Diffstat (limited to 'kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp | 10 |
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp b/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp index da552c3..03df444 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp +++ b/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp @@ -1,1230 +1,1230 @@ /* This file is part of KAddressBook. Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Pilone <mpilone@slac.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ //BEGIN Includes #include "cardview.h" #include <limits.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qstyle.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include "kabprefs.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> //END includes #define MIN_ITEM_WIDTH 80 //BEGIN Helpers ////////////////////////////////////// // CardViewTip class CardViewTip : public QLabel { public: CardViewTip(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) : QLabel( parent, name ) { setPalette( QToolTip::palette() ); setFrameStyle( Panel|Plain ); setMidLineWidth(0); setIndent(1); } ~CardViewTip() {}; protected: void leaveEvent( QEvent * ) { hide(); } }; ////////////////////////////////////// // CardViewItemList // // Warning: make sure you use findRef() instead of find() to find an // item! Only the pointer value is unique in the list. // class CardViewItemList : public QPtrList<CardViewItem> { protected: virtual int compareItems(QPtrCollection::Item item1, QPtrCollection::Item item2) { CardViewItem *cItem1 = (CardViewItem*)item1; CardViewItem *cItem2 = (CardViewItem*)item2; if ( cItem1 == cItem2 ) return 0; if ((cItem1 == 0) || (cItem2 == 0)) return cItem1 ? -1 : 1; if (cItem1->caption() < cItem2->caption()) return -1; else if (cItem1->caption() > cItem2->caption()) return 1; return 0; } private: /*int find( const CardViewItem * ) { qDebug("DON'T USE CardViewItemList::find( item )! Use findRef( item )!"); }*/ }; ////////////////////////////////////// // CardViewSeparator class CardViewSeparator { friend class CardView; public: CardViewSeparator(CardView *view) : mView(view) { mRect = QRect(0, 0, view->separatorWidth(), 0); } ~CardViewSeparator() {} void paintSeparator(QPainter *p, QColorGroup &cg) { p->fillRect(0, 0, mRect.width(), mRect.height(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button)); } void repaintSeparator() { mView->repaintContents(mRect); } private: CardView *mView; QRect mRect; }; //END Helpers //BEGIN Private Data class CardViewPrivate { public: CardViewPrivate() : mSelectionMode( CardView::Multi ), mDrawCardBorder( true ), mDrawFieldLabels( true ), mDrawSeparators( true), mSepWidth( 2 ), mShowEmptyFields( false ), mLayoutDirty( true ), mLastClickOnItem( false ), mItemMargin( 0 ), mItemSpacing( 10 ), mItemWidth( 200 ), mMaxFieldLines( INT_MAX ), mCurrentItem( 0L ), mLastClickPos( QPoint(0, 0) ), + mResizeAnchor(0), mRubberBandAnchor( 0 ), - mCompText( QString::null ), - mResizeAnchor(0) + mCompText( QString::null ) {}; CardViewItemList mItemList; QPtrList<CardViewSeparator> mSeparatorList; QFontMetrics *mFm; QFontMetrics *mBFm; // bold font QFont mHeaderFont; // custom header font CardView::SelectionMode mSelectionMode; bool mDrawCardBorder; bool mDrawFieldLabels; bool mDrawSeparators; int mSepWidth; bool mShowEmptyFields; bool mLayoutDirty; bool mLastClickOnItem; uint mItemMargin; // internal margin in items uint mItemSpacing; // spacing between items, column seperators and border int mItemWidth; // width of all items uint mMaxFieldLines; // Max lines to dispaly pr field CardViewItem *mCurrentItem; QPoint mLastClickPos; QTimer *mTimer; // times out if mouse rests for more than 500 msecs CardViewTip *mTip; // passed to the item under a resting cursor to display full text bool mOnSeparator; // set/reset on mouse movement // for resizing by dragging the separators int mResizeAnchor; // uint, ulong? the mouse down separator left int mRubberBandAnchor; // for erasing rubber bands // data used for resizing. // as they are beeded by each mouse move while resizing, we store them here, // saving 8 calculations in each mouse move. int colspace; // amount of space between items pr column uint first; // the first col to anchor at for painting rubber bands int firstX; // X position of first in pixel int pressed; // the colummn that was pressed on at resizing start int span; // pressed - first // key completion QString mCompText; // current completion string QDateTime mCompUpdated; // ...was updated at this time }; class CardViewItemPrivate { public: CardViewItemPrivate() : - x( 0 ), - y( 0 ), - mSelected( false ){}; + mSelected( false ), + x( 0 ), + y( 0 ){}; QString mCaption; QPtrList< CardViewItem::Field > mFieldList; bool mSelected; int x; // horizontal position, set by the view int y; // vertical position, set by the view int maxLabelWidth; // the width of the widest label, according to the view font. int hcache; // height cache }; //END Private Data //BEGIN CardViewItem CardViewItem::CardViewItem(CardView *parent, QString caption) : d(new CardViewItemPrivate()), mView(parent) { d->mCaption = caption; initialize(); } CardViewItem::~CardViewItem() { // Remove ourself from the view if (mView != 0) mView->takeItem(this); delete d; d = 0; } void CardViewItem::initialize() { d->mSelected = false; d->mFieldList.setAutoDelete(true); d->maxLabelWidth = 0; d->hcache=0; //calcRect(); // Add ourself to the view if (mView != 0) mView->insertItem(this); } void CardViewItem::paintCard(QPainter *p, QColorGroup &cg) { if (!mView) return; QPen pen; QBrush brush; QFontMetrics fm = *(mView->d->mFm); QFontMetrics bFm = *(mView->d->mBFm); bool drawLabels = mView->d->mDrawFieldLabels; bool drawBorder = mView->d->mDrawCardBorder; int mg = mView->itemMargin(); int w = mView->itemWidth() - (mg*2); int h = height() - (mg*2); const int colonWidth( fm.width(":") ); int labelXPos = 2 + mg; int labelWidth = QMIN( w/2 - 4 - mg, d->maxLabelWidth + colonWidth + 4 ); int valueXPos = labelWidth + 4 + mg; int valueWidth = w - labelWidth - 4 - mg; p->setFont( mView->font() ); labelWidth -= colonWidth; // extra space for the colon if (!drawLabels) { valueXPos = labelXPos; valueWidth = w - 4; } // Draw a simple box if (isSelected()) pen = QPen(cg.highlight(), 1); else pen = QPen(cg.button(), 1); p->setPen(pen); // Draw the border - this is only draw if the user asks for it. if (drawBorder) p->drawRect( mg, mg, w, h ); // set the proper pen color for the caption box if (isSelected()) brush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight); else brush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button); p->fillRect(mg, mg, w, 4 + bFm.height(), brush); // Now paint the caption p->save(); QFont bFont = mView->headerFont(); //bFont.setBold(true); p->setFont(bFont); if (isSelected()) p->setPen(cg.highlightedText()); else p->setPen(cg.buttonText()); p->drawText(2+mg, 2+mg + bFm.ascent()/*bFm.height()*//*-bFm.descent()*//*-bFm.leading()*/, trimString(d->mCaption, w-4, bFm)); p->restore(); // Go through the fields and draw them QPtrListIterator< CardViewItem::Field > iter(d->mFieldList); QString label, value; int yPos = mg + 4 + bFm.height()/* + 1*/ + fm.height(); // why the + 1 ??? (anders) p->setPen(cg.text()); int fh = fm.height(); int cln( 0 ); QString tmp; int maxLines = mView->maxFieldLines(); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { value = (*iter)->second; if ( value.isEmpty() && ! mView->d->mShowEmptyFields ) continue; if (drawLabels) { label = trimString((*iter)->first, labelWidth, fm); p->drawText(labelXPos, yPos, label + ":"); } /* US original for (cln=0; cln <= maxLines; cln++) { tmp = value.section('\n',cln,cln); if ( !tmp.isEmpty() ) p->drawText( valueXPos, yPos + cln*fh, trimString( tmp, valueWidth, fm ) ); else break; } */ //US new implementation QStringList strlst = QStringList::split('\n', value, true); for (cln=0; cln <= maxLines && cln <= (int)strlst.count(); cln++) { tmp = strlst[cln]; if ( !tmp.isEmpty() ) p->drawText( valueXPos, yPos + cln*fh, trimString( tmp, valueWidth, fm ) ); else break; } if ( cln == 0 ) cln = 1; yPos += cln * fh + 2; } // if we are the current item and the view has focus, draw focus rect if ( mView->currentItem() == this && mView->hasFocus() ) { /*US mView->style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FocusRect, p, QRect(0, 0, mView->itemWidth(), h+(2*mg)), cg, QStyle::Style_FocusAtBorder, QStyleOption( isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : cg.base() ) ); */ const QColor pHighl = isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : cg.base(); const QRect r(0, 0, mView->itemWidth(), h+(2*mg)); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mView->style().drawFocusRect(p, r, cg, &pHighl, true); #endif } } const QString &CardViewItem::caption() const { return d->mCaption; } int CardViewItem::height( bool allowCache ) const { // use cache if ( allowCache && d->hcache ) return d->hcache; // Base height: // 2 for line width // 2 for top caption pad // 2 for bottom caption pad // 2 pad for the end // + 2 times the advised margin int baseHeight = 8 + ( 2 * mView->itemMargin() ); // size of font for each field // 2 pad for each field // anders: if the view does not show empty fields, check for value bool sef = mView->showEmptyFields(); int fh = mView->d->mFm->height();//lineSpacing(); // font height //int sp = QMAX( 0, 2- mView->d->mFm->leading() ); // field spacing NOTE make a property int fieldHeight = 0; int lines; int maxLines( mView->maxFieldLines() ); QPtrListIterator< CardViewItem::Field > iter(d->mFieldList); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { if ( !sef && (*iter)->second.isEmpty() ) continue; lines = QMIN( (*iter)->second.contains('\n') + 1, maxLines ); fieldHeight += ( lines * fh ) + 2;//sp; } // height of caption font (bold) fieldHeight += mView->d->mBFm->height(); d->hcache = baseHeight + fieldHeight; return d->hcache; } bool CardViewItem::isSelected() const { return d->mSelected; } void CardViewItem::setSelected(bool selected) { d->mSelected = selected; } void CardViewItem::insertField(const QString &label, const QString &value) { CardViewItem::Field *f = new CardViewItem::Field(label, value); d->mFieldList.append(f); d->hcache=0; if (mView) { mView->setLayoutDirty(true); d->maxLabelWidth = QMAX( mView->d->mFm->width( label ), d->maxLabelWidth ); } } void CardViewItem::removeField(const QString &label) { CardViewItem::Field *f; QPtrListIterator< CardViewItem::Field > iter(d->mFieldList); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { f = *iter; if (f->first == label) break; } if (*iter) d->mFieldList.remove(*iter); d->hcache = 0; if (mView) mView->setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardViewItem::clearFields() { d->mFieldList.clear(); d->hcache = 0; if (mView) mView->setLayoutDirty(true); } QString CardViewItem::trimString(const QString &text, int width, QFontMetrics &fm) { if (fm.width(text) <= width) return text; QString dots = "..."; int dotWidth = fm.width(dots); QString trimmed; int charNum = 0; while (fm.width(trimmed) + dotWidth < width) { trimmed += text[charNum]; charNum++; } // Now trim the last char, since it put the width over the top trimmed = trimmed.left(trimmed.length()-1); trimmed += dots; return trimmed; } CardViewItem *CardViewItem::nextItem() { CardViewItem *item = 0; if (mView) item = mView->itemAfter(this); return item; } void CardViewItem::repaintCard() { if (mView) mView->repaintItem(this); } void CardViewItem::setCaption(const QString &caption) { d->mCaption = caption; repaintCard(); } QString CardViewItem::fieldValue(const QString &label) { QPtrListIterator< CardViewItem::Field > iter(d->mFieldList); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) if ((*iter)->first == label) return (*iter)->second; return QString(); } void CardViewItem::showFullString( const QPoint &itempos, CardViewTip *tip ) { bool trimmed( false ); QString s; int mrg = mView->itemMargin(); int y = mView->d->mBFm->height() + 6 + mrg; int w = mView->itemWidth() - (2*mrg); int lw; bool drawLabels = mView->drawFieldLabels(); bool isLabel = drawLabels && itempos.x() < w/2 ? true : false; if ( itempos.y() < y ) { if ( itempos.y() < 8 + mrg || itempos.y() > y - 4 ) return; // this is the caption s = caption(); trimmed = mView->d->mBFm->width( s ) > w - 4; y = 2 + mrg; lw = 0; isLabel=true; } else { // find the field Field *f = fieldAt( itempos ); if ( !f || ( !mView->showEmptyFields() && f->second.isEmpty() ) ) return; // y position: // header font height + 4px hader margin + 2px leading + item margin // + actual field index * (fontheight + 2px leading) int maxLines = mView->maxFieldLines(); bool se = mView->showEmptyFields(); int fh = mView->d->mFm->height(); // { Field *_f; for (_f = d->mFieldList.first(); _f != f; _f = d->mFieldList.next()) if ( se || ! _f->second.isEmpty() ) y += ( QMIN(_f->second.contains('\n')+1, maxLines) * fh ) + 2; // } if ( isLabel && itempos.y() > y + fh ) return; // label or data? s = isLabel ? f->first : f->second; // trimmed? int colonWidth = mView->d->mFm->width(":"); lw = drawLabels ? // label width QMIN( w/2 - 4 - mrg, d->maxLabelWidth + colonWidth + 4 ) : 0; int mw = isLabel ? lw - colonWidth : w - lw - (mrg*2); // max width for string if ( isLabel ) { trimmed = mView->d->mFm->width( s ) > mw - colonWidth; } else { QRect r( mView->d->mFm->boundingRect( 0, 0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignLeft, s ) ); trimmed = r.width() > mw || r.height()/fh > QMIN(s.contains('\n') + 1, maxLines); } } if ( trimmed ) { tip->setFont( (isLabel && !lw) ? mView->headerFont() : mView->font() ); // if condition is true, a header tip->setText( s ); tip->adjustSize(); // find a proper position int lx; lx = isLabel || !drawLabels ? mrg : lw + mrg + 2 /*-1*/; QPoint pnt(mView->contentsToViewport( QPoint(d->x, d->y) )); pnt += QPoint(lx, y); if ( pnt.x() < 0 ) pnt.setX( 0 ); if ( pnt.x() + tip->width() > mView->visibleWidth() ) pnt.setX( mView->visibleWidth() - tip->width() ); if ( pnt.y() + tip->height() > mView->visibleHeight() ) pnt.setY( QMAX( 0, mView->visibleHeight() - tip->height() ) ); // show tip->move( pnt ); tip->show(); } } CardViewItem::Field *CardViewItem::fieldAt( const QPoint & itempos ) const { int ypos = mView->d->mBFm->height() + 7 + mView->d->mItemMargin; int iy = itempos.y(); // skip below caption if ( iy <= ypos ) return 0; // try find a field bool showEmpty = mView->showEmptyFields(); int fh = mView->d->mFm->height(); int maxLines = mView->maxFieldLines(); Field *f; for ( f = d->mFieldList.first(); f; f = d->mFieldList.next() ) { if ( showEmpty || !f->second.isEmpty() ) ypos += ( QMIN( f->second.contains('\n')+1, maxLines ) *fh)+2; if ( iy <= ypos ) break; } return f ? f : 0; } //END CardViewItem //BEGIN CardView CardView::CardView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QScrollView(parent, name), d(new CardViewPrivate()) { d->mItemList.setAutoDelete(true); d->mSeparatorList.setAutoDelete(true); QFont f = font(); d->mFm = new QFontMetrics(f); f.setBold(true); d->mHeaderFont = f; d->mBFm = new QFontMetrics(f); d->mTip = ( new CardViewTip( viewport() ) ), d->mTip->hide(); d->mTimer = ( new QTimer(this, "mouseTimer") ), viewport()->setMouseTracking( true ); viewport()->setFocusProxy(this); viewport()->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); viewport()->setBackgroundMode(PaletteBase); connect( d->mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tryShowFullText()) ); //US setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground, PaletteBase); setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground); // no reason for a vertical scrollbar setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); } CardView::~CardView() { delete d->mFm; delete d->mBFm; delete d; d = 0; } void CardView::insertItem(CardViewItem *item) { d->mItemList.inSort(item); setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardView::takeItem(CardViewItem *item) { if ( d->mCurrentItem == item ) d->mCurrentItem = item->nextItem(); d->mItemList.take(d->mItemList.findRef(item)); setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardView::clear() { d->mItemList.clear(); setLayoutDirty(true); } CardViewItem *CardView::currentItem() { if ( ! d->mCurrentItem && d->mItemList.count() ) d->mCurrentItem = d->mItemList.first(); return d->mCurrentItem; } void CardView::setCurrentItem( CardViewItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return; else if ( item->cardView() != this ) { kdDebug(5720)<<"CardView::setCurrentItem: Item ("<<item<<") not owned! Backing out.."<<endl; return; } else if ( item == currentItem() ) { return; } if ( d->mSelectionMode == Single ) { setSelected( item, true ); } else { CardViewItem *it = d->mCurrentItem; d->mCurrentItem = item; if ( it ) it->repaintCard(); item->repaintCard(); } if ( ! d->mOnSeparator ) ensureItemVisible( item ); emit currentChanged( item ); } CardViewItem *CardView::itemAt(const QPoint &viewPos) { CardViewItem *item = 0; QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); bool found = false; for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current() && !found; ++iter) { item = *iter; //if (item->d->mRect.contains(viewPos)) if (QRect(item->d->x, item->d->y, d->mItemWidth, item->height()).contains(viewPos)) found = true; } if (found) return item; return 0; } QRect CardView::itemRect(const CardViewItem *item) { //return item->d->mRect; return QRect(item->d->x, item->d->y, d->mItemWidth, item->height()); } void CardView::ensureItemVisible(const CardViewItem *item) { ensureVisible(item->d->x , item->d->y, d->mItemSpacing, 0); ensureVisible(item->d->x + d->mItemWidth, item->d->y, d->mItemSpacing, 0); } void CardView::repaintItem(const CardViewItem *item) { //repaintContents(item->d->mRect); repaintContents( QRect(item->d->x, item->d->y, d->mItemWidth, item->height()) ); } void CardView::setSelectionMode(CardView::SelectionMode mode) { selectAll(false); d->mSelectionMode = mode; } CardView::SelectionMode CardView::selectionMode() const { return d->mSelectionMode; } void CardView::selectAll(bool state) { QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); if (!state) { for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->isSelected()) { (*iter)->setSelected(false); (*iter)->repaintCard(); } } //emit selectionChanged(); // WARNING FIXME emit selectionChanged(0); } else if (d->mSelectionMode != CardView::Single) { for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { (*iter)->setSelected(true); } if (d->mItemList.count() > 0) { // emit, since there must have been at least one selected emit selectionChanged(); //repaint();//??? viewport()->update(); } } } void CardView::setSelected(CardViewItem *item, bool selected) { if ((item == 0) || (item->isSelected() == selected)) return; if ( selected && d->mCurrentItem != item ) { CardViewItem *it = d->mCurrentItem; d->mCurrentItem = item; if ( it ) it->repaintCard(); } if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Single) { bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); if (selected) { item->setSelected(selected); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); emit selectionChanged(item); } else { emit selectionChanged(); emit selectionChanged(0); } } else if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Multi) { item->setSelected(selected); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } else if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Extended) { bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); item->setSelected(selected); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } } bool CardView::isSelected(CardViewItem *item) const { return (item && item->isSelected()); } CardViewItem *CardView::selectedItem() const { // find the first selected item QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->isSelected()) return *iter; } return 0; } CardViewItem *CardView::firstItem() const { return d->mItemList.first(); } int CardView::childCount() const { return d->mItemList.count(); } /*US CardViewItem *CardView::findItem(const QString &text, const QString &label, Qt::StringComparisonMode compare) { // IF the text is empty, we will return null, since empty text will // match anything! if (text.isEmpty()) return 0; QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); if (compare & Qt::BeginsWith) { QString value; for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { value = (*iter)->fieldValue(label).upper(); if (value.startsWith(text.upper())) return *iter; } } else { kdDebug(5720) << "CardView::findItem: search method not implemented" << endl; } return 0; } */ uint CardView::columnWidth() { return d->mDrawSeparators ? d->mItemWidth + ( 2 * d->mItemSpacing ) + d->mSepWidth : d->mItemWidth + d->mItemSpacing; } void CardView::drawContents(QPainter *p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) { QScrollView::drawContents(p, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); if (d->mLayoutDirty) calcLayout(); //kdDebug() << "CardView::drawContents: " << clipx << ", " << clipy // << ", " << clipw << ", " << cliph << endl; QColorGroup cg = viewport()->palette().active(); // allow setting costum colors in the viewport pale QRect clipRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); QRect cardRect; QRect sepRect; CardViewItem *item; CardViewSeparator *sep; // make sure the viewport is a pure background viewport()->erase(clipRect); // Now tell the cards to draw, if they are in the clip region QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { item = *iter; cardRect.setRect( item->d->x, item->d->y, d->mItemWidth, item->height() ); if (clipRect.intersects(cardRect) || clipRect.contains(cardRect)) { //kdDebug() << "\trepainting card at: " << cardRect.x() << ", " // << cardRect.y() << endl; // Tell the card to paint p->save(); p->translate(cardRect.x(), cardRect.y()); item->paintCard(p, cg); p->restore(); } } // Followed by the separators if they are in the clip region QPtrListIterator<CardViewSeparator> sepIter(d->mSeparatorList); for (sepIter.toFirst(); sepIter.current(); ++sepIter) { sep = *sepIter; sepRect = sep->mRect; if (clipRect.intersects(sepRect) || clipRect.contains(sepRect)) { p->save(); p->translate(sepRect.x(), sepRect.y()); sep->paintSeparator(p, cg); p->restore(); } } } void CardView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QScrollView::resizeEvent(e); setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardView::calcLayout() { //kdDebug() << "CardView::calcLayout:" << endl; // Start in the upper left corner and layout all the // cars using their height and width int maxWidth = 0; int maxHeight = 0; int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; int cardSpacing = d->mItemSpacing; // delete the old separators d->mSeparatorList.clear(); QPtrListIterator<CardViewItem> iter(d->mItemList); CardViewItem *item = 0; CardViewSeparator *sep = 0; xPos += cardSpacing; for (iter.toFirst(); iter.current(); ++iter) { item = *iter; yPos += cardSpacing; if (yPos + item->height() + cardSpacing >= height() - horizontalScrollBar()->height()) { maxHeight = QMAX(maxHeight, yPos); // Drawing in this column would be greater than the height // of the scroll view, so move to next column yPos = cardSpacing; xPos += cardSpacing + maxWidth; if (d->mDrawSeparators) { // Create a separator since the user asked sep = new CardViewSeparator(this); sep->mRect.moveTopLeft(QPoint(xPos, yPos+d->mItemMargin)); xPos += d->mSepWidth + cardSpacing; d->mSeparatorList.append(sep); } maxWidth = 0; } item->d->x = xPos; item->d->y = yPos; yPos += item->height(); maxWidth = QMAX(maxWidth, d->mItemWidth); } xPos += maxWidth; resizeContents( xPos + cardSpacing, maxHeight ); // Update the height of all the separators now that we know the // max height of a column QPtrListIterator<CardViewSeparator> sepIter(d->mSeparatorList); for (sepIter.toFirst(); sepIter.current(); ++sepIter) { (*sepIter)->mRect.setHeight(maxHeight - 2*cardSpacing - 2*d->mItemMargin); } d->mLayoutDirty = false; } CardViewItem *CardView::itemAfter(CardViewItem *item) { /*int pos = */d->mItemList.findRef(item); return d->mItemList.next();//at(pos+1); } uint CardView::itemMargin() { return d->mItemMargin; } void CardView::setItemMargin( uint margin ) { if ( margin == d->mItemMargin ) return; d->mItemMargin = margin; setLayoutDirty( true ); } uint CardView::itemSpacing() { return d->mItemSpacing; } void CardView::setItemSpacing( uint spacing ) { if ( spacing == d->mItemSpacing ) return; d->mItemSpacing = spacing; setLayoutDirty( true ); } void CardView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent(e); QPoint pos = e->pos(); d->mLastClickPos = pos; CardViewItem *item = itemAt(pos); if (item == 0) { d->mLastClickOnItem = false; if ( d->mOnSeparator) { d->mResizeAnchor = e->x()+contentsX(); d->colspace = (2*d->mItemSpacing) /*+ (2*d->mItemMargin)*/; int ccw = d->mItemWidth + d->colspace + d->mSepWidth; d->first = (contentsX()+d->mSepWidth)/ccw; d->pressed = (d->mResizeAnchor+d->mSepWidth)/ccw; d->span = d->pressed - d->first; d->firstX = d->first * ccw; if ( d->firstX ) d->firstX -= d->mSepWidth; // (no sep in col 0) } else { selectAll(false); } return; } d->mLastClickOnItem = true; CardViewItem *other = d->mCurrentItem; setCurrentItem( item ); // Always emit the selection emit clicked(item); // Check the selection type and update accordingly if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Single) { // make sure it isn't already selected if (item->isSelected()) return; bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); item->setSelected(true); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(item); } else if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Multi) { // toggle the selection item->setSelected(!item->isSelected()); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } else if (d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Extended) { if ((e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) && (e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton)) { if ( item == other ) return; bool s = ! item->isSelected(); if ( s && ! (e->state() & ControlButton) ) { bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); } int from, to, a, b; a = d->mItemList.findRef( item ); b = d->mItemList.findRef( other ); from = a < b ? a : b; to = a > b ? a : b; //kdDebug()<<"selecting items "<<from<<" - "<<to<<" ( "<<s<<" )"<<endl; CardViewItem *aItem; for ( ; from <= to; from++ ) { aItem = d->mItemList.at( from ); aItem->setSelected( s ); repaintItem( aItem ); } emit selectionChanged(); } else if ((e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) && (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) { item->setSelected(!item->isSelected()); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } else if (e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) { bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); item->setSelected(true); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } } } void CardView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QScrollView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); if ( d->mResizeAnchor ) { // finish the resizing: unsetCursor(); // hide rubber bands int newiw = d->mItemWidth - ((d->mResizeAnchor - d->mRubberBandAnchor)/d->span); drawRubberBands( 0 ); // we should move to reflect the new position if we are scrolled. if ( contentsX() ) |