-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/addresseeview.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/externalapphandler.cpp | 81 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/externalapphandler.h | 8 |
3 files changed, 93 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/libkdepim/addresseeview.cpp b/libkdepim/addresseeview.cpp index 5c69010..b4717d7 100644 --- a/libkdepim/addresseeview.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/addresseeview.cpp @@ -1,395 +1,401 @@ /* This file is part of libkdepim. Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <kabc/address.h> #include <kabc/addressee.h> #include <kabc/phonenumber.h> #include <kglobal.h> //US#include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> //US #include <kstringhandler.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include "externalapphandler.h" #include "addresseeview.h" //US #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //US #include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h> //US #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> //US #endif //US static int kphoneInstalled = 0; using namespace KPIM; AddresseeView::AddresseeView( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) //US : KTextBrowser( parent, name ) : QTextBrowser( parent, name ) { //US setWrapPolicy( QTextEdit::AtWordBoundary ); setLinkUnderline( false ); // setVScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); //setHScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); //US QStyleSheet *sheet = styleSheet(); //US QStyleSheetItem *link = sheet->item( "a" ); //US link->setColor( KGlobalSettings::linkColor() ); } void AddresseeView::setSource(const QString& n) { //qDebug("********AddresseeView::setSource %s", n.latin1()); if ( n.left( 6 ) == "mailto" ) ExternalAppHandler::instance()->mailToOneContact( n.mid(7) ); else if ( n.left( 7 ) == "phoneto" ) ExternalAppHandler::instance()->callByPhone( n.mid(8) ); else if ( n.left( 5 ) == "faxto" ) ExternalAppHandler::instance()->callByFax( n.mid(6) ); else if ( n.left( 5 ) == "smsto" ) ExternalAppHandler::instance()->callBySMS( n.mid(6) ); else if ( n.left( 7 ) == "pagerto" ) ExternalAppHandler::instance()->callByPager( n.mid(8) ); + else if ( n.left( 5 ) == "sipto" ) + ExternalAppHandler::instance()->callBySIP( n.mid(6) ); } void AddresseeView::setAddressee( const KABC::Addressee& addr ) { ExternalAppHandler* eah = ExternalAppHandler::instance(); bool kemailAvail = eah->isEmailAppAvailable(); bool kphoneAvail = eah->isPhoneAppAvailable(); bool kfaxAvail = eah->isFaxAppAvailable(); bool ksmsAvail = eah->isSMSAppAvailable(); bool kpagerAvail = eah->isPagerAppAvailable(); + bool ksipAvail = eah->isSIPAppAvailable(); mAddressee = addr; // clear view setText( QString::null ); if ( mAddressee.isEmpty() ) return; QString name = ( mAddressee.assembledName().isEmpty() ? mAddressee.formattedName() : mAddressee.assembledName() ); QString dynamicPart; QStringList emails = mAddressee.emails(); QStringList::ConstIterator emailIt; QString type = i18n( "Email" ); emailIt = emails.begin(); if ( emailIt != emails.end() ) { if ( kemailAvail ) { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"mailto:%2 <%3> \">%4</a></td></tr>" ) .arg( type ) .arg( name ) .arg( *emailIt ) .arg( *emailIt ); ++emailIt; } else { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( type ) .arg( *emailIt ); ++emailIt; } } if ( mAddressee.birthday().date().isValid() ) { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( i18n ("Birthday") ) .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( mAddressee.birthday().date() ,true) ); } KABC::PhoneNumber::List phones = mAddressee.phoneNumbers(); KABC::PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator phoneIt; QString extension; int phonetype; QString sms; for ( phoneIt = phones.begin(); phoneIt != phones.end(); ++phoneIt ) { phonetype = (*phoneIt).type(); if (ksmsAvail && ( ((phonetype & KABC::PhoneNumber::Car) == KABC::PhoneNumber::Car) || ((phonetype & KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell) == KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell) ) ) { sms = QString("<a href=\"smsto:%1 \">(sms)</a>" ) .arg( (*phoneIt).number() ); } else sms = ""; extension = QString::null; if ((phonetype & KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) == KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) { if (kfaxAvail) extension = "faxto:"; } else if ((phonetype & KABC::PhoneNumber::Pager) == KABC::PhoneNumber::Pager) { if (kpagerAvail) extension = "pagerto:"; } + else if ((phonetype & KABC::PhoneNumber::Sip) == KABC::PhoneNumber::Sip) { + if (ksipAvail) extension = "sipto:"; + } else if (kphoneAvail) { extension = "phoneto:"; } else extension = QString::null; if ( !extension.isEmpty() ) { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"%2%3 \">%4</a> %5</td></tr>" ) .arg( KABC::PhoneNumber::typeLabel( phonetype ) ) .arg( extension ) .arg( (*phoneIt).number() ) .arg( (*phoneIt).number() ) .arg( sms ); } else { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2 %3</td></tr>" ) .arg( KABC::PhoneNumber::typeLabel( phonetype ) ) .arg( (*phoneIt).number() ) .arg( sms ); } } for ( ; emailIt != emails.end(); ++emailIt ) { if ( kemailAvail ) { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"mailto:%2 <%3> \">%4</a></td></tr>" ) .arg( type ) .arg( name ) .arg( *emailIt ) .arg( *emailIt ); } else { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( type ) .arg( *emailIt ); } } if ( !mAddressee.url().url().isEmpty() ) { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( i18n( "Homepage" ) ) //US .arg( KStringHandler::tagURLs( mAddressee.url().url() ) ); .arg( mAddressee.url().url() ); //qDebug("AddresseeView::setAddressee has to be verified."); } KABC::Address::List addresses = mAddressee.addresses(); KABC::Address::List::ConstIterator addrIt; for ( addrIt = addresses.begin(); addrIt != addresses.end(); ++addrIt ) { if ( true /*(*addrIt).label().isEmpty()*/ ) { QString formattedAddress = (*addrIt).formattedAddress().stripWhiteSpace(); //US formattedAddress = formattedAddress.replace( '\n', "<br>" ); //qDebug("adresss %s ",formattedAddress.latin1() ); formattedAddress = formattedAddress.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<br>" ); //qDebug("AddresseeView::setAddressee has to be verified."); dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( KABC::Address::typeLabel( (*addrIt).type() ) ) .arg( formattedAddress ); } else { dynamicPart += QString( "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( KABC::Address::typeLabel( (*addrIt).type() ) ) //US .arg( (*addrIt).label().replace( '\n', "<br>" ) ); .arg( (*addrIt).label() /*replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<br>" )*/ ); } } QString notes; if ( !mAddressee.note().isEmpty() ) { notes = QString( "<tr>" "<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><b>%1</b></td>" // note label "<td align=\"left\">%2</td>" // note "</tr>" ).arg( i18n( "Notes" ) ) //US .arg( mAddressee.note().replace( '\n', "<br>" ) ); .arg( mAddressee.note().replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<br>" ) ); //qDebug("AddresseeView::setAddressee has to be verified."); } QString aRole = ""; QString aOrga = ""; if ( true /*!mAddressee.role().isEmpty()*/ ) { aRole = "<tr>" "<td align=\"left\">" + mAddressee.role() + "</td>" "</tr>"; } if ( true /*!mAddressee.organization().isEmpty()*/ ) { aOrga = "<tr>" "<td align=\"left\">" + mAddressee.organization() + "</td>" ; "</tr>"; } mText = ""; QString picString = ""; KABC::Picture picture = mAddressee.photo(); bool picAvailintern = false; bool picAvailUrl = false; if (! picture.undefined() ) { picAvailintern = (picture.isIntern() && !picture.data().isNull()); picAvailUrl = !picture.isIntern() && QFile::exists(picture.url() ); } if ( picAvailUrl || picAvailintern || QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) { if ( picAvailintern ) { QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setImage( "myimage", picture.data() ); } else { if ( picAvailUrl ) { QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "myimage", QPixmap( picture.url() )); } else { QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "myimage", KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "package_toys", KIcon::Desktop, 128 ) ); } } picString = "<img src=\"myimage\" width=\"50\" height=\"70\">"; mText = QString::fromLatin1( "<html>" "<body text=\"%1\" bgcolor=\"%2\">" // text and background color "<table>" "<tr>" "<td rowspan=\"3\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">" "%3" "</td>" "<td align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b>%4</b></font></td>" // name "</tr>" "%5" // role "%6" // organization "<td colspan=\"2\"> </td>" "%7" // dynamic part "%8" // notes "</table>" "</body>" "</html>") //US .arg( /*KGlobalSettings::textColor().name()*/ "black" ) //US .arg( /*KGlobalSettings::baseColor().name()*/ "white" ) .arg( picString ) .arg( name ) .arg( aRole ) .arg( aOrga ) .arg( dynamicPart ) .arg( notes ); } else { // no picture! mText = "<table width=\"100%\">\n"; //mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#3679AD\"><td><h2>"; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#5699CD\"><td align=\"left\"><h1>"; #else mText += "<tr bgcolor=\"#5699CD\"><td align=\"left\"><h2>"; #endif #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mText += "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> <em>" + name+"</em></font></h1>"; #else mText += "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> <em>" + name +"</em></font></h2>"; #endif mText += "</td></tr>\n<tr bgcolor=\"#EAF8FA\"><td>"; mText += "<table><td colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; /* mText += QString("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b2>%1</b2></td>" "<td align=\"left\"><b>%2</b></td></tr>" ) .arg( i18n(" ") ) .arg( name ); */ if ( ! mAddressee.role().isEmpty() ) mText += QString("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( i18n(" ") ) .arg( mAddressee.role()); if ( ! mAddressee.organization().isEmpty() ) mText += QString("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>%1</b></td>" "<td align=\"left\">%2</td></tr>" ) .arg( i18n(" ") ) .arg( mAddressee.organization()); mText += dynamicPart; mText += notes; mText += "</table>"; } // at last display it... setText( mText ); } KABC::Addressee AddresseeView::addressee() const { return mAddressee; } void AddresseeView::addTag(const QString & tag,const QString & text) { if ( text.isEmpty() ) return; int number=text.contains("\n"); QString str = "<" + tag + ">"; QString tmpText=text; QString tmpStr=str; if(number !=-1) { if (number > 0) { int pos=0; QString tmp; for(int i=0;i<=number;i++) { pos=tmpText.find("\n"); tmp=tmpText.left(pos); tmpText=tmpText.right(tmpText.length()-pos-1); tmpStr+=tmp+"<br>"; } } else tmpStr += tmpText; tmpStr+="</" + tag + ">"; mText.append(tmpStr); } else { str += text + "</" + tag + ">"; mText.append(str); } } diff --git a/libkdepim/externalapphandler.cpp b/libkdepim/externalapphandler.cpp index 5ba32b6..fa56ee9 100644 --- a/libkdepim/externalapphandler.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/externalapphandler.cpp @@ -102,912 +102,991 @@ bool QCopTransferItem::sendMessageToTarget(const QString& uid, const QString& pa #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support QCop." ) ); return false; #endif } /*********************************************************************************/ void QCopTransferItem::setSourceChannel(const QString& sourceChannel) { if (_sourceChannel.isEmpty()) _sourceChannel = sourceChannel; } /*********************************************************************************/ bool QCopTransferItem::appMessage( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { // copied from old mail2 /* static int ii = 0; // block second call if ( ii < 2 ) { ++ii; if ( ii > 1 ) { qDebug("qcop call blocked "); return true; } } */ // qDebug("QCopTransferItem- QCOP message received: %s ", cmsg.data() ); //we are in the target and get a request from the source if ( (_sourceMessage + _sourceMessageParameters) == cmsg.data()) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); QString sourceChannel; QString uid; QString param1; QString param2; QString param3; stream >> sourceChannel >> uid; if (_usedSourceParameters == 0) { emit receivedMessageFromSource(sourceChannel, uid); } else if (_usedSourceParameters == 1) { stream >> param1; emit receivedMessageFromSource(sourceChannel, uid, param1); } else if (_usedSourceParameters == 2) { stream >> param1 >> param2; emit receivedMessageFromSource(sourceChannel, uid, param1, param2); } else if (_usedSourceParameters == 3) { stream >> param1 >> param2 >> param3; emit receivedMessageFromSource(sourceChannel, uid, param1, param2, param3); } return true; } return false; } /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ QCopMapTransferItem::QCopMapTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage) : QCopTransferItem(usedSourceParameters, sourceMessage, targetChannel,targetMessage) { //targetMessage returns later two parameters: uid, and map<qstring,qstring> _targetMessageParameters = "(QString,QMAP<QString,QString>)"; } /*********************************************************************************/ bool QCopMapTransferItem::sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QMap<QString,QString>& nameEmailMap) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //targetMessage passes two parameters: uid, map QString targetMessage = _targetMessage + _targetMessageParameters; qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", _sourceChannel.latin1(), targetMessage.latin1()); qDebug("passing uid(%s) and map as parameter to QCopEnvelope", uid.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(_sourceChannel.latin1(), targetMessage.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough e << uid << nameEmailMap; qApp->processEvents(); return true; #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support QCop." ) ); return false; #endif } /*********************************************************************************/ bool QCopMapTransferItem::appMessage( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { bool res = QCopTransferItem::appMessage( cmsg, data ); if (res == false) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); // qDebug("QCopMapTransferItem- QCOP message received: %s ", cmsg.data() ); //we are in the source and get an answer from the target if ((_targetMessage + _targetMessageParameters) == cmsg.data()) { QMap<QString,QString> adrMap; QString uid; stream >> uid >> adrMap; emit receivedMessageFromTarget(uid, adrMap); return true; } } return false; } /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ QCopListTransferItem::QCopListTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage) : QCopTransferItem(usedSourceParameters, sourceMessage, targetChannel,targetMessage) { //targetMessage returns later two parameters: uid, and three lists _targetMessageParameters = "(QString,QStringList,QStringList,QStringList)"; } /*********************************************************************************/ bool QCopListTransferItem::sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //targetMessage passes two parameters: uid, map QString targetMessage = _targetMessage + _targetMessageParameters; qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", _sourceChannel.latin1(), targetMessage.latin1()); qDebug("passing uid(%s) and list1, list2, list3 as parameter to QCopEnvelope", uid.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(_sourceChannel.latin1(), targetMessage.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough e << uid << list1 << list2 << list3; qApp->processEvents(); return true; #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support QCop." ) ); return false; #endif } /*********************************************************************************/ bool QCopListTransferItem::appMessage( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { bool res = QCopTransferItem::appMessage( cmsg, data ); if (res == false) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); // qDebug("QCopListTransferItem- QCOP message received: %s ", cmsg.data() ); //we are in the source and get an answer from the target if ((_targetMessage + _targetMessageParameters) == cmsg.data()) { QStringList list1; QStringList list2; QStringList list3; QString uid; stream >> uid >> list1 >> list2 >> list3; emit receivedMessageFromTarget(uid, list1, list2, list3); return true; } } return false; } /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ ExternalAppHandler *ExternalAppHandler::sInstance = 0; static KStaticDeleter<ExternalAppHandler> staticDeleter; ExternalAppHandler::ExternalAppHandler() { mDefaultItems.setAutoDelete(true); mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer = new QCopListTransferItem(0, "requestNameEmailUIDListFromKAPI", "QPE/Application/kapi", "receiveNameEmailUIDList"); connect(mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer, SIGNAL (receivedMessageFromSource(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SIGNAL (requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer, SIGNAL (receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), this, SIGNAL (receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); //US mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer = new QCopListTransferItem(1, "requestFindByEmailFromKAPI", "QPE/Application/kapi", "receiveFindByEmailNameEmailUIDList"); //US connect(mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer, SIGNAL (receivedMessageFromSource(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)), this, SIGNAL (requestForFindByEmail(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&))); //US connect(mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer, SIGNAL (receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), this, SIGNAL (receivedFindByEmailEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); mDisplayDetails = new QCopListTransferItem(3, "requestDisplayDetailsFromKAPI", "QPE/Application/kapi", ""); connect(mDisplayDetails, SIGNAL (receivedMessageFromSource(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)), this, SIGNAL (requestForDetails(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&))); } ExternalAppHandler::~ExternalAppHandler() { } void ExternalAppHandler::loadConfig() { mDefaultItems.clear(); mEmailAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; mPhoneAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; mFaxAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; mSMSAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; mPagerAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; - + mSIPAppAvailable = UNDEFINED; QString opiepath = QString::fromLatin1( getenv("OPIEDIR") ); QString qtopiapath = QString::fromLatin1( getenv("QPEDIR") ); if (opiepath.isEmpty()) opiepath = qtopiapath; //mailclients QString mailmsg1 = "writeMail(QString,QString)"; QString mailmsg2 = "writeMail(QMap(QString,QString))"; QString undefined = ""; addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_EMC, "No email client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC, "Userdefined email client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); if (( QFile::exists( qtopiapath + "/bin/ompi" )) || ( QFile::exists( opiepath + "/bin/ompi" ))) addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, KPimGlobalPrefs::OMPI_EMC, "OM/Pi email client", "QPE/Application/ompi", mailmsg1, "%1;%2", mailmsg2, "TO=%1;ATTACHMENT=%2"); if ( QFile::exists( qtopiapath + "/bin/qtmail" )) addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, KPimGlobalPrefs::QTOPIA_EMC, "Qtopia email client", "QPE/Application/qtmail", mailmsg1, "%1;%2", mailmsg2, "TO=%1;ATTACHMENT=%2"); if ( QFile::exists( opiepath + "/bin/opiemail" )) addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, KPimGlobalPrefs::OPIE_EMC, "Opie email client", "QPE/Application/opiemail", mailmsg1, "%1;%2", mailmsg2, "TO=%1;ATTACHMENT=%2"); //phoneclients addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PHC, "No phone client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC, "Other phone client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); if (( QFile::exists( qtopiapath + "/bin/kppi" )) || ( QFile::exists( opiepath + "/bin/kppi" ))) addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE, KPimGlobalPrefs::KPPI_PHC, "KP/Pi phone client", "QPE/Application/kppi", "-ring:%1", "", undefined, undefined); //faxclients addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::FAX, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_FAC, "No fax client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::FAX, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC, "Other fax client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); //smsclients addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::SMS, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SMC, "No sms client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::SMS, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC, "Other sms client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); //pagerclients addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PAC, "No pager client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC, "Other pager client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); + //sipclients + addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::SIP, KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SIC, "No sip client installed", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); + addDefaultAppItem(ExternalAppHandler::SIP, KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC, "Other sip client", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); + } ExternalAppHandler *ExternalAppHandler::instance() { if ( !sInstance ) { sInstance = staticDeleter.setObject( new ExternalAppHandler() ); sInstance->loadConfig(); } return sInstance; } void ExternalAppHandler::addDefaultAppItem(Types type, int id, const QString& label, const QString& channel, const QString& message, const QString& parameter, const QString& message2, const QString& parameter2) { DefaultAppItem* dai = new DefaultAppItem(type, id, label, channel, message, parameter, message2, parameter2); // qDebug("%d %d %s %s ", type, id, label.latin1(), channel.latin1() ); mDefaultItems.append(dai); } QList<DefaultAppItem> ExternalAppHandler::getAvailableDefaultItems(Types type) { QList<DefaultAppItem> list; DefaultAppItem* dai; for ( dai=mDefaultItems.first(); dai != 0; dai=mDefaultItems.next() ) { if (dai->_type == type) list.append(dai); } return list; } DefaultAppItem* ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(Types type, int clientid) { DefaultAppItem* dai; for ( dai=mDefaultItems.first(); dai != 0; dai=mDefaultItems.next() ) { if (dai->_type == type && dai->_id == clientid) return dai; } return 0; } bool ExternalAppHandler::isEmailAppAvailable() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mEmailAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) { int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_EMC) mEmailAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; else mEmailAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; } return (mEmailAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION return false; #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION } bool ExternalAppHandler::isSMSAppAvailable() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mSMSAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) { int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSMSClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SMC) mSMSAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; else mSMSAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; } return (mSMSAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION return false; #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION } bool ExternalAppHandler::isPhoneAppAvailable() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mPhoneAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) { int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPhoneClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PHC) mPhoneAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; else mPhoneAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; } return (mPhoneAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION return false; #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION } bool ExternalAppHandler::isFaxAppAvailable() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mFaxAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) { int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mFaxClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_FAC) mFaxAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; else mFaxAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; } return (mFaxAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION return false; #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION } bool ExternalAppHandler::isPagerAppAvailable() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mPagerAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) { int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPagerClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PAC) mPagerAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; else mPagerAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; } return (mPagerAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION return false; #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION } + +bool ExternalAppHandler::isSIPAppAvailable() +{ +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION + if (mSIPAppAvailable == UNDEFINED) + { + int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSipClient; + if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SIC) + mSIPAppAvailable = UNAVAILABLE; + else + mSIPAppAvailable = AVAILABLE; + } + + return (mSIPAppAvailable == AVAILABLE); +#else //DESKTOP_VERSION + return false; +#endif //DESKTOP_VERSION +} + /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the emailapplication with a number of attachments that need to be send (Seperated by Comma) bool ExternalAppHandler::mailToMultipleContacts( const QString& emails, const QString& urls ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message2; QString parameters2; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherChannel; message2 = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherMessage; parameters2 = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = getDefaultItem(EMAIL, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured email application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message2 = dai->_message2; parameters2 = dai->_parameters2; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message2 = translateMessage(message2, emails, urls); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message2.latin1()); qDebug("passing emailadresses(%s), attachmenturls(%s) as parameters in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", emails.latin1() , urls.latin1(), parameters2.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message2.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters2, emails, urls); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support the sending of emails." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter emails as recipients bool ExternalAppHandler::mailToOneContact( const QString& name, const QString& emailadress ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message; QString parameters; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherChannel; message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherMessage; parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEmailOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(EMAIL, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured email application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message = dai->_message; parameters = dai->_parameters; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message = translateMessage(message, name, emailadress); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); qDebug("passing name(%s), emailadresses(%s) as parameters in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", name.latin1(), emailadress.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters, name, emailadress); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support the sending of emails." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter as recipients // parameters format is // NAME <EMAIL>:SUBJECT bool ExternalAppHandler::mailToOneContact( const QString& adressline ) { QString line = adressline; int first = line.find( "<"); int last = line.find( ">"); QString name = line.left(first); QString emailadress = line.mid(first+1, last-first-1); //Subject can not be handled right now. return mailToOneContact( name, emailadress ); } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the phoneapplication with the number bool ExternalAppHandler::callByPhone( const QString& phonenumber ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message; QString parameters; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPhoneClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPhoneOtherChannel; message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPhoneOtherMessage; parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPhoneOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(PHONE, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured phone application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message = dai->_message; parameters = dai->_parameters; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message = translateMessage(message, phonenumber, ""); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); qDebug("passing phonenumber(%s) as parameter in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", phonenumber.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters, phonenumber, ""); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support phonecalls." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the smsapplication with the number bool ExternalAppHandler::callBySMS( const QString& phonenumber ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message; QString parameters; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSMSClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSMSOtherChannel; message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSMSOtherMessage; parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSMSOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(SMS, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured sms application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message = dai->_message; parameters = dai->_parameters; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message = translateMessage(message, phonenumber, ""); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); qDebug("passing phonenumber(%s) as parameter in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", phonenumber.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters, phonenumber, ""); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support the sending of sms." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the pagerapplication with the number bool ExternalAppHandler::callByPager( const QString& pagernumber ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message; QString parameters; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPagerClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPagerOtherChannel; message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPagerOtherMessage; parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPagerOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(PAGER, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured pager application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message = dai->_message; parameters = dai->_parameters; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message = translateMessage(message, pagernumber, ""); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); qDebug("passing pagernumber(%s) as parameter in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", pagernumber.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters, pagernumber, ""); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support paging." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ //calls the faxapplication with the number bool ExternalAppHandler::callByFax( const QString& faxnumber ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QString channel; QString message; QString parameters; int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mFaxClient; if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC) { channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mFaxOtherChannel; message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mFaxOtherMessage; parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mFaxOtherMessageParameters; } else { DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(FAX, client); if (!dai) { qDebug("could not find configured fax application."); return false; } channel = dai->_channel; message = dai->_message; parameters = dai->_parameters; } //first check if one of the mailers need the emails right in the message. message = translateMessage(message, faxnumber, ""); qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); qDebug("passing faxnumber(%s) as parameter in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", faxnumber.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough passParameters(&e, parameters, faxnumber, ""); #else KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support the sending of faxes." ) ); #endif return true; } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ +//calls the sipapplication with the number +bool ExternalAppHandler::callBySIP( const QString& sipnumber ) +{ +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION + QString channel; + QString message; + QString parameters; + + + int client = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSipClient; + if (client == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC) + { + channel = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSipOtherChannel; + message = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSipOtherMessage; + parameters = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mSipOtherMessageParameters; + } + else + { + DefaultAppItem* dai = ExternalAppHandler::getDefaultItem(SIP, client); + if (!dai) + { + qDebug("could not find configured sip application."); + return false; + } + channel = dai->_channel; + message = dai->_message; + parameters = dai->_parameters; + } + + + //first check if one of the sip apps need the emails right in the message. + message = translateMessage(message, sipnumber, ""); + + + qDebug("Using QCopEnvelope e(\"%s\",\"%s\")", channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); + qDebug("passing sipnumber(%s) as parameter in the form %s to QCopEnvelope", sipnumber.latin1(), parameters.latin1()); + + QCopEnvelope e(channel.latin1(), message.latin1()); + //US we need no names in the To field. The emailadresses are enough + + passParameters(&e, parameters, sipnumber, ""); + + +#else + KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "This version does not support sip." ) ); +#endif + + + return true; +} + + +/************************************************************************** + * + **************************************************************************/ + QString& ExternalAppHandler::translateMessage(QString& message, const QString& param1, const QString& param2 ) const { message = message.replace( QRegExp("%1"), param1 ); return message.replace( QRegExp("%2"), param2 ); } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ void ExternalAppHandler::passParameters(QCopEnvelope* e, const QString& parameters, const QString& param1 , const QString& param2) const { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QMap<QString, QString> valmap; bool useValMap = false; // first extract all parts of the parameters. QStringList paramlist = QStringList::split(";", parameters); //Now check how many parts we have. //=0 :no params to pass //>0 :parameters to pass for ( QStringList::Iterator it = paramlist.begin(); it != paramlist.end(); ++it ) { QString param = (*it); QStringList keyvallist = QStringList::split("=", param); //if we have keyvalue pairs, we assume that we pass a map to the envelope QStringList::Iterator it2 = keyvallist.begin(); QString key = (*it2); key = key.replace( QRegExp("%1"), param1 ); key = key.replace( QRegExp("%2"), param2 ); ++it2; if(it2 != keyvallist.end()) { QString value = (*it2); value = value.replace( QRegExp("%1"), param1 ); value = value.replace( QRegExp("%2"), param2 ); valmap.insert(key, value); useValMap = true; } else { // qDebug("pass parameter << %s", key.latin1()); (*e) << key; } } if (useValMap == true) (*e) << valmap; #endif } /************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ void ExternalAppHandler::appMessage( const QCString& cmsg, const QByteArray& data ) { bool res = mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->appMessage( cmsg, data ); if (!res) res = mDisplayDetails->appMessage( cmsg, data ); // if (!res) // res = mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->appMessage( cmsg, data ); } bool ExternalAppHandler::requestNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid) { mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->setSourceChannel(sourceChannel); return mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->sendMessageToTarget(sessionuid); } bool ExternalAppHandler::returnNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3) { mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->setSourceChannel(sourceChannel); return mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer->sendMessageToSource(sessionuid, list1, list2, list3); } bool ExternalAppHandler::requestFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& email) { mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer->setSourceChannel(sourceChannel); return mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer->sendMessageToTarget(sessionuid, email); } bool ExternalAppHandler::returnFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3) { mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer->setSourceChannel(sourceChannel); return mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer->sendMessageToSource(sessionuid, list1, list2, list3); } bool ExternalAppHandler::requestDetailsFromKAPI(const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid) { mDisplayDetails->setSourceChannel(""); return mDisplayDetails->sendMessageToTarget("", name, email, uid); } diff --git a/libkdepim/externalapphandler.h b/libkdepim/externalapphandler.h index 1b04b2b..cfe577b 100644 --- a/libkdepim/externalapphandler.h +++ b/libkdepim/externalapphandler.h @@ -1,261 +1,267 @@ /* This file is part of libkdepim. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #ifndef EXTERNALAPPHANDLER_H #define EXTERNALAPPHANDLER_H #include <qobject.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <qmap.h> class QCopEnvelope; class ExternalAppHandler; class QCopTransferItem : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QCopTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage); QCopTransferItem(); bool sendMessageToTarget(const QString& uid, const QString& param1 = QString::null, const QString& param2 = QString::null, const QString& param3 = QString::null); void setSourceChannel(const QString& sourceChannel); virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); signals: void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid); void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1); void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1, const QString& param2); void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1, const QString& param2, const QString& param3); public: int _usedSourceParameters; QString _sourceChannel; QString _sourceMessage; QString _sourceMessageParameters; QString _targetChannel; QString _targetMessage; QString _targetMessageParameters; }; /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ class QCopMapTransferItem : public QCopTransferItem { Q_OBJECT public: QCopMapTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage); bool sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QMap<QString,QString>& nameEmailMap); virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); signals: void receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString& uid, const QMap<QString,QString>& nameEmailMap); }; /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ class QCopListTransferItem : public QCopTransferItem { Q_OBJECT public: QCopListTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage); bool sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3); virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); signals: void receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString& uid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3); }; /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ class DefaultAppItem { public: DefaultAppItem(int type, int id, const QString& label, const QString& channel, const QString& message, const QString& parameters, const QString& message2, const QString& parameters2) : _type(type), _id(id), _label(label), _channel(channel), _message(message), _parameters(parameters), _message2(message2), _parameters2(parameters2) { } DefaultAppItem() { } public: int _type; int _id; QString _label; QString _channel; QString _message; QString _parameters; // a list of parameters in stringrepresentation. Delimiter is ; QString _message2; QString _parameters2; // a list of parameters in stringrepresentation. Delimiter is ; }; /********************************************************************************* * ********************************************************************************/ class ExternalAppHandler : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~ExternalAppHandler(); static ExternalAppHandler *instance(); enum Types { EMAIL = 0, PHONE = 1, SMS = 2, FAX = 3, - PAGER = 4 + PAGER = 4, + SIP = 5 }; enum Availability { UNDEFINED = -1, UNAVAILABLE = 0, AVAILABLE = 1 }; //calls the emailapplication with a number of attachments that need to be send. //either parameter can be left empty. bool mailToMultipleContacts( const QString& recipients, const QString& attachmenturls ); //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter emailadress as recipients bool mailToOneContact( const QString& name, const QString& emailadress ); //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter as recipients // parameters format is // NAME <EMAIL>:SUBJECT bool mailToOneContact( const QString& adressline ); //calls the phoneapplication with the number bool callByPhone( const QString& phonenumber ); //calls the smsapplication with the number bool callBySMS( const QString& phonenumber ); //calls the pagerapplication with the number bool callByPager( const QString& pagernumber ); //calls the faxapplication with the number bool callByFax( const QString& faxnumber ); + //calls the sipapplication with the number + bool callBySIP( const QString& sipnumber ); + bool isEmailAppAvailable(); bool isSMSAppAvailable(); bool isPhoneAppAvailable(); bool isFaxAppAvailable(); bool isPagerAppAvailable(); + bool isSIPAppAvailable(); //Call this method on the source when you want to select names from the addressbook by using QCop bool requestNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid); //Call this method on the target when you want to return the name/email map to the source (client). bool returnNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& name, const QStringList& email, const QStringList& uid); bool requestFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& email); bool returnFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& name, const QStringList& email, const QStringList& uid); bool requestDetailsFromKAPI(const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid); //loadConfig clears the cache and checks again if the applications are available or not void loadConfig(); QList<DefaultAppItem> getAvailableDefaultItems(Types); DefaultAppItem* getDefaultItem(Types, int); public slots: void appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data ); signals: // Emmitted when the target app receives a request from the source app void requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid); // Emitted when the source app recieves a list of name/email pairs (=addresses) from another target app. Usually Ka/Pi // The first parameter is a uniqueid. It can be used to identify the event void receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString& uid, const QStringList& nameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& uidList); void requestFindByEmail(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& email); void receivedFindBbyEmailEvent(const QString& uid, const QStringList& nameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& uidList); void requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid); private: ExternalAppHandler(); QList<DefaultAppItem> mDefaultItems; Availability mEmailAppAvailable; Availability mPhoneAppAvailable; Availability mFaxAppAvailable; Availability mSMSAppAvailable; Availability mPagerAppAvailable; + Availability mSIPAppAvailable; QCopListTransferItem* mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer; QCopListTransferItem* mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer; QCopTransferItem* mDisplayDetails; void addDefaultAppItem(Types type, int id, const QString& label, const QString& channel, const QString& message, const QString& parameters, const QString& message2, const QString& parameters2); QString& translateMessage(QString& message, const QString& param1, const QString& param2) const; void passParameters(QCopEnvelope* e, const QString& parameters, const QString& param1, const QString& param2) const; static ExternalAppHandler *sInstance; }; #endif |