path: root/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp b/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
index a05c60e..5f9ed92 100644
--- a/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koagendaitem.cpp
@@ -137,602 +137,604 @@ KOAgendaItem::~KOAgendaItem()
void KOAgendaItem::recreateIncidence()
#if 0
Incidence* newInc = mIncidence->clone();
if ( mIncidence->doesRecur() ) {
mIncidence->addExDate( mDate );
int len = mIncidence->dtStart().secsTo( ((Event*)mIncidence)->dtEnd());
QTime tim = mIncidence->dtStart().time();
newInc->setDtStart( QDateTime(mDate, tim) );
((Event*)newInc)->setDtEnd( newInc->dtStart().addSecs( len ) );
mIncidence = mIncidence->recreateCloneException( mDate );
bool KOAgendaItem::updateIcons(QPainter * p, bool horLayout)
int size = AGENDA_ICON_SIZE;
int yOff = 0;
int xOff = 0;
int x = pos().x() +3;
int y;
if ( mAllDay )
y = pos().y()+3;
y = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() ) +3;
if (mIncidence->cancelled()) {
int xpos = xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x;
int ypos = yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y;
p->drawLine( xpos, ypos, xpos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, ypos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1 );
p->drawLine( xpos, ypos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, xpos+AGENDA_ICON_SIZE-1, ypos );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->isAlarmEnabled()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, red );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->recurrence()->doesRecur()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, blue );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->description().length() > 0) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, darkGreen );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->isReadOnly()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, white );
if ( horLayout )
if (mIncidence->attendeeCount()>0) {
if (mIncidence->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email()) {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, black );
if ( horLayout )
} else {
Attendee *me = mIncidence->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,KOPrefs::instance()->email());
if (me!=0) {
} else {
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, yellow );
if ( horLayout )
p->fillRect ( xOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE )+x, yOff*( 1 +AGENDA_ICON_SIZE)+y, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, AGENDA_ICON_SIZE, darkYellow );
if ( horLayout )
return ( yOff || xOff );
void KOAgendaItem::select(bool selected)
//qDebug("select %d %d",firstMultiItem(), nextMultiItem() );
if (mSelected == selected) return;
mSelected = selected;
if ( ! isVisible() )
if ( firstMultiItem() )
firstMultiItem()->select( selected );
if ( !firstMultiItem() && nextMultiItem() ) {
KOAgendaItem * placeItem = nextMultiItem();
while ( placeItem ) {
placeItem->select( selected );
placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem();
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0;
paintMe( selected );
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1;
repaint( false );
The eventFilter has to filter the mouse events of the agenda item childs. The
events are fed into the event handling method of KOAgendaItem. This allows the
KOAgenda to handle the KOAgendaItems by using an eventFilter.
bool KOAgendaItem::eventFilter ( QObject *object, QEvent *e )
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ||
e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
QMouseEvent *me = (QMouseEvent *)e;
QPoint itemPos = this->mapFromGlobal(((QWidget *)object)->
QMouseEvent returnEvent (e->type(),itemPos,me->button(),me->state());
return event(&returnEvent);
} else {
return false;
void KOAgendaItem::repaintMe( )
paintMe ( mSelected );
void KOAgendaItem::paintMe( bool selected, QPainter* paint )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate && ! selected)
QPainter pa;
if ( mSelected ) {
pa.begin( paintPixSel() );
} else {
if ( mAllDay )
pa.begin( paintPixAllday() );
pa.begin( paintPix() );
int x, yy, w, h;
float nfh;
x = pos().x(); w = width(); h = height ();
if ( mAllDay )
yy = y();
yy = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() );
xPaintCoord= x;
yPaintCoord = yy;
wPaintCoord = width();
hPaintCoord = height();
//qDebug("paintMe %s %d %d %d %d",incidence()->summary().latin1(), x, yy, width(), height());
if ( paint == 0 )
paint = &pa;
bool horLayout = ( w < h );
int maxhei = mFontPixelSize+4;
if ( horLayout )
maxhei += AGENDA_ICON_SIZE -4;
bool small = ( h < maxhei );
if ( ! small )
else {
QFont f = KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaViewFont;
f.setBold( false );
int fh = f.pointSize();
nfh = (((float)height())/(float)(mFontPixelSize+4))*fh;
if ( nfh < 6 )
nfh = 6;
f.setPointSize( nfh );
paint->fillRect ( x, yy, w, h, mBackgroundColor );
static const QPixmap completedPxmp = SmallIcon("greenhook16");
static const QPixmap overduePxmp = SmallIcon("redcross16");
if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
Todo* tempTodo = static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence);
int xx = pos().x()+(width()-completedPxmp.width()-3 );
int yyy = yy+3;
if ( tempTodo->isCompleted() )
paint->drawPixmap ( xx, yyy, completedPxmp );
else {
paint->drawPixmap ( xx, yyy, overduePxmp );
bool addIcon = false;
if ( ! small || w > 3 * h || h > 3* w )
addIcon = updateIcons( paint, horLayout );
qDrawShadePanel (paint, x, yy, w, h, mColorGroup, selected , 2, 0);
//qDebug("draw rect %d %d %d %d ",x, yy, w, h );
if ( ! small ) {
x += 3; yy += 3;w -= 6; h-= 5;
} else {
x += 2; yy += 1;w -= 4; h-= 4;
if ( nfh < 6.01 ) {
yy -= 2;
h += 4;
if ( nfh < h -2 )
int align;
align = ( AlignLeft|WordBreak|AlignTop);
align = ( AlignLeft|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak|AlignTop);
if ( addIcon ) {
if ( ! horLayout ) {
else {
int colsum = + +;
if ( colsum < 250 )
paint->setPen ( white);
if ( x < 0 ) {
w = w+x-3;
x = 3;
if ( w > parentWidget()->width() ){
w = parentWidget()->width() - 6;
align = ( AlignCenter|WordBreak);
align = ( AlignCenter|BreakAnywhere|WordBreak);
QRect dr;
paint->drawText ( x, yy, w, h, align, mDisplayedText, -1, &dr );
if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ){
if ( ! small ) {
QFontMetrics fm ( paint->font() );
paint->drawLine(dr.left(), yy+fm.height()/2, dr.right()-2, yy+fm.height()/2);
void KOAgendaItem::resizePixmap( int w , int h )
paintPix()->resize( w, h );
paintPixSel()->resize( w, h );
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPix()
static QPixmap* mPaintPix = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPix )
mPaintPix = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPix ;
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPixAllday()
static QPixmap* mPaintPixA = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPixA )
mPaintPixA = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPixA ;
QPixmap * KOAgendaItem::paintPixSel()
static QPixmap* mPaintPixSel = 0;
if ( ! mPaintPixSel )
mPaintPixSel = new QPixmap(1,1);
return mPaintPixSel ;
void KOAgendaItem::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *e )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda > 0 && globalFlagBlockAgenda < 5 )
int yy;
if ( mAllDay )
yy = y();
yy = mCellYTop * ( height() / cellHeight() );
int xx = x();
if ( xPaintCoord != xx || yPaintCoord != yy ||
wPaintCoord != width() || hPaintCoord != height()) {
xPaintCoord= xx;
yPaintCoord = yy;
wPaintCoord = width();
hPaintCoord = height();
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0;
paintMe( mSelected );
//qDebug("calling paintMe ");
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1;
int rx, ry, rw, rh;
rx = e->rect().x();
ry = e->rect().y();
rw = e->rect().width();
rh = e->rect().height();
//qDebug(" paintevent %s %d %d %d %d", mIncidence->summary().latin1(), x(), yy, width(), height());
QPixmap* paintFrom ;
if ( mSelected ) {
paintFrom = paintPixSel();
} else {
if ( mAllDay )
paintFrom = paintPixAllday();
paintFrom = paintPix();
bitBlt (this, rx, ry, paintFrom, x()+rx ,yPaintCoord+ry, rw, rh ,CopyROP);
void KOAgendaItem::computeText()
mDisplayedText = mIncidence->summary();
if ( (mIncidence->type() == "Todo") ) {
if ( static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence)->hasDueDate() ) {
if ( static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence)->dtDue().date() < QDate::currentDate() )
mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().date(), true)+")";
else if ( !(mIncidence->doesFloat()))
mDisplayedText += i18n(" (") +KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDue().time())+")";
} else {
if ( !(mIncidence->doesFloat()) && KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTimeInAgenda)
mDisplayedText += ": " +KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtStart().time()) + "-" + KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEnd().time()) ;
if ( mAllDay ) {
if ( mIncidence->dtStart().date().addDays(3) < mIncidence->dtEnd().date() ) {
mDisplayedText += ": " +KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtStart().date(), true) + " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate((static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEnd().date(), true) ;
if ( !mIncidence->location().isEmpty() ) {
if ( mAllDay )
mDisplayedText += " (";
mDisplayedText += "\n(";
mDisplayedText += mIncidence->location() +")";
QString tipText = mIncidence->summary();
QWhatsThis::add(this,KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( mIncidence ));
if ( !mIncidence->doesFloat() ) {
if ( mIncidence->type() == "Event" ) {
if ( (static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->isMultiDay() ) {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("From: ")+mIncidence->dtStartStr();
tipText += "\n"+i18n("To: ")+(static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEndStr();
else {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Time: ")+mIncidence->dtStartTimeStr();
tipText += " - "+(static_cast<Event*>(mIncidence))->dtEndTimeStr();
else if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
if (mIncidence->hasStartDate())
- tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartStr();
- tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueStr();
+ tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartStr();
+ if (((Todo*)mIncidence)->hasDueDate())
+ tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueStr();
} else if ( mIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
if (mIncidence->hasStartDate())
- tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartDateStr();
- tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueDateStr();
+ tipText += "\n"+i18n("Start: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtStartDateStr();
+ if (((Todo*)mIncidence)->hasDueDate())
+ tipText += "\n"+i18n("Due: ")+ (static_cast<Todo*>(mIncidence))->dtDueDateStr();
if (!mIncidence->location().isEmpty()) {
tipText += "\n"+i18n("Location: ")+mIncidence->location();
void KOAgendaItem::updateItem()
//qDebug("KOAgendaItem:: updateItem() %s %d %d ",incidence()->summary().latin1(), x(), y());
paintMe( mSelected );
repaint( false);
void KOAgendaItem::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *ev )
//qDebug("KOAgendaItem::resizeEvent %s ", mIncidence->summary().latin1());
paintMe( mSelected );
repaint( false );
Return height of item in units of agenda cells
int KOAgendaItem::cellHeight()
int ret = mCellYBottom - mCellYTop + 1;
if ( ret <= 0 ) {
ret = 1;
mCellYBottom = 0;
mCellYTop = 0;
return ret;
Return height of item in units of agenda cells
int KOAgendaItem::cellWidth()
return mCellXWidth - mCellX + 1;
void KOAgendaItem::setItemDate(QDate qd)
mDate = qd;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellXY(int X, int YTop, int YBottom)
mCellX = X;
mCellYTop = YTop;
mCellYBottom = YBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellXWidth(int xwidth)
mCellXWidth = xwidth;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellX(int XLeft, int XRight)
mCellX = XLeft;
mCellXWidth = XRight;
void KOAgendaItem::setCellY(int YTop, int YBottom)
mCellYTop = YTop;
mCellYBottom = YBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::setSubCell(int subCell)
mSubCell = subCell;
void KOAgendaItem::setSubCells(int subCells)
mSubCells = subCells;
void KOAgendaItem::setMultiItem(KOAgendaItem *first,KOAgendaItem *next,
KOAgendaItem *last)
mFirstMultiItem = first;
mNextMultiItem = next;
mLastMultiItem = last;
void KOAgendaItem::startMove()
mStartCellX = mCellX;
mStartCellXWidth = mCellXWidth;
mStartCellYTop = mCellYTop;
mStartCellYBottom = mCellYBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::resetMove()
mCellX = mStartCellX;
mCellXWidth = mStartCellXWidth;
mCellYTop = mStartCellYTop;
mCellYBottom = mStartCellYBottom;
void KOAgendaItem::moveRelative(int dx, int dy)
int newX = cellX() + dx;
int newXWidth = cellXWidth() + dx;
int newYTop = cellYTop() + dy;
int newYBottom = cellYBottom() + dy;
void KOAgendaItem::expandTop(int dy)
int newYTop = cellYTop() + dy;
int newYBottom = cellYBottom();
if (newYTop > newYBottom) newYTop = newYBottom;
setCellY(newYTop, newYBottom);
void KOAgendaItem::expandBottom(int dy)
int newYTop = cellYTop();
int newYBottom = cellYBottom() + dy;
if (newYBottom < newYTop) newYBottom = newYTop;
setCellY(newYTop, newYBottom);
void KOAgendaItem::expandLeft(int dx)
int newX = cellX() + dx;
int newXWidth = cellXWidth();
if (newX > newXWidth) newX = newXWidth;
void KOAgendaItem::expandRight(int dx)
int newX = cellX();
int newXWidth = cellXWidth() + dx;
if (newXWidth < newX) newXWidth = newX;
QToolTipGroup *KOAgendaItem::toolTipGroup()
if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0);
return mToolTipGroup;
void KOAgendaItem::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *e )
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) || VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ||
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
void KOAgendaItem::dropEvent( QDropEvent *e )
#ifndef KORG_NODND
QString text;
kdDebug() << "Dropped : " << text << endl;
QStringList emails = QStringList::split(",",text);
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = emails.begin();it!=emails.end();++it) {
kdDebug() << " Email: " << (*it) << endl;
int pos = (*it).find("<");
QString name = (*it).left(pos);
QString email = (*it).mid(pos);
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
mIncidence->addAttendee(new Attendee(name,email));
QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> KOAgendaItem::conflictItems()
return mConflictItems;
void KOAgendaItem::setConflictItems(QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> ci)
mConflictItems = ci;
KOAgendaItem *item;
for ( item=mConflictItems.first(); item != 0; ) {
void KOAgendaItem::addConflictItem(KOAgendaItem *ci)
if (mConflictItems.find(ci)<0)