-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | desktop/rpm/kdepim_rpm | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/journalentry.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagenda.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagenda.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kotodoview.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | version | 2 |
7 files changed, 18 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt index d0b2880..f4b3ddb 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt @@ -1,305 +1,310 @@ Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi +********** VERSION 2.1.19 ************ + +Fixed a crash in journal view and a crash in setting a todo to stopped when KO/Pi saved the file when "stop todo" dialog was shown. +Fixed a minor problem with the marcus bains line (whatever that is). + ********** VERSION 2.1.18 ************ Pi-Sync mode: The "Write back file" status dialog was updated too often such that writing back the file on the Z was very slow. Fixed. KO/Pi: Fixed a layout problem on the Z 5500 with the calender box right of the location box in the event/todo editor. Thanks to Andrew, who found, reported and fixed this problem ( I did not get that problem - it was working on my 5500 ). Fixed a problem when (imported or added from other applications) events or todos did have attachments. Fixed a really ugly and hidden problem in the management of the parent/child relationchip of todos. ********** VERSION 2.1.17 ************ KO/Pi: Added option to display times in What's Next View on two lines. (Useful for display on the Zaurus with 240x320 screen) Removed "Allday" for allday events of one day duration in What's Next View. Added date range for allday events of more than one day duration in What's Next View. Fixed two problems in the data importing from Outlook: Fixed the duplicated import if the summary, location or description had whitespaces at the end. Fixed a problem importing certain recurrence rules. A journal in an ics file may have no dtStart value (as files from KNotes, which stores its notes in an ics journal file). If now a journal has no dtStart value the dtStart value is set to the created value of the journal when loading the file. That makes it possible to view and edit "notes" from KNotes. Simply add another Resource in KO/Pi which is a copy of the ics file from KNotes. You will find the "notes" in KO/Pi as a journal entry on the date you created it. And some minor fixes in KO/Pi. Fixed a crash on the desktop when closing KO/Pi after accessing adressbook data (Linux + Windows ). ********** VERSION 2.1.16 ************ Fixed a problem with the menu bar in KO/Pi and using the "Menu" hardware key on the Zaurus. Added columns for datetime in todo view: Last modified, created and last modified subtodo Fixed a bug in agenda view displaying recurring multiday events which are longer than two days. Made conflict detection up to 4 times faster. ********** VERSION 2.1.15 ************ Fixed two layout problems on the Z: Made the with of the newly added buttons on the Quick-Todo smaller. Made listweek layout in 2 columns on the Z760 in portait screen and full menubar visible. ********** VERSION 2.1.14 ************ Added some buttons to the KO/Pi Quick-todo line to make it possible to quickly access some todo view layout settings like display all flat/open/close and hide/show running/done. Added a button to add a subtodo quickly. Added a possibility to search for conflicting events. (In the Action menu. Keyboard shortcut "q", shift+q or ctrl +q ). Added an option to change the layout of the list week to column mode. Fixed some usability problems in pi-sync mode by adding some progress information about file transfer. Fixed pi-sync problems with the new multi calendar feature. Now pi-sync behaviour should be: 1) Local sends file request ( as usual ) 2) Remote sends file which contains data of all enabled ( the calendar where the "eye" column is checked ) calendars. 3) Local syncs with data, adds new entries to default calendar and sends file back ( as usual ). If the data which local receives contains entries which are on disabled calendars on local this entries are updated and not added as duplicates to the default calendar. 4) Remote updates the data and adds new entries to default calendar. Readonly entries are not changed on remote. If the data which remote receives contains entries which are on disabled calendars on remote this entries are updated and not added as duplicates to the default calendar. Summary: No new item ( new created after the last sync ) in a disabled calendar is propagated to the sync partner. Readonly items are synced and added/changed on the sync partner if it is not readonly on the sync partner. If you have different calendars on remote and local and some of them disabled you may get some "strange" bahaviour. Well, the syncing has become quite complicated ... you should have no problems if you enable all calendars. ********** VERSION 2.1.13 ************ Fixed a problem in KA/Pi search. Fixed some minor problems in KO/Pi. Added calendar selection possibility to the todo view popup and to the event/todo/journal editor. Fixed memory usage problems in KA/Pi: When loading data KA/Pi did load the file data twice. Example: A 600k file did consume 1200k memory during loading process. This is fixed, it does now consume only 600k during loading process. When saving data KA/Pi did consume a lot of memory for the data parsing during the save process. This is fixed. Example: Before saving a 600k file KA/Pi did consume 21.7 Meg of Ram. When saving KA/Pi did consume 28.6 Meg of Ram. That causes a crash on the Zaurus because there was no memeory left in the system. Now KA/Pi is consuming on saving the same data 22.0 Meg of Ram during the save process. Note: The memory usage of KA/Pi after the data is loaded/saved has not changed. The saving of data may be a bit slower now. Fixed memory usage problems in KO/Pi: When KO/Pi did save the data to file, it did not release the used buffers after saving. The used buffer was released after saving the next time, but there was new buffer space allocated again on that save operation. This is fixed. Example: When saving a 400k file KO/Pi do now use 400k less memory now. Optimized memory usage in KO/Pi Agenda view: KO/Pi is storing some paint information in extra buffers for faster repainting of the agenda view. These buffers were not made smaller (i.e. downsized) because of performance reasons. The handling of these buffers are now much smarter: Two (of six) buffers are removed completely. The remaing four buffers are now downsized after not using the agenda view for 45 seconds. Such that the memory usage of KO/Pi is smaller now in general ( because 2 buffers are removed) and is much smaller when not using the agenda view. That is very important when using fastload for KO/Pi. Worst case example ( for a maximum size agenda content): When resizing the agenda content to a large scale, KO/Pi did use 17Meg of mem ( and did not use less memory until it was stopped). Now KO/Pi is using on the same operation only 14.3 Meg of mem and after 45 seconds not using the agenda view it uses only 9.4 Meg of mem. When switching to an unused Agenda view now KO/Pi is upizing the buffers again. This takes less than a second. Such that switching to Agenda view (after not using it for more than 45 seconds) is now a bit slower. Summary: Many memory wasting problems of KA/Pi and KO/Pi fixed such that it is better to use on the Zaurus. ********** VERSION 2.1.12 ************ KO/Pi: Many small usability fixes, e.g. rearranged the popup menus such that they are better to use on the Zaurus. Fixed a problem with the month view when file was saved but KO/Pi was not the active window. Fixed some problems in the resource config dialog (e.g. added a warning if you set all calendars to read-only). Fixed some other small problems. ********** VERSION 2.1.11 ************ KO/Pi: Because we can have many calendars now in KO/Pi we can have more than one journal entry per day. Added features to handle (and add ) more than one journal entry per day. Added option for a journal title. Added info about the calendar, the item belongs to, to the event/todo/journal viewer. Fixed a problem of the alarm of completed recurring todos. Added to the event/todo editor to set quickly the category of an item. Fixed some problems when calling KO/Pi or KA/Pi from the alarm applet. Added KA/Pi multi sync to the multi sync called from the alarm applet. ********** VERSION 2.1.10 ************ KO/Pi: Importing Birthdays will now create another file resource "Birthdays" and import the birthday data from KA/Pi into that file. When a multidayevent is selected in monthview all occurences of this event in the monthview are now hightlighted. Fixed a bug in searching for a small timerange, i.e. one day. KA/Pi: Fixed two problems in csv export. Fixed problems when calling the contact selection dialog from KO/Pi or OM/Pi. ********** VERSION 2.1.9 ************ KO/Pi: Fixed some problems of the new search options in the search dialog. Fixed some problems in the new resource config options. Changed the recurrence edit of events and todos such that the recurrence edit page now is notified about a change of the start date on the first page. Fixed a problem creating new events in the agenda view if at the day/time is already an agenda item shown: Now you can click on the bottom/top of an allday agenda item or on the left/right side of an agenda item to get the "new todo/new event" popup. Fixed a problem in recurrence range in syncing with DTM. KA/Pi: Made it posiible to show in the contact overview the details of all data available for that contact( e.g. office, spouse, children, nickname ...) PwM/Pi: Added "sec" to the timeout config settings to make it clear the timeout values are seconds. ********** VERSION 2.1.8 ************ KO/Pi: Added info about the completion state of a todo in the ListView/Searchdialog. If in TodoView is selected "do not show compledted todos" then completed todos are not shown in the ListView as well. Fixed some updating problems when changing the filter. KA/Pi: In the addressee selection dialog now the formatted name is shown, if not empty. Added a column "category" to the addressee selection dialog to make it possible to sort addressees after category. Now in the addressee selection dialog a selected contact is remove with a single click from the selected list. Fixed in the file selector on the Zaurus the problem that symbolic links to files/dirs were ignored. Fixed the sorting for size in the file selector on the Z. Changed the color selection dialog on the Zaurus to a more user friendly version. ********** VERSION 2.1.7 ************ KO/Pi: Fixed several problems in the new Resource handling. Added more options to the search dialog. Fixed a problem in the Month view. Added more options to the dialog when setting a todo to stopped. Fixed two small problems in KO/Pi Alarm applet. ********** VERSION 2.1.6 ************ This release is for testing only. KO/Pi: Added to the list view (the list view is used in search dialog as well) the possibility to print it. Added to the list view the possibility to hide entries, if you do not want to print all entries of the list view. Added to the list view the possibility to add all subtodos of selected todos to an export/beam. Added to the search dialog the possibility to make an additive search such that you can get a better list for export/printout. Added to the search dialog the possibility to hide the checkboxes such that there is more space for the list view on the Zaurus. Fixed a problem in the AlarmTimer Applet: Now utf8 messages are displayed properly. Added support for multiple calendar files in KO/Pi. Only local ical (*.ics) files are supported as calendars. In the sync profile config it is still missing to specify a particular calendar to sync with this profile. That setting will be added later. Now on every sync the set of calendars is synced which are enabled in the resource view. A calendar is enabled in the resource view if the "eye" column is checked. You can set a calendar to be the default for new items( "+" column ). You can tell KO/Pi to ignore all alarm of a calendar ( "bell" column ) and you can set it readonly. To find out how to add a new calendar and how to remove a calendar is left as an exercise to the reader ... ********** VERSION 2.1.5 ************ This is the new stable version. Bugfix: Fixed a problem with agenda popup on the desktop in KO/Pi. Fixed a crash when reloading file, e.g. after a passive pi-sync synchronization. Added config option to not display completed todos in agenda view. Addressee view is now using the formatted name, if defined. That makes it possible to display "lastname, firstname" in that view now. To set the formatted name for all contacts, please use menu: Edit->Change->Set formatted name. Fixed the bug in KA/Pi that is was not possible to add images to a contact on Windows. ********** VERSION 2.1.4 ************ Fixed two more bugs in the KA/Pi CSV import dialog: Made it possible to read multi-line fields and import it to the "Note" field. Fixed a problem in mapping custom fields, whatever a custem field is... ********** VERSION 2.1.3 ************ Changed the menu structure of the alarm applet: Moved "Simulate" to " Play Beeps" submenu and re-added "Todo List". Fixed several problems in the KA/Pi CSV import dialog: Added "Category", made codec configureable and made it possible to map many fields to the "Note" field. ********** VERSION 2.1.2 ************ Fixed a problem closing the alarm dialog on Zaurus with "OK" button. Fixed a problem when importing data from Outlook with mutiple categories set. Changed display of days in datenavigator: Birthdays are now blue, not dark green. When todo view is shown, no birtdays are shown and days with due todos are shown blue. When journal view is shown, only holidays are shown and days with journals are blue. Added Backup options to global config: You can create now x-daily backups for KO/Pi, KA/Pi (for file resources only, file resource is the standard type) and PwM/Pi ( all files you will open ). It is recommended to use another HDD/Memory card for the backup directory. If (very useful on the Zaurus) the specified backup directory does not exist you are asked if you want to try again to create a backup. That makes it possible to insert your memory card in the Zaurus and then trying again. The backup is created when the application wants to save for the first time on a backup-day. You can specify the amount of backups and the day interval of backups. ********** VERSION 2.1.1 ************ Stable release 2.1.1! KO/Pi: Fixed one problem in the layout of the edit dialogs on the Zaurus with 640x480 display. ********** VERSION 2.1.0 ************ Stable release 2.1.0! Summary of changes/fixes compared to version 2.0.6: Many bugs of version 2.0.6 fixed. Most of them were small bugs, but some of them were important. It is recommended to use version 2.1.0 and not version 2.0.6. Important changes: Added recurring todos to KO/Pi. Added global application font settings (for all KDE-Pim/Pi apps) to the general settings. Made Passwordmanager PwM/Pi more userfriendly: Rearranged some toolbar icons, optimized setting of focus, fixed layout problems and more. Datenavigator can now display many months. Very useful on the desktop. KO/Pi alarm applet changed: Made buttons in alarm dialog much bigger and other usebility enhancements. Made alarm sound working on Linux desktop. Made KO/Pi and KA/Pi running from a memory stick. Please read storage HowTo for details. Added timetracking feature in KO/Pi todo view. Please read timetraker HowTo for details. Many other usebility enhancements. Special thanks to Ben for his suggestions! You can find the complete changelog from version 1.7.7 to 2.1.0 in the source package or on http://www.pi-sync.net/html/changelog.html diff --git a/desktop/rpm/kdepim_rpm b/desktop/rpm/kdepim_rpm index 133d0d1..a29e4ea 100644 --- a/desktop/rpm/kdepim_rpm +++ b/desktop/rpm/kdepim_rpm @@ -1,84 +1,84 @@ Summary: A collection of PIM programs Name: KDE-Pim-Pi -Version: 2.1.18 +Version: 2.1.19 Release: SuSE_9.2 Copyright:GPL Group: Productivity/Pim Source:http://sourceforge.net/projects/kdepimpi/ URL:http://sourceforge.net/projects/kdepimpi/ Packager: zautrix %description This package contains the platform-independent PIM programs from www.pi-sync.info, compiled for SuSE 9.2: KTimeTacker/Pi KPhone/Pi KAddressbook/Pi KOrganizer/Pi PasswordManager/Pi KOPieMail/Pi These applications do not need anything from the KDE-desktop at all to run on Linux. However, there is a dependency from two KDE libs, because a small command line program is included to make it possible to sync with the KDE-desktop applications. These applications are independent from the KDE-desktop environment. That means, nothing of your existing KDE-desktop setup will be changed, or any data (calendar-addressbook) used by the KDE-desktop applications will be changed or accessed. These applications stores their data and config in $HOME/kdepim/ However, because the same file format is used, an easy exchange of data with the KDE-desktop is possible. A small command line program is included to make it possible to sync with the KDE-desktop applications. You do not need to call this program from the commandline, it is called from the KDE-Pim/Pi apps when you choose there: Sync with KDE_Desktop. If something is going wrong, please start the KDE-Pim/Pi program itself from the console to get detailed output. After installation, you should have a PIM-pi folder in your KDE start menu, where you can start the applications from. These programs makes it possible to sync your Zaurus easily (with the KDE-Pim/Pi programs running on the Zaurus) with the KDE-desktop calendar/addressbook data. If you want to use that, you have to update your KDE-desktop to version 3.3.0 or higher. SuSE 9.2 contains KDE 3.3.0 such that no update is needed. Actually - after the (non difficult) configuration is set up - with two mouseklicks on the Zaurus, the Zaurus syncs with the corresponding KDE-Pim/Pi program on the Linux Desktop which syncs automatically with the KDE-desktop data. If you want to use the KDE-desktop calendar/addressbook applications, just install these apps in this package and use them as a syncing tool for the Zaurus <-> KDE-desktop sync. The sync requires a network connection from your Zaurus to the PC. A detailed Sync HowTo is available in the Help menu of the applications. These applications makes it also possible, that you can sync (or just export the data to) your mobile phone with your data of the KDE-desktop calendar/addressbook applications. This is tested and working for Nokia mobile phones, it may work with others as well. (More info about that: -> Sync HowTo) NOTE: When using SuSE 9.1 you have to update your KDE to 3.3.x and you have to make an online update in SuSE 9.1 to make it possible to get the infrared connection working, such that you can sync your (Nokia) mobile phone via infrared. %files /opt/kde3/share/applnk/PIM-pi/ /opt/kdepimpi/ /usr/lib/libmicro* diff --git a/korganizer/journalentry.cpp b/korganizer/journalentry.cpp index 5fc3f2f..7f6f221 100644 --- a/korganizer/journalentry.cpp +++ b/korganizer/journalentry.cpp @@ -1,371 +1,373 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ // // Journal Entry #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qtextcodec.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <ktextedit.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include <klineedit.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include "kolocationbox.h" #include <libkcal/journal.h> #include <libkcal/calendarresources.h> #include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h> #include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h> #include "journalentry.h" //#include "journalentry.moc" #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif JournalEntry::JournalEntry(Calendar *calendar,QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent) { int fac = 5; heiHint = QApplication::desktop()->height(); if ( heiHint > 800 ) fac += 2; heiHint = heiHint / fac; showOnlyMode = false; mCalendar = calendar; mJournal = 0; visibleMode = true; QHBox * vb = new QHBox ( this ); QPixmap iconp; vb->setMargin ( KDialog::marginHint()-1 ); QPushButton * toggleJournal = new QPushButton( vb ); iconp = SmallIcon("1updownarrow"); toggleJournal->setPixmap (iconp ) ; QLabel* textLabel = new QLabel(" "+i18n("Title: "),vb); mTitle = new KOLocationBox(TRUE, vb, 30); mTitle->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred ,QSizePolicy::Fixed ,FALSE) ); mCalendarBox = new QComboBox(vb); mCalendarBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred ,QSizePolicy::Fixed ,FALSE) ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mTitle->setSizeLimit( 8 ); mCalendarBox->setSizeLimit( 8 ); #endif vb->setStretchFactor ( mTitle, 8 ); int limit = 3; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) limit = 6; vb->setStretchFactor ( mCalendarBox, limit ); //mTitleLabel->setMargin(0); //mTitleLabel->setAlignment(AlignCenter); QPushButton * loadTemplate = new QPushButton( vb ); QPushButton * saveTemplate = new QPushButton( vb ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 321 ) iconp = SmallIcon("fileexport16"); else iconp = SmallIcon("fileexport"); saveTemplate->setPixmap (iconp ) ; int size = saveTemplate->sizeHint().height(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 321 ) iconp = SmallIcon("fileimport16"); else iconp = SmallIcon("fileimport"); loadTemplate->setPixmap (iconp ) ; loadTemplate->setFixedSize( size, size ); saveTemplate->setFixedSize( size, size ); int widwid = size; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) widwid = size/2+1; toggleJournal->setFixedSize( widwid , size ); mTitle->setFixedHeight( size+4); mCalendarBox->setFixedHeight( size+4); mEditor = new KTextEdit(this); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mEditor, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mMaxWidDiff = 3*size - 2*frameWidth() - textLabel->sizeHint().width(); mDeskWid = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int maxwid = mDeskWid - mMaxWidDiff; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) { mTitle->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 +20 ); mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 -20); } else { mTitle->setMaximumWidth( (maxwid/4)*3); mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 ); } //mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 -20 ); mEditor->setWordWrap( KTextEdit::WidgetWidth ); QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); topLayout->addWidget(vb); topLayout->addWidget(mEditor); mEditor->installEventFilter(this); connect( saveTemplate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( slotSaveTemplate() ) ); connect( loadTemplate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( slotLoadTemplate() ) ); connect( toggleJournal, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( toggleShowJournal() ) ); mTitle->load( KOLocationBox::SUMMARYJOURNAL ); mTitle->lineEdit ()->setText(""); } JournalEntry::~JournalEntry() { //qDebug("JournalEntry::~JournalEntry() "); } void JournalEntry::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( mDeskWid != QApplication::desktop()->width() ) { mDeskWid == QApplication::desktop()->width(); int maxwid = mDeskWid - mMaxWidDiff; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) { mTitle->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 +20 ); mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 -20); } else { mTitle->setMaximumWidth( (maxwid/4)*3); mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 ); } //mCalendarBox->setMaximumWidth( maxwid/2 -20 ); } //setMaximumWidth( QApplication::desktop()->width() ); //qDebug("MAXXX %d ", QApplication::desktop()->width()); #endif QFrame::resizeEvent( e ); } QSize JournalEntry::sizeHint() const { return QSize ( 240, heiHint ); } void JournalEntry::slotSaveTemplate() { QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "journals" ); QDir t_dir; if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) ) t_dir.mkdir ( fileName ); fileName += "/journal"; fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fileName , i18n("Save as Journal template"), this ); if ( fileName.length() == 0 ) return; QFile fileIn( fileName ); if (!fileIn.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Error saving template file\n '%1'.") .arg( fileName ) ); return; } // QString text; QTextStream tsIn( &fileIn ); tsIn.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") ); tsIn << mEditor->text(); fileIn.close(); } void JournalEntry::slotLoadTemplate() { QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "journals" ); QDir t_dir; if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) ) t_dir.mkdir ( fileName ); fileName += "/journal"; fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( fileName , i18n("Insert Journal template"), this ); if ( fileName.length() == 0 ) return; QFile fileIn( fileName ); if (!fileIn.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Error loading template file\n '%1'.") .arg( fileName ) ); return; } QTextStream tsIn( &fileIn ); tsIn.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") ); QString text = tsIn.read(); fileIn.close(); int line, col; mEditor->getCursorPosition (& line, & col ); mEditor-> insertAt ( text, line, col, true ); //mEditor->setIgnoreMark( true ); } void JournalEntry::setDate(const QDate &date) { showOnlyMode = false; writeJournal(); mDate = date; fillCalendar( mCalendar->defaultCalendar() ); } void JournalEntry::fillCalendar( int setToID ) { mCalendarBox->clear(); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); int std = 0; int count = 0; while ( kkf ) { if ( (!kkf->mErrorOnLoad &&! kkf->isReadOnly) || setToID == kkf->mCalNumber ) { if ( setToID ) { if ( kkf->mCalNumber == setToID ) std = count; } else { if ( kkf->isStandard ) { std = count; } } ++count; mCalendarBox->insertItem( kkf->mName ); } kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.next(); } mCalendarBox->setCurrentItem( std ); } void JournalEntry::toggleShowJournal() -{ +{ + if ( mEditor->text().isEmpty() && mTitle->currentText ().isEmpty() ) + return; if (!mEditor->text().isEmpty() || !mTitle->currentText ().isEmpty()) flushEntry(); if ( showOnlyMode ) emit showJournalOnly( 0 ); else { // we have to protect mJournal from deleting if mJournal has empty text visibleMode = false; // set to true via :setShowOnly() emit showJournalOnly( mJournal ); //QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( setVisibleOn() ) ); } } void JournalEntry::setVisibleOn() { visibleMode = true; } void JournalEntry::setShowOnly() { showOnlyMode = true; if ( mTitle->currentText().isEmpty() ) mTitle->setFocus(); else mEditor->setFocus(); } void JournalEntry::setJournal(Journal *journal, bool saveJournal ) { if ( saveJournal ) writeJournal(); mTitle->load( KOLocationBox::SUMMARYJOURNAL ); mJournal = journal; if ( journal->isReadOnly() ) mTitle->lineEdit ()->setText(mJournal->summary()+" ("+i18n("readonly")+")"); else mTitle->lineEdit ()->setText(mJournal->summary()); mEditor->setText(mJournal->description()); mTitle->setEnabled (!journal->isReadOnly() ); mEditor->setReadOnly ( journal->isReadOnly() ); mCalendarBox->setEnabled (!journal->isReadOnly() ); fillCalendar( mJournal->calID() ); } Journal *JournalEntry::journal() const { return mJournal; } void JournalEntry::clear() { mJournal = 0; mEditor->setText(""); mTitle->load( KOLocationBox::SUMMARYJOURNAL ); mTitle->lineEdit ()->setText(""); } bool JournalEntry::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { // kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::event received " << e->type() << endl; if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) { writeJournal(); } if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * k = (QKeyEvent *) e; if ( k->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) { k->ignore(); //return true; } } return QFrame::eventFilter( o, e ); // standard event processing } void JournalEntry::writeJournal() { if ( !visibleMode ) return; if ( !mTitle->isEnabled() ) return; if (mEditor->text().isEmpty() && mTitle->currentText().isEmpty()) { if ( mJournal ) { Journal* j = mJournal; mJournal = 0; bool conf = KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm; KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm = false; emit deleteJournal(j); KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm = conf; } return; } // kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::writeJournal()..." << endl; if (!mJournal) { mJournal = new Journal; mJournal->setDtStart(QDateTime(mDate,QTime(0,0,0))); mCalendar->addJournal(mJournal); } if ( mJournal->description() != mEditor->text() ) { mJournal->setDescription(mEditor->text()); } if ( mJournal->summary() != mTitle->currentText() ) { mJournal->setSummary(mTitle->currentText()); mTitle->save(KOLocationBox::SUMMARYJOURNAL); } int id = KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendarID( mCalendarBox->currentText() ); if ( mJournal->calID() != id ) { mJournal->setCalID( id ); } } void JournalEntry::flushEntry() { writeJournal(); } void JournalEntry::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp index c738f7e..7e9fa71 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp @@ -1,2268 +1,2272 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Marcus Bains line. Copyright (c) 2001 Ali Rahimi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef _WIN32_ #define protected public #include <qwidget.h> #undef protected #endif #include <qintdict.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "koagendaitem.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "koagenda.h" #include <libkcal/event.h> #include <libkcal/todo.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif //extern bool globalFlagBlockPainting; extern int globalFlagBlockAgenda; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate; extern int globalFlagBlockStartup; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MarcusBains::MarcusBains(KOAgenda *_agenda,const char *name) : QFrame(_agenda->viewport(),name), agenda(_agenda) { setLineWidth(0); setMargin(0); setBackgroundColor(Qt::red); minutes = new QTimer(this); connect(minutes, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateLoc())); minutes->start(0, true); mTimeBox = new QLabel(this); mTimeBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom); QPalette pal = mTimeBox->palette(); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, Qt::red); mTimeBox->setPalette(pal); //mTimeBox->setAutoMask(true); agenda->addChild(mTimeBox); oldToday = -1; } MarcusBains::~MarcusBains() { //delete minutes; } - +void MarcusBains::hideMe() +{ + hide(); mTimeBox->hide(); +} int MarcusBains::todayColumn() { QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); DateList dateList = agenda->dateList(); DateList::ConstIterator it; int col = 0; for(it = dateList.begin(); it != dateList.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == currentDate) return KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? agenda->columns() - 1 - col : col; ++col; } return -1; } void MarcusBains::updateLoc() { updateLocation(); } void MarcusBains::updateLocation(bool recalculate) { QTime tim = QTime::currentTime(); //qDebug(" MarcusBains::updateLocation %s ", tim.toString().latin1()); if((tim.hour() == 0) && (oldTime.hour()==23)) recalculate = true; int mins = tim.hour()*60 + tim.minute(); int minutesPerCell = 24 * 60 / agenda->rows(); int y = mins*agenda->gridSpacingY()/minutesPerCell; int today = recalculate ? todayColumn() : oldToday; int x = agenda->gridSpacingX()*today; bool disabled = !(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsEnabled); oldTime = tim; oldToday = today; if(disabled || (today<0)) { hide(); mTimeBox->hide(); return; } else { show(); mTimeBox->show(); } if(recalculate) setFixedSize(agenda->gridSpacingX(),1); agenda->moveChild(this, x, y); raise(); if(recalculate) //mTimeBox->setFont(QFont("helvetica",10)); mTimeBox->setFont(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsFont); mTimeBox->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(tim, KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsShowSeconds)); mTimeBox->adjustSize(); // the -2 below is there because there is a bug in this program // somewhere, where the last column of this widget is a few pixels // narrower than the other columns. int offs = (today==agenda->columns()-1) ? -4 : 0; agenda->moveChild(mTimeBox, x+agenda->gridSpacingX()-mTimeBox->width()+offs-1, y-mTimeBox->height()); mTimeBox->raise(); //mTimeBox->setAutoMask(true); int secs = QTime::currentTime().second(); minutes->start( (60 - secs +1)*1000 ,true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Create an agenda widget with rows rows and columns columns. */ KOAgenda::KOAgenda(int columns,int rows,int rowSize,QWidget *parent, const char *name,WFlags f) : QScrollView(parent,name,f) { mAllAgendaPopup = 0; mColumns = columns; mRows = rows; mGridSpacingY = rowSize; mAllDayMode = false; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mHolidayMask = 0; init(); connect ( this, SIGNAL (contentsMoving ( int , int ) ), this, SLOT ( slotContentMove(int,int)) ); } /* Create an agenda widget with columns columns and one row. This is used for all-day events. */ KOAgenda::KOAgenda(int columns,QWidget *parent,const char *name,WFlags f) : QScrollView(parent,name,f) { mAllAgendaPopup = 0; blockResize = false; mColumns = columns; mRows = 1; //qDebug("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaldays %d ", KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize); mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; mAllDayMode = true; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mHolidayMask = 0; init(); } KOAgenda::~KOAgenda() { if(mMarcusBains) delete mMarcusBains; } Incidence *KOAgenda::selectedIncidence() const { return (mSelectedItem ? mSelectedItem->incidence() : 0); } QDate KOAgenda::selectedIncidenceDate() const { return (mSelectedItem ? mSelectedItem->itemDate() : QDate()); } void KOAgenda::init() { mPopupTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(mPopupTimer , SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupMenu())); mNewItemPopup = new QPopupMenu( this ); connect ( mNewItemPopup, SIGNAL (activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( newItem(int)) ); QString pathString = ""; if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) pathString += "icons16/"; } else pathString += "iconsmini/"; mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."), 1 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ), i18n("New Todo..."),2 ); mNewItemPopup->insertSeparator ( ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"day" ), i18n("Day view"),3 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"xdays" ), i18n("Next days"),8 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next week"),4 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next two weeks"),5 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("This month"),6 ); mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ), i18n("Journal view"),7 ); #ifndef _WIN32_ int wflags = viewport()-> getWFlags() |WRepaintNoErase;//WResizeNoErase viewport()->setWFlags ( wflags); #endif mGridSpacingX = 80; mResizeBorderWidth = 8; mScrollBorderWidth = 8; mScrollDelay = 30; mScrollOffset = 10; mPaintPixmap.resize( 20,20); //enableClipper(true); // Grab key strokes for keyboard navigation of agenda. Seems to have no // effect. Has to be fixed. setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); connect(&mScrollUpTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(scrollUp())); connect(&mScrollDownTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(scrollDown())); connect(&mResizeTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(finishResize())); mStartCellX = 0; mStartCellY = 0; mCurrentCellX = 0; mCurrentCellY = 0; mSelectionCellX = 0; mSelectionYTop = 0; mSelectionHeight = 0; mOldLowerScrollValue = -1; mOldUpperScrollValue = -1; mClickedItem = 0; mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = false; mSelectedItem = 0; // mItems.setAutoDelete(true); resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); viewport()->update(); setMinimumSize(30, 1); // setMaximumHeight(mGridSpacingY * mRows + 5); // Disable horizontal scrollbar. This is a hack. The geometry should be // controlled in a way that the contents horizontally always fits. Then it is // not necessary to turn off the scrollbar. setHScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); if ( ! mAllDayMode ) setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOn); else setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); setStartHour(KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins); calculateWorkingHours(); connect(verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(checkScrollBoundaries(int))); // Create the Marcus Bains line. if(mAllDayMode) mMarcusBains = 0; else { mMarcusBains = new MarcusBains(this); addChild(mMarcusBains); } mPopupKind = 0; mPopupItem = 0; mInvalidPixmap = false; } void KOAgenda::shrinkPixmap() { mPaintPixmap.resize( 20,20); mInvalidPixmap = true; } void KOAgenda::slotContentMove(int,int) { emit sendPing(); if ( mActionType == NOP ) slotClearSelection(); if ( mSelectedItem && !mActionItem ) { deselectItem(); emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } } void KOAgenda::clear() { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { mUnusedItems.append( item ); //item->hide(); } mItems.clear(); mSelectedItem = 0; clearSelection(); } void KOAgenda::clearSelection() { mSelectionCellX = 0; mSelectionYTop = 0; mSelectionHeight = 0; } void KOAgenda::marcus_bains() { if(mMarcusBains) mMarcusBains->updateLocation(true); } void KOAgenda::changeColumns(int columns) { if (columns == 0) { qDebug("KOAgenda::changeColumns() called with argument 0 "); return; } clear(); mColumns = columns; computeSizes(); + if(mMarcusBains) mMarcusBains->hideMe(); } /* This is the eventFilter function, which gets all events from the KOAgendaItems contained in the agenda. It has to handle moving and resizing for all items. */ bool KOAgenda::eventFilter ( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::eventFilter" << endl; switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::MouseMove: return eventFilter_mouse(object, static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event)); case (QEvent::Leave): if (!mActionItem) setCursor(arrowCursor); return true; default: return QScrollView::eventFilter(object,event); } } void KOAgenda::popupMenu() { mPopupTimer->stop(); if ( mPopupKind == 1 || mPopupKind == 3 ) { if (mActionItem ) { endItemAction(); } mLeftMouseDown = false; // no more leftMouse computation if (mPopupItem) { //mClickedItem = mPopupItem; selectItem(mPopupItem); if ( mAllAgendaPopup && KOPrefs::instance()->mBlockPopupMenu && mPopupKind == 1 ) mAllAgendaPopup->installEventFilter( this ); emit showIncidencePopupSignal(mPopupItem->incidence()); } } else if ( mPopupKind == 2 || mPopupKind == 4 ) { if ( mLeftMouseDown ) { // we have a simulated right click - clear left mouse action endSelectAction( false ); // do not emit new event signal mLeftMouseDown = false; // no more leftMouse computation } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mBlockPopupMenu && mPopupKind == 2 ) mNewItemPopup->installEventFilter( this ); mNewItemPopup->popup( mPopupPos); } mLeftMouseDown = false; mPopupItem = 0; mPopupKind = 0; } void KOAgenda::categoryChanged(Incidence * inc) { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( item->incidence() == inc ) { item->initColor (); item->updateItem(); } } } bool KOAgenda::eventFilter_mouse(QObject *object, QMouseEvent *me) { if ( mInvalidPixmap ) { mInvalidPixmap = false; qDebug("KO: Upsizing Pixmaps "); computeSizes(); emit updateViewSignal(); return true; } emit sendPing(); static int startX = 0; static int startY = 0; int blockmoveDist = ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ? 7 : 9 ); static bool blockMoving = true; //qDebug("KOAgenda::eventFilter_mous "); if ( object == mNewItemPopup ) { //qDebug("mNewItemPopup "); if ( me->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) { mNewItemPopup->removeEventFilter( this ); int dX = me->globalPos().x() - mPopupPos.x();; if ( dX < 0 ) dX = -dX; int dY = me->globalPos().y() - mPopupPos.y(); if ( dY < 0 ) dY = -dY; if ( dX > blockmoveDist || dY > blockmoveDist ) { mNewItemPopup->hide(); } } return true; } if ( object == mAllAgendaPopup ) { //qDebug(" mAllAgendaPopup "); if ( me->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) { mAllAgendaPopup->removeEventFilter( this ); int dX = me->globalPos().x() - mPopupPos.x();; if ( dX < 0 ) dX = -dX; int dY = me->globalPos().y() - mPopupPos.y(); if ( dY < 0 ) dY = -dY; if ( dX > blockmoveDist || dY > blockmoveDist ) { mAllAgendaPopup->hide(); } } return true; } QPoint viewportPos; if (object != viewport()) { blockmoveDist = blockmoveDist*2; viewportPos = ((QWidget *)object)->mapToParent(me->pos()); } else { viewportPos = me->pos(); } bool objIsNotViewport = (object != viewport()); bool leftButt = false; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION leftButt = (me->button() == LeftButton); #endif switch (me->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: if (me->button() == LeftButton) { mPopupTimer->start( 600 ); mLeftMouseDown = true; } blockMoving = true; startX = viewportPos.x(); startY = viewportPos.y(); mPopupPos = me->globalPos(); if ( objIsNotViewport && !leftButt ) { KOAgendaItem * tempItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (mAllDayMode) { if ( tempItem->height() > 10 ) { int minV = tempItem->height()/4; if ( minV > (blockmoveDist/2)-2 ) { if ( minV > blockmoveDist ) minV = blockmoveDist; else minV = (blockmoveDist/2); } bool border = false; int diff = tempItem->y() - viewportPos.y(); if ( diff < 0 ) diff *= -1; if ( diff < minV ) { border = true; objIsNotViewport = false; } if ( ! border ) { diff = tempItem->y() + tempItem->height()- viewportPos.y(); if ( diff < 0 ) diff *= -1; if ( diff < minV ) { border = true; objIsNotViewport = false; } } } } else { // not allday if ( tempItem->width() > 10 ) { int minH = tempItem->width()/4; if ( minH > (blockmoveDist/2)-2 ) { if ( minH > blockmoveDist ) minH = blockmoveDist; else minH = (blockmoveDist/2); } bool border = false; int diff = tempItem->x() - viewportPos.x(); if ( diff < 0 ) diff *= -1; if ( diff < minH ) { border = true; objIsNotViewport = false; } if ( ! border ) { diff = tempItem->x() + tempItem->width() - viewportPos.x(); if ( diff < 0 ) diff *= -1; if ( diff < minH ) { border = true; objIsNotViewport = false; } } } } } if ( objIsNotViewport ) { mPopupItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; mPopupKind = 1; if (me->button() == RightButton) { mPopupKind = 3; popupMenu(); } else if (me->button() == LeftButton) { mActionItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (mActionItem) { emit signalClearSelection(); slotClearSelection(); selectItem(mActionItem); Incidence *incidence = mActionItem->incidence(); if ( incidence->isReadOnly() /*|| incidence->doesRecur() */) { mActionItem = 0; } else { startItemAction(viewportPos); } } } } else { // ---------- viewport() mPopupItem = 0; mPopupKind = 2; selectItem(0); mActionItem = 0; if (me->button() == RightButton) { int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mPopupKind = 4; popupMenu(); } else if (me->button() == LeftButton) { setCursor(arrowCursor); startSelectAction(viewportPos); } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: if (me->button() == LeftButton ) { mPopupTimer->stop(); } if (object != viewport()) { if (me->button() == LeftButton && mLeftMouseDown) { if (mActionItem) { QPoint clipperPos = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); //qDebug(" %d %d %d ",clipperPos.y(),visibleHeight() , 9 ); if ( mActionType == MOVE && (clipperPos.y() > visibleHeight()-2 ||clipperPos.y() < 0 ) ) { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); mActionItem->resetMove(); placeSubCells( mActionItem ); // emit startDragSignal( mActionItem->incidence() ); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; mLeftMouseDown = false; return true; } endItemAction(); } } } else { // ---------- viewport() if (me->button() == LeftButton && mLeftMouseDown ) { //left click endSelectAction( true ); // emit new event signal } } if (me->button() == LeftButton) mLeftMouseDown = false; break; case QEvent::MouseMove: //qDebug("mm "); if ( !mLeftMouseDown ) return false; if ( blockMoving ) { int dX, dY; dX = startX - viewportPos.x(); if ( dX < 0 ) dX = -dX; dY = viewportPos.y() - startY; if ( dY < 0 ) dY = -dY; //qDebug("%d %d %d ", dX, dY , blockmoveDist ); if ( dX > blockmoveDist || dY > blockmoveDist ) { blockMoving = false; } } if ( ! blockMoving ) mPopupTimer->stop(); if (object != viewport()) { KOAgendaItem *moveItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (!moveItem->incidence()->isReadOnly() ) { if (!mActionItem) setNoActionCursor(moveItem,viewportPos); else { if ( !blockMoving ) performItemAction(viewportPos); } } } else { // ---------- viewport() mPopupPos = viewport()->mapToGlobal( me->pos() ); if ( mActionType == SELECT ) { performSelectAction( viewportPos ); } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: mPopupTimer->stop(); if (object == viewport()) { selectItem(0); int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); emit newEventSignal(gx,gy); } else { KOAgendaItem *doubleClickedItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; selectItem(doubleClickedItem); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick ) emit editIncidenceSignal(doubleClickedItem->incidence()); else emit showIncidenceSignal(doubleClickedItem->incidence()); } break; default: break; } return true; } void KOAgenda::newItem( int item ) { if ( item == 1 ) { //new event newEventSignal(mStartCellX ,mStartCellY ); } else if ( item == 2 ) { //new event newTodoSignal(mStartCellX ,mStartCellY ); } else { emit showDateView( item, mStartCellX ); // 3Day view // 4Week view // 5Month view // 6Journal view } } void KOAgenda::slotClearSelection() { if (mSelectionHeight) { int selectionX = mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; int top = mSelectionYTop - 2 *mGridSpacingY; int hei = mSelectionHeight + 4 *mGridSpacingY; clearSelection(); repaintContents( selectionX, top, mGridSpacingX, hei ,false ); } } void KOAgenda::startSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos) { emit signalClearSelection(); slotClearSelection(); mActionType = SELECT; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; // Store new selection mSelectionCellX = gx; mSelectionYTop = gy * mGridSpacingY; mSelectionHeight = mGridSpacingY; // Paint new selection repaintContents( mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX+1, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX-1, mSelectionHeight ); } void KOAgenda::performSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos) { int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); QPoint clipperPos = clipper()-> mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); // Scroll if cursor was moved to upper or lower end of agenda. if (clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollUpTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else if (visibleHeight() - clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollDownTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); } if ( gy > mCurrentCellY ) { mSelectionHeight = ( gy + 1 ) * mGridSpacingY - mSelectionYTop; repaintContents( (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX : mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight , false); mCurrentCellY = gy; } else if ( gy < mCurrentCellY ) { if ( gy >= mStartCellY ) { int selectionHeight = mSelectionHeight; mSelectionHeight = ( gy + 1 ) * mGridSpacingY - mSelectionYTop; repaintContents( (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX : mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, selectionHeight,false ); mCurrentCellY = gy; } else { } } } void KOAgenda::endSelectAction( bool emitNewEvent ) { mActionType = NOP; mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); emit newTimeSpanSignal(mStartCellX,mStartCellY,mCurrentCellX,mCurrentCellY); if ( emitNewEvent && mStartCellY < mCurrentCellY ) { emit newEventSignal(mStartCellX,mStartCellY,mCurrentCellX,mCurrentCellY); } } void KOAgenda::startItemAction(QPoint viewportPos) { int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; if (mAllDayMode) { int gridDistanceX = (x - gx * mGridSpacingX); if (gridDistanceX < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellX() == mCurrentCellX) { mActionType = RESIZELEFT; setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingX - gridDistanceX) < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellXWidth() == mCurrentCellX) { mActionType = RESIZERIGHT; setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else { mActionType = MOVE; mActionItem->startMove(); setCursor(sizeAllCursor); } } else { int gridDistanceY = (y - gy * mGridSpacingY); bool allowResize = ( mActionItem->incidence()->typeID() != todoID ); if (allowResize && gridDistanceY < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellYTop() == mCurrentCellY && !mActionItem->firstMultiItem()) { mActionType = RESIZETOP; setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else if (allowResize &&(mGridSpacingY - gridDistanceY) < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellYBottom() == mCurrentCellY && !mActionItem->lastMultiItem()) { mActionType = RESIZEBOTTOM; setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else { mActionType = MOVE; mActionItem->startMove(); setCursor(sizeAllCursor); } } } void KOAgenda::performItemAction(QPoint viewportPos) { // kdDebug() << "viewportPos: " << viewportPos.x() << "," << viewportPos.y() << endl; // QPoint point = viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos); // kdDebug() << "Global: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // point = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(point); // kdDebug() << "clipper: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // kdDebug() << "visible height: " << visibleHeight() << endl; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); // kdDebug() << "contents: " << x << "," << y << "\n" << endl; int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); QPoint clipperPos = clipper()-> mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); // Cursor left active agenda area. // This starts a drag. if ( /*clipperPos.y() < 0 || clipperPos.y() > visibleHeight() ||*/ clipperPos.x() < 0 || clipperPos.x() > visibleWidth() ) { if ( mActionType == MOVE ) { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); mActionItem->resetMove(); placeSubCells( mActionItem ); // emit startDragSignal( mActionItem->incidence() ); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; return; } } else { switch ( mActionType ) { case MOVE: setCursor( sizeAllCursor ); break; case RESIZETOP: case RESIZEBOTTOM: setCursor( sizeVerCursor ); break; case RESIZELEFT: case RESIZERIGHT: setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); break; default: setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } // Scroll if item was moved to upper or lower end of agenda. if (clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollUpTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else if (visibleHeight() - clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollDownTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); } // Move or resize item if necessary if (mCurrentCellX != gx || mCurrentCellY != gy) { mItemMoved = true; mActionItem->raise(); if (mActionType == MOVE) { // Move all items belonging to a multi item KOAgendaItem *moveItem = mActionItem->firstMultiItem(); bool isMultiItem = (moveItem || mActionItem->lastMultiItem()); if (!moveItem) moveItem = mActionItem; while (moveItem) { int dy; if (isMultiItem) dy = 0; else dy = gy - mCurrentCellY; moveItem->moveRelative(gx - mCurrentCellX,dy); int x,y; gridToContents(moveItem->cellX(),moveItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * moveItem->cellWidth(), mGridSpacingY * moveItem->cellHeight()); moveItem->raise(); moveChild(moveItem,x,y); moveItem = moveItem->nextMultiItem(); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZETOP) { if (mCurrentCellY <= mActionItem->cellYBottom()) { mActionItem->expandTop(gy - mCurrentCellY); mActionItem->resize(mActionItem->width(), mGridSpacingY * mActionItem->cellHeight()); int x,y; gridToContents(mCurrentCellX,mActionItem->cellYTop(),x,y); //moveChild(mActionItem,childX(mActionItem),y); QScrollView::moveChild( mActionItem,childX(mActionItem),y ); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZEBOTTOM) { if (mCurrentCellY >= mActionItem->cellYTop()) { mActionItem->expandBottom(gy - mCurrentCellY); mActionItem->resize(mActionItem->width(), mGridSpacingY * mActionItem->cellHeight()); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZELEFT) { if (mCurrentCellX <= mActionItem->cellXWidth()) { mActionItem->expandLeft(gx - mCurrentCellX); mActionItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * mActionItem->cellWidth(), mActionItem->height()); int x,y; gridToContents(mActionItem->cellX(),mActionItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveChild(mActionItem,x,childY(mActionItem)); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZERIGHT) { if (mCurrentCellX >= mActionItem->cellX()) { mActionItem->expandRight(gx - mCurrentCellX); mActionItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * mActionItem->cellWidth(), mActionItem->height()); } } mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; } } void KOAgenda::endItemAction() { if ( mItemMoved ) { KOAgendaItem *placeItem = mActionItem->firstMultiItem(); if ( !placeItem ) { placeItem = mActionItem; } if ( placeItem->incidence()->doesRecur() ) { Incidence* oldInc = placeItem->incidence(); placeItem->recreateIncidence(); emit addToCalSignal(placeItem->incidence(), oldInc ); } int type = mActionType; if ( mAllDayMode ) type = -1; KOAgendaItem *modifiedItem = placeItem; //emit itemModified( placeItem, mActionType /*KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED */); QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems ;//= placeItem->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *item; if ( placeItem->incidence()->typeID() == todoID ) { mSelectedItem = 0; //qDebug("todo %d %d %d ", mCurrentCellX, modifiedItem->cellX() ,modifiedItem->cellXWidth()); modifiedItem->mLastMoveXPos = mCurrentCellX; emit itemModified( modifiedItem, mActionType ); } else { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } while ( placeItem ) { //qDebug("placeItem %s ", placeItem->incidence()->summary().latin1()); oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } placeSubCells( placeItem ); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint( false ); } placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { //qDebug("placeItem %s ", placeItem->incidence()->summary().latin1()); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; placeItem->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; placeItem->repaint(false); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } emit itemModified( modifiedItem, mActionType ); placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } placeSubCells( placeItem ); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(false); } placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } /* oldconflictItems = modifiedItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->paintMe(false); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(false); } */ } } if ( mActionItem ) emit incidenceSelected( mActionItem->incidence() ); mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; } void KOAgenda::setNoActionCursor(KOAgendaItem *moveItem,QPoint viewportPos) { // kdDebug() << "viewportPos: " << viewportPos.x() << "," << viewportPos.y() << endl; // QPoint point = viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos); // kdDebug() << "Global: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // point = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(point); // kdDebug() << "clipper: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); // kdDebug() << "contents: " << x << "," << y << "\n" << endl; int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); // Change cursor to resize cursor if appropriate if (mAllDayMode) { int gridDistanceX = (x - gx * mGridSpacingX); if (gridDistanceX < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellX() == gx) { setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingX - gridDistanceX) < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellXWidth() == gx) { setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else { setCursor(arrowCursor); } } else { int gridDistanceY = (y - gy * mGridSpacingY); if (gridDistanceY < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellYTop() == gy && !moveItem->firstMultiItem()) { setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingY - gridDistanceY) < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellYBottom() == gy && !moveItem->lastMultiItem()) { setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else { setCursor(arrowCursor); } } } /* Place item in cell and take care that multiple items using the same cell do not overlap. This method is not yet optimal. It doesn�t use the maximum space it can get in all cases. At the moment the method has a bug: When an item is placed only the sub cell widths of the items are changed, which are within the Y region the item to place spans. When the sub cell width change of one of this items affects a cell, where other items are, which do not overlap in Y with the item to place, the display gets corrupted, although the corruption looks quite nice. */ void KOAgenda::placeSubCells(KOAgendaItem *placeItem) { QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> conflictItems; int maxSubCells = 0; QIntDict<KOAgendaItem> subCellDict(7); KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if (item != placeItem) { if (placeItem->cellX() <= item->cellXWidth() && placeItem->cellXWidth() >= item->cellX()) { if ((placeItem->cellYTop() <= item->cellYBottom()) && (placeItem->cellYBottom() >= item->cellYTop())) { conflictItems.append(item); if (item->subCells() > maxSubCells) maxSubCells = item->subCells(); subCellDict.insert(item->subCell(),item); } } } } if (conflictItems.count() > 0) { // Look for unused sub cell and insert item int i; for(i=0;i<maxSubCells;++i) { if (!subCellDict.find(i)) { placeItem->setSubCell(i); break; } } if (i == maxSubCells) { placeItem->setSubCell(maxSubCells); maxSubCells++; // add new item to number of sub cells } // Prepare for sub cell geometry adjustment int newSubCellWidth; if (mAllDayMode) newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / maxSubCells; else newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingX / maxSubCells; conflictItems.append(placeItem); // Adjust sub cell geometry of all direct conflict items for ( item=conflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=conflictItems.next() ) { item->setSubCells(maxSubCells); if (mAllDayMode) { item->resize(item->cellWidth() * mGridSpacingX, newSubCellWidth); } else { item->resize(newSubCellWidth, item->cellHeight() * mGridSpacingY); } int x,y; gridToContents(item->cellX(),item->cellYTop(),x,y); if (mAllDayMode) { y += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } else { x += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } moveChild(item,x,y); // qDebug("moveChild %s %d %d ", item->incidence()->summary().latin1() ,x,y); //item->updateItem(); } // Adjust sub cell geometry of all conflict items of all conflict items for ( item=conflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=conflictItems.next() ) { if ( placeItem != item ) { KOAgendaItem *item2; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> conflictItems2 = item->conflictItems(); for ( item2=conflictItems2.first(); item2 != 0; item2=conflictItems2.next() ) { if ( item2->subCells() != maxSubCells) { item2->setSubCells(maxSubCells); if (mAllDayMode) { item2->resize(item2->cellWidth() * mGridSpacingX, newSubCellWidth); } else { item2->resize(newSubCellWidth, item2->cellHeight() * mGridSpacingY); } int x,y; gridToContents(item2->cellX(),item2->cellYTop(),x,y); if (mAllDayMode) { y += item2->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } else { x += item2->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } moveChild(item2,x,y); //qDebug("setttttt %d %s",maxSubCells, item2->text().latin1() ); } } } } } else { placeItem->setSubCell(0); placeItem->setSubCells(1); if (mAllDayMode) placeItem->resize(placeItem->width(),mGridSpacingY); else placeItem->resize(mGridSpacingX,placeItem->height()); int x,y; gridToContents(placeItem->cellX(),placeItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveChild(placeItem,x,y); } placeItem->setConflictItems(conflictItems); // for ( item=conflictItems.first(); item != 0; // item=conflictItems.next() ) { // //item->updateItem(); // //qDebug("xxx item->updateItem() %s %d %d", item->incidence()->summary().latin1(),item->x(), item->y() ); // } // placeItem->updateItem(); } void KOAgenda::drawContents(QPainter* p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda ) return; if ( mInvalidPixmap ) { mInvalidPixmap = false; qDebug("KO: Upsizing Pixmaps "); computeSizes(); emit updateViewSignal(); return; } if ( ! mAllDayMode ) { // currently not working for //qDebug("KOAgenda::drawContents "); #if 0 if ( mCurPixWid != contentsWidth() || mCurPixHei != contentsHeight() ) { qDebug("WAU "); drawContentsToPainter(); } #endif QPaintDevice* pd = p->device(); p->end(); int vx, vy; int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; contentsToViewport ( cx, cy, vx,vy); //qDebug(" %d %d %d %d %d", cx, cy, cw,ch,mGridSpacingX-1) ; if ( !(selectionX == cx && cy == mSelectionYTop && cw ==mGridSpacingX && ch == mSelectionHeight ) ) { if ( mGridSpacingX == cw && mSelectionHeight > 0 && ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) ) { int vxSel, vySel; contentsToViewport ( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, vxSel,vySel); int off = mSelectionHeight; if ( vySel < 0 ) off += vySel; //qDebug("OFF %d %d %d", off,vySel, vy ); bitBlt ( pd, vx, vy+off, &mPaintPixmap, cx, cy+off, cw , ch-off ,CopyROP); } else { bitBlt ( pd, vx, vy, &mPaintPixmap, cx, cy, cw, ch ,CopyROP); } } if ( mSelectionHeight > 0 ) { //qDebug("---- %d %d %d %d ", selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight ); if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { contentsToViewport ( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, vx,vy); // bitBlt ( pd, vx+1, vy, &mHighlightPixmap, 0, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX-1, mSelectionHeight ,CopyROP); int hei = mSelectionHeight; int offset = 0; while ( hei > 0 ) { int p_hei = 5; if ( hei < 5 ) p_hei = hei; hei -= 5; bitBlt ( pd, vx+1, vy+offset, &mHighlightPixmap, 0, 0, mGridSpacingX-1, p_hei ,CopyROP); offset += 5; } } } p->begin( pd ); } else { #if 0 qDebug("mCurPixWid %d %d ",mCurPixWid, contentsWidth() ); if ( mCurPixWid != contentsWidth() || mCurPixHei != contentsHeight() ) { qDebug("WAUWAU "); drawContentsToPainter(); } #endif QPaintDevice* pd = p->device(); p->end(); int vx, vy; int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; contentsToViewport ( cx, cy, vx,vy); // qDebug(" %d %d %d %d ", cx, cy, cw,ch) ; if ( !(selectionX == cx && cy == mSelectionYTop && cw ==mGridSpacingX && ch == mSelectionHeight ) ) bitBlt ( pd, vx, vy, &mPaintPixmap, cx, cy, cw, ch ,CopyROP); if ( mSelectionHeight > 0 ) { //qDebug("---- %d %d %d %d ", selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight ); if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { contentsToViewport ( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, vx,vy); //bitBlt ( pd, vx+1, vy, &mHighlightPixmap, 0, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX-1, mSelectionHeight ,CopyROP); int hei = mSelectionHeight; int offset = 0; while ( hei > 0 ) { int p_hei = 5; if ( hei < 5 ) p_hei = hei; hei -= 5; bitBlt ( pd, vx+1, vy+offset, &mHighlightPixmap, 0, 0, mGridSpacingX-1, p_hei ,CopyROP); offset += 5; } } } p->begin( pd ); } } void KOAgenda::finishUpdate() { KOAgendaItem *item; globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; // Adjust sub cell geometry of all conflict items of all conflict items of all conflict items ... of the conflict item with the max number of conflictitems for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( !item->checkLayout() ) { //qDebug(" conflictitem found "); int newSubCellWidth; if (mAllDayMode) newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / item->subCells(); else newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingX / item->subCells(); if (mAllDayMode) { item->resize(item->cellWidth() * mGridSpacingX, newSubCellWidth); } else { item->resize(newSubCellWidth, item->cellHeight() * mGridSpacingY); } int x,y; gridToContents(item->cellX(),item->cellYTop(),x,y); if (mAllDayMode) { y += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } else { x += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } moveChild(item,x,y); } } for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( !item->isVisible() ) item->show(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->repaintMe( ); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->repaint( false ); } marcus_bains(); } /* Draw grid in the background of the agenda. */ void KOAgenda::drawContentsToPainter( QPainter* paint, bool backgroundOnly )// int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { if ( ! mGridSpacingX || ! mGridSpacingY ||! mHolidayMask ) return; if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda > 1 && globalFlagBlockAgenda < 4 ) return; int cx = 0, cy = 0, cw = contentsWidth(), ch = contentsHeight(); if ( ch < 1 ) ch = 1; if ( mPaintPixmap.width() < contentsWidth()+42 || mPaintPixmap.height() < ch ) { mPaintPixmap.resize( contentsWidth()+42, ch ); } mCurPixWid = contentsWidth(); mCurPixHei = ch; if ( mHighlightPixmap.width() < mGridSpacingX-1 ) { mHighlightPixmap.resize( mGridSpacingX-1, 5 ); mHighlightPixmap.fill ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor ); } mPixPainter.begin( &mPaintPixmap) ; //qDebug("wid %d hei %d ",mPaintPixmap.width(),mPaintPixmap.height() ); QPainter * p ; if (paint == 0) { mPaintPixmap.fill(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor); p = &mPixPainter; } else p = paint ; // qDebug("++++++KOAgenda::drawContentsTo Painter %d %d %d %d ", cx, cy, cw, ch); //--cx;++cw; int lGridSpacingY = mGridSpacingY*2; int selDay; QDate curDate = QDate::currentDate(); if ( !backgroundOnly ) { for ( selDay = 0; selDay < mSelectedDates.count(); ++selDay) { if ( mSelectedDates[selDay] == curDate && KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay) { int x1 = cx; int y1 = 0; if (y1 < cy) y1 = cy; int x2 = cx+cw-1; int y2 = contentsHeight(); if (y2 > cy+ch-1) y2=cy+ch-1; if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) { int gxStart = selDay; int gxEnd = gxStart ; int xStart = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX : gxStart*mGridSpacingX; if (xStart < x1) xStart = x1; int xEnd = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX-1 : (gxStart+1)*mGridSpacingX-1; if (xEnd > x2) xEnd = x2; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor ) p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor.light()); else p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor.dark()); } } } } // Highlight working hours if ( !backgroundOnly ) if (mWorkingHoursEnable) { int x1 = cx; int y1 = mWorkingHoursYTop; if (y1 < cy) y1 = cy; int x2 = cx+cw-1; // int x2 = mGridSpacingX * 5 - 1; // if (x2 > cx+cw-1) x2 = cx + cw - 1; int y2 = mWorkingHoursYBottom; if (y2 > cy+ch-1) y2=cy+ch-1; if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) { // qDebug("x1 %d mGridSpacingX %d ", x1, mGridSpacingX ); int gxStart = x1/mGridSpacingX; int gxEnd = x2/mGridSpacingX; while(gxStart <= gxEnd) { if (gxStart < int(mHolidayMask->count()) && !mHolidayMask->at(gxStart)) { int xStart = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX : gxStart*mGridSpacingX; if (xStart < x1) xStart = x1; int xEnd = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX-1 : (gxStart+1)*mGridSpacingX-1; if (xEnd > x2) xEnd = x2; if ( mSelectedDates[gxStart] == curDate && KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor ) p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.light()); else p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.dark()); } else { p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor); } } ++gxStart; } } } /* int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; // Draw selection if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { // TODO: paint only part within cx,cy,cw,ch p->fillRect( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor ); } */ // Draw vertical lines of grid int x = ((int)(cx/mGridSpacingX))*mGridSpacingX; if ( mGridSpacingX > 0 ) { while (x < cx + cw) { p->drawLine(x,cy,x,cy+ch); x+=mGridSpacingX; } } // Draw horizontal lines of grid int y = ((int)(cy/lGridSpacingY))*lGridSpacingY; if ( lGridSpacingY > 0 ) { while (y < cy + ch) { p->setPen( SolidLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; p->setPen( DotLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; } p->setPen( SolidLine ); } mPixPainter.end() ; } /* Convert srcollview contents coordinates to agenda grid coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::contentsToGrid (int x, int y, int& gx, int& gy) { gx = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - x/mGridSpacingX : x/mGridSpacingX; gy = y/mGridSpacingY; } /* Convert agenda grid coordinates to scrollview contents coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::gridToContents (int gx, int gy, int& x, int& y) { x = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gx)*mGridSpacingX: gx*mGridSpacingX; y = gy*mGridSpacingY; } /* Return Y coordinate corresponding to time. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ int KOAgenda::timeToY(const QTime &time) { int minutesPerCell = 24 * 60 / mRows; int timeMinutes = time.hour() * 60 + time.minute(); int Y = (timeMinutes + (minutesPerCell / 2)) / minutesPerCell; return Y; } /* Return time corresponding to cell y coordinate. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ QTime KOAgenda::gyToTime(int gy) { int secondsPerCell = 24 * 60 * 60/ mRows; int timeSeconds = secondsPerCell * gy; QTime time( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( timeSeconds < 24 * 60 * 60 ) { time = time.addSecs(timeSeconds); } else { time.setHMS( 23, 59, 59 ); } return time; } void KOAgenda::setStartHour(int startHour) { int startCell = startHour * mRows / 24; setContentsPos(0,startCell * gridSpacingY()); } QTime KOAgenda::getEndTime() { int tim = (contentsY ()+viewport()->height())*24/contentsHeight (); if ( tim > 23 ) return QTime ( 23,59,59); return QTime ( tim,0,0); } void KOAgenda::hideUnused() { // experimental only // return; KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mUnusedItems.first(); item != 0; item=mUnusedItems.next() ) { item->hide(); } } KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::getNewItem(Incidence * event,QDate qd, QWidget* view) { KOAgendaItem *fi; for ( fi=mUnusedItems.first(); fi != 0; fi=mUnusedItems.next() ) { if ( fi->incidence() == event ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } } fi=mUnusedItems.first(); if ( fi ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } // qDebug("new KOAgendaItem "); KOAgendaItem* agendaItem = new KOAgendaItem( event, qd, view, mAllDayMode ); agendaItem->installEventFilter(this); addChild(agendaItem,0,0); return agendaItem; } KOAgendaItem * KOAgenda::getItemForTodo ( Todo * todo ) { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( item->incidence() == todo ) { mItems.remove(); return item; } } return 0; } void KOAgenda::updateTodo( Todo * todo, int days, bool remove) { // ( todo->hasCompletedDate() && todo->completed().date() == currentDate )|| KOAgendaItem *item; item = getItemForTodo ( todo ); //qDebug("KOAgenda::updateTodo %d %d %d %d", this, todo, days, remove); if ( item ) { blockSignals( true ); //qDebug("item found "); item->hide(); item->setCellX(-2, -1 ); item->select(false); mUnusedItems.append( item ); mItems.remove( item ); QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { if ( itemit != item ) placeSubCells(itemit); } qApp->processEvents(); //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; if ( itemit != item ) itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; //qDebug("sigleshot "); QTimer::singleShot( 0, itemit, SLOT ( repaintItem() )); //itemit->repaint( false ); repaintItem() } blockSignals( false ); } if ( remove ) { //qDebug("remove****************************************** "); return; } if ( todo->hasCompletedDate() && !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodoInAgenda ) return; //qDebug("updateTodo+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); bool overdue = (!todo->isCompleted()) && (todo->dtDue() < currentDate)&& ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ); QDateTime dt; if ( todo->hasCompletedDate() ) dt = todo->completed(); else dt = todo->dtDue(); if ( overdue ) { days += todo->dtDue().date().daysTo( currentDate ); } else currentDate = dt.date(); if (( todo->doesFloat() || overdue) && !todo->hasCompletedDate() ) { if ( ! mAllDayMode ) return; // aldayagenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; item = insertAllDayItem(todo, currentDate,days, days); item->show(); } else { if ( mAllDayMode ) return; // mAgenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; int endY = timeToY(dt.time()) - 1; int hi = 12/KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize; int startY = endY - 1-hi; item = insertItem(todo,currentDate,days,startY,endY); item->show(); } qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; itemit->repaint(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(); } /* Insert KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int X,int YTop,int YBottom) { if (mAllDayMode) { qDebug("KOAgenda: calling insertItem in all-day mode is illegal. "); return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); //agendaItem->setFrameStyle(WinPanel|Raised); int YSize = YBottom - YTop + 1; if (YSize < 0) { YSize = 1; } int iheight = mGridSpacingY * YSize; agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX,iheight ); agendaItem->setCellXY(X,YTop,YBottom); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(X); //addChild(agendaItem,X*mGridSpacingX,YTop*mGridSpacingY); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); return agendaItem; } /* Insert all-day KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertAllDayItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd) { if (!mAllDayMode) { return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); agendaItem->setCellXY(XBegin,0,0); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(XEnd); agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * agendaItem->cellWidth(),mGridSpacingY); //addChild(agendaItem,XBegin*mGridSpacingX,0); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); return agendaItem; } void KOAgenda::insertMultiItem (Event *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd, int YTop,int YBottom) { if (mAllDayMode) { ; return; } int cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom; QString newtext; int width = XEnd - XBegin + 1; int count = 0; KOAgendaItem *current = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> multiItems; for (cellX = XBegin;cellX <= XEnd;++cellX) { if (cellX == XBegin) cellYTop = YTop; else cellYTop = 0; if (cellX == XEnd) cellYBottom = YBottom; else cellYBottom = rows() - 1; newtext = QString("(%1/%2): ").arg(++count).arg(width); newtext.append(event->summary()); current = insertItem(event,qd,cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom); current->setText(newtext); multiItems.append(current); } KOAgendaItem *next = 0; KOAgendaItem *last = multiItems.last(); KOAgendaItem *first = multiItems.first(); KOAgendaItem *setFirst,*setLast; current = first; while (current) { next = multiItems.next(); if (current == first) setFirst = 0; else setFirst = first; if (current == last) setLast = 0; else setLast = last; current->setMultiItem(setFirst,next,setLast); current = next; } } //QSizePolicy KOAgenda::sizePolicy() const //{ // Thought this would make the all-day event agenda minimum size and the // normal agenda take the remaining space. But it doesn�t work. The QSplitter // don�t seem to think that an Expanding widget needs more space than a // Preferred one. // But it doesn�t hurt, so it stays. // if (mAllDayMode) { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred); // } else { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); // } //} void KOAgenda::finishResize ( ) { //qDebug("finishResize+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( ) "); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 0 ) { finishUpdate(); //qDebug("finishUpdate() called "); } } /* Overridden from QScrollView to provide proper resizing of KOAgendaItems. */ void KOAgenda::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *ev ) { mSelectionHeight = 0; mResizeTimer.start( 150 , true ); computeSizes(); return; } void KOAgenda::computeSizes() { if ( globalFlagBlockStartup ) return; int frameOffset = frameWidth() * 2 +1; if (mAllDayMode) { mGridSpacingX = (width()-frameOffset) / mColumns; mGridSpacingY = height() - 2 * frameWidth() - 1; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY + 1); // mGridSpacingY = height(); // resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); KOAgendaItem *item; int subCellWidth; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { subCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / item->subCells(); item->resize(mGridSpacingX * item->cellWidth(),subCellWidth); moveChild(item,KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - item->cellX()) * mGridSpacingX : item->cellX() * mGridSpacingX, item->subCell() * subCellWidth); } KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = mGridSpacingY; } else { mGridSpacingX = (width() - verticalScrollBar()->width()-frameOffset)/mColumns; if (height() > mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ) { KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize = ((height())/mRows)+1; mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize ; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); emit resizedSignal(); } else resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); KOAgendaItem *item; int subCellWidth; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { subCellWidth = mGridSpacingX / item->subCells(); item->resize(subCellWidth,item->height()); moveChild(item,(KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - item->cellX()) * mGridSpacingX : item->cellX() * mGridSpacingX) + item->subCell() * subCellWidth,childY(item)); } } int cw = contentsWidth(); int ch = contentsHeight(); if ( mAllDayMode ) { QPixmap* paintPixAll = KOAgendaItem::paintPixAllday(); if ( (paintPixAll->width() < cw || paintPixAll->height() < ch) && cw > 0 && ch > 0 ) { //qDebug("paintPixAll->resize "); paintPixAll->resize( cw, ch ); } } else { QPixmap* paintPix = KOAgendaItem::paintPix(); if ( paintPix->width() < cw || paintPix->height() < ch ) { //qDebug("paintPix->resize "); paintPix->resize( cw , ch ); } } checkScrollBoundaries(); drawContentsToPainter(); viewport()->repaint(false); } void KOAgenda::scrollUp() { scrollBy(0,-mScrollOffset); } void KOAgenda::scrollDown() { scrollBy(0,mScrollOffset); } void KOAgenda::popupAlarm() { if (!mClickedItem) { qDebug("KOAgenda::popupAlarm() called without having a clicked item "); return; } // TODO: deal correctly with multiple alarms Alarm* alarm; QPtrList<Alarm> list(mClickedItem->incidence()->alarms()); for(alarm=list.first();alarm;alarm=list.next()) { alarm->toggleAlarm(); } emit itemModified( mClickedItem , KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); mClickedItem->paintMe( true ); mClickedItem->repaint( false ); } /* Calculates the minimum width */ int KOAgenda::minimumWidth() const { // TODO:: develop a way to dynamically determine the minimum width int min = 100; return min; } void KOAgenda::updateConfig() { if ( viewport()->backgroundColor() != KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor) viewport()->setBackgroundColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor); if ( mAllDayMode ) { mGridSpacingY = height() - 1 ;// KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; //mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY+1 ); // setMaximumHeight( mGridSpacingY+1 ); viewport()->repaint( false ); //setFixedHeight( mGridSpacingY+1 ); //qDebug("KOPrefs:aaaaa:instance()->mAllDaySize %d ", KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize); } else { mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize; calculateWorkingHours(); } } void KOAgenda::checkScrollBoundaries() { // Invalidate old values to force update mOldLowerScrollValue = -1; mOldUpperScrollValue = -1; checkScrollBoundaries(verticalScrollBar()->value()); } void KOAgenda::checkScrollBoundaries(int v) { if ( mGridSpacingY == 0 ) return; int yMin = v/mGridSpacingY; int yMax = (v+visibleHeight())/mGridSpacingY; // kdDebug() << "--- yMin: " << yMin << " yMax: " << yMax << endl; if (yMin != mOldLowerScrollValue) { mOldLowerScrollValue = yMin; emit lowerYChanged(yMin); } if (yMax != mOldUpperScrollValue) { mOldUpperScrollValue = yMax; emit upperYChanged(yMax); } } void KOAgenda::deselectItem() { if (mSelectedItem.isNull()) return; mSelectedItem->select(false); mSelectedItem = 0; } void KOAgenda::selectItem(KOAgendaItem *item) { if ((KOAgendaItem *)mSelectedItem == item) return; deselectItem(); if (item == 0) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); return; } mSelectedItem = item; mSelectedItem->select(); emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedItem->incidence() ); } // This function seems never be called. void KOAgenda::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *kev ) { switch(kev->key()) { case Key_PageDown: verticalScrollBar()->addPage(); break; case Key_PageUp: verticalScrollBar()->subtractPage(); break; case Key_Down: verticalScrollBar()->addLine(); break; case Key_Up: verticalScrollBar()->subtractLine(); break; default: ; } } void KOAgenda::calculateWorkingHours() { // mWorkingHoursEnable = KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableWorkingHours; mWorkingHoursEnable = !mAllDayMode; mWorkingHoursYTop = mGridSpacingY * KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursStart * 4; mWorkingHoursYBottom = mGridSpacingY * KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursEnd * 4 - 1; } DateList KOAgenda::dateList() const { return mSelectedDates; } void KOAgenda::setDateList(const DateList &selectedDates) { mSelectedDates = selectedDates; } void KOAgenda::setHolidayMask(QMemArray<bool> *mask) { mHolidayMask = mask; /* kdDebug() << "HolidayMask: "; for(uint i=0;i<mask->count();++i) { kdDebug() << (mask->at(i) ? "*" : "o"); } kdDebug() << endl; */ } void KOAgenda::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *event ) { QScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent(event); } void KOAgenda::storePosition() { //mContentPosition int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24; if ( contentsY() < 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2 ) mContentPosition = 0; else if ( contentsY() + viewport()->height() > max - 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2) mContentPosition = -1.0; else mContentPosition = ((float) max)/ ((float)(contentsY()+ ( viewport()->height()/2))); //qDebug("mContentPosition %f %d %d %d",mContentPosition , max, contentsY() ,viewport()->height()); } void KOAgenda::restorePosition() { int posY; int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24; if ( mContentPosition < 0 ) posY = max-viewport()->height(); else if ( mContentPosition == 0 ) posY = 0; else posY = (max/mContentPosition)-(viewport()->height()/2); setContentsPos (0, posY ); //qDebug("posY %d hei %d", posY, max); } void KOAgenda::moveChild( QWidget *w, int x , int y ) { ++x; QScrollView::moveChild( w, x , y ); } #include <qmessagebox.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qprinter.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h> #endif void KOAgenda::printSelection() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( mStartCellY == mCurrentCellY ) { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Nothing selected!\n\nThis prints the full width of the Agenda view as you see it!\n\nTo determine the vertical range of the printing, please select\na vertical range (with the left mouse button down) in one column. "), i18n("OK"), 0, 0, 0, 1 ); return; } float dx, dy; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; w= contentsWidth()+2; // h= contentsHeight(); y = mGridSpacingY*mStartCellY; h = mGridSpacingY*(mCurrentCellY+1)-y+2; //return; QPrinter* printer = new QPrinter(); if ( !printer->setup()) { delete printer; return; } QPainter p( printer ); QPaintDeviceMetrics m = QPaintDeviceMetrics ( printer ); QString date = i18n("Date range: ")+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.first() )+" - "+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.last() ); //date += " --- printing time: " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), true ); int hei = p.boundingRect(0,0, 5, 5, Qt::AlignLeft, date ).height(); // p.drawText( 0, 0, date ); int offset = m.width()/8; // compute the scale dx = ((float) m.width()-offset) / (float)w; dy = (float)(m.height() - ( 2 * hei )-offset ) / (float)h; float scale; // scale to fit the width or height of the paper if ( dx < dy ) scale = dx; else scale = dy; // set the scale p.drawText( offset* scale, offset* scale*3/4, date ); int selDay; float widOffset = ((float) m.width()-offset) / ((float)(mSelectedDates.count())); float startX = 1; for ( selDay = 0; selDay < mSelectedDates.count(); ++selDay) { QString text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates[selDay],true ); p.setClipRect(offset* scale+startX , 0, widOffset-4, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale) ); p.drawText( offset* scale+startX, (offset+hei)* scale, text ); startX += widOffset; } p.translate( offset* scale,offset* scale+ (-y * scale)+(2*hei* scale)); p.scale( scale, scale ); p.setClipRect( offset* scale, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale), w*scale, h*scale ); // now printing with y offset: 2 hei // p.translate( 0, -y*scale); drawContentsToPainter(&p, true ); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = false; KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->select(false); item->paintMe( false, &p ); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = true; p.end(); delete printer; #else int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Not supported \non PDA!\n"), i18n("OK"), 0, 0, 0, 1 ); #endif } diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.h b/korganizer/koagenda.h index 86cf2f4..59e7472 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagenda.h +++ b/korganizer/koagenda.h @@ -1,307 +1,307 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOAGENDA_H #define KOAGENDA_H #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmemarray.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qguardedptr.h> #include "koagendaitem.h" #include "koeventview.h" class QPopupMenu; class QTime; class KConfig; class QFrame; class KOAgenda; class KCal::Event; class KCal::Todo; using namespace KCal; class MarcusBains : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT public: MarcusBains(KOAgenda *agenda=0,const char *name=0); virtual ~MarcusBains(); - + void hideMe(); public slots: void updateLocation(bool recalculate=false); void updateLoc(); private: int todayColumn(); QTimer *minutes; QLabel *mTimeBox; KOAgenda *agenda; QTime oldTime; int oldToday; }; class KOAgenda : public QScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: enum MouseActionType { NOP, MOVE, SELECT, RESIZETOP, RESIZEBOTTOM, RESIZELEFT, RESIZERIGHT }; KOAgenda ( int columns, int rows, int columnSize, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 ); KOAgenda ( int columns, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 ); virtual ~KOAgenda(); bool mInvalidPixmap; Incidence *selectedIncidence() const; QDate selectedIncidenceDate() const; virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject *, QEvent * ); void contentsToGrid (int x, int y, int& gx, int& gy); void gridToContents (int gx, int gy, int& x, int& y); int timeToY (const QTime &time); QTime gyToTime (int y); void setStartHour(int startHour); KOAgendaItem *insertItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int X,int YTop,int YBottom); KOAgendaItem *insertAllDayItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd); void insertMultiItem (Event *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd, int YTop,int YBottom); void changeColumns(int columns); int columns() { return mColumns; } int rows() { return mRows; } int gridSpacingX() const { return mGridSpacingX; } int gridSpacingY() const { return mGridSpacingY; } // virtual QSizePolicy sizePolicy() const; void clear(); void clearSelection(); void hideUnused(); /** Calculates the minimum width */ virtual int minimumWidth() const; /** Update configuration from preference settings */ void updateConfig(); void checkScrollBoundaries(); void setHolidayMask(QMemArray<bool> *); void setDateList(const DateList &selectedDates); DateList dateList() const; void drawContentsToPainter( QPainter* paint = 0, bool backgroundOnly = false); void finishUpdate(); void printSelection(); void storePosition(); void restorePosition(); void setPopup( KOEventPopupMenu * p ) { mAllAgendaPopup = p; } void shrinkPixmap(); QTime getEndTime(); public slots: void slotContentMove(int,int); void categoryChanged(Incidence * inc); void slotClearSelection(); void popupMenu(); void newItem( int ); void moveChild( QWidget *, int, int ); void scrollUp(); void scrollDown(); void updateTodo( Todo * t, int , bool ); void popupAlarm(); void checkScrollBoundaries(int); /** Deselect selected items. This function does not emit any signals. */ void deselectItem(); /** Select item. If the argument is 0, the currently selected item gets deselected. This function emits the itemSelected(bool) signal to inform about selection/deseelction of events. */ void selectItem(KOAgendaItem *); void finishResize(); signals: void signalClearSelection(); void showDateView( int, int); void newEventSignal(); void newEventSignal(int gx,int gy); void newTodoSignal(int gx,int gy); void newEventSignal(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); void newTimeSpanSignal(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); void newStartSelectSignal(); void showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void showIncidencePopupSignal(Incidence *); void itemModified(KOAgendaItem *item, int ); void incidenceSelected(Incidence *); void lowerYChanged(int); void upperYChanged(int); void startDragSignal(Incidence *); void addToCalSignal(Incidence *, Incidence *); void resizedSignal(); void updateViewSignal(); void sendPing(); protected: KOEventPopupMenu * mAllAgendaPopup; QPainter mPixPainter; QPixmap mPaintPixmap; QPixmap mHighlightPixmap; void drawContents(QPainter *p,int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch); virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ); /** Handles mouse events. Called from eventFilter */ virtual bool eventFilter_mouse ( QObject *, QMouseEvent * ); /** Start selecting time span. */ void startSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Select time span. */ void performSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Emd selecting time span. */ void endSelectAction( bool emitNewEvent = false ); /** Start moving/resizing agenda item */ void startItemAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Move/resize agenda item */ void performItemAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** End moving/resizing agenda item */ void endItemAction(); /** Set cursor, when no item action is in progress */ void setNoActionCursor(KOAgendaItem *moveItem,QPoint viewportPos); /** Place agenda item in agenda and adjust other cells if necessary */ void placeSubCells(KOAgendaItem *placeItem); /** Process the keyevent, including the ignored keyevents of eventwidgets. * Implements pgup/pgdn and cursor key navigation in the view. */ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * ); void calculateWorkingHours(); virtual void contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * ); private: void init(); void marcus_bains(); bool mAllDayMode; bool blockResize; bool mLeftMouseDown; KOAgendaItem *mPopupItem; QTimer* mPopupTimer; int mPopupKind; QPoint mPopupPos; QTimer mResizeTimer; double mContentPosition; // Width and height of agenda cells int mGridSpacingX; int mGridSpacingY; // size of border, where mouse action will resize the KOAgendaItem int mResizeBorderWidth; // size of border, where mouse mve will cause a scroll of the agenda int mScrollBorderWidth; int mScrollDelay; int mScrollOffset; QTimer mScrollUpTimer; QTimer mScrollDownTimer; // Number of Columns/Rows of agenda grid int mColumns; int mRows; // Cells to store Move and Resize coordiantes int mStartCellX; int mStartCellY; int mCurrentCellX; int mCurrentCellY; // Working Hour coordiantes bool mWorkingHoursEnable; int mWorkingHoursYTop; int mWorkingHoursYBottom; // Selection int mSelectionCellX; int mSelectionYTop; int mSelectionHeight; // List of dates to be displayed DateList mSelectedDates; // The KOAgendaItem, which has been right-clicked last KOAgendaItem *mClickedItem; // The KOAgendaItem, which is being moved/resized QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mActionItem; // Currently selected item QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mSelectedItem; // The Marcus Bains Line widget. MarcusBains *mMarcusBains; void computeSizes(); MouseActionType mActionType; bool mItemMoved; // List of all Items contained in agenda QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mItems; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mUnusedItems; KOAgendaItem* getNewItem(Incidence * event,QDate qd, QWidget* viewport); QPopupMenu *mItemPopup; // Right mouse button popup menu for KOAgendaItems QPopupMenu *mNewItemPopup; int mOldLowerScrollValue; int mOldUpperScrollValue; KOAgendaItem * getItemForTodo ( Todo * todo ); QMemArray<bool> *mHolidayMask; int mCurPixWid; int mCurPixHei; }; #endif // KOAGENDA_H diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp index f46a103..82c0f4c 100644 --- a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp @@ -1,1724 +1,1724 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qinputdialog.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kdateedit.h> #include "ktimeedit.h" #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <libkcal/icaldrag.h> #include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h> #include <libkcal/calfilter.h> #include <libkcal/dndfactory.h> #include <libkcal/calendarresources.h> #include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h> #include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h> #include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include "calprinter.h" #endif #include "docprefs.h" #include "kotodoview.h" using namespace KOrg; KOStartTodoPrefs::KOStartTodoPrefs( QString sum, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { mStopAll = true; setCaption( i18n("Start todo") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel * lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>%1\n</b>").arg( sum ), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); lab->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Start this todo\nand stop all running"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); ok->setDefault( true ); QPushButton * start = new QPushButton( i18n("Start todo"), this ); lay->addWidget( start ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel - do not start"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect ( start,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( doStop() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); resize( sizeHint() ); } void KOStartTodoPrefs::doStop() { mStopAll = false; accept(); } KOStopTodoPrefs::KOStopTodoPrefs( Todo* todo, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { mTodo = todo; setCaption( i18n("Stop todo") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel * lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>%1\n</b>").arg( todo->summary() ), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); lab->setAlignment( AlignHCenter ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Additional Comment:"), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); mComment = new QLineEdit( this ); lay->addWidget( mComment ); QHBox * start = new QHBox ( this ); lay->addWidget( start ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Start:"), start ); QHBox * end = new QHBox ( this ); lay->addWidget( end ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("End:"), end ); sde = new KDateEdit( start ); ste = new KOTimeEdit( start ); connect ( sde,SIGNAL(setTimeTo( QTime ) ),ste , SLOT ( setTime(QTime ) ) ); ede = new KDateEdit( end ); ete = new KOTimeEdit(end ); connect ( ede,SIGNAL(setTimeTo( QTime ) ),ete , SLOT ( setTime(QTime ) ) ); sde->setDate( mTodo->runStart().date() ); ste->setTime( mTodo->runStart().time() ); ede->setDate( QDate::currentDate()); ete->setTime( QTime::currentTime() ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Stop and save"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); ok->setDefault( true ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Continue running"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Stop - do not save"), this ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( doNotSave() ) ); lay->addWidget( ok ); if (QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) resize( 240, sizeHint().height() ); else resize( 320, sizeHint().height() ); } void KOStopTodoPrefs::accept() { QDateTime start = QDateTime( sde->date(), ste->getTime() ); QDateTime stop = QDateTime( ede->date(), ete->getTime() ); if ( start > stop ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The start time is\nafter the end time!"), i18n("Time mismatch!")); return; } mTodo->saveRunningInfo( mComment->text(), start, stop ); QDialog::accept(); } void KOStopTodoPrefs::doNotSave() { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you really want to set\nthe state to stopped\nwithout saving the data?"),mTodo->summary(),i18n("Yes, stop todo") ); if (result != KMessageBox::Continue) return; mTodo->stopRunning(); QDialog::accept(); } class KOTodoViewWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis { public: KOTodoViewWhatsThis( QWidget *wid, KOTodoView* view ) : QWhatsThis( wid ), _wid(wid),_view (view) { }; protected: virtual QString text( const QPoint& p) { return _view->getWhatsThisText(p) ; } private: QWidget* _wid; KOTodoView * _view; }; KOTodoListView::KOTodoListView(Calendar *calendar,QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KListView(parent,name) { mName = QString ( name ); mCalendar = calendar; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation(viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mOldCurrent = 0; mMousePressed = false; setAcceptDrops(true); viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true); int size = 16; if (qApp->desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 12; setTreeStepSize( size + 6 ); } void KOTodoListView::contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { #ifndef KORG_NODND // kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragEnterEvent" << endl; if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { e->ignore(); return; } mOldCurrent = currentItem(); #endif } void KOTodoListView::contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) { #ifndef KORG_NODND // kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragMoveEvent" << endl; if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { e->ignore(); return; } e->accept(); #endif } void KOTodoListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) { #ifndef KORG_NODND // kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent" << endl; setCurrentItem(mOldCurrent); setSelected(mOldCurrent,true); #endif } void KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { #ifndef KORG_NODND // kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent" << endl; if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { e->ignore(); return; } DndFactory factory( mCalendar ); Todo *todo = factory.createDropTodo(e); if (todo) { e->acceptAction(); KOTodoViewItem *destination = (KOTodoViewItem *)itemAt(contentsToViewport(e->pos())); Todo *destinationEvent = 0; if (destination) destinationEvent = destination->todo(); Todo *existingTodo = mCalendar->todo(todo->uid()); if(existingTodo) { Incidence *to = destinationEvent; while(to) { if (to->uid() == todo->uid()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself"), i18n("Drop Todo")); delete todo; return; } to = to->relatedTo(); } internalDrop = true; if ( destinationEvent ) reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, existingTodo ); else unparentTodoSignal(existingTodo); delete todo; } else { mCalendar->addTodo(todo); emit todoDropped(todo, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED); if ( destinationEvent ) reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, todo ); } } else { QString text; if (QTextDrag::decode(e,text)) { //QListViewItem *qlvi = itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) ); KOTodoViewItem *todoi = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) )); qDebug("Dropped : " + text); QStringList emails = QStringList::split(",",text); for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = emails.begin();it!=emails.end();++it) { int pos = (*it).find("<"); QString name = (*it).left(pos); QString email = (*it).mid(pos); if (!email.isEmpty() && todoi) { todoi->todo()->addAttendee(new Attendee(name,email)); } } } else { qDebug("KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent(): Todo from drop not decodable "); e->ignore(); } } #endif } void KOTodoListView::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) { QListView::wheelEvent (e); } void KOTodoListView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QPoint p(contentsToViewport(e->pos())); QListViewItem *i = itemAt(p); bool rootClicked = true; if (i) { // if the user clicked into the root decoration of the item, don't // try to start a drag! int X = p.x(); //qDebug("%d %d %d", X, header()->sectionPos(0), treeStepSize() ); if (X > header()->sectionPos(0) + treeStepSize() * (i->depth() + (rootIsDecorated() ? 1 : 0)) + itemMargin() +i->height()|| X < header()->sectionPos(0)) { rootClicked = false; } } else { rootClicked = false; } #ifndef KORG_NODND mMousePressed = false; if (! rootClicked && !( e->button() == RightButton) ) { mPressPos = e->pos(); mMousePressed = true; } else { mMousePressed = false; } #endif //qDebug("KOTodoListView::contentsMousePressEvent %d", rootClicked); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (!( e->button() == RightButton && rootClicked) ) QListView::contentsMousePressEvent(e); #else QListView::contentsMousePressEvent(e); #endif } void KOTodoListView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { emit paintNeeded(); QListView::paintEvent( e); } void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { #ifndef KORG_NODND //QListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(e); if (mMousePressed && (mPressPos - e->pos()).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance()*3) { mMousePressed = false; QListViewItem *item = itemAt(contentsToViewport(mPressPos)); if (item) { DndFactory factory( mCalendar ); ICalDrag *vd = factory.createDrag( ((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo(),viewport()); internalDrop = false; // we cannot do any senseful here, because the DnD is still broken in Qt if (vd->drag()) { if ( !internalDrop ) { //emit deleteTodo( ((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo() ); qDebug("Dnd: External move: Delete drag source "); } else qDebug("Dnd: Internal move "); } else { if ( !internalDrop ) { qDebug("Dnd: External Copy"); } else qDebug("DnD: Internal copy: Copy pending"); } } } #endif } void KOTodoListView::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( !e->isAutoRepeat() ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; } } void KOTodoListView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { qApp->processEvents(); if ( !isVisible() ) { e->ignore(); return; } if ( e->isAutoRepeat() && !mFlagKeyPressed ) { e->ignore(); // qDebug(" ignore %d",e->isAutoRepeat() ); return; } if (! e->isAutoRepeat() ) mFlagKeyPressed = true; QListViewItem* cn; if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) { cn = currentItem(); if ( cn ) { KOTodoViewItem* ci = (KOTodoViewItem*)( cn ); if ( ci ){ if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) ci->setOn( false ); else ci->setOn( true ); cn = cn->itemBelow(); if ( cn ) { setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } } } e->accept(); return; } if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton || mName != "todolistsmall" ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Up: QListView::keyPressEvent ( e ); e->accept(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_Right: QListView::keyPressEvent ( e ); e->accept(); return; break; default: e->ignore(); break; } return; } e->ignore(); } void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); mMousePressed = false; } void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!e) return; QPoint vp = contentsToViewport(e->pos()); QListViewItem *item = itemAt(vp); emit double_Clicked(item); if (!item) return; emit doubleClicked(item,vp,0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KOQuickTodo::KOQuickTodo(QWidget *parent) : QLineEdit(parent) { setText(i18n("Click to add new Todo")); } void KOQuickTodo::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *ev) { if ( text()==i18n("Click to add new Todo") ) setText(""); QLineEdit::focusInEvent(ev); } void KOQuickTodo::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *ev) { setText(i18n("Click to add new Todo")); QLineEdit::focusOutEvent(ev); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KOTodoView::KOTodoView(Calendar *calendar,QWidget* parent,const char* name) : KOrg::BaseView(calendar,parent,name) { mCategoryPopupMenu = 0; mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false; isFlatDisplay = false; mNavigator = 0; QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); mName = QString ( name ); mBlockUpdate = false; mQuickBar = new QWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget(mQuickBar); mQuickAdd = new KOQuickTodo(mQuickBar); QBoxLayout *quickLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mQuickBar); quickLayout->addWidget( mQuickAdd ); mNewSubBut = new QPushButton( "sub",mQuickBar ); QPushButton * s_done = new QPushButton( "D",mQuickBar ); QPushButton * s_run = new QPushButton( "R",mQuickBar ); QPushButton * allopen = new QPushButton( "O",mQuickBar ); QPushButton * allclose = new QPushButton( "C",mQuickBar ); QPushButton * flat = new QPushButton( "F",mQuickBar ); int fixwid = mQuickAdd->sizeHint().height(); int fixhei = fixwid; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 800 ) fixwid = (fixwid*3)/2; connect ( flat, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( setAllFlat())); connect ( allopen, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( setAllOpen())); connect ( allclose, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( setAllClose())); s_done->setPixmap( SmallIcon("greenhook16")); connect ( s_done, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( toggleCompleted())); s_run->setPixmap( SmallIcon("ko16old")); connect ( s_run, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( toggleRunning())); connect ( mNewSubBut, SIGNAL ( clicked()), SLOT ( newSubTodo())); mNewSubBut->setFixedWidth(mNewSubBut->sizeHint().width() ); mNewSubBut->setEnabled( false ); flat->setFixedWidth( fixwid ); s_done->setFixedWidth( fixwid ); allopen->setFixedWidth( fixwid ); allclose->setFixedWidth( fixwid ); s_run->setFixedWidth( fixwid ); flat->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); s_done->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); allopen->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); allclose->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); s_run->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); mNewSubBut->setFixedHeight(fixhei ); quickLayout->addWidget( mNewSubBut ); quickLayout->addWidget( s_done ); quickLayout->addWidget( s_run ); quickLayout->addWidget( allopen ); quickLayout->addWidget( allclose ); quickLayout->addWidget( flat ); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo ) mQuickBar->hide(); mTodoListView = new KOTodoListView(calendar,this, name ); topLayout->addWidget(mTodoListView); //mTodoListView->header()->setMaximumHeight(30); mTodoListView->setRootIsDecorated(true); mTodoListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); mTodoListView->setShowSortIndicator(true); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Todo")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Prio")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(1,AlignHCenter); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Complete")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(2,AlignCenter); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Date")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(3,AlignLeft); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Time")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(5,AlignLeft); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(6,AlignHCenter); //mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Cancelled")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Categories")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Calendar")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Last Modified")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Created")); mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Last Modified Sub")); #if 0 mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Sort Id")); mTodoListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); #endif mTodoListView->setMinimumHeight( 60 ); mTodoListView->setItemsRenameable( true ); mTodoListView->setRenameable( 0 ); mTodoListView->setColumnWidth( 0, 120 ); int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii< 12 ; ++iii ) mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode( iii, QListView::Manual ); mKOTodoViewWhatsThis = new KOTodoViewWhatsThis(mTodoListView->viewport(),this); mPriorityPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { QString label = QString ("%1").arg (i); mPriority[mPriorityPopupMenu->insertItem (label)] = i; } connect (mPriorityPopupMenu, SIGNAL(activated (int)), SLOT (setNewPriority(int))); mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i+=20) { QString label = QString ("%1 %").arg (i); mPercentage[mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->insertItem (label)] = i; } connect (mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (setNewPercentage (int))); mCategoryPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu (this); mCategoryPopupMenu->setCheckable (true); connect (mCategoryPopupMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (changedCategories (int))); connect (mCategoryPopupMenu, SIGNAL (aboutToShow ()), SLOT (fillCategories ())); mCalPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu (this); mCalPopupMenu->setCheckable (true); connect (mCalPopupMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (changedCal (int))); connect (mCalPopupMenu, SIGNAL (aboutToShow ()), SLOT (fillCal ())); mItemPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show"), this, SLOT (showTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit..."), this, SLOT (editTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Delete..."), this, SLOT (deleteTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Clone..."), this, SLOT (cloneTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Move..."), this, SLOT (moveTodo())); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Beam..."), this, SLOT (beamTodo())); #endif mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Toggle Cancel"), this, SLOT (cancelTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Categories"), mCategoryPopupMenu); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Calendar"), mCalPopupMenu); mItemPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Start/Stop todo..."), this, SLOT (toggleRunningItem())); mItemPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); /* mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("New Todo..."), this, SLOT (newTodo())); */ mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("New Sub-Todo..."), this, SLOT (newSubTodo())); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Unparent Todo"), this, SLOT (unparentTodo()),0,21); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Reparent Todo"), this, SLOT (reparentTodo()),0,22); mItemPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); #if 0 mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed..."), this, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) ); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle completed To-Dos","Show Completed"), this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0, 33 ); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"), this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0, 34 ); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"), this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0, 35 ); #endif mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("todo"), i18n("New Todo..."), this, SLOT (newTodo()),0,1); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed..."), this, SLOT(purgeCompleted()),0,2); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Completed"), this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0,3 ); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"), this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0,5 ); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all open","Display all opened"), this, SLOT( setAllOpen() ),0,6 ); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all close","Display all closed"), this, SLOT( setAllClose() ),0,7 ); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all flat","Display all flat"), this, SLOT( setAllFlat() ),0,8 ); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"), this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0,4 ); mDocPrefs = new DocPrefs( name ); mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Todo View"),mPopupMenu ); mPopupMenu->setCheckable( true ); mItemPopupMenu->setCheckable( true ); mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 3,KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 33 , KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(4,KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 34 , KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo ); mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(5,KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 35 , KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos ); // Double clicking conflicts with opening/closing the subtree connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem *) ), SLOT( editItem( QListViewItem *) ) ); /* connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( rightButtonClicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &,int ) ), SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) ); */ connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( contextRequest ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &,int ) ), SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ), SLOT( itemClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( double_Clicked( QListViewItem * ) ), SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ), SLOT( updateView() ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ), SLOT( todoModified(Todo *, int) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * ) ), SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( collapsed( QListViewItem * ) ), SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( paintNeeded() ), SLOT( paintNeeded()) ); #if 0 connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *))); connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *))); connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(pressed(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *))); #endif connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ), SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) )); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) )); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( deleteTodo(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(deleteTodoSignal(Todo *) )); connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged() ), SLOT( processSelectionChange() ) ); connect( mQuickAdd, SIGNAL( returnPressed () ), SLOT( addQuickTodo() ) ); } KOTodoView::~KOTodoView() { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 #else delete mKOTodoViewWhatsThis; #endif delete mDocPrefs; } QString KOTodoView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { KOTodoViewItem* item = ( KOTodoViewItem* ) mTodoListView->itemAt( p ); if ( item ) return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->todo(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); return i18n("That is the todo view" ); } void KOTodoView::jumpToDate () { // if (mActiveItem) { // mActiveItem->todo()); // if ( mActiveItem->todo()->hasDueDate() ) // emit mActiveItem->todo()jumpToTime( mTodo->dtDue().date() ); } void KOTodoView::paintNeeded() { if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) { updateView(); mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false; } } void KOTodoView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent) { if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) { updateView(); mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false; } KOrg::BaseView::paintEvent( pevent); } void KOTodoView::updateView() { pendingSubtodo = 0; if ( mBlockUpdate ) { return; } if ( !isVisible() ) { mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = true; return; } //qDebug("KOTodoView::updateView() %x", this); if ( isFlatDisplay ) { displayAllFlat(); return; } storeCurrentItem(); //qDebug("update "); // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView()" << endl; QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont; mTodoListView->clear(); if ( mName == "todolistsmall" ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesSmallFont ) { int ps = fo.pointSize() -2; if ( ps > 12 ) ps -= 2; fo.setPointSize( ps ); } } mTodoListView->setFont( fo ); // QFontMetrics fm ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont ); //mTodoListView->header()->setMaximumHeight(fm.height()); QPtrList<Todo> todoList = calendar()->todos(); /* kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView(): Todo List:" << endl; Event *t; for(t = todoList.first(); t; t = todoList.next()) { kdDebug() << " " << t->getSummary() << endl; if (t->getRelatedTo()) { kdDebug() << " (related to " << t->getRelatedTo()->getSummary() << ")" << endl; } QPtrList<Event> l = t->getRelations(); Event *c; for(c=l.first();c;c=l.next()) { kdDebug() << " - relation: " << c->getSummary() << endl; } } */ // Put for each Event a KOTodoViewItem in the list view. Don't rely on a // specific order of events. That means that we have to generate parent items // recursively for proper hierarchical display of Todos. mTodoMap.clear(); Todo *todo; todo = todoList.first();// todo; todo = todoList.next()) { while ( todo ) { bool next = true; // qDebug("todo %s ", todo->summary().latin1()); Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo(); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) { //qDebug("related %s ",incidence->summary().latin1() ); if ( !(todoList.contains ( ((Todo* )incidence ) ) ) && incidence->calEnabled() ) { //qDebug("related not found "); todoList.remove( ); todo = todoList.current(); next = false; incidence = 0; } else { //qDebug("related found "); incidence = incidence->relatedTo(); } } else incidence = 0; } if ( next ) todo = todoList.next(); } for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = todoList.next()) { if (!mTodoMap.contains(todo) && checkTodo( todo ) ) { insertTodoItem(todo); } } // Restore opened/closed state mTodoListView->blockSignals( true ); if( mDocPrefs ) restoreItemState( mTodoListView->firstChild() ); mTodoListView->blockSignals( false ); resetCurrentItem(); } void KOTodoView::storeCurrentItem() { mCurItem = 0; mCurItemRootParent = 0; mCurItemParent = 0; mCurItemAbove = 0; mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if (mActiveItem) { mCurItem = mActiveItem->todo(); KOTodoViewItem* activeItemAbove = (KOTodoViewItem*)mActiveItem->itemAbove (); if ( activeItemAbove ) mCurItemAbove = activeItemAbove->todo(); mCurItemRootParent = mCurItem; mCurItemParent = mCurItemRootParent->relatedTo(); while ( mCurItemRootParent->relatedTo() != 0 ) mCurItemRootParent = mCurItemRootParent->relatedTo(); } mActiveItem = 0; } void KOTodoView::resetCurrentItem() { //mTodoListView->setFocus(); KOTodoViewItem* foundItem = 0; KOTodoViewItem* foundItemRoot = 0; KOTodoViewItem* foundItemParent = 0; KOTodoViewItem* foundItemAbove = 0; if ( mTodoListView->firstChild () ) { if ( mCurItem ) { KOTodoViewItem* item = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->todo() == mCurItem ) { foundItem = item; break; } else if ( item->todo() == mCurItemAbove ) { foundItemAbove = item; } if ( item->todo() == mCurItemRootParent ) { foundItemRoot = item; } if ( item->todo() == mCurItemParent ) { foundItemParent = item; } item = (KOTodoViewItem*)item->itemBelow(); } if ( ! foundItem ) { if ( foundItemParent ) { foundItem = foundItemParent; } else { if ( foundItemRoot ) foundItem = foundItemRoot; else foundItem = foundItemAbove; } } } if ( foundItem ) { mTodoListView->setSelected ( foundItem, true ); mTodoListView->setCurrentItem( foundItem ); mTodoListView->ensureItemVisible( foundItem ); } else { if ( mTodoListView->firstChild () ) { mTodoListView->setSelected ( mTodoListView->firstChild (), true ); mTodoListView->setCurrentItem( mTodoListView->firstChild () ); } } } processSelectionChange(); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT ( resetFocusToList() )); } void KOTodoView::resetFocusToList() { topLevelWidget()->setActiveWindow(); mTodoListView->setFocus(); } //Incidence * mCurItem, *mCurItemRootParent,*mCurItemAbove; bool KOTodoView::checkTodo( Todo * todo ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && todo->isCompleted() ) return false; if ( !todo->isCompleted() ) { if ( todo->hasDueDate() && todo->dtDue().date() <= QDate::currentDate() ) return true; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos && mNavigator ) { if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().last() < todo->dtStart().date() ) return false; if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().first() > todo->dtDue().date() ) return false; } return true; } void KOTodoView::restoreItemState( QListViewItem *item ) { pendingSubtodo = 0; while( item ) { KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; todoItem->setOpen( mDocPrefs->readBoolEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid() ) ); if( item->childCount() > 0 ) restoreItemState( item->firstChild() ); item = item->nextSibling(); } } QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(Todo *todo) { // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(): " << todo->getSummary() << endl; // TODO: Check, if dynmaic cast is necessary pendingSubtodo = 0; Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo(); while ( incidence && !incidence->calEnabled() ) incidence = incidence->relatedTo(); if (incidence && incidence->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo *relatedTodo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence); // kdDebug() << " has Related" << endl; QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator; itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(relatedTodo); if (itemIterator == mTodoMap.end()) { // kdDebug() << " related not yet in list" << endl; itemIterator = insertTodoItem (relatedTodo); } // isn't this pretty stupid? We give one Todo to the KOTodoViewItem // and one into the map. Sure finding is more easy but why? -zecke KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(*itemIterator,todo,this); return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem); } else { // kdDebug() << " no Related" << endl; // see above -zecke KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(mTodoListView,todo,this); return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem); } } void KOTodoView::updateConfig() { updateView(); mTodoListView->repaintContents(); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOTodoView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> selected; KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem()); // if (!item) item = mActiveItem; if (item) selected.append(item->todo()); return selected; } QPtrList<Todo> KOTodoView::selectedTodos() { QPtrList<Todo> selected; KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem()); // if (!item) item = mActiveItem; if (item) selected.append(item->todo()); return selected; } void KOTodoView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { updateView(); } void KOTodoView::showDates(const QDate &, const QDate &) { } void KOTodoView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::selectEvents(): not yet implemented" << endl; } void KOTodoView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Todolist, fd, td); #endif } void KOTodoView::editItem(QListViewItem *item ) { emit editTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo()); } void KOTodoView::showItem(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int) { emit showTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo()); } void KOTodoView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &p,int column) { pendingSubtodo = 0; mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; if (item) { switch (column){ case 1: mPriorityPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; case 2: mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; case 3: moveTodo(); break; case 7: mCategoryPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; case 8: mCalPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break; default: mItemPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } } else mPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } void KOTodoView::newTodo() { emit newTodoSignal(); } void KOTodoView::newSubTodo() { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if (mActiveItem) { if ( mQuickAdd->isVisible() && !mQuickAdd->text().isEmpty() && mQuickAdd->text() != i18n("Click to add new Todo") ) { addQuickTodoPar( mActiveItem->todo()); } else emit newSubTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::unparentTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit unparentTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::reparentTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Click on new parent item")); pendingSubtodo = mActiveItem; } } void KOTodoView::editTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit editTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::cloneTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit cloneTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::cancelTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit cancelTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::moveTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit moveTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::beamTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit beamTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::showTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit showTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::deleteTodo() { if (mActiveItem) { emit deleteTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo()); } } void KOTodoView::setNewPriority(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { mActiveItem->todo()->setPriority(mPriority[index]); mActiveItem->construct(); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo(), KOGlobals::PRIORITY_MODIFIED); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); } processSelectionChange(); } void KOTodoView::setNewPercentage(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { if ( mPercentage[index] == 100 && !mActiveItem->isOn() ) { mActiveItem->setOn( true ); processSelectionChange(); return; } else if ( mPercentage[index] != 100 && mActiveItem->isOn() ) { KOTodoViewItem* par = (static_cast<KOTodoViewItem*>(mActiveItem->parent())); if ( par && par->isOn() ) par->setOn( false ); } if (mPercentage[index] == 100) { mActiveItem->todo()->setCompleted(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } else { mActiveItem->todo()->setCompleted(false); } mActiveItem->todo()->setPercentComplete(mPercentage[index]); mActiveItem->construct(); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::COMPLETION_MODIFIED); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); } processSelectionChange(); } void KOTodoView::fillCategories () { mCategoryPopupMenu->clear(); if ( ! mActiveItem ) return; QStringList checkedCategories = mActiveItem->todo()->categories (); for (QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.begin (); it != KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.end (); ++it) { int index = mCategoryPopupMenu->insertItem (*it); mCategory[index] = *it; if (checkedCategories.find (*it) != checkedCategories.end ()) mCategoryPopupMenu->setItemChecked (index, true); } } void KOTodoView::fillCal () { mCalPopupMenu->clear(); if (!mActiveItem) return; bool readO = mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly(); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { int index = mCalPopupMenu->insertItem( kkf->mName, kkf->mCalNumber); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad || kkf->isReadOnly || readO ) mCalPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( index, false ); mCalPopupMenu->setItemChecked (index, kkf->mCalNumber == mActiveItem->todo()->calID()); kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.next(); } } void KOTodoView::changedCal (int index ) { if (!mActiveItem) return; mActiveItem->todo()->setCalID( index ); mActiveItem->construct(); } void KOTodoView::changedCategories(int index) { if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) { QStringList categories = mActiveItem->todo()->categories (); QString colcat = categories.first(); if (categories.find (mCategory[index]) != categories.end ()) categories.remove (mCategory[index]); else categories.insert (categories.end(), mCategory[index]); categories.sort (); if ( !colcat.isEmpty() ) { if ( categories.find ( colcat ) != categories.end () ) { categories.remove( colcat ); categories.prepend( colcat ); } } mActiveItem->todo()->setCategories (categories); mActiveItem->construct(); mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 ); todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::CATEGORY_MODIFIED); } } void KOTodoView::itemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *item) { if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!")); } pendingSubtodo = 0; //int row = mTodoListView->header()->sectionAt ( mTodoListView->header()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos()).x() ); int row = mTodoListView->header()->sectionAt ( mTodoListView->viewportToContents(mTodoListView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos())) .x() ); //qDebug("ROW %d ", row); if (!item) { newTodo(); return; } else { if ( row == 1 ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *) item; newSubTodo(); return; } if ( row == 5 || row == 6 || row == 2) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *) item; Todo * t = mActiveItem->todo(); if ( t->isRunning() ) { if ( t->runTime() < 15) { t->stopRunning(); mActiveItem->construct(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Todo stopped - no data saved because runtime was < 15 sec!")); return; } else toggleRunningItem(); return; } else { t->setRunning( true ); mActiveItem->construct(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Todo started! Double click again to stop!")); return; } } } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick ) editItem( item ); else showItem( item , QPoint(), 0 ); } void KOTodoView::toggleRunningItem() { // qDebug("KOTodoView::toggleRunning() "); if ( ! mActiveItem ) return; Todo * t = mActiveItem->todo(); if ( t->isRunning() ) { KOStopTodoPrefs tp ( t, this ); if (QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 800 ){ int wid = tp.width(); int hei = tp.height(); int xx = (QApplication::desktop()->width()-wid)/2; int yy = (QApplication::desktop()->height()-hei)/2; tp.setGeometry( xx,yy,wid,hei ); } tp.exec(); - mActiveItem->construct(); + updateTodo ( t, 0 ); } else { KOStartTodoPrefs tp ( t->summary(), this ); if (QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 800 ){ int wid = tp.width(); int hei = tp.height(); int xx = (QApplication::desktop()->width()-wid)/2; int yy = (QApplication::desktop()->height()-hei)/2; tp.setGeometry( xx,yy,wid,hei ); } if ( !tp.exec() ) return; if ( tp.stopAll() ) { mCalendar->stopAllTodos(); t->setRunning( true ); updateView(); } else { t->setRunning( true ); - mActiveItem->construct(); + updateTodo ( t, 0 ); } } } void KOTodoView::itemClicked(QListViewItem *item) { //qDebug("KOTodoView::itemClicked %d", item); if (!item) { if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!")); } pendingSubtodo = 0; return; } KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) { bool allowReparent = true; QListViewItem *par = item; while ( par ) { if ( par == pendingSubtodo ) { allowReparent = false; break; } par = par->parent(); } if ( !allowReparent ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Recursive reparenting not possible!")); pendingSubtodo = 0; } else { Todo* newParent = todoItem->todo(); Todo* newSub = pendingSubtodo->todo(); pendingSubtodo = 0; emit reparentTodoSignal( newParent,newSub ); return; } } } void KOTodoView::setDocumentId( const QString &id ) { mDocPrefs->setDoc( id ); } void KOTodoView::itemStateChanged( QListViewItem *item ) { if (!item) return; KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item; // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::itemStateChanged(): " << todoItem->todo()->summary() << endl; if( mDocPrefs ) mDocPrefs->writeEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid(), todoItem->isOpen() ); } void KOTodoView::saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) const { mTodoListView->saveLayout(config,group); } void KOTodoView::restoreLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) { mTodoListView->restoreLayout(config,group); } void KOTodoView::processSelectionChange() { // kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::processSelectionChange()" << endl; KOTodoViewItem *item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>( mTodoListView->selectedItem() ); if ( !item ) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); mNewSubBut->setEnabled( false ); } else { emit incidenceSelected( item->todo() ); mNewSubBut->setEnabled( true ); } } void KOTodoView::modified(bool b) { emit isModified(b); } void KOTodoView::setTodoModified( Todo* todo ) { todoModified( todo, KOGlobals::UNKNOWN_MODIFIED ); } void KOTodoView::clearSelection() { mTodoListView->selectAll( false ); } void KOTodoView::setAllOpen() { if ( isFlatDisplay ) { isFlatDisplay = false; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 8,false ); updateView(); } else { storeCurrentItem(); } setOpen(mTodoListView->firstChild(), true); resetCurrentItem(); } void KOTodoView::setAllClose() { if ( isFlatDisplay ) { isFlatDisplay = false; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 8,false ); updateView(); } else { storeCurrentItem(); } setOpen(mTodoListView->firstChild(), false); resetCurrentItem(); } void KOTodoView::setOpen( QListViewItem* item, bool setOpenI) { while ( item ) { setOpen( item->firstChild(), setOpenI ); item->setOpen( setOpenI ); item = item->nextSibling(); } } void KOTodoView::displayAllFlat() { storeCurrentItem(); pendingSubtodo = 0; if ( mBlockUpdate ) { return; } mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 8,true ); isFlatDisplay = true; QPtrList<Todo> todoList = calendar()->todos(); mTodoMap.clear(); mTodoListView->clear(); Todo *todo; for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = todoList.next()) { if ( checkTodo( todo ) ) { KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(mTodoListView,todo,this); mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem); } } resetCurrentItem(); } void KOTodoView::setAllFlat() { if ( isFlatDisplay ) { isFlatDisplay = false; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 8,false ); updateView(); return; } displayAllFlat(); } void KOTodoView::purgeCompleted() { emit purgeCompletedSignal(); } void KOTodoView::toggleQuickTodo() { if ( mQuickBar->isVisible() ) { mQuickBar->hide(); KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo = false; } else { mQuickBar->show(); KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo = true; } mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(4,KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 34 , KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo ); } void KOTodoView::toggleRunning() { KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos = !KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked(5,KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 35 , KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos ); updateView(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos ) topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Hide not Running")); else topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Show not Running")); } void KOTodoView::toggleCompleted() { KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo = !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo; mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 3,KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 33 , KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ); updateView(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo ) topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Show Completed")); else topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Hide Completed")); } void KOTodoView::addQuickTodo() { addQuickTodoPar( 0 ); } void KOTodoView::addQuickTodoPar( Todo * parentTodo) { Todo *todo = new Todo(); todo->setSummary(mQuickAdd->text()); todo->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if ( parentTodo ) { todo->setRelatedTo(parentTodo); todo->setCategories (parentTodo->categoriesStr ()); todo->setSecrecy (parentTodo->secrecy ()); if ( parentTodo->priority() < 3 ) todo->setPriority( parentTodo->priority() ); todo->setCalID( parentTodo->calID() ); } else { CalFilter * cf = mCalendar->filter(); if ( cf ) { if ( cf->isEnabled()&& cf->showCategories()) { todo->setCategories(cf->categoryList()); } if ( cf->isEnabled() ) todo->setSecrecy( cf->getSecrecy()); } } mCalendar->addTodo(todo); mQuickAdd->setText(""); todoModified (todo, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED ); updateView(); } void KOTodoView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { // e->ignore(); //return; if ( !isVisible() ) { e->ignore(); return; } switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Up: // KOrg::BaseView::keyPressEvent ( e ); e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Q: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { e->ignore(); break; } toggleQuickTodo(); break; case Qt::Key_U: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); unparentTodo(); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_S: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) { e->ignore(); break; } if ( e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); reparentTodo(); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_P: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if ( pendingSubtodo ) itemClicked(mActiveItem); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: if ( pendingSubtodo ) { itemClicked(0); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } if ( true ) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_I ) { KOTodoViewItem*cn = (KOTodoViewItem*)mTodoListView->currentItem(); if ( cn ) { mActiveItem = cn; KOTodoViewItem* ci = (KOTodoViewItem*)( cn ); if ( ci ){ showTodo(); cn = (KOTodoViewItem*)cn->itemBelow(); if ( cn ) { mTodoListView->setCurrentItem ( cn ); mTodoListView->ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } } } e->accept(); } } } void KOTodoView::updateTodo( Todo * t, int type ) { if ( mBlockUpdate) return; QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator; itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(t); if (itemIterator != mTodoMap.end()) { (*itemIterator)->construct(); } else { if ( type == KOGlobals::EVENTADDED ) { insertTodoItem( t ); } } } void KOTodoView::todoModified(Todo * t , int p ) { mBlockUpdate = true; emit todoModifiedSignal ( t, p ); mBlockUpdate = false; } @@ -1 +1 @@ -version = "2.1.18"; +version = "2.1.19"; |