Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
7 files changed, 99 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index 4421e61..41c60ea 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,122 +1,127 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
********** VERSION 2.0.3 ************
Added feature for changing alarm settings for many items at once:
Open list view (or search dialog), select the desired items and choose in
the popup menu: Set alarm for selected...
Added to the event/todo viewer the option to send an email to
all attendees or all selected (with RSVP) attendees.
Made the week-month mode changing in month view faster.
Made month view better useable with keyboard.
Now TAB key jumps to next cell with an event/todo.
Scroll in cell with coursor keys, scroll in time (next week) with
Shift/Control + coursorkeys.
Fixed bug that the todo view flat mode was reset after first view update.
If a todo is displayed closed in the todo view,
it is now displayed in overdue/due today color depending on the subtodos overdue/due today properties.
Added info about the numbers of years to the caption (title) information about a birthday event.
+Made completion date in todo editor editable.
+Added possibility to save/load templates for journals.
+(Which is just a simple "save text to file" or "insert text from file".
********** VERSION 2.0.2 ************
Fixed the layout problem of the day label buttons
of the agenda view introduced in version 2.0.1.
Added WhatsThis support for the todo view and the list view.
Added a quite useful feature to the montview.
Just click on the week numbers on the left.
And in the top right corner of month view/agenda view
there is now a "week number quick selector".
(Click on the black triangle).
Made the quite difficult timezone change in KO/Pi easy.
Fixed too small icons on desktop.
Fixed non visible icons in mainwindow on Z with fastload enabled.
Added signature file setting to smtp account config.
And the signature can be edited and saved in the edit mail dialog.
That does mean:
Simply edit the signature for the selected smtp account in the
edit new mail dialog and press the "save signature" button there.
Then the signature is saved to the file specified in the smtp account settings.
If there is no file specified, it is saved automatically to the file
********** VERSION 2.0.1 ************
Oooops ... I forgot to test on the Zaurus 5500 ...
Fixed many problems of new (english) strings (and german translations)
introduced in the latest versions, where the text was not fitting on the
240x320 display of the Zaurus 5500.
Added a popup menu ( press pen and hold to get popup ) to the agenda view
with many useful items (add event/todo, show next week, two weeks, month, journal).
Added items to the todolist popup menu for:
Display all opened, all closed or all todos flat.
The "flat" view makes is possible to sort all todos after ,e.g., prio or date.
Made the reparenting of todos on the desktop possible via Drag&Drop.
Fixed several bugs in setting the completed datetime for todos.
Added info about completed datetime of todos to the todo viewer.
Now displaying a completed todo (with completed datetime set) in the agenda view
at the time of the completion. Such that now it is possible to see in the agenda view
when what todo was completed.
Fixed behaviour of automatic setting completion of todos with sub-todos/parent todos.
Now the behaviour is:
Setting a parent to complete sets all (sub)childs to complete.
Setting a parent to uncomplete does not change the childs.
Setting a child to uncomplete sets all parent to uncomplete.
Setting a child to complete does not change the parents.
Smart updating and double buffering of the daymatrix.
Showing holidays in the day matrix.
Many other small performance updates.
Made day labels in agenda clickable. By clicking a label, the day is displayed in single day mode.
Now the translation file usertranslation.txt is supposed to be in utf8 format.
If you want to translate a language from western europe, just change the germantranslation.txt file. Please read the updated Usertranslation HowTo in KO/Pi Help menu.
********** VERSION 2.0.0 ************
Stable release 2.0.0!
Fixed problem in edit dialog recreation at startup.
Made "toggle view*" menu items enabled context sensitive.
Changed agenda size menu to items 1-10.
Made it possible to change agenda size quickly by pressing mouse on timelabels in agenda view and move mouse up/down.
Usebility enhancements in the KO/Pi menus.
Birthday import now adds year to summary.
What's Next view shows age in years for birthday.
Added three info lines to display subject, from and to of selected mails.
Fixed jump bar behaviour on Zaurus.
Now KA/Pi search field supports searching for a range of starting characters.
E.g. to search for all contact beginning with b to n, type
in the search field.
********** VERSION 1.9.20 ************
Added for the "dislplay one day" agenda mode
info in the caption and in the day lables:
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index b8080b5..5c18aaa 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -1125,100 +1125,106 @@
{ "Use Default of Selected Style","Default des selektierten Stils" },
{ "Use Default Setting of Printer","Default Einstellung des Druckers" },
{ "Portrait","Portrait" },
{ "Landscape","Landschaft" },
{ "Print day","Drucke Tag" },
{ "CalPrintDay_Base","CalPrintDay_Base" },
{ "Date && Time Range","Datum && Zeitspanne" },
{ "&End date:","&Enddatum:" },
{ "&Start date:","&Startdatum:" },
{ "Start &time:","Startzeit:" },
{ "End ti&me:","Endzeit:" },
{ "E&xtend time range to include all events","Erweitere Zeitspanne um alle Termine einzuschliessen" },
{ "Include to&dos that are due on the printed day(s)","Inclusive To&dos, die an den selektierten Tagen fällig sind" },
{ "Alt+D","Alt+D" },
{ "&Use colors","Nutze Farben" },
{ "Alt+U","Alt+U" },
{ "Print week","Drucke Woche" },
{ "CalPrintWeek_Base","CalPrintWeek_Base" },
{ "Use &colors","Nutze Farben" },
{ "Type of View","Typ der Ansicht" },
{ "Print as &Filofax page","Drucke als &Filofax Seite" },
{ "Alt+F","Alt+F" },
{ "Print as &timetable view:","Drucke als Zeittabelle:" },
{ "Alt+T","Alt+T" },
{ "Print as split week view","Drucke als gesplittete Wochenansicht" },
{ "Print month","Drucke Monat" },
{ "CalPrintMonth_Base","CalPrintMonth_Base" },
{ "&Start month:","&Startmonat:" },
{ "&End month:","&Endmonat:" },
{ "Print week &numbers","Drucke Wochen Nummer(n)" },
{ "Print todos","Drucke Todos" },
{ "CalPrintTodoConfig_Base","CalPrintTodoConfig_Base" },
{ "Include &description of the item","Inclusive Itembeschreibung" },
{ "Include d&ue date of the item","Inclusive Fälligkeitsdatum des Items" },
{ "Include &priority of the item","Inclusive Priorität des Items" },
{ "Items to Print","Zu druckende Items" },
{ "&From:","Von:" },
{ "&To:","Bis:" },
{ "Print &all todo items","Drucke alle Todo Items" },
{ "Print only &uncompleted items","Drucke nur nicht erledigte Todos" },
{ "Only items due in the &range:","Nur Items in dem Zeitraum:" },
{ "Todo List","Todo Liste" },
{ "&Title:","&Titel:" },
{ "Co&nnect subtodos with its parent","Verbinde Unter-Todos mit ihren Ober-Todos" },
{ "Todo list","Todo Liste" },
{ "&Print...","Drucke..." },
{ "<qt>Printing on printer <b>%1</b></qt>","<qt>Drucke auf Drucker <b>%1</b></qt>" },
{ "[Unconfigured]","[Unkonfiguriert]" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "FilterEditor","FilterEditor" },
{ "Include","Inclusive" },
{ "Exclude","Exclusive" },
{ "Edit Selection...","Editiere Auswahl" },
{ "recurring events","wiederholende Termine" },
{ "recurr. events","wiederh.Termine" },
{ "completed to-dos","erledigte Todos" },
{ "events","Termine" },
{ "todos","Todos" },
{ "journals","Journale" },
{ "public","öffentl." },
{ "private","privat" },
{ "confidential","vertraul." },
{ "\nhas sub-todos.\nAll completed sub-todos\nwill be deleted as well!","\nhat Unter-Todos.\nAlle erledigten Unter-Todos\nwerden auch gelöscht!" },
{ "Yesterday","Gestern" },
{ "Day after tomorrow","Übermorgen" },
{ "Tomorrow","Morgen" },
{ "Day before yesterday","Vorgestern" },
{ "Size %1","Größe %1" },
{ "New Agendasize: %1","Neue Agendagröße: %1" },
{ " (%1 y.)"," (%1 J.)" },
{ "Allday:","Ganztägig:" },
{ "compl.todos","erled.Todos" },
{ "Day view","Tagesansicht" },
{ "Next days","Nächste Tage" },
{ "Next week","Nächste Woche" },
{ "Next two weeks","Nächste zwei Wochen" },
{ "Next month","Nächster Monat" },
{ "Journal view","Journal" },
{ "Display all opened","Zeige alle geöffnet" },
{ "Display all closed","Zeige alle geschlossen" },
{ "Display all flat","Zeige alle flach" },
{ "<p><i>Completed on %1</i></p>","<p><i>Erledigt am %1</i></p>" },
{ "Default todo done color:","Standard Todo erledigt Farbe" },
{ "Select week %1-%2","Selektiere Woche %1-%2" },
{ "Select Week","Selektiere Woche" },
{ "Set alarm for selected...","Setze Alarm für Selekt..." },
{ "Set Alarm!","Setze Alarm!" },
{ "Canged alarm for %1 items","Alarm für %1 Items geändert" },
{ " and "," und " },
{ "<IMG src="%1"> only )","nur <IMG src="%1"> )" },
{ "Mail to selected","Mail an Ausgewählte" },
{ "Mail to all","Mail an Alle" },
{ "Week view mode uses bigger font","Wochenansicht Modus nutzt größeren Font" },
{ "Set reminder ON with offset to:","Alarm AN mit Offset auf:" },
{ " on"," am" },
{ " completed on "," erledigt am " },
+{ "Save as Event template","Speichere als Vorlage" },
+{ "Load Event template","Lade Termin Vorlage" },
+{ "Save as Journal template","Speichere als Journal Vorlage" },
+{ "Insert Journal template","Füge Journal Vorlage ein" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
diff --git a/korganizer/journalentry.cpp b/korganizer/journalentry.cpp
index 7af5cf4..dca42e0 100644
--- a/korganizer/journalentry.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/journalentry.cpp
@@ -1,170 +1,249 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
// Journal Entry
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <ktextedit.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "koprefs.h"
#include <libkcal/journal.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h>
#include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h>
#include "journalentry.h"
//#include "journalentry.moc"
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
JournalEntry::JournalEntry(Calendar *calendar,QWidget *parent) :
mCalendar = calendar;
mJournal = 0;
mDirty = false;
- mTitleLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Title"),this);
+ QHBox * vb = new QHBox ( this );
+ QPushButton * loadTemplate = new QPushButton( vb );
+ QPushButton * saveTemplate = new QPushButton( vb );
+ QIconSet icon;
+ if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 321 )
+ icon = SmallIcon("fileexport16");
+ else
+ icon = SmallIcon("fileexport");
+ saveTemplate->setIconSet (icon ) ;
+ int size = saveTemplate->sizeHint().height();
+ saveTemplate->setFixedSize( size, size );
+ if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 321 )
+ icon = SmallIcon("fileimport16");
+ else
+ icon = SmallIcon("fileimport");
+ loadTemplate->setIconSet (icon ) ;
+ loadTemplate->setFixedSize( size, size );
+ mTitleLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Title"),vb);
mEditor = new KTextEdit(this);
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mEditor, QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
mEditor->setWordWrap( KTextEdit::WidgetWidth );
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- topLayout->addWidget(mTitleLabel);
+ topLayout->addWidget(vb);
+ connect( saveTemplate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( slotSaveTemplate() ) );
+ connect( loadTemplate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( slotLoadTemplate() ) );
+void JournalEntry::slotSaveTemplate()
+ QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "journals" );
+ QDir t_dir;
+ if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) )
+ t_dir.mkdir ( fileName );
+ fileName += "/journal";
+ fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fileName , i18n("Save as Journal template"), this );
+ if ( fileName.length() == 0 )
+ return;
+ QFile fileIn( fileName );
+ if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
+ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Error saving template file\n '%1'.")
+ .arg( fileName ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ // QString text;
+ QTextStream tsIn( &fileIn );
+ tsIn.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
+ tsIn << mEditor->text();
+ fileIn.close();
+void JournalEntry::slotLoadTemplate()
+ QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "journals" );
+ QDir t_dir;
+ if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) )
+ t_dir.mkdir ( fileName );
+ fileName += "/journal";
+ fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( fileName , i18n("Insert Journal template"), this );
+ if ( fileName.length() == 0 )
+ return;
+ QFile fileIn( fileName );
+ if (! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Error loading template file\n '%1'.")
+ .arg( fileName ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream tsIn( &fileIn );
+ tsIn.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
+ QString text =;
+ fileIn.close();
+ int line, col;
+ mEditor->getCursorPosition (& line, & col );
+ mEditor-> insertAt ( text, line, col, true );
+ //mEditor->setIgnoreMark( true );
+ setDirty();
void JournalEntry::setDate(const QDate &date)
mDate = date;
void JournalEntry::setJournal(Journal *journal)
mJournal = journal;
mDirty = false;
Journal *JournalEntry::journal() const
return mJournal;
void JournalEntry::setDirty()
mDirty = true;
// kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::setDirty()" << endl;
void JournalEntry::clear()
mJournal = 0;
bool JournalEntry::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
// kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::event received " << e->type() << endl;
if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) {
if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) {
QKeyEvent * k = (QKeyEvent *) e;
if ( k->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) {
//return true;
return QFrame::eventFilter( o, e ); // standard event processing
void JournalEntry::writeJournal()
// kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::writeJournal()" << endl;
if (!mDirty) return;
if (mEditor->text().isEmpty()) {
if ( mJournal ) {
mDirty = false;
bool conf = KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm;
KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm = false;
emit deleteJournal(mJournal);
KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm = conf;
mJournal = 0;
// kdDebug() << "JournalEntry::writeJournal()..." << endl;
if (!mJournal) {
mJournal = new Journal;
+ //qDebug("tttt%s ", mEditor->text().latin1());
mDirty = false;
void JournalEntry::flushEntry()
if (!mDirty) return;
void JournalEntry::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
diff --git a/korganizer/journalentry.h b/korganizer/journalentry.h
index 1f784f4..f1a1fef 100644
--- a/korganizer/journalentry.h
+++ b/korganizer/journalentry.h
@@ -1,73 +1,75 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
// Widget showing one Journal entry
#include <qframe.h>
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
class QLabel;
class KTextEdit;
using namespace KCal;
class JournalEntry : public QFrame {
JournalEntry(Calendar *,QWidget *parent);
virtual ~JournalEntry();
void setJournal(Journal *);
Journal *journal() const;
void setDate(const QDate &);
void clear();
void flushEntry();
protected slots:
+ void slotSaveTemplate();
+ void slotLoadTemplate();
void setDirty();
void deleteJournal(Journal *);
bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e );
void writeJournal();
Calendar *mCalendar;
Journal *mJournal;
QDate mDate;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ;
QLabel *mTitleLabel;
KTextEdit *mEditor;
bool mDirty;
diff --git a/korganizer/koeventeditor.cpp b/korganizer/koeventeditor.cpp
index 0ff99a4..337db9b 100644
--- a/korganizer/koeventeditor.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koeventeditor.cpp
@@ -242,136 +242,136 @@ bool KOEventEditor::processInput( bool emitTime )
mEvent = event;
emit eventAdded(event);
return true;
void KOEventEditor::deleteEvent()
kdDebug() << "Delete event" << endl;
if (mEvent) {
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm) {
switch (msgItemDelete()) {
case KMessageBox::Continue: // OK
emit eventToBeDeleted(mEvent);
emit dialogClose(mEvent);
emit eventDeleted();
else {
emit eventToBeDeleted(mEvent);
emit dialogClose(mEvent);
emit eventDeleted();
} else {
void KOEventEditor::setDefaults(QDateTime from, QDateTime to, bool allDay)
showPage( 0 );
mGeneral->setFocusOn( 2 );
void KOEventEditor::readEvent( Event *event, bool tmpl )
mGeneral->readEvent( event, tmpl );
mDetails->readEvent( event );
mRecurrence->readEvent( event );
// categories
//mCategoryDialog->setSelected( event->categories() );
void KOEventEditor::writeEvent(Event *event)
mGeneral->writeEvent( event );
mDetails->writeEvent( event );
if ( event->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) {
Event *ev = new Event( *event );
mDetails->cancelAttendeeEvent( ev );
if ( ev->attendeeCount() > 0 ) {
emit deleteAttendee( ev );
bool KOEventEditor::validateInput()
if (!mGeneral->validateInput()) return false;
if (!mDetails->validateInput()) return false;
if (!mRecurrence->validateInput()) return false;
return true;
int KOEventEditor::msgItemDelete()
return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
i18n("This item will be permanently deleted."),
i18n("KOrganizer Confirmation"),i18n("Delete"));
void KOEventEditor::slotLoadTemplate()
QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "events" );
QDir t_dir;
if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) )
t_dir.mkdir ( fileName );
fileName += "/event";
- fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fileName , "Load Event template", this );
+ fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( fileName , i18n("Load Event template"), this );
if ( fileName.length() == 0 )
CalendarLocal cal;
ICalFormat format;
if ( !format.load( &cal, fileName ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Error loading template file\n '%1'.")
.arg( fileName ) );
return ;
QPtrList<Event> events =;
Event* event = events.first();
if ( !event ) {
KMessageBox::error( this,
i18n("Template does not contain\na valid Event."));
} else {
kdDebug() << "KOEventEditor::slotLoadTemplate(): readTemplate" << endl;
readEvent( event, true );
void KOEventEditor::slotSaveTemplate()
QString fileName =locateLocal( "templates", "events" );
QDir t_dir;
if ( !t_dir.exists(fileName) )
t_dir.mkdir ( fileName );
fileName += "/event";
- fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fileName , "Save as Event template", this );
+ fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fileName , i18n("Save as Event template"), this );
if ( fileName.length() > 0 )
saveTemplate( fileName );
void KOEventEditor::saveTemplate( const QString &templateName )
Event *event = new Event;
writeEvent( event );
saveAsTemplate( event, templateName );
diff --git a/microkde/kfiledialog.cpp b/microkde/kfiledialog.cpp
index 309f8dc..3f47425 100644
--- a/microkde/kfiledialog.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kfiledialog.cpp
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
//US orig#include <ofileselector.h>
#include <ofileselector_p.h>
QString KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( const QString & fn,
const QString & cap , QWidget * par )
QString retfile = "";
QDialog dia ( par, "input-dialog", true );
QVBoxLayout lay( &dia );
- dia.setCaption( cap );
QString file = fn;
if ( file.isEmpty() )
file = QDir::homeDirPath()+"/*";
QFileInfo fi ( file );
OFileSelector o ( &dia,OFileSelector::FileSelector, OFileSelector::Save, fi.dirPath(true), fi.fileName() );
QObject::connect ( &o, SIGNAL( ok() ), &dia, SLOT ( accept () ) );
lay.addWidget( &o);
// o.setNewVisible( true );
// o.setNameVisible( true );
+ dia.setCaption( cap );
int res = dia.exec();
if ( res )
retfile = o.selectedName();
return retfile;
QString KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( const QString & fn,
const QString & cap, QWidget * par )
QString retfile = "";
QDialog dia ( par, "input-dialog", true );
// QLineEdit lab ( &dia );
QVBoxLayout lay( &dia );
- dia.setCaption( cap );
QString file = fn;
if ( file.isEmpty() )
file = QDir::homeDirPath()+"/*";;
QFileInfo fi ( file );
OFileSelector o ( &dia,OFileSelector::FileSelector, OFileSelector::Open, fi.dirPath(true), fi.fileName() );
QObject::connect ( &o, SIGNAL( ok() ), &dia, SLOT ( accept () ) );
lay.addWidget( &o);
+ dia.setCaption( cap );
int res = dia.exec();
if ( res )
retfile = o.selectedName();
return retfile;
#include <qfiledialog.h>
QString KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( const QString & fn,
const QString & cap , QWidget * par )
return QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, QString::null, par, "openfile", cap );
QString KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( const QString & fn,
const QString & cap, QWidget * par )
return QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( fn, QString::null, par, "openfile", cap );
diff --git a/microkde/ktextedit.h b/microkde/ktextedit.h
index c912f3b..87c0602 100644
--- a/microkde/ktextedit.h
+++ b/microkde/ktextedit.h
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
#include <qmultilineedit.h>
class KTextEdit : public QMultiLineEdit
KTextEdit( QWidget *parent ) ;
+ void setIgnoreMark( bool b ) { mIgnoreMark = b; }
bool mAllowPopupMenu;
bool mMouseDown;
bool mIgnoreMark;
int mYMousePos;
int mXMousePos;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);