Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
9 files changed, 27 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
index 2a3334e..efae874 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
@@ -2557,355 +2557,360 @@ bool KABCore::synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBo
//qDebug("*************************** ");
// qDebug("mLastAddressbookSync %s ",mLastAddressbookSync.toString().latin1() );
QStringList er = remote->uidList();
Addressee inR ;//= er.first();
Addressee inL;
syncManager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Syncing - close to abort!"), er.count());
int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1;
int incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < er.count()) {
if (syncManager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = er[ incCounter ];
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(19) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
skipIncidence = true;
QString idS,OidS;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->findByUid( uid );
inR = remote->findByUid( uid );
//inL.setResource( 0 );
//inR.setResource( 0 );
if ( !inL.isEmpty() ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both calendars
if ( !inL.resource() || inL.resource()->includeInSync() ) {
if ( take = takeAddressee( &inL, &inR, mode, fullDateRange ) ) {
//qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inL.summary().latin1());
if ( take == 3 )
return false;
if ( take == 1 ) {// take local
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inL.setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL.setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
idS = inR.externalUID();
OidS = inR.originalExternalUID();
idS = inR.IDStr();
remote->removeAddressee( inR );
inR = inL;
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inR.setOriginalExternalUID( OidS );
inR.setExternalUID( idS );
} else {
inR.setIDStr( idS );
inR.setResource( 0 );
remote->insertAddressee( inR , false);
} else { // take == 2 take remote
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
if ( inR.revision().date().year() < 2004 )
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
idS = inL.IDStr();
local->removeAddressee( inL );
inL = inR;
inL.setIDStr( idS );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inL.setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL.setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inL , false );
} else { // no conflict
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
QString des = addresseeLSync.note();
if ( des.find( inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inL = inR;
inL.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inL , false);
} else {
if ( inR.revision() > mLastAddressbookSync || mode == 5 ) {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inR.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR);
remote->removeAddressee( inR );
QStringList el = local->uidList();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
syncManager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Add / remove addressees"), el.count());
incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < el.count()) {
if (syncManager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = el[ incCounter ];
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(19) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->findByUid( uid );
if ( !inL.resource() || inL.resource()->includeInSync() ) {
inR = remote->findByUid( uid );
if ( inR.isEmpty() ) {
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
if ( !inL.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice );
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
if ( inL.revision() < mLastAddressbookSync && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
// get rid of micro seconds
QTime t = mLastAddressbookSync.time();
mLastAddressbookSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
addresseeLSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setRole( i18n("!Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
addresseeLSync.setRole(i18n("!Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
addresseeRSync.setGivenName( i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") ) ;
addresseeLSync.setGivenName(i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") );
addresseeRSync.setOrganization( "!"+mLastAddressbookSync.toString() ) ;
addresseeLSync.setOrganization("!"+ mLastAddressbookSync.toString() );
addresseeRSync.setNote( "" ) ;
addresseeLSync.setNote( "" );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL)
remote->insertAddressee( addresseeRSync, false );
local->insertAddressee( addresseeLSync, false );
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedAddressee, addedAddresseeR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedAddresseeL, deletedAddresseeR );
if ( syncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) {
KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KA/Pi Synchronization") );
qDebug( mes );
return syncOK;
//this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool KABCore::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
//pending prepare addresseeview for output
//pending detect, if remote file has REV field. if not switch to external sync
mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
AddressBook abLocal(filename,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
if ( abLocal.load() ) {
qDebug("AB loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode );
bool external = false;
bool isXML = false;
if ( filename.right(4) == ".xml") {
isXML = true;
abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, true );
} else {
external = !manager->mIsKapiFile;
if ( external ) {
qDebug("Setting vcf mode to external ");
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
(*it).setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, (*it).uid() );
(*it).computeCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice );
//AddressBook::Iterator it;
//QStringList vcards;
//for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
// qDebug("Name %s ", (*it).familyName().latin1());
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, mode );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile )
if ( external )
abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( !isXML);
qDebug("Saving remote AB ");
if ( ! abLocal.saveAB())
qDebug("Error writing back AB to file ");
if ( isXML ) {
// afterwrite processing
abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
+void KABCore::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
+ qDebug("removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1());
//this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool KABCore::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
if ( resource == "phone" )
return syncPhone();
disableBR( true );
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
AddressBook abLocal( resource,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
if ( abLocal.load() ) {
qDebug("AB sharp loaded ,sync device %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1());
abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, false );
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, syncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) {
abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( false );
abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( syncOK )
disableBR( false );
return syncOK;
void KABCore::message( QString m )
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( m );
mMessageTimer->start( 15000, true );
bool KABCore::syncPhone()
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = syncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
QString fileName = getPhoneFile();
if ( !PhoneAccess::readFromPhone( fileName) ) {
message(i18n("Phone access failed!"));
return false;
AddressBook abLocal( fileName,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
abLocal.importFromFile( fileName );
qDebug("AB phone loaded ,sync device %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1());
abLocal.preparePhoneSync( mCurrentSyncDevice, true );
abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, true );
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, syncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) {
abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( true );
abLocal.saveABphone( fileName );
abLocal.findNewExtIds( fileName, mCurrentSyncDevice );
//abLocal.preparePhoneSync( mCurrentSyncDevice, false );
abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
void KABCore::getFile( bool success )
if ( ! success ) {
message( i18n("Error receiving file. Nothing changed!") );
int count = mAddressBook->importFromFile( sentSyncFile() , false, true );
if ( count )
setModified( true );
message( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") );
void KABCore::syncFileRequest()
mAddressBook->export2File( sentSyncFile() );
QString KABCore::sentSyncFile()
return locateLocal( "tmp", "copysyncab.vcf" );
return QString( "/tmp/copysyncab.vcf" );
void KABCore::setCaptionBack()
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("KAddressbook/Pi") );
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
index fcbe1e8..a288505 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
@@ -229,274 +229,275 @@ class KABCore : public QWidget, public KSyncInterface
void pasteContacts( KABC::Addressee::List &list );
Sets the whoAmI contact, that is used by many other programs to
get personal information about the current user.
void setWhoAmI();
Displays the category dialog and applies the result to all
selected contacts.
void setCategories();
Sets the field list of the Incremental Search Widget.
void setSearchFields( const KABC::Field::List &fields );
Search with the current search field for a contact, that matches
the given text, and selects it in the view.
void incrementalSearch( const QString& text );
Marks the address book as modified.
void setModified();
Marks the address book as modified without refreshing the view.
void setModifiedWOrefresh();
Marks the address book as modified concerning the argument.
void setModified( bool modified );
Returns whether the address book is modified.
bool modified() const;
Called whenever an contact is modified in the contact editor
dialog or the quick edit.
void contactModified( const KABC::Addressee &addr );
void addEmail( QString addr );
void importVCard( const KURL& url, bool showPreview );
void importVCard( const QString& vCard, bool showPreview );
void newContact();
QString getNameByPhone( const QString& phone );
Saves the contents of the AddressBook back to disk.
void save();
Undos the last command using the undo stack.
void undo();
Redos the last command that was undone, using the redo stack.
void redo();
Shows the edit dialog for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void editContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
//US added a second method without defaultparameter
void editContact2();
Shows or edits the detail view for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void executeContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
Launches the configuration dialog.
void openConfigDialog();
Launches the ldap search dialog.
void openLDAPDialog();
Creates a KAddressBookPrinter, which will display the print
dialog and do the printing.
void print();
Registers a new GUI client, so plugins can register its actions.
void addGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client );
void requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
void requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid);
void requestForBirthdayList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
void contactSelected( const QString &name );
void contactSelected( const QPixmap &pixmap );
public slots:
void recieve(QString cmsg );
void getFile( bool success );
void syncFileRequest();
void setDetailsVisible( bool visible );
void setDetailsToState();
// void slotSyncMenu( int );
private slots:
void receive( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data );
void toggleBeamReceive( );
void disableBR(bool);
void setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool visible );
void setCaptionBack();
void importFromOL();
void extensionModified( const KABC::Addressee::List &list );
void extensionChanged( int id );
void clipboardDataChanged();
void updateActionMenu();
void configureKeyBindings();
void removeVoice();
void configureResources();
void slotEditorDestroyed( const QString &uid );
void configurationChanged();
void addressBookChanged();
bool mBRdisabled;
QCopChannel* infrared;
QTimer *mMessageTimer;
void initGUI();
void initActions();
QString getPhoneFile();
AddresseeEditorDialog *createAddresseeEditorDialog( QWidget *parent,
const char *name = 0 );
KXMLGUIClient *mGUIClient;
KABC::AddressBook *mAddressBook;
ViewManager *mViewManager;
// QSplitter *mDetailsSplitter;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *mExtensionBarSplitter;
ViewContainer *mDetails;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mMiniSplitter;
XXPortManager *mXXPortManager;
JumpButtonBar *mJumpButtonBar;
IncSearchWidget *mIncSearchWidget;
ExtensionManager *mExtensionManager;
KCMultiDialog *mConfigureDialog;
LDAPSearchDialog *mLdapSearchDialog;
// QDict<AddresseeEditorDialog> mEditorDict;
AddresseeEditorDialog *mEditorDialog;
bool mReadWrite;
bool mModified;
bool mIsPart;
bool mMultipleViewsAtOnce;
//US file menu
KAction *mActionMail;
KAction *mActionBeam;
KToggleAction *mActionBR;
KAction *mActionExport2phone;
KAction* mActionPrint;
KAction* mActionNewContact;
KAction *mActionSave;
KAction *mActionEditAddressee;
KAction *mActionMailVCard;
KAction *mActionBeamVCard;
KAction *mActionQuit;
//US edit menu
KAction *mActionCopy;
KAction *mActionCut;
KAction *mActionPaste;
KAction *mActionSelectAll;
KAction *mActionUndo;
KAction *mActionRedo;
KAction *mActionDelete;
//US settings menu
KAction *mActionConfigResources;
KAction *mActionConfigKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionConfigShortcuts;
KAction *mActionConfigureToolbars;
KAction *mActionKeyBindings;
KToggleAction *mActionJumpBar;
KToggleAction *mActionDetails;
KAction *mActionWhoAmI;
KAction *mActionCategories;
KAction *mActionAboutKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionLicence;
KAction *mActionFaq;
KAction *mActionWN;
KAction *mActionSyncHowto;
KAction *mActionDeleteView;
QPopupMenu *viewMenu;
QPopupMenu *filterMenu;
QPopupMenu *settingsMenu;
QPopupMenu *changeMenu;
//US QAction *mActionSave;
QPopupMenu *ImportMenu;
QPopupMenu *ExportMenu;
//LR additional methods
KAction *mActionRemoveVoice;
KAction * mActionImportOL;
KAddressBookService *mAddressBookService;
class KABCorePrivate;
KABCorePrivate *d;
//US bool mBlockSaveFlag;
KAddressBookMain *mMainWindow; // should be the same like mGUIClient
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource);
+ virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
bool syncPhone();
void message( QString m );
// LR *******************************
// sync stuff!
QString sentSyncFile();
QPopupMenu *syncMenu;
KSyncManager* syncManager;
int mGlobalSyncMode;
bool synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBook* remote,int mode);
KABC::Addressee getLastSyncAddressee();
QDateTime mLastAddressbookSync;
int takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full );
// *********************
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
index 2ccccfa..af01625 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
@@ -3511,256 +3511,262 @@ QWidget *CalendarView::leftFrame()
DateNavigator *CalendarView::dateNavigator()
return mNavigator;
KDateNavigator* CalendarView::dateNavigatorWidget()
return mDateNavigator;
void CalendarView::toggleDateNavigatorWidget()
if (mDateNavigator->isVisible())
void CalendarView::addView(KOrg::BaseView *view)
void CalendarView::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view)
mViewManager->showView(view, mLeftFrame->isVisible());
Incidence *CalendarView::currentSelection()
return mViewManager->currentSelection();
void CalendarView::toggleAllDaySize()
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize > 47 )
KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize /2;
KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize *2;
void CalendarView::toggleExpand()
// if ( mLeftFrame->isHidden() ) {
// mLeftFrame->show();
// emit calendarViewExpanded( false );
// } else {
// mLeftFrame->hide();
// emit calendarViewExpanded( true );
// }
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
emit calendarViewExpanded( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 5;
mViewManager->raiseCurrentView( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() );
//mViewManager->showView( 0, true );
void CalendarView::calendarModified( bool modified, Calendar * )
setModified( modified );
Todo *CalendarView::selectedTodo()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
return 0;
void CalendarView::dialogClosing(Incidence *in)
// mDialogList.remove(in);
void CalendarView::showIncidence()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
ShowIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::editIncidenceDescription()
mFlagEditDescription = true;
mFlagEditDescription = false;
void CalendarView::editIncidence()
// qDebug("editIncidence() ");
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
EditIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::deleteIncidence()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
void CalendarView::showIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
if ( incidence ) {
ShowIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::editIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
if ( incidence ) {
EditIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::deleteIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
//qDebug(" CalendarView::deleteIncidence ");
if ( incidence ) {
DeleteIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::lookForOutgoingMessages()
OutgoingDialog *ogd = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog();
void CalendarView::lookForIncomingMessages()
IncomingDialog *icd = mDialogManager->incomingDialog();
bool CalendarView::removeCompletedSubTodos( Todo* t )
bool deleteTodo = true;
QPtrList<Incidence> subTodos;
Incidence *aTodo;
subTodos = t->relations();
for (aTodo = subTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
if (! removeCompletedSubTodos( (Todo*) aTodo ))
deleteTodo = false;
if ( deleteTodo ) {
if ( t->isCompleted() ) {
checkExternalId( t );
mCalendar->deleteTodo( t );
changeTodoDisplay( t,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED );
deleteTodo = false;
return deleteTodo;
void CalendarView::purgeCompleted()
int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
i18n("Delete all\ncompleted To-Dos?"),i18n("Purge To-Dos"),i18n("Purge"));
if (result == KMessageBox::Continue) {
QPtrList<Todo> todoCal;
QPtrList<Todo> rootTodos;
//QPtrList<Incidence> rel;
Todo *aTodo;//, *rTodo;
Incidence *rIncidence;
bool childDelete = false;
bool deletedOne = true;
todoCal = calendar()->todos();
for (aTodo = todoCal.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
if ( !aTodo->relatedTo() )
rootTodos.append( aTodo );
for (aTodo = rootTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
removeCompletedSubTodos( aTodo );
void CalendarView::slotCalendarChanged()
NavigatorBar *CalendarView::navigatorBar()
return mNavigatorBar;
void CalendarView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e)
//qDebug(" alendarView::keyPressEvent ");
bool CalendarView::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
// mSyncManager = manager;
mSyncKDE = false;
if ( filename == QDir::homeDirPath ()+"/.kdecalendardump.ics" ) {
qDebug("SyncKDE request detected!");
mSyncKDE = true;
mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName();
return syncCalendar( filename, mode );
bool CalendarView::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
mSyncKDE = false;
//mSyncManager = manager;
mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName();
if ( resource == "sharp" )
syncExternal( 0 );
if ( resource == "phone" )
syncExternal( 1 );
// pending setmodified
return true;
void CalendarView::setSyncManager(KSyncManager* manager)
mSyncManager = manager;
+void CalendarView::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
+ qDebug("removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1());
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.h b/korganizer/calendarview.h
index 2818ee9..acc20d6 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.h
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.h
@@ -212,394 +212,395 @@ class CalendarView : public KOrg::CalendarViewBase, public KCal::Calendar::Obser
void closeCalendar();
/** Archive old events of calendar */
void archiveCalendar();
void showIncidence();
void editIncidence();
void editIncidenceDescription();
void deleteIncidence();
void cloneIncidence();
void moveIncidence();
void beamIncidence();
void toggleCancelIncidence();
/** create an editeventwin with supplied date/time, and if bool is true,
* make the event take all day. */
void newEvent(QDateTime, QDateTime, bool allDay = false);
void newEvent(QDateTime fh);
void newEvent(QDate dt);
/** create new event without having a date hint. Takes current date as
default hint. */
void newEvent();
void newFloatingEvent();
/** Create a read-only viewer dialog for the supplied incidence. It calls the correct showXXX method*/
void showIncidence(Incidence *);
/** Create an editor for the supplied incidence. It calls the correct editXXX method*/
void editIncidence(Incidence *);
/** Delete the supplied incidence. It calls the correct deleteXXX method*/
void deleteIncidence(Incidence *);
void cloneIncidence(Incidence *);
void cancelIncidence(Incidence *);
/** Create an editor for the supplied event. */
void editEvent(Event *);
/** Delete the supplied event. */
void deleteEvent(Event *);
/** Delete the event with the given unique ID. Returns false, if event wasn't
found. */
bool deleteEvent(const QString &uid);
/** Create a read-only viewer dialog for the supplied event. */
void showEvent(Event *);
void editJournal(Journal *);
void showJournal(Journal *);
void deleteJournal(Journal *);
/** Create an editor dialog for a todo */
void editTodo(Todo *);
/** Create a read-only viewer dialog for the supplied todo */
void showTodo(Todo *);
/** create new todo */
void newTodo();
/** create new todo with a parent todo */
void newSubTodo();
/** create new todo with a parent todo */
void newSubTodo(Todo *);
/** Delete todo */
void deleteTodo(Todo *);
/** Check if clipboard contains vCalendar event. The signal pasteEnabled() is
* emitted as result. */
void checkClipboard();
/** using the KConfig associated with the kapp variable, read in the
* settings from the config file.
void readSettings();
/** write current state to config file. */
void writeSettings();
/** read settings for calendar filters */
void readFilterSettings(KConfig *config);
/** write settings for calendar filters */
void writeFilterSettings(KConfig *config);
/** passes on the message that an event has changed to the currently
* activated view so that it can make appropriate display changes. */
void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int);
void changeIncidenceDisplay(Incidence *, int);
void changeTodoDisplay(Todo *, int);
void eventAdded(Event *);
void eventChanged(Event *);
void eventToBeDeleted(Event *);
void eventDeleted();
void todoAdded(Todo *);
void todoChanged(Todo *);
void todoToBeDeleted(Todo *);
void todoDeleted();
void updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end);
void updateView();
/** Full update of visible todo views */
void updateTodoViews();
void updateUnmanagedViews();
/** cut the current appointment to the clipboard */
void edit_cut();
/** copy the current appointment(s) to the clipboard */
void edit_copy();
/** paste the current vobject(s) in the clipboard buffer into calendar */
void edit_paste();
/** edit viewing and configuration options. */
void edit_options();
Functions for printing, previewing a print, and setting up printing
void print();
void printSetup();
void printPreview();
/** Export as iCalendar file */
void exportICalendar();
/** Export as vCalendar file */
bool exportVCalendar( QString fn);
/** pop up a dialog to show an existing appointment. */
void appointment_show();
* pop up an Appointment Dialog to edit an existing appointment. Get
* information on the appointment from the list of unique IDs that is
* currently in the View, called currIds.
void appointment_edit();
* pop up dialog confirming deletion of currently selected event in the
* View.
void appointment_delete();
/** mails the currently selected event to a particular user as a vCalendar
attachment. */
void action_mail();
/* frees a subtodo from it's relation */
void todo_unsub( Todo * );
void todo_resub( Todo * parent, Todo * sub );
/** Take ownership of selected event. */
void takeOverEvent();
/** Take ownership of all events in calendar. */
void takeOverCalendar();
/** query whether or not the calendar is "dirty". */
bool isModified();
/** set the state of calendar. Modified means "dirty", i.e. needing a save. */
void setModified(bool modified=true);
/** query if the calendar is read-only. */
bool isReadOnly();
/** set state of calendar to read-only */
void setReadOnly(bool readOnly=true);
void eventUpdated(Incidence *);
/* iTIP scheduling actions */
void schedule_publish(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_request(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_refresh(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_cancel(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_add(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_reply(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_counter(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_declinecounter(Incidence *incidence = 0);
void schedule_publish_freebusy(int daysToPublish = 30);
void openAddressbook();
void editFilters();
void toggleFilerEnabled();
QPtrList<CalFilter> filters();
void toggleFilter();
void showFilter(bool visible);
void updateFilter();
void filterEdited();
void selectFilter( int );
KOFilterView *filterView();
void showIntro();
/** Move the curdatepient view date to today */
void goToday();
/** Move to the next date(s) in the current view */
void goNext();
/** Move to the previous date(s) in the current view */
void goPrevious();
/** Move to the next date(s) in the current view */
void goNextMonth();
/** Move to the previous date(s) in the current view */
void goPreviousMonth();
void toggleExpand();
void toggleDateNavigatorWidget();
void toggleAllDaySize();
void dialogClosing(Incidence *);
/** Look for new messages in the inbox */
void lookForIncomingMessages();
/** Look for new messages in the outbox */
void lookForOutgoingMessages();
void processMainViewSelection( Incidence * );
void processTodoListSelection( Incidence * );
void processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * );
void purgeCompleted();
bool removeCompletedSubTodos( Todo* );
void slotCalendarChanged();
bool importBday();
bool addAnniversary( QDate data, QString name, KCal::Attendee* a , bool birthday );
bool importQtopia( const QString &categoriesFile,
const QString &datebookFile,
const QString &tasklistFile );
void syncExternal( int mode );
void slotSelectPickerDate( QDate ) ;
void showDatePicker( ) ;
void moveIncidence(Incidence *) ;
void beamIncidence(Incidence *) ;
void beamCalendar() ;
void beamFilteredCalendar() ;
void beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence>) ;
void manageCategories();
int addCategories();
void removeCategories();
void setSyncDevice( QString );
void setSyncName( QString );
protected slots:
void timerAlarm();
void suspendAlarm();
void beamDone( Ir *ir );
/** Select a view or adapt the current view to display the specified dates. */
void showDates( const KCal::DateList & );
void selectWeekNum ( int );
// show a standard warning
// returns KMsgBox::yesNoCancel()
int msgCalModified();
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource);
+ virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
void setSyncManager(KSyncManager* manager);
void setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime);
bool checkFileVersion(QString fn);
bool checkFileChanged(QString fn);
Event* getLastSyncEvent();
/** Adapt navigation units correpsonding to step size of navigation of the
* current view.
void adaptNavigationUnits();
bool synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int mode );
int takeEvent( Incidence* local, Incidence* remote, int mode, bool full = false );
//Attendee* getYourAttendee(Event *event);
void schedule(Scheduler::Method, Incidence *incidence = 0);
// returns KMsgBox::OKCandel()
int msgItemDelete();
void showEventEditor();
void showTodoEditor();
void writeLocale();
Todo *selectedTodo();
bool mSyncKDE;
KSyncManager* mSyncManager;
AlarmDialog * mAlarmDialog;
QString mAlarmNotification;
QString mSuspendAlarmNotification;
QTimer* mSuspendTimer;
QTimer* mAlarmTimer;
QTimer* mRecheckAlarmTimer;
void computeAlarm( QString );
void startAlarm( QString, QString );
void setSyncEventsReadOnly();
QDateTime loadedFileVersion;
void checkExternSyncEvent( QPtrList<Event> lastSync , Incidence* toDelete );
void checkExternalId( Incidence * inc );
int mGlobalSyncMode;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice;
QString mCurrentSyncName;
KOBeamPrefs* beamDialog;
void init();
int mDatePickerMode;
bool mFlagEditDescription;
QDateTime mLastCalendarSync;
void createPrinter();
void calendarModified( bool, Calendar * );
CalPrinter *mCalPrinter;
QSplitter *mPanner;
QSplitter *mLeftSplitter;
QWidget *mLeftFrame;
QWidgetStack *mRightFrame;
KDatePicker* mDatePicker;
QVBox* mDateFrame;
NavigatorBar *mNavigatorBar;
KDateNavigator *mDateNavigator; // widget showing small month view.
KOFilterView *mFilterView;
ResourceView *mResourceView;
// calendar object for this viewing instance
Calendar *mCalendar;
CalendarResourceManager *mResourceManager;
FileStorage *mStorage;
DateNavigator *mNavigator;
KOViewManager *mViewManager;
KODialogManager *mDialogManager;
// Calendar filters
QPtrList<CalFilter> mFilters;
// various housekeeping variables.
bool mModified; // flag indicating if calendar is modified
bool mReadOnly; // flag indicating if calendar is read-only
QDate mSaveSingleDate;
Incidence *mSelectedIncidence;
Incidence *mMoveIncidence;
KOTodoView *mTodoList;
KOEventEditor * mEventEditor;
KOTodoEditor * mTodoEditor;
KOEventViewerDialog * mEventViewerDialog;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) ;
//QMap<Incidence*,KOIncidenceEditor*> mDialogList;
class CalendarViewVisitor : public Incidence::Visitor
CalendarViewVisitor() : mView( 0 ) {}
bool act( Incidence *incidence, CalendarView *view )
mView = view;
return incidence->accept( *this );
CalendarView *mView;
class ShowIncidenceVisitor : public CalendarViewVisitor
bool visit( Event *event ) { mView->showEvent( event ); return true; }
bool visit( Todo *todo ) { mView->showTodo( todo ); return true; }
bool visit( Journal * j ) { mView->showJournal( j );return true; }
class EditIncidenceVisitor : public CalendarViewVisitor
bool visit( Event *event ) { mView->editEvent( event ); return true; }
bool visit( Todo *todo ) { mView->editTodo( todo ); return true; }
bool visit( Journal *j ) { mView->editJournal( j); return true; }
class DeleteIncidenceVisitor : public CalendarViewVisitor
bool visit( Event *event ) { mView->deleteEvent( event ); return true; }
bool visit( Todo *todo ) { mView->deleteTodo( todo ); return true; }
bool visit( Journal * j) {mView->deleteJournal( j ); return true; }
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
index 4a610fa..af4f1ab 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
@@ -1,211 +1,212 @@
This file is part of KDE-Pim/Pi.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qsocket.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qserversocket.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
class QPopupMenu;
class KSyncProfile;
class KPimPrefs;
class QWidget;
class KSyncManager;
class KSyncInterface;
class QProgressBar;
class KServerSocket : public QServerSocket
KServerSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 0, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
void newConnection ( int socket ) ;
void setFileName( QString fn ) {mFileName = fn;};
void file_received( bool );
void request_file();
void saveFile();
void endConnect();
private slots:
void discardClient();
void readClient();
void readBackFileFromSocket();
private :
bool blockRC;
void send_file();
void get_file();
void end_connect();
QDialog* mSyncActionDialog;
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
QString mFileName;
QTime piTime;
QString piFileString;
class KCommandSocket : public QObject
enum state { successR, errorR, successW, errorW, errorTO, quiet };
KCommandSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, QString host, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
void readFile( QString );
void writeFile( QString );
void sendStop();
void commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int );
private slots:
void startReadFileFromSocket();
void readFileFromSocket();
void deleteSocket();
void writeFileToSocket();
private :
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
Q_UINT16 mPort;
QString mHost;
QString mFileName;
QTimer* mTimerSocket;
int mRetVal;
QTime mTime;
QString mFileString;
bool mFirst;
class KSyncManager : public QObject
enum TargetApp {
KOPI = 0,
KAPI = 1,
PWMPI = 2 };
KSyncManager(QWidget* parent, KSyncInterface* implementation, TargetApp ta, KPimPrefs* prefs, QPopupMenu* syncmenu);
~KSyncManager() ;
void multiSync( bool askforPrefs );
bool blockSave() { return mBlockSaveFlag; }
void setBlockSave(bool sa) { mBlockSaveFlag = sa; }
void setDefaultFileName( QString s) { mDefFileName = s ;}
QString defaultFileName() { return mDefFileName ;}
QString syncFileName();
void enableQuick( bool ask = true);
QString getCurrentSyncDevice() { return mCurrentSyncDevice; }
QString getCurrentSyncName() { return mCurrentSyncName; }
void showProgressBar(int percentage, QString caption = QString::null, int total=100);
void hideProgressBar();
bool isProgressBarCanceled();
// sync stuff
QString mLocalMachineName;
QStringList mExternSyncProfiles;
QStringList mSyncProfileNames;
bool mAskForPreferences;
bool mShowSyncSummary;
bool mIsKapiFile;
bool mWriteBackExistingOnly;
int mSyncAlgoPrefs;
bool mWriteBackFile;
int mWriteBackInFuture;
QString mPhoneDevice;
QString mPhoneConnection;
QString mPhoneModel;
QString mPassWordPiSync;
QString mActiveSyncPort;
QString mActiveSyncIP ;
void save();
void request_file();
void getFile( bool );
public slots:
void slotSyncMenu( int );
void deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*s, int state);
void readFileFromSocket();
void fillSyncMenu();
void syncPi();
KServerSocket * mServerSocket;
KPimPrefs* mPrefs;
QString mDefFileName;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice;
QString mCurrentSyncName;
void quickSyncLocalFile();
bool syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick );
void syncLocalFile();
void syncPhone();
void syncSharp();
void syncKDE();
bool syncExternalApplication(QString);
int mCurrentSyncProfile ;
void syncRemote( KSyncProfile* prof, bool ask = true);
bool edit_sync_options();
bool edit_pisync_options();
int ringSync();
QString getPassword( );
bool mPisyncFinished;
bool mBlockSaveFlag;
QWidget* mParent;
KSyncInterface* mImplementation;
TargetApp mTargetApp;
QPopupMenu* mSyncMenu;
QProgressBar* bar;
private slots:
void confSync();
class KSyncInterface
public :
+ virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile) = 0;
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode) = 0;
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
// empty implementation, because some syncable applications do not
// have an external(sharpdtm) syncmode, like pwmanager.
return false;
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp
index 2b8f2fa..6ae6e28 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp
@@ -1211,262 +1211,268 @@ bool PwM::checkAndAskForKWalletEmu()
i18n("KWallet emulation is enabled.\n"
"You can't import or export data from/to "
"the original KWallet, while the emulation "
"is active.\n"
"Do you want to tempoarly disable the KWallet emulation?"),
i18n("Tempoarly disable KWallet emulation?"))
== KMessageBox::Yes) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
bool PwM::importKWallet()
if (!checkAndAskForKWalletEmu())
return false;
KWalletIf walletIf(this);
if (!isVirgin()) {
if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
i18n("Do you want to import the data "
"into the current document? (If you "
"select \"no\", a new document will be "
i18n("import into this document?"))
== KMessageBox::No) {
// import the data to a new window.
PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd();
bool ok = newInstance->importKWallet();
if (!ok) {
goto exit_fail;
} else {
goto exit_ok;
if (!walletIf.kwalletImport(curDoc())) {
showStatMsg(i18n("KWallet import failed"));
goto exit_fail;
i18n("Successfully imported the KWallet data "
"into the current document."),
i18n("successfully imported"));
showStatMsg(i18n("successfully imported"));
return true;
return false;
void PwM::print_slot()
PwMPrint p(curDoc(), this);
qDebug("PwM::print_slot , PRINTING IS NOT IMPLEMENTED");
void PwM::genNewCard_slot()
void PwM::eraseCard_slot()
void PwM::readCardId_slot()
void PwM::makeCardBackup_slot()
void PwM::replayCardBackup_slot()
void PwM::execLauncher_slot()
if (curDoc()->isDeepLocked())
unsigned int curEntryIndex;
if (!view->getCurEntryIndex(&curEntryIndex))
bool ret = curDoc()->execLauncher(view->getCurrentCategory(),
if (ret)
showStatMsg(i18n("Executed the \"Launcher\"."));
showStatMsg(i18n("ERROR: Couldn't execute the \"Launcher\"!"));
void PwM::goToURL_slot()
if (curDoc()->isDeepLocked())
unsigned int curEntryIndex;
if (!view->getCurEntryIndex(&curEntryIndex))
bool ret = curDoc()->goToURL(view->getCurrentCategory(),
if (ret)
showStatMsg(i18n("started browser with current URL."));
showStatMsg(i18n("ERROR: Couldn't start browser! Maybe invalid URL?"));
void PwM::copyToClipboard(const QString &s)
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
if (cb->supportsSelection())
cb->setText(s, QClipboard::Selection);
cb->setText(s, QClipboard::Clipboard);
void PwM::showStatMsg(const QString &msg)
statusBar()->message(msg, STATUSBAR_MSG_TIMEOUT * 1000);
qDebug("Statusbar : %s",msg.latin1());
void PwM::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
if (e->gotFocus()) {
emit gotFocus(this);
} else if (e->lostFocus()) {
emit lostFocus(this);
void PwM::whatsnew_slot()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Version Info", "kdepim/WhatsNew.txt" );
void PwM::showLicense_slot()
void PwM::faq_slot()
KApplication::showFile( "PWM/Pi FAQ", "kdepim/pwmanager/pwmanagerFAQ.txt" );
void PwM::syncHowTo_slot()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/SyncHowto.txt" );
void PwM::createAboutData_slot()
QString version;
#include <../version>
QMessageBox::about( this, "About PwManager/Pi",
"(PWM/Pi) " +version + " - " +
"Desktop Edition\n"
"for: Zaurus 5500 / 7x0 / 8x0\n"
"(c) 2004 Ulf Schenk\n"
"(c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski\n"
"(c) 1997-2004, The KDE PIM Team\n"
"(c) Michael Buesch - main programming\nand current maintainer\\n"
"Matt Scifo -\n"
"Elias Probst -\n"
"George Staikos -\n"
"Matthew Palmer -\n"
"Olivier Sessink -\n"
"The libgcrypt developers -\nBlowfish and SHA1 algorithms\n\n"
"Troy Engel -\n"
"Wickey -\n"
"Ian MacGregor - original documentation author.\n"
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool PwM::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
bool ret = curDoc()->sync(manager, filename, mode);
qDebug("PwM::sync save now: ret=%i", ret);
if (ret == true) {
//US BUG: what can we call here to update the view of the current doc?
//US curDoc()->sync sets the dirtyFlag in case the sync was successfull.
return ret;
+void PwM::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
+ qDebug("PWM::not implemented: removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1());
#include "pwm.moc"
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.h b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.h
index 5822d59..fb34bca 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.h
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.h
@@ -24,274 +24,275 @@
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <ksyncmanager.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <qglobal.h>
#include "pwmview.h"
#include "pwmexception.h"
/** timeout for displaying a message on the status-bar (in seconds) */
class PwMInit;
class KSyncManager;
/** PwM is the base class of the project */
class PwM : public KMainWindow
class PwM : public KMainWindow, public KSyncInterface
friend class PwMView;
/** construtor */
PwM(PwMInit *_init, PwMDoc *doc,
bool virginity = true,
QWidget* parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
/** destructor */
/** copy some text to the global clipboard */
static void copyToClipboard(const QString &s);
/** returns pointer to the view */
PwMView * curView()
{ return view; }
/** returns pointer to the currently using document. */
PwMDoc * curDoc()
{ return curView()->document(); }
/** open a new doc with the given filename */
PwMDoc * openDoc(QString filename, bool openDeepLocked = false);
/** show a message on the global status bar.
* The message times out after some seconds.
void showStatMsg(const QString &msg);
/** ask the user where to save the doc (if it has not been saved, yet)
* and write the data to disk.
bool save();
/** ask the user where to save the doc
* and write the data to disk.
bool saveAs();
/** force quit. Quit this window, always! Don't minimize it */
bool isForceQuit()
{ return forceQuit; }
/** set forceQuit */
void setForceQuit(bool force)
{ forceQuit = force; }
/** force minimize this window */
bool isForceMinimizeToTray()
{ return forceMinimizeToTray; }
/** set forceMinimizeToTray */
void setForceMinimizeToTray(bool force)
{ forceMinimizeToTray = force; }
public slots:
/** file/new triggered */
void new_slot();
/** file/open triggered */
void open_slot();
void open_slot(QString fn);
/** file/close triggered */
void close_slot();
/** file/quit triggered */
void quitButton_slot();
/** file/save triggered */
void save_slot();
/** file/saveAs triggered */
void saveAs_slot();
/** file/export/text triggered */
void exportToText();
/** file/export/gpasman triggered */
void exportToGpasman();
/** file/export/kwallet triggered */
void exportToKWallet();
/** file/export/csv triggered */
void exportToCsv();
/** file/import/text triggered */
bool importFromText();
/** file/import/gpasman triggered */
bool importFromGpasman();
/** file/import/kwallet triggered */
bool importKWallet();
/** file/import/csv triggered */
bool importCsv();
/** file/print triggered */
void print_slot();
/** manage/add triggered */
//US ENH : changed code to run with older MOC
void addPwd_slot();
void addPwd_slot1(QString *pw, PwMDoc *_doc);
/** manage/edit triggered */
//US ENH : changed code to run with older MOC
void editPwd_slot();
void editPwd_slot1(const QString *category);
void editPwd_slot3(const QString *category, const int *index ,PwMDoc *_doc );
/** manage/delete triggered */
void deletePwd_slot();
/** execute the "Launcher" entry */
void execLauncher_slot();
/** open browser with URL entry */
void goToURL_slot();
/** manage/changeMasterPwd triggered */
void changeMasterPwd_slot();
/** lock current document */
void lockWnd_slot();
/** deeplock current document */
void deepLockWnd_slot();
/** window/unlock triggered */
void unlockWnd_slot();
/** find item */
void find_slot();
/** configure clicked */
void config_slot();
/** (de)activate the "change master pw" button in the menu-bar */
void activateMpButton(bool activate = true);
/** generate a new chipcard */
void genNewCard_slot();
/** completely erase the current card */
void eraseCard_slot();
/** returns the ID number of the current card */
void readCardId_slot();
/** make backup image of the current card */
void makeCardBackup_slot();
/** write backup image to current card */
void replayCardBackup_slot();
void whatsnew_slot();
void showLicense_slot();
void faq_slot();
void createAboutData_slot();
void syncHowTo_slot();
/** is this window virgin? */
bool isVirgin()
{ return virgin; }
/** add/remove virginity */
void setVirgin(bool v);
/** initialize the menubar */
void initMenubar();
/** initialize the toolbar */
void initToolbar();
/** initialize the window-metrics */
void initMetrics();
/** close-event */
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
/** creates a new PwM-ListView and returns it */
PwMView * makeNewListView(PwMDoc *doc);
/** Window hide-event */
void hideEvent(QHideEvent *);
/** is this window minimized? */
bool isMinimized()
return KWin::windowInfo(winId()).isMinimized();
#else // KDE_VERSION
return KWin::info(winId()).isIconified();
#endif // KDE_VERSION
return false;
/** window got the focus */
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
/** update the caption string */
void updateCaption();
/** check if kwalletemu is enabled and ask the user what to do */
bool checkAndAskForKWalletEmu();
protected slots:
/** doc got closed */
void docClosed(PwMDoc *doc);
/** window got closed (by user or someone else) */
void closed(PwM *wnd);
/** window got the focus (was brought to foreground) */
void gotFocus(PwM *wnd);
/** window lost the focus */
void lostFocus(PwM *wnd);
/** pointer to the view active in this KMainWindow */
PwMView *view;
/** pointer to the init class */
PwMInit *init;
/** has this window already lost its virginity?
* Means is there an open working document
bool virgin;
/** "file" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *filePopup;
/** "manage" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *managePopup;
/** "chipcard" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *chipcardPopup;
/** "view" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *viewPopup;
/** "options" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *optionsPopup;
/** "help" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *helpPopup;
/** "export" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *exportPopup;
/** "import" popup-menu */
KPopupMenu *importPopup;
/** force quit this window? */
bool forceQuit;
/** force minimize this window to the tray */
bool forceMinimizeToTray;
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
- virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
+ virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
+ virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
// LR *******************************
// sync stuff!
QPopupMenu *syncPopup;
KSyncManager* syncManager;
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
index cf8690f..fd17ce5 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
@@ -3051,448 +3051,451 @@ PwMerror PwMDoc::syncronize(KSyncManager* manager, PwMDoc* syncLocal , PwMDoc* s
qDebug("FULLDATE 1");
fullDateRange = true;
PwMSyncItem newSyncItemRemote;
newSyncItemRemote.syncName = mCurrentSyncName.latin1();
newSyncItemRemote.lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
syncRemote->addSyncDataEntry(&newSyncItemRemote, true);
found = syncRemote->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncName, &index);
if (found == false) {
qDebug("PwMDoc::syncronize : newly created remote sync data could not be found");
return e_syncError;
syncItemRemote = syncRemote->getSyncDataEntry(index);
qDebug("Last Sync Remote %s ", syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1());
//and remove the found entry here. We will reenter it later again.
//US syncRemote->delSyncDataEntry(index, true);
if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate == mLastSync ) {
qDebug("FULLDATE 2");
fullDateRange = true;
if ( ! fullDateRange ) {
if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate != syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate ) {
fullDateRange = true;
qDebug("FULLDATE 3 %s %s", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() , syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() );
// fullDateRange = true; // debug only!
if ( fullDateRange )
mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365);
mLastSync = syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate;
qDebug("*************************** ");
qDebug("mLastSync %s ",mLastSync.toString().latin1() );
QStringList er = syncRemote->getIDEntryList();
PwMDataItem* inRemote ;//= er.first();
PwMDataItem* inLocal;
unsigned int catLocal, indexLocal;
unsigned int catRemote, indexRemote;
QString uid;
manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Syncing - close to abort!"), er.count());
int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1;
unsigned int incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < er.count()) {
if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return e_syncError;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = er[ incCounter ];
qDebug("sync uid %s from remote file", uid.latin1());
inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal );
inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote );
if ( inLocal != 0 ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both files
if ( (take = takePwMDataItem( inLocal, inRemote, mLastSync, mode, fullDateRange) ) ) {
qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inLocal->desc.c_str());
if ( take == 3 )
return e_syncError;
if ( take == 1 ) {// take local
int oldlistpos = inRemote->listViewPos;
(*inRemote) = (*inLocal);
inRemote->listViewPos = oldlistpos;
} else { // take == 2 take remote
int oldlistpos = inLocal->listViewPos;
(*inLocal) = (*inRemote);
inLocal->listViewPos = oldlistpos;
} else { // no conflict
if ( inRemote->meta.update > mLastSync || mode == 5 ) {
inRemote->meta.update = modifiedSync;
//first check if we have a matching category in the local file
const string* remotecat = syncRemote->getCategory(catRemote);
syncLocal->addEntry(remotecat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false);
} else {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR);
syncRemote->delEntry(catRemote, indexRemote, true);
QStringList el = syncLocal->getIDEntryList();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Add / remove addressees"), el.count());
incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < el.count()) {
if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return e_syncError;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = el[ incCounter ];
qDebug("sync uid %s from local file", uid.latin1());
inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal );
inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote );
if ( inRemote == 0 ) {
if ( inLocal->meta.update < mLastSync && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
syncLocal->delEntry(catLocal, indexLocal, true);
} else {
if ( ! manager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inLocal->meta.update = modifiedSync;
//first check if we have a matching category in the remote file
const string* localcat = syncLocal->getCategory(catLocal);
PwMDataItem newEntry;
newEntry = *inLocal;
inRemote = &newEntry;
//USsyncRemote->insertAddressee( inRemote, false );
syncRemote->addEntry(localcat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false);
// Now write the info back into the sync data space of the files
mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
// get rid of micro seconds
QTime t = mLastSync.time();
mLastSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedPasswordsLocal, addedPasswordsRemote, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedPasswordsLocal, deletedPasswordsRemote );
if ( manager->mShowSyncSummary ) {
KMessageBox::information(0, mes, i18n("PWM/Pi Synchronization") );
qDebug( mes );
return e_success;
int PwMDoc::takePwMDataItem( PwMDataItem* local, PwMDataItem* remote, QDateTime lastSync, int mode , bool full )
// 0 equal
// 1 take local
// 2 take remote
// 3 cancel
QDateTime localMod = local->meta.update;
QDateTime remoteMod = remote->meta.update;
if ( localMod == remoteMod )
return 0;
qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str() );
//qDebug("%s %d %s %d", local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , localMod, remote->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remoteMod);
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", local->lastModified().time().second(), local->lastModified().time().msec(), remote->lastModified().time().second(), remote->lastModified().time().msec() );
//full = true; //debug only
if ( full ) {
bool equ = ( (*local) == (*remote) );
if ( equ ) {
//qDebug("equal ");
return 0;
}//else //debug only
//qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str());
int result;
bool localIsNew;
//qDebug("%s -- %s mLastCalendarSync %s lastsync %s --- local %s remote %s ",local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1(),mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ,lastSync.toString().latin1() , local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() );
if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST )
switch( mode ) {
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
return 1;
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
return 2;
if ( localMod > remoteMod )
return 1;
return 2;
//qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
localIsNew = localMod >= remoteMod;
//qDebug("conflict! ************************************** ");
PwMDataItemChooser acd ( *local,*remote, localIsNew , 0/*this*/ );
result = acd.executeD(localIsNew);
return result;
return 1;
return 2;
// SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented
return 0;
+void PwMDoc::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
+ qDebug("PwMDoc::not implemented: removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1());
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool PwMDoc::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
//1) unlock local file first if necessary (ask for password)
if (this->isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret = this->deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return false;
//2) construct and open a new doc on the stack(automatic cleanup of remote file).
PwMDoc syncTarget(this, "synctarget");
PwMDoc* pSyncTarget = &syncTarget;
PwMerror err = pSyncTarget->openDoc(&filename, 1 /*== open with all entries locked*/);
if (err == e_alreadyOpen) {
PwMDocList::listItem li;
if (getOpenDocList()->find(filename.latin1(), &li))
pSyncTarget = li.doc;
else {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
else if (err != e_success) {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
qDebug("PWM file loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode );
//3) unlock remote file first if necessary (ask for password)
if (pSyncTarget->isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret = pSyncTarget->deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return false;
err = syncronize(manager, this, pSyncTarget, mode );
if (err == e_success) {
if ( manager->mWriteBackFile ) {
qDebug("Saving remote PWManager file");
err = pSyncTarget->saveDoc(conf()->confGlobCompression());
if (err != e_success) {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: Sync failed. Error %i while storing file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
return true;
else {
return false;
bool PwMDoc::findSyncData(const QString &syncname, unsigned int *index)
vector<PwMSyncItem>::iterator i = dti.syncDta.begin(),
end = dti.syncDta.end();
while (i != end) {
if ((*i).syncName == syncname.latin1()) {
if (index) {
*index = i - dti.syncDta.begin();
return true;
return false;
/** add new syncdataentry */
PwMerror PwMDoc::addSyncDataEntry(PwMSyncItem *d, bool dontFlagDirty)
if (isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret;
ret = deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return e_lock;
unsigned int index;
const QString tmp = d->syncName.c_str();
bool exists = findSyncData(d->syncName.c_str(), &index);
if (exists == true) {
// DOH! We found this entry.
return e_entryExists;
if (!dontFlagDirty)
return e_success;
/** delete syncdata entry */
bool PwMDoc::delSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty)
if (isDeepLocked())
return false;
if (index > dti.syncDta.size() - 1)
return false;
// delete entry
dti.syncDta.erase(dti.syncDta.begin() + index);
if (!dontFlagDirty)
return true;
PwMDataItem* PwMDoc::findEntryByID(const QString &uid, unsigned int *category, unsigned int *index)
vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catcounter = dti.dta.begin(),
catend = dti.dta.end();
vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI;
while (catcounter != catend) {
entrBegin = catcounter->d.begin();
entrEnd = catcounter->d.end();
entrI = entrBegin;
while (entrI != entrEnd) {
if ((*entrI).meta.uniqueid == uid.latin1()) {
if (category)
*category = catcounter - dti.dta.begin();
if (index)
*index = entrI - entrBegin;
return &(*entrI);
return 0;
QStringList PwMDoc::getIDEntryList()
QStringList results;
vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catcounter = dti.dta.begin(),
catend = dti.dta.end();
vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI;
while (catcounter != catend) {
entrBegin = catcounter->d.begin();
entrEnd = catcounter->d.end();
entrI = entrBegin;
while (entrI != entrEnd) {
results.append( (*entrI).meta.uniqueid.c_str() );
return results;
#include "pwmdoc.moc"
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
index 55e3231..e419c24 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
@@ -509,280 +509,281 @@ public:
bool isPwAvailable()
{ return (currentPw != ""); }
/** un/lock entry at "index". If needed, ask for password. */
bool lockAt(const QString &category, unsigned int index,
bool lock = true);
bool lockAt(unsigned int category, unsigned int index,
bool lock = true);
/** returns the lock-status at "index" */
bool isLocked(const QString &category, unsigned int index);
bool isLocked(unsigned int category, unsigned int index)
{ return dti.dta[category].d[index].lockStat; }
/** returns the deeplock status */
bool isDeepLocked()
{ return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DEEPLOCKED); }
/** (un)lock all entries */
bool lockAll(bool lock);
/** unlocks all entries tempoarly.
* 1st NOTE: Be very careful with this function! :)
* 2nd NOTE: After you have called unlockAll_Tempoary(); ,
* please DON'T forget to call unlockAll_Tempoary(true);
* _before_ the user (or someone else) is able to change
* the document!
* 3rd NOTE: Please DON'T change "dta" while the data is tempoary
* unlocked! This will cause corruption.
bool unlockAll_tempoary(bool revert = false);
/** deep-(un)locks the document.
* deep-locking writes all data to the file, deletes all data
* in memory, but doesn't close the document.
* deep-locking is only available, if the user previously saved
* the doc to a file (with a password).
* If "saveToFile" is false, it does NOT write the data to the file!
PwMerror deepLock(bool lock = true, bool saveToFile = true);
/** is unlockable without pw? */
bool unlockWoPw()
{ return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_UNLOCK_WITHOUT_PW); }
/** get the "currentPassword" */
const QString& getCurrentPw()
{ return currentPw; }
/** open a window and request the user to change the mpw */
void changeCurrentPw();
/** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
void setListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index,
int pos);
/** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
void setListViewPos(unsigned int category, unsigned int index,
int pos);
/** get the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
int getListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index);
/** set the maximum number of entries allowed */
void setMaxNumEntries(unsigned int num = DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES)
{ maxEntries = num; }
/** get the maximum number of entries allowed */
unsigned int getMaxNumEntries()
{ return maxEntries; }
/** ensure all listViewPos of all dta items are set. (are ! -1).
* If there are some undefined entries, add them to the end of
* the listViewPos(itions). */
void ensureLvp();
/** execute the "launcher" of this entry */
bool execLauncher(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** see above */
bool execLauncher(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** open a browser with the URL-section of the given entry */
bool goToURL(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** see above */
bool goToURL(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** returns true if there is no entry present in the document.
* Note: The "default" Category is present everytime, so
* it's checked for it's entries.
bool isDocEmpty()
if (numCategories() > 1)
return false;
if (numEntries(0))
return false;
return true;
/** returns the filename of this doc */
const QString& getFilename()
{ return filename; }
/** returns the title of the doc */
QString getTitle();
/** sets the list-view-pointer hold in the doc */
void setListViewPointer(PwMView *_listView)
{ listView = _listView; }
/** returns the list-view-pointer */
PwMView * getListViewPointer()
{ return listView; }
/** try to delete the doc. The user may be asked to save
* the data. The user may cancel the whole operation.
* false is returned, then.
bool tryDelete();
/** is the doc deleted? (with tryDelete() ) */
bool isDeleted()
{ return deleted; }
/** returns the document timer object */
DocTimer * timer()
{ return _timer; }
/** get a lock on the dataChanged signal.
* If someone is holding a lock, the signal is not emitted.
void getDataChangedLock()
{ ++dataChangedLock; }
/** put the dataChanged lock */
void putDataChangedLock()
{ --dataChangedLock; }
/** returns the revision count of the item at cat/index */
unsigned int getEntryRevCnt(unsigned int category, unsigned int index)
{ return dti.dta[category].d[index].rev; }
/** returns a const pointer to the entries meta */
const PwMMetaData * getEntryMeta(unsigned int category, unsigned int index)
{ return &(dti.dta[category].d[index].meta); }
/** is the entry at "category" "index" a binary entry? */
bool isBinEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index)
{ return dti.dta[category].d[index].binary; }
public slots:
/** wrapper for PwMTray */
void _deepUnlock();
/** the data of the document has changed and must be updated
* in all views.
* NOTE: use emitDataChanged(PwMDoc *document) to emit this signal!
void dataChanged(PwMDoc *document);
/** the document class is going to close. This signal may be
* used to nofify all views, that the user closed the document,
* so the views can go down, too.
void docClosed(PwMDoc *document);
/** somebody just opened the document */
void docOpened(PwMDoc *document);
/** this document object just got created */
void docCreated(PwMDoc *document);
/** emit the dataChanged signal after checking for a lock */
void emitDataChanged(PwMDoc *document)
if (!dataChangedLock)
emit dataChanged(document);
/** current file for this doc */
QString filename;
//US ENH: we need a place where we keep the syncentries. So I invented
// struct PwMItem, that has a vector of PwMCategoryItem and vector of PwMSyncItem
/** holds all data */
PwMItem dti;
/** maximum number of entries */
unsigned int maxEntries;
/** currently used password to encrypt data */
QString currentPw;
/** current global document status flags */
unsigned int curDocStat;
/** browser process for goToURL() */
KProcess browserProc;
/** pointer to the list-view, using this document.
* As there can only be one list-view per doc, we
* don't need a list here.
PwMView *listView;
/** unnamedNum is used to store the "unnamed counter"
* for this document, while it's unnamed. If it's 0,
* we have to get a new unique one.
unsigned int unnamedNum;
/** is this doc going to be deleted (executing in destructor context) */
bool deleted;
/** document timer */
DocTimer *_timer;
/** lock counter for the "dataChanged" signal */
unsigned int dataChangedLock;
/** list of all open documents */
static PwMDocList openDocList;
/** serialize "dta" and return it in "d". */
bool serializeDta(string *d);
/** de-serialize "d" and overwrite "dta" */
bool deSerializeDta(const string *d, bool entriesLocked);
/** write header to file */
PwMerror writeFileHeader(char keyHash, char dataHash, char crypt, char compress,
QString *pw, QFile *f);
/** write data-hash to file */
PwMerror writeDataHash(char dataHash, string *d, QFile *f);
/** check header. Read header info and verify key-hash and filever.
* returns length of header in "headerLength" */
PwMerror checkHeader(char *cryptAlgo, QString *pw, char *compress,
unsigned int *headerLength, char *dataHashType,
string *dataHash, QFile *f);
/** check the data-hash */
PwMerror checkDataHash(char dataHashType, const string *dataHash, const string *dataStream);
/** encrypt data "d" and write to "filename" */
PwMerror encrypt(string *d, const QString *pw, QFile *f, char algo);
/** read data from file beginning at "pos", decrypt and return it */
PwMerror decrypt(string *d, unsigned int pos, const QString *pw, char algo, QFile *f);
/** compress the data */
bool compressDta(string *d, char algo);
/** uncompress the data */
bool decompressDta(string *d, char algo);
/** internal import function for a text-file generated by PwM.
* If this is not a valid PwM-exported file, it returns e_fileFormat */
PwMerror importText_PwM(const QString *file);
/** PwM-text-import helper function to extract the name/pw/comment out
* of one entry-line */
bool textExtractEntry_PwM(const char *in, ssize_t in_size, string *out);
/** compare two strings */
bool compareString(const string &s1, const string &s2, bool caseSensitive,
bool exactWordMatch);
/** clears all document-data */
void clearDoc();
/** delete all empty categories */
void delAllEmptyCat(bool dontFlagDirty);
/** set a document status flag */
void setDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag)
{ curDocStat |= statFlag; }
/** unset a document status flag */
void unsetDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag)
{ curDocStat &= ~statFlag; }
/** get a document status flag */
bool getDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag) const
{ return (curDocStat & statFlag); }
/** set the "currentPassword" */
void setCurrentPw(const QString &pw)
currentPw = pw;
/** make a backup-copy of the given file */
bool backupFile(const QString &filePath);
/** copy a file from src to dst */
bool copyFile(const QString &src, const QString &dst);
//US ENH: this is the magic function that syncronizes the local doc with the remote doc.
PwMerror syncronize(KSyncManager* manager, PwMDoc* syncLocal, PwMDoc* syncRemote, int mode );
//takePwMDataItem returns the following values
// 0 equal
// 1 take local
// 2 take remote
// 3 cancel
int takePwMDataItem( PwMDataItem* local, PwMDataItem* remote, QDateTime lastSync, int mode , bool full );
//the following methods are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
+ virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
//US ENH: helpermethods to access the sync data for a certain syncname.
// It returns the syncdatas index
bool findSyncData(const QString &syncname, unsigned int *index);
/** add new syncdataentry */
PwMerror addSyncDataEntry(PwMSyncItem *d, bool dontFlagDirty = false);
/** returns a pointer to the syncdata */
PwMSyncItem* getSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index)
{ return &(dti.syncDta[index]); }
/** delete entry */
bool delSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false);
PwMDataItem* findEntryByID(const QString &uid, unsigned int *category, unsigned int *index);
QStringList getIDEntryList();