path: root/kaddressbook
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'kaddressbook') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/viewmanager.cpp b/kaddressbook/viewmanager.cpp
index c738ad8..b5d9419 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/viewmanager.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/viewmanager.cpp
@@ -1,676 +1,683 @@
This file is part of KAddressBook.
Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Pilone <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <libkdepim/kvcarddrag.h>
#include <kabc/vcardconverter.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmultipledrag.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include "addresseeutil.h"
#include "views/kaddressbookiconview.h"
#include "views/kaddressbooktableview.h"
#include "views/kaddressbookcardview.h"
#include "kaddressbookview.h"
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <kconfigbase.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kactionclasses.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <kabc/addressbook.h>
#include "filtereditdialog.h"
#include "addviewdialog.h"
#include "kabcore.h"
#include "kabprefs.h"
#include "viewmanager.h"
ViewManager::ViewManager( KABCore *core, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: QWidget( parent, name ), mCore( core ), mActiveView( 0 )
mViewDict.setAutoDelete( true );
void ViewManager::scrollUP()
if ( mActiveView )
void ViewManager::scrollDOWN()
if ( mActiveView )
void ViewManager::restoreSettings()
mViewNameList = KABPrefs::instance()->mViewNames;
QString activeViewName = KABPrefs::instance()->mCurrentView;
mActionSelectView->setItems( mViewNameList );
// Filter
mFilterList = Filter::restore( mCore->config(), "Filter" );
mActionSelectFilter->setItems( filterNames() );
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( KABPrefs::instance()->mCurrentFilter );
int cw = 150;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 800 )
cw = 200;
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() == 480 && !KABPrefs::instance()->mHideSearchOnSwitch)
cw = 0;
mActionSelectFilter->setComboWidth( cw );
// Tell the views to reread their config, since they may have
// been modified by global settings
QString _oldgroup = mCore->config()->group();
QDictIterator<KAddressBookView> it( mViewDict );
for ( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it ) {
KConfigGroupSaver saver( mCore->config(), it.currentKey() );
it.current()->readConfig( mCore->config() );
setActiveView( activeViewName );
mActionDeleteView->setEnabled( mViewNameList.count() > 1 );
void ViewManager::saveSettings()
QString _oldgroup = mCore->config()->group();
QDictIterator<KAddressBookView> it( mViewDict );
for ( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it ) {
KConfigGroupSaver saver( mCore->config(), it.currentKey() );
(*it)->writeConfig( mCore->config() );
(*it).writeConfig( mCore->config() );
Filter::save( mCore->config(), "Filter", mFilterList );
KABPrefs::instance()->mCurrentFilter = mActionSelectFilter->currentItem();
// write the view name list
KABPrefs::instance()->mViewNames = mViewNameList;
KABPrefs::instance()->mCurrentView = mActiveView->caption();
QStringList ViewManager::selectedUids() const
if ( mActiveView )
return mActiveView->selectedUids();
return QStringList();
QStringList ViewManager::selectedEmails() const
if ( mActiveView )
return mActiveView->selectedEmails();
return QStringList();
KABC::Addressee::List ViewManager::selectedAddressees() const
KABC::Addressee::List list;
if ( mActiveView ) {
QStringList uids = mActiveView->selectedUids();
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = uids.begin(); it != uids.end(); ++it ) {
KABC::Addressee addr = mCore->addressBook()->findByUid( *it );
if ( !addr.isEmpty() )
list.append( addr );
return list;
//US added another method with no parameter, since my moc compiler does not support default parameters.
void ViewManager::setSelected()
setSelected( QString::null, true );
void ViewManager::setSelected( const QString &uid, bool selected )
if ( mActiveView )
mActiveView->setSelected( uid, selected );
void ViewManager::setListSelected(QStringList list)
int i, count = list.count();
for ( i = 0; i < count;++i )
setSelected( list[i], true );
void ViewManager::unloadViews()
mActiveView = 0;
void ViewManager::selectView( const QString &name )
setActiveView( name );
void ViewManager::setActiveView( const QString &name )
KAddressBookView *view = 0;
// Check that this isn't the same as the current active view
if ( mActiveView && ( mActiveView->caption() == name ) )
// At this point we know the view that should be active is not
// currently active. We will try to find the new on in the list. If
// we can't find it, it means it hasn't been instantiated, so we will
// create it on demand.
view = mViewDict.find( name );
// Check if we found the view. If we didn't, then we need to create it
if ( view == 0 ) {
KConfig *config = mCore->config();
KConfigGroupSaver saver( config, name );
QString type = config->readEntry( "Type", "Table" );
kdDebug(5720) << "ViewManager::setActiveView: creating view - " << name << endl;
ViewFactory *factory = mViewFactoryDict.find( type );
if ( factory )
view = factory->view( mCore->addressBook(), mViewWidgetStack );
if ( view ) {
+ if ( !mViewNameList.contains( name ) ) {
+ mViewNameList.append( name );
+ }
view->setCaption( name );
mViewDict.insert( name, view );
//US my version needs an int as second parameter to addWidget
mViewWidgetStack->addWidget( view, -1 );
view->readConfig( config );
// The manager just relays the signals
connect( view, SIGNAL( selected( const QString& ) ),
SIGNAL( selected( const QString & ) ) );
connect( view, SIGNAL( executed( const QString& ) ),
SIGNAL( executed( const QString& ) ) );
connect( view, SIGNAL( deleteRequest( ) ),
SIGNAL( deleteRequest( ) ) );
connect( view, SIGNAL( modified() ), SIGNAL( modified() ) );
connect( view, SIGNAL( dropped( QDropEvent* ) ),
SLOT( dropped( QDropEvent* ) ) );
connect( view, SIGNAL( startDrag() ), SLOT( startDrag() ) );
// If we found or created the view, raise it and refresh it
if ( view ) {
mActiveView = view;
mViewWidgetStack->raiseWidget( view );
// Set the proper filter in the view. By setting the combo
// box, the activated slot will be called, which will push
// the filter to the view and refresh it.
if ( view->defaultFilterType() == KAddressBookView::None ) {
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( 0 );
setActiveFilter( 0 );
} else if ( view->defaultFilterType() == KAddressBookView::Active ) {
setActiveFilter( mActionSelectFilter->currentItem() );
} else {
uint pos = filterPosition( view->defaultFilterName() );
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( pos );
setActiveFilter( pos );
//US qDebug("ViewManager::setActiveView 6" );
// Update the inc search widget to show the fields in the new active
// view.
mCore->setSearchFields( mActiveView->fields() );
//US performance optimization. setActiveFilter calls also mActiveView->refresh()
//US mActiveView->refresh();
+ mActionSelectView->setItems( mViewNameList );
+ mActionSelectView->setCurrentItem( mViewNameList.findIndex( mActiveView->caption() ) );
qDebug("ViewManager::setActiveView: unable to find view" );
//US added another method with no parameter, since my moc compiler does not support default parameters.
void ViewManager::refreshView()
refreshView( QString::null );
void ViewManager::refreshView( const QString &uid )
if ( mActiveView )
mActiveView->refresh( uid );
void ViewManager::setFocusAV()
if ( mActiveView )
void ViewManager::editView()
if ( !mActiveView )
ViewFactory *factory = mViewFactoryDict.find( mActiveView->type() );
ViewConfigureWidget *wdg = 0;
ViewConfigureDialog* dlg = 0;
if ( factory ) {
// Save the filters so the dialog has the latest set
Filter::save( mCore->config(), "Filter", mFilterList );
dlg = new ViewConfigureDialog( 0, mActiveView->caption(), this, "conf_dlg" );
wdg = factory->configureWidget( mCore->addressBook(), dlg,"conf_wid" );
} else {
qDebug("ViewManager::editView()::cannot find viewfactory ");
if ( wdg ) {
dlg->setWidget( wdg );
//dlg.setMaximumSize( 640, 480 );
//dlg->setGeometry( 40,40, 400, 300);
KConfigGroupSaver saver( mCore->config(), mActiveView->caption() );
dlg->restoreSettings( mCore->config() );
if ( dlg->exec() ) {
dlg->saveSettings( mCore->config() );
mActiveView->readConfig( mCore->config() );
// Set the proper filter in the view. By setting the combo
// box, the activated slot will be called, which will push
// the filter to the view and refresh it.
if ( mActiveView->defaultFilterType() == KAddressBookView::None ) {
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( 0 );
setActiveFilter( 0 );
} else if ( mActiveView->defaultFilterType() == KAddressBookView::Active ) {
setActiveFilter( mActionSelectFilter->currentItem() );
} else {
uint pos = filterPosition( mActiveView->defaultFilterName() );
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( pos );
setActiveFilter( pos );
mCore->setSearchFields( mActiveView->fields() );
//US performance optimization. setActiveFilter calls also mActiveView->refresh()
//US mActiveView->refresh();
//US this is a bugfix, that we get notified if we change a views configuration
emit modified();
delete dlg;
void ViewManager::deleteView()
QString text = i18n( "<qt>Are you sure that you want to delete the view <b>%1</b>?</qt>" )
.arg( mActiveView->caption() );
QString caption = i18n( "Confirm Delete" );
if (QMessageBox::information( this, caption,
i18n("Yes!"), i18n("No"), 0, 0 ) == 0)
mViewNameList.remove( mActiveView->caption() );
// remove the view from the config file
KConfig *config = mCore->config();
config->deleteGroup( mActiveView->caption() );
mViewDict.remove( mActiveView->caption() );
mActiveView = 0;
// we are in an invalid state now, but that should be fixed after
// we emit the signal
mActionSelectView->setItems( mViewNameList );
if ( mViewNameList.count() > 0 ) {
mActionSelectView->setCurrentItem( 0 );
setActiveView( mViewNameList[ 0 ] );
mActionDeleteView->setEnabled( mViewNameList.count() > 1 );
void ViewManager::addView()
AddViewDialog dialog( &mViewFactoryDict, this );
if ( dialog.exec() ) {
QString newName = dialog.viewName();
QString type = dialog.viewType();
// Check for name conflicts
bool firstConflict = true;
int numTries = 1;
while ( mViewNameList.contains( newName ) > 0 ) {
if ( !firstConflict ) {
newName = newName.left( newName.length() - 4 );
firstConflict = false;
newName = QString( "%1 <%2>" ).arg( newName ).arg( numTries );
// Add the new one to the list
mViewNameList.append( newName );
// write the view to the config file,
KConfig *config = mCore->config();
config->deleteGroup( newName );
KConfigGroupSaver saver( config, newName );
config->writeEntry( "Type", type );
// try to set the active view
mActionSelectView->setItems( mViewNameList );
mActionSelectView->setCurrentItem( mViewNameList.findIndex( newName ) );
setActiveView( newName );
mActionDeleteView->setEnabled( mViewNameList.count() > 1 );
void ViewManager::createViewFactories()
KTrader::OfferList plugins = KTrader::self()->query( "KAddressBook/View" );
KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it)->hasServiceType( "KAddressBook/View" ) )
KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( (*it)->library().latin1() );
if ( !factory ) {
kdDebug(5720) << "ViewManager::createViewFactories(): Factory creation failed" << endl;
ViewFactory *viewFactory = static_cast<ViewFactory*>( factory );
if ( !viewFactory ) {
kdDebug(5720) << "ViewManager::createViewFactories(): Cast failed" << endl;
mViewFactoryDict.insert( viewFactory->type(), viewFactory );
ViewFactory* viewFactory = new IconViewFactory();
mViewFactoryDict.insert( viewFactory->type(), viewFactory );
// qDebug("ViewManager::createViewFactories() Loading factory: %s", viewFactory->type().latin1());
viewFactory = new TableViewFactory();
mViewFactoryDict.insert( viewFactory->type(), viewFactory );
// qDebug("ViewManager::createViewFactories() Loading factory: %s", viewFactory->type().latin1());
viewFactory = new CardViewFactory();
mViewFactoryDict.insert( viewFactory->type(), viewFactory );
// qDebug("ViewManager::createViewFactories() Loading factory: %s", viewFactory->type().latin1());
void ViewManager::dropped( QDropEvent *e )
QString clipText, vcards;
KURL::List urls;
if ( KURLDrag::decode( e, urls) ) {
KURL::List::Iterator it = urls.begin();
int c = urls.count();
if ( c > 1 ) {
QString questionString = i18n( "Import one contact into your addressbook?", "Import %n contacts into your addressbook?", c );
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, questionString, i18n( "Import Contacts?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
for ( ; it != urls.end(); ++it )
emit urlDropped( *it );
} else if ( c == 1 )
emit urlDropped( *it );
} else if ( KVCardDrag::decode( e, vcards ) ) {
KABC::Addressee addr;
KABC::VCardConverter converter;
QStringList list = QStringList::split( "\r\n\r\n", vcards );
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
if ( converter.vCardToAddressee( (*it).stripWhiteSpace(), addr ) ) {
KABC::Addressee a = mCore->addressBook()->findByUid( addr.uid() );
if ( a.isEmpty() ) {
mCore->addressBook()->insertAddressee( addr );
emit modified();
qDebug("ViewManager::dropped() has to be changed!!" );
void ViewManager::startDrag()
kdDebug(5720) << "ViewManager::startDrag: starting to drag" << endl;
// Get the list of all the selected addressees
KABC::Addressee::List addrList;
QStringList uidList = selectedUids();
QStringList::Iterator iter;
for ( iter = uidList.begin(); iter != uidList.end(); ++iter )
addrList.append( mCore->addressBook()->findByUid( *iter ) );
KMultipleDrag *drag = new KMultipleDrag( this );
drag->addDragObject( new QTextDrag( AddresseeUtil::addresseesToClipboard(addrList), this ) );
KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;
QStringList vcards;
for ( it = addrList.begin(); it != addrList.end(); ++it ) {
QString vcard = QString::null;
KABC::VCardConverter converter;
if ( converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard ) )
vcards.append( vcard );
drag->addDragObject( new KVCardDrag( vcards.join( "\r\n" ), this ) );
drag->setPixmap( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "vcard", KIcon::Desktop ) );
qDebug("ViewManager::startDrag() has to be changed!!" );
void ViewManager::doSearch( const QString& s,KABC::Field *field )
if ( mActiveView )
mActiveView->doSearch( s, field );
void ViewManager::setActiveFilter( int index )
Filter currentFilter;
if ( ( index - 1 ) < 0 )
currentFilter = Filter();
currentFilter = mFilterList[ index - 1 ];
// Check if we have a view. Since the filter combo is created before
// the view, this slot could be called before there is a valid view.
if ( mActiveView ) {
mActiveView->setFilter( currentFilter );
emit selected( QString::null );
void ViewManager::configureFilters()
FilterDialog dlg( this );
dlg.setFilters( mFilterList );
if ( dlg.exec() )
mFilterList = dlg.filters();
uint pos = mActionSelectFilter->currentItem();
mActionSelectFilter->setItems( filterNames() );
mActionSelectFilter->setCurrentItem( pos );
setActiveFilter( pos );
int cw = 150;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 800 )
cw = 200;
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() == 480 && !KABPrefs::instance()->mHideSearchOnSwitch)
cw = 0;
mActionSelectFilter->setComboWidth( cw );
QStringList ViewManager::filterNames() const
QStringList names( i18n( "No Filter" ) );
Filter::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mFilterList.begin(); it != mFilterList.end(); ++it )
names.append( (*it).name() );
return names;
Filter ViewManager::getFilterByName( const QString &name ) const
Filter::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mFilterList.begin(); it != mFilterList.end(); ++it )
if ( name == (*it).name() )
return (*it);
return Filter();
int ViewManager::filterPosition( const QString &name ) const
int pos = 0;
Filter::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mFilterList.begin(); it != mFilterList.end(); ++it, ++pos )
if ( name == (*it).name() )
return pos + 1;
return 0;
void ViewManager::initActions()
//US <ActionList name="view_loadedviews"/>
//US <Separator/>
QPopupMenu *viewmenu = (QPopupMenu*)mCore->getViewMenu();
QPopupMenu *settingsmenu = (QPopupMenu*)mCore->getSettingsMenu();
QPopupMenu *filtermenu = (QPopupMenu*)mCore->getFilterMenu();
mActionSelectView = new KSelectAction( i18n( "Select View" ), 0, mCore->actionCollection(), "select_view" );
#if KDE_VERSION >= 309
mActionSelectView->setMenuAccelsEnabled( false );
connect( mActionSelectView, SIGNAL( activated( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( selectView( const QString& ) ) );
KAction *action;
action = new KAction( i18n( "Modify View..." ), "configure", 0, this,
SLOT( editView() ), mCore->actionCollection(), "view_modify" );
diff --git a/kaddressbook/views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp b/kaddressbook/views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp
index 0e36abd..c329cd9 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
This file is part of KAddressBook.
Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Pilone <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kfontdialog.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include "colorlistbox.h"
#include "configuretableviewdialog.h"
ConfigureTableViewWidget::ConfigureTableViewWidget( KABC::AddressBook *ab,
QWidget *parent,
const char *name )
: ViewConfigureWidget( ab, parent, name )
QWidget *page = addPage( i18n( "Look & Feel" ), QString::null,
KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "looknfeel",
KIcon::Panel ) );
mPage = new LookAndFeelPage( page );
void ConfigureTableViewWidget::restoreSettings( KConfig *config )
ViewConfigureWidget::restoreSettings( config );
mPage->restoreSettings( config );
void ConfigureTableViewWidget::saveSettings( KConfig *config )
ViewConfigureWidget::saveSettings( config );
mPage->saveSettings( config );
LookAndFeelPage::LookAndFeelPage(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: QVBox(parent, name)
// Set initial state
void LookAndFeelPage::restoreSettings( KConfig *config )
mAlternateButton->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("ABackground", true));
mLineButton->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("SingleLine", false));
mToolTipBox->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("ToolTips", true));
if (!mAlternateButton->isChecked() & !mLineButton->isChecked())
mBackgroundBox->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Background", false));
// colors
cbEnableCustomColors->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "EnableCustomColors", false ) );
QColor c;
-qDebug("LookAndFeelPage::restoreSettings make base color configurable");
+ //qDebug("LookAndFeelPage::restoreSettings make base color configurable");
c = KGlobalSettings::baseColor();
c = QColor(0,0,0);
c = colorGroup().background();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Background Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "BackgroundColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().foreground();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Text Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "TextColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().button();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Header Background Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "HeaderBackgroundColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().buttonText();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Header Text Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "HeaderTextColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().highlight();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Highlight Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "HighlightColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().highlightedText();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Highlighted Text Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "HighlightedTextColor", &c ) ) );
c = colorGroup().background();
lbColors->insertItem( new ColorListItem( i18n("Alternating Background Color"),
config->readColorEntry( "AlternatingBackgroundColor", &c ) ) );
// fonts
QFont fnt = font();
updateFontLabel( config->readFontEntry( "TextFont", &fnt ), (QLabel*)lTextFont );
fnt.setBold( true );
updateFontLabel( config->readFontEntry( "HeaderFont", &fnt ), (QLabel*)lHeaderFont );
cbEnableCustomFonts->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "EnableCustomFonts", false ) );
void LookAndFeelPage::saveSettings( KConfig *config )
config->writeEntry("ABackground", mAlternateButton->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("SingleLine", mLineButton->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("ToolTips", mToolTipBox->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("Background", mBackgroundBox->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("BackgroundName", mBackgroundName->lineEdit()->text());
// colors
config->writeEntry( "EnableCustomColors", cbEnableCustomColors->isChecked() );
if ( cbEnableCustomColors->isChecked() ) // ?? - Hmmm.
config->writeEntry( "BackgroundColor", lbColors->color( 0 ) );
config->writeEntry( "TextColor", lbColors->color( 1 ) );
config->writeEntry( "HeaderBackgroundColor", lbColors->color( 2 ) );
config->writeEntry( "HeaderTextColor", lbColors->color( 3 ) );
config->writeEntry( "HighlightColor", lbColors->color( 4 ) );
config->writeEntry( "HighlightedTextColor", lbColors->color( 5 ) );
config->writeEntry( "AlternatingBackgroundColor", lbColors->color( 6 ) );
// fonts
config->writeEntry( "EnableCustomFonts", cbEnableCustomFonts->isChecked() );
if ( cbEnableCustomFonts->isChecked() )
config->writeEntry( "TextFont", lTextFont->font() );
config->writeEntry( "HeaderFont", lHeaderFont->font() );
void LookAndFeelPage::setTextFont()
QFont f( lTextFont->font() );
if ( KFontDialog::getFont( f, false, this ) == QDialog::Accepted )
updateFontLabel( f, lTextFont );
bool ok;
QFont fout = KFontDialog::getFont( f, ok);
if ( ok )
updateFontLabel( fout, lTextFont );
void LookAndFeelPage::setHeaderFont()
QFont f( lHeaderFont->font() );
if ( KFontDialog::getFont( f,false, this ) == QDialog::Accepted )
updateFontLabel( f, lHeaderFont );
bool ok;
QFont fout = KFontDialog::getFont( f, ok);
if ( ok )
updateFontLabel( fout, lHeaderFont );
void LookAndFeelPage::enableFonts()
vbFonts->setEnabled( cbEnableCustomFonts->isChecked() );
if ( cbEnableCustomFonts->isChecked() )
void LookAndFeelPage::enableColors()
lbColors->setEnabled( cbEnableCustomColors->isChecked() );
if ( cbEnableCustomColors->isChecked() )
void LookAndFeelPage::initGUI()
int spacing = KDialog::spacingHint();
int margin = KDialog::marginHint();
QTabWidget *tabs = new QTabWidget( this );
// General
QVBox *generalTab = new QVBox( this, "generaltab" );
generalTab->setSpacing( spacing );
generalTab->setMargin( margin );
QButtonGroup *group = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal,
i18n("Row Separator"), generalTab);
mAlternateButton = new QRadioButton(i18n("Alternating backgrounds"),
group, "mAlternateButton");
mLineButton = new QRadioButton(i18n("Single line"), group, "mLineButton");
mNoneButton = new QRadioButton(i18n("None"), group, "mNoneButton");
mBackgroundBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Enable background image:"), generalTab,
connect(mBackgroundBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
// LR image not implemented
mBackgroundBox->setEnabled( false );
mBackgroundName = new KURLRequester(generalTab, "mBackgroundName");
mBackgroundName->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly |
// ToolTip Checkbox
mToolTipBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Enable contact tooltips"), generalTab,
tabs->addTab( generalTab, i18n("&General") );
// Colors
QVBox *colorTab = new QVBox( this, "colortab" );
colorTab->setSpacing( spacing );
colorTab->setMargin( spacing );
cbEnableCustomColors = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Enable custom Colors"), colorTab );
connect( cbEnableCustomColors, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(enableColors()) );
lbColors = new ColorListBox( colorTab );
tabs->addTab( colorTab, i18n("&Colors") );
QWhatsThis::add( cbEnableCustomColors, i18n(
"If custom colors are enabled, you may choose the colors for the view below. "
"Otherwise colors from your current KDE color scheme are used."
) );
QWhatsThis::add( lbColors, i18n(
"Double click or press RETURN on a item to select a color for the related strings in the view."
) );
// Fonts
QVBox *fntTab = new QVBox( this, "fonttab" );
fntTab->setSpacing( spacing );
fntTab->setMargin( spacing );
cbEnableCustomFonts = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Enable custom fonts"), fntTab );
connect( cbEnableCustomFonts, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(enableFonts()) );
vbFonts = new QWidget( fntTab );
QGridLayout *gFnts = new QGridLayout( vbFonts, 2, 3 );
gFnts->setSpacing( spacing );
gFnts->setAutoAdd( true );
gFnts->setColStretch( 1, 1 );
QLabel *lTFnt = new QLabel( i18n("&Text font:"), vbFonts );
lTextFont = new QLabel( vbFonts );
lTextFont->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken );
btnFont = new KPushButton( i18n("Choose..."), vbFonts );
btnFont = new QPushButton( i18n("Choose..."), vbFonts );
lTFnt->setBuddy( btnFont );
connect( btnFont, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setTextFont()) );
QLabel *lHFnt = new QLabel( i18n("&Header font:"), vbFonts );
lHeaderFont = new QLabel( vbFonts );
lHeaderFont->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken );
btnHeaderFont = new KPushButton( i18n("Choose..."), vbFonts );
btnHeaderFont = new QPushButton( i18n("Choose..."), vbFonts );
lHFnt->setBuddy( btnHeaderFont );
connect( btnHeaderFont, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setHeaderFont()) );
fntTab->setStretchFactor( new QWidget( fntTab ), 1 );
QWhatsThis::add( cbEnableCustomFonts, i18n(
"If custom fonts are enabled, you may choose which fonts to use for this view below. "
"Otherwise the default KDE font will be used, in bold style for the header and "
"normal style for the data."
) );
tabs->addTab( fntTab, i18n("&Fonts") );
void LookAndFeelPage::enableBackgroundToggled(bool enabled)
void LookAndFeelPage::updateFontLabel( QFont fnt, QLabel *l )
l->setFont( fnt );
l->setText( QString( + " %1" ).arg( fnt.pointSize() ) );
#include "configuretableviewdialog.moc"