-rw-r--r-- | kdepim-desktop.pro | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/composemail.cpp | 13 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/kmicromail.pro | 77 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libetpan/libetpan.pro | 274 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/generatemail.h | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.pro | 64 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mailwrapper.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp | 22 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.h | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp | 15 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/storemail.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/mainwindow.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/opiemail.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/qpe/global.cpp | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/qpe/global.h | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/qpe/qpeapplication.h | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/viewmail.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | microkde/microkde.pro | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | microkde/oprocess.cpp | 1 |
22 files changed, 496 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/kdepim-desktop.pro b/kdepim-desktop.pro index 5f964ef..6d04a45 100644 --- a/kdepim-desktop.pro +++ b/kdepim-desktop.pro @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ TEMPLATE = subdirs -SUBDIRS = gammu/emb/common gammu/emb/gammu libical libkcal microkde libkdepim kabc korganizer kaddressbook kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/dir kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/qtopia pwmanager/libcrypt/cipher pwmanager/libcrypt/error pwmanager/libcrypt/mpi pwmanager/libcrypt/zlib pwmanager/pwmanager +SUBDIRS = libical libkcal kabc libkdepim microkde kmicromail/libetpan kmicromail/libmailwrapper kmicromail korganizer kaddressbook kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/dir kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/qtopia gammu/emb/common gammu/emb/gammu pwmanager/libcrypt/cipher pwmanager/libcrypt/error pwmanager/libcrypt/mpi pwmanager/libcrypt/zlib pwmanager/pwmanager #kalarmd diff --git a/kmicromail/composemail.cpp b/kmicromail/composemail.cpp index 8eb6d27..0cd0b23 100644 --- a/kmicromail/composemail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/composemail.cpp @@ -1,496 +1,497 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #include "composemail.h" #include <libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h> #include <libmailwrapper/storemail.h> #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> /* OPIE */ //#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h> //#include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> //#include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/global.h> //#include <qpe/contact.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qiconset.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <kabc/addresseedialog.h> #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> #include <kabc/addressee.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION +#include <qapplication.h> #include <kabc/addresseedialog.h> -#else //DESKTOP_VERSION -#include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION +#include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #include "koprefs.h" //using namespace Opie::Core; //using namespace Opie::Ui; ComposeMail::ComposeMail( Settings *s, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) : ComposeMailUI( parent, name, modal ) { mPickLineEdit = 0; connect(ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SIGNAL(receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), this, SLOT(insertAttendees(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); settings = s; m_replyid = ""; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseKapi) { KConfig config( locateLocal("config", "kabcrc") ); config.setGroup( "General" ); QString whoami_uid = config.readEntry( "WhoAmI" ); if ( whoami_uid.isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); fillSettings(); } else ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestDetailsFromKAPI("", "sendbacklist", whoami_uid); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KABC::Addressee con = KABC::StdAddressBook::self()->whoAmI( ); QStringList mails = con.emails(); QString defmail = con.preferredEmail(); if ( mails.count() == 0) QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mails.begin(); for (;sit!=mails.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(con.formattedName()); #endif } else { fillSettings(); } checkBoxLater->setChecked( KOPrefs::instance()->mSendLater ); attList->addColumn( i18n( "Name" ) ); attList->addColumn( i18n( "Size" ) ); QList<Account> accounts = settings->getAccounts(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) smtpAccountBox->setMaximumWidth( 80 ); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { if ( it->getType()==MAILLIB::A_SMTP ) { SMTPaccount *smtp = static_cast<SMTPaccount *>(it); smtpAccountBox->insertItem( smtp->getAccountName() ); smtpAccounts.append( smtp ); } } connect( toButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressTo() ) ); connect( ccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressCC() ) ); connect( bccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressBCC() ) ); connect( replyButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressReply() ) ); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( addAttachment() ) ); connect( deleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeAttachment() ) ); connect( SaveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( saveAsDraft()) ); mMail = 0; warnAttach = true; QIconSet icon; //icon = SmallIcon("fileexport"); icon = SmallIcon("filesave"); - if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) + SaveButton->setIconSet (icon ) ; + if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) { SaveButton->setText ("") ; + SaveButton->setMaximumSize ( SaveButton->sizeHint().height(),SaveButton->sizeHint().height()) ; + } else - SaveButton->setText (i18n("Save")) ; - SaveButton->setIconSet (icon ) ; - SaveButton->setMaximumSize ( SaveButton->sizeHint().height(),SaveButton->sizeHint().height()) ; + SaveButton->setText (i18n("Save")); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( message, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( senderNameEdit, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( subjectLine, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif message->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mComposeFont ); message->setWordWrap (QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth); if ( smtpAccounts.count() > 0 ) { fillValues( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); } else { QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Problem" ), i18n( "Please create an\nSMTP account first.\nThe SMTP is needed\nfor sending mail.\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); return; } connect( smtpAccountBox, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( fillValues(int) ) ); } void ComposeMail::fillSettings() { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) fromBox->setMaximumWidth( 100 ); QStringList mailList = QStringList::split(";",KOPrefs::instance()->mEmail); QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mailList.begin(); int pref = 0; for (;sit!=mailList.end();++sit) { fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mName); } void ComposeMail::saveAsDraft() { Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail> mail= new Mail(); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); if (!m_replyid.isEmpty()) { QStringList ids; ids.append(m_replyid); mail->setInreply(ids); } QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } mail->setMessage( txt ); /* only use the default drafts folder name! */ Storemail wrapper(AbstractMail::draftFolder()); wrapper.storeMail(mail); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); /* attachments we will ignore! */ if ( it != 0 ) { if ( warnAttach ) QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Store message"), i18n("<center>Attachments will not be stored in \"Draft\" folder</center>")); warnAttach = false; } setStatus( i18n("Mail saved as draft!") ); } void ComposeMail::clearStatus() { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Compose mail") ); } void ComposeMail::setStatus( QString status ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( status ); QTimer::singleShot ( 10000, this, SLOT( clearStatus() ) ) ; } void ComposeMail::pickAddress( ) { QLineEdit *line = mPickLineEdit; if ( line == 0 ) return; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION //qDebug(" ComposeMail::pickAddress "); QString names ;//= AddressPicker::getNames(); KABC::Addressee::List list = KABC::AddresseeDialog::getAddressees(this); uint i=0; for (i=0; i < list.count(); i++) { if ( !list[i].preferredEmail().isEmpty()) { if ( ! names.isEmpty() ) names+= ","; names+= "\""+list[i].realName() +"\"<" +list[i].preferredEmail() +">"; } } if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } #else bool res = ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestNameEmailUidListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/ompi", this->name() /* name is here the unique uid*/); // the result should now arrive through method insertAttendees #endif } //the map includes name/email pairs, that comes from Ka/Pi void ComposeMail::insertAttendees(const QString& uid,const QStringList& nameList,const QStringList& emailList,const QStringList& uidList) { //qDebug("ComposeMail::insertAttendees "); raise(); if ( mPickLineEdit == 0 ) { //whoami received QString defmail = uidList[0]; if ( emailList.count() == 0 ) QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = emailList.begin(); int pref = 0; for (;sit!=emailList.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(nameList[0]); return; } QString names ; QLineEdit *line = mPickLineEdit; if (uid == this->name()) { for ( int i = 0; i < nameList.count(); i++) { QString _name = nameList[i]; QString _email = emailList[i]; QString _uid = uidList[i]; if ( ! _email.isEmpty() ) { if ( ! names.isEmpty() ) names+= ","; names+= "\""+_name +"\"<" +_email +">"; } } } if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } } void ComposeMail::setTo( const QString & to ) { toLine->setText( to ); } void ComposeMail::setSubject( const QString & subject ) { subjectLine->setText( subject ); } void ComposeMail::setInReplyTo( const QString & messageId ) { m_replyid = messageId; } void ComposeMail::setMessage( const QString & text ) { message->setText( text ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressTo() { mPickLineEdit = toLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressCC() { mPickLineEdit = ccLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressBCC() { mPickLineEdit = bccLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressReply() { mPickLineEdit = replyLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::fillValues( int ) { #if 0 SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( current ); ccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseCC() ) { ccLine->setText( smtp->getCC() ); } bccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseBCC() ) { bccLine->setText( smtp->getBCC() ); } replyLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseReply() ) { replyLine->setText( smtp->getReply() ); } sigMultiLine->setText( smtp->getSignature() ); #endif } void ComposeMail::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = tabWidget->currentPageIndex(); tabWidget->showPage( attachTab ); attList->setColumnWidth( 0, attList->visibleWidth() - 80 ); attList->setColumnWidth( 1, 80 ); tabWidget->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void ComposeMail::addAttachment() { QString lnk = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "", "Add Attachment", this ); if ( !lnk.isEmpty() ) { Attachment *att = new Attachment( lnk ); (void) new AttachViewItem( attList, att ); } } void ComposeMail::removeAttachment() { if ( !attList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n( "<p>Please select a File.</p>" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); } else { attList->takeItem( attList->currentItem() ); } } void ComposeMail::accept() { if ( smtpAccountBox->count() == 0 ) { reject(); return; } if (! checkBoxLater->isChecked() ) { int yesno = QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Stop editing message"), i18n("Send this message?"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("Cancel")); if (yesno == 1) { return; } } #if 0 odebug << "Sending Mail with " << smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() )->getAccountName() << oendl; #endif Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail> mail=new Mail; SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); if ( !toLine->text().isEmpty() ) { mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); } else { QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Sending mail"), i18n("No Receiver spezified" ) ); return; } mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); if (!m_replyid.isEmpty()) { QStringList ids; ids.append(m_replyid); mail->setInreply(ids); } QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } mail->setMessage( txt ); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); while ( it != 0 ) { mail->addAttachment( it->getAttachment() ); it = (AttachViewItem *) it->nextSibling(); } SMTPwrapper wrapper( smtp ); if ( wrapper.sendMail( mail,checkBoxLater->isChecked() ) ) setStatus( tr ("Mail sent")); else { setStatus( tr ("Error: Something went wrong. Nothing sent")); return; } QDialog::accept(); } void ComposeMail::reject() { //qDebug("ComposeMail::reject() "); int yesno = QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Store message?"), i18n("Store message into drafts?\n"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("No")); //qDebug("button %d ", yesno); if (yesno == 0) { if ( toLine->text().isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Sending mail"), i18n("No Receiver spezified" ) ); return; } saveAsDraft(); } if (yesno == 2) { qDebug("return "); return; } QDialog::reject(); } ComposeMail::~ComposeMail() { } void ComposeMail::reEditMail(const RecMailP¤t) { RecMailP data = current; message->setText(data->Wrapper()->fetchBody(current)->Bodytext()); subjectLine->setText( data->getSubject()); toLine->setText(data->To().join(",")); ccLine->setText(data->CC().join(",")); bccLine->setText(data->Bcc().join(",")); replyLine->setText(data->Replyto()); } AttachViewItem::AttachViewItem( QListView *parent, Attachment *att ) : QListViewItem( parent ) { attachment = att; if ( !attachment->getPixmap().isNull() ) setPixmap( 0,attachment->getPixmap() ); setText( 0, att->getName().isEmpty() ? att->getFileName() : att->getName() ); setText( 1, QString::number( att->getSize() ) ); } diff --git a/kmicromail/kmicromail.pro b/kmicromail/kmicromail.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd5a3c1 --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/kmicromail.pro @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +CONFIG += qt warn_on +TEMPLATE = app +HEADERS = defines.h \ + editaccounts.h \ + composemail.h \ + accountview.h \ + accountitem.h \ + mainwindow.h \ + viewmail.h \ + viewmailbase.h \ + opiemail.h \ + mailistviewitem.h \ + settingsdialog.h \ + statuswidget.h \ + newmaildir.h \ + selectstore.h \ + selectsmtp.h \ + nntpgroups.h \ + koprefs.h \ + koprefsdialog.h \ + nntpgroupsdlg.h + +SOURCES = main.cpp \ + opiemail.cpp \ + mainwindow.cpp \ + accountview.cpp \ + accountitem.cpp \ + composemail.cpp \ + editaccounts.cpp \ + viewmail.cpp \ + viewmailbase.cpp \ + mailistviewitem.cpp \ + settingsdialog.cpp \ + statuswidget.cpp \ + newmaildir.cpp \ + selectstore.cpp \ + selectsmtp.cpp \ + nntpgroups.cpp \ + koprefs.cpp\ + koprefsdialog.cpp\ + nntpgroupsdlg.cpp + +INTERFACES = editaccountsui.ui \ + selectmailtypeui.ui \ + imapconfigui.ui \ + pop3configui.ui \ + nntpconfigui.ui \ + smtpconfigui.ui \ + composemailui.ui \ + settingsdialogui.ui \ + statuswidgetui.ui \ + newmaildirui.ui \ + selectstoreui.ui \ + nntpgroupsui.ui + + +INCLUDEPATH += . .. ../libkdepim ../microkde ../microkde/kdecore libetpan/include ../microkde/kdeui +LIBS += -L../bin -lmicromailwrapper -lmicrolibetpan -lmicrokde -lssl -lcrypto -lmicrokdepim -lmicrokabc + +DESTDIR= ../bin +TARGET = ompi + +DEFINES += DESKTOP_VERSION +unix : { +OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix +MOC_DIR = moc/unix +} +win32: { +DEFINES += _WIN32_ +LIBS += mfc71u.lib +QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +#QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT +#QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:uafxcw.lib +OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win +MOC_DIR = moc/win +} + diff --git a/kmicromail/libetpan/libetpan.pro b/kmicromail/libetpan/libetpan.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfafa07 --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/libetpan/libetpan.pro @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +###################################################################### +# Automatically generated by qmake (1.07a) Thu Jul 1 00:54:03 2004 +###################################################################### + +TEMPLATE = lib +TARGET = microlibetpan + +OBJECTS_DIR = obj +MOC_DIR = moc +DESTDIR=../../bin + +DEPENDPATH += generic \ + imap \ + imf \ + maildir \ + mbox \ + mh \ + mime \ + nntp \ + pop3 \ + smtp \ + tests \ + tools \ + include/libetpan +INCLUDEPATH += . \ + generic \ + include \ + tools \ + imf \ + imap \ + mime \ + maildir \ + mbox \ + mh \ + nntp \ + pop3 \ + smtp \ + tests + +# Input +HEADERS += generic/data_message_driver.h \ + generic/generic_cache.h \ + generic/generic_cache_types.h \ + generic/imapdriver.h \ + generic/imapdriver_cached.h \ + generic/imapdriver_cached_message.h \ + generic/imapdriver_message.h \ + generic/imapdriver_tools.h \ + generic/imapdriver_types.h \ + generic/imapstorage.h \ + generic/imfcache.h \ + generic/libetpan.h \ + generic/libetpan_version.h \ + generic/maildirdriver.h \ + generic/maildirdriver_cached.h \ + generic/maildirdriver_cached_message.h \ + generic/maildirdriver_message.h \ + generic/maildirdriver_tools.h \ + generic/maildirdriver_types.h \ + generic/maildirstorage.h \ + generic/maildriver.h \ + generic/maildriver_errors.h \ + generic/maildriver_tools.h \ + generic/maildriver_types.h \ + generic/maildriver_types_helper.h \ + generic/mailfolder.h \ + generic/mailmessage.h \ + generic/mailmessage_tools.h \ + generic/mailmessage_types.h \ + generic/mailstorage.h \ + generic/mailstorage_tools.h \ + generic/mailstorage_types.h \ + generic/mailthread.h \ + generic/mailthread_types.h \ + generic/mboxdriver.h \ + generic/mboxdriver_cached.h \ + generic/mboxdriver_cached_message.h \ + generic/mboxdriver_message.h \ + generic/mboxdriver_tools.h \ + generic/mboxdriver_types.h \ + generic/mboxstorage.h \ + generic/mhdriver.h \ + generic/mhdriver_cached.h \ + generic/mhdriver_cached_message.h \ + generic/mhdriver_message.h \ + generic/mhdriver_tools.h \ + generic/mhdriver_types.h \ + generic/mhstorage.h \ + generic/mime_message_driver.h \ + generic/nntpdriver.h \ + generic/nntpdriver_cached.h \ + generic/nntpdriver_cached_message.h \ + generic/nntpdriver_message.h \ + generic/nntpdriver_tools.h \ + generic/nntpdriver_types.h \ + generic/nntpstorage.h \ + generic/pop3driver.h \ + generic/pop3driver_cached.h \ + generic/pop3driver_cached_message.h \ + generic/pop3driver_message.h \ + generic/pop3driver_tools.h \ + generic/pop3driver_types.h \ + generic/pop3storage.h \ + imap/mailimap.h \ + imap/mailimap_helper.h \ + imap/mailimap_keywords.h \ + imap/mailimap_parser.h \ + imap/mailimap_print.h \ + imap/mailimap_sender.h \ + imap/mailimap_socket.h \ + imap/mailimap_ssl.h \ + imap/mailimap_types.h \ + imap/mailimap_types_helper.h \ + imf/mailimf.h \ + imf/mailimf_types.h \ + imf/mailimf_types_helper.h \ + imf/mailimf_write.h \ + maildir/maildir.h \ + maildir/maildir_types.h \ + mbox/mailmbox.h \ + mbox/mailmbox_parse.h \ + mbox/mailmbox_types.h \ + mh/mailmh.h \ + mime/mailmime.h \ + mime/mailmime_content.h \ + mime/mailmime_decode.h \ + mime/mailmime_disposition.h \ + mime/mailmime_types.h \ + mime/mailmime_types_helper.h \ + mime/mailmime_write.h \ + nntp/newsnntp.h \ + nntp/newsnntp_socket.h \ + nntp/newsnntp_ssl.h \ + nntp/newsnntp_types.h \ + pop3/mailpop3.h \ + pop3/mailpop3_helper.h \ + pop3/mailpop3_socket.h \ + pop3/mailpop3_ssl.h \ + pop3/mailpop3_types.h \ + smtp/mailsmtp.h \ + smtp/mailsmtp_helper.h \ + smtp/mailsmtp_socket.h \ + smtp/mailsmtp_ssl.h \ + smtp/mailsmtp_types.h \ + tools/base64.h \ + tools/carray.h \ + tools/charconv.h \ + tools/chash.h \ + tools/cinthash.h \ + tools/clist.h \ + tools/connect.h \ + tools/hmac-md5.h \ + tools/mail.h \ + tools/mail_cache_db.h \ + tools/mail_cache_db_types.h \ + tools/maillock.h \ + tools/mailstream.h \ + tools/mailstream_helper.h \ + tools/mailstream_low.h \ + tools/mailstream_socket.h \ + tools/mailstream_ssl.h \ + tools/mailstream_types.h \ + tools/mapping.h \ + tools/md5.h \ + tools/md5global.h \ + tools/mmapstring.h \ + +SOURCES += generic/data_message_driver.c \ + generic/generic_cache.c \ + generic/imapdriver.c \ + generic/imapdriver_cached.c \ + generic/imapdriver_cached_message.c \ + generic/imapdriver_message.c \ + generic/imapdriver_tools.c \ + generic/imapstorage.c \ + generic/imfcache.c \ + generic/libetpan_version.c \ + generic/maildirdriver.c \ + generic/maildirdriver_cached.c \ + generic/maildirdriver_cached_message.c \ + generic/maildirdriver_message.c \ + generic/maildirdriver_tools.c \ + generic/maildirstorage.c \ + generic/maildriver.c \ + generic/maildriver_tools.c \ + generic/maildriver_types.c \ + generic/maildriver_types_helper.c \ + generic/mailfolder.c \ + generic/mailmessage.c \ + generic/mailmessage_tools.c \ + generic/mailmessage_types.c \ + generic/mailstorage.c \ + generic/mailstorage_tools.c \ + generic/mailthread.c \ + generic/mailthread_types.c \ + generic/mboxdriver.c \ + generic/mboxdriver_cached.c \ + generic/mboxdriver_cached_message.c \ + generic/mboxdriver_message.c \ + generic/mboxdriver_tools.c \ + generic/mboxstorage.c \ + generic/mhdriver.c \ + generic/mhdriver_cached.c \ + generic/mhdriver_cached_message.c \ + generic/mhdriver_message.c \ + generic/mhdriver_tools.c \ + generic/mhstorage.c \ + generic/mime_message_driver.c \ + generic/nntpdriver.c \ + generic/nntpdriver_cached.c \ + generic/nntpdriver_cached_message.c \ + generic/nntpdriver_message.c \ + generic/nntpdriver_tools.c \ + generic/nntpstorage.c \ + generic/pop3driver.c \ + generic/pop3driver_cached.c \ + generic/pop3driver_cached_message.c \ + generic/pop3driver_message.c \ + generic/pop3driver_tools.c \ + generic/pop3storage.c \ + imap/mailimap.c \ + imap/mailimap_helper.c \ + imap/mailimap_keywords.c \ + imap/mailimap_parser.c \ + imap/mailimap_print.c \ + imap/mailimap_sender.c \ + imap/mailimap_socket.c \ + imap/mailimap_ssl.c \ + imap/mailimap_types.c \ + imap/mailimap_types_helper.c \ + imf/mailimf.c \ + imf/mailimf_types.c \ + imf/mailimf_types_helper.c \ + imf/mailimf_write.c \ + maildir/maildir.c \ + mbox/mailmbox.c \ + mbox/mailmbox_parse.c \ + mbox/mailmbox_types.c \ + mh/mailmh.c \ + mime/mailmime.c \ + mime/mailmime_content.c \ + mime/mailmime_decode.c \ + mime/mailmime_disposition.c \ + mime/mailmime_types.c \ + mime/mailmime_types_helper.c \ + mime/mailmime_write.c \ + nntp/newsnntp.c \ + nntp/newsnntp_socket.c \ + nntp/newsnntp_ssl.c \ + pop3/mailpop3.c \ + pop3/mailpop3_helper.c \ + pop3/mailpop3_socket.c \ + pop3/mailpop3_ssl.c \ + smtp/mailsmtp.c \ + smtp/mailsmtp_helper.c \ + smtp/mailsmtp_socket.c \ + smtp/mailsmtp_ssl.c \ + tools/base64.c \ + tools/carray.c \ + tools/charconv.c \ + tools/chash.c \ + tools/cinthash.c \ + tools/clist.c \ + tools/connect.c \ + tools/mail_cache_db.c \ + tools/maillock.c \ + tools/mailstream.c \ + tools/mailstream_helper.c \ + tools/mailstream_low.c \ + tools/mailstream_socket.c \ + tools/mailstream_ssl.c \ + tools/mapping.c \ + tools/md5.c \ + tools/mmapstring.c diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/generatemail.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/generatemail.h index a767b61..b9f8285 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/generatemail.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/generatemail.h @@ -1,46 +1,47 @@ #ifndef __GENERATE_MAIL_H #define __GENERATE_MAIL_H -#include <qpe/applnk.h> +//#include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qobject.h> #include <libetpan/clist.h> +#include "mailwrapper.h" #include <opie2/osmartpointer.h> class Mail; class RecMail; -class Attachment; + struct mailimf_fields; struct mailimf_field; struct mailimf_mailbox; struct mailmime; struct mailimf_address_list; class progressMailSend; struct mailsmtp; class Generatemail : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Generatemail(); virtual ~Generatemail(); protected: static void addRcpts( clist *list, mailimf_address_list *addr_list ); static char *getFrom( mailmime *mail ); static char *getFrom( mailimf_field *ffrom); static mailimf_field *getField( mailimf_fields *fields, int type ); mailimf_address_list *parseAddresses(const QString&addr ); void addFileParts( mailmime *message,const QList<Attachment>&files ); mailmime *buildFilePart(const QString&filename,const QString&mimetype,const QString&content); mailmime *buildTxtPart(const QString&str ); mailimf_mailbox *newMailbox(const QString&name,const QString&mail ); mailimf_fields *createImfFields(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail> &mail ); mailmime *createMimeMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail>&mail ); clist *createRcptList( mailimf_fields *fields ); static const char* USER_AGENT; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.pro b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b005d8 --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.pro @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +TEMPLATE = lib +CONFIG += qt warn_on + +HEADERS = mailwrapper.h \ + imapwrapper.h \ + mailtypes.h \ + pop3wrapper.h \ + abstractmail.h \ + smtpwrapper.h \ + genericwrapper.h \ + mboxwrapper.h \ + settings.h \ + logindialog.h \ + sendmailprogress.h \ + statusmail.h \ + mhwrapper.h \ + nntpwrapper.h \ + generatemail.h \ + storemail.h \ + ../qpe/global.h + +SOURCES = imapwrapper.cpp \ + mailwrapper.cpp \ + mailtypes.cpp \ + pop3wrapper.cpp \ + abstractmail.cpp \ + smtpwrapper.cpp \ + genericwrapper.cpp \ + mboxwrapper.cpp \ + settings.cpp \ + logindialog.cpp \ + sendmailprogress.cpp \ + statusmail.cpp \ + mhwrapper.cpp \ + nntpwrapper.cpp \ + generatemail.cpp \ + storemail.cpp \ + ../qpe/global.cpp + +INTERFACES = logindialogui.ui \ + sendmailprogressui.ui + +INCLUDEPATH += .. ../../microkde ../../microkde/kdecore ../libetpan/include +LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto + +#-lqpe -letpan + +DESTDIR = ../../bin +TARGET = micromailwrapper + +DEFINES += DESKTOP_VERSION +unix : { +OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix +MOC_DIR = moc/unix +} +win32: { +DEFINES += _WIN32_ +LIBS += mfc71u.lib +QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +#QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT +#QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:uafxcw.lib +OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win +MOC_DIR = moc/win +} diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mailwrapper.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mailwrapper.h index 2ba908b..88f10da 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mailwrapper.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mailwrapper.h @@ -1,128 +1,128 @@ #ifndef MAILWRAPPER_H #define MAILWRAPPER_H -#include <qpe/applnk.h> +//#include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qbitarray.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "settings.h" #include <opie2/osmartpointer.h> /* class Attachment { public: Attachment( DocLnk lnk ); virtual ~Attachment(){} const QString getFileName()const{ return doc.file(); } const QString getName()const{ return doc.name(); } const QString getMimeType()const{ return doc.type(); } const QPixmap getPixmap()const{ return doc.pixmap(); } const int getSize()const { return size; } DocLnk getDocLnk() { return doc; } protected: DocLnk doc; int size; }; */ class Attachment { public: Attachment( QString lnk ); virtual ~Attachment(){} const QString getFileName()const{ return doc; } const QString getName()const{ return QFileInfo( doc ).baseName (); } const QString getMimeType()const{ return QFileInfo( doc ).extension(false); } const QPixmap getPixmap()const{ return mPix; } const int getSize()const { return size; } QString getDocLnk() { return doc; } protected: QPixmap mPix; QString doc; int size; }; class Mail:public Opie::Core::ORefCount { public: Mail(); /* Possible that this destructor must not be declared virtual * 'cause it seems that it will never have some child classes. * in this case this object will not get a virtual table -> memory and * speed will be a little bit better? */ virtual ~Mail(){} void addAttachment( Attachment *att ) { attList.append( att ); } const QList<Attachment>& getAttachments()const { return attList; } void removeAttachment( Attachment *att ) { attList.remove( att ); } const QString&getName()const { return name; } void setName( QString s ) { name = s; } const QString&getMail()const{ return mail; } void setMail( const QString&s ) { mail = s; } const QString&getTo()const{ return to; } void setTo( const QString&s ) { to = s; } const QString&getCC()const{ return cc; } void setCC( const QString&s ) { cc = s; } const QString&getBCC()const { return bcc; } void setBCC( const QString&s ) { bcc = s; } const QString&getMessage()const { return message; } void setMessage( const QString&s ) { message = s; } const QString&getSubject()const { return subject; } void setSubject( const QString&s ) { subject = s; } const QString&getReply()const{ return reply; } void setReply( const QString&a ) { reply = a; } void setInreply(const QStringList&list){m_in_reply_to = list;} const QStringList&Inreply()const{return m_in_reply_to;} private: QList<Attachment> attList; QString name, mail, to, cc, bcc, reply, subject, message; QStringList m_in_reply_to; }; class Folder:public Opie::Core::ORefCount { public: Folder( const QString&init_name,const QString&sep ); virtual ~Folder(); const QString&getDisplayName()const { return nameDisplay; } const QString&getName()const { return name; } const QString&getPrefix()const{return prefix; } virtual bool may_select()const{return true;} virtual bool no_inferior()const{return true;} const QString&Separator()const; protected: QString nameDisplay, name, separator,prefix; }; typedef Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> FolderP; class MHFolder : public Folder { public: MHFolder(const QString&disp_name,const QString&mbox); virtual ~MHFolder(); }; class IMAPFolder : public Folder { public: IMAPFolder(const QString&name, const QString&sep, bool select=true,bool noinf=false,const QString&prefix="" ); virtual ~IMAPFolder(); virtual bool may_select()const{return m_MaySelect;} virtual bool no_inferior()const{return m_NoInferior;} static QString decodeFolderName( const QString &name ); private: bool m_MaySelect,m_NoInferior; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp index f4133c0..de6d220 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp @@ -1,447 +1,441 @@ // CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski #include "mhwrapper.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include "mailwrapper.h" #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qpe/global.h> -#include <oprocess.h> #include <klocale.h> -//#include <opie2/odebug.h> +#include <kglobal.h> +//#include <opie2/odebug.h> using namespace Opie::Core; MHwrapper::MHwrapper(const QString & mbox_dir,const QString&mbox_name) : Genericwrapper(),MHPath(mbox_dir),MHName(mbox_name) { if (MHPath.length()>0) { if (MHPath[MHPath.length()-1]=='/') { MHPath=MHPath.left(MHPath.length()-1); } //odebug << MHPath << oendl; QDir dir(MHPath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(MHPath); } init_storage(); } } void MHwrapper::init_storage() { int r; QString pre = MHPath; if (!m_storage) { m_storage = mailstorage_new(NULL); r = mh_mailstorage_init(m_storage,(char*)pre.latin1(),0,0,0); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug(" error init storage "); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; return; } } r = mailstorage_connect(m_storage); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error connecting storage "); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; } } void MHwrapper::clean_storage() { if (m_storage) { mailstorage_disconnect(m_storage); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; } } MHwrapper::~MHwrapper() { clean_storage(); } void MHwrapper::listMessages(const QString & mailbox, QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target, int maxSizeInKb ) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("listMessages: error selecting folder! "); return; } parseList(target,m_storage->sto_session,f, false, maxSizeInKb ); Global::statusMessage(i18n("Mailbox has %1 mail(s)").arg(target.count())); } QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* MHwrapper::listFolders() { QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* folders = new QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >(); /* this is needed! */ if (m_storage) mailstorage_disconnect(m_storage); init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return folders; } mail_list*flist = 0; clistcell*current=0; int r = mailsession_list_folders(m_storage->sto_session,NULL,&flist); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR || !flist) { qDebug("error getting folder list "); return folders; } for (current=clist_begin(flist->mb_list);current!=0;current=clist_next(current)) { QString t = (char*)current->data; t.replace(0,MHPath.length(),""); folders->append(new MHFolder(t,MHPath)); } mail_list_free(flist); return folders; } void MHwrapper::deleteMail(const RecMailP&mail) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail->getMbox().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder! "); return; } r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,mail->getNumber()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail "); } } void MHwrapper::answeredMail(const RecMailP&) { } RecBodyP MHwrapper::fetchBody( const RecMailP &mail ) { RecBodyP body = new RecBody(); init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return body; } mailmessage * msg; char*data=0; /* mail should hold the complete path! */ int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail->getMbox().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { return body; } r = mailsession_get_message(m_storage->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &msg); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error fetching mail "); return body; } body = parseMail(msg); mailmessage_fetch_result_free(msg,data); return body; } void MHwrapper::mbox_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { qDebug("MBox Progress %d of %d",current,maximum ); //odebug << "MH " << current << " von " << maximum << "" << oendl; } QString MHwrapper::buildPath(const QString&p) { QString f=""; if (p.length()==0||p=="/") return MHPath; if (!p.startsWith(MHPath)) { f+=MHPath; } if (!p.startsWith("/")) { f+="/"; } f+=p; return f; } int MHwrapper::createMbox(const QString&folder,const FolderP&pfolder,const QString&,bool ) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } QString f; if (!pfolder) { // toplevel folder f = buildPath(folder); } else { f = pfolder->getName(); f+="/"; f+=folder; } int r = mailsession_create_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error creating folder "); return 0; } return 1; } void MHwrapper::storeMessage(const char*msg,size_t length, const QString&Folder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } QString f = buildPath(Folder); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder! "); return; } r = mailsession_append_message(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)msg,length); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error storing mail "); } return; } encodedString* MHwrapper::fetchRawBody(const RecMailP&mail) { encodedString*result = 0; init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return result; } mailmessage * msg = 0; char*data=0; size_t size; int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail->getMbox().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder! "); return result; } r = mailsession_get_message(m_storage->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &msg); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(i18n("Error fetching mail %i").arg(mail->getNumber())); return 0; } r = mailmessage_fetch(msg,&data,&size); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(i18n("Error fetching mail %i").arg(mail->getNumber())); if (msg) mailmessage_free(msg); return 0; } result = new encodedString(data,size); if (msg) mailmessage_free(msg); return result; } void MHwrapper::deleteMails(const QString & mailbox,const QValueList<RecMailP> &target) { QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("deleteMails: error selecting folder! "); return; } QValueList<RecMailP>::ConstIterator it; for (it=target.begin(); it!=target.end();++it) { r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,(*it)->getNumber()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail "); break; } } } int MHwrapper::deleteAllMail(const FolderP&tfolder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } int res = 1; if (!tfolder) return 0; int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)tfolder->getName().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder! "); return 0; } mailmessage_list*l=0; r = mailsession_get_messages_list(m_storage->sto_session,&l); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error message list "); res = 0; } unsigned j = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0 ; l!= 0 && res==1 && i < carray_count(l->msg_tab) ; ++i) { mailmessage * msg; msg = (mailmessage*)carray_get(l->msg_tab, i); j = msg->msg_index; r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,j); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(i18n("Error deleting mail %1").arg(i+1)); res = 0; break; } } if (l) mailmessage_list_free(l); return res; } int MHwrapper::deleteMbox(const FolderP&tfolder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } if (!tfolder) return 0; if (tfolder->getName()=="/" || tfolder->getName().isEmpty()) return 0; int r = mailsession_delete_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)tfolder->getName().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail box "); return 0; } + QString delDir = locateLocal( "apps", "kopiemail")+ "localmail"; + qDebug("*****************\ndel %s %s ", delDir.latin1(),tfolder->getName().latin1() ); +#if 0 QString cmd = "rm -rf "+tfolder->getName(); QStringList command; command << "/bin/sh"; command << "-c"; command << cmd.latin1(); OProcess *process = new OProcess(); + /* connect(process, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*)), this, SLOT( processEnded(Opie::Core::OProcess*))); connect(process, SIGNAL( receivedStderr(Opie::Core::OProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT( oprocessStderr(Opie::Core::OProcess*,char*,int))); - + */ *process << command; removeMboxfailed = false; if(!process->start(OProcess::Block, OProcess::All) ) { qDebug("could not start process "); return 0; } +#endif qDebug("mail box deleted "); return 1; } -void MHwrapper::processEnded(OProcess *p) -{ - if (p) delete p; -} - -void MHwrapper::oprocessStderr(OProcess*, char *buffer, int ) -{ - QString lineStr = buffer; - QMessageBox::warning( 0, i18n("Error"), lineStr ,i18n("Ok") ); - removeMboxfailed = true; -} void MHwrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString & mailbox) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_status_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1(),&target_stat.message_count, &target_stat.message_recent,&target_stat.message_unseen); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(i18n("Error retrieving status")); } } MAILLIB::ATYPE MHwrapper::getType()const { return MAILLIB::A_MH; } const QString&MHwrapper::getName()const { return MHName; } void MHwrapper::mvcpMail(const RecMailP&mail,const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } if (targetWrapper != this) { qDebug("Using generic "); Genericwrapper::mvcpMail(mail,targetFolder,targetWrapper,moveit); return; } qDebug("Using internal routines for move/copy "); QString tf = buildPath(targetFolder); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail->getMbox().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error selecting source mailbox "); return; } if (moveit) { r = mailsession_move_message(m_storage->sto_session,mail->getNumber(),(char*)tf.latin1()); } else { r = mailsession_copy_message(m_storage->sto_session,mail->getNumber(),(char*)tf.latin1()); } if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error copy/moving mail internal "); } } void MHwrapper::mvcpAllMails(const FolderP&fromFolder, const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } if (targetWrapper != this) { qDebug("Using generic "); Genericwrapper::mvcpAllMails(fromFolder,targetFolder,targetWrapper,moveit); return; } if (!fromFolder) return; int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)fromFolder->getName().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting source folder! "); return; } QString tf = buildPath(targetFolder); mailmessage_list*l=0; r = mailsession_get_messages_list(m_storage->sto_session,&l); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error message list "); } unsigned j = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0 ; l!= 0 && i < carray_count(l->msg_tab) ; ++i) { mailmessage * msg; msg = (mailmessage*)carray_get(l->msg_tab, i); j = msg->msg_index; if (moveit) { r = mailsession_move_message(m_storage->sto_session,j,(char*)tf.latin1()); } else { r = mailsession_copy_message(m_storage->sto_session,j,(char*)tf.latin1()); } if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error copy/moving mail interna "); break; } } if (l) mailmessage_list_free(l); } diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.h index d1b7d1f..87f8ca1 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.h @@ -1,62 +1,58 @@ // CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski #ifndef __MH_WRAPPER_H #define __MH_WRAPPER_H #include "maildefines.h" #include "genericwrapper.h" #include <qstring.h> class encodedString; struct mailmbox_folder; -namespace Opie {namespace Core {class OProcess;}} - class MHwrapper : public Genericwrapper { Q_OBJECT public: MHwrapper(const QString & dir,const QString&name); virtual ~MHwrapper(); virtual void listMessages(const QString & mailbox, QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target, int maxSizeInKb = 0 ); virtual QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* listFolders(); virtual void statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString & mailbox="INBOX"); virtual void deleteMail(const RecMailP&mail); virtual void answeredMail(const RecMailP&mail); virtual void mvcpMail(const RecMailP&mail,const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit); virtual void mvcpAllMails(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder>&fromFolder, const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit); virtual int createMbox(const QString&folder,const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder>&f=0, const QString&d="",bool s=false); virtual int deleteMbox(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder>&); virtual void storeMessage(const char*msg,size_t length, const QString&folder); virtual RecBodyP fetchBody( const RecMailP &mail ); static void mbox_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ); virtual encodedString* fetchRawBody(const RecMailP&mail); virtual void deleteMails(const QString & FolderName,const QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target); virtual int deleteAllMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder>&); virtual MAILLIB::ATYPE getType()const; virtual const QString&getName()const; virtual Account* getAccount() { return 0; }; public slots: - /* for deleting maildirs we are using a system call */ - virtual void oprocessStderr(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char *buffer, int ); - virtual void processEnded(Opie::Core::OProcess *); + protected: QString buildPath(const QString&p); QString MHPath; QString MHName; void init_storage(); void clean_storage(); bool removeMboxfailed; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.h index 61051dd..79567ef 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.h @@ -1,180 +1,181 @@ #ifndef SETTINGS_H #define SETTINGS_H #include "maildefines.h" /* OPIE */ /* QT */ #include <qobject.h> #include <qlist.h> +#include <qstringlist.h> #include <qdatetime.h> class Account { public: Account(); virtual ~Account() {} void remove(); void setAccountName( QString name ) { accountName = name; } const QString&getAccountName()const{ return accountName; } MAILLIB::ATYPE getType()const{ return type; } void setServer(const QString&str){ server = str; } const QString&getServer()const{ return server; } void setLocalFolder( QString name ) { localFolder = name; } const QString& getLocalFolder()const{ return localFolder; } void setPort(const QString&str) { port = str; } const QString&getPort()const{ return port; } void setUser(const QString&str){ user = str; } const QString&getUser()const{ return user; } void setPassword(const QString&str) { password = str; } const QString&getPassword()const { return password; } void setPasswordList(const QStringList &str); QStringList getPasswordList(); void setSSL( bool b ) { ssl = b; } bool getSSL() { return ssl; } void setConnectionType( int x ) { connectionType = x; } int ConnectionType() { return connectionType; } void setMaxMailSize( int x ) { maxMailSize = x; } int getMaxMailSize() { return maxMailSize; } void setOffline(bool b) {offline = b;} bool getOffline()const{return offline;} bool getLeaveOnServer(){ return leaveOnServer;} void setLeaveOnServer(bool b){ leaveOnServer = b;} virtual QString getFileName() { return accountName; } virtual void read() { ; } virtual void save() { ; } protected: QString accountName, server, port, user, password; bool ssl; int connectionType; bool offline; MAILLIB::ATYPE type; QString localFolder; int maxMailSize; QDateTime lastFetch; bool leaveOnServer; }; class IMAPaccount : public Account { public: IMAPaccount(); IMAPaccount( QString filename ); static QString getUniqueFileName(); virtual void read(); virtual void save(); virtual QString getFileName(); void setPrefix(const QString&str) {prefix=str;} const QString&getPrefix()const{return prefix;} private: QString file,prefix; }; class POP3account : public Account { public: POP3account(); POP3account( QString filename ); static QString getUniqueFileName(); virtual void read(); virtual void save(); virtual QString getFileName(); private: QString file; }; class SMTPaccount : public Account { public: SMTPaccount(); SMTPaccount( QString filename ); static QString getUniqueFileName(); virtual void read(); virtual void save(); virtual QString getFileName(); void setLogin( bool b ) { login = b; } bool getLogin() { return login; } private: QString file, name, mail, org, cc, bcc, reply, signature; bool useCC, useBCC, useReply, login; }; class NNTPaccount : public Account { public: NNTPaccount(); NNTPaccount( QString filename ); static QString getUniqueFileName(); virtual void read(); virtual void save(); virtual QString getFileName(); void setLogin( bool b ) { login = b; } bool getLogin() { return login; } void setGroups( QStringList list ) { subscribedGroups = list; } QStringList getGroups() { return subscribedGroups; } private: QString file; bool login; QStringList subscribedGroups; }; class Settings : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Settings(); QList<Account> getAccounts(); void addAccount(Account *account); void delAccount(Account *account); void saveAccounts(); void readAccounts(); static void checkDirectory(); private: void updateAccounts(); QList<Account> accounts; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp index dee1477..eb07ef1 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp @@ -1,461 +1,466 @@ #include "smtpwrapper.h" #include "mailwrapper.h" #include "abstractmail.h" #include "logindialog.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include "sendmailprogress.h" //#include <opie2/odebug.h> //#include <qt.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <stdlib.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION +//#include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> - +#endif #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #include <klocale.h> +#include <kglobal.h> +#include <kconfig.h> using namespace Opie::Core; progressMailSend*SMTPwrapper::sendProgress = 0; SMTPwrapper::SMTPwrapper(SMTPaccount * aSmtp ) : Generatemail() { m_SmtpAccount = aSmtp; - Config cfg( "mail" ); + KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config", "kopiemail" ) ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); m_queuedMail = cfg.readNumEntry( "outgoing", 0 ); emit queuedMails( m_queuedMail ); connect( this, SIGNAL( queuedMails(int) ), this, SLOT( emitQCop(int) ) ); m_smtp = 0; } SMTPwrapper::~SMTPwrapper() { disc_server(); } void SMTPwrapper::emitQCop( int queued ) { +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QCopEnvelope env( "QPE/Pim", "outgoingMails(int)" ); env << queued; +#endif } QString SMTPwrapper::mailsmtpError( int errnum ) { switch ( errnum ) { case MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR: return i18n( "No error" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CODE: return i18n( "Unexpected error code" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: return i18n( "Service not available" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_STREAM: return i18n( "Stream error" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_HOSTNAME: return i18n( "gethostname() failed" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return i18n( "Not implemented" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN: return i18n( "Error, action not taken" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_EXCEED_STORAGE_ALLOCATION: return i18n( "Data exceeds storage allocation" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING: return i18n( "Error in processing" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_STARTTLS_NOT_SUPPORTED: return i18n( "Starttls not supported" ); // case MAILSMTP_ERROR_INSUFFISANT_SYSTEM_STORAGE: // return i18n( "Insufficient system storage" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_MAILBOX_UNAVAILABLE: return i18n( "Mailbox unavailable" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_MAILBOX_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED: return i18n( "Mailbox name not allowed" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_BAD_SEQUENCE_OF_COMMAND: return i18n( "Bad command sequence" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_USER_NOT_LOCAL: return i18n( "User not local" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_TRANSACTION_FAILED: return i18n( "Transaction failed" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_MEMORY: return i18n( "Memory error" ); case MAILSMTP_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: return i18n( "Connection refused" ); default: return i18n( "Unknown error code" ); } } void SMTPwrapper::progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { if (SMTPwrapper::sendProgress) { SMTPwrapper::sendProgress->setSingleMail(current, maximum ); qApp->processEvents(); } } void SMTPwrapper::storeMail(const char*mail, size_t length, const QString&box) { if (!mail) return; QString localfolders = AbstractMail::defaultLocalfolder(); AbstractMail*wrap = AbstractMail::getWrapper(localfolders); wrap->createMbox(box); wrap->storeMessage(mail,length,box); delete wrap; } bool SMTPwrapper::smtpSend( mailmime *mail,bool later) { clist *rcpts = 0; char *from, *data; size_t size; from = data = 0; mailmessage * msg = 0; msg = mime_message_init(mail); mime_message_set_tmpdir(msg,getenv( "HOME" )); int r = mailmessage_fetch(msg,&data,&size); mime_message_detach_mime(msg); mailmessage_free(msg); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR || !data) { if (data) free(data); qDebug("Error fetching mime... "); return false; } msg = 0; if (later) { storeMail(data,size,"Outgoing"); if (data) free( data ); - Config cfg( "mail" ); + KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config", "kopiemail" ) ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); cfg.writeEntry( "outgoing", ++m_queuedMail ); emit queuedMails( m_queuedMail ); return true; } from = getFrom( mail ); rcpts = createRcptList( mail->mm_data.mm_message.mm_fields ); bool result = smtpSend(from,rcpts,data,size); if (data) { free(data); } if (from) { free(from); } if (rcpts) smtp_address_list_free( rcpts ); return result; } void SMTPwrapper::storeFailedMail(const char*data,unsigned int size, const char*failuremessage) { if (data) { storeMail(data,size,"Sendfailed"); } if (failuremessage) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error sending mail"), i18n("<center>%1</center>").arg(failuremessage)); } } int SMTPwrapper::start_smtp_tls() { if (!m_smtp) { return MAILSMTP_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING; } int err = mailesmtp_starttls(m_smtp); if (err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR) return err; mailstream_low * low; mailstream_low * new_low; low = mailstream_get_low(m_smtp->stream); if (!low) { return MAILSMTP_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING; } int fd = mailstream_low_get_fd(low); if (fd > -1 && (new_low = mailstream_low_ssl_open(fd))!=0) { mailstream_low_free(low); mailstream_set_low(m_smtp->stream, new_low); } else { return MAILSMTP_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING; } return err; } void SMTPwrapper::connect_server() { QString server, user, pass; bool ssl; uint16_t port; ssl = false; bool try_tls = true; bool force_tls=false; QString failuretext = ""; if (m_smtp || !m_SmtpAccount) { return; } server = m_SmtpAccount->getServer(); if ( m_SmtpAccount->ConnectionType() == 2 ) { ssl = true; try_tls = false; } else if (m_SmtpAccount->ConnectionType() == 1) { force_tls = true; } int result = 1; port = m_SmtpAccount->getPort().toUInt(); m_smtp = mailsmtp_new( 20, &progress ); if ( m_smtp == NULL ) { /* no failure message cause this happens when problems with memory - than we we can not display any messagebox */ return; } int err = MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR; ; // odebug << "Servername " << server << " at port " << port << "" << oendl; if ( ssl ) { ; // odebug << "SSL session" << oendl; err = mailsmtp_ssl_connect( m_smtp, server.latin1(), port ); } else { ; // odebug << "No SSL session" << oendl; err = mailsmtp_socket_connect( m_smtp, server.latin1(), port ); } if ( err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { ; // odebug << "Error init connection" << oendl; failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP connection: %1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); result = 0; } /* switch to tls after init 'cause there it will send the ehlo */ if (result) { err = mailsmtp_init( m_smtp ); if (err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR) { result = 0; failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP connection: %1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); } } if (try_tls) { err = start_smtp_tls(); if (err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR) { try_tls = false; } else { err = mailesmtp_ehlo(m_smtp); } } if (!try_tls && force_tls) { result = 0; failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP tls: %1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); } if (result==1 && m_SmtpAccount->getLogin() ) { ; // odebug << "smtp with auth" << oendl; if ( m_SmtpAccount->getUser().isEmpty() || m_SmtpAccount->getPassword().isEmpty() ) { // get'em LoginDialog login( m_SmtpAccount->getUser(), m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser(); pass = login.getPassword(); } else { result = 0; failuretext=i18n("Login aborted - storing mail to localfolder"); } } else { user = m_SmtpAccount->getUser(); pass = m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(); } ; // odebug << "session->auth: " << m_smtp->auth << "" << oendl; if (result) { err = mailsmtp_auth( m_smtp, (char*)user.latin1(), (char*)pass.latin1() ); if ( err == MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { ; // odebug << "auth ok" << oendl; } else { failuretext = i18n("Authentification failed"); result = 0; } } } } void SMTPwrapper::disc_server() { if (m_smtp) { mailsmtp_quit( m_smtp ); mailsmtp_free( m_smtp ); m_smtp = 0; } } int SMTPwrapper::smtpSend(char*from,clist*rcpts,const char*data,size_t size ) { int err,result; QString failuretext = ""; connect_server(); result = 1; if (m_smtp) { err = mailsmtp_send( m_smtp, from, rcpts, data, size ); if ( err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { failuretext=i18n("Error sending mail: %1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); result = 0; } } else { result = 0; } if (!result) { storeFailedMail(data,size,failuretext); } else { ; // odebug << "Mail sent." << oendl; storeMail(data,size,"Sent"); } return result; } bool SMTPwrapper::sendMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail>&mail,bool later ) { mailmime * mimeMail; bool result = true; mimeMail = createMimeMail(mail ); if ( mimeMail == 0 ) { qDebug("SMTP wrapper:Error creating mail! "); return false; } else { sendProgress = new progressMailSend(); sendProgress->show(); sendProgress->setMaxMails(1); result = smtpSend( mimeMail,later); ; // odebug << "Clean up done" << oendl; sendProgress->hide(); delete sendProgress; sendProgress = 0; mailmime_free( mimeMail ); } return result; } int SMTPwrapper::sendQueuedMail(AbstractMail*wrap,const RecMailP&which) { size_t curTok = 0; mailimf_fields *fields = 0; mailimf_field*ffrom = 0; clist *rcpts = 0; char*from = 0; int res = 0; encodedString * data = wrap->fetchRawBody(which); if (!data) return 0; int err = mailimf_fields_parse( data->Content(), data->Length(), &curTok, &fields ); if (err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { delete data; delete wrap; return 0; } rcpts = createRcptList( fields ); ffrom = getField(fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_FROM ); from = getFrom(ffrom); if (rcpts && from) { res = smtpSend(from,rcpts,data->Content(),data->Length()); } if (fields) { mailimf_fields_free(fields); fields = 0; } if (data) { delete data; } if (from) { free(from); } if (rcpts) { smtp_address_list_free( rcpts ); } return res; } /* this is a special fun */ bool SMTPwrapper::flushOutbox() { bool returnValue = true; ; // odebug << "Sending the queue" << oendl; if (!m_SmtpAccount) { ; // odebug << "No smtp account given" << oendl; return false; } bool reset_user_value = false; QString localfolders = AbstractMail::defaultLocalfolder(); AbstractMail*wrap = AbstractMail::getWrapper(localfolders); if (!wrap) { ; // odebug << "memory error" << oendl; return false; } QString oldPw, oldUser; QValueList<RecMailP> mailsToSend; QValueList<RecMailP> mailsToRemove; QString mbox("Outgoing"); wrap->listMessages(mbox,mailsToSend); if (mailsToSend.count()==0) { delete wrap; ; // odebug << "No mails to send" << oendl; return false; } oldPw = m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(); oldUser = m_SmtpAccount->getUser(); if (m_SmtpAccount->getLogin() && (m_SmtpAccount->getUser().isEmpty() || m_SmtpAccount->getPassword().isEmpty()) ) { // get'em QString user,pass; LoginDialog login( m_SmtpAccount->getUser(), m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser().latin1(); pass = login.getPassword().latin1(); reset_user_value = true; m_SmtpAccount->setUser(user); m_SmtpAccount->setPassword(pass); } else { return true; } } sendProgress = new progressMailSend(); sendProgress->show(); sendProgress->setMaxMails(mailsToSend.count()); while (mailsToSend.count()>0) { if (sendQueuedMail(wrap, (*mailsToSend.begin()))==0) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error sending mail"), i18n("Error sending queued mail - breaking")); returnValue = false; break; } mailsToRemove.append((*mailsToSend.begin())); mailsToSend.remove(mailsToSend.begin()); sendProgress->setCurrentMails(mailsToRemove.count()); } if (reset_user_value) { m_SmtpAccount->setUser(oldUser); m_SmtpAccount->setPassword(oldPw); } - Config cfg( "mail" ); + KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config", "kopiemail" ) ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); m_queuedMail = 0; cfg.writeEntry( "outgoing", m_queuedMail ); emit queuedMails( m_queuedMail ); sendProgress->hide(); delete sendProgress; sendProgress = 0; wrap->deleteMails(mbox,mailsToRemove); delete wrap; return returnValue; } diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h index ec42b56..bdca000 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ // -*- Mode: C++; -*- #ifndef SMTPwrapper_H #define SMTPwrapper_H -#include <qpe/applnk.h> +//#include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qbitarray.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <libetpan/clist.h> #include "settings.h" #include "generatemail.h" #include <opie2/osmartpointer.h> class SMTPaccount; class AbstractMail; class SMTPwrapper : public Generatemail { Q_OBJECT public: SMTPwrapper(SMTPaccount * aSmtp); virtual ~SMTPwrapper(); bool sendMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail>& mail,bool later=false ); bool flushOutbox(); static progressMailSend*sendProgress; virtual Account* getAccount() { return m_SmtpAccount; }; signals: void queuedMails( int ); protected: mailsmtp *m_smtp; SMTPaccount * m_SmtpAccount; void connect_server(); void disc_server(); int start_smtp_tls(); bool smtpSend( mailmime *mail,bool later); static void storeMail(const char*mail, size_t length, const QString&box); static QString mailsmtpError( int err ); static void progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ); int smtpSend(char*from,clist*rcpts,const char*data,size_t size); void storeMail(mailmime*mail, const QString&box); int sendQueuedMail(AbstractMail*wrap,const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail>&which); void storeFailedMail(const char*data,unsigned int size, const char*failuremessage); int m_queuedMail; protected slots: void emitQCop( int queued ); }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/storemail.h b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/storemail.h index 4433de0..e449f57 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/storemail.h +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/storemail.h @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ #ifndef __STORE_MAIL_H #define __STORE_MAIL_H -#include <qpe/applnk.h> +//#include <qpe/applnk.h> #include "generatemail.h" class Account; class Mail; class AbstractMail; class Storemail : public Generatemail { Q_OBJECT public: Storemail(Account*aAccount,const QString&aFolder); Storemail(const QString&dir,const QString&aFolder); Storemail(const QString&aFolder); virtual ~Storemail(); int storeMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail>&mail); protected: Account* m_Account; QString m_tfolder; AbstractMail*wrapper; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp b/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp index c77345b..b19dbbe 100644 --- a/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp @@ -1,303 +1,305 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #include <qlabel.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kapplication.h> -#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION +#ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION +#include <qapplication.h> +#else #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif #include "defines.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include <KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h> #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags flags ) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) //, flags ) { setCaption( i18n( "KOpieMail/Pi" ) ); setToolBarsMovable( false ); //KABC::StdAddressBook::self(); toolBar = new QToolBar( this ); menuBar = new QPEMenuBar( toolBar ); mailMenu = new QPopupMenu( menuBar ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n( "Mail" ), mailMenu ); settingsMenu = new QPopupMenu( menuBar ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n( "Settings" ), settingsMenu ); addToolBar( toolBar ); toolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( true ); QAction* getMail = new QAction( i18n( "Get all new mails" ), SmallIcon("enter"), 0, 0, this ); connect(getMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotGetAllMail() ) ); getMail->addTo( mailMenu ); getMail = new QAction( i18n( "Get new messages" ), SmallIcon("add"), 0, 0, this ); getMail->addTo( toolBar ); getMail->addTo( mailMenu ); connect(getMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotGetMail() ) ); composeMail = new QAction( i18n( "Compose new mail" ), SmallIcon("composemail"), 0, 0, this ); composeMail->addTo( toolBar ); composeMail->addTo( mailMenu ); sendQueued = new QAction( i18n( "Send queued mails" ), SmallIcon("sendqueued") , 0, 0, this ); sendQueued->addTo( toolBar ); sendQueued->addTo( mailMenu ); /* syncFolders = new QAction( i18n( "Sync mailfolders" ), ICON_SYNC, 0, 0, this ); syncFolders->addTo( toolBar ); syncFolders->addTo( mailMenu ); */ showFolders = new QAction( i18n( "Show/Hide folders" ), SmallIcon("showfolders") , 0, 0, this, 0, true ); showFolders->addTo( toolBar ); showFolders->addTo( mailMenu ); showFolders->setOn( true ); connect(showFolders, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( slotShowFolders(bool) ) ); /* searchMails = new QAction( i18n( "Search mails" ), SmallIcon("find") ), 0, 0, this ); searchMails->addTo( toolBar ); searchMails->addTo( mailMenu ); */ deleteMails = new QAction(i18n("Delete Mail"), SmallIcon("trash"), 0, 0, this); deleteMails->addTo( toolBar ); deleteMails->addTo( mailMenu ); connect( deleteMails, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotDeleteMail() ) ); editSettings = new QAction( i18n( "Edit settings" ), SmallIcon("SettingsIcon") , 0, 0, this ); editSettings->addTo( settingsMenu ); connect( editSettings, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotEditSettings() ) ); editAccounts = new QAction( i18n( "Configure accounts" ), SmallIcon("editaccounts") , 0, 0, this ); editAccounts->addTo( settingsMenu ); //setCentralWidget( view ); QVBox* wrapperBox = new QVBox( this ); setCentralWidget( wrapperBox ); // QWidget *view = new QWidget( wrapperBox ); KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* split = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, wrapperBox); split->setMinimizeDirection( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Left); //layout = new QBoxLayout ( split, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ); folderView = new AccountView( split ); folderView->header()->hide(); folderView->setRootIsDecorated( false ); folderView->addColumn( i18n( "Mailbox" ) ); //layout->addWidget( folderView ); mailView = new QListView( split ); mailView->addColumn( i18n( " " ) ); mailView->addColumn( i18n( "Subject" ),QListView::Manual ); mailView->addColumn( i18n( "Sender" ),QListView::Manual ); mailView->addColumn( i18n( "Size" ),QListView::Manual); mailView->addColumn( i18n( "Date" ),QListView::Manual); mailView->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); //mailView->setSorting(-1); mailView->setRootIsDecorated( false ); statusWidget = new StatusWidget( wrapperBox ); statusWidget->hide(); //layout->addWidget( mailView ); //layout->setStretchFactor( folderView, 1 ); //layout->setStretchFactor( mailView, 2 ); slotAdjustLayout(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mailView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( folderView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); #endif connect( mailView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked (QListViewItem* )),this, SLOT( mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( mailView, SIGNAL( returnPressed (QListViewItem* )),this, SLOT( mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( mailView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ),this, SLOT( mailHold(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect(folderView, SIGNAL(refreshMailview(const QValueList<RecMailP>&)), this,SLOT(refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&))); connect( composeMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotComposeMail() ) ); connect( sendQueued, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotSendQueued() ) ); // connect( searchMails, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotSearchMails() ) ); connect( editAccounts, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotEditAccounts() ) ); //mailView->setMultiSelection ( true ); mailView->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended ); QValueList<int> list; int fw = 100; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) fw = 50; list.append( fw ); list.append( 100 ); split->setSizes( list ); QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( slotAdjustColumns() ) ); mailView->setShowSortIndicator ( true ); QLabel *spacer = new QLabel( toolBar ); spacer->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteButton ); toolBar->setStretchableWidget( spacer ); QAction* closeMail = new QAction(i18n("Close"),SmallIcon("exit"), 0, 0, this); connect( closeMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( close() ) ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) closeMail->addTo(toolBar); closeMail->addTo(mailMenu); QPopupMenu* helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( menuBar ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n( "Help" ), helpMenu ); QAction* li = new QAction(i18n("About"), QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showAbout()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); li = new QAction(i18n("Licence"),QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showLicence()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); li = new QAction(i18n("LibEtPan Licence"), QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showEtpanLicence()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::showLicence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void MainWindow::showAbout() { QString version; #include <../version> QString cap = "About KOpieMail/Pi"; QString text = i18n("KOpieMail/Platform-independent\n") + "(OM/Pi) " + version + " - " #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION "Desktop Edition\n" #else "PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n" #endif "www.pi-sync.net\n\n" "Copyright (c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski <lutz@pi-sync.net>\n" "KOpieMail/Pi is based on Opie Mail\n" "Copyright (c) Rajko Albrecht and the Opie team\n" "KOpieMail/Pi is licensed under the GPL\n" "\n" "KOpieMail/Pi uses LibEtPan - a mail stuff library\n" "Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 - DINH Viet Hoa\n" "libEtPan has its own licence - see LibEtPan licence\n"; KApplication::showText( cap, text ); } void MainWindow::showEtpanLicence() { KApplication::showFile( "LibEtPan licence", "kdepim/kopiemail/COPYRIGHTlibetpan" ); } void MainWindow::appMessage(const QCString &, const QByteArray &) { qDebug("appMessage implemented by subclass"); } void MainWindow::slotAdjustLayout() { /* QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); if ( d->width() < d->height() ) { layout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom ); } else { layout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ); } */ } void MainWindow::slotAdjustColumns() { bool hidden = folderView->isHidden(); if ( hidden ) folderView->show(); folderView->setColumnWidth( 0, folderView->visibleWidth() ); if ( hidden ) folderView->hide(); mailView->setColumnWidth( 0, 10 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 1, 100 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 2, 100 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 3, 50 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 4, 120 ); } void MainWindow::slotEditSettings() { } void MainWindow::slotShowFolders( bool ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem * ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::displayMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotDeleteMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::mailHold(int, QListViewItem *,const QPoint&,int ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotSendQueued() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotEditAccounts() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotComposeMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } diff --git a/kmicromail/mainwindow.h b/kmicromail/mainwindow.h index 35b9c8c..f5ab69b 100644 --- a/kmicromail/mainwindow.h +++ b/kmicromail/mainwindow.h @@ -1,67 +1,68 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qmenubar.h> +#define QPEMenuBar QMenuBar #else #include <qpe/qpemenubar.h> #endif #include "accountview.h" #include "statuswidget.h" #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> #include <opie2/osmartpointer.h> class RecMail; class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags flags = 0 ); virtual ~MainWindow(); public slots: virtual void slotAdjustColumns(); virtual void appMessage(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data); virtual void slotComposeMail(); protected slots: virtual void slotSendQueued(); virtual void slotEditAccounts(); virtual void slotShowFolders( bool show ); virtual void refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&); virtual void displayMail(); virtual void slotGetMail() = 0; virtual void slotGetAllMail() = 0; virtual void slotDeleteMail(); virtual void mailHold(int, QListViewItem *,const QPoint&,int); virtual void slotAdjustLayout(); virtual void slotEditSettings(); virtual void mailLeftClicked( QListViewItem * ); void showLicence(); void showAbout(); void showEtpanLicence(); protected: QToolBar *toolBar; StatusWidget *statusWidget; QPEMenuBar *menuBar; QPopupMenu *mailMenu, *settingsMenu; QAction *composeMail, *sendQueued, *showFolders, *searchMails, *deleteMails, *editSettings, *editAccounts, *syncFolders; AccountView *folderView; QListView *mailView; //QBoxLayout *layout; }; #endif diff --git a/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp b/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp index a32983c..153c7c0 100644 --- a/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp @@ -1,468 +1,474 @@ // CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "opiemail.h" #include "editaccounts.h" #include "composemail.h" #include "mailistviewitem.h" #include "viewmail.h" #include "selectstore.h" #include "selectsmtp.h" #include "accountitem.h" #include "koprefsdialog.h" #include "klocale.h" #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtimer.h> +#include <qcursor.h> +#include <qregexp.h> #include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h> +#ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION +#include <qapplication.h> +#else #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> +#endif #include <libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> /* OPIE */ //#include <qpe/resource.h> //#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> /* QT */ //using namespace Opie::Core; OpieMail::OpieMail( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : MainWindow( parent, name) //, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { settings = new Settings(); folderView->populate( settings->getAccounts() ); } OpieMail::~OpieMail() { if (settings) delete settings; } void OpieMail::appMessage(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { } #include <stdlib.h> void OpieMail::message(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { // copied from old mail2 static int ii = 0; //qDebug("QCOP CALL ############################# %d ", ii); //QString mess ( msg ); //qDebug("Message = %s ",mess.latin1()); ++ii; //qDebug("KM:appMessage %d *%s* %x", ii, msg.data(), this); mPendingEmail = QString::null; mPendingName = QString::null; if (msg == "writeMail(QString,QString)") { //qDebug("writeMail(QString,QString) "); QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly); stream >> mPendingName >> mPendingEmail; // removing the whitespaces at beginning and end is needed! QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); } else if (msg == "newMail()") { //qDebug("slotComposeMail() "); // we cannot call slotComposeMail(); directly, because may be executing a QCOP call // and a QCOP call does not like a processevents in his execution // with the Qtimer we call slotComposeMail() after we reached the main event loop QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); // slotComposeMail(); } else if (msg == "newMail(QString)") { //qDebug(" newMail(QString)"); QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly); stream >> mPendingName; // the format is // NAME <EMAIL>:SUBJECT QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); } else { mPendingData = data; mPendingMessage = msg; QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotExtAppHandler() ) ); } //qDebug("END OpieMail::message "); } void OpieMail::slotExtAppHandler() { ExternalAppHandler::instance()->appMessage ( mPendingMessage, mPendingData ); } void OpieMail::slotwriteMail2(const QString& namemail ) { //qDebug("OpieMail::slotwriteMail2 "); //qApp->processEvents(); ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); if ( !namemail.isEmpty() ) { QString to = namemail; if ( namemail.find( " <") > 1 ) { to = "\"" +to.replace( QRegExp( " <"), "\" <") ; } else if ( namemail.find( "<") > 1 ) { to = "\"" +to.replace( QRegExp( "<"), "\" <") ; } int sub = to.find( ">:"); if ( sub > 0 ) { compose.setTo( to.left(sub+1) ); compose.setSubject( to.mid(sub+2) ); } else compose.setTo( to ); } compose.slotAdjustColumns(); compose.showMaximized(); compose.exec(); raise(); //qDebug("retttich "); } void OpieMail::slotwriteMail(const QString&name,const QString&email) { // qDebug("OpieMail::slotwriteMail "); ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); if (!email.isEmpty()) { if (!name.isEmpty()) { compose.setTo("\"" + name + "\"" + " " + "<"+ email + ">"); } else { compose.setTo(email); } } compose.slotAdjustColumns(); compose.showMaximized(); compose.exec(); raise(); } void OpieMail::slotComposeMail() { if ( mPendingEmail == QString::null && mPendingName == QString::null) slotwriteMail2( QString () ); else { if ( mPendingEmail == QString::null ) slotwriteMail2( mPendingName ); else slotwriteMail( mPendingName, mPendingEmail ); } //slotwriteMail(0l,0l); } void OpieMail::slotSendQueued() { SMTPaccount *smtp = 0; QList<Account> list = settings->getAccounts(); QList<SMTPaccount> smtpList; smtpList.setAutoDelete(false); Account *it; for ( it = list.first(); it; it = list.next() ) { if ( it->getType() == MAILLIB::A_SMTP ) { smtp = static_cast<SMTPaccount *>(it); smtpList.append(smtp); } } if (smtpList.count()==0) { QMessageBox::information(0,i18n("Info"),i18n("Define a smtp account first!\n")); return; } if (smtpList.count()==1) { smtp = smtpList.at(0); } else { smtp = 0; selectsmtp selsmtp; selsmtp.setSelectionlist(&smtpList); selsmtp.showMaximized(); if ( selsmtp.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { smtp = selsmtp.selected_smtp(); } } if (smtp) { SMTPwrapper * wrap = new SMTPwrapper(smtp); if ( wrap->flushOutbox() ) { QMessageBox::information(0,i18n("Info"),i18n("Mail queue flushed")); } delete wrap; } } void OpieMail::slotSearchMails() { qDebug("OpieMail::slotSearchMails():not implemented "); } void OpieMail::slotEditSettings() { #if 0 SettingsDialog settingsDialog( this, 0, true, WStyle_ContextHelp ); settingsDialog.showMaximized(); settingsDialog.exec(); #endif KOPrefsDialog settingsDialog( this, "koprefs", true ); settingsDialog.showMaximized(); settingsDialog.exec(); } void OpieMail::slotEditAccounts() { EditAccounts eaDialog( settings, this, 0, true ); eaDialog.slotAdjustColumns(); eaDialog.showMaximized(); eaDialog.exec(); if ( settings ) delete settings; settings = new Settings(); folderView->populate( settings->getAccounts() ); } void OpieMail::displayMail() { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); RecBodyP body = folderView->fetchBody(mail); ViewMail readMail( this,"", Qt::WType_Modal ); readMail.setBody( body ); readMail.setMail( mail ); readMail.showMaximized(); readMail.exec(); if ( readMail.deleted ) { folderView->refreshCurrent(); } else { ( (MailListViewItem*)item )->setPixmap( 0, QPixmap() ); } } void OpieMail::slotGetAllMail() { QListViewItem * item = folderView->firstChild(); while ( item ){ ((AccountViewItem *)item)->contextMenuSelected( 101 ); item = item->nextSibling (); } } void OpieMail::slotGetMail() { QListViewItem * item = folderView->currentItem(); if ( ! item ) return; ((AccountViewItem *)item)->contextMenuSelected( 101 ); } void OpieMail::slotDeleteMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->data(); if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Delete Mail"), QString( i18n("<p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br>" ) + mail->getFrom() + " - " + mail->getSubject() ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { mail->Wrapper()->deleteMail( mail ); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } } void OpieMail::slotDeleteAllMail() { QValueList<RecMailP> t; if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Delete All Mails"), i18n("Do you really want to delete\nall selected mails?" ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { MailListViewItem* item = (MailListViewItem*)mailView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { t.append( item->data() ); } item = (MailListViewItem*)item->nextSibling(); } } else return; if ( t.count() == 0 ) return; RecMailP mail = t.first(); mail->Wrapper()->deleteMailList(t); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } void OpieMail::clearSelection() { mailView->clearSelection(); } void OpieMail::mailHold(int button, QListViewItem *item,const QPoint&,int ) { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; MAILLIB::ATYPE mailtype = ((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->wrapperType(); /* just the RIGHT button - or hold on pda */ if (button!=2) {return;} if (!item) return; QPopupMenu *m = new QPopupMenu(0); if (m) { if (mailtype==MAILLIB::A_NNTP) { m->insertItem(i18n("Read this posting"),this,SLOT(displayMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Copy this posting"),this,SLOT(slotMoveCopyMail())); m->insertSeparator(); m->insertItem(i18n("Copy all selected postings"),this,SLOT(slotMoveCopyAllMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Clear selection"),this,SLOT(clearSelection())); } else { if (folderView->currentisDraft()) { m->insertItem(i18n("Edit this mail"),this,SLOT(reEditMail())); } m->insertItem(i18n("Read this mail"),this,SLOT(displayMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Move/Copy this mail"),this,SLOT(slotMoveCopyMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Delete this mail"),this,SLOT(slotDeleteMail())); m->insertSeparator(); m->insertItem(i18n("Move/Copy all selected mail"),this,SLOT(slotMoveCopyAllMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Delete all selected mails"),this,SLOT(slotDeleteAllMail())); m->insertItem(i18n("Clear selection"),this,SLOT(clearSelection())); } m->setFocus(); m->exec( QPoint( QCursor::pos().x(), QCursor::pos().y()) ); delete m; } } void OpieMail::slotShowFolders( bool show ) { if ( show && folderView->isHidden() ) { folderView->show(); } else if ( !show && !folderView->isHidden() ) { folderView->hide(); } } void OpieMail::refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&list) { MailListViewItem*item = 0; mailView->clear(); QValueList<RecMailP>::ConstIterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end();++it) { item = new MailListViewItem(mailView,item); item->storeData((*it)); item->showEntry(); } } void OpieMail::mailLeftClicked( QListViewItem *item ) { mailView->clearSelection(); /* just LEFT button - or tap with stylus on pda */ //if (button!=1) return; if (!item) return; if (folderView->currentisDraft()) { reEditMail(); } else { displayMail(); } } void OpieMail::slotMoveCopyMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->data(); AbstractMail*targetMail = 0; QString targetFolder = ""; Selectstore sels; folderView->setupFolderselect(&sels); if (!sels.exec()) return; targetMail = sels.currentMail(); targetFolder = sels.currentFolder(); if ( (mail->Wrapper()==targetMail && mail->getMbox()==targetFolder) || targetFolder.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sels.newFolder() && !targetMail->createMbox(targetFolder)) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error creating new Folder"), i18n("<center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center>")); return; } sels.hide(); qApp->processEvents(); // qDebug("hiding sels "); mail->Wrapper()->mvcpMail(mail,targetFolder,targetMail,sels.moveMails()); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } void OpieMail::slotMoveCopyAllMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; QValueList<RecMailP> t; // if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Move/Copy all selected mails"), i18n("Do you really want to copy/move\nall selected mails?" ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { MailListViewItem* item = (MailListViewItem*)mailView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { t.append( item->data() ); } item = (MailListViewItem*)item->nextSibling(); } } // else // return; if ( t.count() == 0 ) return; RecMailP mail = t.first(); AbstractMail*targetMail = 0; QString targetFolder = ""; Selectstore sels; folderView->setupFolderselect(&sels); if (!sels.exec()) return; targetMail = sels.currentMail(); targetFolder = sels.currentFolder(); if ( (mail->Wrapper()==targetMail && mail->getMbox()==targetFolder) || targetFolder.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sels.newFolder() && !targetMail->createMbox(targetFolder)) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error creating new Folder"), i18n("<center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center>")); return; } sels.hide(); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("hiding sels "); mail->Wrapper()->mvcpMailList(t,targetFolder,targetMail,sels.moveMails()); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } void OpieMail::reEditMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); compose.reEditMail(((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->data()); compose.slotAdjustColumns(); compose.showMaximized(); compose.exec(); } diff --git a/kmicromail/qpe/global.cpp b/kmicromail/qpe/global.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4c6f60 --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/qpe/global.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +#include "global.h" + +namespace Global{ + + void statusMessage(QString message) + { + + qDebug("statusMessage %s ", message.latin1()); + } +} + diff --git a/kmicromail/qpe/global.h b/kmicromail/qpe/global.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecc5b1b --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/qpe/global.h @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#ifndef __GLOBAL_H__ +#define __GLOBAL_H__ + +#include <qstring.h> + +namespace Global{ + + void statusMessage(QString message); + +} + +#endif diff --git a/kmicromail/qpe/qpeapplication.h b/kmicromail/qpe/qpeapplication.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0eadfd1 --- a/dev/null +++ b/kmicromail/qpe/qpeapplication.h @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + +#include <qapplication.h> +#include <qcursor.h> +#include <qregexp.h> + diff --git a/kmicromail/viewmail.cpp b/kmicromail/viewmail.cpp index 7cf5c8e..0b4c322 100644 --- a/kmicromail/viewmail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/viewmail.cpp @@ -1,532 +1,533 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #include "composemail.h" #include "viewmail.h" #include <libmailwrapper/settings.h> #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> #include <kapplication.h> /* OPIE */ //#include <opie2/odebug.h> //#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h> //#include <opie2/oimagescrollview.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> /* QT */ #include <qtextbrowser.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include <klocale.h> +#include <kglobal.h> //using namespace Opie::Ui; //using namespace Opie::Core; AttachItem::AttachItem(QListView * parent,QListViewItem *after, const QString&mime,const QString&desc,const QString&file, const QString&fsize,int num,const QValueList<int>&path) : QListViewItem(parent,after),_partNum(num) { _path=path; setText(0, mime); setText(1, desc); setText(2, file); setText(3, fsize); } AttachItem::AttachItem(QListViewItem * parent,QListViewItem *after, const QString&mime,const QString&desc,const QString&file, const QString&fsize,int num,const QValueList<int>&path) : QListViewItem(parent,after),_partNum(num) { _path=path; setText(0, mime); setText(1, desc); setText(2, file); setText(3, fsize); } bool AttachItem::isParentof(const QValueList<int>&path) { /* if not set, then no parent */ if (path.count()==0||_path.count()==0) return false; /* the parent must have one digit less then a child */ if (path.count()!=_path.count()+1) return false; for (unsigned int i=0; i < _path.count();++i) { if (_path[i]!=path[i]) return false; } return true; } AttachItem* ViewMail::searchParent(const QValueList<int>&path) { QListViewItemIterator it( attachments ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { AttachItem*ati = (AttachItem*)it.current(); if (ati->isParentof(path)) return ati; } return 0; } AttachItem* ViewMail::lastChild(AttachItem*parent) { if (!parent) return 0; AttachItem* item = (AttachItem*)parent->firstChild(); if (!item) return item; AttachItem*temp=0; while( (temp=(AttachItem*)item->nextSibling())) { item = temp; } return item; } void ViewMail::setBody(const RecBodyP&body ) { m_body = body; m_mail[2] = body->Bodytext(); attachbutton->setEnabled(body->Parts().count()>0); attachments->setEnabled(body->Parts().count()>0); if (body->Parts().count()==0) { return; } AttachItem * curItem=0; AttachItem * parentItem = 0; QString type=body->Description()->Type()+"/"+body->Description()->Subtype(); QString desc,fsize; double s = body->Description()->Size(); int w; w=0; while (s>1024) { s/=1024; ++w; if (w>=2) break; } QString q=""; switch(w) { case 1: q="k"; break; case 2: q="M"; break; default: break; } { /* I did not found a method to make a CONTENT reset on a QTextStream so I use this construct that the stream will re-constructed in each loop. To let it work, the textstream is packed into a own area of code is it will be destructed after finishing its small job. */ QTextOStream o(&fsize); if (w>0) o.precision(2); else o.precision(0); o.setf(QTextStream::fixed); o << s << " " << q << "Byte"; } curItem=new AttachItem(attachments,curItem,type,"Mailbody","",fsize,-1,body->Description()->Positionlist()); QString filename = ""; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < body->Parts().count();++i) { filename = ""; type = body->Parts()[i]->Type()+"/"+body->Parts()[i]->Subtype(); part_plist_t::ConstIterator it = body->Parts()[i]->Parameters().begin(); for (;it!=body->Parts()[i]->Parameters().end();++it) { if (it.key().lower()=="name") { filename=it.data(); } } s = body->Parts()[i]->Size(); w = 0; while (s>1024) { s/=1024; ++w; if (w>=2) break; } switch(w) { case 1: q="k"; break; case 2: q="M"; break; default: q=""; break; } QTextOStream o(&fsize); if (w>0) o.precision(2); else o.precision(0); o.setf(QTextStream::fixed); o << s << " " << q << "Byte"; desc = body->Parts()[i]->Description(); parentItem = searchParent(body->Parts()[i]->Positionlist()); if (parentItem) { AttachItem*temp = lastChild(parentItem); if (temp) curItem = temp; curItem=new AttachItem(parentItem,curItem,type,desc,filename,fsize,i,body->Parts()[i]->Positionlist()); attachments->setRootIsDecorated(true); curItem = parentItem; } else { curItem=new AttachItem(attachments,curItem,type,desc,filename,fsize,i,body->Parts()[i]->Positionlist()); } } } void ViewMail::slotShowHtml( bool state ) { m_showHtml = state; setText(); } void ViewMail::slotItemClicked( QListViewItem * item , const QPoint & point, int ) { if (!item ) return; if ( ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() == -1 ) { setText(); return; } QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(); int ret=0; if ( item->text( 0 ).left( 5 ) == "text/" || item->text(0)=="message/rfc822" ) { menu->insertItem( i18n( "Show Text" ), 1 ); } if (item->text(0).left(6)=="image/") { menu->insertItem(i18n("Display image preview"),2); } menu->insertItem( i18n( "Save Attachment" ), 0 ); menu->insertSeparator(1); ret = menu->exec( point, 0 ); switch(ret) { case 0: { //MimeTypes types; //types.insert( "all", "*" ); QString str = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( "/", item->text( 2 ), this ); if( !str.isEmpty() ) { encodedString*content = m_recMail->Wrapper()->fetchDecodedPart( m_recMail, m_body->Parts()[ ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() ] ); if (content) { QFile output(str); output.open(IO_WriteOnly); output.writeBlock(content->Content(),content->Length()); output.close(); delete content; } } } break ; case 2: { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QString tmpfile = locateLocal( "tmp", "opiemail-image"); #else QString tmpfile = "/tmp/opiemail-image"; #endif encodedString*content = m_recMail->Wrapper()->fetchDecodedPart( m_recMail, m_body->Parts()[ ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() ] ); if (content) { QFile output(tmpfile); output.open(IO_WriteOnly); output.writeBlock(content->Content(),content->Length()); output.close(); delete content; MailImageDlg iview(""); iview.setName(tmpfile); KApplication::execDialog(&iview); output.remove(); } } break; case 1: if ( ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() == -1 ) { setText(); } else { if ( m_recMail->Wrapper() != 0l ) { // make sure that there is a wrapper , even after delete or simular actions browser->setText( m_recMail->Wrapper()->fetchTextPart( m_recMail, m_body->Parts()[ ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() ] ) ); } } break; } delete menu; } void ViewMail::setMail(const RecMailP&mail ) { m_recMail = mail; m_mail[0] = mail->getFrom(); m_mail[1] = mail->getSubject(); m_mail[3] = mail->getDate(); m_mail[4] = mail->Msgid(); m_mail2[0] = mail->To(); m_mail2[1] = mail->CC(); m_mail2[2] = mail->Bcc(); setText(); } ViewMail::ViewMail( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl) : ViewMailBase(parent, name, fl), _inLoop(false) { m_gotBody = false; deleted = false; connect( reply, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotReply())); connect( forward, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotForward())); connect( deleteMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotDeleteMail() ) ); connect( showHtml, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( slotShowHtml(bool) ) ); connect( closeMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( close() ) ); attachments->setEnabled(m_gotBody); connect( attachments, SIGNAL( clicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&, int) ), SLOT( slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&, int) ) ); readConfig(); attachments->setSorting(-1); } void ViewMail::readConfig() { setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mReadFont ); m_showHtml = KOPrefs::instance()->mViewAsHtml; showHtml->setOn( m_showHtml ); } void ViewMail::setText() { QString toString; QString ccString; QString bccString; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[0] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[0] ).end(); ++it ) { toString += (*it); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[1] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[1] ).end(); ++it ) { ccString += (*it); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[2] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[2] ).end(); ++it ) { bccString += (*it); } setCaption( i18n("E-Mail by %1").arg( m_mail[0] ) ); m_mailHtml = "<html><body>" "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"#FFDD76\"><td>" "<div align=left><b>" + deHtml( m_mail[1] ) + "</b></div>" "</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#EEEEE6\"><td>" "<b>" + i18n( "From" ) + ": </b><font color=#6C86C0>" + deHtml( m_mail[0] ) + "</font><br>" "<b>" + i18n( "To" ) + ": </b><font color=#6C86C0>" + deHtml( toString ) + "</font><br><b>" + i18n( "Cc" ) + ": </b>" + deHtml( ccString ) + "<br>" "<b>" + i18n( "Date" ) + ": </b> " + m_mail[3] + "</td></tr></table><font>"; if ( !m_showHtml ) { browser->setText( QString( m_mailHtml) + deHtml( m_mail[2] ) + "</font></html>" ); } else { browser->setText( QString( m_mailHtml) + m_mail[2] + "</font></html>" ); } // remove later in favor of a real handling m_gotBody = true; } ViewMail::~ViewMail() { m_recMail->Wrapper()->cleanMimeCache(); hide(); } void ViewMail::hide() { QWidget::hide(); if (_inLoop) { _inLoop = false; qApp->exit_loop(); } } void ViewMail::exec() { show(); if (!_inLoop) { _inLoop = true; qApp->enter_loop(); } } QString ViewMail::deHtml(const QString &string) { QString string_ = string; string_.replace(QRegExp("&"), "&"); string_.replace(QRegExp("<"), "<"); string_.replace(QRegExp(">"), ">"); string_.replace(QRegExp("\\n"), "<br>"); return string_; } void ViewMail::slotReply() { if (!m_gotBody) { QMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Error"), i18n("<p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot reply yet."), i18n("Ok")); return; } QString rtext; rtext += QString("* %1 wrote on %2:\n") // no i18n on purpose .arg( m_mail[0] ) .arg( m_mail[3] ); QString text = m_mail[2]; QStringList lines = QStringList::split(QRegExp("\\n"), text); QStringList::Iterator it; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) { rtext += "> " + *it + "\n"; } rtext += "\n"; QString prefix; if ( m_mail[1].find(QRegExp("^Re: .*$")) != -1) prefix = ""; else prefix = "Re: "; // no i18n on purpose Settings *settings = new Settings(); ComposeMail composer( settings ,this, 0, true); if (m_recMail->Replyto().isEmpty()) { composer.setTo( m_recMail->getFrom()); } else { composer.setTo( m_recMail->Replyto()); } composer.setSubject( prefix + m_mail[1] ); composer.setMessage( rtext ); composer.setInReplyTo(m_recMail->Msgid()); if ( QDialog::Accepted == KApplication::execDialog( &composer ) ) { m_recMail->Wrapper()->answeredMail(m_recMail); } } void ViewMail::slotForward() { if (!m_gotBody) { QMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Error"), i18n("<p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot forward yet."), i18n("Ok")); return; } QString ftext; ftext += QString("\n----- Forwarded message from %1 -----\n\n") .arg( m_mail[0] ); if (!m_mail[3].isNull()) ftext += QString("Date: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[3] ); if (!m_mail[0].isNull()) ftext += QString("From: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[0] ); if (!m_mail[1].isNull()) ftext += QString("Subject: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[1] ); ftext += QString("\n%1\n") .arg( m_mail[2]); ftext += QString("----- End forwarded message -----\n"); Settings *settings = new Settings(); ComposeMail composer( settings ,this, 0, true); composer.setSubject( "Fwd: " + m_mail[1] ); composer.setMessage( ftext ); if ( QDialog::Accepted == KApplication::execDialog( &composer )) { } } void ViewMail::slotDeleteMail( ) { if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Delete Mail"), QString( i18n("<p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br>" ) + m_mail[0] + " - " + m_mail[1] ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { m_recMail->Wrapper()->deleteMail( m_recMail ); hide(); deleted = true; } } MailImageDlg::MailImageDlg(const QString&fname,QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags f) : KDialog(parent,name,modal) { QVBoxLayout*dlglayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); dlglayout->setSpacing(2); dlglayout->setMargin(1); //m_imageview = new Opie::MM::OImageScrollView(this); //dlglayout->addWidget(m_imageview); } MailImageDlg::~MailImageDlg() { } void MailImageDlg::setName(const QString&fname) { qDebug("viewmail.cpp: MailImageDlg::setName Pending"); // m_imageview->setImage(fname); } diff --git a/microkde/microkde.pro b/microkde/microkde.pro index 21da158..6e75442 100644 --- a/microkde/microkde.pro +++ b/microkde/microkde.pro @@ -1,174 +1,179 @@ TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += qt warn_on #INCLUDEPATH += $(QTDIR)/include . #DEPENDPATH += $(QTDIR)/include INCLUDEPATH += . ../ ../kabc ./kdecore ./kdeui ./kio/kfile ./kio/kio #LIBS += -lqtcompat TARGET = microkde DESTDIR= ../bin DEFINES += DESKTOP_VERSION KDE_QT_ONLY unix : { OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix MOC_DIR = moc/unix } win32: { DEFINES += _WIN32_ OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win MOC_DIR = moc/win } include( ../variables.pri ) HEADERS = \ qlayoutengine_p.h \ KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h \ kapplication.h \ kaudioplayer.h \ kcalendarsystem.h \ kcalendarsystemgregorian.h \ kcolorbutton.h \ kcolordialog.h \ kcombobox.h \ kconfig.h \ kdatetbl.h \ kdebug.h \ kdialog.h \ kdialogbase.h \ keditlistbox.h \ kemailsettings.h \ kfiledialog.h \ kfontdialog.h \ kglobal.h \ kglobalsettings.h \ kiconloader.h \ klineedit.h \ klineeditdlg.h \ kmessagebox.h \ knotifyclient.h \ kprinter.h \ kprocess.h \ krestrictedline.h \ krun.h \ ksimpleconfig.h \ kstaticdeleter.h \ ksystemtray.h \ ktempfile.h \ ktextedit.h \ kunload.h \ kurl.h \ +oprocctrl.h \ +oprocess.h \ +osmartpointer.h \ kdeui/kguiitem.h \ kdeui/kcmodule.h \ kdeui/kbuttonbox.h \ kdeui/klistbox.h \ kdeui/klistview.h \ kdeui/kjanuswidget.h \ kdeui/kseparator.h \ kdeui/knuminput.h \ kdeui/knumvalidator.h \ kdeui/ksqueezedtextlabel.h \ kio/job.h \ kio/kio/kdirwatch.h \ kio/kio/kdirwatch_p.h \ kio/kfile/kurlrequester.h \ kresources/resource.h \ kresources/factory.h \ kresources/managerimpl.h \ kresources/manager.h \ kresources/selectdialog.h \ kresources/configpage.h \ kresources/configwidget.h \ kresources/configdialog.h \ kresources/kcmkresources.h \ kdecore/kmdcodec.h \ kdecore/kconfigbase.h \ kdecore/klocale.h \ kdecore/kcatalogue.h \ kdecore/ksharedptr.h \ kdecore/kshell.h \ kdecore/kstandarddirs.h \ kdecore/kstringhandler.h \ kdecore/kshortcut.h \ kutils/kcmultidialog.h \ kdeui/kxmlguiclient.h \ kdeui/kstdaction.h \ kdeui/kmainwindow.h \ kdeui/ktoolbar.h \ kdeui/ktoolbarbutton.h \ kdeui/ktoolbarhandler.h \ kdeui/kaction.h \ kdeui/kactionclasses.h \ kdeui/kactioncollection.h \ kdecore/kprefs.h \ kdecore/klibloader.h \ kidmanager.h # kdecore/klibloader.h \ SOURCES = \ KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp \ kapplication.cpp \ kcalendarsystem.cpp \ kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp \ kcolorbutton.cpp \ kcolordialog.cpp \ kconfig.cpp \ kdatetbl.cpp \ kdialog.cpp \ kdialogbase.cpp \ keditlistbox.cpp \ kemailsettings.cpp \ kfontdialog.cpp \ kfiledialog.cpp \ kglobal.cpp \ kglobalsettings.cpp \ kiconloader.cpp \ kmessagebox.cpp \ ktextedit.cpp \ kprocess.cpp \ krun.cpp \ ksystemtray.cpp \ ktempfile.cpp \ kurl.cpp \ kdecore/kcatalogue.cpp \ kdecore/klocale.cpp \ kdecore/kmdcodec.cpp \ kdecore/kshell.cpp \ kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp \ kdecore/kstringhandler.cpp \ kdeui/kbuttonbox.cpp \ kdeui/kcmodule.cpp \ kdeui/kguiitem.cpp \ kdeui/kjanuswidget.cpp \ kdeui/klistbox.cpp \ kdeui/klistview.cpp \ kdeui/knuminput.cpp \ kdeui/knumvalidator.cpp \ kdeui/kseparator.cpp \ kdeui/ksqueezedtextlabel.cpp \ kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp \ kio/kfile/kurlrequester.cpp \ kresources/configpage.cpp \ kresources/configdialog.cpp \ kresources/configwidget.cpp \ kresources/factory.cpp \ kresources/kcmkresources.cpp \ kresources/managerimpl.cpp \ kresources/resource.cpp \ kresources/selectdialog.cpp \ kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp \ kdeui/kaction.cpp \ kdeui/kactionclasses.cpp \ kdeui/kactioncollection.cpp \ kdeui/kmainwindow.cpp \ kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp \ kdeui/ktoolbarbutton.cpp \ kdeui/ktoolbarhandler.cpp \ kdeui/kstdaction.cpp \ kdeui/kxmlguiclient.cpp \ kdecore/kprefs.cpp \ kdecore/klibloader.cpp \ - kidmanager.cpp + kidmanager.cpp \ +oprocctrl.cpp \ +oprocess.cpp diff --git a/microkde/oprocess.cpp b/microkde/oprocess.cpp index 95e3e4b..a935792 100644 --- a/microkde/oprocess.cpp +++ b/microkde/oprocess.cpp @@ -1,552 +1,553 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> and The Opie Team <opie-devel@handhelds.org> =. Based on KProcess (C) 1997 Christian Czezatke (e9025461@student.tuwien.ac.at) .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "oprocctrl.h" /* OPIE */ #include <oprocess.h> /* QT */ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qmap.h> +#include <qregexp.h> #include <qsocketnotifier.h> #include <qtextstream.h> /* STD */ #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include <sys/select.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS #include <grp.h> #endif using namespace Opie::Core::Internal; namespace Opie { namespace Core { namespace Internal { class OProcessPrivate { public: OProcessPrivate() : useShell( false ) { } bool useShell; QMap<QString, QString> env; QString wd; QCString shell; }; } OProcess::OProcess( QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { init ( ); } OProcess::OProcess( const QString &arg0, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { init ( ); *this << arg0; } OProcess::OProcess( const QStringList &args, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { init ( ); *this << args; } void OProcess::init ( ) { run_mode = NotifyOnExit; runs = false; pid_ = 0; status = 0; keepPrivs = false; innot = 0; outnot = 0; errnot = 0; communication = NoCommunication; input_data = 0; input_sent = 0; input_total = 0; d = 0; if ( 0 == OProcessController::theOProcessController ) { ( void ) new OProcessController(); CHECK_PTR( OProcessController::theOProcessController ); } OProcessController::theOProcessController->addOProcess( this ); out[ 0 ] = out[ 1 ] = -1; in[ 0 ] = in[ 1 ] = -1; err[ 0 ] = err[ 1 ] = -1; } void OProcess::setEnvironment( const QString &name, const QString &value ) { if ( !d ) d = new OProcessPrivate; d->env.insert( name, value ); } void OProcess::setWorkingDirectory( const QString &dir ) { if ( !d ) d = new OProcessPrivate; d->wd = dir; } void OProcess::setupEnvironment() { if ( d ) { QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; for ( it = d->env.begin(); it != d->env.end(); ++it ) setenv( QFile::encodeName( it.key() ).data(), QFile::encodeName( it.data() ).data(), 1 ); if ( !d->wd.isEmpty() ) chdir( QFile::encodeName( d->wd ).data() ); } } void OProcess::setRunPrivileged( bool keepPrivileges ) { keepPrivs = keepPrivileges; } bool OProcess::runPrivileged() const { return keepPrivs; } OProcess::~OProcess() { // destroying the OProcess instance sends a SIGKILL to the // child process (if it is running) after removing it from the // list of valid processes (if the process is not started as // "DontCare") OProcessController::theOProcessController->removeOProcess( this ); // this must happen before we kill the child // TODO: block the signal while removing the current process from the process list if ( runs && ( run_mode != DontCare ) ) kill( SIGKILL ); // Clean up open fd's and socket notifiers. closeStdin(); closeStdout(); closeStderr(); // TODO: restore SIGCHLD and SIGPIPE handler if this is the last OProcess delete d; } void OProcess::detach() { OProcessController::theOProcessController->removeOProcess( this ); runs = false; pid_ = 0; // Clean up open fd's and socket notifiers. closeStdin(); closeStdout(); closeStderr(); } bool OProcess::setExecutable( const QString& proc ) { if ( runs ) return false; if ( proc.isEmpty() ) return false; if ( !arguments.isEmpty() ) arguments.remove( arguments.begin() ); arguments.prepend( QFile::encodeName( proc ) ); return true; } OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QStringList& args ) { QStringList::ConstIterator it = args.begin(); for ( ; it != args.end() ; ++it ) arguments.append( QFile::encodeName( *it ) ); return *this; } OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QCString& arg ) { return operator<< ( arg.data() ); } OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const char* arg ) { arguments.append( arg ); return *this; } OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QString& arg ) { arguments.append( QFile::encodeName( arg ) ); return *this; } void OProcess::clearArguments() { arguments.clear(); } bool OProcess::start( RunMode runmode, Communication comm ) { uint i; uint n = arguments.count(); char **arglist; if ( runs || ( 0 == n ) ) { return false; // cannot start a process that is already running // or if no executable has been assigned } run_mode = runmode; status = 0; QCString shellCmd; if ( d && d->useShell ) { if ( d->shell.isEmpty() ) { qWarning( "Could not find a valid shell" ); return false; } arglist = static_cast<char **>( malloc( ( 4 ) * sizeof( char * ) ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { shellCmd += arguments[ i ]; shellCmd += " "; // CC: to separate the arguments } arglist[ 0 ] = d->shell.data(); arglist[ 1 ] = ( char * ) "-c"; arglist[ 2 ] = shellCmd.data(); arglist[ 3 ] = 0; } else { arglist = static_cast<char **>( malloc( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof( char * ) ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) arglist[ i ] = arguments[ i ].data(); arglist[ n ] = 0; } if ( !setupCommunication( comm ) ) qWarning( "Could not setup Communication!" ); // We do this in the parent because if we do it in the child process // gdb gets confused when the application runs from gdb. uid_t uid = getuid(); gid_t gid = getgid(); #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS struct passwd *pw = getpwuid( uid ); #endif int fd[ 2 ]; if ( 0 > pipe( fd ) ) { fd[ 0 ] = fd[ 1 ] = 0; // Pipe failed.. continue } runs = true; QApplication::flushX(); // WABA: Note that we use fork() and not vfork() because // vfork() has unclear semantics and is not standardized. pid_ = fork(); if ( 0 == pid_ ) { if ( fd[ 0 ] ) close( fd[ 0 ] ); if ( !runPrivileged() ) { setgid( gid ); #if defined( HAVE_INITGROUPS) if ( pw ) initgroups( pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid ); #endif setuid( uid ); } // The child process if ( !commSetupDoneC() ) qWarning( "Could not finish comm setup in child!" ); setupEnvironment(); // Matthias if ( run_mode == DontCare ) setpgid( 0, 0 ); // restore default SIGPIPE handler (Harri) struct sigaction act; sigemptyset( &( act.sa_mask ) ); sigaddset( &( act.sa_mask ), SIGPIPE ); act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction( SIGPIPE, &act, 0L ); // We set the close on exec flag. // Closing of fd[1] indicates that the execvp succeeded! if ( fd[ 1 ] ) fcntl( fd[ 1 ], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ); execvp( arglist[ 0 ], arglist ); char resultByte = 1; if ( fd[ 1 ] ) write( fd[ 1 ], &resultByte, 1 ); _exit( -1 ); } else if ( -1 == pid_ ) { // forking failed runs = false; free( arglist ); return false; } else { if ( fd[ 1 ] ) close( fd[ 1 ] ); // the parent continues here // Discard any data for stdin that might still be there input_data = 0; // Check whether client could be started. if ( fd[ 0 ] ) for ( ;; ) { char resultByte; int n = ::read( fd[ 0 ], &resultByte, 1 ); if ( n == 1 ) { // Error runs = false; close( fd[ 0 ] ); free( arglist ); pid_ = 0; return false; } if ( n == -1 ) { if ( ( errno == ECHILD ) || ( errno == EINTR ) ) continue; // Ignore } break; // success } if ( fd[ 0 ] ) close( fd[ 0 ] ); if ( !commSetupDoneP() ) // finish communication socket setup for the parent qWarning( "Could not finish comm setup in parent!" ); if ( run_mode == Block ) { commClose(); // The SIGCHLD handler of the process controller will catch // the exit and set the status while ( runs ) { OProcessController::theOProcessController-> slotDoHousekeeping( 0 ); } runs = FALSE; emit processExited( this ); } } free( arglist ); return true; } bool OProcess::kill( int signo ) { bool rv = false; if ( 0 != pid_ ) rv = ( -1 != ::kill( pid_, signo ) ); // probably store errno somewhere... return rv; } bool OProcess::isRunning() const { return runs; } pid_t OProcess::pid() const { return pid_; } bool OProcess::normalExit() const { int _status = status; return ( pid_ != 0 ) && ( !runs ) && ( WIFEXITED( ( _status ) ) ); } int OProcess::exitStatus() const { int _status = status; return WEXITSTATUS( ( _status ) ); } bool OProcess::writeStdin( const char *buffer, int buflen ) { bool rv; // if there is still data pending, writing new data // to stdout is not allowed (since it could also confuse // kprocess... if ( 0 != input_data ) return false; if ( runs && ( communication & Stdin ) ) { input_data = buffer; input_sent = 0; input_total = buflen; slotSendData( 0 ); innot->setEnabled( true ); rv = true; } else rv = false; return rv; } void OProcess::flushStdin ( ) { if ( !input_data || ( input_sent == input_total ) ) return ; int d1, d2; do { d1 = input_total - input_sent; slotSendData ( 0 ); d2 = input_total - input_sent; } while ( d2 <= d1 ); } void OProcess::suspend() { if ( ( communication & Stdout ) && outnot ) outnot->setEnabled( false ); } void OProcess::resume() { if ( ( communication & Stdout ) && outnot ) outnot->setEnabled( true ); } bool OProcess::closeStdin() { bool rv; if ( communication & Stdin ) { communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdin ); delete innot; innot = 0; close( in[ 1 ] ); rv = true; } else rv = false; return rv; } bool OProcess::closeStdout() { bool rv; if ( communication & Stdout ) { communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdout ); delete outnot; outnot = 0; close( out[ 0 ] ); rv = true; } else rv = false; return rv; } bool OProcess::closeStderr() { bool rv; if ( communication & Stderr ) { communication = static_cast<Communication>( communication & ~Stderr ); delete errnot; errnot = 0; close( err[ 0 ] ); |