/* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "exceptions.h" #include "calfilter.h" #include "calendar.h" #include "syncdefines.h" using namespace KCal; Calendar::Calendar() { init(); setTimeZoneId( i18n (" 00:00 Europe/London(UTC)") ); } Calendar::Calendar( const QString &timeZoneId ) { init(); setTimeZoneId(timeZoneId); } void Calendar::init() { mObserver = 0; mNewObserver = false; mModified = false; // Setup default filter, which does nothing mDefaultFilter = new CalFilter; mFilter = mDefaultFilter; mFilter->setEnabled(false); // initialize random numbers. This is a hack, and not // even that good of one at that. // srandom(time(0)); // user information... setOwner(i18n("Unknown Name")); setEmail(i18n("unknown@nowhere")); #if 0 tmpStr = KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZone; // kdDebug(5800) << "Calendar::Calendar(): TimeZone: " << tmpStr << endl; int dstSetting = KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightSavings; extern long int timezone; struct tm *now; time_t curtime; curtime = time(0); now = localtime(&curtime); int hourOff = - ((timezone / 60) / 60); if (now->tm_isdst) hourOff += 1; QString tzStr; tzStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d", hourOff, abs((timezone / 60) % 60)); // if no time zone was in the config file, write what we just discovered. if (tmpStr.isEmpty()) { // KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZone = tzStr; } else { tzStr = tmpStr; } // if daylight savings has changed since last load time, we need // to rewrite these settings to the config file. if ((now->tm_isdst && !dstSetting) || (!now->tm_isdst && dstSetting)) { KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZone = tzStr; KOPrefs::instance()->mDaylightSavings = now->tm_isdst; } setTimeZone(tzStr); #endif // KOPrefs::instance()->writeConfig(); } Calendar::~Calendar() { delete mDefaultFilter; } const QString &Calendar::getOwner() const { return mOwner; } void Calendar::setOwner(const QString &os) { int i; mOwner = os; i = mOwner.find(','); if (i != -1) mOwner = mOwner.left(i); setModified( true ); } void Calendar::setTimeZone(const QString & tz) { bool neg = FALSE; int hours, minutes; QString tmpStr(tz); if (tmpStr.left(1) == "-") neg = TRUE; if (tmpStr.left(1) == "-" || tmpStr.left(1) == "+") tmpStr.remove(0, 1); hours = tmpStr.left(2).toInt(); if (tmpStr.length() > 2) minutes = tmpStr.right(2).toInt(); else minutes = 0; mTimeZone = (60*hours+minutes); if (neg) mTimeZone = -mTimeZone; mLocalTime = false; setModified( true ); } QString Calendar::getTimeZoneStr() const { if (mLocalTime) return ""; QString tmpStr; int hours = abs(mTimeZone / 60); int minutes = abs(mTimeZone % 60); bool neg = mTimeZone < 0; tmpStr.sprintf("%c%.2d%.2d", (neg ? '-' : '+'), hours, minutes); return tmpStr; } void Calendar::setTimeZone(int tz) { mTimeZone = tz; mLocalTime = false; setModified( true ); } int Calendar::getTimeZone() const { return mTimeZone; } void Calendar::setTimeZoneId(const QString &id) { mTimeZoneId = id; mLocalTime = false; mTimeZone = KGlobal::locale()->timezoneOffset(mTimeZoneId); if ( mTimeZone > 1000) setLocalTime(); //qDebug("Calendar::setTimeZoneOffset %s %d ",mTimeZoneId.latin1(), mTimeZone); setModified( true ); } QString Calendar::timeZoneId() const { return mTimeZoneId; } void Calendar::setLocalTime() { //qDebug("Calendar::setLocalTime() "); mLocalTime = true; mTimeZone = 0; mTimeZoneId = ""; setModified( true ); } bool Calendar::isLocalTime() const { return mLocalTime; } const QString &Calendar::getEmail() { return mOwnerEmail; } void Calendar::setEmail(const QString &e) { mOwnerEmail = e; setModified( true ); } void Calendar::setFilter(CalFilter *filter) { mFilter = filter; } CalFilter *Calendar::filter() { return mFilter; } QPtrList<Incidence> Calendar::incidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> incidences; Incidence *i; QPtrList<Event> e = events(); for( i = e.first(); i; i = e.next() ) incidences.append( i ); QPtrList<Todo> t = todos(); for( i = t.first(); i; i = t.next() ) incidences.append( i ); QPtrList<Journal> j = journals(); for( i = j.first(); i; i = j.next() ) incidences.append( i ); return incidences; } void Calendar::resetPilotStat(int id ) { QPtrList<Incidence> incidences; Incidence *i; QPtrList<Event> e = rawEvents(); for( i = e.first(); i; i = e.next() ) i->setPilotId( id ); QPtrList<Todo> t = rawTodos(); for( i = t.first(); i; i = t.next() ) i->setPilotId( id ); QPtrList<Journal> j = journals(); for( i = j.first(); i; i = j.next() ) i->setPilotId( id ); } void Calendar::resetTempSyncStat() { QPtrList<Incidence> incidences; Incidence *i; QPtrList<Event> e = rawEvents(); for( i = e.first(); i; i = e.next() ) i->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL ); QPtrList<Todo> t = rawTodos(); for( i = t.first(); i; i = t.next() ) i->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL ); QPtrList<Journal> j = journals(); for( i = j.first(); i; i = j.next() ) i->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL ); } QPtrList<Incidence> Calendar::rawIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> incidences; Incidence *i; QPtrList<Event> e = rawEvents(); for( i = e.first(); i; i = e.next() ) incidences.append( i ); QPtrList<Todo> t = rawTodos(); for( i = t.first(); i; i = t.next() ) incidences.append( i ); QPtrList<Journal> j = journals(); for( i = j.first(); i; i = j.next() ) incidences.append( i ); return incidences; } QPtrList<Event> Calendar::events( const QDate &date, bool sorted ) { QPtrList<Event> el = rawEventsForDate(date,sorted); mFilter->apply(&el); return el; } QPtrList<Event> Calendar::events( const QDateTime &qdt ) { QPtrList<Event> el = rawEventsForDate(qdt); mFilter->apply(&el); return el; } QPtrList<Event> Calendar::events( const QDate &start, const QDate &end, bool inclusive) { QPtrList<Event> el = rawEvents(start,end,inclusive); mFilter->apply(&el); return el; } QPtrList<Event> Calendar::events() { QPtrList<Event> el = rawEvents(); mFilter->apply(&el); return el; } bool Calendar::addIncidence(Incidence *i) { Incidence::AddVisitor<Calendar> v(this); return i->accept(v); } void Calendar::deleteIncidence(Incidence *in) { if ( in->type() == "Event" ) deleteEvent( (Event*) in ); else if ( in->type() =="Todo" ) deleteTodo( (Todo*) in); else if ( in->type() =="Journal" ) deleteJournal( (Journal*) in ); } Incidence* Calendar::incidence( const QString& uid ) { Incidence* i; if( (i = todo( uid )) != 0 ) return i; if( (i = event( uid )) != 0 ) return i; if( (i = journal( uid )) != 0 ) return i; return 0; } QPtrList<Todo> Calendar::todos() { QPtrList<Todo> tl = rawTodos(); mFilter->apply( &tl ); return tl; } // When this is called, the todo have already been added to the calendar. // This method is only about linking related todos void Calendar::setupRelations( Incidence *incidence ) { QString uid = incidence->uid(); //qDebug("Calendar::setupRelations "); // First, go over the list of orphans and see if this is their parent while( Incidence* i = mOrphans[ uid ] ) { mOrphans.remove( uid ); i->setRelatedTo( incidence ); incidence->addRelation( i ); mOrphanUids.remove( i->uid() ); } // Now see about this incidences parent if( !incidence->relatedTo() && !incidence->relatedToUid().isEmpty() ) { // This incidence has a uid it is related to, but is not registered to it yet // Try to find it Incidence* parent = this->incidence( incidence->relatedToUid() ); if( parent ) { // Found it incidence->setRelatedTo( parent ); parent->addRelation( incidence ); } else { // Not found, put this in the mOrphans list mOrphans.insert( incidence->relatedToUid(), incidence ); mOrphanUids.insert( incidence->uid(), incidence ); } } } // If a task with subtasks is deleted, move it's subtasks to the orphans list void Calendar::removeRelations( Incidence *incidence ) { // qDebug("Calendar::removeRelations "); QString uid = incidence->uid(); QPtrList<Incidence> relations = incidence->relations(); for( Incidence* i = relations.first(); i; i = relations.next() ) if( !mOrphanUids.find( i->uid() ) ) { mOrphans.insert( uid, i ); mOrphanUids.insert( i->uid(), i ); i->setRelatedTo( 0 ); i->setRelatedToUid( uid ); } // If this incidence is related to something else, tell that about it if( incidence->relatedTo() ) incidence->relatedTo()->removeRelation( incidence ); // Remove this one from the orphans list if( mOrphanUids.remove( uid ) ) // This incidence is located in the orphans list - it should be removed if( !( incidence->relatedTo() != 0 && mOrphans.remove( incidence->relatedTo()->uid() ) ) ) { // Removing wasn't that easy for( QDictIterator<Incidence> it( mOrphans ); it.current(); ++it ) { if( it.current()->uid() == uid ) { mOrphans.remove( it.currentKey() ); break; } } } } void Calendar::registerObserver( Observer *observer ) { mObserver = observer; mNewObserver = true; } void Calendar::setModified( bool modified ) { if ( mObserver ) mObserver->calendarModified( modified, this ); if ( modified != mModified || mNewObserver ) { mNewObserver = false; // if ( mObserver ) mObserver->calendarModified( modified, this ); mModified = modified; } } void Calendar::setLoadedProductId( const QString &id ) { mLoadedProductId = id; } QString Calendar::loadedProductId() { return mLoadedProductId; } //#include "calendar.moc"