path: root/kabc/addressbook.h
Side-by-side diff
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.h b/kabc/addressbook.h
index cc755d1..df9048b 100644
--- a/kabc/addressbook.h
+++ b/kabc/addressbook.h
@@ -117,67 +117,69 @@ class AddressBook : public QObject
AddressBook( const QString &config );
AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family );
virtual ~AddressBook();
Requests a ticket for saving the addressbook. Calling this function locks
the addressbook for all other processes. If the address book is already
locked the function returns 0. You need the returned @ref Ticket object
for calling the @ref save() function.
@see save()
Ticket *requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource=0 );
Load address book from file.
bool load();
Save address book. The address book is saved to the file, the Ticket
object has been requested for by @ref requestSaveTicket().
@param ticket a ticket object returned by @ref requestSaveTicket()
bool save( Ticket *ticket );
bool saveAB( );
bool saveABphone( QString fileName );
void smplifyAddressees();
void preparePhoneSync( QString currentSyncDevice, bool isPreSync );
void export2File( QString fileName );
+ bool export2PhoneFormat( QStringList uids ,QString fileName );
void importFromFile( QString fileName, bool replaceLabel = false, bool removeOld = false );
void setUntagged();
void removeUntagged();
+ void findNewExtIds( QString fileName, QString currentSyncDevice );
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator begin();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator begin() const;
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator end();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator end() const;
Removes all entries from address book.
void clear();
Insert an Addressee object into address book. If an object with the same
unique id already exists in the address book it it replaced by the new
one. If not the new object is appended to the address book.
void insertAddressee( const Addressee &, bool setRev = true, bool takeResource = false);