For which platform KO/Pi is available?
What files/data can KO/Pi import or export?
How can I sync via ssh?
How can I get my data from Outlook?
I sync with Outlook via the Sharp DTM.
But, now, whenever I get an alarm I get notified by both KO/Pi 
and the Sharp Calendar app. 
How could I disable Sharp Calendar app?
Why does not KO/Pi import several .isc files at once?
Why does not KO/Pi sync directly with Outlook?
Why does KO/Pi start up on restarts on the Zaurus?
Do I have to deinstall the KO/Pi alarm applet, when I update KO/Pi?
I have problems updating KO/Pi. Any hints?
Why do I have two pim tabs?
When installing kmicrokdelibs_1.9.2_arm.ipk (or newer version)
I get a "This application depends on other programs".
What programs I am missing? 
How do I change the timezone? All my appointments do show 6 hours ahead.
I want to send appointments via Infrared (IR) to a mobile device. 
What format I have to choose?
Can I receive contacts via infrared (IR) directly with KO/Pi?
I want to send a friend all the public holidays in my calendar. Can I do that?
I want to get another alarm sound than the default. What I have to change?
Is there a solution to get an alarm on Windows?
I have Zaurus 5600 and I want to get wav alarm instead of the buzzer.
Is that possible?
In the alarm applet settings "auto suspend" seems not to work. 
Am I doing something wrong?
I can not install KO/Pi on the SD card (ext2 formated), 
it can be installed only in the internal memory. 
What can I do ? 

For which platform KO/Pi is available?
KO/Pi is the platform-independend version of KOrganizer and it 
includes a replacement for the KDE libraries called microkde.
It can be compiled to any platform, where Qt is available.
The source code  compiles without modifications on Windows, 
Linux Desktop and Sharp Zaurus PDA. 
Precompiled versions and the source code cvs can be found at:
What files/data can KO/Pi import or export?
KO/Pi saves its data in iCalandar format (*.ics) 
You can import .ics (used by KDE KOrganizer/Mozillas/Appli iCal) or .vcs files.
You can import xml based PIMs (Opie, old Sharp and old TKC).
You can sync with the newer Sharp DTM PIMs directly.
(Note: If you have many contacts in KO/Pi which are
not in DTM, the very first sync may take some time)
You can sync with any local .ics file or remote with a .ics file via ssh.
KO/Pi on Windows can import calendar data from Outlook directly via OLE.
Recurring events with exceptions and attendee lists of meetings are imported properly.
How can I sync via ssh?
You must have installed a ssh client on the machine KO/Pi is running.
You must have a ssh server running on the remote machine.
You must have configured your access to the server such that you can 
log in from console on the server without a password.
For that reason you have to put some keys on the servers home dir.
Please read docu of ssh how to do that.
There is a  detailed ssh howto available at
How can I get my data from Outlook?
Well you can sync Outlook with Sharp-DTM Pims 
and then sync KO/Pi with Sharp-DTM.
Voila - you have your Outlook data in KO/Pi.
On Windows, KO/Pi can import calendar data from Outlook directly via OLE.
Recurring events with exceptions and attendee lists of meetings are imported properly.
I sync with Outlook via the Sharp DTM.
But, now, whenever I get an alarm I get notified by both KO/Pi 
and the Sharp Calendar app. 
How could I disable Sharp Calendar app?
You have to rename datebook (the Sharp Calendar app)
such that it cannot be automatically started by the system alarm daemon.
If you rename it and you do not delete it, 
you can do revert your changes easily.
For example, rename
Then you can sync KO/Pi with the database 
and then the database with outlook without problems.
An event( with alarm ) created on outlook make KO/Pi alarm goes off,
but there will be no datebook alarm :-)
Why does not KO/Pi import several .isc files at once?
Because it is not yet implemented.
Why does not KO/Pi sync directly with Outlook?
On Windows, KO/Pi can import calendar data from Outlook directly via OLE.
Recurring events with exceptions and attendee lists of meetings are imported properly.
It would be difficult to implememt an actual syncing.
This will be implemented later.
Why does KO/Pi start up on restarts on the Zaurus?
Fastload causes KO/Pi to startup when Qtopia starts.
Do I have to deinstall the KO/Pi alarm applet, when I update KO/Pi?
No, the KO/Pi alarm applet runs completely independend of KO/Pi.
That means, it does not need KO/Pi or libraries of KO/Pi for being
executed. But the applet itself is not very useful without KO/Pi.
It notifies KO/Pi to start via system calls.
It needs KO/Pi to get the next alarm from the system alarm daemon.
Such that the KO/Pi alarm alone may be used only as a timer application.
Files of KO/Pi are ( with /home/QtPalmtop as base dir): 
bin/kopi bin/db2file apps/Pim/korganizer.desktop pics/kdepim/korganizer/* lib/libmicro*
I have problems updating KO/Pi. Any hints?
When deinstalling KO/Pi alarm applet, Qtopia reboots.
Please do not deinstall KO/Pi alarm applet and KO/Pi together.
It may be that because of the reboot  KO/Pi itself is not deinstalled properly.
I installed the qtopiaKABC plugin, 
but I can't access the addressbook when adding attendees.
NOTE: KO/Pi versions > 1.9.0 do not support addressbook plugins any more.
The addressbook data is accessed via KA/Pi only.

The qtopiaKABC plug-in is for old non DTM Qtopia Pims only.
This plug-in works with xml based addressbooks.  
There is no solution currently for the DTM addressbook.
On a newer Sharp Rom (using DTM), you can install 
Opie(for Sharp Rom) libs+adressbook and the opieKABC plug-in.
That works with KO/Pi.
Why do I have two pim tabs?
The original tab has the 'PIM' tab and kopi is installed in the 'Pim' tab.  
The difference in capitalization keeps them separate.
That is no packaging bug.
This is a feature.
The author of KO/Pi has a Tab 'Pim'.


How do I change the timezone? All my appointments do show 6 hours ahead.
The default timezone in KO/Pi is CET. 
CET is (GMT +01:00) or (UTC +01:00), i.e GMT=UTC .
To adjust the time of your appointments, 
you have to change the timezone and reload your calendar without closing 
the application and without saving the data.
"Without saving the data" is very important. 
Note that KO/Pi has build in auto saving. 
If auto saving is performed after changing the timezone and before 
reloading your calendar no  times will be changed.
Selected timezone in KO/Pi is (+01:00 Oslo).
You have an appointment shown at 8:00. But it should be at 14:00.
Your timezone is -05:00 US/Eastern.
You have to do:
Select timezone +07:00 Asia/Bangok in config dialog.
Close dialog with ok button.
Choose menu: File-Load Calendar Backup.
Choose file: (your home path)/Applications/korganizer/mycalendar.ics
(on Windows: file: (your home path)/korganizer/mycalendar.ics).
Load file.
Now your appointment is at 14:00.
Select timezone -05:00 US/Eastern  in config dialog.
Close KO/Pi (file is saved when closing and changes are not yet saved).
Restart KO/Pi.
Your timezone is -05:00 US/Eastern.
Your appointment is at 14:00.
Everything is ok.
I want to send appointments via Infrared (IR) to a mobile device. 
What format I have to choose?
You can send data as vcs (vCalendar) or as ics (iCalendar) files. 
With and without timezone settings( Local time ).
Usually small mobile devices like mobile phones do not know anything about timezones.
Choosing vcs and  Local time should work with most mobile phones.
Most mobile devices should be able to recieve vcs files.
If it is a smartphone or pda, the device may be able to handle timezones.
Try vcs and with timezones.
If you send the data to a laptop it depends on the application.
If you have a windows laptop and want to get data into an 
installed KO/Pi on windows, you should choose ics and with timezone. 
Simply try it out, what data the device does understand.
Can I receive contacts via infrared (IR) directly with KO/Pi?
Yes, KO/Pi can receice data via IR when it is running!

You have to do:
- disable FastLoad for the original calendar+todo application and close it
- start KO/Pi
- enable IR beam/receive

Note: When FastLoad is enabled for KO/Pi, KO/Pi is always running and
you do not need to "start" KO/Pi.

I want to send a friend all the public holidays in my calendar. Can I do that?
Choose search dialog.
Search there for the events you want to send.
Make sure, you get all wanted events and maybe some more.
Maybe sort the items and select all items you want to send.
With a 'right' mouse click 
(hold pen down for a while and then relase) you get a popup menu.
Choose there 'Save selected to file'.
Now all selected entries are saved.
Send the file to your friend, he can import them in his calendar now.
I want to get another alarm sound than the default. What I have to change?
The default alarm sound is a wav file:
It is  (QPEDIR)/pics/korganizer/koalarm.wav.
(Usually QPEDIR=/home/QtPalmtop).
(On the desktop, the path is:
Just replace this file by another one und do a 
'simulate alarm' to ckeck, if it works.
('Simulate alarm' not available on the desktop,
because it is in the alarm applet)
Wav files can have different sampling data. 
(e.g. 16/8bit, stereo/mono, 22kHz/11kHz/...)
Note: It seems to be that there are problems with particular
combination of these settings.
If one file is not replayed properly, 
just try another file/ another sampling data.
Is there a solution to get an alarm on Windows?
Yes, but KO/Pi has to be running to notify you about an alarm.
Choose menu: Action - Configure.
There the TAB alarm.
Check "Use internal alarm notification" to get the alarm on
Windows and Linux desktop.
You can configure the behaviour of the alarm there. 
I have Zaurus 5600 and I want to get wav alarm instead of the buzzer.
Is that possible?
The default alarm kind is determined from the screen resolution.
For all 320x240 displays the buzzer alarm is the default.
To change this, set in the alarm applet popup menu
Play beeps- Replay-*.wav-file
If a 5500 user will choose this, 
he will get no alarm sound from the speaker.
He will get only the wav sound from the headphone connector.
In the alarm applet settings "auto suspend" seems not to work. 
Am I doing something wrong?
The lenght of an alarm is determined from settings in
Play beeps and the interval of each beep.
E.g. Play beeps = 10 and interval = 10 means, 
the alarm has a duration of 100 secs.
The "auto suspend" can only work, if the system is 
not suspended itself when playing back the alarm.
E.g. if you have set your system suspend time to 1 min (= 60 sec)
the system is suspended during playback of alarm and 
there is no new "suspend alarm notification" stored in the system.
Make sure your alarm duration is less then your 
system suspend time.
I can not install KO/Pi on the SD card (ext2 formated), 
it can be installed only in the internal memory. 
What can I do ? 
KO/Pi and friends are now installable on SD-Card!
It is recommended to install all libs and apps
on the SD card or all in the internal storage.
There may be problems, if this is mixed.
If you get an error when installing,
simply install the other packages and try again.