    This file is part of libkabc.
    Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk



#include <qfile.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>

#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>

#include "errorhandler.h"
#include <qptrlist.h>

#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <libkcal/syncdefines.h>
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "resource.h"

//US #include "addressbook.moc"

using namespace KABC;

struct AddressBook::AddressBookData
  Addressee::List mAddressees;
  Addressee::List mRemovedAddressees;
  Field::List mAllFields;
  KConfig *mConfig;
  KRES::Manager<Resource> *mManager;
//US  ErrorHandler *mErrorHandler;

struct AddressBook::Iterator::IteratorData
  Addressee::List::Iterator mIt;

struct AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIteratorData
  Addressee::List::ConstIterator mIt;

  d = new IteratorData;

AddressBook::Iterator::Iterator( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
  d = new IteratorData;
  d->mIt = i.d->mIt;

AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator=( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
  if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard against self assignment
  delete d; // delete the old data the Iterator was completely constructed before
  d = new IteratorData;
  d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
  return *this;

  delete d;

const Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*() const
  return *(d->mIt);

Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*()
  return *(d->mIt);

Addressee *AddressBook::Iterator::operator->()
  return &(*(d->mIt));

AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++()
  return *this;

AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++(int)
  return *this;

AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--()
  return *this;

AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--(int)
  return *this;

bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator==( const Iterator &it )
  return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );

bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator!=( const Iterator &it )
  return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );

  d = new ConstIteratorData;

AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIterator( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
  d = new ConstIteratorData;
  d->mIt = i.d->mIt;

AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator=( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
  if( this  == &i ) return *this; // guard for self assignment
  delete d; // delete the old data because the Iterator was really constructed before
  d = new ConstIteratorData;
  d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
  return *this;

  delete d;

const Addressee &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator*() const
  return *(d->mIt);

const Addressee* AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator->() const
  return &(*(d->mIt));

AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++()
  return *this;

AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++(int)
  return *this;

AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--()
  return *this;

AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--(int)
  return *this;

bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator==( const ConstIterator &it )
  return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );

bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator!=( const ConstIterator &it )
  return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );

  init(0, "contact");

AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config )
  init(config, "contact");

AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family )
  init(config, family);


// the default family is "contact"
void AddressBook::init(const QString &config, const QString &family )
  blockLSEchange = false;
  d = new AddressBookData;
  QString fami = family;
  if (config != 0) {
      if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
          qDebug("creating sync config ");
          fami = "contact";
          KConfig* con = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", "syncContactrc") );
          con->setGroup( "General" );
          con->writeEntry( "ResourceKeys", QString("sync") );
          con->writeEntry( "Standard", QString("sync") );
          con->setGroup( "Resource_sync" );
          con->writeEntry( "FileName", config );
          con->writeEntry( "FileFormat", QString("vcard") );
          con->writeEntry( "ResourceIdentifier", QString("sync") );
          con->writeEntry( "ResourceName", QString("sync_res") );
          if ( config.right(4) == ".xml" )
              con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("qtopia") );
          else if (  config == "sharp"            ) {
              con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("sharp") );
          } else {
              con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("file") );
          d->mConfig = con;
    d->mConfig = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", config) );
//    qDebug("AddressBook::init 1  config=%s",config.latin1() );
  else {
    d->mConfig = 0;
//    qDebug("AddressBook::init 1  config=0");

//US  d->mErrorHandler = 0;
  d->mManager = new KRES::Manager<Resource>( fami, false );
  d->mManager->readConfig( d->mConfig );
  if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
      KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
      KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
      for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
          (*it)->setAddressBook( this );
          if ( !(*it)->open() )
              error( QString( "Unable to open resource '%1'!" ).arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
      Resource *res = standardResource();
      if ( !res ) {
          qDebug("ERROR: no standard resource");
          res = manager->createResource( "file" );
          if ( res )
                  addResource( res );
              qDebug(" No resource available!!!");
      setStandardResource( res );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Department" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
                                "X-Department", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Profession" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
                                "X-Profession", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Assistant's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
                                "X-AssistantsName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Manager's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
                                "X-ManagersName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Spouse's Name" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-SpousesName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Office" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-Office", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "IM Address" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-IMAddress", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Anniversary" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-Anniversary", "KADDRESSBOOK" );

  //US added this field to become compatible with Opie/qtopia addressbook
  // values can be "female" or "male" or "". An empty field represents undefined.
  addCustomField( i18n( "Gender" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-Gender", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "Children" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-Children", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "FreeBusyUrl" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-FreeBusyUrl", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
  addCustomField( i18n( "ExternalID" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
                                "X-ExternalID", "KADDRESSBOOK" );

  delete d->mConfig; d->mConfig = 0;
  delete d->mManager; d->mManager = 0;
//US  delete d->mErrorHandler; d->mErrorHandler = 0;
  delete d; d = 0;

bool AddressBook::load()


  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  bool ok = true;
  for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it )
    if ( !(*it)->load() ) {
      error( i18n("Unable to load resource '%1'").arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
      ok = false;

  // mark all addressees as unchanged
  Addressee::List::Iterator addrIt;
  for ( addrIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); addrIt != d->mAddressees.end(); ++addrIt ) {
    (*addrIt).setChanged( false );
    QString id = (*addrIt).custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" );
    if ( !id.isEmpty() ) {
        //qDebug("setId aa %s ", id.latin1());
        (*addrIt).setIDStr(id );
  blockLSEchange = true;
  return ok;

bool AddressBook::save( Ticket *ticket )
  kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::save()"<< endl;

  if ( ticket->resource() ) {
    return ticket->resource()->save( ticket );

  return false;
bool AddressBook::saveAB()
  bool ok = true;

  Iterator ait;
  for ( ait = begin(); ait != end(); ++ait ) {
      if ( !(*ait).IDStr().isEmpty() ) {
          (*ait).insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID", (*ait).IDStr() );
  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
  for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
    if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() ) {
      Ticket *ticket = requestSaveTicket( *it );
//        qDebug("StdAddressBook::save '%s'", (*it)->resourceName().latin1() );
      if ( !ticket ) {
        error( i18n( "Unable to save to resource '%1'. It is locked." )
                   .arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
        return false;

      //if ( !save( ticket ) ) 
      if ( ticket->resource() ) {
          if ( ! ticket->resource()->save( ticket )  )
              ok = false;
      } else 
          ok = false;
  return ok;

AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::begin()
  Iterator it = Iterator();
  it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
  return it;

AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::begin() const
  ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
  it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
  return it;

AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::end()
  Iterator it = Iterator();
  it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
  return it;

AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::end() const
  ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
  it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
  return it;

void AddressBook::clear()

Ticket *AddressBook::requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource )
  kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::requestSaveTicket()" << endl;

  if ( !resource )
    qDebug("AddressBook::requestSaveTicket no resource" );
    resource = standardResource();

  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
    if ( (*it) == resource ) {
      if ( (*it)->readOnly() || !(*it)->isOpen() )
        return 0;
        return (*it)->requestSaveTicket();

  return 0;

void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a, bool setRev )
    if ( blockLSEchange && setRev && a.uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
        //qDebug("block insert ");
    //qDebug("inserting.... %s ",a.uid().latin1() );
    bool found = false;
    Addressee::List::Iterator it;
    for ( it = d->mAddressees.begin(); it != d->mAddressees.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
            bool changed = false;
            Addressee addr = a;
            if ( addr != (*it) )
                changed = true;

            (*it) = a;
            if ( (*it).resource() == 0 )
                (*it).setResource( standardResource() );

            if ( changed ) {
                if ( setRev ) {
                    // get rid of micro seconds
                    QDateTime dt =  QDateTime::currentDateTime();
                    QTime t =  dt.time();
                    dt.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () )  );
                    (*it).setRevision( dt ); 
                (*it).setChanged( true );

            found = true;
        } else {
            if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
                QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 );
                Addressee b = a;
                QString id = b.getID( name );
                if (  ! id.isEmpty() ) {
                    QString des = (*it).note();
                    int startN;
                    if( (startN = des.find( id ) ) >= 0 ) {
                        int endN = des.find( ",", startN+1 );
                        des =  des.left( startN ) + des.mid( endN+1 );
                        (*it).setNote( des );
    if ( found )
    d->mAddressees.append( a );
    Addressee& addr = d->mAddressees.last();
    if ( addr.resource() == 0 )
        addr.setResource( standardResource() );

    addr.setChanged( true );

void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Addressee &a )
  Iterator it;
  Iterator it2;
  bool found = false;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
        found = true;
        it2 = it;
    } else {
        if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
            QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 );
            Addressee b = a;
            QString id = b.getID( name );
            if ( ! id.isEmpty() ) {
                QString des = (*it).note();
                if( des.find( id ) < 0 ) {
                    des +=   id  + ",";
                    (*it).setNote( des );

  if ( found )
      removeAddressee( it2 );

void AddressBook::removeSyncAddressees( bool removeDeleted )
    Iterator it = begin();
    Iterator it2 ;
    QDateTime dt ( QDate( 2004,1,1) );
    while ( it != end() ) {
        (*it).setRevision( dt );
        (*it).removeCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" );
        if ( ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_DELETE && removeDeleted  )|| (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-")) {
            it2 = it;
            //qDebug("removing %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() );
            removeAddressee( it2 );
        } else  {
            //qDebug("skipping %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() );

void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Iterator &it )
  d->mRemovedAddressees.append( (*it) );
  d->mAddressees.remove( it.d->mIt );

AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::find( const Addressee &a )
  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
      return it;
  return end();

Addressee AddressBook::findByUid( const QString &uid )
  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( uid == (*it).uid() ) {
      return *it;
  return Addressee();
void AddressBook::preExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd )
    //qDebug("AddressBook::preExternSync ");
    AddressBook::Iterator it;  
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        (*it).setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() );
        (*it).computeCsum( csd );
    mergeAB( aBook ,csd );  
void AddressBook::postExternSync( AddressBook* aBook , const QString& csd)
    //qDebug("AddressBook::postExternSync ");
    AddressBook::Iterator it;  
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        // qDebug("check uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1() );
        if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ||
             (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_CSUM ) {
            Addressee ad = aBook->findByUid( ( (*it).uid() ));
            if ( ad.isEmpty() ) {
                qDebug("postExternSync:ERROR addressee is empty: %s ", (*it).uid().latin1());
            } else {
                (*it).computeCsum( csd );
                if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID )
                    ad.setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() );
                ad.setCsum( csd, (*it).getCsum( csd ) );
                aBook->insertAddressee( ad );

bool   AddressBook::containsExternalUid( const QString& uid  )
    Iterator it;
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        if ( uid == (*it).externalUID( ) )
            return true;
    return false;
Addressee   AddressBook::findByExternUid( const QString& uid , const QString& profile  )
    Iterator it;
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        if ( uid == (*it).getID( profile ) )
            return (*it);
    return Addressee();
void  AddressBook::mergeAB( AddressBook *aBook, const QString& profile  )
    Iterator it;
    Addressee ad;
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        ad = aBook->findByExternUid( (*it).externalUID(), profile );
            if ( !ad.isEmpty() ) {
                (*it).mergeContact( ad );
#if 0 
    // test only
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        qDebug("uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1());

#if 0
Addressee::List AddressBook::getExternLastSyncAddressees()
    Addressee::List results;

  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == "last-syncAddressee-"  ) {
        if ( (*it).familyName().left(4) == "!E: " )
            results.append( *it );

  return results;
void AddressBook::resetTempSyncStat()
    Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
      (*it).setTempSyncStat ( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL );

QStringList AddressBook:: uidList()
    QStringList results;
    Iterator it;
    for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
        results.append( (*it).uid() );
    return results;

Addressee::List AddressBook::allAddressees()
   return d->mAddressees; 

Addressee::List AddressBook::findByName( const QString &name )
  Addressee::List results;

  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( name == (*it).realName() ) {
      results.append( *it );

  return results;

Addressee::List AddressBook::findByEmail( const QString &email )
  Addressee::List results;
  QStringList mailList;

  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    mailList = (*it).emails();
    for ( QStringList::Iterator ite = mailList.begin(); ite != mailList.end(); ++ite ) {
      if ( email == (*ite) ) {
        results.append( *it );

  return results;

Addressee::List AddressBook::findByCategory( const QString &category )
  Addressee::List results;

  Iterator it;
  for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
    if ( (*it).hasCategory( category) ) {
      results.append( *it );

  return results;

void AddressBook::dump() const
  kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::dump() --- begin ---" << endl;

  ConstIterator it;
  for( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {

  kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::dump() ---  end  ---" << endl;

QString AddressBook::identifier()
  QStringList identifier;

  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
    if ( !(*it)->identifier().isEmpty() )
      identifier.append( (*it)->identifier() );

  return identifier.join( ":" );

Field::List AddressBook::fields( int category )
  if ( d->mAllFields.isEmpty() ) {
    d->mAllFields = Field::allFields();

  if ( category == Field::All ) return d->mAllFields;

  Field::List result;
  Field::List::ConstIterator it;
  for( it = d->mAllFields.begin(); it != d->mAllFields.end(); ++it ) {
    if ( (*it)->category() & category ) result.append( *it );

  return result;

bool AddressBook::addCustomField( const QString &label, int category,
                                  const QString &key, const QString &app )
  if ( d->mAllFields.isEmpty() ) {
    d->mAllFields = Field::allFields();
//US  QString a = app.isNull() ? KGlobal::instance()->instanceName() : app;
  QString a = app.isNull() ? KGlobal::getAppName() : app;

  QString k = key.isNull() ? label : key;

  Field *field = Field::createCustomField( label, category, k, a );

  if ( !field ) return false;

  d->mAllFields.append( field );

  return true;

QDataStream &KABC::operator<<( QDataStream &s, const AddressBook &ab )
  if (!ab.d) return s;

  return s << ab.d->mAddressees;

QDataStream &KABC::operator>>( QDataStream &s, AddressBook &ab )
  if (!ab.d) return s;

  s >> ab.d->mAddressees;

  return s;

bool AddressBook::addResource( Resource *resource )
  if ( !resource->open() ) {
    kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::addResource(): can't add resource" << endl;
    return false;

  resource->setAddressBook( this );

  d->mManager->add( resource );
  return true;

bool AddressBook::removeResource( Resource *resource )

  if ( resource == standardResource() )
    d->mManager->setStandardResource( 0 );

  resource->setAddressBook( 0 );

  d->mManager->remove( resource );
  return true;

QPtrList<Resource> AddressBook::resources()
  QPtrList<Resource> list;

//  qDebug("AddressBook::resources() 1");

  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it )
    list.append( *it );

  return list;

void AddressBook::setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler *handler )
  delete d->mErrorHandler;
  d->mErrorHandler = handler;

void AddressBook::error( const QString& msg )
  if ( !d->mErrorHandler ) // create default error handler
    d->mErrorHandler = new ConsoleErrorHandler;

  if ( d->mErrorHandler )
    d->mErrorHandler->error( msg );
    kdError(5700) << "no error handler defined" << endl;
    kdDebug(5700) << "msg" << endl;

void AddressBook::deleteRemovedAddressees()
  Addressee::List::Iterator it;
  for ( it = d->mRemovedAddressees.begin(); it != d->mRemovedAddressees.end(); ++it ) {
    Resource *resource = (*it).resource();
    if ( resource && !resource->readOnly() && resource->isOpen() )
      resource->removeAddressee( *it );


void AddressBook::setStandardResource( Resource *resource )
//  qDebug("AddressBook::setStandardResource 1");
  d->mManager->setStandardResource( resource );

Resource *AddressBook::standardResource()
  return d->mManager->standardResource();

KRES::Manager<Resource> *AddressBook::resourceManager()
  return d->mManager;

void AddressBook::cleanUp()
  KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
  for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
    if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() )