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5 files changed, 119 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index 6c9daad..05aa8fe 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,785 +1,797 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
********** VERSION 2.0.1 ************
Oooops ... I forgot to test on the Zaurus 5500 ...
Fixed many problems of new (english) strings (and german translations)
introduced in the latest versions, where the text was not fitting on the
240x320 display of the Zaurus 5500.
Added a popup menu ( press pen and hold to get popup ) to the agenda view
-with may useful items.
+with many useful items (add event/todo, show next week, two weeks, month, journal).
Added items to the todolist popup menu for:
Display all opened, all closed or all todos flat.
The "flat" view makes is possible to sort all todos after ,e.g., prio or date.
+Made the reparenting of todos on the desktop possible via Drag&Drop.
+Fixed several bugs in setting the completed datetime for todos.
+Added info about completed datetime of todos to the todo viewer.
+Now displaying a completed todo (with completed datetime set) in the agenda view
+at the time of the completion. Such that now it is possible to see in the agenda view
+when what todo was completed.
+Fixed behaviour of automatic setting completion of todos with sub-todos/parent todos.
+Now the behaviour is:
+Setting a parent to complete sets all (sub)childs to complete.
+Setting a parent to uncomplete does not change the childs.
+Setting a child to uncomplete sets all parent to uncomplete.
+Setting a child to complete does not change the parents.
********** VERSION 2.0.0 ************
Stable release 2.0.0!
Fixed problem in edit dialog recreation at startup.
Made "toggle view*" menu items enabled context sensitive.
Changed agenda size menu to items 1-10.
Made it possible to change agenda size quickly by pressing mouse on timelabels in agenda view and move mouse up/down.
Usebility enhancements in the KO/Pi menus.
Birthday import now adds year to summary.
What's Next view shows age in years for birthday.
Added three info lines to display subject, from and to of selected mails.
Fixed jump bar behaviour on Zaurus.
Now KA/Pi search field supports searching for a range of starting characters.
E.g. to search for all contact beginning with b to n, type
in the search field.
********** VERSION 1.9.20 ************
Added for the "dislplay one day" agenda mode
info in the caption and in the day lables:
Now it is displayed, if the selected day is from "day before yesterday"
to "day after tomorrow".
Made it possible to delete a Todo, which has sub-todos.
Fixed two small problems in the todo view.
Added missing German translation for filter edit and print dialog.
Made search dialog closeable by cancel key.
Made it possible to select in the date picker the (ligt grey )
dates of the prev./next month with the mouse.
"Delete mail" icon in main window now deletes all selected mails.
Fixed the problem, that the state flag of imap mails was ignored.
Now mails with "FLAG_SEEN" on the imap server get no icon in the list view
to indecate that they are already seen.
Fixed the problem that the body of some mails was not displayed in the
mail viewer when fetching them from the imap server directly to read them.
Made it (configurable) possible to show the "To:" field in the list view.
Added to the mail viewer the option "View Source" to make it possible to see the raw mail data.
Added a "Download Mail" button to the mail viewer to quickly download the viewed mail to the
local storage folder (specified in account settings) of the account of the mail.
Removed some memory leaks in OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.19 ************
Added a lot of missing translations to KA/Pi,
Added some missing translations to KO/Pi and OM/Pi.
Fixed some minor problems in KA/Pi + KO/Pi.
Fixed a crash when closing PwM/Pi.
Added German translation for PwM/Pi.
Made view change and Month View update faster in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.18 ************
FYI: The VERSION 1.9.17 was a testing release only.
Please read the changelog of VERSION 1.9.17 as well.
Cleaned up the syncing config dialog.
Added sync config options for date range for events.
Added sync config options for filters on incoming data.
Added sync config options for filters on outgoing data.
Please read the updated SyncHowTo about the new filter settings.
These filter settings make it now possible to sync with shared
calendars without writing back private or confidential data
(via the outgoing filters).
To sync only with particular parts of a shared calendar,
the incoming filter settings can be used.
An example can be found in the SyncHowTo.
Same for shared addressbooks.
Added a setting for the global kdepim data storage.
Usually the data is stored in (yourhomedir/kdepim).
Now you can set in the Global config dialog TAB, subTAB "Data storage path"
a directory where all the kdepim data is stored.
That makes it easy to save all kdepim data on a SD card on the Z, for example.
The timeedit input has a pulldown list for times.
If opened, this pulldown list should now has the right time highlighted.
Added the possibility to exclude events/todos/journals in a filter.
You should exclude journals, if you do not want them to sync with a public calendar.
Added the possibility to in/exclude public/private/confidential contacts to a filter.
If you have already defined filterrules in KA/Pi you have to adjust them all by setting the "include public/private/confidential" property manually. Sorry for that ...
Added printing of card view and details view on desktop.
Printing of list view is not working...
Added button for removing pictures in contact editor.
Parsing data fix of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed the "parse name automatically" problem of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed some syncing merging problems.
********** VERSION 1.9.17 ************
Fixed that tooltips were not updated after moving an item in agenda view.
Fixed a bug in sorting start date for recurring events in list view.
Changed the left button in todo viewer from "Agenda" to "Set completed".
This makes it possible to change a todo in the What's Next View quickly to the completed state without leaving the What's Next View.
Added more info in the todo viewer: Startdate, parent/sub todos.
All fields search does now actually search all the (possible) fields,
not only those listed in the contact list.
Made is possible to inline a picture in a vcard on the Z.
This was only possible on the desktop, now is it possible on the Z as well.
Fixed of missing save settings after filter configuration.
Made saving of addressbook much faster.
Fixed extension widget layout problem.
Fixed saving of default formatted name settings.
Fixed formatted name handling in edit dialog.
Added an option for changing formatted names of many contacts
(menu: File - Change - Set formatted name).
QWhatsThis was not working on the Z ( only black rectangle was shown).
This is Fixed.
Now readonly KDE resources are synced as well.
(They are not changed in KDE itself, of course).
********** VERSION 1.9.16 ************
Fixed search dialog size on Z 6000 (480x640 display).
Added setting to hide/show time in agenda items.
Added setting to hide not running todos in todo view.
Added columns for start date/time in todo view.
Replaced the solid half-hour lines in agenda view by dot lines.
Added possibility of printing the What's Next View on the desktop
(i.e. Windows and Linux).
Fixed a crash in KO/Pi when starting KO/Pi with What's Next view.
Added tooltips in month view.(Tooltips only available on desktop)
Fixed a strange problem in KO/Pi alarm applet.
Did not find the actual problem,
such that now Qtopia reboots again if deinstalling the alarm applet.
But the alarm applet should work again.
Fixed the problem, that internal pictures were not saved.
Fixed a problem in the pi-sync mode by increasing the timeout for data transfer from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.
Fixed some minor problems. (Like word wrap in help text windows).
Fixed a compiling problem in microkde/kresources.
KO/Pi is using zdbat (renamed to db2file) for syncing with Sharp DTM.
This version now includes zdbat 1.0.0 (old version was zdbat 0.2.9)
such that now syncing KO/Pi with Sharp DTM should work on the
Zaurus C 3000 model.
********** VERSION 1.9.15 ************
Usebilty enhancements in KO/Pi:
When clicking on the date in a month view cell, the day view is shown.
Old behaviour was, that the "new event" dialog popped up.
Added a one step "undo delete" in KO/Pi (Accessable in the "Action" menu).
That means, you can restore the latest
event/todo/journal you have deleted.
A journal is deleted, if you clear all the text of the journal.
Fixed the bug of the editor dialogs in KO/Pi of version 1.9.14.
KA/Pi starting in 480x640 resolution:
Hide the filter action in toolbar
and added icons for undo/delete/redo in toolbar.
Change in OM/Pi ViewMail dialog:
When clicking on the "delete" icon the mail is deleted after confirmation as usual.
But the edit dialog is not closed as before, now the next mail in the folder is shown automatically (if there is any).
Fixed a crash when deleting mail-accounts in OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.14 ************
Fixed some problems with the dialog sizes when switching
portrait/landscape mode on 640x480 PDA display.
Fixed some other small bugs in KA/Pi KO/Pi and OM/Pi and PwM/Pi.
Fixed an ugly bug in KOpieMail:
KOpieMail was not able to write files (mails) to MSDOS file system,
like on an usual preformatted SD card. That should work now.
To save your mail data on the Sd card do the following:
Create a dir on the SD card:
mkdir /mnt/card/localmail
Go to your home dir:
Go to kopiemail data storage dir:
cd kdepim/apps/kopiemail
Create a symlink to the SD card:
ls -s /mnt/card/localmail
Now KOpieMail will store all mails on the SD card.
KO/Pi Monthview:
Now "Go to Today" selects the current month from day 1-end,
not the current date + some days.
I.e. "Go to Today" shows now always
the current month with first day of month in the first row.
Added missing German translation.
Fixed icons of executeable on Wintendo.
Added a "Show next Mail" button to the OM/Pi
mail viewer such that the mail below the current mail
in the mail list view of the current folder
can be read with a single click.
********** VERSION 1.9.13 ************
Fixed nasty PwM/Pi file reading bug, when
the used hash algo of file is different then the global
hash algo.
Added KA/Pi support for opie mailit mailapplication.
Fixed some bugs in OM/Pi.
Now character conversion tables are available for the Zaurus
to make OM/Pi working properly.
To get the character conversion in OM/Pi working, please download
at the sourceforge project site the package
(or for OZ roms)
from the section "general files for KDE/Pim"
Instructions how to install this package are in a ReadMe in this file.
Fixed the orientation change problem in KA/Pi when switching
portrait/landscape mode.
French translation available for KA/Pi and OM/Pi.
Fixed some problems with categories in KO/Pi in DTM sync.
Added selection dialog for export to phone in KA/Pi.
If in KO/Pi is an attendee selected to add to a meeting and this
attendee is already in the list of attendees, this person is not added
Some menu cleanup in KA/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.12 ************
Fix for the bug in KO/Pi What's Next view of version 1.9.11.
Bugfix: Licence file is now shown again.
OM/Pi now supports Unicode (utf8 charset).
Fixed some bugs in OM/Pi.
KA/Pi has more German translation.
********** VERSION 1.9.11 ************
Fixed several problems in PWM/Pi, like
asking the user, if unsaved changed are pending
when closing the app.
And PwM/Pi handles now different texts for the
fields Description, Username, Password, configurable per category.
Fixed a crash in KO/Pi , when importing/loading vcs files
which have an entry with an attendee with state:
Fixed some problems in the German translation of OM/Pi,
which makes some dialogs not fitting on the screen
of the Z 5500.
Fixed Qtopia crash, when disabling/deinstalling
KO/Pi alarm applet.
Implemented direct KDE<->KA/Pi sync for KA/Pi running
on Linux desktop.
Added feature "remove sync info" to sync menu.
Tweaked the KO/Pi What's next view a bit, added
setting to hide events that are done.
Disabled "beam receive enabled" on startup to
avoid problems if Fastload is enabled.
Please set "beam receive enabled",
if you want to receive data via IR.
Fixed bug in direct KDE<->KO/Pi sync for KO/Pi running
on Linux desktop.
Made in KA/Pi scrolling possible, if details view is selected.
(The keyboard focus is set automatically to the search line)
Fixed a bug in DMT sync, that a new entry in DTM was added
on every sync to Kx/Pi.
Fixed missing writing of KA/Pi categories to DMT entries when syncing.
Fixed a bug in DMT sync with todos created in KO/Pi containing
non-latin1 characters.
Rearranged package contents of Sharp-ipks and made all
packages installable on SD again.
Fixed the writing of addressbook data in DTM sync.
Empty fields in KA/Pi were not removed.
Added better category handling in KA/Pi:
Added item
Edit Categories and
Manage new categories
to the settings menu.
Possible to configure a view to display categories.
Added detailed "KDE Sync Howto" and "Multi Sync Howto" to Help menu.
Fixed displaying of "free" days and time in KO Monthview and Agendaview.
... and many other bugfixes.
********** VERSION 1.9.10 ************
Many internal small bugfixes.
And fix of the "big" bug in KO/Pi,
that after Syncing the appointments had an offset by several hours.
That was a problem with the internal timezone setting,
introduced by the changed timezone configuration settings.
German translation for OM/Pi is now available.
********** VERSION 1.9.9 ************
KDE-Pim/Pi has a new Member!
It is called PWM/Pi (Passwordmanager/platform-independent)
and it is available for the Zaurus.
It is planned, that it will be available later for Windows.
(And for Linux, of course).
It is a port of the Passwordmanager of KDE.
It will need the MicroKDElibs to run.
Made loading of addressbooks in KA/Pi up to 7 times faster!
The bigger your addressbook file, the more starting speed
will you gain. (relatively)
The Qtopia addressbook connector is now platform independend
as well and should work on any platform for importing/exporting
Qtopia and Opie XML files.
Added a +30min feature to the timezone settings to make
KDE-Pim/Pi useable in Australia and other parts on the
world with strange timezones ;-)
German "Umlaute" should now be sorted correctly on the Z in KA/Pi.
It is now possible to disable the
"receive data via infrared" feature, such that syncing with
Outlook is now possible again with Kx/Pi runing.
Please disable it, before syncing Sharp DTM with Outlook.
For your convenience, the "receive data via infrared" feature
is disabled automatically, if you sync Kx/Pi with DTM.
You have to enable it again manually after syncing.
Enabling this feature makes it impossible to start the
Sharp DTM apps. If this feature is enabled, you will only get the
alarm notification from KO/Pi and not from the Sharp calendar.
This is very useful if you sync KO/Pi with Sharp DTM,
because after syncing you usually would get notified about
an alarm by KO/Pi and the Sharp Calendar.
Together with the Linux desktop version of KO/Pi
it is now possible to sync KO/Pi on the Zaurus
with the complete KDE-desktop (3.3 or later)
calendar data easily.
That makes it possible to sync the Z with one
click of a mouse with the KDE-Desktop.
This feature it available for all Zaurus platforms KO/Pi
is running on.
The only thing needed is a running KO/Pi on Linux and
a compiled version of the small
KDE-Pim/Pi<->KDE-Desktop access command line program,
which is in the KDE-Pim/Pi sources available.
The "KDE-desktop" syncing feature for KA/Pi will follow
in the next releases.
Fixed the vcard export bug, which had the version 1.9.8.
Added missing GERMAN translation to KO/Pi.
Hi PsionX, could you add the missing french translation?Thx!
Translation files for KA/Pi are available as well.
GERMAN translation will be available in the next release.
PsionX ( yres, you again ;-) ), could you start translating
KA/Pi? Thx!
You can download the version 1.9.9 at
To run the mail program OM/Pi you need libopenssl.
A link to a download loaction is available at
ZSI at
********** VERSION 1.9.8 ************
Fixed character decoding in OM/Pi.
(e.g. German "Umlaute" were not displayed properly.)
Made is possible to reparent todos in KO/Pi.
Use contextmenu or keys (look at Help-Keys + Colors) for that.
Added the missing Sync-Howto and WhatsNew to the packages.
KO/Pi on Linux desktop can now sync with KDE desktop.
That means: When using KO/Pi on Linux desktop for syncing with
KDE desktop and the Zaurus, the Zaurus can be synced now
with all KDE-Calendar resources, not only with one local file.
(That makes it possible to sync the Zaurus with the
calendar data on a Kolab server)
KA/Pi syncing with KDE desktop will be available in the next version.
********** VERSION 1.9.7 ************
KO/Pi - KA/Pi on Windows:
Now a directory can be defined by the user, where the
application/config data should be saved.
Define your desired path in the evironment variable
before starting KO/Pi or KA/Pi.
An easy Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi syncing is now possible
(it is called Pi-Sync) via network.
Please look at the Sync Howto.
Exporting of calendar data and contacts to mobile phones is now possible.
The SyncHowto is updated with information howto
access/sync mobile phones.
Please look at the Sync Howto.
Now KO/Pi and KA/Pi on the Zaurus can receive data via infrared directly.
Please disable Fastload for the original contact/calendar applications
and close them.
KO/Pi and KA/Pi must be running in order to receive the data.
(KO/Pi and KA/Pi are always running if Fastload for them is enabled!)
In the KA/Pi details view are now the preferred tel. numbers displayed on top
of the other data ( emails/tel.numbers/addresses)
Fixed some syncing problems in KA/Pi.
Added font settings for the KA/Pi details view.
Added fields "children's name" and "gender" to KA/Pi.
Made searching in KA/Pi better:
Now the first item in a view is selected after a search automatically and
the views can be scrolled up/down when the search input field has the keyboard focus.
And, of course, fixed a bunch of reported bugs in KO/Pi and KA/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.6 ************
Changes in the external application communication on the Zaurus
in order to use less RAM when the apps are running.
First syncing of addressbooks (KA/Pi) is possible.
********** VERSION 1.9.5a ************
Fixed a bug in KO/Pi in the SharpDTM sync of version 1.9.5.
Fixed some small bugs.
KA/Pi shows now the birthday in summary view.
Now OM/Pi and KA/Pi are using the date format defined in KO/Pi
for displaying dates.
********** VERSION 1.9.5 ************
There is still no Addressbook syncing!
New in 1.9.5:
Many bugfixes.
Better searching in KA/Pi.
You can configure in KA/Pi if you want to search only after
<return> key pressed.
Better mail downloading in OM/Pi.
First experimental alpha version of sync of KO/Pi with mobile phones.
See gammu documentation for supported phones.
You need to install the package kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk for sync of KO/Pi with mobile phones. kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk needs libbluetooth and libsdp.
Quick hint how to use:
Install kammu_1.9.5_arm.ipk , libbluetooth and libsdp.
Create syncprofile - mobile device
Remove entry for model. (Leave empty ).
Enable infrared on Zaurus and your Phone.
To get a more detailed log, start kopi from konsole.
********** VERSION 1.9.4 ************
This is the version 1.9.4 of KDE-Pim/Pi for the Zaurus.
We have changed a lot and maybe there are some unknown problems.
Such that, if you sync now with an already synded device, you will duplicated entries after the first sync.
(This change was introduced to make it possible to sync with mobile phones, which will be available later (maybe in 4 weeks).
You need the kmicrokdelibs_1.9.4_arm.ipk as a base for the other programs.
If you get the error: "Install only possible in main memory", just try it again to install it on SD card. That worked for me. And it was reported that rebooting Qtopia did help in this case as well.
As programs are available:
KO/Pi (korganizer ipk) - a calendar program.
KA/Pi (kaddressbook ipk ) - an addressbook
OM/Pi (kopiemail ipk ) an email program with pop/smtp and IMAP support.
An alarm notification program ( korganizer-alarm ipk ) for KO/Pi that notifies you about alarms, even if the Zaurus is in suspend mode.
(If you do not see an icon in the taskbar after installing korganizer-alarm, please restart Qtopia)
All the applications are installed in a "Pim" TAB.
If this TAB is new on your system, you can get an icon in this TAB by installing pim_TAB_icon_1.9.4_arm.ipk
All the application are integrated.
Such that you can choose in KO/Pi the attendees of a meeting from the addresses in KA/Pi. When you click in KA/Pi on the email address, OM/Pi is started to write the mail.
If you install KPhone/Pi 0.9.7, it will be called, if you click in KA/Pi on a phone number.
What's new?
Such that, if you sync now with an already synded device, you will duplicated entries after the first sync.
(This change was introduced to make it possible to sync with mobile phones, which will be available later (maybe in 4 weeks).
New in OM/Pi:
When copying(i.e. downloading mails) , you can specify, that only mails of a given size should be downloaded. Added mail copy possibility for selected mails.
New in KO/Pi:
French is now available for KO/Pi.
Choose menu:Actions - Configure:TAB locale
Syncing has changed.
Phone sync available soon.
Not much changes, I cannot remember them ...
New in KA/Pi:
Beaming possible.
Sharp DTM readonly access possible( create a new DTM resource );
Better searching possible.
Search is performed only after pressing the return key.
Use wildcard * to specify parts of a name.
Better name/email selection dialog (called from KO/Pi or OM/Pi). In this dialog, now searching is possible. Like in KA/Pi, use return key and wildcard * .
A big improvement is the new management of the contact access.
In version 1.9.3, every application was using their own addressbook access data.
That means, the addressbook was loaded up to three times in the memory, when accessed by KA/Pi, KO/Pi and OM/Pi.
That was wasting of memory, if you had several hundreds of contacts.
Now only KA/Pi accesses the addressbook.
If KO/Pi or OM/Pi want to get some name/email data, they request KA/Pi to open the name/email selection dialog and send it back to them.
If you click on an attendee in a meeting, its contact data is displayed in KA/Pi directly.
That means, if KO/Pi or OM/Pi want to access contact data, KA/Pi is started first.
New in the KO/Pi alarm applet:
Configure your own timer popup menu!
(Text and minutes for timer countdown)
Just edit the file
and start/stop a timer to get a new menu with the data of this file.
********** VERSION 1.9.3 ************
Now KO/Pi on Windows imports directly the calendar data of
an installed Outlook. Should work with OL version >= 2000.
********** VERSION 1.9.2 ************
KDE-Pim/Pi has got a new member:
KmicroMail (KM/Pi) is a mail program,
which can handle IMAP and POP mail access.
It is based on Opie-Mail v3.
All dependencies to the Opie libraries ar removed,
such that no additional Opie lib is needed.
It is already integrated in KO/Pi and KA/Pi.
It it now available for the Zaurus,probably it
will be available for other platforms later.
Create your own contact (name + email)
in KA/Pi, select this contact and choose menu:
Settings - Set Who Am I.
Now the settings of this contact are used as
the sender data in KM/Pi.
KDE-Pim/Pi is split up in five different
packages now precompiled for Sharp Zaurus:
The libs are needed for any
of the following programs:
Independ from that, there is the alarm applet
available for KO/Pi, which also offers
quick access for a new mail or
showing the addressbook.:
Independend means, that the alarm applet
does not need any of the libs or programs above to run.
But it would be quite useless without these programs.
If you get a
"This application depends on other programs"
during installation of
you probably do not have to care about that.
kmicrokdelibs_1.9.2 will come with some
resource plugins, which needs additional libraries.
(E.g. libopie1, if you want to use the
opie resource connector in KA/Pi).
If you do not have this libraries installed,
you simply cannot use the resource.
To make it clear:
If the libraries are missing, the applications
using kmicrokdelibs will start,
because the resources are plugins.
KO/Pi and friends are now installable on SD-Card!
It is recommended to install all libs and apps
on the SD card or all in the internal storage.
There may be problems, if this is mixed.
Fixed two bugs in the alarm notification on Windows.
Great improvement!
KO/Pi uses now the latest version of libical.
Libical is the library which actually reads
the calendar files and extract the data from it.
With the old version, there were problems
(crashes or program hangs) when licical did read
files, which were not stored from KO/Pi.
I do not know, if the new libical works perfect,
but actually it works much better than
the old version.
There are no problems with compatibility with
old calendar files of KO/Pi, of course!
New in KA/Pi:
Opie addressbook resource connector available!
You will need libopie1 and the opie addressbook,
of course.
With the Opie addressbook resource connector,
you can access the Opie addressbook readonly in KA/Pi.
If you want to edit or import the data into KA/Pi,
do this:
a) Create an Opie resource.
(Menu: Settings-Configure Resources).
After configuration and restarting KA/Pi you should see
the Opie contacts in KA/Pi.
b) Select some or all Opie contacts.
(NOTE: +++++
To know exactly, what contacts are Opie contacts,
do this: Choose menu:
View-Modify View - TAB Fields.
Select in the above list "Resource" and click
down arrow to add it to the "Selected fields".
Click OK.
Now you have a new column "Resource" in your list,
where you can see, what an Opie resource is.
++++ NOTE end.)
Ok, we do have now some Opie contacts seleted.
(Use SHIFT or CTRL key in order to multiple select).
c) Choose menu: Edit-Copy.
d) Choose menu: Edit-Paste.
e) Select the resource, you want to add the contacts to.
Congrats! Now you have read/write access to the copied
opie contacts as "real" KA/Pi contacts.
********** VERSION 1.9.1 ************
+++ IMPORTANT 1 +++
The storing place of the default calendar
file has changed!
The default calendar file was
on Zaurus and
on Windows/Linux desktop. Now it is
on Zaurus, Windows and Linux.
To load the old file, choose menu
File-Load calendar backup.
(It should be loaded automatically
at startup with a warning message displayed).
The place of the configuration file has changed too.
If you want to use your old KO/Pi config,
copy it to
Please read VERSION 1.9.0 - topic 3) as well!
+++ IMPORTANT 2 +++
Because of the new paths, you will need
a new version of the KO/Pi alarm applet
for Zaurus.
Use version >= 1.9.1
Now the QWhat'sThis Icon works for items
in the month view as well.
(See VERSION 1.7.8 Topic 1) ).
You can import birtsdays/anniversaries
from KA/Pi into KO/Pi.
Choose menu File-Import birthdays.
If you import twice, already imported items
will not be imported again, if they
have not been changed in KO/Pi.
When syncing with sharp DTM, now a progress
is shown, when the data is written back.
If there is much data in KO/Pi and no data
in DTM, that can take a long time.
(But only for the first time ).
In the search dialog, you can search
now for the name/email of an attendee
of an event/todo.
To get more space for displaying
search results, the buttons
for "search" and "close" on the
bottom are removed in the PDA version.
You have to click OK in the top right
corner to do a search.
diff --git a/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp b/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp
index b420351..f31e50a 100644
--- a/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kdatenavigator.cpp
@@ -1,367 +1,367 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qkeycode.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "kocore.h"
#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include "navigatorbar.h"
#include "kdatenavigator.h"
KDateNavigator::KDateNavigator( QWidget *parent, Calendar *calendar,
bool show_week_nums, const char *name,
QDate startDate )
: QFrame(parent, name),
mCalendar = calendar;
QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(this,8,8);
if (! startDate.isValid()) {
kdDebug() << "KDateNavigator::KDateNavigator(): an invalid date was passed as a parameter!" << endl;
startDate = QDate::currentDate();
m_MthYr = startDate;
m_bShowWeekNums = show_week_nums;
setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mDateNavigatorFont );
mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( startDate, this );
topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mNavigatorBar, 0, 0, 0, 7 );
//mNavigatorBar->resize( 1,1);
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ), SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ), SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ), SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextYear() ), SIGNAL( goNextYear() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( monthSelected( int ) ), SIGNAL( monthSelected( int ) ) );
// get the day of the week on the first day
QDate dayone(m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), 1);
m_fstDayOfWk = dayone.dayOfWeek();
int i;
// Set up the heading fields.
for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
headings[i] = new QLabel("",this);
//headings[i]->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10, QFont::Bold));
// Create the weeknumber labels
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
weeknos[i] = new QLabel(this);
//weeknos[i]->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10));
if(!show_week_nums) {
daymatrix = new KODayMatrix( this, mCalendar, dayone,
connect( daymatrix, SIGNAL( selected( const KCal::DateList & ) ),
SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ) );
connect( daymatrix, SIGNAL( eventDropped( Event * ) ),
SIGNAL( eventDropped( Event * ) ) );
// read settings from configuration file.
setFixedSize ( sizeHint() );
void KDateNavigator::enableRollover(RolloverType r)
case None :
if (updateTimer)
delete updateTimer;
case FollowDay :
case FollowMonth :
if (!updateTimer)
updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
lastDayChecked = QDate::currentDate();
void KDateNavigator::passedMidnight()
QDate today = QDate::currentDate();
bool emitMonth = false;
if (today.month() != lastDayChecked.month())
if (updateRollover==FollowMonth &&
daymatrix->isEndOfMonth()) {
emit dayPassed(today);
if (emitMonth) { emit monthPassed(today); }
/* slot */ void KDateNavigator::possiblyPastMidnight()
if (lastDayChecked!=QDate::currentDate())
// Set the timer to go off 1 second after midnight
// or after 8 minutes, whichever comes first.
if (updateTimer)
QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
QTime midnight = QTime(23,59,59);
int msecsWait = QMIN(480000,now.msecsTo(midnight)+2000);
// qDebug(QString("Waiting %1 msec from %2 to %3.").arg(msecsWait))
// .arg(now.toString()).arg(midnight.toString()));
void KDateNavigator::updateDates()
// Find the first day of the week of the current month.
//int d1 = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( m_MthYr );
QDate dayone( m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), );
int d2 = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( dayone );
//int di = d1 - d2 + 1;
dayone = dayone.addDays( -d2 + 1 );
int m_fstDayOfWkCalsys = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek( dayone );
// If month begins on Monday and Monday is first day of week,
// month should begin on second line. Sunday doesn't have this problem.
int nextLine = ( ( m_fstDayOfWkCalsys == 1) &&
( KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() == 1 ) ) ? 7 : 0;
// update the matrix dates
int index = (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0) - m_fstDayOfWkCalsys - nextLine;
//each updateDates is followed by an updateView -> repaint is issued there !
// daymatrix->repaint();
void KDateNavigator::updateDayMatrix()
- daymatrix->repaint();
+ //daymatrix->repaint();
void KDateNavigator::updateView()
setUpdatesEnabled( false );
int i;
// kdDebug() << "updateView() -> daymatrix->updateView()" << endl;
// set the week numbers.
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
QString weeknum;
// remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the
// first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4,
// not just 1.
//ET int dayOfYear = buttons[(i + 1) * 7 - 4]->date().dayOfYear();
int dayOfYear = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfYear((daymatrix->getDate((i+1)*7-4)));
int add = 0;
if ( ! KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() )
if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0)
weeknum.setNum(dayOfYear / 7 + 1+add);
weeknum.setNum(dayOfYear / 7 +add);
setUpdatesEnabled( true );
// kdDebug() << "updateView() -> repaint()" << endl;
- daymatrix->repaint();
+ // daymatrix->repaint();
void KDateNavigator::updateConfig()
int day;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
// take the first letter of the day name to be the abbreviation
if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday()) {
day = i+1;
} else {
if (i==0) day = 7;
else day = i;
QString dayName = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName( day,
true );
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCompactDialogs ) dayName = dayName.left( 1 );
headings[i]->setText( dayName );
void KDateNavigator::setShowWeekNums(bool enabled)
m_bShowWeekNums = enabled;
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
void KDateNavigator::selectDates(const DateList& dateList)
if (dateList.count() > 0) {
mNavigatorBar->selectDates( dateList );
mSelectedDates = dateList;
// set our record of the month and year that this datetbl is
// displaying.
m_MthYr = mSelectedDates.first();
// set our record of the first day of the week of the current
// month. This needs to be done before calling dayToIndex, since it
// relies on this information being up to date.
QDate dayone(m_MthYr.year(), m_MthYr.month(), 1);
m_fstDayOfWk = dayone.dayOfWeek();
daymatrix->setSelectedDaysFrom(*(dateList.begin()), *(--dateList.end()));
int KDateNavigator::dayNum(int row, int col)
return 7 * (row - 1) + (col + 1) - m_fstDayOfWk;
int KDateNavigator::dayToIndex(int dayNum)
int row, col;
row = (dayNum+m_fstDayOfWk-1-(KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0)) / 7;
if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() && (m_fstDayOfWk == 1))
col = (dayNum+m_fstDayOfWk-1-(KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ? 1 : 0)) % 7;
return row * 7 + col;
void KDateNavigator::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e)
if(e->delta()>0) emit goPrevious();
else emit goNext();
bool KDateNavigator::eventFilter (QObject *o,QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<6;++i) {
if (o == weeknos[i]) {
QDate weekstart = daymatrix->getDate(i*7);
emit weekClicked(weekstart);
return true;
} else {
return false;
//#include "kdatenavigator.moc"
diff --git a/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp b/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
index 39355b4..ee9f39a 100644
--- a/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
@@ -1,731 +1,730 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qdragobject.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <libkcal/icaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h>
extern int globalFlagBlockAgenda;
extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint;
extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate;
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "koagendaitem.h"
//#include "koagendaitem.moc"
QToolTipGroup *KOAgendaItem::mToolTipGroup = 0;
KOAgendaItem::KOAgendaItem(Incidence *incidence, QDate qd, QWidget *parent,bool allday,
const char *name,WFlags) :
QWidget(parent, name), mIncidence(incidence), mDate(qd)
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( this, QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
int wflags = getWFlags() |WRepaintNoErase;// WResizeNoErase
setWFlags ( wflags);
mAllDay = allday;
init ( incidence, qd );
xPaintCoord = -1;
yPaintCoord = -1;
void KOAgendaItem::init ( Incidence *incidence, QDate qd )
mIncidence = incidence;
mDate = qd;
mFirstMultiItem = 0;
mNextMultiItem = 0;
mLastMultiItem = 0;
if ( (incidence->type() == "Todo") &&
( !((static_cast<Todo*>(incidence))->isCompleted()) &&
((static_cast<Todo*>(incidence))->dtDue().date() <= QDate::currentDate()) ) ) {
if ( (static_cast<Todo*>(incidence))->dtDue() < QDateTime::currentDateTime().date())
mBackgroundColor = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoOverdueColor ;
mBackgroundColor = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDueTodayColor;
else {
QStringList categories = mIncidence->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
mBackgroundColor =KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor;
} else {
mBackgroundColor = *KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat);
mColorGroup = QColorGroup( mBackgroundColor.light(),
mBackgroundColor.dark(),mBackgroundColor, black, mBackgroundColor) ;
setBackgroundColor( mBackgroundColor );
mSelected = true;
QFontMetrics fontinf(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaViewFont);
mFontPixelSize = fontinf.height();;
xPaintCoord = -1;
yPaintCoord = -1;
// qDebug("deleteKOAgendaItem::~KOAgendaItem( ");
void KOAgendaItem::recreateIncidence()
#if 0
Incidence* newInc = mIncidence->clone();
if ( mIncidence->doesRecur() ) {
mIncidence->addExDate( mDate );
int len = mIncidence->dtStart().secsTo( ((Event*)mIncidence)->dtEnd());
QTime tim = mIncidence->dtStart().time();
newInc->setDtStart( QDateTime(mDate, tim) );
((Event*)newInc)->setDtEnd( newInc->dtStart().addSecs( len ) );
mIncidence = mIncidence->recreateCloneException( mDate );
bool KOAgendaItem::updateIcons(QPainter * p, bool horLayout)
int size = AGENDA_ICON_SIZE;
int yOff = 0;
int xOff = 0;
int x = pos().x() +3;
int y;
if ( mAllDay )
y = pos().y()+3;
y = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() ) +3;
if (mIncidence->cancelled()) {
int xpos = xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x;
int ypos = yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y;
p->drawLine( xpos, ypos, xpos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, ypos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1 );
p->drawLine( xpos, ypos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, xpos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, ypos );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->isAlarmEnabled()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, red );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->recurrence()->doesRecur()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, blue );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->description().length() > 0) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, darkGreen );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->isReadOnly()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, white );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->attendeeCount()>0) {
if (mIncidence->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, black );
if ( horLayout )
} else {
Attendee *me = mIncidence->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,KOPrefs::instance()->email());
if (me!=0) {
} else {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, yellow );
if ( horLayout )
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, darkYellow );
if ( horLayout )
return ( yOff || xOff );
void KOAgendaItem::select(bool selected)
//qDebug("select %d %d",firstMultiItem(), nextMultiItem() );
if (mSelected == selected) return;
mSelected = selected;
if ( ! isVisible() )
if ( firstMultiItem() )
firstMultiItem()->select( selected );
if ( !firstMultiItem() && nextMultiItem() ) {
KOAgendaItem * placeItem = nextMultiItem();
while ( placeItem ) {
placeItem->select( selected );
placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem();
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0;
paintMe( selected );
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1;
repaint( false );
The eventFilter has to filter the mouse events of the agenda item childs. The
events are fed into the event handling method of KOAgendaItem. This allows the
KOAgenda to handle the KOAgendaItems by using an eventFilter.
bool KOAgendaItem::eventFilter ( QObject *object, QEvent *e )
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
QMouseEvent *me = (QMouseEvent *)e;
QPoint itemPos = this->mapFromGlobal(((QWidget *)object)->
QMouseEvent returnEvent (e->type(),itemPos,me->button(),me->state());
return event(&returnEvent);
} else {
return false;
void KOAgendaItem::repaintMe( )
paintMe ( mSelected );
void KOAgendaItem::paintMe( bool selected, QPainter* paint )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate && ! selected)
QPainter pa;
if ( mSelected ) {
pa.begin( paintPixSel() );
} else {
if ( mAllDay )
pa.begin( paintPixAllday() );
pa.begin( paintPix() );
int x, yy, w, h;
float nfh;
x = pos().x(); w = width(); h = height ();
if ( mAllDay )
yy = y();
yy = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() );
xPaintCoord= x;
yPaintCoord = yy;
wPaintCoord = width();
hPaintCoord = height();
//qDebug("paintMe %s %d %d %d %d",incidence()->summary().latin1(), x, yy, width(), height());
if ( paint == 0 )
paint = &pa;
bool horLayout = ( w < h );
int maxhei = mFontPixelSize+4;
if ( horLayout )
maxhei += AGENDA_ICON_SIZE -4;
bool small = ( h < maxhei );
if ( ! small )
else {
QFont f = KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaViewFont;
f.setBold( false );
int fh = f.pointSize();
nfh = (((float)height())/(float)(mFontPixelSize+4))*fh;
if ( nfh < 6 )
nfh = 6;
f.setPointSize( nfh );
paint->fillRect ( x, yy, w, h, mBackgroundColor );
static const QPixmap completedPxmp = SmallIcon("greenhook16");
static const QPixmap overduePxmp = SmallIcon("redcross16");
if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
Todo* tempTodo = static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence);
int xx = pos().x()+(width()-completedPxmp.width()-3 );
int yyy = yy+3;
if ( tempTodo->isCompleted() )
paint->drawPixmap ( xx, yyy, completedPxmp );
else {
paint->drawPixmap ( xx, yyy, overduePxmp );
bool addIcon = false;
if ( ! small || w > 3 * h || h > 3* w )
addIcon = updateIcons( paint, horLayout );
qDrawShadePanel (paint, x, yy, w, h, mColorGroup, selected , 2, 0);
//qDebug("draw rect %d %d %d %d ",x, yy, w, h );
if ( ! small ) {
x += 3; yy += 3;w -= 6; h-= 5;
} else {
x += 2; yy += 1;w -= 4; h-= 4;
if ( nfh < 6.01 ) {
yy -= 2;
h += 4;
if ( nfh < h -2 )
int align;
align = ( AlignLeft|WordBreak|AlignTop);
align = ( AlignLeft|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak|AlignTop);
if ( addIcon ) {
if ( ! horLayout ) {
else {
int colsum = + +;
if ( colsum < 250 )
paint->setPen ( white);
if ( x < 0 ) {
w = w+x-3;
x = 3;
if ( w > parentWidget()->width() ){
w = parentWidget()->width() - 6;
align = ( AlignCenter|WordBreak);
align = ( AlignCenter|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak);
QRect dr;
paint->drawText ( x, yy, w, h, align, mDisplayedText, -1, &dr );
if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ){
if ( ! small ) {
QFontMetrics fm ( paint->font() );
paint->drawLine(dr.left(), yy+fm.height()/2, dr.right()-2, yy+fm.height()/2);
void KOAgendaItem::resizePixmap( int w , int h )
paintPix()->resize( w, h );
paintPixSel()->resize( w, h );
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPix()
static QPixmap* mPaintPix = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPix )
mPaintPix = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPix ;
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPixAllday()
static QPixmap* mPaintPixA = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPixA )
mPaintPixA = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPixA ;
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPixSel()
static QPixmap* mPaintPixSel = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPixSel )
mPaintPixSel = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPixSel ;
void KOAgendaItem::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *e )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda > 0 && globalFlagBlockAgenda < 5 )
int yy;
if ( mAllDay )
yy = y();
yy = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() );
int xx = x();
if ( xPaintCoord != xx || yPaintCoord != yy ||
wPaintCoord != width() || hPaintCoord != height()) {
xPaintCoord= xx;
yPaintCoord = yy;
wPaintCoord = width();
hPaintCoord = height();
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0;
paintMe( mSelected );
//qDebug("calling paintMe ");
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1;
int rx, ry, rw, rh;
rx = e->rect().x();
ry = e->rect().y();
rw = e->rect().width();
rh = e->rect().height();
//qDebug(" paintevent %s %d %d %d %d", mIncidence->summary().latin1(), x(), yy, width(), height());
QPixmap* paintFrom ;
if ( mSelected ) {
paintFrom = paintPixSel();
} else {
if ( mAllDay )
paintFrom = paintPixAllday();
paintFrom = paintPix();
bitBlt (this, rx, ry, paintFrom, x()+rx ,yPaintCoord+ry, rw, rh ,CopyROP);
void KOAgendaItem::computeText()
mDisplayedText = mIncidence->summary();
if ( (mIncidence->type() == "Todo") ) {
- if ( static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence)->dtDue().date() < QDate::currentDate() )
- mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().date(), true)+")";
- else if ( !(mIncidence->doesFloat()))
- mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().time())+")";
+ if ( static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence)->hasDueDate() ) {
+ if ( static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence)->dtDue().date() < QDate::currentDate() )
+ mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().date(), true)+")";
+ else if ( !(mIncidence->doesFloat()))
+ mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().time())+")";
+ }
} else {
if ( !(mIncidence->doesFloat()) && KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTimeInAgenda)
mDisplayedText += ": " +KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtStart().time()) + "-" + KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEnd().time()) ;
if ( mAllDay ) {
if ( mIncidence->dtStart().date().addDays(3) < mIncidence->dtEnd().date() ) {
mDisplayedText += ": " +KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtStart().date(), true) + " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEnd().date(), true) ;
if ( !mIncidence->location().isEmpty() ) {
if ( mAllDay )
mDisplayedText += " (";
mDisplayedText += "\n(";
mDisplayedText += mIncidence->location() +")";
QString tipText = mIncidence->summary();
QWhatsThis::add(this,KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( mIncidence ));
if ( !mIncidence->doesFloat() ) {
if ( mIncidence->type() == "Event" ) {
if ( (static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->isMultiDay() ) {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("From: ")+mIncidence->dtStartStr();
tipText += "\n"+i18n("To: ")+(static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEndStr();
else {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Time: ")+mIncidence->dtStartTimeStr();
tipText += " - "+(static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEndTimeStr();
else if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
if (mIncidence->hasStartDate())
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartStr();
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueStr();
} else if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
if (mIncidence->hasStartDate())
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartDateStr();
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueDateStr();
if (!mIncidence->location().isEmpty()) {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Location: ")+mIncidence->location();
void KOAgendaItem::updateItem()
//qDebug("KOAgendaItem:: updateItem() %s %d %d ",incidence()->summary().latin1(), x(), y());
paintMe( mSelected );
repaint( false);
void KOAgendaItem::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *ev )
//qDebug("KOAgendaItem::resizeEvent %s ", mIncidence->summary().latin1());
paintMe( mSelected );
repaint( false );
Return height of item in units of agenda cells
int KOAgendaItem::cellHeight()
int ret = mCellYBottom - mCellYTop + 1;
if ( ret <= 0 ) {
ret = 1;
mCellYBottom = 0;
mCellYTop = 0;
return ret;
Return height of item in units of agenda cells
int KOAgendaItem::cellWidth()
return mCellXWidth - mCellX + 1;
void KOAgendaItem::setItemDate(QDate qd)
mDate = qd;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellXY(int X, int YTop, int YBottom)
mCellX = X;
mCellYTop = YTop;
mCellYBottom = YBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellXWidth(int xwidth)
mCellXWidth = xwidth;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellX(int XLeft, int XRight)
mCellX = XLeft;
mCellXWidth = XRight;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellY(int YTop, int YBottom)
mCellYTop = YTop;
mCellYBottom = YBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::setSubCell(int subCell)
mSubCell = subCell;
void KOAgendaItem::setSubCells(int subCells)
mSubCells = subCells;
void KOAgendaItem::setMultiItem(KOAgendaItem *first,KOAgendaItem *next,
KOAgendaItem *last)
mFirstMultiItem = first;
mNextMultiItem = next;
mLastMultiItem = last;
void KOAgendaItem::startMove()
mStartCellX = mCellX;
mStartCellXWidth = mCellXWidth;
mStartCellYTop = mCellYTop;
mStartCellYBottom = mCellYBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::resetMove()
mCellX = mStartCellX;
mCellXWidth = mStartCellXWidth;
mCellYTop = mStartCellYTop;
mCellYBottom = mStartCellYBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::moveRelative(int dx, int dy)
int newX = cellX() + dx;
int newXWidth = cellXWidth() + dx;
int newYTop = cellYTop() + dy;
int newYBottom = cellYBottom() + dy;
void KOAgendaItem::expandTop(int dy)
int newYTop = cellYTop() + dy;
int newYBottom = cellYBottom();
if (newYTop > newYBottom) newYTop = newYBottom;
setCellY(newYTop, newYBottom);
void KOAgendaItem::expandBottom(int dy)
int newYTop = cellYTop();
int newYBottom = cellYBottom() + dy;
if (newYBottom < newYTop) newYBottom = newYTop;
setCellY(newYTop, newYBottom);
void KOAgendaItem::expandLeft(int dx)
int newX = cellX() + dx;
int newXWidth = cellXWidth();
if (newX > newXWidth) newX = newXWidth;
void KOAgendaItem::expandRight(int dx)
int newX = cellX();
int newXWidth = cellXWidth() + dx;
if (newXWidth < newX) newXWidth = newX;
QToolTipGroup *KOAgendaItem::toolTipGroup()
if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0);
return mToolTipGroup;
void KOAgendaItem::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *e )
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) || VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ||
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
void KOAgendaItem::dropEvent( QDropEvent *e )
#ifndef KORG_NODND
QString text;
kdDebug() << "Dropped : " << text << endl;
QStringList emails = QStringList::split(",",text);
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = emails.begin();it!=emails.end();++it) {
kdDebug() << " Email: " << (*it) << endl;
int pos = (*it).find("<");
QString name = (*it).left(pos);
QString email = (*it).mid(pos);
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
mIncidence->addAttendee(new Attendee(name,email));
QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> KOAgendaItem::conflictItems()
return mConflictItems;
void KOAgendaItem::setConflictItems(QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> ci)
mConflictItems = ci;
KOAgendaItem *item;
for ( item=mConflictItems.first(); item != 0; ) {
void KOAgendaItem::addConflictItem(KOAgendaItem *ci)
if (mConflictItems.find(ci)<0)
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
index fc00828..060b4c4 100644
--- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
@@ -1,596 +1,634 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Eitzenberger Thomas <>
Parts of the source code have been copied from kdpdatebutton.cpp
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/icaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/dndfactory.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h>
#include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h>
#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include "kocore.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "kodaymatrix.h"
// ============================================================================
// D Y N A M I C T I P
// ============================================================================
DynamicTip::DynamicTip( QWidget * parent )
: QToolTip( parent )
matrix = (KODayMatrix*)parent;
void DynamicTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos )
//calculate which cell of the matrix the mouse is in
QRect sz = matrix->frameRect();
int dheight = sz.height()*7 / 42;
int dwidth = sz.width() / 7;
int row = pos.y()/dheight;
int col = pos.x()/dwidth;
QRect rct(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight);
// kdDebug() << "DynamicTip::maybeTip matrix cell index [" <<
// col << "][" << row << "] => " <<(col+row*7) << endl;
//show holiday names only
QString str = matrix->getHolidayLabel(col+row*7);
if (str.isEmpty()) return;
tip(rct, str);
// ============================================================================
// K O D A Y M A T R I X
// ============================================================================
const int KODayMatrix::NOSELECTION = -1000;
const int KODayMatrix::NUMDAYS = 42;
KODayMatrix::KODayMatrix(QWidget *parent, Calendar* calendar, QDate date, const char *name) :
QFrame(parent, name)
mCalendar = calendar;
// initialize dynamic arrays
days = new QDate[NUMDAYS];
daylbls = new QString[NUMDAYS];
events = new int[NUMDAYS];
mToolTip = new DynamicTip(this);
// set default values used for drawing the matrix
mDefaultBackColor = palette().active().base();
mDefaultTextColor = palette().active().foreground();
mDefaultTextColorShaded = getShadedColor(mDefaultTextColor);
mHolidayColorShaded = getShadedColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
mSelectedDaysColor = QColor("white");
mTodayMarginWidth = 2;
mSelEnd = mSelStart = NOSELECTION;
//setFont( QFont("Arial", 10) );
- updateView(date);
+ mUpdateTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect (mUpdateTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( updateViewTimed() ));
+ mRepaintTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect (mRepaintTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( repaintViewTimed() ));
+ mDayChanged = false;
+ updateView();
QColor KODayMatrix::getShadedColor(QColor color)
QColor shaded;
int h=0;
int s=0;
int v=0;
s = s/4;
v = 192+v/4;
return shaded;
delete [] days;
delete [] daylbls;
delete [] events;
delete mToolTip;
void KODayMatrix::setStartDate(QDate start)
void KODayMatrix::addSelectedDaysTo(DateList& selDays)
kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::addSelectedDaysTo() - " << "mSelStart:" << mSelStart << endl;
if (mSelStart == NOSELECTION) {
//cope with selection being out of matrix limits at top (< 0)
int i0 = mSelStart;
if (i0 < 0) {
for (int i = i0; i < 0; i++) {
i0 = 0;
//cope with selection being out of matrix limits at bottom (> NUMDAYS-1)
if (mSelEnd > NUMDAYS-1) {
for (int i = i0; i <= NUMDAYS-1; i++) {
for (int i = NUMDAYS; i < mSelEnd; i++) {
// apply normal routine to selection being entirely within matrix limits
} else {
for (int i = i0; i <= mSelEnd; i++) {
void KODayMatrix::setSelectedDaysFrom(const QDate& start, const QDate& end)
mSelStart = startdate.daysTo(start);
mSelEnd = startdate.daysTo(end);
void KODayMatrix::recalculateToday()
today = -1;
for (int i=0; i<NUMDAYS; i++) {
days[i] = startdate.addDays(i);
daylbls[i] = QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] ));
// if today is in the currently displayed month, hilight today
if (days[i].year() == QDate::currentDate().year() &&
days[i].month() == QDate::currentDate().month() &&
days[i].day() == QDate::currentDate().day()) {
today = i;
// qDebug(QString("Today is visible at %1.").arg(today));
void KODayMatrix::updateView()
-void KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate)
+void KODayMatrix::repaintViewTimed()
+ qDebug("KODayMatrix::repaintViewTimed ");
+ mRepaintTimer->stop();
+ repaint(false);
+void KODayMatrix::updateViewTimed()
-// kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::updateView() " << actdate.toString() << endl;
- //flag to indicate if the starting day of the matrix has changed by this call
- bool daychanged = false;
- // if a new startdate is to be set then apply Cornelius's calculation
- // of the first day to be shown
- if (actdate != startdate) {
- // reset index of selection according to shift of starting date from startdate to actdate
- if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) {
- int tmp = actdate.daysTo(startdate);
- //kdDebug() << "Shift of Selection1: " << mSelStart << " - " << mSelEnd << " -> " << tmp << "(" << offset << ")" << endl;
- // shift selection if new one would be visible at least partly !
- if (mSelStart+tmp < NUMDAYS && mSelEnd+tmp >= 0) {
- // nested if is required for next X display pushed from a different month - correction required
- // otherwise, for month forward and backward, it must be avoided
- if( mSelStart > NUMDAYS || mSelStart < 0 )
- mSelStart = mSelStart + tmp;
- if( mSelEnd > NUMDAYS || mSelEnd < 0 )
- mSelEnd = mSelEnd + tmp;
- }
- }
- startdate = actdate;
- daychanged = true;
- }
+ mUpdateTimer->stop();
+ //QDate actdate = mPendingNewDate;
- if (daychanged) {
- recalculateToday();
- }
+ static int iii = 0;
+ qDebug("KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate) %d", ++iii );
+ if (mDayChanged) {
+ recalculateToday();
+ mDayChanged = false;
+ }
for(int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) {
- // if events are set for the day then remember to draw it bold
- QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events(days[i]);
- Event *event;
- int numEvents = eventlist.count();
+ // if events are set for the day then remember to draw it bold
+ QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events(days[i]);
+ Event *event;
+ int numEvents = eventlist.count();
- for(event=eventlist.first();event != 0; {
- ushort recurType = event->recurrence()->doesRecur();
+ for(event=eventlist.first();event != 0; {
+ ushort recurType = event->recurrence()->doesRecur();
- if ((recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur) ||
- (recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur)) {
- numEvents--;
- }
- }
- events[i] = numEvents;
+ if ((recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur) ||
+ (recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur)) {
+ numEvents--;
+ }
+ }
+ events[i] = numEvents;
- //if it is a holy day then draw it red. Sundays are consider holidays, too
+ //if it is a holy day then draw it red. Sundays are consider holidays, too
- QString holiStr = KOCore::self()->holiday(days[i]);
+ QString holiStr = KOCore::self()->holiday(days[i]);
- QString holiStr = QString::null;
+ QString holiStr = QString::null;
- if ( (KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(days[i]) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray()) ||
- !holiStr.isEmpty()) {
- if (holiStr.isNull()) holiStr = "";
- mHolidays[i] = holiStr;
+ if ( (KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(days[i]) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray()) ||
+ !holiStr.isEmpty()) {
+ if (holiStr.isNull()) holiStr = "";
+ mHolidays[i] = holiStr;
+ } else {
+ mHolidays[i] = QString::null;
+ }
+ }
+ repaint(false);
+ }
+void KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate)
+ //flag to indicate if the starting day of the matrix has changed by this call
+ //mDayChanged = false;
+ // if a new startdate is to be set then apply Cornelius's calculation
+ // of the first day to be shown
+ if (actdate != startdate) {
+ // reset index of selection according to shift of starting date from startdate to actdate
+ if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) {
+ int tmp = actdate.daysTo(startdate);
+ //kdDebug() << "Shift of Selection1: " << mSelStart << " - " << mSelEnd << " -> " << tmp << "(" << offset << ")" << endl;
+ // shift selection if new one would be visible at least partly !
+ if (mSelStart+tmp < NUMDAYS && mSelEnd+tmp >= 0) {
+ // nested if is required for next X display pushed from a different month - correction required
+ // otherwise, for month forward and backward, it must be avoided
+ if( mSelStart > NUMDAYS || mSelStart < 0 )
+ mSelStart = mSelStart + tmp;
+ if( mSelEnd > NUMDAYS || mSelEnd < 0 )
+ mSelEnd = mSelEnd + tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ startdate = actdate;
+ mDayChanged = true;
+ }
+ qDebug("restart Timer %d", mDayChanged );
+ static int iii = 0;
+ if ( iii < 5 ) {
+ ++iii;
+ updateViewTimed();
} else {
- mHolidays[i] = QString::null;
+ if ( !isVisible() ) {
+ mUpdateTimer->start( 2000 );
+ } else {
+ if ( mDayChanged ) {
+ mUpdateTimer->start( 250 );
+ } else {
+ mRepaintTimer->start( 250 );
+ mUpdateTimer->start( 2000 );
+ }
+ }
- }
const QDate& KODayMatrix::getDate(int offset)
if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) {
- kdDebug() << "Wrong offset (" << offset << ") in KODayMatrix::getDate(int)" << endl;
+ qDebug("Wrong offset2 ");
return days[0];
return days[offset];
QString KODayMatrix::getHolidayLabel(int offset)
if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) {
- kdDebug() << "Wrong offset (" << offset << ") in KODayMatrix::getHolidayLabel(int)" << endl;
+ qDebug("Wrong offset1 ");
return 0;
return mHolidays[offset];
int KODayMatrix::getDayIndexFrom(int x, int y)
return 7*(y/daysize.height()) + (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ?
6 - x/daysize.width() : x/daysize.width());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// M O U S E E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
mSelStart = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (mSelStart > NUMDAYS-1) mSelStart=NUMDAYS-1;
mSelInit = mSelStart;
void KODayMatrix::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1;
if (mSelInit > tmp) {
mSelEnd = mSelInit;
if (tmp != mSelStart) {
mSelStart = tmp;
} else {
mSelStart = mSelInit;
//repaint only if selection has changed
if (tmp != mSelEnd) {
mSelEnd = tmp;
DateList daylist;
if ( mSelStart < 0 )
mSelStart = 0;
for (int i = mSelStart; i <= mSelEnd; i++) {
emit selected((const DateList)daylist);
void KODayMatrix::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1;
if (mSelInit > tmp) {
mSelEnd = mSelInit;
if (tmp != mSelStart) {
mSelStart = tmp;
} else {
mSelStart = mSelInit;
//repaint only if selection has changed
if (tmp != mSelEnd) {
mSelEnd = tmp;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// D R A G ' N D R O P H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
// some visual feedback
// oldPalette = palette();
// setPalette(my_HilitePalette);
// update();
void KODayMatrix::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
void KODayMatrix::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent */*dl*/)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// setPalette(oldPalette);
// update();
void KODayMatrix::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::dropEvent(e) begin" << endl;
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
DndFactory factory( mCalendar );
Event *event = factory.createDrop(e);
if (event) {
Event *existingEvent = mCalendar->event(event->uid());
if(existingEvent) {
// uniquify event
i18n("Event already exists in this calendar."),
i18n("Drop Event"));
delete event;
// kdDebug() << "Drop new Event" << endl;
// Adjust date
QDateTime start = event->dtStart();
QDateTime end = event->dtEnd();
int duration = start.daysTo(end);
int idx = getDayIndexFrom(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y());
emit eventDropped(event);
} else {
// kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::dropEvent(): Event from drop not decodable" << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// P A I N T E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent)
//kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::paintEvent() BEGIN" << endl;
QPainter p(this);
QRect sz = frameRect();
int dheight = daysize.height();
int dwidth = daysize.width();
int row,col;
int selw, selh;
bool isRTL = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout();
// draw background and topleft frame
p.fillRect(pevent->rect(), mDefaultBackColor);
p.drawRect(0, 0, sz.width()+1, sz.height()+1);
// draw selected days with highlighted background color
if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) {
row = mSelStart/7;
col = mSelStart -row*7;
QColor selcol = KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor;
if (row == mSelEnd/7) {
// Single row selection
p.fillRect(isRTL ? (7 - (mSelEnd-mSelStart+1) - col)*dwidth : col*dwidth,
row*dheight, (mSelEnd-mSelStart+1)*dwidth, dheight, selcol);
} else {
// draw first row to the right
p.fillRect(isRTL ? 0 : col*dwidth, row*dheight, (7-col)*dwidth,
dheight, selcol);
// draw full block till last line
selh = mSelEnd/7-row;
if (selh > 1) {
p.fillRect(0, (row+1)*dheight, 7*dwidth, (selh-1)*dheight,selcol);
// draw last block from left to mSelEnd
selw = mSelEnd-7*(mSelEnd/7)+1;
p.fillRect(isRTL ? (7-selw)*dwidth : 0, (row+selh)*dheight,
selw*dwidth, dheight, selcol);
// iterate over all days in the matrix and draw the day label in appropriate colors
QColor actcol = mDefaultTextColorShaded;
QPen tmppen;
for(int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) {
row = i/7;
col = isRTL ? 6-(i-row*7) : i-row*7;
// if it is the first day of a month switch color from normal to shaded and vice versa
if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] ) == 1) {
if (actcol == mDefaultTextColorShaded) {
actcol = mDefaultTextColor;
} else {
actcol = mDefaultTextColorShaded;
//Reset pen color after selected days block
if (i == mSelEnd+1) {
// if today then draw rectangle around day
if (today == i) {
tmppen = p.pen();
QPen mTodayPen(p.pen());
//draw red rectangle for holidays
if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
} else {
//draw gray rectangle for today if in selection
if (i >= mSelStart && i <= mSelEnd) {
QColor grey("grey");
p.drawRect(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight);
// if any events are on that day then draw it using a bold font
if (events[i] > 0) {
QFont myFont = font();
// if it is a holiday then use the default holiday color
if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
} else {
// draw selected days with special color
// DO NOT specially highlight holidays in selection !
if (i >= mSelStart && i <= mSelEnd) {
p.drawText(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight,
Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, daylbls[i]);
// reset color to actual color
if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
// reset bold font to plain font
if (events[i] > 0) {
QFont myFont = font();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// R E SI Z E E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
QRect sz = frameRect();
daysize.setHeight(sz.height()*7 / NUMDAYS);
daysize.setWidth(sz.width() / 7);
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
index b4eb2a8..0e9640a 100644
--- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
+++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
@@ -1,308 +1,313 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Eitzenberger Thomas <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#ifndef _KODAYMAT_H
#define _KODAYMAT_H
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpen.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qmap.h>
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDragMoveEvent;
class QDragLeaveEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class KODayMatrix;
using namespace KCal;
* small helper class to dynamically show tooltips inside the day matrix.
* This class asks the day matrix object for a appropriate label which
* is in our special case the name of the holiday or null if this day is no holiday.
class DynamicTip : public QToolTip
* Constructor that expects a KODayMatrix object as parent.
* @param parent the parent KODayMatrix control.
DynamicTip(QWidget* parent );
* Qt's callback to ask the object to provide an approrpiate text for the
* tooltip to be shown.
* @param pos coordinates of the mouse.
void maybeTip( const QPoint & pos);
/** the parent control this tooltip is designed for. */
KODayMatrix* matrix;
* replacement for kdpdatebuton.cpp that used 42 widgets for the day matrix to be displayed.
* Cornelius thought this was a waste of memory and a lot of overhead.
* In addition the selection was not very intuitive so I decided to rewrite it using a QFrame
* that draws the labels and allows for dragging selection while maintaining nearly full
* compatibility in behaviour with its predecessor.
* The following functionality has been changed:
* o when shifting events in the agenda view from one day to another the day matrix is updated now
* o TODO ET dragging an event to the matrix will MOVE not COPY the event to the new date.
* o no support for Ctrl+click to create groups of dates
* (This has not really been supported in the predecessor. It was not very intuitive nor was it
* user friendly.)
* This feature has been replaced with dragging a selection on the matrix. The matrix will
* automatically choose the appropriate selection (e.g. you are not any longer able to select
* two distinct groups of date selections as in the old class)
* o now that you can select more then a week it can happen that not all selected days are
* displayed in the matrix. However this is preferred to the alternative which would mean to
* adjust the selection and leave some days undisplayed while scrolling through the months
* @short day matrix widget of the KDateNavigator
* @author Eitzenberger Thomas
class KODayMatrix: public QFrame {
/** constructor to create a day matrix widget.
* @param parent widget that is the parent of the day matrix. Normally this should
* be a KDateNavigator
* @param calendar instance of a calendar on which all calculations are based
* @param date start date of the matrix (is expected to be already fixed). It is
* assumed that this date is the first week day to be shown in the matrix.
* @param name name of the widget
KODayMatrix(QWidget *parent, Calendar* calendar, QDate date, const char *name );
/** destructor that deallocates all dynamically allocated private members.
/** updates the day matrix to start with the given date. Does all the necessary
* checks for holidays or events on a day and stores them for display later on.
* Does NOT update the view visually. Call repaint() for this.
* @param actdate recalculates the day matrix to show NUMDAYS starting from this
* date.
void updateView(QDate actdate);
/** returns the QDate object associated with day indexed by the
* supplied offset.
const QDate& getDate(int offset);
/** returns the official name of this holy day or 0 if there is no label
* for this day.
QString getHolidayLabel(int offset);
/** adds all actual selected days from mSelStart to mSelEnd to the supplied
* DateList.
void addSelectedDaysTo(DateList&);
/** sets the actual to be displayed selection in the day matrix starting from
* start and ending with end. Theview must be manually updated by calling
* repaint. (?)
void setSelectedDaysFrom(const QDate& start, const QDate& end);
/** Is today visible in the view? Keep this in sync with
* the values today (below) can take.
bool isTodayVisible() const { return today>=0; } ;
/** If today is visible, then we can find out if today is
* near the beginning or the end of the month.
* This is dependent on today remaining the index
* in the array of visible dates and going from
* top left (0) to bottom right (41).
bool isBeginningOfMonth() const { return today<=8; } ;
bool isEndOfMonth() const { return today>=27; } ;
public slots:
/** Recalculates all the flags of the days in the matrix like holidays or events
* on a day (Actually calls above method with the actual startdate).
void updateView();
+ void updateViewTimed();
+ void repaintViewTimed();
* Calculate which square in the matrix should be
* hilighted to indicate it's today.
void recalculateToday();
void setStartDate(QDate);
/** emitted if the user selects a block of days with the mouse by dragging a rectangle
* inside the matrix
* @param daylist list of days that have been selected by the user
void selected( const KCal::DateList &daylist );
/** emitted if the user has dropped an event inside the matrix
* @param event the dropped calendar event
void eventDropped(Event *event);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev);
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *);
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *);
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
+ QTimer* mUpdateTimer;
+ QTimer* mRepaintTimer;
+ bool mDayChanged;
/** returns the index of the day located at the matrix's widget (x,y) position.
* @param x horizontal coordinate
* @param y vertical coordinate
int getDayIndexFrom(int x, int y);
/** calculates a "shaded" color from the supplied color object.
* (Copied from Cornelius's kdpdatebutton.cpp)
* @param color source based on which a shaded color should be calculated.
QColor getShadedColor(QColor color);
/** number of days to be displayed. For now there is no support for any other number then 42.
so change it at your own risk :o) */
static const int NUMDAYS;
/** calendar instance to be queried for holidays, events, ... */
Calendar *mCalendar;
/** starting date of the matrix */
QDate startdate;
/** array of day labels to optimeize drawing performance. */
QString *daylbls;
/** array of days displayed to reduce memory consumption by
subsequently calling QDate::addDays(). */
QDate *days;
/** array of storing the number of events on a given day.
* used for drawing a bold font if there is at least one event on that day.
int *events;
/** stores holiday names of the days shown in the matrix. */
QMap<int,QString> mHolidays;
/** indey of today or -1 if today is not visible in the matrix. */
int today;
/** index of day where dragged selection was initiated.
used to detect "negative" timely selections */
int mSelInit;
/** if mSelStart has this value it indicates that there is no
actual selection in the matrix. */
static const int NOSELECTION;
/** index of first selected day. */
int mSelStart;
/** index of last selected day. */
int mSelEnd;
/** dynamic tooltip to handle mouse dependent tips for each day in the matrix. */
DynamicTip* mToolTip;
/** default background colour of the matrix. */
QColor mDefaultBackColor;
/** default text color of the matrix. */
QColor mDefaultTextColor;
/** default text color for days not in the actual month. */
QColor mDefaultTextColorShaded;
/** default text color for holidays not in the actual month. */
QColor mHolidayColorShaded;
/** text color for selected days. */
QColor mSelectedDaysColor;
/** default width of the frame drawn around today if it is visible in the matrix. */
int mTodayMarginWidth;
/** stores actual size of each day in the widget so that I dont need to ask this data
* on every repaint.
QRect daysize;