Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calprintbase.cpp b/korganizer/calprintbase.cpp
index f66fddc..7b7d54c 100644
--- a/korganizer/calprintbase.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calprintbase.cpp
@@ -527,290 +527,284 @@ void CalPrintBase::drawAgendaDayBox( QPainter &p, Event::List &events,
if ( fromTime.secsTo( toTime ) < 3600 ) {
fromTime = QTime( fromTime.hour(), 0, 0 );
toTime = fromTime.addSecs( 3600 );
// calculate the height of a cell and of a minute
int totalsecs = fromTime.secsTo( toTime );
float minlen = height * 60. / totalsecs;
float cellHeight = 60. * minlen;
float currY = y;
// print grid:
QTime curTime( QTime( fromTime.hour(), 0, 0 ) );
currY += fromTime.secsTo( curTime ) * minlen / 60;
while ( curTime < toTime && curTime.isValid() ) {
if ( currY > y ) p.drawLine( x, int( currY ), x + width, int( currY ) );
currY += cellHeight / 2;
if ( ( currY > y ) && ( currY < y + height ) ) {
QPen oldPen( p.pen() );
p.setPen( QColor( 192, 192, 192 ) );
p.drawLine( x, int( currY ), x + width, int( currY ) );
p.setPen( oldPen );
} // enough space for half-hour line
if ( curTime.secsTo( toTime ) > 3600 )
curTime = curTime.addSecs( 3600 );
else curTime = toTime;
currY += cellHeight / 2;
QDateTime startPrintDate = QDateTime( qd, fromTime );
QDateTime endPrintDate = QDateTime( qd, toTime );
// Calculate horizontal positions and widths of events taking into account
// overlapping events
QPtrList<KOrg::CellItem> cells;
cells.setAutoDelete( true );
Event::List::ConstIterator itEvents;
for( itEvents = events.begin(); itEvents != events.end(); ++itEvents ) {
cells.append( new PrintCellItem( *itEvents, qd ) );
QPtrListIterator<KOrg::CellItem> it1( cells );
for( it1.toFirst(); it1.current(); ++it1 ) {
KOrg::CellItem *placeItem = it1.current();
KOrg::CellItem::placeItem( cells, placeItem );
QPen oldPen = p.pen();
QColor oldBgColor = p.backgroundColor();
QBrush oldBrush = p.brush();
p.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 10 ) );
//p.setBrush( QBrush( Dense7Pattern ) );
for( it1.toFirst(); it1.current(); ++it1 ) {
PrintCellItem *placeItem = static_cast<PrintCellItem *>( it1.current() );
drawAgendaItem( placeItem, p, qd, startPrintDate, endPrintDate, minlen, x,
y, width );
p.setBrush( oldBrush );
p.setPen( oldPen );
p.setBackgroundColor( oldBgColor );
p.setBrush( QBrush( NoBrush ) );
void CalPrintBase::drawAgendaItem( PrintCellItem *item, QPainter &p,
const QDate &qd,
const QDateTime &startPrintDate,
const QDateTime &endPrintDate,
float minlen, int x, int y, int width )
Event *event = item->event();
// set the colors according to the categories
if ( mUseColors ) setCategoryColors( p, event );
else p.setBrush( Qt::white );
// start/end of print area for event
QDateTime startTime = event->dtStart();
QDateTime endTime = event->dtEnd();
if ( event->doesRecur() ) {
startTime.setDate( qd );
endTime.setDate( qd );
if ( ( startTime < endPrintDate && endTime > startPrintDate ) ||
( endTime > startPrintDate && startTime < endPrintDate ) ) {
if ( startTime < startPrintDate ) startTime = startPrintDate;
if ( endTime > endPrintDate ) endTime = endPrintDate;
int eventLength = int( startTime.secsTo( endTime ) / 60. * minlen );
int currentyPos = int( y + startPrintDate.secsTo( startTime ) *
minlen / 60. );
int currentWidth = width / item->subCells();
int currentX = x + item->subCell() * currentWidth;
QString text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+
" "+event->summary();
if ( !event->location().isEmpty() )
text += " (" +event->location()+")";
QPen pe = p.pen();
pe.setWidth( 2 );
p.setPen( pe );
p.drawRect( currentX, currentyPos+1, currentWidth+1, eventLength+1 );
p.drawText( currentX+3, currentyPos+2, currentWidth-5, eventLength-3,
AlignLeft | AlignTop | AlignJustify | WordBreak,
// p.restore();
void CalPrintBase::drawDayBox(QPainter &p, const QDate &qd,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool fullDate)
QString dayNumStr;
QString ampm;
const KLocale*local = KGlobal::locale();
// This has to be localized
if (fullDate) {
- /*int index;
- dayNumStr= qd.toString();
- index = dayNumStr.find(' ');
- dayNumStr.remove(0, index);
- index = dayNumStr.findRev(' ');
- dayNumStr.truncate(index);*/
- const KCalendarSystem *calSys = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem();
- dayNumStr = i18n("weekday month date", "%1 %2 %3")
- .arg( calSys->weekDayName( qd ) )
- .arg( calSys->monthName( qd ) )
- .arg( );
-// dayNumStr = local->formatDate(qd);
+ dayNumStr = local->formatDate(qd);
} else {
dayNumStr = QString::number( );
p.eraseRect( x, y, width, height );
p.drawRect( x, y, width, height );
// p.fillRect( x+1, y+1, width-2,height, QBrush(Dense7Pattern) );
p.drawRect( x, y, width, mSubHeaderHeight );
//p.fillRect( x+1, y+1, width-2, mSubHeaderHeight-2, QBrush(Dense7Pattern) );
QString hstring;
if (!hstring.isEmpty()) {
p.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 8, QFont::Bold, true ) );
p.drawText( x+5, y, width-25, mSubHeaderHeight, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter,
hstring );
p.setFont(QFont("helvetica", 10, QFont::Bold));
+ if ( fullDate) {
+ // use short date format, if long date is too long
+ QFontMetrics fm ( p.font() );
+ if ( fm.width( dayNumStr ) > width -10 )
+ dayNumStr = local->formatDate(qd, true);
+ }
p.drawText(x+5, y, width-10, mSubHeaderHeight, AlignRight | AlignVCenter,
Event::List eventList;
eventList.fill( mCalendar->events( qd, true ));
Todo::List todos;
todos.fill( mCalendar->todos( qd ));
QString outStr;
p.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 8 ) );
int lineSpacing = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
int textY=mSubHeaderHeight+3; // gives the relative y-coord of the next printed entry
Event::List::ConstIterator it;
int entryCount = eventList.count() +todos.count();
if ( p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()* entryCount > height-textY ) {
if ( (p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()-1) * entryCount > height-textY ) {
p.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 7 ) );
if ( (p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()-1) * entryCount > height-textY )
p.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 6 ) );
lineSpacing = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()-1;
// qDebug("fm %d %d %d ",p.fontMetrics().height(), eventList.count() , height-textY );
for( it = eventList.begin(); it != eventList.end() && textY<height; ++it ) {
Event *currEvent = *it;
if (currEvent->doesFloat() || currEvent->isMultiDay())
outStr = currEvent->summary();
else {
if ( fullDate ) {
outStr = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( currEvent->dtStart().time())+
"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( currEvent->dtEnd().time())+
" "+ currEvent->summary();
if ( ! currEvent->location().isEmpty() )
outStr += " (" + currEvent->location()+")";
} else {
QTime t1 = currEvent->dtStart().time();
outStr = local->formatTime(t1);
outStr += " " + currEvent->summary();
} // doesFloat
p.drawText(x+5, y+textY, width-10, lineSpacing,
AlignLeft|AlignBottom, outStr);
if ( textY<height ) {
Todo::List::ConstIterator it2;
for( it2 = todos.begin(); it2 != todos.end() && textY<height; ++it2 ) {
Todo *todo = *it2;
QString text;
if (todo->hasDueDate()) {
if (!todo->doesFloat()) {
text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time());
text += " ";
text += i18n("To-Do: %1").arg(todo->summary());
p.drawText(x+5, y+textY, width-10, lineSpacing,
AlignLeft|AlignBottom, text);
void CalPrintBase::drawWeek(QPainter &p, const QDate &qd,
int x, int y, int width, int height)
QDate weekDate = qd;
bool portrait = ( mPrinter->orientation() == KPrinter::Portrait );
int cellWidth, cellHeight;
int vcells;
if (portrait) {
cellWidth = width/2;
} else {
cellWidth = width/6;
cellHeight = height/vcells;
// correct begin of week
int weekdayCol = weekdayColumn( qd.dayOfWeek() );
weekDate = qd.addDays( -weekdayCol );
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++, weekDate = weekDate.addDays(1)) {
if (i<5) {
drawDayBox(p, weekDate, x+cellWidth*(int)(i/vcells), y+cellHeight*(i%vcells),
cellWidth, cellHeight, true);
} else if (i==5) {
drawDayBox(p, weekDate, x+cellWidth*(int)(i/vcells), y+cellHeight*(i%vcells),
cellWidth, cellHeight/2, true);
} else if (i==6) {
drawDayBox(p, weekDate, x+cellWidth*(int)((i-1)/vcells),
y+cellHeight*((i-1)%vcells)+cellHeight/2, cellWidth, cellHeight/2, true);
} // for i through all weekdays
void CalPrintBase::drawTimeTable(QPainter &p,
const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate,
QTime &fromTime, QTime &toTime,
int x, int y, int width, int height)
// timeline is 1.5 hours:
int alldayHeight = (int)( 3600.*height/(fromTime.secsTo(toTime)+3600.) );
int timelineWidth = 60;
int cellWidth = (int)( (width-timelineWidth)/(fromDate.daysTo(toDate)+1) );
int currY=y;
int currX=x;
drawDaysOfWeek( p, fromDate, toDate, x+timelineWidth, currY, width-timelineWidth, mSubHeaderHeight);
drawTimeLine( p, fromTime, toTime, x, currY+alldayHeight,
timelineWidth, height-mSubHeaderHeight-alldayHeight );
// draw each day
QDate curDate(fromDate);
while (curDate<=toDate) {Event::List eventList;
diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp
index e8b7c94..8c2996b 100644
--- a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp
@@ -1879,178 +1879,178 @@ void KOAgenda::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *kev )
switch(kev->key()) {
case Key_PageDown:
case Key_PageUp:
case Key_Down:
case Key_Up:
void KOAgenda::calculateWorkingHours()
// mWorkingHoursEnable = KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableWorkingHours;
mWorkingHoursEnable = !mAllDayMode;
mWorkingHoursYTop = mGridSpacingY *
KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursStart * 4;
mWorkingHoursYBottom = mGridSpacingY *
KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursEnd * 4 - 1;
DateList KOAgenda::dateList() const
return mSelectedDates;
void KOAgenda::setDateList(const DateList &selectedDates)
mSelectedDates = selectedDates;
void KOAgenda::setHolidayMask(QMemArray<bool> *mask)
mHolidayMask = mask;
kdDebug() << "HolidayMask: ";
for(uint i=0;i<mask->count();++i) {
kdDebug() << (mask->at(i) ? "*" : "o");
kdDebug() << endl;
void KOAgenda::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *event )
void KOAgenda::storePosition()
int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24;
if ( contentsY() < 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2 )
mContentPosition = 0;
else if ( contentsY() + viewport()->height() > max - 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2)
mContentPosition = -1.0;
mContentPosition = ((float) max)/ ((float)(contentsY()+ ( viewport()->height()/2)));
//qDebug("mContentPosition %f %d %d %d",mContentPosition , max, contentsY() ,viewport()->height());
void KOAgenda::restorePosition()
int posY;
int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24;
if ( mContentPosition < 0 )
posY = max-viewport()->height();
if ( mContentPosition == 0 )
posY = 0;
posY = (max/mContentPosition)-(viewport()->height()/2);
setContentsPos (0, posY );
//qDebug("posY %d hei %d", posY, max);
void KOAgenda::moveChild( QWidget *w, int x , int y )
QScrollView::moveChild( w, x , y );
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qprinter.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h>
void KOAgenda::printSelection()
if ( mStartCellY == mCurrentCellY ) {
int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),
i18n("Nothing selected!\n\nThis prints the full width of the Agenda view as you see it!\n\nTo determine the vertical range of the printing, please select\na vertical range (with the left mouse button down) in one column. "),
i18n("OK"), 0, 0,
0, 1 );
float dx, dy;
int x,y,w,h;
x= 0;
w= contentsWidth()+2;
// h= contentsHeight();
y = mGridSpacingY*mStartCellY;
h = mGridSpacingY*(mCurrentCellY+1)-y+2;
QPrinter* printer = new QPrinter();
if ( !printer->setup()) {
delete printer;
QPainter p( printer );
QPaintDeviceMetrics m = QPaintDeviceMetrics ( printer );
QString date = i18n("Date range: ")+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.first() )+" - "+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.last() );
- date += " --- printing time: " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), true );
+ //date += " --- printing time: " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), true );
int hei = p.boundingRect(0,0, 5, 5, Qt::AlignLeft, date ).height();
// p.drawText( 0, 0, date );
int offset = m.width()/8;
// compute the scale
dx = ((float) m.width()-offset) / (float)w;
dy = (float)(m.height() - ( 2 * hei )-offset ) / (float)h;
float scale;
// scale to fit the width or height of the paper
if ( dx < dy )
scale = dx;
scale = dy;
// set the scale
p.drawText( offset* scale, offset* scale*3/4, date );
int selDay;
float widOffset = ((float) m.width()-offset) / ((float)(mSelectedDates.count()));
float startX = 1;
for ( selDay = 0; selDay < mSelectedDates.count(); ++selDay)
QString text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates[selDay],true );
p.setClipRect(offset* scale+startX , 0, widOffset-4, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale) );
p.drawText( offset* scale+startX, (offset+hei)* scale, text );
startX += widOffset;
p.translate( offset* scale,offset* scale+ (-y * scale)+(2*hei* scale));
p.scale( scale, scale );
p.setClipRect( offset* scale, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale), w*scale, h*scale );
// now printing with y offset: 2 hei
// p.translate( 0, -y*scale);
drawContentsToPainter(&p, true );
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = false;
KOAgendaItem *item;
for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; ) {
item->paintMe( false, &p );
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = true;
delete printer;
int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),
i18n("Not supported \non PDA!\n"),
i18n("OK"), 0, 0,
0, 1 );
diff --git a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp
index ac7d205..a09b278 100644
--- a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp
+++ b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
This file is part of libkdepim.
Copyright (c) 2002 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include "kpimglobalprefs.h"
KPimGlobalPrefs *KPimGlobalPrefs::sInstance = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<KPimGlobalPrefs> staticDeleterGP;
KPimGlobalPrefs::KPimGlobalPrefs( const QString &name )
: KPrefs("microkdeglobalrc")
mLocaleDict = 0;
addItemFont("ApplicationFont",&mApplicationFont,KGlobalSettings::generalFont() );
- addItemString("UserDateFormatLong", &mUserDateFormatLong, "%A %d %b %y");
+ addItemString("UserDateFormatLong", &mUserDateFormatLong, "%AK %d. %b %y");
addItemString("UserDateFormatShort", &mUserDateFormatShort, "%aK %d.%m.%y");
KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Time & Date");
addItemString("TimeZoneName",&mTimeZoneId, ("+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)") );
KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "ExternalApplications" );
addItemInt( "EmailChannelType", &mEmailClient, OMPI_EMC );
addItemString( "EmailChannel", &mEmailOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "EmailChannelMessage", &mEmailOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "EmailChannelParameters", &mEmailOtherMessageParameters, "" );
addItemString( "EmailChannelMessage2", &mEmailOtherMessage2, "" );
addItemString( "EmailChannelParameters2", &mEmailOtherMessageParameters2, "" );
addItemInt( "PhoneChannelType", &mPhoneClient, KPPI_PHC );
addItemString( "PhoneChannel", &mPhoneOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "PhoneChannelMessage", &mPhoneOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "PhoneChannelParameters", &mPhoneOtherMessageParameters, "" );
addItemInt( "FaxChannelType", &mFaxClient, NONE_FAC );
addItemString( "FaxChannel", &mFaxOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "FaxChannelMessage", &mFaxOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "FaxChannelParameters", &mFaxOtherMessageParameters, "" );
addItemInt( "SMSChannelType", &mSMSClient, NONE_SMC );
addItemString( "SMSChannel", &mSMSOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "SMSChannelMessage", &mSMSOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "SMSChannelParameters", &mSMSOtherMessageParameters, "" );
addItemInt( "PagerChannelType", &mPagerClient, NONE_PAC );
addItemString( "PagerChannel", &mPagerOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "PagerChannelMessage", &mPagerOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "PagerChannelParameters", &mPagerOtherMessageParameters, "" );
addItemInt( "SIPChannelType", &mSipClient, KPPI_SIC );
addItemString( "SIPChannel", &mSipOtherChannel, "" );
addItemString( "SIPChannelMessage", &mSipOtherMessage, "" );
addItemString( "SIPChannelParameters", &mSipOtherMessageParameters, "" );
KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "PhoneAccess" );
void KPimGlobalPrefs::setGlobalConfig()
if ( mLocaleDict == 0 ) {
QString fileName ;
QString name = KGlobal::getAppName() +"/";
fileName= QString(getenv("QPEDIR"))+"/pics/kdepim/"+name;
fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/"+ name;
mLocaleDict = 0;
if ( mPreferredLanguage > 0 && mPreferredLanguage < 5 ) {
if ( mPreferredLanguage == 1 )
fileName = fileName+"germantranslation.txt";
else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 4 )
fileName = fileName+"usertranslation.txt";
else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 2 )
fileName = fileName+"frenchtranslation.txt";
else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 3 )
fileName = fileName+"italiantranslation.txt";
QFile file( fileName );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
QTextStream ts( &file );
ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
//ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::latin1 );
QString text =;
text.replace( QRegExp("\\\\n"), "\n" );
QString line;
QString we;
QString wt;
int br = 0;
int nbr;
nbr = text.find ( "},", br );
line = text.mid( br, nbr - br );
br = nbr+1;
int se, ee, st, et;
mLocaleDict = new QDict<QString>;
mLocaleDict->setAutoDelete( true );
QString end = "{ \"\",\"\" }";
while ( (line != end) && (br > 1) ) {
//qDebug("%d *%s* ", br, line.latin1());
se = line.find("\"")+1;
et = line.findRev("\"",-1);
ee = line.find("\",\"");
st = ee+3;
we = line.mid( se, ee-se );
if ( mPreferredLanguage == 4 )
wt = QString::fromUtf8(line.mid( st, et-st ).latin1());
wt = line.mid( st, et-st );
//qDebug("*%s* *%s* ", we.latin1(), wt.latin1());
mLocaleDict->insert( we, new QString (wt) );
nbr = text.find ( "}", br );
line = text.mid( br, nbr - br );
br = nbr+1;
//qDebug("end *%s* ", end.latin1());
setLocaleDict( mLocaleDict );
} else {
qDebug("KO: Cannot find translation file %s",fileName.latin1() );
KGlobal::locale()->setHore24Format( !mPreferredTime );
KGlobal::locale()->setWeekStartMonday( !mWeekStartsOnSunday );
KGlobal::locale()->setIntDateFormat( (KLocale::IntDateFormat)mPreferredDate );
KGlobal::locale()->setLanguage( mPreferredLanguage );
QString dummy = mUserDateFormatLong;
KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormat(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") ));
dummy = mUserDateFormatShort;
KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") ));
KGlobal::locale()->setDaylightSaving( mUseDaylightsaving,