-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp | 6 |
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp index 30efbf6..3468657 100644 --- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp @@ -874,130 +874,130 @@ void KODayMatrix::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) start.setDate(days[idx]); end.setDate(days[idx].addDays(duration)); event->setDtStart(start); event->setDtEnd(end); mCalendar->addEvent(event); emit eventDropped(event); } else { // kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::dropEvent(): Event from drop not decodable" << endl; e->ignore(); } #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // P A I N T E V E N T H A N D L I N G // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KODayMatrix::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent) { if ( width() <= 0 || height() <= 0 ) return; if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) { updateViewTimed(); mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false; } #if 0 if ( myPix.width() != width() || myPix.height()!=height() ) { myPix.resize(size() ); mRedrawNeeded = true; } #endif if ( oldW != width() || oldH !=height() ) mRedrawNeeded = true; oldH = height() ; oldW = width(); if ( myPix.width() < width() || myPix.height() < height() ) { myPix.resize(size() ); mRedrawNeeded = true; } if ( mRedrawNeeded ) { //qDebug("REDRAW "); QPainter p(&myPix); p.setFont(font()); int dheight = daysize.height(); int dwidth = daysize.width(); int row,col; int selw, selh; int xyOff = frameWidth(); int colModulo = (width()-2) % 7; int rowModulo = (height()-2) % 6; //qDebug("col %d row %d ",colModulo,rowModulo ); bool isRTL = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout(); // draw background and topleft frame p.fillRect(0,0,width(),height(), mDefaultBackColor); - p.setPen(mDefaultTextColor); - p.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height()); + //p.setPen(mDefaultTextColor); + //p.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height()); int mSelStartT = mSelStart; int mSelEndT = mSelEnd; if ( mSelEndT >= NUMDAYS ) mSelEndT = NUMDAYS-1; // draw selected days with highlighted background color if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) { bool skip = false; if ( ! mouseDown ) { int mo = days[20].month(); //qDebug("-- %d %d ", mSelStartT, mSelEndT); //qDebug("%d %d %d - d %d", mo, days[mSelStartT].month() , days[mSelEndT].month(), days[mSelEndT].day() ); int startMo = days[mSelStartT].month(); int endMo = days[mSelEndT].month(); if ( startMo == 12 && mo == 1 && endMo <= 2 ) startMo = 1; if ( endMo == 1 && mo == 12 ) endMo = 12; if ( mo == 12 && startMo == 1 ) startMo = 13; if ( (startMo > mo || endMo < mo) ) { skip = true; } else { if ( days[mSelStartT].month() != mo ) { int add = days[mSelStartT].daysInMonth ()-days[mSelStartT].day(); mSelStartT += add +1; } if ( days[mSelEndT].month() != mo ) { int sub = days[mSelEndT].day(); mSelEndT -= sub ; } } } //qDebug("SKIP %d ", skip); if ( ! skip ) { row = mSelStartT/7; col = mSelStartT -row*7; QColor selcol = KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor; int addCol = 0; int addRow = 0; int addRow2 = 0; int addCol2 = 0; if (row == mSelEndT/7) { if ( rowModulo ) { if ( row >= 6 - rowModulo ) addRow = row - 5 + rowModulo; } if ( colModulo ) { int colt1 = mSelEndT%7; //qDebug("colt1 %d ", colt1 ); if ( colt1 >= 7 - colModulo ) addCol = colt1 - 7 + colModulo+1; int colt = mSelStartT%7; if ( colt >= 7 - colModulo ) addCol2 = colt - 7 + colModulo; addCol -= addCol2; //qDebug("COL %d %d %d %d ",col , colt1 ,addCol ,addCol2 ); } // Single row selection //if ( row == 0) // addRow = 1; p.fillRect(isRTL ? (7 - (mSelEndT-mSelStartT+1) - col)*dwidth : col*dwidth+1+addCol2, row*dheight+addRow, (mSelEndT-mSelStartT+1)*dwidth+addCol, dheight+1, selcol); } else { // draw first row to the right @@ -1111,93 +1111,95 @@ void KODayMatrix::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent) addCol += 1; if ( row == 0 ) addRow = 1; p.drawRect(col*dwidth+addCol, row*dheight+addRow, dwidth+1, dheight+1); p.setPen(tmppen); } // if any events are on that day then draw it using a bold font if ( eDays.testBit(i) ) { QFont myFont = font(); myFont.setBold(true); p.setFont(myFont); } // if it is a holiday then use the default holiday color if ( pDays.testBit(i)) { if ( bDays.testBit(i) ) { if ( hDays.testBit(i) ) p.setPen(QColor(0,200,0)); else p.setPen(QColor(Qt::blue)); } else { if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor ) { p.setPen(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor); } else { p.setPen(mHolidayColorShaded); } } } // draw selected days with special color // DO NOT specially highlight holidays in selection ! if (i >= mSelStartT && i <= mSelEndT) { ;//p.setPen(mSelectedDaysColor); } int addCol = 0; int addRow = 0; if ( colModulo ) { if ( col >= 7 - colModulo ) addCol = col - 7 + colModulo; } if ( rowModulo ) { if ( row >= 6 - rowModulo ) addRow = row - 5 + rowModulo; } //qDebug("add %d %d -- %d %d ", col, addCol, row, addRow); ++addCol;//++addCol; if ( row == 0) addRow = 1; p.drawText(col*dwidth+addCol, row*dheight+addRow, dwidth, dheight, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, daylbls[i]); // reset color to actual color if (pDays.testBit(i)) { p.setPen(actcol); } // reset bold font to plain font if ( eDays.testBit(i)) { QFont myFont = font(); myFont.setBold(false); p.setFont(myFont); } } + p.setPen(mDefaultTextColor); + p.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height()); } else { //qDebug("NO redraw "); } bitBlt (this, pevent->rect().topLeft(), &myPix , pevent->rect() ,CopyROP); mRedrawNeeded = false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // R E SI Z E E V E N T H A N D L I N G // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KODayMatrix::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QRect sz = frameRect(); daysize.setHeight(sz.height()*7 / NUMDAYS); daysize.setWidth(sz.width() / 7); } QSize KODayMatrix::sizeHint() const { QFontMetrics fm ( font() ); int wid = fm.width( "30") *7+3; int hei = fm.height() * 6+3; //qDebug("KODayMatrix::sizeHint()********************* %d %d", wid , hei); return QSize ( wid, hei ); } |