path: root/libkcal
authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-07-30 14:43:57 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-07-30 14:43:57 (UTC)
commit9ca2cd947f22d33543e065f54c6487e86d80befa (patch) (side-by-side diff)
tree549192e9e27e8972e2b48cf40e1599118df12da5 /libkcal
parent055928e26613f4ab249bd82be86890ed278372f6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'libkcal') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 48 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/libkcal/calendar.cpp b/libkcal/calendar.cpp
index b7990d4..b1806ee 100644
--- a/libkcal/calendar.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/calendar.cpp
@@ -81,67 +81,86 @@ void Calendar::init()
int hourOff = - ((timezone / 60) / 60);
if (now->tm_isdst)
hourOff += 1;
QString tzStr;
abs((timezone / 60) % 60));
// if no time zone was in the config file, write what we just discovered.
if (tmpStr.isEmpty()) {
// KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZone = tzStr;
} else {
tzStr = tmpStr;
// if daylight savings has changed since last load time, we need
// to rewrite these settings to the config file.
if ((now->tm_isdst && !dstSetting) ||
(!now->tm_isdst && dstSetting)) {
KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZone = tzStr;
KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightSavings = now->tm_isdst;
// KOPrefs::instance()->writeConfig();
delete mDefaultFilter;
- if ( mUndoIncidence )
+ clearUndo( 0 );
+void Calendar::clearUndo( Incidence * newUndo )
+ if ( mUndoIncidence ) {
+ if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == eventID )
+ delete ((Event*) mUndoIncidence) ;
+ else if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == todoID )
+ delete ( (Todo*) mUndoIncidence );
+ else if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == journalID )
+ delete ( (Journal*) mUndoIncidence );
+ else
delete mUndoIncidence;
+ mUndoIncidence = newUndo;
+ if ( mUndoIncidence ) {
+ mUndoIncidence->clearRelations();
+ }
void Calendar::setDontDeleteIncidencesOnClose ()
mDeleteIncidencesOnClose = false;
void Calendar::setDefaultCalendar( int d )
mDefaultCalendar = d;
int Calendar::defaultCalendar()
return mDefaultCalendar;
const QString &Calendar::getOwner() const
return mOwner;
bool Calendar::undoDeleteIncidence()
if (!mUndoIncidence)
return false;
mUndoIncidence = 0;
return true;
void Calendar::setOwner(const QString &os)
int i;
mOwner = os;
i = mOwner.find(',');
if (i != -1)
mOwner = mOwner.left(i);
@@ -418,72 +437,87 @@ void Calendar::setupRelations( Incidence *incidence )
if( parent ) {
// Found it
incidence->setRelatedTo( parent );
parent->addRelation( incidence );
} else {
// Not found, put this in the mOrphans list
mOrphans.insert( incidence->relatedToUid(), incidence );
mOrphanUids.insert( incidence->uid(), incidence );
// If a task with subtasks is deleted, move it's subtasks to the orphans list
void Calendar::removeRelations( Incidence *incidence )
// qDebug("Calendar::removeRelations ");
QString uid = incidence->uid();
QPtrList<Incidence> relations = incidence->relations();
for( Incidence* i = relations.first(); i; i = )
if( !mOrphanUids.find( i->uid() ) ) {
mOrphans.insert( uid, i );
mOrphanUids.insert( i->uid(), i );
i->setRelatedTo( 0 );
i->setRelatedToUid( uid );
// If this incidence is related to something else, tell that about it
if( incidence->relatedTo() )
incidence->relatedTo()->removeRelation( incidence );
// Remove this one from the orphans list
- if( mOrphanUids.remove( uid ) )
+ if( mOrphanUids.remove( uid ) ) {
+ QString r2uid = incidence->relatedToUid();
+ QPtrList<Incidence> tempList;
+ while( Incidence* i = mOrphans[ r2uid ] ) {
+ mOrphans.remove( r2uid );
+ if ( i != incidence ) tempList.append( i );
+ }
+ Incidence* inc = tempList.first();
+ while ( inc ) {
+ mOrphans.insert( r2uid, inc );
+ inc =;
+ }
+ }
+ // LR: and another big bad bug found
+#if 0
// This incidence is located in the orphans list - it should be removed
if( !( incidence->relatedTo() != 0 && mOrphans.remove( incidence->relatedTo()->uid() ) ) ) {
// Removing wasn't that easy
for( QDictIterator<Incidence> it( mOrphans ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if( it.current()->uid() == uid ) {
mOrphans.remove( it.currentKey() );
void Calendar::registerObserver( Observer *observer )
mObserver = observer;
mNewObserver = true;
void Calendar::setModified( bool modified )
if ( mObserver ) mObserver->calendarModified( modified, this );
if ( modified != mModified || mNewObserver ) {
mNewObserver = false;
// if ( mObserver ) mObserver->calendarModified( modified, this );
mModified = modified;
void Calendar::setLoadedProductId( const QString &id )
mLoadedProductId = id;
QString Calendar::loadedProductId()
return mLoadedProductId;
//#include "calendar.moc"
diff --git a/libkcal/calendar.h b/libkcal/calendar.h
index 95477cd..3f6895d 100644
--- a/libkcal/calendar.h
+++ b/libkcal/calendar.h
@@ -51,64 +51,65 @@ namespace KCal {
Ownership of events etc. is handled by the following policy: As soon as an
event (or any other subclass of IncidenceBase) object is added to the
Calendar by addEvent() it is owned by the Calendar object. The Calendar takes
care of deleting it. All Events returned by the query functions are returned
as pointers, that means all changes to the returned events are immediately
visible in the Calendar. You shouldn't delete any Event object you get from
class Calendar : public QObject, public CustomProperties,
public IncidenceBase::Observer
Calendar(const QString &timeZoneId);
virtual ~Calendar();
Incidence * undoIncidence() { return mUndoIncidence; };
bool undoDeleteIncidence();
void deleteIncidence(Incidence *in);
void resetTempSyncStat();
void resetPilotStat(int id);
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc.
virtual void close() = 0;
virtual void addCalendar( Calendar* ) = 0;
virtual bool addCalendarFile( QString name, int id ) = 0;
virtual bool mergeCalendarFile( QString name ) = 0;
virtual Incidence* incidenceForUid( const QString& uid, bool doNotCheckDuplicates ) = 0;
virtual void setSyncEventsReadOnly() = 0;
virtual void stopAllTodos() = 0;
+ virtual void clearUndo( Incidence * newUndo );
Sync changes in memory to persistant storage.
virtual void save() = 0;
virtual QPtrList<Event> getExternLastSyncEvents() = 0;
virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile) = 0;
virtual bool isSaving() { return false; }
Return the owner of the calendar's full name.
const QString &getOwner() const;
Set the owner of the calendar. Should be owner's full name.
void setOwner( const QString &os );
Return the email address of the calendar owner.
const QString &getEmail();
Set the email address of the calendar owner.
void setEmail( const QString & );
Set time zone from a timezone string (e.g. -2:00)
void setTimeZone( const QString &tz );
Set time zone from a minutes value (e.g. -60)
diff --git a/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp b/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp
index e8c969f..1a1c6be 100644
--- a/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp
@@ -239,194 +239,179 @@ bool CalendarLocal::load( const QString &fileName )
bool CalendarLocal::save( const QString &fileName, CalFormat *format )
FileStorage storage( this, fileName, format );
void CalendarLocal::stopAllTodos()
for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = )
it->setRunning( false );
void CalendarLocal::close()
Todo * i;
for( i = mTodoList.first(); i; i = ) i->setRunning(false);
mEventList.setAutoDelete( true );
mTodoList.setAutoDelete( true );
mJournalList.setAutoDelete( true );
mEventList.setAutoDelete( false );
mTodoList.setAutoDelete( false );
mJournalList.setAutoDelete( false );
setModified( false );
- void CalendarLocal::clearUndo()
- if ( mUndoIncidence ) {
- if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == eventID )
- delete ((Event*) mUndoIncidence) ;
- else if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == todoID )
- delete ( (Todo*) mUndoIncidence );
- else if ( mUndoIncidence->typeID() == journalID )
- delete ( (Journal*) mUndoIncidence );
- else
- delete mUndoIncidence;
- }
- mUndoIncidence = 0;
bool CalendarLocal::addAnniversaryNoDup( Event *event )
QString cat;
bool isBirthday = true;
if( event->categoriesStr() == i18n( "Anniversary" ) ) {
isBirthday = false;
cat = i18n( "Anniversary" );
} else if( event->categoriesStr() == i18n( "Birthday" ) ) {
isBirthday = true;
cat = i18n( "Birthday" );
} else {
qDebug("addAnniversaryNoDup called without fitting category! ");
return false;
Event * eve;
for ( eve = mEventList.first(); eve ; eve = ) {
if ( !(eve->categories().contains( cat ) ))
// now we have an event with fitting category
if ( eve->dtStart().date() != event->dtStart().date() )
// now we have an event with fitting category+date
if ( eve->summary() != event->summary() )
// now we have an event with fitting category+date+summary
return false;
return addEvent( event );
bool CalendarLocal::addEventNoDup( Event *event )
Event * eve;
for ( eve = mEventList.first(); eve ; eve = ) {
if ( *eve == *event ) {
//qDebug("CalendarLocal::Duplicate event found! Not inserted! ");
return false;
return addEvent( event );
bool CalendarLocal::addEvent( Event *event )
insertEvent( event );
event->registerObserver( this );
setModified( true );
if ( event->calID() == 0 )
event->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar );
event->setCalEnabled( true );
return true;
void CalendarLocal::deleteEvent( Event *event )
- clearUndo();
- mUndoIncidence = event;
+ clearUndo(event);
if ( mEventList.removeRef( event ) ) {
setModified( true );
Event *CalendarLocal::event( const QString &uid )
Event *event;
Event *retVal = 0;
for ( event = mEventList.first(); event; event = ) {
if ( event->calEnabled() && event->uid() == uid ) {
if ( retVal ) {
if ( retVal->calID() > event->calID() ) {
retVal = event;
} else {
retVal = event;
return retVal;
bool CalendarLocal::addTodoNoDup( Todo *todo )
Todo * eve;
for ( eve = mTodoList.first(); eve ; eve = ) {
if ( *eve == *todo ) {
//qDebug("duplicate todo found! not inserted! ");
return false;
return addTodo( todo );
bool CalendarLocal::addTodo( Todo *todo )
mTodoList.append( todo );
todo->registerObserver( this );
// Set up subtask relations
setupRelations( todo );
setModified( true );
if ( todo->calID() == 0 )
todo->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar );
todo->setCalEnabled( true );
return true;
void CalendarLocal::deleteTodo( Todo *todo )
// Handle orphaned children
- clearUndo();
removeRelations( todo );
- mUndoIncidence = todo;
+ clearUndo(todo);
if ( mTodoList.removeRef( todo ) ) {
setModified( true );
QPtrList<Todo> CalendarLocal::rawTodos()
QPtrList<Todo> el;
for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calEnabled() ) el.append( it );
return el;
Todo *CalendarLocal::todo( QString syncProf, QString id )
Todo *todo;
for ( todo = mTodoList.first(); todo; todo = ) {
if ( todo->calEnabled() && todo->getID( syncProf ) == id ) return todo;
return 0;
void CalendarLocal::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
QPtrList<Incidence> all = rawIncidences() ;
Incidence *inc;
for ( inc = all.first(); inc; inc = ) {
inc->removeID( syncProfile );
if ( syncProfile.isEmpty() ) {
QPtrList<Event> el;
Event *todo;
@@ -870,66 +855,65 @@ QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEvents( const QDate &start, const QDate &end,
return eventList;
QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEventsForDate( const QDateTime &qdt )
return rawEventsForDate( );
QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEvents()
QPtrList<Event> el;
for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calEnabled() ) el.append( it );
return el;
bool CalendarLocal::addJournal(Journal *journal)
journal->registerObserver( this );
setModified( true );
if ( journal->calID() == 0 )
journal->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar );
journal->setCalEnabled( true );
return true;
void CalendarLocal::deleteJournal( Journal *journal )
- clearUndo();
- mUndoIncidence = journal;
+ clearUndo(journal);
if ( mJournalList.removeRef(journal) ) {
setModified( true );
QPtrList<Journal> CalendarLocal::journals4Date( const QDate & date )
QPtrList<Journal> el;
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calEnabled() && it->dtStart().date() == date) el.append( it );
return el;
Journal *CalendarLocal::journal( const QDate &date )
// kdDebug(5800) << "CalendarLocal::journal() " << date.toString() << endl;
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calEnabled() && it->dtStart().date() == date )
return it;
return 0;
Journal *CalendarLocal::journal( const QString &uid )
Journal * retVal = 0;
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calEnabled() && it->uid() == uid ) {
if ( retVal ) {
if ( retVal->calID() > it->calID() ) {
retVal = it;
@@ -950,65 +934,65 @@ QPtrList<Journal> CalendarLocal::journals()
void CalendarLocal::setCalendarRemove( int id )
QPtrList<Event> EventList = mEventList;
Event * ev = EventList.first();
while ( ev ) {
if ( ev->calID() == id )
deleteEvent( ev );
ev =;
QPtrList<Todo> TodoList = mTodoList;
Todo * ev = TodoList.first();
while ( ev ) {
if ( ev->calID() == id )
deleteTodo( ev );
ev =;
QPtrList<Journal> JournalList = mJournalList;
Journal * ev = JournalList.first();
while ( ev ) {
if ( ev->calID() == id )
deleteJournal( ev );
ev =;
- clearUndo();
+ clearUndo(0);
void CalendarLocal::setCalendarEnabled( int id, bool enable )
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable );
for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable );
for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable );
void CalendarLocal::setReadOnly( int id, bool enable )
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable );
for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable );
for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = )
if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable );
void CalendarLocal::setAlarmEnabled( int id, bool enable )
for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = )
diff --git a/libkcal/calendarlocal.h b/libkcal/calendarlocal.h
index ae7e30c..a7a85c8 100644
--- a/libkcal/calendarlocal.h
+++ b/libkcal/calendarlocal.h
@@ -40,65 +40,64 @@ class CalendarLocal : public Calendar
Constructs a new calendar, with variables initialized to sane values.
CalendarLocal( const QString &timeZoneId );
void addCalendar( Calendar* );
bool addCalendarFile( QString name, int id );
bool mergeCalendarFile( QString name );
bool mergeCalendar( Calendar* cal );
Incidence* incidenceForUid( const QString& uid, bool doNotCheckDuplicates );
void setSyncEventsReadOnly();
void stopAllTodos();
Loads a calendar on disk in vCalendar or iCalendar format into the current
calendar. Any information already present is lost.
@return true, if successfull, false on error.
@param fileName the name of the calendar on disk.
bool load( const QString &fileName );
Writes out the calendar to disk in the specified \a format.
CalendarLocal takes ownership of the CalFormat object.
@return true, if successfull, false on error.
@param fileName the name of the file
bool save( const QString &fileName, CalFormat *format = 0 );
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc. etc.
void close();
- void clearUndo();
void save() {}
Add Event to calendar.
void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
bool addAnniversaryNoDup( Event *event );
bool addEventNoDup( Event *event );
bool addEvent( Event *event );
Deletes an event from this calendar.
void deleteEvent( Event *event );
Retrieves an event on the basis of the unique string ID.
Event *event( const QString &uid );
Return unfiltered list of all events in calendar.
QPtrList<Event> rawEvents();
QPtrList<Event> getExternLastSyncEvents();
Add a todo to the todolist.
bool addTodo( Todo *todo );
bool addTodoNoDup( Todo *todo );
Remove a todo from the todolist.
diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.cpp b/libkcal/incidence.cpp
index 52d94fb..549014e 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidence.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/incidence.cpp
@@ -462,65 +462,69 @@ void Incidence::setCategories(const QString &catStr)
QStringList::Iterator it;
for(it = mCategories.begin();it != mCategories.end(); ++it) {
*it = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
// using this makes filtering 3 times faster
QStringList* Incidence::categoriesP()
return &mCategories;
QStringList Incidence::categories() const
return mCategories;
QString Incidence::categoriesStr()
return mCategories.join(",");
QString Incidence::categoriesStrWithSpace()
return mCategories.join(", ");
void Incidence::setRelatedToUid(const QString &relatedToUid)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mRelatedToUid = relatedToUid;
+void Incidence::clearRelations()
+ mRelatedTo = 0;
+ mRelations.clear();
QString Incidence::relatedToUid() const
return mRelatedToUid;
void Incidence::setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo)
//qDebug("Incidence::setRelatedTo %d ", relatedTo);
//qDebug("setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo) %s %s", summary().latin1(), relatedTo->summary().latin1() );
if (mReadOnly || mRelatedTo == relatedTo) return;
if(mRelatedTo) {
// updated();
mRelatedTo = relatedTo;
if (mRelatedTo) {
mRelatedToUid = mRelatedTo->uid();
} else {
mRelatedToUid = "";
Incidence *Incidence::relatedTo() const
return mRelatedTo;
QPtrList<Incidence> Incidence::relations() const
return mRelations;
diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.h b/libkcal/incidence.h
index 88df217..eef9e64 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidence.h
+++ b/libkcal/incidence.h
@@ -85,64 +85,65 @@ class Incidence : public IncidenceBase
template<class T>
class AddVisitor : public Visitor
AddVisitor( T *r ) : mResource( r ) {}
bool visit( Event *e ) { return mResource->addEvent( e ); }
bool visit( Todo *t ) { return mResource->addTodo( t ); }
bool visit( Journal *j ) { return mResource->addJournal( j ); }
T *mResource;
/** enumeration for describing an event's secrecy. */
enum { SecrecyPublic = 0, SecrecyPrivate = 1, SecrecyConfidential = 2 };
typedef ListBase<Incidence> List;
Incidence(const Incidence &);
Accept IncidenceVisitor. A class taking part in the visitor mechanism has to
provide this implementation:
bool accept(Visitor &v) { return v.visit(this); }
virtual bool accept(Visitor &) { return false; }
virtual Incidence *clone() = 0;
virtual void cloneRelations( Incidence * );
void addRelationsToList(QPtrList<Incidence> *rel);
+ void clearRelations();
virtual QDateTime getNextAlarmDateTime( bool * ok, int * offset, QDateTime start_dt ) const = 0;
void setReadOnly( bool );
Recreate event. The event is made a new unique event, but already stored
event information is preserved. Sets uniquie id, creation date, last
modification date and revision number.
void recreate();
Incidence* recreateCloneException(QDate);
/** set creation date */
void setCreated(QDateTime);
/** return time and date of creation. */
QDateTime created() const;
/** set the number of revisions this event has seen */
void setRevision(int rev);
/** return the number of revisions this event has seen */
int revision() const;
/** Set starting date/time. */
virtual void setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart);
/** Return the incidence's ending date/time as a QDateTime. */
virtual QDateTime dtEnd() const { return QDateTime(); }
/** sets the event's lengthy description. */
void setDescription(const QString &description);
/** returns a reference to the event's description. */
QString description() const;
/** sets the event's short summary. */