-rw-r--r-- | kabc/addressbook.cpp | 14 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kabc/addressbook.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kabc/addressee.cpp | 17 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kabc/addressee.h | 1 |
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.cpp b/kabc/addressbook.cpp index dc3cda1..bf6d053 100644 --- a/kabc/addressbook.cpp +++ b/kabc/addressbook.cpp @@ -21,784 +21,792 @@ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ /*US #include <qfile.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kinstance.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include "errorhandler.h" */ #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <libkcal/syncdefines.h> #include "addressbook.h" #include "resource.h" #include "vcardconverter.h" #include "vcardparser/vcardtool.h" //US #include "addressbook.moc" using namespace KABC; struct AddressBook::AddressBookData { Addressee::List mAddressees; Addressee::List mRemovedAddressees; Field::List mAllFields; KConfig *mConfig; KRES::Manager<Resource> *mManager; //US ErrorHandler *mErrorHandler; }; struct AddressBook::Iterator::IteratorData { Addressee::List::Iterator mIt; }; struct AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIteratorData { Addressee::List::ConstIterator mIt; }; AddressBook::Iterator::Iterator() { d = new IteratorData; } AddressBook::Iterator::Iterator( const AddressBook::Iterator &i ) { d = new IteratorData; d->mIt = i.d->mIt; } AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator=( const AddressBook::Iterator &i ) { if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard against self assignment delete d; // delete the old data the Iterator was completely constructed before d = new IteratorData; d->mIt = i.d->mIt; return *this; } AddressBook::Iterator::~Iterator() { delete d; } const Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*() const { return *(d->mIt); } Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*() { return *(d->mIt); } Addressee *AddressBook::Iterator::operator->() { return &(*(d->mIt)); } AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++() { (d->mIt)++; return *this; } AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++(int) { (d->mIt)++; return *this; } AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--() { (d->mIt)--; return *this; } AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--(int) { (d->mIt)--; return *this; } bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator==( const Iterator &it ) { return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt ); } bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator!=( const Iterator &it ) { return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt ); } AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIterator() { d = new ConstIteratorData; } AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIterator( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i ) { d = new ConstIteratorData; d->mIt = i.d->mIt; } AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator=( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i ) { if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard for self assignment delete d; // delete the old data because the Iterator was really constructed before d = new ConstIteratorData; d->mIt = i.d->mIt; return *this; } AddressBook::ConstIterator::~ConstIterator() { delete d; } const Addressee &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator*() const { return *(d->mIt); } const Addressee* AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator->() const { return &(*(d->mIt)); } AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++() { (d->mIt)++; return *this; } AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++(int) { (d->mIt)++; return *this; } AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--() { (d->mIt)--; return *this; } AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--(int) { (d->mIt)--; return *this; } bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator==( const ConstIterator &it ) { return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt ); } bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator!=( const ConstIterator &it ) { return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt ); } AddressBook::AddressBook() { init(0, "contact"); } AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config ) { init(config, "contact"); } AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family ) { init(config, family); } // the default family is "contact" void AddressBook::init(const QString &config, const QString &family ) { blockLSEchange = false; d = new AddressBookData; QString fami = family; if (config != 0) { if ( family == "syncContact" ) { qDebug("creating sync config "); fami = "contact"; KConfig* con = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", "syncContactrc") ); con->setGroup( "General" ); con->writeEntry( "ResourceKeys", QString("sync") ); con->writeEntry( "Standard", QString("sync") ); con->setGroup( "Resource_sync" ); con->writeEntry( "FileName", config ); con->writeEntry( "FileFormat", QString("vcard") ); con->writeEntry( "ResourceIdentifier", QString("sync") ); con->writeEntry( "ResourceName", QString("sync_res") ); if ( config.right(4) == ".xml" ) con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("qtopia") ); else if ( config == "sharp" ) { con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("sharp") ); } else { con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("file") ); } //con->sync(); d->mConfig = con; } else d->mConfig = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", config) ); // qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=%s",config.latin1() ); } else { d->mConfig = 0; // qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=0"); } //US d->mErrorHandler = 0; d->mManager = new KRES::Manager<Resource>( fami, false ); d->mManager->readConfig( d->mConfig ); if ( family == "syncContact" ) { KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager; KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it; for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) { (*it)->setAddressBook( this ); if ( !(*it)->open() ) error( QString( "Unable to open resource '%1'!" ).arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) ); } Resource *res = standardResource(); if ( !res ) { qDebug("ERROR: no standard resource"); res = manager->createResource( "file" ); if ( res ) { addResource( res ); } else qDebug(" No resource available!!!"); } setStandardResource( res ); manager->writeConfig(); } addCustomField( i18n( "Department" ), KABC::Field::Organization, "X-Department", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Profession" ), KABC::Field::Organization, "X-Profession", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Assistant's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization, "X-AssistantsName", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Manager's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization, "X-ManagersName", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Spouse's Name" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-SpousesName", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Office" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-Office", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "IM Address" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-IMAddress", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Anniversary" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-Anniversary", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); //US added this field to become compatible with Opie/qtopia addressbook // values can be "female" or "male" or "". An empty field represents undefined. addCustomField( i18n( "Gender" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-Gender", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "Children" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-Children", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "FreeBusyUrl" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-FreeBusyUrl", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); addCustomField( i18n( "ExternalID" ), KABC::Field::Personal, "X-ExternalID", "KADDRESSBOOK" ); } AddressBook::~AddressBook() { delete d->mConfig; d->mConfig = 0; delete d->mManager; d->mManager = 0; //US delete d->mErrorHandler; d->mErrorHandler = 0; delete d; d = 0; } bool AddressBook::load() { clear(); KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it; bool ok = true; for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) if ( !(*it)->load() ) { error( i18n("Unable to load resource '%1'").arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) ); ok = false; } // mark all addressees as unchanged Addressee::List::Iterator addrIt; for ( addrIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); addrIt != d->mAddressees.end(); ++addrIt ) { (*addrIt).setChanged( false ); QString id = (*addrIt).custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" ); if ( !id.isEmpty() ) { //qDebug("setId aa %s ", id.latin1()); (*addrIt).setIDStr(id ); } } blockLSEchange = true; return ok; } bool AddressBook::save( Ticket *ticket ) { kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::save()"<< endl; if ( ticket->resource() ) { deleteRemovedAddressees(); return ticket->resource()->save( ticket ); } return false; } void AddressBook::export2File( QString fileName ) { QFile outFile( fileName ); if ( !outFile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b> for export.</qt>" ); KMessageBox::error( 0, text.arg( fileName ) ); return ; } QTextStream t( &outFile ); t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); Iterator it; KABC::VCardConverter::Version version; version = KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( !(*it).IDStr().isEmpty() ) { (*it).insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID", (*it).IDStr() ); } KABC::VCardConverter converter; QString vcard; //Resource *resource() const; converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard, version ); t << vcard << "\r\n"; } t << "\r\n\r\n"; outFile.close(); } -void AddressBook::importFromFile( QString fileName ) +void AddressBook::importFromFile( QString fileName, bool replaceLabel ) { KABC::Addressee::List list; QFile file( fileName ); file.open( IO_ReadOnly ); QByteArray rawData = file.readAll(); file.close(); - - QString data = QString::fromUtf8( rawData.data(), rawData.size() + 1 ); + qDebug("AddressBook::importFromFile "); + QString data; + if ( replaceLabel ) { + data = QString::fromLatin1( rawData.data(), rawData.size() + 1 ); + data.replace ( QRegExp("LABEL") , "ADR" ); + data.replace ( QRegExp("CHARSET=ISO-8859-1") , "" ); + } else + data = QString::fromUtf8( rawData.data(), rawData.size() + 1 ); KABC::VCardTool tool; list = tool.parseVCards( data ); KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { (*it).setResource( 0 ); + if ( replaceLabel ) + (*it).removeVoice(); insertAddressee( (*it), false, true ); } } bool AddressBook::saveAB() { bool ok = true; deleteRemovedAddressees(); Iterator ait; for ( ait = begin(); ait != end(); ++ait ) { if ( !(*ait).IDStr().isEmpty() ) { (*ait).insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID", (*ait).IDStr() ); } } KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it; KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager; for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) { if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() ) { Ticket *ticket = requestSaveTicket( *it ); // qDebug("StdAddressBook::save '%s'", (*it)->resourceName().latin1() ); if ( !ticket ) { error( i18n( "Unable to save to resource '%1'. It is locked." ) .arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) ); return false; } //if ( !save( ticket ) ) if ( ticket->resource() ) { if ( ! ticket->resource()->save( ticket ) ) ok = false; } else ok = false; } } return ok; } AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::begin() { Iterator it = Iterator(); it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); return it; } AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::begin() const { ConstIterator it = ConstIterator(); it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); return it; } AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::end() { Iterator it = Iterator(); it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end(); return it; } AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::end() const { ConstIterator it = ConstIterator(); it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end(); return it; } void AddressBook::clear() { d->mAddressees.clear(); } Ticket *AddressBook::requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource ) { kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::requestSaveTicket()" << endl; if ( !resource ) { qDebug("AddressBook::requestSaveTicket no resource" ); resource = standardResource(); } KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it; for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it) == resource ) { if ( (*it)->readOnly() || !(*it)->isOpen() ) return 0; else return (*it)->requestSaveTicket(); } } return 0; } void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a, bool setRev, bool takeResource ) { if ( blockLSEchange && setRev && a.uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) { //qDebug("block insert "); return; } //qDebug("inserting.... %s ",a.uid().latin1() ); bool found = false; Addressee::List::Iterator it; for ( it = d->mAddressees.begin(); it != d->mAddressees.end(); ++it ) { if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) { bool changed = false; Addressee addr = a; if ( addr != (*it) ) changed = true; if ( takeResource ) { Resource * res = (*it).resource(); (*it) = a; (*it).setResource( res ); } else { (*it) = a; if ( (*it).resource() == 0 ) (*it).setResource( standardResource() ); } if ( changed ) { if ( setRev ) { // get rid of micro seconds QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QTime t = dt.time(); dt.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) ); (*it).setRevision( dt ); } (*it).setChanged( true ); } found = true; } else { if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) { QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 ); Addressee b = a; QString id = b.getID( name ); if ( ! id.isEmpty() ) { QString des = (*it).note(); int startN; if( (startN = des.find( id ) ) >= 0 ) { int endN = des.find( ",", startN+1 ); des = des.left( startN ) + des.mid( endN+1 ); (*it).setNote( des ); } } } } } if ( found ) return; d->mAddressees.append( a ); Addressee& addr = d->mAddressees.last(); if ( addr.resource() == 0 ) addr.setResource( standardResource() ); addr.setChanged( true ); } void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Addressee &a ) { Iterator it; Iterator it2; bool found = false; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) { found = true; it2 = it; } else { if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) { QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 ); Addressee b = a; QString id = b.getID( name ); if ( ! id.isEmpty() ) { QString des = (*it).note(); if( des.find( id ) < 0 ) { des += id + ","; (*it).setNote( des ); } } } } } if ( found ) removeAddressee( it2 ); } void AddressBook::removeSyncAddressees( bool removeDeleted ) { Iterator it = begin(); Iterator it2 ; QDateTime dt ( QDate( 2004,1,1) ); while ( it != end() ) { (*it).setRevision( dt ); (*it).removeCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" ); (*it).setIDStr(""); if ( ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_DELETE && removeDeleted )|| (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-")) { it2 = it; //qDebug("removing %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() ); ++it; removeAddressee( it2 ); } else { //qDebug("skipping %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() ); ++it; } } deleteRemovedAddressees(); } void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Iterator &it ) { d->mRemovedAddressees.append( (*it) ); d->mAddressees.remove( it.d->mIt ); } AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::find( const Addressee &a ) { Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) { return it; } } return end(); } Addressee AddressBook::findByUid( const QString &uid ) { Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( uid == (*it).uid() ) { return *it; } } return Addressee(); } void AddressBook::preExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd ) { //qDebug("AddressBook::preExternSync "); AddressBook::Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { (*it).setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() ); (*it).computeCsum( csd ); } mergeAB( aBook ,csd ); } void AddressBook::postExternSync( AddressBook* aBook , const QString& csd) { //qDebug("AddressBook::postExternSync "); AddressBook::Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { // qDebug("check uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1() ); if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID || (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_CSUM ) { Addressee ad = aBook->findByUid( ( (*it).uid() )); if ( ad.isEmpty() ) { qDebug("postExternSync:ERROR addressee is empty: %s ", (*it).uid().latin1()); } else { (*it).computeCsum( csd ); if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ) ad.setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() ); ad.setCsum( csd, (*it).getCsum( csd ) ); aBook->insertAddressee( ad ); } } } } bool AddressBook::containsExternalUid( const QString& uid ) { Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( uid == (*it).externalUID( ) ) return true; } return false; } Addressee AddressBook::findByExternUid( const QString& uid , const QString& profile ) { Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( uid == (*it).getID( profile ) ) return (*it); } return Addressee(); } void AddressBook::mergeAB( AddressBook *aBook, const QString& profile ) { Iterator it; Addressee ad; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { ad = aBook->findByExternUid( (*it).externalUID(), profile ); if ( !ad.isEmpty() ) { (*it).mergeContact( ad ); } } #if 0 // test only for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { qDebug("uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1()); } #endif } #if 0 Addressee::List AddressBook::getExternLastSyncAddressees() { Addressee::List results; Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == "last-syncAddressee-" ) { if ( (*it).familyName().left(4) == "!E: " ) results.append( *it ); } } return results; } #endif void AddressBook::resetTempSyncStat() { Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { (*it).setTempSyncStat ( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL ); } } QStringList AddressBook:: uidList() { QStringList results; Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { results.append( (*it).uid() ); } return results; } Addressee::List AddressBook::allAddressees() { return d->mAddressees; } Addressee::List AddressBook::findByName( const QString &name ) { Addressee::List results; Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if ( name == (*it).realName() ) { results.append( *it ); } } return results; } Addressee::List AddressBook::findByEmail( const QString &email ) { Addressee::List results; QStringList mailList; Iterator it; for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { mailList = (*it).emails(); for ( QStringList::Iterator ite = mailList.begin(); ite != mailList.end(); ++ite ) { if ( email == (*ite) ) { results.append( *it ); } } } return results; } diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.h b/kabc/addressbook.h index 3603ec1..cea1b03 100644 --- a/kabc/addressbook.h +++ b/kabc/addressbook.h @@ -1,341 +1,341 @@ /* This file is part of libkabc. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #ifndef KABC_ADDRESSBOOK_H #define KABC_ADDRESSBOOK_H #include <qobject.h> #include <kresources/manager.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include "addressee.h" #include "field.h" namespace KABC { class ErrorHandler; class Resource; class Ticket; /** @short Address Book This class provides access to a collection of address book entries. */ class AddressBook : public QObject { Q_OBJECT friend QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & ); friend QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & ); friend class StdAddressBook; public: /** @short Address Book Iterator This class provides an iterator for address book entries. */ class Iterator { public: Iterator(); Iterator( const Iterator & ); ~Iterator(); Iterator &operator=( const Iterator & ); const Addressee &operator*() const; Addressee &operator*(); Addressee* operator->(); Iterator &operator++(); Iterator &operator++(int); Iterator &operator--(); Iterator &operator--(int); bool operator==( const Iterator &it ); bool operator!=( const Iterator &it ); struct IteratorData; IteratorData *d; }; /** @short Address Book Const Iterator This class provides a const iterator for address book entries. */ class ConstIterator { public: ConstIterator(); ConstIterator( const ConstIterator & ); ~ConstIterator(); ConstIterator &operator=( const ConstIterator & ); const Addressee &operator*() const; const Addressee* operator->() const; ConstIterator &operator++(); ConstIterator &operator++(int); ConstIterator &operator--(); ConstIterator &operator--(int); bool operator==( const ConstIterator &it ); bool operator!=( const ConstIterator &it ); struct ConstIteratorData; ConstIteratorData *d; }; /** Constructs a address book object. @param format File format class. */ AddressBook(); AddressBook( const QString &config ); AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family ); virtual ~AddressBook(); /** Requests a ticket for saving the addressbook. Calling this function locks the addressbook for all other processes. If the address book is already locked the function returns 0. You need the returned @ref Ticket object for calling the @ref save() function. @see save() */ Ticket *requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource=0 ); /** Load address book from file. */ bool load(); /** Save address book. The address book is saved to the file, the Ticket object has been requested for by @ref requestSaveTicket(). @param ticket a ticket object returned by @ref requestSaveTicket() */ bool save( Ticket *ticket ); bool saveAB( ); void export2File( QString fileName ); - void importFromFile( QString fileName ); + void importFromFile( QString fileName, bool replaceLabel = false ); /** Returns a iterator for first entry of address book. */ Iterator begin(); /** Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book. */ ConstIterator begin() const; /** Returns a iterator for first entry of address book. */ Iterator end(); /** Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book. */ ConstIterator end() const; /** Removes all entries from address book. */ void clear(); /** Insert an Addressee object into address book. If an object with the same unique id already exists in the address book it it replaced by the new one. If not the new object is appended to the address book. */ void insertAddressee( const Addressee &, bool setRev = true, bool takeResource = false); /** Removes entry from the address book. */ void removeAddressee( const Addressee & ); /** This is like @ref removeAddressee() just above, with the difference that the first element is a iterator, returned by @ref begin(). */ void removeAddressee( const Iterator & ); /** Find the specified entry in address book. Returns end(), if the entry couldn't be found. */ Iterator find( const Addressee & ); /** Find the entry specified by an unique id. Returns an empty Addressee object, if the address book does not contain an entry with this id. */ Addressee findByUid( const QString & ); /** Returns a list of all addressees in the address book. This list can be sorted with @ref KABC::AddresseeList for example. */ Addressee::List allAddressees(); /** Find all entries with the specified name in the address book. Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found. */ Addressee::List findByName( const QString & ); /** Find all entries with the specified email address in the address book. Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found. */ Addressee::List findByEmail( const QString & ); /** Find all entries wich have the specified category in the address book. Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found. */ Addressee::List findByCategory( const QString & ); /** Return a string identifying this addressbook. */ virtual QString identifier(); /** Used for debug output. */ void dump() const; void emitAddressBookLocked() { emit addressBookLocked( this ); } void emitAddressBookUnlocked() { emit addressBookUnlocked( this ); } void emitAddressBookChanged() { emit addressBookChanged( this ); } /** Return list of all Fields known to the address book which are associated with the given field category. */ Field::List fields( int category = Field::All ); /** Add custom field to address book. @param label User visible label of the field. @param category Ored list of field categories. @param key Identifier used as key for reading and writing the field. @param app String used as application key for reading and writing the field. */ bool addCustomField( const QString &label, int category = Field::All, const QString &key = QString::null, const QString &app = QString::null ); /** Add address book resource. */ bool addResource( Resource * ); /** Remove address book resource. */ bool removeResource( Resource * ); /** Return pointer list of all resources. */ QPtrList<Resource> resources(); /** Set the @p ErrorHandler, that is used by @ref error() to provide gui-independend error messages. */ void setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler * ); /** Shows gui independend error messages. */ void error( const QString& ); /** Query all resources to clean up their lock files */ void cleanUp(); // sync stuff //Addressee::List getExternLastSyncAddressees(); void resetTempSyncStat(); QStringList uidList(); void removeSyncAddressees( bool removeDeleted = false ); void mergeAB( AddressBook *aBook, const QString& profile ); Addressee findByExternUid( const QString& uid , const QString& profile ); bool containsExternalUid( const QString& uid ); void preExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd ); void postExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd ); signals: /** Emitted, when the address book has changed on disk. */ void addressBookChanged( AddressBook * ); /** Emitted, when the address book has been locked for writing. */ void addressBookLocked( AddressBook * ); /** Emitted, when the address book has been unlocked. */ void addressBookUnlocked( AddressBook * ); protected: void deleteRemovedAddressees(); void setStandardResource( Resource * ); Resource *standardResource(); KRES::Manager<Resource> *resourceManager(); void init(const QString &config, const QString &family); private: //US QPtrList<Resource> mDummy; // Remove in KDE 4 struct AddressBookData; AddressBookData *d; bool blockLSEchange; }; QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & ); QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & ); } #endif diff --git a/kabc/addressee.cpp b/kabc/addressee.cpp index 19a1845..3f3d5c0 100644 --- a/kabc/addressee.cpp +++ b/kabc/addressee.cpp @@ -1,701 +1,718 @@ /*** Warning! This file has been generated by the script makeaddressee ***/ /* This file is part of libkabc. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <kconfig.h> #include <ksharedptr.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kidmanager.h> //US #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <libkcal/syncdefines.h> //US #include "resource.h" #include "addressee.h" using namespace KABC; static bool matchBinaryPattern( int value, int pattern ); static bool matchBinaryPatternA( int value, int pattern ); static bool matchBinaryPatternP( int value, int pattern ); struct Addressee::AddresseeData : public KShared { QString uid; QString name; QString formattedName; QString familyName; QString givenName; QString additionalName; QString prefix; QString suffix; QString nickName; QDateTime birthday; QString mailer; TimeZone timeZone; Geo geo; QString title; QString role; QString organization; QString note; QString productId; QDateTime revision; QString sortString; QString externalUID; QString originalExternalUID; KURL url; Secrecy secrecy; Picture logo; Picture photo; Sound sound; Agent agent; QString mExternalId; PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers; Address::List addresses; Key::List keys; QStringList emails; QStringList categories; QStringList custom; int mTempSyncStat; Resource *resource; bool empty :1; bool changed :1; }; Addressee::Addressee() { mData = new AddresseeData; mData->empty = true; mData->changed = false; mData->resource = 0; mData->mExternalId = ":"; mData->revision = QDateTime ( QDate( 2003,1,1)); mData->mTempSyncStat = SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL; } Addressee::~Addressee() { } Addressee::Addressee( const Addressee &a ) { mData = a.mData; } Addressee &Addressee::operator=( const Addressee &a ) { mData = a.mData; return (*this); } Addressee Addressee::copy() { Addressee a; *(a.mData) = *mData; return a; } void Addressee::detach() { if ( mData.count() == 1 ) return; *this = copy(); } bool Addressee::operator==( const Addressee &a ) const { if ( uid() != a.uid() ) return false; if ( mData->name != a.mData->name ) return false; if ( mData->formattedName != a.mData->formattedName ) return false; if ( mData->familyName != a.mData->familyName ) return false; if ( mData->givenName != a.mData->givenName ) return false; if ( mData->additionalName != a.mData->additionalName ) return false; if ( mData->prefix != a.mData->prefix ) return false; if ( mData->suffix != a.mData->suffix ) return false; if ( mData->nickName != a.mData->nickName ) return false; if ( mData->birthday != a.mData->birthday ) return false; if ( mData->mailer != a.mData->mailer ) return false; if ( mData->timeZone != a.mData->timeZone ) return false; if ( mData->geo != a.mData->geo ) return false; if ( mData->title != a.mData->title ) return false; if ( mData->role != a.mData->role ) return false; if ( mData->organization != a.mData->organization ) return false; if ( mData->note != a.mData->note ) return false; if ( mData->productId != a.mData->productId ) return false; //if ( mData->revision != a.mData->revision ) return false; if ( mData->sortString != a.mData->sortString ) return false; if ( mData->secrecy != a.mData->secrecy ) return false; if ( mData->logo != a.mData->logo ) return false; if ( mData->photo != a.mData->photo ) return false; if ( mData->sound != a.mData->sound ) return false; if ( mData->agent != a.mData->agent ) return false; if ( ( mData->url.isValid() || a.mData->url.isValid() ) && ( mData->url != a.mData->url ) ) return false; if ( mData->phoneNumbers != a.mData->phoneNumbers ) return false; if ( mData->addresses != a.mData->addresses ) return false; if ( mData->keys != a.mData->keys ) return false; if ( mData->emails != a.mData->emails ) return false; if ( mData->categories != a.mData->categories ) return false; if ( mData->custom != a.mData->custom ) return false; return true; } bool Addressee::operator!=( const Addressee &a ) const { return !( a == *this ); } bool Addressee::isEmpty() const { return mData->empty; } ulong Addressee::getCsum4List( const QStringList & attList) { int max = attList.count(); ulong cSum = 0; int j,k,i; int add; for ( i = 0; i < max ; ++i ) { QString s = attList[i]; if ( ! s.isEmpty() ){ j = s.length(); for ( k = 0; k < j; ++k ) { int mul = k +1; add = s[k].unicode (); if ( k < 16 ) mul = mul * mul; int ii = i+1; add = add * mul *ii*ii*ii; cSum += add; } } } //QString dump = attList.join(","); //qDebug("csum: %d %s", cSum,dump.latin1()); return cSum; } void Addressee::computeCsum(const QString &dev) { QStringList l; if ( !mData->name.isEmpty() ) l.append(mData->name); if ( !mData->formattedName.isEmpty() ) l.append(mData->formattedName ); if ( !mData->familyName.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->familyName ); if ( !mData->givenName.isEmpty() ) l.append(mData->givenName ); if ( !mData->additionalName ) l.append( mData->additionalName ); if ( !mData->prefix.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->prefix ); if ( !mData->suffix.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->suffix ); if ( !mData->nickName.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->nickName ); if ( mData->birthday.isValid() ) l.append( mData->birthday.toString() ); if ( !mData->mailer.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->mailer ); if ( mData->timeZone.isValid() ) l.append( mData->timeZone.asString() ); if ( mData->geo.isValid() ) l.append( mData->geo.asString() ); if ( !mData->title .isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->title ); if ( !mData->role.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->role ); if ( !mData->organization.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->organization ); if ( !mData->note.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->note ); if ( !mData->productId.isEmpty() ) l.append(mData->productId ); if ( !mData->sortString.isEmpty() ) l.append( mData->sortString ); if ( mData->secrecy.isValid() ) l.append( mData->secrecy.asString()); // if ( !mData->logo.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); //if ( !mData->photo.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); //if ( !mData->sound.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); //if ( !mData->agent.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); //if ( mData->url.isValid() ) l.append( ); #if 0 if ( !mData->phoneNumbers.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); if ( !mData->addresses.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); //if ( !mData->keys.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); if ( !mData->emails.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); if ( !mData->categories .isEmpty() ) l.append( ); if ( !mData->custom.isEmpty() ) l.append( ); #endif KABC::PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers; KABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIter; QStringList t; for ( phoneIter = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); phoneIter != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++phoneIter ) t.append( ( *phoneIter ).number()+QString::number( ( *phoneIter ).type() ) ); t.sort(); uint iii; for ( iii = 0; iii < t.count(); ++iii) l.append( t[iii] ); t = mData->emails; t.sort(); for ( iii = 0; iii < t.count(); ++iii) l.append( t[iii] ); t = mData->categories; t.sort(); for ( iii = 0; iii < t.count(); ++iii) l.append( t[iii] ); t = mData->custom; t.sort(); for ( iii = 0; iii < t.count(); ++iii) l.append( t[iii] ); KABC::Address::List::Iterator addressIter; for ( addressIter = mData->addresses.begin(); addressIter != mData->addresses.end(); ++addressIter ) { t = (*addressIter).asList(); t.sort(); for ( iii = 0; iii < t.count(); ++iii) l.append( t[iii] ); } uint cs = getCsum4List(l); // qDebug("CSUM computed %d %s %s", cs,QString::number (cs ).latin1(), uid().latin1() ); setCsum( dev, QString::number (cs )); } void Addressee::mergeContact( const Addressee& ad ) { detach(); if ( mData->name.isEmpty() ) mData->name = ad.mData->name; if ( mData->formattedName.isEmpty() ) mData->formattedName = ad.mData->formattedName; if ( mData->familyName.isEmpty() ) mData->familyName = ad.mData->familyName; if ( mData->givenName.isEmpty() ) mData->givenName = ad.mData->givenName ; if ( mData->additionalName ) mData->additionalName = ad.mData->additionalName; if ( mData->prefix.isEmpty() ) mData->prefix = ad.mData->prefix; if ( mData->suffix.isEmpty() ) mData->suffix = ad.mData->suffix; if ( mData->nickName.isEmpty() ) mData->nickName = ad.mData->nickName; if ( !mData->birthday.isValid() ) if ( ad.mData->birthday.isValid()) mData->birthday = ad.mData->birthday; if ( mData->mailer.isEmpty() ) mData->mailer = ad.mData->mailer; if ( !mData->timeZone.isValid() ) mData->timeZone = ad.mData->timeZone; if ( !mData->geo.isValid() ) mData->geo = ad.mData->geo; if ( mData->title .isEmpty() ) mData->title = ad.mData->title ; if ( mData->role.isEmpty() ) mData->role = ad.mData->role ; if ( mData->organization.isEmpty() ) mData->organization = ad.mData->organization ; if ( mData->note.isEmpty() ) mData->note = ad.mData->note ; if ( mData->productId.isEmpty() ) mData->productId = ad.mData->productId; if ( mData->sortString.isEmpty() ) mData->sortString = ad.mData->sortString; if ( !mData->secrecy.isValid() ) mData->secrecy = ad.mData->secrecy; if ( ( !mData->url.isValid() && ad.mData->url.isValid() ) ) mData->url = ad.mData->url ; // pending: // merging phonenumbers // merging addresses // merging emails; // merging categories; // merging custom; // merging keys qDebug("merge contact %s ", ad.uid().latin1()); setUid( ad.uid() ); setRevision( ad.revision() ); } +bool Addressee::removeVoice() +{ + PhoneNumber::List phoneN = phoneNumbers(); + PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIt; + bool found = false; + for ( phoneIt = phoneN.begin(); phoneIt != phoneN.end(); ++phoneIt ) { + if ( (*phoneIt).type() & PhoneNumber::Voice) { // voice found + if ((*phoneIt).type() - PhoneNumber::Voice ) { + (*phoneIt).setType((*phoneIt).type() - PhoneNumber::Voice ); + insertPhoneNumber( (*phoneIt) ); + found = true; + } + } + + } + return found; +} void Addressee::simplifyAddresses() { if ( mData->addresses.count() < 3 ) return ; int count = 0; Address::List list; Address::List::Iterator it; for( it = mData->addresses.begin(); it != mData->addresses.end(); ++it ) { if ( count > 1 ) list.append( *it ); ++count; } for( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { removeAddress( (*it) ); } } // removes all emails but the first // needed by phone sync void Addressee::simplifyEmails() { if ( mData->emails.count() == 0 ) return ; QString email = mData->emails.first(); detach(); mData->emails.clear(); mData->emails.append( email ); } void Addressee::simplifyPhoneNumbers() { KABC::PhoneNumber::List removeNumbers; KABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIter; for ( phoneIter = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); phoneIter != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++phoneIter ) { if ( ! ( *phoneIter ).simplifyNumber() ) removeNumbers.append( ( *phoneIter ) ); } for ( phoneIter = removeNumbers.begin(); phoneIter != removeNumbers.end(); ++phoneIter ) { removePhoneNumber(( *phoneIter )); } } void Addressee::simplifyPhoneNumberTypes() { KABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIter; for ( phoneIter = mData->phoneNumbers.begin(); phoneIter != mData->phoneNumbers.end(); ++phoneIter ) ( *phoneIter ).simplifyType(); } void Addressee::removeID(const QString &prof) { detach(); mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::removeId ( mData->mExternalId, prof); } void Addressee::setID( const QString & prof , const QString & id ) { detach(); mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::setId ( mData->mExternalId, prof, id ); //qDebug("setID2 %s %s %s",mData->mExternalId.latin1(), prof.latin1(), id.latin1() ); } void Addressee::setTempSyncStat( int id ) { if ( mData->mTempSyncStat == id ) return; detach(); mData->mTempSyncStat = id; } int Addressee::tempSyncStat() const { return mData->mTempSyncStat; } QString Addressee::getID( const QString & prof) { return KIdManager::getId ( mData->mExternalId, prof ); } void Addressee::setCsum( const QString & prof , const QString & id ) { detach(); //qDebug("setcsum1 %s %s %s",mData->mExternalId.latin1(), prof.latin1(), id.latin1() ); mData->mExternalId = KIdManager::setCsum ( mData->mExternalId, prof, id ); //qDebug("setcsum2 %s ",mData->mExternalId.latin1() ); } QString Addressee::getCsum( const QString & prof) { return KIdManager::getCsum ( mData->mExternalId, prof ); } void Addressee::setIDStr( const QString & s ) { detach(); mData->mExternalId = s; } QString Addressee::IDStr() const { return mData->mExternalId; } void Addressee::setExternalUID( const QString &id ) { if ( id == mData->externalUID ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->externalUID = id; } QString Addressee::externalUID() const { return mData->externalUID; } void Addressee::setOriginalExternalUID( const QString &id ) { if ( id == mData->originalExternalUID ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; //qDebug("*******Set orig uid %s ", id.latin1()); mData->originalExternalUID = id; } QString Addressee::originalExternalUID() const { return mData->originalExternalUID; } void Addressee::setUid( const QString &id ) { if ( id == mData->uid ) return; detach(); //qDebug("****setuid %s ", id.latin1()); mData->empty = false; mData->uid = id; } QString Addressee::uid() const { if ( mData->uid.isEmpty() ) mData->uid = KApplication::randomString( 10 ); return mData->uid; } QString Addressee::uidLabel() { return i18n("Unique Identifier"); } void Addressee::setName( const QString &name ) { if ( name == mData->name ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->name = name; } QString Addressee::name() const { return mData->name; } QString Addressee::nameLabel() { return i18n("Name"); } void Addressee::setFormattedName( const QString &formattedName ) { if ( formattedName == mData->formattedName ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->formattedName = formattedName; } QString Addressee::formattedName() const { return mData->formattedName; } QString Addressee::formattedNameLabel() { return i18n("Formatted Name"); } void Addressee::setFamilyName( const QString &familyName ) { if ( familyName == mData->familyName ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->familyName = familyName; } QString Addressee::familyName() const { return mData->familyName; } QString Addressee::familyNameLabel() { return i18n("Family Name"); } void Addressee::setGivenName( const QString &givenName ) { if ( givenName == mData->givenName ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->givenName = givenName; } QString Addressee::givenName() const { return mData->givenName; } QString Addressee::givenNameLabel() { return i18n("Given Name"); } void Addressee::setAdditionalName( const QString &additionalName ) { if ( additionalName == mData->additionalName ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->additionalName = additionalName; } QString Addressee::additionalName() const { return mData->additionalName; } QString Addressee::additionalNameLabel() { return i18n("Additional Names"); } void Addressee::setPrefix( const QString &prefix ) { if ( prefix == mData->prefix ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->prefix = prefix; } QString Addressee::prefix() const { return mData->prefix; } QString Addressee::prefixLabel() { return i18n("Honorific Prefixes"); } void Addressee::setSuffix( const QString &suffix ) { if ( suffix == mData->suffix ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->suffix = suffix; } QString Addressee::suffix() const { return mData->suffix; } QString Addressee::suffixLabel() { return i18n("Honorific Suffixes"); } void Addressee::setNickName( const QString &nickName ) { if ( nickName == mData->nickName ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->nickName = nickName; } QString Addressee::nickName() const { return mData->nickName; } QString Addressee::nickNameLabel() { return i18n("Nick Name"); } void Addressee::setBirthday( const QDateTime &birthday ) { if ( birthday == mData->birthday ) return; detach(); mData->empty = false; mData->birthday = birthday; } QDateTime Addressee::birthday() const { return mData->birthday; } QString Addressee::birthdayLabel() { return i18n("Birthday"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressStreetLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Street"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressLocalityLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Locality"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressRegionLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Region"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressPostalCodeLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Postal Code"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressCountryLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Country"); } QString Addressee::homeAddressLabelLabel() { return i18n("Home Address Label"); } QString Addressee::businessAddressStreetLabel() { return i18n("Business Address Street"); } QString Addressee::businessAddressLocalityLabel() { return i18n("Business Address Locality"); } QString Addressee::businessAddressRegionLabel() { return i18n("Business Address Region"); } QString Addressee::businessAddressPostalCodeLabel() { return i18n("Business Address Postal Code"); } QString Addressee::businessAddressCountryLabel() { return i18n("Business Address Country"); } diff --git a/kabc/addressee.h b/kabc/addressee.h index 44f0629..9336edc 100644 --- a/kabc/addressee.h +++ b/kabc/addressee.h @@ -1,507 +1,508 @@ /*** Warning! This file has been generated by the script makeaddressee ***/ /* This file is part of libkabc. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #ifndef KABC_ADDRESSEE_H #define KABC_ADDRESSEE_H #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <ksharedptr.h> #include <kurl.h> #include "address.h" #include "agent.h" #include "geo.h" #include "key.h" #include "phonenumber.h" #include "picture.h" #include "secrecy.h" #include "sound.h" #include "timezone.h" namespace KABC { class Resource; /** @short address book entry This class represents an entry in the address book. The data of this class is implicitly shared. You can pass this class by value. If you need the name of a field for presenting it to the user you should use the functions ending in Label(). They return a translated string which can be used as label for the corresponding field. About the name fields: givenName() is the first name and familyName() the last name. In some countries the family name comes first, that's the reason for the naming. formattedName() is the full name with the correct formatting. It is used as an override, when the correct formatting can't be generated from the other name fields automatically. realName() returns a fully formatted name(). It uses formattedName, if set, otherwise it constucts the name from the name fields. As fallback, if nothing else is set it uses name(). name() is the NAME type of RFC2426. It can be used as internal name for the data enty, but shouldn't be used for displaying the data to the user. */ class Addressee { friend QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const Addressee & ); friend QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, Addressee & ); public: typedef QValueList<Addressee> List; /** Construct an empty address book entry. */ Addressee(); ~Addressee(); Addressee( const Addressee & ); Addressee &operator=( const Addressee & ); bool operator==( const Addressee & ) const; bool operator!=( const Addressee & ) const; // sync stuff void setTempSyncStat(int id); int tempSyncStat() const; void setIDStr( const QString & ); QString IDStr() const; void setID( const QString &, const QString & ); QString getID( const QString & ); void setCsum( const QString &, const QString & ); QString getCsum( const QString & ); void removeID(const QString &); void computeCsum(const QString &dev); ulong getCsum4List( const QStringList & attList); /** Return, if the address book entry is empty. */ bool isEmpty() const; void setExternalUID( const QString &id ); QString externalUID() const; void setOriginalExternalUID( const QString &id ); QString originalExternalUID() const; void mergeContact( const Addressee& ad ); void simplifyEmails(); void simplifyAddresses(); void simplifyPhoneNumbers(); void simplifyPhoneNumberTypes(); + bool removeVoice(); /** Set unique identifier. */ void setUid( const QString &uid ); /** Return unique identifier. */ QString uid() const; /** Return translated label for uid field. */ static QString uidLabel(); /** Set name. */ void setName( const QString &name ); /** Return name. */ QString name() const; /** Return translated label for name field. */ static QString nameLabel(); /** Set formatted name. */ void setFormattedName( const QString &formattedName ); /** Return formatted name. */ QString formattedName() const; /** Return translated label for formattedName field. */ static QString formattedNameLabel(); /** Set family name. */ void setFamilyName( const QString &familyName ); /** Return family name. */ QString familyName() const; /** Return translated label for familyName field. */ static QString familyNameLabel(); /** Set given name. */ void setGivenName( const QString &givenName ); /** Return given name. */ QString givenName() const; /** Return translated label for givenName field. */ static QString givenNameLabel(); /** Set additional names. */ void setAdditionalName( const QString &additionalName ); /** Return additional names. */ QString additionalName() const; /** Return translated label for additionalName field. */ static QString additionalNameLabel(); /** Set honorific prefixes. */ void setPrefix( const QString &prefix ); /** Return honorific prefixes. */ QString prefix() const; /** Return translated label for prefix field. */ static QString prefixLabel(); /** Set honorific suffixes. */ void setSuffix( const QString &suffix ); /** Return honorific suffixes. */ QString suffix() const; /** Return translated label for suffix field. */ static QString suffixLabel(); /** Set nick name. */ void setNickName( const QString &nickName ); /** Return nick name. */ QString nickName() const; /** Return translated label for nickName field. */ static QString nickNameLabel(); /** Set birthday. */ void setBirthday( const QDateTime &birthday ); /** Return birthday. */ QDateTime birthday() const; /** Return translated label for birthday field. */ static QString birthdayLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressStreet field. */ static QString homeAddressStreetLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressLocality field. */ static QString homeAddressLocalityLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressRegion field. */ static QString homeAddressRegionLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressPostalCode field. */ static QString homeAddressPostalCodeLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressCountry field. */ static QString homeAddressCountryLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressLabel field. */ static QString homeAddressLabelLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressStreet field. */ static QString businessAddressStreetLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressLocality field. */ static QString businessAddressLocalityLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressRegion field. */ static QString businessAddressRegionLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressPostalCode field. */ static QString businessAddressPostalCodeLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressCountry field. */ static QString businessAddressCountryLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressLabel field. */ static QString businessAddressLabelLabel(); /** Return translated label for homePhone field. */ static QString homePhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessPhone field. */ static QString businessPhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for mobilePhone field. */ static QString mobilePhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeFax field. */ static QString homeFaxLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessFax field. */ static QString businessFaxLabel(); /** Return translated label for carPhone field. */ static QString carPhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for isdn field. */ static QString isdnLabel(); /** Return translated label for pager field. */ static QString pagerLabel(); /** Return translated label for sip field. */ static QString sipLabel(); /** Return translated label for email field. */ static QString emailLabel(); /** Set mail client. */ void setMailer( const QString &mailer ); /** Return mail client. */ QString mailer() const; /** Return translated label for mailer field. */ static QString mailerLabel(); /** Set time zone. */ void setTimeZone( const TimeZone &timeZone ); /** Return time zone. */ TimeZone timeZone() const; /** Return translated label for timeZone field. */ static QString timeZoneLabel(); /** Set geographic position. */ void setGeo( const Geo &geo ); /** Return geographic position. */ Geo geo() const; /** Return translated label for geo field. */ static QString geoLabel(); /** Set title. */ void setTitle( const QString &title ); /** Return title. */ QString title() const; /** Return translated label for title field. */ static QString titleLabel(); /** Set role. */ void setRole( const QString &role ); /** Return role. */ QString role() const; /** Return translated label for role field. */ static QString roleLabel(); /** Set organization. */ void setOrganization( const QString &organization ); /** Return organization. */ QString organization() const; /** Return translated label for organization field. */ static QString organizationLabel(); /** Set note. */ void setNote( const QString ¬e ); /** Return note. */ QString note() const; /** Return translated label for note field. */ static QString noteLabel(); /** Set product identifier. */ void setProductId( const QString &productId ); /** Return product identifier. */ QString productId() const; /** Return translated label for productId field. */ static QString productIdLabel(); /** Set revision date. */ void setRevision( const QDateTime &revision ); /** Return revision date. */ QDateTime revision() const; /** Return translated label for revision field. */ static QString revisionLabel(); /** Set sort string. */ void setSortString( const QString &sortString ); /** Return sort string. */ QString sortString() const; /** Return translated label for sortString field. */ static QString sortStringLabel(); /** Set URL. */ void setUrl( const KURL &url ); /** Return URL. */ KURL url() const; /** Return translated label for url field. */ static QString urlLabel(); |