/* (c) 2002-2004 by Marcin Wiacek */ /* based on some Markus Plail, Pawel Kot work from Gnokii (www.gnokii.org) * (C) 1999-2000 Hugh Blemings & Pavel Janik ml. (C) 2001-2004 Pawel Kot * GNU GPL version 2 or later */ /* function for making CRC for filesystem (c) 2003 by Michael Schroeder */ #include "../../../gsmstate.h" #ifdef GSM_ENABLE_NOKIA6510 #include #include #include "../../../misc/coding/coding.h" #include "../../../gsmcomon.h" #include "../../../service/gsmlogo.h" #include "../nfunc.h" #include "../nfuncold.h" #include "../../pfunc.h" #include "dct4func.h" #include "n6510.h" static GSM_Error N6510_Initialise (GSM_StateMachine *s) { s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.CalendarIconsNum = 0; /* Enables various things like incoming SMS, call info, etc. */ return N71_65_EnableFunctions (s, "\x01\x02\x06\x0A\x14\x17\x39", 7); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetMemory(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Phonebook entry received\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[6]) { case 0x0f: return N71_65_ReplyGetMemoryError(msg.Buffer[10], s); default: return N71_65_DecodePhonebook(s, s->Phone.Data.Memory, s->Phone.Data.Bitmap, s->Phone.Data.SpeedDial, msg.Buffer+22, msg.Length-22,false); } return ERR_UNKNOWN; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetMemory (GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MemoryEntry *entry) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x10, /* memory type */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; req[9] = NOKIA_GetMemoryType(s, entry->MemoryType,N71_65_MEMORY_TYPES); if (req[9]==0xff) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (entry->Location==0x00) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; req[14] = entry->Location / 256; req[15] = entry->Location % 256; s->Phone.Data.Memory=entry; smprintf(s, "Getting phonebook entry\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 19, 0x03, 4, ID_GetMemory); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetMemoryStatus(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Memory status received\n"); /* Quess ;-)) */ if (msg.Buffer[14]==0x10) { Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryFree = msg.Buffer[18]*256 + msg.Buffer[19]; } else { Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryFree = msg.Buffer[17]; } smprintf(s, "Size : %i\n",Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryFree); Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryUsed = msg.Buffer[20]*256 + msg.Buffer[21]; smprintf(s, "Used : %i\n",Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryUsed); Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryFree -= Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryUsed; smprintf(s, "Free : %i\n",Data->MemoryStatus->MemoryFree); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetMemoryStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MemoryStatus *Status) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, /* memory type */ 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x00}; req[5] = NOKIA_GetMemoryType(s, Status->MemoryType,N71_65_MEMORY_TYPES); if (req[5]==0xff) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.MemoryStatus=Status; smprintf(s, "Getting memory status\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x03, 4, ID_GetMemoryStatus); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSMSC(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int i, current, j; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "SMSC received\n"); break; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "SMSC empty\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown SMSC state: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } memset(Data->SMSC,0,sizeof(GSM_SMSC)); Data->SMSC->Location = msg.Buffer[8]; Data->SMSC->Format = SMS_FORMAT_Text; switch (msg.Buffer[10]) { case 0x00: Data->SMSC->Format = SMS_FORMAT_Text; break; case 0x22: Data->SMSC->Format = SMS_FORMAT_Fax; break; case 0x26: Data->SMSC->Format = SMS_FORMAT_Pager; break; case 0x32: Data->SMSC->Format = SMS_FORMAT_Email; break; } Data->SMSC->Validity.Format = SMS_Validity_RelativeFormat; Data->SMSC->Validity.Relative = msg.Buffer[12]; if (msg.Buffer[12] == 0x00) Data->SMSC->Validity.Relative = SMS_VALID_Max_Time; current = 14; for (i=0;iGSM_MAX_SMSC_NAME_LENGTH) { smprintf(s, "Too long name\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } CopyUnicodeString(Data->SMSC->Name,msg.Buffer+current+4); smprintf(s, " Name \"%s\"\n", DecodeUnicodeString(Data->SMSC->Name)); break; case 0x82: switch (msg.Buffer[current+2]) { case 0x01: GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(Data->SMSC->DefaultNumber,msg.Buffer+current+4,true); smprintf(s, " Default number \"%s\"\n", DecodeUnicodeString(Data->SMSC->DefaultNumber)); break; case 0x02: GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(Data->SMSC->Number,msg.Buffer+current+4,false); smprintf(s, " Number \"%s\"\n", DecodeUnicodeString(Data->SMSC->Number)); break; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown SMSC number: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[current+2]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } break; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown SMSC block: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[current]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } current = current + msg.Buffer[current+1]; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSMSC(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSC *smsc) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x14, 0x01, /* location */ 0x00}; if (smsc->Location==0x00) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; req[4]=smsc->Location; s->Phone.Data.SMSC=smsc; smprintf(s, "Getting SMSC\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x02, 4, ID_GetSMSC); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetSMSC(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "SMSC set OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "Invalid SMSC location\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown SMSC state: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetSMSC(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSC *smsc) { int count = 13,i; unsigned char req[256] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x12, 0x55, 0x01, 0x0B, 0x34, 0x05, /* Location */ 0x00, 0x00, /* Format */ 0x00, 0xFF}; /* Validity */ req[8] = smsc->Location; switch (smsc->Format) { case SMS_FORMAT_Text: req[10] = 0x00; break; case SMS_FORMAT_Fax: req[10] = 0x22; break; case SMS_FORMAT_Pager: req[10] = 0x26; break; case SMS_FORMAT_Email: req[10] = 0x32; break; } req[12] = smsc->Validity.Relative; /* We have now blocks. Number of blocks = 3 */ req[count++] = 0x03; /* -------------- SMSC number ----------------- */ /* Block type: number */ req[count++] = 0x82; /* Offset to next block */ req[count++] = 0x1A; /* Type of number: SMSC number */ req[count++] = 0x02; req[count] = GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(smsc->Number, req+count+2, false) + 1; if (req[count]>18) { smprintf(s, "Too long SMSC number in frame\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWN; } req[count+1] = req[count] - 1; count += 23; /* --------------- Default number ------------- */ /* Block type: number */ req[count++] = 0x82; /* Offset to next block */ req[count++] = 0x14; /* Type of number: default number */ req[count++] = 0x01; req[count] = GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(smsc->DefaultNumber, req+count+2, true) + 1; if (req[count]*2>12) { smprintf(s, "Too long SMSC number in frame\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWN; } req[count+1] = req[count] - 1; count += 17; /* -------------- SMSC name ------------------- */ req[count++] = 0x81; req[count++] = UnicodeLength(smsc->Name)*2 + 2 + 4; req[count++] = UnicodeLength(smsc->Name)*2 + 2; req[count++] = 0x00; /* Can't make CopyUnicodeString(req+count,sms->Name) !!!! * with MSVC6 count is changed then */ i = count; CopyUnicodeString(req+i,smsc->Name); count += UnicodeLength(smsc->Name)*2 + 2; smprintf(s, "Setting SMSC\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x02, 4, ID_SetSMSC); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetNetworkInfo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int current = msg.Buffer[7]+7, tmp; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; #ifdef DEBUG char name[100]; GSM_NetworkInfo NetInfo; smprintf(s, "Network status : "); switch (msg.Buffer[8]) { case 0x00 : smprintf(s, "home network\n"); break; case 0x01 : smprintf(s, "roaming network\n"); break; case 0x04 : smprintf(s, "not logged"); break; case 0x06 : smprintf(s, "SIM card rejected\n"); break; case 0x09 : smprintf(s, "not logged"); break; default : smprintf(s, "unknown %i!\n",msg.Buffer[8]); break; } if (msg.Buffer[8]==0x00 || msg.Buffer[8] == 0x01) { NOKIA_DecodeNetworkCode(msg.Buffer + (current + 7),NetInfo.NetworkCode); smprintf(s, "Network code : %s\n", NetInfo.NetworkCode); smprintf(s, "Network name for Gammu : %s ", DecodeUnicodeString(GSM_GetNetworkName(NetInfo.NetworkCode))); smprintf(s, "(%s)\n",DecodeUnicodeString(GSM_GetCountryName(NetInfo.NetworkCode))); sprintf(NetInfo.LAC, "%02x%02x", msg.Buffer[current+1], msg.Buffer[current+2]); smprintf(s, "LAC : %s\n", NetInfo.LAC); sprintf(NetInfo.CID, "%02x%02x", msg.Buffer[current+5], msg.Buffer[current+6]); smprintf(s, "CID : %s\n", NetInfo.CID); tmp = 10; NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer,name,true); smprintf(s, "Network name for phone : %s\n",DecodeUnicodeString(name)); } #endif if (Data->RequestID==ID_GetNetworkInfo) { Data->NetworkInfo->NetworkName[0] = 0x00; Data->NetworkInfo->NetworkName[1] = 0x00; Data->NetworkInfo->State = 0; switch (msg.Buffer[8]) { case 0x00: Data->NetworkInfo->State = GSM_HomeNetwork; break; case 0x01: Data->NetworkInfo->State = GSM_RoamingNetwork; break; case 0x04: case 0x06: case 0x09: Data->NetworkInfo->State = GSM_NoNetwork; break; } if (Data->NetworkInfo->State == GSM_HomeNetwork || Data->NetworkInfo->State == GSM_RoamingNetwork) { tmp = 10; NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer,Data->NetworkInfo->NetworkName,true); sprintf(Data->NetworkInfo->LAC, "%02x%02x", msg.Buffer[current+1], msg.Buffer[current+2]); sprintf(Data->NetworkInfo->CID, "%02x%02x", msg.Buffer[current+5], msg.Buffer[current+6]); NOKIA_DecodeNetworkCode(msg.Buffer + (current+7),Data->NetworkInfo->NetworkCode); } } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNetworkInfo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_NetworkInfo *netinfo) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.NetworkInfo=netinfo; smprintf(s, "Getting network info\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 5, 0x0a, 4, ID_GetNetworkInfo); } static GSM_Error N6510_EncodeSMSFrame(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms, unsigned char *req, GSM_SMSMessageLayout *Layout, int *length) { int start, count = 0, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5; GSM_Error error; memset(Layout,255,sizeof(GSM_SMSMessageLayout)); start = *length; req[count++] = 0x01; if (sms->PDU != SMS_Deliver) { req[count++] = 0x02; } else { req[count++] = 0x00; } pos1 = count; count++; /* firstbyte set in SMS Layout */ Layout->firstbyte = count; count++; if (sms->PDU != SMS_Deliver) { Layout->TPMR = count; count++; Layout->TPPID = count; count++; /* TP.DCS set in SMS layout */ Layout->TPDCS = count; count++; req[count++] = 0x00; } else { Layout->TPPID = count; count++; /* TP.DCS set in SMS layout */ Layout->TPDCS = count; count++; Layout->DateTime = count; count += 7; req[count++] = 0x55; req[count++] = 0x55; req[count++] = 0x55; } /* We have now blocks. Number of blocks = 3 or 4 */ if (sms->PDU != SMS_Deliver) { req[count++] = 0x04; } else { req[count++] = 0x03; } /* -------------- Phone number ------------- */ /* Block type: number */ req[count++] = 0x82; /* Offset to next block */ req[count++] = 0x10; /* Type of number: default number */ req[count++] = 0x01; pos4 = count; count++; /* now coded Number in SMS Layout */ Layout->Number = count; count+= 12; /* -------------- SMSC number -------------- */ /* Block type: number */ req[count++] = 0x82; /* Offset to next block */ req[count++] = 0x10; /* Type of number: SMSC number */ req[count++] = 0x02; pos5 = count; count++; /* now coded SMSC number in SMS Layout */ Layout->SMSCNumber = count; count += 12; /* -------------- SMS validity ------------- */ if (sms->PDU != SMS_Deliver) { /* Block type: validity */ req[count++] = 0x08; req[count++] = 0x04; /* data length */ req[count++] = 0x01; Layout->TPVP = count; count++; } /* --------------- SMS text ---------------- */ /* Block type: SMS text */ req[count++] = 0x80; /* this the same as req[11] but starting from req[42] */ pos2 = count; count++; pos3 = count; count++; /* FIXME*/ Layout->TPUDL = count; count++; /* SMS text and UDH coded in SMS Layout */ Layout->Text = count; error = PHONE_EncodeSMSFrame(s,sms,req,*Layout,length,false); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; req[pos1] = *length - 1; req[pos2] = *length - Layout->Text + 6; req[pos3] = *length - Layout->Text; /* Convert number of semioctets to number of chars */ req[pos4] = req[Layout->Number] + 4; if (req[pos4] % 2) req[pos4]++; req[pos4] /= 2; req[pos5] = req[Layout->SMSCNumber] + 1; if (req[pos4]>12 || req[pos5]>12) { smprintf(s, "Too long phone number in frame\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWN; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSMSFolders(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int j, num = 0, pos; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x13: smprintf(s, "SMS folders names received\n"); Data->SMSFolders->Number = msg.Buffer[5]+2; pos = 6; for (j=0;j msg.Length) return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; pos++; } pos+=4; smprintf(s, "Folder index: %02x",msg.Buffer[pos - 2]); if (msg.Buffer[pos - 1]>GSM_MAX_SMS_FOLDER_NAME_LEN) { smprintf(s, "Too long text\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } CopyUnicodeString(Data->SMSFolders->Folder[num].Name,msg.Buffer + pos); smprintf(s, ", folder name: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->SMSFolders->Folder[num].Name)); Data->SMSFolders->Folder[num].InboxFolder = false; Data->SMSFolders->Folder[num].Memory = MEM_ME; if (num == 0x01) { /* OUTBOX SIM */ Data->SMSFolders->Folder[0].Memory = MEM_SM; Data->SMSFolders->Folder[0].InboxFolder = true; Data->SMSFolders->Folder[1].Memory = MEM_SM; CopyUnicodeString(Data->SMSFolders->Folder[2].Name,Data->SMSFolders->Folder[0].Name); Data->SMSFolders->Folder[2].Memory = MEM_ME; Data->SMSFolders->Folder[2].InboxFolder = true; CopyUnicodeString(Data->SMSFolders->Folder[3].Name,Data->SMSFolders->Folder[1].Name); Data->SMSFolders->Folder[3].Memory = MEM_ME; Data->SMSFolders->Folder[3].InboxFolder = false; num+=2; } num++; } return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSMSFolders(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSFolders *folders) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.SMSFolders=folders; smprintf(s, "Getting SMS folders\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x14, 4, ID_GetSMSFolders); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSMSFolderStatus(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int i; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; smprintf(s, "SMS folder status received\n"); Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number=msg.Buffer[6]*256+msg.Buffer[7]; smprintf(s, "Number of Entries: %i\n",Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number); smprintf(s, "Locations: "); for (i=0;iLastSMSFolder.Number;i++) { Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[i]=msg.Buffer[8+(i*2)]*256+msg.Buffer[(i*2)+9]; smprintf(s, "%i ",Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[i]); } smprintf(s, "\n"); NOKIA_SortSMSFolderStatus(s, &Priv->LastSMSFolder); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSMSFolderStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, int folderid) { unsigned char req[] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0C, 0x01, /* 0x01=SIM, 0x02=ME */ 0x00, /* Folder ID */ 0x0f, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55}; switch (folderid) { case 0x01: req[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: req[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : req[5] = folderid - 1; req[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } smprintf(s, "Getting SMS folder status\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x14, 4, ID_GetSMSFolderStatus); } static void N6510_GetSMSLocation(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms, unsigned char *folderid, int *location) { int ifolderid; /* simulate flat SMS memory */ if (sms->Folder==0x00) { ifolderid = sms->Location / PHONE_MAXSMSINFOLDER; *folderid = ifolderid + 0x01; *location = sms->Location - ifolderid * PHONE_MAXSMSINFOLDER; } else { *folderid = sms->Folder; *location = sms->Location; } smprintf(s, "SMS folder %i & location %i -> 6510 folder %i & location %i\n", sms->Folder,sms->Location,*folderid,*location); } static void N6510_SetSMSLocation(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms, unsigned char folderid, int location) { sms->Folder = 0; sms->Location = (folderid - 0x01) * PHONE_MAXSMSINFOLDER + location; smprintf(s, "6510 folder %i & location %i -> SMS folder %i & location %i\n", folderid,location,sms->Folder,sms->Location); } static GSM_Error N6510_DecodeSMSFrame(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms, unsigned char *buffer) { int i, current, blocks=0, SMSTemplateDateTime = 0; GSM_SMSMessageLayout Layout; GSM_Error error; memset(&Layout,255,sizeof(GSM_SMSMessageLayout)); Layout.firstbyte = 2; switch (buffer[0]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "SMS deliver\n"); sms->PDU = SMS_Deliver; Layout.TPPID = 3; Layout.TPDCS = 4; Layout.DateTime = 5; blocks = 15; break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "Delivery report\n"); sms->PDU = SMS_Status_Report; Layout.TPMR = 3; Layout.TPStatus = 4; Layout.DateTime = 5; Layout.SMSCTime = 12; blocks = 19; break; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "SMS template\n"); sms->PDU = SMS_Submit; Layout.TPMR = 3; Layout.TPPID = 4; Layout.TPDCS = 5; blocks = 7; break; } current = blocks + 1; for (i=0;i buffer[current + 3]) { Layout.TPUDL = current + 2; } else { Layout.TPUDL = current + 3; } Layout.Text = current + 4; break; case 0x82: switch (buffer[current+2]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s, "Phone number\n"); Layout.Number = current + 4; break; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "SMSC number\n"); Layout.SMSCNumber = current + 4; break; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown number\n"); break; } break; case 0x84: smprintf(s, "Date and time of saving for SMS template\n"); SMSTemplateDateTime = current + 2; break; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown block %02x\n",buffer[current]); } current = current + buffer[current + 1]; } error=GSM_DecodeSMSFrame(sms,buffer,Layout); if (SMSTemplateDateTime != 0) { sms->PDU = SMS_Deliver; NOKIA_DecodeDateTime(s, buffer+SMSTemplateDateTime, &sms->DateTime); sms->DateTime.Timezone = 0; } return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSMSMessage(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int i; int Width, Height; unsigned char output[500]; //output2[500]; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch(msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x03: smprintf(s, "SMS Message received\n"); Data->GetSMSMessage->Number=1; NOKIA_DecodeSMSState(s, msg.Buffer[5], &Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[0]); switch (msg.Buffer[14]) { case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: return N6510_DecodeSMSFrame(s, &Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[0],msg.Buffer+14); case 0xA0: smprintf(s, "Picture Image\n"); Data->GetSMSMessage->Number = 0; i = 0; output[i++] = 0x30; /* Smart Messaging 3.0 */ output[i++] = SM30_OTA; output[i++] = 0x01; /* Length */ output[i++] = 0x00; /* Length */ output[i++] = 0x00; PHONE_GetBitmapWidthHeight(GSM_NokiaPictureImage, &Width, &Height); output[i++] = Width; output[i++] = Height; output[i++] = 0x01; memcpy(output+i,msg.Buffer+30,PHONE_GetBitmapSize(GSM_NokiaPictureImage,0,0)); i = i + PHONE_GetBitmapSize(GSM_NokiaPictureImage,0,0); // if (msg.Length!=282) { // output[i++] = SM30_UNICODETEXT; // output[i++] = 0; // output[i++] = 0; /* Length - later changed */ // GSM_UnpackEightBitsToSeven(0, msg.Length-282, msg.Length-304, msg.Buffer+282,output2); // DecodeDefault(output+i, output2, msg.Length - 282, true); // output[i - 1] = UnicodeLength(output+i) * 2; // i = i + output[i-1]; // } GSM_MakeMultiPartSMS(Data->GetSMSMessage,output,i,UDH_NokiaProfileLong,SMS_Coding_8bit,1,0); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[i].Number[0]=0; Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[i].Number[1]=0; } if (Data->Bitmap != NULL) { Data->Bitmap->Location = 0; PHONE_GetBitmapWidthHeight(GSM_NokiaPictureImage, &Width, &Height); Data->Bitmap->BitmapWidth = Width; Data->Bitmap->BitmapHeight = Height; PHONE_DecodeBitmap(GSM_NokiaPictureImage, msg.Buffer + 30, Data->Bitmap); Data->Bitmap->Sender[0] = 0x00; Data->Bitmap->Sender[1] = 0x00; Data->Bitmap->Text[0] = 0; Data->Bitmap->Text[1] = 0; } return ERR_NONE; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown SMS type: %i\n",msg.Buffer[8]); } break; case 0x0f: smprintf(s, "SMS message info received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[0].Name,msg.Buffer+52); smprintf(s, "Name: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->GetSMSMessage->SMS[0].Name)); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_PrivGetSMSMessageBitmap(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiSMSMessage *sms, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char folderid,namebuffer[200]; int location; int i; unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x02, /* msg type: 0x02 for getting sms, 0x0e for sms status */ 0x01, /* 0x01=SIM, 0x02=ME */ 0x00, /* FolderID */ 0x00, 0x02, /* Location */ 0x01, 0x00}; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, &sms->SMS[0], &folderid, &location); switch (folderid) { case 0x01: req[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: req[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : req[5] = folderid - 1; req[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } req[6]=location / 256; req[7]=location; s->Phone.Data.GetSMSMessage = sms; s->Phone.Data.Bitmap = bitmap; smprintf(s, "Getting sms message info\n"); req[3] = 0x0e; req[8] = 0x55; req[9] = 0x55; error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x14, 4, ID_GetSMSMessage); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; CopyUnicodeString(namebuffer,sms->SMS[0].Name); smprintf(s, "Getting sms\n"); req[3] = 0x02; req[8] = 0x01; req[9] = 0x00; error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x14, 4, ID_GetSMSMessage); if (error==ERR_NONE) { for (i=0;iNumber;i++) { N6510_SetSMSLocation(s, &sms->SMS[i], folderid, location); sms->SMS[i].Folder = folderid; sms->SMS[i].InboxFolder = true; if (folderid != 0x01 && folderid != 0x03) sms->SMS[i].InboxFolder = false; sms->SMS[i].Memory = MEM_ME; if (folderid == 0x01 || folderid == 0x02) sms->SMS[i].Memory = MEM_SM; CopyUnicodeString(sms->SMS[i].Name,namebuffer); } } return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSMSMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiSMSMessage *sms) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char folderid; int location; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; int i; bool found = false; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, &sms->SMS[0], &folderid, &location); error=N6510_GetSMSFolderStatus(s, folderid); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; for (i=0;iLastSMSFolder.Number;i++) { if (Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[i]==location) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return ERR_EMPTY; return N6510_PrivGetSMSMessageBitmap(s,sms,NULL); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextSMSMessageBitmap(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiSMSMessage *sms, bool start, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; unsigned char folderid; int location; GSM_Error error; int i; bool findnextfolder = false; if (start) { folderid = 0x00; findnextfolder = true; error=N6510_GetSMSFolders(s,&Priv->LastSMSFolders); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; } else { N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, &sms->SMS[0], &folderid, &location); for (i=0;iLastSMSFolder.Number;i++) { if (Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[i]==location) break; } /* Is this last location in this folder ? */ if (i==Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number-1) { findnextfolder=true; } else { location=Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[i+1]; } } if (findnextfolder) { Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number=0; while (Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number==0) { folderid++; /* Too high folder number */ if ((folderid-1)>Priv->LastSMSFolders.Number) return ERR_EMPTY; /* Get next folder status */ error=N6510_GetSMSFolderStatus(s, folderid); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; /* First location from this folder */ location=Priv->LastSMSFolder.Location[0]; } } N6510_SetSMSLocation(s, &sms->SMS[0], folderid, location); return N6510_PrivGetSMSMessageBitmap(s, sms, bitmap); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextSMSMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiSMSMessage *sms, bool start) { return N6510_GetNextSMSMessageBitmap(s, sms, start, NULL); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; if (Data->RequestID == ID_GetBitmap) { switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s, "Welcome note text received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(Data->Bitmap->Text,msg.Buffer+6); smprintf(s, "Text is \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->Bitmap->Text)); return ERR_NONE; case 0x10: smprintf(s, "Dealer note text received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(Data->Bitmap->Text,msg.Buffer+6); smprintf(s, "Text is \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->Bitmap->Text)); return ERR_NONE; case 0x0f: smprintf(s, "Startup logo received\n"); PHONE_DecodeBitmap(GSM_Nokia7110StartupLogo, msg.Buffer + 22, Data->Bitmap); return ERR_NONE; } } if (Data->RequestID == ID_SetBitmap) { switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x01: case 0x10: case 0x0f: case 0x25: return ERR_NONE; } } return ERR_UNKNOWN; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetPictureImage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap, int *location) { GSM_MultiSMSMessage sms; int Number; GSM_Bitmap bitmap; GSM_Error error; sms.SMS[0].Folder = 0; Number = 0; bitmap.Location = 255; error=N6510_GetNextSMSMessageBitmap(s, &sms, true, &bitmap); while (error == ERR_NONE) { if (bitmap.Location != 255) { Number++; if (Number == Bitmap->Location) { bitmap.Location = Bitmap->Location; memcpy(Bitmap,&bitmap,sizeof(GSM_Bitmap)); *location = sms.SMS[0].Location; return ERR_NONE; } } bitmap.Location = 255; sms.SMS[0].Folder = 0; error=N6510_GetNextSMSMessageBitmap(s, &sms, false, &bitmap); } return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetBitmap(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap) { unsigned char reqOp [] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x23, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55}; unsigned char reqStartup[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x02, 0x0f}; unsigned char reqNote [] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00}; GSM_MemoryEntry pbk; GSM_Error error; int Location; s->Phone.Data.Bitmap=Bitmap; switch (Bitmap->Type) { case GSM_StartupLogo: Bitmap->BitmapWidth = 96; Bitmap->BitmapHeight = 65; GSM_ClearBitmap(Bitmap); smprintf(s, "Getting startup logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqStartup, 5, 0x7A, 4, ID_GetBitmap); case GSM_DealerNote_Text: reqNote[4] = 0x10; smprintf(s, "Getting dealer note\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqNote, 6, 0x7A, 4, ID_GetBitmap); case GSM_WelcomeNote_Text: smprintf(s, "Getting welcome note\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqNote, 6, 0x7A, 4, ID_GetBitmap); case GSM_CallerGroupLogo: if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_PBK35)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; Bitmap->BitmapWidth = 72; Bitmap->BitmapHeight = 14; GSM_ClearBitmap(Bitmap); pbk.MemoryType = MEM7110_CG; pbk.Location = Bitmap->Location; smprintf(s, "Getting caller group logo\n"); error=N6510_GetMemory(s,&pbk); if (error==ERR_NONE) NOKIA_GetDefaultCallerGroupName(s, Bitmap); return error; case GSM_OperatorLogo: smprintf(s, "Getting operator logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOp, 9, 0x0A, 4, ID_GetBitmap); case GSM_PictureImage: return N6510_GetPictureImage(s, Bitmap, &Location); default: break; } return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetIncSignalQuality(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Network level changed to: %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSignalQuality(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Network level received: %i\n",msg.Buffer[8]); Data->SignalQuality->SignalStrength = -1; Data->SignalQuality->SignalPercent = ((int)msg.Buffer[8]); Data->SignalQuality->BitErrorRate = -1; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSignalQuality(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SignalQuality *sig) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.SignalQuality = sig; smprintf(s, "Getting network level\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 9, 0x0a, 4, ID_GetSignalQuality); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetBatteryCharge(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Battery level received: %i\n",msg.Buffer[9]*100/7); Data->BatteryCharge->BatteryPercent = ((int)(msg.Buffer[9]*100/7)); Data->BatteryCharge->ChargeState = 0; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetBatteryCharge(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_BatteryCharge *bat) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0A, 0x02, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.BatteryCharge = bat; smprintf(s, "Getting battery level\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x17, 4, ID_GetBatteryCharge); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetWAPBookmark(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { return DCT3DCT4_ReplyGetWAPBookmark (msg, s, true); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetOperatorLogo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Operator logo received\n"); if (msg.Length == 18) return ERR_EMPTY; NOKIA_DecodeNetworkCode(msg.Buffer+12,Data->Bitmap->NetworkCode); smprintf(s, "Network code %s\n",Data->Bitmap->NetworkCode); Data->Bitmap->BitmapWidth = msg.Buffer[20]; Data->Bitmap->BitmapHeight = msg.Buffer[21]; PHONE_DecodeBitmap(GSM_Nokia6510OperatorLogo,msg.Buffer+26,Data->Bitmap); return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error N6510_ReplyDeleteMemory(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Phonebook entry deleted\n"); return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error N6510_DeleteMemory(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MemoryEntry *entry) { unsigned char req[] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0f, 0x55, 0x01, 0x04, 0x55, 0x00, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, /* memory type */ 0x55, 0x55, 0x55}; req[12] = entry->Location / 256; req[13] = entry->Location % 256; req[18] = NOKIA_GetMemoryType(s, entry->MemoryType,N71_65_MEMORY_TYPES); if (req[18]==0xff) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; smprintf(s, "Deleting phonebook entry\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 22, 0x03, 4, ID_SetMemory); } static GSM_Error N6510_SetMemory(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MemoryEntry *entry) { int count = 22, blocks; unsigned char req[500] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, /* memory type */ 0x00, 0x00, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; if (entry->Location == 0) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; req[11] = NOKIA_GetMemoryType(s, entry->MemoryType,N71_65_MEMORY_TYPES); if (req[11]==0xff) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; req[12] = entry->Location / 256; req[13] = entry->Location % 256; count = count + N71_65_EncodePhonebookFrame(s, req+22, *entry, &blocks, true, IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_VOICETAGS)); req[21] = blocks; smprintf(s, "Writing phonebook entry\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x03, 4, ID_SetMemory); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetOperatorLogo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Operator logo set OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetCallerLogo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { char string[500]; int block=0, i, Width, Height; unsigned int count = 22; unsigned char req[500] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x10, /* memory type */ 0x00, 0x00, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; req[13] = bitmap->Location; /* Enabling/disabling logo */ string[0] = bitmap->BitmapEnabled?1:0; string[1] = 0; count += N71_65_PackPBKBlock(s, N7110_PBK_LOGOON, 2, block++, string, req + count); /* Ringtone */ if (!bitmap->DefaultRingtone) { if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_PBKTONEGAL)) { } else { string[0] = 0x00; string[1] = 0x00; string[2] = bitmap->RingtoneID; count += N71_65_PackPBKBlock(s, N7110_PBK_RINGTONE_ID, 3, block++, string, req + count); count --; req[count-5] = 8; } } /* Number of group */ string[0] = bitmap->Location; string[1] = 0; count += N71_65_PackPBKBlock(s, N7110_PBK_GROUP, 2, block++, string, req + count); /* Name */ if (!bitmap->DefaultName) { i = UnicodeLength(bitmap->Text) * 2; string[0] = i + 2; memcpy(string + 1, bitmap->Text, i); string[i + 1] = 0; count += N71_65_PackPBKBlock(s, N7110_PBK_NAME, i + 2, block++, string, req + count); } /* Logo */ if (!bitmap->DefaultBitmap) { PHONE_GetBitmapWidthHeight(GSM_NokiaCallerLogo, &Width, &Height); string[0] = Width; string[1] = Height; string[2] = 0; string[3] = 0; string[4] = PHONE_GetBitmapSize(GSM_NokiaCallerLogo,0,0); PHONE_EncodeBitmap(GSM_NokiaCallerLogo, string + 5, bitmap); count += N71_65_PackPBKBlock(s, N7110_PBK_GROUPLOGO, PHONE_GetBitmapSize(GSM_NokiaCallerLogo,0,0) + 5, block++, string, req + count); } req[21] = block; return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x03, 4, ID_SetBitmap); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetPicture(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { // smprintf(s, "Picture Image written OK, folder %i, location %i\n",msg.Buffer[4],msg.Buffer[5]*256+msg.Buffer[6]); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetBitmap(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap) { GSM_SMSMessage sms; GSM_Phone_Bitmap_Types Type; int Width, Height, i, count; #ifdef DEVELOP unsigned char folderid; int location; #endif GSM_NetworkInfo NetInfo; GSM_Error error; unsigned char reqStartup[1000] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xC0, 0x02, 0x00, 0x41, 0xC0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x04}; unsigned char reqColourWallPaper[200] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18}; /* Bitmap ID */ unsigned char reqColourStartup[200] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x25, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18}; unsigned char reqOp[1000] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x25, 0x01, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x01, /* 0x01 - not set, 0x02 - set */ 0x0C, 0x08, 0x62, 0xF0, 0x10, /* Network code */ 0x03, 0x55, 0x55}; unsigned char reqColourOp[200] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF9, 0x00, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18, /* File ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; /* Network code */ unsigned char reqNote[200] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x01}; unsigned char reqPicture[2000] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x02, 0x05, /* SMS folder */ 0x00, 0x00, /* location */ 0x01, 0x01, 0xa0, 0x02, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, 0x34, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x03, 0x82, 0x10, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x10, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x55, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x48, 0x1c, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00}; switch (Bitmap->Type) { case GSM_ColourWallPaper_ID: reqColourWallPaper[21] = Bitmap->ID; smprintf(s, "Setting colour wall paper\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqColourWallPaper, 22, 0x43, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case GSM_StartupLogo: Type = GSM_Nokia7110StartupLogo; switch (Bitmap->Location) { case 1: PHONE_EncodeBitmap(Type, reqStartup + 22, Bitmap); break; case 2: memset(reqStartup+5,0x00,15); PHONE_ClearBitmap(Type, reqStartup + 22,0,0); break; default: return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } smprintf(s, "Setting startup logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqStartup, 22+PHONE_GetBitmapSize(Type,0,0), 0x7A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case GSM_DealerNote_Text: reqNote[4] = 0x10; CopyUnicodeString(reqNote + 5, Bitmap->Text); i = 6 + UnicodeLength(Bitmap->Text) * 2; reqNote[i++] = 0; reqNote[i] = 0; return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqNote, i, 0x7A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case GSM_WelcomeNote_Text: CopyUnicodeString(reqNote + 5, Bitmap->Text); i = 6 + UnicodeLength(Bitmap->Text) * 2; reqNote[i++] = 0; reqNote[i] = 0; return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqNote, i, 0x7A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case GSM_OperatorLogo: /* We want to set operator logo, not clear */ if (strcmp(Bitmap->NetworkCode,"000 00")) { memset(reqOp + 19, 0, 281); NOKIA_EncodeNetworkCode(reqOp+12, Bitmap->NetworkCode); Type = GSM_Nokia6510OperatorLogo; reqOp[9] = 0x02; /* Logo enabled */ reqOp[18] = 0x1a; /* FIXME */ reqOp[19] = PHONE_GetBitmapSize(Type,0,0) + 8 + 29 + 2; PHONE_GetBitmapWidthHeight(Type, &Width, &Height); reqOp[20] = Width; reqOp[21] = Height; reqOp[22] = 0x00; reqOp[23] = PHONE_GetBitmapSize(Type,0,0) + 29; reqOp[24] = 0x00; reqOp[25] = PHONE_GetBitmapSize(Type,0,0) + 29; PHONE_EncodeBitmap(Type, reqOp + 26, Bitmap); smprintf(s, "Setting operator logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOp, reqOp[19]+reqOp[11]+10, 0x0A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); } else { error=N6510_GetNetworkInfo(s,&NetInfo); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; NOKIA_EncodeNetworkCode(reqOp+12, NetInfo.NetworkCode); smprintf(s, "Clearing operator logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOp, 18, 0x0A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); } case GSM_ColourOperatorLogo_ID: /* We want to set operator logo, not clear */ if (strcmp(Bitmap->NetworkCode,"000 00")) { EncodeBCD(reqColourOp+23, Bitmap->NetworkCode, 6, false); reqColourOp[21] = Bitmap->ID; } smprintf(s, "Setting colour operator logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqColourOp, 26, 0x43, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case GSM_ColourStartupLogo_ID: switch (Bitmap->Location) { case 0: reqColourStartup[6] = 0x00; reqColourStartup[8] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Setting colour startup logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqColourStartup, 9, 0x7A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); case 1: reqColourStartup[8] = Bitmap->ID; smprintf(s, "Setting colour startup logo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqColourStartup, 9, 0x7A, 4, ID_SetBitmap); default:return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } case GSM_CallerGroupLogo: return N6510_SetCallerLogo(s,Bitmap); case GSM_PictureImage: error = N6510_GetPictureImage(s, Bitmap, &sms.Location); if (error == ERR_NONE) { #ifdef DEVELOP sms.Folder = 0; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, &sms, &folderid, &location); switch (folderid) { case 0x01: reqPicture[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: reqPicture[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : reqPicture[5] = folderid - 1; reqPicture[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } reqPicture[6]=location / 256; reqPicture[7]=location; #else return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; #endif } Type = GSM_NokiaPictureImage; count = 78; PHONE_EncodeBitmap(Type, reqPicture + count, Bitmap); count += PHONE_GetBitmapSize(Type,0,0); smprintf(s, "Setting Picture Image\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqPicture, count, 0x14, 4, ID_SetBitmap); default: break; } return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetRingtoneID(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; smprintf(s, "Ringtone ID received\n"); Priv->RingtoneID = msg.Buffer[15]; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetBinRingtone(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Binary ringtone set\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetRingtone(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Ringtone *Ringtone, int *maxlength) { GSM_Error error; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; GSM_NetworkInfo NetInfo; int size=200, current; unsigned char GetIDReq[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x06, 0xE1, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x06, 0xE1, 0x01, 0x42}; unsigned char SetPreviewReq[1000] = { 0xAE, /* Ringtone ID */ 0x01, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; /*Length*/ unsigned char AddBinaryReq[33000] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0E, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE}; if (Ringtone->Format == RING_NOTETONE && Ringtone->Location==255) { smprintf(s, "Getting ringtone ID\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, GetIDReq, 14, 0xDB, 4, ID_SetRingtone); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; *maxlength=GSM_EncodeNokiaRTTLRingtone(*Ringtone, SetPreviewReq+11, &size); SetPreviewReq[0] = Priv->RingtoneID; SetPreviewReq[10] = size; smprintf(s, "Setting ringtone\n"); error = s->Protocol.Functions->WriteMessage(s, SetPreviewReq, size+11, 0x00); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; my_sleep(1000); /* We have to make something (not important, what) now */ /* no answer from phone*/ return s->Phone.Functions->GetNetworkInfo(s,&NetInfo); } if (Ringtone->Format == RING_NOKIABINARY) { AddBinaryReq[7] = UnicodeLength(Ringtone->Name); CopyUnicodeString(AddBinaryReq+8,Ringtone->Name); current = 8 + UnicodeLength(Ringtone->Name)*2; AddBinaryReq[current++] = Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length/256 + 1; AddBinaryReq[current++] = Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length%256 + 1; AddBinaryReq[current++] = 0x00; memcpy(AddBinaryReq+current,Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Frame,Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length); current += Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length; smprintf(s, "Adding binary ringtone\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, AddBinaryReq, current, 0x1F, 4, ID_SetRingtone); } if (Ringtone->Format == RING_MIDI) { AddBinaryReq[7] = UnicodeLength(Ringtone->Name); CopyUnicodeString(AddBinaryReq+8,Ringtone->Name); current = 8 + UnicodeLength(Ringtone->Name)*2; AddBinaryReq[current++] = Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length/256; AddBinaryReq[current++] = Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length%256; memcpy(AddBinaryReq+current,Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Frame,Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length); current += Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length; AddBinaryReq[current++] = 0x00; AddBinaryReq[current++] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Adding binary or MIDI ringtone\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, AddBinaryReq, current, 0x1F, 4, ID_SetRingtone); } return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyDeleteRingtones(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Ringtones deleted\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_DeleteUserRingtones(GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char DelAllRingtoneReq[] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x10, 0x7F, 0xFE}; smprintf(s, "Deleting all user ringtones\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, DelAllRingtoneReq, 6, 0x1F, 4, ID_SetRingtone); } static GSM_Error N6510_PressKey(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_KeyCode Key, bool Press) { #ifdef DEVELOP unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x11, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Event */ 0x01}; /* Number of presses */ // req[7] = Key; if (Press) { req[8] = NOKIA_PRESSPHONEKEY; s->Phone.Data.PressKey = true; smprintf(s, "Pressing key\n"); } else { req[8] = NOKIA_RELEASEPHONEKEY; s->Phone.Data.PressKey = false; smprintf(s, "Releasing key\n"); } return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x0c, 4, ID_PressKey); #else return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; #endif } static GSM_Error N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(GSM_StateMachine *s, N6510_Connection_Settings Type) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char req2[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x01}; unsigned char req3[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x03}; unsigned char req4[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x04}; if (Type == N6510_MMS_SETTINGS && IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOMMS)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; error=DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; switch (Type) { case N6510_WAP_SETTINGS: return DCT3DCT4_EnableWAPFunctions(s); case N6510_MMS_SETTINGS: dbgprintf("Enabling MMS\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req2, 5, 0x3f, 4, ID_EnableConnectFunc); case N6510_SYNCML_SETTINGS: dbgprintf("Enabling SyncML\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req3, 5, 0x3f, 5, ID_EnableConnectFunc); case N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS: dbgprintf("Enabling Chat\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req4, 5, 0x3f, 5, ID_EnableConnectFunc); default: return ERR_UNKNOWN; } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetConnectionSettings(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; int tmp,num=0,i; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; unsigned char buff[2000]; switch(msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x16: smprintf(s, "Connection settings received OK\n"); Data->WAPSettings->Number = Priv->BearerNumber; Data->WAPSettings->Proxy[0] = 0x00; Data->WAPSettings->Proxy[1] = 0x00; Data->WAPSettings->ProxyPort = 8080; Data->WAPSettings->Proxy2[0] = 0x00; Data->WAPSettings->Proxy2[1] = 0x00; Data->WAPSettings->Proxy2Port = 8080; tmp = 4; NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Title,true); CopyUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[1].Title,Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Title); smprintf(s, "Title: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Title)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].HomePage,true); CopyUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[1].HomePage,Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].HomePage); smprintf(s, "Homepage: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].HomePage)); #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "Connection type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "temporary\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "continuous\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); } smprintf(s, "Connection security: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+1]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "off\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "on\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); } smprintf(s, "Bearer: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s, "GSM data\n"); break; case 0x03: smprintf(s, "GPRS\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); } if (msg.Buffer[tmp+3] == 0x01) smprintf(s, "locked\n"); #endif Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsContinuous = false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp] == 0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsContinuous = true; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[1].IsContinuous = Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsContinuous; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsSecurity = false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+1] == 0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsSecurity = true; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[1].IsSecurity = Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsSecurity; Data->WAPSettings->ActiveBearer = WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_DATA; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+2] == 0x03) Data->WAPSettings->ActiveBearer = WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_GPRS; Data->WAPSettings->ReadOnly = false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+3] == 0x01) Data->WAPSettings->ReadOnly = true; tmp+=3; if (Priv->BearerNumber == 2) { /* Here starts settings for data bearer */ Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Bearer = WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_DATA; while ((msg.Buffer[tmp] != 0x01) || (msg.Buffer[tmp + 1] != 0x00)) tmp++; tmp += 4; #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "Authentication type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "normal\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "secure\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } smprintf(s, "Data call type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+1]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "analogue\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "ISDN\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } smprintf(s, "Data call speed: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "automatic\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "9600\n"); break; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "14400\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } smprintf(s, "Login Type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+4]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "manual\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "automatic\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } #endif Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsNormalAuthentication=true; if (msg.Buffer[tmp]==0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsNormalAuthentication=false; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsISDNCall=false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+1]==0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IsISDNCall=true; switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]) { case 0x00: Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Speed=WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_AUTO; break; case 0x01: Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Speed=WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_9600; break; case 0x02: Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Speed=WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_14400; break; } Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].ManualLogin=false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+4]==0x00) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].ManualLogin = true; tmp+=5; NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IPAddress,false); smprintf(s, "IP address: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].IPAddress)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].DialUp,true); smprintf(s, "Dial-up number: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].DialUp)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].User,true); smprintf(s, "User name: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].User)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Password,true); smprintf(s, "Password: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[0].Password)); num = 1; } else { num = 0; } /* Here starts settings for gprs bearer */ Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].Bearer = WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_GPRS; while (msg.Buffer[tmp] != 0x03) tmp++; tmp += 4; #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "Authentication type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "normal\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "secure\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } smprintf(s, "GPRS connection: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+1]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "ALWAYS online\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "when needed\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } smprintf(s, "Login Type: "); switch (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "manual\n"); break; case 0x01: smprintf(s, "automatic\n"); break; default: smprintf(s, "unknown\n"); break; } #endif Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IsNormalAuthentication=true; if (msg.Buffer[tmp]==0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IsNormalAuthentication=false; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IsContinuous = true; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+1] == 0x01) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IsContinuous = false; Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].ManualLogin=false; if (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]==0x00) Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].ManualLogin = true; tmp+=3; NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].DialUp,false); smprintf(s, "Access point: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].DialUp)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IPAddress,true); smprintf(s, "IP address: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].IPAddress)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].User,true); smprintf(s, "User name: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].User)); NOKIA_GetUnicodeString(s, &tmp, msg.Buffer, Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].Password,true); smprintf(s, "Password: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->WAPSettings->Settings[num].Password)); if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_WAPMMSPROXY)) { if (msg.Buffer[tmp] == 0x00 && msg.Buffer[tmp+1] == 0x00) tmp = tmp+2; memcpy(buff,msg.Buffer+tmp+10,msg.Buffer[tmp+4]); buff[msg.Buffer[tmp+4]] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Proxy 1: \"%s\", port %i\n",buff,msg.Buffer[tmp+6]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+7]); EncodeUnicode(Data->WAPSettings->Proxy,buff,strlen(buff)); Data->WAPSettings->ProxyPort = msg.Buffer[tmp+6]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+7]; memcpy(buff,msg.Buffer+tmp+10+msg.Buffer[tmp+4],msg.Buffer[tmp+5]); buff[msg.Buffer[tmp+5]] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Proxy 2: \"%s\", port %i\n",buff,msg.Buffer[tmp+8]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+9]); EncodeUnicode(Data->WAPSettings->Proxy2,buff,strlen(buff)); Data->WAPSettings->Proxy2Port = msg.Buffer[tmp+8]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+9]; tmp = tmp + msg.Buffer[tmp+3] + 19; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "Proxy data %i\n",i+1); if (msg.Buffer[tmp+2]!=0) memcpy(buff,msg.Buffer+tmp+9,msg.Buffer[tmp+2]*2); buff[msg.Buffer[tmp+2]*2] =0; buff[msg.Buffer[tmp+2]*2+1]=0; smprintf(s, "IP: \"%s\"",DecodeUnicodeString(buff)); smprintf(s, ", port %i\n",msg.Buffer[tmp+3]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+4]); #endif tmp = tmp + msg.Buffer[tmp]; } #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "%02x %02x\n",msg.Buffer[tmp],msg.Buffer[tmp+1]); smprintf(s, "Port %i\n",msg.Buffer[tmp+3]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+4]); tmp = tmp + msg.Buffer[tmp]; #endif } return ERR_NONE; case 0x17: smprintf(s, "Connection settings receiving error\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s, "Security error. Inside phone settings menu\n"); return ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "Invalid or empty\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; default: smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } break; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetConnectionSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings, N6510_Connection_Settings Type) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; GSM_Error error; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x15, 0x00}; /* Location */ error = N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(s, Type); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; req[4] = settings->Location-1; s->Phone.Data.WAPSettings = settings; switch (Type) { case N6510_MMS_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Getting MMS settings\n"); Priv->BearerNumber = 1; break; case N6510_WAP_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Getting WAP settings\n"); Priv->BearerNumber = 2; break; case N6510_SYNCML_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Getting SyncML settings\n"); Priv->BearerNumber = 2; break; case N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Getting Chat settings\n"); Priv->BearerNumber = 1; break; } error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 5, 0x3f, 4, ID_GetConnectSet); if (error != ERR_NONE) { if (error == ERR_INVALIDLOCATION || error == ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU) { DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } return error; } error=DCT3DCT4_GetActiveConnectSet(s); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; return DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetWAPSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings) { return N6510_GetConnectionSettings(s, settings, N6510_WAP_SETTINGS); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetMMSSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings) { return N6510_GetConnectionSettings(s, settings, N6510_MMS_SETTINGS); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSyncMLSettings(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_SyncMLSettings *Sett = s->Phone.Data.SyncMLSettings; smprintf(s, "SyncML settings received OK\n"); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->User,msg.Buffer+18); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->Password,msg.Buffer+86); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->PhonebookDataBase,msg.Buffer+130); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->CalendarDataBase,msg.Buffer+234); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->Server,msg.Buffer+338); Sett->SyncPhonebook = false; Sett->SyncCalendar = false; if ((msg.Buffer[598] & 0x02)==0x02) Sett->SyncCalendar = true; if ((msg.Buffer[598] & 0x01)==0x01) Sett->SyncPhonebook = true; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSyncMLName(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_SyncMLSettings *Sett = s->Phone.Data.SyncMLSettings; smprintf(s, "SyncML names received OK\n"); CopyUnicodeString(Sett->Name,msg.Buffer+18); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSyncMLSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SyncMLSettings *settings) { GSM_Error error; // unsigned char NameReq[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, // 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, // 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDE, 0x00, 0x00}; // unsigned char GetActive[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, // 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, // 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x01, //location 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00}; settings->Connection.Location = settings->Location; error = N6510_GetConnectionSettings(s, &settings->Connection, N6510_SYNCML_SETTINGS); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; settings->Active = settings->Connection.Active; settings->Name[0] = 0; settings->Name[1] = 0; s->Phone.Data.SyncMLSettings = settings; // smprintf(s, "Getting SyncML settings name\n"); // error = GSM_WaitFor (s, NameReq, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_GetSyncMLName); // if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; req[9] = settings->Location - 1; smprintf(s, "Getting additional SyncML settings\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_GetSyncMLSettings); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetChatSettings(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_ChatSettings *Sett = s->Phone.Data.ChatSettings; int i; Sett->Name[0] = 0; Sett->Name[1] = 0; Sett->HomePage[0] = 0; Sett->HomePage[1] = 0; Sett->User[0] = 0; Sett->User[1] = 0; Sett->Password[0] = 0; Sett->Password[1] = 0; switch(msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x3B: smprintf(s, "Chat settings received OK\n"); memcpy(Sett->Name,msg.Buffer+20,msg.Buffer[12]*2); Sett->Name[msg.Buffer[12]*2] = 0; Sett->Name[msg.Buffer[12]*2+1] = 0; memcpy(Sett->HomePage,msg.Buffer+20+msg.Buffer[12]*2,msg.Buffer[15]*2); Sett->HomePage[msg.Buffer[15]*2] = 0; Sett->HomePage[msg.Buffer[15]*2+1] = 0; i = msg.Buffer[12]*2 + msg.Buffer[15]*2 + 29; memcpy(Sett->User,msg.Buffer+i+3,msg.Buffer[i]*2); Sett->User[msg.Buffer[i]*2] = 0; Sett->User[msg.Buffer[i]*2+1] = 0; memcpy(Sett->Password,msg.Buffer+i+3+msg.Buffer[i]*2,msg.Buffer[i+1]*2); Sett->Password[msg.Buffer[i+1]*2] = 0; Sett->Password[msg.Buffer[i+1]*2+1] = 0; return ERR_NONE; case 0x3C: smprintf(s, "Empty chat settings received\n"); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetChatSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ChatSettings *settings) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x3a, 0x09, // location 0x01, 0x0e}; settings->Connection.Location = settings->Location; error = N6510_GetConnectionSettings(s, &settings->Connection, N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; settings->Active = settings->Connection.Active; s->Phone.Data.ChatSettings = settings; req[4] = settings->Location - 1; smprintf(s, "Getting additional Chat settings\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 7, 0x3f, 4, ID_GetChatSettings); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetConnectionSettings(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x19: smprintf(s, "Connection settings cleaned\n"); return ERR_NONE; case 0x1a: smprintf(s, "Connection settings setting status\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s, "Security error. Inside phone settings menu\n"); return ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU; case 0x03: smprintf(s, "Invalid location\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; case 0x05: smprintf(s, "Written OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; default: smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } case 0x28: case 0x2B: smprintf(s, "Set OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetConnectionSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings, N6510_Connection_Settings Type) { GSM_Error error; int i, pad = 0, length, pos = 5, loc1=-1,loc2=-1,port; unsigned char *Proxy; unsigned char req[2000] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x18, 0x00}; /* Location */ unsigned char Lock[5] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x27, 0x00}; /* Location */ unsigned char UnLock[5] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x2A, 0x00}; /* Location */ error = N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(s, Type); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; memset(req + pos, 0, 1000 - pos); req[4] = settings->Location-1; for (i=0;iNumber;i++) { if (settings->Settings[i].Bearer == WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_DATA) loc1=i; if (settings->Settings[i].Bearer == WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_GPRS) loc2=i; } if (loc1 != -1) { /* Name */ length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].Title); if (!(length % 2)) pad = 1; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].Title, false); /* Home */ length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].HomePage); if (((length + pad) % 2)) pad = 2; else pad = 0; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].HomePage, true); if (settings->Settings[loc1].IsContinuous) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; if (settings->Settings[loc1].IsSecurity) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; } else if (loc2 != -1) { /* Name */ length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].Title); if (!(length % 2)) pad = 1; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].Title, false); /* Home */ length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].HomePage); if (((length + pad) % 2)) pad = 2; else pad = 0; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].HomePage, true); if (settings->Settings[loc2].IsContinuous) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; if (settings->Settings[loc2].IsSecurity) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; } else { /* Name */ length = 0; if (!(length % 2)) pad = 1; pos ++; /* Home */ length = 0; if (((length + pad) % 2)) pad = 2; else pad = 0; pos += 2; pos += 2; } if (Type == N6510_MMS_SETTINGS || Type == N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS) { req[pos++] = 0x03; //active bearer: GPRS } else { if (settings->ActiveBearer == WAPSETTINGS_BEARER_GPRS && loc2 != -1) { req[pos++] = 0x03; //active bearer: GPRS } else { req[pos++] = 0x01; //active bearer: data set } } /* Number of sent bearers */ if (Type == N6510_MMS_SETTINGS || Type == N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS) { req[pos] = 0x01; } else { req[pos] = 0x02; } if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_WAPMMSPROXY)) req[pos] += 2; pos++; pos += pad; if (Type != N6510_MMS_SETTINGS && Type != N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS) { /* GSM data block */ memcpy(req + pos, "\x01\x00", 2); pos += 2; if (loc1 != -1) { length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].IPAddress)*2+1; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].DialUp) *2+2; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].User) *2+2; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc1].Password) *2+2; } else { length = 1 + 2 + 2 + 2; } length += 11; req[pos++] = length / 256; req[pos++] = length % 256; if (loc1 != -1) { if (!settings->Settings[loc1].IsNormalAuthentication) req[pos]=0x01; pos++; if (settings->Settings[loc1].IsISDNCall) req[pos]=0x01; pos++; switch (settings->Settings[loc1].Speed) { case WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_AUTO : break; case WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_9600 : req[pos]=0x01; break; case WAPSETTINGS_SPEED_14400 : req[pos]=0x02; break; } pos++; req[pos++]=0x01; if (!settings->Settings[loc1].ManualLogin) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].IPAddress, false); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].DialUp, true); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].User, true); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc1].Password, true); } else { pos += 3; req[pos++]=0x01; pos += 8; } /* Padding */ pos+=2; } /* GPRS block */ memcpy(req + pos, "\x03\x00", 2); pos += 2; if (loc2 != -1) { length = UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].DialUp) *2+1; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].IPAddress)*2+2; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].User) *2+2; length += UnicodeLength(settings->Settings[loc2].Password) *2+2; } else { length = 7; } if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_WAPMMSPROXY)) length+=2; length += 7; req[pos++] = length / 256; req[pos++] = length % 256; if (loc2 != -1) { if (!settings->Settings[loc2].IsNormalAuthentication) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; if (!settings->Settings[loc2].IsContinuous) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; if (!settings->Settings[loc2].ManualLogin) req[pos] = 0x01; pos++; pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].DialUp, false); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].IPAddress, true); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].User, true); pos += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req + pos, settings->Settings[loc2].Password, true); } else { pos += 10; } if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_WAPMMSPROXY)) { req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; /* Proxy block */ req[pos++] = 0x06; req[pos++] = 0x01; if (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)!=0 || UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)!=0) { req[pos++] = (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)+UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)+13)/256; req[pos++] = (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)+UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)+13)%256; } else { req[pos++] = (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)+UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)+12)/256; req[pos++] = (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)+UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)+12)%256; } req[pos++] = UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy); req[pos++] = UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2); req[pos++] = settings->ProxyPort/256; req[pos++] = settings->ProxyPort%256; req[pos++] = settings->Proxy2Port/256; req[pos++] = settings->Proxy2Port%256; if (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)!=0) { sprintf(req+pos,"%s",DecodeUnicodeString(settings->Proxy)); pos+=UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy); } if (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)!=0) { sprintf(req+pos,"%s",DecodeUnicodeString(settings->Proxy2)); pos+=UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2); } if (UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy)!=0 || UnicodeLength(settings->Proxy2)!=0) { req[pos++] = 0x00; } req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x07; //unknown req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x80; //unknown req[pos++] = 0x01; //unknown req[pos++] = 0x05; //unknown req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; /* Proxy data blocks */ for (i=0;i<4;i++) { port = 8080; Proxy = NULL; if (i==0) { port = settings->ProxyPort; Proxy = settings->Proxy; } else if (i==1) { port = settings->Proxy2Port; Proxy = settings->Proxy2; } req[pos++] = 0x08; req[pos++] = 0x00; if (Proxy != NULL && UnicodeLength(Proxy)!=0) { if (UnicodeLength(Proxy)%2 != 0) { req[pos++] = (12 + (UnicodeLength(Proxy)+1)*2)/256; req[pos++] = (12 + (UnicodeLength(Proxy)+1)*2)%256; } else { req[pos++] = (12 + UnicodeLength(Proxy)*2)/256; req[pos++] = (12 + UnicodeLength(Proxy)*2)%256; } } else { req[pos++] = 12/256; req[pos++] = 12%256; } req[pos++] = i+1; if (Proxy != NULL) { req[pos++] = UnicodeLength(Proxy); } else { req[pos++] = 0; } req[pos++] = port/256; req[pos++] = port%256; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x01; req[pos++] = 0x00; if (Proxy != NULL && UnicodeLength(Proxy)!=0) { CopyUnicodeString(req+pos,Proxy); pos+=UnicodeLength(Proxy)*2; if (UnicodeLength(Proxy)%2 != 0) { req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; } } } req[pos++] = 0x09; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x0C; req[pos++] = 0x02; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x02; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; } else { /* end of blocks ? */ memcpy(req + pos, "\x80\x00\x00\x0c", 4); pos += 4; } UnLock[4] = settings->Location-1; smprintf(s, "Making Connection settings read-write\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, UnLock, 5, 0x3f, 4, ID_SetConnectSet); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; switch (Type) { case N6510_MMS_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Setting MMS settings\n"); break; case N6510_CHAT_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Setting Chat settings\n"); break; case N6510_WAP_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Setting WAP settings\n"); break; case N6510_SYNCML_SETTINGS: smprintf(s, "Setting SyncML settings\n"); break; } error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, pos, 0x3f, 4, ID_SetConnectSet); if (error != ERR_NONE) { if (error == ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU || error == ERR_INVALIDLOCATION) { DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } return error; } if (settings->ReadOnly) { Lock[4] = settings->Location-1; smprintf(s, "Making Connection settings readonly\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, Lock, 5, 0x3f, 4, ID_SetConnectSet); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } error = DCT3DCT4_SetActiveConnectSet(s, settings); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; return DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } static GSM_Error N6510_SetWAPSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings) { return N6510_SetConnectionSettings(s, settings, N6510_WAP_SETTINGS); } static GSM_Error N6510_SetMMSSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_MultiWAPSettings *settings) { return N6510_SetConnectionSettings(s, settings, N6510_MMS_SETTINGS); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetOriginalIMEI(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { if (msg.Buffer[7] == 0x00) { smprintf(s, "No SIM card\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; } else { return NOKIA_ReplyGetPhoneString(msg, s); } } static GSM_Error N6510_GetOriginalIMEI(GSM_StateMachine *s, char *value) { return NOKIA_GetPhoneString(s,"\x00\x07\x02\x01\x00\x01",6,0x42,value,ID_GetOriginalIMEI,14); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSMSStatus(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x09: switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "Max. in phone memory : %i\n",msg.Buffer[10]*256+msg.Buffer[11]); smprintf(s, "Used in phone memory : %i\n",msg.Buffer[12]*256+msg.Buffer[13]); smprintf(s, "Unread in phone memory : %i\n",msg.Buffer[14]*256+msg.Buffer[15]); smprintf(s, "Max. in SIM : %i\n",msg.Buffer[22]*256+msg.Buffer[23]); smprintf(s, "Used in SIM : %i\n",msg.Buffer[24]*256+msg.Buffer[25]); smprintf(s, "Unread in SIM : %i\n",msg.Buffer[26]*256+msg.Buffer[27]); Data->SMSStatus->PhoneSize = msg.Buffer[10]*256+msg.Buffer[11]; Data->SMSStatus->PhoneUsed = msg.Buffer[12]*256+msg.Buffer[13]; Data->SMSStatus->PhoneUnRead = msg.Buffer[14]*256+msg.Buffer[15]; Data->SMSStatus->SIMSize = msg.Buffer[22]*256+msg.Buffer[23]; Data->SMSStatus->SIMUsed = msg.Buffer[24]*256+msg.Buffer[25]; Data->SMSStatus->SIMUnRead = msg.Buffer[26]*256+msg.Buffer[27]; return ERR_NONE; case 0x0f: smprintf(s, "No PIN\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; default: smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } case 0x1a: smprintf(s, "Wait a moment. Phone is during power on and busy now\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSMSStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMemoryStatus *status) { GSM_Error error; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.SMSStatus=status; smprintf(s, "Getting SMS status\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x14, 2, ID_GetSMSStatus); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; /* DCT4 family doesn't show in frame with SMS status info * about Templates. We get separately info about this SMS folder. */ error = N6510_GetSMSFolderStatus(s, 0x06); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; status->TemplatesUsed = Priv->LastSMSFolder.Number; return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyDeleteSMSMessage(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x05: smprintf(s, "SMS deleted OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; case 0x06: switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x02: smprintf(s, "Invalid location\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown error: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_DeleteSMSMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms) { unsigned char folderid; int location; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x01, /* 0x01=SM, 0x02=ME */ 0x00, /* FolderID */ 0x00, 0x02, /* Location */ 0x0F, 0x55}; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, sms, &folderid, &location); switch (folderid) { case 0x01: req[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: req[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : req[5] = folderid - 1; req[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } req[6]=location / 256; req[7]=location; smprintf(s, "Deleting sms\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x14, 4, ID_DeleteSMSMessage); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySendSMSMessage(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[8]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "SMS sent OK, TPMR for sent sms is %d\n",msg.Buffer[10]); if (s->User.SendSMSStatus!=NULL) s->User.SendSMSStatus(s->CurrentConfig->Device,0,msg.Buffer[10]); return ERR_NONE; default: smprintf(s, "SMS not sent OK, error code probably %i\n",msg.Buffer[8]); if (s->User.SendSMSStatus!=NULL) s->User.SendSMSStatus(s->CurrentConfig->Device,msg.Buffer[8],msg.Buffer[10]); return ERR_NONE; } } static GSM_Error N6510_SendSMSMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms) { int length = 11; GSM_Error error; GSM_SMSMessageLayout Layout; unsigned char req [300] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x55}; if (sms->PDU == SMS_Deliver) sms->PDU = SMS_Submit; memset(req+9,0x00,sizeof(req) - 9); error=N6510_EncodeSMSFrame(s, sms, req + 9, &Layout, &length); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Sending sms\n"); return s->Protocol.Functions->WriteMessage(s, req, length + 9, 0x02); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetSecurityStatus(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Security Code status received: "); switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x01 : smprintf(s, "waiting for Security Code.\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_SecurityCode; break; case 0x07 : case 0x02 : smprintf(s, "waiting for PIN.\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_Pin; break; case 0x03 : smprintf(s, "waiting for PUK.\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_Puk; break; case 0x05 : smprintf(s, "PIN ok, SIM ok\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_None; break; case 0x06 : smprintf(s, "No input status\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_None; break; case 0x16 : smprintf(s, "No SIM card\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_None; break; case 0x1A : smprintf(s, "SIM card rejected!\n"); *Data->SecurityStatus = SEC_None; break; default : smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSecurityStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SecurityCodeType *Status) { unsigned char req[5] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x11, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.SecurityStatus=Status; smprintf(s, "Getting security code status\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 5, 0x08, 2, ID_GetSecurityStatus); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyEnterSecurityCode(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x08: smprintf(s, "Security code OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; case 0x09: switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x06: smprintf(s, "Wrong PIN\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; case 0x09: smprintf(s, "Wrong PUK\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; default: smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); } } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_EnterSecurityCode(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SecurityCode Code) { int len = 0; unsigned char req[15] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00}; /* Code type */ switch (Code.Type) { case SEC_Pin : req[4] = 0x02; break; case SEC_Puk : req[4] = 0x03; break;/* FIXME */ default : return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } len = strlen(Code.Code); memcpy(req+5,Code.Code,len); req[5+len]=0x00; smprintf(s, "Entering security code\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6+len, 0x08, 4, ID_EnterSecurityCode); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySaveSMSMessage(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char folder; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x01: switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "Done OK\n"); smprintf(s, "Folder info: %i %i\n",msg.Buffer[5],msg.Buffer[8]); switch (msg.Buffer[8]) { case 0x02 : if (msg.Buffer[5] == 0x02) { folder = 0x03; /* INBOX ME */ } else { folder = 0x01; /* INBOX SIM */ } break; case 0x03 : if (msg.Buffer[5] == 0x02) { folder = 0x04; /* OUTBOX ME */ } else { folder = 0x02; /* OUTBOX SIM */ } break; default : folder = msg.Buffer[8] + 1; } N6510_SetSMSLocation(s, Data->SaveSMSMessage,folder,msg.Buffer[6]*256+msg.Buffer[7]); smprintf(s, "Saved in folder %i at location %i\n",folder, msg.Buffer[6]*256+msg.Buffer[7]); Data->SaveSMSMessage->Folder = folder; return ERR_NONE; case 0x02: printf("Incorrect location\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; case 0x05: printf("Incorrect folder\n"); return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; default: smprintf(s, "ERROR: unknown %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } case 0x17: smprintf(s, "SMS name changed\n"); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_PrivSetSMSMessage(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms) { int location, length = 11; unsigned char folderid, folder; GSM_SMSMessageLayout Layout; GSM_Error error; unsigned char req [300] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x00, 0x01, /* 1 = SIM, 2 = ME */ 0x02, /* Folder */ 0x00, 0x01, /* Location */ 0x01}; /* SMS state */ unsigned char NameReq[200] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x16, 0x01, /* 1 = SIM, 2 = ME */ 0x02, /* Folder */ 0x00, 0x01}; /* Location */ N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, sms, &folderid, &location); switch (folderid) { case 0x01: req[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: req[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : req[5] = folderid - 1; req[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } req[6]=location / 256; req[7]=location; switch (sms->PDU) { case SMS_Submit: /* Inbox */ if (folderid == 0x01 || folderid == 0x03) sms->PDU = SMS_Deliver; break; case SMS_Deliver: /* SIM Outbox */ if (folderid == 0x02) sms->PDU = SMS_Submit; break; default: return ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (sms->PDU == SMS_Deliver) { switch (sms->State) { case SMS_Sent : /* We use GSM_Read, because phone return error */ case SMS_Read : req[8] = 0x01; break; case SMS_UnSent : /* We use GSM_UnRead, because phone return error */ case SMS_UnRead : req[8] = 0x03; break; } } else { switch (sms->State) { case SMS_Sent : /* We use GSM_Sent, because phone change folder */ case SMS_Read : req[8] = 0x05; break; case SMS_UnSent : /* We use GSM_UnSent, because phone change folder */ case SMS_UnRead : req[8] = 0x07; break; } } memset(req+9,0x00,sizeof(req) - 9); error=N6510_EncodeSMSFrame(s, sms, req + 9, &Layout, &length); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; s->Phone.Data.SaveSMSMessage=sms; smprintf(s, "Saving sms\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, length+9, 0x14, 4, ID_SaveSMSMessage); if (error == ERR_NONE && UnicodeLength(sms->Name)!=0) { folder = sms->Folder; sms->Folder = 0; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, sms, &folderid, &location); switch (folderid) { case 0x01: NameReq[5] = 0x02; break; /* INBOX SIM */ case 0x02: NameReq[5] = 0x03; break; /* OUTBOX SIM */ default : NameReq[5] = folderid - 1; NameReq[4] = 0x02; break; /* ME folders */ } NameReq[6]=location / 256; NameReq[7]=location; length = 8; CopyUnicodeString(NameReq+length, sms->Name); length = length+UnicodeLength(sms->Name)*2; NameReq[length++] = 0; NameReq[length++] = 0; error=GSM_WaitFor (s, NameReq, length, 0x14, 4, ID_SaveSMSMessage); sms->Folder = folder; } return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetSMS(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms) { int location; unsigned char folderid; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, sms, &folderid, &location); if (location == 0) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; return N6510_PrivSetSMSMessage(s, sms); } static GSM_Error N6510_AddSMS(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *sms) { int location; unsigned char folderid; N6510_GetSMSLocation(s, sms, &folderid, &location); location = 0; N6510_SetSMSLocation(s, sms, folderid, location); return N6510_PrivSetSMSMessage(s, sms); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetDateTime(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Date & time received\n"); if (msg.Buffer[4]==0x01) { NOKIA_DecodeDateTime(s, msg.Buffer+10, s->Phone.Data.DateTime); return ERR_NONE; } smprintf(s, "Not set in phone\n"); return ERR_EMPTY; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetDateTime(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_DateTime *date_time) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.DateTime=date_time; smprintf(s, "Getting date & time\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x19, 4, ID_GetDateTime); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetDateTime(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Date & time set\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetDateTime(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_DateTime *date_time) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, /* Year */ 0x08, 0x01, /* Month & Day */ 0x15, 0x1f, /* Hours & Minutes */ 0x2b, /* Second ? */ 0x00}; NOKIA_EncodeDateTime(s, req+10, date_time); req[16] = date_time->Second; smprintf(s, "Setting date & time\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 18, 0x19, 4, ID_SetDateTime); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetManufactureMonth(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { if (msg.Buffer[7] == 0x00) { smprintf(s, "No SIM card\n"); return ERR_SECURITYERROR; } else { sprintf(s->Phone.Data.PhoneString,"%02i/%04i",msg.Buffer[13],msg.Buffer[14]*256+msg.Buffer[15]); return ERR_NONE; } } static GSM_Error N6510_GetManufactureMonth(GSM_StateMachine *s, char *value) { unsigned char req[6] = {0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02}; // unsigned char req[6] = {0x00, 0x03, 0x04, 0x0B, 0x01, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.PhoneString=value; smprintf(s, "Getting manufacture month\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x42, 2, ID_GetManufactureMonth); // return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x1B, 2, ID_GetManufactureMonth); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetAlarm(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch(msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x1A: smprintf(s, " Alarm: %02d:%02d\n", msg.Buffer[14], msg.Buffer[15]); Data->Alarm->Repeating = true; Data->Alarm->Text[0] = 0; Data->Alarm->Text[1] = 0; Data->Alarm->DateTime.Hour = msg.Buffer[14]; Data->Alarm->DateTime.Minute = msg.Buffer[15]; Data->Alarm->DateTime.Second = 0; return ERR_NONE; case 0x20: smprintf(s, "Alarm state received\n"); if (msg.Buffer[37] == 0x01) { smprintf(s, " Not set in phone\n"); return ERR_EMPTY; } smprintf(s, "Enabled\n"); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetAlarm(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Alarm *alarm) { unsigned char StateReq[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x00}; unsigned char GetReq [] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x19, 0x00, 0x02}; GSM_Error error; if (alarm->Location != 1) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.Alarm=alarm; smprintf(s, "Getting alarm state\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, StateReq, 6, 0x19, 4, ID_GetAlarm); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Getting alarm\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, GetReq, 6, 0x19, 4, ID_GetAlarm); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetAlarm(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Alarm set\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetAlarm(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Alarm *alarm) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x11, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Hours, Minutes */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; if (alarm->Location != 1) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; req[14] = alarm->DateTime.Hour; req[15] = alarm->DateTime.Minute; smprintf(s, "Setting alarm\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 19, 0x19, 4, ID_SetAlarm); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetRingtonesInfo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int tmp,i; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Ringtones info received\n"); memset(Data->RingtonesInfo,0,sizeof(GSM_AllRingtonesInfo)); if (msg.Buffer[4] * 256 + msg.Buffer[5] == 0x00) return ERR_EMPTY; Data->RingtonesInfo->Number = msg.Buffer[4] * 256 + msg.Buffer[5]; tmp = 6; for (i=0;iRingtonesInfo->Number;i++) { Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].Group = msg.Buffer[tmp+4]; Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].ID = msg.Buffer[tmp+2] * 256 + msg.Buffer[tmp+3]; memcpy(Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].Name,msg.Buffer+tmp+8,(msg.Buffer[tmp+6]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+7])*2); smprintf(s, "%5i (%5i). \"%s\"\n", Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].ID, Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].Group, DecodeUnicodeString(Data->RingtonesInfo->Ringtone[i].Name)); tmp = tmp + (msg.Buffer[tmp]*256+msg.Buffer[tmp+1]); } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_PrivGetRingtonesInfo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_AllRingtonesInfo *Info, bool AllRingtones) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char UserReq[8] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02}; // unsigned char All_Req[9] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x7D}; unsigned char All_Req[8] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.RingtonesInfo=Info; smprintf(s, "Getting binary ringtones ID\n"); if (AllRingtones) { // error = GSM_WaitFor (s, All_Req, 9, 0x1f, 4, ID_GetRingtonesInfo); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, All_Req, 8, 0x1f, 4, ID_GetRingtonesInfo); if (error == ERR_EMPTY && Info->Number == 0) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return error; } else { error = GSM_WaitFor (s, UserReq, 8, 0x1f, 4, ID_GetRingtonesInfo); if (error == ERR_EMPTY && Info->Number == 0) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return error; } } static GSM_Error N6510_GetRingtonesInfo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_AllRingtonesInfo *Info) { return N6510_PrivGetRingtonesInfo(s, Info, true); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetRingtone(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int tmp,i; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; smprintf(s, "Ringtone received\n"); memcpy(Data->Ringtone->Name,msg.Buffer+8,msg.Buffer[7]*2); Data->Ringtone->Name[msg.Buffer[7]*2]=0; Data->Ringtone->Name[msg.Buffer[7]*2+1]=0; smprintf(s, "Name \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->Ringtone->Name)); if (msg.Buffer[msg.Buffer[7]*2+10] == 'M' && msg.Buffer[msg.Buffer[7]*2+11] == 'T' && msg.Buffer[msg.Buffer[7]*2+12] == 'h' && msg.Buffer[msg.Buffer[7]*2+13] == 'd') { smprintf(s,"MIDI\n"); tmp = msg.Buffer[7]*2+10; i = msg.Length - 2; /* ?????? */ Data->Ringtone->Format = RING_MIDI; } else { /* Looking for end */ i=8+msg.Buffer[7]*2+3; tmp = i; while (true) { if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x07 && msg.Buffer[i+1]==0x0b) { i=i+2; break; } i++; if (i==msg.Length) return ERR_EMPTY; } } /* Copying frame */ memcpy(Data->Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Frame,msg.Buffer+tmp,i-tmp); Data->Ringtone->NokiaBinary.Length=i-tmp; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetRingtone(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Ringtone *Ringtone, bool PhoneRingtone) { GSM_AllRingtonesInfo Info; GSM_Error error; unsigned char req2[6] = {N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x12, 0x00, 0xe7}; /* Location */ if (Ringtone->Format == 0x00) Ringtone->Format = RING_NOKIABINARY; switch (Ringtone->Format) { case RING_NOTETONE: /* In the future get binary and convert */ return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; case RING_NOKIABINARY: s->Phone.Data.Ringtone = Ringtone; Info.Number = 0; error=N6510_PrivGetRingtonesInfo(s, &Info, PhoneRingtone); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (Ringtone->Location > Info.Number) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; req2[4] = Info.Ringtone[Ringtone->Location-1].ID / 256; req2[5] = Info.Ringtone[Ringtone->Location-1].ID % 256; smprintf(s, "Getting binary ringtone\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req2, 6, 0x1f, 4, ID_GetRingtone); case RING_MIDI: case RING_MMF: return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } static GSM_Error N6510_PlayTone(GSM_StateMachine *s, int Herz, unsigned char Volume, bool start) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char reqStart[] = { 0x00,0x06,0x01,0x00,0x07,0x00 }; unsigned char reqPlay[] = { 0x00,0x06,0x01,0x14,0x05,0x04, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x08, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00, 0x03,0x08,0x01,0x00, 0x07,0xd0, /*Frequency */ 0x00,0x00,0x03,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x00, 0x05, /*Volume */ 0x00,0x00}; unsigned char reqOff[] = { 0x00,0x06,0x01,0x14,0x05,0x05, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x03,0x08, 0x05,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00}; // unsigned char reqOff2[] = { // 0x00,0x06,0x01,0x14,0x05,0x04, // 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x03,0x08, // 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; if (start) { smprintf(s, "Enabling sound - part 1\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, reqStart, 6, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Enabling sound - part 2 (disabling sound command)\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOff, 18, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; } /* For Herz==255*255 we have silent */ if (Herz!=255*255) { reqPlay[23] = Herz%256; reqPlay[22] = Herz/256; reqPlay[31] = Volume; smprintf(s, "Playing sound\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqPlay, 34, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); } else { reqPlay[23] = 0; reqPlay[22] = 0; reqPlay[31] = 0; smprintf(s, "Playing silent sound\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqPlay, 34, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); // smprintf(s, "Disabling sound - part 1\n"); // error=GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOff, 18, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); // if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; // smprintf(s, "Disabling sound - part 2\n"); // return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqOff2, 18, 0x0b, 4, ID_PlayTone); } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetPPM(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; int pos = 6,len; smprintf(s, "Received phone info\n"); while(pos < msg.Length) { if (msg.Buffer[pos] == 0x55 && msg.Buffer[pos+1] == 0x55) { while(1) { if (msg.Buffer[pos] != 0x55) break; pos++; } } len = pos; while(1) { if (msg.Buffer[len] == 0x00 && msg.Buffer[len+1] == 0x00) break; len++; } while(1) { if (msg.Buffer[len] != 0x00) break; len++; } len = len-pos; smprintf(s, "Block with ID %02x",msg.Buffer[pos]); #ifdef DEBUG if (di.dl == DL_TEXTALL || di.dl == DL_TEXTALLDATE) DumpMessage(di.df, di.dl, msg.Buffer+pos, len); #endif switch (msg.Buffer[pos]) { case 0x49: smprintf(s, "hardware version\n"); break; case 0x58: pos += 3; while (msg.Buffer[pos] != 0x00) pos++; Data->PhoneString[0] = msg.Buffer[pos - 1]; Data->PhoneString[1] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "PPM %s\n",Data->PhoneString); return ERR_NONE; default: break; } pos += len; } return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetPPM(GSM_StateMachine *s,char *value) { // unsigned char req[6] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x01, 0xff}; unsigned char req[6] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x07, 0x01, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.PhoneString=value; smprintf(s, "Getting PPM\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 6, 0x1b, 3, ID_GetPPM); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetSpeedDial(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SpeedDial *SpeedDial) { GSM_MemoryEntry pbk; GSM_Error error; pbk.MemoryType = MEM7110_SP; pbk.Location = SpeedDial->Location; SpeedDial->MemoryLocation = 0; s->Phone.Data.SpeedDial = SpeedDial; smprintf(s, "Getting speed dial\n"); error=N6510_GetMemory(s,&pbk); switch (error) { case ERR_NOTSUPPORTED: smprintf(s, "No speed dials set in phone\n"); return ERR_EMPTY; case ERR_NONE: if (SpeedDial->MemoryLocation == 0) { smprintf(s, "Speed dial not assigned or error in firmware\n"); return ERR_EMPTY; } return ERR_NONE; default: return error; } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetProfile(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char *blockstart; int i,j; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x02: blockstart = msg.Buffer + 7; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { smprintf(s, "Profile feature %02x ",blockstart[1]); #ifdef DEBUG if (di.dl == DL_TEXTALL || di.dl == DL_TEXTALLDATE) DumpMessage(di.df, di.dl, blockstart, blockstart[0]); #endif switch (blockstart[1]) { case 0x03: smprintf(s, "Ringtone ID\n"); Data->Profile->FeatureID [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = Profile_RingtoneID; Data->Profile->FeatureValue [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = blockstart[7]; if (blockstart[7] == 0x00) { Data->Profile->FeatureValue[Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = blockstart[10]; } Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber++; break; case 0x05: /* SMS tone */ j = Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber; NOKIA_FindFeatureValue(s, Profile71_65,blockstart[1],blockstart[7],Data,false); if (j == Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber) { Data->Profile->FeatureID [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = Profile_MessageTone; Data->Profile->FeatureValue [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = PROFILE_MESSAGE_PERSONAL; Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber++; Data->Profile->FeatureID [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = Profile_MessageToneID; Data->Profile->FeatureValue [Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber] = blockstart[7]; Data->Profile->FeaturesNumber++; } break; case 0x08: /* Caller groups */ NOKIA_FindFeatureValue(s, Profile71_65,blockstart[1],blockstart[7],Data,true); break; case 0x0c : CopyUnicodeString(Data->Profile->Name,blockstart + 7); smprintf(s, "profile Name: \"%s\"\n", DecodeUnicodeString(Data->Profile->Name)); Data->Profile->DefaultName = false; break; default: NOKIA_FindFeatureValue(s, Profile71_65,blockstart[1],blockstart[7],Data,false); } blockstart = blockstart + blockstart[0]; } return ERR_NONE; case 0x06: Data->Profile->Active = false; if (Data->Profile->Location == msg.Buffer[5]) Data->Profile->Active = true; return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetProfile(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Profile *Profile) { unsigned char req[150] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01}; unsigned char reqActive[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05}; int i, length = 7; GSM_Error error; /* For now !!! */ if (!strcmp(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo->model,"3510")) { if (s->Phone.Data.VerNum>3.37) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } if (!strcmp(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo->model,"6230")) { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } if (!strcmp(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo->model,"5140")) { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } if (Profile->Location>5) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; for (i = 0; i < 0x0a; i++) { req[length++] = 0x04; req[length++] = Profile->Location; req[length++] = i; req[length++] = 0x01; } req[length++] = 0x04; req[length++] = Profile->Location; req[length++] = 0x0c; req[length++] = 0x01; req[length++] = 0x04; Profile->CarKitProfile = false; Profile->HeadSetProfile = false; Profile->FeaturesNumber = 0; s->Phone.Data.Profile=Profile; smprintf(s, "Getting profile\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, length, 0x39, 4, ID_GetProfile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Checking, which profile is active\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqActive, 4, 0x39, 4, ID_GetProfile); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetProfile(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char *blockstart; int i; smprintf(s, "Response to profile writing received!\n"); blockstart = msg.Buffer + 6; for (i = 0; i < msg.Buffer[5]; i++) { switch (blockstart[2]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s, "keypad tone level"); break; case 0x02: smprintf(s, "call alert"); break; case 0x03: smprintf(s, "ringtone"); break; case 0x04: smprintf(s, "ringtone volume"); break; case 0x05: smprintf(s, "SMS tone"); break; case 0x06: smprintf(s, "vibration"); break; case 0x07: smprintf(s, "warning tone level"); break; case 0x08: smprintf(s, "caller groups"); break; case 0x09: smprintf(s, "automatic answer"); break; case 0x0c: smprintf(s, "name"); break; default: smprintf(s, "Unknown block type %02x", blockstart[2]); break; } if (msg.Buffer[4] == 0x00) { smprintf(s, ": set OK\n"); } else { smprintf(s, ": setting error %i\n", msg.Buffer[4]); } blockstart = blockstart + blockstart[1]; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetProfile(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Profile *Profile) { int i, length = 7, blocks = 0; bool found; unsigned char ID,Value; unsigned char req[150] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03, 0x01, 0x06, /* Number of blocks */ 0x03}; if (Profile->Location>5) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; for (i=0;iFeaturesNumber;i++) { found = false; switch (Profile->FeatureID[i]) { case Profile_RingtoneID: ID = 0x03; Value = Profile->FeatureValue[i]; found = true; break; default: found=NOKIA_FindPhoneFeatureValue( s, Profile71_65, Profile->FeatureID[i],Profile->FeatureValue[i], &ID,&Value); } if (found) { req[length] = 0x09; req[length + 1] = ID; req[length + 2] = Profile->Location; memcpy(req + length + 4, "\x00\x00\x01", 3); req[length + 8] = 0x03; req[length + 3] = req[length + 7] = Value; blocks++; length += 9; } } smprintf(s, "Setting profile\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, length, 0x39, 4, ID_SetProfile); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyIncomingSMS(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_SMSMessage sms; #ifdef DEBUG smprintf(s, "SMS message received\n"); N6510_DecodeSMSFrame(s, &sms, msg.Buffer+10); #endif if (s->Phone.Data.EnableIncomingSMS && s->User.IncomingSMS!=NULL) { sms.State = SMS_UnRead; sms.InboxFolder = true; N6510_DecodeSMSFrame(s, &sms, msg.Buffer+10); s->User.IncomingSMS(s->CurrentConfig->Device,sms); } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_DialVoice(GSM_StateMachine *s, char *number, GSM_CallShowNumber ShowNumber) { unsigned int pos2 = 15; unsigned int pos = 4; unsigned char req2[100] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,0x01, 0x00,0x02,0x07,0x04, 0x01, // 1 - voice, 2 - data 0x00,0x03, 0x18, // length of rest + 1 0x00,0x00,0x00}; unsigned char req[100] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,0x01, 0x0c}; /* Number length */ GSM_Error error; /* USSD not supported */ if (number[0] == '*') return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (number[0] == '#') return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; req[pos++] = strlen(number); EncodeUnicode(req+pos,number,strlen(number)); pos += strlen(number)*2; req[pos++] = 0x05; /* call type: voice - 0x05, data - 0x01 */ req[pos++] = 0x01; req[pos++] = 0x05; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x02; req[pos++] = 0x00; req[pos++] = 0x00; switch (ShowNumber) { case GSM_CALL_HideNumber: req[pos++] = 0x02; break; case GSM_CALL_ShowNumber: req[pos++] = 0x03; break; case GSM_CALL_DefaultNumberPresence: req[pos++] = 0x01; break; } smprintf(s, "Making voice call\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, pos, 0x01, 4, ID_DialVoice); if (error != ERR_NOTSUPPORTED) return error; if (ShowNumber != GSM_CALL_DefaultNumberPresence) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; req2[11] = strlen(number)*2+6; req2[pos2++] = strlen(number); EncodeUnicode(req2+pos2,number,strlen(number)); pos2 += strlen(number)*2; smprintf(s, "Making voice call\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req2, pos2, 0x01, 4, ID_DialVoice); if (error == ERR_NOTSUPPORTED) return ERR_NONE; return error; } /* method 3 */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo3(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *Last) { int i=0,j=0; while (Last->Location[j] != 0x00) j++; if (j >= GSM_MAXCALENDARTODONOTES) { smprintf(s, "Increase GSM_MAXCALENDARTODONOTES\n"); return ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (j == 0) { Last->Number=msg.Buffer[8]*256+msg.Buffer[9]; smprintf(s, "Number of Entries: %i\n",Last->Number); } smprintf(s, "Locations: "); while (14+(i*4) <= msg.Length) { Last->Location[j++]=msg.Buffer[12+i*4]*256+msg.Buffer[13+i*4]; smprintf(s, "%i ",Last->Location[j-1]); i++; } smprintf(s, "\nNumber of Entries in frame: %i\n",i); Last->Location[j] = 0; smprintf(s, "\n"); if (i == 1 && msg.Buffer[12+0*4]*256+msg.Buffer[13+0*4] == 0) return ERR_EMPTY; if (i == 0) return ERR_EMPTY; return ERR_NONE; } /* method 3 */ static GSM_Error N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *Last, char Type) { GSM_Error error = ERR_UNKNOWN; int i; unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x9E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* First location */ 0x00}; /* 0 = calendar, 1 = ToDo in 6610 style, 2 = Notes */ Last->Location[0] = 0x00; Last->Number = 0; req[10] = Type; if (Type == 0) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for calendar method 3\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetCalendarNotesInfo); } else if (Type == 1) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for ToDo method 2\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetToDo); } else if (Type == 2) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for Notes\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetNote); } if (error != ERR_NONE && error != ERR_EMPTY) return error; while (1) { i=0; while (Last->Location[i] != 0x00) i++; smprintf(s, "i = %i %i\n",i,Last->Number); if (i == Last->Number) break; if (i != Last->Number && error == ERR_EMPTY) { smprintf(s, "Phone doesn't support some notes with this method. Workaround\n"); Last->Number = i; break; } req[8] = Last->Location[i-1] / 256; req[9] = Last->Location[i-1] % 256; if (Type == 0) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for calendar method 3\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetCalendarNotesInfo); } else if (Type == 1) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for todo method 2\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetToDo); } else if (Type == 2) { smprintf(s, "Getting locations for Notes\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 11, 0x13, 4, ID_GetNote); } if (error != ERR_NONE && error != ERR_EMPTY) return error; } return ERR_NONE; } /* method 3 */ GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendar3(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_CalendarEntry *entry = s->Phone.Data.Cal; GSM_DateTime Date; unsigned long diff; int i; bool found = false; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; smprintf(s, "Calendar note received method 3\n"); smprintf(s,"Note type %02i: ",msg.Buffer[27]); switch(msg.Buffer[27]) { case 0x00: smprintf(s,"Reminder\n"); entry->Type = GSM_CAL_REMINDER; break; case 0x01: smprintf(s,"Meeting\n"); entry->Type = GSM_CAL_MEETING; break; case 0x02: smprintf(s,"Call\n"); entry->Type = GSM_CAL_CALL; break; case 0x04: smprintf(s,"Birthday\n"); entry->Type = GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY; break; case 0x08: smprintf(s,"Memo\n"); entry->Type = GSM_CAL_MEMO; break; default : smprintf(s,"unknown\n"); } smprintf(s,"StartTime: %04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i\n", msg.Buffer[28]*256+msg.Buffer[29], msg.Buffer[30],msg.Buffer[31],msg.Buffer[32], msg.Buffer[33]); Date.Year = msg.Buffer[28]*256+msg.Buffer[29]; if (entry->Type == GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) { Date.Year = entry->Entries[0].Date.Year; smprintf(s,"%i\n",Date.Year); } Date.Month = msg.Buffer[30]; Date.Day = msg.Buffer[31]; Date.Hour = msg.Buffer[32]; Date.Minute = msg.Buffer[33]; /* Garbage seen with 3510i 3.51 */ if (Date.Month == 0 && Date.Day == 0 && Date.Hour == 0 && Date.Minute == 0) return ERR_EMPTY; Date.Second = 0; entry->Entries[0].EntryType = CAL_START_DATETIME; memcpy(&entry->Entries[0].Date,&Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); entry->EntriesNum++; if (entry->Type != GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) { smprintf(s,"EndTime: %04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i\n", msg.Buffer[34]*256+msg.Buffer[35], msg.Buffer[36],msg.Buffer[37],msg.Buffer[38], msg.Buffer[39]); Date.Year = msg.Buffer[34]*256+msg.Buffer[35]; Date.Month = msg.Buffer[36]; Date.Day = msg.Buffer[37]; Date.Hour = msg.Buffer[38]; Date.Minute = msg.Buffer[39]; Date.Second = 0; entry->Entries[1].EntryType = CAL_END_DATETIME; memcpy(&entry->Entries[1].Date,&Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); entry->EntriesNum++; } smprintf(s, "Note icon: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[21]); for(i=0;iCalendarIconsNum;i++) { if (Priv->CalendarIconsTypes[i] == entry->Type) { found = true; } } if (!found) { Priv->CalendarIconsTypes[Priv->CalendarIconsNum] = entry->Type; Priv->CalendarIcons [Priv->CalendarIconsNum] = msg.Buffer[21]; Priv->CalendarIconsNum++; } if (msg.Buffer[14] == 0xFF && msg.Buffer[15] == 0xFF && msg.Buffer[16] == 0xff && msg.Buffer[17] == 0xff) { smprintf(s, "No alarm\n"); } else { diff = ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[14]) << 24; diff += ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[15]) << 16; diff += ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[16]) << 8; diff += msg.Buffer[17]; memcpy(&entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date,&entry->Entries[0].Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); GetTimeDifference(diff, &entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date, false, 60); smprintf(s, "Alarm date : %02i-%02i-%04i %02i:%02i:%02i\n", entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Day, entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Month, entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Year, entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Hour, entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Minute,entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Date.Second); entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].EntryType = CAL_ALARM_DATETIME; if (msg.Buffer[22]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[23]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[24]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[25]==0x00) { entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].EntryType = CAL_SILENT_ALARM_DATETIME; smprintf(s, "Alarm type : Silent\n"); } entry->EntriesNum++; } N71_65_GetCalendarRecurrance(s, msg.Buffer+40, entry); if (entry->Type == GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) { if (msg.Buffer[42] == 0xff && msg.Buffer[43] == 0xff) { entry->Entries[0].Date.Year = 0; } else { entry->Entries[0].Date.Year = msg.Buffer[42]*256+msg.Buffer[43]; } } memcpy(entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text, msg.Buffer+54, msg.Buffer[51]*2); entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[51]*2] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[51]*2+1] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].EntryType = CAL_TEXT; entry->EntriesNum++; smprintf(s, "Note text: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum-1].Text)); if (entry->Type == GSM_CAL_CALL) { memcpy(entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text, msg.Buffer+(54+msg.Buffer[51]*2), msg.Buffer[52]*2); entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[52]*2] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[52]*2+1] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].EntryType = CAL_PHONE; entry->EntriesNum++; } if (entry->Type == GSM_CAL_MEETING) { memcpy(entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text, msg.Buffer+(54+msg.Buffer[51]*2), msg.Buffer[52]*2); entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[52]*2] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].Text[msg.Buffer[52]*2+1] = 0; entry->Entries[entry->EntriesNum].EntryType = CAL_LOCATION; entry->EntriesNum++; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_PrivGetGenericCalendar3(GSM_StateMachine *s, int Location, GSM_Phone_RequestID ID) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,0x7D,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x99, /* Location */ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}; req[8] = Location / 256; req[9] = Location % 256; return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 14, 0x13, 4, ID); } static GSM_Error N6510_PrivGetCalendar3(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Note, bool start, int *LastCalendarYear) { GSM_Error error; GSM_DateTime date_time; if (start) { /* We have to get current year. It's NOT written in frame for * Birthday */ error=s->Phone.Functions->GetDateTime(s,&date_time); switch (error) { case ERR_EMPTY: case ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED: GSM_GetCurrentDateTime(&date_time); break; case ERR_NONE: break; default: return error; } *LastCalendarYear = date_time.Year; } Note->EntriesNum = 0; Note->Entries[0].Date.Year = *LastCalendarYear; s->Phone.Data.Cal=Note; smprintf(s, "Getting calendar note method 3\n"); return N6510_PrivGetGenericCalendar3(s, Note->Location, ID_GetCalendarNote); } /* method 3 */ GSM_Error N6510_GetNextCalendar3(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Note, bool start, GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastCalendar, int *LastCalendarYear, int *LastCalendarPos) { GSM_Error error; bool start2; if (start) { error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,LastCalendar,0); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; if (LastCalendar->Number == 0) return ERR_EMPTY; *LastCalendarPos = 0; } else { (*LastCalendarPos)++; } error = ERR_EMPTY; start2 = start; while (error == ERR_EMPTY) { if (*LastCalendarPos >= LastCalendar->Number) return ERR_EMPTY; Note->Location = LastCalendar->Location[*LastCalendarPos]; error=N6510_PrivGetCalendar3(s, Note, start2, LastCalendarYear); if (error == ERR_EMPTY) (*LastCalendarPos)++; start2 = false; } return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x3B: /* Old method 1 for accessing calendar */ return N71_65_ReplyGetCalendarInfo1(msg, s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar); case 0x9F: smprintf(s, "Info with calendar notes locations received method 3\n"); return N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo3(msg, s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar); } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } /* method 3 */ GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos3(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s,int *FirstCalendarPos) { smprintf(s, "First calendar location: %i\n",msg.Buffer[8]*256+msg.Buffer[9]); *FirstCalendarPos = msg.Buffer[8]*256+msg.Buffer[9]; return ERR_NONE; } /* method 3 */ static GSM_Error N6510_GetCalendarNotePos3(GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x95, 0x00}; smprintf(s, "Getting first free calendar note location\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 5, 0x13, 4, ID_GetCalendarNotePos); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x32: /* Old method 1 for accessing calendar */ return N71_65_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos1(msg, s,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FirstCalendarPos); case 0x96: return N6510_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos3(msg, s,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FirstCalendarPos); } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_FindCalendarIconID3(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Entry, unsigned char *ID) { int i,j,LastCalendarYear; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; GSM_CalendarEntry Note; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations LastCalendar1,LastCalendar2; GSM_Error error; bool found; for(i=0;iCalendarIconsNum;i++) { if (Priv->CalendarIconsTypes[i] == Entry->Type) { *ID = Priv->CalendarIcons[i]; return ERR_NONE; } } smprintf(s, "Starting finding note ID\n"); error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s, &Priv->LastCalendar,0); memcpy(&LastCalendar1,&Priv->LastCalendar,sizeof(GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations)); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL35) || IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL65) || IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL62)) { error=N71_65_AddCalendar2(s,Entry); } else { if (Entry->Type == GSM_CAL_MEETING) { error=N71_65_AddCalendar1(s, Entry, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FirstCalendarPos); } else { error=N71_65_AddCalendar2(s,Entry); } } if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s, &Priv->LastCalendar,0); memcpy(&LastCalendar2,&Priv->LastCalendar,sizeof(GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations)); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s,"Number of entries: %i %i\n",LastCalendar1.Number,LastCalendar2.Number); for(i=0;iCalendarIconsNum;j++) { if (Priv->CalendarIconsTypes[j] == Entry->Type) { *ID = Priv->CalendarIcons[j]; return ERR_NONE; } } return ERR_UNKNOWN; } } return ERR_UNKNOWN; } /* method 3 */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddCalendar3(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Calendar note added\n"); return ERR_NONE; } /* method 3 */ GSM_Error N6510_AddCalendar3(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Note, int *FirstCalendarPos) { GSM_CalendarNoteType NoteType, OldNoteType; time_t t_time1,t_time2; long diff; GSM_Error error; GSM_DateTime DT,date_time; int Text, Time, Alarm, Phone, Recurrance, EndTime, Location, count=54; unsigned char req[5000] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x65, 0x00, /* 0 = calendar, 1 = todo */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* alarm */ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, /* note icon */ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* alarm type */ 0x00, /* 0x02 or 0x00 */ 0x01, /* note type */ 0x07, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x00, /* start date/time */ 0x07, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x00, /* end date/time */ 0x00, 0x00, /* recurrance */ 0x00, 0x00, /* birth year */ 0x20, /* ToDo priority */ 0x00, /* ToDo completed ? */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* note text length */ 0x00, /* phone length/meeting place */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; error=N6510_GetCalendarNotePos3(s); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; req[8] = *FirstCalendarPos/256; req[9] = *FirstCalendarPos%256; NoteType = N71_65_FindCalendarType(Note->Type, s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo); switch(NoteType) { case GSM_CAL_REMINDER : req[27]=0x00; req[26]=0x02; break; case GSM_CAL_MEETING : req[27]=0x01; break; case GSM_CAL_CALL : req[27]=0x02; break; case GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY : req[27]=0x04; break; case GSM_CAL_MEMO : req[27]=0x08; break; default : return ERR_UNKNOWN; } OldNoteType = Note->Type; Note->Type = NoteType; error=N6510_FindCalendarIconID3(s, Note, &req[21]); Note->Type = OldNoteType; if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; GSM_CalendarFindDefaultTextTimeAlarmPhoneRecurrance(Note, &Text, &Time, &Alarm, &Phone, &Recurrance, &EndTime, &Location); if (Time == -1) return ERR_UNKNOWN; memcpy(&DT,&Note->Entries[Time].Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); req[28] = DT.Year / 256; req[29] = DT.Year % 256; req[30] = DT.Month; req[31] = DT.Day; req[32] = DT.Hour; req[33] = DT.Minute; if (NoteType == GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) { error=s->Phone.Functions->GetDateTime(s,&date_time); switch (error) { case ERR_EMPTY: case ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED: GSM_GetCurrentDateTime(&date_time); break; case ERR_NONE: break; default: return error; } req[28] = date_time.Year / 256; req[29] = date_time.Year % 256; if (DT.Year == 0) { req[42] = 0xff; req[43] = 0xff; } else { req[42] = DT.Year / 256; req[43] = DT.Year % 256; } } if (EndTime != -1) memcpy(&DT,&Note->Entries[EndTime].Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); req[34] = DT.Year / 256; req[35] = DT.Year % 256; req[36] = DT.Month; req[37] = DT.Day; req[38] = DT.Hour; req[39] = DT.Minute; if (NoteType == GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) { req[34] = date_time.Year / 256; req[35] = date_time.Year % 256; } if (Recurrance != -1) { /* max. 1 Year = 8760 hours */ if (Note->Entries[Recurrance].Number >= 8760) { req[40] = 0xff; req[41] = 0xff; } else { req[40] = Note->Entries[Recurrance].Number / 256; req[41] = Note->Entries[Recurrance].Number % 256; } } if (Alarm != -1) { memcpy(&DT,&Note->Entries[Time].Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); if (Note->Entries[Alarm].EntryType == CAL_SILENT_ALARM_DATETIME) { req[22] = 0x00; req[23] = 0x00; req[24] = 0x00; req[25] = 0x00; } if (NoteType == GSM_CAL_BIRTHDAY) DT.Year = date_time.Year; t_time2 = Fill_Time_T(DT,8); t_time1 = Fill_Time_T(Note->Entries[Alarm].Date,8); diff = (t_time1-t_time2)/60; smprintf(s, " Difference : %li seconds or minutes\n", -diff); req[14] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 24); req[15] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 16); req[16] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 8); req[17] = (unsigned char)(-diff); } if (Text != -1) { req[49] = UnicodeLength(Note->Entries[Text].Text); CopyUnicodeString(req+54,Note->Entries[Text].Text); count+= req[49]*2; } if (Phone != -1 && NoteType == GSM_CAL_CALL) { req[50] = UnicodeLength(Note->Entries[Phone].Text); CopyUnicodeString(req+54+req[49]*2,Note->Entries[Phone].Text); count+= req[50]*2; } if (Location != -1 && NoteType == GSM_CAL_MEETING) { if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL62) || IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL65) || IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL35)) { } else { req[50] = UnicodeLength(Note->Entries[Location].Text); CopyUnicodeString(req+54+req[49]*2,Note->Entries[Location].Text); count+= req[50]*2; } } req[count++] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Writing calendar note method 3\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x13, 4, ID_SetCalendarNote); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextCalendar(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Note, bool start) { #ifdef GSM_FORCE_DCT4_CALENDAR_6210 /* Method 1. Some features missed. Not working with some notes in 3510 */ return N71_65_GetNextCalendar1(s,Note,start,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarYear,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarPos); #endif if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL62)) { /* Method 1. Some features missed. Not working with some notes in 3510 */ return N71_65_GetNextCalendar1(s,Note,start,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarYear,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarPos); /* Method 2. In known phones texts of notes cut to 50 chars. Some features missed */ // return N71_65_GetNextCalendar2(s,Note,start,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarYear,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarPos); } else { /* Method 3. All DCT4 features supported. Not supported by 8910 */ return N6510_GetNextCalendar3(s,Note,start,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarYear,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendarPos); } } static GSM_Error N6510_GetCalendarStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarStatus *Status) { GSM_Error error; #ifdef GSM_FORCE_DCT4_CALENDAR_6210 /* Method 1 */ error=N71_65_GetCalendarInfo1(s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; Status->Used = s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar.Number; return ERR_NONE; #endif if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL62)) { /* Method 1 */ error=N71_65_GetCalendarInfo1(s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; Status->Used = s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar.Number; return ERR_NONE; /* Method 2 */ // return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } else { /* Method 3 */ error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,&s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar,0); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; Status->Used = s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastCalendar.Number; return ERR_NONE; } } static GSM_Error N6510_AddCalendar(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarEntry *Note) { #ifdef GSM_FORCE_DCT4_CALENDAR_6210 return N71_65_AddCalendar2(s,Note); #endif if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_CAL62)) { return N71_65_AddCalendar2(s,Note); // return N71_65_AddCalendar1(s, Note, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FirstCalendarPos); } else { /* Method 3. All DCT4 features supported. Not supported by 8910 */ return N6510_AddCalendar3(s, Note, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FirstCalendarPos); } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyLogIntoNetwork(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Probably phone says: I log into network\n"); return ERR_NONE; } void N6510_EncodeFMFrequency(double freq, unsigned char *buff) { double freq0; unsigned char buffer[20]; unsigned int i,freq2; sprintf(buffer,"%.3f",freq); for (i=0;iPhone.Data.Priv.N6510.FMStatus,msg.Buffer,msg.Length); s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FMStatusLength = msg.Length; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetFMStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char req[7] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_RADIO)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 7, 0x3E, 2, ID_GetFMStation); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetFMStation(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char name[GSM_MAX_FMSTATION_LENGTH*2+2]; int length; GSM_Phone_Data *Data = &s->Phone.Data; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x06: smprintf(s, "Received FM station\n"); length = msg.Buffer[8]; memcpy(name,msg.Buffer+18,length*2); name[length*2] = 0x00; name[length*2+1] = 0x00; CopyUnicodeString(Data->FMStation->StationName,name); smprintf(s,"Station name: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Data->FMStation->StationName)); N6510_DecodeFMFrequency(&Data->FMStation->Frequency, msg.Buffer+16); return ERR_NONE; case 0x16: smprintf(s, "Received FM station. Empty ?\n"); return ERR_EMPTY; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetFMStation (GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_FMStation *FMStation) { GSM_Error error; int location; unsigned char req[7] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, // location 0x00,0x01}; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_RADIO)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (FMStation->Location > GSM_MAX_FM_STATION) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; s->Phone.Data.FMStation = FMStation; error = N6510_GetFMStatus(s); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; location = FMStation->Location-1; if (s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FMStatus[14+location] == 0xFF) return ERR_EMPTY; req[4] = s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FMStatus[14+location]; smprintf(s, "Getting FM Station %i\n",FMStation->Location); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 7, 0x3E, 2, ID_GetFMStation); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetFMStation(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { #ifdef DEBUG switch (msg.Buffer[4]){ case 0x03: smprintf(s, "FM stations cleaned\n"); break; case 0x11: smprintf(s, "Setting FM station status OK\n"); break; case 0x12: smprintf(s, "Setting FM station OK\n"); break; } #endif return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ClearFMStations (GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char req[7] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03,0x0f,0x00,0x01}; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_RADIO)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; smprintf(s, "Cleaning FM Stations\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 7, 0x3E, 2, ID_SetFMStation); } static GSM_Error N6510_SetFMStation (GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_FMStation *FMStation) { unsigned int len, location; GSM_Error error; unsigned char setstatus[36] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,0x11,0x00,0x01,0x01, 0x00,0x00,0x1c,0x00,0x14,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x01}; unsigned char req[64] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x12,0x00,0x01,0x00, 0x00, // 0x0e + (strlen(name) * 2) 0x00, // strlen(name) 0x14,0x09,0x00, 0x00, // location 0x00,0x00,0x01, 0x00, // freqHi 0x00, // freqLo 0x01}; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_RADIO)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.FMStation = FMStation; location = FMStation->Location-1; error = N6510_GetFMStatus(s); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; memcpy(setstatus+14,s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.FMStatus+14,20); setstatus [14+location] = location; smprintf(s, "Setting FM status %i\n",FMStation->Location); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, setstatus, 36 , 0x3E, 2, ID_SetFMStation); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; req[12] = location; /* Name */ len = UnicodeLength(FMStation->StationName); req[8] = len; req[7] = 0x0e + len * 2; memcpy (req+18,FMStation->StationName,len*2); /* Frequency */ N6510_EncodeFMFrequency(FMStation->Frequency, req+16); smprintf(s, "Setting FM Station %i\n",FMStation->Location); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 0x13+len*2, 0x3E, 2, ID_SetFMStation); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetLight(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Light set\n"); return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error N6510_SetLight(GSM_StateMachine *s, N6510_PHONE_LIGHTS light, bool enable) { unsigned char req[14] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x01, /* 0x01 = Display, 0x03 = keypad */ 0x01, /* 0x01 = Enable, 0x02 = disable */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00}; req[4] = light; if (!enable) req[5] = 0x02; smprintf(s, "Setting light\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 14, 0x3A, 4, ID_SetLight); } static GSM_Error N6510_ShowStartInfo(GSM_StateMachine *s, bool enable) { GSM_Error error; if (enable) { error=N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_DISPLAY,true); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; error=N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_TORCH,true); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; return N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_KEYPAD,true); } else { error=N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_DISPLAY,false); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; error=N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_TORCH,false); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; return N6510_SetLight(s,N6510_LIGHT_KEYPAD,false); } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetNoteInfo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { return N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo3(msg, s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastNote); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetNote(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "Note received\n"); memcpy(s->Phone.Data.Note->Text,msg.Buffer+54,(msg.Buffer[50]*256+msg.Buffer[51])*2); s->Phone.Data.Note->Text[(msg.Buffer[50]*256+msg.Buffer[51])*2] = 0; s->Phone.Data.Note->Text[(msg.Buffer[50]*256+msg.Buffer[51])*2+1] = 0; return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error N6510_GetNextNote(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_NoteEntry *Note, bool start) { GSM_Error error; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastNote = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastNote; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOTES)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (start) { error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,LastNote,2); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; Note->Location = 1; } else { Note->Location++; } if (Note->Location > LastNote->Number) return ERR_EMPTY; s->Phone.Data.Note = Note; smprintf(s, "Getting note\n"); return N6510_PrivGetGenericCalendar3(s, LastNote->Location[Note->Location-1], ID_GetNote); } static int N6510_FindFileCheckSum(unsigned char *ptr, int len) { int acc, i, accx; accx = 0; acc = 0xffff; while (len--) { accx = (accx & 0xffff00ff) | (acc & 0xff00); acc = (acc & 0xffff00ff) | *ptr++ << 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { acc <<= 1; if (acc & 0x10000) acc ^= 0x1021; if (accx & 0x80000000) acc ^= 0x1021; accx <<= 1; } } dbgprintf("Checksum from Gammu is %04X\n",(acc & 0xffff)); return (acc & 0xffff); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_File *File = s->Phone.Data.FileInfo; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; int i; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x15: smprintf(s,"File or folder details received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(File->Name,msg.Buffer+10); if (!strncmp(DecodeUnicodeString(File->Name),"GMSTemp",7)) return ERR_EMPTY; if (File->Name[0] == 0x00 && File->Name[1] == 0x00) return ERR_UNKNOWN; i = msg.Buffer[8]*256+msg.Buffer[9]; dbgprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", msg.Buffer[i-5],msg.Buffer[i-4],msg.Buffer[i-3], msg.Buffer[i-2],msg.Buffer[i-1],msg.Buffer[i], msg.Buffer[i+1],msg.Buffer[i+2],msg.Buffer[i+3]); File->Folder = false; if (msg.Buffer[i-5] == 0x00) File->Folder = true; File->ReadOnly = false; File->Protected = false; File->System = false; File->Hidden = false; if (msg.Buffer[i+2] == 0x01) File->Protected = true; if (msg.Buffer[i+4] == 0x01) File->ReadOnly = true; if (msg.Buffer[i+5] == 0x01) File->Hidden = true; if (msg.Buffer[i+6] == 0x01) File->System = true;//fixme File->ModifiedEmpty = false; NOKIA_DecodeDateTime(s, msg.Buffer+i-22, &File->Modified); if (File->Modified.Year == 0x00) File->ModifiedEmpty = true; dbgprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x\n",msg.Buffer[i-22],msg.Buffer[i-21],msg.Buffer[i-20],msg.Buffer[i-19]); Priv->FileToken = msg.Buffer[i-10]*256+msg.Buffer[i-9]; Priv->ParentID = msg.Buffer[i]*256+msg.Buffer[i+1]; smprintf(s,"ParentID is %i\n",Priv->ParentID); File->Type = GSM_File_Other; if (msg.Length > 240){ i = 227; if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x01) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_JPG; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x02) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_BMP; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x07) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_BMP; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x03) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_PNG; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x05) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_GIF; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x02 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x09) File->Type = GSM_File_Image_WBMP; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x04 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x01) File->Type = GSM_File_Sound_AMR; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x04 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x02) File->Type = GSM_File_Sound_MIDI; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x08 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x05) File->Type = GSM_File_Video_3GP; else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x10 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x01) File->Type = GSM_File_Java_JAR; #ifdef DEVELOP else if (msg.Buffer[i]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[i+2]==0x01) File->Type = GSM_File_MMS; #endif } return ERR_NONE; case 0x2F: smprintf(s,"File or folder used bytes received\n"); File->Used = msg.Buffer[6]*256*256*256+ msg.Buffer[7]*256*256+ msg.Buffer[8]*256+ msg.Buffer[9]; return ERR_NONE; case 0x33: if (s->Phone.Data.RequestID == ID_GetFileInfo) { i = Priv->FilesLocationsUsed-1; while (1) { if (i==Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent-1) break; dbgprintf("Copying %i to %i, max %i, current %i\n", i,i+msg.Buffer[9], Priv->FilesLocationsUsed,Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent); Priv->FilesLocations[i+msg.Buffer[9]] = Priv->FilesLocations[i]; Priv->FilesLevels[i+msg.Buffer[9]] = Priv->FilesLevels[i]; i--; } Priv->FilesLocationsUsed += msg.Buffer[9]; for (i=0;iFilesLocations[Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent+i] = msg.Buffer[13+i*4-1]*256 + msg.Buffer[13+i*4]; Priv->FilesLevels[Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent+i] = File->Level+1; dbgprintf("%i ",Priv->FilesLocations[Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent+i]); } dbgprintf("\n"); } if (msg.Buffer[9] != 0x00) File->Folder = true; return ERR_NONE; case 0x43: Priv->FileCheckSum = msg.Buffer[6] * 256 + msg.Buffer[7]; smprintf(s,"File checksum from phone is %04X\n",Priv->FileCheckSum); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File, GSM_Phone_RequestID Request) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char req[10] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x14, /* 0x14 - info, 0x22 - free/total, 0x2E - used, 0x32 - sublocations */ 0x01, /* 0x00 for sublocations reverse sorting, 0x01 for free */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01}; /* Folder or file number */ unsigned char GetCRC[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1E}; /* file ID */ if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.FileInfo = File; req[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; req[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; req[3] = 0x14; req[4] = 0x01; smprintf(s,"Getting info for file in filesystem\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x6D, 4, Request); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (Request != ID_AddFile) { req[3] = 0x32; req[4] = 0x00; smprintf(s,"Getting subfolders for filesystem\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x6D, 4, Request); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (!File->Folder) { req[3] = 0x2E; req[4] = 0x01; smprintf(s,"Getting used memory for file in filesystem\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x6D, 4, Request); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; GetCRC[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; GetCRC[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; smprintf(s,"Getting CRC for file in filesystem\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, GetCRC, 10, 0x6D, 4, Request); } } return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextFileFolder(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File, bool start) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; GSM_Error error; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (start) { Priv->FilesLocationsUsed = 1; Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent = 0; Priv->FilesLocations[0] = 0x01; Priv->FilesLevels[0] = 1; } while (1) { if (Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent == Priv->FilesLocationsUsed) return ERR_EMPTY; sprintf(File->ID_FullName,"%i",Priv->FilesLocations[Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent]); File->Level = Priv->FilesLevels[Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent]; Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent++; error = N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(s, File, ID_GetFileInfo); if (error == ERR_EMPTY) continue; return error; } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetFileSystemStatus(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x23: if (!strcmp(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo->model,"6310i")) { smprintf(s,"File or folder total bytes received\n"); s->Phone.Data.FileSystemStatus->Free = 3*256*256 + msg.Buffer[8]*256 + msg.Buffer[9] - s->Phone.Data.FileSystemStatus->Used; } else { smprintf(s,"File or folder free bytes received\n"); s->Phone.Data.FileSystemStatus->Free = msg.Buffer[6]*256*256*256+ msg.Buffer[7]*256*256+ msg.Buffer[8]*256+ msg.Buffer[9]; } return ERR_NONE; case 0x2F: smprintf(s,"File or folder used bytes received\n"); s->Phone.Data.FileSystemStatus->Used = msg.Buffer[6]*256*256*256+ msg.Buffer[7]*256*256+ msg.Buffer[8]*256+ msg.Buffer[9]; return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetFileSystemStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_FileSystemStatus *status) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char req[10] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x22, /* 0x14 - info, 0x22 - free/total, 0x2E - used, 0x32 - sublocations */ 0x01, /* 0x00 for sublocations reverse sorting, 0x01 for free */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01}; /* Folder or file number */ if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.FileSystemStatus = status; status->Free = 0; req[3] = 0x2E; req[4] = 0x01; smprintf(s, "Getting used/total memory in filesystem\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x6D, 4, ID_FileSystemStatus); req[3] = 0x22; req[4] = 0x01; smprintf(s, "Getting free memory in filesystem\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 10, 0x6D, 4, ID_FileSystemStatus); } static GSM_Error N6510_SearchForFileName(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File) { GSM_File File2; GSM_Error error; int FilesLocations[1000],FilesLocations2[1000]; int FilesLevels[1000]; int FilesLocationsUsed, FilesLocationsCurrent; int FilesLocationsUsed2, FilesLocationsCurrent2; GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; memcpy(FilesLocations, Priv->FilesLocations, sizeof(FilesLocations)); memcpy(FilesLevels, Priv->FilesLevels, sizeof(FilesLevels)); FilesLocationsUsed = Priv->FilesLocationsUsed; FilesLocationsCurrent = Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent; Priv->FilesLocationsUsed = 1; Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent = 1; Priv->FilesLocations[0] = atoi(File->ID_FullName); Priv->FilesLevels[0] = 1; strcpy(File2.ID_FullName,File->ID_FullName); error = N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(s, &File2, ID_GetFileInfo); memcpy(FilesLocations2, Priv->FilesLocations, sizeof(FilesLocations2)); FilesLocationsUsed2 = Priv->FilesLocationsUsed; FilesLocationsCurrent2 = Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent; memcpy(Priv->FilesLocations, FilesLocations, sizeof(FilesLocations)); memcpy(Priv->FilesLevels, FilesLevels, sizeof(FilesLevels)); Priv->FilesLocationsUsed = FilesLocationsUsed; Priv->FilesLocationsCurrent = FilesLocationsCurrent; if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; while (1) { if (FilesLocationsCurrent2 == FilesLocationsUsed2) return ERR_EMPTY; sprintf(File2.ID_FullName,"%i",FilesLocations2[FilesLocationsCurrent2]); dbgprintf("Current is %i\n",FilesLocations2[FilesLocationsCurrent2]); FilesLocationsCurrent2++; error = N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(s, &File2, ID_AddFile); if (error == ERR_EMPTY) continue; if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; dbgprintf("%s %s\n",DecodeUnicodeString(File->Name),DecodeUnicodeString(File2.Name)); if (mywstrncasecmp(File2.Name,File->Name,0)) return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_EMPTY; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetFilePart(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int old; smprintf(s,"File part received\n"); old = s->Phone.Data.File->Used; s->Phone.Data.File->Used += msg.Buffer[6]*256*256*256+ msg.Buffer[7]*256*256+ msg.Buffer[8]*256+ msg.Buffer[9]; smprintf(s,"Length of file part: %i\n", msg.Buffer[6]*256*256*256+ msg.Buffer[7]*256*256+ msg.Buffer[8]*256+ msg.Buffer[9]); s->Phone.Data.File->Buffer = (unsigned char *)realloc(s->Phone.Data.File->Buffer,s->Phone.Data.File->Used); memcpy(s->Phone.Data.File->Buffer+old,msg.Buffer+10,s->Phone.Data.File->Used-old); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetFilePart(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; int old; GSM_Error error; unsigned char req[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, /* Folder or file number */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Start from xxx byte */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xE8}; /* Read xxx bytes */ if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (File->Used == 0x00) { error = N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(s, File, ID_GetFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; File->Used = 0; } old = File->Used; req[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; req[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; req[10] = old / (256*256*256); req[11] = old / (256*256); req[12] = old / 256; req[13] = old % 256; s->Phone.Data.File = File; smprintf(s, "Getting file part from filesystem\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 18, 0x6D, 4, ID_GetFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (File->Used - old != (0x03 * 256 + 0xE8)) { if (N6510_FindFileCheckSum(File->Buffer, File->Used) != Priv->FileCheckSum) { smprintf(s,"File2 checksum is %i, File checksum is %i\n",N6510_FindFileCheckSum(File->Buffer, File->Used),Priv->FileCheckSum); return ERR_WRONGCRC; } return ERR_EMPTY; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetReadOnly(GSM_StateMachine *s, unsigned char *ID, bool enable) { unsigned char SetAttr[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x20}; /* File ID */ if (!enable) SetAttr[4] = 0x06; SetAttr[8] = atoi(ID) / 256; SetAttr[9] = atoi(ID) % 256; smprintf(s, "Setting readonly attribute\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, SetAttr, 10, 0x6D, 4, ID_DeleteFile); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddFileHeader(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x03: smprintf(s,"File header added\n"); sprintf(s->Phone.Data.File->ID_FullName,"%i",msg.Buffer[9]); return ERR_NONE; case 0x13: return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddFilePart(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_AddFilePart(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File, int *Pos) { GSM_Phone_N6510Data *Priv = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510; GSM_File File2; GSM_Error error; int j; unsigned char Header[400] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0C, /* parent folder ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE8}; unsigned char Add[15000] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, /* file ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x28}; /* length */ unsigned char end[30] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, /* file ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; s->Phone.Data.File = File; if (*Pos == 0) { error = N6510_SearchForFileName(s,File); if (error == ERR_NONE) return ERR_FILEALREADYEXIST; if (error != ERR_EMPTY) return error; Header[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Header[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; memset(Header+14, 0x00, 300); CopyUnicodeString(Header+14,File->Name); Header[222] = File->Used / (256*256*256); Header[223] = File->Used / (256*256); Header[224] = File->Used / 256; Header[225] = File->Used % 256; switch(File->Type) { case GSM_File_Image_JPG : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x01; break; case GSM_File_Image_BMP : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x02; break; case GSM_File_Image_PNG : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x03; break; case GSM_File_Image_GIF : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x05; break; case GSM_File_Image_WBMP : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x09; break; case GSM_File_Sound_AMR : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x01; break; case GSM_File_Sound_MIDI : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x05; break; //Header[238]=0x01; case GSM_File_Sound_NRT : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x06; break; case GSM_File_Video_3GP : Header[231]=0x08; Header[233]=0x05; break; case GSM_File_Java_JAR : Header[231]=0x10; Header[233]=0x01; break; #ifdef DEVELOP case GSM_File_MMS: Header[214]=0x07; Header[215]=0xd3; Header[216]=0x06; Header[217]=0x01; Header[218]=0x12; Header[219]=0x13; Header[220]=0x29; Header[233]=0x01; break; #endif default : Header[231]=0x01; Header[233]=0x05; } Header[235] = 0x01; Header[236] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Header[237] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; if (File->Protected) Header[238] = 0x01; //Nokia forward lock if (File->Hidden) Header[241] = 0x01; if (File->System) Header[242] = 0x01; //fixme smprintf(s, "Adding file header\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Header, 246, 0x6D, 4, ID_AddFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } j = 1000; if (File->Used - *Pos < 1000) j = File->Used - *Pos; Add[ 8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Add[ 9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; Add[12] = j / 256; Add[13] = j % 256; memcpy(Add+14,File->Buffer+(*Pos),j); smprintf(s, "Adding file part %i %i\n",*Pos,j); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Add, 14+j, 0x6D, 4, ID_AddFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; *Pos = *Pos + j; if (j < 1000) { end[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; end[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; smprintf(s, "Frame for ending adding file\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, end, 14, 0x6D, 4, ID_AddFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; strcpy(File2.ID_FullName,File->ID_FullName); error = N6510_GetFileFolderInfo(s, &File2, ID_GetFileInfo); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (!File->ModifiedEmpty) { Header[3] = 0x12; Header[4] = 0x01; Header[12] = 0x00; Header[13] = 0xE8; Header[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Header[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; memset(Header+14, 0x00, 300); CopyUnicodeString(Header+14,File->Name); NOKIA_EncodeDateTime(s,Header+214,&File->Modified); /* When you save too big file for phone and it changes * size (some part is cut by firmware), you HAVE to write * here correct file size. In other case filesystem * will be damaged */ Header[224] = File2.Used / 256; Header[225] = File2.Used % 256; Header[226] = Priv->FileToken / 256; Header[227] = Priv->FileToken % 256; switch(File->Type) { case GSM_File_Image_JPG : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x01; break; case GSM_File_Image_BMP : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x02; break; case GSM_File_Image_PNG : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x03; break; case GSM_File_Image_GIF : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x05; break; case GSM_File_Image_WBMP : Header[231]=0x02; Header[233]=0x09; break; case GSM_File_Sound_AMR : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x01; break; case GSM_File_Sound_MIDI : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x05; break; //Header[238]=0x01; case GSM_File_Sound_NRT : Header[231]=0x04; Header[233]=0x06; break; case GSM_File_Video_3GP : Header[231]=0x08; Header[233]=0x05; break; case GSM_File_Java_JAR : Header[231]=0x10; Header[233]=0x01; break; #ifdef DEVELOP case GSM_File_MMS: Header[214]=0x07; Header[215]=0xd3; Header[216]=0x06; Header[217]=0x01; Header[218]=0x12; Header[219]=0x13; Header[220]=0x29; Header[233]=0x01; break; #endif default : Header[231]=0x01; Header[233]=0x05; } Header[235] = 0x01; Header[236] = Priv->ParentID / 256; Header[237] = Priv->ParentID % 256; smprintf(s, "Adding file header\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Header, 246, 0x6D, 4, ID_AddFile); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } /* Can't delete from phone menu */ if (File->ReadOnly) { error = N6510_SetReadOnly(s, File->ID_FullName, true); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } if (N6510_FindFileCheckSum(File->Buffer, File->Used) != Priv->FileCheckSum) { smprintf(s,"File2 checksum is %i, File checksum is %i\n",N6510_FindFileCheckSum(File->Buffer, File->Used),Priv->FileCheckSum); return ERR_WRONGCRC; } return ERR_EMPTY; } return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyDeleteFile(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_DeleteFile(GSM_StateMachine *s, unsigned char *ID) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char Delete[40] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x35}; /* File ID */ if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; error = N6510_SetReadOnly(s, ID, false); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; Delete[8] = atoi(ID) / 256; Delete[9] = atoi(ID) % 256; return GSM_WaitFor (s, Delete, 10, 0x6D, 4, ID_DeleteFile); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddFolder(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { sprintf(s->Phone.Data.File->ID_FullName,"%i",msg.Buffer[9]); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_AddFolder(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_File *File) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char Header[400] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0C, /* parent folder ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE8}; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOFILESYSTEM)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; error = N6510_SearchForFileName(s,File); if (error == ERR_NONE) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; if (error != ERR_EMPTY) return error; Header[8] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Header[9] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; memset(Header+14, 0x00, 300); CopyUnicodeString(Header+14,File->Name); Header[233] = 0x02; Header[235] = 0x01; Header[236] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) / 256; Header[237] = atoi(File->ID_FullName) % 256; s->Phone.Data.File = File; smprintf(s, "Adding folder\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, Header, 246, 0x6D, 4, ID_AddFolder); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; /* Can't delete from phone menu */ if (File->ReadOnly) { error = N6510_SetReadOnly(s, File->ID_FullName, true); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } return error; } #ifdef DEVELOP static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyEnableGPRSAccessPoint(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { if (msg.Buffer[13] == 0x02) return ERR_NONE; return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_EnableGPRSAccessPoint(GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Error error; int i; unsigned char req[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00}; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOGPRSPOINT)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { smprintf(s, "Activating full GPRS access point support\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_EnableGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } return error; } #endif static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetGPRSAccessPoint(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_GPRSAccessPoint *point = s->Phone.Data.GPRSPoint; switch (msg.Buffer[13]) { case 0x01: smprintf(s,"Active GPRS point received\n"); point->Active = false; if (point->Location == msg.Buffer[18]) point->Active = true; return ERR_NONE; case 0xD2: smprintf(s,"Names for GPRS points received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(point->Name,msg.Buffer+18+(point->Location-1)*42); smprintf(s,"\"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(point->Name)); return ERR_NONE; case 0xF2: smprintf(s,"URL for GPRS points received\n"); CopyUnicodeString(point->URL,msg.Buffer+18+(point->Location-1)*202); smprintf(s,"\"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(point->URL)); return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetGPRSAccessPoint(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_GPRSAccessPoint *point) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char URL[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xF2, 0x00, 0x00}; unsigned char Name[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x00}; unsigned char Active[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOGPRSPOINT)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (point->Location < 1) return ERR_UNKNOWN; if (point->Location > 5) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; s->Phone.Data.GPRSPoint = point; #ifdef DEVELOP error = N6510_EnableGPRSAccessPoint(s); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; #endif smprintf(s, "Getting GPRS access point name\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Name, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_GetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Getting GPRS access point URL\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, URL, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_GetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Getting number of active GPRS access point\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Active, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_GetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (UnicodeLength(point->URL)==0 && UnicodeLength(point->Name)==0) return ERR_EMPTY; return error; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplySetGPRSAccessPoint1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { switch (msg.Buffer[13]) { case 0x01: case 0xD2: case 0xF2: memcpy(s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPoints,msg.Buffer,msg.Length); s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPointsLength = msg.Length; return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_SetGPRSAccessPoint(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_GPRSAccessPoint *point) { unsigned char *buff = s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPoints; GSM_Error error; unsigned char URL[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xF2, 0x00, 0x00}; unsigned char Name[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x00}; unsigned char Active[] = { N7110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_NOGPRSPOINT)) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (point->Location < 1) return ERR_UNKNOWN; if (point->Location > 5) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; s->Phone.Data.GPRSPoint = point; #ifdef DEVELOP error = N6510_EnableGPRSAccessPoint(s); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; #endif smprintf(s, "Getting GPRS access point name\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Name, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; CopyUnicodeString(buff+18+(point->Location-1)*42,point->Name); buff[0] = 0x00; buff[1] = 0x01; buff[2] = 0x01; buff[3] = 0x07; smprintf(s, "Setting GPRS access point name\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, buff, s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPointsLength, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Getting GPRS access point URL\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, URL, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; CopyUnicodeString(buff+18+(point->Location-1)*42,point->URL); buff[0] = 0x00; buff[1] = 0x01; buff[2] = 0x01; buff[3] = 0x07; smprintf(s, "Setting GPRS access point URL\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, buff, s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPointsLength, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; if (point->Active) { smprintf(s, "Getting number of active GPRS access point\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, Active, 16, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; buff[0] = 0x00; buff[1] = 0x01; buff[2] = 0x01; buff[3] = 0x07; buff[18]= point->Location; smprintf(s, "Setting number of active GPRS access point\n"); error=GSM_WaitFor (s, buff, s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.GPRSPointsLength, 0x43, 4, ID_SetGPRSPoint); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; } return error; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDoStatus1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { int i; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *Last = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; smprintf(s, "TODO locations received\n"); Last->Number=msg.Buffer[6]*256+msg.Buffer[7]; smprintf(s, "Number of Entries: %i\n",Last->Number); smprintf(s, "Locations: "); for (i=0;iNumber;i++) { Last->Location[i]=msg.Buffer[12+(i*4)]*256+msg.Buffer[(i*4)+13]; smprintf(s, "%i ",Last->Location[i]); } smprintf(s, "\n"); return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_GetToDoStatus1(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoStatus *status) { GSM_Error error; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastToDo = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; unsigned char reqLoc[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x15, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; smprintf(s, "Getting ToDo locations\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, reqLoc, 10, 0x55, 4, ID_GetToDo); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; status->Used = LastToDo->Number; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetToDoStatus2(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoStatus *status) { GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastToDo = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; GSM_Error error; error = N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,LastToDo,1); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; status->Used = LastToDo->Number; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetToDoStatus(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoStatus *status) { status->Used = 0; if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO63)) { return N6510_GetToDoStatus1(s, status); } else if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO66)) { return N6510_GetToDoStatus2(s, status); } else { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDo1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_ToDoEntry *Last = s->Phone.Data.ToDo; smprintf(s, "TODO received method 1\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 1 : Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_High; break; case 2 : Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_Medium; break; case 3 : Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_Low; break; default : return ERR_UNKNOWN; } smprintf(s, "Priority: %i\n",msg.Buffer[4]); CopyUnicodeString(Last->Entries[0].Text,msg.Buffer+14); Last->Entries[0].EntryType = TODO_TEXT; Last->EntriesNum = 1; smprintf(s, "Text: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Last->Entries[0].Text)); return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextToDo1(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo, bool refresh) { GSM_Error error; GSM_ToDoStatus status; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastToDo = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; unsigned char reqGet[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17}; /* Location */ if (refresh) { error = N6510_GetToDoStatus(s, &status); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; ToDo->Location = 1; } else { ToDo->Location++; } if (ToDo->Location > LastToDo->Number) return ERR_EMPTY; reqGet[8] = LastToDo->Location[ToDo->Location-1] / 256; reqGet[9] = LastToDo->Location[ToDo->Location-1] % 256; s->Phone.Data.ToDo = ToDo; smprintf(s, "Getting ToDo\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqGet, 10, 0x55, 4, ID_GetToDo); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDoStatus2(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { return N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo3(msg, s, &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo); } /* Similiar to getting calendar method 3 */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDo2(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_ToDoEntry *Last = s->Phone.Data.ToDo; GSM_DateTime Date; unsigned long diff; smprintf(s, "ToDo received method 2\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[44]) { case 0x10: Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_Low; break; case 0x20: Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_Medium; break; case 0x30: Last->Priority = GSM_Priority_High; break; default : return ERR_UNKNOWN; } memcpy(Last->Entries[0].Text,msg.Buffer+54,msg.Buffer[51]*2); Last->Entries[0].Text[msg.Buffer[51]*2] = 0; Last->Entries[0].Text[msg.Buffer[51]*2+1] = 0; Last->Entries[0].EntryType = TODO_TEXT; smprintf(s, "Text: \"%s\"\n",DecodeUnicodeString(Last->Entries[0].Text)); smprintf(s,"EndTime: %04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i\n", msg.Buffer[34]*256+msg.Buffer[35], msg.Buffer[36],msg.Buffer[37],msg.Buffer[38], msg.Buffer[39]); Date.Year = msg.Buffer[34]*256+msg.Buffer[35]; Date.Month = msg.Buffer[36]; Date.Day = msg.Buffer[37]; Date.Hour = msg.Buffer[38]; Date.Minute = msg.Buffer[39]; Date.Second = 0; Last->Entries[1].EntryType = TODO_END_DATETIME; memcpy(&Last->Entries[1].Date,&Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); smprintf(s,"StartTime: %04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i\n", msg.Buffer[28]*256+msg.Buffer[29], msg.Buffer[30],msg.Buffer[31],msg.Buffer[32], msg.Buffer[33]); Date.Year = msg.Buffer[28]*256+msg.Buffer[29]; Date.Month = msg.Buffer[30]; Date.Day = msg.Buffer[31]; Date.Hour = msg.Buffer[32]; Date.Minute = msg.Buffer[33]; Date.Second = 0; Last->EntriesNum = 2; if (msg.Buffer[45] == 0x01) { Last->Entries[2].Number = msg.Buffer[45]; Last->Entries[2].EntryType = TODO_COMPLETED; Last->EntriesNum++; smprintf(s,"Completed\n"); } if (msg.Buffer[14] == 0xFF && msg.Buffer[15] == 0xFF && msg.Buffer[16] == 0xff && msg.Buffer[17] == 0xff) { smprintf(s, "No alarm\n"); } else { diff = ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[14]) << 24; diff += ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[15]) << 16; diff += ((unsigned int)msg.Buffer[16]) << 8; diff += msg.Buffer[17]; memcpy(&Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date,&Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); GetTimeDifference(diff, &Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date, false, 60); smprintf(s, "Alarm date : %02i-%02i-%04i %02i:%02i:%02i\n", Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Day, Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Month, Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Year, Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Hour, Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Minute,Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].Date.Second); Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].EntryType = TODO_ALARM_DATETIME; if (msg.Buffer[22]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[23]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[24]==0x00 && msg.Buffer[25]==0x00) { Last->Entries[Last->EntriesNum].EntryType = TODO_SILENT_ALARM_DATETIME; smprintf(s, "Alarm type : Silent\n"); } Last->EntriesNum++; } return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6610 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextToDo2(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo, bool refresh) { GSM_Error error; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastToDo = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; if (refresh) { error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,LastToDo,1); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; ToDo->Location = 1; } else { ToDo->Location++; } if (ToDo->Location > LastToDo->Number) return ERR_EMPTY; s->Phone.Data.ToDo = ToDo; smprintf(s, "Getting todo method 2\n"); return N6510_PrivGetGenericCalendar3(s, LastToDo->Location[ToDo->Location-1], ID_GetToDo); } static GSM_Error N6510_GetNextToDo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo, bool refresh) { if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO63)) { return N6510_GetNextToDo1(s, ToDo, refresh); } else if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO66)) { return N6510_GetNextToDo2(s, ToDo, refresh); } else { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyDeleteAllToDo1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "All TODO deleted\n"); return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_DeleteAllToDo1(GSM_StateMachine *s) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x11}; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO63)) { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } smprintf(s, "Deleting all ToDo method 1\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 4, 0x55, 4, ID_DeleteAllToDo); } static GSM_Error N6510_DeleteToDo2(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo) { GSM_Error error; GSM_NOKIACalToDoLocations *LastToDo = &s->Phone.Data.Priv.N6510.LastToDo; GSM_CalendarEntry Note; if (!IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO66)) { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } error=N6510_GetCalendarInfo3(s,LastToDo,1); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Deleting ToDo method 2\n"); if (ToDo->Location > LastToDo->Number || ToDo->Location == 0) return ERR_INVALIDLOCATION; Note.Location = LastToDo->Location[ToDo->Location-1]; return N71_65_DelCalendar(s,&Note); } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDoFirstLoc1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "TODO first location received method 1: %02x\n",msg.Buffer[9]); s->Phone.Data.ToDo->Location = msg.Buffer[9]; return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddToDo1(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "TODO set OK\n"); return ERR_NONE; } /* ToDo support - 6310 style */ static GSM_Error N6510_AddToDo1(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo) { int Text, Alarm, EndTime, Completed, ulen, Phone; GSM_Error error; unsigned char reqLoc[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0F}; unsigned char reqSet[500] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x03, /* Priority */ 0x00, /* Length of text */ 0x80,0x00,0x00, 0x18}; /* Location */ s->Phone.Data.ToDo = ToDo; smprintf(s, "Getting first ToDo location\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, reqLoc, 4, 0x55, 4, ID_SetToDo); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; reqSet[9] = ToDo->Location; switch (ToDo->Priority) { case GSM_Priority_Low : reqSet[4] = 3; break; case GSM_Priority_Medium: reqSet[4] = 2; break; case GSM_Priority_High : reqSet[4] = 1; break; } GSM_ToDoFindDefaultTextTimeAlarmCompleted(ToDo, &Text, &Alarm, &Completed, &EndTime, &Phone); if (Text == -1) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; /* XXX: shouldn't this be handled different way? */ ulen = UnicodeLength(ToDo->Entries[Text].Text); reqSet[5] = ulen+1; CopyUnicodeString(reqSet+10,ToDo->Entries[Text].Text); reqSet[10+ulen*2] = 0x00; reqSet[10+ulen*2+1] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Adding ToDo method 1\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, reqSet, 12+ulen*2, 0x55, 4, ID_SetToDo); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddToDo2(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "ToDo added method 2\n"); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetToDoFirstLoc2(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s, "First ToDo location method 2: %i\n",msg.Buffer[8]*256+msg.Buffer[9]); s->Phone.Data.ToDo->Location = msg.Buffer[9]; return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error N6510_AddToDo2(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo) { GSM_CalendarEntry Note; time_t t_time1,t_time2; long diff; GSM_Error error; GSM_DateTime DT; int Text, Alarm, EndTime, Completed, count=54, Phone; unsigned char reqLoc[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x95, 0x01}; unsigned char req[5000] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x65, 0x01, /* 0 = calendar, 1 = todo */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* location */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* alarm */ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, /* note icon */ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* alarm type */ 0x00, /* 0x02 or 0x00 */ 0x01, /* note type */ 0x07, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x00, /* start date/time */ 0x07, 0xD0, 0x01, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x00, /* end date/time */ 0x00, 0x00, /* recurrance */ 0x00, 0x00, /* birth year */ 0x20, /* ToDo priority */ 0x00, /* ToDo completed ? */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* note text length */ 0x00, /* phone length/meeting place */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; s->Phone.Data.ToDo = ToDo; smprintf(s, "Getting first free ToDo location method 2\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, reqLoc, 5, 0x13, 4, ID_SetToDo); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; req[8] = ToDo->Location/256; req[9] = ToDo->Location%256; Note.Type = GSM_CAL_MEETING; DT.Year = 2004; DT.Month = 1; DT.Day = 1; DT.Hour = 12; DT.Minute = 12; DT.Second = 0; memcpy(&Note.Entries[0].Date,&DT,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); Note.Entries[0].EntryType = CAL_START_DATETIME; memcpy(&Note.Entries[1].Date,&DT,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); Note.Entries[1].EntryType = CAL_END_DATETIME; EncodeUnicode(Note.Entries[2].Text,"ala",3); Note.Entries[2].EntryType = CAL_TEXT; Note.EntriesNum = 3; error=N6510_FindCalendarIconID3(s, &Note, &req[21]); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; switch (ToDo->Priority) { case GSM_Priority_Low : req[44] = 0x10; break; case GSM_Priority_Medium: req[44] = 0x20; break; case GSM_Priority_High : req[44] = 0x30; break; } GSM_ToDoFindDefaultTextTimeAlarmCompleted(ToDo, &Text, &Alarm, &Completed, &EndTime, &Phone); if (Completed != -1) req[45] = 0x01; if (EndTime == -1) { GSM_GetCurrentDateTime(&DT); } else { memcpy(&DT,&ToDo->Entries[EndTime].Date,sizeof(GSM_DateTime)); } /*Start time*/ req[28] = DT.Year / 256; req[29] = DT.Year % 256; req[30] = DT.Month; req[31] = DT.Day; req[32] = DT.Hour; req[33] = DT.Minute; /*End time*/ req[34] = DT.Year / 256; req[35] = DT.Year % 256; req[36] = DT.Month; req[37] = DT.Day; req[38] = DT.Hour; req[39] = DT.Minute; if (Alarm != -1) { if (ToDo->Entries[Alarm].EntryType == CAL_SILENT_ALARM_DATETIME) { req[22] = 0x00; req[23] = 0x00; req[24] = 0x00; req[25] = 0x00; } t_time2 = Fill_Time_T(DT,8); t_time1 = Fill_Time_T(ToDo->Entries[Alarm].Date,8); diff = (t_time1-t_time2)/60; smprintf(s, " Difference : %li seconds or minutes\n", -diff); req[14] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 24); req[15] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 16); req[16] = (unsigned char)(-diff >> 8); req[17] = (unsigned char)(-diff); } if (Text != -1) { req[49] = UnicodeLength(ToDo->Entries[Text].Text); CopyUnicodeString(req+54,ToDo->Entries[Text].Text); count+= req[49]*2; } req[count++] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Adding ToDo method 2\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x13, 4, ID_SetToDo); } static GSM_Error N6510_AddToDo(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_ToDoEntry *ToDo) { if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO63)) { return N6510_AddToDo1(s, ToDo); } else if (IsPhoneFeatureAvailable(s->Phone.Data.ModelInfo, F_TODO66)) { return N6510_AddToDo2(s, ToDo); } else { return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetLocale(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_Locale *locale = s->Phone.Data.Locale; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x8A: smprintf(s, "Date settings received\n"); switch (msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x00: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_DDMMYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '.'; break; case 0x01: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_MMDDYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '.'; break; case 0x02: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_YYYYMMDD; locale->DateSeparator = '.'; break; case 0x04: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_DDMMYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '/'; break; case 0x05: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_MMDDYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '/'; break; case 0x06: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_YYYYMMDD; locale->DateSeparator = '/'; break; case 0x08: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_DDMMYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '-'; break; case 0x09: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_MMDDYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '-'; break; case 0x0A: locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_YYYYMMDD; locale->DateSeparator = '-'; break; default:/* FIXME */ locale->DateFormat = GSM_Date_DDMMYYYY; locale->DateSeparator = '/'; break; } return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetLocale(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_Locale *locale) { unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x89}; s->Phone.Data.Locale = locale; smprintf(s, "Getting date format\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, 4, 0x13, 4, ID_GetLocale); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyGetCalendarSettings(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { GSM_CalendarSettings *sett = s->Phone.Data.CalendarSettings; switch (msg.Buffer[3]) { case 0x86: smprintf(s, "Auto deleting setting received\n"); sett->AutoDelete = msg.Buffer[4]; return ERR_NONE; case 0x8E: smprintf(s, "Start day for calendar received\n"); switch(msg.Buffer[4]) { case 0x03: sett->StartDay = 6; return ERR_NONE; case 0x02: sett->StartDay = 7; return ERR_NONE; case 0x01: sett->StartDay = 1; return ERR_NONE; } break; } return ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE; } static GSM_Error N6510_GetCalendarSettings(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CalendarSettings *settings) { GSM_Error error; unsigned char req1[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x85}; unsigned char req2[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x8D}; s->Phone.Data.CalendarSettings = settings; smprintf(s, "Getting auto delete\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req1, 4, 0x13, 4, ID_GetCalendarSettings); if (error != ERR_NONE) return error; smprintf(s, "Getting start day for week\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req2, 4, 0x13, 4, ID_GetCalendarSettings); } GSM_Error N6510_CancelCall(GSM_StateMachine *s, int ID, bool all) { if (all) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return DCT3DCT4_CancelCall(s,ID); } GSM_Error N6510_AnswerCall(GSM_StateMachine *s, int ID, bool all) { if (all) return ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return DCT3DCT4_AnswerCall(s,ID); } static GSM_Error N6510_ReplyAddSMSFolder(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s) { smprintf(s,"SMS folder \"%s\" has been added\n",DecodeUnicodeString(msg.Buffer+10)); return ERR_NONE; } GSM_Error N6510_AddSMSFolder(GSM_StateMachine *s, unsigned char *name) { unsigned char req[200] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, /* Length */ 0x00, 0x00}; CopyUnicodeString(req+10,name); req[7] = UnicodeLength(name)*2 + 6; smprintf(s, "Adding SMS folder\n"); return GSM_WaitFor (s, req, req[7] + 6, 0x14, 4, ID_AddSMSFolder); } static GSM_Error N6510_SetWAPBookmark(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_WAPBookmark *bookmark) { GSM_Error error; int count=4, location; unsigned char req[600] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x09}; /* We have to enable WAP frames in phone */ error=N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(s,N6510_WAP_SETTINGS); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; location = bookmark->Location - 1; if (bookmark->Location == 0) location = 0xffff; req[count++] = (location & 0xff00) >> 8; req[count++] = location & 0x00ff; count += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req+count, bookmark->Title, true); count += NOKIA_SetUnicodeString(s, req+count, bookmark->Address, true); req[count++] = 0x00; req[count++] = 0x00; req[count++] = 0x00; req[count++] = 0x00; smprintf(s, "Setting WAP bookmark\n"); error = GSM_WaitFor (s, req, count, 0x3f, 4, ID_SetWAPBookmark); if (error != ERR_NONE) { if (error == ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU || error == ERR_EMPTY || error == ERR_FULL) { DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } return error; } return DCT3DCT4_DisableConnectionFunctions(s); } GSM_Error N6510_DeleteWAPBookmark(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_WAPBookmark *bookmark) { GSM_Error error; /* We have to enable WAP frames in phone */ error=N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(s,N6510_WAP_SETTINGS); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; return DCT3DCT4_DeleteWAPBookmarkPart(s,bookmark); } GSM_Error N6510_GetWAPBookmark(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_WAPBookmark *bookmark) { GSM_Error error; /* We have to enable WAP frames in phone */ error=N6510_EnableConnectionFunctions(s,N6510_WAP_SETTINGS); if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error; return DCT3DCT4_GetWAPBookmarkPart(s,bookmark); } static GSM_Reply_Function N6510ReplyFunctions[] = { {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x02,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x03,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x04,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x05,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x07,ID_AnswerCall }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x07,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x09,ID_CancelCall }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x09,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x0A,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x0B,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x0C,ID_DialVoice }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x0C,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x0F,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x10,ID_DialVoice }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x10,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x23,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x25,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x27,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplySendDTMF, "\x01",0x03,0x51,ID_SendDTMF }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0x53,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplySendDTMF, "\x01",0x03,0x59,ID_SendDTMF }, {N71_65_ReplySendDTMF, "\x01",0x03,0x5E,ID_SendDTMF }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0xA6,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0xD2,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N71_65_ReplyCallInfo, "\x01",0x03,0xD3,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplySendSMSMessage, "\x02",0x03,0x03,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplyIncomingSMS, "\x02",0x03,0x04,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplySetSMSC, "\x02",0x03,0x13,ID_SetSMSC }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSC, "\x02",0x03,0x15,ID_GetSMSC }, {N6510_ReplyGetMemoryStatus, "\x03",0x03,0x04,ID_GetMemoryStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetMemory, "\x03",0x03,0x08,ID_GetMemory }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteMemory, "\x03",0x03,0x10,ID_SetMemory }, {N71_65_ReplyWritePhonebook, "\x03",0x03,0x0C,ID_SetBitmap }, {N71_65_ReplyWritePhonebook, "\x03",0x03,0x0C,ID_SetMemory }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyCallDivert, "\x06",0x03,0x02,ID_Divert }, {N71_65_ReplyUSSDInfo, "\x06",0x03,0x03,ID_IncomingFrame }, {NoneReply, "\x06",0x03,0x06,ID_IncomingFrame }, {NoneReply, "\x06",0x03,0x09,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplyEnterSecurityCode, "\x08",0x03,0x08,ID_EnterSecurityCode }, {N6510_ReplyEnterSecurityCode, "\x08",0x03,0x09,ID_EnterSecurityCode }, {N6510_ReplyGetSecurityStatus, "\x08",0x03,0x12,ID_GetSecurityStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetNetworkInfo, "\x0A",0x03,0x01,ID_GetNetworkInfo }, {N6510_ReplyGetNetworkInfo, "\x0A",0x03,0x01,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplyLogIntoNetwork, "\x0A",0x03,0x02,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplyGetSignalQuality, "\x0A",0x03,0x0C,ID_GetSignalQuality }, {N6510_ReplyGetIncSignalQuality, "\x0A",0x03,0x1E,ID_IncomingFrame }, {NoneReply, "\x0A",0x03,0x20,ID_IncomingFrame }, {N6510_ReplyGetOperatorLogo, "\x0A",0x03,0x24,ID_GetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplySetOperatorLogo, "\x0A",0x03,0x26,ID_SetBitmap }, {NoneReply, "\x0B",0x03,0x01,ID_PlayTone }, {NoneReply, "\x0B",0x03,0x15,ID_PlayTone }, {NoneReply, "\x0B",0x03,0x16,ID_PlayTone }, {N71_65_ReplyAddCalendar1, "\x13",0x03,0x02,ID_SetCalendarNote }, {N71_65_ReplyAddCalendar1, "\x13",0x03,0x04,ID_SetCalendarNote }, {N71_65_ReplyAddCalendar1, "\x13",0x03,0x06,ID_SetCalendarNote }, {N71_65_ReplyAddCalendar1, "\x13",0x03,0x08,ID_SetCalendarNote }, {N71_65_ReplyDelCalendar, "\x13",0x03,0x0C,ID_DeleteCalendarNote }, {N71_65_ReplyGetNextCalendar1, "\x13",0x03,0x1A,ID_GetCalendarNote },/*method 1*/ {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos, "\x13",0x03,0x32,ID_GetCalendarNotePos },/*method 1*/ {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo, "\x13",0x03,0x3B,ID_GetCalendarNotesInfo},/*method 1*/ #ifdef DEBUG {N71_65_ReplyGetNextCalendar2, "\x13",0x03,0x3F,ID_GetCalendarNote }, #endif {N71_65_ReplyAddCalendar2, "\x13",0x03,0x41,ID_SetCalendarNote },/*method 2*/ {N6510_ReplyAddCalendar3, "\x13",0x03,0x66,ID_SetCalendarNote },/*method 3*/ {N6510_ReplyAddToDo2, "\x13",0x03,0x66,ID_SetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetCalendar3, "\x13",0x03,0x7E,ID_GetCalendarNote },/*method 3*/ {N6510_ReplyGetToDo2, "\x13",0x03,0x7E,ID_GetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetNote, "\x13",0x03,0x7E,ID_GetNote }, {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarSettings, "\x13",0x03,0x86,ID_GetCalendarSettings }, {N6510_ReplyGetLocale, "\x13",0x03,0x8A,ID_GetLocale }, {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarSettings, "\x13",0x03,0x8E,ID_GetCalendarSettings }, {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarNotePos, "\x13",0x03,0x96,ID_GetCalendarNotePos },/*method 3*/ {N6510_ReplyGetToDoFirstLoc2, "\x13",0x03,0x96,ID_SetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetCalendarInfo, "\x13",0x03,0x9F,ID_GetCalendarNotesInfo},/*method 3*/ {N6510_ReplyGetToDoStatus2, "\x13",0x03,0x9F,ID_GetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetNoteInfo, "\x13",0x03,0x9F,ID_GetNote }, {N6510_ReplySaveSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x01,ID_SaveSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplySetPicture, "\x14",0x03,0x01,ID_SetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x03,ID_GetSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x05,ID_DeleteSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x06,ID_DeleteSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSStatus, "\x14",0x03,0x09,ID_GetSMSStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSFolderStatus, "\x14",0x03,0x0d,ID_GetSMSFolderStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x0f,ID_GetSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplyAddSMSFolder, "\x14",0x03,0x11,ID_AddSMSFolder }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSFolders, "\x14",0x03,0x13,ID_GetSMSFolders }, {N6510_ReplySaveSMSMessage, "\x14",0x03,0x17,ID_SaveSMSMessage }, {N6510_ReplyGetSMSStatus, "\x14",0x03,0x1a,ID_GetSMSStatus }, {DCT4_ReplySetPhoneMode, "\x15",0x03,0x64,ID_Reset }, {DCT4_ReplyGetPhoneMode, "\x15",0x03,0x65,ID_Reset }, {NoneReply, "\x15",0x03,0x68,ID_Reset }, {N6510_ReplyGetBatteryCharge, "\x17",0x03,0x0B,ID_GetBatteryCharge }, {N6510_ReplySetDateTime, "\x19",0x03,0x02,ID_SetDateTime }, {N6510_ReplyGetDateTime, "\x19",0x03,0x0B,ID_GetDateTime }, {N6510_ReplySetAlarm, "\x19",0x03,0x12,ID_SetAlarm }, {N6510_ReplyGetAlarm, "\x19",0x03,0x1A,ID_GetAlarm }, {N6510_ReplyGetAlarm, "\x19",0x03,0x20,ID_GetAlarm }, {DCT4_ReplyGetIMEI, "\x1B",0x03,0x01,ID_GetIMEI }, {NOKIA_ReplyGetPhoneString, "\x1B",0x03,0x08,ID_GetHardware }, {N6510_ReplyGetPPM, "\x1B",0x03,0x08,ID_GetPPM }, {NOKIA_ReplyGetPhoneString, "\x1B",0x03,0x0C,ID_GetProductCode }, /* 0x1C - vibra */ {N6510_ReplyGetRingtonesInfo, "\x1f",0x03,0x08,ID_GetRingtonesInfo }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteRingtones, "\x1f",0x03,0x11,ID_SetRingtone }, {N6510_ReplyGetRingtone, "\x1f",0x03,0x13,ID_GetRingtone }, {N6510_ReplySetBinRingtone, "\x1f",0x03,0x0F,ID_SetRingtone }, /* 0x23 - voice records */ {N6510_ReplyGetProfile, "\x39",0x03,0x02,ID_GetProfile }, {N6510_ReplySetProfile, "\x39",0x03,0x04,ID_SetProfile }, {N6510_ReplyGetProfile, "\x39",0x03,0x06,ID_GetProfile }, {N6510_ReplySetLight, "\x3A",0x03,0x06,ID_SetLight }, {N6510_ReplyGetFMStation, "\x3E",0x03,0x06,ID_GetFMStation }, {N6510_ReplyGetFMStatus, "\x3E",0x03,0x0E,ID_GetFMStation }, {N6510_ReplySetFMStation, "\x3E",0x03,0x15,ID_SetFMStation }, {N6510_ReplyGetFMStation, "\x3E",0x03,0x16,ID_GetFMStation }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyEnableConnectFunc, "\x3f",0x03,0x01,ID_EnableConnectFunc }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyEnableConnectFunc, "\x3f",0x03,0x02,ID_EnableConnectFunc }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyDisableConnectFunc,"\x3f",0x03,0x04,ID_DisableConnectFunc }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyDisableConnectFunc,"\x3f",0x03,0x05,ID_DisableConnectFunc }, {N6510_ReplyGetWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x07,ID_GetWAPBookmark }, {N6510_ReplyGetWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x08,ID_GetWAPBookmark }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplySetWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x0A,ID_SetWAPBookmark }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplySetWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x0B,ID_SetWAPBookmark }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyDelWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x0D,ID_DeleteWAPBookmark }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyDelWAPBookmark, "\x3f",0x03,0x0E,ID_DeleteWAPBookmark }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyGetActiveConnectSet,"\x3f",0x03,0x10,ID_GetConnectSet }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplySetActiveConnectSet,"\x3f",0x03,0x13,ID_SetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplyGetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x16,ID_GetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplyGetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x17,ID_GetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplySetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x19,ID_SetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplySetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x1A,ID_SetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplySetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x28,ID_SetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplySetConnectionSettings,"\x3f",0x03,0x2B,ID_SetConnectSet }, {N6510_ReplyGetChatSettings, "\x3f",0x03,0x3B,ID_GetChatSettings }, {N6510_ReplyGetChatSettings, "\x3f",0x03,0x3C,ID_GetChatSettings }, {N6510_ReplyGetOriginalIMEI, "\x42",0x07,0x00,ID_GetOriginalIMEI }, {N6510_ReplyGetManufactureMonth, "\x42",0x07,0x00,ID_GetManufactureMonth }, {N6510_ReplyGetOriginalIMEI, "\x42",0x07,0x01,ID_GetOriginalIMEI }, {N6510_ReplyGetManufactureMonth, "\x42",0x07,0x02,ID_GetManufactureMonth }, {N6510_ReplySetOperatorLogo, "\x43",0x03,0x08,ID_SetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyGetGPRSAccessPoint, "\x43",0x03,0x06,ID_GetGPRSPoint }, {N6510_ReplySetGPRSAccessPoint1, "\x43",0x03,0x06,ID_SetGPRSPoint }, #ifdef DEVELOP {N6510_ReplyEnableGPRSAccessPoint,"\x43",0x03,0x06,ID_EnableGPRSPoint }, #endif {N6510_ReplyGetSyncMLSettings, "\x43",0x03,0x06,ID_GetSyncMLSettings }, {N6510_ReplyGetSyncMLName, "\x43",0x03,0x06,ID_GetSyncMLName }, {NoneReply, "\x43",0x03,0x08,ID_SetGPRSPoint }, /* 0x4A - voice records */ /* 0x53 - simlock */ {N6510_ReplyAddToDo1, "\x55",0x03,0x02,ID_SetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetToDo1, "\x55",0x03,0x04,ID_GetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetToDoFirstLoc1, "\x55",0x03,0x10,ID_SetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteAllToDo1, "\x55",0x03,0x12,ID_DeleteAllToDo }, {N6510_ReplyGetToDoStatus1, "\x55",0x03,0x16,ID_GetToDo }, {N6510_ReplyAddFileHeader, "\x6D",0x03,0x03,ID_AddFile }, {N6510_ReplyAddFolder, "\x6D",0x03,0x05,ID_AddFolder }, {N6510_ReplyGetFilePart, "\x6D",0x03,0x0F,ID_GetFile }, {N6510_ReplyAddFileHeader, "\x6D",0x03,0x13,ID_AddFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x15,ID_GetFileInfo }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x15,ID_GetFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x15,ID_AddFile }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteFile, "\x6D",0x03,0x19,ID_DeleteFile }, {N6510_ReplyDeleteFile, "\x6D",0x03,0x1F,ID_DeleteFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileSystemStatus, "\x6D",0x03,0x23,ID_FileSystemStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x2F,ID_GetFileInfo }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x2F,ID_GetFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileSystemStatus, "\x6D",0x03,0x2F,ID_FileSystemStatus }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x33,ID_GetFileInfo }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x33,ID_GetFile }, {N6510_ReplyAddFilePart, "\x6D",0x03,0x41,ID_AddFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x43,ID_AddFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x43,ID_GetFile }, {N6510_ReplyGetFileFolderInfo, "\x6D",0x03,0x43,ID_GetFileInfo }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x01,ID_GetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x01,ID_SetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x0F,ID_GetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x0F,ID_SetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x10,ID_GetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x10,ID_SetBitmap }, {N6510_ReplyStartupNoteLogo, "\x7A",0x04,0x25,ID_SetBitmap }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyGetModelFirmware, "\xD2",0x02,0x00,ID_GetModel }, {DCT3DCT4_ReplyGetModelFirmware, "\xD2",0x02,0x00,ID_GetFirmware }, /* 0xD7 - Bluetooth */ {N6510_ReplyGetRingtoneID, "\xDB",0x03,0x02,ID_SetRingtone }, {NULL, "\x00",0x00,0x00,ID_None } }; GSM_Phone_Functions N6510Phone = { "1100|1100a|1100b|3100|3100b|3108|3200|3200a|3300|3510|3510i|3530|3589i|3590|3595|5100|5140|6100|6200|6220|6230|6310|6310i|6385|6510|6610|6610i|6800|6810|6820|7210|7250|7250i|7600|8310|8390|8910|8910i", N6510ReplyFunctions, N6510_Initialise, NONEFUNCTION, /* Terminate */ GSM_DispatchMessage, N6510_ShowStartInfo, NOKIA_GetManufacturer, DCT3DCT4_GetModel, DCT3DCT4_GetFirmware, DCT4_GetIMEI, N6510_GetOriginalIMEI, N6510_GetManufactureMonth, DCT4_GetProductCode, DCT4_GetHardware, N6510_GetPPM, NOTSUPPORTED, /* GetSIMIMSI */ N6510_GetDateTime, N6510_SetDateTime, N6510_GetAlarm, N6510_SetAlarm, N6510_GetLocale, NOTSUPPORTED, /* SetLocale */ N6510_PressKey, DCT4_Reset, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* ResetPhoneSettings */ N6510_EnterSecurityCode, N6510_GetSecurityStatus, NOTSUPPORTED, /* GetDisplayStatus */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SetAutoNetworkLogin */ N6510_GetBatteryCharge, N6510_GetSignalQuality, N6510_GetNetworkInfo, NOTSUPPORTED, /* GetCategory */ NOTSUPPORTED, /* AddCategory */ NOTSUPPORTED, /* GetCategoryStatus */ N6510_GetMemoryStatus, N6510_GetMemory, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* GetNextMemory */ N6510_SetMemory, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* AddMemory */ N6510_DeleteMemory, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* DeleteAllMemory */ N6510_GetSpeedDial, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SetSpeedDial */ N6510_GetSMSC, N6510_SetSMSC, N6510_GetSMSStatus, N6510_GetSMSMessage, N6510_GetNextSMSMessage, N6510_SetSMS, N6510_AddSMS, N6510_DeleteSMSMessage, N6510_SendSMSMessage, NOTSUPPORTED, /* SendSavedSMS */ NOTSUPPORTED, /* SetFastSMSSending */ NOKIA_SetIncomingSMS, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SetIncomingCB */ N6510_GetSMSFolders, N6510_AddSMSFolder, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* DeleteSMSFolder */ N6510_DialVoice, N6510_AnswerCall, N6510_CancelCall, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* HoldCall */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* UnholdCall */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* ConferenceCall */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SplitCall */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* TransferCall */ NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SwitchCall */ DCT3DCT4_GetCallDivert, DCT3DCT4_SetCallDivert, DCT3DCT4_CancelAllDiverts, NOKIA_SetIncomingCall, NOKIA_SetIncomingUSSD, DCT3DCT4_SendDTMF, N6510_GetRingtone, N6510_SetRingtone, N6510_GetRingtonesInfo, N6510_DeleteUserRingtones, N6510_PlayTone, N6510_GetWAPBookmark, N6510_SetWAPBookmark, N6510_DeleteWAPBookmark, N6510_GetWAPSettings, N6510_SetWAPSettings, N6510_GetMMSSettings, N6510_SetMMSSettings, N6510_GetSyncMLSettings, NOTSUPPORTED, /* SetSyncMLSettings */ N6510_GetChatSettings, NOTSUPPORTED, /* SetChatSettings */ N6510_GetBitmap, N6510_SetBitmap, N6510_GetToDoStatus, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* GetToDo */ N6510_GetNextToDo, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SetToDo */ N6510_AddToDo, N6510_DeleteToDo2, N6510_DeleteAllToDo1, N6510_GetCalendarStatus, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* GetCalendar */ N6510_GetNextCalendar, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* SetCalendar */ N6510_AddCalendar, N71_65_DelCalendar, NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* DeleteAllCalendar */ N6510_GetCalendarSettings, NOTSUPPORTED, /* SetCalendarSettings */ N6510_GetNextNote, N6510_GetProfile, N6510_SetProfile, N6510_GetFMStation, N6510_SetFMStation, N6510_ClearFMStations, N6510_GetNextFileFolder, N6510_GetFilePart, N6510_AddFilePart, N6510_GetFileSystemStatus, N6510_DeleteFile, N6510_AddFolder, N6510_GetGPRSAccessPoint, N6510_SetGPRSAccessPoint }; #endif /* How should editor hadle tabs in this file? Add editor commands here. * vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=8: */