoneNumber" ].lower() ) {
PhoneNumber phone;
phone.setNumber( value );
addr.insertPhoneNumber( phone );
break; // read only the home number
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "familyName" ].lower() ) {
addr.setFamilyName( value );
} else if ( name == mAttributes[ "uid" ].lower() ) {
addr.setUid( value );
ldap_value_free( values );
ber_free( track, 0 );
addressBook()->insertAddressee( addr );
ldap_msgfree( res );
for ( i = 0; LdapSearchAttr[ i ]; ++i )
delete [] LdapSearchAttr[ i ];
delete [] LdapSearchAttr;
return true;
bool ResourceLDAP::save( Ticket * )
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = addressBook()->begin(); it != addressBook()->end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).resource() == this && (*it).changed() ) {
LDAPMod **mods = NULL;
addModOp( &mods, "objectClass", "organizationalPerson" );
addModOp( &mods, "objectClass", "person" );
addModOp( &mods, "objectClass", "Top" );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "commonName" ].utf8(), (*it).assembledName() );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "formattedName" ].utf8(), (*it).formattedName() );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "givenName" ].utf8(), (*it).givenName() );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "familyName" ].utf8(), (*it).familyName() );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "uid" ].utf8(), (*it).uid() );
QStringList emails = (*it).emails();
QStringList::ConstIterator mailIt;
bool first = true;
for ( mailIt = emails.begin(); mailIt != emails.end(); ++mailIt ) {
if ( first ) {
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "mail" ].utf8(), (*mailIt) );
first = false;
} else
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "mailAlias" ].utf8(), (*mailIt) );
PhoneNumber number = (*it).phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Home );
addModOp( &mods, mAttributes[ "phoneNumber" ].utf8(), number.number() );
QString dn = "cn=" + (*it).assembledName() + "," + mDn;
int retval;
if ( (retval = ldap_add_s( mLdap, dn.local8Bit(), mods )) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to modify '%1' on server '%2'" ).arg( (*it).uid() ).arg( mHost ) );
ldap_mods_free( mods, 1 );
// mark as unchanged
(*it).setChanged( false );
return true;
void ResourceLDAP::removeAddressee( const Addressee &addr )
LDAPMessage *res;
LDAPMessage *msg;
QString filter = QString( "(&(uid=%1)(%2))" ).arg( addr.uid() ).arg( mFilter );
kdDebug(5700) << "ldap:removeAddressee" << filter << endl;
ldap_search_s( mLdap, mDn.local8Bit(), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter.local8Bit(),
0, 0, &res );
for ( msg = ldap_first_entry( mLdap, res ); msg; msg = ldap_next_entry( mLdap, msg ) ) {
char *dn = ldap_get_dn( mLdap, msg );
kdDebug(5700) << "found " << dn << endl;
if ( ldap_delete_s( mLdap, dn ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to delete '%1' on server '%2'" ).arg( dn ).arg( mHost ) );
ldap_memfree( dn );
ldap_msgfree( res );
void ResourceLDAP::setUser( const QString &user )
mUser = user;
QString ResourceLDAP::user() const
return mUser;
void ResourceLDAP::setPassword( const QString &password )
mPassword = password;
QString ResourceLDAP::password() const
return mPassword;
void ResourceLDAP::setDn( const QString &dn )
mDn = dn;
QString ResourceLDAP::dn() const
return mDn;
void ResourceLDAP::setHost( const QString &host )
mHost = host;
QString ResourceLDAP::host() const
return mHost;
void ResourceLDAP::setPort( int port )
mPort = port;
int ResourceLDAP::port() const
return mPort;
void ResourceLDAP::setFilter( const QString &filter )
mFilter = filter;
QString ResourceLDAP::filter() const
return mFilter;
void ResourceLDAP::setIsAnonymous( bool value )
mAnonymous = value;
bool ResourceLDAP::isAnonymous() const
return mAnonymous;
void ResourceLDAP::setAttributes( const QMap<QString, QString> &attributes )
mAttributes = attributes;
QMap<QString, QString> ResourceLDAP::attributes() const
return mAttributes;
void addModOp( LDAPMod ***pmods, const QString &attr, const QString &value )
if ( value.isNull() )
LDAPMod **mods;
mods = *pmods;
uint i = 0;
if ( mods != 0 )
for ( ; mods[ i ] != 0; ++i );
if (( mods = (LDAPMod **)realloc( mods, (i + 2) * sizeof( LDAPMod * ))) == 0 ) {
kdError() << "ResourceLDAP: realloc" << endl;