-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp | 14 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koprefsdialog.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp | 41 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.h | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kprefsdialog.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kprefsdialog.h | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | microkde/kglobalsettings.cpp | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | microkde/kglobalsettings.h | 1 |
15 files changed, 88 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt index 0884a83..85aed43 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt @@ -1,764 +1,764 @@ { "file","Datei" },
{ "Choose one file","Wähle eine Datei" },
{ "dir","Verzeichnis" },
{ "Choose a directory with may files","Wähle Verzeichnis" },
{ "ldap","ldap" },
{ "No description available","Keine Beschreibung verfügbar" },
{ "Library files for "%1" not found in paths","Bibliothek für "%1" nicht gefunden" },
{ "qtopia","qtopia" },
{ "Qtopia PIM Addressbook.","Qtopia PIM Adressbuch." },
{ "vCard","vCard" },
{ "vCard Format","vCard Format" },
{ "microkabcformat_binary","microkabcformat_binary" },
{ "Binary","Binary" },
{ "No description available.","Keine Beschreibung verfügbar." },
{ "Department","Abteilung" },
{ "Profession","Beruf" },
{ "Assistant's Name","Name d.Assistenten" },
{ "Manager's Name","Name d.Manager's" },
{ "Spouse's Name","Name d.Ehegatten" },
{ "Office","Büro" },
{ "IM Address","IM Adresse" },
{ "Anniversary","Jahrestag" },
{ "Gender","Geschlecht" },
{ "Children","Kinder" },
{ "FreeBusyUrl","FreeBusyUrl" },
{ "ExternalID","ExternalID" },
{ "Resource loaded: '%1'","Resource geladen: '%1'" },
{ "Select View","Ansicht wählen" },
{ "Modify View...","Ansicht ändern..." },
{ "Add View...","Ansicht hinzufügen..." },
{ "Delete View","Ansicht löschen" },
{ "Refresh View","Ansicht aktualisieren" },
{ "Edit &Filters...","Bearbeite &Filter..." },
{ "Select Filter","Filter wählen" },
{ "Style:","Stil:" },
{ "HTML table style.","HTML tabellen stil." },
{ "Default Table View","Standard Tabellen Ansicht" },
{ "Show Extension Bar","Zeige Extension Bar" },
{ "None","Kein" },
{ "Name...","Name..." },
{ "Role:","Funktion:" },
{ "Organization:","Firma:" },
{ "Formatted name:","Formatt. Name:" },
{ "Edit Phone Numbers...","Bearbeite Telefonnummern..." },
{ "Categories","Kategorien" },
{ "Public","Öffentlich" },
{ "Private","Privat" },
{ "Confidential","Vertraulich" },
{ "&General","Allgemein" },
{ "&Edit Addresses...","B&earbeite Adressen..." },
{ "Edit Email Addresses...","Bearbeite E-Mail Adressen..." },
{ "Email:","Email:" },
{ "URL:","URL:" },
{ "&IM address:","&IM address:" },
{ "&Address","&Adresse" },
{ "Department:","Abteilung:" },
{ "Office:","Büro:" },
{ "Profession:","Beruf:" },
{ "Manager's name:","N.d.Manager's:" },
{ "Assistant's name:","N.d.Assistenten:" },
{ "Nick name:","Spitzname:" },
{ "Spouse's name:","N.d.Ehegatten:" },
{ "Children's names:","N.d.Kinder:" },
{ "Birthday:","Geburtstag:" },
{ " Local Time","Ortszeit" },
{ "Mon","Mo" },
{ "Tue","Di" },
{ "Wed","Mi" },
{ "Thu","Do" },
{ "Fri","Fr" },
{ "Sat","Sa" },
{ "Sun","So" },
{ "January","Januar" },
{ "February","Februar" },
{ "March","März" },
{ "April","April" },
{ "May","Mai" },
{ "June","Juni" },
{ "July","July" },
{ "August","August" },
{ "September","September" },
{ "October","October" },
{ "November","November" },
{ "December","Dezember" },
{ "tomorrow","Morgen" },
{ "today","Heute" },
{ "yesterday","Gestern" },
{ "Monday","Montag" },
{ "Tuesday","Dienstag" },
{ "Wednesday","Mittwoch" },
{ "Thursday","Donnerstag" },
{ "Friday","Freitag" },
{ "Saturday","Samstag" },
{ "Sunday","Sonntag" },
{ "Anniversary:","Jahrestag:" },
{ "Gender:","Geschlecht:" },
{ "ALIEN (gender undefined)","ALIEN (Geschlecht unbekannt)" },
{ "female","weiblich" },
{ "male","männlich" },
{ "&Details","&Details" },
{ "Note:","Notiz:" },
{ "&Notes","&Notizen" },
{ "Use geo data","Benutze geo Daten" },
{ "Latitude:","Breitengrad:" },
{ "Longitude:","Längengrad:" },
{ "Edit Geo Data...","Edit geo Daten..." },
{ "Keys:","Schlüssel:" },
{ "Add","Hinzu" },
{ "Remove","Entf." },
{ "Export","Exportiere" },
{ "&Misc","Verschiedenes" },
{ "Photo","Foto" },
{ "Store as URL","Speichere als URL" },
{ "Logo","Logo" },
{ "&Images","B&ilder" },
{ "Home","Privat" },
{ "Work","Geschäft" },
{ "Mobile","Handy" },
{ "Fax","Fax" },
{ "Contact Editor","Bearbeite Kontakt" },
{ "&Mail...","&Mail..." },
{ "&Print...","Drucken..." },
{ "&Save","&Speichern" },
{ "&New Contact...","&Neuer Kontakt..." },
{ "Mail &vCard...","Mail &vCard..." },
{ "Selected to phone","Auswahl zum Telefon" },
{ "Beam selected v&Card(s)","Beame ausgewählte v&Card(s)" },
{ "&Beam personal vCard","Beame persönliche vCard" },
{ "&Edit Contact...","Bearbeite Kontakt..." },
{ "&Exit","B&eenden" },
{ "&Copy","Kopieren" },
{ "Cu&t","Ausschneiden" },
{ "&Paste","Einfügen" },
{ "Select &All","Alles auswählen" },
{ "&Undo","Rückgängig machen" },
{ "Re&do","Wiederherstellen" },
{ "&Delete Contact","Lösche Kontakt" },
{ "Configure &Resources...","Konfiguriere &Resourcen..." },
{ "&Configure %1...","Konfiguriere %1..." },
{ "Configure S&hortcuts...","Konfiguriere S&hortcuts..." },
{ "Show Jump Bar","Zeige Jump Bar" },
{ "Show Details","Zeige Details" },
{ "Beam receive enabled","Beam (IR) Empfang AN" },
{ "Set Who Am I","Setze "wer bin ich"" },
{ "Set Categories for Contacts...","Setze Kategorien für Kontakte..." },
{ "Edit Category List...","Editiere Kategorieliste..." },
{ "Remove "voice"...","Entferne "voice"..." },
{ "Import from Outlook...","Importiere aus Outlook..." },
{ "Licence","Lizenz" },
{ "Faq","Fragen + Antworten" },
{ "What's New?","Was ist neu?" },
{ "Sync HowTo","Sync Anleitung" },
{ "&About KAddressBook","Über KAdressBuch" },
{ "Select Incremental Search Field","Selektiere Such Feld" },
{ "Synchronize","Synchronisieren" },
{ "Configure...","Konfigurieren..." },
{ "Enable Pi-Sync","Aktiviere Pi-Sync" },
{ "Multiple sync","Multi Sync" },
{ "Import CSV List...","Importiere CSV-Datei..." },
{ "Export CSV List...","Exportiere CSV-Datei..." },
{ "Import KDE 2 Addressbook...","Importiere KDE 2 Adressbuch..." },
{ "Import vCard...","Importiere vCard..." },
{ "Export vCard 3.0...","Exportiere vCard 3.0..." },
{ "Import Qtopia...","Importiere Qtopia..." },
{ "Export Qtopia...","Exportiere Qtopia..." },
{ "Edit Contact","Bearbeite Kontakt" },
{ "Ok","Ok" },
{ "Apply","Anwenden" },
{ "Cancel","Abbrechen" },
{ "KAddressbook/Pi","KAdressbuch/Pi" },
{ "No Filter","Kein Filter" },
{ "Given Name","Vorname" },
{ "Family Name","Nachname" },
{ "Email Address","E-Mail Adresse" },
{ "All Fields","Alle Felder" },
{ "Question","Frage" },
{ "After importing, phone numbers\nmay have two or more types.\n(E.g. work+voice)\nThese numbers are shown as "other".\nClick Yes to remove the voice type\nfrom numbers with more than one type.\n\nRemove voice type?","After importing, phone numbers\nmay have two or more types.\n(E.g. work+voice)\nThese numbers are shown as "other".\nClick Yes to remove the voice type\nfrom numbers with more than one type.\n\nRemove voice type?" },
{ "No","Nein" },
{ "Yes","Ja" },
{ "Synchronization Preferences","Einstellungen der Synchronisationsprofile" },
{ "Local device name:","Name dieses Gerätes:" },
{ "New profile","Neues Profil" },
{ "Clone profile","Klone Profil" },
{ "Delete profile","Lösche Profil" },
{ "Profile:","Profil:" },
{ "Ask for every entry on conflict","Frage bei Konflikten nach"},
{ "Take local entry on conflict","Nimm lokalen Eintrag beim Konflikt" },
{ "Take newest entry on conflict","Nimm neuesten Eintrag beim Konflikt" },
{ "Take remote entry on conflict","Nimm fernen Eintrag beim Konflikt" }
{ "Force: Take local entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer lokalen Eintrag" },
{ "Force: Take remote entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer fernen Eintrag" },
{ "Show summary after sync","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach dem Synchronisieren" },
{ "Write back file","Schreibe Datei zurück" },
{ "Remote file (w down/upload command)","Entfernte Datei (via down/upload Kommando)" },
{ "Pre sync (download) command:","Bevor Sync (download) Kommando:" },
{ "Local device name:","Name dieses Gerätes:" },
{ "Ask for preferences before sync","Frage nach Synchronisationseinstellungen vor dem Syncen" },
{ "Sync preferences","Synchronisations Einstellungen" },
{ "Profile kind","Profil Art" },
{ "Local file","Lokale Datei" },
{ "Local file:","Lokale Datei:" },
{ "Post sync (upload) command:","Nach Sync (upload) Kommando:" },
{ "Fill in default values for:","Setze Beispiel Werte ein für:" },
{ "Hint: Use $PWD$ for placeholder of password!","Hinweis: Benutze $PWD$ als Platzhalter für ein Passwort!" },
{ "Synchronization Preferences","Einstellungen der Synchronisationsprofile"},
{ "Device","Gerät:" },
{ "Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n","Sync mit Datei \n...%1\nvom:\n%2\n" },
{ "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n","Synchronisationsübersicht:\n\n %d items lokal hinzugefügt\n %d items entfernt hinzugefügt\n %d items lokal geändert\n %d items entfernt geändert\n %d items lokal gelöscht\n %d items entfernt gelöscht\n" },
{ "Synchronization successful","Synchronisation erfolgreich" },
{ "Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.","Sync abgebrochen oder fehlgeschlagen. Nichts wurde gesynced." },
{ "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n","Sync Datei \n...%1\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts wurde gesynced!\n" },
{ "Sync filename(*.ics/*.vcs)","Sync Dateiname(*.ics/*.vcs)" },
{ "Enter password","Passwort eingeben" },
{ "Do you really want\nto remote sync\nwith profile \n","Wollen Sie wirklich\nmit dem entfernten\nProfil syncen: \n" },
{ "Copy remote file to local machine...","Kopiere entfernte Datei auf lokalen Rechner..." },
{ "Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n%1\n \nTry command on console to get more\ndetailed info about the reason.\n","Sorry, das Kopierkommando schlug fehl!\nKommando war:\n%1\n \nVersuche Kommando von Kosole um\nDetails für das Fehlschlagen\nzu erfahren.\n" },
{ "Writing back file result: ","Resultat des Dateizurückschreibens: " },
{ "Syncronization sucessfully completed","Synchronisation erfolgreich abgeschlossen" },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" },
{ "Include in multiple ","Beziehe in mehrfach " },
{ "calendar ","Kalender " },
{ "addressbook ","Adressbuch " },
{ "pwmanager","PWmanager" },
{ " sync"," Sync ein" },
{ "Write back synced data","Schreibe gesyncte Daten zurück" },
{ "-- Write back (on remote) existing entries only","-- Schreibe nur existierende (entfernte) Einträge zurück" },
{ "-- Write back (calendar) entries in future only","-- Schreibe nur zukünftige Kalender-Einträge zurück" },
{ "---- Max. weeks in future: ","---- Max. wochen in der Zukunft: " },
{ "Pi-Sync ( direct Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi sync )","Pi-Sync ( direktes Kx/Pi zu Kx/Pi sync )" },
{ "Mobile device (cell phone)","Mobiles Gerät (Handy)" },
{ "Help...","Hilfe..." },
{ "Local file Cal:","Lokale Datei Kal:" },
{ "Local file ABook:","Lokale Datei ABuch:" },
{ "Local file PWMgr:","Lokale Datei PWMgr:" },
{ "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei (*.vcf) wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "Calendar:","Kalender:" },
{ "AddressBook:","AdressBuch:" },
{ "PWManager:","PWManager:" },
{ "Addressbook file is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "ssh/scp","ssh/scp" },
{ "ftp","ftp" },
{ "Password for remote access: (could be the same for each)","Passwort für entfernten Zugriff: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote IP address: (could be the same for each)","Entfernte IP Adresse: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote port number: (should be different for each)","Entfernte Port Nummer: (Sollte für alle unterschiedlich sein)" },
{ "command for downloading remote file to local device","Kommando zum Download der entfernten Datei zum lokalen Gerät" },
{ "command for uploading local temp file to remote device","Kommando zum Upload der lokalen temp. Datei zum entfernten Gerät" },
{ "Insert device where\nphone is connected. E.g.:\n","Füge Device ein, an dem\ndas Handy angeschlossen ist. Z.B.:\n" },
{ "KDE-Pim sync config","KDE-Pim sync Konfig" },
{ "Insert kind of connection,e.g.:\n","Füge Art der Verbindung ein,z.B.:\n" },
{ "Recommended: Leave empty!\n(Such that model can\nbe auto detected)\nOr insert name of model:\n","Empfohlen: Leer lassen!\n(So dass das Model\nautomatisch erkannt\nwerden kann)\nOder füge Model Name ein:\n" },
{ "Port number (Default: %1)","Port Nummer (Default: %1)" },
{ "Password to enable\naccess from remote:","Passwort um entfernten\nZugriff zuzulassen:" },
{ "Automatically start\nat application startup","Starte automatisch\nbeim Programmstart" },
{ "Automatically sync\nwith KDE-Desktop","Automatischer Sync\nmit dem KDE-Desktop" },
{ "Enter port for Pi-Sync","Port Nummer für Pi-Sync" },
{ "Disable Pi-Sync","Schalte Pi-Sync aus" },
{ "Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!","Wollen Sie wirklich\nmit allen selektierten\nProfilen \"Multi-Syncen\"?\nDas Syncen dauert einige Zeit -\nalle Profile werden zweimal gesynct!" },
{ "KDE-Pim Sync","KDE-Pim Sync" },
{ "Multiple profiles","Multi-Sync Profile" },
{ "Device: ","Gerät: " },
{ "Multiple sync started.","Multi-Sync gestartet." },
{ "Nothing synced! No profiles defined for multisync!","Nichts gesynct! Keine Profile\nselektiert für Multi-Sync" },
{ "KDE-Pim sync config","KDE-Pim Sync Konfig" },
{ "Insert kind of connection,e.g.:\n","Füge Art der Verbindung ein, z.B.:\n" },
{ "Recommended: Leave empty!\n(Such that model can\nbe auto detected)\nOr insert name of model:\n","Empfohlen: Leer lassen!\n(So dass das Modell\nautomatisch\erkannt\nwerden kann)\nOder füge Model Name ein:\n" },
{ "KO/Pi config error","KO/Pi Konfig. Fehler" },
{ "Local device name undefined!\nPlease define device name!","Name dieses Gerätes undefiniert!\nBitte Namen angeben!" },
{ "Edit Address Book Filters","Editiere Addressbuch Filter" },
{ "&Add...","Hinzufügen..." },
{ "&Edit...","B&earbeiten..." },
{ "&Remove","Entfe&rne" },
{ "Modify View: ","Ansicht ändern: " },
{ "Fields","Felder" },
{ "Select Fields to Display","Wähle anzuzeigende Felder" },
{ "All","Alles" },
{ "Frequent","Frequent" },
{ "Address","Adresse" },
{ "Email","E-Mail" },
{ "Personal","Persönl." },
{ "Organization","Organisation" },
{ "Custom","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "&Selected\nfields:","&Selektierte\nFelder:" },
{ "Formatted Name","Format. Name" },
{ "Additional Names","Mittelname" },
{ "Honorific Prefixes","Namen Prefix" },
{ "Honorific Suffixes","Namen Suffix" },
{ "Nick Name","Sptitzname" },
{ "Birthday","Geburtstag" },
{ "Home Address Street","Privat Adresse Strasse" },
{ "Home Address Locality","Privat Adresse Stadt" },
{ "Home Address Region","Privat Adresse Bundesland" },
{ "Home Address Postal Code","Privat Adresse PLZ" },
{ "Home Address Country","Privat Adresse Land" },
{ "Home Address Label","Privat Adresse Label" },
{ "Business Address Street","Büro Adresse Strasse" },
{ "Business Address Locality","Büro Adresse Stadt" },
{ "Business Address Region","Büro Adresse Bundesland" },
{ "Business Address Postal Code","Büro Adresse PLZ" },
{ "Business Address Country","Büro Adresse Land" },
{ "Business Address Label","Büro Adresse Label" },
{ "Home Phone","Privat Telefon" },
{ "Business Phone","Büro Telefon" },
{ "Mobile Phone","Handy" },
{ "Home Fax","Privat Fax" },
{ "Business Fax","Büro Fax" },
{ "Car Phone","Autotelefon" },
{ "ISDN","ISDN" },
{ "Pager","Pager" },
{ "Mail Client","Mail Client" },
{ "Title","Titel" },
{ "Role","Rolle" },
{ "Note","Notiz" },
{ "URL","URL" },
{ "Resource","Resource" },
{ "SIP","SIP" },
{ "Default Filter","Default Filter" },
{ "The default filter will be activated whenever this view is displayed. This feature allows you to configure views that only interact with certain types of information based on the filter. Once the view is activated, the filter can be changed at anytime.","#The default filter will be activated whenever this view is displayed. This feature allows you to configure views that only interact with certain types of information based on the filter. Once the view is activated, the filter can be changed at anytime." },
{ "No default filter","Kein default Filter" },
{ "Use last active filter","Nutze letzen aktiven Filter" },
{ "Use filter:","Nutze Filter:" },
{ "Look & Feel","Look & Feel" },
{ "Row Separator","Reihen Separator" },
{ "Alternating backgrounds","Abwechselnder Hintergrund" },
{ "Single line","Einzelne Zeile" },
{ "Enable background image:","Hintergrundbild:" },
{ "Enable contact tooltips","Contact Tooltips" },
{ "&Enable custom Colors","Benutzerdef. Farben" },
{ "&Colors","Farben" },
{ "If custom colors are enabled, you may choose the colors for the view below. Otherwise colors from your current KDE color scheme are used.","#If custom colors are enabled, you may choose the colors for the view below. Otherwise colors from your current KDE color scheme are used." },
{ "Double click or press RETURN on a item to select a color for the related strings in the view.","#Double click or press RETURN on a item to select a color for the related strings in the view." },
{ "&Enable custom fonts","B&enutzerdefinierte Schriften" },
{ "&Text font:","Textschriftart:" },
{ "&Header font:","Titelschriftart:" },
{ "If custom fonts are enabled, you may choose which fonts to use for this view below. Otherwise the default KDE font will be used, in bold style for the header and normal style for the data.","#If custom fonts are enabled, you may choose which fonts to use for this view below. Otherwise the default KDE font will be used, in bold style for the header and normal style for the data." },
{ "&Fonts","Schri&ften" },
{ "Background Color","Hintergrundfarbe" },
{ "Text Color","Textfarbe" },
{ "Header Background Color","Titel Hintergrundfarbe" },
{ "Header Text Color","Titel Farbe" },
{ "Highlight Color","Auswahlfarbe" },
{ "Highlighted Text Color","Auswahltextfarbe" },
{ "Alternating Background Color","Abwechselnder Hintergrundfarbe" },
{ "Postal","Post" },
{ "Dr.","Dr." },
{ "Miss","Frl." },
{ "Mr.","Herr" },
{ "Mrs.","Frau" },
{ "Ms.","Fr." },
{ "Prof.","Prof." },
{ "I","I" },
{ "II","II" },
{ "III","III" },
{ "Jr.","Jr." },
{ "Sr.","Sr." },
{ "Name:","Name:" },
{ "Documents","Dokumente" },
{ "Files","Dateien" },
{ "All Files","Alle Dateien" },
{ "Name","Name" },
{ "Size","Größe" },
{ "Date","Datum" },
{ "Mime Type","Mime Typ" },
{ "Geo Data Input","Geo Dateneingabe" },
{ "Sexagesimal","Sexagesimal" },
{ "North","Nord" },
{ "South","Süd" },
{ "East","Ost" },
{ "West","West" },
{ "Undefined","Unbestimmt" },
{ "Edit Address","Bearbeite Adresse" },
{ "Street:","Strasse:" },
{ "Post office box:","Postfach:" },
{ "Locality:","Stadt:" },
{ "Region:","Region:" },
{ "Postal code:","PLZ:" },
{ "Country:","Staat:" },
{ "This is the preferred address","Dies ist die bevorzugte Adresse" },
{ "New...","Neu..." },
{ "Change Type","Ändere Art" },
{ "Edit Address Type","Ändere Address Art" },
{ "Address Types","Address Art" },
{ "Domestic","Inland" },
{ "International","International" },
{ "Parcel","Paket" },
{ "Edit Contact Name","Ändere Kontakt Name" },
{ "Honorific prefixes:","Namensprefixes:" },
{ "Given name:","Vorname:" },
{ "Additional names:","Mittelnamen:" },
{ "Family names:","Nachname:" },
{ "Honorific suffixes:","Namenssuffixe:" },
{ "Parse name automatically","Setze Namen automatisch" },
{ "Edit Phone Numbers","Bearbeite Telefonnummern" },
{ "Number","Nummer" },
{ "Type","Typ" },
{ "Edit Phone Number","Bearbeite Telefonnummer" },
{ "Number:","Nummer:" },
{ "This is the preferred phone number","Dies ist die bevorzugte Telefonnummer" },
{ "Types","Typen" },
{ "Messenger","Messenger" },
{ "Other","Anderes" },
{ "Video","Video" },
{ "Mailbox","Mailbox" },
{ "Modem","Modem" },
{ "Car","Auto" },
{ "PCS","PCS" },
{ "Category","Kategorie" },
{ "Select Categories","Wähle Kategorien" },
{ " &Deselect All "," &Deselektiere alle " },
{ " &Edit Categories "," B&earbeite Kategorien " },
{ "&OK","&OK" },
{ "&Cancel","Abbre&chen" },
{ "Configure","Konfiguriere" },
{ "Default","Voreinstellungen" },
{ "Addressbook","Adressbuch" },
{ "Details view font","Schriftart Detailansicht" },
{ "phone:123","phone:123" },
{ "Search only after <return> key pressed","Suche nur nach <return> Taste" },
{ "Honor KDE single click","Benutze KDE Einzelklick" },
{ "Automatic name parsing for new addressees","Automa. Name Parsen für neue Einträge" },
{ "Display List and Details at once (restart)","Zeige Liste und Details zusammen(neustart)" },
{ "Ask for quit when closing Ka/Pi","Vor Beenden von Ka/Pi nachfragen" },
{ "General","Allgemein" },
{ "Extensions (restart)","Extensions (restart)" },
{ "Description","Beschreibungen" },
{ "Extensions","Extensions" },
{ "Prefixes","Prefixe" },
{ "Inclusions","Inclusions" },
{ "Suffixes","Suffixe" },
{ "Default formatted name:","Default format. Name:" },
{ "Empty","Leer" },
{ "Simple Name","Einfacher Name" },
{ "Full Name","Voller Name" },
{ "Reverse Name","Namen umdrehen" },
{ "Contact","Kontakt" },
{ "Global","Allgemein" },
{ "Phone","Telefon" },
{ "SMS","SMS" },
{ "Language:(needs restart)","Sprache:(Neustart)" },
{ "English","English" },
{ "German","Deutsch" },
{ "French","Französisch" },
{ "Italian","Italienisch" },
{ "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdef. (usertranslation.txt)" },
{ "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(nr):" },
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" },
{ "Locale","Locale" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" },
{ "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" },
-{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" },
+{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Start:" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" },
{ "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" },
{ "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." },
{ "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzer %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Keine Email Client installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Client" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Client" },
{ "Close KA/Pi?","Schließe KA/Pi?" },
{ "\nChanges will be saved!","\nÄnderungen werden gespeichert!" },
{ "Yes!","Ja!" },
{ "There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. ","#There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. " },
{ "Saving addressbook ... ","Speichere Adressbuch ... " },
{ "Addressbook saved!","Adressbuch gespeichert!" },
{ "Default Table View","Default Tabellenansicht" },
{ "Merge and Remove","Zusammenfügen/entfernen" },
{ "Merge","Zusammenfügen" },
{ "Merge Contacts Editor","Contact-Zusammenfüge-Editor" },
{ "New List...","Neue Liste..." },
{ "Rename List...","Ändere Namen..." },
{ "Remove List","Lösche Liste" },
{ "Add Contact","Kontakt hinzu" },
{ "Change Email...","Ändere Email..." },
{ "Remove Contact","Entferne Kontakt" },
{ "Use Preferred","Nutze Preferred" },
{ "Distribution List Editor","Distribution List Editor" },
{ "Choose which contacts to export","Wähle Kontakte zum Exportieren" },
{ "Which contacts do you want to export?","Welche Kontakte sollen exportiert werden?" },
{ "Contact Selection","Kontaktauswahl" },
{ "&All","&Alle" },
{ "Export the entire address book","Exportiere das komplette Addressbuch" },
{ "&Selected","Au&sgewählte" },
{ "Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","###Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected." },
{ "By matching &filter","Zutreffender &Filter" },
{ "Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","###Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters" },
{ "By Cate&gories","Kategorien" },
{ "Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","###Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to export.","Wähle Filter zum Export aus." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to export.","Wähle die Kategorien zum Export aus." },
{ "Sorting","Sortieren" },
{ "Criterion:","Merkmal:" },
{ "Order:","Reihenfolge:" },
{ "Ascending","Aufsteigend" },
{ "Descending","Absteigend" },
{ "Save file","Datei speichern" },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ "Unable to export contacts.","Exportieren der Kontakte geht nicht." },
{ "\nNo unsaved changes detected!\nNothing will be saved!","\nKeine ungespeicherten\nÄnderungen erkannt!\nNichts wird gespeichert!" },
{ "Manage new categories...","Verwalte neue Kategorien..." },
{ "&File","Datei" },
{ "&Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "&View","Ansichten" },
{ "&Settings","Konfiguration" },
{ "&Change selected","Ändere Selekt." },
{ "&Help","Hilfe" },
{ "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" },
{ "For all profiles","Für alle Profile" },
{ "&Change","Ändere" },
{ "Import xml (Qtopia)...","Importiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export xml (Qtopia)...","Exportiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export to phone","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Which contacts do you want to select?","Welche Kontakte möchten Sie wählen?" },
{ "&Modify","Ändere" },
{ "Choose which contacts to select","Bitte Kontakte auswählen!" },
{ "After importing/loading/syncing\nthere may be new categories in\naddressees\nwhich are not in the category list.\nPlease choose what to do:\n ","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen\nkann es neue Kategorien in den \nKontakten geben, die nicht\nin der Kategorieliste enthalten sind.\nBitte wählen Sie, was passieren soll:\n " },
{ "Manage new Categories","Verwalte neue Kategorien" },
{ "Add to category list","Füge zur Kategorieliste hinzu" },
{ "Remove from addressees","Entferne von den Kontakten" },
{ "New categories not in list:","Kategorien, die nicht in der Liste sind:" },
{ "A&dd","Hinzufügen" },
{ "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." },
{ "NOTE: This will remove all old\ncontact data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nKontakt Daten auf dem Handy!" },
{ "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" },
{ "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" },
{ "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." },
{ " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" },
{ "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" },
{ "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" },
{ "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Gerät!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" },
{ "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" },
{ "&Print View","Drucke Ansicht" },
{ "&Print Details","Drucke Details" },
{ "Beam v&Card(s)...","Beame v&Card(s)..." },
{ "Set formatted name...","Setze formatierten Namen..." },
{ "Kde Sync HowTo","Kde Sync HowTo" },
{ "Multi Sync HowTo","Multi Sync HowTo" },
{ "&Beam","&Beame" },
{ "Edit Email Addresses","Editiere Email Adressen" },
{ "Email address:","Email Adresse:" },
{ "Change","Ändere" },
{ "Set Standard","Setze Standard" },
{ "New Contact","Neuer Contact" },
{ "Undo %1","Rückgängig %1" },
{ "Redo","Wiederholen" },
{ "Saving ... please wait! ","Am Speichern ... bitte warten! " },
{ "CSV Import Dialog","CSV Import Dialog" },
{ "File to import:","Datei zum Import:" },
{ "Delimiter","Trennzeichen" },
{ "Comma","Komma" },
{ "Semicolon","Semikolon" },
{ "Tabulator","Tabulator" },
{ "Space","Leerzeichen" },
{ "1","1" },
{ """,""" },
{ "'","'" },
{ "Start at line:","Beginne mit Zeile:" },
{ "Textquote:","Textquote:" },
{ "Ignore duplicate delimiters","Ignoriere doppelte Trennzeichen" },
{ "Import KDE 2 Addressbook","Importiere KDE 2 Addressbook" },
{ "Override previously imported entries?","Überschreibe bereits importierte Einträge?" },
{ "Select vCard to Import","Selektiere zu importierende vCard" },
{ "Information","Information" },
{ "contacts successfully imported.","Kontakte erfolgreich importiert." },
{ "Import xml file","Importiere xml Datei" },
{ "Choose contact selection","Wähle Kontakt Auswahl" },
{ "Select the entire address book","Wähle das ganze Adressbuch" },
{ "Only contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","Nur in KA/Pi selektierte Kontate.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar\nwhen keine Kontakte selektiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","Nur Kontakte die auf den Filter zutreffen.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn keine Filter definiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","Nur Kontakte die Mitglieder der Kategirien sind,\die links selektiert sind.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn es keine Kategirien gibt." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to select.","Selektiere einen Filter um festzulegen welche Kontakte ausgewählt werden sollen." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to select.","Setzte die Kategorien, dessen Mitglieder Sie auswählen möchten." },
{ "I/O device: ","I/O device: " },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Exporting to phone...","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Error exporting to phone","Fehler beim Export aufs Handy" },
{ "contacts successfully exported.","Kontakte erfolgreich exportiert." },
{ "Do you want to remove<br>all existing entries from<br>%1<br>before exporting.?","Wollen Sie<br>alle existieren Einträge von<br>%1<br>vor dem Export entfernen?" },
{ "Set formatted name","Setze formatierten Namen" },
{ "You can set the formatted name\nfor a list of contacts in one go.","Sie können den formatierten Namen für\nein Liste von Kontakten auf einmal setzen." },
{ "Set formatted name to:","Setze formatierten Name auf:" },
{ "Simple: James Bond","Einfach: James Bond" },
{ "Full: Mr. James 007 Bond I","Voll: Mr. James 007 Bond I" },
{ "Reverse: Bond, James","Umgekehrt: Bond, James" },
{ "Organization: MI6","Organisation: MI6" },
{ "Set formatted name to\norganization, if name empty","Setze formatierten Namen auf\nOrganisation, wenn Name leer ist." },
{ "Select contact list","Selektiere Kontakt Liste" },
{ "Changing contact #%1","Ändere Kontakt #%1" },
{ "Refreshing view...","Lade Ansicht neu..." },
{ "Setting formatted name completed!","Setzen vom formatierten Namen beendet!" },
{ "Removing voice...","Entferne voice..." },
{ "Remove voice completed!","Entferne voice beendet!" },
{ "Merge with existing categories?","Zu bestehenden\nKategorien hinzufügen?" },
{ "Setting categories ... please wait!","Setze Kategorien ... bitte warten!" },
{ "Setting categories completed!","Setzen der Kategorien beendet!" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "Please wait, processing categories...","Bitte warten, bearbeite Kategorien..." },
{ "Processing contact #%1","Bearbeite Kontakt #%1" },
{ " categories added to list! "," Kategorien zur Liste hinzugefügt! " },
{ "%1: %2","%1: %2" },
{ "Your personal contact is\nnot set! Please select it\nand set it with menu:\nSettings - Set Who Am I\n","Ihr persönlicher Kontakt ist\nnicht gesetzt! Bitte selektieren Sie\nihn und setzen ihn mit Menu:\nKonfiguration - Setze wer bin ich\n" },
{ "<qt>Do you really want to use <b>%1</b> as your new personal contact?</qt>","<qt>Wollen Sie wirklich<br><b>%1</b><br>als persönlichen Kontakt setzent?</qt>" },
{ "Cut","Ausschneiden" },
{ "Paste","Einfügen" },
{ "Delete","Löschen" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Add View","Ansicht hinzufügen" },
{ "View name:","Ansicht Name:" },
{ "View Type","Ainsicht Typ" },
{ "Icons represent contacts. Very simple view.","Icons repräsentieren Kontakte. Sehr einfache Ansicht." },
{ "A listing of contacts in a table. Each cell of the table holds a field of the contact.","Eine Kontaktliste in einer Tabelle." },
{ "Rolodex style cards represent contacts.","Rolodex Stil Karten repräsentieren Kontakte." },
{ "Draw &separators","Zeichne &Trennlinie" },
{ "Separator &width:","Trennlinien &Breite:" },
{ "&Padding:","Füllung:" },
{ "Cards","Karten" },
{ "&Margin:","&Rand:" },
{ "Draw &borders","Zeichne Ränder" },
{ "The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data.","The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data." },
{ "The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators.","The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators." },
{ "Sets the width of column separators","Sets the width of column separators" },
{ "&Layout","&Layout" },
{ "Show &empty fields","Zeige leere Felder" },
{ "Show field &labels","Zeige Feld Label" },
{ "Be&havior","Ver&halten" },
{ "Header, Border and Separator Color","Kopf, Rand und Trennlinien Farbe" },
{ "<qt>Are you sure that you want to delete the view <b>%1</b>?</qt>","<qt>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Ansicht <b>%1</b> löschen möchten?</qt>" },
{ "Confirm Delete","Bestätige Löschen" },
{ "Edit Address Book Filter","Editiere Adressbuch Filter" },
{ "Category rule","Kategorie Regel" },
{ "Include categories","Inklusive" },
{ "Exclude categories","Exclusive" },
{ "Include contacts, that are:","Schließe folgende Kontakte ein:" },
{ "public","Öffentlich" },
{ "private","Privat" },
{ "confidential","Vertraulich" },
{ "Configure Resources","Konfiguriere Resourcen" },
{ "Resource Configuration","Resource Konfiguration" },
{ "Resources","Resourcen" },
{ "Standard","Standard" },
{ "&Use as Standard","Setze als Standard" },
{ "Select type of the new resource:","Selektiere Typ der neuen Resource:" },
{ "General Settings","Allgemeine Einstellungen" },
{ "Read-only","Nur-Lesen" },
{ "Include in sync","Schließe in Sync mit ein" },
{ "%1 Resource Settings","%1 Resource Einstellungen" },
{ "Format:","Format:" },
{ "Location:","Ort:" },
{ "Full Menu bar (restart)","Volle Menu Leiste (Neustart!)" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "Save","Speichern" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" },
{ "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" },
{ "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Lokal:" },
{ "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back options","Optionen zum Zurückschreiben" },
{ "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Einträge zurück" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Entfernt:" },
{ "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Einträge für Zeitspanne zurück" },
{ "Time period","Zeitspanne" },
{ "From ","Von " },
{ " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " },
{ " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " },
{ "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abhängige Einstellungen" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Aborted! Nothing synced!","Abgebrochen! Nichts wurde gesynct!" },
{ "You cannot remove your standard resource!\n Please select a new standard resource first.","Standard Resource kann\nnicht entfernt werden!\nBitte eine andere Resource\nals Standard setzen." },
{ "Sorry","Tut mir leid" },
{ "You cannot use a read-only<br> resource as standard!","Man kann nicht eine read-only<br> Resource als Standard setzen!" },
{ "Please restart to get the \nchanged resources (re)loaded!\n","Bitte starten Sie jetzt\ndas Programm neu, um die geänderten\nResourcen neu zu laden!\n" },
{ "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n","Die gewählte Datei enthält\nkeine gültige vCard.\nBitte prüfen Sie die Datei\nund versuchen es erneut.\n" },
{ "Unable to load resource '%1'","Resource kann nicht geladen werden: '%1'" },
{ "Some changes are only\neffective after a restart!\n","Einige Änderungen werden erst\nnach einem Neustart übernommen!\n" },
{ "Syncing aborted. Nothing synced.","Syncing abgebrochen.Nichts wurde gesynct." },
{ "Connected! Sending request for remote file ...","Verbunden! Sende Daten Anfrage..." },
{ "Trying to connect to remote...","Versuche mit Gegenstelle zu verbinden..." },
{ "Connection to remote\nhost timed out!\nDid you forgot to enable\nsyncing on remote host?","Verbindungsversuch wegen\nZeitüberschreitung gescheitert!\nWurde vergessen Pi-Sync auf\nder Gegenstelle anzuschalten?" },
{ "ERROR: Receiving remote file failed.","FEHLER: Empfang der entfernten Daten fehlgeschlagen." },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ ""You entered an invalid date!\n Date changed to current date.","Ungültiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze heutiges Datum." },
{ "You entered an invalid date!\n Will use current date instead.","Ungültiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze stattdessen heutiges Datum." },
{ "Warning","Warnung" },
{ "Select week number","Wähle Wochen Nummer" },
{ "Februar","Februar" },
{ "Pi-Sync options for device: ","Pi-Sync Einstellungen für Gerät: " },
{ "Password for remote access:","Passwort für fernen Zugriff:" },
{ "Remote IP address:","Ferne IP Adresse:" },
{ "Remote port number:","Ferne Port Nummer:" },
{ "Remote file saved to temp file.","Ferne Daten in temp Datei gespeichert." },
{ "Remote from: ","Fern von: " },
{ "Local from: ","Lokal von: " },
{ "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n","Synchronisationsübersicht:\n\n %d lokal hinzugefügt\n %d fern hinzugefügt\n %d lokal geändert\n %d fern geändert\n %d lokal gelöscht\n %d fern gelöscht\n %d eingehende ausgefiltert\n %d ausgehende ausgefiltert\n" },
{ "Local calendar changed!\n","Lokaler Kalender geändert!\n" },
{ "Write back","Schreibe zurück" },
{ "Pi-Sync succesful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" },
{ "Received sync request","Sync Anfrage erhalten" },
{ "Synchronizing from remote ...\n\nDo not use this application!\n\nIf syncing fails\nyou can close this dialog.","Ferne Synchronisation ...\n\nBenutze diese Anwendung nicht!\n\nWenn das Syncen fehlschlägt kann\ndieser Dialog geschlossen werden." },
{ "Saving Data to temp file ...","Speichere Daten in temp Datei..." },
{ "Data saved to temp file!","Daten in temp Datei gespeichert!" },
{ "Sending file...","Sende Datei..." },
{ "Waiting for synced file...","Warte auf gesyncte Daten..." },
{ "Receiving synced file...","Gesyncte Daten erhalten..." },
{ "Received %1 bytes","%1 Bytes erhalten" },
{ "Writing file to disk...","Speichere Datei..." },
{ "Pi-Sync successful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" },
{ "Clock skew of\nsyncing devices\nis %1 seconds!","Uhrzeitunterschied der\nsyncenden Geräte\nist %1 Sekunden!" },
{ "Synchronize!","Synchronisiere!" },
{ "High clock skew!","Großer Uhrzeitunterschied!" },
{ "The clocks of the syncing\ndevices have a difference\nof more than 5 minutes.\nPlease adjust your clocks.\nYou may get wrong syncing results!\nPlease confirm synchronization!","Die Uhren der syncenden Geräte\nhaben einen Unterschied von\nmehr als 5 Minuten. Bitte die\nUhrzeiten anpassen. Sie können\nfalsche Sync-Resultate erhalten!\nBitte das Syncen bestätigen!" },
{ "Change search field enable jump bar","Ändere Suchfeld um Jumpbar anzuzeigen" },
{ "Search with '*' prefix (wildcard)","Suche mit '*' Prefix (Wildcard)" },
{ "Shrink searchfield in portrait view","Verkleinere Suchfeld im Portraitmodus" },
{ "Edit new contact","Bearbeite neuen Kontakt" },
{ "Edit ","Bearbeite " },
{ "No contact changed!","Kein Kontakt verändert" },
{ "%1 contacts changed!","%1 Kontakte geändert!" },
{ "Mobile (home)","Handy (Arbeit)" },
{ "Mobile (work)","Handy (Privat)" },
{ "Def.Formatted Name","Def. Format. Name" },
{ "Colors","Farben" },
{ "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund für Listen" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt index 903abdf..75fdd11 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/kopiemail/germantranslation.txt @@ -1,280 +1,280 @@ { " Local Time"," Locale Zeit" }, { "Preferences","Vorlieben" }, { "Ok","Ok" }, { "Default","Standard" }, { "Cancel","Abbrechen" }, { "Global","Global" }, { "Email","Email" }, { "Phone","Phone" }, { "SMS","SMS" }, { "Fax","Fax" }, { "Pager","Pager" }, { "SIP","SIP" }, { "Language:(needs restart)","Sprache (Neustart!)" }, { "English","Englisch" }, { "German","Deutsch" }, { "French","Französich" }, { "Italian","Italienisch" }, { "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdef.(usertranslation.txt)" }, { "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(Neustart!)" }, { "24:00","24:00" }, { "12:00am","12:00am" }, { "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" }, { "Locale","Localisation" }, { "Date Format:","Datums Format:" }, { "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" }, { "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" }, { "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" }, { "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" }, { "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" }, { "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" }, { "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Montag 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" }, { "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" }, { "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" }, { "Date Format","Datums Format" }, { "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" }, { "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" }, { "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" }, { "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" }, { "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." }, -{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" }, +{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Start:" }, { "Mon","Mo" }, { "Tue","Di" }, { "Wed","Mi" }, { "Thu","Do" }, { "Fri","Fr" }, { "Sat","Sa" }, { "Sun","So" }, { "January","Januar" }, { "February","Februar" }, { "March","März" }, { "April","April" }, { "May","Mai" }, { "June","Juni" }, { "July","Juli" }, { "August","August" }, { "September","September" }, { "October","Oktober" }, { "November","November" }, { "December","Dezember" }, { "tomorrow","morgen" }, { "today","heute" }, { "yesterday","gestern" }, { "Monday","Montag" }, { "Tuesday","Dienstag" }, { "Wednesday","Mittwoch" }, { "Thursday","Donnerstag" }, { "Friday","Freitag" }, { "Saturday","Samstag" }, { "Sunday","Sonntag" }, { "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" }, { "Time Zone","Zeitzone" }, { "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" }, { "Channel:","Channel:" }, { "Message:","Message:" }, { "Parameters:","Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" }, { "extra Message:","extra Message:" }, { "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" }, { "External Apps.","Externe Appl." }, { "General","Allgemein" }, { "Full &name:","Vor- und &Nachname:" }, { "E&mail address:","E&mail Adresse:" }, { "Fonts","Schriftart" }, { "Choose...","Wähle..." }, { "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" }, { "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" }, { "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" }, { "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" }, { "Delete","Löschen" }, { "New","Neu" }, { "Edit","Bearbeite" }, { "Close","Schließen" }, { "Size","Größe" }, { "Date","Datum" }, { "Please set at","Bitte einstellen in" }, { "Settings@General TAB","Einstellungen@Allgemein TAB" }, { "KOpieMail/Pi","KOpieMail/Pi" }, { "Mail","Mail" }, { "Settings","Konfig" }, { "Get all new mails","Hole alle neuen Mails" }, { "Get new messages","Hole neue mails" }, { "Compose new mail","Schreibe neue Mail" }, { "Send queued mails","Sende gespeicherte Mails" }, { "Show/Hide folders","Zeige Verzeichnisse" }, { "Delete Mail","Lösche Mail" }, { "Edit settings","Ändere Einstellungen" }, { "Configure accounts","Konfiguriere Zugänge" }, { "Mailbox","Mailbox" }, { "Subject","Betreff" }, { "Sender","Sender" }, { "Size","Größe" }, { "Date","Datum" }, { "Close","Schliessen" }, { "Help","Hilfe" }, { "About","Über" }, { "Licence","Lizenz" }, { "LibEtPan Licence","LibEtPan Lizenz" }, { "Settings - some need a restart (nr)","Einstellungen - manche benötigen einen Neustart (nr)" }, { "HINT: Separate multiple\neMail addresses by ";"","Hinweis:Trenne mehrere\nAddressen mit einem ";"" }, { "Ignore above settings and\nuse KA/Pi "Who am I" instead!","Ignoriere obige Einstellungen und\nbenutze KA/Pi "Wer bin ich"\nstattdessen!" }, { "View mail as html","Zeige Mails als html" }, { "Send mails later","Sende Mails später" }, { "Application(nr)","Applikation(nr)" }, { "OK","OK" }, { "Compose mail:","Verfasse Mail:" }, { "Dear Mr.","Hallo Herr" }, { "Read mail:","Lese Mail:" }, { "Hello","Hallo" }, { "Configure Accounts","Konfigure Zugänge" }, { "Name of the Account","Name des Zugangs" }, { "News","News" }, { "Account","Zugang" }, { "Type","Typ" }, { "<p>Please select an account.</p>","<p>Bitte wähle einen Zugang.</p>" }, { "Error","Fehler" }, { "Configure NNTP","Konfiguriere News" }, { "Port","Port" }, { "Server","Server" }, { "Use SSL","Benutze SSL" }, { "User","Benutzer" }, { "Password","Passwort" }, { "Use Login","Benutze Login" }, { "Newsgroup","Newsgroup" }, { "Get newsgroup list from server","Hole Newsgroup Liste vom Server" }, { "Filter:","Filter:" }, { "Show subscribed","Zeige abbonnierte" }, { "Groups","NewsGroups" }, { "Configure IMAP","Konfiguriere IMAP" }, { "Use secure sockets:","Benutze sichere Verbindung:" }, { "ssh $SERVER exec","ssh $SERVER exec" }, { "Prefix","Prefix" }, { "Local storage folder:","Lokales Verzeichnis:" }, { "Get only messages smaller","Hole nur Nachrichten kleiner" }, { "kB","kB" }, { "Leave Messages on Server","Belasse Nachrichten auf dem Server" }, { "Configure POP3","Konfiguriere POP3" }, { "ssh $SERVER exec imapd","ssh $SERVER exec imapd" }, { "Configure SMTP","Konfiguriere SMTP" }, { "Name of the SMTP Server","Name des SMTP Servers" }, { "Port of the SMTP Server","Port des SMTP Servers" }, { "Fetching folder list","Hole Verzeichnis Liste" }, { "Fetch ","Hole " }, { "Fetching header list","Hole Titel Liste" }, { "Mailbox has %1 mails","Mailbox hat %1 Mails" }, { "Read this mail","Lies diese Mail" }, { "Move/Copy this mail","Verschiebe/kopiere diese Mail" }, { "Delete this mail","Lösche diese Mail" }, { "Move/Copy all selected mail","Verschiebe/kopiere selektierte Mails" }, { "Delete all selected mails","Lösche alle selektierten Mails" }, { "Clear selection","Selektion aufheben" }, { "Reply","Antworten" }, { "Forward","Weiterleiten" }, { "Attachments","Anhang" }, { "Show Html","Zeige in html" }, { "Description","Beschreibung" }, { "Filename","Dateiname" }, { "E-Mail by %1","E-Mail von %1" }, { "Cc","Kopie" }, { "To","An" }, { "From","Von" }, { "<p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br>","<p>Wollen Sie diese Mail wirklich löschen? <br><br>" }, { "Mailbox has %1 mail(s)","Mailbox hat %1 Mail(s)" }, { "Move/Copie all mails","Verschiebe/kopiere alle Mails" }, { "Delete all mails","Lösche alle Mails" }, { "Create new subfolder","Neues Unterverzeichnis" }, { "Delete folder","Lösche Verzeichnis" }, { "Refresh folder list","Aktualisiere Liste" }, { "Create new folder","Neues Verzeichnis" }, { "Disconnect","Diskonnect" }, { "Set offline","Gehe offline" }, { "Select target box","Wähle Ziel Box" }, { "<b>Store mail(s) to</b>","<b>Speichere Mail(s) nach</b>" }, { "Folder:","Verzeichnis:" }, { "Account:","Zugang:" }, { "Prefix will prepend, do not enter","Pfad-Prefix wird vorangestellt" }, { "Move mail(s)","Verschiebe Mail(s)" }, { "only mails smaller","nur Mails kleiner" }, { " kB"," kB" }, { " message %1 of %2"," Nachricht %1 von %2" }, { "Copying...","Am Kopieren..." }, { "Copy message %1 of %2","Kopiere Nachricht %1 von %2" }, { "Do you really want to delete\nall selected mails?","Wollen Sie wirklich alle\nselektierten Mails Löschen?" }, { "Delete All Mails","Lösche alle Mails" }, { "Deleting ...","Am Löschen..." }, { "Delete message %1 of %2","Lösche Nachricht %1 von %2" }, { "Compose Message","Verfasse Nachricht" }, { "Reply-To","Antwort-An" }, { "BCC","BCC" }, { "Signature","Signatur" }, { "CC","Kopie" }, { "Options","Optionen" }, { "Delete File","Lösche Datei" }, { "Add File","Füge Datei hinzu" }, { "Attachment","Anhang" }, { "send later","sende später" }, { "use:","via:" }, { "Save","Speichern" }, { "Name","Name" }, { "No Receiver spezified","Kein Empfänger angegeben" }, { "Sending mail","Sende Mail" }, { "No","Nein" }, { "Yes","Ja" }, { "Store message into drafts?\n","Speichere Nachricht in Entwürfe?\n" }, { "Store message?","Nachricht speichern?" }, { "Select Type","Selektiere Typ" }, { "Select Account Type","Wähle Art des Zugangs" }, { "IMAP","IMAP (online lesen)" }, { "POP3","POP3 (holen)" }, { "SMTP","SMTP (senden)" }, { "<p>Do you really want to delete the selected Account?</p>","<p>Möchten Sie wirklich den ausgewählten Account löschen?</p>" }, { "Question","Eine Frage..." }, { "Send this message?","Nachricht wirklich senden?" }, { "Stop editing message","Stop editing message" }, { "Sending mail %1 of %2","Sende Mail %1 von %2" }, { "%1 of %2 bytes send","%1 von %2 Bytes gesendet" }, { "Refresh header list","Aktualisiere Titel Liste" }, { "Define a smtp\n account first!\n","Bitte zuerst einen\nSMTP Account anlegen!\n" }, { "Mail queue flushed","Gespeicherte Mails gesendet!" }, { "Please create an\nSMTP account first.\nThe SMTP is needed\nfor sending mail.\n","Bitte legen Sie einen\nSMTP Account an.\nDer SMTP Account wird\nfür das Versenden von\nMails benötigt!" }, { "Show next mail","Zeige nächste Mail" }, { "End of List","Ende der Liste" }, { "Language","Sprache" }, { "Time Format","Zeit Format" }, { "%1 groups subscribed","%1 Guppen abboniert" }, { "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" }, { "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" }, { "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" }, { "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" }, { "Save standard","Speichere Standard" }, { "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" }, { "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" }, { "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" }, { "userdefined","benutzerdefiniert" }, { "Reply to this mail","Beantworte diese Mail" }, { "Su:","Be:" }, { "Fr:","Vo:" }, { "To:","An:" }, { "Download Mail","Mail runterladen" }, { "View Source","Zeige Source" }, { "Show "To" field in list view","Zeige "An" Feld in Listenansicht" }, { "Show info fields at startup","Zeige Info Felder beim Start" }, { "Show "Subject" info field","Zeige "Betreff" Info Feld" }, { "Show "From" info field","Zeige "Von" Info Feld" }, { "Show "To" info field","Zeige "An" Info Feld" }, { "Mail saved as draft!","Mail als Entwurf gespeichert!" }, { "Save signature","Speichere Signatur" }, { "No paths allowed in\nlocal folder settings.\nPlease specify a folder\nname or leave empty\nto create local folder\nwith account name\nautomatically.","Beim lokalen Verzeichnis\nsind keine Pfade erlaubt.\nBitte Verzeichnisnamen\nangeben oder leer lassen\num automatisch ein lokales\nVerzeichnis mit dem\nZugangsnamen anzulegen." }, { "Do you really want to\nsend all queued mails?","Möchten sie wirklich\nalle Mails im\nOutgoing-Ordner\nsenden?" }, { "Sending all mails","Senden aller Mails" }, { "SMTP Account:","SMTP Zugang:" }, { "Select SMTP Account","Wähle SMTP Zugang" }, { "Error sending mail:\n%1","Fehler beim Mailversand:\n%1\nHaben Sie vergessen\ndie Post ausreichend\nzu frankieren? ;-)" }, { "Error sending mail","Fehler beim Mailversand" }, { "Error sending queued mail.\nBreaking.","Fehler beim Mailversand.\nAbbruch." }, { "Colors","Farben" }, { "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund für Listen" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" },
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 5693112..fa18304 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -1,960 +1,960 @@ { "10 minutes","10 Minuten" }, { "10th","10." }, { "11th","11." }, { "12 pm Format","12 AM/PM Format" }, { "12th","12." }, { "13th","13." }, { "14th","14." }, { "15th","15." }, { "16th","16." }, { "17th","17." }, { "18th","18." }, { "19th","19." }, { "1 Day","1 Tag" }, { "1 h","1 Std" }, { "1 (high)","1 (hoch)" }, { "5 (low)","5" }, { "1st","1." }, { "20th","20." }, { "21st","21." }, { "22nd","22." }, { "23rd","23." }, { "24:00 Hour Format","24:00 Stunden Format" }, { "24th","24." }, { "25th","25." }, { "26th","26." }, { "27th","27." }, { "28th","28." }, { "29th","29." }, { "2nd","2." }, { "30 minutes","30 Minuten" }, { "30th","30." }, { "31st","31." }, { "3rd","3." }, { "4th","4." }, { "5 (lowest)","5 (Niedrigster)" }, { "5th","5." }, { "6th","6." }, { "7th","7." }, { "8th","8." }, { "9th","9." }, { "About...","Über..." }, { "&Accept","&Akzeptieren" }, { "Accept","Akzeptieren" }, { "Accept A&ll","A&lles Akzepieren" }, { "Access:","Zugriff:" }, { "A corresponding event is missing in your calendar!","Ein zugehöriger Termin fehlt in ihrem Kalender!" }, { "Actions","Aktionen" }, { "Add Filter","Filter Hinzufügen" }, { "&Add","Hinzufügen" }, { "Add","Hinzufügen" }, { "Additional email addresses:","Zusätzliche E-Mail Adressen:" }, { "Additional email address:","Zusätzliche E-Mail Adresse:" }, { "&Addressbook","&Adressbuch" }, { "Address &Book...","Adress&buch..." }, { "Agenda Size","Agende Größe" }, { "Agenda Size:","Größe der Agenda:" }, { "Agenda view:","Agenda Ansicht:" }, { "Agenda view background color:","Hintergrund der Agenda Ansicht:" }, { "All attendees","Alle Teilnehmer" }, { "AllDayAgenda Height:","Höhe Ganztages Agenda:" }, { "All day event","Ganztägig" }, { "Anonymous","Anonym" }, { "Apply","Anwenden" }, { "Apr","Apr" }, { "April","April" }, {"Ask for every entry on conflict","Frage bei Konflikten nach"}, { "Ask for preferences before syncing","Vor dem Syncronisieren nachfragen" }, { "Ask for quit when closing KO/Pi","Vor dem Beenden von KO/Pi nachfragen" }, { "Attendees","Teilnehmer" }, { "Aug","Aug" }, { "August","August" }, { "Auto-Save","Automatisches Abspeichern" }, { "Auto save delay in minutes:","Verzög.autom.Speichern in Min" }, { "Auto saving...","Automatische Sicherung..." }, { "Begin on:","Starte mit:" }, { "Begins on: %1","Starte mit: %1" }, { "<b>From:</b> %1 <b>To:</b> %2","<b>Vom:</b> %1 <b>Zum:</b> %2" }, { "<b>On:</b> %1","<b>Am:</b> %1" }, { "<b>On:</b> %1 <b>From:S</b> %2 <b>To:</b> %3","<b>Am:</b> %1 <b>Vom:S</b> %2 <b>Zum:</b> %3" }, { "<b>Original event:</b><p>","<b>Original Termin:</b><p>" }, { " - both are modified after last sync"," - beide wurden nach der letzten Syncronisation verändert" }, { "Busy","Belegt" }, { "&Cancel","Abbre&chen" }, { "Cancel","Abbrechen" }, { "Cannot delete To-Do\nwhich has children.","Kann Todo nicht löschen,\n da noch Einträge vorhanden sind" }, { "Can't generate mail:\nNo event selected.","Kann e-Mail nicht erstellen:\nKein Termin ausgewählt." }, { "Categories...","Kategorien..." }, { "Categories","Kategorien" }, { "Category","Kategorie" }, { "Center View","Zentriere Ansicht" }, { "Change","Ändere" }, { "Cinema","Kino" }, { "Click to add a new Todo","Hier klicken, um ein neues Todo anzulegen" }, { "Clone Item","Klone Eintrag" }, { "&Close","S&chließen" }, { "Close","Schließen" }, { "Close this dialog to abort deletion!","Zum Abbrechen des Löschvorganges Dialog schließen!" }, { "Colors","Farben" }, { "completed","erledigt" }, { "completed on %1","erledigt am %1" }, { "Complete","Erledigt" }, { "Confidential","Vertraulich" }, { "Configure...","Einstellungen..." }, { "Confirm &deletes","Löschvogang bestätigen" }, { "Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.","Kann Kalender\n '%1' nicht laden." }, { "Counter-event Viewer","Terminzähler Ansicht" }, { "Daily ending hour:","Feierabend:" }, { "Daily starting hour:","Anfangszeit:" }, { "Daily","Täglich" }, { "Date Format","Datums Format" }, { "Date Format:","Datums Format:" }, { "DateNavigator:(nr)","Datums Navigator" }, { "Dates: ","Datum: " }, { "Date && Time","Datum && Zeit" }, { "Day begins at:","Der Tag beginnt um:" }, { "Days in Next-X-Days:","Tage in Nächste-X-Tage:" }, { "Days in What's Next:","Tage in What's Next:" }, { "day(s)","Tag(e)" }, { "Days to show in Next-X-Days view:","Welche Tage in Nächste-X-Tagen anzeigen:" }, { "day","Tag" }, { "Dec","Dez" }, { "December","Dezember" }, { "Default alarm time:","Standard Alarmzeit:" }, { "Default appointment time:","Standard Termin Startzeit:" }, { "Default event color:","Standard Terminfarbe:" }, { "Default","Standard" }, { "Def. duration of new app.:","Standard Termin Länge:" }, { "Delete All","Lösche alles" }, { "Delete all selected","Lösche alle Selektierten" }, { "Delete Current","Aktuellen löschen" }, { "Delete Event...","Lösche Termin..." }, { "Delete Event","Lösche Termin" }, { "&Delete","Löschen" }, { "Delete...","Löschen..." }, { "Delete","Löschen" }, { "Delete Todo...","Lösche Todo..." }, { "Delete To-Do","Lösche Todo" }, { "Deleting item %d ...","Lösche Eintrag %d..." }, { "Descriptions","Beschreibungen" }, { "Deselect all","Deselektiere Alle" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Dinner","Abendessen" }, { "Do you really want\nto close KO/Pi?","Möchten Sie wirklich\nKO/PI verlassen?" }, { "Due Date","Fällig am" }, { "Due: ","Fällig: "}, { "Due Time","Fällig um" }, { "Due:","Fällig:"}, { "Duration: ","Dauer: " }, { "Edit...","Bearbeite..." }, { "Edit","Bearbeite" }, { "Edit Event...","Bearbeite Termin..." }, { "Edit Event","Bearbeite Termin" }, { "Edit exceptions","Bearbeite Ausnahmen" }, { "EditorBox:","Editor Fenster:" }, { "Edit Recurrence Range","Bearbeite Wiederholung" }, { "Edit Todo...","Berabeite Todo..." }, { "Edit To-Do","Todo bearbeiten" }, { "E&mail address:","E&mail Adresse:" }, { "(EmptyEmail)","(KeineEmail)" }, { "(EmptyName)","(KeinName)" }, { "Enable Recurrence","Wiederholung anschalten" }, { "End after","Endet nach"}, { "End by:","Endet am"}, { "End Date","End Datum" }, { "End:","Ende:" }, { "End Time","End Zeit" }, { "English","Englisch" }, { "Event","Termin" }, { "Event list","Termin Liste" }, { "Events","Termine" }, { "Event Viewer:","Termin Übersicht:" }, { "every","jede" }, { "Exceptions...","Ausnahmen..." }, { "Exceptions","Ausnahmen" }, { "Exclude holidays","Ohne freie Tage" }, { "Exclude Saturdays","Ohne Samstage" }, { "Feb","Feb" }, { "February","Februar" }, { "&Find","Suche!" }, { "Fonts","Schriftart" }, { "Force take local entry always","Erzwinge:Nimm immer lokalen Eintrag" }, { "Force take remote entry always","Erzwinge:Nimm immer fernen Eintrag"}, { "Free","Frei" }, { "Friday","Freitag" }, { "Fri","Fr" }, { "From:","Vom:" }, { "Full &name:","Vor- und &Nachname:" }, { "General","Allgemein" }, { "German","Deutsch" }, { "Gifts","Geschenke" }, { "Go to Today","Heute anzeigen" }, { "Help","Hilfe" }, { "Hide Dates","Daten ausblenden" }, { "Highlight color:","Markierungen:" }, { "Holiday color:","Freie Tage:" }, { "hour(s)","Stunde(n)" }, { "In %1 days: ","In %1 Tagen: " }, { "Incomplete Todo:","Unerledigte Aufgaben:" }, { "Information","Information" }, { "Invalid search expression,\ncannot perform ","Kann Suche nicht ausführen" }, { "Jan","Jan" }, { "January","Januar" }, { "JournalView:","Journal Ansicht:" }, { "Journals","Journale" }, { "Jul","Jul" }, { "July","Juli" }, { "Jump to date","Springe zum Datum" }, { "June","Juni" }, { "Jun","Jun" }, { "Key Bindings...","Tastenzuordnung..." }, { "Kids","Kinder" }, { "Known Problems...","Bekannte Probleme..." }, { "KO/Pi Find ","KO/Pi Suchdialog " }, { "KO/Pi Find: ","KO/Pi Suchen: " }, { "KO/Pi is starting ... "," KO/Pi startet ... \n... Zeit für eine Kaffeepause ..." }, { "Language:(needs restart)","Sprache (Neustart!)" }, { "Language:","Sprache" }, { "Large","Etwas mehr" }, { "List View:","Listenansicht:" }, { "List View","Listenansicht" }, { "Load/Save","Laden/Speichern" }, { "Load Template","Lade Vorlage" }, { "Locale","Localisation" }, { "Local temp file:","Lokale temp. Datei:" }, { "Location: ","Ort: " }, { "Location:","Ort:" }, { "Mail client","Mail Programm" }, { "Mail Client","Mail Programm" }, { "March","März" }, { "Mar","Mär" }, { "May","Mai" }, { "M. Bains line:","M. Bains Linie:" }, { "Medium","Medium" }, { "Method","Methode" }, { "minute(s)","Minute(n)" }, { "Monday","Montag" }, { "Mon","Mo" }, { "Monthly","Monatlich" }, { "Month not long enough","Monat ist nicht lang genug" }, { "month(s)","Monat(e)" }, { "Month view:","Monatsansicht:" }, { "Month view uses category colors","Monatsansicht zeigt Kategorie Farben" }, { "Todo view uses category colors","To-Do Ansicht zeigt Kategorie Farben" }, { "Move &Down","Nach unten verschieben" }, { "Move &Up","Nach oben verschieben" }, { "Name:","Name:" }, { "Name","Name" }, { "\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event?","\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie\nden Termin löschen möchten?" }, { "%n Days","%n Tage" }, { "Never","Nie" }, { "New event...","Neuer Termin..." }, { "New event","Neuer Termin" }, { "New Event...","Neuer Termin..." }, { "New Events/Todos should","Neue Termine/Todos sollten" }, { "&New","&Neu" }, { "New","Neu", }, { "New Sub-Todo...","Neues Sub-Todo..." }, { "New Todo...","Neues Todo..." }, { "Next Alarm: ","Nächster Alarm: ", }, { "&Next Day","&Nächster Tag", }, { "Next days view uses full window","Nächste-X-Tage nutzt Vollbild" }, { "Next month","Nächster Monat" }, { "&Next Week","&Nächste Woche" }, { "Next year","Nächstes Jahr" }, { "Next Year","Nächstes Jahr" }, { "%n h","%n Std" }, { "No ending date","Kein End-Datum", }, { "No event, nothing to do.","Kein Termin, nichts zu tun.", }, { "No event selected.","Kein Termin selektiert" }, { "No","Nein" }, { "No program set","Kein Programm ausgewählt", }, { "Normal","Normal" }, { "[No selection]","Keine Selektion", }, { "No sound set","Kein Sound ausgewählt", }, { "no time ","keine Zeit ", }, { "no time","keine Zeit", }, { "No Time","Keine Zeit" }, { "November","November" }, { "Nov","Nov", }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\n","\nDieser Termin wiederholt sich an mehreren Tagen.\n" }, { "occurrence(s)","Vorkommen" }, { "October","Oktober" }, { "Oct","Okt", }, { "O-due!","Ü-fällig! " }, { "&OK","&OK" }, { "Ok+Show!","Ok+Anzeigen" }, { "Organizer: %1","Organisator %1" }, { "Organizer","Organisator" }, { "Owner: ","Besitzer: " }, { "Owner:","Besitzer:" }, { "<p><b>Priority:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Priorität:</b> %2</p>" }, { "Pick a date to display","Wähle einen Tag zum anzeigen aus" }, { "Please specify a valid due date.","Bitte gültiges Fälligkeitsdatum angeben."}, { "Please specify a valid end date,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültiges Enddatum angeben,\nz.B.'%1'." }, { "Please specify a valid start date.","Bitte gültiges Startdatum angeben." }, { "Please specify a valid start date,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültiges Startdatum angeben,\nz.B. '%1'." }, { "Please specify a valid start time.","Bitte gültige Startzeit angeben."}, { "Please specify a valid start time,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültige Startzeit angeben,\nz.B. '%1'." }, { "Preferences - some settings need a restart (nr)","Einstellungen - teilweise Neustart erforderlich (bn)" }, { "&Previous Day","Vorheriger Tag" }, { "Previous month","Vorheriger Monat" }, { "Previous Month","Vorheriger Monat" }, { "&Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" }, { "Previous year","Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Previous Year","Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Printing","Drucken" }, { "Priority:","Priorität:" }, { "Private","Privat" }, { "Proceed","Weiter" }, { "Public","Öffentlich" }, { "Purge","Entferne" }, { "Purge Completed","Entferne erledigte Todos" }, { "Purge Todos","Todos bereinigen" }, { "read-only","schreibgeschützt" }, { "Recur every","Wiederh. alle" }, { "Recur in the month of","Wiederh. im Monat" }, { "Recur on the","Wiederh. am" }, { "Recur on this day","Wiederh. am diesen Tag" }, { "Recurrence Range...","Wiederholungs Zeitraum..." }, { "Recurrence Range","Wiederholungs Zeitraum" }, { "Recurrence Rule","Wiederholungs Regel" }, { "Recurrence","Wiederholung" }, { "Recurs","Wiederholung" }, {"&Reject","Abweisen"}, { "Reminder:","Alarm:" }, { "Rem.:","Alarm:" }, { "Rem.","Alarm:" }, { "Remote file:","Remote Datei:"}, { "Remote IP:","Remote (ferne) IP:" }, { "Remote syncing (via ssh/scp) network settings ","Remote Sync (via ssh/scp) Netzwerk Einstellungen " }, { "Remote user:","Remote Benutzer"}, { "&Remove","Entfe&rnen" }, { "Remove","Entfernen" }, { "Request response","Bemerkung anfordern" }, { "Role:","Rolle:" }, { "Role","Rolle" }, { "Sat","Sa" }, { "Saturday","Samstag" }, { "Search for:","Suche nach:" }, { "Search In","Suche in" }, { "Search...","Suche..." }, { "Search","Suche" }, { "Select Addresses","Wähle Adressen" }, { "Select all","Selektiere Alle" }, { "Select a month","Wähle Monat" }, { "Select a week","Wähle Woche" }, { "Select a year","Wähle Jahr" }, { "Send directly","Sende direkt" }, { "&Send Messages","&Sende Nachrichten", }, { "Sep","Sep" }, { "September","September" }, { "Shopping","Einkaufen" }, { "Show Dates","Zeige Daten" }, { "Show events that recur daily in date nav.","Zeige tägl.wiederh.Term.in Datums Nav." }, { "Show Event...","Zeige Termin..." }, { "Show ev. that recur weekly in date nav.","Zeige wöch.wiederh.Term.in Datums Nav." }, { "Show Marcus Bains line","Zeige Marcus Bains Linie" }, { "Show summary after syncing","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach Sync." }, { "Show time as:","Zeige Zeit als" }, { "Show Todo...","Zeige To-Do" }, { "Show vertical screen (Needs restart)","Vertikaler Bildschirm-Layout (Neustart!)" }, { "&Show","Zeige" }, { "Show...","Zeige..." }, { "Show","Zeige" }, { "Small","Klein" }, { "Sorry","Entschuldigung" }, {"Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n","Der Kopierbefehl schlug fehl!\nBefehl war:\n"}, { "Start:","Start:" }, { "Start Date","Start Datum" }, { "Start date: %1","Start Datum: %1" }, { "Start Time","Start Zeit" }, { "Status:","Status:" }, { "Status","Status:" }, { "Summaries","Titel" }, { "Summary:","Titel:" }, { "Summary","Titel" }, { "Sunday","Sonntag" }, { "Sun","So" }, { "Sync preferences:","Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Sync Prefs","Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Syncronize","Daten abgleich" }, { "Take local entry on conflict","Nimm lokalen Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Take newest entry on conflict","Nimm neuesten Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Take remote entry on conflict","Nimm fernen Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Template '%1' does not contain a valid Todo.","Template '%1' enthält kein gültiges To-Do" }, { "Template does not contain a valid Event.","Template '%1' enthält keinen gültigen Termin" }, { "Template...","Vorlage..." }, { "This day","Dieser Tag" }, { "This is an experimental feature. ","Dieses Feature ist experimentel" }, { "This item will be\npermanently deleted.","Dieser Eintrag wird\nkomplett gelöscht." }, { "This item will be permanently deleted.", "Dieser Eintrag wird komplett gelöscht." }, { "Thu","Do" }, { "Thursday","Donnerstag" }, { "Time associated","Mit Zeit" }, { "Time bar:","Uhrzeit Zeile:" }, { "Time && Date","Zeit und Datum" }, { "Time Format","Zeit Format" }, { "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(Neustart!)" }, { "Date Labels:","Datumsleiste:" }, { "Time: ","Zeit: " }, { "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" }, { "To: ","Bis: " }, { "To:","Bis:" }, { "Today: ","Heute: " }, { "Todo due today color:","Heute fällige To-Do's" }, { "To-do items:","To-Do items:" }, { "Todo overdue color:","Überfällige To-Do's" }, { "Todo","Todo" }, { "To-do view shows completed Todos","To-do Ansicht zeigt erledigte To-dos" }, { "ToDoView:","Todo Ansicht:" }, { "Toggle Alarm","Wechsle Alarm" }, { "Toggle Allday","Umschalten Ganztag" }, { "Tomorrow: ","Morgen: " }, { "Tue","Di" }, { "Tuesday","Dienstag" }, { "Two entries are in conflict, if: ","Zwei Einträge haben einen Konflikt, wenn:" }, { "Unable to find template '%1'.","Kann Vorlage '%1' nicht finden." }, { "Unknown","Unbekannt" }, { "Up","Hinauf" }, { "Use password (if not, ask when syncing)","Passwort: (sonst jedesmal anfragen)" }, { "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" }, { "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" }, { "User short date:","Forma kurzes Datum:" }, { "View","Ansicht" }, { "View Fonts","Schriftarten Ansichten" }, { "Views","Ansichten" }, { "Wed","Mi" }, { "Wednesday","Mittwoch" }, { "Week %1","Woche %1" }, { "Weekly","Wöchentlich" }, { "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" }, { "What's Next View:","What's Next Anz." }, { "What's next ?","Was kommt als nächstes?(What's Next)" }, { "Working Hours","Tägliche Arbeitszeit" }, { "Working hours color:","Arbeitszeit in der Agenda Ansicht:" }, { "Write back existing entries only","Nur exisitierende Einträge zurückschreiben" }, { "Write back synced file","Syncronisierte Datei zurückschreiben" }, { "Yearly","Jährlich" }, { "year(s)","Jahr(e)" }, { "Yes","Ja" }, { "You have %d item(s) selected.\n","Sie haben %d Einträge ausgewählt.\n" }, { "You have to restart KOrganizer for this setting to take effect.","Sie müssem Korganizer neu starten, damit diese Einstellung aktiviert wird." }, { "week(s) on:","Woche(n) am: " }, { "Full menu bar(nr)","Volle Menuleiste(bn)" }, { "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" }, { "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" }, { "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." }, -{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" }, +{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Start:" }, { "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" }, { "Time Zone","Zeitzone" }, { "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Montag 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" }, { "%A: Monday --- %a: Mon","%A: Montag --- %a: Mon" }, { "minutely","minütlich" }, { "hourly","stündlich" }, { "daily","täglich" }, { "weekly","wöchentlich" }, { "monthly","monatlich" }, { "day-monthly","tag-monatlich" }, { "month-yearly","monat-jährlich" }, { "day-yearly","tag-jährlich" }, { "position-yearly","pos-jährlich" }, { "Edit item on doubleclick (if not, show)","Editiere mit Doppelklick(wenn nicht, zeige)" }, { "Highlight current day in agenda","Hebe >>heute<< in Agenda hervor" }, { "Use light color for highlight current day","Helle Farbe für >>heute<< Hervorhebung" }, { "Highlight selection in Time Edit","Hebe Auswahl in Zeit Edit hervor" }, { "Hold fullscreen on view change","Behalte Vollbild bei Ansichswechsel" }, { "Hold non-fullscreen on view change","Behalte Nicht-Vollbild bei Ansichtsw." }, { "Event list view uses full window","Listenansicht nutzt Vollbild" }, { "Set agenda to DayBeginsAt on change","Setze Agenda auf TagBeginntUm bei Wechsel" }, { "Set agenda to current time on change","Setze Agenda auf gegenw.Zeit bei Wechsel" }, { "Listview uses monthly timespan","Listenansicht zeigt monatliche Zeitspanne" }, { "ViewChange","Ansichtswechsel" }, { "Default alarm *.wav file:","Standard Alarm *.wav Datei:" }, { "This setting is useless for 5500 user!","Diese Einst. ist nutzlos für 5500 Nutzer" }, { "File","Datei" }, { "Clone...","Dupliziere.." }, { "Move...","Bewege..." }, { "Beam...","Sende via IR..." }, { "&Clone...","Dupliziere.." }, { "&Move...","Bewege..." }, { "&Beam...","Sende via IR..." }, { "Show Completed","Zeige erledigte Todos" }, { "Show Quick Todo","Zeige Quick Todo" }, { "Unparent Todo","Un-sub Todo" }, { "Save selected to file...","Speichere Selektierte..." }, { "Add Categ. to selected...","Füge zu Selekt. Kateg. hinzu..." }, { "Set Categ. for selected...","Setze Kateg. für Selekt." }, { "Beam selected via IR","Sende Selekt. via IR..." }, { "Search","Suchen" }, { "Date Picker","Datum auswählen" }, { "Day View","Tagesansicht" }, { "Work Week","Arbeitswoche" }, { "Week","Wochenansicht" }, { "Month","Monatsansicht" }, { "Todo View","Todo Liste" }, { "Journal","Journal" }, { "Next days","Nächste Tage" }, { "Print agenda selection...","Drucke Agendaselektion..." }, { "Toggle DateNavigator","Navigator umschalten" }, { "Toggle FilterView","Filteransicht umschalten" }, { "Prev. month","Vorheriger Monat" }, { "Go backward","Gehe zurück" }, { "Go forward","Gehe weiter" }, { "Synchronize","Synchronisieren" }, { "AgendaSize","Agendagröße" }, { "Import (*.ics/*.vcs) file","Importiere (*.ics/*.vcs) Datei" }, { "Import last file","Importiere letzte Datei" }, { "Import Opie/Qtopia Cal.","Importiere Opie/Qtopia Kal." }, { "Load Calendar Backup","Lade Kalender Backup" }, { "Save Calendar Backup","Speichere Kalender Backup" }, { "Export VCalendar","Exportiere VCalendar" }, { "Manage new categories...","Verwalte neue Kategorien..." }, { "Beam complete calendar...","Sende kompletten Kalender via IR" }, { "Beam filtered calendar...","Sende gefilterten Kalender via IR" }, { "Remote via ssh","Über Netzwerk via ssh" }, { "With local file","Mit lokaler Datei" }, { "With last file","Mit letzter Datei" }, { "KO/Pi: Ready for beaming","KO/Pi: Bereit zum Senden" }, { "KO/Pi:Beaming done","KO/Pi: Senden erfolgt" }, { "Save filename","Speichern: Dateinamen wählen" }, { "File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n","Dateiname existiert bereits!\nAlte Datei vom:\n%1\nÜberschreiben?\n" }, { "KO/Pi: Warning!","KO/Pi: Warnung!" }, { "Overwrite!","Überschreibe!" }, { "KO/Pi:Saved %1","KO/Pi:Gespeichert %1" }, { "All selected items will be\npermanently deleted.\n(Deleting items will take\nsome time on a PDA)\n","Alle selektierten Einträge werden\nunwiederbringlich gelöscht.\n(Löschen kann auf dem\nPDA einige Zeit dauern)\n" }, { "KO/Pi Confirmation","KO/Pi Bestätigung" }, { "Close dialog to abort deletion!","Schließe Dialog um das Löschen abzubrechen!" }, { "Deleting item %d ...","Lösche Eintrag %d ..." }, { "%d items remaining in list.","%d Einträge sind in der Liste verblieben." }, { "Size","Größe" }, { "Date","Datum" }, { "Mime Type","Datei Typ" }, { "All Files","Alle Dateien" }, { "Files","Dateien" }, { "Documents","DoKumente" }, { "Select Categories","Selektiere Kategorien" }, { " &Deselect All "," Auswahl aufheben " }, { "A&dd","Hinzu" }, { "&Modify","Ändern" }, { "Edit Categories","Editiere Kategorien" }, { " &Edit Categories "," &Editiere Kategorien " }, { "Beam Options","Beam Einstellungen" }, { " With timezone "," Mit Zeitzone " }, { " Local time ", " Lokale Zeit " }, { "Manage new Categories","Verwalte neue Kategorien" }, { "Add to category list","Füge zur Kategorieliste hinzu" }, { "Remove from Events/Todos","Entferne von Terminen/Todos" }, { "After importing/loading/syncing\nthere may be new categories in\nevents or todos\nwhich are not in the category list.\nPlease choose what to do:\n ","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen\nkann es neue Kategorien in den \nTerminen oder Todos geben, die nicht\nin der Kategorieliste enthalten sind.\nBitte wählen Sie, was passieren soll:\n " }, { "New categories not in list:","Kategorien, die nicht in der Liste sind:" }, { "File format","Datei Format" }, { "Time format","Zeit Format" }, { "KO/Pi:Saving Data to File ...","KO/Pi: Speichere Kalender in Datei ..." }, { "KO/Pi:File Saved. Needed %d sec, %d ms","KO/Pi: Abgespeichert in %d sec, %d ms" }, { "h","Std" }, { "min","Min" }, { "hou","Std" }, { "day","Tag" }, { "French","Französich" }, { "Time","Zeit" }, { "Event Viewer","Termin Ansicht" }, { "Cancel Sync","Sync Abbrechen" }, { "Remote","Fern" }, { "Local","Lokal" }, { "Conflict! Please choose entry","Konflikt! Bitte Eintrag wählen" }, { "Local: ","Lokal: " }, { "Remote: ","Fern: " }, { "Last modified: ","Zuletzt geändert: " }, { "Location: ","Ort: " }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1 </p><p><b>To:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Von:</b> %1 </p><p><b>Bis:</b> %2</p>" }, { "<p><b>On:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Am:</b> %1</p>" }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1</p> ","<p><b>Von:</b> %1</p> " }, { "<p><b>To:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Bis:</b> %1</p>" }, { "<p><b>On:</b> %1</p> ","<p><b>Am:</b> %1</p> " }, { "<p><b>From:</b> %1 <b>To:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Von:</b> %1 <b>Bis:</b> %2</p>" }, { "This is a %1 recurring event.","Das ist ein %1 wiederholender Termin." }, { "<b>Next recurrence is on:</b>","<b>Nächste Wiederholung ist am:</b>" }, { "<b>Last recurrence was on:</b>","<b>Letzte Wiederholung war am:</b>" }, { "( %1 min before )","( %1 min vorher )" }, { "<b>Alarm on: ","<b>Alarm am: " }, { "<b>Details: </b>","<b>Details: </b>" }, { "<p><b>Priority:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Priorität:</b> %2</p>" }, { "<p><i>%1 % completed</i></p>","<p><i>%1 % erledigt</i></p>" }, { "Organizer","Organisator" }, { "Save","Speichern" }, { "Exit (+save)","Beenden (+ speichern)" }, { "Home","Zuhause" }, { "Office","Büro" }, { "Libary","Bücherei" }, { "Doctor","Arzt" }, { "Beach","Strand" }, { "Conference room","Konferenzraum" }, { "Drive Home","Heimfahrt" }, { "Watch TV","Tv gucken" }, { "Phone call","Telefonanruf" }, { "Pay bill","Rechnung bezahlen" }, { "Read book","Buch lesen" }, { "Watering plants","Pflanzen giessen" }, {"Appointment","Verabredung" }, {"Birthday","Geburtstag" }, {"Business","Geschäft" }, {"Business Travel","Geschäftsreise" }, {"Cinema","Kino" }, {"Customer","Kunde" }, {"Break","Pause" }, {"Breakfast","Frühstück" }, {"Competition","Wettkampf" }, {"Dinner","Abendessen" }, {"Education","Erziehung" }, {"Family","Familie" }, {"Favorites","Favoriten" }, {"Festival","Festival" }, {"Fishing","Angeln" }, {"Flight","Flug" }, {"Gifts","Geschenk" }, {"Holiday","Feiertag" }, {"Holiday Cards","Ansichtskarten" }, {"Hot Contacts","Heisse Kontakte" }, {"Hiking","Wandern" }, {"Hunting","Jagen" }, {"Key Customer","Wichtiger Kunde" }, {"Kids","Kinder" }, {"Lunch","Mittagessen" }, {"Meeting","Treffen" }, {"Miscellaneous","Verschiedenes" }, {"Partner","Partner" }, {"Party","Partie" }, {"Personal","Privat" }, {"Personal Travel","Privatreise"}, {"PHB","PHB" }, {"Phone Calls","Telefonanruf" }, {"Projects","Projekt" }, {"Recurring","Wiederholend" }, {"School","Schule" }, {"Shopping","Einkaufen" }, {"Speach","Rede" }, {"Special Occasion","Spez.Gelegenheit" }, {"Sports","Sport" }, {"Talk","Vortrag" }, {"Travel","Reise" }, {"TV","TV" }, {"Germany","Deutschland" }, {"Sweden","Schweden" }, {"Forest","Wald" }, { "Desert","Wüste" }, { "Kitchen","Küche" }, { "Lake","See" }, {"University","Universität"}, {"Vacation","Urlaub" }, {"VIP","VIP" }, { "Import Sharp Calendar","Importiere Sharp Kalender" }, { "This todo has been cancelled!","Dieses Todo wurde gecancelt!" }, { "This event has been cancelled!","Dieser Termin wurde gecancelt!" }, { "Cancelled","Gecancelt" }, { "Multiple sync","Mehrfach Sync" }, { "Local file","Lokale Datei" }, { "Last file","Letzte Datei" }, { "Keys + Colors...","Tasten + Farben..." }, { "Mini icons in toolbar(nr)","Mini Icons in ToolBar(bn)" }, { "Quick load/save (w/o Unicode)","Schnelles Laden/Speichern (o Unicode)" }, { "Choose...","Wähle..." }, { "Use colors for application:","Setze Farben für Programm:" }, { "Buttons, menus, etc.:","Knöpfe, Menu, etc.:" }, { "Frames, labels, etc.:","Rahmen, Label, etc.:" }, { "Show parent To-Do's","Zeige Ober-Todos" }, { "Show location","Zeige Orte" }, { "Show events that recur ","Zeige Termine, die sich wiederholen:" }, { "Show in every cell ","Zeige in jeder Zelle " }, { "short month","kurzen Monat" }, { "icons","Icons" }, { "Show Sat/Sun together","Zeige Sam/Son zusammen" }, { "Categorie colors are applied to text","Kategorie Farben färben Text" }, { "Month view uses day colors","Monatsansicht zeigt Tagesfarben" }, { "Day color odd months","Tagesfarbe ungerade Monate" }, { "Day color even months","Tagesfarbe gerade Monate" }, { "Color for Sundays + category \"Holiday\"","Farbe für Sonntag + Kateg.\" Feiertag\"" }, { "To-do view shows complete as 'xx %'","Zeige Prozent erledigt als 'xx %'" }, { "Small To-do view uses smaller font","Kleine To-do Ansicht nutzt kleineren Font" }, { "Colors are applied to text","Farben werden auf Text angewendet" }, { "Use internal alarm notification","Nutze interne Alarm Benachrichtigung" }, { "Note: KO/Pi must be running to notify you about an alarm. Recommended for use on Zaurus: Disable this option and install KO/Pi alarm applet.\n","Achtung: KO/Pi muß ausgeführt werden damit die Benachrichtigung funktioniert. Empfehlung für Zaurus: Diese Option nicht wählen und KO/Pi Alarm Applet installieren.\n" }, { "Play beeps count:","Anzahl der Alarmpiepse: " }, { "Beeps interval in sec:","Zeitintervall der Alarmpiepse: " }, { "Default suspend time in min:","Standard Supendierungs Zeit: " }, { "Auto suspend count:","Anzahl der auto Suspendierungen" }, { "Alarm *.wav file for newly created alarm:","Alarm *.wav Datei für neu angelegte Alarme:" }, { "New profile","Neues Profil" }, { "Clone profile","Klone Profil" }, { "Delete profile","Lösche Profil" }, { "Profile:","Profil:" }, { "Include in multiple sync","Beziehe Profil in mehrfach Sync mit ein" }, { "Force: Take local entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer lokalen Eintrag" }, { "Force: Take remote entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer fernen Eintrag" }, { "Show summary after sync","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach dem Synchronisieren" }, { "Write back file","Schreibe Datei zurück" }, { "Remote file (w down/upload command)","Entfernte Datei (via down/upload Kommando)" }, { "Pre sync (download) command:","Bevor Sync (download) Kommando:" }, { "Local device name:","Name dieses Gerätes:" }, { "Ask for preferences before sync","Frage nach Synchronisationseinstellungen vor dem Syncen" }, { "Sync preferences","Synchronisations Einstellungen" }, { "Profile kind","Profil Art" }, { "Local file","Lokale Datei" }, { "Local file:","Lokale Datei:" }, { "Post sync (upload) command:","Nach Sync (upload) Kommando:" }, { "Fill in default values for:","Setze Beispiel Werte ein für:" }, { "Hint: Use $PWD$ for placeholder of password!","Hinweis: Benutze $PWD$ als Platzhalter für ein Passwort!" }, { "Synchronization Preferences","Einstellungen der Synchronisationsprofile"}, { "Device","Gerät:" }, { "Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n","Sync mit Datei \n...%1\nvom:\n%2\n" }, { "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n","Synchronisationsübersicht:\n\n %d items lokal hinzugefügt\n %d items entfernt hinzugefügt\n %d items lokal geändert\n %d items entfernt geändert\n %d items lokal gelöscht\n %d items entfernt gelöscht\n" }, { "Synchronization successful","Synchronisation erfolgreich" }, { "Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.","Sync abgebrochen oder fehlgeschlagen. Nichts wurde gesynced." }, { "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n","Sync Datei \n...%1\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts wurde gesynced!\n" }, { "Sync filename(*.ics/*.vcs)","Sync Dateiname(*.ics/*.vcs)" }, { "Enter password","Passwort eingeben" }, { "Do you really want\nto remote sync\nwith profile \n","Wollen Sie wirklich\nmit dem entfernten\nProfil syncen: \n" }, { "Copy remote file to local machine...","Kopiere entfernte Datei auf lokalen Rechner..." }, { "Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n%1\n \nTry command on console to get more\ndetailed info about the reason.\n","Sorry, das Kopierkommando schlug fehl!\nKommando war:\n%1\n \nVersuche Kommando von Kosole um\nDetails für das Fehlschlagen\nzu erfahren.\n" }, { "Writing back file result: ","Resultat des Dateizurückschreibens: " }, { "Syncronization sucessfully completed","Synchronisation erfolgreich abgeschlossen" }, { "Edit Calendar Filters","Editiere Kalendar Filter" }, { "Enter filter name:","Neuer Filter Name:" }, { "Add Filter","Filter hinzufügen" }, { "Question","Frage" }, { "Filter position: ","Filter Position: " }, { "Month View","Monatsansicht" }, { "This profil cannot be deleted!\n","Dieses Profil kann\nnicht gelöscht werden!" }, { "KO/Pi config error","KO/Pi Konfig. Fehler" }, { "Local device name undefined!\nPlease define device name!","Name dieses Gerätes undefiniert!\nBitte Namen angeben!" }, { "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile haben denselben Namen!\nBitte unterschiedliche Namen wählen!" }, { "Access: ","Zugriff: " }, { "Needs Action","Aktion notwendig" }, { "Accepted","Akzeptiert" }, { "Declined","Abgelehnt" }, { "Tentative","Vorläufig" }, { "Delegated","Beauftragt" }, { "Completed","Vollständig" }, { "In Process","In Bearbeitung" }, { "Participant","Teilnehmer" }, { "Optional Participant","Möglicher Teilnehmer" }, { "Observer","Beobachter" }, { "Chair","Vorsitzender" }, { "Not supported \non desktop!\n","" }, { "Nothing selected!\n\nThis prints the full width of the Agenda view as you see it!\n\nTo determine the vertical range of the printing, please select\na vertical range (with the left mouse button down) in one column. ","Es ist nichts selektiert!\nDieses druckt die volle Breite der Agenda View, so wie man sie sieht.\nUm die vertikale Auswahl zum Drucken zu bestimmen,\nbitte einen vertikalen Zeitraum (mit gedrückter linker Maustaste)\nin einer Spalte auswählen.\n(Es wird danach direkt der Termin Dialog angezeigt\n - dort bitte auf Abbrechen klicken) " }, { "Date range: ","Datums Zeitspanne: " }, { "Not supported \non PDA!\n","Nicht verfügbar\nauf dem PDA. " }, { "Syncing - close to abort!","Syncing-schließe um abzubrechen." }, { "Add / remove events","Add./entferne Termine" }, { "File does not exist:\n '%1'.","Datei existiert nicht:\n '%1'." }, { "Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.","Kann Kalender nicht laden:\n '%1'." }, { "\nThe file on disk has changed!\nFile size: %1 bytes.\nLast modified: %2\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n","\nDie gepeicherte Datei wurde verändert!\nDatei Grösse: %1 Bytes.\nZuletzt geändert: %2\nMöchten Sie:\n\n - Speichern und die Datei überschreiben?\n - Mit Datei Synchronisieren, dann speichern?\n - Abbrechen ohne zu speichern? \n" }, { "Overwrite","Überschreiben" }, { "Sync+save","Syncen+speichern" }, { "Default","Standard" }, { " Categories added to list! "," Kategorien zur Liste hinzugefügt! " }, { " %d items?"," %d Einträge?" }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event\nand all its recurrences?","\nDieses ist ein\nwiederholender Termin!.\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie\ndiesen Termin und alle\nWiederholungen löschen möchten?" }, { " ?\n\nDelete:\n"," ?\n\nLösche:\n" }, { "Current","Aktuelle" }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nDo you want to delete\nall it's recurrences,\nor only the current one on:\n","\nDieses ist ein\nwiederholender Termin!\nMöchten sie alle Wiederholungen\nlöschen, oder nur die aktuelle am:\n" }, { "All","Alle" }, { "Data Loss Warning","Datenverlust Warnung" }, { "Proceed","Weitermachen" }, { "The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file.","Die Journal Einträge können\nnicht in eine vCalendar\nDatei exportiert werden!" }, { "Filter disabled ","Filter abgeschaltet" }, { "Filter selected: ","Gewählter Filter: " }, { "Toggle Cancel","Gecancelt ändern" }, { "&Toggle Cancel","Gecancel&t ändern" }, { "Configure Toolbar","Konfiguriere Toolbar" }, { "Stretched TB","Gedehnte TB" }, { "Import file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing imported!\n","Import Datei \n...%1\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts importiert!\n" }, { "Import filename(*.ics/*.vcs)","Import Dateiname(*.ics/*.vcs)" }, { "When importing a calendar twice\nduplicated events will be ignored!\nYou can create a backup file with\nFile - Save Calendar Backup\nto revert importing","Wenn ein Kalender doppelt importiert\nwird, werden doppelte Einträge ignoriert!\nSie können eine Backup Datei anlegen unter\nDatei - Speichere Kalender Backup\num den Import rückgängig machen zu können.\n" }, { "Not supported \non desktop!\n","Nur verfügbar auf PDA!" }, { "Imported file successfully","Datei erfolgreich importiert" }, { "Error importing file","Fehler beim Importieren der Datei" }, { "Export vcal filename(*.vcs)","Export vcal Dateiname(*.vcs)" }, { "Save file\nalready exists!\nOld save file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n","Zu speichernde Datei\existiert bereits!\nExist. Datei vom:\n%1\nÜberschreiben?\n" }, { "Overwrite!","Überschreiben!" }, { "Import file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\nDuplicated entries\nwill not be imported!\n","Import Datei \n...%1\nvom:\n%2\nDuplizierte Einträge\nwerden nicht importiert!\n" }, { "Load backup filename","Lade Backup Dateiname" }, { "Backup file\ndoes not exist!\nNothing loaded!","Backup Datei\nexistiert nicht!\nNichts geladen!" }, { "KO/Pi:Loaded %1","KO/Pi:Geladen %1" }, { "Save backup filename","Speichere Backup Dateiname" }, { "Backup file\nalready exists!\nOld backup file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n","Backup Datei\nexistiert bereits!\nAlte Backup Datei vom:\n%1\nÜberschreiben?\n" }, { "KO/Pi:Saved %1","KO/Pi:Gespeichert %1" }, { "Details of attendee","Teilnehmerdetails" }, { "Work phone:\n","Telefon Arbeit:\n" }, { "Work mobile phone:\n","Mobiltelefon Arbeit:\n" }, { "Home phone:\n","Telefon privat:\n" }, { "Mobile home phone:\n","Mobiltelefon privat:\n" }, { "Email:\n","Email:\n" }, { "Alarm disabled for this item","Alarm deaktiviert für dieses Item" }, { "Audio Al.: ","Audio Al.: " }, { "Proc.Al.: ","Proz.Al.: " }, { "No sound set","Kein Sound definiert" }, { "*.wav|Wav Files","*.wav|Wav Dateien" }, { "No program set","Kein Programm definiert" }, { "Running '%1'","Ausführen '%1'" }, { "Playing '%1'","Abspielen '%1'" }, { "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdefiniert (usertranslation.txt)" }, { "Load!","Laden!" }, { "Backup file from:\n%1\nLoading backup\nfile will delete\nyour current Data!\n","Backup Datei vom:\n%1\nDas Laden der Backup Datei\nlöscht die aktuellen Daten!\n" }, { "KO/Pi Features and hints","KO/Pi Eigenschaften und Tipps" }, { "KO/Pi User translation HowTo","KO/Pi Benutzer-Übersetzung HowTo" }, { "KO/Pi Synchronization HowTo","KO/Pi Synchronisation HowTo" }, { "Features + hints...","Eigenschaften + Tipps..." }, { "User translation...","Benutzer Übersetzung..." }, { "Sync HowTo...","Synchronisation HowTo..." }, { "Print calendar...","Drucke Kalender..." }, { "Anniversary","Jahrestag" }, { "When importing birthdays twice\nduplicated events will be ignored,\nif the event has not been\nchanged in KO/Pi!\n","Wenn Geburtstage mehrfach importiert\nwerden, werden doppelte Einträge ignoriert\nwenn sie nicht verändert wurden.\n" }, { "Import Birthdays (KA/Pi)","Importiere Geburtstage (KA/Pi)" }, { "Next recurrence is on: ","Nächste Wiederholung ist am:" }, { "<b>Alarm on: </b>","<b>Alarm am: </b>" }, { "<b>Access: </b>","<b>Zugriff: </b>" }, { "(%1 min before)","(%1 min vorher)" }, { "<b>Categories: </b>","<b>Kategorien: </b>" }, { "Save Journal/Description...","Speichere Journal/Details..." }, { "This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file.","Das speichert den Text bzw.\ndie Details von selektierten\nJournalen und Events/Todos\nin eine Textdatei." }, { "Continue","Weitermachen" }, { " birthdays/anniversaries added!"," Geburts-/Jahrestage hinzugefügt" }, { "Attendee:","Teilnehmer:" }, { "Click OK to search ->","Klicke zum Suchen auf OK ->" }, { "On day ","Am Tag " }, { "%1 of ","%1 des Monats" }, { "%1 of the year","%1 des Jahres" }, { "Anonymous","Anonymo" }, { "nobody@nowhere","niemand@nirgendwo" }, { "calendar.html","calendar.html" }, { " Local Time"," Locale Zeit" }, { "Unknown Name","Unbekannter Name" }, { "unknown@nowhere","unbekannt@nirgendwo" }, { "Beam via IR!","Beam via IR!" }, { "Next Month","Nächster Monat" }, { "Prio","Prio" }, { "Reparent Todo","Mache Sub-Todo" }, { "tomorrow","morgen" }, { "today","heute" }, { "yesterday","gestern" }, { "Ok","Ok" }, { "Ok+Agenda","Ok+Agenda" }, { "Email","Email" }, { "RSVP","RSVP" }, { "Email:","Email:" }, { "Appointment Time ","Termin Zeit " }, { "2","2" }, { "3","3" }, { "4","4" }, { " 0 %"," 0 %" }, { " 20 %"," 20 %" }, { " 40 %"," 40 %" }, { " 60 %"," 60 %" }, { " 80 %"," 80 %" }, { "100 %","100 %" }, { "Filter","Filter" }, { "Configure","Konfiguriere" }, { "What's Next","What's Next" }, { "Complete calendar...","Kompletten Kalender..." }, { "Filtered calendar...","Gefilterten Kalender..." }, { "Export to phone","Exportiere zum Handy" }, { "Beam receive enabled","Beam Empfang an" }, { "What's new?","Was ist neu?" }, { "FAQ...","FAQ..." }, { "Licence...","Licence..." }, { "What's This?","What's This?" }, { "&Edit...","&Editiere..." }, { "Oktober","Oktober" }, { "Title","Titel" }, { "%1 %","%1 %" }, { "Enable Pi-Sync","Schalte Pi-Sync an" }, { "Import!","Importiere!" }, { "inserting birthdays - close to abort!","Burzeltage werden eingefügt - schließe um abzubrechen!" }, { "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" }, { "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." }, { "I/O device: ","I/O device: " }, { "Connection: ","Connection: " }, { "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " }, { "Write back events in future only","Schreibe nur zukünftige Termine zurück" }, { "Max. weeks in future: ","Max. Wochen in der Zukunft: " }, { "NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nTodo/Kalender Daten auf dem Handy!" }, { "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" }, { "Export complete calendar","Exportiere kompletten Kalender" }, { "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." }, { " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" }, { "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" }, { "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" }, { "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Gerät!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" }, { "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" }, { "Export filtered calendar","Exportiere gefilterten Kalender" }, { "Preferences","Vorlieben" }, { "Global","Global" }, { "Phone","Phone" }, { "SMS","SMS" }, { "Fax","Fax" }, { "Pager","Pager" }, { "SIP","SIP" }, { "Italian","Italienisch" }, { "24:00","24:00" }, { "12:00am","12:00am" }, { "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" }, { "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" }, { "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" }, { "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" }, { "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" }, { "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" }, { "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" }, { "Channel:","Channel:" }, { "Message:","Message:" }, { "Parameters:","Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" }, { "extra Message:","extra Message:" }, { "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" }, { "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" }, { "External Apps.","Externe Appl." }, { "24 hours","24 Std." }, { "3 hours","3 Std." }, { "1 hour","1 Std." }, { "15 minutes","15 Min." }, { "5 minutes","5 Min." }, { "1 minute","1 Min." }, { "23","23" }, { "Mon 15","Mon 15" }, { "Configure KO","Konfiguriere KO" }, { "Event text","Termin Text" }, { "ToDo","Todo" }, { "Today","Heute" }, { "What's Next View","What's Next Ansicht" }, { "Allday Agenda view shows todos","Ganztag Agenda zeigt Todos" }, { "Alarm","Alarm" }, { "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" }, { "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" }, { "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" }, { "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" }, { "Include in multiple ","Beziehe in multiple " }, { "calendar ","Kalender " }, { "addressbook ","Adressbuch " }, { "pwmanager","PWmanager" }, { " sync"," Sync ein" }, { "Write back synced data","Schreibe gesyncte Daten zurück" }, { "-- Write back (on remote) existing entries only","-- Schreibe nur existierende (entfernte) Einträge zurück" }, { "-- Write back (calendar) entries in future only","-- Schreibe nur zukünftige Kalender-Einträge zurück" }, { "---- Max. weeks in future: ","---- Max. wochen in der Zukunft: " }, { "Pi-Sync ( direct Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi sync )","Pi-Sync ( direktes Kx/Pi zu Kx/Pi sync )" }, { "Mobile device (cell phone)","Mobiles Gerät (Handy)" }, { "Help...","Hilfe..." }, { "Local file Cal:","Lokale Datei Kal:" }, { "Local file ABook:","Lokale Datei ABuch:" }, { "Local file PWMgr:","Lokale Datei PWMgr:" }, { "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei (*.vcf) wird von KA/Pi genutzt" }, { "Calendar:","Kalender:" }, { "AddressBook:","AdressBuch:" }, { "PWManager:","PWManager:" }, { "Addressbook file is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei wird von KA/Pi genutzt" }, { "ssh/scp","ssh/scp" }, { "ftp","ftp" }, { "Password for remote access: (could be the same for each)","Passwort für entfernten Zugriff: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" }, { "Remote IP address: (could be the same for each)","Entfernte IP Adresse: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" }, { "Remote port number: (should be different for each)","Entfernte Port Nummer: (Sollte für alle unterschiedlich sein)" }, { "command for downloading remote file to local device","Kommando zum Download der entfernten Datei zum lokalen Gerät" }, { "command for uploading local temp file to remote device","Kommando zum Upload der lokalen temp. Datei zum entfernten Gerät" }, diff --git a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt index beb066e..a50dd04 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt @@ -1,362 +1,362 @@ { " Local Time","Ortszeit" },
{ "Default","Standard" },
{ "Configure...","Konfigurieren..." },
{ "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" },
{ "For all profiles","Für alle Profile" },
{ "Enable Pi-Sync","Aktiviere Pi-Sync" },
{ "Multiple sync","Multi Sync" },
{ "&Save","&Speichern" },
{ "&Print...","Drucken..." },
{ "&File","Datei" },
{ "&Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "&View","Ansicht" },
{ "&Help","Hilfe" },
{ "Description","Beschreibungen" },
{ "URL","URL" },
{ "Name:","Name:" },
{ "Documents","Dokumente" },
{ "Files","Dateien" },
{ "All Files","Alle Dateien" },
{ "Name","Name" },
{ "Size","Größe" },
{ "Date","Datum" },
{ "Mime Type","Mime Typ" },
{ "Ok","Ok" },
{ "Cancel","Abbrechen" },
{ "1","1" },
{ "Synchronization Preferences","Einstellungen der Synchronisationsprofile" },
{ "Local device name:","Name dieses Gerätes:" },
{ "New profile","Neues Profil" },
{ "Clone profile","Klone Profil" },
{ "Delete profile","Lösche Profil" },
{ "Profile:","Profil:" },
{ "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" },
{ "Include in multiple ","Beziehe in mehrfach " },
{ "calendar ","Kalender " },
{ "addressbook ","Adressbuch " },
{ "pwmanager","PWmanager" },
{ " sync"," Sync ein" },
{ "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" },
{ "Ask for preferences before sync","Frage nach Synchronisationseinstellungen vor dem Syncen" },
{ "Sync preferences","Synchronisations Einstellungen" },
{ "Take local entry on conflict","Nimm lokalen Eintrag beim Konflikt" },
{ "Take remote entry on conflict","Nimm fernen Eintrag beim Konflikt" },
{ "Take newest entry on conflict","Nimm neuesten Eintrag beim Konflikt" },
{ "Ask for every entry on conflict","Frage bei Konflikten nach" },
{ "Force: Take local entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer lokalen Eintrag" },
{ "Force: Take remote entry always","Erzwinge: Nimm immer fernen Eintrag" },
{ "Show summary after sync","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach dem Synchronisieren" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Lokal:" },
{ "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back synced data","Schreibe gesyncte Daten zurück" },
{ "Write back options","Optionen zum Zurückschreiben" },
{ "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Einträge zurück" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Entfernt:" },
{ "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Einträge für Zeitspanne zurück" },
{ "Time period","Zeitspanne" },
{ "From ","Von " },
{ " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " },
{ " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " },
{ "Profile kind","Profil Art" },
{ "Local file","Lokale Datei" },
{ "Pi-Sync ( direct Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi sync )","Pi-Sync ( direktes Kx/Pi zu Kx/Pi sync )" },
{ "Remote file (w down/upload command)","Entfernte Datei (via down/upload Kommando)" },
{ "Mobile device (cell phone)","Mobiles Gerät (Handy)" },
{ "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abhängige Einstellungen" },
{ "I/O device: ","I/O device: " },
{ "Help...","Hilfe..." },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Local file Cal:","Lokale Datei Kal:" },
{ "Local file ABook:","Lokale Datei ABuch:" },
{ "Local file PWMgr:","Lokale Datei PWMgr:" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei (*.vcf) wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "Calendar:","Kalender:" },
{ "AddressBook:","AdressBuch:" },
{ "PWManager:","PWManager:" },
{ "Pre sync (download) command:","Bevor Sync (download) Kommando:" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Post sync (upload) command:","Nach Sync (upload) Kommando:" },
{ "Addressbook file is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
{ "Fill in default values for:","Setze Beispiel Werte ein für:" },
{ "ssh/scp","ssh/scp" },
{ "ftp","ftp" },
{ "Hint: Use $PWD$ for placeholder of password!","Hinweis: Benutze $PWD$ als Platzhalter für ein Passwort!" },
{ "Password for remote access: (could be the same for each)","Passwort für entfernten Zugriff: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote IP address: (could be the same for each)","Entfernte IP Adresse: (kann dasselbe sein für alle)" },
{ "Remote port number: (should be different for each)","Entfernte Port Nummer: (Sollte für alle unterschiedlich sein)" },
{ "command for downloading remote file to local device","Kommando zum Download der entfernten Datei zum lokalen Gerät" },
{ "command for uploading local temp file to remote device","Kommando zum Upload der lokalen temp. Datei zum entfernten Gerät" },
{ "No Filter","Kein Filter" },
{ "KO/Pi config error","KO/Pi Konfig. Fehler" },
{ "Local device name undefined!\nPlease define device name!","Name dieses Gerätes undefiniert!\nBitte Namen angeben!" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Configure","Konfiguriere" },
{ "Apply","Anwenden" },
{ "None","Kein" },
{ "Global","Allgemein" },
{ "Email","E-Mail" },
{ "Phone","Telefon" },
{ "SMS","SMS" },
{ "Fax","Fax" },
{ "Pager","Pager" },
{ "SIP","SIP" },
{ "Language:(needs restart)","Sprache:(Neustart)" },
{ "English","English" },
{ "German","Deutsch" },
{ "French","Französisch" },
{ "Italian","Italienisch" },
{ "User defined (usertranslation.txt)","Benutzerdef. (usertranslation.txt)" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(nr):" },
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" },
{ "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" },
{ "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" },
{ "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" },
{ "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." },
-{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" },
+{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Start:" },
{ "Mon","Mo" },
{ "Tue","Di" },
{ "Wed","Mi" },
{ "Thu","Do" },
{ "Fri","Fr" },
{ "Sat","Sa" },
{ "Sun","So" },
{ "January","Januar" },
{ "February","Februar" },
{ "March","März" },
{ "April","April" },
{ "May","Mai" },
{ "June","Juni" },
{ "July","July" },
{ "August","August" },
{ "September","September" },
{ "October","October" },
{ "November","November" },
{ "December","Dezember" },
{ "tomorrow","Morgen" },
{ "today","Heute" },
{ "yesterday","Gestern" },
{ "Monday","Montag" },
{ "Tuesday","Dienstag" },
{ "Wednesday","Mittwoch" },
{ "Thursday","Donnerstag" },
{ "Friday","Freitag" },
{ "Saturday","Samstag" },
{ "Sunday","Sonntag" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzer %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Keine Email Client installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Client" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Client" },
{ "URL:","URL:" },
{ "No","Nein" },
{ "Yes","Ja" },
{ "Untitled","Unbenannt" },
{ "&New","&Neu" },
{ "&Open","&Öffne" },
{ "&Close","Schließen" },
{ "Save &as...","Speichere &als..." },
{ "&Text-file...","&Text-Datei..." },
{ "&Gpasman / Kpasman ...","&Gpasman / Kpasman ..." },
{ "&CSV (Comma Separated Value) ...","&CSV (Komma getrennte Werte) ..." },
{ "E&xport","E&xport" },
{ "I&mport","I&mport" },
{ "&Quit","Beenden" },
{ "&Add password","&Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "&Delete","Lösche" },
{ "Change &Master Password","Ändere &Master Passwort" },
{ "&Manage","Verwalte" },
{ "&Find","&Finde" },
{ "&Lock all entries","Sperre alle Einträge" },
{ "&Deep-lock all entries","Sperre total alle Einträge" },
{ "&Unlock all entries","Entsperre alle Einträge" },
{ "&Configure...","Konfiguriere..." },
{ "&Options","Konfig" },
{ "C&ategories...","K&ategorien..." },
{ "&Sync","&Sync" },
{ "&License","&Lizenz" },
{ "&Faq","&Faq" },
{ "&About PwManager","Über PwManager" },
{ "&Sync HowTo","&Sync HowTo" },
{ "&What's New","Was ist neu?" },
{ "New","Neu" },
{ "Open","Öffnen" },
{ "Save","Speichern" },
{ "Save as","Speichern als" },
{ "Print...","Drucke..." },
{ "Add password","Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "Edit password","Passwort ändern" },
{ "Delete password","Passwort löschen" },
{ "Find entry","Finde Eintrag" },
{ "Lock all entries","Sperre alle Einträge" },
{ "Deep-Lock all entries","Sperre total alle Einträge" },
{ "Unlock all entries","Entsperre alle Einträge" },
{ "Categories:","Kategorien:" },
{ "&Rename","&Umbenennen" },
{ "Username","Benutzername" },
{ "Password","Passwort" },
{ "Launcher","Launcher" },
{ "copy password to clipboard","Kopiere Passwort ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy username to clipboard","Kopiere Benutzername ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy description to clipboard","Kopiere Beschreibung ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy url to clipboard","Kopiere URL ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy launcher to clipboard","Kopiere Launcher ins Clipboard" },
{ "copy comment to clipboard","Kopiere Kommentare ins Clipboard" },
{ "Execute "Launcher"",""Launcher" ausführen" },
{ "Go to "URL"","Gehe zu "URL"" },
{ "Ready.","Fertig." },
{ "password filename(*.pwm)","passwort dateiname(*.pwm)" },
{ "File error","Datei Fehler" },
{ "Could not read file!","Kann Datei nicht lesen!" },
{ "Master-password","Master-Passwort" },
{ "Please enter the master-password:","Bitter Master-Passwort eingeben:" },
{ "Wrong master-password!\nPlease try again.","Falsches Master-Passwort!\nBitte erneut versuchen." },
{ "password error","Passwort Fehler" },
{ "Successfully opened file.","Datei erfolgreich geöffnet." },
{ "This file is DEEP-LOCKED!\nThat means all data has been encrypted\nand written out to the file. If you want\nto see the entries, please UNLOCK the file.\nWhile unlocking, you will be prompted for the\nmaster-password or the key-card.","Diese Datei ist TOTAL-GESPERRT!\nDas bedeutet, dass alle Daten verschlüsselt\nsind und in die Datei geschrieben wurden.\nWenn Sie die Einträge sehen möchten\nENTSPERREN Sie bitte die Datei.\nZum Entsperren werden Sie nach\ndem Master-Passwort gefragt." },
{ "<LOCKED>","<GESPERRT>" },
{ "To unlock click the icon on the left.","Zum Entsperren auf linkes Icon klicken." },
{ "PwManager","PwManager" },
{ "Window-style:","Window-Stil:" },
{ "Category on top","Kategorien oben" },
{ "Category-list left/top","Kategorien links oben" },
{ "Font for Password entries:","Schrift für Passwort Einträge:" },
{ "Font for Password summary:","Schrift für Passwort Übersicht:" },
{ "Font:","Schriftart:" },
{ "Summary","Übersicht" },
{ "Compression:","Kompression:" },
{ "gzip","gzip" },
{ "Encryption:","Verschlüsselung:" },
{ "Blowfish (128 bit)","Blowfish (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)","AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)","AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)" },
{ "AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)","AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)" },
{ "Triple-DES (168 bit)","Triple-DES (168 bit)" },
{ "Twofish (256 bit)","Twofish (256 bit)" },
{ "Twofish-128 (128 bit)","Twofish-128 (128 bit)" },
{ "Hashing:","Hashing:" },
{ "SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)","SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)" },
{ "SHA-256 (256 bit)","SHA-256 (256 bit)" },
{ "SHA-384 (384 bit)","SHA-384 (384 bit)" },
{ "SHA-512 (512 bit)","SHA-512 (512 bit)" },
{ "MD5 (128 bit)","MD5 (128 bit)" },
{ "RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)","RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)" },
{ "Tiger (192 bit)","Tiger (192 bit)" },
{ "Permissions:","Zugriffsrechte:" },
{ "Make backup before saving","Mache Backup vor dem Speichern" },
{ "Password timeout\n(timeout to hold password in\nmemory,so you don't have to\nre-enter it,if you\nalready have entered it)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","Passwort Timeout\n(Timeout um das Passwort\nim Speicher zu halten,\nso dass es nicht noch mal\neingegeben werden muß.)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "Auto-lock timeout\n(auto lock document after this\namount of seconds)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","(Total-)Sperr-Timeout\n(Sperre Dokument total nach\ndieser Anzahl Sekunden)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "deep-lock on autolock","Sperre total beim Sperr-Timeout" },
{ "open deeplocked","Öffne total gesperrt" },
{ "Favourite browser:","Bevorzugter Browser:" },
{ "Favourite x-terminal:","Bevorzugtes x-terminal:" },
{ "Open document with passwords unlocked","Öffne Dokument mit Passwort ungesperrt" },
{ "Look && feel","Aussehen" },
{ "File","Datei" },
{ "Timeout","Timeout" },
{ "Autostart","Autostart" },
{ "External apps","Externe Applik." },
{ "Miscellaneous","Verschiedenes" },
{ "+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)","+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)" },
{ "edit category descriptions","Ändere Label für Kategorie" },
{ "Close","Schließen" },
{ "Category:","Category:" },
{ "Text1 (Description):","Text1 (Beschreibung):" },
{ "Text2 (Username):","Text2 (Benutzername):" },
{ "Text3 (Password):","Text3 (Passwort):" },
{ "edit/add a password entry","Ändere/hinzufüge Passwort Eintrag" },
{ "Description:","Beschreibung:" },
{ "Username:","Benutzername:" },
{ "Password:","Passwort:" },
{ "&Reveal","&Offen zeigen" },
{ "&Generate","&Generiere" },
{ "&Password","&Passwort" },
{ "&Comments","Kommentar" },
{ "Launcher:","Launcher:" },
{ "$d = Description","$d = Beschreibung" },
{ "$n = Username","$n = Benutzername" },
{ "$c = Comment","$c = Kommentar" },
{ "$u = URL","$u = URL" },
{ "$p = Password","$p = Passwort" },
{ "&Launcher","&Launcher" },
{ "Password generator","Passwort Generator" },
{ "Character set:","Buchstaben Set:" },
{ "Lowercase (abc)","Klein (abc)" },
{ "Uppercase (ABC)","Groß (ABC)" },
{ "Numbers (123)","Nummmern (123)" },
{ "Special characters:","Spezielle Buchstaben:" },
{ "Spaces (blank characters)","Leerzeichen" },
{ "User defined:","Benutzer definiert:" },
{ "Password Length:","Passwort Länge:" },
{ "Enable Filtering to get better passwords","Enable Filtering to get better passwords" },
{ "no password","Kein Passwort" },
{ "Sorry, you haven't set a password.","Sorry, Sie haben kein Passwort angegeben." },
{ "not saved, yet","not saved, yet" },
{ "Can't deep-lock, because the document\nhasn't been saved, yet. Please save\nto a file and try again.","Kann nicht tiefsperren, weil das\nDokument noch nicht gespeichert wurde.\nBitte speichern und noch einmal versuchen." },
{ "Find","Finde" },
{ "&Exact match","Genaue Übereinstimmung" },
{ "&Case sensitive","Großschrift abhängig" },
{ "Search in Column","Suche in Spalten" },
{ "&Description","Beschreibung" },
{ "C&omment","Kommentar" },
{ "&Username","Benutzername" },
{ "U&RL","URL" },
{ "delete?","Löschen?" },
{ "Do you really want to delete\nthe selected entry","Wollen Sie wirklich\nden Eintrag löschen:" },
{ "Save?","Speichern?" },
{ ""\nhas been modified.\nDo you want to save it?",""\nwurde geändert.\nMöchten Sie speichern?" },
{ "The list\n "","Die Liste\n "" },
{ "nothing to do","Nichts zu tun" },
{ "Sorry, there's nothing to save.\nPlease first add some passwords.","Sorry, es gibt nichts zu speichern.\nBitte erst Passwörter hinzufügen." },
{ "Add new password","Passwort hinzufügen" },
{ "Successfully saved data.","Datei gespeichert." },
{ "Category:","Kategorie:" },
{ "Colors","Farben" },
{ "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund für Listen" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp index df606d0..c32a2a4 100644 --- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp @@ -1,758 +1,762 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Eitzenberger Thomas <thomas.eitzenberger@siemens.at> Parts of the source code have been copied from kdpdatebutton.cpp This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source ode for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qevent.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h> #include <libkcal/icaldrag.h> #include <libkcal/dndfactory.h> #include <libkcal/calendarresources.h> #include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h> #include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h> #include <kcalendarsystem.h> #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS #include "kocore.h" #endif #include "koprefs.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "kodaymatrix.h" // ============================================================================ // D Y N A M I C T I P // ============================================================================ DynamicTip::DynamicTip( QWidget * parent ) : QToolTip( parent ) { matrix = (KODayMatrix*)parent; } class KODaymatrixWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis { public: KODaymatrixWhatsThis( KODayMatrix* view ) : QWhatsThis( view ),_view (view) { ;}; - ~KODaymatrixWhatsThis() { ; }; + ~KODaymatrixWhatsThis() { qDebug("DELETE KODaymatrixWhatsThis "); }; protected: virtual QString text( const QPoint& p ) { return _view->getWhatsThisText( p ) ; } private: KODayMatrix * _view; }; void DynamicTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos ) { //calculate which cell of the matrix the mouse is in QRect sz = matrix->frameRect(); int dheight = sz.height()*7 / 42; int dwidth = sz.width() / 7; int row = pos.y()/dheight; int col = pos.x()/dwidth; QRect rct(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight); // kdDebug() << "DynamicTip::maybeTip matrix cell index [" << // col << "][" << row << "] => " <<(col+row*7) << endl; //show holiday names only QString str = matrix->getHolidayLabel(col+row*7); if (str.isEmpty()) return; tip(rct, str); } // ============================================================================ // K O D A Y M A T R I X // ============================================================================ const int KODayMatrix::NOSELECTION = -1000; const int KODayMatrix::NUMDAYS = 42; KODayMatrix::KODayMatrix( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame( parent, name , Qt::WRepaintNoErase ), mCalendar( 0 ) -#if 0 -KODayMatrix::KODayMatrix(QWidget *parent, Calendar* calendar, QDate date, const char *name) : - QFrame(parent, name) -#endif + { + mLastView = -1; oldW = 0; oldH = 0; myPix.resize( 150, 120 ); mRedrawNeeded = true; mKODaymatrixWhatsThis = new KODaymatrixWhatsThis(this); mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false; mouseDown = false; // initialize dynamic arrays bDays.resize ( NUMDAYS ); pDays.resize ( NUMDAYS ); hDays.resize ( NUMDAYS ); eDays.resize ( NUMDAYS ); days = new QDate[NUMDAYS]; daylbls = new QString[NUMDAYS]; //events = new int[NUMDAYS]; mToolTip = new DynamicTip(this); // set default values used for drawing the matrix mDefaultBackColor = palette().active().base(); mDefaultTextColor = palette().active().foreground(); mDefaultTextColorShaded = getShadedColor(mDefaultTextColor); mHolidayColorShaded = getShadedColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor); mSelectedDaysColor = QColor("white"); mTodayMarginWidth = 2; mSelEnd = mSelStart = NOSELECTION; setAcceptDrops(true); //setFont( QFont("Arial", 10) ); mUpdateTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (mUpdateTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( updateViewTimed() )); mRepaintTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (mRepaintTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( repaintViewTimed() )); mDayChanged = false; updateView(); } QString KODayMatrix::getWhatsThisText( QPoint p ) { int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(p.x(), p.y()); if ( tmp < 0 || tmp > NUMDAYS-1 || !mCalendar ) return QString(); QDate mDate = days[tmp]; QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events(mDate); Event *event; QStringList mToolTip; for(event=eventlist.first();event != 0;event=eventlist.next()) { QString mToolTipText; QString text; int multiday = 0;// 1 = start, 2 = midddle, 3 = end day if (event->isMultiDay()) { QString prefix = "<->";multiday = 2; QString time; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { if ( event->recursOn( mDate) ) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else { int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) ) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } } else { if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } if ( !event->doesFloat() ) { if ( mDate == event->dtStart().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+" "; else if ( mDate == event->dtEnd().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" "; } text = time + event->summary(); mToolTipText += prefix + text; } else { if (event->doesFloat()) { text = event->summary(); mToolTipText += text; } else { text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()); text += " " + event->summary(); mToolTipText += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary(); } } if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) mToolTipText += " (" + event->location() + ")"; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 mToolTipText.replace( '<' , "<" ); mToolTipText.replace( '>' , ">" ); #else if ( mToolTipText.find ('<') >= 0 ) { mToolTipText.replace( QRegExp("<") , "<" ); } if ( mToolTipText.find ('>') >= 0 ) { mToolTipText.replace( QRegExp(">") , ">" ); } #endif //qDebug("TTT: %s ", mToolTipText.latin1()); mToolTip.append( mToolTipText ); } mToolTip.sort(); return "<b>"+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(days[tmp]) + "</b><br>" + mToolTip.join("<br>"); } void KODayMatrix::setCalendar( Calendar *cal ) { mCalendar = cal; setAcceptDrops( mCalendar ); updateEvents(); } QColor KODayMatrix::getShadedColor(QColor color) { QColor shaded; int h=0; int s=0; int v=0; color.hsv(&h,&s,&v); s = s/4; v = 192+v/4; shaded.setHsv(h,s,v); return shaded; } KODayMatrix::~KODayMatrix() { +#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 + +#else + delete mKODaymatrixWhatsThis; +#endif + // delete mKODaymatrixWhatsThis; delete [] days; delete [] daylbls; //delete [] events; delete mToolTip; } /* void KODayMatrix::setStartDate(QDate start) { updateView(start); } */ void KODayMatrix::addSelectedDaysTo(DateList& selDays) { if (mSelStart == NOSELECTION) { return; } //cope with selection being out of matrix limits at top (< 0) int i0 = mSelStart; if (i0 < 0) { for (int i = i0; i < 0; i++) { selDays.append(days[0].addDays(i)); } i0 = 0; } //cope with selection being out of matrix limits at bottom (> NUMDAYS-1) if (mSelEnd > NUMDAYS-1) { for (int i = i0; i <= NUMDAYS-1; i++) { selDays.append(days[i]); } for (int i = NUMDAYS; i < mSelEnd; i++) { selDays.append(days[0].addDays(i)); } // apply normal routine to selection being entirely within matrix limits } else { for (int i = i0; i <= mSelEnd; i++) { selDays.append(days[i]); } } } bool KODayMatrix::setSelectedDaysFrom(const QDate& start, const QDate& end) { mRedrawNeeded = true; bool noSel = (mSelEnd == NOSELECTION && mSelStart == NOSELECTION ); mSelStart = startdate.daysTo(start); if ( mSelStart < 0 ) mSelStart = 0; mSelEnd = startdate.daysTo(end); if ( mSelEnd > NUMDAYS-1 ) mSelEnd = NUMDAYS-1; if ( mSelEnd < 0 || mSelStart > NUMDAYS-1 ) { clearSelection(); if ( noSel ) return false; } return true; } void KODayMatrix::clearSelection() { mSelEnd = mSelStart = NOSELECTION; } void KODayMatrix::recalculateToday() { today = -1; for (int i=0; i<NUMDAYS; i++) { //events[i] = 0; days[i] = startdate.addDays(i); daylbls[i] = QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] )); // if today is in the currently displayed month, hilight today if (days[i].year() == QDate::currentDate().year() && days[i].month() == QDate::currentDate().month() && days[i].day() == QDate::currentDate().day()) { today = i; } } // qDebug(QString("Today is visible at %1.").arg(today)); } void KODayMatrix::updateView() { updateView(startdate); } void KODayMatrix::repaintViewTimed() { mRedrawNeeded = true; // bDays.fill( false); //pDays.fill( false); //hDays.fill( false); //eDays.fill( false); mRepaintTimer->stop(); int startDay = days[0].dayOfWeek(); // 1...7 7 = sunday int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) { if ( ( (i+startDay) % 7 == 0 ) ) { pDays.setBit(i); } } repaint(false); } void KODayMatrix::computeEvent(Event *event, int i ) { QString holiStr = mHolidays[i]; if ( event->isHoliday()) { pDays.setBit(i); hDays.setBit(i); if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += event->summary(); if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) holiStr += " (" + event->location() + ")"; mHolidays[i] =holiStr ; eDays.setBit(i); } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView != VIEW_T_VIEW && KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView != VIEW_J_VIEW ) { if ( event->isBirthday()) { pDays.setBit(i); if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += i18n("Birthday") + ": "+event->summary(); if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) holiStr += " (" + event->location() + ")"; bDays.setBit(i); mHolidays[i] =holiStr ; } } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView != VIEW_J_VIEW ) eDays.setBit(i); } void KODayMatrix::updateViewTimed() { mUpdateTimer->stop(); if ( !mCalendar ) { qDebug("NOT CAL "); return; } #if 1 int i; int timeSpan = NUMDAYS-1; QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->events(); Event *event; QDateTime dt; bool ok; bDays.fill( false); pDays.fill( false); hDays.fill( false); eDays.fill( false); mHolidays.clear(); QDate mStartDate = days[0]; QDate endDate = mStartDate.addDays( timeSpan ); for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event ushort recurType = event->recurrence()->doesRecur(); if ((recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur) || (recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur)) { continue; } if ( event->doesRecur() ) { bool last; QDateTime incidenceStart = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( QDateTime( mStartDate ) , &last ); QDateTime incidenceEnd; int eventlen = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); bool invalid = false; while( true ) { if ( incidenceStart.isValid() ) { incidenceEnd = incidenceStart.addDays( eventlen ); int st = incidenceStart.date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( incidenceEnd.date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; //qDebug("found %s %d %d ",event->summary().latin1(), st, end ); for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) { computeEvent( event, iii ); } } } } else { if ( invalid ) break; invalid = true; //qDebug("invalid %s", event->summary().latin1()); incidenceStart = QDateTime( mStartDate ).addSecs( -2 );; } if ( last ) break; bool ok; incidenceStart = event->getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ) ,&ok ); if ( ! ok ) break; if ( incidenceStart.date() > endDate ) break; } } else { // no recur int st = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) computeEvent( event, iii ); } } } } int startDay = days[0].dayOfWeek(); // 1...7 7 = sunday for(i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) { if ( ( (i+startDay) % 7 == 0 ) ) { pDays.setBit(i); } } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView == VIEW_T_VIEW ) { bDays.fill( false); // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = mCalendar->todos( ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { //insertTodo( todo ); if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtDue().date() ); if ( day >= 0 && day < timeSpan + 1) { int i = day; QString holiStr = mHolidays[i]; pDays.setBit(i); if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += i18n("Todo") + ": "+todo->summary(); if ( !todo->location().isEmpty() ) holiStr += " (" + todo->location() + ")"; bDays.setBit(i); mHolidays[i] =holiStr ; eDays.setBit(i); } } } } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView == VIEW_J_VIEW ) { bDays.fill( false); // insert due todos QPtrList<Journal> todos = mCalendar->journals( ); Journal *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtStart().date() ); if ( day >= 0 && day < timeSpan + 1) { int i = day; QString holiStr = mHolidays[i]; pDays.setBit(i); if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += i18n("Journal"); bDays.setBit(i); mHolidays[i] =holiStr ; eDays.setBit(i); } } } #else //qDebug("KODayMatrix::updateViewTimed "); for(int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) { // if events are set for the day then remember to draw it bold QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events(days[i]); Event *event; int numEvents = eventlist.count(); QString holiStr = ""; bDays.clearBit(i); hDays.clearBit(i); eDays.clearBit(i); for(event=eventlist.first();event != 0;event=eventlist.next()) { ushort recurType = event->recurrence()->doesRecur(); if ((recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur) || (recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur)) { numEvents--; } if ( event->isHoliday()) { hDays.setBit(i); if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += event->summary(); if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) holiStr += " (" + event->location() + ")"; } if ( event->isBirthday()) { if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() ) holiStr += "\n"; holiStr += i18n("Birthday") + ": "+event->summary(); if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) holiStr += " (" + event->location() + ")"; bDays.setBit(i); } } if ( numEvents ) eDays.setBit(i); //if it is a holy day then draw it red. Sundays are consider holidays, too if ( (KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(days[i]) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray()) || !holiStr.isEmpty()) { mHolidays[i] = holiStr; } else { mHolidays[i] = QString::null; } } #endif mRedrawNeeded = true; if ( ! mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) repaint(false); } void KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate) { if ( mLastView != KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView ) mRedrawNeeded = true; mLastView = KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentDisplayedView; if ( ! actdate.isValid() ) { //qDebug("date not valid "); return; } mDayChanged = false; //flag to indicate if the starting day of the matrix has changed by this call //mDayChanged = false; // if a new startdate is to be set then apply Cornelius's calculation // of the first day to be shown if (actdate != startdate) { // reset index of selection according to shift of starting date from startdate to actdate if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) { int tmp = actdate.daysTo(startdate); //kdDebug() << "Shift of Selection1: " << mSelStart << " - " << mSelEnd << " -> " << tmp << "(" << offset << ")" << endl; // shift selection if new one would be visible at least partly ! if (mSelStart+tmp < NUMDAYS && mSelEnd+tmp >= 0) { // nested if is required for next X display pushed from a different month - correction required // otherwise, for month forward and backward, it must be avoided if( mSelStart > NUMDAYS || mSelStart < 0 ) mSelStart = mSelStart + tmp; if( mSelEnd > NUMDAYS || mSelEnd < 0 ) mSelEnd = mSelEnd + tmp; } } startdate = actdate; mDayChanged = true; recalculateToday(); mRedrawNeeded = true; } //qDebug("restart Timer %d vis: %d", mDayChanged, isVisible() ); if ( !isVisible() ) { mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = true; } else { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION //mRepaintTimer->start( 100 ); //updateViewTimed(); mUpdateTimer->start( 50 ); #else mRepaintTimer->start( 350 ); mUpdateTimer->start( 800 ); #endif } } void KODayMatrix::updateEvents() { if ( !mCalendar ) return; for( int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++ ) { // if events are set for the day then remember to draw it bold QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events( days[ i ] ); int numEvents = eventlist.count(); Event *event; for( event = eventlist.first(); event != 0;event=eventlist.next()) { ushort recurType = event->doesRecur(); if ( ( recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur ) || ( recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur ) ) { numEvents--; } } if ( numEvents ) eDays.setBit(i); else eDays.clearBit(i); } } const QDate& KODayMatrix::getDate(int offset) { if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) { qDebug("Wrong offset2 %d", offset); return days[0]; } return days[offset]; } QString KODayMatrix::getHolidayLabel(int offset) { if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) { qDebug("Wrong offset1 %d", offset); return QString(); } return mHolidays[offset]; } int KODayMatrix::getDayIndexFrom(int x, int y) { int colModulo = (width()-2) % 7; int rowModulo = (height()-2) % 6; #if 0 return 7*(y/daysize.height()) + (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? 6 - x/daysize.width() : x/daysize.width()); #endif int xVal = (x-colModulo/2-2)/daysize.width(); int yVal = (y-rowModulo/2-2)/daysize.height(); return 7*(yVal) + xVal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // M O U S E E V E N T H A N D L I N G // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KODayMatrix::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e) { if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) mouseDown = true; mSelStart = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y()); if (mSelStart > NUMDAYS-1) mSelStart=NUMDAYS-1; mSelInit = mSelStart; mSelEnd = mSelStart; mRedrawNeeded = true; repaint(false); } void KODayMatrix::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* e) { mRedrawNeeded = true; if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) if ( ! mouseDown ) { return; } else mouseDown = false; int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y()); if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1; if (mSelInit > tmp) { mSelEnd = mSelInit; if (tmp != mSelStart) { mSelStart = tmp; repaint(false); } } else { mSelStart = mSelInit; //repaint only if selection has changed if (tmp != mSelEnd) { mSelEnd = tmp; repaint(false); } } DateList daylist; if ( mSelStart < 0 ) mSelStart = 0; for (int i = mSelStart; i <= mSelEnd; i++) { daylist.append(days[i]); } emit selected((const DateList)daylist); } void KODayMatrix::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* e) { if ( ! mouseDown ) { return; } mRedrawNeeded = true; int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y()); if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1; if (mSelInit > tmp) { mSelEnd = mSelInit; if (tmp != mSelStart) { mSelStart = tmp; repaint(false); } } else { mSelStart = mSelInit; //repaint only if selection has changed if (tmp != mSelEnd) { mSelEnd = tmp; repaint(false); } diff --git a/korganizer/koprefsdialog.cpp b/korganizer/koprefsdialog.cpp index d9d7924..e4bee63 100644 --- a/korganizer/koprefsdialog.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koprefsdialog.cpp @@ -519,1028 +519,1024 @@ void KOPrefsDialog::setupTimeTab() mStartTimeSpin->setSuffix(":00"); topLayout->addWidget(mStartTimeSpin,1,1); topLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Def. duration of new app.:"), topFrame),2,0); mDefaultDurationSpin = new QSpinBox(0,23,1,topFrame); mDefaultDurationSpin->setSuffix(":00"); topLayout->addWidget(mDefaultDurationSpin,2,1); QStringList alarmList; alarmList << i18n("1 minute") << i18n("5 minutes") << i18n("10 minutes") << i18n("15 minutes") << i18n("30 minutes")<< i18n("1 hour")<< i18n("3 hours") << i18n("24 hours") ; topLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default alarm time:"),topFrame), 3,0); mAlarmTimeCombo = new QComboBox(topFrame); mAlarmTimeCombo->insertStringList(alarmList); topLayout->addWidget(mAlarmTimeCombo,3,1); QGroupBox *workingHoursGroup = new QGroupBox(1,Horizontal, i18n("Working Hours"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(workingHoursGroup,4,4,0,1); workingHoursGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); workingHoursGroup->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); QHBox *workStartBox = new QHBox(workingHoursGroup); // workStartBox->setMargin( 0 ); addWidTime(i18n("Daily starting hour:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursStart),workStartBox); QHBox *workEndBox = new QHBox(workingHoursGroup); //workEndBox->setMargin( 0 ); addWidTime(i18n("Daily ending hour:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursEnd),workEndBox); QVBox *excludeBox = new QVBox(workingHoursGroup); //excludeBox->setMargin( 0 ); addWidBool(i18n("Exclude holidays"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeHolidays),excludeBox); addWidBool(i18n("Exclude Saturdays"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeSaturdays),excludeBox); // KPrefsDialogWidBool *marcusBainsShowSeconds = addWidBool(i18n("Show seconds on Marcus Bains line"), // &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsShowSeconds), // topFrame); // topLayout->addWidget(marcusBainsShowSeconds->checkBox(),5,0); // topLayout->setRowStretch(6,1); } void KOPrefsDialog::setupViewsTab() { QFrame *topFrame = addPage(i18n("Views"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,6,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); // QBoxLayout *dayBeginsLayout = new QHBoxLayout; // topLayout->addLayout(dayBeginsLayout,0,0); // KPrefsDialogWidTime *dayBegins = // addWidTime(i18n("Day begins at:"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins), // topFrame); // dayBeginsLayout->addWidget(dayBegins->label()); // dayBeginsLayout->addStretch(1); // dayBeginsLayout->addWidget(dayBegins->spinBox()); // QBoxLayout *nextDaysLayout = new QHBoxLayout; // topLayout->addLayout(nextDaysLayout,1,0); // nextDaysLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Days to show in Next-X-Days view:"),topFrame)); // mNextXDaysSpin = new QSpinBox(2,14,1,topFrame); // nextDaysLayout->addStretch(1); // nextDaysLayout->addWidget(mNextXDaysSpin); int ii = 0; KPrefsDialogWidBool *dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Edit item on doubleclick (if not, show)"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); // topLayout->addWidget(hourSizeGroup,ii++,0); // topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(hourSizeGroup,ii,ii,0,0); //topLayout->setRowStretch(11,1); #if 0 topFrame = addPage(i18n("ViewChange"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,6,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; #endif dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Hold fullscreen on view change"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldFullscreen),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Hold non-fullscreen on view change"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *fullViewMonth = addWidBool(i18n("Next days view uses full window"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewMonth),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(fullViewMonth->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *fullViewTodo = addWidBool(i18n("Event list view uses full window"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewTodo),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(fullViewTodo->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Listview uses monthly timespan"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Highlight selection in Time Edit"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mHightlightDateTimeEdit),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget( dummy->checkBox(), ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *dailyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("Show events that recur daily in date nav."), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dailyRecur->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *weeklyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("Show ev. that recur weekly in date nav."), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(weeklyRecur->checkBox(),ii++,0); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KPrefsDialogWidBool *enableToolTips = addWidBool(i18n("Enable tooltips displaying summary of ev."), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableToolTips),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(enableToolTips->checkBox(),ii++,0); #endif // ********************************************************* topFrame = addPage(i18n("Agenda View"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,5,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Show time in agenda items"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTimeInAgenda),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Highlight current day in agenda"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Use light color for highlight current day"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *marcusBainsEnabled = addWidBool(i18n("Show current time"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsEnabled),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(marcusBainsEnabled->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Set agenda to DayBeginsAt on change"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Set agenda to current time on change"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); topFrame = addPage(i18n("Month View"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,5,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; QLabel *lab; QHBox *habo = new QHBox( topFrame ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 480 ) { lab = new QLabel ( i18n("Show events that recur "), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab,ii, ii,0,1); ii++; } else { new QLabel ( i18n("Show events that recur "), habo ); } dailyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("daily"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur),habo); // topLayout->addWidget(dailyRecur->checkBox(),ii++,0); weeklyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("weekly"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur),habo); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(habo,ii, ii,0,1); ii++; habo = new QHBox( topFrame ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 480 ) { lab = new QLabel (i18n("Show in every cell ") , topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab,ii, ii,0,1); ii++; } else { new QLabel ( i18n("Show in every cell "), habo ); } weeklyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("short month"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort),habo); weeklyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("icons"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons),habo); weeklyRecur = addWidBool(i18n("times"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowTimes),habo); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(habo,ii, ii,0,1); ii++; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KPrefsDialogWidBool *enableMonthScroll = addWidBool(i18n("Enable scrollbars in month view cells"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(enableMonthScroll->checkBox(),ii++,0); #endif dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Week view mode uses bigger font"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Show Sat/Sun together"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *coloredCategoriesInMonthView = addWidBool(i18n("Month view uses category colors"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(coloredCategoriesInMonthView->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Categorie colors are applied to text"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); coloredCategoriesInMonthView = addWidBool(i18n("Month view uses day colors"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(coloredCategoriesInMonthView->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidColor *holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Day color odd months"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->button(),ii++,1); holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Day color even months"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->button(),ii++,1); holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Color for Sundays + category \"Holiday\""), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->button(),ii++,1); // *********************** What'sNext View topFrame = addPage(i18n("What's Next View"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; QHBox* hdummy = new QHBox(topFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Days in What's Next:"),hdummy); mWhatsNextSpin = new QSpinBox(1,14,1,hdummy); topLayout->addWidget(hdummy,ii++,0); QHBox *prioBox = new QHBox(topFrame); // intervalBox->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->addWidget(prioBox,ii++,0); QLabel *prioLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Number of max.displayed todo prios:"), prioBox); mPrioSpin = new QSpinBox(0,5,1,prioBox); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) mPrioSpin->setFixedWidth( 40 ); KPrefsDialogWidBool *passwdk = addWidBool(i18n("Show events, that are done"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowsPast),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(passwdk->checkBox(), ii++,0); passwdk = addWidBool(i18n("Show parent To-Do's"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowsParents),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(passwdk->checkBox(), ii++,0); passwdk = addWidBool(i18n("Show location"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowLocation),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(passwdk->checkBox(), ii++,0); passwdk = addWidBool(i18n("Use short date in WN+Event view"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(passwdk->checkBox(), ii++,0); // *********************** Todo View topFrame = addPage(i18n("Todo View"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Hide not running Todos in To-do view"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); KPrefsDialogWidBool *showCompletedTodo = addWidBool(i18n("To-do view shows completed Todos"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(showCompletedTodo->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("To-do view shows complete as 'xx %'"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewShowsPercentage),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Small To-do view uses smaller font"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesSmallFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Todo view uses category colors"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesCatColors),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); QWidget* wid = new QWidget( topFrame ); // Todo run today color KPrefsDialogWidColor *todoRunColor = addWidColor(i18n("Color for running todos:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoRunColor),wid); QHBoxLayout *widLayout = new QHBoxLayout(wid); widLayout->addWidget( todoRunColor->label() ); widLayout->addWidget( todoRunColor->button() ); topLayout->addWidget(wid,ii++,0); wid = new QWidget( topFrame ); // Todo due today color KPrefsDialogWidColor *todoDueTodayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Todo due today color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDueTodayColor),wid); widLayout = new QHBoxLayout(wid); widLayout->addWidget( todoDueTodayColor->label() ); widLayout->addWidget( todoDueTodayColor->button() ); topLayout->addWidget(wid,ii++,0); //topLayout->addWidget(todoDueTodayColor->button(),ii++,1); // Todo overdue color wid = new QWidget( topFrame ); widLayout = new QHBoxLayout(wid); KPrefsDialogWidColor *todoOverdueColor = addWidColor(i18n("Todo overdue color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoOverdueColor),wid); widLayout->addWidget(todoOverdueColor->label()); widLayout->addWidget(todoOverdueColor->button()); topLayout->addWidget(wid,ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Colors are applied to text"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesForegroundColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Allday Agenda view shows todos"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); topFrame = addPage(i18n("View Options"),0,0); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); ii = 0; dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Show Sync Events"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(), ii++,0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Show in todo/event viewer:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Details"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEVshowDetails),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Created time"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEVshowCreated),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Last modified time"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEVshowChanged),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Show in What'sThis quick overview:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Details"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Created time"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Last modified time"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),ii++,0); topFrame = addPage(i18n("Alarm"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("viewmag",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,2,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); int iii = 0; dummy = addWidBool(i18n("Use internal alarm notification"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseInternalAlarmNotification),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(dummy->checkBox(),iii++,0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Note: KO/Pi must be running to notify you about an alarm. Recommended for use on Zaurus: Disable this option and install KO/Pi alarm applet.\n"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii++,0); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION lab->setAlignment( AlignLeft|WordBreak|AlignTop); #else lab->setAlignment( AlignLeft|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak|AlignTop); lab->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored , QSizePolicy::Ignored,true) ); #endif QHBox* dummyBox = new QHBox(topFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Play beeps count:"),dummyBox); mAlarmPlayBeeps = new QSpinBox(0,500,1,dummyBox); topLayout->addWidget(dummyBox,iii++,0); dummyBox = new QHBox(topFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Beeps interval in sec:"),dummyBox); mAlarmBeepInterval = new QSpinBox(1,600,1,dummyBox); topLayout->addWidget(dummyBox,iii++,0); dummyBox = new QHBox(topFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Default suspend time in min:"),dummyBox); mAlarmSuspendTime = new QSpinBox(1,600,1,dummyBox); topLayout->addWidget(dummyBox,iii++,0); dummyBox = new QHBox(topFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Auto suspend count:"),dummyBox); mAlarmSuspendCount = new QSpinBox(0,60,1,dummyBox); topLayout->addWidget(dummyBox,iii++,0); - - - - QHBox* hbo = new QHBox ( topFrame ); mDefaultAlarmFile = new QLineEdit(hbo); QPushButton * loadTemplate = new QPushButton(hbo); QPixmap icon; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 321 ) icon = SmallIcon("fileimport16"); else icon = SmallIcon("fileimport"); loadTemplate->setIconSet (icon ) ; connect( loadTemplate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( selectSoundFile() ) ); int size = loadTemplate->sizeHint().height(); loadTemplate->setFixedSize( size, size ); //lab = new QLabel( i18n("This setting is useless for 5500 user!"), topFrame); // topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii++,0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Alarm *.wav file for newly created alarm:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii++,0); topLayout->addWidget(hbo,iii++,0); // lab = new QLabel( i18n("Note: This does not mean, that for every alarm this file is replayed. This file here is associated with a newly created alarm."), topFrame); // topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii++,0); // #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION // lab->setAlignment( AlignLeft|WordBreak|AlignTop); // #else // lab->setAlignment( AlignLeft|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak|AlignTop); // lab->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored , QSizePolicy::Ignored,true) ); // #endif } void KOPrefsDialog::selectSoundFile() { QString fileName = mDefaultAlarmFile->text(); fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( mDefaultAlarmFile->text() , "Choose default alarm file", this ); if ( fileName.length() > 0 ) mDefaultAlarmFile->setText( fileName ); } void KOPrefsDialog::setupFontsTab() { QFrame *topFrame = addPage(i18n("Fonts"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("fonts",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,7,3); topLayout->setSpacing(1); topLayout->setMargin(3); KPrefsDialogWidFont * tVFont; int i = 0; KPrefsDialogWidFont *timeLabelsFont = addWidFont(i18n("23"),i18n("DateNavigator:(nr)"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mDateNavigatorFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->button(),i,2); ++i; timeLabelsFont = addWidFont(i18n("Mon 15"),i18n("Date Labels:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeLabelsFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->button(),i,2); ++i; KPrefsDialogWidFont *timeBarFont = addWidFont(KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(12,34)),i18n("Time bar:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeBarFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(timeBarFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(timeBarFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(timeBarFont->button(),i,2); ++i; KPrefsDialogWidFont *marcusBainsFont = addWidFont(KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(12,34,23)),i18n("M. Bains line:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(marcusBainsFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(marcusBainsFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(marcusBainsFont->button(),i,2); ++i; tVFont = addWidFont(i18n("Summary"),i18n("Event Viewer:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; tVFont = addWidFont(i18n("Details"),i18n("EditorBox:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEditBoxFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; topLayout->setColStretch(1,1); topLayout->setRowStretch(4,1); i = 0; topFrame = addPage(i18n("View Fonts"),0, DesktopIcon("fonts",KIcon::SizeMedium)); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,7,3); topLayout->setSpacing(1); topLayout->setMargin(3); tVFont = addWidFont(i18n("Configure KO"),i18n("What's Next View:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWhatsNextFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; KPrefsDialogWidFont *agendaViewFont = addWidFont(i18n("Event text"),i18n("Agenda view:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(agendaViewFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(agendaViewFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(agendaViewFont->button(),i,2); ++i; KPrefsDialogWidFont *monthViewFont = addWidFont(KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(12,34)) + " " + i18n("Event"), i18n("Month view:"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(monthViewFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(monthViewFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(monthViewFont->button(),i,2); ++i; KPrefsDialogWidFont *lVFont = addWidFont(i18n("Event"),i18n("List View:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(lVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(lVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; tVFont = addWidFont(i18n("ToDo"),i18n("ToDoView:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; tVFont = addWidFont(i18n("Today"),i18n("JournalView:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mJornalViewFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(tVFont->button(),i,2); ++i; topLayout->setColStretch(1,1); topLayout->setRowStretch(4,1); } void KOPrefsDialog::setupColorsTab() { QFrame *topFrame = addPage(i18n("Colors"),0,0); // DesktopIcon("colorize",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,5,2); // topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); // topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); topLayout->setSpacing(2); topLayout->setMargin(3); int ii = 1; QGroupBox *categoryGroup ; categoryGroup = new QGroupBox(1,Vertical,i18n("Categories"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(categoryGroup,0,0,0,1); mCategoryCombo = new QComboBox(categoryGroup); mCategoryCombo->insertStringList(KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories); connect(mCategoryCombo,SIGNAL(activated(int)),SLOT(updateCategoryColor())); mCategoryButton = new KColorButton(categoryGroup); connect(mCategoryButton,SIGNAL(changed(const QColor &)),SLOT(setCategoryColor())); updateCategoryColor(); // Holiday Color KPrefsDialogWidColor *holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Holiday color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->button(),ii++,1); // Highlight Color KPrefsDialogWidColor *highlightColor = addWidColor(i18n("Highlight color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(highlightColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(highlightColor->button(),ii++,1); // Event color KPrefsDialogWidColor *eventColor = addWidColor(i18n("Default event color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(eventColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(eventColor->button(),ii++,1); eventColor = addWidColor(i18n("Default todo done color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDoneColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(eventColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(eventColor->button(),ii++,1); // agenda view background color KPrefsDialogWidColor *agendaBgColor = addWidColor(i18n("Agenda view background color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(agendaBgColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(agendaBgColor->button(),ii++,1); // working hours color KPrefsDialogWidColor *workingHoursColor = addWidColor(i18n("Working hours color:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor->button(),ii++,1); KPrefsDialogWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Use colors for application:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseAppColors),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), ii, ii, 0,1 ); ii++; KPrefsDialogWidColor * workingHoursColor1 = addWidColor(i18n("Buttons, menus, etc.:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor1),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor1->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor1->button(),ii++,1); KPrefsDialogWidColor * workingHoursColor2 = addWidColor(i18n("Frames, labels, etc.:"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor2),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor2->label(),ii,0); topLayout->addWidget(workingHoursColor2->button(),ii++,1); } void KOPrefsDialog::setCategoryColor() { mCategoryDict.replace(mCategoryCombo->currentText(), new QColor(mCategoryButton->color())); } void KOPrefsDialog::updateCategoryColor() { QString cat = mCategoryCombo->currentText(); QColor *color = mCategoryDict.find(cat); if (!color) { color = KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat); } if (color) { mCategoryButton->setColor(*color); } } void KOPrefsDialog::setupPrinterTab() { mPrinterTab = addPage(i18n("Printing"),0, DesktopIcon("fileprint",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(mPrinterTab,5,2); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); topLayout->setRowStretch(4,1); } void KOPrefsDialog::setupGroupSchedulingTab() { #if 0 QFrame *topFrame = addPage(i18n("Group Scheduling"),0, DesktopIcon("personal",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,6,2); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); #if 0 KPrefsDialogWidRadios *schedulerGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Scheduler Mail Client"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPScheduler), topFrame); schedulerGroup->addRadio("Dummy"); // Only for debugging schedulerGroup->addRadio(i18n("Mail client")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(schedulerGroup->groupBox(),0,0,0,1); #endif KPrefsDialogWidRadios *sendGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Scheduler Mails Should Be"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPSend), topFrame); sendGroup->addRadio(i18n("Send to outbox")); sendGroup->addRadio(i18n("Send directly")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sendGroup->groupBox(),1,1,0,1); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Additional email addresses:"),topFrame),2,2,0,1); mAMails = new QListView(topFrame); mAMails->addColumn(i18n("Email"),300); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(mAMails,3,3,0,1); topLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Additional email address:"),topFrame),4,0); aEmailsEdit = new QLineEdit(topFrame); aEmailsEdit->setEnabled(false); topLayout->addWidget(aEmailsEdit,4,1); QPushButton *add = new QPushButton(i18n("New"),topFrame,"new"); topLayout->addWidget(add,5,0); QPushButton *del = new QPushButton(i18n("Remove"),topFrame,"remove"); topLayout->addWidget(del,5,1); //topLayout->setRowStretch(2,1); connect(add, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(addItem()) ); connect(del, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(removeItem()) ); connect(aEmailsEdit,SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this,SLOT(updateItem())); connect(mAMails,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)),SLOT(updateInput())); #endif } void KOPrefsDialog::setupGroupAutomationTab() { return; QFrame *topFrame = addPage(i18n("Group Automation"),0, DesktopIcon("personal",KIcon::SizeMedium)); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,5,1); topLayout->setSpacing(mSpacingHint); topLayout->setMargin(mMarginHint); KPrefsDialogWidRadios *autoRefreshGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Auto Send Refresh"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPAutoRefresh),topFrame); autoRefreshGroup->addRadio(i18n("Never")); autoRefreshGroup->addRadio(i18n("If attendee is in addressbook")); //autoRefreshGroup->addRadio(i18n("selected emails")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autoRefreshGroup->groupBox(),0,0,0,0); KPrefsDialogWidRadios *autoInsertGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Auto Insert IMIP Replies"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPAutoInsertReply),topFrame); autoInsertGroup->addRadio(i18n("Never")); autoInsertGroup->addRadio(i18n("If attendee is in addressbook")); //autoInsertGroup->addRadio(i18n("selected emails")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autoInsertGroup->groupBox(),1,1,0,0); KPrefsDialogWidRadios *autoRequestGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Auto Insert IMIP Requests"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPAutoInsertRequest),topFrame); autoRequestGroup->addRadio(i18n("Never")); autoRequestGroup->addRadio(i18n("If organizer is in addressbook")); //autoInsertGroup->addRadio(i18n("selected emails")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autoRequestGroup->groupBox(),2,2,0,0); KPrefsDialogWidRadios *autoFreeBusyGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Auto Send FreeBusy Information"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPAutoFreeBusy),topFrame); autoFreeBusyGroup->addRadio(i18n("Never")); autoFreeBusyGroup->addRadio(i18n("If requested from an email in addressbook")); //autoFreeBusyGroup->addRadio(i18n("selected emails")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autoFreeBusyGroup->groupBox(),3,3,0,0); KPrefsDialogWidRadios *autoFreeBusyReplyGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Auto Save FreeBusy Replies"), &(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPAutoFreeBusyReply),topFrame); autoFreeBusyReplyGroup->addRadio(i18n("Never")); autoFreeBusyReplyGroup->addRadio(i18n("If attendee is in addressbook")); //autoFreeBusyGroup->addRadio(i18n("selected emails")); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autoFreeBusyReplyGroup->groupBox(),4,4,0,0); } void KOPrefsDialog::showPrinterTab() { showPage(pageIndex(mPrinterTab)); } void KOPrefsDialog::setCombo(QComboBox *combo, const QString & text, const QStringList *tags) { if (tags) { int i = tags->findIndex(text); if (i > 0) combo->setCurrentItem(i); } else { for(int i=0;i<combo->count();++i) { if (combo->text(i) == text) { combo->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } } } void KOPrefsDialog::usrReadConfig() { kdelibcfg->readConfig(); mNameEdit->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->fullName()); mEmailEdit->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); mAutoSaveIntervalSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAutoSaveInterval); // QDate current ( 2001, 1,1); //mStartDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingStart-1)); //mEndDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingEnd-1)); //setCombo(mTimeZoneCombo,i18n(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId)); //mTimezoneOffsetSpin->setValue( KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneOffset); mStartTimeSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime); mDefaultDurationSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultDuration); mAlarmTimeCombo->setCurrentItem(KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmTime); // if (KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize > 47 ) // KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize/2; //mHourSizeSlider->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize); mNextXDaysSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays); mWhatsNextSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mWhatsNextDays); mPrioSpin->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mWhatsNextPrios); // mAMails->clear(); // for ( QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails.begin(); // it != KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails.end(); ++it ) { // QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem(mAMails); // item->setText(0,*it); // mAMails->insertItem(item); // } // mRemoteIPEdit->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteIP); //mRemoteUser->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteUser); //mRemotePassWd->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mRemotePassWd); //mRemoteFile->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteFile); //that soundmLocalTempFile->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalTempFile); mDefaultAlarmFile->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile); //QString dummy = KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatLong; //mUserDateFormatLong->setText(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); //dummy = KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatShort; //mUserDateFormatShort->setText(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); updateCategories(); mAlarmPlayBeeps->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmPlayBeeps ); mAlarmSuspendTime->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmSuspendTime ); mAlarmSuspendCount->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmSuspendCount ); mAlarmBeepInterval->setValue(KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmBeepInterval ); } void KOPrefsDialog::usrWriteConfig() { kdelibcfg->writeConfig(); // KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteIP = mRemoteIPEdit->text(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteUser = mRemoteUser->text(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mRemotePassWd = mRemotePassWd->text(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mRemoteFile= mRemoteFile->text(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalTempFile =mLocalTempFile->text(); KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile =mDefaultAlarmFile->text(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatShort = mUserDateFormatShort->text().replace( QRegExp(","), QString("K") ); //KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatLong = mUserDateFormatLong->text().replace( QRegExp(","), QString("K") ); KOPrefs::instance()->setFullName(mNameEdit->text()); KOPrefs::instance()->setEmail(mEmailEdit->text()); KOPrefs::instance()->mAutoSaveInterval = mAutoSaveIntervalSpin->value(); // KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId = mTimeZoneCombo->currentText(); //QDate date; //date = mStartDateSavingEdit->date(); //int sub = 0; //if ( QDate::leapYear( date.year() ) && date.dayOfYear() > 59 ) // sub = 1; // KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingStart = date.dayOfYear()-sub; // date = mEndDateSavingEdit->date(); // if ( QDate::leapYear( date.year() ) && date.dayOfYear() > 59 ) // sub = 1; // else // sub = 0; // KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingEnd = date.dayOfYear()-sub; // // KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneOffset = mTimezoneOffsetSpin->value(); KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime = mStartTimeSpin->value(); KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultDuration = mDefaultDurationSpin->value(); KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmTime = mAlarmTimeCombo->currentItem(); //KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = mHourSizeSlider->value(); QDictIterator<QColor> it(mCategoryDict); while (it.current()) { KOPrefs::instance()->setCategoryColor(it.currentKey(),*it.current()); diff --git a/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp b/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp index fe7413f..2405682 100644 --- a/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp +++ b/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp @@ -186,1049 +186,1052 @@ icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeEvent(Event *event) addPropValue(vevent, VCResourcesProp, tmpStr.utf8()); #endif // Transparency switch( event->transparency() ) { case Event::Transparent: icalcomponent_add_property(vevent, icalproperty_new_transp(ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT)); break; case Event::Opaque: icalcomponent_add_property(vevent, icalproperty_new_transp(ICAL_TRANSP_OPAQUE)); break; } return vevent; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeFreeBusy(FreeBusy *freebusy, Scheduler::Method method) { icalcomponent *vfreebusy = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT); writeIncidenceBase(vfreebusy,freebusy); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_dtstart( writeICalDateTime(freebusy->dtStart()))); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_dtend( writeICalDateTime(freebusy->dtEnd()))); if (method == Scheduler::Request) { icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy,icalproperty_new_uid( freebusy->uid().utf8())); } //Loops through all the periods in the freebusy object QValueList<Period> list = freebusy->busyPeriods(); QValueList<Period>::Iterator it; icalperiodtype period; for (it = list.begin(); it!= list.end(); ++it) { period.start = writeICalDateTime((*it).start()); period.end = writeICalDateTime((*it).end()); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_freebusy(period) ); } return vfreebusy; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeJournal(Journal *journal) { icalcomponent *vjournal = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT); writeIncidence(vjournal,journal); // start time if (journal->dtStart().isValid()) { icaltimetype start; if (journal->doesFloat()) { // kdDebug(5800) << "§§ Incidence " << event->summary() << " floats." << endl; start = writeICalDate(journal->dtStart().date()); } else { // kdDebug(5800) << "§§ incidence " << event->summary() << " has time." << endl; start = writeICalDateTime(journal->dtStart()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vjournal,icalproperty_new_dtstart(start)); } return vjournal; } void ICalFormatImpl::writeIncidence(icalcomponent *parent,Incidence *incidence) { // pilot sync stuff // TODO: move this application-specific code to kpilot if (incidence->pilotId()) { incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTID", QString::number(incidence->pilotId())); incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTSTAT", QString::number(incidence->syncStatus())); } if ( !incidence->IDStr().isEmpty()) { incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-KOPIEXTID",incidence->IDStr() ); } writeIncidenceBase(parent,incidence); if (incidence->cancelled()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_status(ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED)); } // creation date icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_created( writeICalDateTime(incidence->created()))); // unique id icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_uid( incidence->uid().utf8())); // revision icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_sequence( incidence->revision())); // last modification date icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_lastmodified( writeICalDateTime(incidence->lastModified()))); // description if (!incidence->description().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_description( incidence->description().utf8())); } // summary if (!incidence->summary().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_summary( incidence->summary().utf8())); } // location if (!incidence->location().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_location( incidence->location().utf8())); } // TODO: // status // addPropValue(parent, VCStatusProp, incidence->getStatusStr().utf8()); // secrecy enum icalproperty_class classInt; switch (incidence->secrecy()) { case Incidence::SecrecyPublic: classInt = ICAL_CLASS_PUBLIC; break; case Incidence::SecrecyConfidential: classInt = ICAL_CLASS_CONFIDENTIAL; break; case Incidence::SecrecyPrivate: classInt =ICAL_CLASS_PRIVATE ; default: classInt =ICAL_CLASS_PRIVATE ; break; } icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_class(classInt)); // priority icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_priority( incidence->priority())); // categories QStringList categories = incidence->categories(); QStringList::Iterator it; for(it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it ) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_categories((*it).utf8())); } // TODO: Ensure correct concatenation of categories properties. /* // categories tmpStrList = incidence->getCategories(); tmpStr = ""; QString catStr; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin(); it != tmpStrList.end(); ++it ) { catStr = *it; if (catStr[0] == ' ') tmpStr += catStr.mid(1); else tmpStr += catStr; // this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires! // vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is // read in. tmpStr += ";"; } if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) { tmpStr.truncate(tmpStr.length()-1); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_categories( writeText(incidence->getCategories().join(";")))); } */ // related event if (!incidence->relatedToUid().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_relatedto( incidence->relatedToUid().utf8())); } // recurrence rule stuff Recurrence *recur = incidence->recurrence(); if (recur->doesRecur()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeRecurrenceRule(recur)); } // recurrence excpetion dates DateList dateList = incidence->exDates(); DateList::ConstIterator exIt; for(exIt = dateList.begin(); exIt != dateList.end(); ++exIt) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_exdate( writeICalDate(*exIt))); } // attachments QPtrList<Attachment> attachments = incidence->attachments(); for (Attachment *at = attachments.first(); at; at = attachments.next()) icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeAttachment(at)); // alarms QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = incidence->alarms(); Alarm* alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) { if (alarm->enabled()) { kdDebug(5800) << "Write alarm for " << incidence->summary() << endl; icalcomponent_add_component(parent,writeAlarm(alarm)); } } if( incidence->hasRecurrenceID() ) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent, icalproperty_new_recurrenceid( writeICalDateTime( incidence->recurrenceID()))); } // duration // turned off as it always is set to PTS0 (and must not occur together with DTEND if (incidence->hasDuration()) { icaldurationtype duration; duration = writeICalDuration(incidence->duration()); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_duration(duration)); } } void ICalFormatImpl::writeIncidenceBase(icalcomponent *parent,IncidenceBase *incidenceBase) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_dtstamp( writeICalDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()))); // organizer stuff icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_organizer( ("MAILTO:" + incidenceBase->organizer()).utf8())); // attendees if (incidenceBase->attendeeCount() != 0) { QPtrList<Attendee> al = incidenceBase->attendees(); QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al); for (; ai.current(); ++ai) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeAttendee(ai.current())); } } // custom properties writeCustomProperties(parent, incidenceBase); } void ICalFormatImpl::writeCustomProperties(icalcomponent *parent,CustomProperties *properties) { QMap<QCString, QString> custom = properties->customProperties(); for (QMap<QCString, QString>::Iterator c = custom.begin(); c != custom.end(); ++c) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_x(c.data().utf8()); icalproperty_set_x_name(p,c.key()); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,p); } } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeAttendee(Attendee *attendee) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attendee("mailto:" + attendee->email().utf8()); if (!attendee->name().isEmpty()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_cn(attendee->name().utf8())); } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_rsvp( attendee->RSVP() ? ICAL_RSVP_TRUE : ICAL_RSVP_FALSE )); icalparameter_partstat status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION; switch (attendee->status()) { default: case Attendee::NeedsAction: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION; break; case Attendee::Accepted: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED; break; case Attendee::Declined: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED; break; case Attendee::Tentative: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE; break; case Attendee::Delegated: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED; break; case Attendee::Completed: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_COMPLETED; break; case Attendee::InProcess: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_INPROCESS; break; } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_partstat(status)); icalparameter_role role = ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT; switch (attendee->role()) { case Attendee::Chair: role = ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR; break; default: case Attendee::ReqParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT; break; case Attendee::OptParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT; break; case Attendee::NonParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_NONPARTICIPANT; break; } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_role(role)); if (!attendee->uid().isEmpty()) { icalparameter* icalparameter_uid = icalparameter_new_x(attendee->uid().utf8()); icalparameter_set_xname(icalparameter_uid,"X-UID"); icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_uid); } return p; } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeAttachment(Attachment *att) { #if 0 icalattachtype* attach = icalattachtype_new(); if (att->isURI()) icalattachtype_set_url(attach, att->uri().utf8().data()); else icalattachtype_set_base64(attach, att->data(), 0); #endif icalattach *attach; if (att->isURI()) attach = icalattach_new_from_url( att->uri().utf8().data()); else attach = icalattach_new_from_data ( (unsigned char *)att->data(), 0, 0); icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attach(attach); if (!att->mimeType().isEmpty()) icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_fmttype(att->mimeType().utf8().data())); if (att->isBinary()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY)); icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_encoding(ICAL_ENCODING_BASE64)); } return p; } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrenceRule(Recurrence *recur) { // kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrenceRule()" << endl; icalrecurrencetype r; icalrecurrencetype_clear(&r); int index = 0; int index2 = 0; QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> tmpPositions; QPtrList<int> tmpDays; int *tmpDay; Recurrence::rMonthPos *tmpPos; bool datetime = false; int day; int i; switch(recur->doesRecur()) { case Recurrence::rMinutely: r.freq = ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE; datetime = true; break; case Recurrence::rHourly: r.freq = ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE; datetime = true; break; case Recurrence::rDaily: r.freq = ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE; break; case Recurrence::rWeekly: r.freq = ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE; r.week_start = static_cast<icalrecurrencetype_weekday>(recur->weekStart()%7 + 1); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (recur->days().testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 r.by_day[index++] = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day); } } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos: r.freq = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE; tmpPositions = recur->monthPositions(); for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first(); tmpPos; tmpPos = tmpPositions.next()) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 day += tmpPos->rPos*8; if (tmpPos->negative) day = -day; r.by_day[index++] = day; } } } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay: r.freq = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->monthDays(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_month_day[index++] = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(*tmpDay*8);//*tmpDay); } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth: case Recurrence::rYearlyPos: r.freq = ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_month[index++] = *tmpDay; } // r.by_set_pos[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; if (recur->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rYearlyPos) { tmpPositions = recur->monthPositions(); for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first(); tmpPos; tmpPos = tmpPositions.next()) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 day += tmpPos->rPos*8; if (tmpPos->negative) day = -day; r.by_day[index2++] = day; } } } // r.by_day[index2] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; } break; case Recurrence::rYearlyDay: r.freq = ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_year_day[index++] = *tmpDay; } // r.by_year_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; default: r.freq = ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE; kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrence(): no recurrence" << endl; break; } r.interval = recur->frequency(); if (recur->duration() > 0) { r.count = recur->duration(); } else if (recur->duration() == -1) { r.count = 0; } else { if (datetime) r.until = writeICalDateTime(recur->endDateTime()); else r.until = writeICalDate(recur->endDate()); } // Debug output #if 0 const char *str = icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&r); if (str) { kdDebug(5800) << " String: " << str << endl; } else { kdDebug(5800) << " No String" << endl; } #endif return icalproperty_new_rrule(r); } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeAlarm(Alarm *alarm) { icalcomponent *a = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VALARM_COMPONENT); icalproperty_action action; icalattach *attach = 0; switch (alarm->type()) { case Alarm::Procedure: action = ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE; attach = icalattach_new_from_url( QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile()).data() ); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); if (!alarm->programArguments().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->programArguments().utf8())); } + icalattach_unref( attach ); break; case Alarm::Audio: action = ICAL_ACTION_AUDIO; if (!alarm->audioFile().isEmpty()) { attach = icalattach_new_from_url(QFile::encodeName( alarm->audioFile() ).data()); - icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); + icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); + icalattach_unref( attach ); } break; case Alarm::Email: { action = ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL; QValueList<Person> addresses = alarm->mailAddresses(); for (QValueList<Person>::Iterator ad = addresses.begin(); ad != addresses.end(); ++ad) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attendee("MAILTO:" + (*ad).email().utf8()); if (!(*ad).name().isEmpty()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_cn((*ad).name().utf8())); } icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); } icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_summary(alarm->mailSubject().utf8())); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->text().utf8())); QStringList attachments = alarm->mailAttachments(); if (attachments.count() > 0) { for (QStringList::Iterator at = attachments.begin(); at != attachments.end(); ++at) { attach = icalattach_new_from_url(QFile::encodeName( *at ).data()); - icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); + icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); + icalattach_unref( attach ); } } break; } case Alarm::Display: action = ICAL_ACTION_DISPLAY; icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->text().utf8())); break; case Alarm::Invalid: default: kdDebug(5800) << "Unknown type of alarm" << endl; action = ICAL_ACTION_NONE; break; } icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_action(action)); // Trigger time icaltriggertype trigger; if ( alarm->hasTime() ) { trigger.time = writeICalDateTime(alarm->time()); trigger.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration(); } else { trigger.time = icaltime_null_time(); Duration offset; if ( alarm->hasStartOffset() ) offset = alarm->startOffset(); else offset = alarm->endOffset(); trigger.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int( offset.asSeconds() ); } icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_trigger(trigger); if ( alarm->hasEndOffset() ) icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_related(ICAL_RELATED_END)); icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); // Repeat count and duration if (alarm->repeatCount()) { icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_repeat(alarm->repeatCount())); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_duration( icaldurationtype_from_int(alarm->snoozeTime()*60))); } // Custom properties QMap<QCString, QString> custom = alarm->customProperties(); for (QMap<QCString, QString>::Iterator c = custom.begin(); c != custom.end(); ++c) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_x(c.data().utf8()); icalproperty_set_x_name(p,c.key()); icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); } return a; } Todo *ICalFormatImpl::readTodo(icalcomponent *vtodo) { Todo *todo = new Todo; readIncidence(vtodo,todo); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vtodo,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); // int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; QStringList categories; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY: // due date icaltime = icalproperty_get_due(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { todo->setDtDue(QDateTime(readICalDate(icaltime),QTime(0,0,0))); todo->setFloats(true); } else { todo->setDtDue(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); todo->setFloats(false); } todo->setHasDueDate(true); break; case ICAL_COMPLETED_PROPERTY: // completion date icaltime = icalproperty_get_completed(p); todo->setCompleted(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_PERCENTCOMPLETE_PROPERTY: // Percent completed todo->setPercentComplete(icalproperty_get_percentcomplete(p)); break; case ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY: // related todo (parent) todo->setRelatedToUid(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_relatedto(p))); mTodosRelate.append(todo); break; case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // Flag that todo has start date. Value is read in by readIncidence(). todo->setHasStartDate(true); break; default: // kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readTodo(): Unknown property: " << kind // << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vtodo,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } return todo; } Event *ICalFormatImpl::readEvent(icalcomponent *vevent) { Event *event = new Event; event->setFloats(false); readIncidence(vevent,event); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vevent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); // int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; QStringList categories; QString transparency; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtend(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { event->setFloats( true ); // End date is non-inclusive QDate endDate = readICalDate( icaltime ).addDays( -1 ); mCompat->fixFloatingEnd( endDate ); if ( endDate < event->dtStart().date() ) { endDate = event->dtStart().date(); } event->setDtEnd( QDateTime( endDate, QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ); } else { event->setDtEnd(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); } break; // TODO: // at this point, there should be at least a start or end time. // fix up for events that take up no time but have a time associated #if 0 if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp))) anEvent->setDtStart(anEvent->dtEnd()); if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp))) anEvent->setDtEnd(anEvent->dtStart()); #endif // TODO: exdates #if 0 // recurrence exceptions if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCExDateProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setExDates(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } #endif #if 0 // secrecy if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCClassProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setSecrecy(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setSecrecy("PUBLIC"); // attachments tmpStrList.clear(); initPropIterator(&voi, vevent); while (moreIteration(&voi)) { vo = nextVObject(&voi); if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttachProp) == 0) { tmpStrList.append(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } } anEvent->setAttachments(tmpStrList); // resources if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCResourcesProp)) != 0) { QString resources = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); tmpStrList.clear(); index1 = 0; index2 = 0; QString resource; while ((index2 = resources.find(';', index1)) != -1) { resource = resources.mid(index1, (index2 - index1)); tmpStrList.append(resource); index1 = index2; } anEvent->setResources(tmpStrList); } #endif case ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY: // releated event (parent) event->setRelatedToUid(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_relatedto(p))); mEventsRelate.append(event); break; case ICAL_TRANSP_PROPERTY: // Transparency if(icalproperty_get_transp(p) == ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT ) event->setTransparency( Event::Transparent ); else event->setTransparency( Event::Opaque ); break; default: // kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readEvent(): Unknown property: " << kind // << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vevent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } QString msade = event->nonKDECustomProperty("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT"); if (!msade.isNull()) { bool floats = (msade == QString::fromLatin1("TRUE")); kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readEvent(): all day event: " << floats << endl; event->setFloats(floats); if (floats) { QDateTime endDate = event->dtEnd(); event->setDtEnd(endDate.addDays(-1)); } } // some stupid vCal exporters ignore the standard and use Description // instead of Summary for the default field. Correct for this. if (event->summary().isEmpty() && !(event->description().isEmpty())) { QString tmpStr = event->description().simplifyWhiteSpace(); event->setDescription(""); event->setSummary(tmpStr); } return event; } FreeBusy *ICalFormatImpl::readFreeBusy(icalcomponent *vfreebusy) { FreeBusy *freebusy = new FreeBusy; readIncidenceBase(vfreebusy,freebusy); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vfreebusy,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); icaltimetype icaltime; icalperiodtype icalperiod; QDateTime period_start, period_end; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p); freebusy->setDtStart(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY: // start End Date and Time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtend(p); freebusy->setDtEnd(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY: //Any FreeBusy Times icalperiod = icalproperty_get_freebusy(p); period_start = readICalDateTime(icalperiod.start); period_end = readICalDateTime(icalperiod.end); freebusy->addPeriod(period_start, period_end); break; default: kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readIncidence(): Unknown property: " << kind << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vfreebusy,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } return freebusy; } Journal *ICalFormatImpl::readJournal(icalcomponent *vjournal) { Journal *journal = new Journal; readIncidence(vjournal,journal); return journal; } Attendee *ICalFormatImpl::readAttendee(icalproperty *attendee) { icalparameter *p = 0; QString email = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_attendee(attendee)); QString name; QString uid = QString::null; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_CN_PARAMETER); if (p) { name = QString::fromUtf8(icalparameter_get_cn(p)); } else { } bool rsvp=false; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_RSVP_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_rsvp rsvpParameter = icalparameter_get_rsvp(p); if (rsvpParameter == ICAL_RSVP_TRUE) rsvp = true; } Attendee::PartStat status = Attendee::NeedsAction; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_partstat partStatParameter = icalparameter_get_partstat(p); switch(partStatParameter) { default: case ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION: status = Attendee::NeedsAction; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED: status = Attendee::Accepted; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED: status = Attendee::Declined; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE: status = Attendee::Tentative; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED: status = Attendee::Delegated; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_COMPLETED: status = Attendee::Completed; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_INPROCESS: status = Attendee::InProcess; break; } } Attendee::Role role = Attendee::ReqParticipant; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_role roleParameter = icalparameter_get_role(p); switch(roleParameter) { case ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR: role = Attendee::Chair; break; default: case ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::ReqParticipant; break; case ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::OptParticipant; break; case ICAL_ROLE_NONPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::NonParticipant; break; } } p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_X_PARAMETER); uid = icalparameter_get_xvalue(p); // This should be added, but there seems to be a libical bug here. /*while (p) { // if (icalparameter_get_xname(p) == "X-UID") { uid = icalparameter_get_xvalue(p); p = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(attendee,ICAL_X_PARAMETER); } */ return new Attendee( name, email, rsvp, status, role, uid ); } Attachment *ICalFormatImpl::readAttachment(icalproperty *attach) { icalattach *a = icalproperty_get_attach(attach); icalparameter_value v = ICAL_VALUE_NONE; icalparameter_encoding e = ICAL_ENCODING_NONE; Attachment *attachment = 0; /* icalparameter *vp = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER); if (vp) v = icalparameter_get_value(vp); icalparameter *ep = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_ENCODING_PARAMETER); if (ep) e = icalparameter_get_encoding(ep); */ int isurl = icalattach_get_is_url (a); if (isurl == 0) attachment = new Attachment((const char*)icalattach_get_data(a)); else { attachment = new Attachment(QString(icalattach_get_url(a))); } icalparameter *p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_FMTTYPE_PARAMETER); if (p) attachment->setMimeType(QString(icalparameter_get_fmttype(p))); return attachment; } #include <qtextcodec.h> void ICalFormatImpl::readIncidence(icalcomponent *parent,Incidence *incidence) { readIncidenceBase(parent,incidence); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(parent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); bool readrec = false; const char *text; int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; icaldurationtype icalduration; struct icalrecurrencetype rectype; QStringList categories; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY: icaltime = icalproperty_get_created(p); incidence->setCreated(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY: // sequence intvalue = icalproperty_get_sequence(p); incidence->setRevision(intvalue); break; case ICAL_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY: // last modification date icaltime = icalproperty_get_lastmodified(p); incidence->setLastModified(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { incidence->setDtStart(QDateTime(readICalDate(icaltime),QTime(0,0,0))); incidence->setFloats(true); } else { incidence->setDtStart(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); } break; case ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY: // start date and time icalduration = icalproperty_get_duration(p); incidence->setDuration(readICalDuration(icalduration)); break; case ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY: // description text = icalproperty_get_description(p); incidence->setDescription(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; case ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY: // summary { text = icalproperty_get_summary(p); incidence->setSummary(QString::fromUtf8(text)); } break; case ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY: // summary { if ( ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED == icalproperty_get_status(p) ) incidence->setCancelled( true ); } break; case ICAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY: // location text = icalproperty_get_location(p); incidence->setLocation(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; case ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY: icaltime = icalproperty_get_recurrenceid(p); incidence->setRecurrenceID( readICalDateTime(icaltime) ); //qDebug(" RecurrenceID %s",incidence->recurrenceID().toString().latin1() ); break; #if 0 // status if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vincidence, VCStatusProp)) != 0) { incidence->setStatus(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else incidence->setStatus("NEEDS ACTION"); #endif case ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY: // priority intvalue = icalproperty_get_priority(p); incidence->setPriority(intvalue); break; case ICAL_CATEGORIES_PROPERTY: // categories text = icalproperty_get_categories(p); categories.append(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; //******************************************* diff --git a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp index 753d90a..fbfbc45 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp @@ -1,629 +1,668 @@ /* This file is part of KdePim/Pi. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> +#include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qregexp.h> +#include <qspinbox.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <kprefsdialog.h> #include <klocale.h> +#include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kdateedit.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <stdlib.h> /*US #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include <ktrader.h> #else // KAB_EMBEDDED #include <mergewidget.h> #include <distributionlistwidget.h> #endif // KAB_EMBEDDED #include "addresseewidget.h" #include "extensionconfigdialog.h" #include "extensionwidget.h" */ #include "qapplication.h" #include "kpimglobalprefs.h" #include "kdepimconfigwidget.h" #include <kprefs.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> KDEPIMConfigWidget::KDEPIMConfigWidget(KPimGlobalPrefs *prefs, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KPrefsWidget(prefs, parent, name ) { mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, i18n("Email")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE, i18n("Phone")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::SMS, i18n("SMS")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::FAX, i18n("Fax")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER, i18n("Pager")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::SIP, i18n("SIP")); QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget( tabWidget ); setupLocaleTab(); setupLocaleDateTab(); setupTimeZoneTab(); setupExternalAppTab(); setupStoreTab(); - + setupBackupTab(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::showTimeZoneTab() { tabWidget->setCurrentPage ( 3 ) ; } +void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupBackupTab() +{ + QVBox *colorPage = new QVBox( this ); + tabWidget->addTab( colorPage, i18n( "Backup" ) ); + QWidget* topFrame = new QWidget( colorPage ); + QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(topFrame); + KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Backup enabled"), + &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled),topFrame); + topLayout->addWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox()); + QWidget* bupFrame = new QWidget( topFrame ); + topLayout->addWidget((bupFrame)); + QObject::connect ( sb->checkBox(), SIGNAL (toggled ( bool ) ), bupFrame, SLOT ( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); + QVBoxLayout *bupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(bupFrame); + sb = addWidBool(i18n("Use standard backup dir"), + &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled),bupFrame); + bupLayout->addWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox()); + mBackupUrl = new KURLRequester( bupFrame ); + mBackupUrl->setURL( KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir() ); + QObject::connect ( sb->checkBox(), SIGNAL (toggled ( bool ) ), mBackupUrl ,SLOT ( setDisabled( bool ) ) ); + bupLayout->addWidget( mBackupUrl ); + + + QHBox *dummy = new QHBox(bupFrame); + new QLabel(i18n("Number of Backups:"),dummy); + mBackupNumbersSpin = new QSpinBox(1,21,1,dummy); + new QLabel(i18n(" "),dummy); + bupLayout->addWidget( dummy ); + + dummy = new QHBox(bupFrame); + new QLabel(i18n("Make backup every "),dummy); + mBackupDayCountSpin = new QSpinBox(1,28,1,dummy); + new QLabel(i18n(" days"),dummy); + new QLabel(i18n(" "),dummy); + bupLayout->addWidget( dummy ); + +} void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupStoreTab() { QVBox *colorPage = new QVBox( this ); tabWidget->addTab( colorPage, i18n( "Colors" ) ); QWidget* cw = new QWidget( colorPage ); KPrefsWidColor *holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Alternating background of list views"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mAlternateColor),cw); QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout(cw); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label()); topLayout->addWidget( (QWidget* )holidayColor->button()); QVBox *storePage = new QVBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail").arg(KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir()), storePage ); new QLabel( i18n("<b>New data storage dir:</b>"), storePage ); mStoreUrl = new KURLRequester( storePage ); mStoreUrl->setURL( KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir() ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QString confFile = qApp->applicationDirPath ()+ "/.microkdehome" ; QFileInfo fi ( confFile ); if ( fi.exists() ) { KConfig cfg ( confFile ); cfg.setGroup("Global"); QString localKdeDir = cfg.readEntry( "MICROKDEHOME", "x_x_x" ); if ( localKdeDir != "x_x_x" ) { mStoreUrl->setURL( localKdeDir ); qDebug("Reading config from %s ", confFile.latin1()); } } #endif new QLabel( i18n("New dirs are created automatically"), storePage ); QHBox *bb = new QHBox( storePage ); QPushButton * pb; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save"), bb ); else pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save settings"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( saveStoreSettings() ) ); pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save standard"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( setStandardStore() ) ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save using LOCAL storage"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( setLocalStore() ) ); #endif new QLabel( i18n("<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>"), storePage ); new QLabel( i18n("Settings are stored in\n%1").arg(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.microkdehome" ), storePage ); tabWidget->addTab( storePage, i18n( "Data storage path" ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setLocalStore() { mStoreUrl->setURL( "LOCAL:kdepimpi" ); saveStoreSettings(); QString message = i18n("'LOCAL' mode makes is possible to run\nKA/Pi and KO/Pi from a USB memory stick.\nIn LOCAL mode the data is stored\nin a path relative to the executable.\nNote, that in LOCAL mode only addressbook\nresource files in\n <path of the executable>/<dirname after LOCAL:>/apps/kabc/*.vcf\n are supported.\nIf you use the standard addressbook settings\nyou do not have to reconfigure any path,\njust restart the application and import\nyour addressbook and calendar data."); KMessageBox::information( this, message); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setStandardStore() { mStoreUrl->setURL( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim" ); saveStoreSettings(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::saveStoreSettings() { if ( !mStoreUrl->url().isEmpty() ) { QString path = QDir::homeDirPath(); QString url = mStoreUrl->url(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( url.startsWith( "LOCAL:" ) ) { path = qApp->applicationDirPath () ; } #endif KConfig cfg ( path + "/.microkdehome" ); cfg.setGroup("Global"); cfg.writeEntry( "MICROKDEHOME", url ); qDebug("cfg.writeEntry( MICROKDEHOME, %s ", url.latin1()); cfg.sync(); } else { mStoreUrl->setURL( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim" ); saveStoreSettings(); } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupExternalAppTab() { QWidget *externalAppsPage = new QWidget( this ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( externalAppsPage, KDialog::marginHintSmall(), KDialog::spacingHintSmall() ); mExternalApps = new QComboBox( externalAppsPage ); QMap<ExternalAppHandler::Types, QString>::Iterator it; for( it = mExternalAppsMap.begin(); it != mExternalAppsMap.end(); ++it ) mExternalApps->insertItem( it.data(), it.key() ); layout->addWidget( mExternalApps ); connect( mExternalApps, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (externalapp_changed( int ) ) ); mExternalAppGroupBox = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Used Mail Client" ), externalAppsPage ); QGridLayout *boxLayout = new QGridLayout( mExternalAppGroupBox->layout(), 4, 2, -1, "gridlayout" ); mExternalAppGroupBox->layout()->setMargin(4); mClient = new QComboBox( mExternalAppGroupBox ); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mClient, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); connect( mClient, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (client_changed( int ) ) ); QLabel* lab = new QLabel( i18n("Channel:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); mChannel = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mChannel->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mChannel, 2 , 2, 0, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Message:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 3, 0 ); mMessage = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mMessage->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mMessage , 4, 0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Parameters:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 3, 1 ); mParameters = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mParameters->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mParameters, 4, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab, 5, 5, 0, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("extra Message:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 6, 0 ); mMessage2 = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mMessage2->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mMessage2 , 7, 0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("extra Parameters:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 6, 1 ); mParameters2 = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mParameters2->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mParameters2, 7, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab, 8, 8, 0, 1 ); connect( mChannel, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mMessage, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mParameters, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mMessage2, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mParameters2, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); layout->addWidget( mExternalAppGroupBox ); tabWidget->addTab( externalAppsPage, i18n( "External Apps." ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupLocaleDateTab() { QWidget *topFrame = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 3, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); int iii = 0; KPrefsWidRadios *syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Date Format:"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredDate),topFrame); QString format; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%d.%m.%Y)"; else format = "(%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("24.03.2004 "+format)); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%m.%d.%Y)"; else format = "(%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("03.24.2004 "+format)); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%Y-%m-%d)"; else format = "(%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("2004-03-24 "+format)); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("User defined")); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) { syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); } topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; ++iii; QLabel * lab; mUserDateFormatLong = new QLineEdit(topFrame); lab = new QLabel(mUserDateFormatLong, i18n("User long date:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii,0); topLayout->addWidget(mUserDateFormatLong,iii,1); ++iii; mUserDateFormatShort = new QLineEdit(topFrame); lab = new QLabel(mUserDateFormatShort, i18n("User short date:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii,0); topLayout->addWidget(mUserDateFormatShort,iii,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; connect( mUserDateFormatLong, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mUserDateFormatShort, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Date Format" ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupLocaleTab() { QWidget *topFrame = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); int iii = 0; KPrefsWidRadios *syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Language:(needs restart)"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage),topFrame); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("English")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("German")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("French")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Italian")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("User defined (usertranslation.txt)")); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) { syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); } topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Language" ) ); topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); iii = 0; syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Time Format(nr):"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredTime),topFrame); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 300 ) syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->setOrientation (Qt::Vertical); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("24:00")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("12:00am")); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->setOrientation (Qt::Vertical); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Week starts on Sunday"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mWeekStartsOnSunday),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Time Format" ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupTimeZoneTab() { QWidget *topFrame; QGridLayout *topLayout ; topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 5, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); QHBox *timeZoneBox = new QHBox( topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( timeZoneBox, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); new QLabel( i18n("Timezone:"), timeZoneBox ); mTimeZoneCombo = new QComboBox( timeZoneBox ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) { mTimeZoneCombo->setMaximumWidth(150); } QStringList list; list = KGlobal::locale()->timeZoneList(); mTimeZoneCombo->insertStringList(list); // find the currently set time zone and select it QString sCurrentlySet = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId; int nCurrentlySet = 11; for (int i = 0; i < mTimeZoneCombo->count(); i++) { if (mTimeZoneCombo->text(i) == sCurrentlySet) { nCurrentlySet = i; break; } } mTimeZoneCombo->setCurrentItem(nCurrentlySet); int iii = 1; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Add 30 min to selected Timezone"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneAdd30min),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; sb = addWidBool(i18n("Timezone has daylight saving"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mUseDaylightsaving),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; QLabel* lab; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date."), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab, iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("The year in the date is ignored."), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab, iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Daylight start:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addWidget(lab, iii,0); mStartDateSavingEdit = new KDateEdit(topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(mStartDateSavingEdit, iii,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Daylight end:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addWidget(lab, iii,0); mEndDateSavingEdit = new KDateEdit(topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(mEndDateSavingEdit, iii,1); ++iii; QDate current ( 2001, 1,1); mStartDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingStart-1)); mEndDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingEnd-1)); connect( mStartDateSavingEdit, SIGNAL( dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT( modified()) ); connect( mEndDateSavingEdit, SIGNAL( dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT( modified()) ); connect( mTimeZoneCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (modified() ) ); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Time Zone" ) ); topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 3, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Fonts" ) ); QLabel* labb = new QLabel( i18n("Global application font for all apps:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(labb,0,0,0,2); int i = 1; KPrefsWidFont *timeLabelsFont = addWidFont(i18n("Kx/Pi"),i18n("Application Font"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mApplicationFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->button(),i,2); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::externalapp_changed( int newApp ) { // first store the current data saveEditFieldSettings(); // set mCurrentApp mCurrentApp = (ExternalAppHandler::Types)newApp; // set mCurrentClient switch(mCurrentApp) { case(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL): mCurrentClient = mEmailClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE): mCurrentClient = mPhoneClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SMS): mCurrentClient = mSMSClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::FAX): mCurrentClient = mFaxClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER): mCurrentClient = mPagerClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SIP): mCurrentClient = mSipClient; break; default: return; } // and at last update the widgets updateClientWidgets(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::client_changed( int newClient ) { if (newClient == mCurrentClient) return; // first store the current data saveEditFieldSettings(); //then reset the clientvariable mCurrentClient = newClient; // and at last update the widgets updateClientWidgets(); KPrefsWidget::modified(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::saveEditFieldSettings() { switch(mCurrentApp) { case(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL): mEmailClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE): mPhoneClient= mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SMS): mSMSClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::FAX): mFaxClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER): mPagerClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SIP): mSipClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; default: return; } //store the current data back to the apropriate membervariables if we had set it to "other" if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC)) { mEmailOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mEmailOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mEmailOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); mEmailOtherMessage2 = mMessage2->text(); mEmailOtherMessageParameters2 = mParameters2->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PHONE) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC)) { mPhoneOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mPhoneOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mPhoneOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SMS) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC)) { mSMSOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mSMSOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mSMSOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::FAX) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC)) { mFaxOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mFaxOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mFaxOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PAGER) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC)) { mPagerOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mPagerOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mPagerOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SIP) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC)) { mSipOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mSipOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mSipOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::updateClientWidgets() { bool blocked = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals( true ); // at this point we assume, that mCurrentApp and mCurrentClient are set to the values that we want to display QMap<ExternalAppHandler::Types, QString>::Iterator it = mExternalAppsMap.find ( mCurrentApp ); if (it == mExternalAppsMap.end()) return; diff --git a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.h b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.h index 984e4e0..c0b92a9 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.h +++ b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.h @@ -1,161 +1,163 @@ /* This file is part of KDEPim/Pi. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #ifndef KDEPIMCONFIGWIDGET_H #define KDEPIMCONFIGWIDGET_H #include <kprefswidget.h> #include <kio/kfile/kurlrequester.h> #include <qmap.h> #include "externalapphandler.h" class QComboBox; class QLineEdit; class KPimGlobalPrefs; class QGroupBox; class QTabWidget; class KDateEdit; class KDEPIMConfigWidget : public KPrefsWidget { Q_OBJECT public: KDEPIMConfigWidget(KPimGlobalPrefs *prefs, QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 ); public slots: void textChanged( const QString& text ); void showTimeZoneTab(); protected: /** Implement this to read custom configuration widgets. */ virtual void usrReadConfig(); /** Implement this to write custom configuration widgets. */ virtual void usrWriteConfig(); private slots: // void configureExtension(); // void selectionChanged( QListViewItem* ); // void itemClicked( QListViewItem* ); void client_changed( int newClient ); void externalapp_changed( int newApp ); void saveStoreSettings(); void setStandardStore(); void setLocalStore(); private: void setupExternalAppTab(); void setupLocaleDateTab(); void setupLocaleTab(); void setupTimeZoneTab(); void setupStoreTab(); + void setupBackupTab(); KURLRequester* mStoreUrl; void setCombo(QComboBox *combo,const QString & text, const QStringList *tags = 0); void saveEditFieldSettings(); void updateClientWidgets(); QTabWidget *tabWidget; QLineEdit* mUserDateFormatShort; QLineEdit* mUserDateFormatLong; QComboBox* mTimeZoneCombo; KDateEdit* mStartDateSavingEdit; KDateEdit* mEndDateSavingEdit; // void restoreExtensionSettings(); // void saveExtensionSettings(); // KListView *mExtensionView; // QCheckBox *mNameParsing; // QCheckBox *mViewsSingleClickBox; // QPushButton *mConfigureButton; QComboBox* mExternalApps; QGroupBox* mExternalAppGroupBox; QComboBox* mClient; QLineEdit* mChannel; QLineEdit* mMessage; QLineEdit* mParameters; QLineEdit* mMessage2; QLineEdit* mParameters2; ExternalAppHandler::Types mCurrentApp; int mCurrentClient; int mEmailClient; QString mEmailOtherChannel; QString mEmailOtherMessage; QString mEmailOtherMessageParameters; QString mEmailOtherMessage2; QString mEmailOtherMessageParameters2; int mPhoneClient; QString mPhoneOtherChannel; QString mPhoneOtherMessage; QString mPhoneOtherMessageParameters; int mFaxClient; QString mFaxOtherChannel; QString mFaxOtherMessage; QString mFaxOtherMessageParameters; int mSMSClient; QString mSMSOtherChannel; QString mSMSOtherMessage; QString mSMSOtherMessageParameters; int mPagerClient; QString mPagerOtherChannel; QString mPagerOtherMessage; QString mPagerOtherMessageParameters; int mSipClient; QString mSipOtherChannel; QString mSipOtherMessage; QString mSipOtherMessageParameters; - + KURLRequester* mBackupUrl; + QSpinBox* mBackupDayCountSpin, *mBackupNumbersSpin ; QMap<ExternalAppHandler::Types, QString> mExternalAppsMap; // AddresseeWidget *mAddresseeWidget; }; #endif diff --git a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp index 873f0eb..90321b2 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.cpp @@ -1,216 +1,223 @@ /* This file is part of libkdepim. Copyright (c) 2002 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <kglobal.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kstaticdeleter.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include "kpimglobalprefs.h" KPimGlobalPrefs *KPimGlobalPrefs::sInstance = 0; static KStaticDeleter<KPimGlobalPrefs> staticDeleterGP; KPimGlobalPrefs::KPimGlobalPrefs( const QString &name ) : KPrefs("microkdeglobalrc") { mLocaleDict = 0; KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Fonts"); addItemFont("ApplicationFont",&mApplicationFont,KGlobalSettings::generalFont() ); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Locale"); addItemInt("PreferredLanguage",&mPreferredLanguage,0); addItemInt("PreferredTime",&mPreferredTime,0); addItemInt("PreferredDate",&mPreferredDate,0); addItemBool("WeekStartsOnSunday",&mWeekStartsOnSunday,false); addItemString("UserDateFormatLong", &mUserDateFormatLong, "%AK %d. %b %y"); addItemString("UserDateFormatShort", &mUserDateFormatShort, "%aK %d.%m.%y"); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Colors"); addItemColor("AlternateBGcolor",&mAlternateColor,KGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor()); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Time & Date"); addItemString("TimeZoneName",&mTimeZoneId, ("+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)") ); addItemBool("UseDaylightsaving",&mUseDaylightsaving,true); addItemBool("TimeZoneAdd30min",&mTimeZoneAdd30min,false); addItemInt("DaylightsavingStart",&mDaylightsavingStart,90); addItemInt("DaylightsavingEnd",&mDaylightsavingEnd,304); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "ExternalApplications" ); addItemInt( "EmailChannelType", &mEmailClient, OMPI_EMC ); addItemString( "EmailChannel", &mEmailOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "EmailChannelMessage", &mEmailOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "EmailChannelParameters", &mEmailOtherMessageParameters, "" ); addItemString( "EmailChannelMessage2", &mEmailOtherMessage2, "" ); addItemString( "EmailChannelParameters2", &mEmailOtherMessageParameters2, "" ); addItemInt( "PhoneChannelType", &mPhoneClient, KPPI_PHC ); addItemString( "PhoneChannel", &mPhoneOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "PhoneChannelMessage", &mPhoneOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "PhoneChannelParameters", &mPhoneOtherMessageParameters, "" ); addItemInt( "FaxChannelType", &mFaxClient, NONE_FAC ); addItemString( "FaxChannel", &mFaxOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "FaxChannelMessage", &mFaxOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "FaxChannelParameters", &mFaxOtherMessageParameters, "" ); addItemInt( "SMSChannelType", &mSMSClient, NONE_SMC ); addItemString( "SMSChannel", &mSMSOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "SMSChannelMessage", &mSMSOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "SMSChannelParameters", &mSMSOtherMessageParameters, "" ); addItemInt( "PagerChannelType", &mPagerClient, NONE_PAC ); addItemString( "PagerChannel", &mPagerOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "PagerChannelMessage", &mPagerOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "PagerChannelParameters", &mPagerOtherMessageParameters, "" ); addItemInt( "SIPChannelType", &mSipClient, KPPI_SIC ); addItemString( "SIPChannel", &mSipOtherChannel, "" ); addItemString( "SIPChannelMessage", &mSipOtherMessage, "" ); addItemString( "SIPChannelParameters", &mSipOtherMessageParameters, "" ); KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "PhoneAccess" ); addItemString("Ex2PhoneDevice",&mEx2PhoneDevice,"/dev/ircomm"); addItemString("Ex2PhoneConnection",&mEx2PhoneConnection,"irda"); addItemString("Ex2PhoneModel",&mEx2PhoneModel,"6310i"); + KPrefs::setCurrentGroup( "BackupSettings" ); + addItemString("BackupDatadir",&mBackupDatadir,KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir()); + addItemInt( "BackupNumbers", &mBackupNumbers, 3 ); + addItemInt( "BackupDayCount", &mBackupDayCount, 2 ); + addItemBool( "BackupUseDefaultDir",&mBackupUseDefaultDir, true ); + addItemBool( "BackupEnabled",&mBackupEnabled, false ); + } void KPimGlobalPrefs::setGlobalConfig() { if ( mLocaleDict == 0 ) { QString fileName ; QString name = KGlobal::getAppName() +"/"; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION fileName= QString(getenv("QPEDIR"))+"/pics/kdepim/"+name; #else fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/"+ name; #endif mLocaleDict = 0; if ( mPreferredLanguage > 0 && mPreferredLanguage < 5 ) { if ( mPreferredLanguage == 1 ) fileName = fileName+"germantranslation.txt"; else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 4 ) fileName = fileName+"usertranslation.txt"; else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 2 ) fileName = fileName+"frenchtranslation.txt"; else if ( mPreferredLanguage == 3 ) fileName = fileName+"italiantranslation.txt"; QFile file( fileName ); if (file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream ts( &file ); ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 ); //ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::latin1 ); QString text = ts.read(); file.close(); text.replace( QRegExp("\\\\n"), "\n" ); QString line; QString we; QString wt; int br = 0; int nbr; nbr = text.find ( "},", br ); line = text.mid( br, nbr - br ); br = nbr+1; int se, ee, st, et; mLocaleDict = new QDict<QString>; mLocaleDict->setAutoDelete( true ); QString end = "{ \"\",\"\" }"; while ( (line != end) && (br > 1) ) { //qDebug("%d *%s* ", br, line.latin1()); se = line.find("\"")+1; et = line.findRev("\"",-1); ee = line.find("\",\""); st = ee+3; we = line.mid( se, ee-se ); if ( mPreferredLanguage == 4 ) wt = QString::fromUtf8(line.mid( st, et-st ).latin1()); else wt = line.mid( st, et-st ); //qDebug("*%s* *%s* ", we.latin1(), wt.latin1()); mLocaleDict->insert( we, new QString (wt) ); nbr = text.find ( "}", br ); line = text.mid( br, nbr - br ); br = nbr+1; } //qDebug("end *%s* ", end.latin1()); setLocaleDict( mLocaleDict ); } else { qDebug("KO: Cannot find translation file %s",fileName.latin1() ); } } } KGlobal::locale()->setHore24Format( !mPreferredTime ); KGlobal::locale()->setWeekStartMonday( !mWeekStartsOnSunday ); KGlobal::locale()->setIntDateFormat( (KLocale::IntDateFormat)mPreferredDate ); KGlobal::locale()->setLanguage( mPreferredLanguage ); QString dummy = mUserDateFormatLong; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormat(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); dummy = mUserDateFormatShort; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); KGlobal::locale()->setDaylightSaving( mUseDaylightsaving, mDaylightsavingStart, mDaylightsavingEnd ); KGlobal::locale()->setTimezone( mTimeZoneId, mTimeZoneAdd30min ); KGlobalSettings::setAlternateBackgroundColor(mAlternateColor); } KPimGlobalPrefs::~KPimGlobalPrefs() { if (sInstance == this) sInstance = staticDeleterGP.setObject(0); else qDebug("Whats this? Error in KPimGlobalPrefs::~KPimGlobalPrefs() ?"); if ( mLocaleDict ) delete mLocaleDict; } KPimGlobalPrefs *KPimGlobalPrefs::instance() { if ( !sInstance ) { sInstance = staticDeleterGP.setObject( new KPimGlobalPrefs() ); sInstance->readConfig(); } return sInstance; } diff --git a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h index 36cc25a..94ac8ae 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h +++ b/libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h @@ -1,145 +1,151 @@ /* This file is part of libkdepim. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #ifndef KPIMGLOBALPREFS_H #define KPIMGLOBALPREFS_H #include "kprefs.h" #include <qdict.h> class KPimGlobalPrefs : public KPrefs { public: void setGlobalConfig(); static KPimGlobalPrefs *instance(); virtual ~KPimGlobalPrefs(); enum EMailClients { NONE_EMC = 0, OTHER_EMC = 1, OMPI_EMC = 2, QTOPIA_EMC = 3, OPIE_EMC = 4, OPIE_MAILIT_EMC = 5 }; enum PhoneClients { NONE_PHC = 0, OTHER_PHC = 1, KPPI_PHC = 2 }; enum FaxClients { NONE_FAC = 0, OTHER_FAC = 1 }; enum SMSClients { NONE_SMC = 0, OTHER_SMC = 1 }; enum PagerClients { NONE_PAC = 0, OTHER_PAC = 1 }; enum SIPClients { NONE_SIC = 0, OTHER_SIC = 1, KPPI_SIC = 2 }; private: KPimGlobalPrefs( const QString &name = QString::null ); static KPimGlobalPrefs *sInstance; QDict<QString> *mLocaleDict; public: //US I copied the following "locale" settings from KOPrefs int mPreferredDate; QString mUserDateFormatLong; QString mUserDateFormatShort; int mPreferredLanguage; int mPreferredTime; bool mWeekStartsOnSunday; QString mTimeZoneId; bool mUseDaylightsaving; int mDaylightsavingStart; int mDaylightsavingEnd; bool mTimeZoneAdd30min; QFont mApplicationFont; QColor mAlternateColor; int mEmailClient; QString mEmailOtherChannel; QString mEmailOtherMessage; QString mEmailOtherMessageParameters; QString mEmailOtherMessage2; QString mEmailOtherMessageParameters2; int mPhoneClient; QString mPhoneOtherChannel; QString mPhoneOtherMessage; QString mPhoneOtherMessageParameters; int mFaxClient; QString mFaxOtherChannel; QString mFaxOtherMessage; QString mFaxOtherMessageParameters; int mSMSClient; QString mSMSOtherChannel; QString mSMSOtherMessage; QString mSMSOtherMessageParameters; int mPagerClient; QString mPagerOtherChannel; QString mPagerOtherMessage; QString mPagerOtherMessageParameters; int mSipClient; QString mSipOtherChannel; QString mSipOtherMessage; QString mSipOtherMessageParameters; QString mEx2PhoneDevice; QString mEx2PhoneConnection; QString mEx2PhoneModel; + + bool mBackupEnabled; + QString mBackupDatadir; + bool mBackupUseDefaultDir; + int mBackupNumbers; + int mBackupDayCount; }; #endif diff --git a/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.cpp b/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.cpp index dd9a602..b6ae775 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.cpp @@ -1,410 +1,410 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ // $Id$ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qfont.h> #include <qslider.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qradiobutton.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <kcolorbutton.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kfontdialog.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kcolordialog.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "kprefs.h" #include "kprefsdialog.h" //#include "kprefsdialog.moc" KPrefsDialogWidBool::KPrefsDialogWidBool(const QString &text,bool *reference, QWidget *parent) { mReference = reference; mCheck = new QCheckBox(text,parent); } void KPrefsDialogWidBool::readConfig() { mCheck->setChecked(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidBool::writeConfig() { *mReference = mCheck->isChecked(); } QCheckBox *KPrefsDialogWidBool::checkBox() { return mCheck; } KPrefsDialogWidColor::KPrefsDialogWidColor(const QString &text,QColor *reference, QWidget *parent) { mReference = reference; mButton = new KColorButton(parent); mLabel = new QLabel(mButton, text, parent); mButton->setColor( *mReference ); mButton->setColor( Qt::red ); } KPrefsDialogWidColor::~KPrefsDialogWidColor() { // kdDebug(5300) << "KPrefsDialogWidColor::~KPrefsDialogWidColor()" << endl; } void KPrefsDialogWidColor::readConfig() { mButton->setColor(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidColor::writeConfig() { *mReference = mButton->color(); } QLabel *KPrefsDialogWidColor::label() { return mLabel; } KColorButton *KPrefsDialogWidColor::button() { return mButton; } KPrefsDialogWidFont::KPrefsDialogWidFont(const QString &sampleText,const QString &labelText, QFont *reference,QWidget *parent) { mReference = reference; mLabel = new QLabel(labelText, parent); mPreview = new QLabel(sampleText,parent); mPreview->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); mButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Choose..."), parent); connect(mButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(selectFont())); mPreview->setMaximumHeight( QApplication::desktop()->height() / 12 ); mPreview->setMaximumWidth( (QApplication::desktop()->width() / 2)-10 ); } KPrefsDialogWidFont::~KPrefsDialogWidFont() { } void KPrefsDialogWidFont::readConfig() { mPreview->setFont(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidFont::writeConfig() { *mReference = mPreview->font(); } QLabel *KPrefsDialogWidFont::label() { return mLabel; } QLabel *KPrefsDialogWidFont::preview() { return mPreview; } QPushButton *KPrefsDialogWidFont::button() { return mButton; } void KPrefsDialogWidFont::selectFont() { QFont myFont(mPreview->font()); bool ok; myFont = KFontDialog::getFont(myFont, ok); if ( ok ) { mPreview->setFont(myFont); } } KPrefsDialogWidTime::KPrefsDialogWidTime(const QString &text,int *reference, QWidget *parent) { mReference = reference; mLabel = new QLabel(text,parent); mSpin = new QSpinBox(0,23,1,parent); mSpin->setSuffix(":00"); } void KPrefsDialogWidTime::readConfig() { mSpin->setValue(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidTime::writeConfig() { *mReference = mSpin->value(); } QLabel *KPrefsDialogWidTime::label() { return mLabel; } QSpinBox *KPrefsDialogWidTime::spinBox() { return mSpin; } KPrefsDialogWidRadios::KPrefsDialogWidRadios(const QString &text,int *reference, QWidget *parent) { mReference = reference; mBox = new QButtonGroup(1,Qt::Horizontal,text,parent); } KPrefsDialogWidRadios::~KPrefsDialogWidRadios() { } void KPrefsDialogWidRadios::addRadio(const QString &text) { new QRadioButton(text,mBox); } QButtonGroup *KPrefsDialogWidRadios::groupBox() { return mBox; } void KPrefsDialogWidRadios::readConfig() { mBox->setButton(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidRadios::writeConfig() { *mReference = mBox->id(mBox->selected()); } KPrefsDialogWidString::KPrefsDialogWidString(const QString &text,QString *reference, QWidget *parent, QLineEdit::EchoMode echomode) { mReference = reference; mLabel = new QLabel(text,parent); mEdit = new QLineEdit(parent); mEdit->setEchoMode( echomode ); } KPrefsDialogWidString::~KPrefsDialogWidString() { } void KPrefsDialogWidString::readConfig() { mEdit->setText(*mReference); } void KPrefsDialogWidString::writeConfig() { *mReference = mEdit->text(); } QLabel *KPrefsDialogWidString::label() { return mLabel; } QLineEdit *KPrefsDialogWidString::lineEdit() { return mEdit; } KPrefsDialog::KPrefsDialog(KPrefs *prefs,QWidget *parent,char *name,bool modal) : KDialogBase(IconList,i18n("Preferences"),Ok|Cancel|Default,Ok,parent, name,modal,true) { mPrefs = prefs; // This seems to cause a crash on exit. Investigate later. -// mPrefsWids.setAutoDelete(true); + mPrefsWids.setAutoDelete(true); connect(this,SIGNAL(defaultClicked()),SLOT(slotDefault())); //connect(this,SIGNAL(cancelClicked()),SLOT(slotDefault())); //connect(this,SIGNAL(cancelClicked()),SLOT(reject())); } KPrefsDialog::~KPrefsDialog() { } void KPrefsDialog::addWid(KPrefsDialogWid *wid) { mPrefsWids.append(wid); } KPrefsDialogWidBool *KPrefsDialog::addWidBool(const QString &text,bool *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidBool *w = new KPrefsDialogWidBool(text,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidTime *KPrefsDialog::addWidTime(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidTime *w = new KPrefsDialogWidTime(text,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidColor *KPrefsDialog::addWidColor(const QString &text,QColor *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidColor *w = new KPrefsDialogWidColor(text,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidRadios *KPrefsDialog::addWidRadios(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidRadios *w = new KPrefsDialogWidRadios(text,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidString *KPrefsDialog::addWidString(const QString &text,QString *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidString *w = new KPrefsDialogWidString(text,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidString *KPrefsDialog::addWidPassword(const QString &text,QString *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidString *w = new KPrefsDialogWidString(text,reference,parent,QLineEdit::Password); addWid(w); return w; } KPrefsDialogWidFont *KPrefsDialog::addWidFont(const QString &sampleText,const QString &buttonText, QFont *reference,QWidget *parent) { KPrefsDialogWidFont *w = new KPrefsDialogWidFont(sampleText,buttonText,reference,parent); addWid(w); return w; } void KPrefsDialog::setDefaults() { mPrefs->setDefaults(); readConfig(); } void KPrefsDialog::readConfig() { // kdDebug(5300) << "KPrefsDialog::readConfig()" << endl; KPrefsDialogWid *wid; for(wid = mPrefsWids.first();wid;wid=mPrefsWids.next()) { wid->readConfig(); } usrReadConfig(); } void KPrefsDialog::writeConfig() { // kdDebug(5300) << "KPrefsDialog::writeConfig()" << endl; KPrefsDialogWid *wid; for(wid = mPrefsWids.first();wid;wid=mPrefsWids.next()) { wid->writeConfig(); } usrWriteConfig(); // kdDebug(5300) << "KPrefsDialog::writeConfig() now writing..." << endl; mPrefs->writeConfig(); // kdDebug(5300) << "KPrefsDialog::writeConfig() done" << endl; } void KPrefsDialog::slotApply() { writeConfig(); emit configChanged(); } void KPrefsDialog::slotOk() { slotApply(); QDialog::accept(); } void KPrefsDialog::accept() { slotOk(); } void KPrefsDialog::slotDefault() { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("You are about to set all\npreferences to default values.\nAll " "custom modifications will be lost."),i18n("Setting Default Preferences"), i18n("Continue")) == KMessageBox::Continue) setDefaults(); } diff --git a/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.h b/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.h index ad13b78..efcb86a 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.h +++ b/libkdepim/kprefsdialog.h @@ -1,446 +1,445 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef _KPREFSDIALOG_H #define _KPREFSDIALOG_H // $Id$ #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <kdialogbase.h> class KPrefs; class KPrefsDialog; class KColorButton; class QCheckBox; class QLabel; class QSpinBox; class QButtonGroup; /** @short Base class for widgets used by @ref KPrefsDialog. @author Cornelius Schumacher @see KPrefsDialog This class provides the interface for the preferences widgets used by KPrefsDialog. */ -class KPrefsDialogWid +class KPrefsDialogWid : public QObject { public: /** This function is called to read value of the setting from the stored configuration and display it in the widget. */ virtual void readConfig() = 0; /** This function is called to write the current setting of the widget to the stored configuration. */ virtual void writeConfig() = 0; }; /** @short Widget for bool settings in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring bool values. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. */ class KPrefsDialogWidBool : public KPrefsDialogWid { public: /** Create a bool widget consisting of a QCheckbox. @param text Text of QCheckBox. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidBool(const QString &text,bool *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Return the QCheckbox used by this widget. */ QCheckBox *checkBox(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); private: bool *mReference; QCheckBox *mCheck; }; /** @short Widget for time settings in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring time values. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. */ class KPrefsDialogWidTime : public KPrefsDialogWid { public: /** Create a time widget consisting of a label and a spinbox. @param text Text of Label. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidTime(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Return QLabel used by this widget. */ QLabel *label(); /** Return QSpinBox used by this widget. */ QSpinBox *spinBox(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); private: int *mReference; QLabel *mLabel; QSpinBox *mSpin; }; /** @short Widget for color settings in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring color values. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. */ -class KPrefsDialogWidColor : public QObject, public KPrefsDialogWid +class KPrefsDialogWidColor : public KPrefsDialogWid { - Q_OBJECT public: /** Create a color widget consisting of a test field and a button for opening a color dialog. @param text Text of button. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidColor(const QString &text,QColor *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Destruct color setting widget. */ ~KPrefsDialogWidColor(); /** Return QLabel for the button */ QLabel *label(); /** Return button opening the color dialog. */ KColorButton *button(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); private: QColor *mReference; QLabel *mLabel; KColorButton *mButton; }; /** @short Widget for font settings in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring font values. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. */ -class KPrefsDialogWidFont : public QObject, public KPrefsDialogWid +class KPrefsDialogWidFont : public KPrefsDialogWid { Q_OBJECT public: /** Create a font widget consisting of a test field and a button for opening a font dialog. @param label Text of label. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidFont(const QString &sampleText,const QString &labelText, QFont *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Destruct font setting widget. */ ~KPrefsDialogWidFont(); /** Return label. */ QLabel *label(); /** Return QFrame used as preview field. */ QLabel *preview(); /** Return button opening the font dialog. */ QPushButton *button(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); protected slots: void selectFont(); private: QFont *mReference; QLabel *mLabel; QLabel *mPreview; QPushButton *mButton; }; /** @short Widget for settings represented by a group of radio buttons in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring selections. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. The setting is interpreted as an int value, corresponding to the position of the radio button. The position of the button is defined by the sequence of @ref addRadio() calls, starting with 0. */ class KPrefsDialogWidRadios : public KPrefsDialogWid { public: /** Create a widget for selection of an option. It consists of a box with several radio buttons. @param text Text of main box. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidRadios(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent); virtual ~KPrefsDialogWidRadios(); /** Add a radio button. @param text Text of the button. */ void addRadio(const QString &text); /** Return the box widget used by this widget. */ QButtonGroup *groupBox(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); private: int *mReference; QButtonGroup *mBox; }; /** @short Widget for string settings in @ref KPrefsDialog. This class provides a widget for configuring string values. It is meant to be used by KPrefsDialog. The user is responsible for the layout management. */ class KPrefsDialogWidString : public KPrefsDialogWid { public: /** Create a string widget consisting of a test label and a line edit. @param text Text of label. @param reference Pointer to variable read and written by this widget. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidString(const QString &text,QString *reference,QWidget *parent,QLineEdit::EchoMode echomode=QLineEdit::Normal); /** Destructor. */ virtual ~KPrefsDialogWidString(); /** Return label used by this widget. */ QLabel *label(); /** Return QLineEdit used by this widget. */ QLineEdit *lineEdit(); void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); private: QString *mReference; QLabel *mLabel; QLineEdit *mEdit; }; /** @short Base class for a preferences dialog. This class provides the framework for a preferences dialog. You have to subclass it and add the code to create the actual configuration widgets and do the layout management. KPrefsDialog provides functions to add subclasses of @ref KPrefsDialogWid. For these widgets the reading, writing and setting to default values is handled automatically. Custom widgets have to be handled in the functions @ref usrReadConfig() and @ref usrWriteConfig(). */ class KPrefsDialog : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: /** Create a KPrefsDialog for a KPrefs object. @param prefs KPrefs object used to access te configuration. @param parent Parent widget. @param name Widget name. @param modal true, if dialog has to be modal, false for non-modal. */ KPrefsDialog(KPrefs *prefs,QWidget *parent=0,char *name=0,bool modal=false); /** Destructor. */ virtual ~KPrefsDialog(); /** Register a custom KPrefsDialogWid object. */ void addWid(KPrefsDialogWid *); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidBool object. @param text Text of bool widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidBool *addWidBool(const QString &text,bool *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidTime object. @param text Text of time widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidTime *addWidTime(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidColor object. @param text Text of color widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidColor *addWidColor(const QString &text,QColor *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidRadios object. @param text Text of radio button box widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidRadios *addWidRadios(const QString &text,int *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidString object. @param text Text of string widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidString *addWidString(const QString &text,QString *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a password @ref KPrefsDialogWidString object, with echomode set to QLineEdit::Password. @param text Text of string widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidString *addWidPassword (const QString &text,QString *reference,QWidget *parent); /** Register a @ref KPrefsDialogWidFont object. @param sampleText Sample text of font widget. @param buttonText Button text of font widget. @param reference Reference to variable storing the setting. @param parent Parent widget. */ KPrefsDialogWidFont *addWidFont(const QString &sampleText,const QString &buttonText, QFont *reference,QWidget *parent); public slots: /** Set all widgets to default values. */ void setDefaults(); /** Read preferences from config file. */ void readConfig(); /** Write preferences to config file. */ void writeConfig(); signals: /** Emitted when the a changed configuration has been stored. */ void configChanged(); protected slots: /** Apply changes to preferences */ void slotApply(); void accept(); /** Accept changes to preferences and close dialog */ void slotOk(); /** Set preferences to default values */ void slotDefault(); protected: /** Implement this to read custom configuration widgets. */ virtual void usrReadConfig() {} /** Implement this to write custom configuration widgets. */ virtual void usrWriteConfig() {} private: KPrefs *mPrefs; QPtrList<KPrefsDialogWid> mPrefsWids; }; #endif diff --git a/microkde/kglobalsettings.cpp b/microkde/kglobalsettings.cpp index 5976aae..3f8a630 100644 --- a/microkde/kglobalsettings.cpp +++ b/microkde/kglobalsettings.cpp @@ -1,95 +1,104 @@ #include "kglobalsettings.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "kglobal.h" #include "kconfigbase.h" #include <qapplication.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QColor KGlobalSettings::mAlternate = QColor( 235, 235, 235 ); #else QColor KGlobalSettings::mAlternate = QColor( 210, 210, 210 ); #endif QFont KGlobalSettings::generalFont() { int size = 12; if (QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) { size = 10; } #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION else if (QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 480 && QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) size = 18; #endif QFont f = QApplication::font(); //qDebug("pointsize %d %s", f.pointSize(),f.family().latin1()); f.setPointSize( size ); return f; } QFont KGlobalSettings::generalMaxFont() { int size = 12; if (QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) { size = 10; } #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION else if (QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 480 && QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) size = 18; #endif QFont f = QApplication::font(); if ( f.pointSize() > size ) f.setPointSize( size ); return f; } QString KGlobalSettings::timeTrackerDir() { static QString dir; if ( dir.isEmpty() ) { dir = locateLocal( "data", "timetrackerdir/d.ttl" ); dir = dir.left ( dir.length() - 5); } return dir; } +QString KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir() +{ + static QString dir; + if ( dir.isEmpty() ) { + dir = locateLocal( "data", "backupdir/d.ttl" ); + dir = dir.left ( dir.length() - 5); + } + return dir; +} QFont KGlobalSettings::toolBarFont() { return QApplication::font(); } QColor KGlobalSettings::toolBarHighlightColor() { return QColor( "black" ); } QColor KGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor() { return mAlternate; } void KGlobalSettings::setAlternateBackgroundColor(QColor c) { mAlternate = c; } QRect KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry( QWidget * ) { return QApplication::desktop()->rect(); } /** * Returns whether KDE runs in single (default) or double click * mode. * see http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/kde/style/mouse/index.html * @return true if single click mode, or false if double click mode. **/ bool KGlobalSettings::singleClick() { KConfig *c = KGlobal::config(); KConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "KDE" ); return c->readBoolEntry("SingleClick", KDE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK); } diff --git a/microkde/kglobalsettings.h b/microkde/kglobalsettings.h index 05ef279..4e4d87c 100644 --- a/microkde/kglobalsettings.h +++ b/microkde/kglobalsettings.h @@ -1,35 +1,36 @@ #ifndef MICROKDE_KGLOBALSETTINGS_H #define MICROKDE_KGLOBALSETTINGS_H #include <qfont.h> #include <qrect.h> #define KDE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK true class KGlobalSettings { public: static QFont generalFont(); static QFont generalMaxFont(); static QFont toolBarFont(); static QColor mAlternate; static QColor toolBarHighlightColor(); static QColor alternateBackgroundColor(); static void setAlternateBackgroundColor(QColor); static QRect desktopGeometry( QWidget * ); static QString timeTrackerDir(); + static QString backupDataDir(); /** * Returns whether KDE runs in single (default) or double click * mode. * see http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/kde/style/mouse/index.html * @return true if single click mode, or false if double click mode. **/ static bool singleClick(); }; #endif |