-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp | 16 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp | 5 |
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp b/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp index 83a57ca..1474e4b 100644 --- a/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp @@ -1,448 +1,464 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qstring.h> #include <qkeycode.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "koglobals.h" #include "koprefs.h" #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS #include "kocore.h" #endif #include <kcalendarsystem.h> #include "navigatorbar.h" #include "kdatenavigator.h" KDateNavigator::KDateNavigator( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame(parent, name), updateTimer(0L) { setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); QDate startDate = QDate::currentDate(); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(this,8,8); if (! startDate.isValid()) { qDebug("KDateNavigator::invalid startdate "); startDate = QDate::currentDate(); } mMonthSignalOffset = 0; mSelectedDates.append(startDate); m_MthYr = startDate; m_bShowWeekNums = true; setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mDateNavigatorFont ); mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( startDate, this ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mNavigatorBar, 0, 0, 0, 7 ); //mNavigatorBar->resize( 1,1); connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ), SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ) ); connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ), SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ) ); connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ), SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ) ); connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextYear() ), SIGNAL( goNextYear() ) ); connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( monthSelected( int ) ), SLOT( slotMonthSelected( int ) ) ); // get the day of the week on the first day QDate dayone(m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), 1); m_fstDayOfWk = dayone.dayOfWeek(); int i; // Set up the heading fields. for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { headings[i] = new QLabel("",this); //headings[i]->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10, QFont::Bold)); headings[i]->setAlignment(AlignCenter); + headings[i]->installEventFilter(this); topLayout->addWidget(headings[i],1,i+1); } // Create the weeknumber labels for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { weeknos[i] = new QLabel(this); weeknos[i]->setAlignment(AlignCenter); //weeknos[i]->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10)); if(!m_bShowWeekNums) { weeknos[i]->hide(); } weeknos[i]->installEventFilter(this); topLayout->addWidget(weeknos[i],i+2,0); } daymatrix = new KODayMatrix( this, "KDateNavigator::DayMatrix"); daymatrix->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); daymatrix->setLineWidth(1); connect( daymatrix, SIGNAL( selected( const KCal::DateList & ) ), SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ) ); connect( daymatrix, SIGNAL( eventDropped( Event * ) ), SIGNAL( eventDropped( Event * ) ) ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(daymatrix,2,7,1,7); // read settings from configuration file. updateConfig(); enableRollover(FollowMonth); mySizeHint = sizeHintTwoButtons(); myFullSizeHint = sizeHintTwoButtons( 4 ); mFontChanged = false; } void KDateNavigator::changeFont ( QFont fo ) { setFont( fo ); mNavigatorBar->resetFont( fo ); } QFont KDateNavigator::yourFontHint( QSize si , bool *b) { QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mDateNavigatorFont; *b = false; int fontPoint = fo.pointSize(); while ( fontPoint > 5 ) { --fontPoint; fo.setPointSize( fontPoint ); setFont( fo ); mFontChanged = true; mNavigatorBar->resetFont( fo ); QSize sh = sizeHintTwoButtons( 2 ); //qDebug("fp %d %d %d %d %d", fontPoint, si.width() , sh.width() , si.height() , sh.height() ); if ( si.width() > sh.width() && si.height() > sh.height()) { if ( si.width() / sh.width() == 1 ) { if ( si.width() < sizeHintTwoButtons( 4 ).width()) continue; } *b = true; //qDebug("fooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuund "); break; } } //qDebug("returnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn %d", fo.pointSize() ); return fo; } QSize KDateNavigator::sizeHint() const { QFontMetrics fm ( font() ); QSize day = daymatrix->sizeHint(); QSize nav = mNavigatorBar->sizeHint(); int wid = fm.width( "30") + day.width()+3; int hei = fm.height() +day.height()+nav.height()+2; if ( wid < nav.width() ) wid = nav.width() ; //qDebug("KDateNavigator+++++++++++++ %d %d", wid , hei); return QSize ( wid, hei ); } QSize KDateNavigator::sizeHintTwoButtons( int butnum ) const { QFontMetrics fm ( font() ); QSize day = daymatrix->sizeHint(); QSize nav = mNavigatorBar->sizeHintTwoButtons( butnum ); int wid = fm.width( "30") + day.width()+3; int hei = fm.height() +day.height()+nav.height()+2; if ( wid < nav.width() ) wid = nav.width() ; //qDebug("KDateNavigator+++++++++++++ %d %d", wid , hei); return QSize ( wid, hei ); } void KDateNavigator::slotMonthSelected( int m ) { if ( m_MthYr.month() <= mMonthSignalOffset) m += 12; //qDebug("%d mMonthSignalOffset %d emit %d", m, mMonthSignalOffset, m - mMonthSignalOffset); emit monthSelected( m - mMonthSignalOffset ); } void KDateNavigator::setCalendar( Calendar *cal ) { daymatrix->setCalendar( cal ); } void KDateNavigator::setBaseDate( const QDate &date , bool doRepaint ) // = true { m_MthYr = date; //qDebug("KDateNavigator::setBaseDate %s ", date.toString().latin1()); updateDates(); updateView(); KCal::DateList dates; dates.append( date ); mNavigatorBar->selectDates( dates ); daymatrix->clearSelection(); if ( doRepaint ) daymatrix->repaint( false ); } void KDateNavigator::enableRollover(RolloverType r) { switch(r) { case None : if (updateTimer) { updateTimer->stop(); delete updateTimer; updateTimer=0L; } break; case FollowDay : case FollowMonth : if (!updateTimer) { updateTimer = new QTimer(this); QObject::connect(updateTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(possiblyPastMidnight())); } updateTimer->start(0,true); lastDayChecked = QDate::currentDate(); } updateRollover=r; } KDateNavigator::~KDateNavigator() { } void KDateNavigator::passedMidnight() { QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); bool emitMonth = false; if (today.month() != lastDayChecked.month()) { if (updateRollover==FollowMonth && daymatrix->isEndOfMonth()) { goNextMonth(); emitMonth=true; } } daymatrix->recalculateToday(); daymatrix->repaint( false ); emit dayPassed(today); if (emitMonth) { emit monthPassed(today); } } /* slot */ void KDateNavigator::possiblyPastMidnight() { if (lastDayChecked!=QDate::currentDate()) { passedMidnight(); lastDayChecked=QDate::currentDate(); } // Set the timer to go off 1 second after midnight // or after 8 minutes, whichever comes first. if (updateTimer) { QTime now = QTime::currentTime(); QTime midnight = QTime(23,59,59); int msecsWait = QMIN(480000,now.msecsTo(midnight)+2000); // qDebug(QString("Waiting %1 msec from %2 to %3.").arg(msecsWait)) // .arg(now.toString()).arg(midnight.toString())); updateTimer->stop(); updateTimer->start(msecsWait,true); } } void KDateNavigator::updateDates() { // Find the first day of the week of the current month. //int d1 = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( m_MthYr ); QDate dayone( m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), m_MthYr.day() ); int d2 = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( dayone ); //int di = d1 - d2 + 1; dayone = dayone.addDays( -d2 + 1 ); int m_fstDayOfWkCalsys = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek( dayone ); // If month begins on Monday and Monday is first day of week, // month should begin on second line. Sunday doesn't have this problem. int nextLine = ( ( m_fstDayOfWkCalsys == 1) && ( KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() == 1 ) ) ? 7 : 0; // update the matrix dates int index = (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0) - m_fstDayOfWkCalsys - nextLine; daymatrix->updateView(dayone.addDays(index)); //each updateDates is followed by an updateView -> repaint is issued there ! // daymatrix->repaint(); } void KDateNavigator::updateDayMatrix() { daymatrix->updateView(); //daymatrix->repaint(); } void KDateNavigator::updateView() { setUpdatesEnabled( false ); int i; // kdDebug() << "updateView() -> daymatrix->updateView()" << endl; daymatrix->updateView(); // set the week numbers. for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { QString weeknum; // remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the // first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4, // not just 1. //ET int dayOfYear = buttons[(i + 1) * 7 - 4]->date().dayOfYear(); int dayOfYear = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfYear((daymatrix->getDate((i+1)*7-4))); int add = 0; if ( ! KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ) ++add; if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0) weeknum.setNum(dayOfYear / 7 + 1+add); else weeknum.setNum(dayOfYear / 7 +add); weeknos[i]->setText(weeknum); } setUpdatesEnabled( true ); // kdDebug() << "updateView() -> repaint()" << endl; repaint(); // daymatrix->repaint(); } void KDateNavigator::updateConfig() { int day; for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { // take the first letter of the day name to be the abbreviation if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday()) { day = i+1; } else { if (i==0) day = 7; else day = i; } QString dayName = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName( day, true ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCompactDialogs ) dayName = dayName.left( 1 ); headings[i]->setText( dayName ); } updateDates(); updateView(); } void KDateNavigator::setShowWeekNums(bool enabled) { m_bShowWeekNums = enabled; for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { if(enabled) weeknos[i]->show(); else weeknos[i]->hide(); } resize(size()); } void KDateNavigator::selectDates(const DateList& dateList) { if (dateList.count() > 0) { mNavigatorBar->selectDates( dateList ); mSelectedDates = dateList; // set our record of the month and year that this datetbl is // displaying. m_MthYr = mSelectedDates.first(); // set our record of the first day of the week of the current // month. This needs to be done before calling dayToIndex, since it // relies on this information being up to date. QDate dayone(m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), 1); m_fstDayOfWk = dayone.dayOfWeek(); updateDates(); daymatrix->setSelectedDaysFrom(*(dateList.begin()), *(--dateList.end())); updateView(); } } int KDateNavigator::dayNum(int row, int col) { return 7 * (row - 1) + (col + 1) - m_fstDayOfWk; } int KDateNavigator::dayToIndex(int dayNum) { int row, col; row = (dayNum+m_fstDayOfWk-1-(KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0)) / 7; if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() && (m_fstDayOfWk == 1)) row++; col = (dayNum+m_fstDayOfWk-1-(KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0)) % 7; return row * 7 + col; } void KDateNavigator::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) { if(e->delta()>0) emit goPrevious(); else emit goNext(); e->accept(); } bool KDateNavigator::eventFilter (QObject *o,QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { int i; for(i=0;i<6;++i) { if (o == weeknos[i]) { QDate weekstart = daymatrix->getDate(i*7); emit weekClicked(weekstart); break; } } + for(i=0;i<7;++i) { + if (o == headings[i]) { + KCal::DateList selDays; + QDate date = daymatrix->getDate(14); + int dio = date.daysInMonth(); + int j; + int ye = date.year(); + int mo = date.month(); + for ( j = 1; j <= dio; ++j ) { + selDays.append( QDate( ye, mo, j ) ); + } + emit datesSelected( selDays ); + break; + } + } return true; } else { return false; } } //#include "kdatenavigator.moc" diff --git a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp index a9f5a41..cc0ce9b 100644 --- a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp @@ -231,426 +231,429 @@ void KOViewManager::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view, bool fullScreen ) //mMainView->updateView(); raiseCurrentView( full, true ); mMainView->adaptNavigationUnits(); } void KOViewManager::raiseCurrentView( bool fullScreen, bool callUpdateView ) { mCurrentAgendaView = 0; if ( fullScreen ) { mMainView->leftFrame()->hide(); } else { mMainView->leftFrame()->show(); } emit signalFullScreen( !fullScreen ); if ( callUpdateView ) mMainView->updateView(); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 5 ) { globalFlagBlockAgenda = 4; globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; } mMainView->viewStack()->raiseWidget(mCurrentView); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 4 ) { if ( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ) { //globalFlagBlockAgenda =1 ; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt ) mAgendaView->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins ); else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime ) mAgendaView->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() ); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("qApp->processEvents() "); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; mAgendaView->repaintAgenda(); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; } emit signalAgendaView( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ); //qDebug("raiseCurrentView ende "); } void KOViewManager::updateView() { // qDebug("KOViewManager::updateView() "); // if we are updating mTodoView, we get endless recursion if ( mTodoView == mCurrentView ) return; if ( mCurrentView ) mCurrentView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end) { // kdDebug() << "KOViewManager::updateView()" << endl; if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->showDates(start, end); if (mTodoView && mTodoView == mCurrentView ) mTodoView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::updateWNview() { if ( mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView && mWhatsNextView ) mWhatsNextView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::showWhatsNextView() { if (!mWhatsNextView) { mWhatsNextView = new KOWhatsNextView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::WhatsNextView"); mWhatsNextView->setEventViewer( mMainView->getEventViewerDialog()); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mWhatsNextView, SLOT(updateConfig())); addView(mWhatsNextView); connect(this, SIGNAL( printWNV() ), mWhatsNextView, SLOT( printMe() ) ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; showView(mWhatsNextView, true ); //mWhatsNextView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::showListView() { if (!mListView) { mListView = new KOListView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::ListView"); addView(mListView); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( signalNewEvent() ), mMainView, SLOT( newEvent() ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mListView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); } // bool temp = mFlagShowNextxDays; //globalFlagBlockPainting = true; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan ) { mMainView->setBlockShowDates( true ); mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonth(); mMainView->setBlockShowDates( false ); } showView(mListView, KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewTodo); //mFlagShowNextxDays = temp; } void KOViewManager::showAgendaView( bool fullScreen ) { mMainView->dialogManager()->hideSearchDialog(); // qDebug("KOViewManager::showAgendaView "); bool full; full = fullScreen; if (!mAgendaView) { full = false; mAgendaView = new KOAgendaView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::AgendaView"); addView(mAgendaView); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mAgendaView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceChanged(Incidence *, int )), mMainView, SLOT( changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *, int ) )); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR DAY/WEEK VIEW connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate )),SLOT(showDateView( int, QDate ))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newTodoSignal(QDateTime,bool)), mMainView, SLOT(newTodoDateTime(QDateTime,bool))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime,QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime,QDateTime))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDate)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDate))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL( toggleExpand() ), mMainView, SLOT( toggleExpand() ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL( calendarViewExpanded( bool ) ), mAgendaView, SLOT( setExpandedButton( bool ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), mMainView, SLOT(cloneIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ; connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), mMainView, SLOT(cancelIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ; connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mAgendaView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mAgendaView, SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView,SIGNAL( todoMoved( Todo *, int )), mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int ))); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum( int ) ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT ( selectWeek( int ) ) ); mAgendaView->readSettings(); mAgendaView->updateConfig(); } showView( mAgendaView, full); } void KOViewManager::showDayView() -{ +{ + mCurrentAgendaView = mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectedDates().count(); mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 1 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 ); mCurrentAgendaView = 1 ; } void KOViewManager::showWorkWeekView() { + mCurrentAgendaView = mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectedDates().count(); mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 5 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWorkWeek(); mCurrentAgendaView = 5 ; } void KOViewManager::showWeekView() { /* globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; qDebug("4globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; "); //globalFlagBlockPainting = true; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWeek(); showAgendaView(); */ + mCurrentAgendaView = mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectedDates().count(); mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 7 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWeek(); mCurrentAgendaView = 7 ; } void KOViewManager::showNextXView() { globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 3 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewMonth); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( QDate::currentDate(), KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays ); mFlagShowNextxDays = true; mCurrentAgendaView = 3 ; } bool KOViewManager::showsNextDays() { return mFlagShowNextxDays; } void KOViewManager::createMonthView() { if (!mMonthView) { mMonthView = new KOMonthView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::MonthView"); addView(mMonthView); // mMonthView->show(); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR MONTH VIEW connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum( int ) ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT ( selectWeekFromMonthView( int ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( selectMonth() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT ( selectMonthFromMonthview() ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( showDay( QDate ) ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mMonthView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(nextMonth() ), mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goNextMonth() ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(prevMonth() ), mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goPrevMonth() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectPreviousYear() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goNextYear() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectNextYear() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectPreviousMonth() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectNextMonth() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goPrevWeek() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectPreviousWeek() ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( goNextWeek() ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectNextWeek() ) ); connect( mMainView->dateNavigator(), SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ), mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SLOT( selectDates( const KCal::DateList & ) ) ); connect( mMonthView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL( monthSelected ( int ) ), mMainView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( slotMonthSelect( int ) ) ); } } void KOViewManager::showMonthViewWeek() { createMonthView(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; bool full = true; if ( mCurrentView == mMonthView) full = mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible(); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) { mMonthView->switchView(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen && mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible() ) full = false; else full = true; } mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWeek(); showView(mMonthView, full ); } void KOViewManager::showMonthView() { createMonthView(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; bool full = true; if ( mCurrentView == mMonthView) full = mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible(); // if(mMonthView == mCurrentView) return; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) { mMonthView->switchView(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen && mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible() ) full = false; else full = true; } mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonth(); showView(mMonthView, full ); } void KOViewManager::showTodoView() { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; if ( !mTodoView ) { mTodoView = new KOTodoView( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::TodoView" ); addView( mTodoView ); // QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mTodoView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR TODO VIEW connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newTodoSignal() ), mMainView, SLOT( newTodo() ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newSubTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( newSubTodo( Todo *) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( showTodoSignal( Todo *) ), mMainView, SLOT( showTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( editTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( editTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( deleteTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( deleteTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( purgeCompletedSignal() ), mMainView, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( configChanged() ), mTodoView, SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mTodoView, SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( todoModifiedSignal( Todo *, int ) ), mMainView, SIGNAL ( todoModified( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cloneTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cancelTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( unparentTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( todo_unsub( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( todo_resub( Todo *, Todo *) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( moveTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( beamTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config(); mTodoView->restoreLayout(config,"Todo View"); mTodoView->setNavigator( mMainView->dateNavigator() ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; showView( mTodoView, true ); } void KOViewManager::showJournalView() { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; if (!mJournalView) { |