Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
5 files changed, 171 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.cpp b/kabc/addressbook.cpp
index 6e8d027..3ec0795 100644
--- a/kabc/addressbook.cpp
+++ b/kabc/addressbook.cpp
@@ -1,777 +1,778 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "errorhandler.h"
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <libkcal/syncdefines.h>
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "resource.h"
//US #include "addressbook.moc"
using namespace KABC;
struct AddressBook::AddressBookData
Addressee::List mAddressees;
Addressee::List mRemovedAddressees;
Field::List mAllFields;
KConfig *mConfig;
KRES::Manager<Resource> *mManager;
//US ErrorHandler *mErrorHandler;
struct AddressBook::Iterator::IteratorData
Addressee::List::Iterator mIt;
struct AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIteratorData
Addressee::List::ConstIterator mIt;
d = new IteratorData;
AddressBook::Iterator::Iterator( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
d = new IteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator=( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard against self assignment
delete d; // delete the old data the Iterator was completely constructed before
d = new IteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
return *this;
delete d;
const Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*() const
return *(d->mIt);
Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*()
return *(d->mIt);
Addressee *AddressBook::Iterator::operator->()
return &(*(d->mIt));
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++()
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++(int)
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--()
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--(int)
return *this;
bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator==( const Iterator &it )
return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );
bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator!=( const Iterator &it )
return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );
d = new ConstIteratorData;
AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIterator( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
d = new ConstIteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator=( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard for self assignment
delete d; // delete the old data because the Iterator was really constructed before
d = new ConstIteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
return *this;
delete d;
const Addressee &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator*() const
return *(d->mIt);
const Addressee* AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator->() const
return &(*(d->mIt));
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++()
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++(int)
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--()
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--(int)
return *this;
bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator==( const ConstIterator &it )
return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );
bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator!=( const ConstIterator &it )
return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );
init(0, "contact");
AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config )
init(config, "contact");
AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family )
init(config, family);
// the default family is "contact"
void AddressBook::init(const QString &config, const QString &family )
d = new AddressBookData;
QString fami = family;
qDebug("new ab ");
if (config != 0) {
qDebug("config != 0 ");
if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
qDebug("creating sync config ");
fami = "contact";
KConfig* con = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", "syncContactrc") );
con->setGroup( "General" );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceKeys", QString("sync") );
con->writeEntry( "Standard", QString("sync") );
con->setGroup( "Resource_sync" );
con->writeEntry( "FileFormat", QString("vcard") );
con->writeEntry( "FileName", config );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceIdentifier", QString("sync") );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceName", QString("sync_res") );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("file") );
d->mConfig = con;
d->mConfig = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", config) );
// qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=%s",config.latin1() );
else {
d->mConfig = 0;
// qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=0");
//US d->mErrorHandler = 0;
d->mManager = new KRES::Manager<Resource>( fami, false );
d->mManager->readConfig( d->mConfig );
if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
(*it)->setAddressBook( this );
if ( !(*it)->open() )
error( QString( "Unable to open resource '%1'!" ).arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
Resource *res = standardResource();
if ( !res ) {
qDebug("ERROR: no standard resource");
res = manager->createResource( "file" );
if ( res )
addResource( res );
qDebug(" No resource available!!!");
setStandardResource( res );
addCustomField( i18n( "Department" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Department", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Profession" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Profession", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Assistant's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-AssistantsName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Manager's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-ManagersName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Spouse's Name" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-SpousesName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Office" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Office", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "IM Address" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-IMAddress", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Anniversary" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Anniversary", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
//US added this field to become compatible with Opie/qtopia addressbook
// values can be "female" or "male" or "". An empty field represents undefined.
addCustomField( i18n( "Gender" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Gender", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Children" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Children", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "FreeBusyUrl" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-FreeBusyUrl", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "ExternalID" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-ExternalID", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
delete d->mConfig; d->mConfig = 0;
delete d->mManager; d->mManager = 0;
//US delete d->mErrorHandler; d->mErrorHandler = 0;
delete d; d = 0;
bool AddressBook::load()
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
bool ok = true;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it )
if ( !(*it)->load() ) {
error( i18n("Unable to load resource '%1'").arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
ok = false;
// mark all addressees as unchanged
Addressee::List::Iterator addrIt;
for ( addrIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); addrIt != d->mAddressees.end(); ++addrIt )
(*addrIt).setChanged( false );
return ok;
bool AddressBook::save( Ticket *ticket )
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::save()"<< endl;
if ( ticket->resource() ) {
return ticket->resource()->save( ticket );
return false;
bool AddressBook::saveAB()
bool ok = true;
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() ) {
Ticket *ticket = requestSaveTicket( *it );
// qDebug("StdAddressBook::save '%s'", (*it)->resourceName().latin1() );
if ( !ticket ) {
error( i18n( "Unable to save to resource '%1'. It is locked." )
.arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
return false;
//if ( !save( ticket ) )
if ( ticket->resource() ) {
if ( ! ticket->resource()->save( ticket ) )
ok = false;
} else
ok = false;
return ok;
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::begin()
Iterator it = Iterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
return it;
AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::begin() const
ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
return it;
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::end()
Iterator it = Iterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
return it;
AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::end() const
ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
return it;
void AddressBook::clear()
Ticket *AddressBook::requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource )
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::requestSaveTicket()" << endl;
if ( !resource )
qDebug("AddressBook::requestSaveTicket no resource" );
resource = standardResource();
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it) == resource ) {
if ( (*it)->readOnly() || !(*it)->isOpen() )
return 0;
return (*it)->requestSaveTicket();
return 0;
-void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a )
+void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a, bool setRev )
Addressee::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = d->mAddressees.begin(); it != d->mAddressees.end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
bool changed = false;
Addressee addr = a;
if ( addr != (*it) )
changed = true;
(*it) = a;
if ( (*it).resource() == 0 )
(*it).setResource( standardResource() );
if ( changed ) {
- (*it).setRevision( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
+ if ( setRev )
+ (*it).setRevision( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
(*it).setChanged( true );
d->mAddressees.append( a );
Addressee& addr = d->mAddressees.last();
if ( addr.resource() == 0 )
addr.setResource( standardResource() );
addr.setChanged( true );
void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Addressee &a )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
removeAddressee( it );
void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Iterator &it )
d->mRemovedAddressees.append( (*it) );
d->mAddressees.remove( it.d->mIt );
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::find( const Addressee &a )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
return it;
return end();
Addressee AddressBook::findByUid( const QString &uid )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( uid == (*it).uid() ) {
return *it;
return Addressee();
Addressee::List AddressBook::getExternLastSyncAddressees()
Addressee::List results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).uid().left( 20 ) == "last-syncAddressee-" ) {
if ( (*it).familyName().left(3) == "E: " )
results.append( *it );
return results;
void AddressBook::resetTempSyncStat()
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
(*it).setTempSyncStat ( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL );
QStringList AddressBook:: uidList()
QStringList results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
results.append( (*it).uid() );
return results;
Addressee::List AddressBook::allAddressees()
return d->mAddressees;
Addressee::List AddressBook::findByName( const QString &name )
Addressee::List results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( name == (*it).realName() ) {
results.append( *it );
return results;
Addressee::List AddressBook::findByEmail( const QString &email )
Addressee::List results;
QStringList mailList;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
mailList = (*it).emails();
for ( QStringList::Iterator ite = mailList.begin(); ite != mailList.end(); ++ite ) {
if ( email == (*ite) ) {
results.append( *it );
return results;
Addressee::List AddressBook::findByCategory( const QString &category )
Addressee::List results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).hasCategory( category) ) {
results.append( *it );
return results;
void AddressBook::dump() const
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::dump() --- begin ---" << endl;
ConstIterator it;
for( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::dump() --- end ---" << endl;
QString AddressBook::identifier()
QStringList identifier;
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it)->identifier().isEmpty() )
identifier.append( (*it)->identifier() );
return identifier.join( ":" );
Field::List AddressBook::fields( int category )
if ( d->mAllFields.isEmpty() ) {
d->mAllFields = Field::allFields();
if ( category == Field::All ) return d->mAllFields;
Field::List result;
Field::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = d->mAllFields.begin(); it != d->mAllFields.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it)->category() & category ) result.append( *it );
return result;
bool AddressBook::addCustomField( const QString &label, int category,
const QString &key, const QString &app )
if ( d->mAllFields.isEmpty() ) {
d->mAllFields = Field::allFields();
//US QString a = app.isNull() ? KGlobal::instance()->instanceName() : app;
QString a = app.isNull() ? KGlobal::getAppName() : app;
QString k = key.isNull() ? label : key;
Field *field = Field::createCustomField( label, category, k, a );
if ( !field ) return false;
d->mAllFields.append( field );
return true;
QDataStream &KABC::operator<<( QDataStream &s, const AddressBook &ab )
if (!ab.d) return s;
return s << ab.d->mAddressees;
QDataStream &KABC::operator>>( QDataStream &s, AddressBook &ab )
if (!ab.d) return s;
s >> ab.d->mAddressees;
return s;
bool AddressBook::addResource( Resource *resource )
if ( !resource->open() ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::addResource(): can't add resource" << endl;
return false;
resource->setAddressBook( this );
d->mManager->add( resource );
return true;
bool AddressBook::removeResource( Resource *resource )
if ( resource == standardResource() )
d->mManager->setStandardResource( 0 );
resource->setAddressBook( 0 );
d->mManager->remove( resource );
return true;
QPtrList<Resource> AddressBook::resources()
QPtrList<Resource> list;
// qDebug("AddressBook::resources() 1");
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it )
list.append( *it );
return list;
void AddressBook::setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler *handler )
delete d->mErrorHandler;
d->mErrorHandler = handler;
void AddressBook::error( const QString& msg )
if ( !d->mErrorHandler ) // create default error handler
d->mErrorHandler = new ConsoleErrorHandler;
if ( d->mErrorHandler )
d->mErrorHandler->error( msg );
kdError(5700) << "no error handler defined" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << "msg" << endl;
void AddressBook::deleteRemovedAddressees()
Addressee::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = d->mRemovedAddressees.begin(); it != d->mRemovedAddressees.end(); ++it ) {
Resource *resource = (*it).resource();
if ( resource && !resource->readOnly() && resource->isOpen() )
resource->removeAddressee( *it );
void AddressBook::setStandardResource( Resource *resource )
// qDebug("AddressBook::setStandardResource 1");
d->mManager->setStandardResource( resource );
Resource *AddressBook::standardResource()
return d->mManager->standardResource();
KRES::Manager<Resource> *AddressBook::resourceManager()
return d->mManager;
void AddressBook::cleanUp()
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() )
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.h b/kabc/addressbook.h
index 650a638..253de68 100644
--- a/kabc/addressbook.h
+++ b/kabc/addressbook.h
@@ -1,334 +1,334 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <qobject.h>
#include <kresources/manager.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include "addressee.h"
#include "field.h"
namespace KABC {
class ErrorHandler;
class Resource;
class Ticket;
@short Address Book
This class provides access to a collection of address book entries.
class AddressBook : public QObject
friend QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & );
friend QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & );
friend class StdAddressBook;
@short Address Book Iterator
This class provides an iterator for address book entries.
class Iterator
Iterator( const Iterator & );
Iterator &operator=( const Iterator & );
const Addressee &operator*() const;
Addressee &operator*();
Addressee* operator->();
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator &operator++(int);
Iterator &operator--();
Iterator &operator--(int);
bool operator==( const Iterator &it );
bool operator!=( const Iterator &it );
struct IteratorData;
IteratorData *d;
@short Address Book Const Iterator
This class provides a const iterator for address book entries.
class ConstIterator
ConstIterator( const ConstIterator & );
ConstIterator &operator=( const ConstIterator & );
const Addressee &operator*() const;
const Addressee* operator->() const;
ConstIterator &operator++();
ConstIterator &operator++(int);
ConstIterator &operator--();
ConstIterator &operator--(int);
bool operator==( const ConstIterator &it );
bool operator!=( const ConstIterator &it );
struct ConstIteratorData;
ConstIteratorData *d;
Constructs a address book object.
@param format File format class.
AddressBook( const QString &config );
AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family );
virtual ~AddressBook();
Requests a ticket for saving the addressbook. Calling this function locks
the addressbook for all other processes. If the address book is already
locked the function returns 0. You need the returned @ref Ticket object
for calling the @ref save() function.
@see save()
Ticket *requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource=0 );
Load address book from file.
bool load();
Save address book. The address book is saved to the file, the Ticket
object has been requested for by @ref requestSaveTicket().
@param ticket a ticket object returned by @ref requestSaveTicket()
bool save( Ticket *ticket );
bool saveAB( );
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator begin();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator begin() const;
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator end();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator end() const;
Removes all entries from address book.
void clear();
Insert an Addressee object into address book. If an object with the same
unique id already exists in the address book it it replaced by the new
one. If not the new object is appended to the address book.
- void insertAddressee( const Addressee & );
+ void insertAddressee( const Addressee &, bool setRev = true );
Removes entry from the address book.
void removeAddressee( const Addressee & );
This is like @ref removeAddressee() just above, with the difference that
the first element is a iterator, returned by @ref begin().
void removeAddressee( const Iterator & );
Find the specified entry in address book. Returns end(), if the entry
couldn't be found.
Iterator find( const Addressee & );
Find the entry specified by an unique id. Returns an empty Addressee
object, if the address book does not contain an entry with this id.
Addressee findByUid( const QString & );
Returns a list of all addressees in the address book. This list can
be sorted with @ref KABC::AddresseeList for example.
Addressee::List allAddressees();
Find all entries with the specified name in the address book. Returns
an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByName( const QString & );
Find all entries with the specified email address in the address book.
Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByEmail( const QString & );
Find all entries wich have the specified category in the address book.
Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByCategory( const QString & );
Return a string identifying this addressbook.
virtual QString identifier();
Used for debug output.
void dump() const;
void emitAddressBookLocked() { emit addressBookLocked( this ); }
void emitAddressBookUnlocked() { emit addressBookUnlocked( this ); }
void emitAddressBookChanged() { emit addressBookChanged( this ); }
Return list of all Fields known to the address book which are associated
with the given field category.
Field::List fields( int category = Field::All );
Add custom field to address book.
@param label User visible label of the field.
@param category Ored list of field categories.
@param key Identifier used as key for reading and writing the field.
@param app String used as application key for reading and writing
the field.
bool addCustomField( const QString &label, int category = Field::All,
const QString &key = QString::null,
const QString &app = QString::null );
Add address book resource.
bool addResource( Resource * );
Remove address book resource.
bool removeResource( Resource * );
Return pointer list of all resources.
QPtrList<Resource> resources();
Set the @p ErrorHandler, that is used by @ref error() to
provide gui-independend error messages.
void setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler * );
Shows gui independend error messages.
void error( const QString& );
Query all resources to clean up their lock files
void cleanUp();
// sync stuff
Addressee::List getExternLastSyncAddressees();
void resetTempSyncStat();
QStringList uidList();
Emitted, when the address book has changed on disk.
void addressBookChanged( AddressBook * );
Emitted, when the address book has been locked for writing.
void addressBookLocked( AddressBook * );
Emitted, when the address book has been unlocked.
void addressBookUnlocked( AddressBook * );
void deleteRemovedAddressees();
void setStandardResource( Resource * );
Resource *standardResource();
KRES::Manager<Resource> *resourceManager();
void init(const QString &config, const QString &family);
//US QPtrList<Resource> mDummy; // Remove in KDE 4
struct AddressBookData;
AddressBookData *d;
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & );
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & );
diff --git a/kabc/addressee.cpp b/kabc/addressee.cpp
index fb32f6e..7f04d8f 100644
--- a/kabc/addressee.cpp
+++ b/kabc/addressee.cpp
@@ -1,1631 +1,1632 @@
/*** Warning! This file has been generated by the script makeaddressee ***/
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kidmanager.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <libkcal/syncdefines.h>
//US #include "resource.h"
#include "addressee.h"
using namespace KABC;
static bool matchBinaryPattern( int value, int pattern );
struct Addressee::AddresseeData : public KShared
QString uid;
QString name;
QString formattedName;
QString familyName;
QString givenName;
QString additionalName;
QString prefix;
QString suffix;
QString nickName;
QDateTime birthday;
QString mailer;
TimeZone timeZone;
Geo geo;
QString title;
QString role;
QString organization;
QString note;
QString productId;
QDateTime revision;
QString sortString;
KURL url;
Secrecy secrecy;
Picture logo;
Picture photo;
Sound sound;
Agent agent;
QString mExternalId;
PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers;
Address::List addresses;
Key::List keys;
QStringList emails;
QStringList categories;
QStringList custom;
Resource *resource;
bool empty :1;
bool changed :1;
mData = new AddresseeData;
mData->empty = true;
mData->changed = false;
mData->resource = 0;
mData->mExternalId = ":";
+ mData->revision = QDateTime ( QDate( 2004,1,1));
Addressee::Addressee( const Addressee &a )
mData = a.mData;
Addressee &Addressee::operator=( const Addressee &a )
mData = a.mData;
return (*this);
Addressee Addressee::copy()
Addressee a;
*(a.mData) = *mData;
return a;
void Addressee::detach()
if ( mData.count() == 1 ) return;
*this = copy();
bool Addressee::operator==( const Addressee &a ) const
if ( uid() != a.uid() ) return false;
if ( mData->name != a.mData->name ) return false;
if ( mData->formattedName != a.mData->formattedName ) return false;
if ( mData->familyName != a.mData->familyName ) return false;
if ( mData->givenName != a.mData->givenName ) return false;
if ( mData->additionalName != a.mData->additionalName ) return false;
if ( mData->prefix != a.mData->prefix ) return false;
if ( mData->suffix != a.mData->suffix ) return false;
if ( mData->nickName != a.mData->nickName ) return false;
if ( mData->birthday != a.mData->birthday ) return false;
if ( mData->mailer != a.mData->mailer ) return false;
if ( mData->timeZone != a.mData->timeZone ) return false;
if ( mData->geo != a.mData->geo ) return false;
if ( mData->title != a.mData->title ) return false;
if ( mData->role != a.mData->role ) return false;
if ( mData->organization != a.mData->organization ) return false;
if ( mData->note != a.mData->note ) return false;
if ( mData->productId != a.mData->productId ) return false;
if ( mData->revision != a.mData->revision ) return false;
if ( mData->sortString != a.mData->sortString ) return false;
if ( mData->secrecy != a.mData->secrecy ) return false;
if ( mData->logo != a.mData->logo ) return false;
if ( mData->photo != a.mData->photo ) return false;
if ( mData->sound != a.mData->sound ) return false;
if ( mData->agent != a.mData->agent ) return false;
if ( ( mData->url.isValid() || a.mData->url.isValid() ) &&
( mData->url != a.mData->url ) ) return false;
if ( mData->phoneNumbers != a.mData->phoneNumbers ) return false;
if ( mData->addresses != a.mData->addresses ) return false;
if ( mData->keys != a.mData->keys ) return false;
if ( mData->emails != a.mData->emails ) return false;
if ( mData->categories != a.mData->categories ) return false;
if ( mData->custom != a.mData->custom ) return false;
return true;
bool Addressee::operator!=( const Addressee &a ) const
return !( a == *this );
bool Addressee::isEmpty() const
return mData->empty;
void Addressee::removeID(const QString &prof)
mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::removeId ( mData->mExternalId, prof);
void Addressee::setID( const QString & prof , const QString & id )
mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::setId ( mData->mExternalId, prof, id );
void Addressee::setTempSyncStat( int id )
mTempSyncStat = id;
int Addressee::tempSyncStat() const
return mTempSyncStat;
QString Addressee::getID( const QString & prof)
return KIdManager::getId ( mData->mExternalId, prof );
void Addressee::setCsum( const QString & prof , const QString & id )
mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::setCsum ( mData->mExternalId, prof, id );
QString Addressee::getCsum( const QString & prof)
return KIdManager::getCsum ( mData->mExternalId, prof );
void Addressee::setIDStr( const QString & s )
mData->mExternalId = s;
QString Addressee::IDStr() const
return mData->mExternalId;
void Addressee::setUid( const QString &id )
if ( id == mData->uid ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->uid = id;
QString Addressee::uid() const
if ( mData->uid.isEmpty() )
mData->uid = KApplication::randomString( 10 );
return mData->uid;
QString Addressee::uidLabel()
return i18n("Unique Identifier");
void Addressee::setName( const QString &name )
if ( name == mData->name ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->name = name;
QString Addressee::name() const
return mData->name;
QString Addressee::nameLabel()
return i18n("Name");
void Addressee::setFormattedName( const QString &formattedName )
if ( formattedName == mData->formattedName ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->formattedName = formattedName;
QString Addressee::formattedName() const
return mData->formattedName;
QString Addressee::formattedNameLabel()
return i18n("Formatted Name");
void Addressee::setFamilyName( const QString &familyName )
if ( familyName == mData->familyName ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->familyName = familyName;
QString Addressee::familyName() const
return mData->familyName;
QString Addressee::familyNameLabel()
return i18n("Family Name");
void Addressee::setGivenName( const QString &givenName )
if ( givenName == mData->givenName ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->givenName = givenName;
QString Addressee::givenName() const
return mData->givenName;
QString Addressee::givenNameLabel()
return i18n("Given Name");
void Addressee::setAdditionalName( const QString &additionalName )
if ( additionalName == mData->additionalName ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->additionalName = additionalName;
QString Addressee::additionalName() const
return mData->additionalName;
QString Addressee::additionalNameLabel()
return i18n("Additional Names");
void Addressee::setPrefix( const QString &prefix )
if ( prefix == mData->prefix ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->prefix = prefix;
QString Addressee::prefix() const
return mData->prefix;
QString Addressee::prefixLabel()
return i18n("Honorific Prefixes");
void Addressee::setSuffix( const QString &suffix )
if ( suffix == mData->suffix ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->suffix = suffix;
QString Addressee::suffix() const
return mData->suffix;
QString Addressee::suffixLabel()
return i18n("Honorific Suffixes");
void Addressee::setNickName( const QString &nickName )
if ( nickName == mData->nickName ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->nickName = nickName;
QString Addressee::nickName() const
return mData->nickName;
QString Addressee::nickNameLabel()
return i18n("Nick Name");
void Addressee::setBirthday( const QDateTime &birthday )
if ( birthday == mData->birthday ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->birthday = birthday;
QDateTime Addressee::birthday() const
return mData->birthday;
QString Addressee::birthdayLabel()
return i18n("Birthday");
QString Addressee::homeAddressStreetLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Street");
QString Addressee::homeAddressLocalityLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Locality");
QString Addressee::homeAddressRegionLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Region");
QString Addressee::homeAddressPostalCodeLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Postal Code");
QString Addressee::homeAddressCountryLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Country");
QString Addressee::homeAddressLabelLabel()
return i18n("Home Address Label");
QString Addressee::businessAddressStreetLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Street");
QString Addressee::businessAddressLocalityLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Locality");
QString Addressee::businessAddressRegionLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Region");
QString Addressee::businessAddressPostalCodeLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Postal Code");
QString Addressee::businessAddressCountryLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Country");
QString Addressee::businessAddressLabelLabel()
return i18n("Business Address Label");
QString Addressee::homePhoneLabel()
return i18n("Home Phone");
QString Addressee::businessPhoneLabel()
return i18n("Business Phone");
QString Addressee::mobilePhoneLabel()
return i18n("Mobile Phone");
QString Addressee::homeFaxLabel()
return i18n("Home Fax");
QString Addressee::businessFaxLabel()
return i18n("Business Fax");
QString Addressee::carPhoneLabel()
return i18n("Car Phone");
QString Addressee::isdnLabel()
return i18n("ISDN");
QString Addressee::pagerLabel()
return i18n("Pager");
QString Addressee::sipLabel()
return i18n("SIP");
QString Addressee::emailLabel()
return i18n("Email Address");
void Addressee::setMailer( const QString &mailer )
if ( mailer == mData->mailer ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->mailer = mailer;
QString Addressee::mailer() const
return mData->mailer;
QString Addressee::mailerLabel()
return i18n("Mail Client");
void Addressee::setTimeZone( const TimeZone &timeZone )
if ( timeZone == mData->timeZone ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->timeZone = timeZone;
TimeZone Addressee::timeZone() const
return mData->timeZone;
QString Addressee::timeZoneLabel()
return i18n("Time Zone");
void Addressee::setGeo( const Geo &geo )
if ( geo == mData->geo ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->geo = geo;
Geo Addressee::geo() const
return mData->geo;
QString Addressee::geoLabel()
return i18n("Geographic Position");
void Addressee::setTitle( const QString &title )
if ( title == mData->title ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->title = title;
QString Addressee::title() const
return mData->title;
QString Addressee::titleLabel()
return i18n("Title");
void Addressee::setRole( const QString &role )
if ( role == mData->role ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->role = role;
QString Addressee::role() const
return mData->role;
QString Addressee::roleLabel()
return i18n("Role");
void Addressee::setOrganization( const QString &organization )
if ( organization == mData->organization ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->organization = organization;
QString Addressee::organization() const
return mData->organization;
QString Addressee::organizationLabel()
return i18n("Organization");
void Addressee::setNote( const QString &note )
if ( note == mData->note ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->note = note;
QString Addressee::note() const
return mData->note;
QString Addressee::noteLabel()
return i18n("Note");
void Addressee::setProductId( const QString &productId )
if ( productId == mData->productId ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->productId = productId;
QString Addressee::productId() const
return mData->productId;
QString Addressee::productIdLabel()
return i18n("Product Identifier");
void Addressee::setRevision( const QDateTime &revision )
if ( revision == mData->revision ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->revision = revision;
QDateTime Addressee::revision() const
return mData->revision;
QString Addressee::revisionLabel()
return i18n("Revision Date");
void Addressee::setSortString( const QString &sortString )
if ( sortString == mData->sortString ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->sortString = sortString;
QString Addressee::sortString() const
return mData->sortString;
QString Addressee::sortStringLabel()
return i18n("Sort String");
void Addressee::setUrl( const KURL &url )
if ( url == mData->url ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->url = url;
KURL Addressee::url() const
return mData->url;
QString Addressee::urlLabel()
return i18n("URL");
void Addressee::setSecrecy( const Secrecy &secrecy )
if ( secrecy == mData->secrecy ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->secrecy = secrecy;
Secrecy Addressee::secrecy() const
return mData->secrecy;
QString Addressee::secrecyLabel()
return i18n("Security Class");
void Addressee::setLogo( const Picture &logo )
if ( logo == mData->logo ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->logo = logo;
Picture Addressee::logo() const
return mData->logo;
QString Addressee::logoLabel()
return i18n("Logo");
void Addressee::setPhoto( const Picture &photo )
if ( photo == mData->photo ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->photo = photo;
Picture Addressee::photo() const
return mData->photo;
QString Addressee::photoLabel()
return i18n("Photo");
void Addressee::setSound( const Sound &sound )
if ( sound == mData->sound ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->sound = sound;
Sound Addressee::sound() const
return mData->sound;
QString Addressee::soundLabel()
return i18n("Sound");
void Addressee::setAgent( const Agent &agent )
if ( agent == mData->agent ) return;
mData->empty = false;
mData->agent = agent;
Agent Addressee::agent() const
return mData->agent;
QString Addressee::agentLabel()
return i18n("Agent");
void Addressee::setNameFromString( const QString &str )
setFormattedName( str );
setName( str );
static bool first = true;
static QStringList titles;
static QStringList suffixes;
static QStringList prefixes;
if ( first ) {
first = false;
titles += i18n( "Dr." );
titles += i18n( "Miss" );
titles += i18n( "Mr." );
titles += i18n( "Mrs." );
titles += i18n( "Ms." );
titles += i18n( "Prof." );
suffixes += i18n( "I" );
suffixes += i18n( "II" );
suffixes += i18n( "III" );
suffixes += i18n( "Jr." );
suffixes += i18n( "Sr." );
prefixes += "van";
prefixes += "von";
prefixes += "de";
KConfig config( locateLocal( "config", "kabcrc") );
config.setGroup( "General" );
titles += config.readListEntry( "Prefixes" );
titles.remove( "" );
prefixes += config.readListEntry( "Inclusions" );
prefixes.remove( "" );
suffixes += config.readListEntry( "Suffixes" );
suffixes.remove( "" );
// clear all name parts
setPrefix( "" );
setGivenName( "" );
setAdditionalName( "" );
setFamilyName( "" );
setSuffix( "" );
if ( str.isEmpty() )
int i = str.find(',');
if( i < 0 ) {
QStringList parts = QStringList::split( " ", str );
int leftOffset = 0;
int rightOffset = parts.count() - 1;
QString suffix;
while ( rightOffset >= 0 ) {
if ( suffixes.contains( parts[ rightOffset ] ) ) {
suffix.prepend(parts[ rightOffset ] + (suffix.isEmpty() ? "" : " "));
} else
setSuffix( suffix );
if ( rightOffset < 0 )
if ( rightOffset - 1 >= 0 && prefixes.contains( parts[ rightOffset - 1 ].lower() ) ) {
setFamilyName( parts[ rightOffset - 1 ] + " " + parts[ rightOffset ] );
} else
setFamilyName( parts[ rightOffset ] );
QString prefix;
while ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
if ( titles.contains( parts[ leftOffset ] ) ) {
prefix.append( ( prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + parts[ leftOffset ] );
} else
setPrefix( prefix );
if ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
setGivenName( parts[ leftOffset ] );
QString additionalName;
while ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
additionalName.append( ( additionalName.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + parts[ leftOffset ] );
setAdditionalName( additionalName );
} else {
QString part1 = str.left( i );
QString part2 = str.mid( i + 1 );
QStringList parts = QStringList::split( " ", part1 );
int leftOffset = 0;
int rightOffset = parts.count() - 1;
QString suffix;
while ( rightOffset >= 0 ) {
if ( suffixes.contains( parts[ rightOffset ] ) ) {
suffix.prepend(parts[ rightOffset ] + (suffix.isEmpty() ? "" : " "));
} else
setSuffix( suffix );
if ( rightOffset - 1 >= 0 && prefixes.contains( parts[ rightOffset - 1 ].lower() ) ) {
setFamilyName( parts[ rightOffset - 1 ] + " " + parts[ rightOffset ] );
} else
setFamilyName( parts[ rightOffset ] );
QString prefix;
while ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
if ( titles.contains( parts[ leftOffset ] ) ) {
prefix.append( ( prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + parts[ leftOffset ] );
} else
parts = QStringList::split( " ", part2 );
leftOffset = 0;
rightOffset = parts.count();
while ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
if ( titles.contains( parts[ leftOffset ] ) ) {
prefix.append( ( prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + parts[ leftOffset ] );
} else
setPrefix( prefix );
if ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
setGivenName( parts[ leftOffset ] );
QString additionalName;
while ( leftOffset < rightOffset ) {
additionalName.append( ( additionalName.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + parts[ leftOffset ] );
setAdditionalName( additionalName );
QString Addressee::realName() const
if ( !formattedName().isEmpty() )
return formattedName();
QString n = assembledName();
if ( n.isEmpty() )
n = name();
return n;
QString Addressee::assembledName() const
QString name = prefix() + " " + givenName() + " " + additionalName() + " " +
familyName() + " " + suffix();
return name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
QString Addressee::fullEmail( const QString &email ) const
QString e;
if ( email.isNull() ) {
e = preferredEmail();
} else {
e = email;
if ( e.isEmpty() ) return QString::null;
QString text;
if ( realName().isEmpty() )
text = e;
text = assembledName() + " <" + e + ">";
return text;
void Addressee::insertEmail( const QString &email, bool preferred )
QStringList::Iterator it = mData->emails.find( email );
if ( it != mData->emails.end() ) {
if ( !preferred || it == mData->emails.begin() ) return;
mData->emails.remove( it );
mData->emails.prepend( email );
} else {
if ( preferred ) {
mData->emails.prepend( email );
} else {
mData->emails.append( email );
void Addressee::removeEmail( const QString &email )
QStringList::Iterator it = mData->emails.find( email );
if ( it == mData->emails.end() ) return;
mData->emails.remove( it );
QString Addressee::preferredEmail() const
if ( mData->emails.count() == 0 ) return QString::null;
else return mData->emails.first();
QStringList Addressee::emails() const
return mData->emails;
void Addressee::setEmails( const QStringList& emails ) {
mData->emails = emails;
void Addressee::insertPhoneNumber( const PhoneNumber &phoneNumber )
mData->empty = false;
PhoneNumber::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); it != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
*it = phoneNumber;
mData->phoneNumbers.append( phoneNumber );
void Addressee::removePhoneNumber( const PhoneNumber &phoneNumber )
PhoneNumber::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); it != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
mData->phoneNumbers.remove( it );
PhoneNumber Addressee::phoneNumber( int type ) const
PhoneNumber phoneNumber( "", type );
PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); it != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++it ) {
if ( matchBinaryPattern( (*it).type(), type ) ) {
if ( (*it).type() & PhoneNumber::Pref )
return (*it);
else if ( phoneNumber.number().isEmpty() )
phoneNumber = (*it);
return phoneNumber;
PhoneNumber::List Addressee::phoneNumbers() const
return mData->phoneNumbers;
PhoneNumber::List Addressee::phoneNumbers( int type ) const
PhoneNumber::List list;
PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); it != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++it ) {
if ( matchBinaryPattern( (*it).type(), type ) ) {
list.append( *it );
return list;
PhoneNumber Addressee::findPhoneNumber( const QString &id ) const
PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); it != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == id ) {
return *it;
return PhoneNumber();
void Addressee::insertKey( const Key &key )
mData->empty = false;
Key::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->keys.begin(); it != mData->keys.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
*it = key;
mData->keys.append( key );
void Addressee::removeKey( const Key &key )
Key::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->keys.begin(); it != mData->keys.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
mData->keys.remove( key );
Key Addressee::key( int type, QString customTypeString ) const
Key::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->keys.begin(); it != mData->keys.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).type() == type ) {
if ( type == Key::Custom ) {
if ( customTypeString.isEmpty() ) {
return *it;
} else {
if ( (*it).customTypeString() == customTypeString )
return (*it);
} else {
return *it;
return Key( QString(), type );
void Addressee::setKeys( const Key::List& list ) {
mData->keys = list;
Key::List Addressee::keys() const
return mData->keys;
Key::List Addressee::keys( int type, QString customTypeString ) const
Key::List list;
Key::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->keys.begin(); it != mData->keys.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).type() == type ) {
if ( type == Key::Custom ) {
if ( customTypeString.isEmpty() ) {
} else {
if ( (*it).customTypeString() == customTypeString )
} else {
return list;
Key Addressee::findKey( const QString &id ) const
Key::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->keys.begin(); it != mData->keys.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == id ) {
return *it;
return Key();
QString Addressee::asString() const
return "Smith, agent Smith...";
void Addressee::dump() const
kdDebug(5700) << "Addressee {" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Uid: '" << uid() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Name: '" << name() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " FormattedName: '" << formattedName() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " FamilyName: '" << familyName() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " GivenName: '" << givenName() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " AdditionalName: '" << additionalName() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Prefix: '" << prefix() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Suffix: '" << suffix() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " NickName: '" << nickName() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Birthday: '" << birthday().toString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Mailer: '" << mailer() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " TimeZone: '" << timeZone().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Geo: '" << geo().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Title: '" << title() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Role: '" << role() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Organization: '" << organization() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Note: '" << note() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " ProductId: '" << productId() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Revision: '" << revision().toString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " SortString: '" << sortString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Url: '" << url().url() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Secrecy: '" << secrecy().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Logo: '" << logo().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Photo: '" << photo().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Sound: '" << sound().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Agent: '" << agent().asString() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " Emails {" << endl;
QStringList e = emails();
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for( it = e.begin(); it != e.end(); ++it ) {
kdDebug(5700) << " " << (*it) << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " }" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " PhoneNumbers {" << endl;
PhoneNumber::List p = phoneNumbers();
PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it2;
for( it2 = p.begin(); it2 != p.end(); ++it2 ) {
kdDebug(5700) << " Type: " << int((*it2).type()) << " Number: " << (*it2).number() << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " }" << endl;
Address::List a = addresses();
Address::List::ConstIterator it3;
for( it3 = a.begin(); it3 != a.end(); ++it3 ) {
kdDebug(5700) << " Keys {" << endl;
Key::List k = keys();
Key::List::ConstIterator it4;
for( it4 = k.begin(); it4 != k.end(); ++it4 ) {
kdDebug(5700) << " Type: " << int((*it4).type()) <<
" Key: " << (*it4).textData() <<
" CustomString: " << (*it4).customTypeString() << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << " }" << endl;
kdDebug(5700) << "}" << endl;
void Addressee::insertAddress( const Address &address )
mData->empty = false;
Address::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
*it = address;
mData->addresses.append( address );
void Addressee::removeAddress( const Address &address )
Address::List::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == ) {
mData->addresses.remove( it );
Address Addressee::address( int type ) const
Address address( type );
Address::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) {
if ( matchBinaryPattern( (*it).type(), type ) ) {
if ( (*it).type() & Address::Pref )
return (*it);
else if ( address.isEmpty() )
address = (*it);
return address;
Address::List Addressee::addresses() const
return mData->addresses;
Address::List Addressee::addresses( int type ) const
Address::List list;
Address::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) {
if ( matchBinaryPattern( (*it).type(), type ) ) {
list.append( *it );
return list;
Address Addressee::findAddress( const QString &id ) const
Address::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).id() == id ) {
return *it;
return Address();
void Addressee::insertCategory( const QString &c )
mData->empty = false;
if ( mData->categories.contains( c ) ) return;
mData->categories.append( c );
void Addressee::removeCategory( const QString &c )
QStringList::Iterator it = mData->categories.find( c );
if ( it == mData->categories.end() ) return;
mData->categories.remove( it );
bool Addressee::hasCategory( const QString &c ) const
return ( mData->categories.contains( c ) );
void Addressee::setCategories( const QStringList &c )
mData->empty = false;
mData->categories = c;
QStringList Addressee::categories() const
return mData->categories;
void Addressee::insertCustom( const QString &app, const QString &name,
const QString &value )
if ( value.isNull() || name.isEmpty() || app.isEmpty() ) return;
mData->empty = false;
QString qualifiedName = app + "-" + name + ":";
QStringList::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->custom.begin(); it != mData->custom.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).startsWith( qualifiedName ) ) {
(*it) = qualifiedName + value;
mData->custom.append( qualifiedName + value );
void Addressee::removeCustom( const QString &app, const QString &name)
QString qualifiedName = app + "-" + name + ":";
QStringList::Iterator it;
for( it = mData->custom.begin(); it != mData->custom.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).startsWith( qualifiedName ) ) {
mData->custom.remove( it );
QString Addressee::custom( const QString &app, const QString &name ) const
QString qualifiedName = app + "-" + name + ":";
QString value;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mData->custom.begin(); it != mData->custom.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).startsWith( qualifiedName ) ) {
value = (*it).mid( (*it).find( ":" ) + 1 );
return value;
void Addressee::setCustoms( const QStringList &l )
mData->empty = false;
mData->custom = l;
QStringList Addressee::customs() const
return mData->custom;
void Addressee::parseEmailAddress( const QString &rawEmail, QString &fullName,
QString &email)
int startPos, endPos, len;
QString partA, partB, result;
char endCh = '>';
startPos = rawEmail.find('<');
if (startPos < 0)
startPos = rawEmail.find('(');
endCh = ')';
if (startPos < 0)
// We couldn't find any separators, so we assume the whole string
// is the email address
email = rawEmail;
fullName = "";
// We have a start position, try to find an end
endPos = rawEmail.find(endCh, startPos+1);
if (endPos < 0)
// We couldn't find the end of the email address. We can only
// assume the entire string is the email address.
email = rawEmail;
fullName = "";
// We have a start and end to the email address
// Grab the name part
fullName = rawEmail.left(startPos).stripWhiteSpace();
// grab the email part
email = rawEmail.mid(startPos+1, endPos-startPos-1).stripWhiteSpace();
// Check that we do not have any extra characters on the end of the
// strings
len = fullName.length();
if (fullName[0]=='"' && fullName[len-1]=='"')
fullName = fullName.mid(1, len-2);
else if (fullName[0]=='<' && fullName[len-1]=='>')
fullName = fullName.mid(1, len-2);
else if (fullName[0]=='(' && fullName[len-1]==')')
fullName = fullName.mid(1, len-2);
void Addressee::setResource( Resource *resource )
mData->resource = resource;
Resource *Addressee::resource() const
return mData->resource;
QString Addressee::resourceLabel()
return i18n("Resource");
void Addressee::setChanged( bool value )
mData->changed = value;
bool Addressee::changed() const
return mData->changed;
QDataStream &KABC::operator<<( QDataStream &s, const Addressee &a )
if (!a.mData) return s;
s << a.uid();
s << a.mData->name;
s << a.mData->formattedName;
s << a.mData->familyName;
s << a.mData->givenName;
s << a.mData->additionalName;
s << a.mData->prefix;
s << a.mData->suffix;
s << a.mData->nickName;
s << a.mData->birthday;
s << a.mData->mailer;
s << a.mData->timeZone;
s << a.mData->geo;
s << a.mData->title;
s << a.mData->role;
s << a.mData->organization;
s << a.mData->note;
s << a.mData->productId;
s << a.mData->revision;
s << a.mData->sortString;
s << a.mData->url;
s << a.mData->secrecy;
s << a.mData->logo;
s << a.mData->photo;
s << a.mData->sound;
s << a.mData->agent;
s << a.mData->phoneNumbers;
s << a.mData->addresses;
s << a.mData->emails;
s << a.mData->categories;
s << a.mData->custom;
s << a.mData->keys;
return s;
QDataStream &KABC::operator>>( QDataStream &s, Addressee &a )
if (!a.mData) return s;
s >> a.mData->uid;
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
index f497541..226d5e4 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
@@ -990,1885 +990,2015 @@ void KABCore::addEmail( QString aStr )
void KABCore::importVCard( const KURL &url, bool showPreview )
mXXPortManager->importVCard( url, showPreview );
void KABCore::importFromOL()
#ifdef _WIN32_
KAImportOLdialog* idgl = new KAImportOLdialog( i18n("Import Contacts from OL"), mAddressBook, this );
KABC::Addressee::List list = idgl->getAddressList();
if ( list.count() > 0 ) {
KABC::Addressee::List listNew;
KABC::Addressee::List listExisting;
KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator iter;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
if ( mAddressBook->findByUid((*it).uid() ).isEmpty())
listNew.append( (*it) );
listExisting.append( (*it) );
if ( listExisting.count() > 0 )
KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("%1 contacts not added to addressbook\nbecause they were already in the addressbook!").arg( listExisting.count() ));
if ( listNew.count() > 0 ) {
pasteWithNewUid = false;
pasteContacts( listNew );
pasteWithNewUid = true;
delete idgl;
void KABCore::importVCard( const QString &vCard, bool showPreview )
mXXPortManager->importVCard( vCard, showPreview );
//US added a second method without defaultparameter
void KABCore::editContact2() {
editContact( QString::null );
void KABCore::editContact( const QString &uid )
if ( mExtensionManager->isQuickEditVisible() )
// First, locate the contact entry
QString localUID = uid;
if ( localUID.isNull() ) {
QStringList uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( uidList.count() > 0 )
localUID = *( 0 ) );
KABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( localUID );
if ( !addr.isEmpty() ) {
mEditorDialog->setAddressee( addr );
KApplication::execDialog ( mEditorDialog );
Shows or edits the detail view for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void KABCore::executeContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ )
if ( mMultipleViewsAtOnce )
editContact( uid );
setDetailsVisible( true );
void KABCore::save()
if (mBlockSaveFlag)
mBlockSaveFlag = true;
if ( !mModified )
QString text = i18n( "There was an error while attempting to save\n the "
"address book. Please check that some \nother application is "
"not using it. " );
statusMessage(i18n("Saving addressbook ... "));
KABC::StdAddressBook *b = dynamic_cast<KABC::StdAddressBook*>( mAddressBook );
if ( !b || !b->save() ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, text, i18n( "Unable to Save" ) );
KABC::StdAddressBook *b = (KABC::StdAddressBook*)( mAddressBook );
if ( !b || !b->save() ) {
QMessageBox::critical( this, i18n( "Unable to Save" ), text, i18n("Ok"));
statusMessage(i18n("Addressbook saved!"));
setModified( false );
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
void KABCore::statusMessage(QString mess , int time )
//topLevelWidget()->setCaption( mess );
// pending setting timer to revome message
void KABCore::undo()
// Refresh the view
void KABCore::redo()
// Refresh the view
void KABCore::setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool visible )
if (mMultipleViewsAtOnce)
if ( visible )
// show the jumpbar only if "the details are hidden" == "viewmanager are shown"
if (mViewManager->isVisible())
if ( visible )
void KABCore::setDetailsToState()
setDetailsVisible( mActionDetails->isChecked() );
void KABCore::setDetailsVisible( bool visible )
if (visible && mDetails->isHidden())
KABC::Addressee::List addrList = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
if ( addrList.count() > 0 )
mDetails->setAddressee( addrList[ 0 ] );
// mMultipleViewsAtOnce=false: mDetails is always visible. But we switch between
// the listview and the detailview. We do that by changing the splitbar size.
if (mMultipleViewsAtOnce)
if ( visible )
if ( visible ) {
else {
setJumpButtonBarVisible( !visible );
void KABCore::extensionChanged( int id )
//change the details view only for non desktop systems
if (id == 0)
//the user disabled the extension.
if (mMultipleViewsAtOnce)
{ // enable detailsview again
setDetailsVisible( true );
mActionDetails->setChecked( true );
{ //go back to the listview
setDetailsVisible( false );
mActionDetails->setChecked( false );
//the user enabled the extension.
setDetailsVisible( false );
mActionDetails->setChecked( false );
if (!mMultipleViewsAtOnce)
void KABCore::extensionModified( const KABC::Addressee::List &list )
if ( list.count() != 0 ) {
KABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
mAddressBook->insertAddressee( *it );
if ( list.count() > 1 )
if ( list.count() == 0 )
mViewManager->refreshView( list[ 0 ].uid() );
QString KABCore::getNameByPhone( const QString &phone )
QRegExp r( "[/*/-/ ]" );
QString localPhone( phone );
bool found = false;
QString ownerName = "";
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator iter;
KABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIter;
KABC::PhoneNumber::List phoneList;
for ( iter = mAddressBook->begin(); !found && ( iter != mAddressBook->end() ); ++iter ) {
phoneList = (*iter).phoneNumbers();
for ( phoneIter = phoneList.begin(); !found && ( phoneIter != phoneList.end() );
++phoneIter) {
// Get rid of separator chars so just the numbers are compared.
if ( (*phoneIter).number().replace( r, "" ) == localPhone.replace( r, "" ) ) {
ownerName = (*iter).formattedName();
found = true;
return ownerName;
qDebug("KABCore::getNameByPhone finsih method");
return "";
void KABCore::openConfigDialog()
KABPrefs* kab_prefs = KABPrefs::instance();
KPimGlobalPrefs* kpim_prefs = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance();
KCMultiDialog* ConfigureDialog = new KCMultiDialog( "PIM", this ,"kabconfigdialog", true );
KCMKabConfig* kabcfg = new KCMKabConfig( kab_prefs, ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "Addressbook")) , "KCMKabConfig" );
ConfigureDialog->addModule(kabcfg );
KCMKdePimConfig* kdelibcfg = new KCMKdePimConfig( kpim_prefs, ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "Global")) , "KCMKdeLibConfig" );
ConfigureDialog->addModule(kdelibcfg );
connect( ConfigureDialog, SIGNAL( applyClicked() ),
this, SLOT( configurationChanged() ) );
connect( ConfigureDialog, SIGNAL( okClicked() ),
this, SLOT( configurationChanged() ) );
if ( ConfigureDialog->exec() )
KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Some changes are only\neffective after a restart!\n") );
delete ConfigureDialog;
void KABCore::openLDAPDialog()
if ( !mLdapSearchDialog ) {
mLdapSearchDialog = new LDAPSearchDialog( mAddressBook, this );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ), mViewManager,
SLOT( refreshView() ) );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ), this,
SLOT( setModified() ) );
} else
if ( mLdapSearchDialog->isOK() )
qDebug("KABCore::openLDAPDialog() finsih method");
void KABCore::print()
KPrinter printer;
if ( !printer.setup( this ) )
KABPrinting::PrintingWizard wizard( &printer, mAddressBook,
mViewManager->selectedUids(), this );
qDebug("KABCore::print() finsih method");
void KABCore::addGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client )
if ( mGUIClient )
mGUIClient->insertChildClient( client );
KMessageBox::error( this, "no KXMLGUICLient");
void KABCore::configurationChanged()
void KABCore::addressBookChanged()
QDictIterator<AddresseeEditorDialog> it( mEditorDict );
while ( it.current() ) {
if ( it.current()->dirty() ) {
QString text = i18n( "Data has been changed externally. Unsaved "
"changes will be lost." );
KMessageBox::information( this, text );
it.current()->setAddressee( mAddressBook->findByUid( it.currentKey() ) );
if (mEditorDialog)
if (mEditorDialog->dirty())
QString text = i18n( "Data has been changed externally. Unsaved "
"changes will be lost." );
KMessageBox::information( this, text );
QString currentuid = mEditorDialog->addressee().uid();
mEditorDialog->setAddressee( mAddressBook->findByUid( currentuid ) );
// mDetails->refreshView();
AddresseeEditorDialog *KABCore::createAddresseeEditorDialog( QWidget *parent,
const char *name )
if ( mEditorDialog == 0 ) {
mEditorDialog = new AddresseeEditorDialog( this, parent,
name ? name : "editorDialog" );
connect( mEditorDialog, SIGNAL( contactModified( const KABC::Addressee& ) ),
SLOT( contactModified( const KABC::Addressee& ) ) );
//connect( mEditorDialog, SIGNAL( editorDestroyed( const QString& ) ),
// SLOT( slotEditorDestroyed( const QString& ) ) ;
return mEditorDialog;
void KABCore::slotEditorDestroyed( const QString &uid )
//mEditorDict.remove( uid );
void KABCore::initGUI()
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
mExtensionBarSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
mExtensionBarSplitter->setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( mExtensionBarSplitter );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( mDetailsSplitter );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( viewSpace );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mDetailsSplitter );
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
topLayout->addWidget( mExtensionBarSplitter );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mExtensionBarSplitter, 100 );
topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mJumpButtonBar, 1 );
mXXPortManager = new XXPortManager( this, this );
//US initialize viewMenu before settingup viewmanager.
// Viewmanager needs this menu to plugin submenues.
viewMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
settingsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
//filterMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
ImportMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
ExportMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
syncMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
changeMenu= new QPopupMenu( this );
//US since we have no splitter for the embedded system, setup
// a layout with two frames. One left and one right.
QBoxLayout *topLayout;
// = new QHBoxLayout( this );
// QBoxLayout *topLayout = (QBoxLayout*)layout();
// QWidget *mainBox = new QWidget( this );
// QBoxLayout * mainBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mainBox);
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right );
topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionBarSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical,mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionBarSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 480 ) {
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right );
} else {
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down );
topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, mMiniSplitter );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mMiniSplitter );
// topLayout->addWidget(mExtensionManager );
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
//US topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setSpacing( 10 );
mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( mDetailsSplitter );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mDetailsSplitter );
topLayout->addWidget( mDetailsSplitter );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mDetailsSplitter, 100 );
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
//US topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setSpacing( 10 );
// mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( this );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( this );
topLayout->addWidget( viewSpace );
// topLayout->setStretchFactor( mDetailsSplitter, 100 );
topLayout->addWidget( mDetails );
//US make sure the export and import menues are initialized before creating the xxPortManager.
mXXPortManager = new XXPortManager( this, this );
// LR mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( mMainWindow->getIconToolBar() );
//mMainWindow->toolBar()->insertWidget(-1, 4, mIncSearchWidget);
// mActionQuit->plug ( mMainWindow->toolBar());
//mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( mMainWindow->toolBar() );
//mMainWindow->toolBar()->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget);
// mIncSearchWidget->hide();
connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) );
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this );
topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
//US topLayout->setStretchFactor( mJumpButtonBar, 10 );
// mMainWindow->getIconToolBar()->raise();
void KABCore::initActions()
//US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart);
connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
SLOT( clipboardDataChanged() ) );
// file menu
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionMail = new KAction( i18n( "&Mail" ), "mail_generic", 0, this,
SLOT( sendMail() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_mail" );
mActionPrint = new KAction( i18n( "&Print" ), "fileprint", CTRL + Key_P, this,
SLOT( print() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_print" );
} else {
mActionMail = KStdAction::mail( this, SLOT( sendMail() ), actionCollection() );
mActionPrint = KStdAction::print( this, SLOT( print() ), actionCollection() );
mActionSave = new KAction( i18n( "&Save" ), "filesave", CTRL+Key_S, this,
SLOT( save() ), actionCollection(), "file_sync" );
mActionNewContact = new KAction( i18n( "&New Contact..." ), "filenew", CTRL+Key_N, this,
SLOT( newContact() ), actionCollection(), "file_new_contact" );
mActionMailVCard = new KAction(i18n("Mail &vCard..."), "mail_post_to", 0,
this, SLOT( mailVCard() ),
actionCollection(), "file_mail_vcard");
mActionBeamVCard = 0;
mActionBeam = 0;
if ( Ir::supported() ) {
mActionBeamVCard = new KAction( i18n( "Beam selected v&Card(s)" ), "beam", 0, this,
SLOT( beamVCard() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_beam_vcard" );
mActionBeam = new KAction( i18n( "&Beam personal vCard" ), "beam", 0, this,
SLOT( beamMySelf() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_beam_myself" );
mActionEditAddressee = new KAction( i18n( "&Edit Contact..." ), "edit", 0,
this, SLOT( editContact2() ),
actionCollection(), "file_properties" );
// mActionQuit = KStdAction::quit( mMainWindow, SLOT( exit() ), actionCollection() );
mActionQuit = new KAction( i18n( "&Exit" ), "exit", 0,
mMainWindow, SLOT( exit() ),
actionCollection(), "quit" );
// edit menu
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionCopy = new KAction( i18n( "&Copy" ), "editcopy", CTRL + Key_C, this,
SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_copy" );
mActionCut = new KAction( i18n( "Cu&t" ), "editcut", CTRL + Key_X, this,
SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_cut" );
mActionPaste = new KAction( i18n( "&Paste" ), "editpaste", CTRL + Key_V, this,
SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_paste" );
mActionSelectAll = new KAction( i18n( "Select &All" ), CTRL + Key_A, this,
SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_select_all" );
mActionUndo = new KAction( i18n( "&Undo" ), "undo", CTRL + Key_Z, this,
SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_undo" );
mActionRedo = new KAction( i18n( "Re&do" ), "redo", CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Z,
this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_redo" );
} else {
mActionCopy = KStdAction::copy( this, SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionCut = KStdAction::cut( this, SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionPaste = KStdAction::paste( this, SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll( this, SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionUndo = KStdAction::undo( this, SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection() );
mActionRedo = KStdAction::redo( this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection() );
mActionDelete = new KAction( i18n( "&Delete Contact" ), "editdelete",
Key_Delete, this, SLOT( deleteContacts() ),
actionCollection(), "edit_delete" );
mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
// settings menu
//US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE
// you do that through the control center !!!
mActionConfigResources = new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Resources..." ), "configure_resources", 0, this,
SLOT( configureResources() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure_resources" );
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionConfigKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&Configure KAddressBook..." ), "configure", 0, this,
SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure" );
mActionConfigShortcuts = new KAction( i18n( "Configure S&hortcuts..." ), "configure_shortcuts", 0,
this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure_shortcuts" );
mActionConfigureToolbars = KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT( mMainWindow->configureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
mActionConfigureToolbars->setEnabled( false );
} else {
mActionConfigKAddressbook = KStdAction::preferences( this, SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection() );
mActionKeyBindings = KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() );
mActionJumpBar = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Jump Bar" ), 0, 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_jump_bar" );
connect( mActionJumpBar, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool ) ) );
mActionDetails = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Details" ), "listview", 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_details" );
connect( mActionDetails, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setDetailsVisible( bool ) ) );
// misc
// only enable LDAP lookup if we can handle the protocol
if ( KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( KURL( "ldap://localhost" ) ) ) {
new KAction( i18n( "&Lookup Addresses in Directory" ), "find", 0,
this, SLOT( openLDAPDialog() ), actionCollection(),
"ldap_lookup" );
//qDebug("KABCore::initActions() LDAP has to be implemented");
mActionWhoAmI = new KAction( i18n( "Set Who Am I" ), "personal", 0, this,
SLOT( setWhoAmI() ), actionCollection(),
"set_personal" );
mActionCategories = new KAction( i18n( "Set Categories" ), 0, this,
SLOT( setCategories() ), actionCollection(),
"edit_set_categories" );
mActionRemoveVoice = new KAction( i18n( "Remove \"voice\"..." ), 0, this,
SLOT( removeVoice() ), actionCollection(),
"remove_voice" );
mActionImportOL = new KAction( i18n( "Import from Outlook..." ), 0, this,
SLOT( importFromOL() ), actionCollection(),
"import_OL" );
mActionLicence = new KAction( i18n( "Licence" ), 0,
this, SLOT( showLicence() ), actionCollection(),
"licence_about_data" );
mActionFaq = new KAction( i18n( "Faq" ), 0,
this, SLOT( faq() ), actionCollection(),
"faq_about_data" );
mActionAboutKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&About KAddressBook" ), "kaddressbook2", 0,
this, SLOT( createAboutData() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_about_data" );
connect( UndoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) );
connect( RedoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) );
//US we need this function, to plug all actions into the correct menues.
// KDE uses a XML format to plug the actions, but we work her without this overhead.
void KABCore::addActionsManually()
//US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart);
QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *editMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
KToolBar* tb = mMainWindow->toolBar();
QMenuBar* mb = mMainWindow->menuBar();
//US setup menubar.
//Disable the following block if you do not want to have a menubar.
mb->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu );
mb->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Change selected", changeMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb );
// tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget);
//US setup toolbar
QPEMenuBar *menuBarTB = new QPEMenuBar( tb );
QPopupMenu *popupBarTB = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBarTB->insertItem( "ME", popupBarTB);
tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, menuBarTB);
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( popupBarTB);
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Change selected", changeMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu );
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) {
// mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb);
// mActionQuit->plug ( mMainWindow->toolBar());
//US Now connect the actions with the menue entries.
mActionPrint->plug( fileMenu );
mActionMail->plug( fileMenu );
mActionNewContact->plug( fileMenu );
mActionNewContact->plug( tb );
mActionEditAddressee->plug( fileMenu );
if ((KGlobal::getDesktopSize() > KGlobal::Small ) ||
(!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce ))
mActionEditAddressee->plug( tb );
mActionSave->plug( fileMenu );
fileMenu->insertItem( "&Import", ImportMenu );
fileMenu->insertItem( "&Export", ExportMenu );
mActionMailVCard->plug( fileMenu );
if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeamVCard->plug( fileMenu );
if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeam->plug(fileMenu );
mActionQuit->plug( fileMenu );
#ifdef _WIN32_
mActionImportOL->plug( ImportMenu );
// edit menu
mActionUndo->plug( editMenu );
mActionRedo->plug( editMenu );
mActionCut->plug( editMenu );
mActionCopy->plug( editMenu );
mActionPaste->plug( editMenu );
mActionDelete->plug( editMenu );
mActionSelectAll->plug( editMenu );
mActionRemoveVoice->plug( changeMenu );
// settings menu
//US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE
// you do that through the control center !!!
mActionConfigResources->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionConfigKAddressbook->plug( settingsMenu );
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionConfigShortcuts->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionConfigureToolbars->plug( settingsMenu );
} else {
mActionKeyBindings->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionJumpBar->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionDetails->plug( settingsMenu );
if (!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce || KGlobal::getDesktopSize() == KGlobal::Desktop )
mActionDetails->plug( tb );
mActionWhoAmI->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionCategories->plug( settingsMenu );
mActionLicence->plug( helpMenu );
mActionFaq->plug( helpMenu );
mActionAboutKAddressbook->plug( helpMenu );
if (KGlobal::getDesktopSize() > KGlobal::Small ) {
mActionSave->plug( tb );
mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb);
if (KGlobal::getDesktopSize() == KGlobal::Desktop ) {
mActionUndo->plug( tb );
mActionDelete->plug( tb );
mActionRedo->plug( tb );
//mActionQuit->plug ( tb );
// tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget, 6);
//US link the searchwidget first to this.
// The real linkage to the toolbar happens later.
//US mIncSearchWidget->reparent(tb, 0, QPoint(50,0), TRUE);
//US tb->insertItem( mIncSearchWidget );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) );
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this );
//US topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
this->layout()->add( mJumpButtonBar );
connect ( syncMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) );
void KABCore::showLicence()
void KABCore::removeVoice()
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("After importing, phone numbers\nmay have two or more types.\n(E.g. work+voice)\nThese numbers are shown as \"other\".\nClick Yes to remove the voice type\nfrom numbers with more than one type.\n\nRemove voice type?") ) == KMessageBox::No )
KABC::Addressee::List list = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers = (*it).phoneNumbers();
PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIt;
bool found = false;
for ( phoneIt = phoneNumbers.begin(); phoneIt != phoneNumbers.end(); ++phoneIt ) {
if ( (*phoneIt).type() & PhoneNumber::Voice) { // voice found
if ((*phoneIt).type() - PhoneNumber::Voice ) {
(*phoneIt).setType((*phoneIt).type() - PhoneNumber::Voice );
(*it).insertPhoneNumber( (*phoneIt) );
found = true;
if ( found )
contactModified((*it) );
void KABCore::clipboardDataChanged()
if ( mReadWrite )
mActionPaste->setEnabled( !QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty() );
void KABCore::updateActionMenu()
UndoStack *undo = UndoStack::instance();
RedoStack *redo = RedoStack::instance();
if ( undo->isEmpty() )
mActionUndo->setText( i18n( "Undo" ) );
mActionUndo->setText( i18n( "Undo %1" ).arg( undo->top()->name() ) );
mActionUndo->setEnabled( !undo->isEmpty() );
if ( !redo->top() )
mActionRedo->setText( i18n( "Redo" ) );
mActionRedo->setText( i18n( "Redo %1" ).arg( redo->top()->name() ) );
mActionRedo->setEnabled( !redo->isEmpty() );
void KABCore::configureKeyBindings()
KKeyDialog::configure( actionCollection(), true );
qDebug("KABCore::configureKeyBindings() not implemented");
void KABCore::configureResources()
KRES::KCMKResources dlg( this, "" , 0 );
if ( !dlg.exec() )
KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Please restart to get the \nchanged resources (re)loaded!\n") );
/* this method will be called through the QCop interface from Ko/Pi to select addresses
* for the attendees list of an event.
void KABCore::requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid)
QStringList nameList;
QStringList emailList;
QStringList uidList;
KABC::Addressee::List list = KABC::AddresseeDialog::getAddressees(this);
uint i=0;
for (i=0; i < list.count(); i++)
bool res = ExternalAppHandler::instance()->returnNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(sourceChannel, uid, nameList, emailList, uidList);
/* this method will be called through the QCop interface from other apps to show details of a contact.
void KABCore::requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid)
qDebug("KABCore::requestForDetails %s %s %s %s %s", sourceChannel.latin1(), sessionuid.latin1(), name.latin1(), email.latin1(), uid.latin1());
QString foundUid = QString::null;
if ( ! uid.isEmpty() ) {
Addressee adrr = mAddressBook->findByUid( uid );
if ( !adrr.isEmpty() ) {
foundUid = uid;
if ( email == "sendbacklist" ) {
//qDebug("ssssssssssssssssssssssend ");
QStringList nameList;
QStringList emailList;
QStringList uidList;
emailList = adrr.emails();
uidList.append( adrr.preferredEmail());
bool res = ExternalAppHandler::instance()->returnNameEmailUidListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/ompi", uid, nameList, emailList, uidList);
if ( email == "sendbacklist" )
if (foundUid.isEmpty())
//find the uid of the person first
Addressee::List namelist;
Addressee::List emaillist;
if (!name.isEmpty())
namelist = mAddressBook->findByName( name );
if (!email.isEmpty())
emaillist = mAddressBook->findByEmail( email );
qDebug("count %d %d ", namelist.count(),emaillist.count() );
//check if we have a match in Namelist and Emaillist
if ((namelist.count() == 0) && (emaillist.count() > 0)) {
foundUid = emaillist[0].uid();
else if ((namelist.count() > 0) && (emaillist.count() == 0))
foundUid = namelist[0].uid();
for (int i = 0; i < namelist.count(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < emaillist.count(); j++)
if (namelist[i] == emaillist[j])
foundUid = namelist[i].uid();
foundUid = uid;
if (!foundUid.isEmpty())
// raise Ka/Pi if it is in the background
//QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kapi", "raise()");
mMainWindow-> raise();
mViewManager->setSelected( "", false);
mViewManager->refreshView( "" );
mViewManager->setSelected( foundUid, true );
mViewManager->refreshView( foundUid );
if ( !mMultipleViewsAtOnce )
setDetailsVisible( true );
void KABCore::faq()
KApplication::showFile( "KA/Pi FAQ", "kdepim/kaddressbook/kapiFAQ.txt" );
void KABCore::fillSyncMenu()
if ( syncMenu->count() )
syncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Configure..."), 0 );
syncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Multiple sync"), 1 );
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
QStringList prof = config.readListEntry("SyncProfileNames");
KABPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName = config.readEntry("LocalMachineName","undefined");
if ( prof.count() < 3 ) {
prof << i18n("Sharp_DTM");
prof << i18n("Local_file");
prof << i18n("Last_file");
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
temp->setName( prof[0] );
temp->setName( prof[1] );
temp->setName( prof[2] );
delete temp;
KABPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles = config.readListEntry("ExternSyncProfiles");
KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames = prof;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < prof.count(); ++i ) {
syncMenu->insertItem( prof[i], 1000+i );
if ( i == 2 )
QDir app_dir;
if ( !app_dir.exists(QDir::homeDirPath()+"/Applications/dtm" ) ) {
syncMenu->setItemEnabled( false , 1000 );
//probaly useless
void KABCore::slotSyncMenu( int action )
//qDebug("syncaction %d ", action);
if ( action == 0 ) {
// seems to be a Qt2 event handling bug
// syncmenu.clear causes a segfault at first time
// when we call it after the main event loop, it is ok
// same behaviour when calling OM/Pi via QCOP for the first time
QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( confSync() ) );
if ( action == 1 ) {
multiSync( true );
if (mBlockSaveFlag)
mBlockSaveFlag = true;
mCurrentSyncProfile = action - 1000 ;
mCurrentSyncDevice = KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile] ;
mCurrentSyncName = KABPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName ;
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
KABPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences();
KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs = temp->getSyncPrefs();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackInFuture = 0;
if ( temp->getWriteBackFuture() )
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackInFuture = temp->getWriteBackFutureWeeks( );
KABPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary = temp->getShowSummaryAfterSync();
if ( action == 1000 ) {
} else if ( action == 1001 ) {
} else if ( action == 1002 ) {
} else if ( action >= 1003 ) {
if ( temp->getIsLocalFileSync() ) {
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNameAB( ), false ) )
KABPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNameAB();
} else {
if ( temp->getIsPhoneSync() ) {
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneDevice = temp->getPhoneDevice( ) ;
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneConnection = temp->getPhoneConnection( );
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneModel = temp->getPhoneModel( );
} else
syncRemote( temp );
delete temp;
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
void KABCore::syncLocalFile()
QString fn =KABPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile;
fn =KFileDialog:: getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Sync filename(*.ics/*.vcs)"), this );
if ( fn == "" )
if ( syncWithFile( fn, false ) ) {
qDebug("syncLocalFile() successful ");
bool KABCore::syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick )
bool ret = false;
QFileInfo info;
info.setFile( fn );
QString mess;
bool loadbup = true;
if ( !info. exists() ) {
mess = i18n( "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n").arg(fn.right( 30) );
int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),
mess );
return ret;
int result = 0;
if ( !quick ) {
mess = i18n("Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n").arg(fn.right( 25)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ));
result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),
i18n("Sync"), i18n("Cancel"), 0,
0, 1 );
if ( result )
return false;
if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences )
if ( result == 0 ) {
//qDebug("Now sycing ... ");
if ( ret = syncAB( fn, KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs ) )
setCaption( i18n("Synchronization successful") );
setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.") );
if ( ! quick )
KABPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = fn;
return ret;
void KABCore::quickSyncLocalFile()
if ( syncWithFile( KABPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile, false ) ) {
qDebug("quick syncLocalFile() successful ");
void KABCore::multiSync( bool askforPrefs )
if (mBlockSaveFlag)
mBlockSaveFlag = true;
QString question = i18n("Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!");
if ( QMessageBox::information( this, i18n("KO/Pi Sync"),
i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"),
0, 0 ) != 0 ) {
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
setCaption(i18n("Aborted! Nothing synced!"));
mCurrentSyncDevice = i18n("Multiple profiles") ;
KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs = KABPrefs::instance()->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs;
if ( askforPrefs ) {
KABPrefs::instance()->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs = KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs;
setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync started.") );
int num = ringSync() ;
if ( num > 1 )
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
if ( num )
if ( num )
setCaption(i18n("%1 profiles synced. Multiple sync completed!").arg(num) );
setCaption(i18n("Nothing synced! No profiles defined for multisync!"));
int KABCore::ringSync()
int syncedProfiles = 0;
int i;
QTime timer;
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
QStringList syncProfileNames = KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames;
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
KABPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences = false;
for ( i = 0; i < syncProfileNames.count(); ++i ) {
mCurrentSyncProfile = i;
if ( temp->getIncludeInRingSyncAB() && ( i < 1 || i > 2 )) {
setCaption(i18n("Profile ")+syncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]+ i18n(" is synced ... "));
// KABPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting();
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackInFuture = 0;
if ( temp->getWriteBackFuture() )
KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackInFuture = temp->getWriteBackFutureWeeks( );
KABPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary = false;
mCurrentSyncDevice = syncProfileNames[i] ;
mCurrentSyncName = KABPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName;
if ( i == 0 ) {
} else {
if ( temp->getIsLocalFileSync() ) {
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNameAB( ), true ) )
KABPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNameAB();
} else {
if ( temp->getIsPhoneSync() ) {
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneDevice = temp->getPhoneDevice( ) ;
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneConnection = temp->getPhoneConnection( );
KABPrefs::instance()->mPhoneModel = temp->getPhoneModel( );
} else
syncRemote( temp, false );
setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync in progress ... please wait!") );
while ( timer.elapsed () < 2000 ) {
#ifndef _WIN32_
sleep (1);
delete temp;
return syncedProfiles;
void KABCore::syncRemote( KSyncProfile* prof, bool ask)
QString question;
if ( ask ) {
question = i18n("Do you really want\nto remote sync\nwith profile \n")+ prof->getName()+" ?\n";
if ( QMessageBox::information( this, i18n("KO/Pi Sync"),
i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"),
0, 0 ) != 0 )
QString command = prof->getPreSyncCommandAB();
int fi;
if ( (fi = command.find("$PWD$")) > 0 ) {
QString pwd = getPassword();
command = command.left( fi )+ pwd + command.mid( fi+5 );
int maxlen = 30;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 )
maxlen += 25;
setCaption ( i18n( "Copy remote file to local machine..." ) );
int fileSize = 0;
int result = system ( command );
// 0 : okay
// 256: no such file or dir
qDebug("KO: Remote copy result(0 = okay): %d ",result );
if ( result != 0 ) {
int len = maxlen;
while ( len < command.length() ) {
command.insert( len , "\n" );
len += maxlen +2;
question = i18n("Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n%1\n \nTry command on console to get more\ndetailed info about the reason.\n").arg (command) ;
QMessageBox::information( this, i18n("KO/Pi Sync - ERROR"),
i18n("Okay!")) ;
setCaption ("KO/Pi");
setCaption ( i18n( "Copying succeed." ) );
//qDebug(" file **%s** ",prof->getLocalTempFile().latin1() );
if ( syncWithFile( prof->getLocalTempFileAB(), true ) ) {
// Event* e = mView->getLastSyncEvent();
// e->setReadOnly( false );
// e->setLocation( KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]);
// e->setReadOnly( true );
if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile ) {
command = prof->getPostSyncCommandAB();
int fi;
if ( (fi = command.find("$PWD$")) > 0 ) {
QString pwd = getPassword();
command = command.left( fi )+ pwd + command.mid( fi+5 );
setCaption ( i18n( "Writing back file ..." ) );
result = system ( command );
qDebug("KO: Writing back file result: %d ", result);
if ( result != 0 ) {
setCaption ( i18n( "Writing back file result: " )+QString::number( result ) );
} else {
setCaption ( i18n( "Syncronization sucessfully completed" ) );
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
void KABCore::edit_sync_options()
QDialog dia( this, "dia", true );
dia.setCaption( i18n("Device: " ) +mCurrentSyncDevice );
QButtonGroup gr ( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Sync preferences"), &dia);
QVBoxLayout lay ( &dia );
lay.setSpacing( 2 );
lay.setMargin( 3 );
QRadioButton loc ( i18n("Take local entry on conflict"), &gr );
QRadioButton rem ( i18n("Take remote entry on conflict"), &gr );
QRadioButton newest( i18n("Take newest entry on conflict"), &gr );
QRadioButton ask( i18n("Ask for every entry on conflict"), &gr );
QRadioButton f_loc( i18n("Force: Take local entry always"), &gr );
QRadioButton f_rem( i18n("Force: Take remote entry always"), &gr );
//QRadioButton both( i18n("Take both on conflict"), &gr );
QPushButton pb ( "OK", &dia);
lay.addWidget( &pb );
connect(&pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), &dia, SLOT ( accept() ) );
switch ( KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs ) {
case 0:
loc.setChecked( true);
case 1:
rem.setChecked( true );
case 2:
newest.setChecked( true);
case 3:
ask.setChecked( true);
case 4:
f_loc.setChecked( true);
case 5:
f_rem.setChecked( true);
case 6:
// both.setChecked( true);
if ( dia.exec() ) {
KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs = rem.isChecked()*1+newest.isChecked()*2+ ask.isChecked()*3+ f_loc.isChecked()*4+ f_rem.isChecked()*5;//+ both.isChecked()*6 ;
QString KABCore::getPassword( )
QString retfile = "";
QDialog dia ( this, "input-dialog", true );
QLineEdit lab ( &dia );
lab.setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
QVBoxLayout lay( &dia );
lay.addWidget( &lab);
dia.setFixedSize( 230,50 );
dia.setCaption( i18n("Enter password") );
QPushButton pb ( "OK", &dia);
lay.addWidget( &pb );
connect(&pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), &dia, SLOT ( accept() ) );;
int res = dia.exec();
if ( res )
retfile = lab.text();
return retfile;
#include <libkcal/syncdefines.h>
KABC::Addressee KABCore::getLastSyncAddressee()
Addressee lse;
//qDebug("CurrentSyncDevice %s ",mCurrentSyncDevice .latin1() );
lse = mAddressBook->findByUid( "last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
if (lse.isEmpty()) {
- lse.setUid( "last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
+ qDebug("Creating new last-syncAddressee ");
+ lse.setUid( "last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
QString sum = "";
if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles.contains( mCurrentSyncDevice ) )
sum = "E: ";
lse.setFamilyName(sum+mCurrentSyncDevice + i18n(" - sync event"));
lse.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
lse.setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") );
mAddressBook->insertAddressee( lse );
return lse;
+int KABCore::takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full )
+ //void setZaurusId(int id);
+ // int zaurusId() const;
+ // void setZaurusUid(int id);
+ // int zaurusUid() const;
+ // void setZaurusStat(int id);
+ // int zaurusStat() const;
+ // 0 equal
+ // 1 take local
+ // 2 take remote
+ // 3 cancel
+ QDateTime lastSync = mLastAddressbookSync;
+ if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
+ bool remCh, locCh;
+ remCh = ( remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) != local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
+ //if ( remCh )
+ //qDebug("loc %s rem %s", local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1(), remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1() );
+ locCh = ( local->revision() > mLastAddressbookSync );
+ if ( !remCh && ! locCh ) {
+ //qDebug("both not changed ");
+ lastSync = local->revision().addDays(1);
+ } else {
+ if ( locCh ) {
+ //qDebug("loc changed %d %s %s", local->revision() , local->lastModified().toString().latin1(), mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1());
+ lastSync = local->revision().addDays( -1 );
+ if ( !remCh )
+ remote->setRevision( lastSync.addDays( -1 ) );
+ } else {
+ //qDebug(" not loc changed ");
+ lastSync = local->revision().addDays( 1 );
+ if ( remCh )
+ remote->setRevision( lastSync.addDays( 1 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ full = true;
+ if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_ASK )
+ mode = SYNC_PREF_ASK;
+ } else {
+ if ( local->revision() == remote->revision() )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1() );
+ //qDebug("%s %d %s %d", local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , local->revision(), remote->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remote->revision());
+ //qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", local->lastModified().time().second(), local->lastModified().time().msec(), remote->lastModified().time().second(), remote->lastModified().time().msec() );
+ //full = true; //debug only
+ if ( full ) {
+ bool equ = ( (*local) == (*remote) );
+ if ( equ ) {
+ //qDebug("equal ");
+ if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
+ local->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
+ }
+ if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_FORCE_LOCAL )
+ return 0;
+ }//else //debug only
+ //qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1());
+ }
+ int result;
+ bool localIsNew;
+ //qDebug("%s -- %s mLastCalendarSync %s lastsync %s --- local %s remote %s ",local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1(),mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ,lastSync.toString().latin1() , local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() );
+ if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST )
+ mode = SYNC_PREF_ASK;
+ switch( mode ) {
+ if ( lastSync > remote->revision() )
+ return 1;
+ if ( lastSync > local->revision() )
+ return 2;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ if ( lastSync > remote->revision() )
+ return 1;
+ if ( lastSync > local->revision() )
+ return 2;
+ return 2;
+ break;
+ if ( local->revision() > remote->revision() )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 2;
+ break;
+ qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), local->revision().toString().latin1(), remote->revision().toString().latin1() );
+ if ( lastSync > remote->revision() )
+ return 1;
+ if ( lastSync > local->revision() )
+ return 2;
+ //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), local->revision().toString().latin1(), remote->revision().toString().latin1() );
+ localIsNew = local->revision() >= remote->revision();
+#if 0
+ if ( localIsNew )
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 );
+ else
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 );
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setIncidence(local);
+ if ( localIsNew )
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 );
+ else
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 );
+ getEventViewerDialog()->addIncidence(remote);
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 0 );
+ //qDebug("local %d remote %d ",local->relatedTo(),remote->relatedTo() );
+ getEventViewerDialog()->setCaption( mCurrentSyncDevice +i18n(" : Conflict! Please choose entry!"));
+ getEventViewerDialog()->showMe();
+ result = getEventViewerDialog()->executeS( localIsNew );
+ qDebug("conflict! ************************************** ");
+ result = 1;
+ return result;
+ break;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ return 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
bool KABCore::synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBook* remote,int mode)
bool syncOK = true;
int addedAddressee = 0;
int addedAddresseeR = 0;
int deletedAddresseeR = 0;
int deletedAddresseeL = 0;
int changedLocal = 0;
int changedRemote = 0;
//QPtrList<Addressee> el = local->rawAddressees();
Addressee addresseeR;
QString uid;
int take;
Addressee addresseeL;
Addressee addresseeRSync;
Addressee addresseeLSync;
KABC::Addressee::List addresseeRSyncSharp = remote->getExternLastSyncAddressees();
KABC::Addressee::List addresseeLSyncSharp = local->getExternLastSyncAddressees();
bool fullDateRange = false;
mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDateTime modifiedCalendar = mLastAddressbookSync;;
addresseeLSync = getLastSyncAddressee();
+ qDebug("Last Sync %s ", addresseeLSync.revision().toString().latin1());
addresseeR = remote->findByUid("last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncName );
if ( !addresseeR.isEmpty() ) {
addresseeRSync = addresseeR;
remote->removeAddressee(addresseeR );
} else {
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
addresseeRSync = addresseeLSync ;
} else {
+ qDebug("FULLDATE 1");
fullDateRange = true;
Addressee newAdd;
addresseeRSync = newAdd;
addresseeRSync.setFamilyName(mCurrentSyncName + i18n(" - sync addressee"));
addresseeRSync.setUid("last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncName );
addresseeRSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setCategories( i18n("SyncAddressee") );
- if ( addresseeLSync.revision() == mLastAddressbookSync )
+ if ( addresseeLSync.revision() == mLastAddressbookSync ) {
+ qDebug("FULLDATE 2");
fullDateRange = true;
+ }
if ( ! fullDateRange ) {
if ( addresseeLSync.revision() != addresseeRSync.revision() ) {
// qDebug("set fulldate to true %s %s" ,addresseeLSync->dtStart().toString().latin1(), addresseeRSync->dtStart().toString().latin1() );
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", addresseeLSync->dtStart().time().second(), addresseeLSync->dtStart().time().msec() , addresseeRSync->dtStart().time().second(), addresseeRSync->dtStart().time().msec());
fullDateRange = true;
+ qDebug("FULLDATE 3 %s %s", addresseeLSync.revision().toString().latin1() , addresseeRSync.revision().toString().latin1() );
if ( fullDateRange )
mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365);
mLastAddressbookSync = addresseeLSync.revision();
// for resyncing if own file has changed
// PENDING fixme later when implemented
#if 0
if ( mCurrentSyncDevice == "deleteaftersync" ) {
mLastAddressbookSync = loadedFileVersion;
qDebug("setting mLastAddressbookSync ");
//qDebug("*************************** ");
qDebug("mLastAddressbookSync %s ",mLastAddressbookSync.toString().latin1() );
QStringList er = remote->uidList();
Addressee inR ;//= er.first();
Addressee inL;
QProgressBar bar( er.count(),0 );
bar.setCaption (i18n("Syncing - close to abort!") );
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );;
int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1;
int incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < er.count()) {
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
bar.setProgress( incCounter );
uid = er[ incCounter ];
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(20) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
skipIncidence = true;
QString idS;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->findByUid( uid );
inR = remote->findByUid( uid );
//inL.setResource( 0 );
//inR.setResource( 0 );
if ( !inL.isEmpty() ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both calendars
- // pending if ( (take = takeAddressee( inL, inR, mode, fullDateRange )) > 0 ) {
- if ( true ) {
+ if ( take = takeAddressee( &inL, &inR, mode, fullDateRange ) ) {
//qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inL.summary().latin1());
if ( take == 3 )
return false;
if ( take == 1 ) {// take local
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inL.setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
- local->insertAddressee( inL );
+ local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
idS = inR.IDStr();
remote->removeAddressee( inR );
inR = inL;
if ( mGlobalSyncMode != SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL )
inR.setIDStr( idS );
inR.setResource( 0 );
- remote->insertAddressee( inR );
+ remote->insertAddressee( inR , false);
} else {
idS = inL.IDStr();
local->removeAddressee( inL );
inL = inR;
inL.setIDStr( idS );
inL.setResource( 0 );
- local->insertAddressee( inL );
+ local->insertAddressee( inL , false );
} else { // no conflict
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
QString des = addresseeLSync.note();
QString pref = "a";
if ( des.find(pref+ inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it
} else {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
- remote->insertAddressee( inR );
+ remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inL = inR;
inL.setResource( 0 );
- local->insertAddressee( inL );
+ local->insertAddressee( inL , false);
} else {
if ( inR.revision() > mLastAddressbookSync || mode == 5 ) {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
- remote->insertAddressee( inR );
+ remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inR.setResource( 0 );
- local->insertAddressee( inR );
+ local->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR);
remote->removeAddressee( inR );
QStringList el = remote->uidList();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
bar.setCaption (i18n("Add / remove addressees") );
bar.setTotalSteps ( el.count() ) ;;
incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < el.count()) {
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
bar.setProgress( incCounter );
uid = el[ incCounter ];
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(20) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->findByUid( uid );
inR = remote->findByUid( uid );
if ( inR.isEmpty() ) {
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
if ( !inL.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice );
//qDebug("remote added Incidence %s ", inL.summary().latin1());
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
- local->insertAddressee( inL );
+ local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
- remote->insertAddressee( inR );
+ remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
if ( inL.revision() < mLastAddressbookSync && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
- local->insertAddressee( inL );
+ local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
- remote->insertAddressee( inR );
+ remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
- int delFut = 0;
- #if 0
mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
addresseeLSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
- addresseeRSync.setLocation( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
- addresseeLSync.setLocation(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
- addresseeLSync.setReadOnly( true );
+ addresseeRSync.setGivenName( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
+ addresseeLSync.setGivenName(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL)
- remote->addAddressee( addresseeRSync );
+ remote->insertAddressee( addresseeRSync, false );
+ local->insertAddressee( addresseeLSync, false );
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedAddressee, addedAddresseeR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedAddresseeL, deletedAddresseeR );
- QString delmess;
- if ( delFut ) {
- delmess.sprintf( i18n("%d items skipped on remote,\nbecause they are in the past or\nmore than %d weeks in the future.\n"),delFut, KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackInFuture );
- mes += delmess;
- }
- if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary ) {
+ if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary ) {
KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization") );
qDebug( mes );
- mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true );
return syncOK;
- return false;
bool KABCore::syncAB(QString filename, int mode)
//pending prepare addresseeview for output
//pending detect, if remote file has REV field. if not switch to external sync
mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL;
AddressBook abLocal(filename,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
if ( abLocal.load() ) {
qDebug("AB loaded %s mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode );
AddressBook::Iterator it;
- QStringList vcards;
- for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
- qDebug("Name %s ", (*it).familyName().latin1());
- }
+ //QStringList vcards;
+ //for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
+ // qDebug("Name %s ", (*it).familyName().latin1());
+ //}
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, mode );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile )
qDebug("saving remote AB ");
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
#if 0
if ( storage->load(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) ) {
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true );
syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode );
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile )
storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) );
void KABCore::confSync()
static KSyncPrefsDialog* sp = 0;
if ( ! sp ) {
sp = new KSyncPrefsDialog( this, "syncprefs", true );
KABPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames = sp->getSyncProfileNames();
KABPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName = sp->getLocalMachineName ();
void KABCore::syncSharp()
if ( mModified )
qDebug("pending syncSharp() ");
void KABCore::syncPhone()
if ( mModified )
qDebug("pending syncPhone(); ");
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
index c67cee6..f01f306 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
@@ -1,483 +1,484 @@
This file is part of KAddressbook.
Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#ifndef KABCORE_H
#define KABCORE_H
#include <kabc/field.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
namespace KABC {
class AddressBook;
class KAboutData;
class KConfig;
class KAddressBookService;
class LDAPSearchDialog;
class KAddressBookMain;
//US class QAction;
class KCMultiDialog;
class KXMLGUIClient;
class ExtensionManager;
class XXPortManager;
class JumpButtonBar;
class IncSearchWidget;
class KDGanttMinimizeSplitter;
class KAction;
class KActionCollection;
class KToggleAction;
class KSyncProfile;
class QAction;
class QMenuBar;
class QSplitter;
class ViewContainer;
class ViewManager;
class AddresseeEditorDialog;
class Ir;
class KABCore : public QWidget
KABCore( KAddressBookMain *client, bool readWrite, QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 );
//US added functionality
QPopupMenu* getViewMenu() {return viewMenu;}
QPopupMenu* getFilterMenu() {return filterMenu;}
QPopupMenu* getSettingsMenu() {return settingsMenu;}
void addActionsManually();
Restores the global settings.
void restoreSettings();
Saves the global settings.
void saveSettings();
Returns a pointer to the StdAddressBook of the application.
KABC::AddressBook *addressBook() const;
Returns a pointer to the KConfig object of the application.
static KConfig *config();
Returns a pointer to the global KActionCollection object. So
other classes can register their actions easily.
KActionCollection *actionCollection() const;
Returns the current search field of the Incremental Search Widget.
KABC::Field *currentSearchField() const;
Returns the uid list of the currently selected contacts.
QStringList selectedUIDs() const;
Displays the ResourceSelectDialog and returns the selected
resource or a null pointer if no resource was selected by
the user.
KABC::Resource *requestResource( QWidget *parent );
static KAboutData *createAboutData();
inline QPopupMenu* getImportMenu() { return ImportMenu;}
inline QPopupMenu* getExportMenu() { return ExportMenu;}
public slots:
void createAboutData();
void statusMessage(QString, int time = 0 );
void showLicence();
void faq();
Is called whenever a contact is selected in the view.
void setContactSelected( const QString &uid );
Opens the preferred mail composer with all selected contacts as
void sendMail();
Opens the preferred mail composer with the given contacts as
void sendMail( const QString& email );
void mailVCard();
void mailVCard(const QStringList& uids);
Beams the "WhoAmI contact.
void beamMySelf();
void beamVCard();
void beamVCard(const QStringList& uids);
void beamDone( Ir *ir );
Starts the preferred web browser with the given URL as argument.
void browse( const QString& url );
Select all contacts in the view.
void selectAllContacts();
Deletes all selected contacts from the address book.
void deleteContacts();
Deletes given contacts from the address book.
@param uids The uids of the contacts, which shall be deleted.
void deleteContacts( const QStringList &uids );
Copys the selected contacts into clipboard for later pasting.
void copyContacts();
Cuts the selected contacts and stores them for later pasting.
void cutContacts();
Paste contacts from clipboard into the address book.
void pasteContacts();
Paste given contacts into the address book.
@param list The list of addressee, which shall be pasted.
void pasteContacts( KABC::Addressee::List &list );
Sets the whoAmI contact, that is used by many other programs to
get personal information about the current user.
void setWhoAmI();
Displays the category dialog and applies the result to all
selected contacts.
void setCategories();
Sets the field list of the Incremental Search Widget.
void setSearchFields( const KABC::Field::List &fields );
Search with the current search field for a contact, that matches
the given text, and selects it in the view.
void incrementalSearch( const QString& text );
Marks the address book as modified.
void setModified();
Marks the address book as modified without refreshing the view.
void setModifiedWOrefresh();
Marks the address book as modified concerning the argument.
void setModified( bool modified );
Returns whether the address book is modified.
bool modified() const;
Called whenever an contact is modified in the contact editor
dialog or the quick edit.
void contactModified( const KABC::Addressee &addr );
void addEmail( QString addr );
void importVCard( const KURL& url, bool showPreview );
void importVCard( const QString& vCard, bool showPreview );
void newContact();
QString getNameByPhone( const QString& phone );
Saves the contents of the AddressBook back to disk.
void save();
Undos the last command using the undo stack.
void undo();
Redos the last command that was undone, using the redo stack.
void redo();
Shows the edit dialog for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void editContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
//US added a second method without defaultparameter
void editContact2();
Shows or edits the detail view for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void executeContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
Launches the configuration dialog.
void openConfigDialog();
Launches the ldap search dialog.
void openLDAPDialog();
Creates a KAddressBookPrinter, which will display the print
dialog and do the printing.
void print();
Registers a new GUI client, so plugins can register its actions.
void addGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client );
void requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
void requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid);
void contactSelected( const QString &name );
void contactSelected( const QPixmap &pixmap );
public slots:
void setDetailsVisible( bool visible );
void setDetailsToState();
void slotSyncMenu( int );
private slots:
void setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool visible );
void importFromOL();
void extensionModified( const KABC::Addressee::List &list );
void extensionChanged( int id );
void clipboardDataChanged();
void updateActionMenu();
void configureKeyBindings();
void removeVoice();
void configureResources();
void slotEditorDestroyed( const QString &uid );
void configurationChanged();
void addressBookChanged();
void initGUI();
void initActions();
AddresseeEditorDialog *createAddresseeEditorDialog( QWidget *parent,
const char *name = 0 );
KXMLGUIClient *mGUIClient;
KABC::AddressBook *mAddressBook;
ViewManager *mViewManager;
// QSplitter *mDetailsSplitter;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *mExtensionBarSplitter;
ViewContainer *mDetails;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mMiniSplitter;
XXPortManager *mXXPortManager;
JumpButtonBar *mJumpButtonBar;
IncSearchWidget *mIncSearchWidget;
ExtensionManager *mExtensionManager;
KCMultiDialog *mConfigureDialog;
LDAPSearchDialog *mLdapSearchDialog;
// QDict<AddresseeEditorDialog> mEditorDict;
AddresseeEditorDialog *mEditorDialog;
bool mReadWrite;
bool mModified;
bool mIsPart;
bool mMultipleViewsAtOnce;
//US file menu
KAction *mActionMail;
KAction *mActionBeam;
KAction* mActionPrint;
KAction* mActionNewContact;
KAction *mActionSave;
KAction *mActionEditAddressee;
KAction *mActionMailVCard;
KAction *mActionBeamVCard;
KAction *mActionQuit;
//US edit menu
KAction *mActionCopy;
KAction *mActionCut;
KAction *mActionPaste;
KAction *mActionSelectAll;
KAction *mActionUndo;
KAction *mActionRedo;
KAction *mActionDelete;
//US settings menu
KAction *mActionConfigResources;
KAction *mActionConfigKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionConfigShortcuts;
KAction *mActionConfigureToolbars;
KAction *mActionKeyBindings;
KToggleAction *mActionJumpBar;
KToggleAction *mActionDetails;
KAction *mActionWhoAmI;
KAction *mActionCategories;
KAction *mActionAboutKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionLicence;
KAction *mActionFaq;
KAction *mActionDeleteView;
QPopupMenu *viewMenu;
QPopupMenu *filterMenu;
QPopupMenu *settingsMenu;
QPopupMenu *changeMenu;
//US QAction *mActionSave;
QPopupMenu *ImportMenu;
QPopupMenu *ExportMenu;
//LR additional methods
KAction *mActionRemoveVoice;
KAction * mActionImportOL;
KAddressBookService *mAddressBookService;
class KABCorePrivate;
KABCorePrivate *d;
bool mBlockSaveFlag;
KAddressBookMain *mMainWindow; // should be the same like mGUIClient
// LR *******************************
// sync stuff!
QPopupMenu *syncMenu;
void fillSyncMenu();
QString mCurrentSyncDevice;
QString mCurrentSyncName;
void quickSyncLocalFile();
bool syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick );
void KABCore::syncLocalFile();
void KABCore::syncPhone();
void KABCore::syncSharp();
void multiSync( bool askforPrefs );
int mCurrentSyncProfile ;
void syncRemote( KSyncProfile* prof, bool ask = true);
void edit_sync_options();
bool syncAB(QString filename, int mode);
int ringSync();
QString getPassword( );
int mGlobalSyncMode;
bool synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBook* remote,int mode);
KABC::Addressee getLastSyncAddressee();
QDateTime mLastAddressbookSync;
+ int takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full );
public slots:
void confSync();
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