-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/mainwindow.cpp | 13 |
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp index e960424..9c2ac82 100644 --- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp @@ -1,674 +1,685 @@ #include <stdlib.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qtextcodec.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qapp.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qwmatrix.h> #include <qtextbrowser.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/qpemenubar.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qtopia/alarmserver.h> #include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <unistd.h> // for sleep #else #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qapplication.h> //#include <resource.h> #endif #include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h> #include <libkcal/todo.h> #include <libkcal/phoneformat.h> #include <libkdepim/ksyncprofile.h> #include <libkdepim/phoneaccess.h> #include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h> #include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h> #include "calendarview.h" #include "koviewmanager.h" #include "datenavigator.h" #include "koagendaview.h" #include "kojournalview.h" #include "koagenda.h" #include "kodialogmanager.h" #include "kdialogbase.h" #include "kapplication.h" #include "kofilterview.h" #include "kstandarddirs.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "kglobal.h" #include "ktoolbar.h" #include "klocale.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "externalapphandler.h" #include <kglobalsettings.h> using namespace KCal; #ifndef _WIN32_ #include <unistd.h> #else #ifdef _OL_IMPORT_ #include "koimportoldialog.h" #endif #endif #include "mainwindow.h" class KOex2phonePrefs : public QDialog { public: KOex2phonePrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Export to phone options") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel *lab; lay->addWidget(lab = new QLabel( i18n("Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use."), this ) ); lab->setAlignment (AlignHCenter ); QHBox* temphb; temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("I/O device: "), temphb ); mPhoneDevice = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Connection: "), temphb ); mPhoneConnection = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Model(opt.): "), temphb ); mPhoneModel = new QLineEdit( temphb); lay->addWidget( temphb ); mWriteBackFuture= new QCheckBox( i18n("Write back events in future only"), this ); mWriteBackFuture->setChecked( true ); lay->addWidget( mWriteBackFuture ); temphb = new QHBox( this ); new QLabel( i18n("Max. weeks in future: ") , temphb ); mWriteBackFutureWeeks= new QSpinBox(1,104, 1, temphb); mWriteBackFutureWeeks->setValue( 8 ); lay->addWidget( temphb ); lay->addWidget(lab = new QLabel( i18n("NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!"), this ) ); lab->setAlignment (AlignHCenter ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Export to mobile phone!"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); resize( 220, 240 ); qApp->processEvents(); int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); move( (dw-width())/2, (dh - height() )/2 ); } public: QLineEdit* mPhoneConnection, *mPhoneDevice, *mPhoneModel; QCheckBox* mWriteBackFuture; QSpinBox* mWriteBackFutureWeeks; }; QPixmap* sgListViewCompletedPix[6]; +QPixmap* sgListViewJournalPix; int globalFlagBlockStartup; MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) { sgListViewCompletedPix[5] = &listviewPix; sgListViewCompletedPix[0] = &listviewPix0; sgListViewCompletedPix[1] = &listviewPix20; sgListViewCompletedPix[2] = &listviewPix40; sgListViewCompletedPix[3] = &listviewPix60; sgListViewCompletedPix[4] = &listviewPix80; - if ( sgListViewCompletedPix[5]->height() < 5 ) { //int size = 12; + { sgListViewCompletedPix[5]->resize( 11, 11 ); sgListViewCompletedPix[5]->fill( Qt::white ); QPainter p ( sgListViewCompletedPix[5] ); p.drawRect( 0,0,11,11); p.drawLine ( 2, 5, 4 , 7 ) ; p.drawLine ( 4 , 7 , 8, 3) ; int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii < 5; ++iii ) { sgListViewCompletedPix[iii]->resize( 11, 11 ); sgListViewCompletedPix[iii]->fill( Qt::white ); QPainter p ( sgListViewCompletedPix[iii] ); p.drawRect( 0,0,11,11); if ( iii ) p.fillRect( 1,1,iii*2,9,Qt::gray ); } + sgListViewJournalPix = &journalPix; + sgListViewJournalPix->resize( 11, 11 ); + sgListViewJournalPix->fill( Qt::white ); + { + QPainter p ( sgListViewJournalPix ); + p.drawRect( 0,0,11,11); + p.drawLine( 2,3,5,3); + p.drawLine( 2,5,8,5); + p.drawLine( 2,7,6,7); + } } mClosed = false; //QString confFile = KStandardDirs::appDir() + "config/korganizerrc"; QString confFile = locateLocal("config","korganizerrc"); QFileInfo finf ( confFile ); bool showWarning = !finf.exists(); setIcon(SmallIcon( "ko24" ) ); mBlockAtStartup = true; mFlagKeyPressed = false; setCaption("KO/Pi"); KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); //KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->setGlobalConfig(); p->mCurrentDisplayedView = 0; if ( p->mHourSize > 22 ) p->mHourSize = 22; QMainWindow::ToolBarDock tbd; if ( p->mToolBarHor ) { if ( p->mToolBarUp ) tbd = Bottom; else tbd = Top; } else { if ( p->mToolBarUp ) tbd = Right; else tbd = Left; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseAppColors ) QApplication::setPalette( QPalette (KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor2), true ); globalFlagBlockStartup = 1; iconToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); addToolBar (iconToolBar , tbd ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowIconFilter ) #else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowIconFilter || !p->mShowIconOnetoolbar ) #endif { if ( p->mToolBarHorF ) { if ( p->mToolBarUpF ) tbd = Bottom; else tbd = Top; } else { if ( p->mToolBarUpF ) tbd = Right; else tbd = Left; } filterToolBar = new QPEToolBar ( this ); filterMenubar = new QMenuBar( 0 ); QFontMetrics fm ( filterMenubar->font() ); filterPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); filterMenubar->insertItem( i18n("No Filter"), filterPopupMenu,0 ); QString addTest = "A"; filterMenubar->setMinimumWidth( fm.width( i18n("No Filter")+addTest ) ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION addTest = "AAABBBCCCx"; #else addTest = "AAx"; #endif filterMenubar->setMaximumWidth( fm.width( i18n("No Filter")+addTest ) ); addToolBar (filterToolBar , tbd ); connect ( filterPopupMenu , SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (selectFilterPopup( int ) ) ); connect ( filterPopupMenu , SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT (fillFilterMenuPopup() ) ); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowIconFilter && !p->mShowIconOnetoolbar ) filterToolBar->hide(); } else { filterToolBar = 0; filterMenubar = 0; filterPopupMenu = 0; } if ( p->mShowIconOnetoolbar ) { viewToolBar = iconToolBar ; navigatorToolBar = iconToolBar ; } else { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION setToolBarsMovable( false ); #endif if ( p->mToolBarHorV ) { if ( p->mToolBarUpV ) tbd = Bottom; else tbd = Top; } else { if ( p->mToolBarUpV ) tbd = Right; else tbd = Left; } viewToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); addToolBar (viewToolBar , tbd ); if ( p->mToolBarHorN ) { if ( p->mToolBarUpN ) tbd = Bottom; else tbd = Top; } else { if ( p->mToolBarUpN ) tbd = Right; else tbd = Left; } navigatorToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); addToolBar (navigatorToolBar , tbd ); } mCalendarModifiedFlag = false; QLabel* splash = new QLabel(i18n("KO/Pi is starting ... "), this ); splash->setAlignment ( AlignCenter ); setCentralWidget( splash ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION showMaximized(); #endif //qDebug("Mainwidget x %d y %d w %d h %d", x(), y(), width(), height ()); setDefaultPreferences(); mCalendar = new CalendarLocal(); mView = new CalendarView( mCalendar, this,"mCalendar " ); mView->hide(); //mView->resize(splash->size() ); initActions(); mSyncManager = new KSyncManager((QWidget*)this, (KSyncInterface*)mView, KSyncManager::KOPI, KOPrefs::instance(), syncMenu); mSyncManager->setBlockSave(false); mView->setSyncManager(mSyncManager); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION iconToolBar->show(); qApp->processEvents(); #endif //qDebug("Splashwidget x %d y %d w %d h %d", splash-> x(), splash->y(), splash->width(),splash-> height ()); int vh = height() ; int vw = width(); //qDebug("Toolbar hei %d ",iconToolBar->height() ); if ( iconToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ) { vh -= iconToolBar->height(); } else { vw -= iconToolBar->height(); } //mView->setMaximumSize( splash->size() ); //mView->resize( splash->size() ); //qDebug("MainView x %d y %d w %d h %d", mView->x(),mView-> y(), mView->width(), mView->height ()); mView->readSettings(); bool newFile = false; if( !QFile::exists( defaultFileName() ) ) { QFileInfo finfo ( defaultFileName() ); QString oldFile = QDir::convertSeparators( QDir::homeDirPath()+"/Applications/korganizer/mycalendar.ics"); QString message = "You are starting KO/Pi for the\nfirst time after updating to a\nversion >= 1.9.1. The location of the\ndefault calendar file has changed.\nA mycalendar.ics file was detected\nat the old location.\nThis file will be loaded now\nand stored at the new location!\n(Config file location has changed, too!)\nPlease read menu Help-What's New!\n"; finfo.setFile( oldFile ); if (finfo.exists() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, message); mView->openCalendar( oldFile ); qApp->processEvents(); } else { oldFile = QDir::convertSeparators( QDir::homeDirPath()+"/korganizer/mycalendar.ics"); finfo.setFile( oldFile ); if (finfo.exists() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, message); mView->openCalendar( oldFile ); qApp->processEvents(); } } mView->saveCalendar( defaultFileName() ); newFile = true; } QTime neededSaveTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); mView->loadCalendars(); int msNeeded = neededSaveTime.msecsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime().time() ); qDebug("KO: Calendar loading time: %d ms",msNeeded ); if ( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage != KOPrefs::instance()->mOldLoadedLanguage ) { KOPrefs::instance()->setAllDefaults(); } processIncidenceSelection( 0 ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( modifiedChanged( bool ) ), SLOT( slotModifiedChanged( bool ) ) ); connect( mView, SIGNAL( tempDisableBR(bool) ), SLOT( disableBR(bool) ) ); connect( &mSaveTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( save() ) ); mView->setModified( false ); mBlockAtStartup = false; mView->setModified( false ); setCentralWidget( mView ); globalFlagBlockStartup = 0; mView->show(); delete splash; if ( newFile ) mView->updateConfig(); // qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("MainView x %d y %d w %d h %d", mView->x(),mView-> y(), mView->width(), mView->height ()); //fillSyncMenu(); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( save() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); connect(mView , SIGNAL( save() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); connect(mView , SIGNAL( saveStopTimer() ), this, SLOT( saveStopTimer() ) ); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( request_file() ), this, SLOT( syncFileRequest() ) ); connect(mSyncManager , SIGNAL( getFile( bool )), this, SLOT(getFile( bool ) ) ); mSyncManager->setDefaultFileName( sentSyncFile()); connect ( syncMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), mSyncManager, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) ); mSyncManager->fillSyncMenu(); mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins ); if ( showWarning ) { KMessageBox::information( this, "You are starting KO/Pi for the first time.\nPlease read menu: Help-What's New,\nif you did an update!\nPlease choose your timezone in the \nConfigure Dialog TAB Time Zone!\nPlease choose your language\nin the TAB Locale!\nYou get the Configure Dialog\nvia Menu: Actions - Configure....\nClick OK to show the Configure Dialog!\n", "KO/Pi information"); qApp->processEvents(); mView->dialogManager()->showSyncOptions(); } //US listen for result adressed from Ka/Pi #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION connect(qApp, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SLOT (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); #endif #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION infrared = 0; #endif updateFilterToolbar(); updateWeek( mView->startDate() ); connect( mView->dateNavigator(), SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ), SLOT( updateWeekNum( const KCal::DateList & ) ) ); mBRdisabled = false; //toggleBeamReceive(); QTimer::singleShot( 1000, mView, SLOT ( checkFiles() )); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { //qDebug("MainWindow::~MainWindow() "); //save toolbar location delete mCalendar; delete mSyncManager; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( infrared ) delete infrared; #endif } void MainWindow::disableBR(bool b) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( b ) { if ( infrared ) { toggleBeamReceive(); mBRdisabled = true; } mBRdisabled = true; } else { if ( mBRdisabled ) { mBRdisabled = false; //makes no sense,because other cal ap is probably running // toggleBeamReceive(); } } #endif } bool MainWindow::beamReceiveEnabled() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION return ( infrared != 0 ); #endif return false; } void MainWindow::toggleBeamReceive() { if ( mBRdisabled ) return; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( infrared ) { qDebug("KO: Disable BeamReceive "); delete infrared; infrared = 0; brAction->setOn(false); return; } qDebug("KO: Enable BeamReceive "); brAction->setOn(true); infrared = new QCopChannel("QPE/Application/datebook",this, "channel" ) ; QObject::connect( infrared, SIGNAL (received ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),this, SLOT(recieve( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ))); #endif } void MainWindow::showMaximized () { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( ! globalFlagBlockStartup ) if ( mClosed ) mView->goToday(); #endif QWidget::showMaximized () ; mClosed = false; } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ce ) { if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mAskForQuit ) { saveOnClose(); mClosed = true; ce->accept(); return; } switch( QMessageBox::information( this, "KO/Pi", i18n("Do you really want\nto close KO/Pi?"), i18n("Close"), i18n("No"), 0, 0 ) ) { case 0: saveOnClose(); mClosed = true; ce->accept(); break; case 1: ce->ignore(); break; case 2: default: break; } } void MainWindow::recieve( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); // QMessageBox::about( this, "About KOrganizer/Pi", "*" +msg +"*" ); //QString datamess; //qDebug("message "); qDebug("KO: QCOP message received: %s ", cmsg.data() ); if ( cmsg == "setDocument(QString)" ) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); QString fileName; stream >> fileName; //qDebug("filename %s ", fileName.latin1()); showMaximized(); raise(); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = fileName ; mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 1002 ); return; } if ( cmsg == "-writeFile" ) { // I made from the "-writeFile" an "-writeAlarm" mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true); showMaximized(); raise(); return; } if ( cmsg == "-writeFileSilent" ) { // I made from the "-writeFile" an "-writeAlarm" // mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true); //showMaximized(); //raise(); hide(); return; } if ( cmsg == "-newCountdown" ) { qDebug("newCountdown "); } QString msg ; QString allmsg = cmsg; while ( allmsg.length() > 0 ) { int nextC = allmsg.find( "-", 1 ); if ( nextC == -1 ) { msg = allmsg; allmsg = ""; } else{ msg = allmsg.left( nextC ); allmsg = allmsg.mid( nextC, allmsg.length()-nextC ); } //qDebug("msg: %s all: %s ", msg.latin1(), allmsg.latin1() ); if ( msg == "-newEvent" ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, mView, SLOT ( newEvent())); } if ( msg == "-newTodo" ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, mView, SLOT ( newTodo())); } if ( msg == "-showWN" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); } if ( msg == "-showTodo" ) { mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); } if ( msg == "-showList" ) { mView->viewManager()->showListView(); } else if ( msg == "-showDay" ) { mView->viewManager()->showDayView(); } else if ( msg == "-showWWeek" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWorkWeekView(); } else if ( msg == "-ringSync" ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT (startMultiSync())); } else if ( msg == "-showWeek" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWeekView(); } else if ( msg == "-showTodo" ) { mView->viewManager()->showTodoView(); } else if ( msg == "-showJournal" ) { mView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 ); mView->dateNavigator()->selectToday(); mView->viewManager()->showJournalView(); } else if ( msg == "-showKO" ) { mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); } else if ( msg == "-showWNext" ) { mView->viewManager()->showWhatsNextView(); } else if ( msg == "nextView()" ) { mView->viewManager()->showNextView(); } else if ( msg == "-showNextXView" ) { mView->viewManager()->showNextXView(); } } showMaximized(); raise(); } void MainWindow::startMultiSync() { QString question = i18n("Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!"); if ( QMessageBox::information( this, i18n("KDE-Pim Sync"), question, i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"), 0, 0 ) != 0 ) { setCaption(i18n("Aborted! Nothing synced!")); return; } mSyncManager->multiSync( false ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kapi", "doRingSync"); #endif } QPixmap MainWindow::loadPixmap( QString name ) { return SmallIcon( name ); } void MainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps ( bool b ) { qDebug("KO: MainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps %d called", b); if ( b ) qDebug("KO: BigPixmaps are not supported "); } void MainWindow::initActions() { //KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu iconToolBar->clear(); KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); //QPEMenuBar *menuBar1;// = new QPEMenuBar( iconToolBar ); QPopupMenu *viewMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *actionMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); mCurrentItemMenu = new QPopupMenu ( this ); QPopupMenu *importMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *importMenu_X = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *exportMenu_X = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *beamMenu_X = new QPopupMenu( this ); selectFilterMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); selectFilterMenu->setCheckable( true ); syncMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); configureAgendaMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); configureToolBarMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QIconSet icon; int pixWid = 22, pixHei = 22; QString pathString = ""; if ( !p->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 /*|| QApplication::desktop()->height() < 320*/) { pathString += "icons16/"; pixWid = 18; pixHei = 16; } } else { pathString += "iconsmini/"; pixWid = 18; pixHei = 16; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu ) { QMenuBar *menuBar1; |