-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/commentbox.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp | 17 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/listviewpwm.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.cpp | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.h | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_0.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_1.cpp | 1 |
8 files changed, 32 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt index adf288b..a63be31 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt @@ -70,285 +70,287 @@ { "Help...","Hilfe..." },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Local file Cal:","Lokale Datei Kal:" },
{ "Local file ABook:","Lokale Datei ABuch:" },
{ "Local file PWMgr:","Lokale Datei PWMgr:" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei (*.vcf) wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "Calendar:","Kalender:" },
{ "AddressBook:","AdressBuch:" },
{ "PWManager:","PWManager:" },
{ "Pre sync (download) command:","Bevor Sync (download) Kommando:" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Post sync (upload) command:","Nach Sync (upload) Kommando:" },
{ "Addressbook file is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "Fill in default values for:","Setze Beispiel Werte ein für:" },
{ "ssh/scp","ssh/scp" },
{ "ftp","ftp" },
{ "Hint: Use $PWD$ for placeholder of password!","Hinweis: Benutze $PWD$ als Platzhalter für ein Passwort!" },
{ "Password for remote access: (could be the same for each)","Passwort für entfernten Zugriff: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote IP address: (could be the same for each)","Entfernte IP Adresse: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote port number: (should be different for each)","Entfernte Port Nummer: (Sollte für alle unterschiedlich sein)" },
{ "command for downloading remote file to local device","Kommando zum Download der entfernten Datei zum lokalen Gerät" },
{ "command for uploading local temp file to remote device","Kommando zum Upload der lokalen temp. Datei zum entfernten Gerät" },
{ "No Filter","Kein Filter" },
{ "KO/Pi config error","KO/Pi Konfig. Fehler" },
{ "Local device name undefined!\nPlease define device name!","Name dieses Gerätes undefiniert!\nBitte Namen angeben!" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Configure","Konfiguriere" },
{ "Apply","Anwenden" },
{ "None","Kein" },
{ "Global","Allgemein" },
{ "Email","E-Mail" },
{ "Phone","Telefon" },
{ "SMS","SMS" },
{ "Fax","Fax" },
{ "Pager","Pager" },
{ "SIP","SIP" },
{ "Language:(needs restart)","Sprache:(Neustart)" },
{ "English","English" },
{ "German","Deutsch" },
{ "French","Französisch" },
{ "Italian","Italienisch" },
{ "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdef. (usertranslation.txt)" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(nr):" },
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" },
{ "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" },
{ "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" },
{ "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" },
{ "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." },
{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" },
{ "Mon","Mo" },
{ "Tue","Di" },
{ "Wed","Mi" },
{ "Thu","Do" },
{ "Fri","Fr" },
{ "Sat","Sa" },
{ "Sun","So" },
{ "January","Januar" },
{ "February","Februar" },
{ "March","März" },
{ "April","April" },
{ "May","Mai" },
{ "June","Juni" },
{ "July","July" },
{ "August","August" },
{ "September","September" },
{ "October","October" },
{ "November","November" },
{ "December","Dezember" },
{ "tomorrow","Morgen" },
{ "today","Heute" },
{ "yesterday","Gestern" },
{ "Monday","Montag" },
{ "Tuesday","Dienstag" },
{ "Wednesday","Mittwoch" },
{ "Thursday","Donnerstag" },
{ "Friday","Freitag" },
{ "Saturday","Samstag" },
{ "Sunday","Sonntag" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzer %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Keine Email Client installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Client" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Client" },
{ "URL:","URL:" },
{ "No","Nein" },
{ "Yes","Ja" },
{ "Untitled","Unbenannt" },
{ "&New","&Neu" },
{ "&Open","&Öffne" },
{ "&Close","Schließen" },
{ "Save &as...","Speichere &als..." },
{ "&Text-file...","&Text-Datei..." },
{ "&Gpasman / Kpasman ...","&Gpasman / Kpasman ..." },
{ "&CSV (Comma Separated Value) ...","&CSV (Komma getrennte Werte) ..." },
{ "E&xport","E&xport" },
{ "I&mport","I&mport" },
{ "&Quit","Beenden" },
{ "&Add password","&Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "&Delete","Lösche" },
{ "Change &Master Password","Ändere &Master Passwort" },
{ "&Manage","Verwalte" },
{ "&Find","&Finde" },
{ "&Lock all entries","Sperre alle Einträge" },
{ "&Deep-lock all entries","Sperre total alle Einträge" },
{ "&Unlock all entries","Entsperre alle Einträge" },
{ "&Configure...","Konfiguriere..." },
{ "&Options","Konfig" },
{ "C&ategories...","K&ategorien..." },
{ "&Sync","&Sync" },
{ "&License","&Lizenz" },
{ "&Faq","&Faq" },
{ "&About PwManager","Über PwManager" },
{ "&Sync HowTo","&Sync HowTo" },
{ "&What's New","Was ist neu?" },
{ "New","Neu" },
{ "Open","Öffnen" },
{ "Save","Speichern" },
{ "Save as","Speichern als" },
{ "Print...","Drucke..." },
{ "Add password","Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "Edit password","Passwort ändern" },
{ "Delete password","Passwort löschen" },
{ "Find entry","Finde Eintrag" },
{ "Lock all entries","Sperre alle Einträge" },
{ "Deep-Lock all entries","Sperre total alle Einträge" },
{ "Unlock all entries","Entsperre alle Einträge" },
{ "Categories:","Kategorien:" },
{ "&Rename","&Umbenennen" },
{ "Username","Benutzername" },
{ "Password","Passwort" },
{ "Launcher","Launcher" },
{ "copy password to clipboard","Kopiere Passwort ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy username to clipboard","Kopiere Benutzername ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy description to clipboard","Kopiere Beschreibung ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy url to clipboard","Kopiere URL ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy launcher to clipboard","Kopiere Launcher ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy comment to clipboard","Kopiere Kommentare ins Clipboard" },
{ "Execute "Launcher"",""Launcher" ausführen" },
{ "Go to "URL"","Gehe zu "URL"" },
{ "Ready.","Fertig." },
{ "password filename(*.pwm)","passwort dateiname(*.pwm)" },
{ "File error","Datei Fehler" },
{ "Could not read file!","Kann Datei nicht lesen!" },
{ "Master-password","Master-Passwort" },
{ "Please enter the master-password:","Bitter Master-Passwort eingeben:" },
{ "Wrong master-password!\nPlease try again.","Falsches Master-Passwort!\nBitte erneut versuchen." },
{ "password error","Passwort Fehler" },
{ "Successfully opened file.","Datei erfolgreich geöffnet." },
{ "This file is DEEP-LOCKED!\nThat means all data has been encrypted\nand written out to the file. If you want\nto see the entries, please UNLOCK the file.\nWhile unlocking, you will be prompted for the\nmaster-password or the key-card.","Diese Datei ist TOTAL-GESPERRT!\nDas bedeutet, dass alle Daten verschlüsselt\nsind und in die Datei geschrieben wurden.\nWenn Sie die Einträge sehen möchten\nENTSPERREN Sie bitte die Datei.\nZum Entsperren werden Sie nach\ndem Master-Passwort gefragt." },
{ "<LOCKED>","<GESPERRT>" },
{ "To unlock click the icon on the left.","Zum Entsperren auf linkes Icon klicken." },
{ "PwManager","PwManager" },
{ "Window-style:","Window-Stil:" },
{ "Category on top","Kategorien oben" },
{ "Category-list left/top","Kategorien links oben" },
-{ "<b>Font for Password entries:</b>","<b>Schrift für Passwort Einträge:</b>" },
+{ "Font for Password entries:","Schrift für Passwort Einträge:" },
+{ "Font for Password summary:","Schrift für Passwort Übersicht:" },
{ "Font:","Schriftart:" },
+{ "Summary","Übersicht" },
{ "Compression:","Kompression:" },
{ "gzip","gzip" },
{ "Encryption:","Verschlüsselung:" },
{ "Blowfish (128 bit)","Blowfish (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)","AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)","AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)" },
{ "AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)","AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)" },
{ "Triple-DES (168 bit)","Triple-DES (168 bit)" },
{ "Twofish (256 bit)","Twofish (256 bit)" },
{ "Twofish-128 (128 bit)","Twofish-128 (128 bit)" },
{ "Hashing:","Hashing:" },
{ "SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)","SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)" },
{ "SHA-256 (256 bit)","SHA-256 (256 bit)" },
{ "SHA-384 (384 bit)","SHA-384 (384 bit)" },
{ "SHA-512 (512 bit)","SHA-512 (512 bit)" },
{ "MD5 (128 bit)","MD5 (128 bit)" },
{ "RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)","RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)" },
{ "Tiger (192 bit)","Tiger (192 bit)" },
{ "Permissions:","Zugriffsrechte:" },
{ "Make backup before saving","Mache Backup vor dem Speichern" },
{ "Password timeout\n(timeout to hold password in\nmemory,so you don't have to\nre-enter it,if you\nalready have entered it)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","Passwort Timeout\n(Timeout um das Passwort\nim Speicher zu halten,\nso dass es nicht noch mal\neingegeben werden muß.)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "Auto-lock timeout\n(auto lock document after this\namount of seconds)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","(Total-)Sperr-Timeout\n(Sperre Dokument total nach\ndieser Anzahl Sekunden)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "deep-lock on autolock","Sperre total beim Sperr-Timeout" },
{ "open deeplocked","Öffne total gesperrt" },
{ "Favourite browser:","Bevorzugter Browser:" },
{ "Favourite x-terminal:","Bevorzugtes x-terminal:" },
{ "Open document with passwords unlocked","Öffne Dokument mit Passwort ungesperrt" },
{ "Look && feel","Aussehen" },
{ "File","Datei" },
{ "Timeout","Timeout" },
{ "Autostart","Autostart" },
{ "External apps","Externe Applik." },
{ "Miscellaneous","Verschiedenes" },
{ "+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)","+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)" },
{ "edit category descriptions","Ändere Label für Kategorie" },
{ "Close","Schließen" },
{ "Category:","Category:" },
{ "Text1 (Description):","Text1 (Beschreibung):" },
{ "Text2 (Username):","Text2 (Benutzername):" },
{ "Text3 (Password):","Text3 (Passwort):" },
{ "edit/add a password entry","Ändere/hinzufüge Passwort Eintrag" },
{ "Description:","Beschreibung:" },
{ "Username:","Benutzername:" },
{ "Password:","Passwort:" },
{ "&Reveal","&Offen zeigen" },
{ "&Generate","&Generiere" },
{ "&Password","&Passwort" },
{ "&Comments","Kommentar" },
{ "Launcher:","Launcher:" },
{ "$d = Description","$d = Beschreibung" },
{ "$n = Username","$n = Benutzername" },
{ "$c = Comment","$c = Kommentar" },
{ "$u = URL","$u = URL" },
{ "$p = Password","$p = Passwort" },
{ "&Launcher","&Launcher" },
{ "Password generator","Passwort Generator" },
{ "Character set:","Buchstaben Set:" },
{ "Lowercase (abc)","Klein (abc)" },
{ "Uppercase (ABC)","Groß (ABC)" },
{ "Numbers (123)","Nummmern (123)" },
{ "Special characters:","Spezielle Buchstaben:" },
{ "Spaces (blank characters)","Leerzeichen" },
{ "User defined:","Benutzer definiert:" },
{ "Password Length:","Passwort Länge:" },
{ "Enable Filtering to get better passwords","Enable Filtering to get better passwords" },
{ "no password","Kein Passwort" },
{ "Sorry, you haven't set a password.","Sorry, Sie haben kein Passwort angegeben." },
{ "not saved, yet","not saved, yet" },
{ "Can't deep-lock, because the document\nhasn't been saved, yet. Please save\nto a file and try again.","Kann nicht tiefsperren, weil das\nDokument noch nicht gespeichert wurde.\nBitte speichern und noch einmal versuchen." },
{ "Find","Finde" },
{ "&Exact match","Genaue Übereinstimmung" },
{ "&Case sensitive","Großschrift abhängig" },
{ "Search in Column","Suche in Spalten" },
{ "&Description","Beschreibung" },
{ "C&omment","Kommentar" },
{ "&Username","Benutzername" },
{ "U&RL","URL" },
{ "delete?","Löschen?" },
{ "Do you really want to delete\nthe selected entry","Wollen Sie wirklich\nden Eintrag löschen:" },
{ "Save?","Speichern?" },
{ ""\nhas been modified.\nDo you want to save it?",""\nwurde geändert.\nMöchten Sie speichern?" },
{ "The list\n "","Die Liste\n "" },
{ "nothing to do","Nichts zu tun" },
{ "Sorry, there's nothing to save.\nPlease first add some passwords.","Sorry, es gibt nichts zu speichern.\nBitte erst Passwörter hinzufügen." },
{ "Add new password","Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "Successfully saved data.","Datei gespeichert." },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/commentbox.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/commentbox.cpp index 0f32561..51f88b2 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/commentbox.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/commentbox.cpp @@ -1,235 +1,236 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "commentbox.h" #include "pwmexception.h" #include "htmlgen.h" #include <klocale.h> #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <khtml_part.h> #include <khtmlview.h> #include <qtextedit.h> #else #include <qmultilineedit.h> #endif #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED CommentBox::CommentBox(QWidget *_parentWidget) { PWM_ASSERT(_parentWidget); parentWidget = _parentWidget; textDta = 0; htmlDta = 0; mode = mode_notSet; + setFont( prefs->mViewFont ); } CommentBox::~CommentBox() { clearText(); clearHtml(); } void CommentBox::clear() { clearText(); clearHtml(); mode = mode_notSet; this->hide(); } void CommentBox::clearText() { delete_ifnot_null(textDta); } void CommentBox::clearHtml() { delete_ifnot_null(htmlDta); } void CommentBox::setText(const QString &text) { switchTo(mode_text); PWM_ASSERT(textDta); textDta->setText( text); if (!textDta->isVisible()) textDta->show(); } bool CommentBox::getText(QString *text) { if (mode != mode_text) return false; PWM_ASSERT(text); if (!textDta) { *text = ""; return true; } *text = textDta->text(); return true; } void CommentBox::setHtml(QString code) { switchTo(mode_html); PWM_ASSERT(htmlDta); if (!HtmlGen::replaceSSDummy(&code)) printWarn("CommentBox::setHtml(): replaceSSDummy() failed!"); htmlDta->begin(); htmlDta->write(code); htmlDta->end(); htmlDta->show(); } void CommentBox::setContent(const QString &dta) { // if there's no data, hide the comment-box if (dta.isEmpty()) { clear(); return; } if (HtmlGen::isHtml(dta)) { setHtml(dta); return; } // we assume it's plain text setText(dta); } void CommentBox::switchTo(commentBoxMode newMode) { if (newMode == mode) return; // cleanup old mode switch (mode) { case mode_text: clearText(); break; case mode_html: clearHtml(); break; default: break; } // setup new mode switch (newMode) { case mode_text: textDta = new QTextEdit(parentWidget); textDta->setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); textDta->setReadOnly(true); textDta->show(); break; case mode_html: htmlDta = new KHTMLPart(parentWidget, 0, parentWidget); htmlDta->show(); break; default: BUG(); break; } mode = newMode; } void CommentBox::show() { switch (mode) { case mode_text: PWM_ASSERT(textDta); textDta->show(); break; case mode_html: PWM_ASSERT(htmlDta); htmlDta->show(); break; default: break; } } void CommentBox::hide() { switch (mode) { case mode_text: PWM_ASSERT(textDta); textDta->hide(); break; case mode_html: PWM_ASSERT(htmlDta); htmlDta->hide(); break; default: break; } } void CommentBox::resize(const QSize &size) { switch (mode) { case mode_text: PWM_ASSERT(textDta); textDta->resize(size); break; case mode_html: PWM_ASSERT(htmlDta); htmlDta->view()->resize(size); break; default: break; } } QSize CommentBox::size() { switch (mode) { case mode_text: PWM_ASSERT(textDta); return textDta->size(); break; case mode_html: PWM_ASSERT(htmlDta); return htmlDta->view()->size(); break; default: break; } return QSize(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #else CommentBox::CommentBox(QWidget *_parentWidget) : QMultiLineEdit(_parentWidget) { this->setReadOnly(true); setFocusPolicy( QWidget::ClickFocus ); diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp index a8696ea..c1ca536 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp @@ -1,277 +1,286 @@ /* This file is part of KAddressBook. Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kio/kfile/kurlrequester.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" #include "pwmconfigwidget.h" #include "pwmexception.h" PWMConfigWidget::PWMConfigWidget(PWMPrefs *prefs, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KPrefsWidget(prefs, parent, name ) { QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget( tabWidget ); // windowsStyle page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *windowStylePage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *windowStyleLayout = new QGridLayout( windowStylePage, 3, 3); int i = 0; KPrefsWidRadios * windowStyle = addWidRadios(i18n("Window-style:") ,&(prefs->mMainViewStyle), windowStylePage); windowStyle->addRadio(i18n("Category on top")); windowStyle->addRadio(i18n("Category-list left/top")); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)windowStyle->groupBox(),i,i,0,2); ++i; - QLabel* lab = new QLabel(i18n("<b>Font for Password entries:</b>"), windowStylePage); + QLabel* lab = new QLabel(i18n("Font for Password entries:"), windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab,i,i,0,2); - - ++i; - KPrefsWidFont *selEntrFont = addWidFont(i18n("Password"),i18n("Font:"), &(prefs->mEntryFont),windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->label(),i,0); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->preview(),i,1); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->button(),i,2); ++i; + + lab = new QLabel(i18n("Font for Password summary:"), windowStylePage); + windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab,i,i,0,2); + ++i; + selEntrFont = + addWidFont(i18n("Summary"),i18n("Font:"), + &(prefs->mViewFont),windowStylePage); + windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->label(),i,0); + windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->preview(),i,1); + windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->button(),i,2); + ++i; + lab = new QLabel(i18n(""), windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab,i,i,0,2); // File page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *filePage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *fileLayout = new QGridLayout( filePage, 3, 2); i = 0; QLabel* kcfg_compression_label = new QLabel(i18n("Compression:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_compression_label,i,0); kcfg_compression = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_compression"); kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("None")); kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("gzip")); //US not yet supported: kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("bzip2")); fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_compression,i,1); ++i; QLabel* kcfg_crypt_label = new QLabel(i18n("Encryption:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_crypt_label,i,0); kcfg_cryptAlgo = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_cryptAlgo"); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Blowfish (128 bit)")); #ifdef CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Triple-DES (168 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Twofish (256 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Twofish-128 (128 bit)")); #endif // CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_cryptAlgo,i,1); ++i; QLabel* kcfg_hash_label = new QLabel(i18n("Hashing:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_hash_label,i,0); kcfg_hashAlgo = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_hashAlgo"); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)")); #ifdef CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-256 (256 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-384 (384 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-512 (512 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("MD5 (128 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Tiger (192 bit)")); #endif // CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_hashAlgo,i,1); ++i; permissionLineEdit = new QLineEdit(filePage); QLabel* permissionLineLabel = new QLabel(permissionLineEdit, i18n("Permissions:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(permissionLineLabel,i,0); fileLayout->addWidget(permissionLineEdit,i,1); ++i; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Make backup before saving"), &(prefs->mMakeFileBackup),filePage); fileLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // Timeout page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *timeoutPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *timeoutLayout = new QGridLayout( timeoutPage, 3, 2); i = 0; pwTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( 0,600,10,timeoutPage, "pwTimeoutSpinBox" ); QLabel* timeoutLabel = new QLabel(pwTimeoutSpinBox, i18n("Password timeout\n(timeout to hold password in\nmemory,so you don't have to\nre-enter it,if you\nalready have entered it)\n[set to 0 to disable]:"), timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(timeoutLabel,i, i, 0 ,0); timeoutLayout->addWidget(pwTimeoutSpinBox,i,1); ++i; lockTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( 0,600,10,timeoutPage, "lockTimeoutSpinBox" ); QLabel* lockTimeoutLabel = new QLabel(lockTimeoutSpinBox, i18n("Auto-lock timeout\n(auto lock document after this\namount of seconds)\n[set to 0 to disable]:"), timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lockTimeoutLabel,i, i, 0 ,0); timeoutLayout->addWidget(lockTimeoutSpinBox,i,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("deep-lock on autolock"), &(prefs->mAutoDeeplock),timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // Autostart page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *autostartPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *autostartLayout = new QGridLayout( autostartPage, 3, 2); i = 0; autostartLineEdit = new KURLRequester(autostartPage, "autoStartLineEdit"); QLabel* autostartLineLabel = new QLabel(autostartLineEdit, "Open this file automatically on startup:",autostartPage); autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autostartLineLabel,i,i,0,1); ++i; autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autostartLineEdit,i,i,0,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("open deeplocked"), &(prefs->mAutostartDeeplocked),autostartPage); autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // external app page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *externalappPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *externalappLayout = new QGridLayout( externalappPage, 3, 2); i = 0; browserLineEdit = new QLineEdit(externalappPage); QLabel* browserLineLabel = new QLabel(browserLineEdit, i18n("Favourite browser:"), externalappPage); externalappLayout->addWidget(browserLineLabel,i,0); externalappLayout->addWidget(browserLineEdit,i,1); ++i; xtermLineEdit = new QLineEdit(externalappPage); QLabel* xtermLineLabel = new QLabel(xtermLineEdit, i18n("Favourite x-terminal:"), externalappPage); externalappLayout->addWidget(xtermLineLabel,i,0); externalappLayout->addWidget(xtermLineEdit,i,1); ++i; // miscelaneous page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *miscPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *miscLayout = new QGridLayout( miscPage, 3, 2); i = 0; /*US ENH: PWM/Pi has no tray and con be minimized sb = addWidBool(i18n("Show icon in system-tray"),&(prefs->mTray),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; */ sb = addWidBool(i18n("Open document with passwords unlocked"),&(prefs->mUnlockOnOpen),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; /*US ENH: PWM/Pi has no tray and con be minimized sb = addWidBool(i18n("auto-minimize to tray on startup"),&(prefs->mAutoMinimizeOnStart),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; KPrefsWidRadios * minimizeRadio = addWidRadios(i18n("auto-lock on minimize:") ,&(prefs->mMinimizeLock), miscPage); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("don't lock")); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("normal lock")); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("deep-lock")); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)minimizeRadio->groupBox(),i,i,0,2); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("KWallet emulation"),&(prefs->mKWalletEmu),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("Close instead Minimize into tray"),&(prefs->mClose),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; */ tabWidget->addTab( windowStylePage, i18n( "Look && feel" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( filePage, i18n( "File" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( timeoutPage, i18n( "Timeout" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( autostartPage, i18n( "Autostart" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( externalappPage, i18n( "External apps" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( miscPage, i18n( "Miscellaneous" ) ); connect( permissionLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( pwTimeoutSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( lockTimeoutSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( autostartLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( browserLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( xtermLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); } void PWMConfigWidget::usrReadConfig() { PWMPrefs* prefs = PWMPrefs::instance(); setFilePermissions(prefs->mFilePermissions); pwTimeoutSpinBox->setValue(prefs->mPwTimeout); lockTimeoutSpinBox->setValue(prefs->mLockTimeout); autostartLineEdit->setURL(prefs->mAutoStart); browserLineEdit->setText(prefs->mBrowserCommand); xtermLineEdit->setText(prefs->mXTermCommand); diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/listviewpwm.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/listviewpwm.cpp index 9f351d6..85e788c 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/listviewpwm.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/listviewpwm.cpp @@ -1,112 +1,113 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "listviewpwm.h" #include "pwmexception.h" #include "pwmview.h" #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <kglobal.h> #endif ListViewPwM::ListViewPwM(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KListView(parent, name) { // setResizeMode(QListView::AllColumns); + setAllColumnsShowFocus (true ); } bool ListViewPwM::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint) emit layoutChanged(); return KListView::event(e); } QPixmap * ListViewItemPwM::onPix = 0; QPixmap * ListViewItemPwM::offPix = 0; ListViewItemPwM::ListViewItemPwM(QListView *parent) : QCheckListItem(parent, "", QCheckListItem::CheckBox) { if (!onPix) { PWM_ASSERT(!offPix); KIconLoader* picons; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED KIconLoader il; picons = &il; #else picons = KGlobal::iconLoader(); #endif KIconLoader il; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED static QPixmap onP(picons->loadIcon("button_ok", KIcon::Small)); #else static QPixmap onP(picons->loadIcon("decrypted", KIcon::Small)); #endif onPix = &onP; static QPixmap offP(picons->loadIcon("encrypted", KIcon::Small)); offPix = &offP; } } void ListViewItemPwM::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align) { // qDebug("ListViewItemPwM::paintCell column=%i", column); if (!p) return; //US BUG: if (column != COLUMN_DESC) { QCheckListItem::paintCell(p, cg, column, width, align); return; } QPixmap *curPix = isOn() ? onPix : offPix; int pixSpace = curPix->width(); pixSpace += 4; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED QRect window(p->viewport()); // clear the rectangle (we have to clear it first. see QT doc) p->eraseRect(0, 0, pixSpace, window.height()); // now draw the pixmap int y = (height() - curPix->height()) / 2; p->drawPixmap(1, y, *curPix); window.moveLeft(pixSpace); p->setViewport(window); #else p->eraseRect(0, 0, pixSpace, height()); // now draw the pixmap int y = (height() - curPix->height()) / 2; p->drawPixmap(1, y, *curPix); p->translate( pixSpace, 0 ); #endif QListViewItem::paintCell(p, cg, column, width - pixSpace, align); } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "listviewpwm.moc" #endif diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.cpp index 31fb2e0..444186c 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.cpp @@ -1,326 +1,335 @@ /* This file is part of PwManager/Pi Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. $Id$ */ #include <kconfig.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kstaticdeleter.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" PWMPrefs *PWMPrefs::sInstance = 0; static KStaticDeleter<PWMPrefs> staticDeleterPP; PWMPrefs::PWMPrefs() : KPimPrefs("pwmanagerrc") { KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "Global" ); addItemString( "autoStart", &mAutoStart, "" ); addItemString( "browserCommand", &mBrowserCommand, "" ); addItemString( "xtermCommand", &mXTermCommand, CONF_DEFAULT_XTERMCOMMAND); addItemFont( "entryFont", &mEntryFont,KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); + addItemFont( "viewFont", &mViewFont,KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); addItemInt( "pwTimeout", &mPwTimeout, CONF_DEFAULT_PWTIMEOUT ); addItemInt( "lockTimeout", &mLockTimeout, CONF_DEFAULT_LOCKTIMEOUT ); addItemInt( "compression", &mCompression, CONF_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION ); addItemInt("cryptAlgo", &mCryptAlgo, CONF_DEFAULT_CRYPTALGO); addItemInt("hashAlgo", &mHashAlgo, CONF_DEFAULT_HASHALGO); addItemInt( "filePermissions", &mFilePermissions, CONF_DEFAULT_FILEPERMISSIONS ); addItemInt( "minimizeLock", &mMinimizeLock, CONF_DEFAULT_MINIMIZELOCK ); addItemBool( "unlockOnOpen", &mUnlockOnOpen, CONF_DEFAULT_UNLOCKONOPEN ); addItemBool( "tray", &mTray, CONF_DEFAULT_TRAY ); addItemBool( "makeFileBackup", &mMakeFileBackup, CONF_DEFAULT_MAKEFILEBACKUP ); addItemBool( "autostartDeepLocked", &mAutostartDeeplocked, CONF_DEFAULT_AUTOSTART_DEEPL ); addItemBool( "autoDeepLock", &mAutoDeeplock, CONF_DEFAULT_AUTODEEPLOCK ); addItemBool( "kwalletEmu", &mKWalletEmu, CONF_DEFAULT_KWALLETEMU ); addItemBool( "newEntrLockStat", &mNewEntrLockStat, CONF_DEFAULT_NEWENTRLOCKSTAT ); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "Wnd" ); addItemSize( "MainWndSize", &mMainWndSize); addItemInt( "MainViewStyle", &mMainViewStyle, CONF_DEFAULT_MAINVIEWSTYLE ); addItemBool( "autoMinimizeOnStart", &mAutoMinimizeOnStart, CONF_DEFAULT_AUTOMINIMIZE ); addItemBool( "close", &mClose, CONF_DEFAULT_WNDCLOSE ); addItemIntList( "commentSplitter", &mCommentSplitter ); addItemIntList( "categorySplitter", &mCategorySplitter ); } PWMPrefs::~PWMPrefs() { if (sInstance == this) sInstance = staticDeleterPP.setObject(0); else qDebug("Whats this? Error in PWMPrefs::~PWMPrefs()?"); } PWMPrefs *PWMPrefs::instance() { if ( !sInstance ) { #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED sInstance = staticDeleterPP.setObject( new PWMPrefs() ); #else //PWM_EMBEDDED //US the following line has changed ???. Why staticDeleterPP.setObject( sInstance, new PWMPrefs() ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED sInstance->readConfig(); } return sInstance; } // US introduce a nonconst way to return the config object. KConfig* PWMPrefs::getConfig() { return config(); } /******************************************************************* * functions for reading the configuration settings *******************************************************************/ QString PWMPrefs::confGlobAutoStart() { return mAutoStart; } QString PWMPrefs::confGlobBrowserCommand() { return mBrowserCommand; } QString PWMPrefs::confGlobXtermCommand() { return mXTermCommand; } QFont PWMPrefs::confGlobEntryFont() { return mEntryFont; } +QFont PWMPrefs::confGlobViewFont() +{ + return mViewFont; +} int PWMPrefs::confGlobPwTimeout() { return mPwTimeout; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobLockTimeout() { return mLockTimeout; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobCompression() { return mCompression; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobFilePermissions() { return mFilePermissions; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobMinimizeLock() { return mMinimizeLock; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobUnlockOnOpen() { return mUnlockOnOpen; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobTray() { return mTray; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobMakeFileBackup() { return mMakeFileBackup; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobAutostartDeepLocked() { return mAutostartDeeplocked; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobAutoDeepLock() { return mAutoDeeplock; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobKwalletEmu() { return mKWalletEmu; } bool PWMPrefs::confGlobNewEntrLockStat() { return mNewEntrLockStat; } QSize PWMPrefs::confWndMainWndSize() { return mMainWndSize; } int PWMPrefs::confWndMainViewStyle() { return mMainViewStyle; } bool PWMPrefs::confWndAutoMinimizeOnStart() { return mAutoMinimizeOnStart; } bool PWMPrefs::confWndClose() { return mClose; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobCryptAlgo() { return mCryptAlgo + 1; } int PWMPrefs::confGlobHashAlgo() { return mHashAlgo + 1; } /******************************************************************* * functions for writing the configuration settings *******************************************************************/ void PWMPrefs::confGlobAutoStart(const QString &e) { mAutoStart = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobBrowserCommand(const QString &e) { mBrowserCommand = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobXtermCommand(const QString &e) { mXTermCommand = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobEntryFont(const QFont &e) { mEntryFont = e; } +void PWMPrefs::confGlobViewFont(const QFont &e) +{ + mViewFont = e; +} void PWMPrefs::confGlobPwTimeout(int e) { mPwTimeout = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobLockTimeout(int e) { mLockTimeout = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobCompression(int e) { mCompression = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobFilePermissions(int e) { mFilePermissions = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobMinimizeLock(int e) { mMinimizeLock = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobUnlockOnOpen(bool e) { mUnlockOnOpen = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobTray(bool e) { mTray = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobMakeFileBackup(bool e) { mMakeFileBackup = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobAutostartDeepLocked(bool e) { mAutostartDeeplocked = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobAutoDeepLock(bool e) { mAutoDeeplock = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobKwalletEmu(bool e) { mKWalletEmu = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobNewEntrLockStat(bool e) { mNewEntrLockStat = e; } void PWMPrefs::confWndMainWndSize(const QSize &e) { mMainWndSize = e; } void PWMPrefs::confWndMainViewStyle(int e) { mMainViewStyle = e; } void PWMPrefs::confWndAutoMinimizeOnStart(bool e) { mAutoMinimizeOnStart = e; } void PWMPrefs::confWndClose(bool e) { mClose = e; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobCryptAlgo(int e) { mCryptAlgo = e - 1; } void PWMPrefs::confGlobHashAlgo(int e) { mHashAlgo = e - 1; } diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.h b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.h index 5b8f9d8..1f6a35c 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.h +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmprefs.h @@ -1,163 +1,166 @@ /* This file is part of PwManager/Pi Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. $Id$ */ #ifndef PWMPREFS_H #define PWMPREFS_H #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qsize.h> #include <kpimprefs.h> class KConfig; #define conf() PWMPrefs::instance() #define CONF_DEFAULT_PWTIMEOUT 10/* 10 sec */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_LOCKTIMEOUT 0/* 0 == disable */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_TRAY false #define CONF_DEFAULT_UNLOCKONOPEN true #define CONF_DEFAULT_MAINVIEWSTYLE 1/* Category List Left */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION 0x01/* gzip */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_CRYPTALGO (0x01 - 1)/* blowfish */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_HASHALGO (0x01 - 1)/* sha1 */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_AUTOMINIMIZE false #define CONF_DEFAULT_BROWSERCOMMAND "" #define CONF_DEFAULT_XTERMCOMMAND "konsole -e" #define CONF_DEFAULT_FILEPERMISSIONS 0600 #define CONF_DEFAULT_MAKEFILEBACKUP false #define CONF_DEFAULT_AUTOSTART_DEEPL true #define CONF_DEFAULT_AUTODEEPLOCK true #define CONF_DEFAULT_KWALLETEMU false #define CONF_DEFAULT_MINIMIZELOCK 2/* deep-lock */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_NEWENTRLOCKSTAT false/* new entries unlocked */ #define CONF_DEFAULT_WNDCLOSE true/* don't minimize to tray */ class PWMPrefs : public KPimPrefs { public: virtual ~PWMPrefs(); static PWMPrefs *instance(); public: /* functions for reading the configuration settings */ /* GLOBAL */ QString confGlobAutoStart(); QString confGlobBrowserCommand(); QString confGlobXtermCommand(); QFont confGlobEntryFont(); + QFont confGlobViewFont(); int confGlobPwTimeout(); int confGlobLockTimeout(); int confGlobCompression(); int confGlobCryptAlgo(); int confGlobHashAlgo(); int confGlobFilePermissions(); int confGlobMinimizeLock(); bool confGlobUnlockOnOpen(); bool confGlobTray(); bool confGlobMakeFileBackup(); bool confGlobAutostartDeepLocked(); bool confGlobAutoDeepLock(); bool confGlobKwalletEmu(); bool confGlobNewEntrLockStat(); /* WND */ QSize confWndMainWndSize(); int confWndMainViewStyle(); bool confWndAutoMinimizeOnStart(); bool confWndClose(); public: /* functions for writing the configuration settings */ /* GLOBAL */ void confGlobAutoStart(const QString &e); void confGlobBrowserCommand(const QString &e); void confGlobXtermCommand(const QString &e); void confGlobEntryFont(const QFont &e); + void confGlobViewFont(const QFont &e); void confGlobPwTimeout(int e); void confGlobLockTimeout(int e); void confGlobCompression(int e); void confGlobCryptAlgo(int e); void confGlobHashAlgo(int e); void confGlobFilePermissions(int e); void confGlobMinimizeLock(int e); void confGlobUnlockOnOpen(bool e); void confGlobTray(bool e); void confGlobMakeFileBackup(bool e); void confGlobAutostartDeepLocked(bool e); void confGlobAutoDeepLock(bool e); void confGlobKwalletEmu(bool e); void confGlobNewEntrLockStat(bool e); /* WND */ void confWndMainWndSize(const QSize &e); void confWndMainViewStyle(int e); void confWndAutoMinimizeOnStart(bool e); void confWndClose(bool e); QString mAutoStart; QString mBrowserCommand; QString mXTermCommand; QFont mEntryFont; + QFont mViewFont; int mPwTimeout; int mLockTimeout; int mCompression; int mCryptAlgo; int mHashAlgo; int mFilePermissions; int mMinimizeLock; bool mUnlockOnOpen; bool mTray; bool mMakeFileBackup; bool mAutostartDeeplocked; bool mAutoDeeplock; bool mKWalletEmu; bool mNewEntrLockStat; QSize mMainWndSize; int mMainViewStyle; bool mAutoMinimizeOnStart; bool mClose; //US ENH QValueList<int> mCommentSplitter; QValueList<int> mCategorySplitter; // US introduce a nonconst way to return the config object. KConfig* getConfig(); private: PWMPrefs(); static PWMPrefs *sInstance; }; #endif diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_0.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_0.cpp index 1453d03..1fc8a34 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_0.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_0.cpp @@ -1,112 +1,112 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "pwmviewstyle_0.h" #include "pwmview.h" #include "listviewpwm.h" #include "commentbox.h" #include <klocale.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" PwMViewStyle_0::PwMViewStyle_0(PwMView *view) : QObject() { vbox1 = new QVBox(view); vbox1->setSpacing(3); hbox1 = new QHBox(vbox1); hbox1->setSpacing(3); categoriesTitle = new QLabel(hbox1); categoriesTitle->setText(i18n("Categories:")); categoriesCombo = new QComboBox(hbox1); renCatButton = new QPushButton(i18n("&Rename"), hbox1); delCatButton = new QPushButton(i18n("&Delete"), hbox1); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED splitter1 = new QSplitter(vbox1); splitter1->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); #else splitter1 = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, vbox1); splitter1->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down ); //US topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter ); #endif lv = new ListViewPwM(splitter1); commentBox = new CommentBox(splitter1); // set sizes and styles commentBox->resize(commentBox->size().width(), 60); categoriesTitle->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight); // connections connect(categoriesCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), view, SLOT(shiftToView())); connect(renCatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), view, SLOT(renCatButton_slot())); connect(delCatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), view, SLOT(delCatButton_slot())); } PwMViewStyle_0::~PwMViewStyle_0() { delete vbox1; } void PwMViewStyle_0::delCategory(const QString &cat) { PWM_ASSERT(categoriesCombo); int i, count = categoriesCombo->count(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (categoriesCombo->text(i) == cat) { categoriesCombo->removeItem(i); return; } } BUG(); } void PwMViewStyle_0::selectCategory(const QString &cat) { PWM_ASSERT(categoriesCombo); int i, count = categoriesCombo->count(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (categoriesCombo->text(i) == cat) { categoriesCombo->setCurrentItem(i); return; } } // fall back to 0 categoriesCombo->setCurrentItem(0); } //US ENH: I need a place to load the view dependend settings. Eg. splittersize void PwMViewStyle_0::restoreSettings(PWMPrefs* prefs) { //load and store the size of the listviewcolumns lv->restoreLayout(prefs->getConfig(), "listview"); splitter1->setSizes( prefs->mCommentSplitter ); - + commentBox->setFont( prefs->mViewFont ); } //US ENH: I need a place to load the view dependend settings. Eg. splittersize void PwMViewStyle_0::saveSettings(PWMPrefs* prefs) { //store the size of the listviewcolumns lv->saveLayout(prefs->getConfig(), "listview"); prefs->mCommentSplitter = splitter1->sizes(); } diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_1.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_1.cpp index 27ad40e..4a7ffd7 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_1.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmviewstyle_1.cpp @@ -1,172 +1,173 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "pwmviewstyle_1.h" #include "pwmview.h" #include "listviewpwm.h" #include "commentbox.h" #include <klocale.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #define INITIAL_CATEGORIES_WIDTH 100 PwMViewStyle_1::PwMViewStyle_1(PwMView *view) : QObject() { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED splitter = new QSplitter(view); #else if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 240 ) { splitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, view); splitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Left ); // topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this ); // mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this); // mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right ); } else { splitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, view); splitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Up ); // topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this ); // mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, this); // mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down ); } //US topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter ); #endif vbox1 = new QVBox(splitter); categoriesTitle = new QLabel(vbox1); categoriesList = new QListBox(vbox1); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED splitter2 = new QSplitter(splitter); splitter2->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); #else splitter2 = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, splitter); splitter2->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down ); //US topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter ); #endif lv = new ListViewPwM(splitter2); commentBox = new CommentBox(splitter2); // set sizes and styles //US commentBox->resize(commentBox->size().width(), 60); QValueList<int> sizes; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED sizes.push_back(INITIAL_CATEGORIES_WIDTH); sizes.push_back(view->height() - INITIAL_CATEGORIES_WIDTH); #else sizes.append(INITIAL_CATEGORIES_WIDTH); sizes.append(view->height() - INITIAL_CATEGORIES_WIDTH); #endif //US splitter->setSizes(sizes); categoriesTitle->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED categoriesTitle->setFrameShape(QFrame::MenuBarPanel); #else categoriesTitle->setFrameShape(QFrame::StyledPanel); #endif categoriesTitle->setText(i18n("Categories:")); catCtxMenu = new QPopupMenu(view); catCtxMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Rename"), view, SLOT(renCatButton_slot())); catCtxMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Delete"), view, SLOT(delCatButton_slot())); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( categoriesList->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif // connections connect(categoriesList, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), view, SLOT(shiftToView())); connect(categoriesList, SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked(QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(catRightClick(QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &))); } PwMViewStyle_1::~PwMViewStyle_1() { delete catCtxMenu; delete splitter; } void PwMViewStyle_1::catRightClick(QListBoxItem *item, const QPoint &point) { if (!item) return; catCtxMenu->move(point); catCtxMenu->show(); } void PwMViewStyle_1::delCategory(const QString &cat) { PWM_ASSERT(categoriesList); int i, count = categoriesList->count(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (categoriesList->text(i) == cat) { categoriesList->removeItem(i); return; } } BUG(); } void PwMViewStyle_1::selectCategory(const QString &cat) { PWM_ASSERT(categoriesList); int i, count = categoriesList->count(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (categoriesList->text(i) == cat) { categoriesList->setCurrentItem(i); return; } } // fall back to 0 categoriesList->setCurrentItem(0); } //US ENH: I need a place to load the view dependend settings. Eg. splittersize void PwMViewStyle_1::restoreSettings(PWMPrefs* prefs) { //load and store the size of the listviewcolumns lv->restoreLayout(prefs->getConfig(), "listview"); splitter->setSizes( prefs->mCategorySplitter ); splitter2->setSizes( prefs->mCommentSplitter ); + commentBox->setFont( prefs->mViewFont ); } //US ENH: I need a place to load the view dependend settings. Eg. splittersize void PwMViewStyle_1::saveSettings(PWMPrefs* prefs) { //store the size of the listviewcolumns lv->saveLayout(prefs->getConfig(), "listview"); prefs->mCategorySplitter = splitter->sizes(); prefs->mCommentSplitter = splitter2->sizes(); } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "pwmviewstyle_1.moc" #endif |