path: root/bin
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'bin') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index be0d2b2..aa6ab0a 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,47 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
+********** VERSION 2.0.27 ************
+More bugfixes.
+Added possibility to clone in KO/Pi a todo with all its subtodos.
+Added a timetracker funtionality in KO/Pi for todos in the todo view.
+If a todo is set to started and then to stopped it is saving information about the runtime in
+To read, display, print this information an external program is needed which will be developed.
+It will display the data in a Gantt timetable view with one row for each todo.
+It will have many possibilities sorting the data after category, parent todos, attendees, ... and for creating/printing status reports/summaries.
+Merging of data from different computers/users will be quite easy because every run is stored in a single file.
+The program will be only available for the desktop (Linux+Windows) and it will be not Open Source.
********** VERSION 2.0.26 ************
Added two more fields to the KA/Pi view config:
A "Mobile (home)" and a "Mobile (work)" field.
Fixed utf8 import (e.g. for Japaneese text) in KA/Pi.
Some alarm applet enhancements, e.g. sound stops automatically if value of suspend spinbox changes.
And again fixed some more small bugs.
********** VERSION 2.0.25 ************
And again fixed some bugs.
********** VERSION 2.0.24 ************
Fixed again a lot of small bugs.
Some performance optimizations in date navigator.
Month view displays now multi days events on top of each cell, such that it is more likely that all multi days items of one event are in the same row.
********** VERSION 2.0.23 ************
Fixed again a lot of small and strange bugs, e.g. the missing toolbar of KA/Pi after a new installation.
Fixed the (agenda) layout of KO/Pi on 5500er.
Some usebility enhancements (e.g. reselection the current item of the todo view after some changes).
********** VERSION 2.0.22 ************
Fix for creating events/todos via the abgenda context menu.
Added option to split toolbar to 3 toolbars.
(Toolbar moving s disabled for this option due to a bug in Qt somewhere).
Added option to show one small filter-view-toolbar.
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index 5257bff..9476a89 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -1129,84 +1129,84 @@
{ "E&xtend time range to include all events","Erweitere Zeitspanne um alle Termine einzuschliessen" },
{ "Include to&dos that are due on the printed day(s)","Inclusive To&dos, die an den selektierten Tagen fällig sind" },
{ "Alt+D","Alt+D" },
{ "&Use colors","Nutze Farben" },
{ "Alt+U","Alt+U" },
{ "Print week","Drucke Woche" },
{ "CalPrintWeek_Base","CalPrintWeek_Base" },
{ "Use &colors","Nutze Farben" },
{ "Type of View","Typ der Ansicht" },
{ "Print as &Filofax page","Drucke als &Filofax Seite" },
{ "Alt+F","Alt+F" },
{ "Print as &timetable view:","Drucke als Zeittabelle:" },
{ "Alt+T","Alt+T" },
{ "Print as split week view","Drucke als gesplittete Wochenansicht" },
{ "Print month","Drucke Monat" },
{ "CalPrintMonth_Base","CalPrintMonth_Base" },
{ "&Start month:","&Startmonat:" },
{ "&End month:","&Endmonat:" },
{ "Print week &numbers","Drucke Wochen Nummer(n)" },
{ "Print todos","Drucke Todos" },
{ "CalPrintTodoConfig_Base","CalPrintTodoConfig_Base" },
{ "Include &description of the item","Inclusive Itembeschreibung" },
{ "Include d&ue date of the item","Inclusive Fälligkeitsdatum des Items" },
{ "Include &priority of the item","Inclusive Priorität des Items" },
{ "Items to Print","Zu druckende Items" },
{ "&From:","Von:" },
{ "&To:","Bis:" },
{ "Print &all todo items","Drucke alle Todo Items" },
{ "Print only &uncompleted items","Drucke nur nicht erledigte Todos" },
{ "Only items due in the &range:","Nur Items in dem Zeitraum:" },
{ "Todo List","Todo Liste" },
{ "&Title:","&Titel:" },
-{ "Co&nnect subtodos with its parent","Verbinde Unter-Todos mit ihren Ober-Todos" },
+{ "Co&nnect subtodos with its parent","Verbinde Untertodos mit ihren Ober-Todos" },
{ "Todo list","Todo Liste" },
{ "&Print...","Drucke..." },
{ "<qt>Printing on printer <b>%1</b></qt>","<qt>Drucke auf Drucker <b>%1</b></qt>" },
{ "[Unconfigured]","[Unkonfiguriert]" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "FilterEditor","FilterEditor" },
{ "Include","Inclusive" },
{ "Exclude","Exclusive" },
{ "Edit Selection...","Editiere Auswahl" },
{ "recurring events","wiederholende Termine" },
{ "recurr. events","wiederh.Termine" },
{ "completed to-dos","erledigte Todos" },
{ "events","Termine" },
{ "todos","Todos" },
{ "journals","Journale" },
{ "public","öffentl." },
{ "private","privat" },
{ "confidential","vertraul." },
-{ "\nhas sub-todos.\nAll completed sub-todos\nwill be deleted as well!","\nhat Unter-Todos.\nAlle erledigten Unter-Todos\nwerden auch gelöscht!" },
+{ "\nhas sub-todos.\nAll completed sub-todos\nwill be deleted as well!","\nhat Untertodos.\nAlle erledigten Untertodos\nwerden auch gelöscht!" },
{ "Yesterday","Gestern" },
{ "Day after tomorrow","Übermorgen" },
{ "Tomorrow","Morgen" },
{ "Day before yesterday","Vorgestern" },
{ "Size %1","Größe %1" },
{ "New Agendasize: %1","Neue Agendagröße: %1" },
{ " (%1 y.)"," (%1 J.)" },
{ "Allday:","Ganztägig:" },
{ "compl.todos","erled.Todos" },
{ "Day view","Tagesansicht" },
{ "Next days","Nächste Tage" },
{ "Next week","Nächste Woche" },
{ "Next two weeks","Nächste zwei Wochen" },
{ "This month","Dieser Monat" },
{ "Journal view","Journal" },
{ "Display all opened","Zeige alle geöffnet" },
{ "Display all closed","Zeige alle geschlossen" },
{ "Display all flat","Zeige alle flach" },
{ "<p><i>Completed on %1</i></p>","<p><i>Erledigt am %1</i></p>" },
{ "Default todo done color:","Standard Todo erledigt Farbe" },
{ "Select week %1-%2","Wähle Woche %1-%2" },
{ "Select Week","Wähle Woche" },
{ "Set alarm for selected...","Setze Alarm für Selekt..." },
{ "Set Alarm!","Setze Alarm!" },
{ "Canged alarm for %1 items","Alarm für %1 Items geändert" },
{ " and "," und " },
{ "<IMG src="%1"> only )","nur <IMG src="%1"> )" },
{ "Mail to selected","Mail an Ausgewählte" },
{ "Mail to all","Mail an Alle" },
{ "Week view mode uses bigger font","Wochenansicht Modus nutzt größeren Font" },
{ "Set reminder ON with offset to:","Alarm AN mit Offset auf:" },
{ " on"," am" },
@@ -1314,39 +1314,44 @@
{ "\n\nDo you really want to print this item?","\n\nMöchten Sie wirklich diesen Eintrag ausdrucken? " },
{ "KO/Pi Print Confirmation","KO/Pi Druckbestätigung" },
{ "This prints the view as you see it.\n(With the complete content, of course.)\nYou may change the print layout by resizing the view.\nPrint unscaled may print several pages\ndepending on the amount of data.\nPrint scaled down will print all on one page.\nPrint scaled up/down will print all on one page,\nbut will scale up the text to page boundaries,\nif the text is smaller than the page.\nYou can select page geometry setup in the next dialog.\n","Dies druckt die Ansicht wie man sie sieht.\n(Mit dem kompletten Inhalt natürlich.)\nMan kann das Layout ändern durch ändern der Fenstergröße.\nDrucke unskaliert druckt ggf. mehrere Seiten\nabhängig von der Menge der Daten.\nDrucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen\ndruckt alles auf eine Seite.\nDrucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen\nvergrößert den Text gegebenenfalls.\nDas Seitenlayout kann im nächsten Dialog gewählt werden.\n" },
{ "KO/Pi Printout","KO/Pi Ausdruck" },
{ "Print unscaled","Drucke unskaliert" },
{ "Print scaled down to fit one page","Drucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen." },
{ "Print scaled up/down to fit one page","Drucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen." },
{ "Printout Mode","Druck Modus" },
{ "Filter menu icon","Filtermenu Icon" },
{ "<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n","<p><b>A+(shift oder ctrl)</b>: Zeige Zeit bis zum nächsten Alarm</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n","<p><b>N</b>: Wechsle zur nächsten Ansicht, die ein Icon in der Toolbar hat</p>\n" },
{ "%1d","%1t" },
{ "%1h","%1std" },
{ "%1min","%1min" },
{ "( %1 before )","( %1 vorher )" },
{ "The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!","Der nächste Alarm kommt in\nweniger als einer Minute!" },
{ "\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n","\nDie interne Alarmbenachrichtigung ist ausgeschaltet!\n" },
{ "Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.","Schalten Sie sie an im Menu Einstellungen, TAB Alarm." },
{ "Show Sync Events in WN+Agenda","Zeige Sync-Ereignisse in WN+Agenda" },
{ "Use short date in WN+Event view","Zeige Kurzdatum in WN+Terminanzeige" },
{ "Number of max.displayed todo prios:","Anzahl max.angezeigter Todo-Prios:" },
{ " on "," am " },
{ "On: ","Am: " },
{ "<i>The recurrence is computed from the start datetime!</i>","<i>Die Wiederholung wird vom Startwert aus berechnet!</i>" },
{ "Start/Stop todo...","Starte/Stoppe Todo..." },
{ "Color for running todos:","Farbe für laufende Todos:" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis started.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to stopped?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestartet.\nWollen Sie es\nauf gestoppt setzen?" },
{ "Todo is started","Todo is gestarted" },
{ "Stop todo","Stoppe Todo" },
{ "Todo is stopped","Todo ist gestoppt" },
{ "Start todo","Starte Todo" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis stopped.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to started?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestoppt.\nWollen Sie es auf\ngestartet setzen?" },
+{ "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie\nalle Untertodos auch klonen?" },
+{ "Todo has subtodos","Todo hat Untertodos" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },