-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/event.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/incidence.cpp | 53 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/incidence.h | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/kincidenceformatter.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/vcalformat.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkcal/vcalformat.h | 2 |
7 files changed, 55 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/libkcal/event.cpp b/libkcal/event.cpp index ad66639..0766fd9 100644 --- a/libkcal/event.cpp +++ b/libkcal/event.cpp @@ -1,415 +1,416 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "event.h" using namespace KCal; Event::Event() : mHasEndDate( false ), mTransparency( Opaque ) { } Event::Event(const Event &e) : Incidence(e) { mDtEnd = e.mDtEnd; mHasEndDate = e.mHasEndDate; mTransparency = e.mTransparency; } Event::~Event() { } Incidence *Event::clone() { return new Event(*this); } bool KCal::operator==( const Event& e1, const Event& e2 ) { return operator==( (const Incidence&)e1, (const Incidence&)e2 ) && e1.dtEnd() == e2.dtEnd() && e1.hasEndDate() == e2.hasEndDate() && e1.transparency() == e2.transparency(); } bool Event::contains ( Event* from ) { if ( !from->summary().isEmpty() ) if ( !summary().startsWith( from->summary() )) return false; if ( from->dtStart().isValid() ) if (dtStart() != from->dtStart() ) return false; if ( from->dtEnd().isValid() ) if ( dtEnd() != from->dtEnd() ) return false; if ( !from->location().isEmpty() ) if ( !location().startsWith( from->location() ) ) return false; if ( !from->description().isEmpty() ) if ( !description().startsWith( from->description() )) return false; if ( from->alarms().count() ) { Alarm *a = from->alarms().first(); if ( a->enabled() ){ if ( !alarms().count() ) return false; Alarm *b = alarms().first(); if( ! b->enabled() ) return false; if ( ! (a->offset() == b->offset() )) return false; } } QStringList cat = categories(); QStringList catFrom = from->categories(); QString nCat; unsigned int iii; for ( iii = 0; iii < catFrom.count();++iii ) { nCat = catFrom[iii]; if ( !nCat.isEmpty() ) if ( !cat.contains( nCat )) { return false; } } if ( from->doesRecur() ) if ( from->doesRecur() != doesRecur() && ! (from->doesRecur()== Recurrence::rYearlyMonth && doesRecur()== Recurrence::rYearlyDay) ) return false; return true; } void Event::setDtEnd(const QDateTime &dtEnd) { if (mReadOnly) return; mDtEnd = getEvenTime( dtEnd ); setHasEndDate(true); setHasDuration(false); updated(); } QDateTime Event::dtEnd() const { if (hasEndDate()) return mDtEnd; if (hasDuration()) return dtStart().addSecs(duration()); return dtStart(); } QString Event::dtEndTimeStr() const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(mDtEnd.time()); } QString Event::dtEndDateStr(bool shortfmt) const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mDtEnd.date(),shortfmt); } QString Event::dtEndStr(bool shortfmt) const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mDtEnd, shortfmt); } void Event::setHasEndDate(bool b) { mHasEndDate = b; } bool Event::hasEndDate() const { return mHasEndDate; } bool Event::isMultiDay() const { bool multi = !(dtStart().date() == dtEnd().date()); return multi; } void Event::setTransparency(Event::Transparency transparency) { if (mReadOnly) return; mTransparency = transparency; updated(); } Event::Transparency Event::transparency() const { return mTransparency; } void Event::setDuration(int seconds) { setHasEndDate(false); Incidence::setDuration(seconds); } bool Event::matchTime(QDateTime*startDT, QDateTime* endDT) { + if ( cancelled() ) return false; if ( ! doesRecur() ) { if ( doesFloat() ) { if ( mDtEnd.addDays( 1 ) < *startDT) return false; if ( endDT && mDtStart > * endDT) return false; } else { if ( mDtEnd < *startDT ) return false; if ( endDT && mDtStart > * endDT) return false; } } else { if ( endDT && mDtStart > * endDT) return false; } return true; } bool Event::isOverlapping ( Event* testEvent, QDateTime* overlapDT, QDateTime* startDT ) { if ( testEvent == this ) return false; if ( ! doesRecur() && !testEvent->doesRecur() ) { QDateTime te; if ( testEvent->doesFloat() ) te = testEvent->mDtEnd.addDays( 1 ); else te = testEvent->mDtEnd; QDateTime e; if ( doesFloat() ) e = mDtEnd.addDays( 1 ); else e = mDtEnd; if ( mDtStart < te && testEvent->mDtStart < e ) { if ( mDtStart < testEvent->mDtStart ) *overlapDT = testEvent->mDtStart; else *overlapDT = mDtStart; if ( startDT ) return (*overlapDT >= *startDT ); return true; } return false; } if ( !doesFloat() && !testEvent->doesFloat() && !isMultiDay() && !testEvent->isMultiDay() ) { if ( mDtStart.time() >= testEvent->mDtEnd.time() || testEvent->mDtStart.time() >= mDtEnd.time() ) { // no need to test. times mismatch //fprintf(stderr,"timi "); return false; } } Event *nonRecur = 0; Event *recurEvent = 0; if ( ! doesRecur() ) { nonRecur = this; recurEvent = testEvent; } else if ( !testEvent->doesRecur() ) { nonRecur = testEvent; recurEvent = this; } if ( nonRecur ) { QDateTime enr; if ( nonRecur->doesFloat() ) enr = nonRecur->mDtEnd.addDays( 1 ); else enr = nonRecur->mDtEnd; if ( enr < recurEvent->mDtStart ) return false; if ( startDT && enr < *startDT ) return false; int recDuration = recurEvent->mDtStart.secsTo( recurEvent->mDtEnd ); if ( recurEvent->doesFloat() ) recDuration += 86400; bool ok = false; QDateTime recStart; if ( startDT ) { recStart = recurEvent->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( startDT->addSecs( 61 ), &ok ); } if ( recStart.isValid() ) { //qDebug("%s start at %s ", startDT-> toString().latin1(), recStart.toString().latin1()); recStart = recStart.addSecs( -300); } else recStart = recurEvent->mDtStart.addSecs( -300); ok = true; while ( ok ) { recStart = recurEvent->getNextOccurence( recStart.addSecs( 60 ), &ok ); if ( ok ) { if ( recStart > enr ) return false; QDateTime recEnd = recStart.addSecs( recDuration ); if ( nonRecur->mDtStart < recEnd && recStart < nonRecur->mDtEnd ) { if ( nonRecur->mDtStart < recStart ) *overlapDT = recStart; else *overlapDT = nonRecur->mDtStart; if ( startDT ) { if ( *overlapDT >= *startDT ) return true; } else return true; } } } return false; } if ( !doesFloat() && !testEvent->doesFloat() && !isMultiDay() && !testEvent->isMultiDay() ) { if ( recurrence()->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly && testEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly ) { bool found = false; uint i; for ( i=0; i< recurrence()->days().size();++i ) { found = found || (recurrence()->days().testBit( i ) && testEvent->recurrence()->days().testBit( i ) ); } if ( ! found ) { //qDebug("recurring days mismatch %s -- %s", summary().latin1(),testEvent->summary().latin1()); return false; } } } bool ok = true; QDateTime incidenceStart;// = mDtStart; QDateTime testincidenceStart;// = testEvent->mDtStart; if ( startDT ) { incidenceStart = recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( startDT->addSecs( 61 ), &ok ); testincidenceStart = testEvent->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( startDT->addSecs( 61 ), &ok ); } if ( !testincidenceStart.isValid() ) testincidenceStart = testEvent->mDtStart; if ( !incidenceStart.isValid() ) incidenceStart = mDtStart; int duration = mDtStart.secsTo( mDtEnd ); if ( doesFloat() ) duration += 86400; int testduration = testEvent->mDtStart.secsTo( testEvent->mDtEnd ); if ( testEvent->doesFloat() ) testduration += 86400; bool computeThis = false; if ( incidenceStart < testincidenceStart ) computeThis = true; if ( computeThis ) incidenceStart = incidenceStart.addSecs( -300 ); else testincidenceStart = testincidenceStart.addSecs( -300 ); int count = 0; ok = true; int countbreak = 2000; QDateTime stopSearch; bool testStop = false; if ( startDT ) { stopSearch = startDT->addDays( 365*3 ); testStop = true; } while ( ok ) { ++count; if ( count > countbreak ) break; if ( computeThis ) { if ( testStop ) if ( testincidenceStart > stopSearch ) break; incidenceStart = getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 60 ), &ok ); } else { if ( testStop ) if ( incidenceStart > stopSearch ) break; testincidenceStart = testEvent->getNextOccurence( testincidenceStart.addSecs( 60 ), &ok ); } if ( ok ) { if ( incidenceStart < testincidenceStart.addSecs( testduration ) && testincidenceStart < incidenceStart.addSecs( duration ) ) { if ( incidenceStart < testincidenceStart ) *overlapDT = testincidenceStart; else *overlapDT = incidenceStart; if ( startDT ) { if ( *overlapDT >= *startDT ) return true; } else return true; } computeThis = ( incidenceStart < testincidenceStart ); } } //qDebug("%d rec counter stopped at %d - %s %s", ok ,count, summary().latin1(),testEvent->summary().latin1() ); return false; } QDateTime Event::getNextAlarmDateTime( bool * ok, int * offset, QDateTime start_dt ) const { *ok = false; if ( !alarmEnabled() ) return QDateTime (); bool yes; QDateTime incidenceStart = getNextOccurence( start_dt, &yes ); if ( ! yes || cancelled() ) { *ok = false; return QDateTime (); } bool enabled = false; Alarm* alarm; int off = 0; QDateTime alarmStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( 3650 );; // if ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() > incidenceStart ){ // *ok = false; // return incidenceStart; // } for (QPtrListIterator<Alarm> it(mAlarms); (alarm = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if (alarm->enabled()) { if ( alarm->hasTime () ) { if ( alarm->time() < alarmStart ) { alarmStart = alarm->time(); enabled = true; off = alarmStart.secsTo( incidenceStart ); } } else { int secs = alarm->startOffset().asSeconds(); if ( incidenceStart.addSecs( secs ) < alarmStart ) { alarmStart = incidenceStart.addSecs( secs ); enabled = true; off = -secs; } } } } if ( enabled ) { if ( alarmStart > start_dt ) { *ok = true; * offset = off; return alarmStart; } } *ok = false; return QDateTime (); } diff --git a/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp b/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp index 4794bc9..f349681 100644 --- a/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp +++ b/libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp @@ -1,2175 +1,2173 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> extern "C" { #include <ical.h> #include <icalss.h> #include <icalparser.h> #include <icalrestriction.h> } #include "calendar.h" #include "journal.h" #include "icalformat.h" #include "icalformatimpl.h" #include "compat.h" #define _ICAL_VERSION "2.0" using namespace KCal; const int gSecondsPerMinute = 60; const int gSecondsPerHour = gSecondsPerMinute * 60; const int gSecondsPerDay = gSecondsPerHour * 24; const int gSecondsPerWeek = gSecondsPerDay * 7; ICalFormatImpl::ICalFormatImpl( ICalFormat *parent ) : mParent( parent ), mCalendarVersion( 0 ) { mCompat = new Compat; } ICalFormatImpl::~ICalFormatImpl() { delete mCompat; } class ToStringVisitor : public Incidence::Visitor { public: ToStringVisitor( ICalFormatImpl *impl ) : mImpl( impl ), mComponent( 0 ) {} bool visit( Event *e ) { mComponent = mImpl->writeEvent( e ); return true; } bool visit( Todo *e ) { mComponent = mImpl->writeTodo( e ); return true; } bool visit( Journal *e ) { mComponent = mImpl->writeJournal( e ); return true; } icalcomponent *component() { return mComponent; } private: ICalFormatImpl *mImpl; icalcomponent *mComponent; }; icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { ToStringVisitor v( this ); incidence->accept(v); return v.component(); } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeTodo(Todo *todo) { QString tmpStr; QStringList tmpStrList; icalcomponent *vtodo = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT); writeIncidence(vtodo,todo); // due date if (todo->hasDueDate()) { icaltimetype due; if (todo->doesFloat()) { due = writeICalDate(todo->dtDue().date()); } else { due = writeICalDateTime(todo->dtDue()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vtodo,icalproperty_new_due(due)); } // start time if (todo->hasStartDate()) { icaltimetype start; if (todo->doesFloat()) { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� Incidence " << todo->summary() << " floats." << endl; start = writeICalDate(todo->dtStart().date()); } else { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� incidence " << todo->summary() << " has time." << endl; start = writeICalDateTime(todo->dtStart()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vtodo,icalproperty_new_dtstart(start)); } // completion date if (todo->isCompleted()) { if (!todo->hasCompletedDate()) { // If todo was created by KOrganizer <2.2 it has no correct completion // date. Set it to now. todo->setCompleted(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } icaltimetype completed = writeICalDateTime(todo->completed()); icalcomponent_add_property(vtodo,icalproperty_new_completed(completed)); } icalcomponent_add_property(vtodo, icalproperty_new_percentcomplete(todo->percentComplete())); return vtodo; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeEvent(Event *event) { kdDebug(5800) << "Write Event '" << event->summary() << "' (" << event->uid() << ")" << endl; QString tmpStr; QStringList tmpStrList; icalcomponent *vevent = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); writeIncidence(vevent,event); // start time icaltimetype start; if (event->doesFloat()) { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� Incidence " << event->summary() << " floats." << endl; start = writeICalDate(event->dtStart().date()); } else { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� incidence " << event->summary() << " has time." << endl; start = writeICalDateTime(event->dtStart()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vevent,icalproperty_new_dtstart(start)); if (event->hasEndDate()) { // end time icaltimetype end; if (event->doesFloat()) { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� Event " << event->summary() << " floats." << endl; // +1 day because end date is non-inclusive. end = writeICalDate( event->dtEnd().date().addDays( 1 ) ); } else { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� Event " << event->summary() << " has time." << endl; end = writeICalDateTime(event->dtEnd()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vevent,icalproperty_new_dtend(end)); } // TODO: attachments, resources #if 0 // attachments tmpStrList = anEvent->attachments(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin(); it != tmpStrList.end(); ++it ) addPropValue(vevent, VCAttachProp, (*it).utf8()); // resources tmpStrList = anEvent->resources(); tmpStr = tmpStrList.join(";"); if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) addPropValue(vevent, VCResourcesProp, tmpStr.utf8()); #endif // Transparency switch( event->transparency() ) { case Event::Transparent: icalcomponent_add_property(vevent, icalproperty_new_transp(ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT)); break; case Event::Opaque: icalcomponent_add_property(vevent, icalproperty_new_transp(ICAL_TRANSP_OPAQUE)); break; } return vevent; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeFreeBusy(FreeBusy *freebusy, Scheduler::Method method) { icalcomponent *vfreebusy = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT); writeIncidenceBase(vfreebusy,freebusy); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_dtstart( writeICalDateTime(freebusy->dtStart()))); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_dtend( writeICalDateTime(freebusy->dtEnd()))); if (method == Scheduler::Request) { icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy,icalproperty_new_uid( freebusy->uid().utf8())); } //Loops through all the periods in the freebusy object QValueList<Period> list = freebusy->busyPeriods(); QValueList<Period>::Iterator it; icalperiodtype period; for (it = list.begin(); it!= list.end(); ++it) { period.start = writeICalDateTime((*it).start()); period.end = writeICalDateTime((*it).end()); icalcomponent_add_property(vfreebusy, icalproperty_new_freebusy(period) ); } return vfreebusy; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeJournal(Journal *journal) { icalcomponent *vjournal = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT); writeIncidence(vjournal,journal); // start time if (journal->dtStart().isValid()) { icaltimetype start; if (journal->doesFloat()) { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� Incidence " << event->summary() << " floats." << endl; start = writeICalDate(journal->dtStart().date()); } else { // kdDebug(5800) << "�� incidence " << event->summary() << " has time." << endl; start = writeICalDateTime(journal->dtStart()); } icalcomponent_add_property(vjournal,icalproperty_new_dtstart(start)); } return vjournal; } void ICalFormatImpl::writeIncidence(icalcomponent *parent,Incidence *incidence) { // pilot sync stuff // TODO: move this application-specific code to kpilot if (incidence->pilotId()) { incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTID", QString::number(incidence->pilotId())); incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTSTAT", QString::number(incidence->syncStatus())); } if ( !incidence->IDStr().isEmpty()) { incidence->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-KOPIEXTID",incidence->IDStr() ); } writeIncidenceBase(parent,incidence); if (incidence->cancelled()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_status(ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED)); } // creation date icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_created( writeICalDateTime(incidence->created()))); // unique id icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_uid( incidence->uid().utf8())); // revision icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_sequence( incidence->revision())); // last modification date icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_lastmodified( writeICalDateTime(incidence->lastModified()))); // description if (!incidence->description().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_description( incidence->description().utf8())); } // summary if (!incidence->summary().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_summary( incidence->summary().utf8())); } // location if (!incidence->location().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_location( incidence->location().utf8())); } // TODO: // status // addPropValue(parent, VCStatusProp, incidence->getStatusStr().utf8()); // secrecy enum icalproperty_class classInt; switch (incidence->secrecy()) { case Incidence::SecrecyPublic: classInt = ICAL_CLASS_PUBLIC; break; case Incidence::SecrecyConfidential: classInt = ICAL_CLASS_CONFIDENTIAL; break; case Incidence::SecrecyPrivate: classInt =ICAL_CLASS_PRIVATE ; default: classInt =ICAL_CLASS_PRIVATE ; break; } icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_class(classInt)); // priority icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_priority( incidence->priority())); // categories QStringList categories = incidence->categories(); QStringList::Iterator it; for(it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it ) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_categories((*it).utf8())); } // TODO: Ensure correct concatenation of categories properties. /* // categories tmpStrList = incidence->getCategories(); tmpStr = ""; QString catStr; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin(); it != tmpStrList.end(); ++it ) { catStr = *it; if (catStr[0] == ' ') tmpStr += catStr.mid(1); else tmpStr += catStr; // this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires! // vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is // read in. tmpStr += ";"; } if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) { tmpStr.truncate(tmpStr.length()-1); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_categories( writeText(incidence->getCategories().join(";")))); } */ // related event if (!incidence->relatedToUid().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_relatedto( incidence->relatedToUid().utf8())); } // recurrence rule stuff - Recurrence *recur = incidence->recurrence(); - if (recur->doesRecur()) { - - icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeRecurrenceRule(recur)); - } - + if (incidence->doesRecur()) { + icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeRecurrenceRule(incidence->recurrence())); // recurrence excpetion dates DateList dateList = incidence->exDates(); DateList::ConstIterator exIt; for(exIt = dateList.begin(); exIt != dateList.end(); ++exIt) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_exdate( writeICalDate(*exIt))); } + } // attachments QPtrList<Attachment> attachments = incidence->attachments(); for (Attachment *at = attachments.first(); at; at = attachments.next()) icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeAttachment(at)); // alarms QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = incidence->alarms(); Alarm* alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) { if (alarm->enabled()) { kdDebug(5800) << "Write alarm for " << incidence->summary() << endl; icalcomponent_add_component(parent,writeAlarm(alarm)); } } if( incidence->hasRecurrenceID() ) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent, icalproperty_new_recurrenceid( writeICalDateTime( incidence->recurrenceID()))); } // duration // turned off as it always is set to PTS0 (and must not occur together with DTEND if (incidence->hasDuration()) { icaldurationtype duration; duration = writeICalDuration(incidence->duration()); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_duration(duration)); } } void ICalFormatImpl::writeIncidenceBase(icalcomponent *parent,IncidenceBase *incidenceBase) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_dtstamp( writeICalDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()))); // organizer stuff icalcomponent_add_property(parent,icalproperty_new_organizer( ("MAILTO:" + incidenceBase->organizer()).utf8())); // attendees if (incidenceBase->attendeeCount() != 0) { QPtrList<Attendee> al = incidenceBase->attendees(); QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al); for (; ai.current(); ++ai) { icalcomponent_add_property(parent,writeAttendee(ai.current())); } } // custom properties writeCustomProperties(parent, incidenceBase); } void ICalFormatImpl::writeCustomProperties(icalcomponent *parent,CustomProperties *properties) { QMap<QCString, QString> custom = properties->customProperties(); for (QMap<QCString, QString>::Iterator c = custom.begin(); c != custom.end(); ++c) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_x(c.data().utf8()); icalproperty_set_x_name(p,c.key()); icalcomponent_add_property(parent,p); } } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeAttendee(Attendee *attendee) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attendee("mailto:" + attendee->email().utf8()); if (!attendee->name().isEmpty()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_cn(attendee->name().utf8())); } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_rsvp( attendee->RSVP() ? ICAL_RSVP_TRUE : ICAL_RSVP_FALSE )); icalparameter_partstat status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION; switch (attendee->status()) { default: case Attendee::NeedsAction: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION; break; case Attendee::Accepted: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED; break; case Attendee::Declined: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED; break; case Attendee::Tentative: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE; break; case Attendee::Delegated: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED; break; case Attendee::Completed: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_COMPLETED; break; case Attendee::InProcess: status = ICAL_PARTSTAT_INPROCESS; break; } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_partstat(status)); icalparameter_role role = ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT; switch (attendee->role()) { case Attendee::Chair: role = ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR; break; default: case Attendee::ReqParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT; break; case Attendee::OptParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT; break; case Attendee::NonParticipant: role = ICAL_ROLE_NONPARTICIPANT; break; } icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_role(role)); if (!attendee->uid().isEmpty()) { icalparameter* icalparameter_uid = icalparameter_new_x(attendee->uid().utf8()); icalparameter_set_xname(icalparameter_uid,"X-UID"); icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_uid); } return p; } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeAttachment(Attachment *att) { #if 0 icalattachtype* attach = icalattachtype_new(); if (att->isURI()) icalattachtype_set_url(attach, att->uri().utf8().data()); else icalattachtype_set_base64(attach, att->data(), 0); #endif icalattach *attach; if (att->isURI()) attach = icalattach_new_from_url( att->uri().utf8().data()); else attach = icalattach_new_from_data ( (unsigned char *)att->data(), 0, 0); icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attach(attach); if (!att->mimeType().isEmpty()) icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_fmttype(att->mimeType().utf8().data())); if (att->isBinary()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY)); icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_encoding(ICAL_ENCODING_BASE64)); } return p; } icalproperty *ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrenceRule(Recurrence *recur) { // kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrenceRule()" << endl; icalrecurrencetype r; icalrecurrencetype_clear(&r); int index = 0; int index2 = 0; QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> tmpPositions; QPtrList<int> tmpDays; int *tmpDay; Recurrence::rMonthPos *tmpPos; bool datetime = false; int day; int i; switch(recur->doesRecur()) { case Recurrence::rMinutely: r.freq = ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE; datetime = true; break; case Recurrence::rHourly: r.freq = ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE; datetime = true; break; case Recurrence::rDaily: r.freq = ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE; break; case Recurrence::rWeekly: r.freq = ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE; r.week_start = static_cast<icalrecurrencetype_weekday>(recur->weekStart()%7 + 1); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (recur->days().testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 r.by_day[index++] = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day); } } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos: r.freq = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE; tmpPositions = recur->monthPositions(); for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first(); tmpPos; tmpPos = tmpPositions.next()) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 day += tmpPos->rPos*8; if (tmpPos->negative) day = -day; r.by_day[index++] = day; } } } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay: r.freq = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->monthDays(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_month_day[index++] = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(*tmpDay*8);//*tmpDay); } // r.by_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth: case Recurrence::rYearlyPos: r.freq = ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_month[index++] = *tmpDay; } // r.by_set_pos[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; if (recur->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rYearlyPos) { tmpPositions = recur->monthPositions(); for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first(); tmpPos; tmpPos = tmpPositions.next()) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i)) { day = (i + 1)%7 + 1; // convert from Monday=0 to Sunday=1 day += tmpPos->rPos*8; if (tmpPos->negative) day = -day; r.by_day[index2++] = day; } } } // r.by_day[index2] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; } break; case Recurrence::rYearlyDay: r.freq = ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE; tmpDays = recur->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { r.by_year_day[index++] = *tmpDay; } // r.by_year_day[index] = ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; break; default: r.freq = ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE; kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl::writeRecurrence(): no recurrence" << endl; break; } r.interval = recur->frequency(); if (recur->duration() > 0) { r.count = recur->duration(); } else if (recur->duration() == -1) { r.count = 0; } else { if (datetime) r.until = writeICalDateTime(recur->endDateTime()); else r.until = writeICalDate(recur->endDate()); } // Debug output #if 0 const char *str = icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&r); if (str) { kdDebug(5800) << " String: " << str << endl; } else { kdDebug(5800) << " No String" << endl; } #endif return icalproperty_new_rrule(r); } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::writeAlarm(Alarm *alarm) { icalcomponent *a = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VALARM_COMPONENT); icalproperty_action action; icalattach *attach = 0; switch (alarm->type()) { case Alarm::Procedure: action = ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE; attach = icalattach_new_from_url( QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile()).data() ); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); if (!alarm->programArguments().isEmpty()) { icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->programArguments().utf8())); } icalattach_unref( attach ); break; case Alarm::Audio: action = ICAL_ACTION_AUDIO; if (!alarm->audioFile().isEmpty()) { attach = icalattach_new_from_url(QFile::encodeName( alarm->audioFile() ).data()); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); icalattach_unref( attach ); } break; case Alarm::Email: { action = ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL; QValueList<Person> addresses = alarm->mailAddresses(); for (QValueList<Person>::Iterator ad = addresses.begin(); ad != addresses.end(); ++ad) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_attendee("MAILTO:" + (*ad).email().utf8()); if (!(*ad).name().isEmpty()) { icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_cn((*ad).name().utf8())); } icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); } icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_summary(alarm->mailSubject().utf8())); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->text().utf8())); QStringList attachments = alarm->mailAttachments(); if (attachments.count() > 0) { for (QStringList::Iterator at = attachments.begin(); at != attachments.end(); ++at) { attach = icalattach_new_from_url(QFile::encodeName( *at ).data()); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_attach(attach)); icalattach_unref( attach ); } } break; } case Alarm::Display: action = ICAL_ACTION_DISPLAY; icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_description(alarm->text().utf8())); break; case Alarm::Invalid: default: kdDebug(5800) << "Unknown type of alarm" << endl; action = ICAL_ACTION_NONE; break; } icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_action(action)); // Trigger time icaltriggertype trigger; if ( alarm->hasTime() ) { trigger.time = writeICalDateTime(alarm->time()); trigger.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration(); } else { trigger.time = icaltime_null_time(); Duration offset; if ( alarm->hasStartOffset() ) offset = alarm->startOffset(); else offset = alarm->endOffset(); trigger.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int( offset.asSeconds() ); } icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_trigger(trigger); if ( alarm->hasEndOffset() ) icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_related(ICAL_RELATED_END)); icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); // Repeat count and duration if (alarm->repeatCount()) { icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_repeat(alarm->repeatCount())); icalcomponent_add_property(a,icalproperty_new_duration( icaldurationtype_from_int(alarm->snoozeTime()*60))); } // Custom properties QMap<QCString, QString> custom = alarm->customProperties(); for (QMap<QCString, QString>::Iterator c = custom.begin(); c != custom.end(); ++c) { icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new_x(c.data().utf8()); icalproperty_set_x_name(p,c.key()); icalcomponent_add_property(a,p); } return a; } Todo *ICalFormatImpl::readTodo(icalcomponent *vtodo) { Todo *todo = new Todo; readIncidence(vtodo,todo); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vtodo,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); // int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; QStringList categories; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY: // due date icaltime = icalproperty_get_due(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { todo->setDtDue(QDateTime(readICalDate(icaltime),QTime(0,0,0))); todo->setFloats(true); } else { todo->setDtDue(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); todo->setFloats(false); } todo->setHasDueDate(true); break; case ICAL_COMPLETED_PROPERTY: // completion date icaltime = icalproperty_get_completed(p); todo->setCompleted(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_PERCENTCOMPLETE_PROPERTY: // Percent completed todo->setPercentComplete(icalproperty_get_percentcomplete(p)); break; case ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY: // related todo (parent) todo->setRelatedToUid(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_relatedto(p))); mTodosRelate.append(todo); break; case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // Flag that todo has start date. Value is read in by readIncidence(). todo->setHasStartDate(true); break; default: // kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readTodo(): Unknown property: " << kind // << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vtodo,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } return todo; } Event *ICalFormatImpl::readEvent(icalcomponent *vevent) { Event *event = new Event; event->setFloats(false); readIncidence(vevent,event); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vevent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); // int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; QStringList categories; QString transparency; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtend(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { event->setFloats( true ); // End date is non-inclusive QDate endDate = readICalDate( icaltime ).addDays( -1 ); mCompat->fixFloatingEnd( endDate ); if ( endDate < event->dtStart().date() ) { endDate = event->dtStart().date(); } event->setDtEnd( QDateTime( endDate, QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ); } else { event->setDtEnd(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); } break; // TODO: // at this point, there should be at least a start or end time. // fix up for events that take up no time but have a time associated #if 0 if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp))) anEvent->setDtStart(anEvent->dtEnd()); if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp))) anEvent->setDtEnd(anEvent->dtStart()); #endif // TODO: exdates #if 0 // recurrence exceptions if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCExDateProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setExDates(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } #endif #if 0 // secrecy if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCClassProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setSecrecy(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setSecrecy("PUBLIC"); // attachments tmpStrList.clear(); initPropIterator(&voi, vevent); while (moreIteration(&voi)) { vo = nextVObject(&voi); if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttachProp) == 0) { tmpStrList.append(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } } anEvent->setAttachments(tmpStrList); // resources if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCResourcesProp)) != 0) { QString resources = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); tmpStrList.clear(); index1 = 0; index2 = 0; QString resource; while ((index2 = resources.find(';', index1)) != -1) { resource = resources.mid(index1, (index2 - index1)); tmpStrList.append(resource); index1 = index2; } anEvent->setResources(tmpStrList); } #endif case ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY: // releated event (parent) event->setRelatedToUid(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_relatedto(p))); mEventsRelate.append(event); break; case ICAL_TRANSP_PROPERTY: // Transparency if(icalproperty_get_transp(p) == ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT ) event->setTransparency( Event::Transparent ); else event->setTransparency( Event::Opaque ); break; default: // kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readEvent(): Unknown property: " << kind // << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vevent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } QString msade = event->nonKDECustomProperty("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT"); if (!msade.isNull()) { bool floats = (msade == QString::fromLatin1("TRUE")); kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readEvent(): all day event: " << floats << endl; event->setFloats(floats); if (floats) { QDateTime endDate = event->dtEnd(); event->setDtEnd(endDate.addDays(-1)); } } // some stupid vCal exporters ignore the standard and use Description // instead of Summary for the default field. Correct for this. if (event->summary().isEmpty() && !(event->description().isEmpty())) { QString tmpStr = event->description().simplifyWhiteSpace(); event->setDescription(""); event->setSummary(tmpStr); } return event; } FreeBusy *ICalFormatImpl::readFreeBusy(icalcomponent *vfreebusy) { FreeBusy *freebusy = new FreeBusy; readIncidenceBase(vfreebusy,freebusy); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(vfreebusy,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); icaltimetype icaltime; icalperiodtype icalperiod; QDateTime period_start, period_end; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p); freebusy->setDtStart(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY: // start End Date and Time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtend(p); freebusy->setDtEnd(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY: //Any FreeBusy Times icalperiod = icalproperty_get_freebusy(p); period_start = readICalDateTime(icalperiod.start); period_end = readICalDateTime(icalperiod.end); freebusy->addPeriod(period_start, period_end); break; default: kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readIncidence(): Unknown property: " << kind << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(vfreebusy,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } return freebusy; } Journal *ICalFormatImpl::readJournal(icalcomponent *vjournal) { Journal *journal = new Journal; readIncidence(vjournal,journal); if ( !journal->dtStart().isValid() && journal->created().isValid() ) { journal->setDtStart( journal->created() ); } return journal; } Attendee *ICalFormatImpl::readAttendee(icalproperty *attendee) { icalparameter *p = 0; QString email = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_attendee(attendee)); QString name; QString uid = QString::null; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_CN_PARAMETER); if (p) { name = QString::fromUtf8(icalparameter_get_cn(p)); } else { } bool rsvp=false; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_RSVP_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_rsvp rsvpParameter = icalparameter_get_rsvp(p); if (rsvpParameter == ICAL_RSVP_TRUE) rsvp = true; } Attendee::PartStat status = Attendee::NeedsAction; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_partstat partStatParameter = icalparameter_get_partstat(p); switch(partStatParameter) { default: case ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION: status = Attendee::NeedsAction; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED: status = Attendee::Accepted; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED: status = Attendee::Declined; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE: status = Attendee::Tentative; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED: status = Attendee::Delegated; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_COMPLETED: status = Attendee::Completed; break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_INPROCESS: status = Attendee::InProcess; break; } } Attendee::Role role = Attendee::ReqParticipant; p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER); if (p) { icalparameter_role roleParameter = icalparameter_get_role(p); switch(roleParameter) { case ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR: role = Attendee::Chair; break; default: case ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::ReqParticipant; break; case ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::OptParticipant; break; case ICAL_ROLE_NONPARTICIPANT: role = Attendee::NonParticipant; break; } } p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,ICAL_X_PARAMETER); uid = icalparameter_get_xvalue(p); // This should be added, but there seems to be a libical bug here. /*while (p) { // if (icalparameter_get_xname(p) == "X-UID") { uid = icalparameter_get_xvalue(p); p = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(attendee,ICAL_X_PARAMETER); } */ return new Attendee( name, email, rsvp, status, role, uid ); } Attachment *ICalFormatImpl::readAttachment(icalproperty *attach) { icalattach *a = icalproperty_get_attach(attach); icalparameter_value v = ICAL_VALUE_NONE; icalparameter_encoding e = ICAL_ENCODING_NONE; Attachment *attachment = 0; /* icalparameter *vp = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER); if (vp) v = icalparameter_get_value(vp); icalparameter *ep = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_ENCODING_PARAMETER); if (ep) e = icalparameter_get_encoding(ep); */ int isurl = icalattach_get_is_url (a); if (isurl == 0) attachment = new Attachment((const char*)icalattach_get_data(a)); else { attachment = new Attachment(QString(icalattach_get_url(a))); } icalparameter *p = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attach, ICAL_FMTTYPE_PARAMETER); if (p) attachment->setMimeType(QString(icalparameter_get_fmttype(p))); return attachment; } #include <qtextcodec.h> void ICalFormatImpl::readIncidence(icalcomponent *parent,Incidence *incidence) { readIncidenceBase(parent,incidence); icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(parent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); bool readrec = false; const char *text; int intvalue; icaltimetype icaltime; icaldurationtype icalduration; struct icalrecurrencetype rectype; QStringList categories; while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY: icaltime = icalproperty_get_created(p); incidence->setCreated(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY: // sequence intvalue = icalproperty_get_sequence(p); incidence->setRevision(intvalue); break; case ICAL_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY: // last modification date icaltime = icalproperty_get_lastmodified(p); incidence->setLastModified(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY: // start date and time icaltime = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p); if (icaltime.is_date) { incidence->setDtStart(QDateTime(readICalDate(icaltime),QTime(0,0,0))); incidence->setFloats(true); } else { incidence->setDtStart(readICalDateTime(icaltime)); } break; case ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY: // start date and time icalduration = icalproperty_get_duration(p); incidence->setDuration(readICalDuration(icalduration)); break; case ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY: // description text = icalproperty_get_description(p); incidence->setDescription(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; case ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY: // summary { text = icalproperty_get_summary(p); incidence->setSummary(QString::fromUtf8(text)); } break; case ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY: // summary { if ( ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED == icalproperty_get_status(p) ) incidence->setCancelled( true ); } break; case ICAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY: // location text = icalproperty_get_location(p); incidence->setLocation(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; case ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY: icaltime = icalproperty_get_recurrenceid(p); incidence->setRecurrenceID( readICalDateTime(icaltime) ); //qDebug(" RecurrenceID %s",incidence->recurrenceID().toString().latin1() ); break; #if 0 // status if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vincidence, VCStatusProp)) != 0) { incidence->setStatus(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else incidence->setStatus("NEEDS ACTION"); #endif case ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY: // priority intvalue = icalproperty_get_priority(p); incidence->setPriority(intvalue); break; case ICAL_CATEGORIES_PROPERTY: // categories text = icalproperty_get_categories(p); categories.append(QString::fromUtf8(text)); break; //******************************************* case ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY: // we do need (maybe )start datetime of incidence for recurrence // such that we can read recurrence only after we read incidence completely readrec = true; rectype = icalproperty_get_rrule(p); break; case ICAL_EXDATE_PROPERTY: icaltime = icalproperty_get_exdate(p); incidence->addExDate(readICalDate(icaltime)); break; case ICAL_CLASS_PROPERTY: { int inttext = icalproperty_get_class(p); if (inttext == ICAL_CLASS_PUBLIC ) { incidence->setSecrecy(Incidence::SecrecyPublic); } else if (inttext == ICAL_CLASS_CONFIDENTIAL ) { incidence->setSecrecy(Incidence::SecrecyConfidential); } else { incidence->setSecrecy(Incidence::SecrecyPrivate); } } break; case ICAL_ATTACH_PROPERTY: // attachments incidence->addAttachment(readAttachment(p)); break; default: // kdDebug(5800) << "ICALFormat::readIncidence(): Unknown property: " << kind // << endl; break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(parent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } if ( readrec ) { readRecurrenceRule(rectype,incidence); } // kpilot stuff // TODO: move this application-specific code to kpilot QString kp = incidence->nonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTID"); if (!kp.isNull()) { incidence->setPilotId(kp.toInt()); } kp = incidence->nonKDECustomProperty("X-PILOTSTAT"); if (!kp.isNull()) { incidence->setSyncStatus(kp.toInt()); } kp = incidence->nonKDECustomProperty("X-KOPIEXTID"); if (!kp.isNull()) { incidence->setIDStr(kp); } // Cancel backwards compatibility mode for subsequent changes by the application + if ( readrec ) incidence->recurrence()->setCompatVersion(); // add categories incidence->setCategories(categories); // iterate through all alarms for (icalcomponent *alarm = icalcomponent_get_first_component(parent,ICAL_VALARM_COMPONENT); alarm; alarm = icalcomponent_get_next_component(parent,ICAL_VALARM_COMPONENT)) { readAlarm(alarm,incidence); } } void ICalFormatImpl::readIncidenceBase(icalcomponent *parent,IncidenceBase *incidenceBase) { icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(parent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_UID_PROPERTY: // unique id incidenceBase->setUid(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_uid(p))); break; case ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY: // organizer incidenceBase->setOrganizer(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_organizer(p))); break; case ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY: // attendee incidenceBase->addAttendee(readAttendee(p)); break; default: break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(parent,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } // custom properties readCustomProperties(parent, incidenceBase); } void ICalFormatImpl::readCustomProperties(icalcomponent *parent,CustomProperties *properties) { QMap<QCString, QString> customProperties; icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(parent,ICAL_X_PROPERTY); while (p) { QString value = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_x(p)); customProperties[icalproperty_get_x_name(p)] = value; //qDebug("ICalFormatImpl::readCustomProperties %s %s",value.latin1(), icalproperty_get_x_name(p) ); p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(parent,ICAL_X_PROPERTY); } properties->setCustomProperties(customProperties); } void ICalFormatImpl::readRecurrenceRule(struct icalrecurrencetype rrule,Incidence *incidence) { // kdDebug(5800) << "Read recurrence for " << incidence->summary() << endl; Recurrence *recur = incidence->recurrence(); recur->setCompatVersion(mCalendarVersion); recur->unsetRecurs(); struct icalrecurrencetype r = rrule; dumpIcalRecurrence(r); readRecurrence( r, recur, incidence); } void ICalFormatImpl::readRecurrence( const struct icalrecurrencetype &r, Recurrence* recur, Incidence *incidence) { int wkst; int index = 0; short day = 0; QBitArray qba(7); int frequ = r.freq; int interv = r.interval; // preprocessing for odd recurrence definitions if ( r.freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE ) { if ( r.by_month[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { interv = 12; } } if ( r.freq == ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE ) { if ( r.by_month[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX && r.by_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX ) { frequ = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE; interv = 12* r.interval; } } switch (frequ) { case ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE: if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setMinutely(interv,readICalDateTime(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setMinutely(interv,-1); else recur->setMinutely(interv,r.count); } break; case ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE: if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setHourly(interv,readICalDateTime(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setHourly(interv,-1); else recur->setHourly(interv,r.count); } break; case ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE: if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setDaily(interv,readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setDaily(interv,-1); else recur->setDaily(interv,r.count); } break; case ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE: // kdDebug(5800) << "WEEKLY_RECURRENCE" << endl; wkst = (r.week_start + 5)%7 + 1; if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setWeekly(interv,qba,readICalDate(r.until),wkst); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setWeekly(interv,qba,-1,wkst); else recur->setWeekly(interv,qba,r.count,wkst); } if ( r.by_day[0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int wday = incidence->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek ()-1; //qDebug("weekly error found "); qba.setBit(wday); } else { while((day = r.by_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { // kdDebug(5800) << " " << day << endl; qba.setBit((day+5)%7); // convert from Sunday=1 to Monday=0 } } break; case ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE: if (r.by_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos,interv, readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos,interv,-1); else recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos,interv,r.count); } bool useSetPos = false; short pos = 0; while((day = r.by_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----a " << index << ": " << day << endl; pos = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(day); if (pos) { day = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day); QBitArray ba(7); // don't wipe qba ba.setBit((day+5)%7); // convert from Sunday=1 to Monday=0 recur->addMonthlyPos(pos,ba); } else { qba.setBit((day+5)%7); // convert from Sunday=1 to Monday=0 useSetPos = true; } } if (useSetPos) { if (r.by_set_pos[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { recur->addMonthlyPos(r.by_set_pos[0],qba); } } } else if (r.by_month_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay,interv, readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay,interv,-1); else recur->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay,interv,r.count); } while((day = r.by_month_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----b " << day << endl; recur->addMonthlyDay(day); } } break; case ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE: if (r.by_year_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { //qDebug(" YEARLY DAY OF YEAR"); if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay,interv, readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay,interv,-1); else recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay,interv,r.count); } while((day = r.by_year_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { recur->addYearlyNum(day); } } else if ( true /*r.by_month[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX*/) { if (r.by_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { qDebug("YEARLY POS NOT SUPPORTED BY GUI"); if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyPos,interv, readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyPos,interv,-1); else recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyPos,interv,r.count); } bool useSetPos = false; short pos = 0; while((day = r.by_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----a " << index << ": " << day << endl; pos = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(day); if (pos) { day = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day); QBitArray ba(7); // don't wipe qba ba.setBit((day+5)%7); // convert from Sunday=1 to Monday=0 recur->addYearlyMonthPos(pos,ba); } else { qba.setBit((day+5)%7); // convert from Sunday=1 to Monday=0 useSetPos = true; } } if (useSetPos) { if (r.by_set_pos[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { recur->addYearlyMonthPos(r.by_set_pos[0],qba); } } } else { //qDebug("YEARLY MONTH "); if (!icaltime_is_null_time(r.until)) { recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth,interv, readICalDate(r.until)); } else { if (r.count == 0) recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth,interv,-1); else recur->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth,interv,r.count); } if ( r.by_month[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX ) { index = 0; while((day = r.by_month[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { recur->addYearlyNum(day); } } else { recur->addYearlyNum(incidence->dtStart().date().month()); } } } break; default: ; break; } } void ICalFormatImpl::readAlarm(icalcomponent *alarm,Incidence *incidence) { //kdDebug(5800) << "Read alarm for " << incidence->summary() << endl; Alarm* ialarm = incidence->newAlarm(); ialarm->setRepeatCount(0); ialarm->setEnabled(true); // Determine the alarm's action type icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(alarm,ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY); if ( !p ) { return; } icalproperty_action action = icalproperty_get_action(p); Alarm::Type type = Alarm::Display; switch ( action ) { case ICAL_ACTION_DISPLAY: type = Alarm::Display; break; case ICAL_ACTION_AUDIO: type = Alarm::Audio; break; case ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE: type = Alarm::Procedure; break; case ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL: type = Alarm::Email; break; default: ; return; } ialarm->setType(type); p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(alarm,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); while (p) { icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_isa(p); switch (kind) { case ICAL_TRIGGER_PROPERTY: { icaltriggertype trigger = icalproperty_get_trigger(p); if (icaltime_is_null_time(trigger.time)) { if (icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(trigger.duration)) { kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl::readAlarm(): Trigger has no time and no duration." << endl; } else { Duration duration = icaldurationtype_as_int( trigger.duration ); icalparameter *param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_RELATED_PARAMETER); if (param && icalparameter_get_related(param) == ICAL_RELATED_END) ialarm->setEndOffset(duration); else ialarm->setStartOffset(duration); } } else { ialarm->setTime(readICalDateTime(trigger.time)); } break; } case ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY: { icaldurationtype duration = icalproperty_get_duration(p); ialarm->setSnoozeTime(icaldurationtype_as_int(duration)/60); break; } case ICAL_REPEAT_PROPERTY: ialarm->setRepeatCount(icalproperty_get_repeat(p)); break; // Only in DISPLAY and EMAIL and PROCEDURE alarms case ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY: { QString description = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_description(p)); switch ( action ) { case ICAL_ACTION_DISPLAY: ialarm->setText( description ); break; case ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE: ialarm->setProgramArguments( description ); break; case ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL: ialarm->setMailText( description ); break; default: break; } break; } // Only in EMAIL alarm case ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY: ialarm->setMailSubject(QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_summary(p))); break; // Only in EMAIL alarm case ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY: { QString email = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_attendee(p)); QString name; icalparameter *param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_CN_PARAMETER); if (param) { name = QString::fromUtf8(icalparameter_get_cn(param)); } ialarm->addMailAddress(Person(name, email)); break; } // Only in AUDIO and EMAIL and PROCEDURE alarms case ICAL_ATTACH_PROPERTY: { icalattach *attach = icalproperty_get_attach(p); QString url = QFile::decodeName(icalattach_get_url(attach)); switch ( action ) { case ICAL_ACTION_AUDIO: ialarm->setAudioFile( url ); break; case ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE: ialarm->setProgramFile( url ); break; case ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL: ialarm->addMailAttachment( url ); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(alarm,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY); } // custom properties readCustomProperties(alarm, ialarm); // TODO: check for consistency of alarm properties } icaltimetype ICalFormatImpl::writeICalDate(const QDate &date) { icaltimetype t; t.year = date.year(); t.month = date.month(); t.day = date.day(); t.hour = 0; t.minute = 0; t.second = 0; t.is_date = 1; t.is_utc = 0; t.zone = 0; return t; } icaltimetype ICalFormatImpl::writeICalDateTime(const QDateTime &dt ) { icaltimetype t; t.is_date = 0; t.zone = 0; QDateTime datetime; if ( mParent->utc() ) { int offset = KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( dt ); datetime = dt.addSecs ( -offset*60); t.is_utc = 1; } else { datetime = dt; t.is_utc = 0; } t.year = datetime.date().year(); t.month = datetime.date().month(); t.day = datetime.date().day(); t.hour = datetime.time().hour(); t.minute = datetime.time().minute(); t.second = datetime.time().second(); //qDebug("*** time %s localtime %s ",dt .toString().latin1() ,datetime .toString().latin1() ); // if ( mParent->utc() ) { // datetime = KGlobal::locale()->localTime( dt ); // qDebug("*** time %s localtime %s ",dt .toString().latin1() ,datetime .toString().latin1() ); // if (mParent->timeZoneId().isEmpty()) // t = icaltime_as_utc(t, 0); // else // t = icaltime_as_utc(t,mParent->timeZoneId().local8Bit()); // } return t; } QDateTime ICalFormatImpl::readICalDateTime(icaltimetype t) { QDateTime dt (QDate(t.year,t.month,t.day), QTime(t.hour,t.minute,t.second) ); if (t.is_utc) { int offset = KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( dt ); dt = dt.addSecs ( offset*60); } return dt; } QDate ICalFormatImpl::readICalDate(icaltimetype t) { return QDate(t.year,t.month,t.day); } icaldurationtype ICalFormatImpl::writeICalDuration(int seconds) { icaldurationtype d; d.is_neg = (seconds<0)?1:0; if (seconds<0) seconds = -seconds; d.weeks = seconds / gSecondsPerWeek; seconds %= gSecondsPerWeek; d.days = seconds / gSecondsPerDay; seconds %= gSecondsPerDay; d.hours = seconds / gSecondsPerHour; seconds %= gSecondsPerHour; d.minutes = seconds / gSecondsPerMinute; seconds %= gSecondsPerMinute; d.seconds = seconds; return d; } int ICalFormatImpl::readICalDuration(icaldurationtype d) { int result = 0; result += d.weeks * gSecondsPerWeek; result += d.days * gSecondsPerDay; result += d.hours * gSecondsPerHour; result += d.minutes * gSecondsPerMinute; result += d.seconds; if (d.is_neg) result *= -1; return result; } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::createCalendarComponent(Calendar *cal) { icalcomponent *calendar; // Root component calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT); icalproperty *p; // Product Identifier p = icalproperty_new_prodid(CalFormat::productId().utf8()); icalcomponent_add_property(calendar,p); // TODO: Add time zone // iCalendar version (2.0) p = icalproperty_new_version(const_cast<char *>(_ICAL_VERSION)); icalcomponent_add_property(calendar,p); // Custom properties if( cal != 0 ) writeCustomProperties(calendar, cal); return calendar; } // take a raw vcalendar (i.e. from a file on disk, clipboard, etc. etc. // and break it down from its tree-like format into the dictionary format // that is used internally in the ICalFormatImpl. bool ICalFormatImpl::populate( Calendar *cal, icalcomponent *calendar) { // this function will populate the caldict dictionary and other event // lists. It turns vevents into Events and then inserts them. if (!calendar) return false; // TODO: check for METHOD #if 0 if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, ICMethodProp)) != 0) { char *methodType = 0; methodType = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); if (mEnableDialogs) KMessageBox::information(mTopWidget, i18n("This calendar is an iTIP transaction of type \"%1\".") .arg(methodType), i18n("%1: iTIP Transaction").arg(CalFormat::application())); delete methodType; } #endif icalproperty *p; p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(calendar,ICAL_PRODID_PROPERTY); if (!p) { // TODO: does no PRODID really matter? // mParent->setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersionUnknown)); // return false; mLoadedProductId = ""; mCalendarVersion = 0; } else { mLoadedProductId = QString::fromUtf8(icalproperty_get_prodid(p)); mCalendarVersion = CalFormat::calendarVersion(mLoadedProductId); delete mCompat; mCompat = CompatFactory::createCompat( mLoadedProductId ); } // TODO: check for unknown PRODID #if 0 if (!mCalendarVersion && CalFormat::productId() != mLoadedProductId) { // warn the user that we might have trouble reading non-known calendar. if (mEnableDialogs) KMessageBox::information(mTopWidget, i18n("This vCalendar file was not created by KOrganizer " "or any other product we support. Loading anyway..."), i18n("%1: Unknown vCalendar Vendor").arg(CalFormat::application())); } #endif p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(calendar,ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY); if (!p) { mParent->setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersionUnknown)); return false; } else { const char *version = icalproperty_get_version(p); if (strcmp(version,"1.0") == 0) { mParent->setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersion1, i18n("Expected iCalendar format"))); return false; } else if (strcmp(version,"2.0") != 0) { mParent->setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersionUnknown)); return false; } } // TODO: check for calendar format version #if 0 // warn the user we might have trouble reading this unknown version. if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCVersionProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); if (strcmp(_VCAL_VERSION, s) != 0) if (mEnableDialogs) KMessageBox::sorry(mTopWidget, i18n("This vCalendar file has version %1.\n" "We only support %2.") .arg(s).arg(_VCAL_VERSION), i18n("%1: Unknown vCalendar Version").arg(CalFormat::application())); deleteStr(s); } #endif // custom properties readCustomProperties(calendar, cal); // TODO: set time zone #if 0 // set the time zone if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCTimeZoneProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); cal->setTimeZone(s); deleteStr(s); } #endif // Store all events with a relatedTo property in a list for post-processing mEventsRelate.clear(); mTodosRelate.clear(); // TODO: make sure that only actually added ecvens go to this lists. icalcomponent *c; // Iterate through all todos c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(calendar,ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT); while (c) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----Todo found" << endl; Todo *todo = readTodo(c); if (!cal->todo(todo->uid())) cal->addTodo(todo); c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(calendar,ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT); } // Iterate through all events c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(calendar,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); while (c) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----Event found" << endl; Event *event = readEvent(c); if (!cal->event(event->uid())) cal->addEvent(event); c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(calendar,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); } // Iterate through all journals c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(calendar,ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT); while (c) { // kdDebug(5800) << "----Journal found" << endl; Journal *journal = readJournal(c); if (!cal->journal(journal->uid())) cal->addJournal(journal); c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(calendar,ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT); } #if 0 initPropIterator(&i, vcal); // go through all the vobjects in the vcal while (moreIteration(&i)) { curVO = nextVObject(&i); /************************************************************************/ // now, check to see that the object is an event or todo. if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCEventProp) == 0) { if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, KPilotStatusProp)) != 0) { char *s; s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp)); // check to see if event was deleted by the kpilot conduit if (atoi(s) == Event::SYNCDEL) { deleteStr(s); goto SKIP; } deleteStr(s); } // this code checks to see if we are trying to read in an event // that we already find to be in the calendar. If we find this // to be the case, we skip the event. if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCUniqueStringProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp)); QString tmpStr(s); deleteStr(s); if (cal->event(tmpStr)) { goto SKIP; } if (cal->todo(tmpStr)) { goto SKIP; } } if ((!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTstartProp))) && (!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTendProp)))) { kdDebug(5800) << "found a VEvent with no DTSTART and no DTEND! Skipping..." << endl; goto SKIP; } anEvent = VEventToEvent(curVO); // we now use addEvent instead of insertEvent so that the // signal/slot get connected. if (anEvent) cal->addEvent(anEvent); else { // some sort of error must have occurred while in translation. goto SKIP; } } else if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTodoProp) == 0) { anEvent = VTodoToEvent(curVO); cal->addTodo(anEvent); } else if ((strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCVersionProp) == 0) || (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCProdIdProp) == 0) || (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTimeZoneProp) == 0)) { // do nothing, we know these properties and we want to skip them. // we have either already processed them or are ignoring them. ; } else { ; } SKIP: ; } // while #endif // Post-Process list of events with relations, put Event objects in relation Event *ev; for ( ev=mEventsRelate.first(); ev != 0; ev=mEventsRelate.next() ) { Incidence * inc = cal->event(ev->relatedToUid()); if ( inc ) ev->setRelatedTo( inc ); } Todo *todo; for ( todo=mTodosRelate.first(); todo != 0; todo=mTodosRelate.next() ) { Incidence * inc = cal->todo(todo->relatedToUid()); if ( inc ) todo->setRelatedTo( inc ); } return true; } QString ICalFormatImpl::extractErrorProperty(icalcomponent *c) { // kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl:extractErrorProperty: " // << icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c) << endl; QString errorMessage; icalproperty *error; error = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY); while(error) { errorMessage += icalproperty_get_xlicerror(error); errorMessage += "\n"; error = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY); } // kdDebug(5800) << "ICalFormatImpl:extractErrorProperty: " << errorMessage << endl; return errorMessage; } void ICalFormatImpl::dumpIcalRecurrence(icalrecurrencetype r) { int i; if (r.by_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int index = 0; QString out = " By Day: "; while((i = r.by_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { out.append(QString::number(i) + " "); } } if (r.by_month_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int index = 0; QString out = " By Month Day: "; while((i = r.by_month_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { out.append(QString::number(i) + " "); } } if (r.by_year_day[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int index = 0; QString out = " By Year Day: "; while((i = r.by_year_day[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { out.append(QString::number(i) + " "); } } if (r.by_month[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int index = 0; QString out = " By Month: "; while((i = r.by_month[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { out.append(QString::number(i) + " "); } } if (r.by_set_pos[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { int index = 0; QString out = " By Set Pos: "; while((i = r.by_set_pos[index++]) != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) { out.append(QString::number(i) + " "); } } } icalcomponent *ICalFormatImpl::createScheduleComponent(IncidenceBase *incidence, Scheduler::Method method) { icalcomponent *message = createCalendarComponent(); icalproperty_method icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_NONE; switch (method) { case Scheduler::Publish: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH; break; case Scheduler::Request: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST; break; case Scheduler::Refresh: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_REFRESH; break; case Scheduler::Cancel: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL; break; case Scheduler::Add: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_ADD; break; case Scheduler::Reply: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_REPLY; break; case Scheduler::Counter: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER; break; case Scheduler::Declinecounter: icalmethod = ICAL_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER; break; default: return message; } icalcomponent_add_property(message,icalproperty_new_method(icalmethod)); // TODO: check, if dynamic cast is required if(incidence->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo *todo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence); icalcomponent_add_component(message,writeTodo(todo)); } if(incidence->typeID() == eventID ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); icalcomponent_add_component(message,writeEvent(event)); } if(incidence->typeID() == freebusyID) { FreeBusy *freebusy = static_cast<FreeBusy *>(incidence); icalcomponent_add_component(message,writeFreeBusy(freebusy, method)); } return message; } diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.cpp b/libkcal/incidence.cpp index e4bcc5e..4643a3a 100644 --- a/libkcal/incidence.cpp +++ b/libkcal/incidence.cpp @@ -1,780 +1,811 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "calformat.h" #include "incidence.h" #include "todo.h" using namespace KCal; Incidence::Incidence() : IncidenceBase(), mRelatedTo(0), mSecrecy(SecrecyPublic), mPriority(3) { - mRecurrence = new Recurrence(this); + mRecurrence = 0;//new Recurrence(this); mCancelled = false; recreate(); mHasStartDate = true; mAlarms.setAutoDelete(true); mAttachments.setAutoDelete(true); mHasRecurrenceID = false; mHoliday = false; mBirthday = false; mAnniversary = false; } Incidence::Incidence( const Incidence &i ) : IncidenceBase( i ) { // TODO: reenable attributes currently commented out. mRevision = i.mRevision; mCreated = i.mCreated; mDescription = i.mDescription; mSummary = i.mSummary; mCategories = i.mCategories; // Incidence *mRelatedTo; Incidence *mRelatedTo; mRelatedTo = 0; mRelatedToUid = i.mRelatedToUid; // QPtrList<Incidence> mRelations; QPtrList<Incidence> mRelations; mExDates = i.mExDates; mAttachments = i.mAttachments; mResources = i.mResources; mSecrecy = i.mSecrecy; mPriority = i.mPriority; mLocation = i.mLocation; mCancelled = i.mCancelled; mHasStartDate = i.mHasStartDate; QPtrListIterator<Alarm> it( i.mAlarms ); const Alarm *a; while( (a = it.current()) ) { Alarm *b = new Alarm( *a ); b->setParent( this ); mAlarms.append( b ); ++it; } mAlarms.setAutoDelete(true); mHasRecurrenceID = i.mHasRecurrenceID; mRecurrenceID = i.mRecurrenceID; + if ( i.mRecurrence ) mRecurrence = new Recurrence( *(i.mRecurrence), this ); + else + mRecurrence = 0; mHoliday = i.mHoliday ; mBirthday = i.mBirthday; mAnniversary = i.mAnniversary; } Incidence::~Incidence() { Incidence *ev; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (ev=Relations.first();ev;ev=Relations.next()) { if (ev->relatedTo() == this) ev->setRelatedTo(0); } if (relatedTo()) relatedTo()->removeRelation(this); + if ( mRecurrence ) delete mRecurrence; } bool Incidence::isHoliday() const { return mHoliday; } bool Incidence::isBirthday() const { return mBirthday ; } bool Incidence::isAnniversary() const { return mAnniversary ; } bool Incidence::hasRecurrenceID() const { return mHasRecurrenceID; } void Incidence::setHasRecurrenceID( bool b ) { mHasRecurrenceID = b; } void Incidence::setRecurrenceID(QDateTime d) { mRecurrenceID = d; mHasRecurrenceID = true; updated(); } QDateTime Incidence::recurrenceID () const { return mRecurrenceID; } bool Incidence::cancelled() const { return mCancelled; } void Incidence::setCancelled( bool b ) { mCancelled = b; updated(); } bool Incidence::hasStartDate() const { return mHasStartDate; } void Incidence::setHasStartDate(bool f) { if (mReadOnly) return; mHasStartDate = f; updated(); } // A string comparison that considers that null and empty are the same static bool stringCompare( const QString& s1, const QString& s2 ) { if ( s1.isEmpty() && s2.isEmpty() ) return true; return s1 == s2; } bool KCal::operator==( const Incidence& i1, const Incidence& i2 ) { if( i1.alarms().count() != i2.alarms().count() ) { return false; // no need to check further } if ( i1.alarms().count() > 0 ) { if ( !( *(i1.alarms().first()) == *(i2.alarms().first())) ) { qDebug("alarm not equal "); return false; } } #if 0 QPtrListIterator<Alarm> a1( i1.alarms() ); QPtrListIterator<Alarm> a2( i2.alarms() ); for( ; a1.current() && a2.current(); ++a1, ++a2 ) { if( *a1.current() == *a2.current() ) { continue; } else { return false; } } #endif if ( i1.hasRecurrenceID() == i2.hasRecurrenceID() ) { if ( i1.hasRecurrenceID() ) { if ( i1.recurrenceID() != i2.recurrenceID() ) return false; } } else { return false; } if ( ! operator==( (const IncidenceBase&)i1, (const IncidenceBase&)i2 ) ) return false; if ( i1.hasStartDate() == i2.hasStartDate() ) { if ( i1.hasStartDate() ) { if ( i1.dtStart() != i2.dtStart() ) return false; } } else { return false; } - if (!( *i1.recurrence() == *i2.recurrence()) ) { - qDebug("recurrence is NOT equal "); + if ( i1.mRecurrence != 0 && i2.mRecurrence != 0 ) { + if (!( *i1.mRecurrence == *i2.mRecurrence) ) { + //qDebug("recurrence is NOT equal "); + return false; + } + } else { + // one ( or both ) recurrence is 0 + if ( i1.mRecurrence == 0 ) { + if ( i2.mRecurrence != 0 && i2.mRecurrence->doesRecur() != Recurrence::rNone ) + return false; + } else { + // i1.mRecurrence != 0 + // i2.mRecurrence == 0 + if ( i1.mRecurrence->doesRecur() != Recurrence::rNone ) return false; } + } + return // i1.created() == i2.created() && stringCompare( i1.description(), i2.description() ) && stringCompare( i1.summary(), i2.summary() ) && i1.categories() == i2.categories() && // no need to compare mRelatedTo stringCompare( i1.relatedToUid(), i2.relatedToUid() ) && // i1.relations() == i2.relations() && i1.exDates() == i2.exDates() && i1.attachments() == i2.attachments() && i1.resources() == i2.resources() && i1.secrecy() == i2.secrecy() && i1.priority() == i2.priority() && i1.cancelled() == i2.cancelled() && stringCompare( i1.location(), i2.location() ); } Incidence* Incidence::recreateCloneException( QDate d ) { Incidence* newInc = clone(); newInc->recreate(); if ( doesRecur() ) { addExDate( d ); newInc->recurrence()->unsetRecurs(); if ( typeID() == eventID ) { int len = dtStart().secsTo( ((Event*)this)->dtEnd()); QTime tim = dtStart().time(); newInc->setDtStart( QDateTime(d, tim) ); ((Event*)newInc)->setDtEnd( newInc->dtStart().addSecs( len ) ); } else { int len = dtStart().secsTo( ((Todo*)this)->dtDue()); QTime tim = ((Todo*)this)->dtDue().time(); ((Todo*)newInc)->setDtDue( QDateTime(d, tim) ); ((Todo*)newInc)->setDtStart( ((Todo*)newInc)->dtDue().addSecs( -len ) ); ((Todo*)this)->setRecurDates(); } newInc->setExDates( DateList () ); } return newInc; } void Incidence::recreate() { setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); setUid(CalFormat::createUniqueId()); setRevision(0); setIDStr( ":" ); setLastModified(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } void Incidence::cloneRelations( Incidence * newInc ) { // newInc is already a clone of this incidence Incidence * inc; Incidence * cloneInc; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (inc=Relations.first();inc;inc=Relations.next()) { cloneInc = inc->clone(); cloneInc->recreate(); cloneInc->setRelatedTo( newInc ); inc->cloneRelations( cloneInc ); } } void Incidence::setReadOnly( bool readOnly ) { IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( readOnly ); - recurrence()->setRecurReadOnly( readOnly); + if ( mRecurrence ) + mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( readOnly); } void Incidence::setLastModifiedSubInvalid() { mLastModifiedSub = QDateTime(); if ( mRelatedTo ) mRelatedTo->setLastModifiedSubInvalid(); } QDateTime Incidence::lastModifiedSub() { if ( !mRelations.count() ) return lastModified(); if ( mLastModifiedSub.isValid() ) return mLastModifiedSub; mLastModifiedSub = lastModified(); Incidence * inc; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (inc=Relations.first();inc;inc=Relations.next()) { if ( inc->lastModifiedSub() > mLastModifiedSub ) mLastModifiedSub = inc->lastModifiedSub(); } return mLastModifiedSub; } void Incidence::setCreated(QDateTime created) { if (mReadOnly) return; mCreated = getEvenTime(created); } QDateTime Incidence::created() const { return mCreated; } void Incidence::setRevision(int rev) { if (mReadOnly) return; mRevision = rev; updated(); } int Incidence::revision() const { return mRevision; } void Incidence::setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart) { QDateTime dt = getEvenTime(dtStart); - recurrence()->setRecurStart( dt); + + if ( mRecurrence ) + mRecurrence->setRecurStart( dt); IncidenceBase::setDtStart( dt ); } void Incidence::setDescription(const QString &description) { if (mReadOnly) return; mDescription = description; updated(); } QString Incidence::description() const { return mDescription; } void Incidence::setSummary(const QString &summary) { if (mReadOnly) return; mSummary = summary; updated(); } QString Incidence::summary() const { return mSummary; } void Incidence::checkCategories() { mHoliday = mCategories.contains("Holiday") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Holiday")); mBirthday = mCategories.contains("Birthday") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Birthday")); mAnniversary = mCategories.contains("Anniversary") || mCategories.contains(i18n("Anniversary")); } void Incidence::addCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool addToRelations ) //addToRelations = false { if (mReadOnly) return; int i; for( i = 0; i < categories.count(); ++i ) { if ( !mCategories.contains (categories[i])) mCategories.append( categories[i] ); } checkCategories(); updated(); if ( addToRelations ) { Incidence * inc; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (inc=Relations.first();inc;inc=Relations.next()) { inc->addCategories( categories, true ); } } } void Incidence::setCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool setForRelations ) //setForRelations = false { if (mReadOnly) return; mCategories = categories; checkCategories(); updated(); if ( setForRelations ) { Incidence * inc; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (inc=Relations.first();inc;inc=Relations.next()) { inc->setCategories( categories, true ); } } } // TODO: remove setCategories(QString) function void Incidence::setCategories(const QString &catStr) { if (mReadOnly) return; mCategories.clear(); if (catStr.isEmpty()) return; mCategories = QStringList::split(",",catStr); QStringList::Iterator it; for(it = mCategories.begin();it != mCategories.end(); ++it) { *it = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); } checkCategories(); updated(); } // using this makes filtering 3 times faster QStringList* Incidence::categoriesP() { return &mCategories; } QStringList Incidence::categories() const { return mCategories; } QString Incidence::categoriesStr() { return mCategories.join(","); } QString Incidence::categoriesStrWithSpace() { return mCategories.join(", "); } void Incidence::setRelatedToUid(const QString &relatedToUid) { if (mReadOnly) return; mRelatedToUid = relatedToUid; } QString Incidence::relatedToUid() const { return mRelatedToUid; } void Incidence::setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo) { //qDebug("Incidence::setRelatedTo %d ", relatedTo); //qDebug("setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo) %s %s", summary().latin1(), relatedTo->summary().latin1() ); if (mReadOnly || mRelatedTo == relatedTo) return; if(mRelatedTo) { // updated(); mRelatedTo->removeRelation(this); } mRelatedTo = relatedTo; if (mRelatedTo) { mRelatedTo->addRelation(this); mRelatedToUid = mRelatedTo->uid(); } else { mRelatedToUid = ""; } } Incidence *Incidence::relatedTo() const { return mRelatedTo; } QPtrList<Incidence> Incidence::relations() const { return mRelations; } void Incidence::addRelationsToList(QPtrList<Incidence> *rel) { Incidence* inc; QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = relations(); for (inc=Relations.first();inc;inc=Relations.next()) { inc->addRelationsToList( rel ); } if ( rel->findRef( this ) == -1 ) rel->append( this ); } void Incidence::addRelation(Incidence *event) { setLastModifiedSubInvalid(); if( mRelations.findRef( event ) == -1 ) { mRelations.append(event); //updated(); } } void Incidence::removeRelation(Incidence *event) { setLastModifiedSubInvalid(); mRelations.removeRef(event); // if (event->getRelatedTo() == this) event->setRelatedTo(0); } bool Incidence::recursOn(const QDate &qd) const { - if (recurrence()->recursOnPure(qd) && !isException(qd)) return true; + if (mRecurrence && mRecurrence->recursOnPure(qd) && !isException(qd)) return true; else return false; } void Incidence::setExDates(const DateList &exDates) { if (mReadOnly) return; mExDates = exDates; - recurrence()->setRecurExDatesCount(mExDates.count()); updated(); } void Incidence::addExDate(const QDate &date) { if (mReadOnly) return; mExDates.append(date); recurrence()->setRecurExDatesCount(mExDates.count()); updated(); } DateList Incidence::exDates() const { return mExDates; } bool Incidence::isException(const QDate &date) const { DateList::ConstIterator it; for( it = mExDates.begin(); it != mExDates.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it) == date ) { return true; } } return false; } void Incidence::addAttachment(Attachment *attachment) { if (mReadOnly || !attachment) return; mAttachments.append(attachment); updated(); } void Incidence::deleteAttachment(Attachment *attachment) { mAttachments.removeRef(attachment); } void Incidence::deleteAttachments(const QString& mime) { Attachment *at = mAttachments.first(); while (at) { if (at->mimeType() == mime) mAttachments.remove(); else at = mAttachments.next(); } } QPtrList<Attachment> Incidence::attachments() const { return mAttachments; } QPtrList<Attachment> Incidence::attachments(const QString& mime) const { QPtrList<Attachment> attachments; QPtrListIterator<Attachment> it( mAttachments ); Attachment *at; while ( (at = it.current()) ) { if (at->mimeType() == mime) attachments.append(at); ++it; } return attachments; } void Incidence::setResources(const QStringList &resources) { if (mReadOnly) return; mResources = resources; updated(); } QStringList Incidence::resources() const { return mResources; } void Incidence::setPriority(int priority) { if (mReadOnly) return; mPriority = priority; updated(); } int Incidence::priority() const { return mPriority; } void Incidence::setSecrecy(int sec) { if (mReadOnly) return; mSecrecy = sec; updated(); } int Incidence::secrecy() const { return mSecrecy; } QString Incidence::secrecyStr() const { return secrecyName(mSecrecy); } QString Incidence::secrecyName(int secrecy) { switch (secrecy) { case SecrecyPublic: return i18n("Public"); break; case SecrecyPrivate: return i18n("Private"); break; case SecrecyConfidential: return i18n("Confidential"); break; default: return i18n("Undefined"); break; } } QStringList Incidence::secrecyList() { QStringList list; list << secrecyName(SecrecyPublic); list << secrecyName(SecrecyPrivate); list << secrecyName(SecrecyConfidential); return list; } QPtrList<Alarm> Incidence::alarms() const { return mAlarms; } Alarm* Incidence::newAlarm() { Alarm* alarm = new Alarm(this); mAlarms.append(alarm); // updated(); return alarm; } void Incidence::addAlarm(Alarm *alarm) { mAlarms.append(alarm); updated(); } void Incidence::removeAlarm(Alarm *alarm) { mAlarms.removeRef(alarm); updated(); } void Incidence::clearAlarms() { mAlarms.clear(); updated(); } bool Incidence::isAlarmEnabled() const { Alarm* alarm; for (QPtrListIterator<Alarm> it(mAlarms); (alarm = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if (alarm->enabled()) return true; } return false; } - -Recurrence *Incidence::recurrence() const +#include <stdlib.h> +Recurrence *Incidence::recurrence() { + if ( ! mRecurrence ) { + mRecurrence = new Recurrence(this); + qDebug("creating new recurence "); + //abort(); + } return mRecurrence; } void Incidence::setRecurrence( Recurrence * r) { + if ( mRecurrence ) delete mRecurrence; mRecurrence = r; } void Incidence::setLocation(const QString &location) { if (mReadOnly) return; mLocation = location; updated(); } QString Incidence::location() const { return mLocation; } +QString Incidence::recurrenceText() const +{ + if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->recurrenceText(); + return i18n("No"); +} ushort Incidence::doesRecur() const { if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->doesRecur(); else return Recurrence::rNone; } QDateTime Incidence::getNextOccurence( const QDateTime& dt, bool* ok ) const { QDateTime incidenceStart = dt; *ok = false; if ( doesRecur() ) { bool last; - recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( incidenceStart , &last ); + mRecurrence->getPreviousDateTime( incidenceStart , &last ); int count = 0; if ( !last ) { while ( !last ) { ++count; - incidenceStart = recurrence()->getNextDateTime( incidenceStart, &last ); + incidenceStart = mRecurrence->getNextDateTime( incidenceStart, &last ); if ( recursOn( incidenceStart.date() ) ) { last = true; // exit while llop } else { if ( last ) { // no alarm on last recurrence return QDateTime (); } int year = incidenceStart.date().year(); // workaround for bug in recurrence if ( count == 100 || year < 1000 || year > 5000 ) { return QDateTime (); } incidenceStart = incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ); } } } else { return QDateTime (); } } else { if ( hasStartDate () ) { incidenceStart = dtStart(); } if ( typeID() == todoID ) { if ( ((Todo*)this)->hasDueDate() ) incidenceStart = ((Todo*)this)->dtDue(); } } if ( incidenceStart > dt ) *ok = true; return incidenceStart; } QDateTime Incidence::dtStart() const { if ( doesRecur() ) { if ( typeID() == todoID ) { ((Todo*)this)->checkSetCompletedFalse(); } } return mDtStart; } diff --git a/libkcal/incidence.h b/libkcal/incidence.h index d4af9f0..8519f01 100644 --- a/libkcal/incidence.h +++ b/libkcal/incidence.h @@ -1,321 +1,322 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef INCIDENCE_H #define INCIDENCE_H // // Incidence - base class of calendaring components // #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include "recurrence.h" #include "alarm.h" #include "attachment.h" #include "listbase.h" #include "incidencebase.h" namespace KCal { class Event; class Todo; class Journal; /** This class provides the base class common to all calendar components. */ class Incidence : public IncidenceBase { public: /** This class provides the interface for a visitor of calendar components. It serves as base class for concrete visitors, which implement certain actions on calendar components. It allows to add functions, which operate on the concrete types of calendar components, without changing the calendar component classes. */ class Visitor { public: /** Destruct Incidence::Visitor */ virtual ~Visitor() {} /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceVisitor to perform actions on an Event object. */ virtual bool visit(Event *) { return false; } /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceVisitor to perform actions on an Todo object. */ virtual bool visit(Todo *) { return false; } /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceVisitor to perform actions on an Journal object. */ virtual bool visit(Journal *) { return false; } protected: /** Constructor is protected to prevent direct creation of visitor base class. */ Visitor() {} }; /** This class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls. */ template<class T> class AddVisitor : public Visitor { public: AddVisitor( T *r ) : mResource( r ) {} bool visit( Event *e ) { return mResource->addEvent( e ); } bool visit( Todo *t ) { return mResource->addTodo( t ); } bool visit( Journal *j ) { return mResource->addJournal( j ); } private: T *mResource; }; /** enumeration for describing an event's secrecy. */ enum { SecrecyPublic = 0, SecrecyPrivate = 1, SecrecyConfidential = 2 }; typedef ListBase<Incidence> List; Incidence(); Incidence(const Incidence &); ~Incidence(); /** Accept IncidenceVisitor. A class taking part in the visitor mechanism has to provide this implementation: <pre> bool accept(Visitor &v) { return v.visit(this); } </pre> */ virtual bool accept(Visitor &) { return false; } virtual Incidence *clone() = 0; virtual void cloneRelations( Incidence * ); void addRelationsToList(QPtrList<Incidence> *rel); virtual QDateTime getNextAlarmDateTime( bool * ok, int * offset, QDateTime start_dt ) const = 0; void setReadOnly( bool ); /** Recreate event. The event is made a new unique event, but already stored event information is preserved. Sets uniquie id, creation date, last modification date and revision number. */ void recreate(); Incidence* recreateCloneException(QDate); /** set creation date */ void setCreated(QDateTime); /** return time and date of creation. */ QDateTime created() const; /** set the number of revisions this event has seen */ void setRevision(int rev); /** return the number of revisions this event has seen */ int revision() const; /** Set starting date/time. */ virtual void setDtStart(const QDateTime &dtStart); /** Return the incidence's ending date/time as a QDateTime. */ virtual QDateTime dtEnd() const { return QDateTime(); } /** sets the event's lengthy description. */ void setDescription(const QString &description); /** returns a reference to the event's description. */ QString description() const; /** sets the event's short summary. */ void setSummary(const QString &summary); /** returns a reference to the event's summary. */ QString summary() const; /** set event's applicable categories */ void setCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool setForRelations = false); void addCategories(const QStringList &categories, bool addToRelations = false); /** set event's categories based on a comma delimited string */ void setCategories(const QString &catStr); /** return categories in a list */ QStringList categories() const; QStringList* categoriesP(); /** return categories as a comma separated string */ QString categoriesStr(); QString categoriesStrWithSpace(); /** point at some other event to which the event relates. This function should * only be used when constructing a calendar before the related Event * exists. */ void setRelatedToUid(const QString &); /** what event does this one relate to? This function should * only be used when constructing a calendar before the related Event * exists. */ QString relatedToUid() const; /** point at some other event to which the event relates */ void setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo); /** what event does this one relate to? */ Incidence *relatedTo() const; /** All events that are related to this event */ QPtrList<Incidence> relations() const; /** Add an event which is related to this event */ void addRelation(Incidence *); /** Remove event that is related to this event */ void removeRelation(Incidence *); /** returns the list of dates which are exceptions to the recurrence rule */ DateList exDates() const; /** sets the list of dates which are exceptions to the recurrence rule */ void setExDates(const DateList &_exDates); void setExDates(const char *dates); /** Add a date to the list of exceptions of the recurrence rule. */ void addExDate(const QDate &date); /** returns true if there is an exception for this date in the recurrence rule set, or false otherwise. */ bool isException(const QDate &qd) const; /** add attachment to this event */ void addAttachment(Attachment *attachment); /** remove and delete a specific attachment */ void deleteAttachment(Attachment *attachment); /** remove and delete all attachments with this mime type */ void deleteAttachments(const QString& mime); /** return list of all associated attachments */ QPtrList<Attachment> attachments() const; /** find a list of attachments with this mime type */ QPtrList<Attachment> attachments(const QString& mime) const; /** sets the event's status the value specified. See the enumeration * above for possible values. */ void setSecrecy(int); /** return the event's secrecy. */ int secrecy() const; /** return the event's secrecy in string format. */ QString secrecyStr() const; /** return list of all availbale secrecy classes */ static QStringList secrecyList(); /** return human-readable name of secrecy class */ static QString secrecyName(int); /** returns TRUE if the date specified is one on which the event will * recur. */ bool recursOn(const QDate &qd) const; // VEVENT and VTODO, but not VJOURNAL (move to EventBase class?): /** set resources used, such as Office, Car, etc. */ void setResources(const QStringList &resources); /** return list of current resources */ QStringList resources() const; /** set the event's priority, 0 is undefined, 1 highest (decreasing order) */ void setPriority(int priority); /** get the event's priority */ int priority() const; /** All alarms that are associated with this incidence */ QPtrList<Alarm> alarms() const; /** Create a new alarm which is associated with this incidence */ Alarm* newAlarm(); /** Add an alarm which is associated with this incidence */ void addAlarm(Alarm*); /** Remove an alarm that is associated with this incidence */ void removeAlarm(Alarm*); /** Remove all alarms that are associated with this incidence */ void clearAlarms(); /** return whether any alarm associated with this incidence is enabled */ bool isAlarmEnabled() const; /** Return the recurrence rule associated with this incidence. If there is none, returns an appropriate (non-0) object. */ - Recurrence *recurrence() const; + Recurrence *recurrence(); void setRecurrence(Recurrence * r); /** Forward to Recurrence::doesRecur(). */ ushort doesRecur() const; /** set the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal */ void setLocation(const QString &location); /** return the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal */ QString location() const; /** returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the todo has a start date */ bool hasStartDate() const; /** sets the event's hasStartDate value. */ void setHasStartDate(bool f); QDateTime getNextOccurence( const QDateTime& dt, bool* yes ) const; bool cancelled() const; void setCancelled( bool b ); bool hasRecurrenceID() const; void setHasRecurrenceID( bool b ); void setRecurrenceID(QDateTime); QDateTime recurrenceID () const; QDateTime dtStart() const; bool isHoliday() const; bool isBirthday() const; bool isAnniversary() const; QDateTime lastModifiedSub(); + QString recurrenceText() const; void setLastModifiedSubInvalid(); + Recurrence *mRecurrence; protected: QPtrList<Alarm> mAlarms; QPtrList<Incidence> mRelations; QDateTime mRecurrenceID; bool mHasRecurrenceID; private: void checkCategories(); bool mHoliday, mBirthday, mAnniversary; int mRevision; bool mCancelled; // base components of jounal, event and todo QDateTime mCreated; QDateTime mLastModifiedSub; QString mDescription; QString mSummary; QStringList mCategories; Incidence *mRelatedTo; QString mRelatedToUid; DateList mExDates; QPtrList<Attachment> mAttachments; QStringList mResources; bool mHasStartDate; // if todo has associated start date int mSecrecy; int mPriority; // 1 = highest, 2 = less, etc. //QPtrList<Alarm> mAlarms; - Recurrence *mRecurrence; QString mLocation; }; bool operator==( const Incidence&, const Incidence& ); } #endif diff --git a/libkcal/kincidenceformatter.cpp b/libkcal/kincidenceformatter.cpp index 9359fad..f8f40f1 100644 --- a/libkcal/kincidenceformatter.cpp +++ b/libkcal/kincidenceformatter.cpp @@ -1,425 +1,425 @@ #include "kincidenceformatter.h" #include <kstaticdeleter.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #ifdef DEKTOP_VERSION #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> #define size count #endif KIncidenceFormatter* KIncidenceFormatter::mInstance = 0; static KStaticDeleter<KIncidenceFormatter> insd; QString KIncidenceFormatter::getFormattedText( Incidence * inc, bool details, bool created , bool modified ) { // #ifndef QT_NO_INPUTDIALOG // return QInputDialog::getItem( caption, label, items, current, editable ); // #else // return QString::null; // #endif mDetails = details; mCreated = created ; mModified = modified; mText = ""; if ( inc->typeID() == eventID ) setEvent((Event *) inc ); else if ( inc->typeID() == todoID ) setTodo((Todo *) inc ); return mText; } KIncidenceFormatter* KIncidenceFormatter::instance() { if (!mInstance) { mInstance = insd.setObject(new KIncidenceFormatter()); } return mInstance; } KIncidenceFormatter::~KIncidenceFormatter() { if (mInstance == this) mInstance = insd.setObject(0); //qDebug("KIncidenceFormatter::~KIncidenceFormatter "); } KIncidenceFormatter::KIncidenceFormatter() { mColorMode = 0; } void KIncidenceFormatter::setEvent(Event *event) { int mode = 0; mCurrentIncidence = event; bool shortDate = true; if ( mode == 0 ) { addTag("h3",deTag(event->summary())); formatReadOnly(event); } else { if ( mColorMode == 1 ) { mText +="<font color=\"#00A000\">"; } if ( mColorMode == 2 ) { mText +="<font color=\"#C00000\">"; } // mText +="<font color=\"#F00000\">" + i18n("O-due!") + "</font>"; if ( mode == 1 ) { addTag("h2",i18n( "Local: " ) +deTag(event->summary())); } else { addTag("h2",i18n( "Remote: " ) +deTag(event->summary())); } formatReadOnly(event); addTag("h3",i18n( "Last modified: " ) + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(event->lastModified(),shortDate, true ) ); if ( mColorMode ) mText += "</font>"; } if (event->cancelled ()) { mText +="<font color=\"#B00000\">"; addTag("i",i18n("This event has been cancelled!")); mText.append("<br>"); mText += "</font>"; } if (event->doesFloat()) { if (event->isMultiDay()) { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>From:</b> %1 </p><p><b>To:</b> %2</p>") .arg(event->dtStartDateStr(shortDate)) .arg(event->dtEndDateStr(shortDate))); } else { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>On:</b> %1</p>").arg(event->dtStartDateStr( shortDate ))); } } else { if (event->isMultiDay()) { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>From:</b> %1</p> ") .arg(event->dtStartStr( shortDate))); mText.append(i18n("<p><b>To:</b> %1</p>") .arg(event->dtEndStr(shortDate))); } else { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>From:</b> %1 <b>To:</b> %2</p>") .arg(event->dtStartTimeStr()) .arg(event->dtEndTimeStr())); mText.append(i18n("<p><b>On:</b> %1</p> ") .arg(event->dtStartDateStr( shortDate ))); } } if (!event->location().isEmpty()) { addTag("b",i18n("Location: ")); mText.append(deTag(event->location())+"<br>"); } - if (event->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { + if (event->doesRecur()) { QString recurText = event->recurrence()->recurrenceText(); addTag("p","<em>" + i18n("This is a %1 recurring event.").arg(recurText ) + "</em>"); bool ok; QDate start = QDate::currentDate(); QDateTime next; next = event->getNextOccurence( QDateTime::currentDateTime() , &ok ); if ( ok ) { addTag("p",i18n("<b>Next recurrence is on:</b>") ); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( next.date(), shortDate )); } else { bool last; QDate nextd; nextd = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDate( QDate::currentDate() , &last ); if ( last ) { addTag("p",i18n("<b>Last recurrence was on:</b>") ); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( nextd, shortDate )); } } } if (event->isAlarmEnabled()) { Alarm *alarm =event->alarms().first() ; QDateTime t = alarm->time(); QString s =i18n("( %1 before )").arg( alarm->offsetText() ); addTag("p",i18n("<b>Alarm on: </b>") + s + ": "+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( t, shortDate )); //addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( t, shortDate )); //addTag("p",s); } addTag("p",i18n("<b>Access: </b>") +event->secrecyStr() ); // mText.append(event->secrecyStr()+"<br>"); formatCategories(event); formatAttendees(event); if ( mCreated ) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION addTag("p",i18n("<b>Created: ") +" </b>"+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->created(), shortDate )); #else addTag("p",i18n("<b>Created: ") +" </b>"); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->created(), shortDate )); #endif } if ( mModified ) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION addTag("p",i18n("<b>Last modified: ") +" </b>"+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->lastModified(), shortDate )); #else addTag("p",i18n("<b>Last modified: ") +" </b>"); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->lastModified(), shortDate )); #endif } if ( mDetails ) { if (!event->description().isEmpty()) { addTag("p",i18n("<b>Details: </b>")); addTag("p",deTag(event->description())); } } } void KIncidenceFormatter::setTodo(Todo *event ) { int mode = 0; mCurrentIncidence = event; bool shortDate = true; if (mode == 0 ) { addTag("h3",deTag(event->summary())); formatReadOnly(event); } else { if ( mColorMode == 1 ) { mText +="<font color=\"#00A000\">"; } if ( mColorMode == 2 ) { mText +="<font color=\"#B00000\">"; } if ( mode == 1 ) { addTag("h2",i18n( "Local: " ) +deTag(event->summary())); } else { addTag("h2",i18n( "Remote: " ) +deTag(event->summary())); } formatReadOnly(event); addTag("h3",i18n( "Last modified: " ) + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(event->lastModified(),shortDate, true ) ); if ( mColorMode ) mText += "</font>"; } if ( event->percentComplete() == 100 && event->hasCompletedDate() ) { mText +="<font color=\"#B00000\">"; addTag("i", i18n("<p><i>Completed on %1</i></p>").arg( event->completedStr(shortDate) ) ); mText += "</font>"; } else { mText.append(i18n("<p><i>%1 % completed</i></p>") .arg(event->percentComplete())); } if (event->cancelled ()) { mText +="<font color=\"#B00000\">"; addTag("i",i18n("This todo has been cancelled!")); mText.append("<br>"); mText += "</font>"; } - if (event->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { + if (event->doesRecur()) { QString recurText = event->recurrence()->recurrenceText(); addTag("p","<em>" + i18n("This is a %1 recurring todo.").arg(recurText ) + "</em>"); } if (event->hasStartDate()) { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>Start on:</b> %1</p>").arg(event->dtStartStr(shortDate))); } if (event->hasDueDate()) { mText.append(i18n("<p><b>Due on:</b> %1</p>").arg(event->dtDueStr(shortDate))); } if (!event->location().isEmpty()) { addTag("b",i18n("Location: ")); mText.append(deTag(event->location())+"<br>"); } mText.append(i18n("<p><b>Priority:</b> %2</p>") .arg(QString::number(event->priority()))); if (event->isAlarmEnabled()) { Alarm *alarm =event->alarms().first() ; QDateTime t = alarm->time(); QString s =i18n("( %1 before )").arg( alarm->offsetText() ); addTag("p",i18n("<b>Alarm on: ") + s +" </b>"); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( t, shortDate )); //addTag("p",s); } addTag("p",i18n("<b>Access: </b>") +event->secrecyStr() ); formatCategories(event); formatAttendees(event); if ( mCreated ) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION addTag("p",i18n("<b>Created: ") +" </b>"+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->created(), shortDate )); #else addTag("p",i18n("<b>Created: ") +" </b>"); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->created(), shortDate )); #endif } if ( mModified ) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION addTag("p",i18n("<b>Last modified: ") +" </b>"+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->lastModified(), shortDate )); #else addTag("p",i18n("<b>Last modified: ") +" </b>"); addTag("p", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( event->lastModified(), shortDate )); #endif } if ( mDetails ) { if (!event->description().isEmpty()) { addTag("p",i18n("<b>Details: </b>")); addTag("p",deTag(event->description())); } } } void KIncidenceFormatter::setJournal(Journal* ) { } void KIncidenceFormatter::formatCategories(Incidence *event) { if (!event->categoriesStr().isEmpty()) { addTag("p",i18n("<b>Categories: </b>")+event->categoriesStrWithSpace() ); //mText.append(event->categoriesStr()); } } void KIncidenceFormatter::addTag(const QString & tag,const QString & text) { int number=text.contains("\n"); QString str = "<" + tag + ">"; QString tmpText=text; QString tmpStr=str; if(number !=-1) { if (number > 0) { int pos=0; QString tmp; for(int i=0;i<=number;i++) { pos=tmpText.find("\n"); tmp=tmpText.left(pos); tmpText=tmpText.right(tmpText.length()-pos-1); tmpStr+=tmp+"<br>"; } } else tmpStr += tmpText; tmpStr+="</" + tag + ">"; mText.append(tmpStr); } else { str += text + "</" + tag + ">"; mText.append(str); } } void KIncidenceFormatter::formatAttendees(Incidence *event) { QPtrList<Attendee> attendees = event->attendees(); if (attendees.count()) { QString iconPath = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath("mailappt",KIcon::Small); QString NOiconPath = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath("nomailappt",KIcon::Small); addTag("h3",i18n("Organizer")); mText.append("<ul><li>"); #if 0 //ndef KORG_NOKABC KABC::AddressBook *add_book = KABC::StdAddressBook::self(); KABC::Addressee::List addressList; addressList = add_book->findByEmail(event->organizer()); KABC::Addressee o = addressList.first(); if (!o.isEmpty() && addressList.size()<2) { mText += "<a href=\"uid:" + o.uid() + "\">"; mText += o.formattedName(); mText += "</a>\n"; } else { mText.append(event->organizer()); } #else mText.append(event->organizer()); #endif if (iconPath) { mText += " <a href=\"mailto:" + event->organizer() + "\">"; mText += "<IMG src=\"" + iconPath + "\">"; mText += "</a>\n"; } mText.append("</li></ul>"); addTag("h3",i18n("Attendees")); Attendee *a; mText.append("<ul>"); for(a=attendees.first();a;a=attendees.next()) { #if 0 //ndef KORG_NOKABC if (a->name().isEmpty()) { addressList = add_book->findByEmail(a->email()); KABC::Addressee o = addressList.first(); if (!o.isEmpty() && addressList.size()<2) { mText += "<a href=\"uid:" + o.uid() + "\">"; mText += o.formattedName(); mText += "</a>\n"; } else { mText += "<li>"; mText.append(a->email()); mText += "\n"; } } else { mText += "<li><a href=\"uid:" + a->uid() + "\">"; if (!a->name().isEmpty()) mText += a->name(); else mText += a->email(); mText += "</a>\n"; } #else //qDebug("nokabc "); mText += "<li><a href=\"uid:" + a->uid() + "\">"; if (!a->name().isEmpty()) mText += a->name(); else mText += a->email(); mText += "</a>\n"; #endif if (!a->email().isEmpty()) { if (iconPath) { mText += "<a href=\"mailto:" + a->name() +" "+ "<" + a->email() + ">" + "\">"; if ( a->RSVP() ) mText += "<IMG src=\"" + iconPath + "\">"; else mText += "<IMG src=\"" + NOiconPath + "\">"; mText += "</a>\n"; } } if (a->status() != Attendee::NeedsAction ) mText +="[" + a->statusStr() + "] "; if (a->role() == Attendee::Chair ) mText +="(" + a->roleStr().left(1) + ".)"; } mText.append("</li></ul>"); } } void KIncidenceFormatter::formatReadOnly(Incidence *event) { if (event->isReadOnly()) { addTag("p","<em>(" + i18n("read-only") + ")</em>"); } } QString KIncidenceFormatter::deTag(QString text) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 text.replace( '<' , "<" ); text.replace( '>' , ">" ); #else if ( text.find ('<') >= 0 ) { text.replace( QRegExp("<") , "<" ); } if ( text.find ('>') >= 0 ) { text.replace( QRegExp(">") , ">" ); } #endif return text; } diff --git a/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp b/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp index 8efc1ea..2e19740 100644 --- a/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp +++ b/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp @@ -1,1715 +1,1715 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brwon Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qclipboard.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "vcc.h" #include "vobject.h" #include "vcaldrag.h" #include "calendar.h" #include "vcalformat.h" using namespace KCal; VCalFormat::VCalFormat() { mCalendar = 0; useLocalTime = false; } VCalFormat::~VCalFormat() { } void VCalFormat::setLocalTime ( bool b ) { useLocalTime = b; } bool VCalFormat::load(Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName) { mCalendar = calendar; clearException(); if ( ! useLocalTime ) useLocalTime = mCalendar->isLocalTime(); VObject *vcal = 0; // this is not necessarily only 1 vcal. Could be many vcals, or include // a vcard... vcal = Parse_MIME_FromFileName(const_cast<char *>(QFile::encodeName(fileName).data())); if (!vcal) { setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersionUnknown)); return FALSE; } // any other top-level calendar stuff should be added/initialized here // put all vobjects into their proper places populate(vcal); // clean up from vcal API stuff cleanVObjects(vcal); cleanStrTbl(); return true; } bool VCalFormat::save(Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName) { mCalendar = calendar; if ( ! useLocalTime ) useLocalTime = mCalendar->isLocalTime(); QString tmpStr; VObject *vcal, *vo; vcal = newVObject(VCCalProp); // addPropValue(vcal,VCLocationProp, "0.0"); addPropValue(vcal,VCProdIdProp, productId()); tmpStr = mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr(); //qDebug("mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr() %s",tmpStr.latin1() ); addPropValue(vcal,VCTimeZoneProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(vcal,VCVersionProp, _VCAL_VERSION); // TODO STUFF QPtrList<Todo> todoList = mCalendar->rawTodos(); QPtrListIterator<Todo> qlt(todoList); for (; qlt.current(); ++qlt) { vo = eventToVTodo(qlt.current()); addVObjectProp(vcal, vo); } // EVENT STUFF QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->rawEvents(); Event *ev; for(ev=events.first();ev;ev=events.next()) { vo = eventToVEvent(ev); addVObjectProp(vcal, vo); } writeVObjectToFile(QFile::encodeName(fileName).data() ,vcal); cleanVObjects(vcal); cleanStrTbl(); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { return true; } else { return false; // error } } bool VCalFormat::fromString( Calendar *calendar, const QString &text ) { // TODO: Factor out VCalFormat::fromString() QCString data = text.utf8(); if ( !data.size() ) return false; VObject *vcal = Parse_MIME( data.data(), data.size()); if ( !vcal ) return false; VObjectIterator i; VObject *curvo; initPropIterator( &i, vcal ); // we only take the first object. TODO: parse all incidences. do { curvo = nextVObject( &i ); } while ( strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCEventProp ) && strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCTodoProp ) ); if ( strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCEventProp ) == 0 ) { Event *event = VEventToEvent( curvo ); calendar->addEvent( event ); } else { qDebug("VCalFormat::fromString(): Unknown object type. "); deleteVObject( vcal ); return false; } deleteVObject( vcal ); return true; } QString VCalFormat::eventToString( Event * event, Calendar *calendar, bool useLocal) { if ( !event ) return QString::null; bool useL = useLocalTime; useLocalTime = useLocal; mCalendar = calendar; VObject *vevent = eventToVEvent( event ); char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vevent ); QString result( buf ); cleanVObject( vevent ); useLocalTime = useL; return result; } QString VCalFormat::todoToString( Todo * todo, Calendar *calendar, bool useLocal ) { if ( !todo ) return QString::null; bool useL = useLocalTime; useLocalTime = useLocal; mCalendar = calendar; VObject *vevent = eventToVTodo( todo ); char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vevent ); QString result( buf ); cleanVObject( vevent ); useLocalTime = useL; return result; } QString VCalFormat::toString( Calendar *calendar ) { // TODO: Factor out VCalFormat::asString() VObject *vcal = newVObject(VCCalProp); addPropValue( vcal, VCProdIdProp, CalFormat::productId() ); QString tmpStr = mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr(); addPropValue( vcal, VCTimeZoneProp, tmpStr.local8Bit() ); addPropValue( vcal, VCVersionProp, _VCAL_VERSION ); // TODO: Use all data. QPtrList<Event> events = calendar->events(); Event *event = events.first(); if ( !event ) return QString::null; VObject *vevent = eventToVEvent( event ); addVObjectProp( vcal, vevent ); char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vcal ); QString result( buf ); cleanVObject( vcal ); return result; } VObject *VCalFormat::eventToVTodo(const Todo *anEvent) { VObject *vtodo; QString tmpStr; vtodo = newVObject(VCTodoProp); // due date if (anEvent->hasDueDate()) { tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtDue(), !anEvent->doesFloat()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCDueProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // start date if (anEvent->hasStartDate()) { tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtStart(), !anEvent->doesFloat()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCDTstartProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // creation date tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->created()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCDCreatedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // unique id addPropValue(vtodo, VCUniqueStringProp, anEvent->uid().local8Bit()); // revision tmpStr.sprintf("%i", anEvent->revision()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCSequenceProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // last modification date tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->lastModified()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCLastModifiedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // organizer stuff tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + anEvent->organizer(); addPropValue(vtodo, ICOrganizerProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // attendees if (anEvent->attendeeCount() != 0) { QPtrList<Attendee> al = anEvent->attendees(); QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al); Attendee *curAttendee; for (; ai.current(); ++ai) { curAttendee = ai.current(); if (!curAttendee->email().isEmpty() && !curAttendee->name().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + curAttendee->name() + " <" + curAttendee->email() + ">"; else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->email(); else if (curAttendee->email().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->name(); else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty() && curAttendee->email().isEmpty()) kdDebug(5800) << "warning! this Event has an attendee w/o name or email!" << endl; VObject *aProp = addPropValue(vtodo, VCAttendeeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(aProp, VCRoleProp, writeRole(curAttendee->role())); addPropValue(aProp, VCRSVPProp, curAttendee->RSVP() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); addPropValue(aProp, VCStatusProp, writeStatus(curAttendee->status())); } } // description BL: if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) { VObject *d = addPropValue(vtodo, VCDescriptionProp, anEvent->description().local8Bit()); if (anEvent->description().find('\n') != -1) addProp(d, VCQuotedPrintableProp); } // summary if (!anEvent->summary().isEmpty()) addPropValue(vtodo, VCSummaryProp, anEvent->summary().local8Bit()); if (!anEvent->location().isEmpty()) addPropValue(vtodo, VCLocationProp, anEvent->location().local8Bit()); // completed // status // backward compatibility, KOrganizer used to interpret only these two values addPropValue(vtodo, VCStatusProp, anEvent->isCompleted() ? "COMPLETED" : "NEEDS_ACTION"); // completion date if (anEvent->hasCompletedDate()) { tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->completed()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCCompletedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // priority tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->priority()); addPropValue(vtodo, VCPriorityProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // related event if (anEvent->relatedToUid()) { addPropValue(vtodo, VCRelatedToProp, anEvent->relatedToUid().local8Bit()); } // categories QStringList tmpStrList = anEvent->categories(); tmpStr = ""; QString catStr; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin(); it != tmpStrList.end(); ++it ) { catStr = *it; if (catStr[0] == ' ') tmpStr += catStr.mid(1); else tmpStr += catStr; // this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires! // vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is // read in. tmpStr += ";"; } if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) { tmpStr.truncate(tmpStr.length()-1); addPropValue(vtodo, VCCategoriesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // alarm stuff kdDebug(5800) << "vcalformat::eventToVTodo was called" << endl; QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = anEvent->alarms(); Alarm* alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) { if (alarm->enabled()) { VObject *a; tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(alarm->time()); if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio) { a = addProp(vtodo, VCAAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCAudioContentProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->audioFile())); } else if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure) { a = addProp(vtodo, VCPAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCProcedureNameProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile())); } else { a = addProp(vtodo, VCDAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCDisplayStringProp, "beep!"); } } } if (anEvent->pilotId()) { // pilot sync stuff tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->pilotId()); addPropValue(vtodo, XPilotIdProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->syncStatus()); addPropValue(vtodo, XPilotStatusProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } return vtodo; } -VObject* VCalFormat::eventToVEvent(const Event *anEvent) +VObject* VCalFormat::eventToVEvent(Event *anEvent) { VObject *vevent; QString tmpStr; vevent = newVObject(VCEventProp); // start and end time tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtStart(), !anEvent->doesFloat()); addPropValue(vevent, VCDTstartProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // events that have time associated but take up no time should // not have both DTSTART and DTEND. if (anEvent->dtStart() != anEvent->dtEnd()) { tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtEnd(), !anEvent->doesFloat()); addPropValue(vevent, VCDTendProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // creation date tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->created()); addPropValue(vevent, VCDCreatedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // unique id addPropValue(vevent, VCUniqueStringProp, anEvent->uid().local8Bit()); // revision tmpStr.sprintf("%i", anEvent->revision()); addPropValue(vevent, VCSequenceProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // last modification date tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->lastModified()); addPropValue(vevent, VCLastModifiedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // attendee and organizer stuff tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + anEvent->organizer(); addPropValue(vevent, ICOrganizerProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); if (anEvent->attendeeCount() != 0) { QPtrList<Attendee> al = anEvent->attendees(); QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al); Attendee *curAttendee; // TODO: Put this functionality into Attendee class for (; ai.current(); ++ai) { curAttendee = ai.current(); if (!curAttendee->email().isEmpty() && !curAttendee->name().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + curAttendee->name() + " <" + curAttendee->email() + ">"; else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->email(); else if (curAttendee->email().isEmpty()) tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->name(); else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty() && curAttendee->email().isEmpty()) kdDebug(5800) << "warning! this Event has an attendee w/o name or email!" << endl; VObject *aProp = addPropValue(vevent, VCAttendeeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(aProp, VCRoleProp, writeRole(curAttendee->role())); addPropValue(aProp, VCRSVPProp, curAttendee->RSVP() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); addPropValue(aProp, VCStatusProp, writeStatus(curAttendee->status())); } } // recurrence rule stuff - if (anEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { + if (anEvent->doesRecur()) { // some more variables QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> tmpPositions; QPtrList<int> tmpDays; int *tmpDay; Recurrence::rMonthPos *tmpPos; QString tmpStr2; int i; switch(anEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur()) { case Recurrence::rDaily: tmpStr.sprintf("D%i ",anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); // if (anEvent->rDuration > 0) // tmpStr += "#"; break; case Recurrence::rWeekly: tmpStr.sprintf("W%i ",anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (anEvent->recurrence()->days().testBit(i)) tmpStr += dayFromNum(i); } break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos: tmpStr.sprintf("MP%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); // write out all rMonthPos's tmpPositions = anEvent->recurrence()->monthPositions(); for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first(); tmpPos; tmpPos = tmpPositions.next()) { tmpStr2.sprintf("%i", tmpPos->rPos); if (tmpPos->negative) tmpStr2 += "- "; else tmpStr2 += "+ "; tmpStr += tmpStr2; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i)) tmpStr += dayFromNum(i); } } // loop for all rMonthPos's break; case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay: tmpStr.sprintf("MD%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); // write out all rMonthDays; tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->monthDays(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay); tmpStr += tmpStr2; } break; case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth: tmpStr.sprintf("YM%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); // write out all the rYearNums; tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay); tmpStr += tmpStr2; } break; case Recurrence::rYearlyDay: tmpStr.sprintf("YD%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency()); // write out all the rYearNums; tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->yearNums(); for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first(); tmpDay; tmpDay = tmpDays.next()) { tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay); tmpStr += tmpStr2; } break; default: kdDebug(5800) << "ERROR, it should never get here in eventToVEvent!" << endl; break; } // switch if (anEvent->recurrence()->duration() > 0) { tmpStr2.sprintf("#%i",anEvent->recurrence()->duration()); tmpStr += tmpStr2; } else if (anEvent->recurrence()->duration() == -1) { tmpStr += "#0"; // defined as repeat forever } else { tmpStr += qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->recurrence()->endDate(), FALSE); } addPropValue(vevent,VCRRuleProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // event repeats // exceptions to recurrence DateList dateList = anEvent->exDates(); DateList::ConstIterator it; QString tmpStr2; for (it = dateList.begin(); it != dateList.end(); ++it) { tmpStr = qDateToISO(*it) + ";"; tmpStr2 += tmpStr; } if (!tmpStr2.isEmpty()) { tmpStr2.truncate(tmpStr2.length()-1); addPropValue(vevent, VCExpDateProp, tmpStr2.local8Bit()); } // description if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) { VObject *d = addPropValue(vevent, VCDescriptionProp, anEvent->description().local8Bit()); if (anEvent->description().find('\n') != -1) addProp(d, VCQuotedPrintableProp); } // summary if (!anEvent->summary().isEmpty()) addPropValue(vevent, VCSummaryProp, anEvent->summary().local8Bit()); if (!anEvent->location().isEmpty()) addPropValue(vevent, VCLocationProp, anEvent->location().local8Bit()); // status // TODO: define Event status // addPropValue(vevent, VCStatusProp, anEvent->statusStr().local8Bit()); // secrecy const char *text = 0; switch (anEvent->secrecy()) { case Incidence::SecrecyPublic: text = "PUBLIC"; break; case Incidence::SecrecyPrivate: text = "PRIVATE"; break; case Incidence::SecrecyConfidential: text = "CONFIDENTIAL"; break; } if (text) { addPropValue(vevent, VCClassProp, text); } // categories QStringList tmpStrList = anEvent->categories(); tmpStr = ""; QString catStr; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin(); it != tmpStrList.end(); ++it ) { catStr = *it; if (catStr[0] == ' ') tmpStr += catStr.mid(1); else tmpStr += catStr; // this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires! // vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is // read in. tmpStr += ";"; } if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) { tmpStr.truncate(tmpStr.length()-1); addPropValue(vevent, VCCategoriesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } // attachments // TODO: handle binary attachments! QPtrList<Attachment> attachments = anEvent->attachments(); for ( Attachment *at = attachments.first(); at; at = attachments.next() ) addPropValue(vevent, VCAttachProp, at->uri().local8Bit()); // resources tmpStrList = anEvent->resources(); tmpStr = tmpStrList.join(";"); if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) addPropValue(vevent, VCResourcesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // alarm stuff QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = anEvent->alarms(); Alarm* alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next()) { if (alarm->enabled()) { VObject *a ; tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(alarm->time()); if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio) { a = addProp(vevent, VCAAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCAudioContentProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->audioFile())); } if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure) { a = addProp(vevent, VCPAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCProcedureNameProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile())); } else { a = addProp(vevent, VCDAlarmProp); addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1"); addPropValue(a, VCDisplayStringProp, "beep!"); } } } // priority tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->priority()); addPropValue(vevent, VCPriorityProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // transparency tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->transparency()); addPropValue(vevent, VCTranspProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); // related event if (anEvent->relatedToUid()) { addPropValue(vevent, VCRelatedToProp, anEvent->relatedToUid().local8Bit()); } if (anEvent->pilotId()) { // pilot sync stuff tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->pilotId()); addPropValue(vevent, XPilotIdProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); tmpStr.sprintf("%i",anEvent->syncStatus()); addPropValue(vevent, XPilotStatusProp, tmpStr.local8Bit()); } return vevent; } Todo *VCalFormat::VTodoToEvent(VObject *vtodo) { VObject *vo; VObjectIterator voi; char *s; Todo *anEvent = new Todo; // creation date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDCreatedProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setCreated(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } // unique id vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCUniqueStringProp); // while the UID property is preferred, it is not required. We'll use the // default Event UID if none is given. if (vo) { anEvent->setUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } // last modification date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCLastModifiedProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setLastModified(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setLastModified(QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(), QTime::currentTime())); // organizer // if our extension property for the event's ORGANIZER exists, add it. if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, ICOrganizerProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setOrganizer(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else { anEvent->setOrganizer(mCalendar->getEmail()); } // attendees. initPropIterator(&voi, vtodo); while (moreIteration(&voi)) { vo = nextVObject(&voi); if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttendeeProp) == 0) { Attendee *a; VObject *vp; s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); QString tmpStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); deleteStr(s); tmpStr = tmpStr.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int emailPos1, emailPos2; if ((emailPos1 = tmpStr.find('<')) > 0) { // both email address and name emailPos2 = tmpStr.findRev('>'); a = new Attendee(tmpStr.left(emailPos1 - 1), tmpStr.mid(emailPos1 + 1, emailPos2 - (emailPos1 + 1))); } else if (tmpStr.find('@') > 0) { // just an email address a = new Attendee(0, tmpStr); } else { // just a name // QString email = tmpStr.replace( QRegExp(" "), "." ); a = new Attendee(tmpStr,0); } // is there a Role property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRoleProp)) != 0) a->setRole(readRole(vObjectStringZValue(vp))); // is there an RSVP property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRSVPProp)) != 0) a->setRSVP(vObjectStringZValue(vp)); // is there a status property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCStatusProp)) != 0) a->setStatus(readStatus(vObjectStringZValue(vp))); // add the attendee anEvent->addAttendee(a); } } // description for todo if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDescriptionProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->setDescription(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); deleteStr(s); } // summary if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCSummaryProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->setSummary(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); deleteStr(s); } if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCLocationProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->setLocation(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); deleteStr(s); } // completed // was: status if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCStatusProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); if (strcmp(s,"COMPLETED") == 0) { anEvent->setCompleted(true); } else { anEvent->setCompleted(false); } deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setCompleted(false); // completion date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCCompletedProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setCompleted(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } // priority if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCPriorityProp))) { anEvent->setPriority(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } // due date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDueProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setDtDue(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); anEvent->setHasDueDate(true); } else { anEvent->setHasDueDate(false); } // start time if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDTstartProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setDtStart(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); // kdDebug(5800) << "s is " << // s << ", ISO is " << ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))).toString() << endl; deleteStr(s); anEvent->setHasStartDate(true); } else { anEvent->setHasStartDate(false); } /* alarm stuff */ //kdDebug(5800) << "vcalformat::VTodoToEvent called" << endl; if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDAlarmProp))) { Alarm* alarm = anEvent->newAlarm(); VObject *a; if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRunTimeProp))) { alarm->setTime(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)))); deleteStr(s); } alarm->setEnabled(true); if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCPAlarmProp))) { if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCProcedureNameProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)); alarm->setProcedureAlarm(QFile::decodeName(s)); deleteStr(s); } } if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCAAlarmProp))) { if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCAudioContentProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)); alarm->setAudioAlarm(QFile::decodeName(s)); deleteStr(s); } } } // related todo if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCRelatedToProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setRelatedToUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); mTodosRelate.append(anEvent); } // categories if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCCategoriesProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); QString categories = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); deleteStr(s); QStringList tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', categories ); anEvent->setCategories(tmpStrList); } /* PILOT SYNC STUFF */ if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, XPilotIdProp))) { anEvent->setPilotId(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setPilotId(0); if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, XPilotStatusProp))) { anEvent->setSyncStatus(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setSyncStatus(Event::SYNCMOD); return anEvent; } Event* VCalFormat::VEventToEvent(VObject *vevent) { VObject *vo; VObjectIterator voi; char *s; Event *anEvent = new Event; // creation date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDCreatedProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setCreated(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } // unique id vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCUniqueStringProp); // while the UID property is preferred, it is not required. We'll use the // default Event UID if none is given. if (vo) { anEvent->setUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } // revision // again NSCAL doesn't give us much to work with, so we improvise... if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCSequenceProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setRevision(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setRevision(0); // last modification date if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCLastModifiedProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setLastModified(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setLastModified(QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(), QTime::currentTime())); // organizer // if our extension property for the event's ORGANIZER exists, add it. if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, ICOrganizerProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setOrganizer(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); } else { anEvent->setOrganizer(mCalendar->getEmail()); } // deal with attendees. initPropIterator(&voi, vevent); while (moreIteration(&voi)) { vo = nextVObject(&voi); if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttendeeProp) == 0) { Attendee *a; VObject *vp; s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); QString tmpStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); deleteStr(s); tmpStr = tmpStr.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int emailPos1, emailPos2; if ((emailPos1 = tmpStr.find('<')) > 0) { // both email address and name emailPos2 = tmpStr.findRev('>'); a = new Attendee(tmpStr.left(emailPos1 - 1), tmpStr.mid(emailPos1 + 1, emailPos2 - (emailPos1 + 1))); } else if (tmpStr.find('@') > 0) { // just an email address a = new Attendee(0, tmpStr); } else { // just a name //QString email = tmpStr.replace( QRegExp(" "), "." ); a = new Attendee(tmpStr,0); } // is there a Role property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRoleProp)) != 0) a->setRole(readRole(vObjectStringZValue(vp))); // is there an RSVP property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRSVPProp)) != 0) a->setRSVP(vObjectStringZValue(vp)); // is there a status property? if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCStatusProp)) != 0) a->setStatus(readStatus(vObjectStringZValue(vp))); // add the attendee anEvent->addAttendee(a); } } // This isn't strictly true. An event that doesn't have a start time // or an end time doesn't "float", it has an anchor in time but it doesn't // "take up" any time. /*if ((isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp) == 0) || (isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp) == 0)) { anEvent->setFloats(TRUE); } else { }*/ anEvent->setFloats(FALSE); // start time if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setDtStart(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); // kdDebug(5800) << "s is " << // s << ", ISO is " << ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))).toString() << endl; deleteStr(s); if (anEvent->dtStart().time().isNull()) anEvent->setFloats(TRUE); } // stop time if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setDtEnd(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); if (anEvent->dtEnd().time().isNull()) anEvent->setFloats(TRUE); } // at this point, there should be at least a start or end time. // fix up for events that take up no time but have a time associated if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp))) anEvent->setDtStart(anEvent->dtEnd()); if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp))) anEvent->setDtEnd(anEvent->dtStart()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // repeat stuff if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCRRuleProp)) != 0) { QString tmpStr = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); tmpStr.simplifyWhiteSpace(); tmpStr = tmpStr.upper(); /********************************* DAILY ******************************/ if (tmpStr.left(1) == "D") { int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(1, (index-1)).toInt(); index = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; // advance to last field if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) // VEvents set this to 0 forever, we use -1 anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, rDuration); } } /********************************* WEEKLY ******************************/ else if (tmpStr.left(1) == "W") { int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(1, (index-1)).toInt(); index += 1; // advance to beginning of stuff after freq QBitArray qba(7); QString dayStr; if( index == last ) { // e.g. W1 #0 qba.setBit(anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek() - 1); } else { // e.g. W1 SU #0 while (index < last) { dayStr = tmpStr.mid(index, 3); int dayNum = numFromDay(dayStr); qba.setBit(dayNum); index += 3; // advance to next day, or possibly "#" } } index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, rDuration); } } /**************************** MONTHLY-BY-POS ***************************/ else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "MP") { int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt(); index += 1; // advance to beginning of stuff after freq QBitArray qba(7); short tmpPos; if( index == last ) { // e.g. MP1 #0 tmpPos = anEvent->dtStart().date().day()/7 + 1; if( tmpPos == 5 ) tmpPos = -1; qba.setBit(anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek() - 1); anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyPos(tmpPos, qba); } else { // e.g. MP1 1+ SU #0 while (index < last) { tmpPos = tmpStr.mid(index,1).toShort(); index += 1; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "-") // convert tmpPos to negative tmpPos = 0 - tmpPos; index += 2; // advance to day(s) while (numFromDay(tmpStr.mid(index,3)) >= 0) { int dayNum = numFromDay(tmpStr.mid(index,3)); qba.setBit(dayNum); index += 3; // advance to next day, or possibly pos or "#" } anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyPos(tmpPos, qba); qba.detach(); qba.fill(FALSE); // clear out } // while != "#" } index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length() - index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, rDuration); } } /**************************** MONTHLY-BY-DAY ***************************/ else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "MD") { int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt(); index += 1; short tmpDay; if( index == last ) { // e.g. MD1 #0 tmpDay = anEvent->dtStart().date().day(); anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyDay(tmpDay); } else { // e.g. MD1 3 #0 while (index < last) { int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index); tmpDay = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort(); index = index2-1; if (tmpStr.mid(index, 1) == "-") tmpDay = 0 - tmpDay; index += 2; // advance the index; anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyDay(tmpDay); } // while != # } index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, rDuration); } } /*********************** YEARLY-BY-MONTH *******************************/ else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "YM") { // we have to set this such that recurrence accepts addYearlyNum(tmpDay); anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, 1, -1); int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt(); index += 1; short tmpMonth; if( index == last ) { // e.g. YM1 #0 tmpMonth = anEvent->dtStart().date().month(); anEvent->recurrence()->addYearlyNum(tmpMonth); } else { // e.g. YM1 3 #0 while (index < last) { int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index); tmpMonth = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort(); index = index2+1; anEvent->recurrence()->addYearlyNum(tmpMonth); } // while != # } index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, rDuration); } } /*********************** YEARLY-BY-DAY *********************************/ else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "YD") { // we have to set this such that recurrence accepts addYearlyNum(tmpDay); anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, 1, -1); int index = tmpStr.find(' '); int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt(); index += 1; short tmpDay; if( index == last ) { // e.g. YD1 #0 tmpDay = anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfYear(); anEvent->recurrence()->addYearlyNum(tmpDay); } else { // e.g. YD1 123 #0 while (index < last) { int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index); tmpDay = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort(); index = index2+1; anEvent->recurrence()->addYearlyNum(tmpDay); } // while != # } index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++; if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) { QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date(); anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, rEndDate); } else { int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt(); if (rDuration == 0) anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, -1); else anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, rDuration); } } else { kdDebug(5800) << "we don't understand this type of recurrence!" << endl; } // if } // repeats // recurrence exceptions if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCExpDateProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); QStringList exDates = QStringList::split(",",s); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for(it = exDates.begin(); it != exDates.end(); ++it ) { anEvent->addExDate(ISOToQDate(*it)); } deleteStr(s); } // summary if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCSummaryProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->setSummary(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); deleteStr(s); } if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCLocationProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->setLocation(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); deleteStr(s); } // description if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDescriptionProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) { anEvent->setDescription(anEvent->description() + "\n" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); } else { anEvent->setDescription(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s)); } deleteStr(s); } // some stupid vCal exporters ignore the standard and use Description // instead of Summary for the default field. Correct for this. if (anEvent->summary().isEmpty() && !(anEvent->description().isEmpty())) { QString tmpStr = anEvent->description().simplifyWhiteSpace(); anEvent->setDescription(""); anEvent->setSummary(tmpStr); } #if 0 // status if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCStatusProp)) != 0) { QString tmpStr(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); // TODO: Define Event status // anEvent->setStatus(tmpStr); } else // anEvent->setStatus("NEEDS ACTION"); #endif // secrecy int secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyPublic; if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCClassProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); if (strcmp(s,"PRIVATE") == 0) { secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyPrivate; } else if (strcmp(s,"CONFIDENTIAL") == 0) { secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyConfidential; } deleteStr(s); } anEvent->setSecrecy(secrecy); // categories QStringList tmpStrList; if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCCategoriesProp)) != 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); QString categories = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); deleteStr(s); tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', categories ); anEvent->setCategories(tmpStrList); } // attachments initPropIterator(&voi, vevent); while (moreIteration(&voi)) { vo = nextVObject(&voi); if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttachProp) == 0) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)); anEvent->addAttachment(new Attachment(QString(s))); deleteStr(s); } } // resources if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCResourcesProp)) != 0) { QString resources = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', resources ); anEvent->setResources(tmpStrList); } /* alarm stuff */ if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDAlarmProp))) { Alarm* alarm = anEvent->newAlarm(); VObject *a; if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRunTimeProp))) { alarm->setTime(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)))); deleteStr(s); } alarm->setEnabled(true); if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCPAlarmProp))) { if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCProcedureNameProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)); alarm->setProcedureAlarm(QFile::decodeName(s)); deleteStr(s); } } if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCAAlarmProp))) { if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCAudioContentProp))) { s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a)); alarm->setAudioAlarm(QFile::decodeName(s)); deleteStr(s); } } } // priority if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCPriorityProp))) { anEvent->setPriority(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } // transparency if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCTranspProp)) != 0) { int i = atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); anEvent->setTransparency( i == 1 ? Event::Transparent : Event::Opaque ); deleteStr(s); } // related event if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCRelatedToProp)) != 0) { anEvent->setRelatedToUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))); deleteStr(s); mEventsRelate.append(anEvent); } /* PILOT SYNC STUFF */ if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, XPilotIdProp))) { anEvent->setPilotId(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setPilotId(0); if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, XPilotStatusProp))) { anEvent->setSyncStatus(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)))); deleteStr(s); } else anEvent->setSyncStatus(Event::SYNCMOD); return anEvent; } QString VCalFormat::qDateToISO(const QDate &qd) { QString tmpStr; ASSERT(qd.isValid()); tmpStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d%.2d", qd.year(), qd.month(), qd.day()); return tmpStr; } QString VCalFormat::qDateTimeToISO(const QDateTime &qdt, bool zulu) { QString tmpStr; ASSERT(qdt.date().isValid()); ASSERT(qdt.time().isValid()); if (zulu && !useLocalTime ) { QDateTime tmpDT = qdt.addSecs ( -KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( qdt )*60); tmpStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d%.2dT%.2d%.2d%.2dZ", tmpDT.date().year(), tmpDT.date().month(), tmpDT.date().day(), tmpDT.time().hour(), tmpDT.time().minute(), tmpDT.time().second()); } else { tmpStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d%.2dT%.2d%.2d%.2d", qdt.date().year(), qdt.date().month(), qdt.date().day(), qdt.time().hour(), qdt.time().minute(), qdt.time().second()); } return tmpStr; } QDateTime VCalFormat::ISOToQDateTime(const QString & dtStr) { QDate tmpDate; QTime tmpTime; QString tmpStr; int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; tmpStr = dtStr; year = tmpStr.left(4).toInt(); month = tmpStr.mid(4,2).toInt(); day = tmpStr.mid(6,2).toInt(); hour = tmpStr.mid(9,2).toInt(); minute = tmpStr.mid(11,2).toInt(); second = tmpStr.mid(13,2).toInt(); tmpDate.setYMD(year, month, day); tmpTime.setHMS(hour, minute, second); ASSERT(tmpDate.isValid()); ASSERT(tmpTime.isValid()); QDateTime tmpDT(tmpDate, tmpTime); // correct for GMT if string is in Zulu format if (dtStr.at(dtStr.length()-1) == 'Z') tmpDT = tmpDT.addSecs (KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( tmpDT )*60); return tmpDT; } QDate VCalFormat::ISOToQDate(const QString &dateStr) { int year, month, day; year = dateStr.left(4).toInt(); month = dateStr.mid(4,2).toInt(); day = dateStr.mid(6,2).toInt(); return(QDate(year, month, day)); } // take a raw vcalendar (i.e. from a file on disk, clipboard, etc. etc. // and break it down from it's tree-like format into the dictionary format // that is used internally in the VCalFormat. void VCalFormat::populate(VObject *vcal) { // this function will populate the caldict dictionary and other event // lists. It turns vevents into Events and then inserts them. VObjectIterator i; VObject *curVO, *curVOProp; Event *anEvent; if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, ICMethodProp)) != 0) { char *methodType = 0; methodType = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); kdDebug() << "This calendar is an iTIP transaction of type '" << methodType << "'" << endl; delete methodType; } // warn the user that we might have trouble reading non-known calendar. if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCProdIdProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); if (strcmp(productId().local8Bit(), s) != 0) kdDebug() << "This vCalendar file was not created by KOrganizer " "or any other product we support. Loading anyway..." << endl; mLoadedProductId = s; deleteStr(s); } // warn the user we might have trouble reading this unknown version. if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCVersionProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); if (strcmp(_VCAL_VERSION, s) != 0) kdDebug() << "This vCalendar file has version " << s << "We only support " << _VCAL_VERSION << endl; deleteStr(s); } // set the time zone if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCTimeZoneProp)) != 0) { if ( vObjectUStringZValue(curVO) != 0 ) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO)); mCalendar->setTimeZone(s); deleteStr(s); } } // Store all events with a relatedTo property in a list for post-processing mEventsRelate.clear(); mTodosRelate.clear(); initPropIterator(&i, vcal); // go through all the vobjects in the vcal while (moreIteration(&i)) { curVO = nextVObject(&i); /************************************************************************/ // now, check to see that the object is an event or todo. if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCEventProp) == 0) { if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, XPilotStatusProp)) != 0) { char *s; s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp)); // check to see if event was deleted by the kpilot conduit if (atoi(s) == Event::SYNCDEL) { deleteStr(s); kdDebug(5800) << "skipping pilot-deleted event" << endl; goto SKIP; } deleteStr(s); } // this code checks to see if we are trying to read in an event // that we already find to be in the calendar. If we find this // to be the case, we skip the event. if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCUniqueStringProp)) != 0) { char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp)); QString tmpStr(s); deleteStr(s); if (mCalendar->event(tmpStr)) { goto SKIP; } if (mCalendar->todo(tmpStr)) { goto SKIP; } } if ((!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTstartProp))) && (!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTendProp)))) { kdDebug(5800) << "found a VEvent with no DTSTART and no DTEND! Skipping..." << endl; goto SKIP; } anEvent = VEventToEvent(curVO); // we now use addEvent instead of insertEvent so that the // signal/slot get connected. if (anEvent) { if ( !anEvent->dtStart().isValid() || !anEvent->dtEnd().isValid() ) { kdDebug() << "VCalFormat::populate(): Event has invalid dates." << endl; } else { mCalendar->addEvent(anEvent); } } else { // some sort of error must have occurred while in translation. goto SKIP; } } else if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTodoProp) == 0) { Todo *aTodo = VTodoToEvent(curVO); mCalendar->addTodo(aTodo); } else if ((strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCVersionProp) == 0) || (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCProdIdProp) == 0) || (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTimeZoneProp) == 0)) { // do nothing, we know these properties and we want to skip them. // we have either already processed them or are ignoring them. ; } else { kdDebug(5800) << "Ignoring unknown vObject \"" << vObjectName(curVO) << "\"" << endl; } SKIP: ; } // while // Post-Process list of events with relations, put Event objects in relation Event *ev; for ( ev=mEventsRelate.first(); ev != 0; ev=mEventsRelate.next() ) { Incidence * inc = mCalendar->event(ev->relatedToUid()); if ( inc ) ev->setRelatedTo( inc ); } Todo *todo; for ( todo=mTodosRelate.first(); todo != 0; todo=mTodosRelate.next() ) { Incidence * inc = mCalendar->todo(todo->relatedToUid()); if ( inc ) todo->setRelatedTo( inc ); } } const char *VCalFormat::dayFromNum(int day) { const char *days[7] = { "MO ", "TU ", "WE ", "TH ", "FR ", "SA ", "SU " }; return days[day]; } int VCalFormat::numFromDay(const QString &day) { if (day == "MO ") return 0; if (day == "TU ") return 1; if (day == "WE ") return 2; if (day == "TH ") return 3; if (day == "FR ") return 4; if (day == "SA ") return 5; if (day == "SU ") return 6; return -1; // something bad happened. :) } Attendee::Role VCalFormat::readRole(const char *s) const { QString statStr = s; statStr = statStr.upper(); Attendee::Role role = Attendee::ReqParticipant; if ( statStr == "OWNER") role = Attendee::Chair; // enum Role { ReqParticipant, OptParticipant, NonParticipant, Chair }; return role; } QCString VCalFormat::writeRole(Attendee::Role role) const { if ( role == Attendee::Chair ) return "OWNER"; return "ATTENDEE"; } Attendee::PartStat VCalFormat::readStatus(const char *s) const { QString statStr = s; statStr = statStr.upper(); Attendee::PartStat status; if (statStr == "X-ACTION") status = Attendee::NeedsAction; else if (statStr == "NEEDS ACTION") status = Attendee::NeedsAction; else if (statStr== "ACCEPTED") status = Attendee::Accepted; else if (statStr== "SENT") status = Attendee::NeedsAction; else if (statStr== "TENTATIVE") status = Attendee::Tentative; else if (statStr== "CONFIRMED") status = Attendee::Accepted; else if (statStr== "DECLINED") status = Attendee::Declined; else if (statStr== "COMPLETED") status = Attendee::Completed; else if (statStr== "DELEGATED") status = Attendee::Delegated; else { kdDebug(5800) << "error setting attendee mStatus, unknown mStatus!" << endl; status = Attendee::NeedsAction; } return status; } QCString VCalFormat::writeStatus(Attendee::PartStat status) const { switch(status) { default: case Attendee::NeedsAction: return "NEEDS ACTION"; break; case Attendee::Accepted: return "ACCEPTED"; break; case Attendee::Declined: return "DECLINED"; break; case Attendee::Tentative: return "TENTATIVE"; break; case Attendee::Delegated: return "DELEGATED"; break; case Attendee::Completed: return "COMPLETED"; break; case Attendee::InProcess: return "NEEDS ACTION"; break; } } diff --git a/libkcal/vcalformat.h b/libkcal/vcalformat.h index c7df017..6dae3d2 100644 --- a/libkcal/vcalformat.h +++ b/libkcal/vcalformat.h @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ /* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _VCALFORMAT_H #define _VCALFORMAT_H #include "calformat.h" #define _VCAL_VERSION "1.0" class VObject; namespace KCal { /** This class implements the vCalendar format. It provides methods for loading/saving/converting vCalendar format data into the internal KOrganizer representation as Calendar and Events. @short vCalendar format implementation */ class VCalFormat : public CalFormat { public: VCalFormat(); virtual ~VCalFormat(); /** loads a calendar on disk in vCalendar format into the current calendar. * any information already present is lost. Returns TRUE if successful, * else returns FALSE. * @param fileName the name of the calendar on disk. */ bool load(Calendar *,const QString &fileName ); /** writes out the calendar to disk in vCalendar format. Returns true if * successful and false on error. * @param fileName the name of the file */ bool save(Calendar *,const QString &fileName ); /** Parse string and populate calendar with that information. */ bool fromString( Calendar *, const QString & ); /** Return calendar information as string. */ void setLocalTime ( bool ); QString toString( Calendar * ); QString eventToString( Event *, Calendar *calendar, bool useLocalTime = true ); QString todoToString( Todo * ,Calendar *calendar, bool useLocalTime = true ); protected: /** translates a VObject of the TODO type into a Event */ Todo *VTodoToEvent(VObject *vtodo); /** translates a VObject into a Event and returns a pointer to it. */ Event *VEventToEvent(VObject *vevent); /** translate a Event into a VTodo-type VObject and return pointer */ VObject *eventToVTodo(const Todo *anEvent); /** translate a Event into a VObject and returns a pointer to it. */ - VObject* eventToVEvent(const Event *anEvent); + VObject* eventToVEvent(Event *anEvent); /** takes a QDate and returns a string in the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS */ QString qDateToISO(const QDate &); /** takes a QDateTime and returns a string in format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS */ QString qDateTimeToISO(const QDateTime &, bool zulu=TRUE); /** takes a string in the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS and returns a * valid QDateTime. */ QDateTime ISOToQDateTime(const QString & dtStr); /** takes a string in the format YYYYMMDD and returns a * valid QDate. */ QDate ISOToQDate(const QString & dtStr); /** takes a vCalendar tree of VObjects, and puts all of them that have * the "event" property into the dictionary, todos in the todo-list, etc. */ void populate(VObject *vcal); /** takes a number 0 - 6 and returns the two letter string of that day, * i.e. MO, TU, WE, etc. */ const char *dayFromNum(int day); /** the reverse of the above function. */ int numFromDay(const QString &day); Attendee::Role VCalFormat::readRole(const char *s) const; QCString writeRole(Attendee::Role role) const; Attendee::PartStat readStatus(const char *s) const; QCString writeStatus(Attendee::PartStat status) const; private: Calendar *mCalendar; bool useLocalTime; QPtrList<Event> mEventsRelate; // events with relations QPtrList<Todo> mTodosRelate; // todos with relations }; } #endif |