-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/calendarview.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagenda.cpp | 59 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagenda.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagendaview.cpp | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagendaview.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp | 50 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koviewmanager.h | 1 |
7 files changed, 87 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp index 035d630..e7b6755 100644 --- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp @@ -1156,2763 +1156,2762 @@ bool CalendarView::synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); inR = inL->clone(); inR->setIDStr( ":" ); inR->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL ); remote->addIncidence( inR ); } } } else { if ( inL->lastModified() < mLastCalendarSync && mode != 4 ) { checkExternSyncEvent(eventLSyncSharp, inL); local->deleteIncidence( inL ); ++deletedEventL; } else { if ( ! mSyncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { ++addedEventR; inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); inR = inL->clone(); inR->setIDStr( ":" ); remote->addIncidence( inR ); } } } } else { ++filteredOUT; } } } inL = el.next(); } int delFut = 0; int remRem = 0; if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture ) { er = remote->rawIncidences(); remRem = er.count(); inR = er.first(); QDateTime dt; QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -(mSyncManager->mWriteBackInPast * 7) ); QDateTime end = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( (mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture ) *7 ); while ( inR ) { if ( inR->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo * t = (Todo*)inR; if ( t->hasDueDate() ) dt = t->dtDue(); else dt = cur.addSecs( 62 ); } else if (inR->type() == "Event" ) { bool ok; dt = inR->getNextOccurence( cur, &ok ); if ( !ok ) dt = cur.addSecs( -62 ); } else dt = inR->dtStart(); if ( dt < cur || dt > end ) { remote->deleteIncidence( inR ); ++delFut; } inR = er.next(); } } bar.hide(); mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( false ); eventLSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventLSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setLocation( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ; eventLSync->setLocation(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( true ); qDebug("KO: Normal sync: %d ",mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL ); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL && !mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop()) // kde is abnormal... remote->addEvent( eventRSync ); else delete eventRSync; qDebug("KO: Sync with desktop %d ",mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() ); QString mes; mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n"),addedEvent, addedEventR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedEventL, deletedEventR, filteredIN, filteredOUT ); QString delmess; if ( delFut ) { delmess.sprintf( i18n("%d items skipped on remote,\nbecause they are more\nthan %d weeks in the past or\nmore than %d weeks in the future.\nAfter skipping, remote has\n%d calendar/todo items."), delFut,mSyncManager->mWriteBackInPast,mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture, remRem-delFut); mes += delmess; } mes = i18n("Local calendar changed!\n") +mes; mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); qDebug( mes ); if ( mSyncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) { if ( KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mes, i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization"),i18n("Write back"))) { qDebug("KO: WB cancelled "); return false; } } return syncOK; } void CalendarView::setSyncDevice( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncDevice= s; } void CalendarView::setSyncName( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncName= s; } bool CalendarView::syncCalendar(QString filename, int mode) { //qDebug("syncCalendar %s ", filename.latin1()); mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL; CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); FileStorage* storage = new FileStorage( calendar ); bool syncOK = false; storage->setFileName( filename ); // qDebug("loading ... "); if ( storage->load() ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat() ); storage->save(); } } setModified( true ); } delete storage; delete calendar; if ( syncOK ) updateView(); return syncOK; } void CalendarView::syncExternal( int mode ) { mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; qApp->processEvents(); CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); bool syncOK = false; bool loadSuccess = false; PhoneFormat* phoneFormat = 0; emit tempDisableBR(true); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION SharpFormat* sharpFormat = 0; if ( mode == 0 ) { // sharp sharpFormat = new SharpFormat () ; loadSuccess = sharpFormat->load( calendar, mCalendar ); } else #endif if ( mode == 1 ) { // phone phoneFormat = new PhoneFormat (mCurrentSyncDevice, mSyncManager->mPhoneDevice, mSyncManager->mPhoneConnection, mSyncManager->mPhoneModel); loadSuccess = phoneFormat->load( calendar,mCalendar); } else { emit tempDisableBR(false); return; } if ( loadSuccess ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); qApp->processEvents(); if ( syncOK ) { if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { QPtrList<Incidence> iL = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); Incidence* inc = iL.first(); if ( phoneFormat ) { while ( inc ) { inc->removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice); inc = iL.next(); } } #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( sharpFormat ) sharpFormat->save(calendar); #endif if ( phoneFormat ) phoneFormat->save(calendar); iL = calendar->rawIncidences(); inc = iL.first(); Incidence* loc; while ( inc ) { if ( inc->tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ) { loc = mCalendar->incidence(inc->uid() ); if ( loc ) { loc->setID(mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); loc->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); } } inc = iL.next(); } Incidence* lse = getLastSyncEvent(); if ( lse ) { lse->setReadOnly( false ); lse->setDescription( "" ); lse->setReadOnly( true ); } } } else { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed.") ); } setModified( true ); } else { QString question = i18n("Sorry, the database access\ncommand failed!\n\nNothing synced!\n") ; QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("KO/Pi Import - ERROR"), question, i18n("Ok")) ; } delete calendar; updateView(); emit tempDisableBR(false); return ;//syncOK; } bool CalendarView::importBday() { #ifndef KORG_NOKABC #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KABC::StdAddressBook* AddressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ); KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it; int count = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { ++count; } QProgressBar bar(count,0 ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); bar.setCaption (i18n("Reading addressbook - close to abort!") ); qApp->processEvents(); count = 0; int addCount = 0; KCal::Attendee* a = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return false; bar.setProgress( count++ ); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("add BDay %s %s", (*it).realName().latin1(),(*it).birthday().date().toString().latin1() ); if ( (*it).birthday().date().isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( (*it).birthday().date(), (*it).assembledName(), a, true ) ) ++addCount; } QDate anni = KGlobal::locale()->readDate( (*it).custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary" ), "%Y-%m-%d"); if ( anni.isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( anni, (*it).assembledName(), a, false ) ) ++addCount; } } updateView(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( addCount )+ i18n(" birthdays/anniversaries added!")); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestBirthdayListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/kopi", this->name() /* name is here the unique uid*/); // the result should now arrive through method insertBirthdays #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION #endif //KORG_NOKABC return true; } // This method will be called from Ka/Pi as a response to requestBirthdayListFromKAPI void CalendarView::insertBirthdays(const QString& uid, const QStringList& birthdayList, const QStringList& anniversaryList, const QStringList& realNameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& assembledNameList, const QStringList& uidList) { //qDebug("KO::CalendarView::insertBirthdays"); if (uid == this->name()) { int count = birthdayList.count(); int addCount = 0; KCal::Attendee* a = 0; //qDebug("CalView 1 %i", count); QProgressBar bar(count,0 ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); bar.setCaption (i18n("inserting birthdays - close to abort!") ); qApp->processEvents(); QDate birthday; QDate anniversary; QString realName; QString email; QString assembledName; QString uid; bool ok = true; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return; bar.setProgress( i ); qApp->processEvents(); birthday = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(birthdayList[i], KLocale::ISODate, &ok); if (!ok) { ;//qDebug("CalendarView::insertBirthdays found invalid birthday: %s",birthdayList[i].latin1()); } anniversary = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(anniversaryList[i], KLocale::ISODate, &ok); if (!ok) { ;//qDebug("CalendarView::insertBirthdays found invalid anniversary: %s",anniversaryList[i].latin1()); } realName = realNameList[i]; email = emailList[i]; assembledName = assembledNameList[i]; uid = uidList[i]; //qDebug("insert birthday in KO/Pi: %s,%s,%s,%s: %s, %s", realName.latin1(), email.latin1(), assembledName.latin1(), uid.latin1(), birthdayList[i].latin1(), anniversaryList[i].latin1() ); if ( birthday.isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( realName, email,false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction, KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,uid) ; if ( addAnniversary( birthday, assembledName, a, true ) ) ++addCount; } if ( anniversary.isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( realName, email,false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction, KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,uid) ; if ( addAnniversary( anniversary, assembledName, a, false ) ) ++addCount; } } updateView(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( addCount )+ i18n(" birthdays/anniversaries added!")); } } bool CalendarView::addAnniversary( QDate date, QString name, KCal::Attendee* a, bool birthday) { //qDebug("addAnni "); Event * ev = new Event(); if ( a ) { ev->addAttendee( a ); } QString kind; if ( birthday ) { kind = i18n( "Birthday" ); ev->setSummary( name + " (" + QString::number(date.year()) +")"); } else { kind = i18n( "Anniversary" ); ev->setSummary( name + " (" + QString::number(date.year()) +") " + kind ); } ev->setOrganizer(a->email()); ev->setCategories( kind ); ev->setDtStart( QDateTime(date) ); ev->setDtEnd( QDateTime(date) ); ev->setFloats( true ); Recurrence * rec = ev->recurrence(); rec->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth,1,-1); rec->addYearlyNum( date.month() ); if ( !mCalendar->addAnniversaryNoDup( ev ) ) { delete ev; return false; } return true; } bool CalendarView::importQtopia( const QString &categories, const QString &datebook, const QString &todolist ) { QtopiaFormat qtopiaFormat; qtopiaFormat.setCategoriesList ( &(KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories)); if ( !categories.isEmpty() ) qtopiaFormat.load( mCalendar, categories ); if ( !datebook.isEmpty() ) qtopiaFormat.load( mCalendar, datebook ); if ( !todolist.isEmpty() ) qtopiaFormat.load( mCalendar, todolist ); updateView(); return true; #if 0 mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_QTOPIA; mCurrentSyncDevice = "qtopia-XML"; if ( mSyncManager->mAskForPreferences ) edit_sync_options(); qApp->processEvents(); CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); bool syncOK = false; QtopiaFormat qtopiaFormat; qtopiaFormat.setCategoriesList ( &(KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories)); bool loadOk = true; if ( !categories.isEmpty() ) loadOk = qtopiaFormat.load( calendar, categories ); if ( loadOk && !datebook.isEmpty() ) loadOk = qtopiaFormat.load( calendar, datebook ); if ( loadOk && !todolist.isEmpty() ) loadOk = qtopiaFormat.load( calendar, todolist ); if ( loadOk ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); qApp->processEvents(); if ( syncOK ) { if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile ) { // write back XML file } setModified( true ); } } else { QString question = i18n("Sorry, the file loading\ncommand failed!\n\nNothing synced!\n") ; QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("KO/Pi Sync - ERROR"), question, i18n("Ok")) ; } delete calendar; updateView(); return syncOK; #endif } void CalendarView::setSyncEventsReadOnly() { Event * ev; QPtrList<Event> eL = mCalendar->rawEvents(); ev = eL.first(); while ( ev ) { if ( ev->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) ev->setReadOnly( true ); ev = eL.next(); } } bool CalendarView::openCalendar(QString filename, bool merge) { if (filename.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (!QFile::exists(filename)) { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("File does not exist:\n '%1'.").arg(filename)); return false; } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if (!merge) mCalendar->close(); mStorage->setFileName( filename ); if ( mStorage->load() ) { if ( merge ) ;//setModified( true ); else { //setModified( true ); mViewManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mDialogManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mTodoList->setDocumentId( filename ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; // if ( getLastSyncEvent() ) // getLastSyncEvent()->setReadOnly( true ); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); setSyncEventsReadOnly(); updateUnmanagedViews(); updateView(); if ( filename != MainWindow::defaultFileName() ) { saveCalendar( MainWindow::defaultFileName() ); } else { QFileInfo finf ( MainWindow::defaultFileName()); if ( finf.exists() ) { setLoadedFileVersion( finf.lastModified () ); } } return true; } else { // while failing to load, the calendar object could // have become partially populated. Clear it out. if ( !merge ) { mCalendar->close(); mViewManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mDialogManager->setDocumentId( filename ); mTodoList->setDocumentId( filename ); } //KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.").arg(filename)); QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( showOpenError() ) ); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); setSyncEventsReadOnly(); updateUnmanagedViews(); updateView(); } return false; } void CalendarView::showOpenError() { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Couldn't load calendar\n.")); } void CalendarView::setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime dt) { loadedFileVersion = dt; } bool CalendarView::checkFileChanged(QString fn) { QFileInfo finf ( fn ); if ( !finf.exists() ) return true; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); if ( dt <= loadedFileVersion ) return false; return true; } void CalendarView::watchSavedFile() { QFileInfo finf ( MainWindow::defaultFileName()); if ( !finf.exists() ) return; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); if ( dt < loadedFileVersion ) { //qDebug("watch %s %s ", dt.toString().latin1(), loadedFileVersion.toString().latin1()); QTimer::singleShot( 1000 , this, SLOT ( watchSavedFile() ) ); return; } loadedFileVersion = dt; } bool CalendarView::checkFileVersion(QString fn) { QFileInfo finf ( fn ); if ( !finf.exists() ) return true; QDateTime dt = finf.lastModified (); //qDebug("loaded file version %s",loadedFileVersion.toString().latin1()); //qDebug("file on disk version %s",dt.toString().latin1()); if ( dt <= loadedFileVersion ) return true; int km = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("\nThe file on disk has changed!\nFile size: %1 bytes.\nLast modified: %2\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n").arg( QString::number( finf.size())).arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(finf.lastModified (), true, true)) , i18n("KO/Pi Warning"),i18n("Overwrite"), i18n("Sync+save")); if ( km == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return false; if ( km == KMessageBox::Yes ) return true; setSyncDevice("deleteaftersync" ); mSyncManager->mAskForPreferences = true; mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs = 3; mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile = false; mSyncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly = false; mSyncManager->mShowSyncSummary = false; syncCalendar( fn, 3 ); Event * e = getLastSyncEvent(); mCalendar->deleteEvent ( e ); updateView(); return true; } bool CalendarView::saveCalendar( QString filename ) { // Store back all unsaved data into calendar object // qDebug("file %s %d ", filename.latin1() , mViewManager->currentView() ); if ( mViewManager->currentView() ) mViewManager->currentView()->flushView(); QDateTime lfv = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( -2); mStorage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat() ); mStorage->setFileName( filename ); bool success; success = mStorage->save(); if ( !success ) { return false; } if ( filename == MainWindow::defaultFileName() ) { setLoadedFileVersion( lfv ); watchSavedFile(); } return true; } void CalendarView::closeCalendar() { // child windows no longer valid emit closingDown(); mCalendar->close(); setModified(false); updateView(); } void CalendarView::archiveCalendar() { mDialogManager->showArchiveDialog(); } void CalendarView::readSettings() { // mViewManager->showAgendaView(); QString str; //qDebug("CalendarView::readSettings() "); // read settings from the KConfig, supplying reasonable // defaults where none are to be found KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config(); #ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER config->setGroup("KOrganizer Geometry"); QValueList<int> sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Separator1"); if (sizes.count() != 2) { sizes << mDateNavigator->minimumSizeHint().width(); sizes << 300; } mPanner->setSizes(sizes); sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Separator2"); if ( ( mResourceView && sizes.count() == 4 ) || ( !mResourceView && sizes.count() == 3 ) ) { mLeftSplitter->setSizes(sizes); } #endif globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; mViewManager->showAgendaView(); //mViewManager->readSettings( config ); mTodoList->restoreLayout(config,QString("Todo Layout")); readFilterSettings(config); config->setGroup( "Views" ); int dateCount = config->readNumEntry( "ShownDatesCount", 7 ); if ( dateCount == 5 ) mNavigator->selectWorkWeek(); else if ( dateCount == 7 ) mNavigator->selectWeek(); else mNavigator->selectDates( dateCount ); // mViewManager->readSettings( config ); updateConfig(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; mViewManager->readSettings( config ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION config->setGroup("WidgetLayout"); QStringList list; list = config->readListEntry("MainLayout"); int x,y,w,h; if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); topLevelWidget()->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } else { topLevelWidget()->setGeometry( 40 ,40 , 640, 440); } list = config->readListEntry("EditEventLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); mEventEditor->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } list = config->readListEntry("EditTodoLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); mTodoEditor->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } list = config->readListEntry("ViewerLayout"); if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { x = list[0].toInt(); y = list[1].toInt(); w = list[2].toInt(); h = list[3].toInt(); getEventViewerDialog()->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); } #endif } void CalendarView::writeSettings() { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::writeSettings" << endl; KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config(); #ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER config->setGroup("KOrganizer Geometry"); QValueList<int> list = mPanner->sizes(); config->writeEntry("Separator1",list); list = mLeftSplitter->sizes(); config->writeEntry("Separator2",list); #endif mViewManager->writeSettings( config ); mTodoList->saveLayout(config,QString("Todo Layout")); mDialogManager->writeSettings( config ); //KOPrefs::instance()->usrWriteConfig(); KOPrefs::instance()->writeConfig(); writeFilterSettings(config); config->setGroup( "Views" ); config->writeEntry( "ShownDatesCount", mNavigator->selectedDates().count() ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION config->setGroup("WidgetLayout"); QStringList list ;//= config->readListEntry("MainLayout"); int x,y,w,h; QWidget* wid; wid = topLevelWidget(); x = wid->geometry().x(); y = wid->geometry().y(); w = wid->width(); h = wid->height(); list.clear(); list << QString::number( x ); list << QString::number( y ); list << QString::number( w ); list << QString::number( h ); config->writeEntry("MainLayout",list ); wid = mEventEditor; x = wid->geometry().x(); y = wid->geometry().y(); w = wid->width(); h = wid->height(); list.clear(); list << QString::number( x ); list << QString::number( y ); list << QString::number( w ); list << QString::number( h ); config->writeEntry("EditEventLayout",list ); wid = mTodoEditor; x = wid->geometry().x(); y = wid->geometry().y(); w = wid->width(); h = wid->height(); list.clear(); list << QString::number( x ); list << QString::number( y ); list << QString::number( w ); list << QString::number( h ); config->writeEntry("EditTodoLayout",list ); wid = getEventViewerDialog(); x = wid->geometry().x(); y = wid->geometry().y(); w = wid->width(); h = wid->height(); list.clear(); list << QString::number( x ); list << QString::number( y ); list << QString::number( w ); list << QString::number( h ); config->writeEntry("ViewerLayout",list ); wid = mDialogManager->getSearchDialog(); if ( wid ) { x = wid->geometry().x(); y = wid->geometry().y(); w = wid->width(); h = wid->height(); list.clear(); list << QString::number( x ); list << QString::number( y ); list << QString::number( w ); list << QString::number( h ); config->writeEntry("SearchLayout",list ); } #endif config->sync(); } void CalendarView::readFilterSettings(KConfig *config) { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::readFilterSettings()" << endl; mFilters.clear(); config->setGroup("General"); QStringList filterList = config->readListEntry("CalendarFilters"); QStringList::ConstIterator it = filterList.begin(); QStringList::ConstIterator end = filterList.end(); while(it != end) { // kdDebug() << " filter: " << (*it) << endl; CalFilter *filter; filter = new CalFilter(*it); config->setGroup("Filter_" + (*it)); //qDebug("readFilterSettings %d ",config->readNumEntry("Criteria",0) ); filter->setCriteria(config->readNumEntry("Criteria",0)); filter->setCategoryList(config->readListEntry("CategoryList")); mFilters.append(filter); ++it; } if (mFilters.count() == 0) { CalFilter *filter = new CalFilter(i18n("Default")); mFilters.append(filter); } mFilterView->updateFilters(); config->setGroup("FilterView"); mFilterView->blockSignals(true); mFilterView->setFiltersEnabled(config->readBoolEntry("FilterEnabled")); mFilterView->setSelectedFilter(config->readEntry("Current Filter")); mFilterView->blockSignals(false); // We do it manually to avoid it being done twice by the above calls updateFilter(); } void CalendarView::writeFilterSettings(KConfig *config) { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::writeFilterSettings()" << endl; QStringList filterList; CalFilter *filter = mFilters.first(); while(filter) { // kdDebug() << " fn: " << filter->name() << endl; filterList << filter->name(); config->setGroup("Filter_" + filter->name()); config->writeEntry("Criteria",filter->criteria()); config->writeEntry("CategoryList",filter->categoryList()); filter = mFilters.next(); } config->setGroup("General"); config->writeEntry("CalendarFilters",filterList); config->setGroup("FilterView"); config->writeEntry("FilterEnabled",mFilterView->filtersEnabled()); config->writeEntry("Current Filter",mFilterView->selectedFilter()->name()); } void CalendarView::goToday() { if ( mViewManager->currentView()->isMonthView() ) mNavigator->selectTodayMonth(); else mNavigator->selectToday(); } void CalendarView::goNext() { mNavigator->selectNext(); } void CalendarView::goPrevious() { mNavigator->selectPrevious(); } void CalendarView::goNextMonth() { mNavigator->selectNextMonth(); } void CalendarView::goPreviousMonth() { mNavigator->selectPreviousMonth(); } void CalendarView::writeLocale() { //KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->setGlobalConfig(); #if 0 KGlobal::locale()->setHore24Format( !KOPrefs::instance()->mPreferredTime ); KGlobal::locale()->setWeekStartMonday( !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeekStartsOnSunday ); KGlobal::locale()->setIntDateFormat( (KLocale::IntDateFormat)KOPrefs::instance()->mPreferredDate ); KGlobal::locale()->setLanguage( KOPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage ); QString dummy = KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatLong; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormat(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); dummy = KOPrefs::instance()->mUserDateFormatShort; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); KGlobal::locale()->setDaylightSaving( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseDaylightsaving, KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingStart, KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingEnd ); KGlobal::locale()->setTimezone( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId ); #endif } void CalendarView::updateConfig() { writeLocale(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseAppColors ) QApplication::setPalette( QPalette (KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAppColor2), true ); emit configChanged(); mTodoList->updateConfig(); // mDateNavigator->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mDateNavigatorFont); mCalendar->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); // To make the "fill window" configurations work //mViewManager->raiseCurrentView(); } void CalendarView::eventChanged(Event *event) { changeEventDisplay(event,KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); //updateUnmanagedViews(); } void CalendarView::eventAdded(Event *event) { changeEventDisplay(event,KOGlobals::EVENTADDED); } void CalendarView::eventToBeDeleted(Event *) { kdDebug() << "CalendarView::eventToBeDeleted(): to be implemented" << endl; } void CalendarView::eventDeleted() { changeEventDisplay(0,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED); } void CalendarView::changeTodoDisplay(Todo *which, int action) { changeIncidenceDisplay((Incidence *)which, action); mDateNavigator->updateView(); //LR //mDialogManager->updateSearchDialog(); if (which) { mViewManager->updateWNview(); //mTodoList->updateView(); } } void CalendarView::changeIncidenceDisplay(Incidence *which, int action) { updateUnmanagedViews(); //qDebug(" CalendarView::changeIncidenceDisplay++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %d %d ",which, action ); if ( action == KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED ) { //delete mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); if ( mEventViewerDialog ) mEventViewerDialog->hide(); } else mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( which , false ); } // most of the changeEventDisplays() right now just call the view's // total update mode, but they SHOULD be recoded to be more refresh-efficient. void CalendarView::changeEventDisplay(Event *which, int action) { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::changeEventDisplay" << endl; changeIncidenceDisplay((Incidence *)which, action); mDateNavigator->updateView(); //mDialogManager->updateSearchDialog(); if (which) { // If there is an event view visible update the display mViewManager->currentView()->changeEventDisplay(which,action); // TODO: check, if update needed // if (which->getTodoStatus()) { mTodoList->updateView(); // } } else { mViewManager->currentView()->updateView(); } } void CalendarView::updateTodoViews() { mTodoList->updateView(); mViewManager->currentView()->updateView(); } void CalendarView::updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end) { mTodoList->updateView(); mViewManager->updateView(start, end); //mDateNavigator->updateView(); } void CalendarView::updateView() { DateList tmpList = mNavigator->selectedDates(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos ) mTodoList->updateView(); // We assume that the navigator only selects consecutive days. updateView( tmpList.first(), tmpList.last() ); } void CalendarView::updateUnmanagedViews() { mDateNavigator->updateDayMatrix(); } int CalendarView::msgItemDelete(const QString name) { return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,name +"\n\n"+ i18n("This item will be\npermanently deleted."), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete")); } void CalendarView::edit_cut() { Event *anEvent=0; Incidence *incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { anEvent = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } } if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } DndFactory factory( mCalendar ); factory.cutEvent(anEvent); changeEventDisplay(anEvent, KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED); } void CalendarView::edit_copy() { Event *anEvent=0; Incidence *incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { anEvent = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } } if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } DndFactory factory( mCalendar ); factory.copyEvent(anEvent); } void CalendarView::edit_paste() { QDate date = mNavigator->selectedDates().first(); DndFactory factory( mCalendar ); Event *pastedEvent = factory.pasteEvent( date ); changeEventDisplay( pastedEvent, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED ); } void CalendarView::edit_options() { mDialogManager->showOptionsDialog(); //writeSettings(); } void CalendarView::slotSelectPickerDate( QDate d) { mDateFrame->hide(); if ( mDatePickerMode == 1 ) { mNavigator->slotDaySelect( d ); } else if ( mDatePickerMode == 2 ) { if ( mMoveIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo * to = (Todo *) mMoveIncidence; QTime tim; if ( to->hasDueDate() ) tim = to->dtDue().time(); else { tim = QTime ( 0,0,0 ); to->setFloats( true ); to->setHasDueDate( true ); } QDateTime dt ( d,tim ); to->setDtDue( dt ); todoChanged( to ); } else { if ( mMoveIncidence->doesRecur() ) { #if 0 // PENDING implement this Incidence* newInc = mMoveIncidence->recreateCloneException( mMoveIncidenceOldDate ); mCalendar()->addIncidence( newInc ); if ( mMoveIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) emit todoMoved((Todo*)mMoveIncidence, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); else emit incidenceChanged(mMoveIncidence, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); mMoveIncidence = newInc; #endif } QTime tim = mMoveIncidence->dtStart().time(); int secs = mMoveIncidence->dtStart().secsTo( mMoveIncidence->dtEnd()); QDateTime dt ( d,tim ); mMoveIncidence->setDtStart( dt ); ((Event*)mMoveIncidence)->setDtEnd( dt.addSecs( secs ) ); changeEventDisplay((Event*)mMoveIncidence, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); } mMoveIncidence->setRevision( mMoveIncidence->revision()+1 ); } } void CalendarView::removeCategories() { QPtrList<Incidence> incList = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); QStringList catList = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories; QStringList catIncList; QStringList newCatList; Incidence* inc = incList.first(); int i; int count = 0; while ( inc ) { newCatList.clear(); catIncList = inc->categories() ; for( i = 0; i< catIncList.count(); ++i ) { if ( catList.contains (catIncList[i])) newCatList.append( catIncList[i] ); } newCatList.sort(); inc->setCategories( newCatList.join(",") ); inc = incList.next(); } } int CalendarView::addCategories() { QPtrList<Incidence> incList = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); QStringList catList = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories; QStringList catIncList; Incidence* inc = incList.first(); int i; int count = 0; while ( inc ) { catIncList = inc->categories() ; for( i = 0; i< catIncList.count(); ++i ) { if ( !catList.contains (catIncList[i])) { catList.append( catIncList[i] ); //qDebug("add cat %s ", catIncList[i].latin1()); ++count; } } inc = incList.next(); } catList.sort(); KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories = catList; return count; } void CalendarView::manageCategories() { KOCatPrefs* cp = new KOCatPrefs(); cp->show(); int w =cp->sizeHint().width() ; int h = cp->sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); cp->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); if ( !cp->exec() ) { delete cp; return; } int count = 0; if ( cp->addCat() ) { count = addCategories(); if ( count ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( count )+ i18n(" Categories added to list! ")); writeSettings(); } else topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( 0 )+ i18n(" Categories added to list! ")); } else { removeCategories(); updateView(); } delete cp; } void CalendarView::beamIncidence(Incidence * Inc) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; delSel.append(Inc); beamIncidenceList( delSel ); } void CalendarView::beamCalendar() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); //qDebug("beamCalendar() "); beamIncidenceList( delSel ); } void CalendarView::beamFilteredCalendar() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = mCalendar->incidences(); //qDebug("beamFilteredCalendar() "); beamIncidenceList( delSel ); } void CalendarView::beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ) { if ( beamDialog->exec () == QDialog::Rejected ) return; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QString fn = locateLocal( "tmp", "kopibeamfile" ); #else QString fn = "/tmp/kopibeamfile"; #endif QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( createbup ) { QString description = "\n"; CalendarLocal* cal = new CalendarLocal(); if ( beamDialog->beamLocal() ) cal->setLocalTime(); else cal->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); bool addText = false; if ( delSel.count() < 10 ) addText = true; else { description.sprintf(i18n(" %d items?"),delSel.count() ); } while ( incidence ) { Incidence *in = incidence->clone(); if ( ! in->summary().isEmpty() ) { in->setDescription(""); } else { in->setSummary( in->description().left(20)); in->setDescription(""); } if ( addText ) description += in->summary() + "\n"; cal->addIncidence( in ); incidence = delSel.next(); } if ( beamDialog->beamVcal() ) { fn += ".vcs"; FileStorage storage( cal, fn, new VCalFormat ); storage.save(); } else { fn += ".ics"; FileStorage storage( cal, fn, new ICalFormat( ) ); storage.save(); } delete cal; mes = i18n("KO/Pi: Ready for beaming"); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); KApplication::convert2latin1( fn ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION Ir *ir = new Ir( this ); connect( ir, SIGNAL( done( Ir * ) ), this, SLOT( beamDone( Ir * ) ) ); ir->send( fn, description, "text/x-vCalendar" ); #endif } } void CalendarView::beamDone( Ir *ir ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION delete ir; #endif topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("KO/Pi: Beaming done.") ); topLevelWidget()->raise(); } void CalendarView::moveIncidence(Incidence * inc ) { if ( !inc ) return; // qDebug("showDatePickerForIncidence( ) "); if ( mDateFrame->isVisible() ) mDateFrame->hide(); else { int w =mDatePicker->sizeHint().width()+2*mDateFrame->lineWidth() ; int h = mDatePicker->sizeHint().height()+2*mDateFrame->lineWidth() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); mDateFrame->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); mDateFrame->show(); } mDatePickerMode = 2; mMoveIncidence = inc ; QDate da; if ( mMoveIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo * to = (Todo *) mMoveIncidence; if ( to->hasDueDate() ) da = to->dtDue().date(); else da = QDate::currentDate(); } else { da = mMoveIncidence->dtStart().date(); } //PENDING set date for recurring incidence to date of recurrence //mMoveIncidenceOldDate; mDatePicker->setDate( da ); } void CalendarView::showDatePicker( ) { //qDebug("CalendarView::showDatePicker( ) "); if ( mDateFrame->isVisible() ) mDateFrame->hide(); else { int w =mDatePicker->sizeHint().width() ; int h = mDatePicker->sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); mDateFrame->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); mDateFrame->show(); } mDatePickerMode = 1; mDatePicker->setDate( mNavigator->selectedDates().first() ); } void CalendarView::showEventEditor() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mEventEditor->show(); #else if ( mEventEditor->width() < QApplication::desktop()->width() -60 || mEventEditor->width() > QApplication::desktop()->width() ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Recreating edit dialog. Please wait...") ); qDebug("KO: CalendarView: recreate mEventEditor %d %d", mEventEditor->width(), QApplication::desktop()->width() ); qApp->processEvents(); delete mEventEditor; mEventEditor = mDialogManager->getEventEditor(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("") ); } mEventEditor->showMaximized(); #endif } void CalendarView::showTodoEditor() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mTodoEditor->show(); #else if ( mTodoEditor->width() < QApplication::desktop()->width() -60|| mTodoEditor->width() > QApplication::desktop()->width() ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Recreating edit dialog. Please wait...") ); qDebug("KO: CalendarView: recreate mTodoEditor %d %d ", mTodoEditor->width() ,QApplication::desktop()->width() ); qApp->processEvents(); delete mTodoEditor; mTodoEditor = mDialogManager->getTodoEditor(); topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("") ); } mTodoEditor->showMaximized(); #endif } void CalendarView::cloneIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { cloneIncidence(incidence); } } void CalendarView::moveIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { moveIncidence(incidence); } } void CalendarView::beamIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { beamIncidence(incidence); } } void CalendarView::toggleCancelIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { cancelIncidence(incidence); } } void CalendarView::cancelIncidence(Incidence * inc ) { inc->setCancelled( ! inc->cancelled() ); changeIncidenceDisplay( inc,KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); updateView(); } void CalendarView::cloneIncidence(Incidence * orgInc ) { Incidence * newInc = orgInc->clone(); newInc->recreate(); if ( newInc->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo* t = (Todo*) newInc; showTodoEditor(); mTodoEditor->editTodo( t ); if ( mTodoEditor->exec() ) { mCalendar->addTodo( t ); updateView(); } else { delete t; } } else { Event* e = (Event*) newInc; showEventEditor(); mEventEditor->editEvent( e ); if ( mEventEditor->exec() ) { mCalendar->addEvent( e ); updateView(); } else { delete e; } } } void CalendarView::newEvent() { // TODO: Replace this code by a common eventDurationHint of KOBaseView. KOAgendaView *aView = mViewManager->agendaView(); if (aView) { if (aView->selectionStart().isValid()) { if (aView->selectedIsAllDay()) { newEvent(aView->selectionStart(),aView->selectionEnd(),true); } else { newEvent(aView->selectionStart(),aView->selectionEnd()); } return; } } QDate date = mNavigator->selectedDates().first(); QDateTime current = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( date <= current.date() ) { int hour = current.time().hour() +1; newEvent( QDateTime( current.date(), QTime( hour, 0, 0 ) ), QDateTime( current.date(), QTime( hour+ KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultDuration, 0, 0 ) ) ); } else newEvent( QDateTime( date, QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0, 0 ) ), QDateTime( date, QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime + KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultDuration, 0, 0 ) ) ); } void CalendarView::newEvent(QDateTime fh) { newEvent(fh, QDateTime(fh.addSecs(3600*KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultDuration))); } void CalendarView::newEvent(QDate dt) { newEvent(QDateTime(dt, QTime(0,0,0)), QDateTime(dt, QTime(0,0,0)), true); } void CalendarView::newEvent(QDateTime fromHint, QDateTime toHint) { newEvent(fromHint, toHint, false); } void CalendarView::newEvent(QDateTime fromHint, QDateTime toHint, bool allDay) { showEventEditor(); mEventEditor->newEvent(fromHint,toHint,allDay); if ( mFilterView->filtersEnabled() ) { CalFilter *filter = mFilterView->selectedFilter(); if (filter && filter->showCategories()) { mEventEditor->setCategories(filter->categoryList().join(",") ); } if ( filter ) mEventEditor->setSecrecy( filter->getSecrecy() ); } } void CalendarView::todoAdded(Todo * t) { changeTodoDisplay ( t ,KOGlobals::EVENTADDED); updateTodoViews(); } void CalendarView::todoChanged(Todo * t) { emit todoModified( t, 4 ); // updateTodoViews(); } void CalendarView::todoToBeDeleted(Todo *) { //qDebug("todoToBeDeleted(Todo *) "); updateTodoViews(); } void CalendarView::todoDeleted() { //qDebug(" todoDeleted()"); updateTodoViews(); } void CalendarView::newTodoDateTime( QDateTime dt, bool allday ) { - qDebug("datetime "); showTodoEditor(); mTodoEditor->newTodo(dt,0,allday); if ( mFilterView->filtersEnabled() ) { CalFilter *filter = mFilterView->selectedFilter(); if (filter && filter->showCategories()) { mTodoEditor->setCategories(filter->categoryList().join(",") ); } if ( filter ) mTodoEditor->setSecrecy( filter->getSecrecy() ); } } void CalendarView::newTodo() { newTodoDateTime( QDateTime(),true ); } void CalendarView::newSubTodo() { Todo *todo = selectedTodo(); if ( todo ) newSubTodo( todo ); } void CalendarView::newSubTodo(Todo *parentEvent) { showTodoEditor(); mTodoEditor->newTodo(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(7),parentEvent,true); } void CalendarView::newFloatingEvent() { DateList tmpList = mNavigator->selectedDates(); QDate date = tmpList.first(); newEvent( QDateTime( date, QTime( 12, 0, 0 ) ), QDateTime( date, QTime( 12, 0, 0 ) ), true ); } void CalendarView::editEvent( Event *event ) { if ( !event ) return; if ( event->isReadOnly() ) { showEvent( event ); return; } showEventEditor(); mEventEditor->editEvent( event , mFlagEditDescription); } void CalendarView::editJournal( Journal *jour ) { if ( !jour ) return; mDialogManager->hideSearchDialog(); mViewManager->showJournalView(); mNavigator->slotDaySelect( jour->dtStart().date() ); } void CalendarView::editTodo( Todo *todo ) { if ( !todo ) return; if ( todo->isReadOnly() ) { showTodo( todo ); return; } showTodoEditor(); mTodoEditor->editTodo( todo ,mFlagEditDescription); } KOEventViewerDialog* CalendarView::getEventViewerDialog() { if ( !mEventViewerDialog ) { mEventViewerDialog = new KOEventViewerDialog(this); connect( mEventViewerDialog, SIGNAL( editIncidence( Incidence* )), this, SLOT(editIncidence( Incidence* ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mEventViewerDialog, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mEventViewerDialog, SIGNAL(jumpToTime( const QDate &)), dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectWeek( const QDate & ) ) ); connect( mEventViewerDialog, SIGNAL(showAgendaView( bool ) ), viewManager(), SLOT( showAgendaView( bool ) ) ); connect( mEventViewerDialog, SIGNAL( todoCompleted(Todo *) ), this, SLOT( todoChanged(Todo *) ) ); mEventViewerDialog->resize( 640, 480 ); } return mEventViewerDialog; } void CalendarView::showEvent(Event *event) { getEventViewerDialog()->setEvent(event); getEventViewerDialog()->showMe(); } void CalendarView::showTodo(Todo *event) { getEventViewerDialog()->setTodo(event); getEventViewerDialog()->showMe(); } void CalendarView::showJournal( Journal *jour ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setJournal(jour); getEventViewerDialog()->showMe(); } // void CalendarView::todoModified (Todo *event, int changed) // { // // if (mDialogList.find (event) != mDialogList.end ()) { // // kdDebug() << "Todo modified and open" << endl; // // KOTodoEditor* temp = (KOTodoEditor *) mDialogList[event]; // // temp->modified (changed); // // } // mViewManager->updateView(); // } void CalendarView::appointment_show() { Event *anEvent = 0; Incidence *incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { anEvent = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } } if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } showEvent(anEvent); } void CalendarView::appointment_edit() { Event *anEvent = 0; Incidence *incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { anEvent = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } } if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } editEvent(anEvent); } void CalendarView::appointment_delete() { Event *anEvent = 0; Incidence *incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { anEvent = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } } if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } deleteEvent(anEvent); } void CalendarView::todo_resub( Todo * parent, Todo * sub ) { if (!sub) return; if (!parent) return; if ( sub->relatedTo() ) sub->relatedTo()->removeRelation(sub); sub->setRelatedTo(parent); sub->setRelatedToUid(parent->uid()); parent->addRelation(sub); sub->updated(); parent->updated(); setModified(true); updateView(); } void CalendarView::todo_unsub(Todo *anTodo ) { // Todo *anTodo = selectedTodo(); if (!anTodo) return; if (!anTodo->relatedTo()) return; anTodo->relatedTo()->removeRelation(anTodo); anTodo->setRelatedTo(0); anTodo->updated(); anTodo->setRelatedToUid(""); setModified(true); updateView(); } void CalendarView::deleteTodo(Todo *todo) { if (!todo) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } if (KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm) { QString text = todo->summary().left(20); if (!todo->relations().isEmpty()) { text += i18n("\nhas sub-todos.\nAll completed sub-todos\nwill be deleted as well!"); } switch (msgItemDelete(text)) { case KMessageBox::Continue: // OK bool deleteT = false; if (!todo->relations().isEmpty()) { deleteT = removeCompletedSubTodos( todo ); } // deleteT == true: todo already deleted in removeCompletedSubTodos if ( !deleteT ) { checkExternalId( todo ); calendar()->deleteTodo(todo); changeTodoDisplay( todo,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED ); updateView(); } break; } // switch } else { checkExternalId( todo ); mCalendar->deleteTodo(todo); changeTodoDisplay( todo,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED ); updateView(); } emit updateSearchDialog(); } void CalendarView::deleteJournal(Journal *jour) { if (!jour) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } if (KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm) { switch (msgItemDelete( jour->description().left(20))) { case KMessageBox::Continue: // OK calendar()->deleteJournal(jour); updateView(); break; } // switch } else { calendar()->deleteJournal(jour);; updateView(); } emit updateSearchDialog(); } void CalendarView::deleteEvent(Event *anEvent) { if (!anEvent) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } if (anEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { QDate itemDate = mViewManager->currentSelectionDate(); int km; if (!itemDate.isValid()) { //kdDebug() << "Date Not Valid" << endl; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm) { km = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,anEvent->summary().left(25) + i18n("\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event\nand all its recurrences?"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete All")); if ( km == KMessageBox::Continue ) km = KMessageBox::No; // No = all below } else km = KMessageBox::No; } else { km = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this,anEvent->summary().left(25) + i18n("\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\nDo you want to delete\nall it's recurrences,\nor only the current one on:\n")+ KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(itemDate)+i18n(" ?\n\nDelete:\n"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Current"), i18n("All")); } switch(km) { case KMessageBox::No: // Continue // all //qDebug("KMessageBox::No "); if (anEvent->organizer()==KOPrefs::instance()->email() && anEvent->attendeeCount()>0) schedule(Scheduler::Cancel,anEvent); checkExternalId( anEvent); mCalendar->deleteEvent(anEvent); changeEventDisplay(anEvent,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED); break; // Disabled because it does not work //#if 0 case KMessageBox::Yes: // just this one //QDate qd = mNavigator->selectedDates().first(); //if (!qd.isValid()) { // kdDebug() << "no date selected, or invalid date" << endl; // KNotifyClient::beep(); // return; //} //while (!anEvent->recursOn(qd)) qd = qd.addDays(1); if (itemDate!=QDate(1,1,1) || itemDate.isValid()) { anEvent->addExDate(itemDate); int duration = anEvent->recurrence()->duration(); if ( duration > 0 ) { anEvent->recurrence()->setDuration( duration - 1 ); } changeEventDisplay(anEvent, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); } break; //#endif } // switch } else { if (KOPrefs::instance()->mConfirm) { switch (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,anEvent->summary().left(25) + i18n("\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event?"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete"))) { case KMessageBox::Continue: // OK if (anEvent->organizer()==KOPrefs::instance()->email() && anEvent->attendeeCount()>0) schedule(Scheduler::Cancel,anEvent); checkExternalId( anEvent); mCalendar->deleteEvent(anEvent); changeEventDisplay(anEvent, KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED); break; } // switch } else { if (anEvent->organizer()==KOPrefs::instance()->email() && anEvent->attendeeCount()>0) schedule(Scheduler::Cancel,anEvent); checkExternalId( anEvent); mCalendar->deleteEvent(anEvent); changeEventDisplay(anEvent, KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED); } } // if-else emit updateSearchDialog(); } bool CalendarView::deleteEvent(const QString &uid) { Event *ev = mCalendar->event(uid); if (ev) { deleteEvent(ev); return true; } else { return false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void CalendarView::action_mail() { #ifndef KORG_NOMAIL KOMailClient mailClient; Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if (!incidence) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("Can't generate mail:\nNo event selected.")); return; } if(incidence->attendeeCount() == 0 ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Can't generate mail:\nNo attendees defined.\n")); return; } CalendarLocal cal_tmp; Event *event = 0; Event *ev = 0; if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); ev = new Event(*event); cal_tmp.addEvent(ev); } ICalFormat mForm(); QString attachment = mForm.toString( &cal_tmp ); if (ev) delete(ev); mailClient.mailAttendees(currentSelection(), attachment); #endif #if 0 Event *anEvent = 0; if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { anEvent = dynamic_cast<Event *>((mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences()).first()); } if (!anEvent) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("Can't generate mail:\nNo event selected.")); return; } if(anEvent->attendeeCount() == 0 ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Can't generate mail:\nNo attendees defined.\n")); return; } mailobject.emailEvent(anEvent); #endif } void CalendarView::schedule_publish(Incidence *incidence) { Event *event = 0; Todo *todo = 0; if (incidence == 0) { incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (incidence == 0) { incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); } } if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } else { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { todo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence); } } if (!event && !todo) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("No event selected.")); return; } PublishDialog *publishdlg = new PublishDialog(); if (incidence->attendeeCount()>0) { QPtrList<Attendee> attendees = incidence->attendees(); attendees.first(); while ( attendees.current()!=0 ) { publishdlg->addAttendee(attendees.current()); attendees.next(); } } bool send = true; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMailClient == KOPrefs::MailClientSendmail ) { if ( publishdlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted ) send = false; } if ( send ) { OutgoingDialog *dlg = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog(); if ( event ) { Event *ev = new Event(*event); ev->registerObserver(0); ev->clearAttendees(); if (!dlg->addMessage(ev,Scheduler::Publish,publishdlg->addresses())) { delete(ev); } } else { if ( todo ) { Todo *ev = new Todo(*todo); ev->registerObserver(0); ev->clearAttendees(); if (!dlg->addMessage(ev,Scheduler::Publish,publishdlg->addresses())) { delete(ev); } } } } delete publishdlg; } void CalendarView::schedule_request(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Request,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_refresh(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Refresh,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_cancel(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Cancel,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_add(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Add,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_reply(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Reply,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_counter(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Counter,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_declinecounter(Incidence *incidence) { schedule(Scheduler::Declinecounter,incidence); } void CalendarView::schedule_publish_freebusy(int daysToPublish) { QDateTime start = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime end = start.addDays(daysToPublish); FreeBusy *freebusy = new FreeBusy(mCalendar, start, end); freebusy->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); PublishDialog *publishdlg = new PublishDialog(); if ( publishdlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { OutgoingDialog *dlg = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog(); if (!dlg->addMessage(freebusy,Scheduler::Publish,publishdlg->addresses())) { delete(freebusy); } } delete publishdlg; } void CalendarView::schedule(Scheduler::Method method, Incidence *incidence) { Event *event = 0; Todo *todo = 0; if (incidence == 0) { incidence = mViewManager->currentView()->selectedIncidences().first(); if (incidence == 0) { incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); } } if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); } if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { todo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence); } if (!event && !todo) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("No event selected.")); return; } if( incidence->attendeeCount() == 0 && method != Scheduler::Publish ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("The event has no attendees.")); return; } Event *ev = 0; if (event) ev = new Event(*event); Todo *to = 0; if (todo) to = new Todo(*todo); if (method == Scheduler::Reply || method == Scheduler::Refresh) { Attendee *me = incidence->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if (!me) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("Could not find your attendee entry.\nPlease check the emails.")); return; } if (me->status()==Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP() && method==Scheduler::Reply) { StatusDialog *statdlg = new StatusDialog(this); if (!statdlg->exec()==QDialog::Accepted) return; me->setStatus( statdlg->status() ); delete(statdlg); } Attendee *menew = new Attendee(*me); if (ev) { ev->clearAttendees(); ev->addAttendee(menew,false); } else { if (to) { todo->clearAttendees(); todo->addAttendee(menew,false); } } } OutgoingDialog *dlg = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog(); if (ev) { if ( !dlg->addMessage(ev,method) ) delete(ev); } else { if (to) { if ( !dlg->addMessage(to,method) ) delete(to); } } } void CalendarView::openAddressbook() { KRun::runCommand("kaddressbook"); } void CalendarView::setModified(bool modified) { if ( modified ) emit signalmodified(); if (mModified != modified) { mModified = modified; emit modifiedChanged(mModified); } } bool CalendarView::isReadOnly() { return mReadOnly; } void CalendarView::setReadOnly(bool readOnly) { if (mReadOnly != readOnly) { mReadOnly = readOnly; emit readOnlyChanged(mReadOnly); } } bool CalendarView::isModified() { return mModified; } void CalendarView::printSetup() { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER createPrinter(); mCalPrinter->setupPrinter(); #endif } void CalendarView::print() { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER createPrinter(); DateList tmpDateList = mNavigator->selectedDates(); mCalPrinter->print(CalPrinter::Month, tmpDateList.first(), tmpDateList.last()); #endif } void CalendarView::printPreview() { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER kdDebug() << "CalendarView::printPreview()" << endl; createPrinter(); DateList tmpDateList = mNavigator->selectedDates(); mViewManager->currentView()->printPreview(mCalPrinter,tmpDateList.first(), tmpDateList.last()); #endif } void CalendarView::exportICalendar() { QString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName("icalout.ics",i18n("*.ics|ICalendars"),this); // Force correct extension if (filename.right(4) != ".ics") filename += ".ics"; FileStorage storage( mCalendar, filename, new ICalFormat() ); storage.save(); } bool CalendarView::exportVCalendar( QString filename ) { if (mCalendar->journals().count() > 0) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file."), i18n("Data Loss Warning"),i18n("Proceed"),i18n("Cancel"), true); if (result != KMessageBox::Continue) return false; } //QString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName("vcalout.vcs",i18n("*.vcs|VCalendars"),this); // Force correct extension if (filename.right(4) != ".vcs") filename += ".vcs"; FileStorage storage( mCalendar, filename, new VCalFormat ); return storage.save(); } void CalendarView::eventUpdated(Incidence *) { setModified(); // Don't call updateView here. The code, which has caused the update of the // event is responsible for updating the view. // updateView(); } void CalendarView::adaptNavigationUnits() { if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) { int days = mViewManager->currentView()->currentDateCount(); if (days == 1) { emit changeNavStringPrev(i18n("&Previous Day")); emit changeNavStringNext(i18n("&Next Day")); } else { emit changeNavStringPrev(i18n("&Previous Week")); emit changeNavStringNext(i18n("&Next Week")); } } } void CalendarView::processMainViewSelection( Incidence *incidence ) { if ( incidence ) mTodoList->clearSelection(); processIncidenceSelection( incidence ); } void CalendarView::processTodoListSelection( Incidence *incidence ) { if ( incidence && mViewManager->currentView() ) { mViewManager->currentView()->clearSelection(); } processIncidenceSelection( incidence ); } void CalendarView::processIncidenceSelection( Incidence *incidence ) { if ( incidence == mSelectedIncidence ) return; mSelectedIncidence = incidence; emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedIncidence ); if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>( incidence ); if ( event->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) { emit organizerEventsSelected( true ); } else { emit organizerEventsSelected(false); } if (event->attendeeByMails( KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails, KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) ) { emit groupEventsSelected( true ); } else { emit groupEventsSelected(false); } return; } else { if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { emit todoSelected( true ); Todo *event = static_cast<Todo *>( incidence ); if ( event->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) { emit organizerEventsSelected( true ); } else { emit organizerEventsSelected(false); } if (event->attendeeByMails( KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails, KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) ) { emit groupEventsSelected( true ); } else { emit groupEventsSelected(false); } return; } else { emit todoSelected( false ); emit organizerEventsSelected(false); emit groupEventsSelected(false); } return; } /* if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { emit todoSelected( true ); } else { emit todoSelected( false ); }*/ } void CalendarView::checkClipboard() { #ifndef KORG_NODND if (ICalDrag::canDecode(QApplication::clipboard()->data())) { emit pasteEnabled(true); } else { emit pasteEnabled(false); } #endif } void CalendarView::showDates(const DateList &selectedDates) { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::selectDates()" << endl; if ( !mBlockShowDates ) { if ( mViewManager->currentView() ) { updateView( selectedDates.first(), selectedDates.last() ); } else { mViewManager->showAgendaView(); } } QString selDates; selDates = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( selectedDates.first(), true); if (selectedDates.first() < selectedDates.last() ) selDates += " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( selectedDates.last(),true); else { QString addString; if ( selectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date() ) addString = i18n("Today"); else if ( selectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(1) ) addString = i18n("Tomorrow"); else if ( selectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-1) ) addString = i18n("Yesterday"); else if ( selectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-2) ) addString = i18n("Day before yesterday"); else if ( selectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(2) ) addString = i18n("Day after tomorrow"); if ( !addString.isEmpty() ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( addString+", " + selDates ); return; } } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Dates: ") + selDates ); } QPtrList<CalFilter> CalendarView::filters() { return mFilters; } void CalendarView::editFilters() { // kdDebug() << "CalendarView::editFilters()" << endl; CalFilter *filter = mFilters.first(); while(filter) { kdDebug() << " Filter: " << filter->name() << endl; filter = mFilters.next(); } mDialogManager->showFilterEditDialog(&mFilters); } void CalendarView::toggleFilter() { showFilter(! mFilterView->isVisible()); } KOFilterView *CalendarView::filterView() { return mFilterView; } void CalendarView::selectFilter( int fil ) { mFilterView->setSelectedFilter( fil ); } void CalendarView::showFilter(bool visible) { if (visible) mFilterView->show(); else mFilterView->hide(); } void CalendarView::toggleFilerEnabled( ) { mFilterView->setFiltersEnabled ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() ); if ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() ) topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Filter disabled ") ); } void CalendarView::updateFilter() { CalFilter *filter = mFilterView->selectedFilter(); if (filter) { if (mFilterView->filtersEnabled()) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Filter selected: ")+filter->name() ); filter->setEnabled(true); } else filter->setEnabled(false); mCalendar->setFilter(filter); updateView(); } } void CalendarView::filterEdited() { mFilterView->updateFilters(); updateFilter(); writeSettings(); } void CalendarView::takeOverEvent() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if (!incidence) return; incidence->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); incidence->recreate(); incidence->setReadOnly(false); updateView(); } void CalendarView::takeOverCalendar() { // TODO: Create Calendar::allIncidences() function and use it here QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->events(); for(uint i=0; i<events.count(); ++i) { events.at(i)->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); events.at(i)->recreate(); events.at(i)->setReadOnly(false); } QPtrList<Todo> todos = mCalendar->todos(); for(uint i=0; i<todos.count(); ++i) { todos.at(i)->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); todos.at(i)->recreate(); todos.at(i)->setReadOnly(false); } QPtrList<Journal> journals = mCalendar->journals(); for(uint i=0; i<journals.count(); ++i) { journals.at(i)->setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email()); journals.at(i)->recreate(); journals.at(i)->setReadOnly(false); } updateView(); } void CalendarView::showIntro() { kdDebug() << "To be implemented." << endl; } QWidgetStack *CalendarView::viewStack() { return mRightFrame; } QWidget *CalendarView::leftFrame() { return mLeftFrame; } DateNavigator *CalendarView::dateNavigator() { return mNavigator; } KDateNavigator* CalendarView::dateNavigatorWidget() { return mDateNavigator; } void CalendarView::toggleDateNavigatorWidget() { KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator = !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator ; if (!KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator ) mDateNavigator->hide(); else mDateNavigator->show(); } void CalendarView::addView(KOrg::BaseView *view) { mViewManager->addView(view); } void CalendarView::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view) { mViewManager->showView(view, mLeftFrame->isVisible()); } Incidence *CalendarView::currentSelection() { return mViewManager->currentSelection(); } void CalendarView::toggleAllDaySize() { /* if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize > 47 ) KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize /2; else KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize *2; */ viewManager()->agendaView()->toggleAllDay(); } void CalendarView::toggleExpand() { // if ( mLeftFrame->isHidden() ) { // mLeftFrame->show(); // emit calendarViewExpanded( false ); // } else { // mLeftFrame->hide(); // emit calendarViewExpanded( true ); // } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; emit calendarViewExpanded( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() ); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 5; mViewManager->raiseCurrentView( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() ); //mViewManager->showView( 0, true ); } void CalendarView::calendarModified( bool modified, Calendar * ) { setModified( modified ); } Todo *CalendarView::selectedTodo() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence ); } incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) { return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence ); } return 0; } void CalendarView::dialogClosing(Incidence *in) { // mDialogList.remove(in); } void CalendarView::showIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { ShowIncidenceVisitor v; v.act( incidence, this ); } } void CalendarView::editIncidenceDescription() { mFlagEditDescription = true; editIncidence(); mFlagEditDescription = false; } void CalendarView::editIncidence() { // qDebug("editIncidence() "); Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { EditIncidenceVisitor v; v.act( incidence, this ); } } void CalendarView::deleteIncidence() { Incidence *incidence = currentSelection(); if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first(); if ( incidence ) { deleteIncidence(incidence); } } void CalendarView::showIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { if ( incidence ) { ShowIncidenceVisitor v; v.act( incidence, this ); } } void CalendarView::editIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { if ( incidence ) { EditIncidenceVisitor v; v.act( incidence, this ); } } void CalendarView::deleteIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { //qDebug(" CalendarView::deleteIncidence "); if ( incidence ) { DeleteIncidenceVisitor v; v.act( incidence, this ); } } void CalendarView::lookForOutgoingMessages() { OutgoingDialog *ogd = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog(); ogd->loadMessages(); } void CalendarView::lookForIncomingMessages() { IncomingDialog *icd = mDialogManager->incomingDialog(); icd->retrieve(); } bool CalendarView::removeCompletedSubTodos( Todo* t ) { bool deleteTodo = true; QPtrList<Incidence> subTodos; Incidence *aTodo; subTodos = t->relations(); for (aTodo = subTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = subTodos.next()) { if (! removeCompletedSubTodos( (Todo*) aTodo )) deleteTodo = false; } if ( deleteTodo ) { if ( t->isCompleted() ) { checkExternalId( t ); mCalendar->deleteTodo( t ); changeTodoDisplay( t,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED ); } else deleteTodo = false; } return deleteTodo; } void CalendarView::purgeCompleted() { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Delete all\ncompleted To-Dos?"),i18n("Purge To-Dos"),i18n("Purge")); if (result == KMessageBox::Continue) { QPtrList<Todo> todoCal; QPtrList<Todo> rootTodos; //QPtrList<Incidence> rel; Todo *aTodo;//, *rTodo; Incidence *rIncidence; bool childDelete = false; bool deletedOne = true; todoCal = calendar()->todos(); for (aTodo = todoCal.first(); aTodo; aTodo = todoCal.next()) { if ( !aTodo->relatedTo() ) rootTodos.append( aTodo ); } for (aTodo = rootTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = rootTodos.next()) { removeCompletedSubTodos( aTodo ); } updateView(); } } void CalendarView::slotCalendarChanged() { ; } NavigatorBar *CalendarView::navigatorBar() { return mNavigatorBar; } void CalendarView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) { //qDebug(" alendarView::keyPressEvent "); e->ignore(); } bool CalendarView::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode) { // mSyncManager = manager; if ( filename == QDir::homeDirPath ()+"/.kdecalendardump.ics" ) { qDebug("KO: SyncKDE request detected!"); } mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName(); return syncCalendar( filename, mode ); } bool CalendarView::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource) { //mSyncManager = manager; mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName(); if ( resource == "sharp" ) syncExternal( 0 ); if ( resource == "phone" ) syncExternal( 1 ); // pending setmodified return true; } void CalendarView::setSyncManager(KSyncManager* manager) { mSyncManager = manager; } void CalendarView::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile) { qDebug("KO: removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1()); mCalendar->removeSyncInfo( syncProfile ); } void CalendarView::undo_delete() { //qDebug("undo_delete() "); Incidence* undo = mCalendar->undoIncidence(); if ( !undo ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("There is nothing to undo!"), i18n("KO/Pi")); return; } if ( KMessageBox::Continue ==KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,undo->summary().left(25) + i18n("\nAre you sure you want\nto restore this?"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Restore"))) { mCalendar->undoDeleteIncidence(); updateView(); } } diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp index 73ee5cb..0eeacb3 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp @@ -1,1988 +1,1993 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Marcus Bains line. Copyright (c) 2001 Ali Rahimi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef _WIN32_ #define protected public #include <qwidget.h> #undef protected #endif #include <qintdict.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "koagendaitem.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "koagenda.h" #include <libkcal/event.h> #include <libkcal/todo.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif //extern bool globalFlagBlockPainting; extern int globalFlagBlockAgenda; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate; extern int globalFlagBlockStartup; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MarcusBains::MarcusBains(KOAgenda *_agenda,const char *name) : QFrame(_agenda->viewport(),name), agenda(_agenda) { setLineWidth(0); setMargin(0); setBackgroundColor(Qt::red); minutes = new QTimer(this); connect(minutes, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateLoc())); minutes->start(0, true); mTimeBox = new QLabel(this); mTimeBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom); QPalette pal = mTimeBox->palette(); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, Qt::red); mTimeBox->setPalette(pal); //mTimeBox->setAutoMask(true); agenda->addChild(mTimeBox); oldToday = -1; } MarcusBains::~MarcusBains() { delete minutes; } int MarcusBains::todayColumn() { QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); DateList dateList = agenda->dateList(); DateList::ConstIterator it; int col = 0; for(it = dateList.begin(); it != dateList.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == currentDate) return KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? agenda->columns() - 1 - col : col; ++col; } return -1; } void MarcusBains::updateLoc() { updateLocation(); } void MarcusBains::updateLocation(bool recalculate) { QTime tim = QTime::currentTime(); //qDebug(" MarcusBains::updateLocation %s ", tim.toString().latin1()); if((tim.hour() == 0) && (oldTime.hour()==23)) recalculate = true; int mins = tim.hour()*60 + tim.minute(); int minutesPerCell = 24 * 60 / agenda->rows(); int y = mins*agenda->gridSpacingY()/minutesPerCell; int today = recalculate ? todayColumn() : oldToday; int x = agenda->gridSpacingX()*today; bool disabled = !(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsEnabled); oldTime = tim; oldToday = today; if(disabled || (today<0)) { hide(); mTimeBox->hide(); return; } else { show(); mTimeBox->show(); } if(recalculate) setFixedSize(agenda->gridSpacingX(),1); agenda->moveChild(this, x, y); raise(); if(recalculate) //mTimeBox->setFont(QFont("helvetica",10)); mTimeBox->setFont(KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsFont); mTimeBox->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(tim, KOPrefs::instance()->mMarcusBainsShowSeconds)); mTimeBox->adjustSize(); // the -2 below is there because there is a bug in this program // somewhere, where the last column of this widget is a few pixels // narrower than the other columns. int offs = (today==agenda->columns()-1) ? -4 : 0; agenda->moveChild(mTimeBox, x+agenda->gridSpacingX()-mTimeBox->width()+offs-1, y-mTimeBox->height()); mTimeBox->raise(); //mTimeBox->setAutoMask(true); minutes->start(5000,true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Create an agenda widget with rows rows and columns columns. */ KOAgenda::KOAgenda(int columns,int rows,int rowSize,QWidget *parent, const char *name,WFlags f) : QScrollView(parent,name,f) { - mNewItemPopup = new QPopupMenu( this ); - connect ( mNewItemPopup, SIGNAL (activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( newItem(int)) ); - QString pathString = ""; - if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { - if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) - pathString += "icons16/"; - } else - pathString += "iconsmini/"; - - mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."), 1 ); - mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ), i18n("New Todo..."),2 ); + mColumns = columns; mRows = rows; mGridSpacingY = rowSize; mAllDayMode = false; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mHolidayMask = 0; init(); } /* Create an agenda widget with columns columns and one row. This is used for all-day events. */ KOAgenda::KOAgenda(int columns,QWidget *parent,const char *name,WFlags f) : QScrollView(parent,name,f) { - mNewItemPopup = new QPopupMenu( this ); - connect ( mNewItemPopup, SIGNAL (activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( newItem(int)) ); - QString pathString = ""; - if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { - if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) - pathString += "icons16/"; - } else - pathString += "iconsmini/"; - mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."),1 ); - mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ), i18n("New Todo..."),2 ); blockResize = false; mColumns = columns; mRows = 1; //qDebug("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaldays %d ", KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize); mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; mAllDayMode = true; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mHolidayMask = 0; init(); } KOAgenda::~KOAgenda() { if(mMarcusBains) delete mMarcusBains; } Incidence *KOAgenda::selectedIncidence() const { return (mSelectedItem ? mSelectedItem->incidence() : 0); } QDate KOAgenda::selectedIncidenceDate() const { return (mSelectedItem ? mSelectedItem->itemDate() : QDate()); } void KOAgenda::init() -{ +{ + mNewItemPopup = new QPopupMenu( this ); + connect ( mNewItemPopup, SIGNAL (activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( newItem(int)) ); + QString pathString = ""; + if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { + if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) + pathString += "icons16/"; + } else + pathString += "iconsmini/"; + + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."), 1 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ), i18n("New Todo..."),2 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertSeparator ( ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"day" ), i18n("Day view"),3 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"xdays" ), i18n("Next days"),8 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next week"),4 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next two weeks"),5 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("Next month"),6 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ), i18n("Journal view"),7 ); #ifndef _WIN32_ int wflags = viewport()-> getWFlags() |WRepaintNoErase;//WResizeNoErase viewport()->setWFlags ( wflags); #endif mGridSpacingX = 80; mResizeBorderWidth = 8; mScrollBorderWidth = 8; mScrollDelay = 30; mScrollOffset = 10; mPaintPixmap.resize( 20,20); //enableClipper(true); // Grab key strokes for keyboard navigation of agenda. Seems to have no // effect. Has to be fixed. setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); connect(&mScrollUpTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(scrollUp())); connect(&mScrollDownTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(scrollDown())); connect(&mResizeTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(finishResize())); mStartCellX = 0; mStartCellY = 0; mCurrentCellX = 0; mCurrentCellY = 0; mSelectionCellX = 0; mSelectionYTop = 0; mSelectionHeight = 0; mOldLowerScrollValue = -1; mOldUpperScrollValue = -1; mClickedItem = 0; mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = false; mSelectedItem = 0; // mItems.setAutoDelete(true); resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); viewport()->update(); setMinimumSize(30, 1); // setMaximumHeight(mGridSpacingY * mRows + 5); // Disable horizontal scrollbar. This is a hack. The geometry should be // controlled in a way that the contents horizontally always fits. Then it is // not necessary to turn off the scrollbar. setHScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); if ( ! mAllDayMode ) setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOn); else setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); setStartHour(KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins); calculateWorkingHours(); connect(verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(checkScrollBoundaries(int))); // Create the Marcus Bains line. if(mAllDayMode) mMarcusBains = 0; else { mMarcusBains = new MarcusBains(this); addChild(mMarcusBains); } } void KOAgenda::clear() { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { mUnusedItems.append( item ); //item->hide(); } mItems.clear(); mSelectedItem = 0; clearSelection(); } void KOAgenda::clearSelection() { mSelectionCellX = 0; mSelectionYTop = 0; mSelectionHeight = 0; } void KOAgenda::marcus_bains() { if(mMarcusBains) mMarcusBains->updateLocation(true); } void KOAgenda::changeColumns(int columns) { if (columns == 0) { kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::changeColumns() called with argument 0" << endl; return; } clear(); mColumns = columns; // setMinimumSize(mColumns * 10, mGridSpacingY + 1); // init(); // update(); //qDebug("KOAgenda::changeColumns "); computeSizes(); // QResizeEvent event( size(), size() ); //QApplication::sendEvent( this, &event ); } /* This is the eventFilter function, which gets all events from the KOAgendaItems contained in the agenda. It has to handle moving and resizing for all items. */ bool KOAgenda::eventFilter ( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::eventFilter" << endl; switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::MouseMove: return eventFilter_mouse(object, static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event)); case (QEvent::Leave): if (!mActionItem) setCursor(arrowCursor); return true; default: return QScrollView::eventFilter(object,event); } } bool KOAgenda::eventFilter_mouse(QObject *object, QMouseEvent *me) { //qDebug("KOAgenda::eventFilter_mous "); QPoint viewportPos; if (object != viewport()) { viewportPos = ((QWidget *)object)->mapToParent(me->pos()); } else { viewportPos = me->pos(); } static int startX = 0; static int startY = 0; static bool block = true; switch (me->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: //qDebug("QEvent::MouseButtonPress: "); // kdDebug() << "koagenda: filtered button press" << endl; if (object != viewport()) { if (me->button() == RightButton) { mClickedItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (mClickedItem) { selectItem(mClickedItem); // emit showIncidencePopupSignal(mClickedItem->incidence()); } //mItemPopup->popup(QCursor::pos()); } else { mActionItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (mActionItem) { if ( mSelectionHeight > 0 ) { int selectionCellX = mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; int selectionYTop = mSelectionYTop; int gridSpacingX = mGridSpacingX; int selectionHeight = mSelectionHeight; clearSelection(); repaintContents( selectionCellX, selectionYTop, gridSpacingX, selectionHeight,false ); } selectItem(mActionItem); Incidence *incidence = mActionItem->incidence(); if ( incidence->isReadOnly() /*|| incidence->recurrence()->doesRecur() */) { mActionItem = 0; } else { startItemAction(viewportPos); startX = viewportPos.x(); startY = viewportPos.y(); block = true; } } } } else { selectItem(0); mActionItem = 0; if (me->button() == RightButton ) { blockNewEvent = true; qDebug("right "); int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; mNewItemPopup->popup( viewport()->mapToGlobal( me->pos() ) ); } else { blockNewEvent = false; setCursor(arrowCursor); startSelectAction(viewportPos); } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: //qDebug("QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: "); if (me->button() == RightButton && block ) { if (object != viewport()) { mClickedItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; if (mActionItem ) { endItemAction(); } if (mClickedItem) { selectItem(mClickedItem); emit showIncidencePopupSignal(mClickedItem->incidence()); } } break; } block = true; if (mActionItem) { QPoint clipperPos = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); //qDebug(" %d %d %d ",clipperPos.y(),visibleHeight() , 9 ); if ( mActionType == MOVE && (clipperPos.y() > visibleHeight()-2 ||clipperPos.y() < 0 ) ) { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); mActionItem->resetMove(); placeSubCells( mActionItem ); // emit startDragSignal( mActionItem->incidence() ); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; return true; } endItemAction(); } else if ( mActionType == SELECT ) { if (me->button() == RightButton ) { } else { endSelectAction( !blockNewEvent ); } } break; case QEvent::MouseMove: if (object != viewport()) { KOAgendaItem *moveItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; //qDebug("moveItem %d ",moveItem ); if (!moveItem->incidence()->isReadOnly() /*&& !moveItem->incidence()->recurrence()->doesRecur()*/ ) if (!mActionItem) setNoActionCursor(moveItem,viewportPos); else { if ( block ) { int dX, dY; dX = startX - viewportPos.x(); if ( dX < 0 ) dX = -dX; dY = viewportPos.y() - startY; if ( dY < 0 ) dY = -dY; int diff = 30; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) diff = 15; // qDebug(" %d %d ",dX, dY ); if ( dX > diff || dY > diff ) { block = false; } } if ( !block ) performItemAction(viewportPos); } } else { if ( mActionType == SELECT ) { performSelectAction( viewportPos ); } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: if (object == viewport()) { selectItem(0); int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); emit newEventSignal(gx,gy); } else { KOAgendaItem *doubleClickedItem = (KOAgendaItem *)object; selectItem(doubleClickedItem); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick ) emit editIncidenceSignal(doubleClickedItem->incidence()); else emit showIncidenceSignal(doubleClickedItem->incidence()); } break; default: break; } return true; } void KOAgenda::newItem( int item ) { - qDebug("new %d ", item); if ( item == 1 ) { //new event newEventSignal(mStartCellX ,mStartCellY ); - } - if ( item == 2 ) { //new event - newTodoSignal(mStartCellX ,mStartCellY ); - } + } else + if ( item == 2 ) { //new event + newTodoSignal(mStartCellX ,mStartCellY ); + } else + { + QDate day = mSelectedDates[mStartCellX]; + emit showDateView( item, day ); + // 3Day view + // 4Week view + // 5Month view + // 6Journal view + } } void KOAgenda::startSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos) { //emit newStartSelectSignal(); mActionType = SELECT; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; // Store coordinates of old selection int selectionX = mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; int selectionYTop = mSelectionYTop; int selectionHeight = mSelectionHeight; // Store new selection mSelectionCellX = gx; mSelectionYTop = gy * mGridSpacingY; mSelectionHeight = mGridSpacingY; // Clear old selection repaintContents( selectionX, selectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, selectionHeight,false ); // Paint new selection // repaintContents( mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX, mSelectionYTop, // mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight ); } void KOAgenda::performSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos) { int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); QPoint clipperPos = clipper()-> mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); // Scroll if cursor was moved to upper or lower end of agenda. if (clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollUpTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else if (visibleHeight() - clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollDownTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); } if ( gy > mCurrentCellY ) { mSelectionHeight = ( gy + 1 ) * mGridSpacingY - mSelectionYTop; #if 0 // FIXME: Repaint only the newly selected region repaintContents( mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX, mCurrentCellY + mGridSpacingY, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight - ( gy - mCurrentCellY - 1 ) * mGridSpacingY ); #else repaintContents( (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX : mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight , false); #endif mCurrentCellY = gy; } else if ( gy < mCurrentCellY ) { if ( gy >= mStartCellY ) { int selectionHeight = mSelectionHeight; mSelectionHeight = ( gy + 1 ) * mGridSpacingY - mSelectionYTop; repaintContents( (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX : mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, selectionHeight,false ); mCurrentCellY = gy; } else { } } } void KOAgenda::endSelectAction( bool emitNewEvent ) { mActionType = NOP; mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); emit newTimeSpanSignal(mStartCellX,mStartCellY,mCurrentCellX,mCurrentCellY); if ( emitNewEvent && mStartCellY < mCurrentCellY ) emit newEventSignal(mStartCellX,mStartCellY,mCurrentCellX,mCurrentCellY); } void KOAgenda::startItemAction(QPoint viewportPos) { int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); mStartCellX = gx; mStartCellY = gy; mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; if (mAllDayMode) { int gridDistanceX = (x - gx * mGridSpacingX); if (gridDistanceX < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellX() == mCurrentCellX) { mActionType = RESIZELEFT; setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingX - gridDistanceX) < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellXWidth() == mCurrentCellX) { mActionType = RESIZERIGHT; setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else { mActionType = MOVE; mActionItem->startMove(); setCursor(sizeAllCursor); } } else { int gridDistanceY = (y - gy * mGridSpacingY); bool allowResize = ( mActionItem->incidence()->type() != "Todo" ); if (allowResize && gridDistanceY < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellYTop() == mCurrentCellY && !mActionItem->firstMultiItem()) { mActionType = RESIZETOP; setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else if (allowResize &&(mGridSpacingY - gridDistanceY) < mResizeBorderWidth && mActionItem->cellYBottom() == mCurrentCellY && !mActionItem->lastMultiItem()) { mActionType = RESIZEBOTTOM; setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else { mActionType = MOVE; mActionItem->startMove(); setCursor(sizeAllCursor); } } } void KOAgenda::performItemAction(QPoint viewportPos) { // kdDebug() << "viewportPos: " << viewportPos.x() << "," << viewportPos.y() << endl; // QPoint point = viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos); // kdDebug() << "Global: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // point = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(point); // kdDebug() << "clipper: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // kdDebug() << "visible height: " << visibleHeight() << endl; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); // kdDebug() << "contents: " << x << "," << y << "\n" << endl; int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); QPoint clipperPos = clipper()-> mapFromGlobal(viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos)); // Cursor left active agenda area. // This starts a drag. if ( /*clipperPos.y() < 0 || clipperPos.y() > visibleHeight() ||*/ clipperPos.x() < 0 || clipperPos.x() > visibleWidth() ) { if ( mActionType == MOVE ) { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); mActionItem->resetMove(); placeSubCells( mActionItem ); // emit startDragSignal( mActionItem->incidence() ); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; return; } } else { switch ( mActionType ) { case MOVE: setCursor( sizeAllCursor ); break; case RESIZETOP: case RESIZEBOTTOM: setCursor( sizeVerCursor ); break; case RESIZELEFT: case RESIZERIGHT: setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); break; default: setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } // Scroll if item was moved to upper or lower end of agenda. if (clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollUpTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else if (visibleHeight() - clipperPos.y() < mScrollBorderWidth) { mScrollDownTimer.start(mScrollDelay); } else { mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); } // Move or resize item if necessary if (mCurrentCellX != gx || mCurrentCellY != gy) { mItemMoved = true; mActionItem->raise(); if (mActionType == MOVE) { // Move all items belonging to a multi item KOAgendaItem *moveItem = mActionItem->firstMultiItem(); bool isMultiItem = (moveItem || mActionItem->lastMultiItem()); if (!moveItem) moveItem = mActionItem; while (moveItem) { int dy; if (isMultiItem) dy = 0; else dy = gy - mCurrentCellY; moveItem->moveRelative(gx - mCurrentCellX,dy); int x,y; gridToContents(moveItem->cellX(),moveItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * moveItem->cellWidth(), mGridSpacingY * moveItem->cellHeight()); moveChild(moveItem,x,y); moveItem = moveItem->nextMultiItem(); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZETOP) { if (mCurrentCellY <= mActionItem->cellYBottom()) { mActionItem->expandTop(gy - mCurrentCellY); mActionItem->resize(mActionItem->width(), mGridSpacingY * mActionItem->cellHeight()); int x,y; gridToContents(mCurrentCellX,mActionItem->cellYTop(),x,y); //moveChild(mActionItem,childX(mActionItem),y); QScrollView::moveChild( mActionItem,childX(mActionItem),y ); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZEBOTTOM) { if (mCurrentCellY >= mActionItem->cellYTop()) { mActionItem->expandBottom(gy - mCurrentCellY); mActionItem->resize(mActionItem->width(), mGridSpacingY * mActionItem->cellHeight()); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZELEFT) { if (mCurrentCellX <= mActionItem->cellXWidth()) { mActionItem->expandLeft(gx - mCurrentCellX); mActionItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * mActionItem->cellWidth(), mActionItem->height()); int x,y; gridToContents(mActionItem->cellX(),mActionItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveChild(mActionItem,x,childY(mActionItem)); } } else if (mActionType == RESIZERIGHT) { if (mCurrentCellX >= mActionItem->cellX()) { mActionItem->expandRight(gx - mCurrentCellX); mActionItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * mActionItem->cellWidth(), mActionItem->height()); } } mCurrentCellX = gx; mCurrentCellY = gy; } } void KOAgenda::endItemAction() { if ( mItemMoved ) { KOAgendaItem *placeItem = mActionItem->firstMultiItem(); if ( !placeItem ) { placeItem = mActionItem; } if ( placeItem->incidence()->recurrence()->doesRecur() ) { Incidence* oldInc = placeItem->incidence(); placeItem->recreateIncidence(); emit addToCalSignal(placeItem->incidence(), oldInc ); } int type = mActionType; if ( mAllDayMode ) type = -1; KOAgendaItem *modifiedItem = placeItem; //emit itemModified( placeItem, mActionType /*KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED */); QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems ;//= placeItem->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *item; if ( placeItem->incidence()->type() == "Todo" ) { mSelectedItem = 0; //qDebug("todo %d %d %d ", mCurrentCellX, modifiedItem->cellX() ,modifiedItem->cellXWidth()); modifiedItem->mLastMoveXPos = mCurrentCellX; emit itemModified( modifiedItem, mActionType ); } else { #if 0 for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } while ( placeItem ) { //qDebug("placeItem %s ", placeItem->incidence()->summary().latin1()); placeSubCells( placeItem ); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } #endif globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } while ( placeItem ) { //qDebug("placeItem %s ", placeItem->incidence()->summary().latin1()); oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } placeSubCells( placeItem ); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint( false ); } placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { //qDebug("placeItem %s ", placeItem->incidence()->summary().latin1()); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; placeItem->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; placeItem->repaint(false); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } emit itemModified( modifiedItem, mActionType ); placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { placeSubCells(item); } placeSubCells( placeItem ); placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } placeItem = modifiedItem; while ( placeItem ) { oldconflictItems = placeItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(false); } placeItem = placeItem->nextMultiItem(); } /* oldconflictItems = modifiedItem->conflictItems(); for ( item=oldconflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->paintMe(false); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(false); } */ } } mScrollUpTimer.stop(); mScrollDownTimer.stop(); setCursor( arrowCursor ); mActionItem = 0; mActionType = NOP; mItemMoved = 0; } void KOAgenda::setNoActionCursor(KOAgendaItem *moveItem,QPoint viewportPos) { // kdDebug() << "viewportPos: " << viewportPos.x() << "," << viewportPos.y() << endl; // QPoint point = viewport()->mapToGlobal(viewportPos); // kdDebug() << "Global: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; // point = clipper()->mapFromGlobal(point); // kdDebug() << "clipper: " << point.x() << "," << point.y() << endl; int x,y; viewportToContents(viewportPos.x(),viewportPos.y(),x,y); // kdDebug() << "contents: " << x << "," << y << "\n" << endl; int gx,gy; contentsToGrid(x,y,gx,gy); // Change cursor to resize cursor if appropriate if (mAllDayMode) { int gridDistanceX = (x - gx * mGridSpacingX); if (gridDistanceX < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellX() == gx) { setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingX - gridDistanceX) < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellXWidth() == gx) { setCursor(sizeHorCursor); } else { setCursor(arrowCursor); } } else { int gridDistanceY = (y - gy * mGridSpacingY); if (gridDistanceY < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellYTop() == gy && !moveItem->firstMultiItem()) { setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else if ((mGridSpacingY - gridDistanceY) < mResizeBorderWidth && moveItem->cellYBottom() == gy && !moveItem->lastMultiItem()) { setCursor(sizeVerCursor); } else { setCursor(arrowCursor); } } } /* Place item in cell and take care that multiple items using the same cell do not overlap. This method is not yet optimal. It doesn´t use the maximum space it can get in all cases. At the moment the method has a bug: When an item is placed only the sub cell widths of the items are changed, which are within the Y region the item to place spans. When the sub cell width change of one of this items affects a cell, where other items are, which do not overlap in Y with the item to place, the display gets corrupted, although the corruption looks quite nice. */ void KOAgenda::placeSubCells(KOAgendaItem *placeItem) { QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> conflictItems; int maxSubCells = 0; QIntDict<KOAgendaItem> subCellDict(5); KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if (item != placeItem) { if (placeItem->cellX() <= item->cellXWidth() && placeItem->cellXWidth() >= item->cellX()) { if ((placeItem->cellYTop() <= item->cellYBottom()) && (placeItem->cellYBottom() >= item->cellYTop())) { conflictItems.append(item); if (item->subCells() > maxSubCells) maxSubCells = item->subCells(); subCellDict.insert(item->subCell(),item); } } } } if (conflictItems.count() > 0) { // Look for unused sub cell and insert item int i; for(i=0;i<maxSubCells;++i) { if (!subCellDict.find(i)) { placeItem->setSubCell(i); break; } } if (i == maxSubCells) { placeItem->setSubCell(maxSubCells); maxSubCells++; // add new item to number of sub cells } // Prepare for sub cell geometry adjustment int newSubCellWidth; if (mAllDayMode) newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / maxSubCells; else newSubCellWidth = mGridSpacingX / maxSubCells; conflictItems.append(placeItem); // Adjust sub cell geometry of all items for ( item=conflictItems.first(); item != 0; item=conflictItems.next() ) { item->setSubCells(maxSubCells); if (mAllDayMode) { item->resize(item->cellWidth() * mGridSpacingX, newSubCellWidth); } else { item->resize(newSubCellWidth, item->cellHeight() * mGridSpacingY); } int x,y; gridToContents(item->cellX(),item->cellYTop(),x,y); if (mAllDayMode) { y += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } else { x += item->subCell() * newSubCellWidth; } moveChild(item,x,y); // qDebug("moveChild %s %d %d ", item->incidence()->summary().latin1() ,x,y); //item->updateItem(); } } else { placeItem->setSubCell(0); placeItem->setSubCells(1); if (mAllDayMode) placeItem->resize(placeItem->width(),mGridSpacingY); else placeItem->resize(mGridSpacingX,placeItem->height()); int x,y; gridToContents(placeItem->cellX(),placeItem->cellYTop(),x,y); moveChild(placeItem,x,y); } placeItem->setConflictItems(conflictItems); // for ( item=conflictItems.first(); item != 0; // item=conflictItems.next() ) { // //item->updateItem(); // //qDebug("xxx item->updateItem() %s %d %d", item->incidence()->summary().latin1(),item->x(), item->y() ); // } // placeItem->updateItem(); } void KOAgenda::drawContents(QPainter* p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda ) return; //qDebug("KOAgenda::drawContents "); if ( mCurPixWid != contentsWidth() || mCurPixHei != contentsHeight() ) ;//drawContentsToPainter(); QPaintDevice* pd = p->device(); p->end(); int vx, vy; int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; contentsToViewport ( cx, cy, vx,vy); // qDebug(" %d %d %d %d ", cx, cy, cw,ch) ; if ( !(selectionX == cx && cy == mSelectionYTop && cw ==mGridSpacingX && ch == mSelectionHeight ) ) bitBlt ( pd, vx, vy, &mPaintPixmap, cx, cy, cw, ch ,CopyROP); if ( mSelectionHeight > 0 ) { //qDebug("---- %d %d %d %d ", selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight ); if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { contentsToViewport ( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, vx,vy); bitBlt ( pd, vx+1, vy, &mHighlightPixmap, 0, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX-1, mSelectionHeight ,CopyROP); } } //qDebug("btbl "); p->begin( pd ); //qDebug("end "); } void KOAgenda::finishUpdate() { KOAgendaItem *item; globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( !item->isVisible() ) item->show(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->repaintMe( ); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->repaint( false ); } } /* Draw grid in the background of the agenda. */ void KOAgenda::drawContentsToPainter( QPainter* paint, bool backgroundOnly )// int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { if ( ! mGridSpacingX || ! mGridSpacingY ||! mHolidayMask ) return; if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda > 1 && globalFlagBlockAgenda < 4 ) return; int cx = 0, cy = 0, cw = contentsWidth(), ch = contentsHeight(); if ( ch < 1 ) ch = 1; if ( mPaintPixmap.width() < contentsWidth()+42 || mPaintPixmap.height() < ch ) { mPaintPixmap.resize( contentsWidth()+42, ch ); } mCurPixWid = contentsWidth(); mCurPixHei = ch; if ( mHighlightPixmap.width() < mGridSpacingX-1 || mHighlightPixmap.height() < ch ) { mHighlightPixmap.resize( mGridSpacingX-1, ch ); mHighlightPixmap.fill ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor ); } mPixPainter.begin( &mPaintPixmap) ; //qDebug("wid %d hei %d ",mPaintPixmap.width(),mPaintPixmap.height() ); QPainter * p ; if (paint == 0) { mPaintPixmap.fill(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor); p = &mPixPainter; } else p = paint ; // qDebug("++++++KOAgenda::drawContentsTo Painter %d %d %d %d ", cx, cy, cw, ch); //--cx;++cw; int lGridSpacingY = mGridSpacingY*2; int selDay; if ( !backgroundOnly ) for ( selDay = 0; selDay < mSelectedDates.count(); ++selDay) { if ( mSelectedDates[selDay] == QDateTime::currentDateTime ().date() && KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay) { int x1 = cx; int y1 = 0; if (y1 < cy) y1 = cy; int x2 = cx+cw-1; int y2 = contentsHeight(); if (y2 > cy+ch-1) y2=cy+ch-1; if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) { int gxStart = selDay; int gxEnd = gxStart ; int xStart = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX : gxStart*mGridSpacingX; if (xStart < x1) xStart = x1; int xEnd = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX-1 : (gxStart+1)*mGridSpacingX-1; if (xEnd > x2) xEnd = x2; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor ) p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor.light()); else p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor.dark()); } } } // Highlight working hours if ( !backgroundOnly ) if (mWorkingHoursEnable) { int x1 = cx; int y1 = mWorkingHoursYTop; if (y1 < cy) y1 = cy; int x2 = cx+cw-1; // int x2 = mGridSpacingX * 5 - 1; // if (x2 > cx+cw-1) x2 = cx + cw - 1; int y2 = mWorkingHoursYBottom; if (y2 > cy+ch-1) y2=cy+ch-1; if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) { // qDebug("x1 %d mGridSpacingX %d ", x1, mGridSpacingX ); int gxStart = x1/mGridSpacingX; int gxEnd = x2/mGridSpacingX; while(gxStart <= gxEnd) { if (gxStart < int(mHolidayMask->count()) && !mHolidayMask->at(gxStart)) { int xStart = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX : gxStart*mGridSpacingX; if (xStart < x1) xStart = x1; int xEnd = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX-1 : (gxStart+1)*mGridSpacingX-1; if (xEnd > x2) xEnd = x2; if ( mSelectedDates[gxStart] == QDateTime::currentDateTime ().date()&& KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor ) p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.light()); else p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.dark()); } else { p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor); } } ++gxStart; } } } /* int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; // Draw selection if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { // TODO: paint only part within cx,cy,cw,ch p->fillRect( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor ); } */ // Draw vertical lines of grid int x = ((int)(cx/mGridSpacingX))*mGridSpacingX; if ( mGridSpacingX > 0 ) { while (x < cx + cw) { p->drawLine(x,cy,x,cy+ch); x+=mGridSpacingX; } } // Draw horizontal lines of grid int y = ((int)(cy/lGridSpacingY))*lGridSpacingY; if ( lGridSpacingY > 0 ) { while (y < cy + ch) { p->setPen( SolidLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; p->setPen( DotLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; } p->setPen( SolidLine ); } mPixPainter.end() ; } /* Convert srcollview contents coordinates to agenda grid coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::contentsToGrid (int x, int y, int& gx, int& gy) { gx = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - x/mGridSpacingX : x/mGridSpacingX; gy = y/mGridSpacingY; } /* Convert agenda grid coordinates to scrollview contents coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::gridToContents (int gx, int gy, int& x, int& y) { x = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gx)*mGridSpacingX: gx*mGridSpacingX; y = gy*mGridSpacingY; } /* Return Y coordinate corresponding to time. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ int KOAgenda::timeToY(const QTime &time) { int minutesPerCell = 24 * 60 / mRows; int timeMinutes = time.hour() * 60 + time.minute(); int Y = (timeMinutes + (minutesPerCell / 2)) / minutesPerCell; return Y; } /* Return time corresponding to cell y coordinate. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ QTime KOAgenda::gyToTime(int gy) { int secondsPerCell = 24 * 60 * 60/ mRows; int timeSeconds = secondsPerCell * gy; QTime time( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( timeSeconds < 24 * 60 * 60 ) { time = time.addSecs(timeSeconds); } else { time.setHMS( 23, 59, 59 ); } return time; } void KOAgenda::setStartHour(int startHour) { int startCell = startHour * mRows / 24; setContentsPos(0,startCell * gridSpacingY()); } void KOAgenda::hideUnused() { // experimental only // return; KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mUnusedItems.first(); item != 0; item=mUnusedItems.next() ) { item->hide(); } } KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::getNewItem(Incidence * event,QDate qd, QWidget* view) { KOAgendaItem *fi; for ( fi=mUnusedItems.first(); fi != 0; fi=mUnusedItems.next() ) { if ( fi->incidence() == event ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } } fi=mUnusedItems.first(); if ( fi ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } // qDebug("new KOAgendaItem "); KOAgendaItem* agendaItem = new KOAgendaItem( event, qd, view, mAllDayMode ); agendaItem->installEventFilter(this); addChild(agendaItem,0,0); return agendaItem; } KOAgendaItem * KOAgenda::getItemForTodo ( Todo * todo ) { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( item->incidence() == todo ) { mItems.remove(); return item; } } return 0; } void KOAgenda::updateTodo( Todo * todo, int days, bool remove) { KOAgendaItem *item; item = getItemForTodo ( todo ); //qDebug("KOAgenda::updateTodo %d %d %d %d", this, todo, days, remove); if ( item ) { blockSignals( true ); //qDebug("item found "); item->hide(); item->setCellX(-2, -1 ); item->select(false); mUnusedItems.append( item ); mItems.remove( item ); QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { if ( itemit != item ) placeSubCells(itemit); } qApp->processEvents(); //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; if ( itemit != item ) itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; itemit->repaint(); } blockSignals( false ); } if ( remove ) { //qDebug("remove****************************************** "); return; } //qDebug("updateTodo+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); bool overdue = (!todo->isCompleted()) && (todo->dtDue() < QDate::currentDate())&& ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ); QDate currentDate; if ( overdue ) { currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); days += todo->dtDue().date().daysTo( currentDate ); } else currentDate = todo->dtDue().date(); if ( todo->doesFloat() || overdue ) { if ( ! mAllDayMode ) return; // aldayagenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; item = insertAllDayItem(todo, currentDate,days, days); item->show(); } else { if ( mAllDayMode ) return; // mAgenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; int endY = timeToY(todo->dtDue().time()) - 1; int hi = 12/KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize; int startY = endY - 1-hi; item = insertItem(todo,currentDate,days,startY,endY); item->show(); } qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; itemit->repaint(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(); } /* Insert KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int X,int YTop,int YBottom) { //kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::insertItem:" << event->summary() << "-" << qd.toString() << " ;top, bottom:" << YTop << "," << YBottom << endl; if (mAllDayMode) { kdDebug() << "KOAgenda: calling insertItem in all-day mode is illegal." << endl; return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); //agendaItem->setFrameStyle(WinPanel|Raised); int YSize = YBottom - YTop + 1; if (YSize < 0) { kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::insertItem(): Text: " << agendaItem->text() << " YSize<0" << endl; YSize = 1; } int iheight = mGridSpacingY * YSize; agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX,iheight ); agendaItem->setCellXY(X,YTop,YBottom); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(X); //addChild(agendaItem,X*mGridSpacingX,YTop*mGridSpacingY); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); marcus_bains(); return agendaItem; } /* Insert all-day KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertAllDayItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd) { if (!mAllDayMode) { return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); agendaItem->setCellXY(XBegin,0,0); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(XEnd); agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * agendaItem->cellWidth(),mGridSpacingY); //addChild(agendaItem,XBegin*mGridSpacingX,0); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); return agendaItem; } void KOAgenda::insertMultiItem (Event *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd, int YTop,int YBottom) { if (mAllDayMode) { ; return; } int cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom; QString newtext; int width = XEnd - XBegin + 1; int count = 0; KOAgendaItem *current = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> multiItems; for (cellX = XBegin;cellX <= XEnd;++cellX) { if (cellX == XBegin) cellYTop = YTop; else cellYTop = 0; if (cellX == XEnd) cellYBottom = YBottom; else cellYBottom = rows() - 1; newtext = QString("(%1/%2): ").arg(++count).arg(width); newtext.append(event->summary()); current = insertItem(event,qd,cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom); current->setText(newtext); multiItems.append(current); } KOAgendaItem *next = 0; KOAgendaItem *last = multiItems.last(); KOAgendaItem *first = multiItems.first(); KOAgendaItem *setFirst,*setLast; current = first; while (current) { next = multiItems.next(); if (current == first) setFirst = 0; else setFirst = first; if (current == last) setLast = 0; else setLast = last; current->setMultiItem(setFirst,next,setLast); current = next; } marcus_bains(); } //QSizePolicy KOAgenda::sizePolicy() const //{ // Thought this would make the all-day event agenda minimum size and the // normal agenda take the remaining space. But it doesn´t work. The QSplitter // don´t seem to think that an Expanding widget needs more space than a // Preferred one. // But it doesn´t hurt, so it stays. // if (mAllDayMode) { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred); // } else { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); // } //} void KOAgenda::finishResize ( ) { //qDebug("finishResize+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( ) "); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 0 ) { finishUpdate(); //qDebug("finishUpdate() called "); } } /* Overridden from QScrollView to provide proper resizing of KOAgendaItems. */ void KOAgenda::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *ev ) { mResizeTimer.start( 150 , true ); computeSizes(); return; } void KOAgenda::computeSizes() { if ( globalFlagBlockStartup ) return; if (mAllDayMode) { mGridSpacingX = (width()-3) / mColumns; mGridSpacingY = height() - 2 * frameWidth() - 1; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY + 1); // mGridSpacingY = height(); // resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); KOAgendaItem *item; int subCellWidth; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { subCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / item->subCells(); item->resize(mGridSpacingX * item->cellWidth(),subCellWidth); moveChild(item,KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - item->cellX()) * mGridSpacingX : item->cellX() * mGridSpacingX, item->subCell() * subCellWidth); } KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = mGridSpacingY; } else { mGridSpacingX = (width() - verticalScrollBar()->width()-3)/mColumns; if (height() > mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ) { KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize = ((height())/mRows)+1; mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize ; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); emit resizedSignal(); } else resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); KOAgendaItem *item; int subCellWidth; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { subCellWidth = mGridSpacingX / item->subCells(); item->resize(subCellWidth,item->height()); moveChild(item,(KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - item->cellX()) * mGridSpacingX : item->cellX() * mGridSpacingX) + item->subCell() * subCellWidth,childY(item)); } } int cw = contentsWidth(); int ch = contentsHeight(); if ( mAllDayMode ) { QPixmap* paintPixAll = KOAgendaItem::paintPixAllday(); if ( (paintPixAll->width() < cw || paintPixAll->height() < ch) && cw > 0 && ch > 0 ) paintPixAll->resize( cw, ch ); } else { QPixmap* paintPix = KOAgendaItem::paintPix(); if ( paintPix->width() < cw || paintPix->height() < ch ) KOAgendaItem::resizePixmap( cw , ch ); } checkScrollBoundaries(); marcus_bains(); drawContentsToPainter(); viewport()->repaint(false); } void KOAgenda::scrollUp() { scrollBy(0,-mScrollOffset); } void KOAgenda::scrollDown() { scrollBy(0,mScrollOffset); } void KOAgenda::popupAlarm() { if (!mClickedItem) { qDebug("KOAgenda::popupAlarm() called without having a clicked item "); return; } // TODO: deal correctly with multiple alarms Alarm* alarm; QPtrList<Alarm> list(mClickedItem->incidence()->alarms()); for(alarm=list.first();alarm;alarm=list.next()) { alarm->toggleAlarm(); } emit itemModified( mClickedItem , KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); mClickedItem->paintMe( true ); mClickedItem->repaint( false ); } /* Calculates the minimum width */ int KOAgenda::minimumWidth() const { // TODO:: develop a way to dynamically determine the minimum width int min = 100; return min; } void KOAgenda::updateConfig() { if ( viewport()->backgroundColor() != KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor) viewport()->setBackgroundColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mAgendaBgColor); if ( mAllDayMode ) { mGridSpacingY = height() - 1 ;// KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; //mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY+1 ); // setMaximumHeight( mGridSpacingY+1 ); viewport()->repaint( false ); //setFixedHeight( mGridSpacingY+1 ); //qDebug("KOPrefs:aaaaa:instance()->mAllDaySize %d ", KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize); } else { mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize; calculateWorkingHours(); marcus_bains(); } } void KOAgenda::checkScrollBoundaries() { // Invalidate old values to force update mOldLowerScrollValue = -1; mOldUpperScrollValue = -1; checkScrollBoundaries(verticalScrollBar()->value()); } void KOAgenda::checkScrollBoundaries(int v) { if ( mGridSpacingY == 0 ) return; int yMin = v/mGridSpacingY; int yMax = (v+visibleHeight())/mGridSpacingY; // kdDebug() << "--- yMin: " << yMin << " yMax: " << yMax << endl; if (yMin != mOldLowerScrollValue) { mOldLowerScrollValue = yMin; emit lowerYChanged(yMin); } if (yMax != mOldUpperScrollValue) { mOldUpperScrollValue = yMax; emit upperYChanged(yMax); } } void KOAgenda::deselectItem() { if (mSelectedItem.isNull()) return; mSelectedItem->select(false); mSelectedItem = 0; } void KOAgenda::selectItem(KOAgendaItem *item) { if ((KOAgendaItem *)mSelectedItem == item) return; deselectItem(); if (item == 0) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); return; } mSelectedItem = item; mSelectedItem->select(); emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedItem->incidence() ); } // This function seems never be called. void KOAgenda::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *kev ) { switch(kev->key()) { case Key_PageDown: verticalScrollBar()->addPage(); break; case Key_PageUp: verticalScrollBar()->subtractPage(); break; case Key_Down: verticalScrollBar()->addLine(); break; case Key_Up: verticalScrollBar()->subtractLine(); break; default: ; } } void KOAgenda::calculateWorkingHours() { // mWorkingHoursEnable = KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableWorkingHours; mWorkingHoursEnable = !mAllDayMode; mWorkingHoursYTop = mGridSpacingY * KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursStart * 4; mWorkingHoursYBottom = mGridSpacingY * KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursEnd * 4 - 1; } DateList KOAgenda::dateList() const { return mSelectedDates; } void KOAgenda::setDateList(const DateList &selectedDates) { mSelectedDates = selectedDates; marcus_bains(); } void KOAgenda::setHolidayMask(QMemArray<bool> *mask) { mHolidayMask = mask; /* kdDebug() << "HolidayMask: "; for(uint i=0;i<mask->count();++i) { kdDebug() << (mask->at(i) ? "*" : "o"); } kdDebug() << endl; */ } void KOAgenda::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *event ) { QScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent(event); } void KOAgenda::storePosition() { //mContentPosition int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24; if ( contentsY() < 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2 ) mContentPosition = 0; else if ( contentsY() + viewport()->height() > max - 5 && max > viewport()->height()*3/2) mContentPosition = -1.0; else mContentPosition = ((float) max)/ ((float)(contentsY()+ ( viewport()->height()/2))); //qDebug("mContentPosition %f %d %d %d",mContentPosition , max, contentsY() ,viewport()->height()); } void KOAgenda::restorePosition() { int posY; int max = mGridSpacingY*4*24; if ( mContentPosition < 0 ) posY = max-viewport()->height(); else if ( mContentPosition == 0 ) posY = 0; else posY = (max/mContentPosition)-(viewport()->height()/2); setContentsPos (0, posY ); //qDebug("posY %d hei %d", posY, max); } void KOAgenda::moveChild( QWidget *w, int x , int y ) { ++x; QScrollView::moveChild( w, x , y ); } #include <qmessagebox.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qprinter.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h> #endif void KOAgenda::printSelection() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( mStartCellY == mCurrentCellY ) { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Nothing selected!\n\nThis prints the full width of the Agenda view as you see it!\n\nTo determine the vertical range of the printing, please select\na vertical range (with the left mouse button down) in one column. "), i18n("OK"), 0, 0, 0, 1 ); return; } float dx, dy; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; w= contentsWidth()+2; // h= contentsHeight(); y = mGridSpacingY*mStartCellY; h = mGridSpacingY*(mCurrentCellY+1)-y+2; //return; QPrinter* printer = new QPrinter(); if ( !printer->setup()) { delete printer; return; } QPainter p( printer ); QPaintDeviceMetrics m = QPaintDeviceMetrics ( printer ); QString date = i18n("Date range: ")+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.first() )+" - "+KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates.last() ); date += " --- printing time: " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), true ); int hei = p.boundingRect(0,0, 5, 5, Qt::AlignLeft, date ).height(); // p.drawText( 0, 0, date ); int offset = m.width()/8; // compute the scale dx = ((float) m.width()-offset) / (float)w; dy = (float)(m.height() - ( 2 * hei )-offset ) / (float)h; float scale; // scale to fit the width or height of the paper if ( dx < dy ) scale = dx; else scale = dy; // set the scale p.drawText( offset* scale, offset* scale*3/4, date ); int selDay; float widOffset = ((float) m.width()-offset) / ((float)(mSelectedDates.count())); float startX = 1; for ( selDay = 0; selDay < mSelectedDates.count(); ++selDay) { QString text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mSelectedDates[selDay],true ); p.setClipRect(offset* scale+startX , 0, widOffset-4, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale) ); p.drawText( offset* scale+startX, (offset+hei)* scale, text ); startX += widOffset; } p.translate( offset* scale,offset* scale+ (-y * scale)+(2*hei* scale)); p.scale( scale, scale ); p.setClipRect( offset* scale, offset* scale+(2*hei* scale), w*scale, h*scale ); // now printing with y offset: 2 hei // p.translate( 0, -y*scale); drawContentsToPainter(&p, true ); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = false; KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { item->select(false); item->paintMe( false, &p ); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = true; p.end(); delete printer; #else int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("Not supported \non PDA!\n"), i18n("OK"), 0, 0, 0, 1 ); #endif } diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.h b/korganizer/koagenda.h index 12943d7..2069b22 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagenda.h +++ b/korganizer/koagenda.h @@ -1,290 +1,291 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOAGENDA_H #define KOAGENDA_H #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmemarray.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qguardedptr.h> #include "koagendaitem.h" class QPopupMenu; class QTime; class KConfig; class QFrame; class KOAgenda; class KCal::Event; class KCal::Todo; using namespace KCal; class MarcusBains : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT public: MarcusBains(KOAgenda *agenda=0,const char *name=0); virtual ~MarcusBains(); public slots: void updateLocation(bool recalculate=false); void updateLoc(); private: int todayColumn(); QTimer *minutes; QLabel *mTimeBox; KOAgenda *agenda; QTime oldTime; int oldToday; }; class KOAgenda : public QScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: enum MouseActionType { NOP, MOVE, SELECT, RESIZETOP, RESIZEBOTTOM, RESIZELEFT, RESIZERIGHT }; KOAgenda ( int columns, int rows, int columnSize, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 ); KOAgenda ( int columns, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 ); virtual ~KOAgenda(); Incidence *selectedIncidence() const; QDate selectedIncidenceDate() const; virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject *, QEvent * ); void contentsToGrid (int x, int y, int& gx, int& gy); void gridToContents (int gx, int gy, int& x, int& y); int timeToY (const QTime &time); QTime gyToTime (int y); void setStartHour(int startHour); KOAgendaItem *insertItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int X,int YTop,int YBottom); KOAgendaItem *insertAllDayItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd); void insertMultiItem (Event *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd, int YTop,int YBottom); void changeColumns(int columns); int columns() { return mColumns; } int rows() { return mRows; } int gridSpacingX() const { return mGridSpacingX; } int gridSpacingY() const { return mGridSpacingY; } // virtual QSizePolicy sizePolicy() const; void clear(); void clearSelection(); void hideUnused(); /** Calculates the minimum width */ virtual int minimumWidth() const; /** Update configuration from preference settings */ void updateConfig(); void checkScrollBoundaries(); void setHolidayMask(QMemArray<bool> *); void setDateList(const DateList &selectedDates); DateList dateList() const; void drawContentsToPainter( QPainter* paint = 0, bool backgroundOnly = false); void finishUpdate(); void printSelection(); void storePosition(); void restorePosition(); public slots: void newItem( int ); void moveChild( QWidget *, int, int ); void scrollUp(); void scrollDown(); void updateTodo( Todo * t, int , bool ); void popupAlarm(); void checkScrollBoundaries(int); /** Deselect selected items. This function does not emit any signals. */ void deselectItem(); /** Select item. If the argument is 0, the currently selected item gets deselected. This function emits the itemSelected(bool) signal to inform about selection/deseelction of events. */ void selectItem(KOAgendaItem *); void finishResize(); signals: + void showDateView( int, QDate ); void newEventSignal(); void newEventSignal(int gx,int gy); void newTodoSignal(int gx,int gy); void newEventSignal(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); void newTimeSpanSignal(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); void newStartSelectSignal(); void showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); void showIncidencePopupSignal(Incidence *); void itemModified(KOAgendaItem *item, int ); void incidenceSelected(Incidence *); void lowerYChanged(int); void upperYChanged(int); void startDragSignal(Incidence *); void addToCalSignal(Incidence *, Incidence *); void resizedSignal(); protected: QPainter mPixPainter; QPixmap mPaintPixmap; QPixmap mHighlightPixmap; void drawContents(QPainter *p,int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch); virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ); /** Handles mouse events. Called from eventFilter */ virtual bool eventFilter_mouse ( QObject *, QMouseEvent * ); /** Start selecting time span. */ void startSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Select time span. */ void performSelectAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Emd selecting time span. */ void endSelectAction( bool emitNewEvent = false ); /** Start moving/resizing agenda item */ void startItemAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** Move/resize agenda item */ void performItemAction(QPoint viewportPos); /** End moving/resizing agenda item */ void endItemAction(); /** Set cursor, when no item action is in progress */ void setNoActionCursor(KOAgendaItem *moveItem,QPoint viewportPos); /** Place agenda item in agenda and adjust other cells if necessary */ void placeSubCells(KOAgendaItem *placeItem); /** Process the keyevent, including the ignored keyevents of eventwidgets. * Implements pgup/pgdn and cursor key navigation in the view. */ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * ); void calculateWorkingHours(); virtual void contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * ); private: bool blockNewEvent; void init(); void marcus_bains(); bool mAllDayMode; bool blockResize; QTimer mResizeTimer; double mContentPosition; // Width and height of agenda cells int mGridSpacingX; int mGridSpacingY; // size of border, where mouse action will resize the KOAgendaItem int mResizeBorderWidth; // size of border, where mouse mve will cause a scroll of the agenda int mScrollBorderWidth; int mScrollDelay; int mScrollOffset; QTimer mScrollUpTimer; QTimer mScrollDownTimer; // Number of Columns/Rows of agenda grid int mColumns; int mRows; // Cells to store Move and Resize coordiantes int mStartCellX; int mStartCellY; int mCurrentCellX; int mCurrentCellY; // Working Hour coordiantes bool mWorkingHoursEnable; int mWorkingHoursYTop; int mWorkingHoursYBottom; // Selection int mSelectionCellX; int mSelectionYTop; int mSelectionHeight; // List of dates to be displayed DateList mSelectedDates; // The KOAgendaItem, which has been right-clicked last KOAgendaItem *mClickedItem; // The KOAgendaItem, which is being moved/resized QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mActionItem; // Currently selected item QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mSelectedItem; // The Marcus Bains Line widget. MarcusBains *mMarcusBains; void computeSizes(); MouseActionType mActionType; bool mItemMoved; // List of all Items contained in agenda QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mItems; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mUnusedItems; KOAgendaItem* getNewItem(Incidence * event,QDate qd, QWidget* viewport); QPopupMenu *mItemPopup; // Right mouse button popup menu for KOAgendaItems QPopupMenu *mNewItemPopup; int mOldLowerScrollValue; int mOldUpperScrollValue; KOAgendaItem * getItemForTodo ( Todo * todo ); QMemArray<bool> *mHolidayMask; int mCurPixWid; int mCurPixHei; }; #endif // KOAGENDA_H diff --git a/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp b/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp index 60ae41f..e0a1a21 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp @@ -1,1530 +1,1533 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qhbox.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qlayout.h> #ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER #include <qsplitter.h> #endif #include <qfont.h> #include <qfontmetrics.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "calendarview.h" #include "koviewmanager.h" #include <libkcal/calendar.h> #include <libkcal/icaldrag.h> #include <libkcal/dndfactory.h> #include <kcalendarsystem.h> #include "koglobals.h" #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS #include "kocore.h" #endif #include "koprefs.h" #include "koagenda.h" #include "koagendaitem.h" #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include "calprinter.h" #endif #include "koagendaview.h" //#include "koagendaview.moc" //extern bool globalFlagBlockPainting; extern int globalFlagBlockAgenda; extern int globalFlagBlockStartup; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint; extern int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate; extern int globalFlagBlockLabel; using namespace KOrg; TimeLabels::TimeLabels(int rows,QWidget *parent,const char *name,WFlags f) : QScrollView(parent,name,f) { mRows = rows; setMinimumHeight( 20 ); mCellHeight = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize*4; enableClipper(true); setHScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); resizeContents(50,mRows * mCellHeight); viewport()->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground ); } void TimeLabels::setCellHeight(int height) { mCellHeight = height; } /* Optimization so that only the "dirty" portion of the scroll view is redrawn. Unfortunately, this is not called by default paintEvent() method. */ void TimeLabels::drawContents(QPainter *p,int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { // if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda ) // return; // bug: the parameters cx, cy, cw, ch are the areas that need to be // redrawn, not the area of the widget. unfortunately, this // code assumes the latter... // now, for a workaround... // these two assignments fix the weird redraw bug cx = contentsX() + 2; cw = contentsWidth() - 2; // end of workaround int cell = ((int)(cy/mCellHeight)); int y = cell * mCellHeight; QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); QString hour; QString suffix; QString fullTime; int tW = fm.width("24:00i"); while (y < cy + ch) { p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+tW,y); hour.setNum(cell); suffix = "am"; // handle 24h and am/pm time formats if (KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock()) { if (cell > 11) suffix = "pm"; if (cell == 0) hour.setNum(12); if (cell > 12) hour.setNum(cell - 12); } else { suffix = ":00"; } // create string in format of "XX:XX" or "XXpm/am" fullTime = hour + suffix; // center and draw the time label int timeWidth = fm.width(fullTime+"i"); int offset = this->width() - timeWidth; int borderWidth = 5; int timeHeight = fm.height(); timeHeight = timeHeight + 2 - ( timeHeight / 4 ); p->drawText(cx -borderWidth + offset, y+ timeHeight, fullTime); // increment indices y += mCellHeight; cell++; } } /** Calculates the minimum width. */ int TimeLabels::minimumWidth() const { QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); //TODO: calculate this value int borderWidth = 4; // the maximum width possible int width = fm.width("88:88x") + borderWidth; return width; } /** updates widget's internal state */ void TimeLabels::updateConfig() { // set the font // config->setGroup("Fonts"); // QFont font = config->readFontEntry("TimeBar Font"); setFont(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeBarFont); // update geometry restrictions based on new settings setFixedWidth(minimumWidth()); // update HourSize mCellHeight = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize*4; resizeContents(50,mRows * mCellHeight); } /** update time label positions */ void TimeLabels::positionChanged() { int adjustment = mAgenda->contentsY(); setContentsPos(0, adjustment); } /** */ void TimeLabels::setAgenda(KOAgenda* agenda) { mAgenda = agenda; } void TimeLabels::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e) { mMouseDownY = e->pos().y(); mOrgCap = topLevelWidget()->caption(); } void TimeLabels::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { int diff = mMouseDownY - e->pos().y(); if ( diff < 10 && diff > -10 ) return; int tSize = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize + (diff/10) ; if ( tSize < 4 ) tSize = 4; if ( tSize > 22 ) tSize = 22; tSize = (tSize-2)/2; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("New Agendasize: %1").arg(tSize)); } void TimeLabels::contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( mOrgCap ); int diff = mMouseDownY - e->pos().y(); if ( diff < 10 && diff > -10 ) return; int tSize = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize + (diff/10); if ( tSize < 4 ) tSize = 4; if ( tSize > 22 ) tSize = 22; tSize = (tSize/2)*2; if ( tSize == KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize ) return; KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize = tSize; emit scaleChanged(); } /** This is called in response to repaint() */ void TimeLabels::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { // kdDebug() << "paintevent..." << endl; // this is another hack! // QPainter painter(this); //QString c repaintContents(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EventIndicator::EventIndicator(Location loc,QWidget *parent,const char *name) : QFrame(parent,name) { mColumns = 1; mTopBox = 0; mLocation = loc; mTopLayout = 0; mPaintWidget = 0; mXOffset = 0; if (mLocation == Top) mPixmap = SmallIcon("1uparrow"); else mPixmap = SmallIcon("1downarrow"); mEnabled.resize(mColumns); if (mLocation == Top) setMaximumHeight(0); else setMinimumHeight(mPixmap.height()); } EventIndicator::~EventIndicator() { } void EventIndicator::drawContents(QPainter *p) { // kdDebug() << "======== top: " << contentsRect().top() << " bottom " << // contentsRect().bottom() << " left " << contentsRect().left() << " right " << contentsRect().right() << endl; KDGanttSplitterHandle* han = 0; if ( mPaintWidget ) han = mPaintWidget->firstHandle(); if ( ! han ) { int i; for(i=0;i<mColumns;++i) { if (mEnabled[i]) { int cellWidth = contentsRect().right()/mColumns; int xOffset = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - i)*cellWidth + cellWidth/2 -mPixmap.width()/2 : i*cellWidth + cellWidth/2 -mPixmap.width()/2; p->drawPixmap(QPoint(xOffset,0),mPixmap); } } } else { han->repaint(); //mPaintWidget->setBackgroundColor( red ); QPainter pa( han ); int i; bool setColor = false; for(i=0;i<mColumns;++i) { if (mEnabled[i]) { setColor = true; int cellWidth = contentsRect().right()/mColumns; int xOffset = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - i)*cellWidth + cellWidth/2 -mPixmap.width()/2 : i*cellWidth + cellWidth/2 -mPixmap.width()/2; pa.drawPixmap(QPoint(mXOffset + xOffset,0),mPixmap); //qDebug("222draw pix %d ",xOffset ); } } pa.end(); } } void EventIndicator::setXOffset( int x ) { mXOffset = x; } void EventIndicator::setPaintWidget( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter * w ) { mPaintWidget = w; } void EventIndicator::changeColumns(int columns) { mColumns = columns; mEnabled.resize(mColumns); update(); } void EventIndicator::enableColumn(int column, bool enable) { mEnabled[column] = enable; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KOAgendaView::KOAgendaView(Calendar *cal,QWidget *parent,const char *name) : KOEventView (cal,parent,name) { mBlockUpdating = true; mStartHour = 8; mSelectedDates.append(QDate::currentDate()); mLayoutDayLabels = 0; mDayLabelsFrame = 0; mDayLabels = 0; bool isRTL = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) { mExpandedPixmap = SmallIcon( "1downarrow" ); mNotExpandedPixmap = SmallIcon( "1uparrow" ); } else { mExpandedPixmap = SmallIcon( isRTL ? "1leftarrow" : "1rightarrow" ); mNotExpandedPixmap = SmallIcon( isRTL ? "1rightarrow" : "1leftarrow" ); } QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); // Create day name labels for agenda columns mDayLabelsFrame = new QHBox(this); topLayout->addWidget(mDayLabelsFrame); mDayLabels = new QFrame (mDayLabelsFrame); mLayoutDayLabels = new QHBoxLayout(mDayLabels); // Create agenda splitter #ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER mSplitterAgenda = new QSplitter(Vertical,this); topLayout->addWidget(mSplitterAgenda); mSplitterAgenda->setOpaqueResize(); mAllDayFrame = new QHBox(mSplitterAgenda); QWidget *agendaFrame = new QWidget(mSplitterAgenda); #else #if 0 QWidget *mainBox = new QWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget( mainBox ); QBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainBox); mAllDayFrame = new QHBox(mainBox); mainLayout->addWidget(mAllDayFrame); mainLayout->setStretchFactor( mAllDayFrame, 0 ); mAllDayFrame->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); QWidget *agendaFrame = new QWidget(mainBox); mainLayout->addWidget(agendaFrame); mainLayout->setStretchFactor( agendaFrame, 10 ); agendaFrame->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); #endif mSplitterAgenda = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, this); mSplitterAgenda->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Up ); topLayout->addWidget( mSplitterAgenda ); mAllDayFrame = new QHBox(mSplitterAgenda); mAllDayFrame->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); QWidget *agendaFrame = new QWidget(mSplitterAgenda); agendaFrame->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); #endif // Create all-day agenda widget mDummyAllDayLeft = new QVBox( mAllDayFrame ); mExpandButton = new QPushButton(mDummyAllDayLeft); mExpandButton->setPixmap( mNotExpandedPixmap ); int widebut = mExpandButton->sizeHint().width(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) widebut = widebut*2; else widebut = (widebut*3) / 2; //mExpandButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, // QSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); mExpandButton->setFixedSize( widebut, widebut); connect( mExpandButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( toggleExpand() ) ); mExpandButton->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mAllDayAgenda = new KOAgenda(1,mAllDayFrame); mAllDayAgenda->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); QWidget *dummyAllDayRight = new QWidget(mAllDayFrame); // Create event context menu for all day agenda mAllDayAgendaPopup = eventPopup(); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(showIncidencePopupSignal(Incidence *)), mAllDayAgendaPopup,SLOT(showIncidencePopup(Incidence *))); // Create agenda frame QGridLayout *agendaLayout = new QGridLayout(agendaFrame,3,3); // QHBox *agendaFrame = new QHBox(splitterAgenda); // create event indicator bars mEventIndicatorTop = new EventIndicator(EventIndicator::Top,agendaFrame); agendaLayout->addWidget(mEventIndicatorTop,0,1); mEventIndicatorTop->setPaintWidget( mSplitterAgenda ); mEventIndicatorBottom = new EventIndicator(EventIndicator::Bottom, agendaFrame); agendaLayout->addWidget(mEventIndicatorBottom,2,1); QWidget *dummyAgendaRight = new QWidget(agendaFrame); agendaLayout->addWidget(dummyAgendaRight,0,2); // Create time labels mTimeLabels = new TimeLabels(24,agendaFrame); agendaLayout->addWidget(mTimeLabels,1,0); connect(mTimeLabels,SIGNAL( scaleChanged()), this,SLOT(updateConfig())); // Create agenda mAgenda = new KOAgenda(1,96,KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize,agendaFrame); agendaLayout->addMultiCellWidget(mAgenda,1,1,1,2); agendaLayout->setColStretch(1,1); mAgenda->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); // Create event context menu for agenda mAgendaPopup = eventPopup(); mAgendaPopup->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(SmallIcon("bell")), i18n("Toggle Alarm"),mAgenda, SLOT(popupAlarm()),true); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(showIncidencePopupSignal(Incidence *)), mAgendaPopup,SLOT(showIncidencePopup(Incidence *))); // make connections between dependent widgets mTimeLabels->setAgenda(mAgenda); // Update widgets to reflect user preferences // updateConfig(); // createDayLabels(); // these blank widgets make the All Day Event box line up with the agenda dummyAllDayRight->setFixedWidth(mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()); dummyAgendaRight->setFixedWidth(mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()); mDummyAllDayLeft->setFixedWidth(mTimeLabels->width()); // Scrolling connect(mAgenda->verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), mTimeLabels, SLOT(positionChanged())); connect(mTimeLabels->verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setContentsPos(int))); + connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate )),SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate ))); + connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate )),SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate ))); + // Create/Show/Edit/Delete Event connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(int,int)), SLOT(newEvent(int,int))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(newTodoSignal(int,int)), SLOT(newTodo(int,int))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(int,int,int,int)), SLOT(newEvent(int,int,int,int))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(int,int)), SLOT(newEventAllDay(int,int))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(newTodoSignal(int,int)), SLOT(newTodoAllDay(int,int))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(int,int,int,int)), SLOT(newEventAllDay(int,int))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(newTimeSpanSignal(int,int,int,int)), SLOT(newTimeSpanSelected(int,int,int,int))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(newTimeSpanSignal(int,int,int,int)), SLOT(newTimeSpanSelectedAllDay(int,int,int,int))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(newStartSelectSignal()),SLOT(updateView())); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(newStartSelectSignal()),SLOT(updateView())); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(itemModified(KOAgendaItem *, int )), SLOT(updateEventDates(KOAgendaItem *, int ))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(itemModified(KOAgendaItem *, int )), SLOT(updateEventDates(KOAgendaItem *, int))); // event indicator update connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(lowerYChanged(int)), SLOT(updateEventIndicatorTop(int))); connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(upperYChanged(int)), SLOT(updateEventIndicatorBottom(int))); // drag signals /* connect(mAgenda,SIGNAL(startDragSignal(Event *)), SLOT(startDrag(Event *))); connect(mAllDayAgenda,SIGNAL(startDragSignal(Event *)), SLOT(startDrag(Event *))); */ // synchronize selections connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mAllDayAgenda, SLOT( deselectItem() ) ); connect( mAllDayAgenda, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mAgenda, SLOT( deselectItem() ) ); connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAllDayAgenda, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL( resizedSignal() ), SLOT( updateConfig( ) ) ); connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL( addToCalSignal(Incidence *, Incidence *) ), SLOT( addToCalSlot(Incidence *, Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAllDayAgenda, SIGNAL( addToCalSignal(Incidence * ,Incidence *) ), SLOT( addToCalSlot(Incidence * , Incidence *) ) ); // connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ) ); //connect( mAllDayAgenda, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ) ); } void KOAgendaView::toggleAllDay() { if ( mSplitterAgenda->firstHandle() ) mSplitterAgenda->firstHandle()->toggle(); } void KOAgendaView::addToCalSlot(Incidence * inc, Incidence * incOld ) { calendar()->addIncidence( inc ); if ( incOld ) { if ( incOld->type() == "Todo" ) emit todoMoved((Todo*)incOld, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); else emit incidenceChanged(incOld, KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); } } KOAgendaView::~KOAgendaView() { delete mAgendaPopup; delete mAllDayAgendaPopup; delete KOAgendaItem::paintPix(); delete KOAgendaItem::paintPixSel(); } void KOAgendaView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ) { //qDebug("KOAgendaView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ) %d ", e->size().width()); bool uc = false; int ow = e->oldSize().width(); int oh = e->oldSize().height(); int w = e->size().width(); int h = e->size().height(); if ( (ow > oh && w< h ) || (ow < oh && w > h ) ) { if ( ! mBlockUpdating && !globalFlagBlockStartup && !globalFlagBlockAgenda ) uc = true; //qDebug("view changed %d %d %d %d ", ow, oh , w , h); } mUpcomingWidth = e->size().width() ; if ( mBlockUpdating || uc ) { mBlockUpdating = false; //mAgenda->setMinimumSize(800 , 600 ); //qDebug("mAgenda->resize+++++++++++++++ "); updateConfig(); //qDebug("KOAgendaView::Updating now possible "); } else createDayLabels(); //qDebug("resizeEvent end "); } void KOAgendaView::createDayLabels() { if ( mBlockUpdating || globalFlagBlockLabel == 1) { // qDebug(" KOAgendaView::createDayLabels() blocked "); return; } int newHight; // ### Before deleting and recreating we could check if mSelectedDates changed... // It would remove some flickering and gain speed (since this is called by // each updateView() call) int maxWid = mUpcomingWidth - mTimeLabels->width()- mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width() - 2; mDayLabelsFrame->setMaximumWidth( mUpcomingWidth ); if ( maxWid < 0 ) maxWid = 20; QFont dlf = KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeLabelsFont; QFontMetrics fm ( dlf ); int selCount = mSelectedDates.count(); QString dayTest = "Mon 20"; int wid = fm.width( dayTest ); maxWid -= ( selCount * 3 ); if ( maxWid < 0 ) maxWid = 20; int needWid = wid * selCount; //qDebug("++++++++Needed : %d MaxWidth: %d", needWid, maxWid ); //if ( needWid > maxWid ) // qDebug("DAYLABELS TOOOOOOO BIG "); while ( needWid > maxWid ) { dayTest = dayTest.left( dayTest.length() - 1 ); wid = fm.width( dayTest ); needWid = wid * selCount; } int maxLen = dayTest.length(); int fontPoint = dlf.pointSize(); if ( maxLen < 2 ) { int fontPoint = dlf.pointSize(); while ( fontPoint > 4 ) { --fontPoint; dlf.setPointSize( fontPoint ); QFontMetrics f( dlf ); wid = f.width( "20" ); needWid = wid * selCount; if ( needWid < maxWid ) break; } maxLen = 2; } //qDebug("Max len %d ", dayTest.length() ); QFontMetrics tempF( dlf ); newHight = tempF.height(); mDayLabels->setFont( dlf ); // mLayoutDayLabels = new QHBoxLayout(mDayLabels);; // mLayoutDayLabels->addSpacing(mTimeLabels->width()); //mLayoutDayLabels->addSpacing( 2 ); // QFont lFont = dlf; bool appendLabels = false; QLabel *dayLabel; dayLabel = mDayLabelsList.first(); if ( !dayLabel ) { appendLabels = true; dayLabel = new QLabel(mDayLabels); mDayLabelsList.append( dayLabel ); mLayoutDayLabels->addWidget(dayLabel); } dayLabel->setFixedWidth( mTimeLabels->width()+2 ); dayLabel->setFont( dlf ); dayLabel->setAlignment(QLabel::AlignHCenter); dayLabel->setText( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mSelectedDates.first(), true ) ); dayLabel->show(); DateList::ConstIterator dit; bool oneday = (mSelectedDates.first() == mSelectedDates.last() ); for( dit = mSelectedDates.begin(); dit != mSelectedDates.end(); ++dit ) { QDate date = *dit; // QBoxLayout *dayLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mLayoutDayLabels); if ( ! appendLabels ) { dayLabel = mDayLabelsList.next(); if ( !dayLabel ) appendLabels = true; } if ( appendLabels ) { dayLabel = new QLabel(mDayLabels); mDayLabelsList.append( dayLabel ); mLayoutDayLabels->addWidget(dayLabel); } dayLabel->setMinimumWidth( 1 ); dayLabel->setMaximumWidth( 2048 ); dayLabel->setFont( dlf ); dayLabel->show(); QString str; int dW = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(date); QString dayName = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName( dW, true ); switch ( maxLen ) { case 2: str = QString::number( date.day() ); break; case 3: str = dayName.left( 1 ) +QString::number( date.day()); break; case 4: str = dayName.left( 1 ) + " " +QString::number( date.day()); break; case 5: str = dayName.left( 2 ) + " " +QString::number( date.day()); break; case 6: str = dayName.left( 3 ) + " " +QString::number( date.day()); break; default: break; } if ( oneday ) { QString addString; if ( mSelectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date() ) addString = i18n("Today"); else if ( mSelectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(1) ) addString = i18n("Tomorrow"); else if ( mSelectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-1) ) addString = i18n("Yesterday"); else if ( mSelectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-2) ) addString = i18n("Day before yesterday"); else if ( mSelectedDates.first() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(2) ) addString = i18n("Day after tomorrow"); if ( !addString.isEmpty() ) { str = addString+", " + str; } } dayLabel->setText(str); dayLabel->setAlignment(QLabel::AlignHCenter); if (date == QDate::currentDate()) { QFont bFont = dlf; bFont.setBold( true ); dayLabel->setFont(bFont); } //dayLayout->addWidget(dayLabel); #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS CalendarDecoration::List cds = KOCore::self()->calendarDecorations(); CalendarDecoration *it; for(it = cds.first(); it; it = cds.next()) { QString text = it->shortText( date ); if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel(text,mDayLabels); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); dayLayout->addWidget(label); } } for(it = cds.first(); it; it = cds.next()) { QWidget *wid = it->smallWidget(mDayLabels,date); if ( wid ) { // wid->setHeight(20); dayLayout->addWidget(wid); } } #endif } if ( ! appendLabels ) { dayLabel = mDayLabelsList.next(); if ( !dayLabel ) appendLabels = true; } if ( appendLabels ) { dayLabel = new QLabel(mDayLabels); mDayLabelsList.append( dayLabel ); mLayoutDayLabels->addWidget(dayLabel); } //dayLabel->hide();//test only int offset = (mAgenda->width() - mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()-3 ) % mSelectedDates.count() ; if ( offset < 0 ) offset = 0; //qDebug("mLayoutDayLabels->addSpacing %d ", mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()+offset+2 ); dayLabel->setText("");//QString::number ( mSelectedDates.first().month() ) ); dayLabel->show(); dayLabel->setFixedWidth( mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()+ offset ); //qDebug("setToFixed %d ", mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()+ offset+2); //mLayoutDayLabels->addSpacing(mAgenda->verticalScrollBar()->width()+ offset+2); if ( !appendLabels ) { dayLabel = mDayLabelsList.next(); while ( dayLabel ) { //qDebug("!dayLabel %d",dayLabel ); dayLabel->hide(); dayLabel = mDayLabelsList.next(); } } //mDayLabelsFrame->show(); //mDayLabels->show(); //qDebug("heigt %d %d %d ",mDayLabelsFrame->height(), mDayLabelsFrame->sizeHint().height(), newHight); //mDayLabelsFrame->resize( mAgenda->visibleWidth(), newHight ); mDayLabelsFrame->setFixedHeight( newHight ); } int KOAgendaView::maxDatesHint() { // Not sure about the max number of events, so return 0 for now. return 0; } int KOAgendaView::currentDateCount() { return mSelectedDates.count(); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOAgendaView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> selected; Incidence *incidence; incidence = mAgenda->selectedIncidence(); if (incidence) selected.append(incidence); incidence = mAllDayAgenda->selectedIncidence(); if (incidence) selected.append(incidence); return selected; } DateList KOAgendaView::selectedDates() { DateList selected; QDate qd; qd = mAgenda->selectedIncidenceDate(); if (qd.isValid()) selected.append(qd); qd = mAllDayAgenda->selectedIncidenceDate(); if (qd.isValid()) selected.append(qd); return selected; } void KOAgendaView::updateView() { if ( mBlockUpdating ) return; // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::updateView()" << endl; fillAgenda(); } /* Update configuration settings for the agenda view. This method is not complete. */ void KOAgendaView::updateConfig() { if ( mBlockUpdating ) return; // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::updateConfig()" << endl; // update config for children mTimeLabels->updateConfig(); mAgenda->storePosition(); mAgenda->updateConfig(); mAllDayAgenda->updateConfig(); // widget synchronization //TODO: find a better way, maybe signal/slot mTimeLabels->positionChanged(); // for some reason, this needs to be called explicitly mTimeLabels->repaint(); mDummyAllDayLeft->setFixedWidth(mTimeLabels->width()); // ToolTips displaying summary of events KOAgendaItem::toolTipGroup()->setEnabled(KOPrefs::instance() ->mEnableToolTips); //setHolidayMasks(); //createDayLabels(); called by via updateView(); mEventIndicatorTop->setXOffset(mTimeLabels->width() + mAgenda->frameWidth()); updateView(); mAgenda->restorePosition(); } void KOAgendaView::updateEventDates(KOAgendaItem *item, int type) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::updateEventDates(): " << item->text() << endl; //qDebug("KOAgendaView::updateEventDates "); QDateTime startDt,endDt; QDate startDate; int lenInSecs; // if ( type == KOAgenda::RESIZETOP ) // qDebug("RESIZETOP "); // if ( type == KOAgenda::RESIZEBOTTOM ) // qDebug("RESIZEBOTTOM "); // if ( type == KOAgenda::MOVE ) // qDebug("MOVE "); if ( item->incidence()->type() == "Event" ) { startDt =item->incidence()->dtStart(); endDt = item->incidence()->dtEnd(); lenInSecs = startDt.secsTo( endDt ); } // emit incidenceItemChanged( item->incidence(), KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); if ( item->incidence()->type()=="Todo" && item->mLastMoveXPos > 0 ) { startDate = mSelectedDates[item->mLastMoveXPos]; } else { if (item->cellX() < 0) { startDate = (mSelectedDates.first()).addDays(item->cellX()); } else { startDate = mSelectedDates[item->cellX()]; } } startDt.setDate(startDate); if (item->incidence()->doesFloat()) { endDt.setDate(startDate.addDays(item->cellWidth() - 1)); } else { if ( type == KOAgenda::RESIZETOP || type == KOAgenda::MOVE ) startDt.setTime(mAgenda->gyToTime(item->cellYTop())); if ( item->incidence()->type() == "Event" ) { if ( type == KOAgenda::MOVE ) { endDt = startDt.addSecs(lenInSecs); } else if ( type == KOAgenda::RESIZEBOTTOM ) { if (item->lastMultiItem()) { endDt.setTime(mAgenda->gyToTime(item->lastMultiItem()->cellYBottom()+1)); endDt.setDate(startDate. addDays(item->lastMultiItem()->cellX() - item->cellX())); } else { endDt.setTime(mAgenda->gyToTime(item->cellYBottom()+1)); endDt.setDate(startDate); } } } else { // todo if (item->lastMultiItem()) { endDt.setTime(mAgenda->gyToTime(item->lastMultiItem()->cellYBottom()+1)); endDt.setDate(startDate. addDays(item->lastMultiItem()->cellX() - item->cellX())); } else { //qDebug("tem->cellYBottom() %d",item->cellYBottom() ); if ( item->cellYBottom() > 0 ) endDt.setTime(mAgenda->gyToTime(item->cellYBottom()+1)); else endDt.setTime((static_cast<Todo*>(item->incidence()))->dtDue().time()); endDt.setDate(startDate); } } } if ( item->incidence()->type() == "Event" ) { item->incidence()->setDtStart(startDt); (static_cast<Event*>(item->incidence()))->setDtEnd(endDt); } else if ( item->incidence()->type() == "Todo" ) { (static_cast<Todo*>(item->incidence()))->setDtDue(endDt); } //qDebug("KOAgendaView::updateEventDates stsart %s end %s ", startDt.toString().latin1(), endDt.toString().latin1() ); item->incidence()->setRevision(item->incidence()->revision()+1); item->setItemDate(startDt.date()); //item->updateItem(); if ( item->incidence()->type() == "Todo" ) { emit todoMoved((Todo*)item->incidence(), KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED ); } else emit incidenceChanged(item->incidence(), KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED); item->updateItem(); } void KOAgendaView::showDates( const QDate &start, const QDate &end ) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::selectDates" << endl; mSelectedDates.clear(); // qDebug("KOAgendaView::showDates "); QDate d = start; while (d <= end) { mSelectedDates.append(d); d = d.addDays( 1 ); } // and update the view fillAgenda(); } void KOAgendaView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::showEvents() is not yet implemented" << endl; } void KOAgendaView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { // qDebug("KOAgendaView::changeEventDisplay "); // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::changeEventDisplay" << endl; // this should be re-written to be MUCH smarter. Right now we // are just playing dumb. fillAgenda(); } void KOAgendaView::fillAgenda(const QDate &) { // qDebug("KOAgendaView::fillAgenda "); fillAgenda(); } void KOAgendaView::fillAgenda() { if ( globalFlagBlockStartup ) return; if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 1 ) return; //if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 2 ) //globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; // globalFlagBlockPainting = false; if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 0 ) globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; // clearView(); //qDebug("fillAgenda()++++ "); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; mAllDayAgenda->changeColumns(mSelectedDates.count()); mAgenda->changeColumns(mSelectedDates.count()); qApp->processEvents(); mEventIndicatorTop->changeColumns(mSelectedDates.count()); mEventIndicatorBottom->changeColumns(mSelectedDates.count()); setHolidayMasks(); //mAgenda->hideUnused(); //mAllDayAgenda->hideUnused(); // mAgenda->blockNextRepaint( false ); // mAgenda->viewport()->repaint(); // mAgenda->blockNextRepaint( true ); mMinY.resize(mSelectedDates.count()); mMaxY.resize(mSelectedDates.count()); QPtrList<Event> dayEvents; // ToDo items shall be displayed for the day they are due, but only showed today if they are already overdue. // Therefore, get all of them. QPtrList<Todo> todos = calendar()->todos(); mAgenda->setDateList(mSelectedDates); QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); DateList::ConstIterator dit; int curCol = 0; for( dit = mSelectedDates.begin(); dit != mSelectedDates.end(); ++dit ) { QDate currentDate = *dit; // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::fillAgenda(): " << currentDate.toString() // << endl; dayEvents = calendar()->events(currentDate,true); // Default values, which can never be reached mMinY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(23,59)) + 1; mMaxY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(0,0)) - 1; unsigned int numEvent; for(numEvent=0;numEvent<dayEvents.count();++numEvent) { Event *event = dayEvents.at(numEvent); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents && event->uid().left(2) == QString("la") ) if ( event->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) continue; // kdDebug() << " Event: " << event->summary() << endl; int beginX = currentDate.daysTo(event->dtStart().date()) + curCol; int endX = currentDate.daysTo(event->dtEnd().date()) + curCol; // kdDebug() << " beginX: " << beginX << " endX: " << endX << endl; if (event->doesFloat()) { if (event->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { mAllDayAgenda->insertAllDayItem(event,currentDate,curCol,curCol); } else { if (beginX <= 0 && curCol == 0) { mAllDayAgenda->insertAllDayItem(event,currentDate,beginX,endX); } else if (beginX == curCol) { mAllDayAgenda->insertAllDayItem(event,currentDate,beginX,endX); } } } else if (event->isMultiDay()) { if ( event->doesRecur () ) { QDate dateit = currentDate; int count = 0; int max = event->dtStart().daysTo( event->dtEnd() ) +2; while (! event->recursOn( dateit ) && count <= max ) { ++count; dateit = dateit.addDays( -1 ); } bool ok; QDateTime nextOcstart = event->getNextOccurence( QDateTime(dateit) ,&ok ); if ( ok ) { int secs = event->dtStart().secsTo( event->dtEnd() ); QDateTime nextOcend =nextOcstart.addSecs( secs ); ; beginX = currentDate.daysTo(nextOcstart.date()) + curCol; endX = currentDate.daysTo(nextOcend.date()) + curCol; } } int startY = mAgenda->timeToY(event->dtStart().time()); int endY = mAgenda->timeToY(event->dtEnd().time()) - 1; //qDebug("insert %d %d %d %d %d ",beginX,endX,startY,endY , curCol ); if ((beginX <= 0 && curCol == 0) || beginX == curCol) { //qDebug("insert!!! "); mAgenda->insertMultiItem(event,currentDate,beginX,endX,startY,endY); } if (beginX == curCol) { mMaxY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(23,59)); if (startY < mMinY[curCol]) mMinY[curCol] = startY; } else if (endX == curCol) { mMinY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(0,0)); if (endY > mMaxY[curCol]) mMaxY[curCol] = endY; } else { mMinY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(0,0)); mMaxY[curCol] = mAgenda->timeToY(QTime(23,59)); } } else { int startY = mAgenda->timeToY(event->dtStart().time()); int endY = mAgenda->timeToY(event->dtEnd().time()) - 1; if (endY < startY) endY = startY; mAgenda->insertItem(event,currentDate,curCol,startY,endY); if (startY < mMinY[curCol]) mMinY[curCol] = startY; if (endY > mMaxY[curCol]) mMaxY[curCol] = endY; } } // ---------- [display Todos -------------- unsigned int numTodo; for (numTodo = 0; numTodo < todos.count(); ++numTodo) { Todo *todo = todos.at(numTodo); if ( ! todo->hasDueDate() ) continue; // todo shall not be displayed if it has no date // ToDo items shall be displayed for the day they are due, but only showed today if they are already overdue. // Already completed items can be displayed on their original due date //if not KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda, show overdue in agenda bool overdue = (!todo->isCompleted()) && (todo->dtDue() < today) && KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda; if ( ((todo->dtDue().date() == currentDate) && !overdue) || ((currentDate == today) && overdue) ) { if ( todo->doesFloat() || overdue ) { // Todo has no due-time set or is already overdue if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ) mAllDayAgenda->insertAllDayItem(todo, currentDate, curCol, curCol); } else { int endY = mAgenda->timeToY(todo->dtDue().time()) - 1; int hi = (18/KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize); //qDebug("hei %d ",KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize); int startY = endY -hi; mAgenda->insertItem(todo,currentDate,curCol,startY,endY); if (startY < mMinY[curCol]) mMinY[curCol] = startY; if (endY > mMaxY[curCol]) mMaxY[curCol] = endY; } } } // ---------- display Todos] -------------- ++curCol; } mAgenda->hideUnused(); mAllDayAgenda->hideUnused(); mAgenda->checkScrollBoundaries(); deleteSelectedDateTime(); createDayLabels(); emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 2 ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt ) setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins ); else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime ) setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() ); // qApp->processEvents(); } qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("qApp->processEvents(); END "); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; // mAgenda->hideUnused(); //mAllDayAgenda->hideUnused(); mAllDayAgenda->drawContentsToPainter(); mAgenda->drawContentsToPainter(); repaintAgenda(); // mAgenda->finishUpdate(); //mAllDayAgenda->finishUpdate(); // repaintAgenda(); //qApp->processEvents(); // globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; } void KOAgendaView::repaintAgenda() { // mAllDayAgenda->drawContentsToPainter(); // mAllDayAgenda->viewport()->repaint( false ); // mAgenda->drawContentsToPainter(); // mAgenda->viewport()->repaint( false ); // qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("KOAgendaView::repaintAgenda() "); //qApp->processEvents(); mAgenda->viewport()->repaint( false ); mAllDayAgenda->viewport()->repaint( false ); mAgenda->finishUpdate(); mAllDayAgenda->finishUpdate(); } void KOAgendaView::clearView() { // kdDebug() << "ClearView" << endl; mAllDayAgenda->clear(); mAgenda->clear(); } void KOAgendaView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER if (fd == td) calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Day, fd, td); else calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Week, fd, td); #endif } // void KOAgendaView::updateMovedTodo() // { // // updateConfig(); // // emit updateTodoViews(); // } void KOAgendaView::newEvent(int gx, int gy) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDate day = mSelectedDates[gx]; QTime time = mAgenda->gyToTime(gy); QDateTime dt(day,time); // if ( dt < QDateTime::currentDateTime () ) // dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime ().addSecs( 3600 ); emit newEventSignal(dt); } void KOAgendaView::newEvent(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDate dayStart = mSelectedDates[gxStart]; QDate dayEnd = mSelectedDates[gxEnd]; QTime timeStart = mAgenda->gyToTime(gyStart); QTime timeEnd = mAgenda->gyToTime( gyEnd + 1 ); QDateTime dtStart(dayStart,timeStart); QDateTime dtEnd(dayEnd,timeEnd); emit newEventSignal(dtStart,dtEnd); } void KOAgendaView::newEventAllDay(int gx, int ) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDate day = mSelectedDates[gx]; emit newEventSignal(day); } void KOAgendaView::newTodoAllDay(int gx, int ) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDateTime day (mSelectedDates[gx] ); emit newTodoSignal(day, true); } void KOAgendaView::newTodo(int gx, int gy ) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDate dayStart = mSelectedDates[gx]; QTime timeStart = mAgenda->gyToTime(gy); QDateTime dt (dayStart,timeStart); emit newTodoSignal( dt, false ); } void KOAgendaView::updateEventIndicatorTop(int newY) { uint i; for(i=0;i<mMinY.size();++i) { if (newY >= mMinY.at(i)) mEventIndicatorTop->enableColumn(i,true); else mEventIndicatorTop->enableColumn(i,false); } mEventIndicatorTop->update(); } void KOAgendaView::updateEventIndicatorBottom(int newY) { uint i; for(i=0;i<mMaxY.size();++i) { if (newY <= mMaxY.at(i)) mEventIndicatorBottom->enableColumn(i,true); else mEventIndicatorBottom->enableColumn(i,false); } mEventIndicatorBottom->update(); } void KOAgendaView::startDrag(Event *event) { #ifndef KORG_NODND DndFactory factory( calendar() ); ICalDrag *vd = factory.createDrag(event,this); if (vd->drag()) { kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::startDrag(): Delete drag source" << endl; } #endif } void KOAgendaView::readSettings() { readSettings(KOGlobals::config()); } void KOAgendaView::readSettings(KConfig *config) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::readSettings()" << endl; config->setGroup("Views"); //#ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER QValueList<int> sizes = config->readIntListEntry("Separator AgendaView"); if (sizes.count() == 2) { if ( sizes[0] < 20 ) { sizes[1] = sizes[1] +20 - sizes[0]; sizes[0] = 20; } mSplitterAgenda->setSizes(sizes); // qDebug("read %d %d ",sizes[0],sizes[1] ); } //#endif // updateConfig(); } void KOAgendaView::writeSettings(KConfig *config) { // kdDebug() << "KOAgendaView::writeSettings()" << endl; config->setGroup("Views"); //#ifndef KORG_NOSPLITTER QValueList<int> list = mSplitterAgenda->sizes(); config->writeEntry("Separator AgendaView",list); //qDebug("write %d %d ", list[0],list[1] ); //#endif } void KOAgendaView::setHolidayMasks() { mHolidayMask.resize(mSelectedDates.count()); uint i; for(i=0;i<mSelectedDates.count();++i) { QDate date = mSelectedDates[i]; bool showSaturday = KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeSaturdays && (date.dayOfWeek() == 6); bool showSunday = KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeHolidays && (date.dayOfWeek() == 7); bool showHoliday = false; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeHolidays ) { QPtrList<Event> events = calendar()->events( date, true ); Event *event; for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { if ( event->categories().contains("Holiday") || event->categories().contains(i18n("Holiday"))) { showHoliday = true; break; } } } #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS bool showHoliday = KOPrefs::instance()->mExcludeHolidays && !KOCore::self()->holiday(date).isEmpty(); #endif bool showDay = showSaturday || showSunday || showHoliday; if (showDay) { mHolidayMask.at(i) = true; } else { mHolidayMask.at(i) = false; } } mAgenda->setHolidayMask(&mHolidayMask); mAllDayAgenda->setHolidayMask(&mHolidayMask); } void KOAgendaView::setContentsPos(int y) { mAgenda->setContentsPos(0,y); } void KOAgendaView::setExpandedButton( bool expanded ) { if ( expanded ) { mExpandButton->setPixmap( mExpandedPixmap ); } else { mExpandButton->setPixmap( mNotExpandedPixmap ); } } void KOAgendaView::clearSelection() { mAgenda->deselectItem(); mAllDayAgenda->deselectItem(); } void KOAgendaView::newTimeSpanSelectedAllDay(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd) { mTimeSpanInAllDay = true; newTimeSpanSelected(gxStart,gyStart,gxEnd,gyEnd); } void KOAgendaView::newTimeSpanSelected(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd) { if (!mSelectedDates.count()) return; QDate dayStart = mSelectedDates[gxStart]; QDate dayEnd = mSelectedDates[gxEnd]; QTime timeStart = mAgenda->gyToTime(gyStart); QTime timeEnd = mAgenda->gyToTime( gyEnd + 1 ); QDateTime dtStart(dayStart,timeStart); QDateTime dtEnd(dayEnd,timeEnd); mTimeSpanBegin = dtStart; mTimeSpanEnd = dtEnd; } void KOAgendaView::deleteSelectedDateTime() { mTimeSpanBegin.setDate(QDate()); mTimeSpanEnd.setDate(QDate()); mTimeSpanInAllDay = false; } void KOAgendaView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } void KOAgendaView::scrollOneHourUp() { mAgenda->scrollBy ( 0, -mAgenda->contentsHeight () / 24 ); } void KOAgendaView::scrollOneHourDown() { mAgenda->scrollBy ( 0, mAgenda->contentsHeight () / 24 ); } void KOAgendaView::setStartHour( int h ) { mAgenda->setStartHour( h ); } void KOAgendaView::updateTodo( Todo * t, int ) { bool remove = false; bool removeAD = false; if ( ! t->hasDueDate() ) { remove = true; removeAD = true; } else { bool overdue = (!t->isCompleted()) && (t->dtDue() < QDate::currentDate()) && KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ; if ( overdue && QDate::currentDate() >= mSelectedDates.first() && QDate::currentDate() <= mSelectedDates.last()) { removeAD = false; remove = true; } else { if ( t->dtDue().date() < mSelectedDates.first() || t->dtDue().date() > mSelectedDates.last() ) { remove = true; removeAD = true; } else { remove = t->doesFloat(); removeAD = !remove; } } } int days = mSelectedDates.first().daysTo( t->dtDue().date() ); // qDebug("daysto %d ", days ); mAgenda->updateTodo( t , days, remove); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ) mAllDayAgenda->updateTodo( t , days, removeAD); //qDebug("KOAgendaView::updateTodo( Todo *, int ) "); } diff --git a/korganizer/koagendaview.h b/korganizer/koagendaview.h index 01d74a1..7774fbe 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagendaview.h +++ b/korganizer/koagendaview.h @@ -1,261 +1,262 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOAGENDAVIEW_H #define KOAGENDAVIEW_H #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qlayout.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qksplitter.h> #else #include <qsplitter.h> #endif #include <qmemarray.h> #include "koeventview.h" class QHBox; class QFrame; class QLabel; class QPushButton; class CalendarView; class KOAgenda; class KOAgendaItem; class KConfig; class KDGanttMinimizeSplitter; class TimeLabels : public QScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: TimeLabels(int rows,QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=0,WFlags f=0); void setCellHeight(int height); /** Calculates the minimum width */ virtual int minimumWidth() const; /** updates widget's internal state */ void updateConfig(); /** */ void setAgenda(KOAgenda* agenda); /** */ virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e); void contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * ) ; void contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * ); void contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * ); public slots: /** update time label positions */ void positionChanged(); signals: void scaleChanged(); protected: void drawContents(QPainter *p,int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch); private: int mMouseDownY; QString mOrgCap; int mRows; int mCellHeight; /** */ KOAgenda* mAgenda; }; class EventIndicator : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT public: enum Location { Top, Bottom }; EventIndicator(Location loc=Top,QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=0); virtual ~EventIndicator(); void changeColumns(int columns); void setPaintWidget( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* ); void setXOffset( int ); void enableColumn(int column, bool enable); protected: void drawContents(QPainter *); private: int mXOffset; KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mPaintWidget; int mColumns; QHBox *mTopBox; QBoxLayout *mTopLayout; Location mLocation; QPixmap mPixmap; QMemArray<bool> mEnabled; }; /** KOAgendaView is the agenda-like view used to display events in an one or multi-day view. */ class KOAgendaView : public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOAgendaView(Calendar *cal,QWidget *parent = 0,const char *name = 0 ); virtual ~KOAgendaView(); void setStartHour( int ); void toggleAllDay(); /** Returns maximum number of days supported by the koagendaview */ virtual int maxDatesHint(); /** Returns number of currently shown dates. */ virtual int currentDateCount(); /** returns the currently selected events */ virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); /** returns the currently selected events */ virtual DateList selectedDates(); /** Remove all events from view */ void clearView(); KOAgenda *agenda() { return mAgenda;} virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); /** start-datetime of selection */ QDateTime selectionStart() {return mTimeSpanBegin;} /** end-datetime of selection */ QDateTime selectionEnd() {return mTimeSpanEnd;} /** returns true if selection is for whole day */ bool selectedIsAllDay() {return mTimeSpanInAllDay;} /** make selected start/end invalid */ void deleteSelectedDateTime(); void repaintAgenda(); public slots: virtual void updateView(); virtual void updateConfig(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void updateTodo( Todo *, int ); void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int); void clearSelection(); void newTodo(int gx,int gy); void newEvent(int gx,int gy); void newEvent(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); void newEventAllDay(int gx, int gy); void newTodoAllDay(int gx, int gy); void startDrag(Event *); void readSettings(); void readSettings(KConfig *); void writeSettings(KConfig *); void setContentsPos(int y); void setExpandedButton( bool expanded ); void scrollOneHourUp(); void scrollOneHourDown(); void addToCalSlot(Incidence *, Incidence *); signals: + void showDateView( int, QDate ); void newTodoSignal( QDateTime ,bool ); void toggleExpand(); void todoMoved( Todo *, int ); void incidenceChanged(Incidence * , int ); // void cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); protected: bool mBlockUpdating; int mUpcomingWidth; /** Fill agenda beginning with date startDate */ void fillAgenda(const QDate &startDate); void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ); /** Fill agenda using the current set value for the start date */ void fillAgenda(); /** Create labels for the selected dates. */ void createDayLabels(); /** Set the masks on the agenda widgets indicating, which days are holidays. */ void setHolidayMasks(); protected slots: /** Update event belonging to agenda item */ void updateEventDates(KOAgendaItem *item, int mode = -1); //void updateMovedTodo(); void updateEventIndicatorTop(int newY); void updateEventIndicatorBottom(int newY); /** Updates data for selected timespan */ void newTimeSpanSelected(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); /** Updates data for selected timespan for all day event*/ void newTimeSpanSelectedAllDay(int gxStart, int gyStart, int gxEnd, int gyEnd); private: // view widgets QFrame *mDayLabels; QHBox *mDayLabelsFrame; QBoxLayout *mLayoutDayLabels; QFrame *mAllDayFrame; KOAgenda *mAllDayAgenda; KOAgenda *mAgenda; TimeLabels *mTimeLabels; QWidget *mDummyAllDayLeft; KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mSplitterAgenda; QPushButton *mExpandButton; DateList mSelectedDates; // List of dates to be displayed int mViewType; bool mWeekStartsMonday; int mStartHour; KOEventPopupMenu *mAgendaPopup; KOEventPopupMenu *mAllDayAgendaPopup; EventIndicator *mEventIndicatorTop; EventIndicator *mEventIndicatorBottom; QMemArray<int> mMinY; QMemArray<int> mMaxY; QMemArray<bool> mHolidayMask; QPixmap mExpandedPixmap; QPixmap mNotExpandedPixmap; QPtrList<QLabel> mDayLabelsList; QDateTime mTimeSpanBegin; QDateTime mTimeSpanEnd; bool mTimeSpanInAllDay; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ); }; #endif // KOAGENDAVIEW_H diff --git a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp index a88276e..6da4799 100644 --- a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp @@ -1,599 +1,647 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kglobal.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #include <qdatetime.h> #include "calendarview.h" #include "datenavigator.h" #include "kotodoview.h" #include "koagendaview.h" #include "kodialogmanager.h" #include "komonthview.h" #include "kolistview.h" #include "kowhatsnextview.h" #include "kojournalview.h" #include "kotimespanview.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "navigatorbar.h" #include "kdatenavigator.h" #include "koviewmanager.h" //extern bool externFlagMonthviewBlockPainting; //bool globalFlagBlockPainting = false; int globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; int globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; KOViewManager::KOViewManager( CalendarView *mainView ) : QObject(), mMainView( mainView ) { mCurrentView = 0; mWhatsNextView = 0; mTodoView = 0; mAgendaView = 0; mMonthView = 0; mListView = 0; mJournalView = 0; mTimeSpanView = 0; mCurrentAgendaView = 0 ; mFlagShowNextxDays = false; } KOViewManager::~KOViewManager() { } KOrg::BaseView *KOViewManager::currentView() { return mCurrentView; } void KOViewManager::readSettings(KConfig *config) { config->setGroup("General"); QString view = config->readEntry("Current View"); if (view == "WhatsNext") showWhatsNextView(); else if (view == "Month") showMonthView(); else if (view == "List") showListView(); else if (view == "Journal") showJournalView(); else if (view == "TimeSpan") showTimeSpanView(); else if (view == "Todo") showTodoView(); else { showAgendaView(); } } + +void KOViewManager::showDateView( int view, QDate date) +{ + + qDebug("date %d %s", view, date.toString().latin1()); +#if 0 + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"day" ), i18n("Day view"),3 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next Week"),4 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("Next Two Weeks"),5 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("Next Month"),6 ); + mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ), i18n("Journal view"),7 ); +#endif + if ( view == 3 ) { + mMainView->showDay( date ); + } else if (view == 4 ) { + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date, 7 ); + } else if (view == 5 ) { + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date, 14); + } else if (view == 6 ) { + showMonthView(); + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonthByDate( date ); + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDate( date ); + } else if (view == 7 ) { + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDate( date ); + showJournalView(); + } else if (view == 8 ) { + globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; + if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 3 ) + mCurrentAgendaView = -1; + showAgendaView(KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewMonth); + globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; + mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date , + KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays ); + mFlagShowNextxDays = true; + mCurrentAgendaView = 3 ; + } + +#if 0 + dateNavigator()->blockSignals( true ); + dateNavigator()->selectDate( d ); + dateNavigator()->blockSignals( false ); + mViewManager->showDayView(); +#endif + +} + + + void KOViewManager::writeSettings(KConfig *config) { config->setGroup("General"); QString view; if (mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView) view = "WhatsNext"; else if (mCurrentView == mMonthView) view = "Month"; else if (mCurrentView == mListView) view = "List"; else if (mCurrentView == mJournalView) view = "Journal"; else if (mCurrentView == mTimeSpanView) view = "TimeSpan"; else if (mCurrentView == mTodoView) view = "Todo"; else view = "Agenda"; config->writeEntry("Current View",view); if (mAgendaView) { mAgendaView->writeSettings(config); } if (mTimeSpanView) { mTimeSpanView->writeSettings(config); } if (mListView) { mListView->writeSettings(config); } if (mTodoView) { mTodoView->saveLayout(config,"Todo View"); } } void KOViewManager::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view, bool fullScreen ) { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; //if(view == mCurrentView) return; if ( view == 0 ) { view = mCurrentView; if ( view == 0 ) return; } bool full = fullScreen; if(view == mCurrentView && view != mWhatsNextView ) { if ( mCurrentAgendaView < 0 ) return; full = mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible(); } else { mCurrentView = view; // bool full = fullScreen; bool isFull = !mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible(); if ( isFull && KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldFullscreen ) full = true; if ( !isFull && KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen ) full = false; } if ( mAgendaView ) mAgendaView->deleteSelectedDateTime(); //raiseCurrentView( full ); mMainView->processIncidenceSelection( 0 ); mMainView->updateView(); raiseCurrentView( full ); mMainView->adaptNavigationUnits(); } void KOViewManager::raiseCurrentView( bool fullScreen ) { //qDebug("raiseCurrentView "); mCurrentAgendaView = 0; int wid = mMainView->width() ; int hei = mMainView->height(); if ( mCurrentView == mMonthView ) { mMainView->navigatorBar()->show(); hei -= mMainView->navigatorBar()->sizeHint().height(); //mMainView->navigatorBar()->hide(); } else { mMainView->navigatorBar()->hide(); } if ( fullScreen ) { mMainView->leftFrame()->hide(); } else { mMainView->leftFrame()->show(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) hei -= mMainView->leftFrame()->height(); else wid -= mMainView->leftFrame()->width(); } emit signalFullScreen( !fullScreen ); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 5 ) { globalFlagBlockAgenda = 4; globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; } mMainView->viewStack()->raiseWidget(mCurrentView); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 4 ) { if ( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ) { //globalFlagBlockAgenda =1 ; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt ) mAgendaView->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins ); else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime ) mAgendaView->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() ); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("qApp->processEvents() "); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; mAgendaView->repaintAgenda(); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0; } emit signalAgendaView( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ); //qDebug("raiseCurrentView ende "); } void KOViewManager::updateView() { // qDebug("KOViewManager::updateView() "); // if we are updating mTodoView, we get endless recursion if ( mTodoView == mCurrentView ) return; if ( mCurrentView ) mCurrentView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end) { // kdDebug() << "KOViewManager::updateView()" << endl; if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->showDates(start, end); if (mTodoView) mTodoView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::updateWNview() { if ( mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView && mWhatsNextView ) mWhatsNextView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::showWhatsNextView() { if (!mWhatsNextView) { mWhatsNextView = new KOWhatsNextView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::WhatsNextView"); mWhatsNextView->setEventViewer( mMainView->getEventViewerDialog()); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mWhatsNextView, SLOT(updateConfig())); addView(mWhatsNextView); connect(this, SIGNAL( printWNV() ), mWhatsNextView, SLOT( printMe() ) ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; showView(mWhatsNextView, true ); //mWhatsNextView->updateView(); } void KOViewManager::showListView() { if (!mListView) { mListView = new KOListView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::ListView"); addView(mListView); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mListView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( signalNewEvent() ), mMainView, SLOT( newEvent() ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mListView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mListView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); } // bool temp = mFlagShowNextxDays; //globalFlagBlockPainting = true; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan ) { mMainView->setBlockShowDates( true ); mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonth(); mMainView->setBlockShowDates( false ); } showView(mListView, KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewTodo); //mFlagShowNextxDays = temp; } void KOViewManager::showAgendaView( bool fullScreen ) { mMainView->dialogManager()->hideSearchDialog(); // qDebug("KOViewManager::showAgendaView "); bool full; full = fullScreen; if (!mAgendaView) { full = false; mAgendaView = new KOAgendaView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::AgendaView"); addView(mAgendaView); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mAgendaView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceChanged(Incidence *, int )), mMainView, SLOT( changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *, int ) )); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR DAY/WEEK VIEW - + connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate )),SLOT(showDateView( int, QDate ))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newTodoSignal(QDateTime,bool)), mMainView, SLOT(newTodoDateTime(QDateTime,bool))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime,QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime,QDateTime))); connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDate)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDate))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL( toggleExpand() ), mMainView, SLOT( toggleExpand() ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL( calendarViewExpanded( bool ) ), mAgendaView, SLOT( setExpandedButton( bool ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), mMainView, SLOT(cloneIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ; connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ), mMainView, SLOT(cancelIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ; connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mAgendaView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mAgendaView, SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView,SIGNAL( todoMoved( Todo *, int )), mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int ))); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); mAgendaView->readSettings(); mAgendaView->updateConfig(); } showView( mAgendaView, full); } void KOViewManager::showDayView() { mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 1 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 ); mCurrentAgendaView = 1 ; } void KOViewManager::showWorkWeekView() { mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 5 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWorkWeek(); mCurrentAgendaView = 5 ; } void KOViewManager::showWeekView() { /* globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; qDebug("4globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; "); //globalFlagBlockPainting = true; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWeek(); showAgendaView(); */ mFlagShowNextxDays = false; globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; globalFlagBlockLabel = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 7 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(); qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; globalFlagBlockLabel = 0; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectWeek(); mCurrentAgendaView = 7 ; } void KOViewManager::showNextXView() { globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 3 ) mCurrentAgendaView = -1; showAgendaView(KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewMonth); globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( QDate::currentDate(), KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays ); mFlagShowNextxDays = true; mCurrentAgendaView = 3 ; } bool KOViewManager::showsNextDays() { return mFlagShowNextxDays; } void KOViewManager::showMonthView() { if (!mMonthView) { mMonthView = new KOMonthView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::MonthView"); addView(mMonthView); // mMonthView->show(); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR MONTH VIEW connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime)), mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *))); connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *))); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum( int ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( selectWeekNum( int ) ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( showDay( QDate ) ) ); connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mMonthView, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(nextMonth() ), mMainView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goNextMonth() ) ); connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(prevMonth() ), mMainView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goPrevMonth() ) ); mMonthView->updateConfig(); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; // if(mMonthView == mCurrentView) return; mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonth(); // DateList tmpList = mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectedDates( ); //mMonthView->showDates(tmpList.first(), tmpList.last()); showView(mMonthView, true ); } void KOViewManager::showTodoView() { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; if ( !mTodoView ) { mTodoView = new KOTodoView( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::TodoView" ); addView( mTodoView ); // QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mTodoView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); // SIGNALS/SLOTS FOR TODO VIEW connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newTodoSignal() ), mMainView, SLOT( newTodo() ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newSubTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( newSubTodo( Todo *) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( showTodoSignal( Todo *) ), mMainView, SLOT( showTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( editTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( editTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( deleteTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( deleteTodo( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( purgeCompletedSignal() ), mMainView, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( configChanged() ), mTodoView, SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mTodoView, SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( todoModifiedSignal( Todo *, int ) ), mMainView, SIGNAL ( todoModified( Todo *, int ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cloneTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cancelTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( unparentTodoSignal( Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( todo_unsub( Todo * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( todo_resub( Todo *, Todo *) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( moveTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( beamTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config(); mTodoView->restoreLayout(config,"Todo View"); mTodoView->setNavigator( mMainView->dateNavigator() ); } globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1; showView( mTodoView, true ); } void KOViewManager::showJournalView() { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; if (!mJournalView) { mJournalView = new KOJournalView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::JournalView"); connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( configChanged() ), mJournalView, SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); connect(mJournalView, SIGNAL(deleteJournal(Journal *) ), mMainView,SLOT(deleteJournal(Journal *)) ); addView(mJournalView); } showView(mJournalView); } void KOViewManager::showTimeSpanView() { //mFlagShowNextxDays = false; if (!mTimeSpanView) { mTimeSpanView = new KOTimeSpanView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::TimeSpanView"); addView(mTimeSpanView); mTimeSpanView->readSettings(); } showView(mTimeSpanView); } Incidence *KOViewManager::currentSelection() { if (!mCurrentView) return 0; if ( mCurrentView == mListView ) { if ( mListView->currentItem() ) return mListView->currentItem(); } return mCurrentView->selectedIncidences().first(); } QDate KOViewManager::currentSelectionDate() { QDate qd; if (mCurrentView) { DateList qvl = mCurrentView->selectedDates(); if (!qvl.isEmpty()) qd = qvl.first(); } return qd; } void KOViewManager::addView(KOrg::BaseView *view) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 mMainView->viewStack()->addWidget( view ); #else mMainView->viewStack()->addWidget( view, 1 ); #endif } void KOViewManager::setDocumentId( const QString &id ) { if (mTodoView) mTodoView->setDocumentId( id ); } diff --git a/korganizer/koviewmanager.h b/korganizer/koviewmanager.h index c8c7a7a..137eb2d 100644 --- a/korganizer/koviewmanager.h +++ b/korganizer/koviewmanager.h @@ -1,117 +1,118 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOVIEWMANAGER_H #define KOVIEWMANAGER_H #include <qobject.h> #include <korganizer/baseview.h> class CalendarView; class KOListView; class KOAgendaView; class KOMonthView; class KOTimeSpanView; class KOTodoView; class KOWhatsNextView; class KOJournalView; using namespace KCal; /** This class manages the views of the calendar. It owns the objects and handles creation and selection. */ class KOViewManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KOViewManager( CalendarView * ); virtual ~KOViewManager(); /** changes the view to be the currently selected view */ void showView(KOrg::BaseView *, bool fullScreen = false ); void updateWNview(); void readSettings(KConfig *config); void writeSettings(KConfig *config); bool showsNextDays(); /** Read which view was shown last from config file */ void readCurrentView(KConfig *); /** Write which view is currently shown to config file */ void writeCurrentView(KConfig *); KOrg::BaseView *currentView(); void setDocumentId( const QString & ); void updateView( const QDate &start, const QDate &end ); void raiseCurrentView( bool fullScreen = false ); void addView(KOrg::BaseView *); Incidence *currentSelection(); QDate currentSelectionDate(); KOAgendaView *agendaView() const { return mAgendaView; } signals: void printWNV(); void signalFullScreen( bool ); void signalAgendaView( bool ); public slots: + void showDateView( int, QDate ); void updateView(); void showWhatsNextView(); void showListView(); void showAgendaView( bool fullScreen = false ); void showDayView(); void showWorkWeekView(); void showWeekView(); void showNextXView(); void showMonthView(); void showTodoView(); void showJournalView(); void showTimeSpanView(); private: CalendarView *mMainView; int mCurrentAgendaView; KOAgendaView *mAgendaView; KOListView *mListView; KOMonthView *mMonthView; KOTodoView *mTodoView; KOWhatsNextView *mWhatsNextView; KOJournalView *mJournalView; KOTimeSpanView *mTimeSpanView; KOrg::BaseView *mCurrentView; // currently active event view int mAgendaViewMode; bool mFlagShowNextxDays; }; #endif |