path: root/korganizer
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'korganizer') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
index 20f8b57..25e76ee 100644
--- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -966,202 +966,203 @@ void MainWindow::initActions()
actionMenu->insertItem( i18n("Configure Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu );
// actionMenu->insertSeparator();
action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Import (*.ics/*.vcs) file"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importIcal() ) );
action = new QAction( "import_quick", i18n("Import last file"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( quickImportIcal() ) );
action = new QAction( "import_bday", i18n("Import Birthdays (KA/Pi)"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importBday() ) );
action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Import Opie/Qtopia Cal."), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importQtopia() ) );
#ifdef _OL_IMPORT_
action = new QAction( "import_ol", i18n("Import from OL"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( importOL() ) );
action = new QAction( "load_cal", i18n("Load Calendar Backup"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( loadCalendar() ) );
action = new QAction( "save_cal", i18n("Save Calendar Backup"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( saveCalendar() ) );
importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Import"), importMenu_X );
action = new QAction( "import_qtopia", i18n("Export VCalendar"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( exportMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( exportVCalendar() ) );
QPopupMenu *ex2phone = new QPopupMenu( this );
ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Complete calendar..."), 1 );
ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Filtered calendar..."), 2 );
connect( ex2phone, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( exportToPhone( int)) );
exportMenu_X->insertItem( i18n("Export to phone"), ex2phone );
importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Export"), exportMenu_X );
brAction = new QAction( "beam toggle", i18n("Beam receive enabled"), 0,
this );
brAction->addTo( beamMenu_X );
brAction->setToggleAction (true ) ;
connect( brAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( toggleBeamReceive() ) );
action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam complete calendar..."), 0,
this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamCalendar() ) );
action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Beam filtered calendar..."), 0,
this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( beamFilteredCalendar()) );
importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Beam"), beamMenu_X );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Print calendar..."),icon,i18n("Print calendar..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
this, SLOT( printCal() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Print agenda selection..."),icon,i18n("Print agenda selection..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
this, SLOT( printSel() ) );
action = new QAction( i18n("Print What's Next View..."),icon,i18n("Print What's Next View..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( slotprintWNV() ) );
- action = new QAction( i18n("Print selected event / todo..."),icon,i18n("Print selected event / todo..."), 0, this );
+ icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" );
+ action = new QAction( i18n("Print List View..."),icon,i18n("Print List View..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
- mView, SLOT( slotprintSelInc() ) );
+ this, SLOT( printListView() ) );
- icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "print" );
- action = new QAction( i18n("Print list view..."),icon,i18n("Print list view..."), 0, this );
+ action = new QAction( i18n("Print selected event / todo..."),icon,i18n("Print selected event / todo..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( beamMenu_X );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
- this, SLOT( printListView() ) );
+ mView, SLOT( slotprintSelInc() ) );
importMenu->insertItem( i18n("Print"), beamMenu_X );
action = new QAction( "manage cat", i18n("Manage new categories..."), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( manageCategories() ) );
action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Save"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( save() ) );
action = new QAction( "beam all", i18n("Exit (+save)"), 0,
this );
action->addTo( importMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
//menuBar->insertItem( "Configure",configureMenu );
//configureMenu->insertItem( "Toolbar",configureToolBarMenu );
icon = loadPixmap( "korganizer/korganizer" );
action = new QAction( "Whats New", i18n("What's new?"), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( whatsNew() ) );
action = new QAction( "featureHowto", i18n("Features + hints..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( features() ) );
action = new QAction( "Keys + Colors", i18n("Keys + Colors..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( keyBindings() ) );
action = new QAction( "Storage Howto", i18n("Storage HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( storagehowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Timetracking Howto", i18n("Timetracking HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( timetrackinghowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Sync Howto", i18n("Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( synchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "KDE Sync Howto", i18n("KDE Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( kdesynchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Multi Sync Howto", i18n("Multi Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( multisynchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Auto saving", i18n("Auto saving..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( aboutAutoSaving() ) );
action = new QAction( "Problemd", i18n("Known Problems..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( aboutKnownBugs() ) );
action = new QAction( "Translate Howto", i18n("User translation..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( usertrans() ) );
action = new QAction( "Frequently asked questions", i18n("FAQ..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( faq() ) );
action = new QAction( "licence", i18n("Licence..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( licence() ) );
action = new QAction( "about", i18n("About..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( about() ) );
// ******************************************************
// menubar icons
//menuBar->insertItem( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent)
ne_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p->mShowIconNewTodo )
nt_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconSearch)
search_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis)
QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconNext)
@@ -2334,175 +2335,178 @@ void MainWindow::importFile( QString fn, bool quick )
int result = 0;
if ( !quick ) {
mess = i18n( "Import file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\nDuplicated entries\nwill not be imported!\n").arg(fn.right( 25)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ));
result = QMessageBox::warning( this, "KO/Pi: Warning!",
"Import", "Cancel", 0,
0, 1 );
if ( result == 0 ) {
if ( mView->openCalendar( fn, true )) {
KOPrefs::instance()->mLastImportFile = fn;
setCaption(i18n("Imported file successfully"));
} else {
setCaption(i18n("Error importing file"));
void MainWindow::importIcal()
QString fn =KOPrefs::instance()->mLastImportFile;
fn =KFileDialog:: getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Import filename(*.ics/*.vcs)"), this );
if ( fn == "" )
importFile( fn, true );
void MainWindow::exportVCalendar()
QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastVcalFile;
fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Export vcal filename(*.vcs)"), this );
if ( fn == "" )
QFileInfo info;
info.setFile( fn );
QString mes;
bool createbup = true;
if ( info. exists() ) {
mes = i18n("Save file\nalready exists!\nOld save file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) );
int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes,
i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0,
0, 1 );
if ( result != 0 ) {
createbup = false;
if ( createbup ) {
if ( mView->exportVCalendar( fn ) ) {
KOPrefs::instance()->mLastVcalFile = fn;
if ( fn.length() > 20 )
mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Exported to ...%1").arg(fn.right(20)) ;
mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Exported to %1").arg(fn );
QString MainWindow::sentSyncFile()
return locateLocal( "tmp", "copysynccal.ics" );
return QString( "/tmp/copysynccal.ics" );
void MainWindow::syncFileRequest()
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mPassiveSyncWithDesktop ) {
mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 999 );
setCaption(i18n("Saving Data to temp file ..." ));
mView->saveCalendar( sentSyncFile() );
setCaption(i18n("Data saved to temp file!" ));
void MainWindow::getFile( bool success )
if ( ! success ) {
setCaption( i18n("Error receiving file. Nothing changed!") );
mView->openCalendar( sentSyncFile() );
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mPassiveSyncWithDesktop ) {
mSyncManager->slotSyncMenu( 999 );
setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") );
void MainWindow::printListView()
- qDebug("MainWindow::printListView() ");
+ QString message = i18n("You can make a printout of the <b>List View</b> and the list view in the <b>Search Dialog</b>! To do this, please go to the <b>List View/Search Dialog</b>. Right click on the list. Select in the popup menu the entry <b>Print complete list</b>. That prints the list as you see it. You can remove items from the list before printing without deleting the corresponding event/todo! Simply select all items you do not want to print out. Then right click on one of the items and choose <b>Hide selected items</b>. After that you can print the list without these items.");
+ KMessageBox::information( this, message);
void MainWindow::printSel( )
void MainWindow::printCal()
#include "libkdepim/kdatepicker.h"
#include <kdatetbl.h>
void MainWindow::weekAction()
int month;
KPopupFrame* popup = new KPopupFrame(this);
KDateInternalWeekPicker* picker = new KDateInternalWeekPicker(popup);
// -----
connect(picker, SIGNAL(closeMe(int)), popup, SLOT(close(int)));
int x = 0;
int y = iconToolBar->height();
int dX = 0;
int dY = 0;
if ( iconToolBar->orientation () == Qt:: Horizontal ) {
if ( iconToolBar->y() > height()/2 ) {
dY = picker->sizeHint().height()+8;
y = 0;
} else {
if ( iconToolBar->x() > width()/2 ) { // right side
dX= picker->sizeHint().width()+8;
y = 0;
} else {
x= iconToolBar->width();
y = 0;
//qDebug("dax %d dy %d %d %d ", dX, dY, iconToolBar->x(), iconToolBar->y() );
if(popup->exec(iconToolBar->mapToGlobal(QPoint(x,y)-QPoint( dX,dY))))
month = picker->getResult();
emit selectWeek ( month );
//qDebug("weekSelected %d ", month);
delete popup;
void MainWindow::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * )
QString message;
QDateTime nextA = mCalendar->nextAlarmEventDateTime();
if ( nextA.isValid() ) {
QString sum = mCalendar->nextSummary();
message = i18n("%1 %2 - %3 (next event/todo with alarm)").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(nextA.time() , false)).arg(sum ).arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( , false));
setCaption( message );
void MainWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e)
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowIconFilter && !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowIconOnetoolbar && QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320) {
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() > QApplication::desktop()->height() )
QMainWindow::resizeEvent( e);