    This file is part of KOrganizer.
    Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

    As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
    with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
    without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.

#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qvgroupbox.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qapplication.h>

#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <knumvalidator.h>

#include <libkcal/event.h>
#include <libkcal/todo.h>

#include <libkdepim/kdateedit.h>

#include "koprefs.h"

#include "koeditorrecurrence.h"

/////////////////////////// RecurBase ///////////////////////////////

RecurBase::RecurBase( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  QWidget( parent, name )
  mFrequencyEdit = new QSpinBox( 1, 9999, 1, this );
  mFrequencyEdit->setValue( 1 );

QWidget *RecurBase::frequencyEdit()
  return mFrequencyEdit;

void RecurBase::setFrequency( int f )
  if ( f < 1 ) f = 1;

  mFrequencyEdit->setValue( f );

int RecurBase::frequency()
  return mFrequencyEdit->value();

/////////////////////////// RecurDaily ///////////////////////////////

RecurDaily::RecurDaily( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  RecurBase( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
  topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  QLabel *preLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Recur every"), this );
  topLayout->addWidget( preLabel );

  topLayout->addWidget( frequencyEdit() );

  QLabel *postLabel = new QLabel( i18n("day(s)"), this );
  topLayout->addWidget( postLabel );

/////////////////////////// RecurWeekly ///////////////////////////////

RecurWeekly::RecurWeekly( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  RecurBase( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
  topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  //topLayout->addStretch( 1 );

  QBoxLayout *weeksLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout );

  QLabel *preLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Recur every"), this );
  weeksLayout->addWidget( preLabel );

  weeksLayout->addWidget( frequencyEdit() );

  QLabel *postLabel = new QLabel( i18n("week(s) on:"), this );
  weeksLayout->addWidget( postLabel );

  QHBox *dayBox = new QHBox( this );
  topLayout->addWidget( dayBox, 1, AlignVCenter );
  // TODO: Respect start of week setting
  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
    QString weekDayName = KGlobal::locale()->weekDayName( i + 1, true );
    int left = 1;
    if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 480 ) {
        if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 640 )
    mDayBoxes[ i ] = new QCheckBox( weekDayName.left( left ), dayBox );

  topLayout->addStretch( );

void RecurWeekly::setDays( const QBitArray &days )
  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
    mDayBoxes[ i ]->setChecked( days.testBit( i ) );

QBitArray RecurWeekly::days()
  QBitArray days( 7 );

  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
    days.setBit( i, mDayBoxes[ i ]->isChecked() );

  return days;

/////////////////////////// RecurMonthly ///////////////////////////////

RecurMonthly::RecurMonthly( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  RecurBase( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
  topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  QBoxLayout *freqLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout );

  QLabel *preLabel = new QLabel( i18n("every"), this );
  freqLayout->addWidget( preLabel );

  freqLayout->addWidget( frequencyEdit() );

  QLabel *postLabel = new QLabel( i18n("month(s)"), this );
  freqLayout->addWidget( postLabel );

  QButtonGroup *buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  buttonGroup->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
  topLayout->addWidget( buttonGroup, 1, AlignVCenter );

  QGridLayout *buttonLayout = new QGridLayout( buttonGroup, 3, 2 );
  buttonLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  buttonLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  QString recurOnText;
  if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) {
    recurOnText = i18n("Recur on the");

  mByDayRadio = new QRadioButton( recurOnText, buttonGroup );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByDayRadio, 0, 0 );

  mByDayCombo = new QComboBox( buttonGroup );
  mByDayCombo->setSizeLimit( 7 );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("1st") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("2nd") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("3rd") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("4th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("5th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("6th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("7th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("8th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("9th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("10th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("11th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("12th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("13th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("14th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("15th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("16th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("17th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("18th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("19th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("20th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("21st") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("22nd") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("23rd") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("24th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("25th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("26th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("27th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("28th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("29th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("30th") );
  mByDayCombo->insertItem( i18n("31st") );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByDayCombo, 0, 1 );

  QLabel *byDayLabel = new QLabel( i18n("day"), buttonGroup );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( byDayLabel, 0, 2 );

  mByPosRadio = new QRadioButton( recurOnText, buttonGroup);
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByPosRadio, 1, 0 );

  mByPosCountCombo = new QComboBox( buttonGroup );
  mByPosCountCombo->insertItem( i18n("1st") );
  mByPosCountCombo->insertItem( i18n("2nd") );
  mByPosCountCombo->insertItem( i18n("3rd") );
  mByPosCountCombo->insertItem( i18n("4th") );
  mByPosCountCombo->insertItem( i18n("5th") );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByPosCountCombo, 1, 1 );

  mByPosWeekdayCombo = new QComboBox( buttonGroup );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Monday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Tuesday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Wednesday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Thursday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Friday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Saturday") );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->insertItem( i18n("Sunday") );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByPosWeekdayCombo, 1, 2 );

void RecurMonthly::setByDay( int day )
  mByDayRadio->setChecked( true );
  mByDayCombo->setCurrentItem( day );

void RecurMonthly::setByPos( int count, int weekday )
  mByPosRadio->setChecked( true );
  mByPosCountCombo->setCurrentItem( count );
  mByPosWeekdayCombo->setCurrentItem( weekday );

bool RecurMonthly::byDay()
  return mByDayRadio->isChecked();

bool RecurMonthly::byPos()
  return mByPosRadio->isChecked();

int RecurMonthly::day()
  return mByDayCombo->currentItem() + 1;

int RecurMonthly::count()
  return mByPosCountCombo->currentItem() + 1;

int RecurMonthly::weekday()
  return mByPosWeekdayCombo->currentItem();

/////////////////////////// RecurYearly ///////////////////////////////

RecurYearly::RecurYearly( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  RecurBase( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
  topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  QBoxLayout *freqLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout );

  QLabel *preLabel = new QLabel( i18n("every"), this );
  freqLayout->addWidget( preLabel );

  freqLayout->addWidget( frequencyEdit() );

  QLabel *postLabel = new QLabel( i18n("year(s)"), this );
  freqLayout->addWidget( postLabel );

  QButtonGroup *buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  buttonGroup->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
  topLayout->addWidget( buttonGroup, 1, AlignVCenter );

  QGridLayout *buttonLayout = new QGridLayout( buttonGroup, 2, 3 );

  mByMonthRadio = new QRadioButton( i18n("On day "), buttonGroup);
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByMonthRadio, 0, 0  , Qt::AlignRight);
  mByDayLabel = new QLabel( i18n("%1 of ").arg(1), buttonGroup );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByDayLabel, 0, 1 ); 
  mByMonthCombo = new QComboBox( buttonGroup );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("January") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("February") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("March") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("April") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("May") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("June") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("July") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("August") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("September") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("October") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("November") );
  mByMonthCombo->insertItem( i18n("December") );
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByMonthCombo, 0, 2,Qt::AlignLeft );
  if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) {
      mByMonthCombo->setSizeLimit( 6 );

  mByDayRadio = new QRadioButton( i18n("On day "), buttonGroup);
  buttonLayout->addWidget( mByDayRadio, 1, 0 , Qt::AlignRight);
  mDayOfLabel = new QLabel( i18n("%1 of the year").arg(1), buttonGroup );
  buttonLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mDayOfLabel, 1, 1, 1,3 );

void RecurYearly::setByDay( int doy )
  mByDayRadio->setChecked( true );
  mDayOfLabel->setText(i18n("%1 of the year").arg( doy ) );

void RecurYearly::setByMonth( int month, int day )
  mByMonthRadio->setChecked( true );
  mByMonthCombo->setCurrentItem( month - 1 );
  mByDayLabel->setText(i18n("%1 of ").arg( day ) );
  mDay = day;

bool RecurYearly::byMonth()
  return mByMonthRadio->isChecked();

bool RecurYearly::byDay()
  return mByDayRadio->isChecked();

int RecurYearly::month()
  return mByMonthCombo->currentItem() + 1;
int RecurYearly::day()
    return mDay;//mByDayCombo->currentItem() + 1;

//////////////////////////// ExceptionsWidget //////////////////////////

ExceptionsWidget::ExceptionsWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  QWidget( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );

  QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox( 1, Horizontal, i18n("Exceptions"),
                                       this );
  topLayout->addWidget( groupBox );

  QWidget *box = new QWidget( groupBox );

  QGridLayout *boxLayout = new QGridLayout( box );

  mExceptionDateEdit = new KDateEdit( box );
  boxLayout->addWidget( mExceptionDateEdit, 0, 0 );

  QPushButton *addExceptionButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Add"), box );
  boxLayout->addWidget( addExceptionButton, 1, 0 );
  QPushButton *changeExceptionButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Change"), box );
  boxLayout->addWidget( changeExceptionButton, 2, 0 );
  QPushButton *deleteExceptionButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Delete"), box );
  boxLayout->addWidget( deleteExceptionButton, 3, 0 );

  mExceptionList = new QListBox( box );
  boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mExceptionList, 0, 3, 1, 1 );

  boxLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );
  boxLayout->setColStretch( 1, 3 );

  connect( addExceptionButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	   SLOT( addException() ) );
  connect( changeExceptionButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	   SLOT( changeException() ) );
  connect( deleteExceptionButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	   SLOT( deleteException() ) );
  if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) {
      setMinimumWidth( 220 ); 
  } else {
       setMinimumWidth( 440 ); 
       mExceptionDateEdit->setMinimumWidth( 200 ); 

void ExceptionsWidget::setDefaults( const QDateTime &from )
  mExceptionDateEdit->setDate( from.date() );

void ExceptionsWidget::addException()
  QDate date = mExceptionDateEdit->date();
  QString dateStr = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( date );
  if( !mExceptionList->findItem( dateStr ) ) {
    mExceptionDates.append( date );
    mExceptionList->insertItem( dateStr );

void ExceptionsWidget::changeException()
  int pos = mExceptionList->currentItem();
  if ( pos < 0 ) return;

  QDate date = mExceptionDateEdit->date();
  mExceptionDates[ pos ] = date;
  mExceptionList->changeItem( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( date ), pos );

void ExceptionsWidget::deleteException()
  int pos = mExceptionList->currentItem();
  if ( pos < 0 ) return;

  mExceptionDates.remove( mExceptionDates.at( pos ) );
  mExceptionList->removeItem( pos );

void ExceptionsWidget::setDates( const DateList &dates )
  DateList::ConstIterator dit;
  for ( dit = dates.begin(); dit != dates.end(); ++dit ) {
    mExceptionList->insertItem( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(* dit ) );
    mExceptionDates.append( *dit );

DateList ExceptionsWidget::dates()
  return mExceptionDates;

///////////////////////// ExceptionsDialog ///////////////////////////

ExceptionsDialog::ExceptionsDialog( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n("Edit exceptions"), Ok|Cancel )
  mExceptions = new ExceptionsWidget( this );
  setMainWidget( mExceptions );

void ExceptionsDialog::setDefaults( const QDateTime &from )
  mExceptions->setDefaults( from );

void ExceptionsDialog::setDates( const DateList &dates )
  mExceptions->setDates( dates );

DateList ExceptionsDialog::dates()
  return mExceptions->dates();

///////////////////////// RecurrenceRangeWidget ///////////////////////////

RecurrenceRangeWidget::RecurrenceRangeWidget( QWidget *parent,
                                              const char *name )
  : QWidget( parent, name )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );

  mRangeGroupBox = new QGroupBox( 1, Horizontal, i18n("Recurrence Range"),
                                  this );
  topLayout->addWidget( mRangeGroupBox );

  QWidget *rangeBox = new QWidget( mRangeGroupBox );
  QVBoxLayout *rangeLayout = new QVBoxLayout( rangeBox );
  rangeLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  rangeLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  mStartDateLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Begin on:"), rangeBox );
  rangeLayout->addWidget( mStartDateLabel );

  QButtonGroup *rangeButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup;

  mNoEndDateButton = new QRadioButton( i18n("No ending date"), rangeBox );
  rangeButtonGroup->insert( mNoEndDateButton );
  rangeLayout->addWidget( mNoEndDateButton );

  QBoxLayout *durationLayout = new QHBoxLayout( rangeLayout );
  durationLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );

  mEndDurationButton = new QRadioButton( i18n("End after"), rangeBox );
  rangeButtonGroup->insert( mEndDurationButton );
  durationLayout->addWidget( mEndDurationButton );

  mEndDurationEdit = new QSpinBox( 1, 9999, 1, rangeBox );
  durationLayout->addWidget( mEndDurationEdit );

  QLabel *endDurationLabel = new QLabel( i18n("occurrence(s)"), rangeBox );
  durationLayout ->addWidget( endDurationLabel );

  QBoxLayout *endDateLayout = new QHBoxLayout( rangeLayout );
  endDateLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );

  mEndDateButton = new QRadioButton( i18n("End by:"), rangeBox );
  rangeButtonGroup->insert( mEndDateButton );
  endDateLayout->addWidget( mEndDateButton );

  mEndDateEdit = new KDateEdit( rangeBox );
  endDateLayout->addWidget( mEndDateEdit );

  //endDateLayout->addStretch( 1 );

  connect( mNoEndDateButton, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
           SLOT( showCurrentRange() ) );
  connect( mEndDurationButton, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
           SLOT( showCurrentRange() ) );
  connect( mEndDateButton, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
           SLOT( showCurrentRange() ) );

void RecurrenceRangeWidget::setDefaults( const QDateTime &from  )
  mNoEndDateButton->setChecked( true );

  setDateTimes( from );
  mEndDateEdit->setDate( from.date() );

void RecurrenceRangeWidget::setDuration( int duration )
  if ( duration == -1 ) {
    mNoEndDateButton->setChecked( true );
  } else if ( duration == 0 ) {
    mEndDateButton->setChecked( true );
  } else {
    mEndDurationButton->setChecked( true );
    mEndDurationEdit->setValue( duration );

int RecurrenceRangeWidget::duration()
  if ( mNoEndDateButton->isChecked() ) {
    return -1;
  } else if ( mEndDurationButton->isChecked() ) {
    return mEndDurationEdit->value();
  } else {
    return 0;

void RecurrenceRangeWidget::setEndDate( const QDate &date )
  mEndDateEdit->setDate( date );

QDate RecurrenceRangeWidget::endDate()
  return mEndDateEdit->date();

void RecurrenceRangeWidget::showCurrentRange()
  mEndDurationEdit->setEnabled( mEndDurationButton->isChecked() );
  mEndDateEdit->setEnabled( mEndDateButton->isChecked() );
void RecurrenceRangeWidget::setDateTimes( const QDateTime &start,
                                          const QDateTime & )
  mStartDateLabel->setText( i18n("Start date: %1")
      .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( start.date() ) ) );
    mEndDateEdit->setDate( start.date() );

///////////////////////// RecurrenceRangeDialog ///////////////////////////

RecurrenceRangeDialog::RecurrenceRangeDialog( QWidget *parent,
                                              const char *name ) :
  KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n("Edit Recurrence Range"), Ok|Cancel )
  mRecurrenceRangeWidget = new RecurrenceRangeWidget( this );
  setMainWidget( mRecurrenceRangeWidget );

void RecurrenceRangeDialog::setDefaults( const QDateTime &from )
  mRecurrenceRangeWidget->setDefaults( from );

void RecurrenceRangeDialog::setDuration( int duration )
  mRecurrenceRangeWidget->setDuration( duration );

int RecurrenceRangeDialog::duration()
  return mRecurrenceRangeWidget->duration();

void RecurrenceRangeDialog::setEndDate( const QDate &date )
  mRecurrenceRangeWidget->setEndDate( date );

QDate RecurrenceRangeDialog::endDate()
  return mRecurrenceRangeWidget->endDate();

void RecurrenceRangeDialog::setDateTimes( const QDateTime &start,
                                          const QDateTime &end )
  mRecurrenceRangeWidget->setDateTimes( start, end );

//////////////////////////// RecurrenceChooser ////////////////////////

RecurrenceChooser::RecurrenceChooser( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
  QWidget( parent, name )
    QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );

    mTypeCombo = new QComboBox( this );
    mTypeCombo->insertItem( i18n("Daily") );
    mTypeCombo->insertItem( i18n("Weekly") );
    mTypeCombo->insertItem( i18n("Monthly") );
    mTypeCombo->insertItem( i18n("Yearly") );

    topLayout->addWidget( mTypeCombo );

    connect( mTypeCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( emitChoice() ) );

int RecurrenceChooser::type()
  if ( mTypeCombo ) {
    return mTypeCombo->currentItem();
  } else {
    if ( mDailyButton->isChecked() ) return Daily;
    else if ( mWeeklyButton->isChecked() ) return Weekly;
    else if ( mMonthlyButton->isChecked() ) return Monthly;
    else return Yearly;

void RecurrenceChooser::setType( int type )
  if ( mTypeCombo ) {
    mTypeCombo->setCurrentItem( type );
  } else {
    switch ( type ) {
      case Daily:
        mDailyButton->setChecked( true );
      case Weekly:
        mWeeklyButton->setChecked( true );
      case Monthly:
        mMonthlyButton->setChecked( true );
      case Yearly:
        mYearlyButton->setChecked( true );

void RecurrenceChooser::emitChoice()
  emit chosen ( type() );

/////////////////////////////// Main Widget /////////////////////////////

KOEditorRecurrence::KOEditorRecurrence( QWidget* parent, const char *name ) :
  QWidget( parent, name )
  QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout( this, 2,2 );
  topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHintSmall() );

  mEnabledCheck = new QCheckBox( i18n("Enable Recurrence"), this );
  connect( mEnabledCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
           SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mEnabledCheck, 0, 0, 0, 1 );

  mTimeGroupBox = new QGroupBox( 1, Horizontal, i18n("Time"),  
                                 this );
  topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mTimeGroupBox, 1, 1 , 0 , 1 );

  if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) {

//  QFrame *timeFrame = new QFrame( mTimeGroupBox );
//  QBoxLayout *layoutTimeFrame = new QHBoxLayout( timeFrame );
//  layoutTimeFrame->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );

  mDateTimeLabel = new QLabel( mTimeGroupBox );
//  mDateTimeLabel = new QLabel( timeFrame );
//  layoutTimeFrame->addWidget( mDateTimeLabel );
  //mTimeGroupBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum ) );
  //mDateTimeLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum) );
  mRuleBox = new QGroupBox( 1, Horizontal, i18n("Recurrence Rule"), this );
  topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mRuleBox, 2, 2, 0, 1 );
  mRecurrenceChooser = new RecurrenceChooser( mRuleBox );
  connect( mRecurrenceChooser, SIGNAL( chosen( int ) ),
           SLOT( showCurrentRule( int ) ) );

  mRuleStack = new QWidgetStack( mRuleBox );

  mDaily = new RecurDaily( mRuleStack );
  mRuleStack->addWidget( mDaily, 0 );

  mWeekly = new RecurWeekly( mRuleStack );
  mRuleStack->addWidget( mWeekly, 0 );

  mMonthly = new RecurMonthly( mRuleStack );
  mRuleStack->addWidget( mMonthly, 0 );

  mYearly = new RecurYearly( mRuleStack );
  mRuleStack->addWidget( mYearly, 0 );

  showCurrentRule( mRecurrenceChooser->type() );
    mRecurrenceRangeWidget = 0;
    mRecurrenceRangeDialog = new RecurrenceRangeDialog( this );
    mRecurrenceRange = mRecurrenceRangeDialog;
    mRecurrenceRangeButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Recurrence Range..."),
                                              this );

    connect( mRecurrenceRangeButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             SLOT( showRecurrenceRangeDialog() ) );

    mExceptionsWidget = 0;
    mExceptionsDialog = new ExceptionsDialog( this );
    mExceptions = mExceptionsDialog;
    mExceptionsButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Exceptions..."), this );
    if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) {
        topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mRecurrenceRangeButton, 3, 3, 0, 1 );
        topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mExceptionsButton, 4, 4, 0, 1 );
       } else {
            topLayout->addWidget( mRecurrenceRangeButton, 3, 0 );
            topLayout->addWidget( mExceptionsButton, 3, 1 );
    connect( mExceptionsButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             SLOT( showExceptionsDialog() ) );


void KOEditorRecurrence::setEnabled( bool enabled )
//  kdDebug() << "KOEditorRecurrence::setEnabled(): " << (enabled ? "on" : "off") << endl;

  mTimeGroupBox->setEnabled( enabled );
  if ( mRecurrenceRangeWidget ) mRecurrenceRangeWidget->setEnabled( enabled );
  if ( mRecurrenceRangeButton ) mRecurrenceRangeButton->setEnabled( enabled );
  if ( mExceptionsWidget ) mExceptionsWidget->setEnabled( enabled );
  if ( mExceptionsButton ) mExceptionsButton->setEnabled( enabled );
  mRuleBox->setEnabled( enabled );

void KOEditorRecurrence::showCurrentRule( int current )
  switch ( current ) {
    case Daily:
      mRuleStack->raiseWidget( mDaily );
    case Weekly:
      mRuleStack->raiseWidget( mWeekly );
    case Monthly:
      mRuleStack->raiseWidget( mMonthly );
    case Yearly:
      mRuleStack->raiseWidget( mYearly );

void KOEditorRecurrence::setDateTimes( QDateTime start, QDateTime end )
//  kdDebug() << "KOEditorRecurrence::setDateTimes" << endl;

  mRecurrenceRange->setDateTimes( start, end );
  mExceptions->setDefaults( end );

void KOEditorRecurrence::setDefaultsDates( QDateTime from, QDateTime to )
    setDateTimes( from, to );
    QBitArray days( 7 );
    days.fill( 0 );
    days.setBit( from.date().dayOfWeek()- 1);
    mWeekly->setDays( days );
    bool byPos = mMonthly->byPos();
    if ( byPos )
        mMonthly->setByDay( from.date().day()-1 );
    mMonthly->setByPos((from.date().day()/7), from.date().dayOfWeek()-1 );
    if ( ! byPos)
        mMonthly->setByDay( from.date().day()-1 );

    bool byDay = mYearly->byDay();
    if ( ! byDay )
        mYearly->setByDay( from.date().dayOfYear() );
    mYearly->setByMonth( from.date().month(), from.date().day() );
    if ( byDay )
        mYearly->setByDay( from.date().dayOfYear() );
void KOEditorRecurrence::setDefaults( QDateTime from, QDateTime to )

    // qDebug("KOEditorRecurrence::setDefaults %s %s ",from.toString().latin1(),to.toString().latin1() );
    //setDateTimes( from, to );

  bool enabled = false;
  mEnabledCheck->setChecked( enabled );
  setEnabled( enabled );

  mExceptions->setDefaults( to );
  mRecurrenceRange->setDefaults( to );

  mRecurrenceChooser->setType( RecurrenceChooser::Weekly );
  showCurrentRule( mRecurrenceChooser->type() );

  mDaily->setFrequency( 1 );
  mWeekly->setFrequency( 1 );
  mMonthly->setFrequency( 1 );
  mYearly->setFrequency( 1 );
  setDefaultsDates( from, to );

void KOEditorRecurrence::readEvent(Incidence *event)

    QDateTime dtEnd;
    if ( event->typeID() == eventID )
        dtEnd = ((Event*)event)->dtEnd();
        dtEnd = ((Todo*)event)->dtDue();
    setDefaults( event->dtStart(), dtEnd );
  QBitArray rDays( 7 );
  QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> rmp;
  QPtrList<int> rmd;
  int day = 0;
  int count = 0;
  int month = 0;
  setDateTimes( event->dtStart(), dtEnd );

  Recurrence *r = event->recurrence();
  int f = r->frequency();

  int recurs = r->doesRecur();

  mEnabledCheck->setChecked( recurs );
  setEnabled( recurs );

  int recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Weekly;

  switch ( recurs ) {
    case Recurrence::rNone:
        setDefaults( event->dtStart(), dtEnd );
    case Recurrence::rDaily:
      recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Daily;
      mDaily->setFrequency( f );
    case Recurrence::rWeekly:
      recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Weekly;
      mWeekly->setFrequency( f );
      mWeekly->setDays( r->days() );
    case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos:
      // we only handle one possibility in the list right now,
      // so I have hardcoded calls with first().  If we make the GUI
      // more extended, this can be changed.
      recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Monthly;

      rmp = r->monthPositions();
      if ( rmp.first()->negative )
        count = 5 - rmp.first()->rPos - 1;
        count = rmp.first()->rPos - 1;
      day = 0;
      while ( !rmp.first()->rDays.testBit( day ) ) ++day;
      mMonthly->setByPos( count, day );

      mMonthly->setFrequency( f );

    case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay:
      recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Monthly;

      rmd = r->monthDays();
      day = *rmd.first() - 1;
      mMonthly->setByDay( day );

      mMonthly->setFrequency( f );

    case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth:
        recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Yearly;
        //qDebug("Recurrence::rYearlyMonth: ");
            day = event->dtStart().date().day(); 
            rmd = r->yearNums();
            if ( rmd.count() > 0 )
                month = *rmd.first();
                month = event->dtStart().date().month() ;
            mYearly->setByMonth( month, day );
#if 0
            //qDebug("2day = %d ",day );
            QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> monthlist = r->yearMonthPositions();
            int month;
            if ( !monthlist.isEmpty() ) {
                month =  monthlist.first()->rPos ;
            } else {
                month = event->dtStart().date().month() ;
            mYearly->setByMonth( day, month );
            mYearly->setFrequency( f );

    case Recurrence::rYearlyDay:
        //qDebug("Recurrence::rYearlyDay: ");
        recurrenceType = RecurrenceChooser::Yearly;
        mYearly->setByDay( event->dtStart().date().dayOfYear() );
        mYearly->setFrequency( f );
        setDefaults( event->dtStart(), dtEnd );

  mRecurrenceChooser->setType( recurrenceType );
  showCurrentRule( recurrenceType );

  mRecurrenceRange->setDateTimes( event->dtStart() );

  if ( r->doesRecur() ) {
    mRecurrenceRange->setDuration( r->duration() );
    if ( r->duration() == 0 ) 
        if ( r->endDate() < event->dtStart().date() )
            mRecurrenceRange->setEndDate( event->dtStart().date() );
            mRecurrenceRange->setEndDate( r->endDate() );
        } else
            mRecurrenceRange->setEndDate( event->dtStart().date() );

  mExceptions->setDates( event->exDates() );

void KOEditorRecurrence::writeEvent( Incidence *event )
  Recurrence *r = event->recurrence();

  // clear out any old settings;

  if ( mEnabledCheck->isChecked() ) {
    int duration = mRecurrenceRange->duration();
    QDate endDate;
    if ( duration == 0 ) endDate = mRecurrenceRange->endDate();

    int recurrenceType = mRecurrenceChooser->type();

    if ( recurrenceType == RecurrenceChooser::Daily ) {
      int freq = mDaily->frequency();
      if ( duration != 0 ) r->setDaily( freq, duration );
      else  r->setDaily( freq, endDate );
    } else if ( recurrenceType == RecurrenceChooser::Weekly ) {
      int freq = mWeekly->frequency();
      QBitArray days = mWeekly->days();
      int j;
      bool found = false;
      for (j = 0; j < 7 ; ++j ) {
          found |=days.at(j);
      if ( !found ) {
          days.setBit( event->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek()-1);
          //qDebug("bit set %d ", event->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek()-1);
      if ( duration != 0 ) r->setWeekly( freq, days, duration );
      else r->setWeekly( freq, days, endDate );
    } else if ( recurrenceType == RecurrenceChooser::Monthly ) {
      int freq = mMonthly->frequency();
      if ( mMonthly->byPos() ) {
        int pos = mMonthly->count();

        QBitArray days( 7 );
        days.fill( false );

        days.setBit( mMonthly->weekday() );
        if ( duration != 0 )
	  r->setMonthly( Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, freq, duration );
	  r->setMonthly( Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, freq, endDate );
        r->addMonthlyPos( pos, days );
      } else {
	// it's by day
        int day = mMonthly->day();

        if ( duration != 0 ) {
          r->setMonthly( Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, freq, duration );
        } else {
          r->setMonthly( Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, freq, endDate );
        r->addMonthlyDay( day );
    } else if ( recurrenceType == RecurrenceChooser::Yearly ) {
        //qDebug("RecurrenceChooser::Yearly ");
      int freq = mYearly->frequency();
      if ( mYearly->byDay() ) {
          if ( duration != 0 ) {
              r->setYearly( Recurrence::rYearlyDay, freq, duration );
          } else {
              r->setYearly( Recurrence::rYearlyDay, freq, endDate );
          r->addYearlyNum( event->dtStart().date().dayOfYear() );
      } else {
          if ( duration != 0 ) {
              r->setYearly( Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, freq, duration );
          } else {
              r->setYearly( Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, freq, endDate );
          r->addYearlyNum( mYearly->month() ); 


    event->setExDates( mExceptions->dates() );

void KOEditorRecurrence::setDateTimeStr( const QString &str )
  mDateTimeLabel->setText( str );

bool KOEditorRecurrence::validateInput()
  // Check input here

  return true;

void KOEditorRecurrence::showExceptionsDialog()
  DateList dates = mExceptions->dates();
  int result = mExceptionsDialog->exec();
  if ( result == QDialog::Rejected ) mExceptions->setDates( dates );

void KOEditorRecurrence::showRecurrenceRangeDialog()
  int duration = mRecurrenceRange->duration();
  QDate endDate = mRecurrenceRange->endDate();

  int result = mRecurrenceRangeDialog->exec();
  if ( result == QDialog::Rejected ) {
    mRecurrenceRange->setDuration( duration );
    mRecurrenceRange->setEndDate( endDate );
