/* This file is part of KAddressBook. Copyright (c) 2002 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include <kcombobox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <kdebug.h> #else //KAB_EMBEDDED #include <qcombobox.h> #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include "viewconfigurefieldspage.h" class FieldItem : public QListBoxText { public: FieldItem( QListBox *parent, KABC::Field *field ) : QListBoxText( parent, field->label() ), mField( field ) {} FieldItem( QListBox *parent, KABC::Field *field, int index ) : QListBoxText( parent, field->label(), parent->item( index ) ), mField( field ) {} KABC::Field *field() { return mField; } private: KABC::Field *mField; }; ViewConfigureFieldsPage::ViewConfigureFieldsPage( KABC::AddressBook *ab, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), mAddressBook( ab ) { initGUI(); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::restoreSettings( KConfig *config ) { KABC::Field::List fields = KABC::Field::restoreFields( config, "KABCFields" ); if ( fields.isEmpty() ) fields = KABC::Field::defaultFields(); KABC::Field::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it ) new FieldItem( mSelectedBox, *it ); slotShowFields( mCategoryCombo->currentItem() ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::saveSettings( KConfig *config ) { KABC::Field::List fields; for( uint i = 0; i < mSelectedBox->count(); ++i ) { FieldItem *fieldItem = static_cast<FieldItem *>( mSelectedBox->item( i ) ); fields.append( fieldItem->field() ); } KABC::Field::saveFields( config, "KABCFields", fields ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotShowFields( int index ) { int currentPos = mUnSelectedBox->currentItem(); mUnSelectedBox->clear(); int category; if ( index == 0 ) category = KABC::Field::All; else category = 1 << ( index - 1 ); KABC::Field::List allFields = mAddressBook->fields( category ); KABC::Field::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = allFields.begin(); it != allFields.end(); ++it ) { QListBoxItem *item = mSelectedBox->firstItem(); while( item ) { FieldItem *fieldItem = static_cast<FieldItem *>( item ); if ( (*it)->equals( fieldItem->field() ) ) break; item = item->next(); } if ( !item ) new FieldItem( mUnSelectedBox, *it ); } mUnSelectedBox->sort(); mUnSelectedBox->setCurrentItem( currentPos ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotSelect() { // insert selected items in the unselected list to the selected list, // directoy under the current item if selected, or at the bottonm if // nothing is selected in the selected list int where = mSelectedBox->currentItem(); //US QListBoxItem::isSelected()) is not available in QT 2.x. Use selected instead. if ( !(where > -1 && mSelectedBox->item( where )->selected()) ) where = mSelectedBox->count() - 1; for ( uint i = 0; i < mUnSelectedBox->count(); ++i ) if ( mUnSelectedBox->isSelected( mUnSelectedBox->item( i ) ) ) { FieldItem *fieldItem = static_cast<FieldItem *>( mUnSelectedBox->item( i ) ); new FieldItem( mSelectedBox, fieldItem->field(), where ); where++; } slotShowFields( mCategoryCombo->currentItem() ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotUnSelect() { for ( uint i = 0; i < mSelectedBox->count(); ++i ) if ( mSelectedBox->isSelected( mSelectedBox->item( i ) ) ) { mSelectedBox->removeItem( i ); --i; } slotShowFields( mCategoryCombo->currentItem() ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotButtonsEnabled() { bool state = false; // add button: enabled if any items are selected in the unselected list for( uint i = 0; i < mUnSelectedBox->count(); ++i ) //US QListBoxItem::isSelected()) is not available in QT 2.x. Use selected instead. if ( mUnSelectedBox->item( i )->selected() ) { state = true; break; } mAddButton->setEnabled( state ); int j = mSelectedBox->currentItem(); state = ( j > -1 && mSelectedBox->isSelected( j ) ); // up button: enabled if there is a current item > 0 and that is selected mUpButton->setEnabled( ( j > 0 && state ) ); // down button: enabled if there is a current item < count - 2 and that is selected mDownButton->setEnabled( ( j > -1 && j < (int)mSelectedBox->count() - 1 && state ) ); // remove button: enabled if any items are selected in the selected list state = false; for ( uint i = 0; i < mSelectedBox->count(); ++i ) //US QListBoxItem::isSelected()) is not available in QT 2.x. Use selected instead. if ( mSelectedBox->item( i )->selected() ) { state = true; break; } mRemoveButton->setEnabled( state ); } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotMoveUp() { int i = mSelectedBox->currentItem(); if ( i > 0 ) { QListBoxItem *item = mSelectedBox->item( i ); mSelectedBox->takeItem( item ); mSelectedBox->insertItem( item, i - 1 ); mSelectedBox->setCurrentItem( item ); mSelectedBox->setSelected( i - 1, true ); } } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::slotMoveDown() { int i = mSelectedBox->currentItem(); if ( i > -1 && i < (int)mSelectedBox->count() - 1 ) { QListBoxItem *item = mSelectedBox->item( i ); mSelectedBox->takeItem( item ); mSelectedBox->insertItem( item, i + 1 ); mSelectedBox->setCurrentItem( item ); mSelectedBox->setSelected( i + 1, true ); } } void ViewConfigureFieldsPage::initGUI() { //US change the orientation dependent on the following flag // right the flag is set only staticly. // 0 = 640x480 ; 1 = 240x320 bool orientation = 1; setCaption( i18n("Select Fields to Display") ); QGridLayout *gl = 0; if (orientation == 0) gl = new QGridLayout( this , 6, 4, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); else gl = new QGridLayout( this , 4, 6, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED mCategoryCombo = new KComboBox( false, this ); #else //KAB_EMBEDDED mCategoryCombo = new QComboBox( false, this ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) mCategoryCombo->setMaximumWidth( 70 ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::All ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::Frequent ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::Address ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::Email ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::Personal ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::Organization ) ); mCategoryCombo->insertItem( KABC::Field::categoryLabel( KABC::Field::CustomCategory ) ); connect( mCategoryCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotShowFields(int) ) ); gl->addWidget( mCategoryCombo, 0, 0 ); QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n( "&Selected\nfields:" ), this ); if (orientation == 0) gl->addWidget( label, 0, 2 ); else gl->addWidget( label, 2, 0 ); mUnSelectedBox = new QListBox( this ); mUnSelectedBox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Extended ); mUnSelectedBox->setMinimumHeight( 80 ); if (orientation == 0) gl->addWidget( mUnSelectedBox, 1, 0 ); else gl->addWidget( mUnSelectedBox, 0, 1 ); mSelectedBox = new QListBox( this ); //if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) { // mUnSelectedBox->setMaximumWidth( 134 ); // mSelectedBox->setMaximumWidth( 134 ); //} mSelectedBox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Extended ); mSelectedBox->setMinimumHeight( 80 ); label->setBuddy( mSelectedBox ); if (orientation == 0) gl->addWidget( mSelectedBox, 1, 2 ); else gl->addWidget( mSelectedBox, 2, 1 ); QBoxLayout *vb1 = 0; if (orientation == 0) vb1 = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, KDialog::spacingHint() ); else vb1 = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, KDialog::spacingHint() ); vb1->addStretch(); mAddButton = new QToolButton( this ); if (orientation == 0) mAddButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1rightarrow" ) ); else mAddButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1downarrow" ) ); connect( mAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotSelect() ) ); vb1->addWidget( mAddButton ); mRemoveButton = new QToolButton( this ); if (orientation == 0) mRemoveButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1leftarrow" ) ); else mRemoveButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1uparrow" ) ); connect( mRemoveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) ); vb1->addWidget( mRemoveButton ); vb1->addStretch(); if (orientation == 0) gl->addLayout( vb1, 1, 1 ); else gl->addLayout( vb1, 1, 1 ); QBoxLayout *vb2 = 0; if (orientation == 0) vb2 = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, KDialog::spacingHint() ); else vb2 = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, KDialog::spacingHint() ); vb2->addStretch(); mUpButton = new QToolButton( this ); mUpButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1uparrow" ) ); connect( mUpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotMoveUp() ) ); vb2->addWidget( mUpButton ); mDownButton = new QToolButton( this ); mDownButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "1downarrow" ) ); connect( mDownButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotMoveDown() ) ); vb2->addWidget( mDownButton ); vb2->addStretch(); if (orientation == 0) gl->addLayout( vb2, 1, 3 ); else gl->addLayout( vb2, 3, 1 ); QSize sizeHint = mUnSelectedBox->sizeHint(); // make sure we fill the list with all items, so that we can // get the maxItemWidth we need to not truncate the view slotShowFields( 0 ); //sizeHint = sizeHint.expandedTo( mSelectedBox->sizeHint() ); //sizeHint.setWidth( mUnSelectedBox->maxItemWidth() ); // mUnSelectedBox->setMinimumSize( sizeHint ); //mSelectedBox->setMinimumSize( sizeHint ); gl->activate(); connect( mUnSelectedBox, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), SLOT( slotButtonsEnabled() ) ); connect( mSelectedBox, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), SLOT( slotButtonsEnabled() ) ); connect( mSelectedBox, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QListBoxItem * ) ), SLOT( slotButtonsEnabled() ) ); slotButtonsEnabled(); } #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include "viewconfigurefieldspage.moc" #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED