-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/SyncHowto.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kalarmd/simplealarmdaemonapplet.cpp | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kotodoview.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.cpp | 47 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | microkde/kapplication.cpp | 4 |
7 files changed, 35 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/SyncHowto.txt b/bin/kdepim/SyncHowto.txt index 5874fc3..6c1da16 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/SyncHowto.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/SyncHowto.txt @@ -1,497 +1,497 @@ WARNING: -YOU MAY GET UNEXSPECTED (I.E. WRONG) SYNCHRONIZATION RESULTS, +YOU MAY GET UNEXPECTED (I.E. WRONG) SYNCHRONIZATION RESULTS, IF YOU CHANGE AN EVENT ON THE FIRST DEVICE AND SYNC IMMEDIATELY FROM THE OTHER DEVICE WITH THIS DEVICE, IF THE CLOCKS OF THE TWO DEVICES HAVE TOO MUCH DIFFERENCE. In other words: Please make sure, that the clocks of the devices you want to sync have only a difference of some seconds! CONTENT: 0) How syncing works 1) Qick overview of settings 2) Sync settings in sync dialog 3) Syncing background 4) Sync preferences 5) Details about sync profile kinds ************************************************************************* 0) How syncing works ************************************************************************* Note: The recommended and easiest way to syncronize two devices where KO/Pi, KA/Pi or PWM/Pi is installed, is the profile kind "Pi-Sync". Details about that in 5) b). In KDE-Pim/Pi you can synchronize ( sync ) your calendar/addressbook/ passwordfile with another calendar/addressbook/passwordfile, by syncing your (local) calendar/addressbook/passwordfile with a (remote) file. This remote file may on your local filesystem or on another (remote) device. If you want to sync with another remote device, you have to create a sync profile. You have two choices for choosing the profil kind: I) You can choose profile kind "Remote file" and specify a command line download/upload command ( like scp, ftp, ...) to a) download the remote file to your local machine to a temp file b) sync with this temp file c) upload the synced file to the remote device II) If you want to sync with a device, where KO/Pi( or KA/Pi, PWM/Pi) is installed, you can easily get the remote file via network with the build in file transfer feature: Choose profile kind "Pi-Sync" and a) Start KO/Pi,KA/Pi or PWM/Pi on remote device and enable "Pi-Sync" on remote device with password and port. b) Specify password, port and IP address in your profile. You can sync with your mobile phone as well. Everything is explained in more details below. NOTE: If you do not use profile kind "Pi-Sync", it is recommended to close a running KO/Pi (KA/Pi, PWM/Pi) on the remote device. (Note: KO/Pi(KA/Pi, PWM/Pi) running on Zaurus with FastLoad enabled will never be closed!) After syncing with a running KO/Pi on the remote device, a "save" on the remote device will tell you that it needs to merge (sync). After merging (just a syncing with the changed file) you will get the new data showing in remote KO/Pi. ************************************************************************* 1) Qick overview of settings ************************************************************************* a) Open sync settings dialog (Menu Synchronize - Configure...) b) Give your device a unique name. (unique in the set of all devices you want to sync with). If you have already configured another devive and created there a sync profile to sync with this device, give your device the same name as this sync profile! The same name is important, because it makes it possible to sync first A->B (A local device, that performs the sync, B remote device) and then B->A. Such that the B->A sync knows about the already performed A->B sync. That means: It is unimportant if you sync A->B or B->A, the devices A and B will be synced properly. c) Create a new sync profile and give it a unique name. (unique in the set of all sync profiles on this device). If you want to sync with a device, where KO/Pi is already installed and which has a given unique device name, use this device name as your profile name ( refer to b) ). d) Coose the profile kind of your syncing method: (i) Local file or (ii) Pi-Sync or (iii) Remote file or (iiii) Mobile Phone. Detailed explanation in 5) e) Choose the other profile options. Detailed explanation in 2) f) Close sync dialog with OK. g) Sync. NOTE: AFTER SYNCING THERE ARE "SYNC EVENTS" CREATED (OR UPDATED, IF IT ALREADY EXITS) FOR EACH SYNC PROFILE. YOU MAY NOT DELETE OR CHANGE THESE EVENTS. ************************************************************************* 2) Sync settings in sync dialog ************************************************************************* a) Local device name: -> 1) b) b) Profile: -> 1) c) c) Include in multiple sync: In the Synchronize menu, there is a multiple sync menu entry. If you choose this menu entry, all user defined profiles with this 'Include in multiple sync' option enabled will be synced one after another. And this twice. This will take some time. After that sync, on all devices should be the same data. d) Ask for preferences before sync: Check this to be asked for sync preferences settings before each sync. If the profile kind is "Pi-Sync" you will be asked to confirm the "Pi-Sync" specific settings (Password,IP address, port number) as well. That makes it possible to use that profile for a device that is connected via DHCP to the network and gets different IP addresses when connection to the network. e) Sync preferences: Choose here your sync preferences. Details -> 4) f) Show summary after sync: Check this to get a small summary dialog after sync about number of added/changed/deleted events on local/remote. g) Write back synced data: Uncheck this to update the local calendar only. I.e. your local calendar is synced with the remote calendar but nothing on the remote calendar is changed. If you uncheck "Write back synced data", the settings under h) and i) are ignored, of course. h) --Write back (on remote) existing entries only: Check this to update the remote data only. I.e. no data from yor local calendar/addressbook is added to the remote device. You may use this option to sync against some kind of "public calendar/addressbook" without writing back your personal data. i) --Write back (calendar) entries in future only: Check this to write back only calendar entries in future. (Useful when syncing with mobile phones.) You can specify the date range in weeks with ---- Max. weeks in future. Note: The date range starts always 7 days before the actual date! I.e. the calendar events of the last week are written back always. j) Profile kind: Details -> 5) ************************************************************************* 3) Syncing background ************************************************************************* The same mentioned for calendars is valid for addressbooks as well. Synchronizing calendars ( i.e. files ) means, to merge two calendars in a useful way. If the two calendars are completely different, there is no problem, the resulting calendar contains all data from the local and from the remote calendar. Problems will occur, if you have edited items from the local calendar on the remote machine. Then it could be, that items are in conflict. Two items are "in conflict", if they have the same unique ID (which get an item at time of creation and owns it until it is deleted ) and they both are modified after the last synchronization. At first sync of two calendars there is no item deleted. If the calendars are synced before and there is an item, which is not edited after the last sync and is only available in one calendar, then this item is deleted in this calendar. But when was the last synchronization between two calendars? To know that, KO/Pi creates at first syncing of two files an unique event "<profile name> - sync Event" on the remote and the local calendar. After syncing, the start time of this event is set to the time of syncing. The event is read only and the user may not change it. If two such files are synced, that both have an event "<profile name> - sync Event" and the events have the same start time, then deleted items on the one calendar are deleted on the other as well. ************************************************************************* 4) Sync preferences ************************************************************************* Two items are "in conflict", if they have the same unique ID and they both are modified after the last synchronization. (Details -> 3) ). If an item is not modified after the last sync and it is not found in the other calendar, it is deleted. On the first sync, there is no item deleted. SYNC PREFERENCES: -Take local entry on conflict: Takes the local entry on conflict. If it is the first sync, "Ask for every entry" is chosen automatically, if this is selected. -Take remote entry on conflict: Takes the remote entry on conflict. If it is the first sync, "Ask for every entry" is chosen automatically, if this is selected. -Take newest entry on conflict: This takes the newest entry on conflict. May be the most useful syncing mode. -Ask for every entry on conflict: Pops up an event viewer dialog and shows the two conflicting entries there. The user can chose, which entry he would like to take. The button for the newest entry is automatically set as default button. The color for the newest entry is green. -Force: Take local entry always: Even if the calendars are already synced there is no item deleted on local. -Force: Take remote entry always: Analogous to "Force: Take local entry always" ************************************************************************* 5) Details about sync profile kinds ************************************************************************* a) Local file Please specify a local file you want to sync with. Note: If you are syncing a file, which is used by KA/Pi, please check the "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi". If you are syncing with a file from KAddressbook or another program, please uncheck "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi". To set this properly is important! KA/Pi uses a "last modified" property, which is not supported by KAddressbook. b) Pi-Sync (direct Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi sync) We mention here only KO/Pi, but the same is valid for KA/Pi. If you want to sync with a device, where KO/Pi is installed, you can easily get the remote file via network with the build in file transfer feature "Pi-Sync": You have first to enable file transfer on the remote device: - Start KO/Pi on the remote device. - Choose Menu Synchronize-Enable Pi-Sync. - Choose a port number, where KO/Pi should listen for file sending requests. Valid port numbers are numbers between 1 and 65565. Do not specify port numbers, that are used by other applications. A port number between 9000 and 9999 is most likely not used by another application. The default port number is 9197 for KO/Pi. If you specify a port number, which is already in use, you will get an error message when closing this dialog. - Choose a password. - Click OK. Now KO/Pi will send the calendar data via the network, if some other device is sending a "please send calendar" request on the given port using the given password. If you want to be sure, nobody can access your calendar data, simply disable the file transfer feature on the remote device after the syncing is done by choosing: Menu Synchronize-Disable Pi-Sync. Note: If you want to sync with a remote device that gets different IPaddresses each time connected to the network (this may be the case, if you use DHCP for connection of the remote device to the network) simply enable "Ask for preferences before sync". Then you will be asked to confirm the "Pi-Sync" specific settings (Password,IP address, port number) and you can easily change the IP address before each sync. On your local device, create a new profile and choose profile kind "Pi-Sync". Fill in the needed values: - Password for remote access: The password you specified on the remote device. - Remote IP address: The IP address of the remote device. - Remote port number: The port number you specified on the remote device. Now you can syncronize your local device easily with your remote device. This works well for all platforms KO/Pi is running on, e.g. syncing a KO/Pi on Zaurus with KO/Pi on Windows is now very easy. c) Remote file Note: If you are syncing a file, which is used by KA/Pi, please check the "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi". If you are syncing with a file from KAddressbook or another program, please uncheck "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi". To set this properly is important! KA/Pi uses a "last modified" property, which is not supported by KAddressbook. Syncing with the profile kind "Remote file" is performed in three steps: i) download the remote file to your local machine to a temp file ii) sync with this temp file iii) upload the synced file to the remote device The down-/uploading if i) and iii) is done via a command line command. Please specify the download/upload command ( like scp, ftp, ...) and the file name of the temp file in the corresponding fields. d) Mobile device (cell phone) Note: On the Zaurus you have to install the phoneaccess_xxx_arm.ipk package to be able to access mobile phones. We mention here only KO/Pi, but the same is valid for KA/Pi. Note: It is only possible to sync a mobile phone with one particular device running KO/Pi. If you want to be able to write data of more than one device to the mobile phone (e.g. from your Zaurus and from your Windows Laptop) do not sync with the mobile phone at all, but use the "Export to phone" functionality from the different devices. Using "Export to phone" makes it not possible to get back data from the phone, if it was changed there, of course. If you sync with the phone, do not use "Export to phone" from any device. (And do not sync, as mentioned above, from any other device with that phone). It would delete the needed information for syncing with that phone! We are using Gammu (Version: 0.98.9) ( http://freshmeat.net/projects/gammu/ ) for accessing the phones. Note: You cannot use the original Gammu for syncing KDE-Pim/Pi, because we have modified the original version to make it useable for syncing! Gammu allows access to many phones in many ways (Irda, Bluetooth, serial,...). The recommended phone access using Gammu with KDE-Pim/Pi is Irda (infrared). Bluetooth access is disabled on the Zaurus, but may work on Windows. Please look at the Gammu homepage and documentation about more details configuring Gammu how to access your phone. If you have problems accessing your phone, start KO/Pi from the konsole and you will get a more detailed output what went wrong. About Gammu from the Gammu homepage: Gammu (formerly known as MyGnokii2) is a cellular manager for various mobile phones/modems. It supports the Nokia 2100, 3100, 32xx, 33xx, 3410, 35xx, 51xx, 5210, 5510, 61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 6510, 6610, 6800, 71xx, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 82xx, 83xx, 8910, 9110, 9210 and compatible and AT devices (Siemens, Alcatel, Falcom, WaveCom, IPAQ, Samsung, SE, and others) over cables/infrared/BlueTooth. Here is an example what to specify to access a Nokia 6310i via infrared: On Linux (Zaurus): I/O device: /dev/ircomm Connection: irda Model: <leave empty> On Windows: I/O device: <ignored - i.e. leave empty> Connection: irda Model: <leave empty> Here is the overview from the Gammu documentation, how to specify the connection settings for I/O device: Connection: Model: Note: The documentation uses the term "port", where we use the term "I/O device". Note: You do not have to create/change the gammurc configuration file. That will do KO/Pi for you. Note: For a known model, leave "Model:" always empty, such that Gammu can auto detect the model. # This is a sample ~/.gammurc file. # In Unix/Linux copy it into your home directory and name it .gammurc # or into /etc and name it gammurc # In Win32 copy it into directory with Gammu.exe and name gammurc # More about parameters later # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gammu] port = com8: #model = 6110 connection = fbusblue #synchronizetime = yes #logfile = gammulog #logformat = textall #use_locking = yes #gammuloc = locfile #startinfo = yes #gammucoding = utf8 [gammu1] port = com8: #model = 6110 connection = fbusblue #synchronizetime = yes #logfile = gammulog #logformat = textall #use_locking = yes #gammuloc = locfile #startinfo = yes #gammucoding = utf8 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now info about "Connection" parameter and connected with it port type # (more about port types later) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Connection" parameter | Port type | More details # -----------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------- # "fbus" | serial | Nokia FBUS2 # "fbusirda"/"infrared" | serial | Nokia FBUS2 over direct infrared device # "fbusdlr3"/"dlr3" | serial | Nokia FBUS2 with DLR3 cable # "fbusdku5" | dku5 | Nokia FBUS2 with DKU5 cable. WIN32 ONLY # "fbuspl2303" | usb | Nokia FBUS2 with USB cable based on # | | PL2303 chip. # "fbusblue" | serial | Nokia FBUS2 over Bluetooth serial device # "phonetblue" | serial | Nokia PHONET FBUS over Bluetooth serial # | | device # "mrouterblue" | serial | # "mbus" | serial | Nokia MBUS2 # "at19200"/"at115200"/..| serial | AT commands.8 bits, None parity, 1 stop # | | bit, no flow control # -----------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------- # "irdaphonet"/"irda" | irda | Nokia PHONET FBUS over socket infrared # "irdaat" | irda | AT commands with socket infrared # "irdaobex" | irda | OBEX over socket infrared. MODEL "obex" # -----------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------- # "bluephonet" | BT | Nokia PHONET FBUS with Bluetooth stack # "bluefbus"/"dlr3blue" | BT | Nokia FBUS2 with Bluetooth stack # "blueat"/"atblue" | BT | AT commands with Bluetooth stack # "blueobex" | BT | OBEX with Bluetooth. MODEL "obex" # # Now more about port types and connected with it "Port" parameter # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Port type | "Port" parameter in Windows/DOS | "Port" parameter in Linux/Unix # ----------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------- # serial | "com*:" | "/dev/ttyS*" # | (example "com1:") | (example "/dev/ttyS1") # | | or "/dev/tts/**" (with DevFS) # ----------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------- # irda | ignored (can be empty) | "/dev/ircomm*" # ----------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------- # BT | Bluetooth device address # | (example "") # ----------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------- # dku5 | ignored (can be empty) | connection with it not possible # ----------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------- # usb | connection with it not possible | "/dev/ttyUSB*" # # Other config parameters # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameter name | Description # ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------ # Model | use only, when Gammu doesn't recognize your phone model. # | Put it here. Example values: "6110", "6150", "6210", "8210" # SynchronizeTime | if you want to set time from computer to phone during # | starting connection. Do not rather use this option when # | when to reset phone during connection (in some phones need # | to set time again after restart) # GammuLoc | name of localisation file # StartInfo | this option allow to set, that you want (setting "yes") # | to see message on the phone screen or phone should enable # | light for a moment during starting connection. Phone # | WON'T beep during starting connection with this option. # GammuCoding | forces using specified codepage (in win32 - for example # | "1250" will force CP1250) or UTF8 (in Linux - "utf8") # ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------ # Logfile | Use, when want to have logfile from communication. # Logformat | What debug info and format should be used: # | "nothing" - no debug level (default) # | "text" - transmission dump in text format # | "textall" - all possible info in text format # | "errors" - errors in text format # | "binary" - transmission dump in binary format # ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------ # Use_Locking | under Unix/Linux use "yes", if want to lock used device # | to prevent using it by other applications. In win32 ignored diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt index 1a8b885..df0b2eb 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt @@ -1,542 +1,550 @@ Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi ********** VERSION 1.9.16 ************ KO/Pi: Fixed search dialog size on Z 6000 (480x640 display). Added setting to hide/show time in agenda items. Added setting to hide not running todos in todo view. Added columns for start date/time in todo view. Replaced the solid half-hour lines in agenda view by dot lines. +Fixed some minor problems. (Like word wrap in help text windows). + +Fixed a strange problem in KO/Pi alarm applet. +Did not find the actual problem, +such that now Qtopia reboots if deinstalling the alarm applet. +But the alarm applet should work again. + ********** VERSION 1.9.15 ************ Usebilty enhancements in KO/Pi: When clicking on the date in a month view cell, the day view is shown. Old behaviour was, that the "new event" dialog popped up. Added a one step "undo delete" in KO/Pi (Accessable in the "Action" menu). That means, you can restore the latest event/todo/journal you have deleted. A journal is deleted, if you clear all the text of the journal. Fixed the bug of the editor dialogs in KO/Pi of version 1.9.14. KA/Pi starting in 480x640 resolution: Hide the filter action in toolbar and added icons for undo/delete/redo in toolbar. Change in OM/Pi ViewMail dialog: -When clicking on the "delete" icon the mail is deleted after confirmation as usual. But the edit dialog is not closed as before, now the next mail in the folder is shown automatically (if there is any). +When clicking on the "delete" icon the mail is deleted after confirmation as usual. +But the edit dialog is not closed as before, now the next mail in the folder is shown automatically (if there is any). Fixed a crash when deleting mail-accounts in OM/Pi. ********** VERSION 1.9.14 ************ Fixed some problems with the dialog sizes when switching portrait/landscape mode on 640x480 PDA display. Fixed some other small bugs in KA/Pi KO/Pi and OM/Pi and PwM/Pi. Fixed an ugly bug in KOpieMail: KOpieMail was not able to write files (mails) to MSDOS file system, like on an usual preformatted SD card. That should work now. To save your mail data on the Sd card do the following: Create a dir on the SD card: mkdir /mnt/card/localmail Go to your home dir: cd Go to kopiemail data storage dir: cd kdepim/apps/kopiemail Create a symlink to the SD card: ls -s /mnt/card/localmail Now KOpieMail will store all mails on the SD card. KO/Pi Monthview: Now "Go to Today" selects the current month from day 1-end, not the current date + some days. I.e. "Go to Today" shows now always the current month with first day of month in the first row. Added missing German translation. Fixed icons of executeable on Wintendo. Added a "Show next Mail" button to the OM/Pi mail viewer such that the mail below the current mail in the mail list view of the current folder can be read with a single click. ********** VERSION 1.9.13 ************ Fixed nasty PwM/Pi file reading bug, when the used hash algo of file is different then the global hash algo. Added KA/Pi support for opie mailit mailapplication. Fixed some bugs in OM/Pi. Now character conversion tables are available for the Zaurus to make OM/Pi working properly. To get the character conversion in OM/Pi working, please download at the sourceforge project site the package sr-character-conversion_SharpROM_arm.ipk.zip (or oz-character-conversion_OZ-gcc3xx_arm.ipk.zip for OZ roms) from the section "general files for KDE/Pim" Instructions how to install this package are in a ReadMe in this file. Fixed the orientation change problem in KA/Pi when switching portrait/landscape mode. French translation available for KA/Pi and OM/Pi. Fixed some problems with categories in KO/Pi in DTM sync. Added selection dialog for export to phone in KA/Pi. If in KO/Pi is an attendee selected to add to a meeting and this attendee is already in the list of attendees, this person is not added again. Some menu cleanup in KA/Pi. ********** VERSION 1.9.12 ************ Fix for the bug in KO/Pi What's Next view of version 1.9.11. Bugfix: Licence file is now shown again. OM/Pi now supports Unicode (utf8 charset). Fixed some bugs in OM/Pi. KA/Pi has more German translation. ********** VERSION 1.9.11 ************ Fixed several problems in PWM/Pi, like asking the user, if unsaved changed are pending when closing the app. And PwM/Pi handles now different texts for the fields Description, Username, Password, configurable per category. Fixed a crash in KO/Pi , when importing/loading vcs files which have an entry with an attendee with state: NEEDS ACTION Fixed some problems in the German translation of OM/Pi, which makes some dialogs not fitting on the screen of the Z 5500. Fixed Qtopia crash, when disabling/deinstalling KO/Pi alarm applet. Implemented direct KDE<->KA/Pi sync for KA/Pi running on Linux desktop. Added feature "remove sync info" to sync menu. Tweaked the KO/Pi What's next view a bit, added setting to hide events that are done. Disabled "beam receive enabled" on startup to avoid problems if Fastload is enabled. Please set "beam receive enabled", if you want to receive data via IR. Fixed bug in direct KDE<->KO/Pi sync for KO/Pi running on Linux desktop. Made in KA/Pi scrolling possible, if details view is selected. (The keyboard focus is set automatically to the search line) Fixed a bug in DMT sync, that a new entry in DTM was added on every sync to Kx/Pi. Fixed missing writing of KA/Pi categories to DMT entries when syncing. Fixed a bug in DMT sync with todos created in KO/Pi containing non-latin1 characters. Rearranged package contents of Sharp-ipks and made all packages installable on SD again. Fixed the writing of addressbook data in DTM sync. Empty fields in KA/Pi were not removed. Added better category handling in KA/Pi: Added item Edit Categories and Manage new categories to the settings menu. Possible to configure a view to display categories. Added detailed "KDE Sync Howto" and "Multi Sync Howto" to Help menu. Fixed displaying of "free" days and time in KO Monthview and Agendaview. ... and many other bugfixes. ********** VERSION 1.9.10 ************ Many internal small bugfixes. And fix of the "big" bug in KO/Pi, that after Syncing the appointments had an offset by several hours. That was a problem with the internal timezone setting, introduced by the changed timezone configuration settings. German translation for OM/Pi is now available. ********** VERSION 1.9.9 ************ KDE-Pim/Pi has a new Member! It is called PWM/Pi (Passwordmanager/platform-independent) and it is available for the Zaurus. It is planned, that it will be available later for Windows. (And for Linux, of course). It is a port of the Passwordmanager of KDE. It will need the MicroKDElibs to run. Made loading of addressbooks in KA/Pi up to 7 times faster! The bigger your addressbook file, the more starting speed will you gain. (relatively) The Qtopia addressbook connector is now platform independend as well and should work on any platform for importing/exporting Qtopia and Opie XML files. Added a +30min feature to the timezone settings to make KDE-Pim/Pi useable in Australia and other parts on the world with strange timezones ;-) German "Umlaute" should now be sorted correctly on the Z in KA/Pi. It is now possible to disable the "receive data via infrared" feature, such that syncing with Outlook is now possible again with Kx/Pi runing. Please disable it, before syncing Sharp DTM with Outlook. For your convenience, the "receive data via infrared" feature is disabled automatically, if you sync Kx/Pi with DTM. You have to enable it again manually after syncing. Enabling this feature makes it impossible to start the Sharp DTM apps. If this feature is enabled, you will only get the alarm notification from KO/Pi and not from the Sharp calendar. This is very useful if you sync KO/Pi with Sharp DTM, because after syncing you usually would get notified about an alarm by KO/Pi and the Sharp Calendar. Together with the Linux desktop version of KO/Pi it is now possible to sync KO/Pi on the Zaurus with the complete KDE-desktop (3.3 or later) calendar data easily. That makes it possible to sync the Z with one click of a mouse with the KDE-Desktop. This feature it available for all Zaurus platforms KO/Pi is running on. The only thing needed is a running KO/Pi on Linux and a compiled version of the small KDE-Pim/Pi<->KDE-Desktop access command line program, which is in the KDE-Pim/Pi sources available. The "KDE-desktop" syncing feature for KA/Pi will follow in the next releases. Fixed the vcard export bug, which had the version 1.9.8. Added missing GERMAN translation to KO/Pi. Hi PsionX, could you add the missing french translation?Thx! Translation files for KA/Pi are available as well. GERMAN translation will be available in the next release. PsionX ( yres, you again ;-) ), could you start translating KA/Pi? Thx! You can download the version 1.9.9 at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=104103&package_id=112604 Note: To run the mail program OM/Pi you need libopenssl. A link to a download loaction is available at ZSI at www.killefiz.de ********** VERSION 1.9.8 ************ Fixed character decoding in OM/Pi. (e.g. German "Umlaute" were not displayed properly.) Made is possible to reparent todos in KO/Pi. Use contextmenu or keys (look at Help-Keys + Colors) for that. Added the missing Sync-Howto and WhatsNew to the packages. KO/Pi on Linux desktop can now sync with KDE desktop. That means: When using KO/Pi on Linux desktop for syncing with KDE desktop and the Zaurus, the Zaurus can be synced now with all KDE-Calendar resources, not only with one local file. (That makes it possible to sync the Zaurus with the calendar data on a Kolab server) KA/Pi syncing with KDE desktop will be available in the next version. ********** VERSION 1.9.7 ************ KO/Pi - KA/Pi on Windows: Now a directory can be defined by the user, where the application/config data should be saved. Define your desired path in the evironment variable MICROKDEHOME before starting KO/Pi or KA/Pi. An easy Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi syncing is now possible (it is called Pi-Sync) via network. Please look at the Sync Howto. Exporting of calendar data and contacts to mobile phones is now possible. The SyncHowto is updated with information howto access/sync mobile phones. Please look at the Sync Howto. Now KO/Pi and KA/Pi on the Zaurus can receive data via infrared directly. Please disable Fastload for the original contact/calendar applications and close them. KO/Pi and KA/Pi must be running in order to receive the data. (KO/Pi and KA/Pi are always running if Fastload for them is enabled!) In the KA/Pi details view are now the preferred tel. numbers displayed on top of the other data ( emails/tel.numbers/addresses) Fixed some syncing problems in KA/Pi. Added font settings for the KA/Pi details view. Added fields "children's name" and "gender" to KA/Pi. Made searching in KA/Pi better: Now the first item in a view is selected after a search automatically and the views can be scrolled up/down when the search input field has the keyboard focus. And, of course, fixed a bunch of reported bugs in KO/Pi and KA/Pi. ********** VERSION 1.9.6 ************ Changes in the external application communication on the Zaurus in order to use less RAM when the apps are running. First syncing of addressbooks (KA/Pi) is possible. ********** VERSION 1.9.5a ************ Fixed a bug in KO/Pi in the SharpDTM sync of version 1.9.5. Fixed some small bugs. KA/Pi shows now the birthday in summary view. Now OM/Pi and KA/Pi are using the date format defined in KO/Pi for displaying dates. ********** VERSION 1.9.5 ************ There is still no Addressbook syncing! New in 1.9.5: Many bugfixes. Better searching in KA/Pi. You can configure in KA/Pi if you want to search only after <return> key pressed. Better mail downloading in OM/Pi. First experimental alpha version of sync of KO/Pi with mobile phones. See gammu documentation for supported phones. You need to install the package kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk for sync of KO/Pi with mobile phones. kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk needs libbluetooth and libsdp. Quick hint how to use: NOTE: MOBILE PHONE SYNC IS EXPERIMENTAL! Install kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk , libbluetooth and libsdp. Create syncprofile - mobile device Remove entry for model. (Leave empty ). Enable infrared on Zaurus and your Phone. Sync. To get a more detailed log, start kopi from konsole. ********** VERSION 1.9.4 ************ This is the version 1.9.4 of KDE-Pim/Pi for the Zaurus. WARNING: PLEASE BACKUP ALL YOUR DATA! We have changed a lot and maybe there are some unknown problems. SYNC HANDLING HAS CHANGED! Such that, if you sync now with an already synded device, you will duplicated entries after the first sync. (This change was introduced to make it possible to sync with mobile phones, which will be available later (maybe in 4 weeks). You need the kmicrokdelibs_1.9.4_arm.ipk as a base for the other programs. If you get the error: "Install only possible in main memory", just try it again to install it on SD card. That worked for me. And it was reported that rebooting Qtopia did help in this case as well. As programs are available: KO/Pi (korganizer ipk) - a calendar program. KA/Pi (kaddressbook ipk ) - an addressbook OM/Pi (kopiemail ipk ) an email program with pop/smtp and IMAP support. An alarm notification program ( korganizer-alarm ipk ) for KO/Pi that notifies you about alarms, even if the Zaurus is in suspend mode. (If you do not see an icon in the taskbar after installing korganizer-alarm, please restart Qtopia) All the applications are installed in a "Pim" TAB. If this TAB is new on your system, you can get an icon in this TAB by installing pim_TAB_icon_1.9.4_arm.ipk All the application are integrated. Such that you can choose in KO/Pi the attendees of a meeting from the addresses in KA/Pi. When you click in KA/Pi on the email address, OM/Pi is started to write the mail. HINT: If you install KPhone/Pi 0.9.7, it will be called, if you click in KA/Pi on a phone number. What's new? SYNC HANDLING HAS CHANGED! Such that, if you sync now with an already synded device, you will duplicated entries after the first sync. (This change was introduced to make it possible to sync with mobile phones, which will be available later (maybe in 4 weeks). New in OM/Pi: When copying(i.e. downloading mails) , you can specify, that only mails of a given size should be downloaded. Added mail copy possibility for selected mails. New in KO/Pi: French is now available for KO/Pi. Choose menu:Actions - Configure:TAB locale Syncing has changed. Phone sync available soon. Not much changes, I cannot remember them ... New in KA/Pi: Beaming possible. Sharp DTM readonly access possible( create a new DTM resource ); Better searching possible. Search is performed only after pressing the return key. Use wildcard * to specify parts of a name. Better name/email selection dialog (called from KO/Pi or OM/Pi). In this dialog, now searching is possible. Like in KA/Pi, use return key and wildcard * . A big improvement is the new management of the contact access. In version 1.9.3, every application was using their own addressbook access data. That means, the addressbook was loaded up to three times in the memory, when accessed by KA/Pi, KO/Pi and OM/Pi. That was wasting of memory, if you had several hundreds of contacts. Now only KA/Pi accesses the addressbook. If KO/Pi or OM/Pi want to get some name/email data, they request KA/Pi to open the name/email selection dialog and send it back to them. If you click on an attendee in a meeting, its contact data is displayed in KA/Pi directly. That means, if KO/Pi or OM/Pi want to access contact data, KA/Pi is started first. New in the KO/Pi alarm applet: Configure your own timer popup menu! (Text and minutes for timer countdown) Just edit the file (yourhomedir)/.kopialarmtimerrc and start/stop a timer to get a new menu with the data of this file. ********** VERSION 1.9.3 ************ 1) Now KO/Pi on Windows imports directly the calendar data of an installed Outlook. Should work with OL version >= 2000. ********** VERSION 1.9.2 ************ 1) KDE-Pim/Pi has got a new member: KmicroMail (KM/Pi) is a mail program, which can handle IMAP and POP mail access. It is based on Opie-Mail v3. All dependencies to the Opie libraries ar removed, such that no additional Opie lib is needed. It is already integrated in KO/Pi and KA/Pi. It it now available for the Zaurus,probably it will be available for other platforms later. Hint: Create your own contact (name + email) in KA/Pi, select this contact and choose menu: Settings - Set Who Am I. Now the settings of this contact are used as the sender data in KM/Pi. 2) KDE-Pim/Pi is split up in five different packages now precompiled for Sharp Zaurus: --kmicrokdelibs_1.9.2_arm.ipk The libs are needed for any of the following programs: --kaddressbook_1.9.2_arm.ipk --kmicromail_1.9.2_arm.ipk --korganizer_1.9.2_arm.ipk Independ from that, there is the alarm applet available for KO/Pi, which also offers quick access for a new mail or showing the addressbook.: --korganizer-alarm_1.9.2_arm.ipk Independend means, that the alarm applet does not need any of the libs or programs above to run. But it would be quite useless without these programs. NOTE: If you get a "This application depends on other programs" during installation of --kmicrokdelibs_1.9.2_arm.ipk you probably do not have to care about that. kmicrokdelibs_1.9.2 will come with some resource plugins, which needs additional libraries. (E.g. libopie1, if you want to use the opie resource connector in KA/Pi). If you do not have this libraries installed, you simply cannot use the resource. To make it clear: If the libraries are missing, the applications using kmicrokdelibs will start, because the resources are plugins. 3) KO/Pi and friends are now installable on SD-Card! It is recommended to install all libs and apps on the SD card or all in the internal storage. There may be problems, if this is mixed. 4) Fixed two bugs in the alarm notification on Windows. 5) Great improvement! KO/Pi uses now the latest version of libical. Libical is the library which actually reads the calendar files and extract the data from it. With the old version, there were problems (crashes or program hangs) when licical did read files, which were not stored from KO/Pi. I do not know, if the new libical works perfect, but actually it works much better than the old version. There are no problems with compatibility with old calendar files of KO/Pi, of course! 6) New in KA/Pi: Opie addressbook resource connector available! You will need libopie1 and the opie addressbook, of course. With the Opie addressbook resource connector, you can access the Opie addressbook readonly in KA/Pi. If you want to edit or import the data into KA/Pi, do this: a) Create an Opie resource. (Menu: Settings-Configure Resources). After configuration and restarting KA/Pi you should see the Opie contacts in KA/Pi. b) Select some or all Opie contacts. (NOTE: +++++ To know exactly, what contacts are Opie contacts, do this: Choose menu: View-Modify View - TAB Fields. Select in the above list "Resource" and click down arrow to add it to the "Selected fields". Click OK. Now you have a new column "Resource" in your list, where you can see, what an Opie resource is. ++++ NOTE end.) Ok, we do have now some Opie contacts seleted. (Use SHIFT or CTRL key in order to multiple select). diff --git a/kalarmd/simplealarmdaemonapplet.cpp b/kalarmd/simplealarmdaemonapplet.cpp index 38a744f..3277036 100644 --- a/kalarmd/simplealarmdaemonapplet.cpp +++ b/kalarmd/simplealarmdaemonapplet.cpp @@ -1,59 +1,60 @@ #include "simplealarmdaemonapplet.h" #include "simplealarmdaemonimpl.h" #include <qcopchannel_qws.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qapp.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet() : mApplet( 0 ), ref( 0 ) { } SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::~SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet() { - delete mApplet; + //delete mApplet; mApplet = 0; } QWidget *SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::applet( QWidget *parent ) { if ( !mApplet ) { mApplet = new SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl( parent ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) mApplet->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "ko16" ) ); else mApplet->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "ko24" ) ); QCopChannel* c = new QCopChannel("koalarm",mApplet , "channel" ) ; QObject::connect( c, SIGNAL (received ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),mApplet, SLOT(recieve( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ))); mApplet->show(); } return mApplet; } int SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::position() const { return 7; } QRESULT SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::queryInterface( const QUuid &uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface ) { + // qDebug(" SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet::queryInterface "); *iface = 0; if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this; else if ( uuid == IID_TaskbarApplet ) *iface = this; + if ( *iface ) { - //(*iface)->addRef(); + (*iface)->addRef(); return QS_OK; } - return QE_NOCOMPONENT; + return QE_NOINTERFACE; } - Q_EXPORT_INTERFACE() { Q_CREATE_INSTANCE( SimpleAlarmDaemonApplet ) } diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp index 5d7b066..97b4a03 100644 --- a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp @@ -569,585 +569,589 @@ void KOTodoView::updateView() // qDebug("todo %s ", todo->summary().latin1()); Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo(); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->type() == "Todo") { //qDebug("related %s ",incidence->summary().latin1() ); if ( !(todoList.contains ( ((Todo* )incidence ) ) )) { //qDebug("related not found "); todoList.remove( ); todo = todoList.current(); next = false; incidence = 0; } else { //qDebug("related found "); incidence = incidence->relatedTo(); } } else incidence = 0; } if ( next ) todo = todoList.next(); } // qDebug("again .... "); // for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = todoList.next()) { // qDebug("yytodo %s ", todo->summary().latin1()); // } //qDebug("for "); for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = todoList.next()) { if (!mTodoMap.contains(todo) && checkTodo( todo ) ) { insertTodoItem(todo); } } //qDebug("for end "); // Restore opened/closed state mTodoListView->blockSignals( true ); if( mDocPrefs ) restoreItemState( mTodoListView->firstChild() ); mTodoListView->blockSignals( false ); mTodoListView->setFocus(); processSelectionChange(); } bool KOTodoView::checkTodo( Todo * todo ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && todo->isCompleted() ) return false; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos && mNavigator ) { if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().last() < todo->dtStart().date() ) return false; if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().first() > todo->dtDue().date() ) return false; } return true; } void KOTodoView::restoreItemState( QListViewItem *item ) { pendingSubtodo = 0; while( item ) { KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; todoItem->setOpen( mDocPrefs->readBoolEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid() ) ); if( item->childCount() > 0 ) restoreItemState( item->firstChild() ); item = item->nextSibling(); } } QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(Todo *todo) { // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(): " << todo->getSummary() << endl; // TODO: Check, if dynmaic cast is necessary pendingSubtodo = 0; Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo(); if (incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo") { Todo *relatedTodo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence); // kdDebug() << " has Related" << endl; QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator; itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(relatedTodo); if (itemIterator == mTodoMap.end()) { // kdDebug() << " related not yet in list" << endl; itemIterator = insertTodoItem (relatedTodo); } // isn't this pretty stupid? We give one Todo to the KOTodoViewItem // and one into the map. Sure finding is more easy but why? -zecke KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(*itemIterator,todo,this); return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem); } else { // kdDebug() << " no Related" << endl; // see above -zecke KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(mTodoListView,todo,this); return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem); } } void KOTodoView::updateConfig() { updateView(); mTodoListView->repaintContents(); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOTodoView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> selected; KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem()); // if (!item) item = mActiveItem; if (item) selected.append(item->todo()); return selected; } QPtrList<Todo> KOTodoView::selectedTodos() { QPtrList<Todo> selected; KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem()); // if (!item) item = mActiveItem; if (item) selected.append(item->todo()); return selected; } void KOTodoView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { updateView(); } void KOTodoView::showDates(const QDate &, const QDate &) { } void KOTodoView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::selectEvents(): not yet implemented" << endl; } void KOTodoView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Todolist, fd, td); #endif } void KOTodoView::editItem(QListViewItem *item ) { // qDebug("editItem(QListViewItem *item ) "); emit editTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo()); } void KOTodoView::showItem(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int) { emit showTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo()); } void KOTodoView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int column) { pendingSubtodo = 0; mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; if (item) { switch (column){ case 1: mPriorityPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; case 2: mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; case 3: moveTodo(); break; case 8: getCategoryPopupMenu((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; default: mItemPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } } else mPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } void KOTodoView::newTodo() { emit newTodoSignal(); } void KOTodoView::newSubTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit newSubTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::unparentTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit unparentTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::reparentTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { qDebug("KOTodoView::reparentTodo() "); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Click on new parent item")); pendingSubtodo = mActiveItem; } } void KOTodoView::editTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit editTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::cloneTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit cloneTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::cancelTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit cancelTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::moveTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit moveTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::beamTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit beamTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::showTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit showTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::deleteTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { if (mActiveItem->childCount()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("Cannot delete To-Do which has children."), i18n("Delete To-Do")); } else { emit deleteTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } } void KOTodoView::setNewPriority(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { mActiveItem->todo()->setPriority(mPriority[index]); mActiveItem->construct(); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo(), KOGlobals::PRIORITY_MODIFIED); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); } } void KOTodoView::setNewPercentage(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { if (mPercentage[index] == 100) { mActiveItem->todo()->setCompleted(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } else { mActiveItem->todo()->setCompleted(false); } mActiveItem->todo()->setPercentComplete(mPercentage[index]); mActiveItem->construct(); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::COMPLETION_MODIFIED); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); } } QPopupMenu * KOTodoView::getCategoryPopupMenu (KOTodoViewItem *todoItem) { QPopupMenu* tempMenu = new QPopupMenu (this); QStringList checkedCategories = todoItem->todo()->categories (); tempMenu->setCheckable (true); for (QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.begin (); it != KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.end (); ++it) { int index = tempMenu->insertItem (*it); mCategory[index] = *it; if (checkedCategories.find (*it) != checkedCategories.end ()) tempMenu->setItemChecked (index, true); } connect (tempMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (changedCategories (int))); return tempMenu; } void KOTodoView::changedCategories(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { QStringList categories = mActiveItem->todo()->categories (); if (categories.find (mCategory[index]) != categories.end ()) categories.remove (mCategory[index]); else categories.insert (categories.end(), mCategory[index]); categories.sort (); mActiveItem->todo()->setCategories (categories); mActiveItem->construct(); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::CATEGORY_MODIFIED); } } void KOTodoView::itemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *item) { if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!")); } pendingSubtodo = 0; if (!item) { newTodo(); return; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick ) editItem( item ); else showItem( item , QPoint(), 0 ); } void KOTodoView::itemClicked(QListViewItem *item) { if (!item) { if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!")); } pendingSubtodo = 0; return; } KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { bool allowReparent = true; QListViewItem *par = item; while ( par ) { if ( par == pendingSubtodo ) { allowReparent = false; break; } par = par->parent(); } if ( !allowReparent ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Recursive reparenting not possible!")); qDebug("Recursive reparenting not possible "); pendingSubtodo = 0; } else { Todo* newParent = todoItem->todo(); Todo* newSub = pendingSubtodo->todo(); pendingSubtodo = 0; emit reparentTodoSignal( newParent,newSub ); return; } } int completed = todoItem->todo()->isCompleted(); // Completed or not? if (todoItem->isOn()) { if (!completed) { todoItem->todo()->setCompleted(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } } else { if (completed) { todoItem->todo()->setCompleted(false); } } } void KOTodoView::setDocumentId( const QString &id ) { kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::setDocumentId()" << endl; mDocPrefs->setDoc( id ); } void KOTodoView::itemStateChanged( QListViewItem *item ) { if (!item) return; KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::itemStateChanged(): " << todoItem->todo()->summary() << endl; if( mDocPrefs ) mDocPrefs->writeEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid(), todoItem->isOpen() ); } void KOTodoView::saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) const { mTodoListView->saveLayout(config,group); } void KOTodoView::restoreLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) { mTodoListView->restoreLayout(config,group); } void KOTodoView::processSelectionChange() { // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::processSelectionChange()" << endl; KOTodoViewItem *item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>( mTodoListView->selectedItem() ); if ( !item ) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } else { emit incidenceSelected( item->todo() ); } } void KOTodoView::modified(bool b) { emit isModified(b); } void KOTodoView::setTodoModified( Todo* todo ) { todoModified( todo, KOGlobals::UNKNOWN_MODIFIED ); } void KOTodoView::clearSelection() { mTodoListView->selectAll( false ); } void KOTodoView::purgeCompleted() { emit purgeCompletedSignal(); } void KOTodoView::toggleQuickTodo() { if ( mQuickAdd->isVisible() ) { mQuickAdd->hide(); KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo = false; } else { mQuickAdd->show(); KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo = true; } mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(4,KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 34 , KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo ); } void KOTodoView::toggleRunning() { KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos = !KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(5,KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 35 , KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos ); updateView(); } void KOTodoView::toggleCompleted() { KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo = !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 3,KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 33 , KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); updateView(); } void KOTodoView::addQuickTodo() { Todo *todo = new Todo(); todo->setSummary(mQuickAdd->text()); todo->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); CalFilter * cf = mCalendar->filter(); if ( cf ) { if ( cf->isEnabled()&& cf->showCategories()) { todo->setCategories(cf->categoryList()); } if ( cf->isEnabled() ) todo->setSecrecy( cf->getSecrecy()); } mCalendar->addTodo(todo); mQuickAdd->setText(""); todoModified (todo, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED ); updateView(); } void KOTodoView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { // e->ignore(); //return; //qDebug("KOTodoView::keyPressEvent "); switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Up: QWidget::keyPressEvent ( e ); break; case Qt::Key_Q: toggleQuickTodo(); break; case Qt::Key_U: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); unparentTodo(); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_S: - if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { + if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) { + e->ignore(); + break; + } + if ( e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); reparentTodo(); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_P: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if ( pendingSubtodo ) itemClicked(mActiveItem); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: if ( pendingSubtodo ) { itemClicked(0); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } if ( true ) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_I ) { KOTodoViewItem*cn = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if ( cn ) { mActiveItem = cn; KOTodoViewItem* ci = (KOTodoViewItem*)( cn ); if ( ci ){ showTodo(); cn = (KOTodoViewItem*)cn->itemBelow(); if ( cn ) { mTodoListView->setCurrentItem ( cn ); mTodoListView->ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } } } e->accept(); } } } void KOTodoView::updateTodo( Todo * t, int type ) { if ( mBlockUpdate) return; QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator; itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(t); if (itemIterator != mTodoMap.end()) { (*itemIterator)->construct(); } else { if ( type == KOGlobals::EVENTADDED ) { insertTodoItem( t ); } } } void KOTodoView::todoModified(Todo * t , int p ) { mBlockUpdate = true; emit todoModifiedSignal ( t, p ); mBlockUpdate = false; } diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp index a652c05..6bc5b3a 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp @@ -49,1869 +49,1846 @@ #include "koagendaview.h" #include "koagenda.h" #include "kodialogmanager.h" #include "kdialogbase.h" #include "kapplication.h" #include "kofilterview.h" #include "kstandarddirs.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "kglobal.h" #include "klocale.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "simplealarmclient.h" #include "externalapphandler.h" using namespace KCal; #ifndef _WIN32_ #include <unistd.h> #else #include "koimportoldialog.h" #endif #include "mainwindow.h" class KOex2phonePrefs : public QDialog { public: KOex2phonePrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Export to phone options") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel *lab; lay->addWidget(lab = new QLabel( i18n("Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use."), this ) ); lab->setAlignment (AlignHCenter ); QHBox* temphb; temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("I/O device: "), temphb ); mPhoneDevice = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Connection: "), temphb ); mPhoneConnection = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Model(opt.): "), temphb ); mPhoneModel = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); mWriteBackFuture= new QCheckBox( i18n("Write back events in future only"), this ); mWriteBackFuture->setChecked( true ); lay->addWidget( mWriteBackFuture ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Max. weeks in future: ") , temphb ); mWriteBackFutureWeeks= new QSpinBox(1,104, 1, temphb); mWriteBackFutureWeeks->setValue( 8 ); lay->addWidget( temphb ); lay->addWidget(lab = new QLabel( i18n("NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!"), this ) ); lab->setAlignment (AlignHCenter ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Export to mobile phone!"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); resize( 220, 240 ); qApp->processEvents(); int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); move( (dw-width())/2, (dh - height() )/2 ); } public: QLineEdit* mPhoneConnection, *mPhoneDevice, *mPhoneModel; QCheckBox* mWriteBackFuture; QSpinBox* mWriteBackFutureWeeks; }; int globalFlagBlockStartup; MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent, const char *name, QString msg) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION setFont( QFont("Arial"), 14 ); #endif mClosed = false; //QString confFile = KStandardDirs::appDir() + "config/korganizerrc"; QString confFile = locateLocal("config","korganizerrc"); QFileInfo finf ( confFile ); bool showWarning = !finf.exists(); setIcon(SmallIcon( "ko24" ) ); mBlockAtStartup = true; mFlagKeyPressed = false; setCaption("KOrganizer/Pi"); KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->setGlobalConfig(); if ( p->mHourSize > 18 ) p->mHourSize = 18; QMainWindow::ToolBarDock tbd; if ( p->mToolBarHor ) { if ( p->mToolBarUp ) tbd = Bottom; else tbd = Top; } else { if ( p->mToolBarUp ) tbd = Right; else tbd = Left; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseAppColors ) QApplication::setPalette( QPalette (KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor2), true ); globalFlagBlockStartup = 1; iconToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); addToolBar (iconToolBar , tbd ); mCalendarModifiedFlag = false; QLabel* splash = new QLabel(i18n("KO/Pi is starting ... "), this ); splash->setAlignment ( AlignCenter ); setCentralWidget( splash ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION showMaximized(); #endif //qDebug("Mainwidget x %d y %d w %d h %d", x(), y(), width(), height ()); setDefaultPreferences(); mCalendar = new CalendarLocal(); mView = new CalendarView( mCalendar, this,"mCalendar " ); mView->hide(); //mView->resize(splash->size() ); initActions(); mSyncManager = new KSyncManager((QWidget*)this, (KSyncInterface*)mView, KSyncManager::KOPI, KOPrefs::instance(), syncMenu); mSyncManager->setBlockSave(false); mView->setSyncManager(mSyncManager); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION iconToolBar->show(); qApp->processEvents(); #endif //qDebug("Splashwidget x %d y %d w %d h %d", splash-> x(), splash->y(), splash->width(),splash-> height ()); int vh = height() ; int vw = width(); //qDebug("Toolbar hei %d ",iconToolBar->height() ); if ( iconToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ) { vh -= iconToolBar->height(); } else { vw -= iconToolBar->height(); } //mView->setMaximumSize( splash->size() ); //mView->resize( splash->size() ); //qDebug("MainView x %d y %d w %d h %d", mView->x(),mView-> y(), mView->width(), mView->height ()); mView->readSettings(); bool newFile = false; if( !QFile::exists( defaultFileName() ) ) { QFileInfo finfo ( defaultFileName() ); QString oldFile = QDir::convertSeparators( QDir::homeDirPath()+"/Applications/korganizer/mycalendar.ics"); qDebug("oldfile %s ", oldFile.latin1()); QString message = "You are starting KO/Pi for the\nfirst time after updating to a\nversion >= 1.9.1. The location of the\ndefault calendar file has changed.\nA mycalendar.ics file was detected\nat the old location.\nThis file will be loaded now\nand stored at the new location!\n(Config file location has changed, too!)\nPlease read menu Help-What's New!\n"; finfo.setFile( oldFile ); if (finfo.exists() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, message); mView->openCalendar( oldFile ); qApp->processEvents(); } else { oldFile = QDir::convertSeparators( QDir::homeDirPath()+"/korganizer/mycalendar.ics"); finfo.setFile( oldFile ); if (finfo.exists() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, message); mView->openCalendar( oldFile ); qApp->processEvents(); } } mView->saveCalendar( defaultFileName() ); newFile = true; } QTime neededSaveTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); mView->openCalendar( defaultFileName() ); int msNeeded = neededSaveTime.msecsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime().time() ); qDebug("KO: Calendar loading time: %d ms",msNeeded ); if ( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage != KOPrefs::instance()->mOldLoadedLanguage ) { KOPrefs::instance()->setCategoryDefaults(); int count = mView->addCategories(); } processIncidenceSelection( 0 ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( modifiedChanged( bool ) ), SLOT( slotModifiedChanged( bool ) ) ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( tempDisableBR(bool) ), SLOT( disableBR(bool) ) ); connect( &mSaveTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( save() ) ); mView->setModified( false ); mBlockAtStartup = false; mView->setModified( false ); setCentralWidget( mView ); globalFlagBlockStartup = 0; mView->show(); delete splash; if ( newFile ) mView->updateConfig(); // qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("MainView x %d y %d w %d h %d", mView->x(),mView-> y(), mView->width(), mView->height ()); //fillSyncMenu(); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( save() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( request_file() ), this, SLOT( syncFileRequest() ) ); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( getFile( bool )), this, SLOT(getFile( bool ) ) ); mSyncManager->setDefaultFileName( defaultFileName()); connect ( syncMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), mSyncManager, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) ); mSyncManager->fillSyncMenu(); mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins ); if ( showWarning ) { KMessageBox::information( this, "You are starting KO/Pi for the first time.\nPlease read menu: Help-What's New,\nif you did an update!\nPlease choose your timezone in the \nConfigure Dialog TAB Time Zone!\nPlease choose your language\nin the TAB Locale!\nYou get the Configure Dialog\nvia Menu: Actions - Configure....\nClick OK to show the Configure Dialog!\n", "KO/Pi information"); qApp->processEvents(); mView->dialogManager()->showSyncOptions(); } //US listen for result adressed from Ka/Pi #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION connect(qApp, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SLOT (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); #endif #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION infrared = 0; #endif mBRdisabled = false; //toggleBeamReceive(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { //qDebug("MainWindow::~MainWindow() "); //save toolbar location delete mCalendar; delete mSyncManager; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( infrared ) delete infrared; #endif } void MainWindow::disableBR(bool b) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( b ) { if ( infrared ) { toggleBeamReceive(); mBRdisabled = true; } mBRdisabled = true; } else { if ( mBRdisabled ) { mBRdisabled = false; //makes no sense,because other cal ap is probably running // toggleBeamReceive(); } } #endif } bool MainWindow::beamReceiveEnabled() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION return ( infrared != 0 ); #endif return false; } void MainWindow::toggleBeamReceive() { if ( mBRdisabled ) return; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( infrared ) { qDebug("disable BeamReceive "); delete infrared; infrared = 0; brAction->setOn(false); return; } qDebug("enable BeamReceive "); brAction->setOn(true); infrared = new QCopChannel("QPE/Application/datebook",this, "channel" ) ; QObject::connect( infrared, SIGNAL (received ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),this, SLOT(recieve( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ))); #endif } void MainWindow::showMaximized () { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( ! globalFlagBlockStartup ) if ( mClosed ) mView->goToday(); #endif QWidget::showMaximized () ; mClosed = false; } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ce ) { if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mAskForQuit ) { saveOnClose(); mClosed = true; ce->accept(); return; } switch( QMessageBox::information( this, "KO/Pi", i18n("Do you really want\nto close KO/Pi?"), i18n("Close"), i18n("No"), 0, 0 ) ) { case 0: saveOnClose(); mClosed = true; ce->accept(); break; case 1: ce->ignore(); break; case 2: default: break; } } void MainWindow::recieve( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); // QMessageBox::about( this, "About KOrganizer/Pi", "*" +msg +"*" ); //QString datamess; //qDebug("message "); qDebug("KO: QCOP message received: %s ", cmsg.data() ); if ( cmsg == "setDocument(QString)" ) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); QString fileName; stream >> fileName; //qDebug("filename %s ", fileName.latin1()); showMaximized(); raise(); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = fileName ; mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 1002 ); return; } if ( cmsg == "-writeFile" ) { // I made from the "-writeFile" an "-writeAlarm" mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true); showMaximized(); raise(); return; } if ( cmsg == "-writeFileSilent" ) { // I made from the "-writeFile" an "-writeAlarm" // mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true); //showMaximized(); //raise(); hide(); return; } if ( cmsg == "-newCountdown" ) { qDebug("newCountdown "); } QString msg ; QString allmsg = cmsg; while ( allmsg.length() > 0 ) { int nextC = allmsg.find( "-", 1 ); if ( nextC == -1 ) { msg = allmsg; allmsg = ""; } else{ msg = allmsg.left( nextC ); allmsg = allmsg.mid( nextC, allmsg.length()-nextC ); } //qDebug("msg: %s all: %s ", msg.latin1(), allmsg.latin1() ); if ( msg == "-newEvent" ) { mView->newEvent(); } if ( msg == "-newTodo" ) { mView->newTodo(); } if ( msg == "-showWN" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); } if ( msg == "-showTodo" ) { mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); } if ( msg == "-showList" ) { mView->viewManager()->showListView(); } else if ( msg == "-showDay" ) { mView->viewManager()->showDayView(); } else if ( msg == "-showWWeek" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWorkWeekView(); } else if ( msg == "-ringSync" ) { mSyncManager->multiSync( false ); } else if ( msg == "-showWeek" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWeekView(); } else if ( msg == "-showTodo" ) { mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); } else if ( msg == "-showJournal" ) { mView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 ); mView->dateNavigator()->selectToday(); mView->viewManager()->showJournalView(); } else if ( msg == "-showKO" ) { mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); } else if ( msg == "-showWNext" || msg == "nextView()" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); } else if ( msg == "-showNextXView" ) { mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); } } showMaximized(); raise(); } QPixmap MainWindow::loadPixmap( QString name ) { return SmallIcon( name ); } void MainWindow::initActions() { //KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu iconToolBar->clear(); KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); //QPEMenuBar *menuBar1;// = new QPEMenuBar( iconToolBar ); QPopupMenu *viewMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *actionMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *importMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); selectFilterMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); selectFilterMenu->setCheckable( true ); syncMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); configureAgendaMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); configureToolBarMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu ) { QMenuBar *menuBar1; menuBar1 = menuBar(); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("File"), importMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("View"), viewMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Actions"), actionMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("AgendaSize"),configureAgendaMenu ); //menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Filter"),selectFilterMenu ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Help"), helpMenu ); } else { QPEMenuBar *menuBar1; menuBar1 = new QPEMenuBar( iconToolBar ); QPopupMenu *menuBar = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("ME"), menuBar); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("File"), importMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("View"), viewMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Actions"), actionMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("AgendaSize"),configureAgendaMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Filter"),selectFilterMenu ); menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Help"), helpMenu ); //menuBar1->setMaximumWidth( menuBar1->sizeHint().width() ); menuBar1->setMaximumSize( menuBar1->sizeHint( )); } connect ( selectFilterMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (selectFilter( int ) ) ); connect ( selectFilterMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow () ), this, SLOT (fillFilterMenu() ) ); // ****************** QAction *action; QIconSet icon; // QPopupMenu *configureMenu= new QPopupMenu( menuBar ); configureToolBarMenu->setCheckable( true ); QString pathString = ""; if ( !p->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) pathString += "icons16/"; } else pathString += "iconsmini/"; configureAgendaMenu->setCheckable( true ); - configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Toggle Allday"), 1 ); - configureAgendaMenu->insertSeparator(); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Tiny"), 4 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Small"), 6 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Medium"), 8 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Normal"), 10 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Large"), 12 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Big"), 14 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Bigger"), 16 ); configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Biggest"), 18 ); //configureMenu->insertItem( "AgendaSize",configureAgendaMenu ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "configure" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Configure"),icon, i18n("Configure..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( edit_options() ) ); actionMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( i18n("Undo Delete"), i18n("Undo Delete..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( undo_delete() ) ); actionMenu->insertSeparator(); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newevent" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Stretched TB"), 5 ); configureToolBarMenu->insertSeparator(); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Event..."), 10 ); QAction* ne_action = new QAction( i18n("New Event..."), icon, i18n("New Event..."), 0, this ); ne_action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( ne_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( newEvent() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newtodo" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 20 ); QAction* nt_action = new QAction( i18n("New Todo..."), icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 0, this ); nt_action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( nt_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( newTodo() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "navi" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), icon, i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), 0, this ); action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( toggleDateNavigatorWidget() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "filter" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle FilterView"), icon, i18n("Toggle FilterView"), 0, this ); action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( toggleFilter() ) ); - + action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle Allday"), i18n("Toggle Allday"), 0, this ); + action->addTo( viewMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + mView, SLOT( toggleAllDaySize() ) ); viewMenu->insertSeparator(); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "picker" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Date Picker"), icon, i18n("Date Picker"), 0, this ); action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( showDatePicker() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); viewMenu->insertSeparator(); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "list" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("List View"), 30 ); QAction* showlist_action = new QAction( i18n("List View"), icon, i18n("List View"), 0, this ); showlist_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( showlist_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showListView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "day" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Day View"), 40 ); QAction* day1_action = new QAction( i18n("Day View"), icon, i18n("Day View"), 0, this ); day1_action->addTo( viewMenu ); // action->addTo( toolBar ); connect( day1_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showDayView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "workweek" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Work Week"), 50 ); QAction* day5_action = new QAction( i18n("Work Week"), icon, i18n("Work Week"), 0, this ); day5_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( day5_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWorkWeekView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "week" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Week"), 60 ); QAction* day7_action = new QAction( i18n("Week"), icon, i18n("Week"), 0, this ); day7_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( day7_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWeekView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "month" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Month"), 70 ); QAction* month_action = new QAction( i18n("Month"), icon, i18n("Month"), 0, this ); month_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( month_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showMonthView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "todo" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Todo View"), 80 ); QAction* todoview_action = new QAction( i18n("Todo View"), icon, i18n("Todo View"), 0, this ); todoview_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( todoview_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showTodoView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "journal" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Journal"), 90 ); QAction* viewjournal_action = new QAction( i18n("Journal"), icon, i18n("Journal"), 0, this ); viewjournal_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( viewjournal_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showJournalView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "xdays" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next days"), 100,4 ); QAction* xdays_action = new QAction( i18n("Next days"), icon, i18n("Next days"), 0, this ); xdays_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( xdays_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showNextXView() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "whatsnext" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("What's Next"), 110, 4 ); QAction* whatsnext_action = new QAction( i18n("What's Next"), icon, i18n("What's Next"), 0, this ); whatsnext_action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( whatsnext_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWhatsNextView() ) ); #if 0 action = new QAction( "view_timespan", "Time Span", 0, this ); action->addTo( viewMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showTimeSpanView() ) ); #endif mNewSubTodoAction = new QAction( "new_subtodo", i18n("New Sub-Todo..."), 0, this ); mNewSubTodoAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mNewSubTodoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( newSubTodo() ) ); actionMenu->insertSeparator(); mShowAction = new QAction( "show_incidence", i18n("Show..."), 0, this ); mShowAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mShowAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( showIncidence() ) ); mEditAction = new QAction( "edit_incidence", i18n("Edit..."), 0, this ); mEditAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mEditAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( editIncidence() ) ); mDeleteAction = new QAction( "delete_incidence", i18n("Delete..."), 0, this ); mDeleteAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mDeleteAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( deleteIncidence() ) ); mCloneAction = new QAction( "clone_incidence", i18n("Clone..."), 0, this ); mCloneAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mCloneAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( cloneIncidence() ) ); mMoveAction = new QAction( "Move_incidence", i18n("Move..."), 0, this ); mMoveAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mMoveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( moveIncidence() ) ); mBeamAction = new QAction( "Beam_incidence", i18n("Beam..."), 0, this ); mBeamAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mBeamAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamIncidence() ) ); mCancelAction = new QAction( "Cancel_incidence", i18n("Toggle Cancel"), 0, this ); mCancelAction->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( mCancelAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( toggleCancelIncidence() ) ); actionMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "purge_completed", i18n("Purge Completed"), 0, this ); action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "search" ); QAction* search_action = new QAction( i18n("Search"), icon, i18n("Search..."), 0, this ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Search"), 120 , 4); search_action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( search_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView->dialogManager(), SLOT( showSearchDialog() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "today" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go to Today"), 130); QAction* today_action = new QAction( i18n("Go to Today"), icon, i18n("Go to Today"), 0, this ); today_action->addTo( actionMenu ); connect( today_action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goToday() ) ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu ) { actionMenu->insertSeparator(); actionMenu->insertItem( i18n("Configure Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu ); } // actionMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Import (*.ics/*.vcs) file"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importIcal() ) ); action = new QAction( "import_quick", i18n("Import last file"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( quickImportIcal() ) ); importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_bday", i18n("Import Birthdays (KA/Pi)"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importBday() ) ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Import Opie/Qtopia Cal."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importQtopia() ) ); #else #ifdef _WIN32_ importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_ol", i18n("Import from OL"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importOL() ) ); #endif #endif importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "load_cal", i18n("Load Calendar Backup"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( loadCalendar() ) ); action = new QAction( "save_cal", i18n("Save Calendar Backup"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( saveCalendar() ) ); importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Export VCalendar"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( exportVCalendar() ) ); //LR QPopupMenu *ex2phone = new QPopupMenu( this ); ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Complete calendar..."), 1 ); ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Filtered calendar..."), 2 ); connect( ex2phone, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( exportToPhone( int)) ); importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Export to phone"), ex2phone ); importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "manage cat", i18n("Manage new categories..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( manageCategories() ) ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION importMenu->insertSeparator(); brAction = new QAction( "beam toggle", i18n("Beam receive enabled"), 0, this ); brAction->addTo( importMenu ); brAction->setToggleAction (true ) ; connect( brAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( toggleBeamReceive() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam complete calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamCalendar() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam filtered calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamFilteredCalendar()) ); #else importMenu->insertSeparator(); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Print calendar..."),icon,i18n("Print calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( printCal() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Print agenda selection..."),icon,i18n("Print agenda selection..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( printSel() ) ); #endif importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Save"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Exit (+save)"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( close() ) ); //menuBar->insertItem( "Configure",configureMenu ); //configureMenu->insertItem( "Toolbar",configureToolBarMenu ); icon = loadPixmap( "korganizer/korganizer" ); action = new QAction( "Whats New", i18n("What's new?"), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( whatsNew() ) ); action = new QAction( "featureHowto", i18n("Features + hints..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( features() ) ); action = new QAction( "Keys + Colors", i18n("Keys + Colors..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( keyBindings() ) ); action = new QAction( "Sync Howto", i18n("Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( synchowto() ) ); action = new QAction( "KDE Sync Howto", i18n("KDE Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( kdesynchowto() ) ); action = new QAction( "Multi Sync Howto", i18n("Multi Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( multisynchowto() ) ); action = new QAction( "Auto saving", i18n("Auto saving..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( aboutAutoSaving() ) ); action = new QAction( "Problemd", i18n("Known Problems..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( aboutKnownBugs() ) ); action = new QAction( "Translate Howto", i18n("User translation..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( usertrans() ) ); action = new QAction( "Frequently asked questions", i18n("FAQ..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( faq() ) ); action = new QAction( "licence", i18n("Licence..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( licence() ) ); action = new QAction( "about", i18n("About..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( about() ) ); //menuBar->insertSeparator(); // ****************************************************** // menubar icons iconToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable (true ); //menuBar->insertItem( iconToolBar ); //xdays_action if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent) ne_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p->mShowIconNewTodo ) nt_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconSearch) search_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconNext) whatsnext_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconNextDays) xdays_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconList) showlist_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay1) day1_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay5) day5_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay7) day7_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconMonth) month_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconTodoview) todoview_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconJournal) viewjournal_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2leftarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Prev. month"), 200, 14); if (p-> mShowIconBackFast) { action = new QAction( i18n("Prev. month"), icon, i18n("Prev. month"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goPreviousMonth() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1leftarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go backward"), 210,15); if (p-> mShowIconBack) { action = new QAction( i18n("Go backward"), icon, i18n("Go backward"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goPrevious() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } if (p-> mShowIconToday) today_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1rightarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go forward"), 220); if (p-> mShowIconForward) { action = new QAction( i18n("Go forward"), icon, i18n("Go forward"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goNext() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2rightarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next month"), 230); if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast) { action = new QAction( i18n("Next month"), icon, i18n("Next month"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goNextMonth() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("What's This?"), 300); if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 10, true ); if (p->mShowIconNewTodo ) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 20, true ); if (p-> mShowIconSearch) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 120, true ); if (p-> mShowIconList) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 30, true ); if (p-> mShowIconDay1) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 40, true ); if (p-> mShowIconDay5) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 50, true ); if (p-> mShowIconDay7) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 60, true ); if (p-> mShowIconMonth) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 70, true ); if (p-> mShowIconTodoview) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 80, true ); if (p-> mShowIconBackFast) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 200, true ); if (p-> mShowIconBack) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 210, true ); if (p-> mShowIconToday) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 130, true ); if (p-> mShowIconForward) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 220, true ); if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 230, true ); if (p-> mShowIconNextDays) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 100, true ); if (p-> mShowIconNext) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 110, true ); if (p-> mShowIconJournal) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 90, true ); if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis) configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 300, true ); QLabel* dummy = new QLabel( iconToolBar ); dummy->setBackgroundColor( iconToolBar->backgroundColor() ); if (!p-> mShowIconStretch) iconToolBar->setStretchableWidget ( dummy ) ; else configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 5, true ); if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis) QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( iconToolBar ); connect( configureToolBarMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureToolBar( int ) ) ); configureAgenda( p->mHourSize ); connect( configureAgendaMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureAgenda( int ) ) ); } void MainWindow::exportToPhone( int mode ) { //ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Complete calendar..."), 1 ); //ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Filtered calendar..."), 2 ); KOex2phonePrefs ex2phone; ex2phone.mPhoneConnection->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneConnection ); ex2phone.mPhoneDevice->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneDevice ); ex2phone.mPhoneModel->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneModel ); if ( mode == 1 ) ex2phone.setCaption(i18n("Export complete calendar")); if ( mode == 2 ) ex2phone.setCaption(i18n("Export filtered calendar")); if ( !ex2phone.exec() ) { return; } KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneConnection = ex2phone.mPhoneConnection->text(); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneDevice = ex2phone.mPhoneDevice->text(); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneModel = ex2phone.mPhoneModel->text(); int inFuture = 0; if ( ex2phone.mWriteBackFuture->isChecked() ) inFuture = ex2phone.mWriteBackFutureWeeks->value(); QPtrList<Incidence> delSel; if ( mode == 1 ) delSel = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); if ( mode == 2 ) delSel = mCalendar->incidences(); CalendarLocal* cal = new CalendarLocal(); cal->setLocalTime(); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -7 ); QDateTime end = cur.addDays( ( inFuture +1 ) *7 ); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->type() != "Journal" ) { bool add = true; if ( inFuture ) { QDateTime dt; if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo * t = (Todo*)incidence; if ( t->hasDueDate() ) dt = t->dtDue(); else dt = cur.addSecs( 62 ); } else { bool ok; dt = incidence->getNextOccurence( cur, &ok ); if ( !ok ) dt = cur.addSecs( -62 ); } if ( dt < cur || dt > end ) { add = false; } } if ( add ) { Incidence *in = incidence->clone(); cal->addIncidence( in ); } } incidence = delSel.next(); } PhoneAccess::writeConfig( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneDevice, KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneConnection, KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneModel ); setCaption( i18n("Writing to phone...")); if ( PhoneFormat::writeToPhone( cal ) ) setCaption( i18n("Export to phone successful!")); else setCaption( i18n("Error exporting to phone!")); delete cal; } void MainWindow::setDefaultPreferences() { KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); p->mCompactDialogs = true; p->mConfirm = true; // p->mEnableQuickTodo = false; } QString MainWindow::resourcePath() { return KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath(); } void MainWindow::displayText( QString text ,QString cap ) { QDialog dia( this, "name", true ); ; dia.setCaption( cap ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( &dia ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QTextBrowser tb ( &dia ); lay->addWidget( &tb ); tb.setText( text ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION dia.resize( 640, 480); #else dia.showMaximized(); #endif dia.exec(); } -void MainWindow::displayFile( QString fn, QString cap ) -{ - QString fileName = resourcePath() + fn; - QString text; - QFile file( fileName ); - if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { - return ; - } - QTextStream ts( &file ); - text = ts.read(); - file.close(); - displayText( text, cap); -} void MainWindow::features() { - displayFile( "featuresKOPI.txt",i18n("KO/Pi Features and hints") ); + KApplication::showFile( i18n("KO/Pi Features and hints"), "kdepim/korganizer/featuresKOPI.txt" ); } void MainWindow::usertrans() { - displayFile( "usertranslationHOWTO.txt",i18n("KO/Pi User translation HowTo") ); + KApplication::showFile( i18n("KO/Pi User translation HowTo"), "kdepim/korganizer/usertranslationHOWTO.txt" ); } void MainWindow::kdesynchowto() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/Zaurus-KDE_syncHowTo.txt" ); } void MainWindow::multisynchowto() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/MultiSyncHowTo.txt" ); } void MainWindow::synchowto() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/SyncHowto.txt" ); } void MainWindow::faq() { - displayFile( "kopiFAQ.txt",i18n("KO/Pi FAQ") ); + KApplication::showFile( i18n("KO/Pi FAQ"), "kdepim/korganizer/kopiFAQ.txt" ); } void MainWindow::whatsNew() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Version Info", "kdepim/WhatsNew.txt" ); } void MainWindow::licence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void MainWindow::about() { QString version; #include <../version> QMessageBox::about( this, i18n("About KOrganizer/Pi"), i18n("KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n") + "(KO/Pi) " + version + " - " + #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION i18n("Desktop Edition\n") + #else i18n("PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n") + #endif i18n("(c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski\nEmail:lutz@pi-sync.net\nKO/Pi is based on KOrganizer\n(c) 2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\nEmail: schumacher@kde.org\nKOrganizer/Pi is licensed\nunder the GPL.\nKO/Pi can be compiled for\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA and Windows\nwww.korganizer.org\nwww.pi-sync.net\n") ); } void MainWindow::keyBindings() { - QString cap = i18n("Key bindings KOrganizer/Pi"); + QString cap = i18n("KO/Pi Keys + Colors"); QString text = i18n("<p><h2>KO/Pi key shortcuts:</h2></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>H</b>: This help dialog | <b>S</b>: Search dialog</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info for selected event/todo</p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>Space</b>: Toggle fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Date picker</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>F</b>: Toggle filterview |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Edit filter </p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>O</b>: Filter On/Off | <b>J</b>: Journal view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Select filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>N</b>: Next days view| <b>W</b>: What's next view\n ")+ i18n("<p><b>V</b>: Todo view | <b>L</b>: Event list view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Work week view | <b>U</b>: Week view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>D</b>: One day view | <b>M</b>: Month view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>E</b>: Edit selected item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: New Event</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>T</b>: Goto today | <b>T+ctrl</b>: New Todo</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: Add sub-todo | <b>X</b>: Toggle datenavigator</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom in/out agenda | <b>A</b>: Toggle allday agenda height</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>C</b>: Show current time in agenda view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>B</b>: Edit description (details) of selected item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>right</b>: Next week | <b>right+ctrl</b>: Next month</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>left</b>: Prev. week | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Prev. month</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>del,backspace</b>: Delete selected item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In agenda view:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>up/down</b>: Scroll agenda view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Scroll small todo view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In todo view:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>shift+U</b>: <b>U</b>nparent todo (make root todo)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>shift+S</b>: Make <b>S</b>ubtodo (reparent todo)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>shift+P</b>: Make new <b>P</b>arent for todo selected with shift+S</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Q</b>: Toggle quick todo line edit.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>return</b>: Mark item as completed+one step down.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>return+shift</b>: Mark item as not completed+one step down</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In list view:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>return</b>: Select item+one step down</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>return+shift</b>: Deselect item+one step down</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>up/down</b>: Next/prev item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Goto up/down by 20% of items</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>shift+up/down</b>: Goto first/last item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In event/todo viewer:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>I,C</b>: Close dialog.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>A</b>: Show agenda view.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>E</b>: Edit item</p>\n") + i18n("<p><h2>KO/Pi icon colors:</h2></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>(for square icons in agenda and month view)</b></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>Cross</b>: Item cancelled.([c] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Red</b>: Alarm set.([a] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Blue</b>: Recurrent event.([r] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Dark green</b>: Information(description) available.([i] in WN view)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Black</b>: Event/todo with attendees. You are the organizer!</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Dark yellow</b>: Event/todo with attendees.</p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>White</b>: Item readonly</p>\n"); - displayText( text, cap); - + displayText( text, cap); } void MainWindow::aboutAutoSaving() { - QMessageBox* msg; - msg = new QMessageBox( i18n("Auto Saving in KOrganizer/Pi"), - i18n("After changing something, the data is\nautomatically saved to the file\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nafter (configureable) three minutes.\nFor safety reasons there is one autosaving\nafter 10 minutes (of idle time) again. The \ndata is saved automatically when closing KO/Pi\nYou can create a backup file \nwith: File - Save Calendar Backup\n"), QMessageBox::NoIcon, - QMessageBox::Ok, - QMessageBox::NoButton, - QMessageBox::NoButton); - msg->exec(); - delete msg; - + QString text = i18n("After changing something, the data is\nautomatically saved to the file\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nafter (configureable) three minutes.\nFor safety reasons there is one autosaving\nafter 10 minutes (of idle time) again. The \ndata is saved automatically when closing KO/Pi\nYou can create a backup file \nwith: File - Save Calendar Backup\n"); + + KApplication::showText( i18n("Auto Saving in KOrganizer/Pi"), text); } void MainWindow::aboutKnownBugs() { QMessageBox* msg; msg = new QMessageBox( i18n("Known Problems in KOrganizer/Pi"), i18n("1) Importing *.vcs or *.ics files from\nother applications may not work properly,\nif there are events with properties\nKO/Pi does not support.\n")+ i18n("2) Audio alarm daemon\nfor Zaurus is available!\nas an additional small application\n")+ i18n("\nPlease report unexpected behaviour to\nlutz@pi-sync.net\n") + i18n("\nor report them in the bugtracker on\n") + i18n("\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/kdepimpi\n"), QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton); msg->exec(); delete msg; } QString MainWindow::defaultFileName() { return locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/mycalendar.ics" ); } QString MainWindow::syncFileName() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION return locateLocal( "tmp", "synccalendar.ics" ); #else return QString( "/tmp/synccalendar.ics" ); #endif } void MainWindow::processIncidenceSelection( Incidence *incidence ) { if ( !incidence ) { enableIncidenceActions( false ); mNewSubTodoAction->setEnabled( false ); setCaptionToDates(); return; } //KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(nextA, true); QString startString = ""; if ( incidence->type() != "Todo" ) { if ( incidence->dtStart().date() < incidence->dtEnd().date() ) { if ( incidence->doesFloat() ) { startString += ": "+incidence->dtStartDateStr( true ); startString += " --- "+((Event*)incidence)->dtEndDateStr( true ); } else { startString = ": "+incidence->dtStartStr(true); startString += " --- "+((Event*)incidence)->dtEndStr(true); } } else { if ( incidence->dtStart().time() != incidence->dtEnd().time() ) startString = ": "+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(incidence->dtStart().time())+ "-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(incidence->dtEnd().time()); startString +=" "+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( incidence->dtStart().date(), true); } } else startString = i18n(": (Prio ") +QString::number( (( KCal::Todo*)incidence)->priority() ) +") "+QString::number( (( KCal::Todo*)incidence)->percentComplete() ) +i18n("\% completed"); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) startString += " (" +incidence->location()+")"; setCaption( incidence->summary()+startString); enableIncidenceActions( true ); if ( incidence->type() == "Event" ) { mShowAction->setText( i18n("Show Event...") ); mEditAction->setText( i18n("Edit Event...") ); mDeleteAction->setText( i18n("Delete Event...") ); mNewSubTodoAction->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { mShowAction->setText( i18n("Show Todo...") ); mEditAction->setText( i18n("Edit Todo...") ); mDeleteAction->setText( i18n("Delete Todo...") ); mNewSubTodoAction->setEnabled( true ); } else { mShowAction->setText( i18n("Show...") ); mShowAction->setText( i18n("Edit...") ); mShowAction->setText( i18n("Delete...") ); mNewSubTodoAction->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::enableIncidenceActions( bool enabled ) { mShowAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mEditAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mDeleteAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mCloneAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mMoveAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mBeamAction->setEnabled( enabled ); mCancelAction->setEnabled( enabled ); } void MainWindow::importOL() { #ifdef _WIN32_ KOImportOLdialog *id = new KOImportOLdialog("Import from OL - select folder!" , mView->calendar(),this ); id->exec(); delete id; mView->updateView(); #endif } void MainWindow::importBday() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("When importing birthdays twice\nduplicated events will be ignored,\nif the event has not been\nchanged in KO/Pi!\n"), i18n("Import!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result == 0 ) { mView->importBday(); } } void MainWindow::importQtopia() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("When importing a calendar twice\nduplicated events will be ignored!\nYou can create a backup file with\nFile - Save Calendar Backup\nto revert importing"), i18n("Import!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result == 0 ) { QString datebook = Global::applicationFileName( "datebook", "datebook.xml"); QString todolist = Global::applicationFileName( "todolist", "todolist.xml"); QString categories = QString( getenv( "HOME" ) ) + "/Settings/Categories.xml"; mView->importQtopia( categories, datebook, todolist ); } #else int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Not supported \non desktop!\n"), i18n("Ok"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); #endif } void MainWindow::saveOnClose() { KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); p->mToolBarHor = ( iconToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ); p->mToolBarUp = iconToolBar->x() > width()/2 || iconToolBar->y() > height()/2; mView->writeSettings(); if ( mCalendarModifiedFlag || mView->checkFileChanged( defaultFileName())) save(); } void MainWindow::slotModifiedChanged( bool changed ) { if ( mBlockAtStartup ) return; int msec; // we store the changes after 1 minute, // and for safety reasons after 10 minutes again if ( !mSyncManager->blockSave() ) msec = (1000 * 60*KOPrefs::instance()->mAutoSaveInterval) +1000; else msec = 1000 * 600; mSaveTimer.start( msec, true ); // 1 minute qDebug("KO: Saving File in %d secs!", msec/1000); mCalendarModifiedFlag = true; } void MainWindow::save() { if ( mSyncManager->blockSave() ) return; mSyncManager->setBlockSave(true); if ( mView->checkFileVersion( defaultFileName()) ) { QTime neededSaveTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); setCaption(i18n("KO/Pi:Saving Data to File ..." )); qDebug("KO: Start saving data to file!"); mView->saveCalendar( defaultFileName() ); int msNeeded = neededSaveTime.msecsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime().time() ); qDebug("KO: Needed %d ms for saving.",msNeeded ); QString savemes; savemes.sprintf(i18n("KO/Pi:File Saved. Needed %d sec, %d ms"),(msNeeded/1000)%100,msNeeded%1000 ); setCaption(savemes); } else setCaption(i18n("Saving cancelled!")); mCalendarModifiedFlag = false; mSyncManager->setBlockSave( false ); } void MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * e) { if ( !e->isAutoRepeat() ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; } } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { qApp->processEvents(); if ( e->isAutoRepeat() && !mFlagKeyPressed ) { e->ignore(); // qDebug(" ignore %d",e->isAutoRepeat() ); return; } if (! e->isAutoRepeat() ) mFlagKeyPressed = true; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool showSelectedDates = false; int size; int pro = 0; //qDebug("MainWindow::keyPressEvent "); switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Right: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) mView->goNextMonth(); else mView->goNext(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Left: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->goPreviousMonth(); else mView->goPrevious(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Down: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->scrollOneHourDown(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->scrollOneHourUp(); break; case Qt::Key_I: mView->showIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_Delete: case Qt::Key_Backspace: mView->deleteIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_D: mView->viewManager()->showDayView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_O: mView->toggleFilerEnabled( ); break; case Qt::Key_0: case Qt::Key_1: case Qt::Key_2: case Qt::Key_3: case Qt::Key_4: case Qt::Key_5: case Qt::Key_6: case Qt::Key_7: case Qt::Key_8: case Qt::Key_9: pro = e->key()-48; if ( pro == 0 ) pro = 10; if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton) pro += 10; break; case Qt::Key_M: mView->viewManager()->showMonthView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_Insert: mView->newEvent(); break; case Qt::Key_S : if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) mView->newSubTodo(); else mView->dialogManager()->showSearchDialog(); break; case Qt::Key_Y : case Qt::Key_Z : mView->viewManager()->showWorkWeekView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_U : mView->viewManager()->showWeekView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_H : keyBindings(); break; case Qt::Key_W: mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); break; case Qt::Key_L: mView->viewManager()->showListView(); break; case Qt::Key_N: mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); showSelectedDates = true; break; case Qt::Key_V: mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); break; case Qt::Key_C: mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() ); break; case Qt::Key_P: mView->showDatePicker( ); break; case Qt::Key_F: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->editFilters(); else mView->toggleFilter(); break; case Qt::Key_X: mView->toggleDateNavigatorWidget(); break; case Qt::Key_Space: mView->toggleExpand(); break; case Qt::Key_A: mView->toggleAllDaySize(); break; case Qt::Key_T: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->newTodo(); else { mView->goToday(); showSelectedDates = true; } break; case Qt::Key_J: mView->viewManager()->showJournalView(); break; case Qt::Key_B: mView->editIncidenceDescription();; break; // case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_E: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) mView->newEvent(); else mView->editIncidence(); break; case Qt::Key_Plus: size = p->mHourSize +2; if ( size <= 18 ) configureAgenda( size ); break; case Qt::Key_Minus: size = p->mHourSize - 2; if ( size >= 4 ) configureAgenda( size ); break; default: e->ignore(); } if ( pro > 0 ) { mView->selectFilter( pro-1 ); } if ( showSelectedDates ) { ;// setCaptionToDates(); } } void MainWindow::fillFilterMenu() { selectFilterMenu->clear(); bool disable = false; if ( mView->filterView()->filtersEnabled() ) { selectFilterMenu->insertItem(i18n ( "Turn filter off" ), 0 ); } else { selectFilterMenu->insertItem(i18n ( "Turn filter on" ), 0 ); disable = true; } selectFilterMenu->insertSeparator(); QPtrList<CalFilter> fili = mView->filters(); CalFilter *curfilter = mView->filterView()->selectedFilter(); CalFilter *filter = fili.first(); int iii = 1; while(filter) { selectFilterMenu->insertItem( filter->name(), iii ); if ( filter == curfilter) selectFilterMenu->setItemChecked( iii, true ); if ( disable ) selectFilterMenu->setItemEnabled( iii, false ); filter = fili.next(); ++iii; } } void MainWindow::selectFilter( int fil ) { if ( fil == 0 ) { mView->toggleFilerEnabled( ); } else { mView->selectFilter( fil-1 ); } } void MainWindow::configureToolBar( int item ) { configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( item, !configureToolBarMenu-> isItemChecked ( item ) ); KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); p-> mShowIconStretch= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 5 ); p-> mShowIconNewEvent= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 10 ); p->mShowIconNewTodo = configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 20 ); p-> mShowIconSearch= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 120 ); p-> mShowIconList= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 30 ); p-> mShowIconDay1= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 40 ); p-> mShowIconDay5= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 50 ); p-> mShowIconDay7= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 60 ); p-> mShowIconMonth= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 70 ); p-> mShowIconTodoview= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 80 ); p-> mShowIconBackFast= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 200 ); p-> mShowIconBack = configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 210 ); p-> mShowIconToday= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 130 ); p-> mShowIconForward= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 220 ); p-> mShowIconForwardFast= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 230 ); p-> mShowIconNextDays= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 100 ); p-> mShowIconNext= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 110 ); p-> mShowIconJournal= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 90 ); p-> mShowIconWhatsThis= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 300 ); // initActions(); } void MainWindow::setCaptionToDates() { QString selDates; selDates = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mView->startDate(), true); if (mView->startDate() < mView->endDate() ) selDates += " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mView->endDate(), true); setCaption( i18n("Dates: ") + selDates ); } // parameter item == 0: reinit void MainWindow::configureAgenda( int item ) { KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); int i; - if ( item == 1 ) { - mView->toggleAllDaySize(); - return; - } // do not allow 4 for widgets higher than 480 // if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() > 480 ) { // if ( item == 4 ) // item = 6; // } for ( i = 4; i <= 18; i= i+2 ) configureAgendaMenu->setItemChecked( i, false ); configureAgendaMenu->setItemChecked( item, true ); if ( p->mHourSize == item ) return; p->mHourSize=item; mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->updateConfig(); } void MainWindow::saveCalendar() { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save backup filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("Backup file\nalready exists!\nOld backup file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false )) ; int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { mView->saveCalendar( fn ); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; setCaption(mes); } } void MainWindow::loadCalendar() { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastLoadFile; fn = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Load backup filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mess; bool loadbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mess = i18n("Backup file from:\n%1\nLoading backup\nfile will delete\nyour current Data!\n").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false )); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, "KO/Pi: Warning!", mess, i18n("Load!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { loadbup = false; } } else { QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Backup file\ndoes not exist!\nNothing loaded!"), 0, 0, 0, 1 ); return; } if ( loadbup ) { mView->openCalendar( fn ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastLoadFile = fn; mess = i18n("KO/Pi:Loaded %1").arg(fn) ; setCaption(mess); } } void MainWindow::quickImportIcal() { importFile( KOPrefs::instance()->mLastImportFile, false ); } void MainWindow::importFile( QString fn, bool quick ) { QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mess; bool loadbup = true; if ( !info. exists() ) { mess = i18n("Import file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing imported!\n").arg(fn.right( 30)); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), mess ); return; } int result = 0; if ( !quick ) { mess = i18n( "Import file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\nDuplicated entries\nwill not be imported!\n").arg(fn.right( 25)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false )); result = QMessageBox::warning( this, "KO/Pi: Warning!", mess, "Import", "Cancel", 0, 0, 1 ); } if ( result == 0 ) { if ( mView->openCalendar( fn, true )) { KOPrefs::instance()->mLastImportFile = fn; setCaption(i18n("Imported file successfully")); } else { setCaption(i18n("Error importing file")); } } } void MainWindow::importIcal() { QString fn =KOPrefs::instance()->mLastImportFile; fn =KFileDialog:: getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Import filename(*.ics/*.vcs)"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; importFile( fn, true ); } void MainWindow::exportVCalendar() { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastVcalFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Export vcal filename(*.vcs)"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("Save file\nalready exists!\nOld save file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { if ( mView->exportVCalendar( fn ) ) { KOPrefs::instance()->mLastVcalFile = fn; if ( fn.length() > 20 ) mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Exported to ...%1").arg(fn.right(20)) ; else mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Exported to %1").arg(fn ); setCaption(mes); } } } void MainWindow::syncFileRequest() { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mPassiveSyncWithDesktop ) { mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 999 ); } save(); } void MainWindow::getFile( bool success ) { if ( ! success ) { setCaption( i18n("Error receiving file. Nothing changed!") ); return; } mView->openCalendar( defaultFileName() ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mPassiveSyncWithDesktop ) { mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 999 ); } setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") ); } void MainWindow::printSel( ) { mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->agenda()->printSelection(); } void MainWindow::printCal() { mView->print();//mCp->showDialog(); } diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.h b/korganizer/mainwindow.h index ed65d36..96e627e 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.h +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.h @@ -1,140 +1,139 @@ #ifndef KORGE_MAINWINDOW_H #define KORGE_MAINWINDOW_H #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <libkcal/incidence.h> #include "simplealarmclient.h" #include <ksyncmanager.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qcopchannel_qws.h> #endif class QAction; class CalendarView; class KSyncProfile; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #define QPEToolBar QToolBar #define QPEMenuBar QMenuBar #endif class QPEToolBar; namespace KCal { class CalendarLocal; } using namespace KCal; class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, QString command = ""); ~MainWindow(); bool beamReceiveEnabled(); public slots: virtual void showMaximized (); void configureAgenda( int ); void recieve( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); static QString defaultFileName(); static QString syncFileName(); static QString resourcePath(); protected slots: void setCaptionToDates(); void about(); void licence(); void faq(); void usertrans(); void features(); void synchowto(); void kdesynchowto(); void multisynchowto(); void whatsNew(); void keyBindings(); void aboutAutoSaving();; void aboutKnownBugs(); void processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * ); void importQtopia(); void importBday(); void importOL(); void importIcal(); void importFile( QString, bool ); void quickImportIcal(); void slotModifiedChanged( bool ); void save(); void configureToolBar( int ); void printSel(); void printCal(); void saveCalendar(); void loadCalendar(); void exportVCalendar(); void fillFilterMenu(); void selectFilter( int ); void exportToPhone( int ); void toggleBeamReceive(); void disableBR(bool); protected: void displayText( QString, QString); - void displayFile( QString, QString); void enableIncidenceActions( bool ); private slots: QSocket* piSocket; QString piFileString; QTime piTime; void getFile( bool ); void syncFileRequest(); private: bool mBRdisabled; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QCopChannel* infrared; #endif QAction* brAction; KSyncManager* mSyncManager; bool mClosed; void saveOnClose(); bool mFlagKeyPressed; bool mBlockAtStartup; QPEToolBar *iconToolBar; void initActions(); void setDefaultPreferences(); void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; QPopupMenu *configureToolBarMenu; QPopupMenu *selectFilterMenu; QPopupMenu *configureAgendaMenu, *syncMenu; CalendarLocal *mCalendar; CalendarView *mView; QAction *mNewSubTodoAction; QAction *mShowAction; QAction *mEditAction; QAction *mDeleteAction; QAction *mCloneAction; QAction *mMoveAction; QAction *mBeamAction; QAction *mCancelAction; void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ce ); SimpleAlarmClient mAlarmClient; QTimer mSaveTimer; //bool mBlockSaveFlag; bool mCalendarModifiedFlag; QPixmap loadPixmap( QString ); }; #endif diff --git a/microkde/kapplication.cpp b/microkde/kapplication.cpp index d6f556d..21aa0a4 100644 --- a/microkde/kapplication.cpp +++ b/microkde/kapplication.cpp @@ -1,108 +1,110 @@ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "kapplication.h" +#include "ktextedit.h" #include <qapplication.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtextbrowser.h> int KApplication::random() { return rand(); } //US QString KApplication::randomString(int length) { if (length <=0 ) return QString::null; QString str; while (length--) { int r=random() % 62; r+=48; if (r>57) r+=7; if (r>90) r+=6; str += char(r); // so what if I work backwards? } return str; } int KApplication::execDialog( QDialog* d ) { if (QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) d->showMaximized(); else ;//d->resize( 800, 600 ); return d->exec(); } void KApplication::showLicence() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi licence", "kdepim/licence.txt" ); } void KApplication::showFile(QString caption, QString fn) { QString text; QString fileName; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION fileName = getenv("QPEDIR"); fileName += "/pics/" + fn ; #else fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/" + fn; #endif QFile file( fileName ); if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { return ; } QTextStream ts( &file ); text = ts.read(); file.close(); KApplication::showText( caption, text ); } bool KApplication::convert2latin1(QString fileName) { QString text; QFile file( fileName ); if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { return false; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); text = ts.read(); file.close(); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { return false; } QTextStream tsIn( &file ); tsIn.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 ); tsIn << text.latin1(); file.close(); } void KApplication::showText(QString caption, QString text) { QDialog dia( 0, "name", true ); ; dia.setCaption( caption ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( &dia ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); - QTextBrowser tb ( &dia ); + KTextEdit tb ( &dia ); + tb.setWordWrap( QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth ); lay->addWidget( &tb ); tb.setText( text ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION dia.resize( 640, 480); #else dia.showMaximized(); #endif dia.exec(); } |