-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp | 32 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/kabcore.h | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/calendarview.cpp | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.cpp | 48 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp | 4 |
6 files changed, 74 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp index 5ebd3a4..bdc5bd8 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp +++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp @@ -1849,128 +1849,134 @@ void KABCore::initActions() } else { mActionConfigKAddressbook = KStdAction::preferences( this, SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection() ); //US not implemented yet //mActionKeyBindings = KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() ); } mActionJumpBar = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Jump Bar" ), 0, 0, actionCollection(), "options_show_jump_bar" ); connect( mActionJumpBar, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool ) ) ); mActionDetails = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Details" ), "listview", 0, actionCollection(), "options_show_details" ); connect( mActionDetails, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setDetailsVisible( bool ) ) ); mActionBR = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Beam receive enabled" ), "beam", 0, this, SLOT( toggleBeamReceive() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_beam_rec" ); // misc // only enable LDAP lookup if we can handle the protocol #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED if ( KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( KURL( "ldap://localhost" ) ) ) { new KAction( i18n( "&Lookup Addresses in Directory" ), "find", 0, this, SLOT( openLDAPDialog() ), actionCollection(), "ldap_lookup" ); } #else //KAB_EMBEDDED //qDebug("KABCore::initActions() LDAP has to be implemented"); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED mActionWhoAmI = new KAction( i18n( "Set Who Am I" ), "personal", 0, this, SLOT( setWhoAmI() ), actionCollection(), "set_personal" ); mActionCategories = new KAction( i18n( "Set Categories" ), 0, this, SLOT( setCategories() ), actionCollection(), "edit_set_categories" ); mActionRemoveVoice = new KAction( i18n( "Remove \"voice\"..." ), 0, this, SLOT( removeVoice() ), actionCollection(), "remove_voice" ); mActionImportOL = new KAction( i18n( "Import from Outlook..." ), 0, this, SLOT( importFromOL() ), actionCollection(), "import_OL" ); #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED mActionLicence = new KAction( i18n( "Licence" ), 0, this, SLOT( showLicence() ), actionCollection(), "licence_about_data" ); mActionFaq = new KAction( i18n( "Faq" ), 0, this, SLOT( faq() ), actionCollection(), "faq_about_data" ); mActionWN = new KAction( i18n( "What's New?" ), 0, this, SLOT( whatsnew() ), actionCollection(), "wn" ); mActionSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Sync HowTo" ), 0, this, SLOT( synchowto() ), actionCollection(), "sync" ); + mActionKdeSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Kde Sync HowTo" ), 0, + this, SLOT( kdesynchowto() ), actionCollection(), + "kdesync" ); + mActionMultiSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Multi Sync HowTo" ), 0, + this, SLOT( multisynchowto() ), actionCollection(), + "multisync" ); mActionAboutKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&About KAddressBook" ), "kaddressbook2", 0, this, SLOT( createAboutData() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_about_data" ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED clipboardDataChanged(); connect( UndoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) ); connect( RedoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) ); } //US we need this function, to plug all actions into the correct menues. // KDE uses a XML format to plug the actions, but we work her without this overhead. void KABCore::addActionsManually() { //US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart); #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *editMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); KToolBar* tb = mMainWindow->toolBar(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mFullMenuBarVisible ) { #endif QMenuBar* mb = mMainWindow->menuBar(); //US setup menubar. //Disable the following block if you do not want to have a menubar. mb->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu ); mb->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu ); mb->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu ); mb->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); mb->insertItem( "&Change selected", changeMenu ); mb->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu ); mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); // tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION } else { //US setup toolbar QPEMenuBar *menuBarTB = new QPEMenuBar( tb ); QPopupMenu *popupBarTB = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBarTB->insertItem( "ME", popupBarTB); tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, menuBarTB); mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); tb->enableMoving(false); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( popupBarTB); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Change selected", changeMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu ); if (QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) { // mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb); } } #endif // mActionQuit->plug ( mMainWindow->toolBar()); @@ -1990,130 +1996,132 @@ void KABCore::addActionsManually() // (!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce )) mActionEditAddressee->plug( tb ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionSave->plug( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Import", ImportMenu ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Export", ExportMenu ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionMailVCard->plug( fileMenu ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeamVCard->plug( fileMenu ); if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeam->plug(fileMenu ); #endif fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionQuit->plug( fileMenu ); #ifdef _WIN32_ mActionImportOL->plug( ImportMenu ); #endif // edit menu mActionUndo->plug( editMenu ); mActionRedo->plug( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionCut->plug( editMenu ); mActionCopy->plug( editMenu ); mActionPaste->plug( editMenu ); mActionDelete->plug( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionSelectAll->plug( editMenu ); mActionRemoveVoice->plug( changeMenu ); // settings menu //US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE // you do that through the control center !!! mActionConfigResources->plug( settingsMenu ); settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionConfigKAddressbook->plug( settingsMenu ); if ( mIsPart ) { //US not implemented yet //mActionConfigShortcuts->plug( settingsMenu ); //mActionConfigureToolbars->plug( settingsMenu ); } else { //US not implemented yet //mActionKeyBindings->plug( settingsMenu ); } settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionJumpBar->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionDetails->plug( settingsMenu ); //if (!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce || KGlobal::getDesktopSize() == KGlobal::Desktop ) mActionDetails->plug( tb ); settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionBR->plug(settingsMenu ); settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionWhoAmI->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionCategories->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionWN->plug( helpMenu ); mActionSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); - mActionLicence->plug( helpMenu ); + mActionKdeSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); + mActionMultiSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); mActionFaq->plug( helpMenu ); + mActionLicence->plug( helpMenu ); mActionAboutKAddressbook->plug( helpMenu ); if (KGlobal::getDesktopSize() > KGlobal::Small ) { mActionSave->plug( tb ); mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb); if (KGlobal::getDesktopSize() == KGlobal::Desktop ) { mActionUndo->plug( tb ); mActionDelete->plug( tb ); mActionRedo->plug( tb ); } } else { mActionSave->plug( tb ); tb->enableMoving(false); } //mActionQuit->plug ( tb ); // tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget, 6); //US link the searchwidget first to this. // The real linkage to the toolbar happens later. //US mIncSearchWidget->reparent(tb, 0, QPoint(50,0), TRUE); //US tb->insertItem( mIncSearchWidget ); /*US mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ), SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) ); mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this ); //US topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar ); this->layout()->add( mJumpButtonBar ); */ #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED mActionExport2phone->plug( ExportMenu ); connect ( syncMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), syncManager, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) ); syncManager->fillSyncMenu(); } void KABCore::showLicence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void KABCore::removeVoice() { if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("After importing, phone numbers\nmay have two or more types.\n(E.g. work+voice)\nThese numbers are shown as \"other\".\nClick Yes to remove the voice type\nfrom numbers with more than one type.\n\nRemove voice type?") ) == KMessageBox::No ) return; KABC::Addressee::List list = mViewManager->selectedAddressees(); KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).removeVoice() ) contactModified((*it) ); } } void KABCore::clipboardDataChanged() { if ( mReadWrite ) mActionPaste->setEnabled( !QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty() ); @@ -2289,129 +2297,136 @@ void KABCore::requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& ses namelist = mAddressBook->findByName( name ); if (!email.isEmpty()) emaillist = mAddressBook->findByEmail( email ); qDebug("count %d %d ", namelist.count(),emaillist.count() ); //check if we have a match in Namelist and Emaillist if ((namelist.count() == 0) && (emaillist.count() > 0)) { foundUid = emaillist[0].uid(); } else if ((namelist.count() > 0) && (emaillist.count() == 0)) foundUid = namelist[0].uid(); else { for (int i = 0; i < namelist.count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < emaillist.count(); j++) { if (namelist[i] == emaillist[j]) { foundUid = namelist[i].uid(); } } } } } else { foundUid = uid; } if (!foundUid.isEmpty()) { // raise Ka/Pi if it is in the background #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #ifndef KORG_NODCOP //QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kapi", "raise()"); #endif #endif mMainWindow->showMaximized(); mMainWindow-> raise(); mViewManager->setSelected( "", false); mViewManager->refreshView( "" ); mViewManager->setSelected( foundUid, true ); mViewManager->refreshView( foundUid ); if ( !mMultipleViewsAtOnce ) { setDetailsVisible( true ); mActionDetails->setChecked(true); } } } void KABCore::whatsnew() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Version Info", "kdepim/WhatsNew.txt" ); } void KABCore::synchowto() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/SyncHowto.txt" ); } - +void KABCore::kdesynchowto() +{ + KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/Zaurus-KDE_syncHowTo.txt" ); +} +void KABCore::multisynchowto() +{ + KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/MultiSyncHowTo.txt" ); +} void KABCore::faq() { KApplication::showFile( "KA/Pi FAQ", "kdepim/kaddressbook/kapiFAQ.txt" ); } #include <libkcal/syncdefines.h> KABC::Addressee KABCore::getLastSyncAddressee() { Addressee lse; QString mCurrentSyncDevice = syncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); //qDebug("CurrentSyncDevice %s ",mCurrentSyncDevice .latin1() ); lse = mAddressBook->findByUid( "last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncDevice ); if (lse.isEmpty()) { qDebug("Creating new last-syncAddressee "); lse.setUid( "last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncDevice ); QString sum = ""; if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) sum = "E: "; lse.setFamilyName("!"+sum+mCurrentSyncDevice + i18n(" - sync event")); lse.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync ); lse.setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") ); mAddressBook->insertAddressee( lse ); } return lse; } int KABCore::takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full ) { //void setZaurusId(int id); // int zaurusId() const; // void setZaurusUid(int id); // int zaurusUid() const; // void setZaurusStat(int id); // int zaurusStat() const; // 0 equal // 1 take local // 2 take remote // 3 cancel QDateTime lastSync = mLastAddressbookSync; QDateTime localMod = local->revision(); QDateTime remoteMod = remote->revision(); QString mCurrentSyncDevice = syncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { bool remCh, locCh; remCh = ( remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) != local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); //qDebug("loc %s rem %s", local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1(), remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1() ); locCh = ( localMod > mLastAddressbookSync ); if ( !remCh && ! locCh ) { //qDebug("both not changed "); lastSync = localMod.addDays(1); if ( mode <= SYNC_PREF_ASK ) return 0; } else { if ( locCh ) { //qDebug("loc changed %s %s", localMod.toString().latin1(), mLastAddressbookSync.toString().latin1()); lastSync = localMod.addDays( -1 ); if ( !remCh ) remoteMod =( lastSync.addDays( -1 ) ); } else { @@ -2717,225 +2732,230 @@ bool KABCore::synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBo inL = local->findByUid( uid ); if ( !inL.resource() || inL.resource()->includeInSync() ) { inR = remote->findByUid( uid ); if ( inR.isEmpty() ) { if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { if ( !inL.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) { // pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL); local->removeAddressee( inL ); ++deletedAddresseeL; } else { if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { inL.removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice ); ++addedAddresseeR; inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar ); local->insertAddressee( inL, false ); inR = inL; inR.setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_ADDED_EXTERNAL ); inR.setResource( 0 ); remote->insertAddressee( inR, false ); } } } else { if ( inL.revision() < mLastAddressbookSync && mode != 4 ) { // pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL); local->removeAddressee( inL ); ++deletedAddresseeL; } else { if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { ++addedAddresseeR; inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar ); local->insertAddressee( inL, false ); inR = inL; inR.setResource( 0 ); remote->insertAddressee( inR, false ); } } } } } } ++incCounter; } el.clear(); syncManager->hideProgressBar(); mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 ); // get rid of micro seconds QTime t = mLastAddressbookSync.time(); mLastAddressbookSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) ); addresseeLSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync ); addresseeRSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync ); addresseeRSync.setRole( i18n("!Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ; addresseeLSync.setRole(i18n("!Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName ); addresseeRSync.setGivenName( i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") ) ; addresseeLSync.setGivenName(i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") ); addresseeRSync.setOrganization( "!"+mLastAddressbookSync.toString() ) ; addresseeLSync.setOrganization("!"+ mLastAddressbookSync.toString() ); addresseeRSync.setNote( "" ) ; addresseeLSync.setNote( "" ); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL) remote->insertAddressee( addresseeRSync, false ); local->insertAddressee( addresseeLSync, false ); QString mes; mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedAddressee, addedAddresseeR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedAddresseeL, deletedAddresseeR ); - if ( syncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) { - KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KA/Pi Synchronization") ); - } qDebug( mes ); + if ( syncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) { + if ( KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mes, + i18n("KA/Pi Synchronization"),i18n("Write back"))) { + qDebug("cancelled "); + return false; + } + } return syncOK; } //this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface bool KABCore::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode) { //pending prepare addresseeview for output //pending detect, if remote file has REV field. if not switch to external sync mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL; QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); AddressBook abLocal(filename,"syncContact"); bool syncOK = false; if ( abLocal.load() ) { qDebug("AB loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode ); bool external = false; bool isXML = false; if ( filename.right(4) == ".xml") { mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; isXML = true; abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, true ); } else { external = !manager->mIsKapiFile; if ( external ) { qDebug("Setting vcf mode to external "); mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; AddressBook::Iterator it; for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) { (*it).setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, (*it).uid() ); (*it).computeCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice ); } } } //AddressBook::Iterator it; //QStringList vcards; //for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) { // qDebug("Name %s ", (*it).familyName().latin1()); //} syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, mode ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { if ( external ) abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( !isXML); qDebug("Saving remote AB "); if ( ! abLocal.saveAB()) qDebug("Error writing back AB to file "); if ( external ) { // afterwrite processing abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice ,isXML); } } } setModified(); } if ( syncOK ) mViewManager->refreshView(); return syncOK; } void KABCore::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile) { qDebug("AB:removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1()); mAddressBook->removeSyncInfo( syncProfile ); setModified(); } //this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface bool KABCore::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource) { if ( resource == "phone" ) return syncPhone(); disableBR( true ); QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); AddressBook abLocal( resource,"syncContact"); bool syncOK = false; if ( abLocal.load() ) { qDebug("AB sharp loaded ,sync device %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1()); mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, false ); syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, syncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( false ); abLocal.saveAB(); abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice, true ); } - } + } else + message( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed.") ); setModified(); } if ( syncOK ) mViewManager->refreshView(); disableBR( false ); return syncOK; } void KABCore::message( QString m ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( m ); mMessageTimer->start( 15000, true ); } bool KABCore::syncPhone() { QString mCurrentSyncDevice = syncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); QString fileName = getPhoneFile(); if ( !PhoneAccess::readFromPhone( fileName) ) { message(i18n("Phone access failed!")); return false; } AddressBook abLocal( fileName,"syncContact"); bool syncOK = false; { abLocal.importFromFile( fileName ); qDebug("AB phone loaded ,sync device %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1()); mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; abLocal.preparePhoneSync( mCurrentSyncDevice, true ); abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice, true ); syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, syncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( true ); abLocal.saveABphone( fileName ); abLocal.findNewExtIds( fileName, mCurrentSyncDevice ); //abLocal.preparePhoneSync( mCurrentSyncDevice, false ); abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice, true ); } } setModified(); } if ( syncOK ) mViewManager->refreshView(); return syncOK; } void KABCore::getFile( bool success ) { if ( ! success ) { message( i18n("Error receiving file. Nothing changed!") ); return; } int count = mAddressBook->importFromFile( sentSyncFile() , false, true ); if ( count ) setModified( true ); message( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") ); mViewManager->refreshView(); } void KABCore::syncFileRequest() { if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mPassiveSyncWithDesktop ) { syncManager->slotSyncMenu( 999 ); } mAddressBook->export2File( sentSyncFile() ); } diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h index 6831ec9..c01d598 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h +++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h @@ -91,128 +91,130 @@ class KABCore : public QWidget, public KSyncInterface void addActionsManually(); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED /** Restores the global settings. */ void restoreSettings(); /** Saves the global settings. */ void saveSettings(); /** Returns a pointer to the StdAddressBook of the application. */ KABC::AddressBook *addressBook() const; /** Returns a pointer to the KConfig object of the application. */ static KConfig *config(); /** Returns a pointer to the global KActionCollection object. So other classes can register their actions easily. */ KActionCollection *actionCollection() const; /** Returns the current search field of the Incremental Search Widget. */ KABC::Field *currentSearchField() const; /** Returns the uid list of the currently selected contacts. */ QStringList selectedUIDs() const; /** Displays the ResourceSelectDialog and returns the selected resource or a null pointer if no resource was selected by the user. */ KABC::Resource *requestResource( QWidget *parent ); #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED static KAboutData *createAboutData(); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED inline QPopupMenu* getImportMenu() { return ImportMenu;} inline QPopupMenu* getExportMenu() { return ExportMenu;} #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED public slots: #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED void createAboutData(); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED void setDetailsToggle(); void showLicence(); void faq(); void whatsnew() ; void synchowto() ; + void multisynchowto() ; + void kdesynchowto() ; void writeToPhone(); /** Is called whenever a contact is selected in the view. */ void setContactSelected( const QString &uid ); /** Opens the preferred mail composer with all selected contacts as arguments. */ void sendMail(); /** Opens the preferred mail composer with the given contacts as arguments. */ void sendMail( const QString& email ); void mailVCard(); void mailVCard(const QStringList& uids); /** Beams the "WhoAmI contact. */ void beamMySelf(); void beamVCard(); void export2phone(); void beamVCard(const QStringList& uids); void beamDone( Ir *ir ); /** Starts the preferred web browser with the given URL as argument. */ void browse( const QString& url ); /** Select all contacts in the view. */ void selectAllContacts(); /** Deletes all selected contacts from the address book. */ void deleteContacts(); /** Deletes given contacts from the address book. @param uids The uids of the contacts, which shall be deleted. */ void deleteContacts( const QStringList &uids ); /** Copys the selected contacts into clipboard for later pasting. */ void copyContacts(); /** Cuts the selected contacts and stores them for later pasting. */ @@ -393,112 +395,114 @@ class KABCore : public QWidget, public KSyncInterface KABC::AddressBook *mAddressBook; ViewManager *mViewManager; // QSplitter *mDetailsSplitter; KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *mExtensionBarSplitter; ViewContainer *mDetails; KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mMiniSplitter; XXPortManager *mXXPortManager; JumpButtonBar *mJumpButtonBar; IncSearchWidget *mIncSearchWidget; ExtensionManager *mExtensionManager; KCMultiDialog *mConfigureDialog; #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED LDAPSearchDialog *mLdapSearchDialog; #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED // QDict<AddresseeEditorDialog> mEditorDict; AddresseeEditorDialog *mEditorDialog; bool mReadWrite; bool mModified; bool mIsPart; bool mMultipleViewsAtOnce; //US file menu KAction *mActionMail; KAction *mActionBeam; KToggleAction *mActionBR; KAction *mActionExport2phone; KAction* mActionPrint; KAction* mActionNewContact; KAction *mActionSave; KAction *mActionEditAddressee; KAction *mActionMailVCard; KAction *mActionBeamVCard; KAction *mActionQuit; //US edit menu KAction *mActionCopy; KAction *mActionCut; KAction *mActionPaste; KAction *mActionSelectAll; KAction *mActionUndo; KAction *mActionRedo; KAction *mActionDelete; //US settings menu KAction *mActionConfigResources; KAction *mActionConfigKAddressbook; KAction *mActionConfigShortcuts; KAction *mActionConfigureToolbars; KAction *mActionKeyBindings; KToggleAction *mActionJumpBar; KToggleAction *mActionDetails; KAction *mActionWhoAmI; KAction *mActionCategories; KAction *mActionAboutKAddressbook; KAction *mActionLicence; KAction *mActionFaq; KAction *mActionWN; KAction *mActionSyncHowto; + KAction *mActionKdeSyncHowto; + KAction *mActionMultiSyncHowto; KAction *mActionDeleteView; QPopupMenu *viewMenu; QPopupMenu *filterMenu; QPopupMenu *settingsMenu; QPopupMenu *changeMenu; //US QAction *mActionSave; QPopupMenu *ImportMenu; QPopupMenu *ExportMenu; //LR additional methods KAction *mActionRemoveVoice; KAction * mActionImportOL; #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED KAddressBookService *mAddressBookService; #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED class KABCorePrivate; KABCorePrivate *d; //US bool mBlockSaveFlag; #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED KAddressBookMain *mMainWindow; // should be the same like mGUIClient #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED //this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode); virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource); virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile); bool syncPhone(); void message( QString m ); // LR ******************************* // sync stuff! QString sentSyncFile(); QPopupMenu *syncMenu; KSyncManager* syncManager; int mGlobalSyncMode; bool synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBook* remote,int mode); KABC::Addressee getLastSyncAddressee(); QDateTime mLastAddressbookSync; int takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full ); // ********************* }; #endif diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp index 6e61351..4667918 100644 --- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp @@ -1133,246 +1133,252 @@ bool CalendarView::synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); inR = inL->clone(); inR->setIDStr( ":" ); remote->addIncidence( inR ); } } } } } inL = el.next(); } int delFut = 0; int remRem = 0; if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture ) { er = remote->rawIncidences(); remRem = er.count(); inR = er.first(); QDateTime dt; QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -7 ); QDateTime end = cur.addDays( (mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture +1 ) *7 ); while ( inR ) { if ( inR->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo * t = (Todo*)inR; if ( t->hasDueDate() ) dt = t->dtDue(); else dt = cur.addSecs( 62 ); } else if (inR->type() == "Event" ) { bool ok; dt = inR->getNextOccurence( cur, &ok ); if ( !ok ) dt = cur.addSecs( -62 ); } else dt = inR->dtStart(); if ( dt < cur || dt > end ) { remote->deleteIncidence( inR ); ++delFut; } inR = er.next(); } } bar.hide(); mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( false ); eventLSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventLSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setLocation( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ; eventLSync->setLocation(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( true ); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL && !mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop()) // kde is abnormal... remote->addEvent( eventRSync ); else delete eventRSync; QString mes; mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedEvent, addedEventR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedEventL, deletedEventR ); QString delmess; if ( delFut ) { delmess.sprintf( i18n("%d items skipped on remote,\nbecause they are in the past or\nmore than %d weeks in the future.\nAfter skipping, remote has\n%d calendar/todo items."), delFut,mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture, remRem-delFut); mes += delmess; } + mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); + qDebug( mes ); if ( mSyncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) { - KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization") ); + if ( KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mes, + i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization"),i18n("Write back"))) { + qDebug("cancelled "); + return false; + } } - qDebug( mes ); - mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); return syncOK; } void CalendarView::setSyncDevice( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncDevice= s; } void CalendarView::setSyncName( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncName= s; } bool CalendarView::syncCalendar(QString filename, int mode) { //qDebug("syncCalendar %s ", filename.latin1()); mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL; CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); FileStorage* storage = new FileStorage( calendar ); bool syncOK = false; storage->setFileName( filename ); // qDebug("loading ... "); if ( storage->load() ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat() ); storage->save(); } } setModified( true ); } delete storage; delete calendar; if ( syncOK ) updateView(); return syncOK; } void CalendarView::syncExternal( int mode ) { mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; qApp->processEvents(); CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); bool syncOK = false; bool loadSuccess = false; PhoneFormat* phoneFormat = 0; emit tempDisableBR(true); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION SharpFormat* sharpFormat = 0; if ( mode == 0 ) { // sharp sharpFormat = new SharpFormat () ; loadSuccess = sharpFormat->load( calendar, mCalendar ); } else #endif if ( mode == 1 ) { // phone phoneFormat = new PhoneFormat (mCurrentSyncDevice, mSyncManager->mPhoneDevice, mSyncManager->mPhoneConnection, mSyncManager->mPhoneModel); loadSuccess = phoneFormat->load( calendar,mCalendar); } else { emit tempDisableBR(false); return; } if ( loadSuccess ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); qApp->processEvents(); if ( syncOK ) { if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { QPtrList<Incidence> iL = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); Incidence* inc = iL.first(); if ( phoneFormat ) { while ( inc ) { inc->removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice); inc = iL.next(); } } #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( sharpFormat ) sharpFormat->save(calendar); #endif if ( phoneFormat ) phoneFormat->save(calendar); iL = calendar->rawIncidences(); inc = iL.first(); Incidence* loc; while ( inc ) { if ( inc->tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ) { loc = mCalendar->incidence(inc->uid() ); if ( loc ) { loc->setID(mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); loc->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); } } inc = iL.next(); } Incidence* lse = getLastSyncEvent(); if ( lse ) { lse->setReadOnly( false ); lse->setDescription( "" ); lse->setReadOnly( true ); } } + } else { + topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed.") ); } setModified( true ); } else { QString question = i18n("Sorry, the database access\ncommand failed!\n\nNothing synced!\n") ; QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("KO/Pi Import - ERROR"), question, i18n("Ok")) ; } delete calendar; updateView(); emit tempDisableBR(false); return ;//syncOK; } bool CalendarView::importBday() { #ifndef KORG_NOKABC #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KABC::StdAddressBook* AddressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ); KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it; int count = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { ++count; } QProgressBar bar(count,0 ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); bar.setCaption (i18n("Reading addressbook - close to abort!") ); qApp->processEvents(); count = 0; int addCount = 0; KCal::Attendee* a = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return false; bar.setProgress( count++ ); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("add BDay %s %s", (*it).realName().latin1(),(*it).birthday().date().toString().latin1() ); if ( (*it).birthday().date().isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( (*it).birthday().date(), (*it).assembledName(), a, true ) ) ++addCount; } QDate anni = KGlobal::locale()->readDate( (*it).custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary" ), "%Y-%m-%d"); if ( anni.isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( anni, (*it).assembledName(), a, false ) ) ++addCount; } } updateView(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( addCount )+ i18n(" birthdays/anniversaries added!")); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestBirthdayListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/kopi", this->name() /* name is here the unique uid*/); // the result should now arrive through method insertBirthdays diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp index fc2d59b..65566b5 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp @@ -788,170 +788,177 @@ void MainWindow::initActions() connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( saveCalendar() ) ); importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Export VCalendar"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( exportVCalendar() ) ); //LR QPopupMenu *ex2phone = new QPopupMenu( this ); ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Complete calendar..."), 1 ); ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Filtered calendar..."), 2 ); connect( ex2phone, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( exportToPhone( int)) ); importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Export to phone"), ex2phone ); importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "manage cat", i18n("Manage new categories..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( manageCategories() ) ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION importMenu->insertSeparator(); brAction = new QAction( "beam toggle", i18n("Beam receive enabled"), 0, this ); brAction->addTo( importMenu ); brAction->setToggleAction (true ) ; connect( brAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( toggleBeamReceive() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam complete calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamCalendar() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam filtered calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamFilteredCalendar()) ); #else importMenu->insertSeparator(); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Print calendar..."),icon,i18n("Print calendar..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( printCal() ) ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" ); action = new QAction( i18n("Print agenda selection..."),icon,i18n("Print agenda selection..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( printSel() ) ); #endif importMenu->insertSeparator(); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Save"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Exit (+save)"), 0, this ); action->addTo( importMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( close() ) ); //menuBar->insertItem( "Configure",configureMenu ); //configureMenu->insertItem( "Toolbar",configureToolBarMenu ); icon = loadPixmap( "korganizer/korganizer" ); - action = new QAction( "Keys + Colors", i18n("Keys + Colors..."), 0, this ); + + action = new QAction( "Whats New", i18n("What's new?"), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), - SLOT( keyBindings() ) ); + SLOT( whatsNew() ) ); action = new QAction( "featureHowto", i18n("Features + hints..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( features() ) ); + action = new QAction( "Keys + Colors", i18n("Keys + Colors..."), 0, this ); + action->addTo( helpMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + SLOT( keyBindings() ) ); + action = new QAction( "Sync Howto", i18n("Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); + action->addTo( helpMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + SLOT( synchowto() ) ); + action = new QAction( "KDE Sync Howto", i18n("KDE Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); + action->addTo( helpMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + SLOT( kdesynchowto() ) ); + action = new QAction( "Multi Sync Howto", i18n("Multi Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); + action->addTo( helpMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + SLOT( multisynchowto() ) ); action = new QAction( "Auto saving", i18n("Auto saving..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( aboutAutoSaving() ) ); action = new QAction( "Problemd", i18n("Known Problems..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( aboutKnownBugs() ) ); action = new QAction( "Translate Howto", i18n("User translation..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( usertrans() ) ); - action = new QAction( "Sync Howto", i18n("Sync HowTo..."), 0,this ); - action->addTo( helpMenu ); - connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), - SLOT( synchowto() ) ); - action = new QAction( "Whats New", i18n("What's new?"), 0,this ); - action->addTo( helpMenu ); - connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), - SLOT( whatsNew() ) ); action = new QAction( "Frequently asked questions", i18n("FAQ..."), 0,this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( faq() ) ); - - - action = new QAction( "about", i18n("About..."), 0, this ); - action->addTo( helpMenu ); - connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), - SLOT( about() ) ); action = new QAction( "licence", i18n("Licence..."), 0, this ); action->addTo( helpMenu ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( licence() ) ); + action = new QAction( "about", i18n("About..."), 0, this ); + action->addTo( helpMenu ); + connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), + SLOT( about() ) ); //menuBar->insertSeparator(); // ****************************************************** // menubar icons iconToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable (true ); //menuBar->insertItem( iconToolBar ); //xdays_action if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent) ne_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p->mShowIconNewTodo ) nt_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconSearch) search_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconNext) whatsnext_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconNextDays) xdays_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconList) showlist_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay1) day1_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay5) day5_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconDay7) day7_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconMonth) month_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconTodoview) todoview_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); if (p-> mShowIconJournal) viewjournal_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2leftarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Prev. month"), 200, 14); if (p-> mShowIconBackFast) { action = new QAction( i18n("Prev. month"), icon, i18n("Prev. month"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goPreviousMonth() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1leftarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go backward"), 210,15); if (p-> mShowIconBack) { action = new QAction( i18n("Go backward"), icon, i18n("Go backward"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goPrevious() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } if (p-> mShowIconToday) today_action->addTo( iconToolBar ); icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1rightarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go forward"), 220); if (p-> mShowIconForward) { action = new QAction( i18n("Go forward"), icon, i18n("Go forward"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( goNext() ) ); action->addTo( iconToolBar ); } icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2rightarrowB" ); configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next month"), 230); if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast) { action = new QAction( i18n("Next month"), icon, i18n("Next month"),0 , this ); connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), @@ -1086,131 +1093,138 @@ void MainWindow::exportToPhone( int mode ) else setCaption( i18n("Error exporting to phone!")); delete cal; } void MainWindow::setDefaultPreferences() { KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); p->mCompactDialogs = true; p->mConfirm = true; // p->mEnableQuickTodo = false; } QString MainWindow::resourcePath() { return KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath(); } void MainWindow::displayText( QString text ,QString cap ) { QDialog dia( this, "name", true ); ; dia.setCaption( cap ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( &dia ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QTextBrowser tb ( &dia ); lay->addWidget( &tb ); tb.setText( text ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION dia.resize( 640, 480); #else dia.showMaximized(); #endif dia.exec(); } void MainWindow::displayFile( QString fn, QString cap ) { QString fileName = resourcePath() + fn; QString text; QFile file( fileName ); if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { return ; } QTextStream ts( &file ); text = ts.read(); file.close(); displayText( text, cap); } void MainWindow::features() { displayFile( "featuresKOPI.txt",i18n("KO/Pi Features and hints") ); } void MainWindow::usertrans() { displayFile( "usertranslationHOWTO.txt",i18n("KO/Pi User translation HowTo") ); } +void MainWindow::kdesynchowto() +{ + KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/Zaurus-KDE_syncHowTo.txt" ); +} +void MainWindow::multisynchowto() +{ + KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/MultiSyncHowTo.txt" ); +} void MainWindow::synchowto() { - KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/SyncHowto.txt" ); } void MainWindow::faq() { displayFile( "kopiFAQ.txt",i18n("KO/Pi FAQ") ); } void MainWindow::whatsNew() { KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Version Info", "kdepim/WhatsNew.txt" ); } void MainWindow::licence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void MainWindow::about() { QString version; #include <../version> QMessageBox::about( this, i18n("About KOrganizer/Pi"), i18n("KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n") + "(KO/Pi) " + version + " - " + #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION i18n("Desktop Edition\n") + #else i18n("PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n") + #endif i18n("(c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski\nEmail:lutz@pi-sync.net\nKO/Pi is based on KOrganizer\n(c) 2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\nEmail: schumacher@kde.org\nKOrganizer/Pi is licensed\nunder the GPL.\nKO/Pi can be compiled for\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA and Windows\nwww.korganizer.org\nwww.pi-sync.net\n") ); } void MainWindow::keyBindings() { QString cap = i18n("Key bindings KOrganizer/Pi"); QString text = i18n("<p><h2>KO/Pi key shortcuts:</h2></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>H</b>: This help dialog | <b>S</b>: Search dialog</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info for selected event/todo</p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>Space</b>: Toggle fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Date picker</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>F</b>: Toggle filterview |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Edit filter </p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>O</b>: Filter On/Off | <b>J</b>: Journal view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Select filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>N</b>: Next days view| <b>W</b>: What's next view\n ")+ i18n("<p><b>V</b>: Todo view | <b>L</b>: Event list view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Work week view | <b>U</b>: Week view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>D</b>: One day view | <b>M</b>: Month view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>E</b>: Edit selected item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: New Event</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>T</b>: Goto today | <b>T+ctrl</b>: New Todo</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: Add sub-todo | <b>X</b>: Toggle datenavigator</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom in/out agenda | <b>A</b>: Toggle allday agenda height</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>C</b>: Show current time in agenda view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>B</b>: Edit description (details) of selected item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>right</b>: Next week | <b>right+ctrl</b>: Next month</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>left</b>: Prev. week | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Prev. month</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>del,backspace</b>: Delete selected item</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In agenda view:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>up/down</b>: Scroll agenda view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Scroll small todo view</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><h3>In todo view:</h3></p>\n") + i18n("<p><b>shift+U</b>: <b>U</b>nparent todo (make root todo)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>shift+S</b>: Make <b>S</b>ubtodo (reparent todo)</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>shift+P</b>: Make new <b>P</b>arent for todo selected with shift+S</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>Q</b>: Toggle quick todo line edit.</p>\n")+ i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n")+ diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.h b/korganizer/mainwindow.h index 0926313..ed65d36 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.h +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.h @@ -1,119 +1,121 @@ #ifndef KORGE_MAINWINDOW_H #define KORGE_MAINWINDOW_H #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <libkcal/incidence.h> #include "simplealarmclient.h" #include <ksyncmanager.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qcopchannel_qws.h> #endif class QAction; class CalendarView; class KSyncProfile; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #define QPEToolBar QToolBar #define QPEMenuBar QMenuBar #endif class QPEToolBar; namespace KCal { class CalendarLocal; } using namespace KCal; class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, QString command = ""); ~MainWindow(); bool beamReceiveEnabled(); public slots: virtual void showMaximized (); void configureAgenda( int ); void recieve( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); static QString defaultFileName(); static QString syncFileName(); static QString resourcePath(); protected slots: void setCaptionToDates(); void about(); void licence(); void faq(); void usertrans(); void features(); void synchowto(); + void kdesynchowto(); + void multisynchowto(); void whatsNew(); void keyBindings(); void aboutAutoSaving();; void aboutKnownBugs(); void processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * ); void importQtopia(); void importBday(); void importOL(); void importIcal(); void importFile( QString, bool ); void quickImportIcal(); void slotModifiedChanged( bool ); void save(); void configureToolBar( int ); void printSel(); void printCal(); void saveCalendar(); void loadCalendar(); void exportVCalendar(); void fillFilterMenu(); void selectFilter( int ); void exportToPhone( int ); void toggleBeamReceive(); void disableBR(bool); protected: void displayText( QString, QString); void displayFile( QString, QString); void enableIncidenceActions( bool ); private slots: QSocket* piSocket; QString piFileString; QTime piTime; void getFile( bool ); void syncFileRequest(); private: bool mBRdisabled; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QCopChannel* infrared; #endif QAction* brAction; KSyncManager* mSyncManager; bool mClosed; void saveOnClose(); bool mFlagKeyPressed; bool mBlockAtStartup; QPEToolBar *iconToolBar; void initActions(); void setDefaultPreferences(); void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; QPopupMenu *configureToolBarMenu; QPopupMenu *selectFilterMenu; QPopupMenu *configureAgendaMenu, *syncMenu; CalendarLocal *mCalendar; CalendarView *mView; QAction *mNewSubTodoAction; diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp index 17e6c75..9857e3e 100644 --- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp @@ -419,163 +419,163 @@ void KSyncManager::syncLocalFile() { QString fn =mPrefs->mLastSyncedLocalFile; QString ext; switch(mTargetApp) { case (KAPI): ext = "(*.vcf)"; break; case (KOPI): ext = "(*.ics/*.vcs)"; break; case (PWMPI): ext = "(*.pwm)"; break; default: qDebug("KSyncManager::syncLocalFile: invalid apptype selected"); break; } fn =KFileDialog:: getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Sync filename"+ext), mParent ); if ( fn == "" ) return; if ( syncWithFile( fn, false ) ) { qDebug("syncLocalFile() successful "); } } bool KSyncManager::syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick ) { bool ret = false; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mess; bool loadbup = true; if ( !info. exists() ) { mess = i18n( "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n").arg(fn.right( 30) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( mParent, i18n("Warning!"), mess ); return ret; } int result = 0; if ( !quick ) { mess = i18n("Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n").arg(fn.right( 25)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false )); result = QMessageBox::warning( mParent, i18n("Warning!"), mess, i18n("Sync"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result ) return false; } if ( mAskForPreferences ) if ( !edit_sync_options()) { mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing aborted. Nothing synced.") ); return false; } if ( result == 0 ) { //qDebug("Now sycing ... "); if ( ret = mImplementation->sync( this, fn, mSyncAlgoPrefs ) ) mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Synchronization successful") ); else - mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.") ); + mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed.") ); if ( ! quick ) mPrefs->mLastSyncedLocalFile = fn; } return ret; } void KSyncManager::quickSyncLocalFile() { if ( syncWithFile( mPrefs->mLastSyncedLocalFile, true ) ) { qDebug("quick syncLocalFile() successful "); } } void KSyncManager::multiSync( bool askforPrefs ) { if (blockSave()) return; setBlockSave(true); QString question = i18n("Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!"); if ( QMessageBox::information( mParent, i18n("KDE-Pim Sync"), question, i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"), 0, 0 ) != 0 ) { setBlockSave(false); mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Aborted! Nothing synced!")); return; } mCurrentSyncDevice = i18n("Multiple profiles") ; mSyncAlgoPrefs = mPrefs->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs; if ( askforPrefs ) { if ( !edit_sync_options()) { - mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing aborted. Nothing synced.") ); + mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing aborted.") ); return; } mPrefs->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs = mSyncAlgoPrefs; } mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync started.") ); qApp->processEvents(); int num = ringSync() ; if ( num > 1 ) ringSync(); setBlockSave(false); if ( num ) emit save(); if ( num ) mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("%1 profiles synced. Multiple sync complete!").arg(num) ); else mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Nothing synced! No profiles defined for multisync!")); return; } int KSyncManager::ringSync() { int syncedProfiles = 0; unsigned int i; QTime timer; KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) ); QStringList syncProfileNames = mSyncProfileNames; KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile (); mAskForPreferences = false; for ( i = 0; i < syncProfileNames.count(); ++i ) { mCurrentSyncProfile = i; temp->setName(syncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]); temp->readConfig(&config); bool includeInRingSync; switch(mTargetApp) { case (KAPI): includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSyncAB(); break; case (KOPI): includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSync(); break; case (PWMPI): includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSyncPWM(); break; default: qDebug("KSyncManager::ringSync: invalid apptype selected"); break; } if ( includeInRingSync && ( i < 1 || i > 2 )) { mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Profile ")+syncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]+ i18n(" is synced ... ")); ++syncedProfiles; // mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences(); mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile(); mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting(); mWriteBackInFuture = 0; if ( temp->getWriteBackFuture() ) mWriteBackInFuture = temp->getWriteBackFutureWeeks( ); mShowSyncSummary = false; mCurrentSyncDevice = syncProfileNames[i] ; mCurrentSyncName = mLocalMachineName; |