path: root/kabc/addresseeview.cpp
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'kabc/addresseeview.cpp') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addresseeview.cpp b/kabc/addresseeview.cpp
index 8f104e0..aa96210 100644
--- a/kabc/addresseeview.cpp
+++ b/kabc/addresseeview.cpp
@@ -214,103 +214,139 @@ void AddresseeView::setAddressee( const KABC::Addressee& mAddressee )
.arg( KABC::Address::typeLabel( (*addrIt).type() ) )
//US .arg( (*addrIt).label().replace( '\n', "<br>" ) );
.arg( (*addrIt).label() /*replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<br>" )*/ );
QString notes;
if ( !mAddressee.note().isEmpty() ) {
notes = QString(
"<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><b>%1</b></td>" // note label
"<td align=\"left\">%2</td>" // note
"</tr>" ).arg( i18n( "Notes" ) )
//US .arg( mAddressee.note().replace( '\n', "<br>" ) );
.arg( mAddressee.note().replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<br>" ) );
//qDebug("AddresseeView::setAddressee has to be verified.");
QString aRole = "";
QString aOrga = "";
if ( true /*!mAddressee.role().isEmpty()*/ ) {
aRole = "<tr>"
"<td align=\"left\">" + mAddressee.role() + "</td>"
if ( true /*!mAddressee.organization().isEmpty()*/ ) {
aOrga = "<tr>"
"<td align=\"left\">" + mAddressee.organization() + "</td>"
mText = "";
QString picString = "";
KABC::Picture picture =;
bool picAvailintern = false;
bool picAvailUrl = false;
if (! picture.undefined() ) {
picAvailintern = (picture.isIntern() && !;
picAvailUrl = !picture.isIntern() && QFile::exists(picture.url() );
if ( picAvailUrl || picAvailintern || QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) {
picString = "<img src=\"myimage\" width=\"50\" height=\"70\">";
if ( picAvailintern ) {
QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setImage( "myimage", );
} else {
if ( picAvailUrl ) {
QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "myimage", QPixmap( picture.url() ));
} else {
+ if ( !mAddressee.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Children" ).isEmpty() ) {
+ static bool setDefaultImageChildren = false;
+ if ( !setDefaultImageChildren ) {
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "familyIcon", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "ic_kids", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
+ setDefaultImageChildren = true;
+ }
+ picString = "<img src=\"familyIcon\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ } else if ( !mAddressee.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-SpousesName" ).isEmpty() ) {
+ static bool setDefaultImagepouses = false;
+ if ( !setDefaultImagepouses ) {
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "SpousesIcon", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "ic_family", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
+ setDefaultImagepouses = true;
+ }
+ picString = "<img src=\"SpousesIcon\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ } else {
+ QString gen = mAddressee.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Gender" );
+ if ( gen == "male" ) {
+ static bool setDefaultImageMale = false;
+ if ( !setDefaultImageMale ) {
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "MaleIcon", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "ic_male", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
+ setDefaultImageMale = true;
+ }
+ picString = "<img src=\"MaleIcon\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ } else if ( gen == "female" ) {
+ static bool setDefaultImageFemale = false;
+ if ( !setDefaultImageFemale ) {
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "FemaleIcon", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "ic_female", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
+ setDefaultImageFemale = true;
+ }
+ picString = "<img src=\"FemaleIcon\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ } else {
static bool setDefaultImage = false;
if ( !setDefaultImage ) {
qDebug("Setting default pixmap ");
- QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "defaultPenguin", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "package_toys", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "defaultIcon", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "ic_penguin", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) );
setDefaultImage = true;
- picString = "<img src=\"defaultPenguin\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ picString = "<img src=\"defaultIcon\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\">";
+ }
+ }
mText = QString::fromLatin1(
"<body text=\"%1\" bgcolor=\"%2\">" // text and background color
"<td rowspan=\"3\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">"
"<td align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b>%4</b></font></td>" // name
"%5" // role
"%6" // organization
"<td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>"
"%7" // dynamic part
"%8" // notes
.arg( /*KGlobalSettings::textColor().name()*/ "black" )
.arg( /*KGlobalSettings::baseColor().name()*/ "white" )
.arg( picString )
.arg( name )
.arg( aRole )
.arg( aOrga )
.arg( dynamicPart )
.arg( notes );
} else { // no picture!
mText = "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
//mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#3679AD\"><td><h2>";
mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#5699CD\"><td align=\"left\"><h1>";
mText += "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + name +"</font></h1>";
mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#5699CD\"><td align=\"left\"><h3>";
mText += "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> " + name +"</font></h3>";
mText += "</td></tr>\n<tr bgcolor=\"#EAF8FA\"><td>";
mText += "<table><td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>";
mText += QString("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b2>%1</b2></td>"