-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/icalformat.cpp | 17 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/icalformat.h | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/todo.cpp | 7 |
5 files changed, 24 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp index eea9a4d..4aeb20c 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp @@ -88,2049 +88,2053 @@ KNoScrollListBox::KNoScrollListBox(QWidget *parent,const char *name) setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } KNoScrollListBox::~KNoScrollListBox() { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 #else delete mWT; #endif } void KNoScrollListBox::focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) { QListBox::focusInEvent ( e ); if ( count() ){ int ci = currentItem(); if ( ci < 0 ) ci = 0; setCurrentItem( ci ); setSelected ( ci, true ); emit highlighted( item ( ci ) ); resetOnFocusIn = true; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) { QListBoxItem *fi = firstItem (); if (fi ) { int ihei = fi->height( this ); int hei = numRows () * ihei; if ( hei < height() - horizontalScrollBar()->height () ) { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); if ( ihei *3 > height() ) { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } } } void KNoScrollListBox::focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) { int i = currentItem (); if ( i >= 0 ) { setSelected ( i, false ); } QListBox::focusOutEvent ( e ); setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); emit highlightIncidence( 0, (MonthViewCell*)this, 0 ); } QString KNoScrollListBox::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { QListBoxItem* item = itemAt ( p ); if ( ! item ) { return i18n("Click in the cell\nto add an event!"); } return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText(((MonthViewItem*) item)->incidence(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); } void KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { //qDebug("KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent "); switch(e->key()) { case Key_Right: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { e->ignore(); return; } scrollBy(10,0); break; case Key_Left: if (e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { e->ignore(); return; } scrollBy(-10,0); break; case Key_Up: if( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) { e->ignore(); break; } if ( count() ) { if ( currentItem() == 0 ) { emit prevCell(); } else { setCurrentItem((currentItem()+count()-1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if((unsigned int) currentItem() == (count()-1)) { setTopItem(currentItem()-numItemsVisible()+1); } else { setTopItem(topItem()-1); } } } } break; case Key_Down: if(e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) { e->ignore(); break; } if ( count () ) { if ( ((uint)currentItem()+1) == count () ) { emit nextCell(); } else { setCurrentItem((currentItem()+1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if(currentItem() == 0) { setTopItem(0); } else { setTopItem(topItem()+1); } } } } break; case Key_I: QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( oneDown() ) ); e->ignore(); break; case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { if ( currentItem() >= 0 ) { emit doubleClicked( item( currentItem() ) ); e->accept(); } else { e->ignore(); } } break; case Key_Shift: emit shiftDown(); break; default: e->ignore(); break; } } void KNoScrollListBox::oneDown() { if ( count () ) { if ( ((uint)currentItem()+1) == count () ) { emit nextCell(); } else { resetOnFocusIn = false; setCurrentItem((currentItem()+1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if(currentItem() == 0) { setTopItem(0); } else { setTopItem(topItem()+1); } } } } } void KNoScrollListBox::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch(e->key()) { case Key_Shift: emit shiftUp(); break; default: break; } } void KNoScrollListBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QListBox::mousePressEvent(e); if(e->button() == RightButton) { emit rightClick(); } } MonthViewItem::MonthViewItem( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s) : QListBoxItem() { mblockRepaint = true; isWeekItem = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek; recycle( incidence, s ); } void MonthViewItem::recycle( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s) { mDisplayHighlighted = false; setText( s ); mMultiday = 0; mIncidence = incidence; mRecur = false; mAlarm = false; mReply = false; mInfo = false; mdayPos = 0; } bool MonthViewItem::setHighlightedFalse() { if ( !mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = false; return true; } bool MonthViewItem::setHighlighted( Incidence * inc ) { if ( inc == mIncidence ) { if ( mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = true; return true; } else { if ( !mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = false; return true; } return false; } void MonthViewItem::paint(QPainter *p) { if ( mblockRepaint || !mIncidence ) { return; } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 bool sel = isSelected(); #else bool sel = selected(); #endif int heihei = height( listBox () ); int x = 1; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor || mDisplayHighlighted || sel ) { p->setBackgroundColor( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, \ sel ||mDisplayHighlighted ? QColorGroup::Highlight : QColorGroup::Background ) ); p->eraseRect( 0, 0, listBox()->maxItemWidth(), heihei ); } //int y = 3;//(height() - mRecurPixmap.height()) /2; int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; int y = (heihei - size -1 ) /2; if ( mIncidence->calID() > 1 ) { p->fillRect ( x, y-2,size,size+4, KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( mIncidence->calID() ) ); p->drawRect ( x, y-2,size,size+4); x += size + 1; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons ) { if ( mInfo ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::darkGreen ); x += size + 1; } if ( mRecur ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::blue ); x += size + 1; } if ( mAlarm ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::red ); x += size + 1; } if ( mReply ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::yellow ); x += size + 1; } } if ( sel ) p->setPen( Qt::white ); else p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Foreground ) ); #if 0 p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, sel ? \ QColorGroup::HighlightedText : QColorGroup::Foreground ) ); #endif QColor textColor = p->pen().color(); if ( mMultiday ) { int yyy = y+(size/2); int sizeM = size+2; p->setBrush( QBrush( textColor ) ); p->drawLine ( x+1, yyy, x +sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy ) ; if ( mMultiday == 2 || mMultiday == 3 ) { QPointArray pa ( 3 ); pa.setPoint (0, x, yyy ); pa.setPoint (1, x+sizeM/2, yyy+sizeM/2 ); pa.setPoint (2, x+sizeM/2, yyy-sizeM/2 ); p->drawPolygon( pa ); } if ( mMultiday == 2 || mMultiday == 1 ) { QPointArray pa ( 3 ); pa.setPoint (0, x+sizeM +sizeM/2, yyy ); pa.setPoint (1, x+sizeM, yyy+sizeM/2 ); pa.setPoint (2, x+sizeM, yyy-sizeM/2 ); p->drawPolygon( pa ); } if ( mMultiday == 1 ) { // p->fillRect ( x, yyy-sizeM/2+1, sizeM/2, size, QBrush ( QBrush::SolidPattern ) ); p->drawLine ( x+1, yyy-sizeM/2, x+1, yyy+sizeM/2 ); } if ( mMultiday == 3 ) { // p->fillRect ( x+sizeM, yyy-sizeM/2+1, sizeM/2, size, QBrush ( QBrush::SolidPattern ) ); p->drawLine ( x+sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy-sizeM/2, x+sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy+sizeM/2 ); } x += sizeM/2 + 1; x += sizeM + 1; } if ( mIncidence->typeID() == todoID ){ Todo* td = ( Todo* ) mIncidence; if ( td->isCompleted() ) { int half = size/2; p->drawLine ( x, heihei/2, x +half , heihei/2 +half ) ; p->drawLine ( x +half , heihei/2 +half , x +half+half +2 , heihei/2 -2 ) ; x += half+half + 4; } else { int val = td->percentComplete()/20; p->fillRect ( x+1, y-2, val ,size+4,textColor ); p->drawRect ( x, y-2,7,size+4); x += size + 3; } } QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); int yPos; int pmheight = size; if( pmheight < fm.height() ) yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2; else yPos = pmheight/2 - fm.height()/2 + fm.ascent(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowTimes || isWeekItem) { p->drawText( x, yPos, text() ); if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) { int wid = fm.width( text() ); p->drawLine( x, heihei/2 ,x+wid, heihei/2 ); } } else { QString pText = text(); if( pText.mid(2,1) == ":" ) pText = pText.mid( 6 ); p->drawText( x, yPos, pText ); if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) { int wid = fm.width( pText ); p->drawLine( x, heihei/2 ,x+wid, heihei/2 ); } } } int MonthViewItem::height(const QListBox *lb) const { int ret = 10; if ( lb ) ret = lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+1; return ret; } int MonthViewItem::width(const QListBox *lb) const { if( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll || isWeekItem ) { int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; int x = 1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons ) { if ( mInfo ) { x += size + 1; } if( mRecur ) { x += size+1; } if( mAlarm ) { x += size+1; } if( mReply ) { x += size+1; } } if( mMultiday ) { x += size+1+2+size/2; } return( x + lb->fontMetrics().width( text() ) + 1 ); } if ( ! lb ) return 10; return lb->width(); } MonthViewCell::MonthViewCell( KOMonthView *parent,QWidget* par ) : KNoScrollListBox( par ), mMonthView( parent ) { //QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); currentPalette = 0; // mLabel = new QLabel( this );QPushButton mLabel = new QPushButton( this ); //mLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); //mLabel->setLineWidth( 1 ); //mLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); mLabel->setFlat( true ); mLabel->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //mItemList = new KNoScrollListBox( this ); setMinimumSize( 10, 10 ); setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); setLineWidth( 1 ); //topLayout->addWidget( mItemList ); mLabel->raise(); // QColor( 0,0,255 ) QColor( 160,1600,255 ) mStandardPalette = palette(); mStandardPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, mStandardPalette.color( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Background ) ); enableScrollBars( false ); updateConfig(); //connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( newEvent() )); connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( showDay() )); connect( this , SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &) ), SLOT( contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( highlighted( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); /* connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); */ } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup() { if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0); return mToolTipGroup; } #endif void MonthViewCell::setDate( const QDate &date ) { // kdDebug() << "MonthViewCell::setDate(): " << date.toString() << endl; mDate = date; //resizeEvent( 0 ); } QDate MonthViewCell::date() const { return mDate; } void MonthViewCell::setPrimary( bool primary ) { mPrimary = primary; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setMyPalette() { if ( mHoliday) { if ( currentPalette == 1 ) return; mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mHolidayPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mHolidayPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); //mLabel->setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); currentPalette = 1; } else { if ( mPrimary ) { if ( currentPalette == 2 ) return; mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mPrimaryPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mPrimaryPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); //mLabel->setPalette( mPrimaryPalette ); setPalette( mPrimaryPalette ); currentPalette = 2; } else { if ( currentPalette == 3 ) return; setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette ); mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mNonPrimaryPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mNonPrimaryPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); //mLabel->setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette );; currentPalette = 3; } } //QPalette pal = palette(); //mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( pal.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),pal.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); } QPalette MonthViewCell::getPalette () { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) return mStandardPalette; if ( mHoliday) { return mHolidayPalette ; } else { if ( mPrimary ) { return mPrimaryPalette ; } } return mNonPrimaryPalette; } bool MonthViewCell::isPrimary() const { return mPrimary; } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( bool holiday ) { mHoliday = holiday; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( const QString &holiday ) { mHolidayString = holiday; if ( !holiday.isEmpty() ) { setHoliday( true ); } } void MonthViewCell::startUpdateCell() { blockSignals( true ); mdayCount = 0; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { mitem->setBlockRepaint( true ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } if ( mAvailItemList.count() > 20 ) { mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( true ); mAvailItemList.clear(); mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( false ); clear(); } setPrimary( mDate.month()%2 ); setHoliday( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mDate) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray() || ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 6 ) && KOPrefs::instance()-> mExcludeSaturdays); if ( mDate == QDate::currentDate() ) { setLineWidth( 3 ); } else { setLineWidth( 1 ); } MonthViewItem* CurrentAvailItem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); //clear(); while ( CurrentAvailItem ) { MonthViewItem *item = CurrentAvailItem; //item->setHighlightedFalse(); item->recycle( 0, ""); CurrentAvailItem = (MonthViewItem *)item->next(); mAvailItemList.append( item ); takeItem ( item ); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTip::remove(this); #endif mToolTip.clear(); //qApp->processEvents(); #if 0 if ( !mHolidayString.isEmpty() ) { MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( 0, mDate, mHolidayString ); item->setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); insertItem( item ); mToolTip.append ( mHolidayString ); } #endif } int MonthViewCell::insertEvent(Event *event) { bool useToolTips = true; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION useToolTips = false; #endif QString mToolTipText; setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily ) return mdayCount; else if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly ) return mdayCount; } if ( event->isHoliday()) { setHoliday( true ); if ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 ) setLineWidth( 3 ); } QString text; int multiday = 0;// 1 = start, 2 = midddle, 3 = end day if (event->isMultiDay()) { QString prefix = "<->";multiday = 2; QString time; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { if ( event->recursOn( mDate) ) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else { int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) ) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } } else { if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } if ( !event->doesFloat() ) { if ( mDate == event->dtStart().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+" "; else if ( mDate == event->dtEnd().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" "; } text = time + event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += prefix + text; } else { if (event->doesFloat()) { text = event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += text; } else { text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()); text += " " + event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary(); } } if ( useToolTips && ! event->location().isEmpty() ) { mToolTipText += " (" + event->location() +")"; } MonthViewItem *item ; if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) { item = mAvailItemList.first(); mAvailItemList.remove( item ); item->recycle( event, text ); } else { item = new MonthViewItem( event, text ); } QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = event->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() )); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal = QPalette( KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() ), KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() )); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor); item->setPalette( pal ); item->setRecur( event->doesRecur() ); item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() && multiday < 2 && event->alarmEnabled() ); item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails, KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if ( me != 0 ) { if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP()) item->setReply(true && multiday < 2); else item->setReply(false); } else item->setReply(false); #endif item->setMultiDay( multiday ); if ( multiday ) { insertItem( item ,mdayCount); ++mdayCount; } else { uint i = mdayCount; uint pos = mdayCount; uint itcount = count(); if ( itcount > 1000 ) { qDebug("KO: Bug in MonthViewCell::insertEvent %u ", itcount); itcount = 0; } for ( i = pos; i < itcount;++i ) { // qDebug("i %d mday %u count %d ",i,itcount,mdayCount ); QListBoxItem* it = this->item ( i ); if ( it && text < it->text() ) { pos = i; break; } ++pos; } insertItem( item ,pos); } if ( useToolTips ) { mToolTip.append( mToolTipText ); } return mdayCount; } void MonthViewCell::insertTodo(Todo *todo) { setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); QString text; if (todo->hasDueDate()) { if (!todo->doesFloat()) { text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time()); text += " "; } } text += todo->summary(); MonthViewItem *item ; if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) { item = mAvailItemList.first(); mAvailItemList.remove( item ); item->recycle( todo, text ); } else { item = new MonthViewItem( todo, text ); } //MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text ); //item->setPalette( mStandardPalette ); QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = todo->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() )); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() ), KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() )); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor); item->setPalette( pal ); item->setRecur( todo->doesRecur() ); item->setAlarm( todo->isAlarmEnabled() && todo->alarmEnabled() ); item->setMoreInfo( todo->description().length() > 0 ); insertItem( item , count()); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mToolTip.append( text ); #endif } void MonthViewCell::repaintfinishUpdateCell() { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { mitem->setBlockRepaint( false ); updateItem ( mitem ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } blockSignals( false ); } void MonthViewCell::finishUpdateCell() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mToolTip.count() > 0 ) { mToolTip.sort(); QToolTip::add(this,mToolTip.join("\n"),toolTipGroup(),""); } #endif //sort(); //setMyPalette(); setMyPalette(); resizeEvent( 0 ); } void MonthViewCell::updateCell() { if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; startUpdateCell(); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true ); Event *event; for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event insertEvent(event); } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { insertTodo( todo ); } finishUpdateCell(); // if ( isVisible()) //qApp->processEvents(); } void MonthViewCell::updateConfig( bool bigFont ) // = false { if ( bigFont ) { QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont; int ps = fo.pointSize() + 2; if ( ps < 18 ) ps += 2; fo.setPointSize( ps ); setFont( fo ); } else setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont ); QFontMetrics fm( font() ); mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) + QSize( 4, 2 ); mLabelBigSize = fm.size( 0, "Mag 30" ) + QSize( 2, 2 ); mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette; mPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; mNonPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) { mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor.dark()); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); } //updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled ) { return; if ( enabled ) { QListBoxItem *fi = firstItem (); if (fi ) { int ihei = fi->height( this ); int hei = numRows () * ihei; if ( hei < height() - horizontalScrollBar()->height () ) { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); if ( ihei *3 > height() ) { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } } Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence() { int index = currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return 0; MonthViewItem *mitem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item( index ) ); if ( !mitem ) return 0; return mitem->incidence(); } QDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate() { QDate qd; int index = currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return qd; return mDate; } void MonthViewCell::deselect() { clearSelection(); enableScrollBars( false ); // updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::select() { ;// updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * e ) { if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; //qDebug("++++++++++++++MonthViewCell::resizeEvent %d %d ", width(), height()); deselect(); mLabel->setMaximumHeight( height() - lineWidth()*2 ); QString text; //mLabel->setText( text ); bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek || KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( mDate ) == 1 || (mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) { text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mDate, true ) + " " + QString::number( mDate.day() ); mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize ); } else { mLabel->resize( mLabelSize ); text = QString::number( mDate.day() ); } mLabel->setText( text ); int size = height() - mLabel->height() - lineWidth()-1; //qDebug("LW %d ", lineWidth()); if ( size > 0 ) verticalScrollBar()->setMaximumHeight( size ); size = width() - mLabel->width() -lineWidth()-1; if ( size > 0 ) horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximumWidth( size ); mLabel->move( width()-lineWidth() - mLabel->width(), height()-lineWidth() - mLabel->height() ); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); // mItemList->resize ( width(), height () ); if ( e ) KNoScrollListBox::resizeEvent ( e ); } void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); return; } MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence ); } void MonthViewCell::showDay() { emit showDaySignal( date() ); } void MonthViewCell::newEvent() { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); } void MonthViewCell::cellClicked( QListBoxItem *item ) { mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); if ( item == 0 ) { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); return; } } void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( QListBoxItem *item ) { mMonthView->setPopupCell( this ); if ( !item ) { mMonthView->showContextMenu( 0 ); return; } //selection( item ); //qApp->processEvents(); MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); - if ( incidence ) mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence ); + if ( incidence ) { + mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence ); + selection( item ); + doHighLight( incidence ); + } } void MonthViewCell::selection( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) { emit highlightIncidence( 0 , this, 0 ); return; } MonthViewItem * it = (static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item )); emit highlightIncidence( it->incidence(), this, it->multiDay() ); mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); } void MonthViewCell::deHighLight() { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { if ( mitem->setHighlightedFalse() ) updateItem ( mitem ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } } // returns true if no inc found bool MonthViewCell::doHighLight( Incidence * inc ) { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { if ( mitem->incidence() == inc ) { if ( mitem->setHighlighted( inc ) ) updateItem ( mitem ); return false; } mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } return true; } // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* KOMonthView::KOMonthView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView( calendar, parent, name ), mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; mShortDayLabelsM = false; mShortDayLabelsW = false; skipResize = false; clPending = true; mPopupCell = 0; mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( QDate::currentDate(), this, "useBigPixmaps" ); mWidStack = new QWidgetStack( this ); QVBoxLayout* hb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); mMonthView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); mWeekView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 mWidStack->addWidget(mMonthView ); mWidStack->addWidget(mWeekView ); #else mWidStack->addWidget( mMonthView, 1 ); mWidStack->addWidget( mWeekView , 1 ); #endif hb->addWidget( mNavigatorBar ); hb->addWidget( mWidStack ); mShowWeekView = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek; updatePossible = false; //updatePossible = true; mCells.setAutoDelete( true ); mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ; mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); mDayLabelsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); QFont bfont = font(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) { bfont.setPointSize( bfont.pointSize() - 2 ); } bfont.setBold( true ); int i; for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel( mMonthView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabels.insert( i, label ); label = new QLabel( mWeekView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } bfont.setBold( false ); mWeekLabels.resize( mNumWeeks+1 ); mWeekLabelsW.resize( 2 ); for( i = 0; i < mNumWeeks+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mMonthView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabels.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); QWhatsThis::add(mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks],i18n("Click on this to\nselect week number")); for( i = 0; i < 1+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mWeekView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabelsW[1]->setText( i18n("W")); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); int row, col; mCells.resize( mNumCells ); for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) { for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mMonthView ); mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( nextCell() ), SLOT( nextCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( prevCell() ), SLOT( prevCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell *, int ) ), SLOT( incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell *, int ) )); } } mCellsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mWeekView ); mCellsW.insert( col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( nextCell() ), SLOT( nextCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( prevCell() ), SLOT( prevCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell *, int ) ), SLOT( incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell *, int ) )); cell->updateConfig(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont ); } //connect( mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks], SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( switchView() ) ); mContextMenu = eventPopup(); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("New Event..."),this, SLOT(slotNewEvent()),false); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("New Todo..."),this, SLOT(slotNewTodo()),false); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Journal"),this, SLOT(slotEditJournal()),false); connect (mContextMenu ,SIGNAL(categoryChanged( Incidence * )),this, SLOT( catChanged( Incidence * ) )); QString pathString = ""; if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) pathString += "icons16/"; } else pathString += "iconsmini/"; mNewItemMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."),this, SLOT(slotNewEvent())); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ),i18n("New Todo..."),this,SLOT(slotNewTodo()),false); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ),i18n("Journal"),this,SLOT(slotEditJournal()),false); // updateConfig(); //useless here... // ... but we need mWidthLongDayLabel computed QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font()); mWidthLongDayLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1)); if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width; } //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); #if 0 if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); #endif emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); mComputeLayoutTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (mComputeLayoutTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( slotComputeLayout())); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION resize( QApplication::desktop()->size() ); #else resize(640, 480 ); updatePossible = true; #endif computeLayout(); if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); } KOMonthView::~KOMonthView() { delete mContextMenu; } void KOMonthView::catChanged( Incidence * ) { updateView(); } void KOMonthView::incidenceHighlighted( Incidence * inc , MonthViewCell* mc, int mday ) { static Incidence * lastInc = 0; static MonthViewCell * lastCell = 0; if ( lastInc == inc && lastCell == mc ) return; lastInc = inc; lastCell = mc; //qDebug("KOMonthView::incidenceHighlighted %d %d %d", inc, mc, mday ); bool weekview = false; uint index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { if ( mCellsW[i] == mc ) { weekview = true; index = i; break; } } QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; if ( weekview ) cells = &mCellsW; else { for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) { if ( mCells[i] == mc ) { index = i; break; } } cells = &mCells; } for (uint i = 0; i < (*cells).count(); ++i) { (*cells)[i]->deHighLight(); } if ( ! inc ) return; uint count = (*cells).count(); bool goLeft = (mday > 1 && index > 0); bool goRight = (mday < 3 && mday > 0 && index < count -1); for (uint iii = 1; iii < count; ++iii) { if ( goLeft ) { int left = index - iii; if ( left >= 0 ) { if ( (*cells)[(uint)left]->doHighLight(inc) ) goLeft = false; } else goLeft = false; } if ( goRight ) { uint right = index + iii; if ( right < count ) { if ( (*cells)[right]->doHighLight(inc) ) goRight = false; } else goRight = false; } } #if 0 if ( mday > 1 && index > 0 ) for (int i = index-1; i >= 0; --i) { //qDebug("index %d iii %d ", index, i); if ( (*cells)[(uint)i]->doHighLight(inc) ) break; } if ( mday < 3 && mday > 0 && index < (*cells).count()-1) for (uint i = index+1; i < (*cells).count(); ++i) { if ( (*cells)[i]->doHighLight(inc) ) break; } #endif } void KOMonthView::selectInternalWeekNum ( int n ) { switchView(); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) emit selectMonth (); else emit selectWeekNum ( n ); } int KOMonthView::currentWeek() { if ( mShowWeekView ) return mWeekLabelsW[0]->getWeekNum(); return mWeekLabels[0]->getWeekNum(); } void KOMonthView::switchView() { if ( selectedCell( ) ) selectedCell()->deselect(); mShowWeekView = !mShowWeekView; KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek = mShowWeekView; if ( clPending ) { computeLayout(); updateConfig(); } if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); clPending = false; } int KOMonthView::maxDatesHint() { return mNumCells; } int KOMonthView::currentDateCount() { return mNumCells; } QPtrList<Incidence> KOMonthView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> selected; if ( mSelectedCell ) { Incidence *incidence = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence(); if ( incidence ) selected.append( incidence ); } return selected; } DateList KOMonthView::selectedDates() { DateList selected; if ( mSelectedCell ) { QDate qd = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidenceDate(); if ( qd.isValid() ) selected.append( qd ); } return selected; } #if 0 void KOMonthView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Month, fd, td); #endif } #endif void KOMonthView::updateConfig() { int mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday(); if ( mShowWeekView || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { mWeekStartsMonday = true; } QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font()); mWidthLongDayLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1)); if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width; } bool temp = mShowSatSunComp ; mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ; if ( ! mShowWeekView ) { if ( temp != KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) computeLayout(); } else doComputeLayoutWeek(); updateDayLabels(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::updateConfig() %d %d %d ",height(), mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height() ,mNumWeeks); //int cellHeight = (height() - mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height()) /mNumWeeks; //resizeEvent( 0 ); for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) { mCells[i]->updateConfig(); } for (uint i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { mCellsW[i]->updateConfig(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup()->setEnabled(KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableToolTips); #endif updateView(); } void KOMonthView::updateDayLabels() { QPtrVector<QLabel> *mDayLabelsT; mDayLabelsT = &mDayLabelsW; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { { bool show = mShortDayLabelsW; if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->width() ) show = true; (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1,show)); } } mDayLabelsT = &mDayLabels; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { bool show = mShortDayLabelsM; if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->width() ) show = true; (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1,show)); } else { if (i==0) (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(7,mShortDayLabelsM)); else (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i,mShortDayLabelsM)); } } } void KOMonthView::clearList() { unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < mCells.size(); ++i ) { mCells[i]->clear(); } for( i = 0; i < mCellsW.size(); ++i ) { mCellsW[i]->clear(); } } void KOMonthView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &) { // kdDebug() << "KOMonthView::showDates(): " << start.toString() << endl; QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; QPtrVector<QLabel> *dayLabels; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> *weekLabels; uint weekNum = 6; mStartDate = start; if ( mShowWeekView ) { weekNum = 1; cells = &mCellsW; dayLabels = &mDayLabelsW; weekLabels = &mWeekLabelsW; if ( !KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ) { mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( 1 ); } } else { cells = &mCells; dayLabels = &mDayLabels; weekLabels = &mWeekLabels; } int mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday(); if ( mShowWeekView || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { mWeekStartsMonday = true; } int startWeekDay = mWeekStartsMonday ? 1 : 7; while( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mStartDate) != startWeekDay ) { mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -1 ); } uint i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).size(); ++i ) { QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i ); (*cells)[i]->setDate( date ); #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS // add holiday, if present QString hstring(KOCore::self()->holiday(date)); (*cells)[i]->setHoliday( hstring ); #endif } QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( mWeekStartsMonday ? 3 : 4 ); for( i = 0; i < weekNum; ++i ) { int wno; // remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the // first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4, // not just 1. int dayOfYear = date.dayOfYear(); if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0) wno = dayOfYear / 7 + 1; else wno =dayOfYear / 7; (*weekLabels)[i]->setWeekNum( wno ); date = date.addDays( 7 ); } updateView(); } void KOMonthView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { qDebug("KOMonthView::selectEvents is not implemented yet. "); } void KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { // this should be re-written to be much more efficient, but this // quick-and-dirty-hack gets the job done for right now. //qDebug("KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay "); updateView(); } void KOMonthView::updateView() { if ( !updatePossible ) return; //qDebug("UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU "); //QTime ti; //ti.start(); clearSelection(); QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; if ( mShowWeekView ) { cells = &mCellsW; } else { cells = &mCells; } #if 1 int i; int timeSpan = (*cells).size()-1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) timeSpan = 6; for( i = 0; i < timeSpan + 1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->startUpdateCell(); } QPtrList<Event> events = calendar()->events(); Event *event; QDateTime dt; QDate endDate = mStartDate.addDays( timeSpan ); for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event if ( event->doesRecur() ) { bool last; QDateTime incidenceStart = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( QDateTime( mStartDate ) , &last ); QDateTime incidenceEnd; int eventlen = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); bool invalid = false; while( true ) { if ( incidenceStart.isValid() ) { incidenceEnd = incidenceStart.addDays( eventlen ); int st = incidenceStart.date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( incidenceEnd.date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; //qDebug("found %s %d %d ",event->summary().latin1(), st, end ); for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } else { if ( invalid ) break; invalid = true; //qDebug("invalid %s", event->summary().latin1()); incidenceStart = QDateTime( mStartDate ).addSecs( -2 );; } if ( last ) break; bool ok; incidenceStart = event->getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ) ,&ok ); if ( ! ok ) break; if ( incidenceStart.date() > endDate ) break; } } else { // no recur if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents && event->uid().left(2) == QString("la") ) if ( event->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) continue; int st = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = calendar()->todos( ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { //insertTodo( todo ); if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtDue().date() ); if ( day >= 0 && day < timeSpan + 1) { (*cells)[day]->insertTodo( todo ); } } } for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->finishUpdateCell(); } processSelectionChange(); //qApp->processEvents(); for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { //(*cells)[i]->repaintfinishUpdateCell(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, (*cells)[i], SLOT ( repaintfinishUpdateCell() ) ); } setKeyBFocus(); #else // old code //qDebug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); int i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).count(); ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->updateCell(); } //qDebug("KOMonthView::updateView() "); processSelectionChange(); // qDebug("---------------------------------------------------------------------+ "); (*cells)[0]->setFocus(); #endif //qDebug("update time %d ", ti.elapsed()); } void KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() "); bool shootAgain = false; if ( mShowWeekView ) { shootAgain = !mWeekLabelsW[1]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setFocus(); } else { shootAgain = !mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setFocus(); } --mKBFcounter; if ( shootAgain && mKBFcounter > 0 ) { QTimer::singleShot( 50, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } } void KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() "); mKBFcounter = 10; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } void KOMonthView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::resizeEvent %d %d -- %d %d ", e->size().width(), e->size().height(), e->oldSize().width(), e->oldSize().height()); if ( isVisible() ) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::isVisible "); slotComputeLayout(); } else mComputeLayoutTimer->start( 100 ); if ( e ) KOEventView::resizeEvent( e ); } void KOMonthView::slotComputeLayout() { mComputeLayoutTimer->stop(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::Post - resizeEvent %d %d ", width(), height() ); computeLayout(); clPending = true; setKeyBFocus(); } void KOMonthView::doComputeLayoutWeek() { int daysToShow; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeekRowlayout ) { daysToShow = 2; } else #endif { if ( wid < hei + 40 ) daysToShow = 2; else daysToShow = 3; } bool landscape = (daysToShow == 3); mShowSatSunComp = true; combinedSatSun = true; //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() WWW ------------------------------------ "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; int dayLabelHei = mDayLabelsW[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) /(5- daysToShow ); int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) % daysToShow-1; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i && !( i % daysToShow) && i < 6) { y += hei/(5-daysToShow); x = 0; w = colWid; } if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } int xC,yC,wC,hC; if ( i >= 5 ) { int wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; if ( i == 5 ) { xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = wi/2+wi%2; hC = h; } else { xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = wi; hC = h; } x = x - w + wi - (wi/2 ); } else { int wi = w; if ( !(( i+1) % daysToShow)) { wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; } xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = wi; hC = h; } mDayLabelsW[mapWeekLayout(i,landscape)]->setGeometry( xC,yC,wC,hC); x += w; } x= 0; y= dayLabelHei; w = colWid; h = cellHei; int max = 0; int w_count = mCellsW.count(); for ( i = 0; i < w_count; ++i) { if ( i > 6 ) { mCellsW[i]->hide(); continue; } w = colWid; if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i == (daysToShow-1-rowModulo)*7) ++h; int xC,yC,wC,hC; if ( i >= 5 ) { if ( i ==5 ) { max = h/2; xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = w; hC = max; x -= w ;y += h/2; } else { if ( ((i-1) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } max = h-h/2; xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = w; hC = max; y -= h/2; } } else { max = h; xC = x+weeklabelwid; yC = y; wC = w; hC = h; } mCellsW[mapWeekLayout(i,landscape)]->setGeometry ( xC,yC,wC,hC ); x += w; if ( x + w/2 > wid ) { x = 0; y += h+dayLabelHei ; } //mCellsW[i]->dateLabel()->setMaximumHeight( max - mCellsW[i]->lineWidth()*2 ); } y= dayLabelHei; h = cellHei ; mWeekLabelsW[0]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,hei-dayLabelHei); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei); // qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height()); //qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height()); mShortDayLabelsW = mDayLabelsW[0]->width()-2 < mWidthLongDayLabel ; updateDayLabels(); //bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible; updatePossible = true; //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("M")); //if ( forceUpdate ) // updateView(); } void KOMonthView::computeLayoutWeek() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) return; if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ) { //qDebug("KOListWeekView::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); doComputeLayoutWeek(); } int KOMonthView::mapWeekLayout( int index, bool landscape ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeekRowlayout ) return index; int diff = 0; if ( !landscape ) diff = 1; switch( index ) { case 0: case 5: case 6: return index; break; case 1: return 2+diff; break; case 2: return 4-(3*diff); break; case 3: return 1+(3*diff); break; case 4: return 3-diff; break; default: qDebug("KO: Error in mapping week layout "); return index; break; } return index; } void KOMonthView::computeLayout() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; if ( mShowWeekView ){ computeLayoutWeek(); return; } int daysToShow = 7; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) { return; } if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ){ //qDebug("KOMonthview::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() MMM ------------------- "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; int dayLabelHei = mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - dayLabelHei) /6; int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- dayLabelHei) % 6; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i == daysToShow-colModulo ) ++w; if ( combinedSatSun ) { if ( i >= daysToShow-1 ) { if ( i == 6 ) mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,width()-x-weeklabelwid,h); else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w/2,h); x -= w/2 ; } else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h); } else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h); x += w; } x= 0; y= dayLabelHei; w = colWid; h = cellHei ; int max = 0; int mc_count = mCells.count(); for ( i = 0; i < mc_count; ++i) { //qDebug("iii %d ", i); w = colWid; if ( ((i) % 7) >= 7-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i == (6-rowModulo)*7) ++h; if ( combinedSatSun ) { if ( (i)%7 >= daysToShow-1 ) { if ( (i)%7 == daysToShow-1 ) { w = width()-x-weeklabelwid; max = h/2; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); x -= w ;y += h/2; } else { w = width()-x-weeklabelwid; max = h-h/2; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); y -= h/2; } } else { max = h; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h ); } diff --git a/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp b/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp index e37a7ad..eef8327 100644 --- a/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp +++ b/libkcal/calendarlocal.cpp @@ -1,1024 +1,1025 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2001,2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "vcaldrag.h" #include "vcalformat.h" #include "icalformat.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "incidence.h" #include "journal.h" #include "filestorage.h" #include "calfilter.h" #include "calendarlocal.h" // #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION // #include <qtopia/alarmserver.h> // #endif using namespace KCal; CalendarLocal::CalendarLocal() : Calendar() { init(); } CalendarLocal::CalendarLocal(const QString &timeZoneId) : Calendar(timeZoneId) { init(); } void CalendarLocal::init() { mNextAlarmIncidence = 0; } CalendarLocal::~CalendarLocal() { + registerObserver( 0 ); if ( mDeleteIncidencesOnClose ) close(); } bool CalendarLocal::mergeCalendarFile( QString name ) { CalendarLocal calendar( timeZoneId() ); calendar.setDefaultCalendar( 1 ); if ( calendar.load( name ) ) { mergeCalendar( &calendar ); return true; } return false; } Incidence* CalendarLocal::incidenceForUid( const QString& uid , bool doNotCheckDuplicates) { Todo *todo;; Incidence *retVal = 0; for ( todo = mTodoList.first(); todo; todo = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( todo->uid() == uid ) { if ( doNotCheckDuplicates ) return todo; if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > todo->calID() ) { retVal = todo; } } else { retVal = todo; } } } if ( retVal ) return retVal; Event *event; for ( event = mEventList.first(); event; event = mEventList.next() ) { if ( event->uid() == uid ) { if ( doNotCheckDuplicates ) return event; if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > event->calID() ) { retVal = event; } } else { retVal = event; } } } if ( retVal ) return retVal; for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->uid() == uid ) { if ( doNotCheckDuplicates ) return it; if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > it->calID() ) { retVal = it; } } else { retVal = it; } } return retVal; } bool CalendarLocal::mergeCalendar( Calendar* remote ) { // 1 look for raw inc in local // if inc not in remote, delete in local // 2 look for raw inc in remote // if inc in local, replace it // if not in local, add it to default calendar QPtrList<Incidence> localInc = rawIncidences(); Incidence* inL = localInc.first(); while ( inL ) { if ( ! inL->isReadOnly () ) if ( !remote->incidenceForUid( inL->uid(), true )) deleteIncidence( inL ); inL = localInc.next(); } QPtrList<Incidence> er = remote->rawIncidences(); Incidence* inR = er.first(); while ( inR ) { inL = incidenceForUid( inR->uid(),false ); if ( inL ) { if ( ! inL->isReadOnly () || inL->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) { int calID = inL->calID(); deleteIncidence( inL ); inL = inR->clone(); inL->setCalID( calID ); addIncidence( inL ); } } else { inL = inR->clone(); inL->setCalID( 0 );// add to default cal addIncidence( inL ); } inR = er.next(); } return true; } bool CalendarLocal::addCalendarFile( QString name, int id ) { CalendarLocal calendar( timeZoneId() ); calendar.setDefaultCalendar( id ); if ( calendar.load( name ) ) { addCalendar( &calendar ); return true; } return false; } void CalendarLocal::setSyncEventsReadOnly() { Event * ev; ev = mEventList.first(); while ( ev ) { if ( ev->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) ev->setReadOnly( true ); ev = mEventList.next(); } } void CalendarLocal::addCalendar( Calendar* cal ) { cal->setDontDeleteIncidencesOnClose(); { QPtrList<Event> EventList = cal->rawEvents(); Event * ev = EventList.first(); while ( ev ) { ev->unRegisterObserver( cal ); ev->registerObserver( this ); mEventList.append( ev ); ev = EventList.next(); } } { QPtrList<Todo> TodoList = cal->rawTodos(); Todo * ev = TodoList.first(); while ( ev ) { QString rel = ev->relatedToUid(); if ( !rel.isEmpty() ){ ev->setRelatedTo ( 0 ); ev->setRelatedToUid( rel ); } ev = TodoList.next(); } //TodoList = cal->rawTodos(); ev = TodoList.first(); while ( ev ) { ev->unRegisterObserver( cal ); ev->registerObserver( this ); mTodoList.append( ev ); setupRelations( ev ); ev = TodoList.next(); } } { QPtrList<Journal> JournalList = cal->journals(); Journal * ev = JournalList.first(); while ( ev ) { ev->unRegisterObserver( cal ); ev->registerObserver( this ); mJournalList.append( ev ); ev = JournalList.next(); } } setModified( true ); } bool CalendarLocal::load( const QString &fileName ) { FileStorage storage( this, fileName ); return storage.load(); } bool CalendarLocal::save( const QString &fileName, CalFormat *format ) { FileStorage storage( this, fileName, format ); return storage.save(); } void CalendarLocal::stopAllTodos() { for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) it->setRunning( false ); } void CalendarLocal::close() { Todo * i; for( i = mTodoList.first(); i; i = mTodoList.next() ) i->setRunning(false); mEventList.setAutoDelete( true ); mTodoList.setAutoDelete( true ); mJournalList.setAutoDelete( false ); mEventList.clear(); mTodoList.clear(); mJournalList.clear(); mEventList.setAutoDelete( false ); mTodoList.setAutoDelete( false ); mJournalList.setAutoDelete( false ); setModified( false ); } bool CalendarLocal::addAnniversaryNoDup( Event *event ) { QString cat; bool isBirthday = true; if( event->categoriesStr() == i18n( "Anniversary" ) ) { isBirthday = false; cat = i18n( "Anniversary" ); } else if( event->categoriesStr() == i18n( "Birthday" ) ) { isBirthday = true; cat = i18n( "Birthday" ); } else { qDebug("addAnniversaryNoDup called without fitting category! "); return false; } Event * eve; for ( eve = mEventList.first(); eve ; eve = mEventList.next() ) { if ( !(eve->categories().contains( cat ) )) continue; // now we have an event with fitting category if ( eve->dtStart().date() != event->dtStart().date() ) continue; // now we have an event with fitting category+date if ( eve->summary() != event->summary() ) continue; // now we have an event with fitting category+date+summary return false; } return addEvent( event ); } bool CalendarLocal::addEventNoDup( Event *event ) { Event * eve; for ( eve = mEventList.first(); eve ; eve = mEventList.next() ) { if ( *eve == *event ) { //qDebug("CalendarLocal::Duplicate event found! Not inserted! "); return false; } } return addEvent( event ); } bool CalendarLocal::addEvent( Event *event ) { insertEvent( event ); event->registerObserver( this ); setModified( true ); if ( event->calID() == 0 ) event->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar ); event->setCalEnabled( true ); return true; } void CalendarLocal::deleteEvent( Event *event ) { if ( mUndoIncidence ) delete mUndoIncidence; mUndoIncidence = event->clone(); if ( mEventList.removeRef( event ) ) { setModified( true ); } } Event *CalendarLocal::event( const QString &uid ) { Event *event; Event *retVal = 0; for ( event = mEventList.first(); event; event = mEventList.next() ) { if ( event->calEnabled() && event->uid() == uid ) { if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > event->calID() ) { retVal = event; } } else { retVal = event; } } } return retVal; } bool CalendarLocal::addTodoNoDup( Todo *todo ) { Todo * eve; for ( eve = mTodoList.first(); eve ; eve = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( *eve == *todo ) { //qDebug("duplicate todo found! not inserted! "); return false; } } return addTodo( todo ); } bool CalendarLocal::addTodo( Todo *todo ) { mTodoList.append( todo ); todo->registerObserver( this ); // Set up subtask relations setupRelations( todo ); setModified( true ); if ( todo->calID() == 0 ) todo->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar ); todo->setCalEnabled( true ); return true; } void CalendarLocal::deleteTodo( Todo *todo ) { // Handle orphaned children if ( mUndoIncidence ) delete mUndoIncidence; removeRelations( todo ); mUndoIncidence = todo->clone(); if ( mTodoList.removeRef( todo ) ) { setModified( true ); } } QPtrList<Todo> CalendarLocal::rawTodos() { QPtrList<Todo> el; for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() ) el.append( it ); return el; } Todo *CalendarLocal::todo( QString syncProf, QString id ) { Todo *todo; for ( todo = mTodoList.first(); todo; todo = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( todo->calEnabled() && todo->getID( syncProf ) == id ) return todo; } return 0; } void CalendarLocal::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile) { QPtrList<Incidence> all = rawIncidences() ; Incidence *inc; for ( inc = all.first(); inc; inc = all.next() ) { inc->removeID( syncProfile ); } if ( syncProfile.isEmpty() ) { QPtrList<Event> el; Event *todo; for ( todo = mEventList.first(); todo; todo = mEventList.next() ) { if ( todo->uid().left( 15 ) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) el.append( todo ); } for ( todo = el.first(); todo; todo = el.next() ) { deleteIncidence ( todo ); } } else { Event *lse = event( "last-syncEvent-"+ syncProfile); if ( lse ) deleteIncidence ( lse ); } } QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::getExternLastSyncEvents() { QPtrList<Event> el; Event *todo; for ( todo = mEventList.first(); todo; todo = mEventList.next() ) { if ( todo->uid().left( 15 ) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) if ( todo->summary().left(3) == "E: " ) el.append( todo ); } return el; } Event *CalendarLocal::event( QString syncProf, QString id ) { Event *todo; for ( todo = mEventList.first(); todo; todo = mEventList.next() ) { if ( todo->calEnabled() && todo->getID( syncProf ) == id ) return todo; } return 0; } Todo *CalendarLocal::todo( const QString &uid ) { Todo *todo;; Todo *retVal = 0; for ( todo = mTodoList.first(); todo; todo = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( todo->calEnabled() && todo->uid() == uid ) { if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > todo->calID() ) { retVal = todo; } } else { retVal = todo; } } } return retVal; } QString CalendarLocal::nextSummary() const { return mNextSummary; } QDateTime CalendarLocal::nextAlarmEventDateTime() const { return mNextAlarmEventDateTime; } void CalendarLocal::checkAlarmForIncidence( Incidence * incidence, bool deleted) { //mNextAlarmIncidence //mNextAlarmDateTime //return mNextSummary; //return mNextAlarmEventDateTime; bool newNextAlarm = false; bool computeNextAlarm = false; bool ok; int offset; QDateTime nextA; // QString nextSum; //QDateTime nextEvent; if ( mNextAlarmIncidence == 0 || incidence == 0 ) { computeNextAlarm = true; } else { if ( ! deleted ) { nextA = incidence->getNextAlarmDateTime(& ok, &offset, QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ; if ( ok ) { if ( nextA < mNextAlarmDateTime ) { deRegisterAlarm(); mNextAlarmDateTime = nextA; mNextSummary = incidence->summary(); mNextAlarmEventDateTime = nextA.addSecs(offset ) ; mNextAlarmEventDateTimeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mNextAlarmEventDateTime); newNextAlarm = true; mNextAlarmIncidence = incidence; } else { if ( incidence == mNextAlarmIncidence ) { computeNextAlarm = true; } } } else { if ( mNextAlarmIncidence == incidence ) { computeNextAlarm = true; } } } else { // deleted if ( incidence == mNextAlarmIncidence ) { computeNextAlarm = true; } } } if ( computeNextAlarm ) { deRegisterAlarm(); nextA = nextAlarm( 1000 ); if (! mNextAlarmIncidence ) { return; } newNextAlarm = true; } if ( newNextAlarm ) registerAlarm(); } QString CalendarLocal:: getAlarmNotification() { QString ret; // this should not happen if (! mNextAlarmIncidence ) return "cal_alarm"+ mNextSummary.left( 25 )+"\n"+mNextAlarmEventDateTimeString; Alarm* alarm = mNextAlarmIncidence->alarms().first(); if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure ) { ret = "proc_alarm" + alarm->programFile()+"+++"; } else { ret = "audio_alarm" +alarm->audioFile() +"+++"; } ret += "cal_alarm"+ mNextSummary.left( 25 ); if ( mNextSummary.length() > 25 ) ret += "\n" + mNextSummary.mid(25, 25 ); ret+= "\n"+mNextAlarmEventDateTimeString; return ret; } void CalendarLocal::registerAlarm() { mLastAlarmNotificationString = getAlarmNotification(); // qDebug("++ register Alarm %s %s",mNextAlarmDateTime.toString().latin1(), mLastAlarmNotificationString.latin1() ); emit addAlarm ( mNextAlarmDateTime, mLastAlarmNotificationString ); // #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION // AlarmServer::addAlarm ( mNextAlarmDateTime,"koalarm", mLastAlarmNotificationString.latin1() ); // #endif } void CalendarLocal::deRegisterAlarm() { if ( mLastAlarmNotificationString.isNull() ) return; //qDebug("-- deregister Alarm %s ", mLastAlarmNotificationString.latin1() ); emit removeAlarm ( mNextAlarmDateTime, mLastAlarmNotificationString ); mNextAlarmEventDateTime = QDateTime(); // #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION // AlarmServer::deleteAlarm (mNextAlarmDateTime ,"koalarm" ,mLastAlarmNotificationString.latin1() ); // #endif } QPtrList<Todo> CalendarLocal::todos( const QDate &date ) { QPtrList<Todo> todos; Todo *todo; for ( todo = mTodoList.first(); todo; todo = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( !todo->calEnabled() ) continue; if ( todo->hasDueDate() && todo->dtDue().date() == date ) { todos.append( todo ); } } filter()->apply( &todos ); return todos; } void CalendarLocal::reInitAlarmSettings() { if ( !mNextAlarmIncidence ) { nextAlarm( 1000 ); } deRegisterAlarm(); mNextAlarmIncidence = 0; checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, false ); } QDateTime CalendarLocal::nextAlarm( int daysTo ) { QDateTime nextA = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( daysTo ); QDateTime start = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 30 ); QDateTime next; Event *e; bool ok; bool found = false; int offset; mNextAlarmIncidence = 0; for( e = mEventList.first(); e; e = mEventList.next() ) { if ( !e->calEnabled() ) continue; next = e->getNextAlarmDateTime(& ok, &offset, QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ; if ( ok ) { if ( next < nextA ) { nextA = next; found = true; mNextSummary = e->summary(); mNextAlarmEventDateTime = next.addSecs(offset ) ; mNextAlarmIncidence = (Incidence *) e; } } } Todo *t; for( t = mTodoList.first(); t; t = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( !t->calEnabled() ) continue; next = t->getNextAlarmDateTime(& ok, &offset, QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ; if ( ok ) { if ( next < nextA ) { nextA = next; found = true; mNextSummary = t->summary(); mNextAlarmEventDateTime = next.addSecs(offset ); mNextAlarmIncidence = (Incidence *) t; } } } if ( mNextAlarmIncidence ) { mNextAlarmEventDateTimeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mNextAlarmEventDateTime); mNextAlarmDateTime = nextA; } return nextA; } Alarm::List CalendarLocal::alarmsTo( const QDateTime &to ) { return alarms( QDateTime( QDate( 1900, 1, 1 ) ), to ); } Alarm::List CalendarLocal::alarms( const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to ) { Alarm::List alarms; Event *e; for( e = mEventList.first(); e; e = mEventList.next() ) { if ( !e->calEnabled() ) continue; if ( e->doesRecur() ) appendRecurringAlarms( alarms, e, from, to ); else appendAlarms( alarms, e, from, to ); } Todo *t; for( t = mTodoList.first(); t; t = mTodoList.next() ) { if ( !t->calEnabled() ) continue; appendAlarms( alarms, t, from, to ); } return alarms; } void CalendarLocal::appendAlarms( Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence, const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to ) { QPtrList<Alarm> alarmList = incidence->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for( alarm = alarmList.first(); alarm; alarm = alarmList.next() ) { // kdDebug(5800) << "CalendarLocal::appendAlarms() '" << alarm->text() // << "': " << alarm->time().toString() << " - " << alarm->enabled() << endl; if ( alarm->enabled() ) { if ( alarm->time() >= from && alarm->time() <= to ) { alarms.append( alarm ); } } } } void CalendarLocal::appendRecurringAlarms( Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence, const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to ) { QPtrList<Alarm> alarmList = incidence->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; QDateTime qdt; for( alarm = alarmList.first(); alarm; alarm = alarmList.next() ) { if (incidence->recursOn(from.date())) { qdt.setTime(alarm->time().time()); qdt.setDate(from.date()); } else qdt = alarm->time(); // qDebug("1 %s %s %s", qdt.toString().latin1(), from.toString().latin1(), to.toString().latin1()); if ( alarm->enabled() ) { if ( qdt >= from && qdt <= to ) { alarms.append( alarm ); } } } } /****************************** PROTECTED METHODS ****************************/ // after changes are made to an event, this should be called. void CalendarLocal::update( IncidenceBase *incidence ) { incidence->setSyncStatus( Event::SYNCMOD ); incidence->setLastModified( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ); // we should probably update the revision number here, // or internally in the Event itself when certain things change. // need to verify with ical documentation. setModified( true ); } void CalendarLocal::insertEvent( Event *event ) { if ( mEventList.findRef( event ) < 0 ) mEventList.append( event ); } QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEventsForDate( const QDate &qd, bool sorted ) { QPtrList<Event> eventList; Event *event; for( event = mEventList.first(); event; event = mEventList.next() ) { if ( !event->calEnabled() ) continue; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { if ( event->isMultiDay() ) { int extraDays = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() ); int i; for ( i = 0; i <= extraDays; i++ ) { if ( event->recursOn( qd.addDays( -i ) ) ) { eventList.append( event ); break; } } } else { if ( event->recursOn( qd ) ) eventList.append( event ); } } else { if ( event->dtStart().date() <= qd && event->dtEnd().date() >= qd ) { eventList.append( event ); } } } if ( !sorted ) { return eventList; } // kdDebug(5800) << "Sorting events for date\n" << endl; // now, we have to sort it based on dtStart.time() QPtrList<Event> eventListSorted; Event *sortEvent; for ( event = eventList.first(); event; event = eventList.next() ) { sortEvent = eventListSorted.first(); int i = 0; while ( sortEvent && event->dtStart().time()>=sortEvent->dtStart().time() ) { i++; sortEvent = eventListSorted.next(); } eventListSorted.insert( i, event ); } return eventListSorted; } QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEvents( const QDate &start, const QDate &end, bool inclusive ) { Event *event = 0; QPtrList<Event> eventList; // Get non-recurring events for( event = mEventList.first(); event; event = mEventList.next() ) { if ( !event->calEnabled() ) continue; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { QDate rStart = event->dtStart().date(); bool found = false; if ( inclusive ) { if ( rStart >= start && rStart <= end ) { // Start date of event is in range. Now check for end date. // if duration is negative, event recurs forever, so do not include it. if ( event->recurrence()->duration() == 0 ) { // End date set QDate rEnd = event->recurrence()->endDate(); if ( rEnd >= start && rEnd <= end ) { // End date within range found = true; } } else if ( event->recurrence()->duration() > 0 ) { // Duration set // TODO: Calculate end date from duration. Should be done in Event // For now exclude all events with a duration. } } } else { bool founOne; QDate next = event->getNextOccurence( start, &founOne ).date(); if ( founOne ) { if ( next <= end ) { found = true; } } /* // crap !!! if ( rStart <= end ) { // Start date not after range if ( rStart >= start ) { // Start date within range found = true; } else if ( event->recurrence()->duration() == -1 ) { // Recurs forever found = true; } else if ( event->recurrence()->duration() == 0 ) { // End date set QDate rEnd = event->recurrence()->endDate(); if ( rEnd >= start && rEnd <= end ) { // End date within range found = true; } } else { // Duration set // TODO: Calculate end date from duration. Should be done in Event // For now include all events with a duration. found = true; } } */ } if ( found ) eventList.append( event ); } else { QDate s = event->dtStart().date(); QDate e = event->dtEnd().date(); if ( inclusive ) { if ( s >= start && e <= end ) { eventList.append( event ); } } else { if ( ( e >= start && s <= end ) ) { eventList.append( event ); } } } } return eventList; } QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEventsForDate( const QDateTime &qdt ) { return rawEventsForDate( qdt.date() ); } QPtrList<Event> CalendarLocal::rawEvents() { QPtrList<Event> el; for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = mEventList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() ) el.append( it ); return el; } bool CalendarLocal::addJournal(Journal *journal) { mJournalList.append(journal); journal->registerObserver( this ); setModified( true ); if ( journal->calID() == 0 ) journal->setCalID( mDefaultCalendar ); journal->setCalEnabled( true ); return true; } void CalendarLocal::deleteJournal( Journal *journal ) { if ( mUndoIncidence ) delete mUndoIncidence; mUndoIncidence = journal->clone(); mUndoIncidence->setSummary( mUndoIncidence->description().left(25)); if ( mJournalList.removeRef(journal) ) { setModified( true ); } } QPtrList<Journal> CalendarLocal::journals4Date( const QDate & date ) { QPtrList<Journal> el; for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() && it->dtStart().date() == date) el.append( it ); return el; } Journal *CalendarLocal::journal( const QDate &date ) { // kdDebug(5800) << "CalendarLocal::journal() " << date.toString() << endl; for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() && it->dtStart().date() == date ) return it; return 0; } Journal *CalendarLocal::journal( const QString &uid ) { Journal * retVal = 0; for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() && it->uid() == uid ) { if ( retVal ) { if ( retVal->calID() > it->calID() ) { retVal = it; } } else { retVal = it; } } return retVal; } QPtrList<Journal> CalendarLocal::journals() { QPtrList<Journal> el; for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calEnabled() ) el.append( it ); return el; } void CalendarLocal::setCalendarRemove( int id ) { { QPtrList<Event> EventList = mEventList; Event * ev = EventList.first(); while ( ev ) { if ( ev->calID() == id ) deleteEvent( ev ); ev = EventList.next(); } } { QPtrList<Todo> TodoList = mTodoList; Todo * ev = TodoList.first(); while ( ev ) { if ( ev->calID() == id ) deleteTodo( ev ); ev = TodoList.next(); } } { QPtrList<Journal> JournalList = mJournalList; Journal * ev = JournalList.first(); while ( ev ) { if ( ev->calID() == id ) deleteJournal( ev ); ev = JournalList.next(); } } if ( mUndoIncidence ) delete mUndoIncidence; mUndoIncidence = 0; } void CalendarLocal::setCalendarEnabled( int id, bool enable ) { for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable ); for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = mEventList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable ); for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setCalEnabled( enable ); } void CalendarLocal::setReadOnly( int id, bool enable ) { for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable ); for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = mEventList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable ); for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setReadOnly( enable ); } void CalendarLocal::setAlarmEnabled( int id, bool enable ) { for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setAlarmEnabled( enable ); for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = mEventList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setAlarmEnabled( enable ); for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) if ( it->calID() == id ) it->setAlarmEnabled( enable ); reInitAlarmSettings(); } void CalendarLocal::setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly() { for ( Journal *it = mJournalList.first(); it; it = mJournalList.next() ) it->setCalEnabled( it->calID() == mDefaultCalendar ); for ( Event *it = mEventList.first(); it; it = mEventList.next() ) it->setCalEnabled( it->calID() == mDefaultCalendar); for ( Todo *it = mTodoList.first(); it; it = mTodoList.next() ) it->setCalEnabled( it->calID() == mDefaultCalendar); } diff --git a/libkcal/icalformat.cpp b/libkcal/icalformat.cpp index 5877406..6f3a799 100644 --- a/libkcal/icalformat.cpp +++ b/libkcal/icalformat.cpp @@ -1,462 +1,469 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qclipboard.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qtextcodec.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> extern "C" { #include <ical.h> #include <icalss.h> #include <icalparser.h> #include <icalrestriction.h> } #include "calendar.h" #include "calendarlocal.h" #include "journal.h" #include "icalformat.h" #include "icalformatimpl.h" #define _ICAL_VERSION "2.0" using namespace KCal; -ICalFormat::ICalFormat( ) +ICalFormat::ICalFormat( bool pe ) { + mProcessEvents = pe; mImpl = new ICalFormatImpl( this ); tzOffsetMin = 0; //qDebug("new ICalFormat() "); } ICalFormat::~ICalFormat() { delete mImpl; //qDebug("delete ICalFormat "); } bool ICalFormat::load( Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName) { clearException(); QFile file( fileName ); if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::LoadError)); return false; } QTextStream ts( &file ); QString text; ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 ); text = ts.read(); file.close(); return fromString( calendar, text ); } //#include <qdatetime.h> bool ICalFormat::save( Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName ) { //kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormat::save(): " << fileName << endl; //qDebug("ICalFormat::save "); clearException(); QString text = toString( calendar ); //return false; // qDebug("to string takes ms: %d ",is.elapsed() ); if ( text.isNull() ) return false; // TODO: write backup file //is.restart(); QFile file( fileName ); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::SaveError, i18n("Could not open file '%1'").arg(fileName))); return false; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("saving file takes ms: %d ", is.elapsed() ); return true; } bool ICalFormat::fromString( Calendar *cal, const QString &text ) { setTimeZone( cal->timeZoneId(), !cal->isLocalTime() ); // qDebug("ICalFormat::fromString tz: %s ", cal->timeZoneId().latin1()); // Get first VCALENDAR component. // TODO: Handle more than one VCALENDAR or non-VCALENDAR top components icalcomponent *calendar; //calendar = icalcomponent_new_from_string( text.local8Bit().data()); // good calendar = icalcomponent_new_from_string( text.utf8().data()); calendar = icalcomponent_new_from_string( (char*)text.latin1()); if (!calendar) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::ParseErrorIcal)); return false; } bool success = true; if (icalcomponent_isa(calendar) != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::NoCalendar)); success = false; } else { // put all objects into their proper places if ( !mImpl->populate( cal, calendar ) ) { if ( !exception() ) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::ParseErrorKcal)); } success = false; } else mLoadedProductId = mImpl->loadedProductId(); } icalcomponent_free( calendar ); icalmemory_free_ring(); return success; } Incidence *ICalFormat::fromString( const QString &text ) { CalendarLocal cal( mTimeZoneId ); fromString(&cal, text); Incidence *ical = 0; QPtrList<Event> elist = cal.events(); if ( elist.count() > 0 ) { ical = elist.first(); } else { QPtrList<Todo> tlist = cal.todos(); if ( tlist.count() > 0 ) { ical = tlist.first(); } else { QPtrList<Journal> jlist = cal.journals(); if ( jlist.count() > 0 ) { ical = jlist.first(); } } } return ical; } #include <qapp.h> QString ICalFormat::toString( Calendar *cal ) { setTimeZone( cal->timeZoneId(), !cal->isLocalTime() ); icalcomponent *calendar = mImpl->createCalendarComponent(cal); icalcomponent *component; // todos QPtrList<Todo> todoList = cal->rawTodos(); QPtrListIterator<Todo> qlt(todoList); for (; qlt.current(); ++qlt) { component = mImpl->writeTodo(qlt.current()); icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,component); //qDebug(" todos "); - qApp->processEvents(); + if ( mProcessEvents ) { + //qDebug("mProcessEvents "); + qApp->processEvents(); + } } // events QPtrList<Event> events = cal->rawEvents(); Event *ev; for(ev=events.first();ev;ev=events.next()) { component = mImpl->writeEvent(ev); icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,component); //qDebug("events "); - qApp->processEvents(); + if ( mProcessEvents ) + qApp->processEvents(); } // journals QPtrList<Journal> journals = cal->journals(); Journal *j; for(j=journals.first();j;j=journals.next()) { component = mImpl->writeJournal(j); icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,component); //qDebug("journals "); - qApp->processEvents(); + if ( mProcessEvents ) + qApp->processEvents(); } const char *text; QString ret =""; text = icalcomponent_as_ical_string( calendar ); - qApp->processEvents(); + if ( mProcessEvents ) + qApp->processEvents(); // text = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID\n :-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.1//EN\nVERSION\n :2.0\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nDTSTAMP\n :20031231T213514Z\nORGANIZER\n :MAILTO:lutz@putz.de\nCREATED\n :20031231T213513Z\nUID\n :libkcal-1295166342.120\nSEQUENCE\n :0\nLAST-MODIFIED\n :20031231T213513Z\nSUMMARY\n :test1\nCLASS\n :PUBLIC\nPRIORITY\n :3\nDTSTART\n :20040101T090000Z\nDTEND\n :20040101T110000Z\nTRANSP\n :OPAQUE\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR\n"; if ( text ) { ret = QString ( text ); } icalcomponent_free( calendar ); if (!text) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::SaveError, i18n("libical error"))); icalmemory_free_ring(); return QString::null; } icalmemory_free_ring(); return ret; } QString ICalFormat::toICalString( Incidence *incidence ) { CalendarLocal cal( mTimeZoneId ); cal.addIncidence( incidence->clone() ); return toString( &cal ); } QString ICalFormat::toString( Incidence *incidence ) { icalcomponent *component; component = mImpl->writeIncidence( incidence ); const char *text = icalcomponent_as_ical_string( component ); icalcomponent_free( component ); return QString::fromLocal8Bit( text ); } QString ICalFormat::toString( Recurrence *recurrence ) { icalproperty *property; property = mImpl->writeRecurrenceRule( recurrence ); const char *text = icalproperty_as_ical_string( property ); icalproperty_free( property ); return QString::fromLocal8Bit( text ); } /* bool ICalFormat::fromString( Recurrence * recurrence, const QString& rrule ) { bool success = true; icalerror_clear_errno(); struct icalrecurrencetype recur = icalrecurrencetype_from_string( rrule ); if ( icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR ) { kdDebug() << "Recurrence parsing error: " << icalerror_strerror( icalerrno ) << endl; success = false; } if ( success ) { mImpl->readRecurrence( recur, recurrence ); } return success; } */ QString ICalFormat::createScheduleMessage(IncidenceBase *incidence, Scheduler::Method method) { icalcomponent *message = mImpl->createScheduleComponent(incidence,method); QString messageText = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(message); return messageText; } ScheduleMessage *ICalFormat::parseScheduleMessage( Calendar *cal, const QString &messageText ) { setTimeZone( cal->timeZoneId(), !cal->isLocalTime() ); clearException(); if (messageText.isEmpty()) return 0; icalcomponent *message; message = icalparser_parse_string(messageText.local8Bit()); if (!message) return 0; icalproperty *m = icalcomponent_get_first_property(message, ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY); if (!m) return 0; icalcomponent *c; IncidenceBase *incidence = 0; c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(message,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); if (c) { incidence = mImpl->readEvent(c); } if (!incidence) { c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(message,ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT); if (c) { incidence = mImpl->readTodo(c); } } if (!incidence) { c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(message,ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT); if (c) { incidence = mImpl->readFreeBusy(c); } } if (!incidence) { kdDebug() << "ICalFormat:parseScheduleMessage: object is not a freebusy, event or todo" << endl; return 0; } kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormat::parseScheduleMessage() getting method..." << endl; icalproperty_method icalmethod = icalproperty_get_method(m); Scheduler::Method method; switch (icalmethod) { case ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH: method = Scheduler::Publish; break; case ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST: method = Scheduler::Request; break; case ICAL_METHOD_REFRESH: method = Scheduler::Refresh; break; case ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL: method = Scheduler::Cancel; break; case ICAL_METHOD_ADD: method = Scheduler::Add; break; case ICAL_METHOD_REPLY: method = Scheduler::Reply; break; case ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER: method = Scheduler::Counter; break; case ICAL_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER: method = Scheduler::Declinecounter; break; default: method = Scheduler::NoMethod; kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormat::parseScheduleMessage(): Unknow method" << endl; break; } if (!icalrestriction_check(message)) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::Restriction, Scheduler::translatedMethodName(method) + ": " + mImpl->extractErrorProperty(c))); return 0; } icalcomponent *calendarComponent = mImpl->createCalendarComponent(cal); Incidence *existingIncidence = cal->event(incidence->uid()); if (existingIncidence) { // TODO: check, if cast is required, or if it can be done by virtual funcs. if (existingIncidence->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo *todo = static_cast<Todo *>(existingIncidence); icalcomponent_add_component(calendarComponent, mImpl->writeTodo(todo)); } if (existingIncidence->typeID() == eventID ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(existingIncidence); icalcomponent_add_component(calendarComponent, mImpl->writeEvent(event)); } } else { calendarComponent = 0; } qDebug("icalclassify commented out "); ScheduleMessage::Status status; #if 0 icalclass result = icalclassify(message,calendarComponent,(char *)""); switch (result) { case ICAL_PUBLISH_NEW_CLASS: status = ScheduleMessage::PublishNew; break; case ICAL_OBSOLETE_CLASS: status = ScheduleMessage::Obsolete; break; case ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_CLASS: status = ScheduleMessage::RequestNew; break; case ICAL_REQUEST_UPDATE_CLASS: status = ScheduleMessage::RequestUpdate; break; case ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS: default: status = ScheduleMessage::Unknown; break; } #endif status = ScheduleMessage::RequestUpdate; return new ScheduleMessage(incidence,method,status); } void ICalFormat::setTimeZone( const QString &id, bool utc ) { mTimeZoneId = id; mUtc = utc; tzOffsetMin = KGlobal::locale()->timezoneOffset(mTimeZoneId); //qDebug("ICalFormat::setTimeZoneOffset %s %d ",mTimeZoneId.latin1(), tzOffsetMin); } QString ICalFormat::timeZoneId() const { return mTimeZoneId; } bool ICalFormat::utc() const { return mUtc; } int ICalFormat::timeOffset() { return tzOffsetMin; } const char *ICalFormat::tzString() { const char* ret = (const char* ) mTzString; return ret; } diff --git a/libkcal/icalformat.h b/libkcal/icalformat.h index 485ab6e..a770dbb 100644 --- a/libkcal/icalformat.h +++ b/libkcal/icalformat.h @@ -1,115 +1,116 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef ICALFORMAT_H #define ICALFORMAT_H #include <qstring.h> #include "scheduler.h" #include "calformat.h" namespace KCal { class ICalFormatImpl; /** This class implements the iCalendar format. It provides methods for loading/saving/converting iCalendar format data into the internal KOrganizer representation as Calendar and Events. @short iCalendar format implementation */ class ICalFormat : public CalFormat { public: /** Create new iCalendar format. */ - ICalFormat( ); + ICalFormat( bool pe = true); virtual ~ICalFormat(); /** Loads a calendar on disk in iCalendar format into calendar. Returns true if successful, else returns false. Provides more error information by exception(). @param calendar Calendar object to be filled. @param fileName The name of the calendar file on disk. */ bool load( Calendar *, const QString &fileName ); /** Writes out the calendar to disk in iCalendar format. Returns true if successful and false on error. @param calendar The Calendar object to be written. @param fileName The name of the calendar file on disk. */ bool save( Calendar *, const QString &fileName ); /** Parse string and populate calendar with that information. */ bool fromString( Calendar *, const QString & ); /** Parse string and return first ical component. */ Incidence *fromString( const QString & ); /** Return calendar information as string. */ QString toString( Calendar * ); /** Return incidence as full iCalendar formatted text. */ QString toICalString( Incidence * ); /** Return incidence as iCalendar formatted text. */ QString toString( Incidence * ); /** Return recurrence as iCalendar formatted text. */ QString toString( Recurrence * ); /** Parse string and fill recurrence object with that information */ //bool fromString ( Recurrence *, const QString& ); /** Create a scheduling message for event \a e using method \m */ QString createScheduleMessage(IncidenceBase *e,Scheduler::Method m); /** Parse scheduling message provided as string \s */ ScheduleMessage *parseScheduleMessage( Calendar *, const QString &s); /** Set id of used time zone and whether this time zone is UTC or not. */ void setTimeZone( const QString &id, bool utc ); QString timeZoneId() const; int timeOffset(); const char * tzString(); bool utc() const; private: + bool mProcessEvents; ICalFormatImpl *mImpl; QString mTimeZoneId; QCString mTzString; int tzOffsetMin; bool mUtc; }; } #endif diff --git a/libkcal/todo.cpp b/libkcal/todo.cpp index 4ada2d8..7bf756a 100644 --- a/libkcal/todo.cpp +++ b/libkcal/todo.cpp @@ -1,615 +1,616 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <kglobal.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include "calendarlocal.h" #include "icalformat.h" #include "todo.h" using namespace KCal; Todo::Todo(): QObject(), Incidence() { // mStatus = TENTATIVE; mHasDueDate = false; setHasStartDate( false ); mCompleted = getEvenTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); mHasCompletedDate = false; mPercentComplete = 0; mRunning = false; mRunSaveTimer = 0; } Todo::Todo(const Todo &t) : QObject(),Incidence(t) { mDtDue = t.mDtDue; mHasDueDate = t.mHasDueDate; mCompleted = t.mCompleted; mHasCompletedDate = t.mHasCompletedDate; mPercentComplete = t.mPercentComplete; mRunning = false; mRunSaveTimer = 0; } Todo::~Todo() { setRunning( false ); //qDebug("Todo::~Todo() "); } void Todo::setRunningFalse( QString s ) { if ( ! mRunning ) return; mRunning = false; - mRunSaveTimer->stop(); + if ( mRunSaveTimer ) + mRunSaveTimer->stop(); saveRunningInfoToFile( s ); } void Todo::stopRunning() { if ( !mRunning ) return; if ( mRunSaveTimer ) mRunSaveTimer->stop(); mRunning = false; } void Todo::setRunning( bool run ) { if ( run == mRunning ) return; //qDebug("Todo::setRunning %d ", run); if ( !mRunSaveTimer ) { mRunSaveTimer = new QTimer ( this ); connect ( mRunSaveTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this , SLOT ( saveRunningInfoToFile() ) ); } mRunning = run; if ( mRunning ) { mRunSaveTimer->start( 1000 * 60 * 5 ); // 5 min mRunStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { mRunSaveTimer->stop(); saveRunningInfoToFile(); } } void Todo::saveRunningInfo( QString comment, QDateTime start, QDateTime end ) { if ( !mRunning) return; mRunning = false; mRunStart = start; mRunEnd = end; saveRunningInfoToFile( comment ); } void Todo::saveRunningInfoToFile() { mRunEnd = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); saveRunningInfoToFile( QString::null ); } void Todo::saveRunningInfoToFile( QString comment ) { //qDebug("Todo::saveRunningInfoToFile() %s", summary().latin1()); if ( mRunStart.secsTo ( mRunEnd) < 15 ) { qDebug("Running time < 15 seconds. Skipped. "); return; } QString dir = KGlobalSettings::timeTrackerDir(); //qDebug("%s ", dir.latin1()); QString file = "%1%2%3-%4%5%6-"; file = file.arg( mRunStart.date().year(), 4).arg( mRunStart.date().month(),2 ).arg( mRunStart.date().day(), 2 ).arg( mRunStart.time().hour(),2 ).arg( mRunStart.time().minute(),2 ).arg( mRunStart.time().second(),2 ); file.replace ( QRegExp (" "), "0" ); file += uid(); //qDebug("File %s ",file.latin1() ); CalendarLocal cal; cal.setLocalTime(); Todo * to = (Todo*) clone(); to->setFloats( false ); to->setDtStart( mRunStart ); to->setHasStartDate( true ); to->setDtDue( mRunEnd ); to->setHasDueDate( true ); to->setUid( file ); if ( !comment.isEmpty() ) { QString des = to->description(); if ( des.isEmpty () ) to->setDescription( "TT-Note: " + comment ); else to->setDescription( "TT-Note: " + comment +"\n" + des ); } cal.addIncidence( to ); - ICalFormat format; + ICalFormat format( false ); file = dir +"/" +file +".ics"; format.save( &cal, file ); saveParents(); } void Todo::saveParents() { if (!relatedTo() ) return; Incidence * inc = relatedTo(); if ( inc->typeID() != todoID ) return; Todo* to = (Todo*)inc; bool saveTodo = false; QString file = KGlobalSettings::timeTrackerDir() + "/"+ to->uid() + ".ics"; QFileInfo fi ( file ); if ( fi.exists() ) { if ( fi.lastModified () < to->lastModified ()) saveTodo = true; } else { saveTodo = true; } if ( saveTodo ) { CalendarLocal cal; cal.setLocalTime(); Todo * par = (Todo *) to->clone(); cal.addIncidence( par ); - ICalFormat format; + ICalFormat format( false ); format.save( &cal, file ); } to->saveParents(); } int Todo::runTime() { if ( !mRunning ) return 0; return mRunStart.secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ); } bool Todo::hasRunningSub() { if ( mRunning ) return true; Incidence *aTodo; for (aTodo = mRelations.first(); aTodo; aTodo = mRelations.next()) { if ( ((Todo*)aTodo)->hasRunningSub() ) return true; } return false; } Incidence *Todo::clone() { return new Todo(*this); } bool Todo::contains ( Todo* from ) { if ( !from->summary().isEmpty() ) if ( !summary().startsWith( from->summary() )) return false; if ( from->hasStartDate() ) { if ( !hasStartDate() ) return false; if ( from->dtStart() != dtStart()) return false; } if ( from->hasDueDate() ){ if ( !hasDueDate() ) return false; if ( from->dtDue() != dtDue()) return false; } if ( !from->location().isEmpty() ) if ( !location().startsWith( from->location() ) ) return false; if ( !from->description().isEmpty() ) if ( !description().startsWith( from->description() )) return false; if ( from->alarms().count() ) { Alarm *a = from->alarms().first(); if ( a->enabled() ){ if ( !alarms().count() ) return false; Alarm *b = alarms().first(); if( ! b->enabled() ) return false; if ( ! (a->offset() == b->offset() )) return false; } } QStringList cat = categories(); QStringList catFrom = from->categories(); QString nCat; unsigned int iii; for ( iii = 0; iii < catFrom.count();++iii ) { nCat = catFrom[iii]; if ( !nCat.isEmpty() ) if ( !cat.contains( nCat )) { return false; } } if ( from->isCompleted() ) { if ( !isCompleted() ) return false; } if( priority() != from->priority() ) return false; return true; } bool KCal::operator==( const Todo& t1, const Todo& t2 ) { bool ret = operator==( (const Incidence&)t1, (const Incidence&)t2 ); if ( ! ret ) return false; if ( t1.hasDueDate() == t2.hasDueDate() ) { if ( t1.hasDueDate() ) { if ( t1.doesFloat() == t2.doesFloat() ) { if ( t1.doesFloat() ) { if ( t1.dtDue().date() != t2.dtDue().date() ) return false; } else if ( t1.dtDue() != t2.dtDue() ) return false; } else return false;// float != } } else return false; if ( t1.percentComplete() != t2.percentComplete() ) return false; if ( t1.isCompleted() ) { if ( t1.hasCompletedDate() == t2.hasCompletedDate() ) { if ( t1.hasCompletedDate() ) { if ( t1.completed() != t2.completed() ) return false; } } else return false; } return true; } void Todo::setDtDue(const QDateTime &dtDue) { //int diffsecs = mDtDue.secsTo(dtDue); /*if (mReadOnly) return; const QPtrList<Alarm>& alarms = alarms(); for (Alarm* alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) { if (alarm->enabled()) { alarm->setTime(alarm->time().addSecs(diffsecs)); } }*/ mDtDue = getEvenTime(dtDue); //kdDebug(5800) << "setDtDue says date is " << mDtDue.toString() << endl; /*const QPtrList<Alarm>& alarms = alarms(); for (Alarm* alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) alarm->setAlarmStart(mDtDue);*/ updated(); } QDateTime Todo::dtDue() const { return mDtDue; } QString Todo::dtDueTimeStr() const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(mDtDue.time()); } QString Todo::dtDueDateStr(bool shortfmt) const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mDtDue.date(),shortfmt); } QString Todo::dtDueStr(bool shortfmt) const { if ( doesFloat() ) return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mDtDue.date(),shortfmt); return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mDtDue, shortfmt); } // retval 0 : no found // 1 : due for date found // 2 : overdue for date found int Todo::hasDueSubTodoForDate( const QDate & date, bool checkSubtodos ) { int retval = 0; if ( isCompleted() ) return 0; if ( hasDueDate() ) { if ( dtDue().date() < date ) return 2; // we do not return, because we may find an overdue sub todo if ( dtDue().date() == date ) retval = 1; } if ( checkSubtodos ) { Incidence *aTodo; for (aTodo = mRelations.first(); aTodo; aTodo = mRelations.next()) { int ret = ((Todo*)aTodo)->hasDueSubTodoForDate( date ,checkSubtodos ); if ( ret == 2 ) return 2; if ( ret == 1) retval = 1; } } return retval; } int Todo::hasDueSubTodo( bool checkSubtodos ) //= true { return hasDueSubTodoForDate(QDate::currentDate(), checkSubtodos ); } bool Todo::hasDueDate() const { return mHasDueDate; } void Todo::setHasDueDate(bool f) { if (mReadOnly) return; mHasDueDate = f; updated(); } #if 0 void Todo::setStatus(const QString &statStr) { if (mReadOnly) return; QString ss(statStr.upper()); if (ss == "X-ACTION") mStatus = NEEDS_ACTION; else if (ss == "NEEDS ACTION") mStatus = NEEDS_ACTION; else if (ss == "ACCEPTED") mStatus = ACCEPTED; else if (ss == "SENT") mStatus = SENT; else if (ss == "TENTATIVE") mStatus = TENTATIVE; else if (ss == "CONFIRMED") mStatus = CONFIRMED; else if (ss == "DECLINED") mStatus = DECLINED; else if (ss == "COMPLETED") mStatus = COMPLETED; else if (ss == "DELEGATED") mStatus = DELEGATED; updated(); } void Todo::setStatus(int status) { if (mReadOnly) return; mStatus = status; updated(); } int Todo::status() const { return mStatus; } QString Todo::statusStr() const { switch(mStatus) { case NEEDS_ACTION: return QString("NEEDS ACTION"); break; case ACCEPTED: return QString("ACCEPTED"); break; case SENT: return QString("SENT"); break; case TENTATIVE: return QString("TENTATIVE"); break; case CONFIRMED: return QString("CONFIRMED"); break; case DECLINED: return QString("DECLINED"); break; case COMPLETED: return QString("COMPLETED"); break; case DELEGATED: return QString("DELEGATED"); break; } return QString(""); } #endif bool Todo::isCompleted() const { if (mPercentComplete == 100) { return true; } else return false; } void Todo::setCompleted(bool completed) { if ( mHasRecurrenceID && completed && mPercentComplete != 100 ) { if ( !setRecurDates() ) completed = false; } if (completed) mPercentComplete = 100; else { mPercentComplete = 0; mHasCompletedDate = false; } updated(); } QDateTime Todo::completed() const { return mCompleted; } QString Todo::completedStr( bool shortF ) const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mCompleted, shortF); } void Todo::setCompleted(const QDateTime &completed) { //qDebug("Todo::setCompleted "); if ( mHasCompletedDate ) { // qDebug("has completed data - return "); return; } mHasCompletedDate = true; mPercentComplete = 100; mCompleted = getEvenTime(completed); updated(); } bool Todo::hasCompletedDate() const { return mHasCompletedDate; } int Todo::percentComplete() const { return mPercentComplete; } bool Todo::setRecurDates() { if ( !mHasRecurrenceID ) return true; int secs = mDtStart.secsTo( dtDue() ); bool ok; qDebug("T:setRecurDates() "); //qDebug("%s %s %s ",mDtStart.toString().latin1(), dtDue().toString().latin1(),mRecurrenceID.toString().latin1() ); QDateTime next = getNextOccurence( mRecurrenceID, &ok ); if ( ok ) { mRecurrenceID = next; mDtStart = next; setDtDue( next.addSecs( secs ) ); if ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() > next) return false; } else { setHasRecurrenceID( false ); recurrence()->unsetRecurs(); } return true; } void Todo::setPercentComplete(int v) { if ( mHasRecurrenceID && v == 100 && mPercentComplete != 100 ) { if ( !setRecurDates() ) v = 0; } mPercentComplete = v; if ( v != 100 ) mHasCompletedDate = false; updated(); } QDateTime Todo::getNextAlarmDateTime( bool * ok, int * offset, QDateTime start_dt ) const { *ok = false; if ( ! hasDueDate() || cancelled() || !alarmEnabled() ) { return QDateTime (); } // if the recurring todo is set to complete and requested time < start time of todo // we want to get the alarm. bool iscompleted = isCompleted(); if ( iscompleted && doesRecur() ) { Todo * to = (Todo*) this; to->checkSetCompletedFalse(); iscompleted = isCompleted(); if ( hasStartDate() && start_dt < dtStart() ){ iscompleted = false; } } if ( iscompleted ) { return QDateTime (); } QDateTime incidenceStart; incidenceStart = dtDue(); bool enabled = false; Alarm* alarm; int off = 0; QDateTime alarmStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( 3650 );; // if ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() > incidenceStart ){ // *ok = false; // return incidenceStart; // } for (QPtrListIterator<Alarm> it(mAlarms); (alarm = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if (alarm->enabled()) { if ( alarm->hasTime () ) { if ( alarm->time() < alarmStart ) { alarmStart = alarm->time(); enabled = true; off = alarmStart.secsTo( incidenceStart ); } } else { int secs = alarm->startOffset().asSeconds(); if ( incidenceStart.addSecs( secs ) < alarmStart ) { alarmStart = incidenceStart.addSecs( secs ); enabled = true; off = -secs; } } } } if ( enabled ) { if ( alarmStart > start_dt ) { *ok = true; * offset = off; return alarmStart; } } *ok = false; return QDateTime (); } void Todo::checkSetCompletedFalse() { if ( !mHasRecurrenceID ) { qDebug("ERROR 1 in Todo::checkSetCompletedFalse"); return; } // qDebug("Todo::checkSetCompletedFalse()"); //qDebug("%s %s %s ",mDtStart.toString().latin1(), dtDue().toString().latin1(),mRecurrenceID.toString().latin1() ); if ( mPercentComplete == 100 ) { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( dt > mDtStart && dt > mRecurrenceID ) { qDebug("start: %s --due: %s --recID: %s ",mDtStart.toString().latin1(), dtDue().toString().latin1(),mRecurrenceID.toString().latin1() ); setCompleted( false ); qDebug("Todo::checkSetCompletedFalse "); } } } |