-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/kaddressbook.pro | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kdepim-desktop.pro | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/korganizer.pro | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | variables.pri | 2 |
5 files changed, 26 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kaddressbook.pro b/kaddressbook/kaddressbook.pro index e73de06..2534835 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/kaddressbook.pro +++ b/kaddressbook/kaddressbook.pro @@ -1,145 +1,155 @@ TEMPLATE = app CONFIG = qt warn_on TARGET = kapi DESTDIR= ../bin include( ../variables.pri ) INCLUDEPATH += . ./details ./features ./xxport ../libkdepim ../microkde ../microkde/kdecore ../microkde/kutils ../microkde/kio/kfile ../microkde/kio/kio ../microkde/kdeui ../microkde/kresources ../kabc ../ interfaces DEFINES += KAB_EMBEDDED KAB_NOSPLITTER DESKTOP_VERSION unix : { + +staticlib: { +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokdepim.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokcal.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokabc.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokde.a +LIBS += ../libical/lib/libical.a +LIBS += ../libical/lib/libicalss.a +} else { LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokdepim.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokde.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokabc.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokcal.so #LIBS += -lldap +} OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix MOC_DIR = moc/unix } win32: { RC_FILE = winicons.rc DEFINES += _WIN32_ LIBS += ../bin/microkdepim.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkcal.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkde.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkabc.lib QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win MOC_DIR = moc/win #olimport section #blabla: { LIBS += mfc71u.lib DEFINES += _OL_IMPORT_ HEADERS = ../outport/msoutl9.h \ kaimportoldialog.h SOURCES = ../outport/msoutl9.cpp \ kaimportoldialog.cpp #} #olimport section end } INTERFACES = \ # filteredit_base.ui \ # kofilterview_base.ui \ HEADERS += \ features/mergewidget.h \ features/distributionlistwidget.h \ kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.h \ kcmconfigs/extensionconfigdialog.h \ kcmconfigs/kcmkabconfig.h \ kcmconfigs/kabconfigwidget.h \ addresseeeditordialog.h \ addresseeeditorwidget.h \ addresseditwidget.h \ addresseeconfig.h \ addresseeutil.h \ emaileditwidget.h \ filtereditdialog.h \ kaddressbookmain.h \ kabprefs.h \ kabcore.h \ viewmanager.h \ extensionmanager.h \ extensionwidget.h \ kaddressbookview.h \ geowidget.h \ imagewidget.h \ incsearchwidget.h \ jumpbuttonbar.h \ phoneeditwidget.h \ secrecywidget.h \ keywidget.h \ nameeditdialog.h \ filter.h \ addviewdialog.h \ configurewidget.h \ viewconfigurewidget.h \ viewconfigurefieldspage.h \ viewconfigurefilterpage.h \ typecombo.h \ undo.h \ undocmds.h \ xxportmanager.h \ xxportobject.h \ xxportselectdialog.h \ details/detailsviewcontainer.h \ details/look_basic.h \ details/look_html.h \ views/kaddressbookiconview.h \ views/kaddressbooktableview.h \ views/kaddressbookcardview.h \ views/configuretableviewdialog.h \ views/configurecardviewdialog.h \ views/cardview.h \ views/colorlistbox.h \ views/contactlistview.h \ xxport/vcard_xxport.h \ xxport/kde2_xxport.h \ xxport/csv_xxport.h \ xxport/csvimportdialog.h \ xxport/opie_xxport.h \ xxport/qtopia_xxport.h \ xxport/sharpdtm_xxport.h \ #details/look_details.h \ #mainwindoiw.h \ # alarmclient.h \ # calendarview.h \ # customlistviewitem.h \ # datenavigator.h SOURCES += \ addresseeeditordialog.cpp \ addresseeeditorwidget.cpp \ addresseditwidget.cpp \ addresseeconfig.cpp \ addresseeutil.cpp \ extensionmanager.cpp \ features/mergewidget.cpp \ features/distributionlistwidget.cpp \ kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.cpp \ kcmconfigs/extensionconfigdialog.cpp \ kcmconfigs/kcmkabconfig.cpp \ kcmconfigs/kabconfigwidget.cpp \ emaileditwidget.cpp \ filtereditdialog.cpp \ mainembedded.cpp \ kaddressbookmain.cpp \ kabcore.cpp \ kabprefs.cpp \ viewmanager.cpp \ kaddressbookview.cpp \ extensionwidget.cpp \ geowidget.cpp \ imagewidget.cpp \ incsearchwidget.cpp \ jumpbuttonbar.cpp \ phoneeditwidget.cpp \ secrecywidget.cpp \ keywidget.cpp \ nameeditdialog.cpp \ filter.cpp \ addviewdialog.cpp \ diff --git a/kdepim-desktop.pro b/kdepim-desktop.pro index 20c91ef..7ade680 100644 --- a/kdepim-desktop.pro +++ b/kdepim-desktop.pro @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ - +include( ./variables.pri ) TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS = libical libkcal kabc libkdepim microkde korganizer kaddressbook kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/dir kabc/plugins/qtopia gammu/emb/common gammu/emb/gammu -unix:{ +unix:{ +!staticlib: { SUBDIRS += libetpan kmicromail/libmailwrapper kmicromail pwmanager/libcrypt/cipher pwmanager/libcrypt/error pwmanager/libcrypt/mpi pwmanager/libcrypt/zlib pwmanager/pwmanager } +} diff --git a/korganizer/korganizer.pro b/korganizer/korganizer.pro index 546b6e5..59a1a84 100644 --- a/korganizer/korganizer.pro +++ b/korganizer/korganizer.pro @@ -1,153 +1,162 @@ TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += qt warn_on TARGET = kopi OBJECTS_DIR = _obj/ MOC_DIR = _moc DESTDIR= ../bin include( ../variables.pri ) INCLUDEPATH += ../microkde ../ interfaces ../microkde/kdecore ../microkde/kdeui ../microkde/kio/kfile ../microkde/kio/kio ../libkdepim #../qtcompat DEFINES += KORG_NOPLUGINS KORG_NOARCHIVE KORG_NOMAIL DEFINES += KORG_NODCOP KORG_NOKALARMD KORG_NORESOURCEVIEW KORG_NOSPLITTER #KORG_NOPRINTER KORG_NOKABC KORG_NODND DEFINES += KORG_NOLVALTERNATION DEFINES += DESKTOP_VERSION unix : { +staticlib: { +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokdepim.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokcal.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokabc.a +LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokde.a +LIBS += ../libical/lib/libical.a +LIBS += ../libical/lib/libicalss.a +} else { LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokdepim.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokcal.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokde.so LIBS += ../bin/libmicrokabc.so #LIBS += -lbluetooth #LIBS += -lsdp #LIBS += -lldap +} OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix MOC_DIR = moc/unix } win32: { RC_FILE = winicons.rc DEFINES += _WIN32_ LIBS += ../bin/microkdepim.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkcal.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkde.lib LIBS += ../bin/microkabc.lib LIBS += ../libical/lib/ical.lib LIBS += ../libical/lib/icalss.lib #LIBS += atls.lib QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC #QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT #QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:uafxcw.lib OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win MOC_DIR = moc/win #olimport section #blabla: { LIBS += mfc71u.lib DEFINES += _OL_IMPORT_ HEADERS += ../outport/msoutl9.h \ koimportoldialog.h SOURCES += ../outport/msoutl9.cpp \ koimportoldialog.cpp #} #olimport section end } INTERFACES = kofilterview_base.ui #filteredit_base.ui # kdateedit.h \ HEADERS += datenavigatorcontainer.h \ filteredit_base.h \ alarmclient.h \ calendarview.h \ customlistviewitem.h \ datenavigator.h \ docprefs.h \ filtereditdialog.h \ incomingdialog.h \ incomingdialog_base.h \ interfaces/korganizer/baseview.h \ interfaces/korganizer/calendarviewbase.h \ journalentry.h \ kdatenavigator.h \ koagenda.h \ koagendaitem.h \ koagendaview.h \ kocounterdialog.h \ kodaymatrix.h \ kodialogmanager.h \ koeditordetails.h \ koeditorgeneral.h \ koeditorgeneralevent.h \ koeditorgeneraltodo.h \ koeditorrecurrence.h \ koeventeditor.h \ koeventpopupmenu.h \ koeventview.h \ koeventviewer.h \ koeventviewerdialog.h \ kofilterview.h \ koglobals.h \ koincidenceeditor.h \ kojournalview.h \ kolistview.h \ kolocationbox.h \ komonthview.h \ koprefs.h \ koprefsdialog.h \ kotimespanview.h \ kotodoeditor.h \ kotodoview.h \ kotodoviewitem.h \ koviewmanager.h \ kowhatsnextview.h \ ktimeedit.h \ lineview.h \ mainwindow.h \ navigatorbar.h \ outgoingdialog.h \ outgoingdialog_base.h \ publishdialog.h \ publishdialog_base.h \ savetemplatedialog.h \ searchdialog.h \ simplealarmclient.h \ statusdialog.h \ timeline.h \ timespanview.h \ version.h \ ../kalarmd/alarmdialog.h \ SOURCES += datenavigatorcontainer.cpp \ filteredit_base.cpp \ calendarview.cpp \ datenavigator.cpp \ docprefs.cpp \ filtereditdialog.cpp \ incomingdialog.cpp \ incomingdialog_base.cpp \ journalentry.cpp \ kdatenavigator.cpp \ koagenda.cpp \ koagendaitem.cpp \ koagendaview.cpp \ kocounterdialog.cpp \ kodaymatrix.cpp \ kodialogmanager.cpp \ koeditordetails.cpp \ koeditorgeneral.cpp \ koeditorgeneralevent.cpp \ koeditorgeneraltodo.cpp \ koeditorrecurrence.cpp \ koeventeditor.cpp \ koeventpopupmenu.cpp \ koeventview.cpp \ koeventviewer.cpp \ koeventviewerdialog.cpp \ kofilterview.cpp \ diff --git a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.cpp b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.cpp index e77c5ab..5094830 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.cpp @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ /* This file is part of KDEPim/Pi. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <kdebug.h> //#include <klocale.h> //#include <stdlib.h> #include "kdepimconfigwidget.h" #include "kcmkdepimconfig.h" #include "kprefs.h" #include "kpimglobalprefs.h" #ifndef _WIN32_ extern "C" { - KCModule *create_kabconfig(QWidget *parent, const char * ) { + KCModule *create_kdepimconfig(QWidget *parent, const char * ) { return new KCMKdePimConfig(parent, "kcmkdepimconfig" ); } } #endif KCMKdePimConfig::KCMKdePimConfig(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KCModule( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance(), parent, name ) { //abort(); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); mConfigWidget = new KDEPIMConfigWidget( (KPimGlobalPrefs*)getPreferences(), this, "KDEPIMConfigWidget" ); layout->addWidget( mConfigWidget ); layout->setSpacing( 0 ); layout->setMargin( 0 ); connect( mConfigWidget, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ), SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ) ); } void KCMKdePimConfig::load() { mConfigWidget->readConfig(); } void KCMKdePimConfig::save() { mConfigWidget->writeConfig(); } void KCMKdePimConfig::defaults() { qDebug("KCMKdePimConfig::defaults()"); mConfigWidget->setDefaults(); } diff --git a/variables.pri b/variables.pri index 08c2a45..244de4c 100644 --- a/variables.pri +++ b/variables.pri @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ # variables settings for compilation for Linux desktop and Qt 3.x.x unix { CONFIG += release +#for statically linking +#CONFIG += staticlib } win32 { CONFIG += release }
\ No newline at end of file |