-rw-r--r-- | gammu/emb/common/gsmstate.c | 7 |
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/gammu/emb/common/gsmstate.c b/gammu/emb/common/gsmstate.c index 31e365d..c65dc01 100644 --- a/gammu/emb/common/gsmstate.c +++ b/gammu/emb/common/gsmstate.c @@ -429,257 +429,257 @@ int GSM_ReadDevice (GSM_StateMachine *s, bool wait) if (!wait) break; if (res > 0) break; my_sleep(5); GSM_GetCurrentDateTime(&Date); } for (count = 0; count < res; count++) s->Protocol.Functions->StateMachine(s,buff[count]); return res; } GSM_Error GSM_TerminateConnection(GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Error error; if (!s->opened) return ERR_UNKNOWN; smprintf(s,"[Closing]\n"); if (mystrncasecmp(s->CurrentConfig->StartInfo,"yes",0)) { if (s->Phone.Data.StartInfoCounter > 0) s->Phone.Functions->ShowStartInfo(s,false); } if (s->Phone.Functions != NULL) { error=s->Phone.Functions->Terminate(s); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; } error=s->Protocol.Functions->Terminate(s); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; error = s->Device.Functions->CloseDevice(s); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo = NULL; s->Phone.Data.Manufacturer[0] = 0; s->Phone.Data.Model[0] = 0; s->Phone.Data.Version[0] = 0; s->Phone.Data.VerDate[0] = 0; s->Phone.Data.VerNum = 0; if (s->LockFile!=NULL) unlock_device(&(s->LockFile)); if (!s->di.use_global && s->di.dl!=0 && fileno(s->di.df) != 1 && fileno(s->di.df) != 2) fclose(s->di.df); s->opened = false; return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error GSM_WaitForOnce(GSM_StateMachine *s, unsigned char *buffer, int length, unsigned char type, int time) { GSM_Phone_Data *Phone = &s->Phone.Data; GSM_Protocol_Message sentmsg; int i; i=0; do { if (length != 0) { sentmsg.Length = length; sentmsg.Type = type; sentmsg.Buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(length); memcpy(sentmsg.Buffer,buffer,length); Phone->SentMsg = &sentmsg; } /* Some data received. Reset timer */ if (GSM_ReadDevice(s,true)!=0) i=0; if (length != 0) { free (sentmsg.Buffer); Phone->SentMsg = NULL; } /* Request completed */ if (Phone->RequestID==ID_None) return Phone->DispatchError; i++; } while (i<time); return ERR_TIMEOUT; } GSM_Error GSM_WaitFor (GSM_StateMachine *s, unsigned char *buffer, int length, unsigned char type, int time, GSM_Phone_RequestID request) { GSM_Phone_Data *Phone = &s->Phone.Data; GSM_Error error; int reply; if (mystrncasecmp(s->CurrentConfig->StartInfo,"yes",0)) { if (Phone->StartInfoCounter > 0) { Phone->StartInfoCounter--; if (Phone->StartInfoCounter == 0) s->Phone.Functions->ShowStartInfo(s,false); } } Phone->RequestID = request; Phone->DispatchError = ERR_TIMEOUT; for (reply=0;reply<s->ReplyNum;reply++) { if (reply!=0) { if (s->di.dl==DL_TEXT || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALL || s->di.dl == DL_TEXTERROR || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTDATE || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALLDATE || s->di.dl == DL_TEXTERRORDATE) { smprintf(s, "[Retrying %i type 0x%02X]\n", reply, type); } } error = s->Protocol.Functions->WriteMessage(s, buffer, length, type); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; error = GSM_WaitForOnce(s, buffer, length, type, time); if (error != ERR_TIMEOUT) return error; } return Phone->DispatchError; } static GSM_Error CheckReplyFunctions(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Reply_Function *Reply, int *reply) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; GSM_Protocol_Message *msg = s->Phone.Data.RequestMsg; bool execute; bool available = false; int i = 0; -// int j; +// int j; while (Reply[i].requestID!=ID_None) { execute=false; /* Binary frames like in Nokia */ if (strlen(Reply[i].msgtype) < 2) { if (Reply[i].msgtype[0]==msg->Type) { if (Reply[i].subtypechar!=0) { if (Reply[i].subtypechar<=msg->Length) { if (msg->Buffer[Reply[i].subtypechar]==Reply[i].subtype) execute=true; } } else execute=true; } } else { // printf("msg length %i %i\n",strlen(Reply[i].msgtype),msg->Length); if ((int)strlen(Reply[i].msgtype)<msg->Length) { // printf("Comparing \"%s\" and \"",Reply[i].msgtype); // for (j=0;j<strlen(Reply[i].msgtype);j++) { // if (msg->Buffer[j]!=13 && msg->Buffer[j]!=10) { // printf("%c",msg->Buffer[j]); // } // } // printf("\"\n"); if (strncmp(Reply[i].msgtype,msg->Buffer,strlen(Reply[i].msgtype))==0) { execute=true; } } } if (execute) { *reply=i; if (Reply[i].requestID == ID_IncomingFrame || Reply[i].requestID == Data->RequestID || Data->RequestID == ID_EachFrame) { return ERR_NONE; } available=true; } i++; } if (available) { return ERR_FRAMENOTREQUESTED; } else { return ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME; } } GSM_Error GSM_DispatchMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Error error = ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME; GSM_Protocol_Message *msg = s->Phone.Data.RequestMsg; GSM_Phone_Data *Phone = &s->Phone.Data; bool disp = false; GSM_Reply_Function *Reply; int reply, i; if (s->di.dl==DL_TEXT || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALL || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTDATE || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALLDATE) { smprintf(s, "RECEIVED frame "); smprintf(s, "type 0x%02X/length 0x%02X/%i", msg->Type, msg->Length, msg->Length); DumpMessage(s->di.use_global ? di.df : s->di.df, s->di.dl, msg->Buffer, msg->Length); if (msg->Length == 0) smprintf(s, "\n"); fflush(s->di.df); } if (s->di.dl==DL_BINARY) { smprintf(s,"%c",0x02); /* Receiving */ smprintf(s,"%c",msg->Type); smprintf(s,"%c",msg->Length/256); smprintf(s,"%c",msg->Length%256); for (i=0;i<msg->Length;i++) { smprintf(s,"%c",msg->Buffer[i]); } } Reply=s->User.UserReplyFunctions; if (Reply!=NULL) error=CheckReplyFunctions(s,Reply,&reply); if (error==ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME) { Reply=s->Phone.Functions->ReplyFunctions; error=CheckReplyFunctions(s,Reply,&reply); } if (error==ERR_NONE) { error=Reply[reply].Function(*msg, s); if (Reply[reply].requestID==Phone->RequestID) { if (error == ERR_NEEDANOTHERANSWER) { error = ERR_NONE; } else { Phone->RequestID=ID_None; } } } if (strcmp(s->Phone.Functions->models,"NAUTO")) { if (s->di.dl==DL_TEXT || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALL || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTERROR || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTDATE || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTALLDATE || s->di.dl==DL_TEXTERRORDATE) { disp = true; switch (error) { case ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE: smprintf(s, "\nUNKNOWN response"); break; case ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME: smprintf(s, "\nUNKNOWN frame"); break; case ERR_FRAMENOTREQUESTED: smprintf(s, "\nFrame not request now"); break; default: disp = false; } } if (error == ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME || error == ERR_FRAMENOTREQUESTED) { error = ERR_TIMEOUT; } } if (disp) { smprintf(s,". If you can, PLEASE report it (see readme.txt). THANK YOU\n"); if (Phone->SentMsg != NULL) { smprintf(s,"LAST SENT frame "); smprintf(s, "type 0x%02X/length %i", Phone->SentMsg->Type, Phone->SentMsg->Length); DumpMessage(s->di.use_global ? di.df : s->di.df, s->di.dl, Phone->SentMsg->Buffer, Phone->SentMsg->Length); } smprintf(s, "RECEIVED frame "); smprintf(s, "type 0x%02X/length 0x%02X/%i", msg->Type, msg->Length, msg->Length); DumpMessage(s->di.use_global ? di.df : s->di.df, s->di.dl, msg->Buffer, msg->Length); @@ -745,342 +745,343 @@ bool GSM_ReadConfig(INI_Section *cfg_info, GSM_Config *cfg, int num) unsigned char section[50]; bool found = false; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(DJGPP) char *DefaultPort = "com2:"; #else char *DefaultPort = "/dev/ttyS1"; #endif char *DefaultModel = ""; char *DefaultConnection = "fbus"; char *DefaultSynchronizeTime = "no"; char *DefaultDebugFile = ""; char *DefaultDebugLevel = ""; char *DefaultLockDevice = "no"; char *DefaultStartInfo = "no"; char *Temp; /* By default all debug output will go to one filedescriptor */ bool DefaultUseGlobalDebugFile = true; cfg->Device = DefaultPort; cfg->Connection = DefaultConnection; cfg->SyncTime = DefaultSynchronizeTime; cfg->DebugFile = DefaultDebugFile; strcpy(cfg->Model,DefaultModel); strcpy(cfg->DebugLevel,DefaultDebugLevel); cfg->LockDevice = DefaultLockDevice; cfg->StartInfo = DefaultStartInfo; cfg->DefaultDevice = true; cfg->DefaultModel = true; cfg->DefaultConnection = true; cfg->DefaultSyncTime = true; cfg->DefaultDebugFile = true; cfg->DefaultDebugLevel = true; cfg->DefaultLockDevice = true; cfg->DefaultStartInfo = true; cfg->UseGlobalDebugFile = DefaultUseGlobalDebugFile; if (cfg_info==NULL) return false; if (num == 0) { sprintf(section,"gammu"); } else { sprintf(section,"gammu%i",num); } for (h = cfg_info; h != NULL; h = h->Next) { if (mystrncasecmp(section, h->SectionName, strlen(section))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; cfg->Device = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "port", false); if (!cfg->Device) { free(cfg->Device); cfg->Device = strdup(DefaultPort); } else { cfg->DefaultDevice = false; } cfg->Connection = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "connection", false); if (!cfg->Connection) { free(cfg->Connection); cfg->Connection = strdup(DefaultConnection); } else { cfg->DefaultConnection = false; } cfg->SyncTime = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "synchronizetime", false); if (!cfg->SyncTime) { free(cfg->SyncTime); cfg->SyncTime = strdup(DefaultSynchronizeTime); } else { cfg->DefaultSyncTime = false; } cfg->DebugFile = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "logfile", false); if (!cfg->DebugFile) { free(cfg->DebugFile); cfg->DebugFile = strdup(DefaultDebugFile); } else { cfg->DefaultDebugFile = false; } cfg->LockDevice = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "use_locking", false); if (!cfg->LockDevice) { free(cfg->LockDevice); cfg->LockDevice = strdup(DefaultLockDevice); } else { cfg->DefaultLockDevice = false; } Temp = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "model", false); if (!Temp) { strcpy(cfg->Model,DefaultModel); } else { cfg->DefaultModel = false; strcpy(cfg->Model,Temp); } Temp = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "logformat", false); if (!Temp) { strcpy(cfg->DebugLevel,DefaultDebugLevel); } else { cfg->DefaultDebugLevel = false; strcpy(cfg->DebugLevel,Temp); } cfg->StartInfo = INI_GetValue(cfg_info, section, "startinfo", false); if (!cfg->StartInfo) { free(cfg->StartInfo); cfg->StartInfo = strdup(DefaultStartInfo); } else { cfg->DefaultStartInfo = false; } return true; } static OnePhoneModel allmodels[] = { #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA650 {"0650" ,"THF-12","", {0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510 {"1100" ,"RH-18" ,"", {0}}, {"1100a","RH-38" ,"", {0}}, {"1100b","RH-36" ,"", {0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"2100" ,"NAM-2" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_POWER_BATT,F_PROFILES33,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}},//quess #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510 {"3100" ,"RH-19" ,"", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}},//fixme {"3100b","RH-50" ,"", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}},//fixme + {"3105" ,"RH-48" ,"Nokia 3105", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_VOICETAGS,0}},//fixme {"3108", "RH-6", "Nokia 3108", {0}}, //does it have irda ? {"3200", "RH-30" ,"Nokia 3200", {F_PBKTONEGAL,0}},//fixme {"3200a","RH-31" ,"Nokia 3200", {F_PBKTONEGAL,0}},//fixme #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"3210" ,"NSE-8" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_POWER_BATT,F_PROFILES51,F_NOPICTUREUNI,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, {"3210" ,"NSE-9" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_POWER_BATT,F_PROFILES51,F_NOPICTUREUNI,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510 {"3300" ,"NEM-1" ,"Nokia 3300", {F_PBKTONEGAL,0}},//fixme {"3300" ,"NEM-2" ,"Nokia 3300", {F_PBKTONEGAL,0}},//fixme #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"3310" ,"NHM-5" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_POWER_BATT,F_PROFILES33,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA3320 {"3320" ,"NPC-1" ,"Nokia 3320", {F_CAL62,F_DAYMONTH,0}},//fixme #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"3330" ,"NHM-6" ,"", {F_NOCALLER,F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_PROFILES33,F_NOPICTUREUNI,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, {"3390" ,"NPB-1" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_PROFILES33,F_NOPICTUREUNI,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, {"3410" ,"NHM-2" ,"", {F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_PROFILES33,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510 {"3510" ,"NHM-8" ,"", {F_CAL35,F_PBK35,F_NOGPRSPOINT,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"3510i","RH-9" ,"", {F_CAL35,F_PBK35,F_NOGPRSPOINT,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"3530" ,"RH-9" ,"", {F_CAL35,F_PBK35,F_NOGPRSPOINT,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"3589i","RH-44" ,"", {F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"3590" ,"NPM-8" ,"", {0}},//irda? {"3595" ,"NPM-10" ,"", {0}},//irda? #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"3610" ,"NAM-1" ,"", {F_NOCALLER,F_RING_SM,F_CAL33,F_POWER_BATT,F_PROFILES33,F_NOCALLINFO,F_NODTMF,0}},//quess #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA3650) {"3650" ,"NHL-8" ,"Nokia 3650", {0}}, {"NGAGE","NEM-4" ,"", {F_RADIO,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"5100" ,"NPM-6" ,"Nokia 5100", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"5100" ,"NPM-6U","Nokia 5100", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"5100" ,"NPM-6X","Nokia 5100", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"5140" ,"NPL-4" ,"Nokia 5140", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKUSER,F_WAPMMSPROXY,0}}, {"5140" ,"NPL-5" ,"Nokia 5140", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKUSER,F_WAPMMSPROXY,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"5110" ,"NSE-1" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NORING,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTUP,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_PROFILES51,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, {"5110i","NSE-2" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NORING,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTUP,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_PROFILES51,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, {"5130" ,"NSK-1" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NORING,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTUP,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_PROFILES51,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, {"5190" ,"NSB-1" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOCALLER,F_NORING,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTUP,F_NOCALENDAR,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_PROFILES51,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110) {"5210" ,"NSM-5" ,"Nokia 5210", {F_CAL52,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPICTUREUNI,F_NODTMF,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"5510" ,"NPM-5" ,"", {F_NOCALLER,F_PROFILES33,F_NOPICTUREUNI,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"6100" ,"NPL-2" ,"Nokia 6100", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110 {"6110" ,"NSE-3" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, {"6130" ,"NSK-3" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, {"6150" ,"NSM-1" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,F_NOPICTUREUNI,0}}, {"6190" ,"NSB-3" ,"", {F_NOWAP,F_NOPICTURE,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_MAGICBYTES,F_DISPSTATUS,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"6200" ,"NPL-3" ,"Nokia 6200", {F_PBKTONEGAL,0}}, {"6220" ,"RH-20" ,"Nokia 6220", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_PBKUSER,F_WAPMMSPROXY,F_NOTES,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA7110) {"6210" ,"NPE-3" ,"Nokia 6210", {F_VOICETAGS,F_CAL62,0}}, {"6250" ,"NHM-3" ,"Nokia 6250", {F_VOICETAGS,F_CAL62,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"6230" ,"RH-12" ,"Nokia 6230", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_PBKUSER,F_WAPMMSPROXY,F_NOTES,0}}, {"6310" ,"NPE-4" ,"Nokia 6310", {F_TODO63,F_CAL65,F_NOMIDI,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"6310i","NPL-1" ,"Nokia 6310i",{F_TODO63,F_CAL65,F_NOMIDI,F_BLUETOOTH,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"6385" ,"NHP-2AX","Nokia 6385",{F_TODO63,F_CAL65,F_NOMIDI,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"6510" ,"NPM-9" ,"Nokia 6510", {F_TODO63,F_CAL65,F_NOMIDI,F_RADIO,F_NOFILESYSTEM,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"6610" ,"NHL-4U","Nokia 6610", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"6610i","RM-37" ,"Nokia 6610i",{F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"6800" ,"NSB-9" ,"Nokia 6800", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}}, {"6800" ,"NHL-6" ,"Nokia 6800", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}}, - {"6810" ,"RM-2" ,"Nokia 6810", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}},//quess - {"6820" ,"NHL-9" ,"Nokia 6820", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,0}},//quess + {"6810" ,"RM-2" ,"Nokia 6810", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_NOTES,0}},//quess + {"6820" ,"NHL-9" ,"Nokia 6820", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_NOTES,0}},//quess #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA7110) {"7110" ,"NSE-5" ,"Nokia 7110", {F_CAL62,0}}, {"7190" ,"NSB-5" ,"Nokia 7190", {F_CAL62,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"7200" ,"RH-23" ,"Nokia 7200", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKSMSLIST,F_PBKUSER,0}},//quess {"7210" ,"NHL-4" ,"Nokia 7210", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,0}}, {"7250" ,"NHL-4J","Nokia 7250", {F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKIMG,0}}, {"7250i","NHL-4JX","Nokia 7250i",{F_PBKTONEGAL,F_TODO66,F_RADIO,F_PBKIMG,0}}, {"7600", "NMM-3", "Nokia 7600", {F_TODO66,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) {"7650" ,"NHL-2" ,"Nokia 7650", {0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110) {"8210" ,"NSM-3" ,"Nokia 8210", {F_NOWAP,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_NOPICTUREUNI,0}}, {"8250" ,"NSM-3D","Nokia 8250", {F_NOWAP,F_NOSTARTANI,F_CAL82,F_NOPICTUREUNI,0}}, {"8290" ,"NSB-7" ,"Nokia 8290", {F_NOWAP,F_NOSTARTANI,F_NOPBKUNICODE,F_NOPICTUREUNI,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"8310" ,"NHM-7" ,"Nokia 8310", {F_CAL62,F_NOMIDI,F_RADIO,F_NOFILESYSTEM,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, {"8390" ,"NSB-8" ,"Nokia 8390", {F_CAL62,F_NOMIDI,F_RADIO,F_NOFILESYSTEM,F_NOMMS,F_VOICETAGS,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6110) {"8850" ,"NSM-2" ,"Nokia 8850", {0}}, {"8855" ,"NSM-4" ,"Nokia 8855", {0}}, {"8890" ,"NSB-6" ,"Nokia 8890", {0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510) {"8910" ,"NHM-4" ,"Nokia 8910", {F_CAL62,F_NOMIDI,F_NOFILESYSTEM,F_NOMMS,0}}, {"8910i","NHM-4" ,"Nokia 8910i",{F_CAL62,F_NOMIDI,F_NOFILESYSTEM,F_NOMMS,0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA9210 {"9210" ,"RAE-3" ,"", {0}}, {"9210i","RAE-5" ,"", {0}}, #endif #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN {"at" , "at", "", {0}}, /* Siemens */ {"M20" , "M20", "", {F_M20SMS,F_SLOWWRITE,0}}, {"MC35" , "MC35", "", {0}}, {"TC35" , "TC35", "", {0}}, {"S25", "S25", "SIEMENS S25", {0}}, {"C35i" , "C35i", "", {0}}, {"S35i" , "S35i", "", {0}}, {"M35i" , "M35i", "", {0}}, {"S40" , "Siemens S40", "", {0}}, {"C45" , "C45", "", {0}}, {"S45" , "S45", "", {0}}, {"ME45" , "ME45", "", {0}}, {"SL45" , "SL45", "", {0}}, {"SL45i" , "SL45i", "", {0}}, {"M50" , "M50", "", {0}}, {"S45" , "6618" , "", {0}}, {"ME45" , "3618" , "", {0}}, {"S55" , "S55" , "", {0}}, /* Samsung */ {"S100" , "SGH-S100" , "", {0}}, {"S200" , "SGH-S200" , "", {0}}, {"S300" , "SGH-S300" , "", {0}}, {"S500" , "SGH-S500" , "", {0}}, {"V200" , "SGH-V200" , "", {0}}, {"T100" , "SGH-T100" , "", {0}}, {"E700" , "SGH-E700" , "", {0}}, /* Ericsson/Sony Ericsson */ {"T28s", "1101101-BVT28s","", {0}}, {"R320s" , "1101201-BV R320s","", {0}}, {"R380s", "7100101-BVR380s" ,"", {0}}, {"R520m", "1130101-BVR520m" ,"", {0}}, {"T39m", "1130102-BVT39m" ,"", {0}}, {"T65", "1101901-BVT65" , "", {0}}, {"T68", "1130201-BVT68" , "", {0}}, {"T68i", "1130202-BVT68" , "", {0}}, {"R600", "102001-BVR600" , "", {0}}, {"T200", "1130501-BVT200" ,"", {0}}, {"T300", "1130601-BVT300" ,"T300", {0}}, {"T310", "1130602-BVT310" ,"", {0}}, {"P800", "7130501-BVP800" ,"", {0}}, /* Other */ {"iPAQ" , "iPAQ" , "" , {0}}, {"A2D" , "A2D" , "" , {0}}, {"9210" , "RAE-3", "Nokia Communicator GSM900/1800",{0}}, {"myV-65", "myV-65 GPRS", "", {F_SMSME900,0}}, #endif #if defined(GSM_ENABLE_ATGEN) || defined(GSM_ENABLE_ALCATEL) {"BE5", "ONE TOUCH 500","", {F_ALCATEL,F_SMSONLYSENT,F_BROKENCPBS,0}}, {"BH4", "ONE TOUCH 535","ALCATEL OT535", {F_ALCATEL,F_SMSONLYSENT,0}}, {"BF5", "ONE TOUCH 715","ALCATEL OT715", {F_ALCATEL,F_SMSONLYSENT,F_BROKENCPBS,0}}, #endif {"unknown", "" ,"", {0}} }; OnePhoneModel *GetModelData(char *model, char *number, char *irdamodel) { int i = 0; while (strcmp(allmodels[i].number,"") != 0) { if (model !=NULL) { if (strcmp (model, allmodels[i].model) == 0) { return (&allmodels[i]); } } if (number !=NULL) { if (strcmp (number, allmodels[i].number) == 0) { return (&allmodels[i]); } } if (irdamodel !=NULL) { if (strcmp (irdamodel, allmodels[i].irdamodel) == 0) { return (&allmodels[i]); } } i++; } return (&allmodels[i]); } bool IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(OnePhoneModel *model, Feature feature) { int i = 0; bool retval = false; while (model->features[i] != 0) { if (model->features[i] == feature) { retval = true; break; } |