-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/calendarview.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kofilterview.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.cpp | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.h | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.cpp | 9 |
7 files changed, 25 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt index 352ab63..30bb856 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt @@ -1,185 +1,193 @@ Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi +********** VERSION 2.1.12 ************ + +KO/Pi: +Many small usability fixes, e.g. rearranged the popup menus such that they are better to use on the Zaurus. +Fixed a problem with the month view when file was saved but KO/Pi was not the active window. +Fixed some problems in the resource config dialog (e.g. added a warning if you set all calendars to read-only). +Fixed some other small problems. + ********** VERSION 2.1.11 ************ KO/Pi: Because we can have many calendars now in KO/Pi we can have more than one journal entry per day. Added features to handle (and add ) more than one journal entry per day. Added option for a journal title. Added info about the calendar, the item belongs to, to the event/todo/journal viewer. Fixed a problem of the alarm of completed recurring todos. Added to the event/todo editor to set quickly the category of an item. Fixed some problems when calling KO/Pi or KA/Pi from the alarm applet. Added KA/Pi multi sync to the multi sync called from the alarm applet. ********** VERSION 2.1.10 ************ KO/Pi: Importing Birthdays will now create another file resource "Birthdays" and import the birthday data from KA/Pi into that file. When a multidayevent is selected in monthview all occurences of this event in the monthview are now hightlighted. Fixed a bug in searching for a small timerange, i.e. one day. KA/Pi: Fixed two problems in csv export. Fixed problems when calling the contact selection dialog from KO/Pi or OM/Pi. ********** VERSION 2.1.9 ************ KO/Pi: Fixed some problems of the new search options in the search dialog. Fixed some problems in the new resource config options. Changed the recurrence edit of events and todos such that the recurrence edit page now is notified about a change of the start date on the first page. Fixed a problem creating new events in the agenda view if at the day/time is already an agenda item shown: Now you can click on the bottom/top of an allday agenda item or on the left/right side of an agenda item to get the "new todo/new event" popup. Fixed a problem in recurrence range in syncing with DTM. KA/Pi: Made it posiible to show in the contact overview the details of all data available for that contact( e.g. office, spouse, children, nickname ...) PwM/Pi: Added "sec" to the timeout config settings to make it clear the timeout values are seconds. ********** VERSION 2.1.8 ************ KO/Pi: Added info about the completion state of a todo in the ListView/Searchdialog. If in TodoView is selected "do not show compledted todos" then completed todos are not shown in the ListView as well. Fixed some updating problems when changing the filter. KA/Pi: In the addressee selection dialog now the formatted name is shown, if not empty. Added a column "category" to the addressee selection dialog to make it possible to sort addressees after category. Now in the addressee selection dialog a selected contact is remove with a single click from the selected list. Fixed in the file selector on the Zaurus the problem that symbolic links to files/dirs were ignored. Fixed the sorting for size in the file selector on the Z. Changed the color selection dialog on the Zaurus to a more user friendly version. ********** VERSION 2.1.7 ************ KO/Pi: Fixed several problems in the new Resource handling. Added more options to the search dialog. Fixed a problem in the Month view. Added more options to the dialog when setting a todo to stopped. Fixed two small problems in KO/Pi Alarm applet. ********** VERSION 2.1.6 ************ This release is for testing only. KO/Pi: Added to the list view (the list view is used in search dialog as well) the possibility to print it. Added to the list view the possibility to hide entries, if you do not want to print all entries of the list view. Added to the list view the possibility to add all subtodos of selected todos to an export/beam. Added to the search dialog the possibility to make an additive search such that you can get a better list for export/printout. Added to the search dialog the possibility to hide the checkboxes such that there is more space for the list view on the Zaurus. Fixed a problem in the AlarmTimer Applet: Now utf8 messages are displayed properly. Added support for multiple calendar files in KO/Pi. Only local ical (*.ics) files are supported as calendars. In the sync profile config it is still missing to specify a particular calendar to sync with this profile. That setting will be added later. Now on every sync the set of calendars is synced which are enabled in the resource view. A calendar is enabled in the resource view if the "eye" column is checked. You can set a calendar to be the default for new items( "+" column ). You can tell KO/Pi to ignore all alarm of a calendar ( "bell" column ) and you can set it readonly. To find out how to add a new calendar and how to remove a calendar is left as an exercise to the reader ... ********** VERSION 2.1.5 ************ This is the new stable version. Bugfix: Fixed a problem with agenda popup on the desktop in KO/Pi. Fixed a crash when reloading file, e.g. after a passive pi-sync synchronization. Added config option to not display completed todos in agenda view. Addressee view is now using the formatted name, if defined. That makes it possible to display "lastname, firstname" in that view now. To set the formatted name for all contacts, please use menu: Edit->Change->Set formatted name. Fixed the bug in KA/Pi that is was not possible to add images to a contact on Windows. ********** VERSION 2.1.4 ************ Fixed two more bugs in the KA/Pi CSV import dialog: Made it possible to read multi-line fields and import it to the "Note" field. Fixed a problem in mapping custom fields, whatever a custem field is... ********** VERSION 2.1.3 ************ Changed the menu structure of the alarm applet: Moved "Simulate" to " Play Beeps" submenu and re-added "Todo List". Fixed several problems in the KA/Pi CSV import dialog: Added "Category", made codec configureable and made it possible to map many fields to the "Note" field. ********** VERSION 2.1.2 ************ Fixed a problem closing the alarm dialog on Zaurus with "OK" button. Fixed a problem when importing data from Outlook with mutiple categories set. Changed display of days in datenavigator: Birthdays are now blue, not dark green. When todo view is shown, no birtdays are shown and days with due todos are shown blue. When journal view is shown, only holidays are shown and days with journals are blue. Added Backup options to global config: You can create now x-daily backups for KO/Pi, KA/Pi (for file resources only, file resource is the standard type) and PwM/Pi ( all files you will open ). It is recommended to use another HDD/Memory card for the backup directory. If (very useful on the Zaurus) the specified backup directory does not exist you are asked if you want to try again to create a backup. That makes it possible to insert your memory card in the Zaurus and then trying again. The backup is created when the application wants to save for the first time on a backup-day. You can specify the amount of backups and the day interval of backups. ********** VERSION 2.1.1 ************ Stable release 2.1.1! KO/Pi: Fixed one problem in the layout of the edit dialogs on the Zaurus with 640x480 display. ********** VERSION 2.1.0 ************ Stable release 2.1.0! Summary of changes/fixes compared to version 2.0.6: Many bugs of version 2.0.6 fixed. Most of them were small bugs, but some of them were important. It is recommended to use version 2.1.0 and not version 2.0.6. Important changes: Added recurring todos to KO/Pi. Added global application font settings (for all KDE-Pim/Pi apps) to the general settings. Made Passwordmanager PwM/Pi more userfriendly: Rearranged some toolbar icons, optimized setting of focus, fixed layout problems and more. Datenavigator can now display many months. Very useful on the desktop. KO/Pi alarm applet changed: Made buttons in alarm dialog much bigger and other usebility enhancements. Made alarm sound working on Linux desktop. Made KO/Pi and KA/Pi running from a memory stick. Please read storage HowTo for details. Added timetracking feature in KO/Pi todo view. Please read timetraker HowTo for details. Many other usebility enhancements. Special thanks to Ben for his suggestions! You can find the complete changelog from version 1.7.7 to 2.1.0 in the source package or on http://www.pi-sync.net/html/changelog.html diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 9c22730..5fece5b 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -556,385 +556,384 @@ { "French","Franz�sich" }, { "Time","Zeit" }, { "Event Viewer","Termin Ansicht" }, { "Cancel Sync","Sync Abbrechen" }, { "Remote","Fern" }, { "Local","Lokal" }, { "Conflict! Please choose entry","Konflikt! Bitte Eintrag w�hlen" }, { "Local: ","Lokal: " }, { "Remote: ","Fern: " }, { "Last modified: ","Zuletzt ge�ndert: " }, { "Location: ","Ort: " }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1 </p><p><b>To:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Von:</b> %1 </p><p><b>Bis:</b> %2</p>" }, { "<p><b>On:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Am:</b> %1</p>" }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1</p> ","<p><b>Von:</b> %1</p> " }, { "<p><b>To:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Bis:</b> %1</p>" }, { "<p><b>On:</b> %1</p> ","<p><b>Am:</b> %1</p> " }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1 <b>To:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Von:</b> %1 <b>Bis:</b> %2</p>" }, { "This is a %1 recurring event.","Das ist ein %1 wiederholender Termin." }, { "<b>Next recurrence is on:</b>","<b>N�chste Wiederholung ist am:</b>" }, { "<b>Last recurrence was on:</b>","<b>Letzte Wiederholung war am:</b>" }, { "( %1 min before )","( %1 min vorher )" }, { "<b>Alarm on: ","<b>Alarm am: " }, { "<b>Details: </b>","<b>Details: </b>" }, { "<p><b>Priority:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Priorit�t:</b> %2</p>" }, { "<p><i>%1 % completed</i></p>","<p><i>%1 % erledigt</i></p>" }, { "Organizer","Organisator" }, { "Save","Speichern" }, { "Exit (+save)","Beenden(+speichern)" }, { "Home","Zuhause" }, { "Office","B�ro" }, { "Library","Bibliothek" }, { "Doctor","Arzt" }, { "Beach","Strand" }, { "Conference room","Konferenzraum" }, { "Drive Home","Heimfahrt" }, { "Watch TV","Tv gucken" }, { "Phone call","Telefonanruf" }, { "Pay bill","Rechnung bezahlen" }, { "Read book","Buch lesen" }, { "Watering plants","Pflanzen giessen" }, {"Appointment","Verabredung" }, {"Birthday","Geburtstag" }, {"Business","Gesch�ft" }, {"Business Travel","Gesch�ftsreise" }, {"Cinema","Kino" }, {"Customer","Kunde" }, {"Break","Pause" }, {"Breakfast","Fr�hst�ck" }, {"Competition","Wettkampf" }, {"Dinner","Abendessen" }, {"Education","Erziehung" }, {"Family","Familie" }, {"Favorites","Favoriten" }, {"Festival","Festival" }, {"Fishing","Angeln" }, {"Flight","Flug" }, {"Gifts","Geschenk" }, {"Holiday","Feiertag" }, {"Holiday Cards","Ansichtskarten" }, {"Hot Contacts","Heisse Kontakte" }, {"Hiking","Wandern" }, {"Hunting","Jagen" }, {"Key Customer","Wichtiger Kunde" }, {"Kids","Kinder" }, {"Lunch","Mittagessen" }, {"Meeting","Treffen" }, {"Miscellaneous","Verschiedenes" }, {"Partner","Partner" }, {"Party","Partie" }, {"Personal","Privat" }, {"Personal Travel","Privatreise"}, {"PHB","PHB" }, {"Phone Calls","Telefonanruf" }, {"Projects","Projekt" }, {"Recurring","Wiederholend" }, {"School","Schule" }, {"Shopping","Einkaufen" }, {"Speach","Rede" }, {"Special Occasion","Spez.Gelegenheit" }, {"Sports","Sport" }, {"Talk","Vortrag" }, {"Travel","Reise" }, {"TV","TV" }, {"Germany","Deutschland" }, {"Sweden","Schweden" }, {"Forest","Wald" }, { "Desert","W�ste" }, { "Kitchen","K�che" }, { "Lake","See" }, {"University","Universit�t"}, {"Vacation","Urlaub" }, {"VIP","VIP" }, { "Import Sharp Calendar","Importiere Sharp Kalender" }, { "This todo has been cancelled!","Dieses Todo wurde gecancelt!" }, { "This event has been cancelled!","Dieser Termin wurde gecancelt!" }, { "Cancelled","Gecancelt" }, { "Multiple sync","Mehrfach Sync" }, { "Local file","Lokale Datei" }, { "Last file","Letzte Datei" }, { "Keys + Colors...","Tasten + Farben..." }, { "Mini icons in toolbar(nr)","Mini Icons in ToolBar(bn)" }, { "Quick load/save (w/o Unicode)","Schnelles Laden/Speichern (o Unicode)" }, { "Choose...","W�hle..." }, { "Use colors for application:","Setze Farben f�r Programm:" }, { "Buttons, menus, etc.:","Kn�pfe, Menu, etc.:" }, { "Frames, labels, etc.:","Rahmen, Label, etc.:" }, { "Show parent To-Do's","Zeige Ober-Todos" }, { "Show location","Zeige Orte" }, { "Show events that recur ","Zeige Termine, die sich wiederholen:" }, { "Show in every cell ","Zeige in jeder Zelle " }, { "short month","kurzen Monat" }, { "icons","Icons" }, { "Show Sat/Sun together","Zeige Sam/Son zusammen" }, { "Category colors are applied to text","Kategorie Farben f�rben Text" }, { "Month view uses day colors","Monatsansicht zeigt Tagesfarben" }, { "Day color odd months","Tagesfarbe ungerade Monate" }, { "Day color even months","Tagesfarbe gerade Monate" }, { "Color for Sundays + category \"Holiday\"","Farbe f�r Sonntag + Kateg.\" Feiertag\"" }, { "To-do view shows complete as 'xx %'","Zeige Prozent erledigt als 'xx %'" }, { "Small To-do view uses smaller font","Kleine To-do Ansicht nutzt kleineren Font" }, { "Colors are applied to text","Farben werden auf Text angewendet" }, { "Use internal alarm notification","Nutze interne Alarm Benachrichtigung" }, { "Note: KO/Pi must be running to notify you about an alarm. Recommended for use on Zaurus: Disable this option and install KO/Pi alarm applet.\n","Achtung: KO/Pi mu� ausgef�hrt werden damit die Benachrichtigung funktioniert. Empfehlung f�r Zaurus: Diese Option nicht w�hlen und KO/Pi Alarm Applet installieren.\n" }, { "Play beeps count:","Anzahl der Alarmpiepse: " }, { "Beeps interval in sec:","Zeitintervall der Alarmpiepse: " }, { "Default suspend time in min:","Standard Supendierungs Zeit: " }, { "Auto suspend count:","Anzahl der auto Suspendierungen" }, { "Alarm *.wav file for newly created alarm:","Alarm *.wav Datei f�r neu angelegte Alarme:" }, { "New profile","Neues Profil" }, { "Clone profile","Klone Profil" }, { "Delete profile","L�sche Profil" }, { "Profile:","Profil:" }, { "Include in multiple sync","Beziehe Profil in mehrfach Sync mit ein" }, { "Force: Take local entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer lokalen Eintrag" }, { "Force: Take remote entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer fernen Eintrag" }, { "Show summary after sync","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach dem Synchronisieren" }, { "Write back file","Schreibe Datei zur�ck" }, { "Remote file (w down/upload command)","Entfernte Datei (via down/upload Kommando)" }, { "Pre sync (download) command:","Bevor Sync (download) Kommando:" }, { "Local device name:","Name dieses Ger�tes:" }, { "Ask for preferences before sync","Frage nach Synchronisationseinstellungen vor dem Syncen" }, { "Sync preferences","Synchronisations Einstellungen" }, { "Profile kind","Profil Art" }, { "Local file","Lokale Datei" }, { "Local file:","Lokale Datei:" }, { "Post sync (upload) command:","Nach Sync (upload) Kommando:" }, { "Fill in default values for:","Setze Beispiel Werte ein f�r:" }, { "Hint: Use $PWD$ for placeholder of password!","Hinweis: Benutze $PWD$ als Platzhalter f�r ein Passwort!" }, { "Synchronization Preferences","Einstellungen der Synchronisationsprofile"}, { "Device","Ger�t:" }, { "Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n","Sync mit Datei \n...%1\nvom:\n%2\n" }, { "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n","Synchronisations�bersicht:\n\n %d items lokal hinzugef�gt\n %d items entfernt hinzugef�gt\n %d items lokal ge�ndert\n %d items entfernt ge�ndert\n %d items lokal gel�scht\n %d items entfernt gel�scht\n" }, { "Synchronization successful","Synchronisation erfolgreich" }, { "Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.","Sync abgebrochen oder fehlgeschlagen. Nichts wurde gesynced." }, { "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n","Sync Datei \n...%1\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts wurde gesynced!\n" }, { "Sync filename(*.ics/*.vcs)","Sync Dateiname(*.ics/*.vcs)" }, { "Enter password","Passwort eingeben" }, { "Do you really want\nto remote sync\nwith profile \n","Wollen Sie wirklich\nmit dem entfernten\nProfil syncen: \n" }, { "Copy remote file to local machine...","Kopiere entfernte Datei auf lokalen Rechner..." }, { "Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n%1\n \nTry command on console to get more\ndetailed info about the reason.\n","Sorry, das Kopierkommando schlug fehl!\nKommando war:\n%1\n \nVersuche Kommando von Kosole um\nDetails f�r das Fehlschlagen\nzu erfahren.\n" }, { "Writing back file result: ","Resultat des Dateizur�ckschreibens: " }, { "Syncronization sucessfully completed","Synchronisation erfolgreich abgeschlossen" }, { "Edit Calendar Filters","Editiere Kalendar Filter" }, { "Enter filter name:","Neuer Filter Name:" }, { "Add Filter","Filter hinzuf�gen" }, { "Question","Frage" }, { "Filter position: ","Filter Position: " }, { "Month View","Monatsansicht" }, { "This profil cannot be deleted!\n","Dieses Profil kann\nnicht gel�scht werden!" }, { "KO/Pi config error","KO/Pi Konfig. Fehler" }, { "Local device name undefined!\nPlease define device name!","Name dieses Ger�tes undefiniert!\nBitte Namen angeben!" }, { "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile haben denselben Namen!\nBitte unterschiedliche Namen w�hlen!" }, { "Access: ","Zugriff: " }, { "Needs Action","Aktion notwendig" }, { "Accepted","Akzeptiert" }, { "Declined","Abgelehnt" }, { "Tentative","Vorl�ufig" }, { "Delegated","Beauftragt" }, { "Completed","Vollst�ndig" }, { "In Process","In Bearbeitung" }, { "Participant","Teilnehmer" }, { "Optional Participant","M�glicher Teilnehmer" }, { "Observer","Beobachter" }, { "Chair","Vorsitzender" }, { "Not supported \non desktop!\n","" }, { "Nothing selected!\n\nThis prints the full width of the Agenda view as you see it!\n\nTo determine the vertical range of the printing, please select\na vertical range (with the left mouse button down) in one column. ","Es ist nichts selektiert!\nDieses druckt die volle Breite der Agenda View, so wie man sie sieht.\nUm die vertikale Auswahl zum Drucken zu bestimmen,\nbitte einen vertikalen Zeitraum (mit gedr�ckter linker Maustaste)\nin einer Spalte ausw�hlen.\n(Es wird danach direkt der Termin Dialog angezeigt\n - dort bitte auf Abbrechen klicken) " }, { "Date range: ","Datums Zeitspanne: " }, { "Not supported \non PDA!\n","Nicht verf�gbar\nauf dem PDA. " }, { "Syncing - close to abort!","Syncing-schlie�e um abzubrechen." }, { "Add / remove events","Add./entferne Termine" }, { "File does not exist:\n '%1'.","Datei existiert nicht:\n '%1'." }, { "Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.","Kann Kalender nicht laden:\n '%1'." }, -{ "\nThe file on disk has changed!\nFile size: %1 bytes.\nLast modified: %2\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n","\nDie gepeicherte Datei wurde ver�ndert!\nDatei Gr�sse: %1 Bytes.\nZuletzt ge�ndert: %2\nM�chten Sie:\n\n - Speichern und die Datei �berschreiben?\n - Mit Datei Synchronisieren, dann speichern?\n - Abbrechen ohne zu speichern? \n" }, { "Overwrite","�berschreiben" }, { "Sync+save","Syncen+speichern" }, { "Default","Standard" }, { " Categories added to list! "," Kategorien zur Liste hinzugef�gt! " }, { " %d items?"," %d Eintr�ge?" }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event\nand all its recurrences?","\nDieses ist ein\nwiederholender Termin!.\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie\ndiesen Termin und alle\nWiederholungen l�schen m�chten?" }, { " ?\n\nDelete:\n"," ?\n\nL�sche:\n" }, { "Current","Aktuelle" }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nDo you want to delete\nall it's recurrences,\nor only the current one on:\n","\nDieses ist ein\nwiederholender Termin!\nM�chten sie alle Wiederholungen\nl�schen, oder nur die aktuelle am:\n" }, { "All","Alle" }, { "Data Loss Warning","Datenverlust Warnung" }, { "Proceed","Weitermachen" }, { "The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file.","Die Journal Eintr�ge k�nnen\nnicht in eine vCalendar\nDatei exportiert werden!" }, { "Filter disabled ","Filter abgeschaltet" }, { "Filter selected: ","Gew�hlter Filter: " }, { "Toggle Cancel","Gecancelt �ndern" }, { "&Toggle Cancel","Gecancel&t �ndern" }, { "Configure Toolbar","Konfiguriere Toolbar" }, { "Stretched TB","Gedehnte TB" }, { "Import file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing imported!\n","Import Datei \n...%1\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts importiert!\n" }, { "Import filename(*.ics/*.vcs)","Import Dateiname(*.ics/*.vcs)" }, { "When importing a calendar twice\nduplicated events will be ignored!\nYou can create a backup file with\nFile - Save Calendar Backup\nto revert importing","Wenn ein Kalender doppelt importiert\nwird, werden doppelte Eintr�ge ignoriert!\nSie k�nnen eine Backup Datei anlegen unter\nDatei - Speichere Kalender Backup\num den Import r�ckg�ngig machen zu k�nnen.\n" }, { "Not supported \non desktop!\n","Nur verf�gbar auf PDA!" }, { "Imported file successfully","Datei erfolgreich importiert" }, { "Error importing file","Fehler beim Importieren der Datei" }, { "Export vcal filename(*.vcs)","Export vcal Dateiname(*.vcs)" }, { "Save file\nalready exists!\nOld save file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n","Zu speichernde Datei\existiert bereits!\nExist. Datei vom:\n%1\n�berschreiben?\n" }, { "Overwrite!","�berschreiben!" }, { "Import file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\nDuplicated entries\nwill not be imported!\n","Import Datei \n...%1\nvom:\n%2\nDuplizierte Eintr�ge\nwerden nicht importiert!\n" }, { "Load backup filename","Lade Backup Dateiname" }, { "Backup file\ndoes not exist!\nNothing loaded!","Backup Datei\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts geladen!" }, { "KO/Pi:Loaded %1","KO/Pi:Geladen %1" }, { "Save backup filename","Speichere Backup Dateiname" }, { "Backup file\nalready exists!\nOld backup file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n","Backup Datei\nexistiert bereits!\nAlte Backup Datei vom:\n%1\n�berschreiben?\n" }, { "KO/Pi:Saved %1","KO/Pi:Gespeichert %1" }, { "Details of attendee","Teilnehmerdetails" }, { "Work phone:\n","Telefon Arbeit:\n" }, { "Work mobile phone:\n","Mobiltelefon Arbeit:\n" }, { "Home phone:\n","Telefon privat:\n" }, { "Mobile home phone:\n","Mobiltelefon privat:\n" }, { "Email:\n","Email:\n" }, { "Alarm disabled for this item","Alarm deaktiviert f�r dieses Item" }, { "Audio Al.: ","Audio Al.: " }, { "Proc.Al.: ","Proz.Al.: " }, { "No sound set","Kein Sound definiert" }, { "*.wav|Wav Files","*.wav|Wav Dateien" }, { "No program set","Kein Programm definiert" }, { "Running '%1'","Ausf�hren '%1'" }, { "Playing '%1'","Abspielen '%1'" }, { "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdefiniert (usertranslation.txt)" }, { "Load!","Laden!" }, { "Backup file from:\n%1\nLoading backup\nfile will delete\nyour current Data!\n","Backup Datei vom:\n%1\nDas Laden der Backup Datei\nl�scht die aktuellen Daten!\n" }, { "KO/Pi Features and hints","KO/Pi Eigenschaften und Tipps" }, { "KO/Pi User translation HowTo","KO/Pi Benutzer-�bersetzung HowTo" }, { "KO/Pi Synchronization HowTo","KO/Pi Synchronisation HowTo" }, { "Features + hints...","Eigenschaften + Tipps..." }, { "User translation...","Benutzer �bersetzung..." }, { "Sync HowTo...","Synchronisation HowTo..." }, { "Print calendar...","Drucke Kalender..." }, { "Anniversary","Jahrestag" }, { "When importing birthdays twice\nduplicated events will be ignored,\nif the event has not been\nchanged in KO/Pi!\n","Wenn Geburtstage mehrfach importiert\nwerden, werden doppelte Eintr�ge ignoriert\nwenn sie nicht ver�ndert wurden.\n" }, { "Import Birthdays (KA/Pi)","Importiere Geburtstage (KA/Pi)" }, { "Next recurrence is on: ","N�chste Wiederholung ist am:" }, { "<b>Alarm on: </b>","<b>Alarm am: </b>" }, { "<b>Access: </b>","<b>Zugriff: </b>" }, { "(%1 min before)","(%1 min vorher)" }, { "<b>Categories: </b>","<b>Kategorien: </b>" }, { "Save Journal/Description...","Speichere Journal/Details..." }, { "This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file.","Das speichert den Text bzw.\ndie Details von selektierten\nJournalen und Events/Todos\nin eine Textdatei." }, { "Continue","Weitermachen" }, { " birthdays/anniversaries added!"," Geburts-/Jahrestage hinzugef�gt" }, { "Attendee:","Teilnehmer:" }, { "Click OK to search ->","Klicke zum Suchen auf OK ->" }, { "On day ","Am Tag " }, { "%1 of ","%1 des Monats" }, { "%1 of the year","%1 des Jahres" }, { "Anonymous","Anonymo" }, { "nobody@nowhere","niemand@nirgendwo" }, { "calendar.html","calendar.html" }, { " Local Time"," Lokale Zeit" }, { "Unknown Name","Unbekannter Name" }, { "unknown@nowhere","unbekannt@nirgendwo" }, { "Beam via IR!","Beam via IR!" }, { "Next Month","N�chster Monat" }, { "Prio","Prio" }, { "Reparent Todo","Mache Sub-Todo" }, { "tomorrow","morgen" }, { "today","heute" }, { "yesterday","gestern" }, { "Ok","Ok" }, { "Ok+Agenda","Ok+Agenda" }, { "Email","Email" }, { "RSVP","RSVP" }, { "Email:","Email:" }, { "Appointment Time ","Termin Zeit " }, { "2","2" }, { "3","3" }, { "4","4" }, { " 0 %"," 0 %" }, { " 20 %"," 20 %" }, { " 40 %"," 40 %" }, { " 60 %"," 60 %" }, { " 80 %"," 80 %" }, { "100 %","100 %" }, { "Filter","Filter" }, { "Configure","Konfiguriere" }, { "What's Next","What's Next" }, { "Complete calendar...","Kompletten Kalender..." }, { "Filtered calendar...","Gefilterten Kalender..." }, { "Export to phone","Exportiere zum Handy" }, { "Beam receive enabled","Beam Empfang an" }, { "What's new?","Was ist neu?" }, { "FAQ...","FAQ..." }, { "Licence...","Licence..." }, { "What's This?","What's This?" }, { "&Edit...","&Editiere..." }, { "Oktober","Oktober" }, { "Title","Titel" }, { "%1 %","%1 %" }, { "Enable Pi-Sync","Schalte Pi-Sync an" }, { "Import!","Importiere!" }, { "inserting birthdays - close to abort!","Burzeltage werden eingef�gt - schlie�e um abzubrechen!" }, { "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" }, { "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." }, { "I/O device: ","I/O device: " }, { "Connection: ","Connection: " }, { "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " }, { "Write back events in future only","Schreibe nur zuk�nftige Termine zur�ck" }, { "Max. weeks in future: ","Max. Wochen in der Zukunft: " }, { "NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das l�scht alle alten\nTodo/Kalender Daten auf dem Handy!" }, { "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" }, { "Export complete calendar","Exportiere kompletten Kalender" }, { "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." }, { " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" }, { "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" }, { "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" }, { "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Ger�t!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" }, { "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" }, { "Export filtered calendar","Exportiere gefilterten Kalender" }, { "Preferences","Vorlieben" }, { "Global","Global" }, { "Phone","Phone" }, { "SMS","SMS" }, { "Fax","Fax" }, { "Pager","Pager" }, { "SIP","SIP" }, { "Italian","Italienisch" }, { "24:00","24:00" }, { "12:00am","12:00am" }, { "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" }, { "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" }, { "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" }, { "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" }, { "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" }, { "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" }, { "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" }, { "Channel:","Channel:" }, { "Message:","Message:" }, { "Parameters:","Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" }, { "extra Message:","extra Message:" }, { "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" }, { "External Apps.","Externe Appl." }, { "24 hours","24 Std." }, { "3 hours","3 Std." }, { "1 hour","1 Std." }, { "15 minutes","15 Min." }, { "5 minutes","5 Min." }, { "1 minute","1 Min." }, { "23","23" }, { "Mon 15","Mon 15" }, { "Configure KO","Konfiguriere KO" }, { "Event text","Termin Text" }, { "ToDo","Todo" }, { "Today","Heute" }, { "What's Next View","What's Next Ansicht" }, { "Allday Agenda view shows todos","Ganztag Agenda zeigt Todos" }, { "Alarm","Alarm" }, { "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" }, { "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" }, { "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" }, { "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" }, { "Include in multiple ","Beziehe in multiple " }, { "calendar ","Kalender " }, { "addressbook ","Adressbuch " }, { "pwmanager","PWmanager" }, { " sync"," Sync ein" }, { "Write back synced data","Schreibe gesyncte Daten zur�ck" }, { "-- Write back (on remote) existing entries only","-- Schreibe nur existierende (entfernte) Eintr�ge zur�ck" }, { "-- Write back (calendar) entries in future only","-- Schreibe nur zuk�nftige Kalender-Eintr�ge zur�ck" }, { "---- Max. weeks in future: ","---- Max. wochen in der Zukunft: " }, @@ -1299,199 +1298,199 @@ { "%1 days\n","%1 Tagen\n" }, { "1 day\n","1 Tag\n" }, { "%1 hours\n","%1 Stunden\n" }, { "1 hour\n","1 Stunde\n" }, { "%1 minutes\n","%1 Minuten\n" }, { "1 minute\n","1 Minute\n" }, { "Only one toolbar","Nur eine Toolbar" }, { "Print","Drucke" }, { "Print selected event / todo...","Drucke ausgew�hlten Termin / Todo..." }, { "There is nothing selected!","Es ist nichts ausgew�hlt!" }, { "\n\nDo you really want to print this item?","\n\nM�chten Sie wirklich diesen Eintrag ausdrucken? " }, { "KO/Pi Print Confirmation","KO/Pi Druckbest�tigung" }, { "This prints the view as you see it.\n(With the complete content, of course.)\nYou may change the print layout by resizing the view.\nPrint unscaled may print several pages\ndepending on the amount of data.\nPrint scaled down will print all on one page.\nPrint scaled up/down will print all on one page,\nbut will scale up the text to page boundaries,\nif the text is smaller than the page.\nYou can select page geometry setup in the next dialog.\n","Dies druckt die Ansicht wie man sie sieht.\n(Mit dem kompletten Inhalt nat�rlich.)\nMan kann das Layout �ndern durch �ndern der Fenstergr��e.\nDrucke unskaliert druckt ggf. mehrere Seiten\nabh�ngig von der Menge der Daten.\nDrucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen\ndruckt alles auf eine Seite.\nDrucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen\nvergr��ert den Text gegebenenfalls.\nDas Seitenlayout kann im n�chsten Dialog gew�hlt werden.\n" }, { "KO/Pi Printout","KO/Pi Ausdruck" }, { "Print unscaled","Drucke unskaliert" }, { "Print scaled down to fit one page","Drucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen." }, { "Print scaled up/down to fit one page","Drucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen." }, { "Printout Mode","Druck Modus" }, { "Filter menu icon","Filtermenu Icon" }, { "<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n","<p><b>A+(shift oder ctrl)</b>: Zeige Zeit bis zum n�chsten Alarm</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n","<p><b>N</b>: Wechsle zur n�chsten Ansicht, die ein Icon in der Toolbar hat</p>\n" }, { "%1d","%1t" }, { "%1h","%1std" }, { "%1min","%1min" }, { "( %1 before )","( %1 vorher )" }, { "The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!","Der n�chste Alarm kommt in\nweniger als einer Minute!" }, { "\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n","\nDie interne Alarmbenachrichtigung ist ausgeschaltet!\n" }, { "Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.","Schalten Sie sie an im Menu Einstellungen, TAB Alarm." }, { "Show Sync Events","Zeige Sync-Ereignisse" }, { "Use short date in WN+Event view","Zeige Kurzdatum in WN+Terminanzeige" }, { "Number of max.displayed todo prios:","Anzahl max.angezeigter Todo-Prios:" }, { " on "," am " }, { "On: ","Am: " }, { "<i>The recurrence is computed from the start datetime!</i>","<i>Die Wiederholung wird vom Startwert aus berechnet!</i>" }, { "Start/Stop todo...","Starte/Stoppe Todo..." }, { "Color for running todos:","Farbe f�r laufende Todos:" }, { "The todo\n%1\nis started.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to stopped?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestartet.\nWollen Sie es\nauf gestoppt setzen?" }, { "Todo is started","Todo ist gestartet" }, { "Stop todo","Stoppe Todo" }, { "Todo is stopped","Todo ist gestoppt" }, { "Start todo","Starte Todo" }, { "The todo\n%1\nis stopped.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to started?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestoppt.\nWollen Sie es auf\ngestartet setzen?" }, { "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie alle\nUntertodos auch klonen?" }, { "Todo has subtodos","Todo hat Untertodos" }, { "Block popup until mouse button release","Sperre Popup bis Mausknopf losgelassen" }, { "Colors","Farben" }, { "Click on new parent item","Klicke auf neues �bertodo" }, { "Reparenting aborted!","�bertodo setzen abgebrochen" }, { "Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself","Kann nicht Todo auf\nsich selbst oder\nein Untertodo verschieben" }, { "Recursive reparenting not possible!","Rekursives Verschieben nicht m�glich" }, { "Delete all completed todos?\n(Completed recurring todos\nwill not be deleted!)","Entferne alle erledigten Todos?\n(Erledigte wiederholende Todos\nwerden nicht gel�scht!)" }, { "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund f�r Listen" }, { "times","Zeiten" }, { "The todo\n%1\nhas subtodos!\nDo you want to set\nthe categories for\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nhat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie die Kategorien\nauch f�r alle Untertodos setzen?" }, { "Backup enabled","Backup angeschaltet" }, { "Use standard backup dir","Standard Backupverzeichnis" }, { "Number of Backups:","Anzahl der Backups" }, { "Make backup every ","Mache ein Backup alle " }, { " days"," Tage" }, { "Creating backup ... please wait ...","Erstelle Backup ... bitte warten ..." }, { "Backup Failed!","Backup Problem!" }, { "Try again now","Versuche jetzt nochmal" }, { "Try again later","Versuche sp�ter nochmal" }, { "Try again tomorrow","Versuche morgen nochmal" }, { "Disable backup","Schalte Backup ab" }, { "<b>Backup directory does not exist: </b>","<b>Backup Verzeichnis existiert nicht: </b>" }, { "<b>The backup copy command failed!</b>","<b>Das Backup Kopierkommando is fehlgeschlagen!</b>" }, { "Choose action","W�hle Aktion" }, { "Comment for todo:","Kommentar zum Todo:" }, { "Stop+note","Stop+Notiz" }, { "Agenda view shows completed todos","Agenda Ansicht zeigt erledigte Todos" }, { "KO/Pi: Missing alarms!","KO/Pi: Verpasste Alarme!" }, { "You missed the alarms for the following events or todos:","Sie verpassten die Alarme f�r folgende Termine oder Todos:" }, { "Print complete list","Drucke komplette Liste" }, { "Hide all selected","Verstecke Selektierte" }, { "Add items","hinzuf�gen" }, { "One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?","Ein (oder mehrere) ausgew�hltes\nTodo hat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie der Auswahlliste\nalle Untertodos von allen\nausgew�hlten Todos hinzuf�gen?" }, { "Print List View...","Drucke Listenansicht..." }, { "You can make a printout of the <b>List View</b> and the list view in the <b>Search Dialog</b>! To do this, please go to the <b>List View/Search Dialog</b>. Right click on the list. Select in the popup menu the entry <b>Print complete list</b>. That prints the list as you see it. You can remove items from the list before printing without deleting the corresponding event/todo! Simply select all items you do not want to print out. Then right click on one of the items and choose <b>Hide selected items</b>. After that you can print the list without these items.","Sie k�nnen die <b>Listenansicht</b> und die Listenansicht im <b>Suchdialog</b> ausdrucken! Um das zu machen gehen Sie bitte zur <b>Listenansicht</b> oder zum <b>Suchdialog</b>. Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Liste. W�hlen Sie im Popupmenu den Eintrag <b>Drucke komplette Liste</b>. Das druckt die Liste so, wie man sie sieht. Sie k�nnen Listeneintr�ge entfernen ohne die korrespondierenden Ereignisse/Todos zu l�schen! Selektieren sie einfach alle Eintr�ge, die sie nicht ausdrucken m�chten. Dann Rechtsklicken Sie auf einen Eintrag und w�hlen <b>Verstecke Selektierte</b>. Danach k�nnen Sie die Liste ohne diese Eintr�ge ausdrucken." }, { "Configure KO/Pi...","Konfiguriere KO/Pi..." }, { "Global Settings...","Globale Einstellungen..." }, { "<p><b>R</b>: Toggle Resource View |<b>F</b>: Edit filter </p>\n","<p><b>R</b>: Zeige Resource Ansicht | <b>F</b>: Editiere Filter </p>\n" }, { "(disabled)","(abgeschaltet)" }, { "New Calendar","Neuer Kalender" }, { "Calendar","Kalender" }, { "Filter selector","Filterauswahl" }, { "Filtermenu","Filtermenu" }, { "Toggle Fullscreen","Vollbild umschalten" }, { "Toggle Resource View","Resourcenansicht umschalten" }, { "Storage HowTo...","Speicherort HowTo..." }, { "Timetracking HowTo...","Timetracking HowTo..." }, { "Juni","Juni" }, { "Juli","Juli" }, { "ToDo:","ToDo:" }, { "Set Calendar","Setze Kalender" }, { "Todo: %1","Todo: %1" }, { ": (Prio ",": (Prio " }, { "Todos","Todos" }, { "Todo Viewer","Todo Viewer" }, { "Todo ","Todo " }, { " Calendar \n Resource "," Kalender \n Resource " }, { " Color "," Farbe " }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>. Do you want to remove this calendar from KO/Pi? (The file is not removed!)","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> zeigt die Datei <b>%2</b>. M�chten Sie diesen Kalender aus KO/Pi entfernen? (Die Datei wird dabei nicht gel�scht!)" }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> zeigt die Datei <b>%2</b>" }, { "Add new Calendar","F�ge Kalender hinzu" }, { "<b>Name of new calendar:</b>","<b>Name des Kalenders:</b>" }, { "<b>Local ical (*.ics) file:</b>","<b>Lokale ical (*.ics) Datei:</b>" }, { "Sorry, the calendar name is empty!","Sorry, der Kalendername ist leer!" }, { "Sorry, the file name is empty!","Sorry, der Dateiname ist leer!" }, { "Error loading calendar file\n%1.","Fehler beim Laden der Kalenderdatei\n%1." }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is not loaded! Loading of file <b>%2</b> failed! <b>Try again to load the calendar?</b>","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> ist nicht geladen! Das Laden der Datei <b>%2</b> schlug fehl! <b>Soll erneut versucht werden den Kalender zu laden?</b>" }, { "Global application font for all apps:","Globale Schriftart:" }, { "Application Font","Applikationsschriftart" }, { "Kx/Pi","Kx/Pi" }, { "Backup","Backup" }, { "KDE-Pim Global Settings","KDE-Pim Globale Einstellungen" }, { "Sorry, the calendar name \n%1\nalready exists!\nPlease choose another name!","Sorry, der Kalendername \n%1\nist schon in Benutzung!\nBitte w�hlen Sie einen anderen!" }, { "Sorry, the file \n%1\nis already loaded!\nPlease choose another file!","Sorry, die Datei \n%1\nist schon geladen!\nBitte w�hlen Sie eine andere!" }, { "Choose Color","W�hle Farbe" }, { " OK "," OK " }, { " Cancel "," Abbrechen " }, { "Matching items will be added to list","Passende werden zur Liste hinzugef�gt" }, { "Matching items will be removed from list","Passende werden von der Liste entfernt" }, { "Search on displayed list only","Suche auf der dargestellten Liste" }, { "List will be cleared before search","Liste wird vor der Suche gel�scht" }, { "<center>%1</center> <center>is not running. Do you want to set\nthe state to running?</center>","<center>%1</center> <center>ist nicht am Laufen. M�chten Sie den Zustand auf "laufend" setzen?</center>" }, { "%1\nis running!","%1\nist am Laufen!" }, { "Additional Comment:","Zus�tzlicher Kommentar:" }, { "Stop and save","Stopp und Speichern" }, { "Continue running","Weiter laufen lassen" }, { "Stop - do not save","Stopp - nicht Speichern" }, { "Do you really want to set\nthe state to stopped\nwithout saving the data?","M�chten sie den Zustand\nwirklich auf gestoppt setzen\nohne die Daten abzuspeichern?" }, { "Time mismatch!","Zeiten stimmen nicht!" }, { "The start time is\nafter the end time!","Die Startzeit ist\nhinter der Endzeit!" }, { "Yes, stop todo","Ja, stoppe Todo" }, { "Todo stopped - no data saved because runtime was < 15 sec!","Todo gestoppt - nichts gespeichert da Laufzeit < 15 sec!" }, { "Todo started! Double click again to stop!","Todo gestartet! Doppelklicke um es zu stoppen!" }, { "Please choose the <b>default calendar</b> in this column. Newly created or imported items are added to the default calendar.","Bitte w�hlen Sie den <b>Default-Kalender</b> in dieser Spalte. Neu angelegte oder importierte Eintr�ge werden dem Default-Kalender hinzugef�gt." }, { "Spouse","Ehegatte" }, { "Notes","Notizen" }, { "Messanger","Messanger" }, { "Assistant","Assistent" }, { "Manager","Manager" }, { "Secrecy","Sichtbar" }, { "male","m�nnlich" }, { "female","weiblich" }, { "Hide!","Verbergen!" }, { "Show!","Anzeigen!" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Profession","Beruf" }, { "Children","Kinder" }, { "Department","Abteilung" }, { "Backup cancelled","Backup abgebrochen" }, { "Backup globally disabled","Backup global abgeschaltet" }, { "Backup succesfully finished","Backup erfolgreich beendet" }, { "(Hint: You can enable automatic backup in the global settings!)","(Hinweis: Sie k�nnen ein automatisches Backup in den globalen Einstellungen konfigurieren!)" }, { "This will <b>backup all calendar files</b> to the directory %1 %2","Das schreibt ein <b>Backup aller Kalenderdateien</b> in das Verzeichnis %1 %2" }, { "Birthdays","Geburtstage" }, { "KO/Pi import information!","KO/Pi Import Information!" }, { "Start this todo\nand stop all running","Starte dieses Todo\nund stoppe alle Laufenden" }, { "Cancel - do not start"," Abbrechen - Todo nicht starten" }, { "The timezone has changed!\nShould the calendar be reloaded\nto shift the time of the events?\nPlease read Menu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"\nas well!","Die Zeitzone wurde ge�ndert!\nSollen die Kalender neu geladen\nwerden num die Zeiten\nder Termine zu �ndern?\nBitte lesen Sie auch\nMenu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"" }, { "Reload","Neu laden" }, { "Timezone settings","Zeitzoneneinstellung" }, { "Title: ","Titel: " }, { "Journal from: ","Journal vom: " }, { "Journal: %1 from ","Journal: %1 vom " }, { "<b>Click here to edit categories: </b>","<b>Klicke hier um Kategorien zu �ndern: </b>" }, { "Selected Item","Ausgew�hltes Item" }, { "Select Date...","W�hle Datum..." }, { "After importing/loading/syncing there may be new categories in events or todos which are not added automatically to the category list. Please choose what to do <b>now</b>:","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen kann es neue Kategorien in den Terminen oder Todos geben, die nicht automatisch der Kategorieliste hinzugef�gt werden. Bitte w�hlen Sie, was <b>jetzt</b> passieren soll:" }, { "Change category list now!","�ndere Kategorieliste jetzt!" }, { "Edit category list...","�ndere Kategorieliste..." }, { "Toolbar changes needs a restart!","Neustart ben�tigt f�r Toolbar�nderungen!" }, { "Filepath: ","Dateipfad: " }, { "You can try to reload the calendar in the Resource View!","In der Resourcenansicht k�nnen Sie erneut versuchen den Kalender zu laden!" }, { "<b>WARNING:</b> There is a pending suspended alarm!","<b>WARNUNG:</b> Es gibt einen laufenden Suspendalarm!" }, { "Pending Suspend Alarm","Laufender Suspend Alarm" }, { "Error loading calendar %1","Fehler beim Laden von Kalender %1" }, { "Calendar(s) not loaded:","Nicht geladene(r) Kalender:" }, { "Loding of calendar(s) failed","Laden von Kalendern fehlgeschlagen" }, { "Alarm Options","Alarm Einstellungen" }, { "Delete selected...","L�sche Ausgew�hlte..." }, { "None","Nichts" }, { "Selection","Auswahl" }, { "Set categories","Setze Kategorien" }, { "This adds the selected\nitems to the calendar\n%1\nand removes them from\ntheir current calendar!","Das f�gt die ausgew�hlten\nEintr�ge dem Kalender\n%1\nhinzu und entfernt sie von\nihrem aktuellen Kalender!" }, { "Reset","Neu setzen" }, { "Do you want to <b>add</b> categories to the selected items or <b>reset</b> the list (i.e. remove current categories)?","M�chten Sie Kategorien zu den ausgew�hlten Eintr�gen <b>hinzuf�gen</b> oder die Liste <b>neu setzen</b> (d.h. vorhandene Kategorien l�schen)?" }, { "The file\n%1\ndoes not exist!\nShall I create it for you?","Die Datei\n%1\nexistiert nicht!\nSoll sie neu angelegt werden?" }, { "Sorry, cannot create the file\n%1!\nNo calendar added!","Kann leider die Datei\n%1\nnicht anlegen!\nKein Kalender hinzugef�gt!" }, { "\nNO\n WRITEABLE\n CALENDAR\n FOUND!\n\nPlease fix your calendar settings!\n","\nKEIN\n SCHREIBBARER\n KALENDER\n GEFUNDEN!\n\nBitte korrigieren Sie\nihre Kalendereinstellungen!\n" }, +{ "\nThe file\n%1\non disk has changed!\nFile size: %2 bytes.\nLast modified: %3\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n","\nDie Datei\n%1\nwurde ver�ndert!\nDatei Gr�sse: %2 Bytes.\nZuletzt ge�ndert: %3\nM�chten Sie:\n\n - Speichern und die Datei �berschreiben?\n - Mit Datei Synchronisieren, dann speichern?\n - Abbrechen ohne zu speichern? \n" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, -{ "","" },
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp index 678143d..5c88abd 100644 --- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp @@ -1907,385 +1907,385 @@ bool CalendarView::importQtopia( const QString &categories, void CalendarView::setSyncEventsReadOnly() { mCalendar->setSyncEventsReadOnly(); } bool CalendarView::loadCalendars() { QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( 1 ); openCalendar( MainWindow::defaultFileName(), false ); cal = calendars.next(); while ( cal ) { addCalendar( cal ); cal = calendars.next(); } restoreCalendarSettings(); return true; } bool CalendarView::restoreCalendarSettings() { QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); while ( cal ) { mCalendar->setCalendarEnabled( cal->mCalNumber,cal->isEnabled ); mCalendar->setAlarmEnabled( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isAlarmEnabled ); mCalendar->setReadOnly( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isReadOnly ); if ( cal->isStandard ) mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); cal = calendars.next(); } setSyncEventsReadOnly(); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); updateUnmanagedViews(); updateView(); return true; } void CalendarView::addCalendarId( int id ) { KopiCalendarFile * cal = KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id ); if ( cal ) addCalendar( cal ); } bool CalendarView::addCalendar( KopiCalendarFile * cal ) { cal->mErrorOnLoad = false; if ( mCalendar->addCalendarFile( cal->mFileName, cal->mCalNumber )) { cal->mLoadDt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); return true; } qDebug("KO: Error adding calendar file %s ",cal->mFileName.latin1() ); cal->mErrorOnLoad = true; return false; } bool CalendarView::openCalendar(QString filename, bool merge) { if (filename.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (!QFile::exists(filename)) { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("File does not exist:\n '%1'.").arg(filename)); return false; } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; clearAllViews(); if (!merge) { mViewManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mCalendar->close(); } mStorage->setFileName( filename ); if ( mStorage->load() ) { if ( merge ) ;//setModified( true ); else { //setModified( true ); mViewManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mDialogManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mTodoList->setDocumentId( filename ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; // if ( getLastSyncEvent() ) // getLastSyncEvent()->setReadOnly( true ); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); setSyncEventsReadOnly(); updateUnmanagedViews(); updateView(); if ( filename != MainWindow::defaultFileName() ) { saveCalendar( MainWindow::defaultFileName() ); } else { QFileInfo finf ( MainWindow::defaultFileName()); if ( finf.exists() ) { setLoadedFileVersion( finf.lastModified () ); } } return true; } else { // while failing to load, the calendar object could // have become partially populated. Clear it out. if ( !merge ) { mCalendar->close(); mViewManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mDialogManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mTodoList->setDocumentId( filename ); } //KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.").arg(filename)); QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( showOpenError() ) ); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); setSyncEventsReadOnly(); updateUnmanagedViews(); updateView(); } return false; } void CalendarView::showOpenError() { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Couldn't load calendar\n.")); } void CalendarView::setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime dt) { loadedFileVersion = dt; } bool CalendarView::checkFileChanged(QString fn) { QFileInfo finf ( fn ); if ( !finf.exists() ) return true; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); if ( dt <= loadedFileVersion ) return false; return true; } void CalendarView::watchSavedFile() { QFileInfo finf ( MainWindow::defaultFileName()); if ( !finf.exists() ) return; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); if ( dt < loadedFileVersion ) { //qDebug("watch %s %s ", dt.toString().latin1(), loadedFileVersion.toString().latin1()); QTimer::singleShot( 1000 , this, SLOT ( watchSavedFile() ) ); return; } loadedFileVersion = dt; } bool CalendarView::checkAllFileVersions() { QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( 1 ); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly(); if ( !cal->isReadOnly && !cal->mErrorOnLoad ) { if ( !checkFileVersion(MainWindow::defaultFileName())) { restoreCalendarSettings(); return false; } } cal = calendars.next(); QDateTime storeTemp = loadedFileVersion; while ( cal ) { if ( !cal->isReadOnly && !cal->mErrorOnLoad ) { mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly(); loadedFileVersion = cal->mLoadDt.addSecs( 15 ); if ( !checkFileVersion(cal->mFileName )) { loadedFileVersion = storeTemp; restoreCalendarSettings(); return false; } } cal = calendars.next(); } loadedFileVersion = storeTemp; return true; } bool CalendarView::checkFileVersion(QString fn) { QFileInfo finf ( fn ); if ( !finf.exists() ) return true; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); qDebug("loaded file version %s %s", fn.latin1(), loadedFileVersion.toString().latin1()); qDebug("file on disk version %s %s", fn.latin1(),dt.toString().latin1()); if ( dt <= loadedFileVersion ) return true; - int km = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("\nThe file\n%1\n on disk has changed!\nFile size: %2 bytes.\nLast modified: %3\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n").arg(fn).arg( QString::number( finf.size())).arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(finf.lastModified (), true, true)) , + int km = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("\nThe file\n%1\non disk has changed!\nFile size: %2 bytes.\nLast modified: %3\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n").arg(KGlobal::formatMessage(fn,0)).arg( QString::number( finf.size())).arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(finf.lastModified (), true, true)) , i18n("KO/Pi Warning"),i18n("Overwrite"), i18n("Sync+save")); if ( km == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return false; if ( km == KMessageBox::Yes ) return true; setSyncDevice("deleteaftersync" ); mSyncManager->mAskForPreferences = true; mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs = 3; mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile = false; mSyncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly = false; mSyncManager->mShowSyncSummary = false; syncCalendar( fn, 3 ); Event * e = getLastSyncEvent(); if ( e ) mCalendar->deleteEvent( e ); return true; } bool CalendarView::saveCalendars() { QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( 1 ); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly(); saveCalendar( MainWindow::defaultFileName() ); cal = calendars.next(); while ( cal ) { if ( !cal->isReadOnly && !cal->mErrorOnLoad ) { mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); mCalendar->setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly(); if ( saveCalendar( cal->mFileName ) ) cal->mLoadDt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } cal = calendars.next(); } restoreCalendarSettings(); return true; } bool CalendarView::saveCalendar( QString filename ) { // Store back all unsaved data into calendar object // qDebug("file %s %d ", filename.latin1() , mViewManager->currentView() ); if ( mViewManager->currentView() ) mViewManager->currentView()->flushView(); QDateTime lfv = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( -2); mStorage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat() ); mStorage->setFileName( filename ); bool success; success = mStorage->save(); if ( !success ) { return false; } if ( filename == MainWindow::defaultFileName() ) { setLoadedFileVersion( lfv ); watchSavedFile(); } return true; } void CalendarView::closeCalendar() { // child windows no longer valid clearAllViews(); emit closingDown(); mCalendar->close(); setModified(false); updateView(); } void CalendarView::archiveCalendar() { mDialogManager->showArchiveDialog(); } void CalendarView::readSettings() { // mViewManager->showAgendaView(); QString str; //qDebug("CalendarView::readSettings() "); // read settings from the KConfig, supplying reasonable // defaults where none are to be found KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config(); #ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER config->setGroup("KOrganizer Geometry"); QValueList<int> sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Separator1"); if (sizes.count() != 2) { sizes << mDateNavigator->minimumSizeHint().width(); sizes << 300; } mPanner->setSizes(sizes); sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Separator2"); if ( ( mResourceView && sizes.count() == 4 ) || ( !mResourceView && sizes.count() == 3 ) ) { mLeftSplitter->setSizes(sizes); } #endif globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; mViewManager->showAgendaView(); //mViewManager->readSettings( config ); mTodoList->restoreLayout(config,QString("Todo Layout")); readFilterSettings(config); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION config->setGroup("WidgetLayout"); QStringList list; list = config->readListEntry("MainLayout"); int x,y,w,h; if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); KApplication::testCoords( &x,&y,&w,&h ); topLevelWidget()->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } else { topLevelWidget()->setGeometry( 40 ,40 , 640, 440); } list = config->readListEntry("EditEventLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); KApplication::testCoords( &x,&y,&w,&h ); mEventEditor->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } list = config->readListEntry("EditTodoLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); KApplication::testCoords( &x,&y,&w,&h ); mTodoEditor->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } list = config->readListEntry("ViewerLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); KApplication::testCoords( &x,&y,&w,&h ); getEventViewerDialog()->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } #endif config->setGroup( "Views" ); int dateCount = config->readNumEntry( "ShownDatesCount", 7 ); QValueList<int> sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Left Splitter Frame"); int resetval = 0; int maxVal = 0; if (sizes.count() != 3) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) { resetval = mDateNavigator->sizeHint().width()+2; } else { resetval = mDateNavigator->sizeHint().height()+2; } } if ( resetval ) { sizes.clear(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) { maxVal = QApplication::desktop()->width() -10; } else { maxVal = QApplication::desktop()->height()-10; } sizes << resetval; if ( maxVal < resetval + resetval) resetval = maxVal - resetval; sizes << resetval; sizes << 100; } mLeftFrame->setSizes(sizes); sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Main Splitter Frame"); resetval = 0; maxVal = 0; if (sizes.count() != 2) { diff --git a/korganizer/kofilterview.h b/korganizer/kofilterview.h index 874fc6a..4322299 100644 --- a/korganizer/kofilterview.h +++ b/korganizer/kofilterview.h @@ -1,219 +1,220 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOFILTERVIEW_H #define KOFILTERVIEW_H #include <qstring.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> +#include <qapplication.h> #include <qradiobutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include "kofilterview_base.h" #include <libkcal/calfilter.h> #include <kurlrequester.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> class QGridLayout; using namespace KCal; class KONewCalPrefs : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: KONewCalPrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Add new Calendar") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel * lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>Name of new calendar:</b>"), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); nameE = new KLineEdit( this ); lay->addWidget( nameE ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>Local ical (*.ics) file:</b>"), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); url = new KURLRequester ( this ); lay->addWidget( url ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("OK"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( checkValid() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); int minwid = 220; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 320 ) minwid = 300; setMinimumWidth( minwid ); resize(sizeHint() ); } QString calName() { return nameE->text(); } QString calFileName() { return url->url(); } public slots: void checkValid() { if ( nameE->text().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the calendar name is empty!") ); nameE->setText( "LPQJ_"+ QString::number( QTime::currentTime().msec () )); return; } if ( url->url().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the file name is empty!") ); return; } accept(); } public: KLineEdit* nameE; KURLRequester *url; }; class KOCalButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QPushButton( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( bottonClicked() )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); } void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: void selectNum ( int ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked() { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber ); } }; class KOCalCheckButton : public QCheckBox { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalCheckButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QCheckBox( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), SLOT( bottonClicked( bool ) )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //setMaximumWidth( 10 ); } void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: void selectNum ( int, bool ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked( bool b) { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber , b); } }; class KOCalRadioButton : public QRadioButton { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalRadioButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QRadioButton( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), SLOT( bottonClicked( bool ) )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //setMaximumWidth( 10 ); } int num() { return mNumber;} void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: void selectNum ( int ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked( bool b) { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber); } }; class KOFilterView : public KOFilterView_base { Q_OBJECT public: KOFilterView(QPtrList<CalFilter> *filterList,QWidget* parent=0,const char* name=0, WFlags fl=0); ~KOFilterView(); void updateFilters(); bool filtersEnabled(); void setFiltersEnabled(bool); CalFilter *selectedFilter(); void setSelectedFilter(QString); void setSelectedFilter( int ); signals: void filterChanged(); void editFilters(); private: QPtrList<CalFilter> *mFilters; }; class KOCalEditView : public QScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalEditView( QWidget* parent=0,const char* name=0); ~KOCalEditView(); int addCalendar( QString calName, QString fileName, bool ask = true ); int getBirtdayID(); public slots: void addCal(); void enableAll(); void enableAlarm(); diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp index 264cf28..4fc447e 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp @@ -1603,409 +1603,411 @@ void KOMonthView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &) if ( mShowWeekView || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { mWeekStartsMonday = true; } int startWeekDay = mWeekStartsMonday ? 1 : 7; while( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mStartDate) != startWeekDay ) { mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -1 ); } bool primary = false; uint i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).size(); ++i ) { QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i ); (*cells)[i]->setDate( date ); #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS // add holiday, if present QString hstring(KOCore::self()->holiday(date)); (*cells)[i]->setHoliday( hstring ); #endif } QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( mWeekStartsMonday ? 3 : 4 ); for( i = 0; i < weekNum; ++i ) { int wno; // remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the // first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4, // not just 1. int dayOfYear = date.dayOfYear(); if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0) wno = dayOfYear / 7 + 1; else wno =dayOfYear / 7; (*weekLabels)[i]->setWeekNum( wno ); date = date.addDays( 7 ); } updateView(); } void KOMonthView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { qDebug("KOMonthView::selectEvents is not implemented yet. "); } void KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { // this should be re-written to be much more efficient, but this // quick-and-dirty-hack gets the job done for right now. //qDebug("KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay "); updateView(); } void KOMonthView::updateView() { if ( !updatePossible ) return; //qDebug("UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU "); //QTime ti; //ti.start(); clearSelection(); QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; if ( mShowWeekView ) { cells = &mCellsW; } else { cells = &mCells; } #if 1 int i; int timeSpan = (*cells).size()-1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) timeSpan = 6; for( i = 0; i < timeSpan + 1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->startUpdateCell(); } QPtrList<Event> events = calendar()->events(); Event *event; QDateTime dt; bool ok; QDate endDate = mStartDate.addDays( timeSpan ); for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event if ( event->doesRecur() ) { bool last; QDateTime incidenceStart = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( QDateTime( mStartDate ) , &last ); QDateTime incidenceEnd; int eventlen = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); bool invalid = false; while( true ) { if ( incidenceStart.isValid() ) { incidenceEnd = incidenceStart.addDays( eventlen ); int st = incidenceStart.date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( incidenceEnd.date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; //qDebug("found %s %d %d ",event->summary().latin1(), st, end ); for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } else { if ( invalid ) break; invalid = true; //qDebug("invalid %s", event->summary().latin1()); incidenceStart = QDateTime( mStartDate ).addSecs( -2 );; } if ( last ) break; bool ok; incidenceStart = event->getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ) ,&ok ); if ( ! ok ) break; if ( incidenceStart.date() > endDate ) break; } } else { // no recur if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents && event->uid().left(2) == QString("la") ) if ( event->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) continue; int st = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = calendar()->todos( ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { //insertTodo( todo ); if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtDue().date() ); if ( day >= 0 && day < timeSpan + 1) { (*cells)[day]->insertTodo( todo ); } } } for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->finishUpdateCell(); } processSelectionChange(); //qApp->processEvents(); for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { //(*cells)[i]->repaintfinishUpdateCell(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, (*cells)[i], SLOT ( repaintfinishUpdateCell() ) ); } setKeyBFocus(); #else // old code //qDebug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); int i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).count(); ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->updateCell(); } //qDebug("KOMonthView::updateView() "); processSelectionChange(); // qDebug("---------------------------------------------------------------------+ "); (*cells)[0]->setFocus(); #endif //qDebug("update time %d ", ti.elapsed()); } void KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() "); bool shootAgain = false; if ( mShowWeekView ) { shootAgain = !mWeekLabelsW[1]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setFocus(); } else { shootAgain = !mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setFocus(); } - if ( shootAgain ) { - QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( setKeyBFocus() ) ); + --mKBFcounter; + if ( shootAgain && mKBFcounter > 0 ) { + QTimer::singleShot( 50, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } } void KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() "); + mKBFcounter = 10; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } void KOMonthView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::resizeEvent %d %d -- %d %d ", e->size().width(), e->size().height(), e->oldSize().width(), e->oldSize().height()); if ( isVisible() ) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::isVisible "); slotComputeLayout(); } else mComputeLayoutTimer->start( 100 ); } void KOMonthView::slotComputeLayout() { mComputeLayoutTimer->stop(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::Post - resizeEvent %d %d ", width(), height() ); computeLayout(); - clPending = true; + clPending = true; setKeyBFocus(); } void KOMonthView::computeLayoutWeek() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; int daysToShow; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) return; if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ) { //qDebug("KOListWeekView::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); if ( wid < hei ) daysToShow = 2; else daysToShow = 3; mShowSatSunComp = true; combinedSatSun = true; //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() WWW ------------------------------------ "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 ); int dayLabelHei = mDayLabelsW[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) /(5- daysToShow ); int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) % daysToShow-1; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i && !( i % daysToShow) && i < 6) { y += hei/(5-daysToShow); x = 0; w = colWid; } if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i >= 5 ) { int wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; if ( i == 5 ) { mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi/2+wi%2,h); } else { mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi,h); } x = x - w + wi - (wi/2 ); } else { int wi = w; if ( !(( i+1) % daysToShow)) { wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; } mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi,h); } x += w; } x= 0; y= dayLabelHei; w = colWid; h = cellHei; int max = 0; for ( i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { if ( i > 6 ) { mCellsW[i]->hide(); continue; } w = colWid; if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i == (daysToShow-1-rowModulo)*7) ++h; if ( i >= 5 ) { if ( i ==5 ) { max = h/2; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); x -= w ;y += h/2; } else { if ( ((i-1) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } max = h-h/2; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); y -= h/2; } } else { max = h; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h ); } x += w; if ( x + w/2 > wid ) { x = 0; y += h+dayLabelHei ; } //mCellsW[i]->dateLabel()->setMaximumHeight( max - mCellsW[i]->lineWidth()*2 ); } y= dayLabelHei; h = cellHei ; mWeekLabelsW[0]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,hei-dayLabelHei); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei); // qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height()); //qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height()); mShortDayLabelsW = mDayLabelsW[0]->width()-2 < mWidthLongDayLabel ; updateDayLabels(); //bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible; updatePossible = true; //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("M")); //if ( forceUpdate ) // updateView(); } void KOMonthView::computeLayout() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; if ( mShowWeekView ){ computeLayoutWeek(); return; } int daysToShow = 7; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) { return; } if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ){ //qDebug("KOMonthview::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() MMM ------------------- "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 ); int dayLabelHei = mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - dayLabelHei) /6; int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- dayLabelHei) % 6; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i == daysToShow-colModulo ) diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.h b/korganizer/komonthview.h index 0bd6b1c..a41eb54 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.h +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.h @@ -89,257 +89,258 @@ class KNoScrollListBox: public QListBox void highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell*, int ); protected slots: void oneDown(); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *); void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); void focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * ); void focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * ); private: bool resetOnFocusIn; KNOWhatsThis * mWT; }; class MonthViewItem: public QListBoxItem { public: MonthViewItem( Incidence *,const QString & title ); void recycle( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s); void setRecur(bool on) { mRecur = on; } void setAlarm(bool on) { mAlarm = on; } void setReply(bool on) { mReply = on; } void setMoreInfo(bool on) { mInfo = on; } void setMultiDay(int type) { mMultiday = type; } int multiDay() { return mMultiday; } void setMultiDayPos(int type) { mdayPos = type; } int gettMultiDayPos() { return mdayPos; } void setBlockRepaint(bool on) { mblockRepaint = on; } bool setHighlighted( Incidence * ); void setPalette(const QPalette &p) { mPalette = p; } QPalette palette() const { return mPalette; } bool setHighlightedFalse(); Incidence *incidence() const { return mIncidence; } protected: virtual void paint(QPainter *); virtual int height(const QListBox *) const; virtual int width(const QListBox *) const; private: int mdayPos; bool isWeekItem; bool mblockRepaint; int mMultiday; bool mRecur; bool mAlarm; bool mReply; bool mInfo; bool mDisplayHighlighted; QPalette mPalette; QDate mDate; Incidence *mIncidence; }; class KOMonthView; class MonthViewCell : public KNoScrollListBox { Q_OBJECT public: MonthViewCell(KOMonthView *,QWidget* ); ~MonthViewCell() {mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( true );} void setDate( const QDate & ); QDate date() const; void setPrimary( bool ); bool isPrimary() const; void setHoliday( bool ); void setHoliday( const QString & ); void updateCell(); void startUpdateCell(); void finishUpdateCell(); int insertEvent(Event *); void insertTodo(Todo *); void updateConfig( bool bigFont = false ); void enableScrollBars( bool ); Incidence *selectedIncidence(); QDate selectedIncidenceDate(); QPushButton * dateLabel() { return mLabel; } bool doHighLight( Incidence *); void deselect(); void select(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION static QToolTipGroup *toolTipGroup(); #endif signals: void defaultAction( Incidence * ); void newEventSignal( QDateTime ); void showDaySignal( QDate ); protected: QStringList mToolTip; void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ); public slots: void showDay(); void deHighLight(); void repaintfinishUpdateCell(); protected slots: void defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ); void contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ); void selection( QListBoxItem * ); void cellClicked( QListBoxItem * ); void newEvent(); private: int mdayCount; QPtrList <MonthViewItem> mAvailItemList; KOMonthView *mMonthView; int currentPalette; QDate mDate; bool mPrimary; bool mHoliday; QString mHolidayString; //QLabel *mLabel; QPushButton *mLabel; //QListBox *mItemList; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION static QToolTipGroup *mToolTipGroup; #endif QSize mLabelSize; QSize mLabelBigSize; QPalette mHolidayPalette; QPalette mStandardPalette; QPalette mPrimaryPalette; QPalette mNonPrimaryPalette; void setMyPalette(); QPalette getPalette (); }; class KOMonthView: public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOMonthView(Calendar *cal, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); ~KOMonthView(); /** Returns maximum number of days supported by the komonthview */ virtual int maxDatesHint(); /** Returns number of currently shown dates. */ virtual int currentDateCount(); /** returns the currently selected events */ virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); /** returns dates of the currently selected events */ virtual DateList selectedDates(); virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); bool isMonthView() { return !mShowWeekView; } bool isUpdatePossible() { return updatePossible; } MonthViewCell * selectedCell(); bool skipResize; NavigatorBar* navigatorBar() { return mNavigatorBar ;} void clearList(); public slots: void incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell*, int ); void nextCell(); void prevCell(); virtual void updateView(); virtual void updateConfig(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int); void clearSelection(); void showContextMenu( Incidence * ); void setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell * ); void setPopupCell( MonthViewCell * ); void switchView(); - void setKeyBoardFocus(); void setKeyBFocus(); protected slots: + void setKeyBoardFocus(); void slotNewTodo(); void slotNewEvent(); void slotEditJournal(); void slotComputeLayout(); void selectInternalWeekNum ( int ); void processSelectionChange(); signals: void nextMonth(); void prevMonth(); void selectWeekNum ( int ); void selectMonth (); void showDaySignal( QDate ); void newTodoSignal( QDateTime, bool ); void showJournalSignal( int,QDate ); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *); void viewChanged(); void updateDayLabels(); private: + int mKBFcounter; QTimer* mComputeLayoutTimer; NavigatorBar* mNavigatorBar; int currentWeek(); bool clPending; QWidgetStack * mWidStack; QWidget* mMonthView; QWidget* mWeekView; bool mShowWeekView; bool updatePossible; int mDaysPerWeek; int mNumWeeks; int mNumCells; //bool mWeekStartsMonday; bool mShowSatSunComp; void computeLayout(); void computeLayoutWeek(); QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> mCells; QPtrVector<QLabel> mDayLabels; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> mWeekLabels; QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> mCellsW; QPtrVector<QLabel> mDayLabelsW; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> mWeekLabelsW; bool mShortDayLabelsM; bool mShortDayLabelsW; int mWidthLongDayLabel; QDate mStartDate; MonthViewCell *mSelectedCell; MonthViewCell *mPopupCell; bool mFlagKeyPressed; KOEventPopupMenu *mContextMenu; QPopupMenu *mNewItemMenu; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; }; #endif diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp index 862d437..f68f032 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp @@ -1723,412 +1723,417 @@ void MainWindow::processIncidenceSelection( Incidence *incidence ) void MainWindow::enableIncidenceActions( bool enabled ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mCurrentItemMenu->setEnabled( enabled ); #else mShowAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mEditAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mDeleteAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mCloneAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mMoveAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mBeamAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mCancelAction->setEnabled( enabled ); #endif } void MainWindow::importOL() { #ifdef _OL_IMPORT_ mView->clearAllViews(); KOImportOLdialog *id = new KOImportOLdialog("Import from OL - select folder!" , mView->calendar(),this ); id->exec(); delete id; mView->calendar()->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); mView->updateView(); #endif } void MainWindow::importBday() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi import information!"), i18n("When importing birthdays twice\nduplicated events will be ignored,\nif the event has not been\nchanged in KO/Pi!\n"), i18n("Import!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result == 0 ) { mView->importBday(); } } void MainWindow::importQtopia() { //#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString mess = i18n("When importing a calendar twice\nduplicated events will be ignored!\nYou can create a backup file with\nFile - Save Calendar Backup\nto revert importing"); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mess += i18n("The content of the following files will be\nimported (located in your home directory (hd)):\n(hd)/Applications/datebook/datebook.xml\n(hd)/Applications/todolist/todolist.xml\nThe following category file will be used:\n(hd)/Settings/Categories.xml"); #endif int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mess, i18n("Import!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result == 0 ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString datebook = Global::applicationFileName( "datebook", "datebook.xml"); QString todolist = Global::applicationFileName( "todolist", "todolist.xml"); QString categories = QString( getenv( "HOME" ) ) + "/Settings/Categories.xml"; #else QString datebook = QDir::homeDirPath()+ "/Applications/datebook/datebook.xml"; QString todolist = QDir::homeDirPath()+ "/Applications/todolist/todolist.xml"; QString categories = QDir::homeDirPath()+ "/Settings/Categories.xml"; #endif mView->importQtopia( categories, datebook, todolist ); } mView->calendar()->reInitAlarmSettings(); #if 0 int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Not supported \non desktop!\n"), i18n("Ok"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); #endif } void MainWindow::saveOnClose() { KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); p->mToolBarHor = ( iconToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ); p->mToolBarHorV = ( viewToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ); p->mToolBarHorN = ( navigatorToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ); if ( filterToolBar ) { p->mToolBarHorF = ( filterToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QPoint myP; myP = mapFromGlobal( iconToolBar->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0) ) ); if ( p->mToolBarHor ) p->mToolBarUp = myP.y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUp = myP.x() > width()/2; myP = mapFromGlobal( viewToolBar->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0) ) ); if ( p->mToolBarHorV ) p->mToolBarUpV = myP.y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpV = myP.x() > width()/2 ; myP = mapFromGlobal( navigatorToolBar->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0) ) ); if ( p->mToolBarHorN ) p->mToolBarUpN = myP.y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpN = myP.x() > width()/2 ; if ( filterToolBar ) { myP = mapFromGlobal( filterToolBar->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0) ) ); if ( p->mToolBarHorF ) p->mToolBarUpF = myP.y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpF = myP.x() > width()/2 ; } #else if ( p->mToolBarHor ) p->mToolBarUp = iconToolBar->y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUp = iconToolBar->x() > width()/2; if ( p->mToolBarHorV ) p->mToolBarUpV = viewToolBar->y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpV = viewToolBar->x() > width()/2 ; if ( p->mToolBarHorN ) p->mToolBarUpN = navigatorToolBar->y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpN = navigatorToolBar->x() > width()/2 ; if ( filterToolBar ) { if ( p->mToolBarHorF ) p->mToolBarUpF = filterToolBar->y() > height()/2; else p->mToolBarUpF = filterToolBar->x() > width()/2 ; } #endif save(); mView->writeSettings(); mView->checkSuspendAlarm(); } void MainWindow::slotModifiedChanged( bool ) { if ( mBlockAtStartup ) return; int msec; // we store the changes after 1 minute, // and for safety reasons after 10 minutes again if ( !mSyncManager->blockSave() ) msec = (1000 * 60*KOPrefs::instance()->mAutoSaveInterval) +1000; else msec = 1000 * 600; mSaveTimer.start( msec, true ); // 1 minute qDebug("KO: Saving File in %d secs!", msec/1000); mCalendarModifiedFlag = true; } void MainWindow::saveStopTimer() { mSaveTimer.stop(); } void MainWindow::backupAllFiles() { QDate reference ( 2000,1,1); int daysTo = reference.daysTo ( QDate::currentDate() ); setCaption(i18n("Creating backup ... please wait ..." )); qDebug("KO: Last backup was %d days ago ", daysTo - KOPrefs::instance()->mLastBackupDate); // we need the file path, the backup dir and the number of bups as param QString bupDir = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupDatadir; if ( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupUseDefaultDir) bupDir = KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir(); int retval = KApplication::createBackup( defaultFileName(), bupDir, KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupNumbers ); if ( retval == 0 ) { setCaption(i18n("Backup cancelled" )); qDebug("KO: Backup cancelled. Will try again tomorrow "); // retval == 0 : backup skipped for today, try again tomorrow KOPrefs::instance()->mLastBackupDate = daysTo- KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupDayCount+1; } else if ( retval == 1 ){ qDebug("KO: Backup created."); // backup ok QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); cal = calendars.next(); while ( cal ) { if ( !cal->mErrorOnLoad ) { KApplication::createBackup( cal->mFileName, bupDir, KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupNumbers ); } cal = calendars.next(); } KOPrefs::instance()->mLastBackupDate = daysTo; setCaption(i18n("Backup succesfully finished" )); } else if ( retval == 2 ){ setCaption(i18n("Backup globally disabled" )); qDebug("KO: Backup globally cancelled."); // backup globally cancelled KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled = false; } // retval == 3: do nothing, try again later } void MainWindow::save() { + if ( mView->viewManager()->journalView() ) mView->viewManager()->journalView()->checkModified(); if ( !mCalendarModifiedFlag ) { qDebug("KO: Calendar not modified. Nothing saved."); return; } if ( mSyncManager->blockSave() ) return; mSyncManager->setBlockSave(true); if ( mView->checkAllFileVersions() ) { if ( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled ){ QDate reference ( 2000,1,1); int daysTo = reference.daysTo ( QDate::currentDate() ); if ( daysTo - KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupDayCount >= KOPrefs::instance()->mLastBackupDate ) { backupAllFiles(); } ; // KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mLastBackupDate } QTime neededSaveTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); - setCaption(i18n("KO/Pi:Saving Data to File ..." )); + if ( !isMinimized () ) + setCaption(i18n("KO/Pi:Saving Data to File ..." )); qDebug("KO: Start saving data to file!"); mView->saveCalendars(); mCalendarModifiedFlag = false; int msNeeded = neededSaveTime.msecsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime().time() ); qDebug("KO: Needed %d ms for saving.",msNeeded ); QString savemes; savemes.sprintf(i18n("KO/Pi:File Saved. Needed %d sec, %d ms"),(msNeeded/1000)%100,msNeeded%1000 ); - setCaption(savemes); + if ( !isMinimized () ) + setCaption(savemes); + else + qDebug(savemes); } else setCaption(i18n("Saving cancelled!")); mSyncManager->setBlockSave( false ); } void MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * e) { if ( !e->isAutoRepeat() ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; } } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { qApp->processEvents(); if ( e->isAutoRepeat() && !mFlagKeyPressed ) { e->ignore(); // qDebug(" ignore %d",e->isAutoRepeat() ); return; } if (! e->isAutoRepeat() ) mFlagKeyPressed = true; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool showSelectedDates = false; int size; int pro = 0; //qDebug("MainWindow::keyPressEvent "); switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Right: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) mView->goNextMonth(); else mView->goNext(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Left: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->goPreviousMonth(); else mView->goPrevious(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Down: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->scrollOneHourDown(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->scrollOneHourUp(); break; case Qt::Key_K: mView->viewManager()->showMonthViewWeek(); break; case Qt::Key_I: mView->showIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_Delete: case Qt::Key_Backspace: mView->deleteIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_D: mView->viewManager()->showDayView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_O: mView->toggleFilerEnabled( ); break; case Qt::Key_0: case Qt::Key_1: case Qt::Key_2: case Qt::Key_3: case Qt::Key_4: case Qt::Key_5: case Qt::Key_6: case Qt::Key_7: case Qt::Key_8: case Qt::Key_9: pro = e->key()-48; if ( pro == 0 ) pro = 10; if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton) pro += 10; break; case Qt::Key_M: mView->viewManager()->showMonthView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Insert: mView->newEvent(); break; case Qt::Key_S : if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) mView->newSubTodo(); else mView->dialogManager()->showSearchDialog(); break; case Qt::Key_Y : case Qt::Key_Z : mView->viewManager()->showWorkWeekView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_U : mView->viewManager()->showWeekView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_H : keyBindings(); break; case Qt::Key_W: mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); break; case Qt::Key_L: mView->viewManager()->showListView(); break; case Qt::Key_N: mView->viewManager()->showNextView(); break; case Qt::Key_V: mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); break; case Qt::Key_C: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() ); break; case Qt::Key_P: mView->showDatePicker( ); break; case Qt::Key_F: mView->editFilters(); break; case Qt::Key_R: mView->toggleFilter(); break; case Qt::Key_X: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) mView->toggleDateNavigatorWidget(); else { mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); showSelectedDates = true; } break; case Qt::Key_Space: mView->toggleExpand(); break; case Qt::Key_A: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->showNextAlarms(); else mView->toggleAllDaySize(); break; case Qt::Key_T: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->newTodo(); else { mView->goToday(); showSelectedDates = true; } break; case Qt::Key_J: mView->viewManager()->showJournalView(); break; case Qt::Key_B: mView->editIncidenceDescription();; break; // case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_E: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->newEvent(); else mView->editIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_Plus: size = p->mHourSize +2; if ( size <= 22 ) configureAgenda( size ); break; case Qt::Key_Minus: size = p->mHourSize - 2; if ( size >= 4 ) configureAgenda( size ); break; default: e->ignore(); } if ( pro > 0 ) { selectFilter( pro+1 ); } if ( showSelectedDates ) { ;// setCaptionToDates(); } } void MainWindow::fillFilterMenuTB() { |