authorerik <erik>2007-01-24 19:57:51 (UTC)
committer erik <erik>2007-01-24 19:57:51 (UTC)
commit48d9219a96096cf44df8ac24413b36d1b718b1d5 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent89e81059e832ff77c2f0ac8b9db12f80eafa03fc (diff)
Each file in this commit has the issue where a function can return a
negative result but the result is used in a context that can only be positive.
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp
index 6878b81..737f03b 100644
--- a/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp
+++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp
@@ -1,575 +1,575 @@
#include "portable.h"
#if defined( KDE2_PORT )
#include <score.h>
#include <score.moc>
#include <kaccel.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kstddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#elif defined( QPE_PORT )
#include <qaccel.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include "score.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
Score::Score(QWidget *parent, const char *name, int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) : QWidget(parent, name)
paused = FALSE;
lastScore = -1;
lastPlayer = -1;
cursorBlinkTimer = 0;
cursorBlinkMS = -1;
cursor.x = -1;
cursor.y = -1;
cursor.on = FALSE;
cursor.chr = QChar('?');
scheme = Scheme;
mode = Mode;
bitfont = font;
for (int p = 0; p < maxPlayer; p++) {
playerScore[p] = 0;
playerName[p] = getenv("LOGNAME");
if (playerName[p].length() < minPlayerNameLength)
playerName[p].setExpand(minPlayerNameLength-1, ' ');
for (uint i = 0; i < playerName[p].length(); i++)
if (playerName[p].at(i) < bitfont->firstChar() ||
playerName[p].at(i) > bitfont->lastChar())
playerName[p].at(i) = playerName[p].at(i).upper();
// write();
void Score::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e)
if (rect(1, 0, tr(" 1UP ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix;
QColor fg = BLACK;
if (cursor.on || paused || lastPlayer != 0)
fg = WHITE;
pix = bitfont->text(tr(" 1UP "), fg, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(0), &pix);
if (rect(8, 0, tr(" HIGH SCORE ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" HIGH SCORE "), WHITE, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(8), y(0), &pix);
if (maxPlayer > 1 && rect(21, 0, tr(" 2UP ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix;
QColor fg = BLACK;
if (cursor.on || paused || lastPlayer != 1)
fg = WHITE;
pix = bitfont->text(tr(" 2UP "), fg, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(21), y(0), &pix);
QString s;
s.sprintf("%6d0", playerScore[0]/10);
if (rect(0, 1, s).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, WHITE, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(0), y(1), &pix);
s.sprintf("%8d0", HighScore/10);
if (rect(8, 1, s).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, WHITE, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(8), y(1), &pix);
if (lastScore >= 0) {
if (rect(1, 4*1.25, tr(" CONGRATULATIONS ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" CONGRATULATIONS "), YELLOW, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(4*1.25), &pix);
if (rect(1, 6*1.25, tr(" YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED "), CYAN, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(6*1.25), &pix);
if (rect(1, 7*1.25, tr(" A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. "), CYAN, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(7*1.25), &pix);
if (rect(1, 8*1.25, tr(" ")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" "), CYAN, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(8*1.25), &pix);
if (rect(1, 9.5*1.25, tr("RNK SCORE NAME DATE")).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr("RNK SCORE NAME DATE"), WHITE, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y(9.5*1.25), &pix);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
s.sprintf("%2d%9d %-3.3s %-8.8s",
i+1, hallOfFame[i].points, hallOfFame[i].name.utf8().data(),
if (rect(1, (11+i)*1.25, s).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, (i == lastScore) ? YELLOW : WHITE, BLACK);
bitBlt(this, x(1), y((11+i)*1.25), &pix);
if (cursor.x != -1 && cursor.y != -1 && cursor.on) {
if (rect(cursor.x, (cursor.y*1.25), cursor.chr).intersects(e->rect())) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(cursor.chr, BLACK, YELLOW);
bitBlt(this, x(cursor.x), y(cursor.y*1.25), &pix);
if (paused) {
QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr("PAUSED"), RED, BLACK);
QRect r = bitfont->rect(tr("PAUSED"));
r.moveCenter(QPoint(this->width()/2, this->height()/2));
bitBlt(this, r.x(), r.y(), &pix);
void Score::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)
cursor.on = !cursor.on;
if (paused)
if (cursor.x != -1 && cursor.y != -1)
repaint(rect(cursor.x, cursor.y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE);
scrollRepeat = FALSE;
if (lastPlayer == 0)
repaint(rect(1, 0, tr(" 1UP ")), FALSE);
if (lastPlayer == 1)
repaint(rect(21, 0, tr(" 2UP ")), FALSE);
void Score::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *k)
if (lastScore < 0 || lastPlayer < 0 || lastPlayer >= maxPlayer || paused) {
int x = cursor.x;
int y = cursor.y;
uint key = k->key();
if (scrollRepeat && (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up || key == DownKey || key == Key_Down)) {
if (key != Key_Return) {
if (key == RightKey || key == Key_Right)
if (++cursor.x > 16)
cursor.x = 14;
if (key == LeftKey || key == Key_Left)
if (--cursor.x < 14)
cursor.x = 16;
if (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up)
if (cursor.chr.unicode() < bitfont->lastChar())
cursor.chr = cursor.chr.unicode()+1;
cursor.chr = bitfont->firstChar();
if (key == DownKey || key == Key_Down)
if (cursor.chr.unicode() > bitfont->firstChar())
cursor.chr = cursor.chr.unicode()-1;
cursor.chr = bitfont->lastChar();
if (cursor.x == x && cursor.y == y &&
cursor.chr == hallOfFame[lastScore] {
uint ascii = k->ascii();
if (ascii < bitfont->firstChar() || ascii > bitfont->lastChar())
ascii = toupper(ascii);
if (ascii >= bitfont->firstChar() && ascii <= bitfont->lastChar()) {
cursor.chr = ascii;
hallOfFame[lastScore] = cursor.chr;
if (++cursor.x > 16)
cursor.x = 14;
if (key == Key_Return) {
playerName[lastPlayer] = hallOfFame[lastScore].name;
lastScore = -1;
cursor.x = -1;
cursor.y = -1;
// killTimers();
emit toggleNew();
if (x != cursor.x || y != cursor.y) {
- if (cursor.x != -1)
+ if (cursor.x != -1 && lastScore >= 0)
cursor.chr = hallOfFame[lastScore];
scrollRepeat = FALSE;
repaint(rect(x, y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE);
- } else
+ } else if (lastScore >= 0)
hallOfFame[lastScore] = cursor.chr;
if (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up || key == DownKey || key == Key_Down)
scrollRepeat = TRUE;
repaint(rect(cursor.x, cursor.y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE);
void Score::initKeys()
QString up("Up");
up = cfg->readEntry("upKey", (const char*) up);
UpKey = KAccel::stringToKey(up);
QString down("Down");
down = cfg->readEntry("downKey", (const char*) down);
DownKey = KAccel::stringToKey(down);
QString left("Left");
left = cfg->readEntry("leftKey", (const char*) left);
LeftKey = KAccel::stringToKey(left);
QString right("Right");
right = cfg->readEntry("rightKey", (const char*) right);
RightKey = KAccel::stringToKey(right);
void Score::confTiming(bool defGroup)
if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("CursorBlinkMS"))
cursorBlinkMS = cfg->readNumEntry("CursorBlinkMS", 250);
if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("HallOfFameMS"))
hallOfFameMS = cfg->readNumEntry("HallOfFameMS", 7000);
if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("AfterPauseMS"))
afterPauseMS = cfg->readNumEntry("AfterPauseMS", 1000);
void Score::confScheme()
SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup );
QString newgroup;
// if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile
if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) {
scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1);
mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1);
// if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group
if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) {
newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme);
mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1);
RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup );
int oldCursorBlinkMS = cursorBlinkMS;
if (mode != -1) {
newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode);
if (scheme != -1) {
newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme);
if (cursorBlinkMS != oldCursorBlinkMS) {
if (cursorBlinkTimer)
cursorBlinkTimer = startTimer(cursorBlinkMS);
RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup );
void Score::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font)
mode = Mode;
scheme = Scheme;
bitfont = font;
for (int p = 0; p < maxPlayer; p++)
for (uint i = 0; i < playerName[p].length(); i++)
if (playerName[p].at(i) < bitfont->firstChar() ||
playerName[p].at(i) > bitfont->lastChar())
playerName[p].at(i) = playerName[p].at(i).upper();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < hallOfFame[i].name.length(); j++)
if (hallOfFame[i] < bitfont->firstChar() ||
hallOfFame[i] > bitfont->lastChar())
hallOfFame[i] = hallOfFame[i];
if (cursor.chr.unicode() < bitfont->firstChar() ||
cursor.chr.unicode() > bitfont->lastChar())
cursor.chr = cursor.chr.upper();
void Score::set(int score)
set(score, 0);
void Score::set(int score, int player)
if (player < 0 || player >= maxPlayer)
lastPlayer = player;
playerScore[lastPlayer] = score;
QString s;
s.sprintf("%6d0", playerScore[lastPlayer]/10);
repaint(rect(0, 1, s), FALSE);
if (score > HighScore) {
HighScore = score;
s.sprintf("%8d0", HighScore/10);
repaint(rect(8, 1, s), FALSE);
* Set the score for player after the game if over. If the score is in the
* high scores then the hall of fame is updated (shifted) and the scoreboard
* is shown.
void Score::setScore(int level, int player)
lastScore = -1;
if (player < 0 || player >= maxPlayer || level == 0) {
if (level != 0)
emit toggleNew();
QTimer::singleShot(hallOfFameMS, this, SLOT(end()));
lastPlayer = player;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if ( playerScore[lastPlayer] > hallOfFame[i].points) {
lastScore = i;
if (lastScore < 0) {
emit toggleNew();
QTimer::singleShot(hallOfFameMS, this, SLOT(end()));
for (int i = 9; i > lastScore && i > 0; i--)
hallOfFame[i] = hallOfFame[i-1];
hallOfFame[lastScore].points = playerScore[lastPlayer];
hallOfFame[lastScore].levels = level;
hallOfFame[lastScore].moment = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
hallOfFame[lastScore].name = playerName[lastPlayer];
cursor.x = 14;
cursor.y = 11+lastScore;
cursor.chr = hallOfFame[lastScore];
// startTimer(cursorBlinkMS);
* Read the highscores, if no file or a file shorter than 4 bytes (versions before 0.2.4 stores only
* the points of one highscore) exists - the highscores were initialized with default values.
void Score::read()
if (highscoreFile.exists() && highscoreFile.size() > 4) {
if ( {
QDataStream s(&highscoreFile);
char *name;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
s >> hallOfFame[i].points >> hallOfFame[i].levels >> hallOfFame[i].duration >>
hallOfFame[i].moment >> name;
hallOfFame[i].name = QString::fromLatin1(name);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
hallOfFame[i].points = 5000;
hallOfFame[i].levels = 0;
hallOfFame[i].duration = QTime();
hallOfFame[i].moment = QDateTime();
hallOfFame[i].name = "???";
// write();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < hallOfFame[i].name.length(); j++)
if (hallOfFame[i] < bitfont->firstChar() ||
hallOfFame[i] > bitfont->lastChar())
hallOfFame[i] = hallOfFame[i];
HighScore = hallOfFame[0].points;
void Score::write()
if ( {
QDataStream s(&highscoreFile);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
s << hallOfFame[i].points << hallOfFame[i].levels << hallOfFame[i].duration <<
hallOfFame[i].moment << hallOfFame[i].name.latin1();
void Score::setPause(bool Paused)
paused = Paused;
QRect r = bitfont->rect(tr("PAUSED"));
r.moveCenter(QPoint(this->width()/2, this->height()/2));
repaint(r, TRUE);
// repaint 1UP or 2UP
void Score::end()
if (paused) {
QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(end()));
// repaint 1UP or 2UP
lastPlayer = -1;
emit forcedHallOfFame(FALSE);
* Return the date in a formatted QString. The format can be changed using internationalization
* of the string "YY/MM/DD". Invalid QDate's where returned as "00/00/00".
QString Score::formatDate(QDate date)
QString s = tr("@YY@/@MM@/@DD@");
QString dd;
dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? date.year() % 100 : 0);
s.replace(QRegExp("@YY@"), dd);
dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? date.month() : 0);
s.replace(QRegExp("@MM@"), dd);
dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? : 0);
s.replace(QRegExp("@DD@"), dd);
return s;
QRect Score::rect(int col, float row, QString str, int align)
QRect r = bitfont->rect(str);
r.moveBy(x(col), y(row));
int dx = 0;
int dy = 0;
if (align & AlignLeft || align & AlignRight) {
dx = (str.length()-1) * (bitfont->width()/2);
if (align & AlignRight)
dx *= -1;
if (align & AlignTop || align & AlignBottom) {
dy = bitfont->height()/2;
if (align & AlignBottom)
dy *= -1;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
r.moveBy(dx, dy);
return r;
int Score::x(int col)
return col*bitfont->width();
int Score::y(float row)
return (int) (row*(bitfont->height()+bitfont->height()/4));
* Ermittelt die zu benutzende "highscore"-Datei, in die auch geschrieben werden kann.
* Über den "highscoreFilePath"-KConfig-Eintrag, kann abweichend von der Standardlokation
* der Standort der "highscore"-Datei spezifiziert werden.
* Wenn die systemweite "highscore"-Datei nicht beschrieben werden kann, wird mit einer
* privaten Datei gearbeitet.
QFileInfo Score::locateHighscoreFilePath()
return privateHighscoreFileInfo;
diff --git a/noncore/todayplugins/stockticker/libstocks/http.c b/noncore/todayplugins/stockticker/libstocks/http.c
index cc78ab7..155ce4b 100644
--- a/noncore/todayplugins/stockticker/libstocks/http.c
+++ b/noncore/todayplugins/stockticker/libstocks/http.c
@@ -1,303 +1,302 @@
/* libstocks - Library to get current stock quotes from Yahoo Finance
* Copyright (C) 2000 Eric Laeuffer
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#define __HTTP_C__
#ifndef __UNIX__
#define __UNIX__
#ifdef __UNIX__
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#elif __WINDOWS__
#include <winsock.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "http.h"
#include "stocks.h"
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
#define HEADER_MAXBUF 512
/* pointer to proxy server name or NULL */
char *http_proxy_server=NULL;
/* proxy server port number or 0 */
int http_proxy_port=0;
/* Gets the file from http://http_server/http_file */
/* This function is used to get quotes csv file from yahoo. */
/* It allocates memory for the file and defines *pdata (the pointer of datas)*/
libstocks_return_code http_get(char *http_file, char *http_server, char **pdata)
struct hostent *host; /* structs needed by socket */
struct sockaddr_in server;
int s; /* socket descriptor */
char header[HEADER_MAXBUF]; /* request header */
int hlg; /* header length */
char buf[BUF_SIZE+1]; /* tempory buffer from socket read */
int r; /* number of bytes read by read function */
char *data=NULL; /* http server response */
int data_lgr; /* http server response length */
char *temp; /* pointer used to split header and csv */
int error_code; /* error code returned by http server */
char *csv_ptr; /* pointer to the csv content */
int header_founded; /* test if header is founded */
#ifdef DEBUG
/* get host info by name :*/
if ((host = gethostbyname( http_proxy_server ? http_proxy_server : http_server)))
memset((char *) &server,0, sizeof(server));
memmove((char *) &server.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length);
server.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
server.sin_port = (unsigned short) htons( http_proxy_server ? http_proxy_port : 80 );
- } else
- {
+ }
+ else
+ {
#ifdef DEBUG
- printf(" gethostbyname : NOK\n");
+ printf(" gethostbyname : NOK\n");
- return ERRHOST;
- }
+ return ERRHOST;
+ }
/* create socket */
if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" create socket : NOK\n");
return ERRSOCK;
setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 0, 0);
/* connect to server */
if (connect(s, &server, sizeof(server)) < 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" connect to server : NOK\n");
#ifdef __UNIX__
#elif __WINDOWS__
return ERRCONN;
/* create header */
if (http_proxy_server)
sprintf(header,"GET http://%.128s:80%.256s HTTP/1.0\015\012\015\012",
- http_server, http_file);
+ http_server, http_file);
sprintf(header,"GET %s HTTP/1.0\015\012\015\012",http_file);
/* send header */
#ifdef __UNIX__
if (write(s,header,hlg)!=hlg)
#elif __WINDOWS__
if (send(s,header,hlg, 0)!=hlg)
#ifdef DEBUG
- printf(" send header : NOK\n");
+ printf(" send header : NOK\n");
return ERRWHEA;
data_lgr = 0;
/* Clear Buffer */
#ifdef __UNIX__
#elif __WINDOWS__
- if (r)
- {
- if(!data_lgr)
- {
- if((data = malloc(r+1))==NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n"
- ,__FILE__, __LINE__);
- exit(1);
- }
+ if (r > 0)
+ {
+ if(!data_lgr)
+ {
+ if((data = malloc(r+1))==NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(1);
+ }
- memcpy(data,buf,r);
- data_lgr = r;
- data[r]=0;
- }
- else
- {
- if((temp = malloc(r+data_lgr+1))==NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n"
- ,__FILE__, __LINE__);
- exit(1);
- }
- memcpy(temp, data, data_lgr);
- memcpy(temp+data_lgr, buf, r);
- temp[r+data_lgr]=0;
- data_lgr += r;
- free(data);
- data = temp;
- }
- }
+ memcpy(data,buf,r);
+ data_lgr = r;
+ data[r]=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((temp = malloc(r+data_lgr+1))==NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memcpy(temp, data, data_lgr);
+ memcpy(temp+data_lgr, buf, r);
+ temp[r+data_lgr]=0;
+ data_lgr += r;
+ free(data);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ }
/* close socket */
#ifdef __UNIX__
#elif __WINDOWS__
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("%s\n", data);
/* get headers to test status line */
/* and to split headers and content */
temp = data;
header_founded = 0;
while( !header_founded )
if (!temp || *temp==0) return ERRRHEA;
if( *temp==0x0A )
- {
- /* test if it is the header end */
- temp ++;
- if (*temp == 0x0D) temp++;
- if (*temp == 0x0A) header_founded = 1;
- }
+ {
+ /* test if it is the header end */
+ temp ++;
+ if (*temp == 0x0D) temp++;
+ if (*temp == 0x0A) header_founded = 1;
+ }
- temp++;
+ temp++;
*temp = 0;
sscanf(data,"HTTP/1.%*d %03d",&error_code);
if (error_code != 200)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" HTTP error code : %d\n", error_code);
return ERRPAHD;
if ((csv_ptr = malloc(strlen(temp)+1))==NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n"
- ,__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocating error (%s line %d)\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
memcpy(csv_ptr, temp, strlen(temp)+1);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" CSV\n");
printf("%s,\n", csv_ptr);
*pdata = csv_ptr;
return 0;
/* Set the proxy server to use */
libstocks_return_code set_proxy(char *proxy)
char *ptr;
char c;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Parse the proxy URL - It must start with http:// */
#ifdef __UNIX__
if (strncasecmp("http://",proxy,7)) return ERRPROX;
#elif __WINDOWS__
if (_mbsnbicmp("http://",proxy,7)) return ERRPROX;
/* find ":" in the proxy url */
ptr = proxy;
for (c=*ptr; (c && c!=':');) c=*ptr++;
/* ptr points just after the ":" or at the end of proxy if : not founded */
*(ptr-1)=0; /* clear the ":" */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("http_proxy_server : %s\n", http_proxy_server);
/* get the port number of the url */
if (sscanf(ptr,"%d",&http_proxy_port)!=1) return ERRPROX;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("http_proxy_port : %d\n", http_proxy_port);
return 0;