path: root/libkcal
authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-08-19 12:08:05 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-08-19 12:08:05 (UTC)
commit9014049779be6cfec02d73e19596439f0f4f9bed (patch) (side-by-side diff)
tree3983282e83183cc15dd615ba4ac5a800da21efe0 /libkcal
parent81891a49afc2f7cd89db4e2770c3b7831644428d (diff)
list sort fix
Diffstat (limited to 'libkcal') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 29 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.cpp b/libkcal/incidence.cpp
index 39c14f5..fe9f854 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidence.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/incidence.cpp
@@ -249,205 +249,218 @@ bool KCal::operator==( const Incidence& i1, const Incidence& i2 )
return false;
if ( i1.mRecurrence != 0 && i2.mRecurrence != 0 ) {
if (!( *i1.mRecurrence == *i2.mRecurrence) ) {
//qDebug("recurrence is NOT equal ");
return false;
} else {
// one ( or both ) recurrence is 0
if ( i1.mRecurrence == 0 ) {
if ( i2.mRecurrence != 0 && i2.mRecurrence->doesRecur() != Recurrence::rNone )
return false;
} else {
// i1.mRecurrence != 0
// i2.mRecurrence == 0
if ( i1.mRecurrence->doesRecur() != Recurrence::rNone )
return false;
// i1.created() == i2.created() &&
stringCompare( i1.description(), i2.description() ) &&
stringCompare( i1.summary(), i2.summary() ) &&
i1.categories() == i2.categories() &&
// no need to compare mRelatedTo
stringCompare( i1.relatedToUid(), i2.relatedToUid() ) &&
// i1.relations() == i2.relations() &&
i1.exDates() == i2.exDates() &&
i1.attachments() == i2.attachments() &&
i1.resources() == i2.resources() &&
i1.secrecy() == i2.secrecy() &&
i1.priority() == i2.priority() &&
i1.cancelled() == i2.cancelled() &&
stringCompare( i1.location(), i2.location() );
Incidence* Incidence::recreateCloneException( QDate d )
Incidence* newInc = clone();
if ( doesRecur() ) {
addExDate( d );
if ( typeID() == eventID ) {
int len = dtStart().secsTo( ((Event*)this)->dtEnd());
QTime tim = dtStart().time();
newInc->setDtStart( QDateTime(d, tim) );
((Event*)newInc)->setDtEnd( newInc->dtStart().addSecs( len ) );
} else {
int len = dtStart().secsTo( ((Todo*)this)->dtDue());
QTime tim = ((Todo*)this)->dtDue().time();
((Todo*)newInc)->setDtDue( QDateTime(d, tim) );
((Todo*)newInc)->setDtStart( ((Todo*)newInc)->dtDue().addSecs( -len ) );
newInc->setExDates( DateList () );
return newInc;
void Incidence::recreate()
setIDStr( ":" );
void Incidence::cloneRelations( Incidence * newInc )
// newInc is already a clone of this incidence
Incidence * inc;
Incidence * cloneInc;
QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations();
for (inc=Relations.first();inc; {
cloneInc = inc->clone();
cloneInc->setRelatedTo( newInc );
inc->cloneRelations( cloneInc );
void Incidence::setReadOnly( bool readOnly )
IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( readOnly );
if ( mRecurrence )
mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( readOnly);
void Incidence::setLastModifiedSubInvalid()
mLastModifiedSub = QDateTime();
if ( mRelatedTo )
+QString Incidence::lastModifiedSubSortKey() const
+ if ( mLastModifiedSubSortKey.isEmpty() )
+ return lastModifiedSortKey();
+ return mLastModifiedSubSortKey;
QDateTime Incidence::lastModifiedSub()
if ( !mRelations.count() )
return lastModified();
if ( mLastModifiedSub.isValid() )
return mLastModifiedSub;
mLastModifiedSub = lastModified();
Incidence * inc;
QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations();
for (inc=Relations.first();inc; {
if ( inc->lastModifiedSub() > mLastModifiedSub )
mLastModifiedSub = inc->lastModifiedSub();
+ mLastModifiedSubSortKey.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
+ mLastModifiedSub.time().hour(),
+ mLastModifiedSub.time().minute(),
+ mLastModifiedSub.time().second() );
return mLastModifiedSub;
void Incidence::setCreated(QDateTime created)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mCreated = getEvenTime(created);
QDateTime Incidence::created() const
return mCreated;
void Incidence::setRevision(int rev)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mRevision = rev;
int Incidence::revision() const
return mRevision;
void Incidence::setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart)
QDateTime dt = getEvenTime(dtStart);
if ( mRecurrence )
mRecurrence->setRecurStart( dt);
IncidenceBase::setDtStart( dt );
void Incidence::setDescription(const QString &description)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mDescription = description;
QString Incidence::description() const
return mDescription;
void Incidence::setSummary(const QString &summary)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mSummary = summary;
QString Incidence::summary() const
return mSummary;
void Incidence::checkCategories()
mHoliday = mCategories.contains("Holiday") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Holiday"));
mBirthday = mCategories.contains("Birthday") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Birthday"));
mAnniversary = mCategories.contains("Anniversary") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Anniversary"));
void Incidence::addCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool addToRelations ) //addToRelations = false
if (mReadOnly) return;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < categories.count(); ++i ) {
if ( !mCategories.contains (categories[i]))
mCategories.append( categories[i] );
if ( addToRelations ) {
Incidence * inc;
QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations();
for (inc=Relations.first();inc; {
inc->addCategories( categories, true );
void Incidence::setCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool setForRelations ) //setForRelations = false
if (mReadOnly) return;
mCategories = categories;
if ( setForRelations ) {
Incidence * inc;
QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations();
for (inc=Relations.first();inc; {
diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.h b/libkcal/incidence.h
index eef9e64..dc49640 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidence.h
+++ b/libkcal/incidence.h
@@ -186,139 +186,141 @@ class Incidence : public IncidenceBase
DateList exDates() const;
/** sets the list of dates which are exceptions to the recurrence rule */
void setExDates(const DateList &_exDates);
void setExDates(const char *dates);
/** Add a date to the list of exceptions of the recurrence rule. */
void addExDate(const QDate &date);
/** returns true if there is an exception for this date in the recurrence
rule set, or false otherwise. */
bool isException(const QDate &qd) const;
/** add attachment to this event */
void addAttachment(Attachment *attachment);
/** remove and delete a specific attachment */
void deleteAttachment(Attachment *attachment);
/** remove and delete all attachments with this mime type */
void deleteAttachments(const QString& mime);
/** return list of all associated attachments */
QPtrList<Attachment> attachments() const;
/** find a list of attachments with this mime type */
QPtrList<Attachment> attachments(const QString& mime) const;
/** sets the event's status the value specified. See the enumeration
* above for possible values. */
void setSecrecy(int);
/** return the event's secrecy. */
int secrecy() const;
/** return the event's secrecy in string format. */
QString secrecyStr() const;
/** return list of all availbale secrecy classes */
static QStringList secrecyList();
/** return human-readable name of secrecy class */
static QString secrecyName(int);
/** returns TRUE if the date specified is one on which the event will
* recur. */
bool recursOn(const QDate &qd) const;
// VEVENT and VTODO, but not VJOURNAL (move to EventBase class?):
/** set resources used, such as Office, Car, etc. */
void setResources(const QStringList &resources);
/** return list of current resources */
QStringList resources() const;
/** set the event's priority, 0 is undefined, 1 highest (decreasing order) */
void setPriority(int priority);
/** get the event's priority */
int priority() const;
/** All alarms that are associated with this incidence */
QPtrList<Alarm> alarms() const;
/** Create a new alarm which is associated with this incidence */
Alarm* newAlarm();
/** Add an alarm which is associated with this incidence */
void addAlarm(Alarm*);
/** Remove an alarm that is associated with this incidence */
void removeAlarm(Alarm*);
/** Remove all alarms that are associated with this incidence */
void clearAlarms();
/** return whether any alarm associated with this incidence is enabled */
bool isAlarmEnabled() const;
Return the recurrence rule associated with this incidence. If there is
none, returns an appropriate (non-0) object.
Recurrence *recurrence();
void setRecurrence(Recurrence * r);
Forward to Recurrence::doesRecur().
ushort doesRecur() const;
/** set the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal */
void setLocation(const QString &location);
/** return the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal */
QString location() const;
/** returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the todo has a start date */
bool hasStartDate() const;
/** sets the event's hasStartDate value. */
void setHasStartDate(bool f);
QDateTime getNextOccurence( const QDateTime& dt, bool* yes ) const;
bool cancelled() const;
void setCancelled( bool b );
bool hasRecurrenceID() const;
void setHasRecurrenceID( bool b );
void setRecurrenceID(QDateTime);
QDateTime recurrenceID () const;
QDateTime dtStart() const;
bool isHoliday() const;
bool isBirthday() const;
bool isAnniversary() const;
QDateTime lastModifiedSub();
+ QString lastModifiedSubSortKey() const;
QString recurrenceText() const;
void setLastModifiedSubInvalid();
virtual QString durationText();
QString durationText4Time( int secs );
Recurrence *mRecurrence;
QPtrList<Alarm> mAlarms;
QPtrList<Incidence> mRelations;
QDateTime mRecurrenceID;
bool mHasRecurrenceID;
void checkCategories();
+ QString mLastModifiedSubSortKey;
bool mHoliday, mBirthday, mAnniversary;
int mRevision;
bool mCancelled;
// base components of jounal, event and todo
QDateTime mCreated;
QDateTime mLastModifiedSub;
QString mDescription;
QString mSummary;
QStringList mCategories;
Incidence *mRelatedTo;
QString mRelatedToUid;
DateList mExDates;
QPtrList<Attachment> mAttachments;
QStringList mResources;
bool mHasStartDate; // if todo has associated start date
int mSecrecy;
int mPriority; // 1 = highest, 2 = less, etc.
//QPtrList<Alarm> mAlarms;
QString mLocation;
bool operator==( const Incidence&, const Incidence& );
diff --git a/libkcal/incidencebase.cpp b/libkcal/incidencebase.cpp
index 022dead..cfef973 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidencebase.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/incidencebase.cpp
@@ -100,203 +100,214 @@ bool KCal::operator==( const IncidenceBase& i1, const IncidenceBase& i2 )
//qDebug("Attendee not equal ");
return false;
a1 = i1.attendees().next();
a2 = i2.attendees().next();
//if ( i1.dtStart() != i2.dtStart() )
// return false;
#if 0
qDebug("1 %d ",i1.doesFloat() == i2.doesFloat() );
qDebug("1 %d ",i1.duration() == i2.duration() );
qDebug("3 %d ",i1.hasDuration() == i2.hasDuration() );
qDebug("1 %d ",i1.pilotId() == i2.pilotId() );
qDebug("1 %d %d %d",i1.syncStatus() == i2.syncStatus() , i1.syncStatus(),i2.syncStatus() );
qDebug("6 %d ",i1.organizer() == i2.organizer() );
if ( i1.hasDuration() == i2.hasDuration() ) {
if ( i1.hasDuration() ) {
if ( i1.duration() != i2.duration() )
return false;
} else {
return false;
return ( i1.organizer() == i2.organizer() &&
// i1.uid() == i2.uid() &&
// Don't compare lastModified, otherwise the operator is not
// of much use. We are not comparing for identity, after all.
i1.doesFloat() == i2.doesFloat() &&
i1.pilotId() == i2.pilotId() );// && i1.syncStatus() == i2.syncStatus() );
// no need to compare mObserver
QDateTime IncidenceBase::getEvenTime( QDateTime dt )
QTime t = dt.time();
dt.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
return dt;
bool IncidenceBase::isTagged() const
return mIsTagged;
void IncidenceBase::setTagged( bool b)
mIsTagged = b;
void IncidenceBase::setCalID( int id )
if ( mCalID > 0 ) {
blockLastModified = true;
blockLastModified = false;
mCalID = id;
int IncidenceBase::calID() const
return mCalID;
void IncidenceBase::setCalEnabled( bool b )
mCalEnabled = b;
bool IncidenceBase::calEnabled() const
return mCalEnabled;
void IncidenceBase::setAlarmEnabled( bool b )
mAlarmEnabled = b;
bool IncidenceBase::alarmEnabled() const
return mAlarmEnabled;
void IncidenceBase::setUid(const QString &uid)
mUid = uid;
QString IncidenceBase::uid() const
return mUid;
void IncidenceBase::setLastModifiedSubInvalid()
+ // virtual method
void IncidenceBase::setLastModified(const QDateTime &lm)
if ( blockLastModified ) return;
// DON'T! updated() because we call this from
// Calendar::updateEvent().
mLastModified = getEvenTime(lm);
+ mLastModifiedKey.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
+ mLastModified.time().hour(),
+ mLastModified.time().minute(),
+ mLastModified.time().second() );
//qDebug("IncidenceBase::setLastModified %s ",lm.toString().latin1());
+QString IncidenceBase::lastModifiedSortKey() const
+ return mLastModifiedKey;
QDateTime IncidenceBase::lastModified() const
return mLastModified;
void IncidenceBase::setOrganizer(const QString &o)
// we don't check for readonly here, because it is
// possible that by setting the organizer we are changing
// the event's readonly status...
mOrganizer = o;
if (mOrganizer.left(7).upper() == "MAILTO:")
mOrganizer = mOrganizer.remove(0,7);
QString IncidenceBase::organizer() const
return mOrganizer;
void IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( bool readOnly )
mReadOnly = readOnly;
void IncidenceBase::setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart)
// if (mReadOnly) return;
mDtStart = getEvenTime(dtStart);
QDateTime IncidenceBase::dtStart() const
return mDtStart;
QString IncidenceBase::dtStartTimeStr() const
return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(dtStart().time());
QString IncidenceBase::dtStartDateStr(bool shortfmt) const
return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dtStart().date(),shortfmt);
QString IncidenceBase::dtStartStr(bool shortfmt) const
if ( doesFloat() )
return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dtStart().date(),shortfmt);
return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dtStart(), shortfmt);
bool IncidenceBase::doesFloat() const
return mFloats;
void IncidenceBase::setFloats(bool f)
if (mReadOnly) return;
mFloats = f;
bool IncidenceBase::addAttendee(Attendee *a, bool doupdate)
if (mReadOnly) return false;
if (a->name().left(7).upper() == "MAILTO:")
QPtrListIterator<Attendee> qli(mAttendees);
while (qli) {
if (*qli.current() == *a)
return false;
if (doupdate) updated();
return true;
#if 0
void IncidenceBase::removeAttendee(Attendee *a)
if (mReadOnly) return;
diff --git a/libkcal/incidencebase.h b/libkcal/incidencebase.h
index 665c1f6..444d4c4 100644
--- a/libkcal/incidencebase.h
+++ b/libkcal/incidencebase.h
@@ -1,187 +1,189 @@
This file is part of libkcal.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Incidence - base class of calendaring components
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include "customproperties.h"
#include "attendee.h"
namespace KCal {
typedef QValueList<QDate> DateList;
enum IncTypeID { eventID,todoID,journalID,freebusyID };
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
class IncidenceBase : public CustomProperties
class Observer {
virtual void incidenceUpdated( IncidenceBase * ) = 0;
IncidenceBase(const IncidenceBase &);
virtual ~IncidenceBase();
virtual QCString type() const = 0;
virtual IncTypeID typeID() const = 0;
/** Set the unique id for the event */
void setUid(const QString &);
/** Return the unique id for the event */
QString uid() const;
/** Sets the time the incidence was last modified. */
void setLastModified(const QDateTime &lm);
/** Return the time the incidence was last modified. */
QDateTime lastModified() const;
+ QString lastModifiedSortKey() const;
/** sets the organizer for the event */
void setOrganizer(const QString &o);
QString organizer() const;
/** Set readonly status. */
virtual void setReadOnly( bool );
/** Return if the object is read-only. */
bool isReadOnly() const { return mReadOnly; }
/** for setting the event's starting date/time with a QDateTime. */
virtual void setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart);
/** returns an event's starting date/time as a QDateTime. */
virtual QDateTime dtStart() const;
/** returns an event's starting time as a string formatted according to the
users locale settings */
QString dtStartTimeStr() const;
/** returns an event's starting date as a string formatted according to the
users locale settings */
QString dtStartDateStr(bool shortfmt=true) const;
/** returns an event's starting date and time as a string formatted according
to the users locale settings */
QString dtStartStr(bool shortfmt=true) const;
virtual void setDuration(int seconds);
int duration() const;
void setHasDuration(bool);
bool hasDuration() const;
/** Return true or false depending on whether the incidence "floats,"
* i.e. has a date but no time attached to it. */
bool doesFloat() const;
/** Set whether the incidence floats, i.e. has a date but no time attached to it. */
void setFloats(bool f);
Add Attendee to this incidence. IncidenceBase takes ownership of the
Attendee object.
bool addAttendee(Attendee *a, bool doupdate=true );
// void removeAttendee(Attendee *a);
// void removeAttendee(const char *n);
/** Remove all Attendees. */
void clearAttendees();
/** Return list of attendees. */
QPtrList<Attendee> attendees() const { return mAttendees; };
/** Return number of attendees. */
int attendeeCount() const { return mAttendees.count(); };
/** Return the Attendee with this email */
Attendee* attendeeByMail(const QString &);
/** Return first Attendee with one of this emails */
Attendee* attendeeByMails(const QStringList &, const QString& email = QString::null);
/** pilot syncronization states */
enum { SYNCNONE = 0, SYNCMOD = 1, SYNCDEL = 3 };
/** Set synchronisation satus. */
void setSyncStatus(int stat);
/** Return synchronisation status. */
int syncStatus() const;
/** Set Pilot Id. */
void setPilotId(int id);
/** Return Pilot Id. */
int pilotId() const;
void setTempSyncStat(int id);
int tempSyncStat() const;
void setIDStr( const QString & );
QString IDStr() const;
void setID( const QString &, const QString & );
QString getID( const QString & );
void setCsum( const QString &, const QString & );
QString getCsum( const QString & );
void removeID(const QString &);
void registerObserver( Observer * );
void unRegisterObserver( Observer * );
void updated();
void setCalID( int id );
int calID() const;
void setCalEnabled( bool );
bool calEnabled() const;
void setAlarmEnabled( bool );
bool alarmEnabled() const;
bool isTagged() const;
void setTagged( bool );
virtual void setLastModifiedSubInvalid();
bool blockLastModified;
bool mIsTagged;
QDateTime mDtStart;
bool mReadOnly;
QDateTime getEvenTime( QDateTime );
// base components
QString mOrganizer;
+ QString mLastModifiedKey;
QString mUid;
int mCalID;
bool mCalEnabled;
bool mAlarmEnabled;
QDateTime mLastModified;
QPtrList<Attendee> mAttendees;
bool mFloats;
int mDuration;
bool mHasDuration;
QString mExternalId;
int mTempSyncStat;
int mPilotId; // unique id for pilot sync
int mSyncStatus; // status (for sync)
QPtrList<Observer> mObservers;
bool operator==( const IncidenceBase&, const IncidenceBase& );