path: root/korganizer
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'korganizer') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 109 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
index ca896b5..549ef2a 100644
--- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.cpp
@@ -1,630 +1,628 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Eitzenberger Thomas <>
Parts of the source code have been copied from kdpdatebutton.cpp
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source ode for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/icaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/dndfactory.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h>
#include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h>
#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include "kocore.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "kodaymatrix.h"
// ============================================================================
// D Y N A M I C T I P
// ============================================================================
DynamicTip::DynamicTip( QWidget * parent )
: QToolTip( parent )
matrix = (KODayMatrix*)parent;
void DynamicTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos )
//calculate which cell of the matrix the mouse is in
QRect sz = matrix->frameRect();
int dheight = sz.height()*7 / 42;
int dwidth = sz.width() / 7;
int row = pos.y()/dheight;
int col = pos.x()/dwidth;
QRect rct(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight);
// kdDebug() << "DynamicTip::maybeTip matrix cell index [" <<
// col << "][" << row << "] => " <<(col+row*7) << endl;
//show holiday names only
QString str = matrix->getHolidayLabel(col+row*7);
if (str.isEmpty()) return;
tip(rct, str);
// ============================================================================
// K O D A Y M A T R I X
// ============================================================================
const int KODayMatrix::NOSELECTION = -1000;
const int KODayMatrix::NUMDAYS = 42;
KODayMatrix::KODayMatrix(QWidget *parent, Calendar* calendar, QDate date, const char *name) :
QFrame(parent, name)
mCalendar = calendar;
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
// initialize dynamic arrays
days = new QDate[NUMDAYS];
daylbls = new QString[NUMDAYS];
events = new int[NUMDAYS];
mToolTip = new DynamicTip(this);
// set default values used for drawing the matrix
mDefaultBackColor = palette().active().base();
mDefaultTextColor = palette().active().foreground();
mDefaultTextColorShaded = getShadedColor(mDefaultTextColor);
mHolidayColorShaded = getShadedColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
mSelectedDaysColor = QColor("white");
mTodayMarginWidth = 2;
mSelEnd = mSelStart = NOSELECTION;
//setFont( QFont("Arial", 10) );
mUpdateTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect (mUpdateTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( updateViewTimed() ));
mRepaintTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect (mRepaintTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( repaintViewTimed() ));
mDayChanged = false;
QColor KODayMatrix::getShadedColor(QColor color)
QColor shaded;
int h=0;
int s=0;
int v=0;
s = s/4;
v = 192+v/4;
return shaded;
delete [] days;
delete [] daylbls;
delete [] events;
delete mToolTip;
void KODayMatrix::setStartDate(QDate start)
void KODayMatrix::addSelectedDaysTo(DateList& selDays)
if (mSelStart == NOSELECTION) {
//cope with selection being out of matrix limits at top (< 0)
int i0 = mSelStart;
if (i0 < 0) {
for (int i = i0; i < 0; i++) {
i0 = 0;
//cope with selection being out of matrix limits at bottom (> NUMDAYS-1)
if (mSelEnd > NUMDAYS-1) {
for (int i = i0; i <= NUMDAYS-1; i++) {
for (int i = NUMDAYS; i < mSelEnd; i++) {
// apply normal routine to selection being entirely within matrix limits
} else {
for (int i = i0; i <= mSelEnd; i++) {
void KODayMatrix::setSelectedDaysFrom(const QDate& start, const QDate& end)
mSelStart = startdate.daysTo(start);
mSelEnd = startdate.daysTo(end);
void KODayMatrix::recalculateToday()
today = -1;
for (int i=0; i<NUMDAYS; i++) {
events[i] = 0;
days[i] = startdate.addDays(i);
daylbls[i] = QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] ));
// if today is in the currently displayed month, hilight today
if (days[i].year() == QDate::currentDate().year() &&
days[i].month() == QDate::currentDate().month() &&
days[i].day() == QDate::currentDate().day()) {
today = i;
// qDebug(QString("Today is visible at %1.").arg(today));
void KODayMatrix::updateView()
void KODayMatrix::repaintViewTimed()
- qDebug("KODayMatrix::repaintViewTimed ");
void KODayMatrix::updateViewTimed()
- qDebug("KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate)");
for(int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) {
// if events are set for the day then remember to draw it bold
QPtrList<Event> eventlist = mCalendar->events(days[i]);
Event *event;
int numEvents = eventlist.count();
+ QString holiStr = "";
for(event=eventlist.first();event != 0; {
ushort recurType = event->recurrence()->doesRecur();
if ((recurType == Recurrence::rDaily && !KOPrefs::instance()->mDailyRecur) ||
(recurType == Recurrence::rWeekly && !KOPrefs::instance()->mWeeklyRecur)) {
+ if ( event->categories().contains( i18n("Holiday") ) || event->categories().contains( "Holiday" )) {
+ if ( !holiStr.isEmpty() )
+ holiStr += "\n";
+ holiStr += event->summary();
+ }
events[i] = numEvents;
//if it is a holy day then draw it red. Sundays are consider holidays, too
- QString holiStr = KOCore::self()->holiday(days[i]);
- QString holiStr = QString::null;
if ( (KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(days[i]) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray()) ||
!holiStr.isEmpty()) {
- if (holiStr.isNull()) holiStr = "";
mHolidays[i] = holiStr;
} else {
mHolidays[i] = QString::null;
if ( ! mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint )
- }
void KODayMatrix::updateView(QDate actdate)
if ( ! actdate.isValid() ) {
//qDebug("date not valid ");
mDayChanged = false;
//flag to indicate if the starting day of the matrix has changed by this call
//mDayChanged = false;
// if a new startdate is to be set then apply Cornelius's calculation
// of the first day to be shown
if (actdate != startdate) {
// reset index of selection according to shift of starting date from startdate to actdate
if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) {
int tmp = actdate.daysTo(startdate);
//kdDebug() << "Shift of Selection1: " << mSelStart << " - " << mSelEnd << " -> " << tmp << "(" << offset << ")" << endl;
// shift selection if new one would be visible at least partly !
if (mSelStart+tmp < NUMDAYS && mSelEnd+tmp >= 0) {
// nested if is required for next X display pushed from a different month - correction required
// otherwise, for month forward and backward, it must be avoided
if( mSelStart > NUMDAYS || mSelStart < 0 )
mSelStart = mSelStart + tmp;
if( mSelEnd > NUMDAYS || mSelEnd < 0 )
mSelEnd = mSelEnd + tmp;
startdate = actdate;
mDayChanged = true;
- qDebug("restart Timer %d vis: %d", mDayChanged, isVisible() );
+ //qDebug("restart Timer %d vis: %d", mDayChanged, isVisible() );
if ( !isVisible() ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = true;
} else {
//mRepaintTimer->start( 250 );
mUpdateTimer->start( 250 );
mRepaintTimer->start( 350 );
mUpdateTimer->start( 2000 );
const QDate& KODayMatrix::getDate(int offset)
if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) {
qDebug("Wrong offset2 ");
return days[0];
return days[offset];
QString KODayMatrix::getHolidayLabel(int offset)
if (offset < 0 || offset > NUMDAYS-1) {
qDebug("Wrong offset1 ");
return 0;
return mHolidays[offset];
int KODayMatrix::getDayIndexFrom(int x, int y)
return 7*(y/daysize.height()) + (KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ?
6 - x/daysize.width() : x/daysize.width());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// M O U S E E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
mSelStart = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (mSelStart > NUMDAYS-1) mSelStart=NUMDAYS-1;
mSelInit = mSelStart;
void KODayMatrix::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1;
if (mSelInit > tmp) {
mSelEnd = mSelInit;
if (tmp != mSelStart) {
mSelStart = tmp;
} else {
mSelStart = mSelInit;
//repaint only if selection has changed
if (tmp != mSelEnd) {
mSelEnd = tmp;
DateList daylist;
if ( mSelStart < 0 )
mSelStart = 0;
for (int i = mSelStart; i <= mSelEnd; i++) {
emit selected((const DateList)daylist);
void KODayMatrix::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
int tmp = getDayIndexFrom(e->x(), e->y());
if (tmp > NUMDAYS-1) tmp=NUMDAYS-1;
if (mSelInit > tmp) {
mSelEnd = mSelInit;
if (tmp != mSelStart) {
mSelStart = tmp;
} else {
mSelStart = mSelInit;
//repaint only if selection has changed
if (tmp != mSelEnd) {
mSelEnd = tmp;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// D R A G ' N D R O P H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
// some visual feedback
// oldPalette = palette();
// setPalette(my_HilitePalette);
// update();
void KODayMatrix::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
void KODayMatrix::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent */*dl*/)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// setPalette(oldPalette);
// update();
void KODayMatrix::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::dropEvent(e) begin" << endl;
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
DndFactory factory( mCalendar );
Event *event = factory.createDrop(e);
if (event) {
Event *existingEvent = mCalendar->event(event->uid());
if(existingEvent) {
// uniquify event
i18n("Event already exists in this calendar."),
i18n("Drop Event"));
delete event;
// kdDebug() << "Drop new Event" << endl;
// Adjust date
QDateTime start = event->dtStart();
QDateTime end = event->dtEnd();
int duration = start.daysTo(end);
int idx = getDayIndexFrom(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y());
emit eventDropped(event);
} else {
// kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::dropEvent(): Event from drop not decodable" << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// P A I N T E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent)
-//kdDebug() << "KODayMatrix::paintEvent() BEGIN" << endl;
- if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
- updateViewTimed();
- mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
+ if ( width() <= 0 || height() <= 0 )
+ return;
+ if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
+ updateViewTimed();
+ mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
+ }
+ if ( myPix.width() != width() || myPix.height()!=height() ) {
+ myPix.resize(size() );
- QPainter p(this);
+ QPainter p(&myPix);
QRect sz = frameRect();
int dheight = daysize.height();
int dwidth = daysize.width();
int row,col;
int selw, selh;
bool isRTL = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout();
// draw background and topleft frame
p.fillRect(pevent->rect(), mDefaultBackColor);
p.drawRect(0, 0, sz.width()+1, sz.height()+1);
// draw selected days with highlighted background color
if (mSelStart != NOSELECTION) {
row = mSelStart/7;
col = mSelStart -row*7;
QColor selcol = KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor;
if (row == mSelEnd/7) {
// Single row selection
p.fillRect(isRTL ? (7 - (mSelEnd-mSelStart+1) - col)*dwidth : col*dwidth,
row*dheight, (mSelEnd-mSelStart+1)*dwidth, dheight, selcol);
} else {
// draw first row to the right
p.fillRect(isRTL ? 0 : col*dwidth, row*dheight, (7-col)*dwidth,
dheight, selcol);
// draw full block till last line
selh = mSelEnd/7-row;
if (selh > 1) {
p.fillRect(0, (row+1)*dheight, 7*dwidth, (selh-1)*dheight,selcol);
// draw last block from left to mSelEnd
selw = mSelEnd-7*(mSelEnd/7)+1;
p.fillRect(isRTL ? (7-selw)*dwidth : 0, (row+selh)*dheight,
selw*dwidth, dheight, selcol);
// iterate over all days in the matrix and draw the day label in appropriate colors
QColor actcol = mDefaultTextColorShaded;
QPen tmppen;
for(int i = 0; i < NUMDAYS; i++) {
- row = i/7;
- col = isRTL ? 6-(i-row*7) : i-row*7;
- // if it is the first day of a month switch color from normal to shaded and vice versa
- if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] ) == 1) {
- if (actcol == mDefaultTextColorShaded) {
- actcol = mDefaultTextColor;
- } else {
- actcol = mDefaultTextColorShaded;
+ row = i/7;
+ col = isRTL ? 6-(i-row*7) : i-row*7;
+ // if it is the first day of a month switch color from normal to shaded and vice versa
+ if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( days[i] ) == 1) {
+ if (actcol == mDefaultTextColorShaded) {
+ actcol = mDefaultTextColor;
+ } else {
+ actcol = mDefaultTextColorShaded;
+ }
+ p.setPen(actcol);
- p.setPen(actcol);
- }
- //Reset pen color after selected days block
- if (i == mSelEnd+1) {
- p.setPen(actcol);
- }
+ //Reset pen color after selected days block
+ if (i == mSelEnd+1) {
+ p.setPen(actcol);
+ }
+ // if today then draw rectangle around day
+ if (today == i) {
+ tmppen = p.pen();
+ QPen mTodayPen(p.pen());
+ mTodayPen.setWidth(mTodayMarginWidth);
+ //draw red rectangle for holidays
+ if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
+ if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
+ mTodayPen.setColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
+ } else {
+ mTodayPen.setColor(mHolidayColorShaded);
+ }
+ }
+ //draw gray rectangle for today if in selection
+ if (i >= mSelStart && i <= mSelEnd) {
+ QColor grey("grey");
+ mTodayPen.setColor(grey);
+ }
+ p.setPen(mTodayPen);
+ p.drawRect(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight);
+ p.setPen(tmppen);
+ }
- // if today then draw rectangle around day
- if (today == i) {
- tmppen = p.pen();
- QPen mTodayPen(p.pen());
+ // if any events are on that day then draw it using a bold font
+ if (events[i] > 0) {
+ QFont myFont = font();
+ myFont.setBold(true);
+ p.setFont(myFont);
+ }
- mTodayPen.setWidth(mTodayMarginWidth);
- //draw red rectangle for holidays
+ // if it is a holiday then use the default holiday color
if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
- if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
- mTodayPen.setColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
- } else {
- mTodayPen.setColor(mHolidayColorShaded);
- }
+ if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
+ p.setPen(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
+ } else {
+ p.setPen(mHolidayColorShaded);
+ }
- //draw gray rectangle for today if in selection
+ // draw selected days with special color
+ // DO NOT specially highlight holidays in selection !
if (i >= mSelStart && i <= mSelEnd) {
- QColor grey("grey");
- mTodayPen.setColor(grey);
+ p.setPen(mSelectedDaysColor);
- p.setPen(mTodayPen);
- p.drawRect(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight);
- p.setPen(tmppen);
- }
- // if any events are on that day then draw it using a bold font
- if (events[i] > 0) {
- QFont myFont = font();
- myFont.setBold(true);
- p.setFont(myFont);
- }
+ p.drawText(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight,
+ Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, daylbls[i]);
- // if it is a holiday then use the default holiday color
- if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
- if (actcol == mDefaultTextColor) {
- p.setPen(KOPrefs::instance()->mHolidayColor);
- } else {
- p.setPen(mHolidayColorShaded);
+ // reset color to actual color
+ if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
+ p.setPen(actcol);
+ }
+ // reset bold font to plain font
+ if (events[i] > 0) {
+ QFont myFont = font();
+ myFont.setBold(false);
+ p.setFont(myFont);
- }
- // draw selected days with special color
- // DO NOT specially highlight holidays in selection !
- if (i >= mSelStart && i <= mSelEnd) {
- p.setPen(mSelectedDaysColor);
- }
- p.drawText(col*dwidth, row*dheight, dwidth, dheight,
- Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, daylbls[i]);
- // reset color to actual color
- if (!mHolidays[i].isNull()) {
- p.setPen(actcol);
- }
- // reset bold font to plain font
- if (events[i] > 0) {
- QFont myFont = font();
- myFont.setBold(false);
- p.setFont(myFont);
- }
+ bitBlt (this, 0, 0, &myPix, 0 ,0,width(), height() ,CopyROP);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// R E SI Z E E V E N T H A N D L I N G
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KODayMatrix::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
QRect sz = frameRect();
daysize.setHeight(sz.height()*7 / NUMDAYS);
daysize.setWidth(sz.width() / 7);
diff --git a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
index ac2f59c..2dd112a 100644
--- a/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
+++ b/korganizer/kodaymatrix.h
@@ -1,314 +1,316 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001 Eitzenberger Thomas <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#ifndef _KODAYMAT_H
#define _KODAYMAT_H
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpen.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qmap.h>
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDragMoveEvent;
class QDragLeaveEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class KODayMatrix;
using namespace KCal;
* small helper class to dynamically show tooltips inside the day matrix.
* This class asks the day matrix object for a appropriate label which
* is in our special case the name of the holiday or null if this day is no holiday.
class DynamicTip : public QToolTip
* Constructor that expects a KODayMatrix object as parent.
* @param parent the parent KODayMatrix control.
DynamicTip(QWidget* parent );
* Qt's callback to ask the object to provide an approrpiate text for the
* tooltip to be shown.
* @param pos coordinates of the mouse.
void maybeTip( const QPoint & pos);
/** the parent control this tooltip is designed for. */
KODayMatrix* matrix;
* replacement for kdpdatebuton.cpp that used 42 widgets for the day matrix to be displayed.
* Cornelius thought this was a waste of memory and a lot of overhead.
* In addition the selection was not very intuitive so I decided to rewrite it using a QFrame
* that draws the labels and allows for dragging selection while maintaining nearly full
* compatibility in behaviour with its predecessor.
* The following functionality has been changed:
* o when shifting events in the agenda view from one day to another the day matrix is updated now
* o TODO ET dragging an event to the matrix will MOVE not COPY the event to the new date.
* o no support for Ctrl+click to create groups of dates
* (This has not really been supported in the predecessor. It was not very intuitive nor was it
* user friendly.)
* This feature has been replaced with dragging a selection on the matrix. The matrix will
* automatically choose the appropriate selection (e.g. you are not any longer able to select
* two distinct groups of date selections as in the old class)
* o now that you can select more then a week it can happen that not all selected days are
* displayed in the matrix. However this is preferred to the alternative which would mean to
* adjust the selection and leave some days undisplayed while scrolling through the months
* @short day matrix widget of the KDateNavigator
* @author Eitzenberger Thomas
class KODayMatrix: public QFrame {
/** constructor to create a day matrix widget.
* @param parent widget that is the parent of the day matrix. Normally this should
* be a KDateNavigator
* @param calendar instance of a calendar on which all calculations are based
* @param date start date of the matrix (is expected to be already fixed). It is
* assumed that this date is the first week day to be shown in the matrix.
* @param name name of the widget
KODayMatrix(QWidget *parent, Calendar* calendar, QDate date, const char *name );
/** destructor that deallocates all dynamically allocated private members.
/** updates the day matrix to start with the given date. Does all the necessary
* checks for holidays or events on a day and stores them for display later on.
* Does NOT update the view visually. Call repaint() for this.
* @param actdate recalculates the day matrix to show NUMDAYS starting from this
* date.
void updateView(QDate actdate);
/** returns the QDate object associated with day indexed by the
* supplied offset.
const QDate& getDate(int offset);
/** returns the official name of this holy day or 0 if there is no label
* for this day.
QString getHolidayLabel(int offset);
/** adds all actual selected days from mSelStart to mSelEnd to the supplied
* DateList.
void addSelectedDaysTo(DateList&);
/** sets the actual to be displayed selection in the day matrix starting from
* start and ending with end. Theview must be manually updated by calling
* repaint. (?)
void setSelectedDaysFrom(const QDate& start, const QDate& end);
/** Is today visible in the view? Keep this in sync with
* the values today (below) can take.
bool isTodayVisible() const { return today>=0; } ;
/** If today is visible, then we can find out if today is
* near the beginning or the end of the month.
* This is dependent on today remaining the index
* in the array of visible dates and going from
* top left (0) to bottom right (41).
bool isBeginningOfMonth() const { return today<=8; } ;
bool isEndOfMonth() const { return today>=27; } ;
public slots:
/** Recalculates all the flags of the days in the matrix like holidays or events
* on a day (Actually calls above method with the actual startdate).
void updateView();
void updateViewTimed();
void repaintViewTimed();
* Calculate which square in the matrix should be
* hilighted to indicate it's today.
void recalculateToday();
void setStartDate(QDate);
/** emitted if the user selects a block of days with the mouse by dragging a rectangle
* inside the matrix
* @param daylist list of days that have been selected by the user
void selected( const KCal::DateList &daylist );
/** emitted if the user has dropped an event inside the matrix
* @param event the dropped calendar event
void eventDropped(Event *event);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev);
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* e);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *);
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *);
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
+ QPixmap myPix;
QTimer* mUpdateTimer;
QTimer* mRepaintTimer;
bool mDayChanged;
bool mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint;
/** returns the index of the day located at the matrix's widget (x,y) position.
* @param x horizontal coordinate
* @param y vertical coordinate
int getDayIndexFrom(int x, int y);
/** calculates a "shaded" color from the supplied color object.
* (Copied from Cornelius's kdpdatebutton.cpp)
* @param color source based on which a shaded color should be calculated.
QColor getShadedColor(QColor color);
/** number of days to be displayed. For now there is no support for any other number then 42.
so change it at your own risk :o) */
static const int NUMDAYS;
/** calendar instance to be queried for holidays, events, ... */
Calendar *mCalendar;
/** starting date of the matrix */
QDate startdate;
/** array of day labels to optimeize drawing performance. */
QString *daylbls;
/** array of days displayed to reduce memory consumption by
subsequently calling QDate::addDays(). */
QDate *days;
/** array of storing the number of events on a given day.
* used for drawing a bold font if there is at least one event on that day.
int *events;
/** stores holiday names of the days shown in the matrix. */
QMap<int,QString> mHolidays;
/** indey of today or -1 if today is not visible in the matrix. */
int today;
/** index of day where dragged selection was initiated.
used to detect "negative" timely selections */
int mSelInit;
/** if mSelStart has this value it indicates that there is no
actual selection in the matrix. */
static const int NOSELECTION;
/** index of first selected day. */
int mSelStart;
/** index of last selected day. */
int mSelEnd;
/** dynamic tooltip to handle mouse dependent tips for each day in the matrix. */
DynamicTip* mToolTip;
/** default background colour of the matrix. */
QColor mDefaultBackColor;
/** default text color of the matrix. */
QColor mDefaultTextColor;
/** default text color for days not in the actual month. */
QColor mDefaultTextColorShaded;
/** default text color for holidays not in the actual month. */
QColor mHolidayColorShaded;
/** text color for selected days. */
QColor mSelectedDaysColor;
/** default width of the frame drawn around today if it is visible in the matrix. */
int mTodayMarginWidth;
/** stores actual size of each day in the widget so that I dont need to ask this data
* on every repaint.
QRect daysize;
diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
index 4cff23a..6411156 100644
--- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
@@ -467,803 +467,803 @@ void MonthViewCell::insertEvent(Event *event)
text = prefix + event->summary();
mToolTip += text;
} else {
if (event->doesFloat()) {
text = event->summary();
mToolTip += text;
else {
text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time());
text += " " + event->summary();
mToolTip += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary();
MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( event, mDate, text );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = event->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
item->setRecur( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() );
item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() );
item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 );
Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,
if ( me != 0 ) {
if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP())
} else
mItemList->insertItem( item );
mToolTip += "\n";
void MonthViewCell::insertTodo(Todo *todo)
QString text;
if (todo->hasDueDate()) {
if (!todo->doesFloat()) {
text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time());
text += " ";
text += i18n("To-Do: %1").arg(todo->summary());
MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text );
//item->setPalette( mStandardPalette );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = todo->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
mItemList->insertItem( item );
mToolTip += text+"\n";
void MonthViewCell::finishUpdateCell()
if (mToolTip != "")
QString text;
bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog;
if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( mDate ) == 1 || (mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) {
text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mDate, true ) + " ";
mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize );
text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
} else {
mLabel->resize( mLabelSize );
text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
mLabel->setText( text );
resizeEvent( 0 );
void MonthViewCell::updateCell()
if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() )
//mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2);
QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true );
Event *event;
for( event = events.first(); event; event = ) { // for event
// insert due todos
QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate );
Todo *todo;
for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = {
insertTodo( todo );
// if ( isVisible())
void MonthViewCell::updateConfig()
setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont );
QFontMetrics fm( font() );
mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) + QSize( 4, 2 );
mLabelBigSize = fm.size( 0, "Mag 30" ) + QSize( 2, 2 );
mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette;
mPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette;
mNonPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) {
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor );
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor );
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor.dark());
void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled )
if ( enabled ) {
} else {
Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence()
int index = mItemList->currentItem();
if ( index < 0 ) return 0;
MonthViewItem *item =
static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );
if ( !item ) return 0;
return item->incidence();
QDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate()
QDate qd;
int index = mItemList->currentItem();
if ( index < 0 ) return qd;
MonthViewItem *item =
static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );
if ( !item ) return qd;
return item->incidenceDate();
void MonthViewCell::deselect()
enableScrollBars( false );
// updateCell();
void MonthViewCell::select()
;// updateCell();
void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * )
if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() )
if ( !isVisible() ){
int size = height() - mLabel->height();
if ( size > 0 )
mItemList->verticalScrollBar()->setMaximumHeight( size );
size = width() - mLabel->width();
if ( size > 0 )
mItemList->horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximumWidth( size );
mLabel->move( width()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->width(), height()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->height() );
//mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2);
void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence );
void MonthViewCell::showDay()
emit showDaySignal( date() );
void MonthViewCell::newEvent()
QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) );
emit newEventSignal( dt );
void MonthViewCell::cellClicked( QListBoxItem *item )
static QListBoxItem * lastClicked = 0;
if ( item == 0 ) {
QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) );
emit newEventSignal( dt );
if ( lastClicked )
if ( ! item ) {
if ( lastClicked->listBox() != item->listBox() )
mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this );
if( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll ) enableScrollBars( true );
void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
if ( incidence ) mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence );
void MonthViewCell::selection( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this );
// *******************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************
KOMonthView::KOMonthView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: KOEventView( calendar, parent, name ),
mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ),
mShortDayLabels( false ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 )
updatePossible = false;
mCells.setAutoDelete( true );
mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ;
// mDayLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
// create the day of the week labels (Sun, Mon, etc) and add them to
// the layout.
mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek );
QFont bfont = font();
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) {
bfont.setPointSize( bfont.pointSize() - 2 );
bfont.setBold( true );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) {
QLabel *label = new QLabel( this );
mDayLabels.insert( i, label );
bfont.setBold( false );
mWeekLabels.resize( mNumWeeks+1 );
for( i = 0; i < mNumWeeks+1; i++ ) {
KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( this );
connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )) );
QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week in agenda view"));
mWeekLabels.insert( i, label );
mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W"));
int row, col;
mCells.resize( mNumCells );
for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) {
for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) {
MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this );
mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ),
SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ),
SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ),
SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) );
mContextMenu = eventPopup();
// updateConfig(); //useless here
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
delete mContextMenu;
int KOMonthView::maxDatesHint()
return mNumCells;
int KOMonthView::currentDateCount()
return mNumCells;
QPtrList<Incidence> KOMonthView::selectedIncidences()
QPtrList<Incidence> selected;
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
Incidence *incidence = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence();
if ( incidence ) selected.append( incidence );
return selected;
DateList KOMonthView::selectedDates()
DateList selected;
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
QDate qd = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidenceDate();
if ( qd.isValid() ) selected.append( qd );
return selected;
void KOMonthView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd,
const QDate &td)
calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Month, fd, td);
void KOMonthView::updateConfig()
mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday();
QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font());
mWidthLongDayLabel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1));
if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width;
bool temp = mShowSatSunComp ;
mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ;
if ( temp != KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog )
//qDebug("KOMonthView::updateConfig() %d %d %d ",height(), mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height() ,mNumWeeks);
int cellHeight = (height() - mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height()) /mNumWeeks;
//resizeEvent( 0 );
for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) {
void KOMonthView::updateDayLabels()
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (mWeekStartsMonday) {
bool show = mShortDayLabels;
if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > mDayLabels[i]->width() )
show = true;
} else {
if (i==0) mDayLabels[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(7,mShortDayLabels));
else mDayLabels[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i,mShortDayLabels));
void KOMonthView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &)
// kdDebug() << "KOMonthView::showDates(): " << start.toString() << endl;
mStartDate = start;
int startWeekDay = mWeekStartsMonday ? 1 : 7;
while( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mStartDate) != startWeekDay ) {
mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -1 );
bool primary = false;
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < mCells.size(); ++i ) {
QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i );
mCells[i]->setDate( date );
// add holiday, if present
QString hstring(KOCore::self()->holiday(date));
mCells[i]->setHoliday( hstring );
QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( mWeekStartsMonday ? 3 : 4 );
for( i = 0; i < 6; ++i ) {
int wno;
// remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the
// first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4,
// not just 1.
int dayOfYear = date.dayOfYear();
if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0)
wno = dayOfYear / 7 + 1;
wno =dayOfYear / 7;
mWeekLabels[i]->setWeekNum( wno );
date = date.addDays( 7 );
void KOMonthView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>)
qDebug("KOMonthView::selectEvents is not implemented yet. ");
void KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int)
// this should be re-written to be much more efficient, but this
// quick-and-dirty-hack gets the job done for right now.
void KOMonthView::updateView()
if ( !updatePossible )
- QTime ti;
- ti.start();
+ //QTime ti;
+ //ti.start();
#if 1
int i;
for( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {
QPtrList<Event> events = calendar()->events();
Event *event;
QDateTime dt;
bool ok;
int timeSpan = mCells.size()-1;
QDate endDate = mStartDate.addDays( timeSpan );
for( event = events.first(); event; event = ) { // for event
if ( event->doesRecur() ) {
bool last;
QDateTime incidenceStart = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( QDateTime( mStartDate ) , &last );
QDateTime incidenceEnd;
int eventlen = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() );
bool invalid = false;
while( true ) {
if ( incidenceStart.isValid() ) {
incidenceEnd = incidenceStart.addDays( eventlen );
int st = endDate );
if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend
int end = mStartDate.daysTo( );
if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one!
st = timeSpan - st;
if ( st < 0 ) st = 0;
if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan;
int iii;
//qDebug("found %s %d %d ",event->summary().latin1(), st, end );
for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii)
mCells[iii]->insertEvent( event );
} else {
if ( invalid )
invalid = true;
//qDebug("invalid %s", event->summary().latin1());
incidenceStart = QDateTime( mStartDate );
if ( last )
bool ok;
incidenceStart = event->getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ) ,&ok );
if ( ! ok )
if ( > endDate )
} else { // no recur
int st = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( endDate );
if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend
int end = mStartDate.daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() );
if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one!
st = timeSpan - st;
if ( st < 0 ) st = 0;
if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan;
int iii;
for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii)
mCells[iii]->insertEvent( event );
// insert due todos
QPtrList<Todo> todos = calendar()->todos( );
Todo *todo;
for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = {
//insertTodo( todo );
if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) {
int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtDue().date() );
if ( day >= 0 && day < mCells.size() ) {
mCells[day]->insertTodo( todo );
for( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {
// old code
//qDebug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ");
int i;
for( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {
//qDebug("KOMonthView::updateView() ");
// qDebug("---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ");
- qDebug("update time %d ", ti.elapsed());
+ //qDebug("update time %d ", ti.elapsed());
void KOMonthView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e)
void KOMonthView::computeLayout()
// select the appropriate heading string size. E.g. "Wednesday" or "Wed".
// note this only changes the text if the requested size crosses the
// threshold between big enough to support the full name and not big
// enough.
int daysToShow = 7;
bool combinedSatSun = false;
if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) {
daysToShow = 6;
combinedSatSun = true;
int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width();
int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height();
int wid = size().width();//e
int hei = size().height()-1;
if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei )
//qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout()------------------------------------ ");
QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() );
int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" );
wid -= weeklabelwid;
int colWid = wid / daysToShow;
int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 );
int dayLabelHei = mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height();
int cellHei = (hei - dayLabelHei) /6;
int colModulo = wid % daysToShow;
int rowModulo = (hei- dayLabelHei) % 6;
//qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo);
int i;
int x,y,w,h;
x= 0;
y= 0;
w = colWid;
h = dayLabelHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if ( i == daysToShow-colModulo )
if ( combinedSatSun ) {
if ( i >= daysToShow-1 ) {
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w/2,h);
x -= w/2 ;
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h);
} else
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h);
x += w;
x= 0;
y= dayLabelHei;
w = colWid;
h = cellHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) {
w = colWid;
if ( ((i) % 7) >= 7-colModulo ) {
if ( i == (6-rowModulo)*7)
if ( combinedSatSun ) {
if ( (i)%7 >= daysToShow-1 ) {
if ( (i)%7 == daysToShow-1 ) {
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h/2 );
x -= w ;y += h/2;
} else {
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h-h/2 );
y -= h/2;
} else
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h );
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h );
x += w;
if ( x + w/2 > wid ) {
x = 0;
y += h;
y= dayLabelHei;
h = cellHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if ( i == (6-rowModulo))
mWeekLabels[i]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,h);
y += h;
mWeekLabels[6]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei);
// qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height());
//qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height());
mShortDayLabels = mDayLabels[0]->width() < mWidthLongDayLabel ;
bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible;
updatePossible = true;
if ( forceUpdate )
void KOMonthView::showContextMenu( Incidence *incidence )
if( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) {
Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence);
} else {
kdDebug() << "MonthView::showContextMenu(): cast failed." << endl;
MonthViewCell * KOMonthView::selectedCell( )
return mSelectedCell;
void KOMonthView::setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell *cell )
// qDebug("KOMonthView::setSelectedCell ");
if ( mSelectedCell && mSelectedCell != cell ) {
MonthViewCell * mvc = mSelectedCell;
mSelectedCell = cell;
} else
mSelectedCell = cell;
// if ( mSelectedCell )
// mSelectedCell->select();
if ( !mSelectedCell )
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence() );
void KOMonthView::processSelectionChange()
QPtrList<Incidence> incidences = selectedIncidences();
if (incidences.count() > 0) {
emit incidenceSelected( incidences.first() );
} else {
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
void KOMonthView::clearSelection()
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
mSelectedCell = 0;
void KOMonthView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
//qDebug("KOMonthView::keyPressEvent ");
switch(e->key()) {
case Key_Up:
emit prevMonth();
case Key_Down:
emit nextMonth();
diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
index 82437d8..99402c4 100644
--- a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
@@ -1,1057 +1,1070 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "koprefs.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <libkcal/icaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/calfilter.h>
#include <libkcal/dndfactory.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h>
#include <kresources/resourceselectdialog.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include "calprinter.h"
#include "docprefs.h"
#include "kotodoview.h"
using namespace KOrg;
KOTodoListView::KOTodoListView(Calendar *calendar,QWidget *parent,
const char *name) :
mName = QString ( name );
mCalendar = calendar;
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation(viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
mOldCurrent = 0;
mMousePressed = false;
int size = 16;
if (qApp->desktop()->width() < 300 )
size = 12;
setTreeStepSize( size + 6 );
void KOTodoListView::contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragEnterEvent" << endl;
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) &&
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
mOldCurrent = currentItem();
void KOTodoListView::contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragMoveEvent" << endl;
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) &&
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
void KOTodoListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent" << endl;
void KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent" << endl;
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) &&
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
DndFactory factory( mCalendar );
Todo *todo = factory.createDropTodo(e);
if (todo) {
KOTodoViewItem *destination =
(KOTodoViewItem *)itemAt(contentsToViewport(e->pos()));
Todo *destinationEvent = 0;
if (destination) destinationEvent = destination->todo();
Todo *existingTodo = mCalendar->todo(todo->uid());
if(existingTodo) {
Incidence *to = destinationEvent;
while(to) {
if (to->uid() == todo->uid()) {
i18n("Cannot move To-Do to itself\nor a child of itself"),
i18n("Drop To-Do"));
delete todo;
to = to->relatedTo();
internalDrop = true;
if ( destinationEvent )
reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, existingTodo );
delete todo;
} else {
emit todoDropped(todo, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED);
if ( destinationEvent )
reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, todo );
else {
QString text;
if (QTextDrag::decode(e,text)) {
//QListViewItem *qlvi = itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) );
KOTodoViewItem *todoi = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) ));
qDebug("Dropped : " + text);
QStringList emails = QStringList::split(",",text);
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = emails.begin();it!=emails.end();++it) {
int pos = (*it).find("<");
QString name = (*it).left(pos);
QString email = (*it).mid(pos);
if (!email.isEmpty() && todoi) {
todoi->todo()->addAttendee(new Attendee(name,email));
else {
qDebug("KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent(): Todo from drop not decodable ");
void KOTodoListView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
QPoint p(contentsToViewport(e->pos()));
QListViewItem *i = itemAt(p);
mMousePressed = false;
if (i) {
// if the user clicked into the root decoration of the item, don't
// try to start a drag!
if (p.x() > header()->sectionPos(header()->mapToIndex(0)) +
treeStepSize() * (i->depth() + (rootIsDecorated() ? 1 : 0)) +
itemMargin() ||
p.x() < header()->sectionPos(header()->mapToIndex(0))) {
if (e->button()==Qt::LeftButton) {
mPressPos = e->pos();
mMousePressed = true;
+void KOTodoListView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
+ emit paintNeeded();
+ QListView::paintEvent( e);
void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if (mMousePressed && (mPressPos - e->pos()).manhattanLength() >
QApplication::startDragDistance()) {
mMousePressed = false;
QListViewItem *item = itemAt(contentsToViewport(mPressPos));
if (item) {
DndFactory factory( mCalendar );
ICalDrag *vd = factory.createDrag(
((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo(),viewport());
internalDrop = false;
// we cannot do any senseful here, because the DnD is still broken in Qt
if (vd->drag()) {
if ( !internalDrop ) {
//emit deleteTodo( ((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo() );
qDebug("Dnd: External move: Delete drag source ");
} else
qDebug("Dnd: Internal move ");
} else {
if ( !internalDrop ) {
qDebug("Dnd: External Copy");
} else
qDebug("DnD: Internal copy: Copy pending");
void KOTodoListView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
QListViewItem* cn;
if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) {
cn = currentItem();
if ( cn ) {
KOTodoViewItem* ci = (KOTodoViewItem*)( cn );
if ( ci ){
if ( e->state() == ShiftButton )
ci->setOn( false );
ci->setOn( true );
cn = cn->itemBelow();
if ( cn ) {
setCurrentItem ( cn );
ensureItemVisible ( cn );
// qDebug("KOTodoListView::keyPressEvent ");
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton || mName != "todolistsmall" ) {
switch ( e->key() ) {
case Qt::Key_Down:
case Qt::Key_Up:
QListView::keyPressEvent ( e );
case Qt::Key_Left:
case Qt::Key_Right:
QListView::keyPressEvent ( e );
void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
mMousePressed = false;
void KOTodoListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (!e) return;
QPoint vp = contentsToViewport(e->pos());
QListViewItem *item = itemAt(vp);
emit double_Clicked(item);
if (!item) return;
emit doubleClicked(item,vp,0);
KOQuickTodo::KOQuickTodo(QWidget *parent) :
setText(i18n("Click to add a new Todo"));
void KOQuickTodo::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *ev)
if ( text()==i18n("Click to add a new Todo") )
void KOQuickTodo::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *ev)
setText(i18n("Click to add a new Todo"));
KOTodoView::KOTodoView(Calendar *calendar,QWidget* parent,const char* name) :
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
isFlatDisplay = false;
mNavigator = 0;
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
mName = QString ( name );
mBlockUpdate = false;
mQuickAdd = new KOQuickTodo(this);
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo ) mQuickAdd->hide();
mTodoListView = new KOTodoListView(calendar,this, name );
mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Date"));
mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Time"));
mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date"));
mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time"));
#if 0
mTodoListView->addColumn(i18n("Sort Id"));
mTodoListView->setMinimumHeight( 60 );
mTodoListView->setItemsRenameable( true );
mTodoListView->setRenameable( 0 );
mTodoListView->setColumnWidth( 0, 120 );
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(0, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(1, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(2, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(3, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(4, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(5, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(6, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(7, QListView::Manual);
mTodoListView->setColumnWidthMode(8, QListView::Manual);
mPriorityPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
QString label = QString ("%1").arg (i);
mPriority[mPriorityPopupMenu->insertItem (label)] = i;
connect (mPriorityPopupMenu, SIGNAL(activated (int)), SLOT (setNewPriority(int)));
mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i+=20) {
QString label = QString ("%1 %").arg (i);
mPercentage[mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->insertItem (label)] = i;
connect (mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (setNewPercentage (int)));
mItemPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show..."), this,
SLOT (showTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit..."), this,
SLOT (editTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Delete"), this,
SLOT (deleteTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Clone..."), this,
SLOT (cloneTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Move..."), this,
SLOT (moveTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Beam..."), this,
SLOT (beamTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Toggle Cancel"), this,
SLOT (cancelTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("New Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("New Sub-Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newSubTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Unparent Todo"), this,
SLOT (unparentTodo()),0,21);
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Reparent Todo"), this,
SLOT (reparentTodo()),0,22);
#if 0
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed"),
this, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle completed To-Dos","Show Completed"),
this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0, 33 );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"),
this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0, 34 );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"),
this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0, 35 );
mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("todo"), i18n("New Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newTodo()),0,1);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed"),
this, SLOT(purgeCompleted()),0,2);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Completed"),
this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0,3 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"),
this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0,4 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"),
this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0,5 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all open","Display all opened"),
this, SLOT( setAllOpen() ),0,6 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all close","Display all closed"),
this, SLOT( setAllClose() ),0,7 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all flat","Display all flat"),
this, SLOT( setAllFlat() ),0,8 );
mDocPrefs = new DocPrefs( name );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Todo View"),mPopupMenu );
mPopupMenu->setCheckable( true );
mItemPopupMenu->setCheckable( true );
mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 3,KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 33 , KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 34 , KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 35 , KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos );
// Double clicking conflicts with opening/closing the subtree
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem *) ),
SLOT( editItem( QListViewItem *) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( rightButtonClicked ( QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &,int ) ),
SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( contextRequest ( QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &,int ) ),
SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( double_Clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ),
SLOT( updateView() ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ),
SLOT( todoModified(Todo *, int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( collapsed( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) );
+ connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( paintNeeded() ),
+ SLOT( paintNeeded()) );
#if 0
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(pressed(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ), SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( deleteTodo(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(deleteTodoSignal(Todo *) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged() ),
SLOT( processSelectionChange() ) );
connect( mQuickAdd, SIGNAL( returnPressed () ),
SLOT( addQuickTodo() ) );
delete mDocPrefs;
void KOTodoView::jumpToDate ()
// if (mActiveItem) {
// mActiveItem->todo());
// if ( mActiveItem->todo()->hasDueDate() )
// emit mActiveItem->todo()jumpToTime( mTodo->dtDue().date() );
+void KOTodoView::paintNeeded()
+ if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
+ updateView();
+ mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
+ }
void KOTodoView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent)
if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
KOrg::BaseView::paintEvent( pevent);
- bool mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint;
void KOTodoView::updateView()
pendingSubtodo = 0;
if ( mBlockUpdate ) {
if ( !isVisible() ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = true;
//qDebug("KOTodoView::updateView() %x", this);
if ( isFlatDisplay ) {
//qDebug("update ");
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView()" << endl;
QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont;
if ( mName == "todolistsmall" ) {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesSmallFont ) {
int ps = fo.pointSize() -2;
if ( ps > 12 )
ps -= 2;
fo.setPointSize( ps );
mTodoListView->setFont( fo );
// QFontMetrics fm ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont );
QPtrList<Todo> todoList = calendar()->todos();
kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView(): Todo List:" << endl;
Event *t;
for(t = todoList.first(); t; t = {
kdDebug() << " " << t->getSummary() << endl;
if (t->getRelatedTo()) {
kdDebug() << " (related to " << t->getRelatedTo()->getSummary() << ")" << endl;
QPtrList<Event> l = t->getRelations();
Event *c;
for(c=l.first();c; {
kdDebug() << " - relation: " << c->getSummary() << endl;
// Put for each Event a KOTodoViewItem in the list view. Don't rely on a
// specific order of events. That means that we have to generate parent items
// recursively for proper hierarchical display of Todos.
Todo *todo;
todo = todoList.first();// todo; todo = {
while ( todo ) {
bool next = true;
// qDebug("todo %s ", todo->summary().latin1());
Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo();
while ( incidence ) {
if ( incidence->type() == "Todo") {
//qDebug("related %s ",incidence->summary().latin1() );
if ( !(todoList.contains ( ((Todo* )incidence ) ) )) {
//qDebug("related not found ");
todoList.remove( );
todo = todoList.current();
next = false;
incidence = 0;
} else {
//qDebug("related found ");
incidence = incidence->relatedTo();
} else
incidence = 0;
if ( next )
todo =;
// qDebug("again .... ");
// for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = {
// qDebug("yytodo %s ", todo->summary().latin1());
// }
//qDebug("for ");
for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = {
if (!mTodoMap.contains(todo) && checkTodo( todo ) )
//qDebug("for end ");
// Restore opened/closed state
mTodoListView->blockSignals( true );
if( mDocPrefs ) restoreItemState( mTodoListView->firstChild() );
mTodoListView->blockSignals( false );
bool KOTodoView::checkTodo( Todo * todo )
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && todo->isCompleted() )
return false;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos && mNavigator ) {
if ( todo->hasStartDate() )
if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().last() < todo->dtStart().date() )
return false;
if ( todo->hasDueDate() )
if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().first() > todo->dtDue().date() )
return false;
return true;
void KOTodoView::restoreItemState( QListViewItem *item )
pendingSubtodo = 0;
while( item ) {
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
todoItem->setOpen( mDocPrefs->readBoolEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid() ) );
if( item->childCount() > 0 ) restoreItemState( item->firstChild() );
item = item->nextSibling();
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator
KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(Todo *todo)
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(): " << todo->getSummary() << endl;
// TODO: Check, if dynmaic cast is necessary
pendingSubtodo = 0;
Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo();
if (incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo") {
Todo *relatedTodo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence);
// kdDebug() << " has Related" << endl;
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator;
itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(relatedTodo);
if (itemIterator == mTodoMap.end()) {
// kdDebug() << " related not yet in list" << endl;
itemIterator = insertTodoItem (relatedTodo);
// isn't this pretty stupid? We give one Todo to the KOTodoViewItem
// and one into the map. Sure finding is more easy but why? -zecke
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(*itemIterator,todo,this);
return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem);
} else {
// kdDebug() << " no Related" << endl;
// see above -zecke
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(mTodoListView,todo,this);
return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem);
void KOTodoView::updateConfig()
QPtrList<Incidence> KOTodoView::selectedIncidences()
QPtrList<Incidence> selected;
KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem());
// if (!item) item = mActiveItem;
if (item) selected.append(item->todo());
return selected;
QPtrList<Todo> KOTodoView::selectedTodos()
QPtrList<Todo> selected;
KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem());
// if (!item) item = mActiveItem;
if (item) selected.append(item->todo());
return selected;
void KOTodoView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int)
void KOTodoView::showDates(const QDate &, const QDate &)
void KOTodoView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>)
kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::selectEvents(): not yet implemented" << endl;
void KOTodoView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd,
const QDate &td)
calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Todolist, fd, td);
void KOTodoView::editItem(QListViewItem *item )
// qDebug("editItem(QListViewItem *item ) ");
emit editTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo());
void KOTodoView::showItem(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int)
emit showTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo());
void KOTodoView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &p,int column)
pendingSubtodo = 0;
mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
if (item) {
switch (column){
case 1:
mPriorityPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
case 2:
mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
case 3:
case 8:
getCategoryPopupMenu((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
} else mPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos());
void KOTodoView::newTodo()
emit newTodoSignal();
void KOTodoView::newSubTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit newSubTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::unparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit unparentTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::reparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
qDebug("KOTodoView::reparentTodo() ");
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Click on new parent item"));
pendingSubtodo = mActiveItem;
void KOTodoView::editTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit editTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cloneTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cloneTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cancelTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cancelTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::moveTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit moveTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::beamTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit beamTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::showTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit showTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::deleteTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit deleteTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::setNewPriority(int index)
if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) {
todoModified (mActiveItem->todo(), KOGlobals::PRIORITY_MODIFIED);
mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 );
void KOTodoView::setNewPercentage(int index)
if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) {
if ( mPercentage[index] == 100 && !mActiveItem->isOn() ) {
mActiveItem->setOn( true );
} else if ( mPercentage[index] != 100 && mActiveItem->isOn() ) {
KOTodoViewItem* par = (static_cast<KOTodoViewItem*>(mActiveItem->parent()));
if ( par && par->isOn() )
par->setOn( false );
if (mPercentage[index] == 100) {
} else {
todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::COMPLETION_MODIFIED);
mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 );
QPopupMenu * KOTodoView::getCategoryPopupMenu (KOTodoViewItem *todoItem)
QPopupMenu* tempMenu = new QPopupMenu (this);
QStringList checkedCategories = todoItem->todo()->categories ();
tempMenu->setCheckable (true);
for (QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.begin ();
it != KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.end ();
++it) {
int index = tempMenu->insertItem (*it);
mCategory[index] = *it;
if (checkedCategories.find (*it) != checkedCategories.end ()) tempMenu->setItemChecked (index, true);
connect (tempMenu, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (changedCategories (int)));
return tempMenu;
void KOTodoView::changedCategories(int index)
if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) {
QStringList categories = mActiveItem->todo()->categories ();
if (categories.find (mCategory[index]) != categories.end ())
categories.remove (mCategory[index]);
categories.insert (categories.end(), mCategory[index]);
categories.sort ();
mActiveItem->todo()->setCategories (categories);
mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 );
todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::CATEGORY_MODIFIED);
void KOTodoView::itemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *item)
if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!"));
pendingSubtodo = 0;
if (!item) {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEditOnDoubleClick )
editItem( item );
showItem( item , QPoint(), 0 );
void KOTodoView::itemClicked(QListViewItem *item)
if (!item) {
if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!"));
pendingSubtodo = 0;
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) {
bool allowReparent = true;
QListViewItem *par = item;
while ( par ) {
if ( par == pendingSubtodo ) {
allowReparent = false;
par = par->parent();
if ( !allowReparent ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Recursive reparenting not possible!"));
qDebug("Recursive reparenting not possible ");
pendingSubtodo = 0;
} else {
Todo* newParent = todoItem->todo();
Todo* newSub = pendingSubtodo->todo();
pendingSubtodo = 0;
emit reparentTodoSignal( newParent,newSub );
#if 0
// handled by the item itself
bool completed = todoItem->todo()->isCompleted(); // Completed or not?
qDebug("com %d ",completed );
qDebug("itemclicked ");
if (todoItem->isOn()) {
qDebug("on ");
if (!completed) {
qDebug("set true ");
} else {
qDebug("not on ");
if (completed) {
qDebug("set false ");
void KOTodoView::setDocumentId( const QString &id )
kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::setDocumentId()" << endl;
mDocPrefs->setDoc( id );
void KOTodoView::itemStateChanged( QListViewItem *item )
if (!item) return;
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::itemStateChanged(): " << todoItem->todo()->summary() << endl;
if( mDocPrefs ) mDocPrefs->writeEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid(), todoItem->isOpen() );
void KOTodoView::saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) const
void KOTodoView::restoreLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group)
void KOTodoView::processSelectionChange()
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::processSelectionChange()" << endl;
KOTodoViewItem *item =
static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>( mTodoListView->selectedItem() );
if ( !item ) {
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
} else {
emit incidenceSelected( item->todo() );
void KOTodoView::modified(bool b)
emit isModified(b);
void KOTodoView::setTodoModified( Todo* todo )
todoModified( todo, KOGlobals::UNKNOWN_MODIFIED );
void KOTodoView::clearSelection()
mTodoListView->selectAll( false );
void KOTodoView::setAllOpen()
if ( isFlatDisplay ) {
isFlatDisplay = false;
mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 8,false );
diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.h b/korganizer/kotodoview.h
index 16bc133..2a9e737 100644
--- a/korganizer/kotodoview.h
+++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.h
@@ -1,249 +1,253 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qstrlist.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include <libkcal/todo.h>
#include <korganizer/baseview.h>
#include "kotodoviewitem.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "datenavigator.h"
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDragMoveEvent;
class QDragLeaveEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class DocPrefs;
class KOTodoListView : public KListView
KOTodoListView(Calendar *,QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=0);
virtual ~KOTodoListView() {}
+ void paintNeeded();
void todoDropped(Todo *, int);
void double_Clicked(QListViewItem *item);
void reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * );
void unparentTodoSignal(Todo *);
void deleteTodo( Todo * );
void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *);
void contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *);
void contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *);
void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *);
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *);
+ void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent);
bool internalDrop;
QString mName;
Calendar *mCalendar;
QPoint mPressPos;
bool mMousePressed;
QListViewItem *mOldCurrent;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ;
This is the line-edit on top of the todoview for fast addition of new todos
class KOQuickTodo : public QLineEdit
KOQuickTodo(QWidget *parent=0);
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *ev);
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *ev);
This class provides a multi-column list view of todo events.
@short multi-column list view of todo events.
@author Cornelius Schumacher <>
class KOTodoView : public KOrg::BaseView
KOTodoView(Calendar *, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 );
QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences();
QPtrList<Todo> selectedTodos();
DateList selectedDates()
{DateList q;
return q;}
/** Return number of shown dates. TodoView does not show dates, */
int currentDateCount() { return 0; }
void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td);
void setDocumentId( const QString & );
void saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) const;
void restoreLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group);
/** Create a popup menu to set categories */
QPopupMenu *getCategoryPopupMenu (KOTodoViewItem *todoItem);
void setNavigator( DateNavigator* nav ) {mNavigator = nav;}
public slots:
void updateView();
void updateConfig();
void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int);
void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end);
void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList);
void clearSelection();
void jumpToDate ();
void editItem(QListViewItem *item);
void showItem(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int);
void popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int);
void newTodo();
void newSubTodo();
void unparentTodo();
void reparentTodo();
void showTodo();
void editTodo();
void cloneTodo();
void cancelTodo();
void moveTodo();
void beamTodo();
void deleteTodo();
void setNewPriority(int);
void setNewPercentage(int);
void changedCategories(int);
void setAllOpen();
void setAllClose();
void setAllFlat();
void purgeCompleted();
void toggleCompleted();
void toggleRunning();
void toggleQuickTodo();
void updateTodo( Todo *, int );
void itemClicked(QListViewItem *);
void itemStateChanged(QListViewItem *);
void modified(bool);
void itemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *item);
void newTodoSignal();
void newSubTodoSignal(Todo *);
void unparentTodoSignal(Todo *);
void reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * );
void showTodoSignal(Todo *);
void editTodoSignal(Todo *);
void deleteTodoSignal(Todo *);
void todoModifiedSignal (Todo *, int);
void isModified(bool);
void cloneTodoSignal( Incidence * );
void cancelTodoSignal( Incidence * );
void moveTodoSignal( Incidence * );
void beamTodoSignal( Incidence * );
void purgeCompletedSignal();
protected slots:
+ void paintNeeded();
void processSelectionChange();
void addQuickTodo();
void setTodoModified( Todo* );
void todoModified(Todo *, int );
* the TodoEditor approach is rather unscaling in the long
* run.
* Korganizer keeps it in memory and we need to update
* 1. make KOTodoViewItem a QObject again?
* 2. add a public method for setting one todo modified?
* 3. add a private method for setting a todo modified + friend here?
* -- zecke 2002-07-08
+ friend class KOTodoListView;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent);
bool mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint;
friend class KOTodoViewItem;
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator insertTodoItem(Todo *todo);
void restoreItemState( QListViewItem * );
bool checkTodo( Todo * );
bool isFlatDisplay;
void setOpen( QListViewItem*, bool setOpen);
KOTodoListView *mTodoListView;
QPopupMenu *mItemPopupMenu;
QPopupMenu *mPopupMenu;
QPopupMenu *mPriorityPopupMenu;
QPopupMenu *mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu;
QPopupMenu *mCategoryPopupMenu;
QMap<int, int> mPercentage;
QMap<int, int> mPriority;
QMap<int, QString> mCategory;
KOTodoViewItem *mActiveItem;
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *> mTodoMap;
QString mName;
DocPrefs *mDocPrefs;
QString mCurrentDoc;
KOQuickTodo *mQuickAdd;
bool mBlockUpdate;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ;
KOTodoViewItem * pendingSubtodo;
DateNavigator* mNavigator;
diff --git a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
index 30f5fb1..188ad23 100644
--- a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
@@ -95,561 +95,562 @@ void KOViewManager::readSettings(KConfig *config)
else if (view == "Todo") showTodoView();
else {
void KOViewManager::showDateView( int view, QDate date)
//qDebug("date %d %s", view, date.toString().latin1());
#if 0
mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"day" ), i18n("Day view"),3 );
mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"week" ), i18n("Next Week"),4 );
mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("Next Two Weeks"),5 );
mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"month" ), i18n("Next Month"),6 );
mNewItemPopup->insertItem ( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ), i18n("Journal view"),7 );
if ( view == 3 ) {
//mCurrentAgendaView = 1 ;
mMainView->showDay( date );
} else if (view == 4 ) {
mCurrentAgendaView = 7 ;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date, 7 );
} else if (view == 5 ) {
mCurrentAgendaView = 14 ;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date, 14);
} else if (view == 6 ) {
mMainView->dateNavigator()->blockSignals( true );
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectMonthByDate( date );
mMainView->dateNavigator()->blockSignals( false );
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDate( date );
} else if (view == 7 ) {
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDate( date );
} else if (view == 8 ) {
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 3 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date ,
KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays );
mFlagShowNextxDays = true;
mCurrentAgendaView = 3 ;
} if (view == 9) {
} else if (view == 10) {
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( date,mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectedDates().count() );
#if 0
dateNavigator()->blockSignals( true );
dateNavigator()->selectDate( d );
dateNavigator()->blockSignals( false );
void KOViewManager::writeSettings(KConfig *config)
QString view;
if (mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView) view = "WhatsNext";
else if (mCurrentView == mMonthView) view = "Month";
else if (mCurrentView == mListView) view = "List";
else if (mCurrentView == mJournalView) view = "Journal";
else if (mCurrentView == mTimeSpanView) view = "TimeSpan";
else if (mCurrentView == mTodoView) view = "Todo";
else view = "Agenda";
config->writeEntry("Current View",view);
if (mAgendaView) {
if (mTimeSpanView) {
if (mListView) {
if (mTodoView) {
mTodoView->saveLayout(config,"Todo View");
void KOViewManager::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view, bool fullScreen )
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
//if(view == mCurrentView) return;
if ( view == 0 ) {
view = mCurrentView;
if ( view == 0 )
bool full = fullScreen;
if(view == mCurrentView && view != mWhatsNextView ) {
if ( mCurrentAgendaView < 0 )
full = mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible();
} else {
mCurrentView = view;
// bool full = fullScreen;
bool isFull = !mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible();
if ( isFull && KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldFullscreen )
full = true;
if ( !isFull && KOPrefs::instance()->mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen )
full = false;
if ( mAgendaView ) mAgendaView->deleteSelectedDateTime();
//raiseCurrentView( full );
mMainView->processIncidenceSelection( 0 );
raiseCurrentView( full, true );
void KOViewManager::raiseCurrentView( bool fullScreen, bool callUpdateView )
mCurrentAgendaView = 0;
int wid = mMainView->width() ;
int hei = mMainView->height();
if ( mCurrentView == mMonthView ) {
hei -= mMainView->navigatorBar()->sizeHint().height();
} else {
if ( fullScreen ) {
} else {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen )
hei -= mMainView->leftFrame()->height();
wid -= mMainView->leftFrame()->width();
emit signalFullScreen( !fullScreen );
if ( callUpdateView )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 5 ) {
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 4;
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1;
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 4 ) {
if ( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ) {
//globalFlagBlockAgenda =1 ;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt )
mAgendaView->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins );
else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime )
mAgendaView->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() );
//qDebug("qApp->processEvents() ");
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0;
emit signalAgendaView( mCurrentView == mAgendaView );
//qDebug("raiseCurrentView ende ");
void KOViewManager::updateView()
// qDebug("KOViewManager::updateView() ");
// if we are updating mTodoView, we get endless recursion
if ( mTodoView == mCurrentView )
if ( mCurrentView ) mCurrentView->updateView();
void KOViewManager::updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end)
// kdDebug() << "KOViewManager::updateView()" << endl;
if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->showDates(start, end);
if (mTodoView && mTodoView == mCurrentView ) mTodoView->updateView();
void KOViewManager::updateWNview()
if ( mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView && mWhatsNextView )
void KOViewManager::showWhatsNextView()
if (!mWhatsNextView) {
mWhatsNextView = new KOWhatsNextView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(),
mWhatsNextView->setEventViewer( mMainView->getEventViewerDialog());
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mWhatsNextView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect(this, SIGNAL( printWNV() ),
mWhatsNextView, SLOT( printMe() ) );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
showView(mWhatsNextView, true );
void KOViewManager::showListView()
if (!mListView) {
mListView = new KOListView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::ListView");
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( signalNewEvent() ),
mMainView, SLOT( newEvent() ) );
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mListView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
// bool temp = mFlagShowNextxDays;
//globalFlagBlockPainting = true;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan ) {
mMainView->setBlockShowDates( true );
mMainView->setBlockShowDates( false );
showView(mListView, KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewTodo);
//mFlagShowNextxDays = temp;
void KOViewManager::showAgendaView( bool fullScreen )
// qDebug("KOViewManager::showAgendaView ");
bool full;
full = fullScreen;
if (!mAgendaView) {
full = false;
mAgendaView = new KOAgendaView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::AgendaView");
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mAgendaView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceChanged(Incidence *, int )),
mMainView, SLOT( changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *, int ) ));
connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(showDateView( int, QDate )),SLOT(showDateView( int, QDate )));
mMainView, SLOT(newTodoDateTime(QDateTime,bool)));
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime)));
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime,QDateTime)));
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDate)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL( toggleExpand() ),
mMainView, SLOT( toggleExpand() ) );
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL( calendarViewExpanded( bool ) ),
mAgendaView, SLOT( setExpandedButton( bool ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ),
mMainView, SLOT(cloneIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ;
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ),
mMainView, SLOT(cancelIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ;
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mAgendaView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mAgendaView,
SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView,SIGNAL( todoMoved( Todo *, int )),
mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )));
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
showView( mAgendaView, full);
void KOViewManager::showDayView()
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 1 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 );
mCurrentAgendaView = 1 ;
void KOViewManager::showWorkWeekView()
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 5 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
mCurrentAgendaView = 5 ;
void KOViewManager::showWeekView()
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
qDebug("4globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2; ");
//globalFlagBlockPainting = true;
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 7 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
mCurrentAgendaView = 7 ;
void KOViewManager::showNextXView()
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 3 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( QDate::currentDate(),
KOPrefs::instance()->mNextXDays );
mFlagShowNextxDays = true;
mCurrentAgendaView = 3 ;
bool KOViewManager::showsNextDays()
return mFlagShowNextxDays;
void KOViewManager::showMonthView()
if (!mMonthView) {
mMonthView = new KOMonthView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::MonthView");
// mMonthView->show();
connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime)),
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime)));
connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mMonthView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum( int ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( selectWeekNum( int ) ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( showDay( QDate ) ) );
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mMonthView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(nextMonth() ),
mMainView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goNextMonth() ) );
connect( mMonthView, SIGNAL(prevMonth() ),
mMainView->navigatorBar(), SIGNAL(goPrevMonth() ) );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
// if(mMonthView == mCurrentView) return;
showView(mMonthView, true );
void KOViewManager::showTodoView()
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
if ( !mTodoView ) {
mTodoView = new KOTodoView( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(),
"KOViewManager::TodoView" );
addView( mTodoView );
// QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mTodoView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newTodoSignal() ),
mMainView, SLOT( newTodo() ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( newSubTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( newSubTodo( Todo *) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( showTodoSignal( Todo *) ),
mMainView, SLOT( showTodo( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( editTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( editTodo( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( deleteTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( deleteTodo( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( purgeCompletedSignal() ),
mMainView, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( configChanged() ), mTodoView,
SLOT( updateConfig() ) );
connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mTodoView,
SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( todoModifiedSignal( Todo *, int ) ),
mMainView, SIGNAL ( todoModified( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cloneTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( cancelTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( unparentTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( todo_unsub( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( todo_resub( Todo *, Todo *) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( moveTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoView, SIGNAL( beamTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config();
mTodoView->restoreLayout(config,"Todo View");
mTodoView->setNavigator( mMainView->dateNavigator() );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
showView( mTodoView, true );
void KOViewManager::showJournalView()
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
if (!mJournalView) {
mJournalView = new KOJournalView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(),
connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( configChanged() ), mJournalView,
SLOT( updateConfig() ) );
connect(mJournalView, SIGNAL(deleteJournal(Journal *) ), mMainView,SLOT(deleteJournal(Journal *)) );
+ mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 );
void KOViewManager::showTimeSpanView()
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
if (!mTimeSpanView) {
mTimeSpanView = new KOTimeSpanView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(),
Incidence *KOViewManager::currentSelection()
if (!mCurrentView) return 0;
if ( mCurrentView == mListView ) {
if ( mListView->currentItem() )
return mListView->currentItem();
return mCurrentView->selectedIncidences().first();
QDate KOViewManager::currentSelectionDate()
QDate qd;
if (mCurrentView) {
DateList qvl = mCurrentView->selectedDates();
if (!qvl.isEmpty()) qd = qvl.first();
return qd;
void KOViewManager::addView(KOrg::BaseView *view)
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
mMainView->viewStack()->addWidget( view );
mMainView->viewStack()->addWidget( view, 1 );
void KOViewManager::setDocumentId( const QString &id )
if (mTodoView) mTodoView->setDocumentId( id );