authorllornkcor <llornkcor>2004-12-28 23:17:43 (UTC)
committer llornkcor <llornkcor>2004-12-28 23:17:43 (UTC)
commite2d6f156eacc312f270a1b5c3830e58be8941460 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent47b3f934ed4f5d84356b5b052aed018dc97ab6a7 (diff)
fix compile
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
index 3cb1c0a..5171bf1 100644
--- a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
+++ b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
@@ -368,1062 +368,1064 @@ TEWidget::~TEWidget()
/* */
/* Display Operations */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
attributed string draw primitive
void TEWidget::drawAttrStr(QPainter &paint, QRect rect,
QString& str, ca attr, BOOL pm, BOOL clear)
if (pm && color_table[attr.b].transparent)
paint.setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
if (clear) erase(rect);
if (blinking)
paint.fillRect(rect, color_table[attr.b].color);
paint.setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode );
paint.setBackgroundColor( color_table[attr.b].color );
if (color_table[attr.f].bold)
paint.setPen(QColor( 0x8F, 0x00, 0x00 ));
paint.drawText(rect.x(),rect.y()+font_a, str);
if (attr.r & RE_UNDERLINE)
paint.drawLine(rect.left(), rect.y()+font_a+1, rect.right(),rect.y()+font_a+1 );
The image can only be set completely.
The size of the new image may or may not match the size of the widget.
void TEWidget::setImage(const ca* const newimg, int lines, int columns)
{ int y,x,len;
const QPixmap* pm = backgroundPixmap();
QPainter paint;
paint.begin( this );
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
hasBlinker = FALSE;
int cf = -1; // undefined
int cb = -1; // undefined
int cr = -1; // undefined
int lins = QMIN(this->lines, QMAX(0,lines ));
int cols = QMIN(this->columns,QMAX(0,columns));
QChar *disstrU = new QChar[cols];
for (y = 0; y < lins; y++) {
const ca* lcl = &image[y*this->columns];
const ca* const ext = &newimg[y*columns];
if (!resizing) // not while resizing, we're expecting a paintEvent
for (x = 0; x < cols; x++)
hasBlinker |= (ext[x].r & RE_BLINK);
if (ext[x] != lcl[x])
cr = ext[x].r;
cb = ext[x].b;
if (ext[x].f != cf) cf = ext[x].f;
int lln = cols - x;
disstrU[0] = fontMap(ext[x+0].c);
for (len = 1; len < lln; len++)
if (ext[x+len].f != cf || ext[x+len].b != cb || ext[x+len].r != cr ||
ext[x+len] == lcl[x+len] )
disstrU[len] = fontMap(ext[x+len].c);
QString unistr(disstrU,len);
unistr, ext[x], pm != NULL, true);
x += len - 1;
// finally, make `image' become `newimg'.
memcpy((void*)lcl,(const void*)ext,cols*sizeof(ca));
drawFrame( &paint );
if ( hasBlinker && !blinkT->isActive()) blinkT->start(1000); // 1000 ms
if (!hasBlinker && blinkT->isActive()) { blinkT->stop(); blinking = FALSE; }
delete [] disstrU;
// paint Event ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The difference of this routine vs. the `setImage' is,
that the drawing does not include a difference analysis
between the old and the new image. Instead, the internal
image is used and the painting bound by the PaintEvent box.
void TEWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* pe )
//{ static int cnt = 0; printf("paint %d\n",cnt++); }
const QPixmap* pm = backgroundPixmap();
QPainter paint;
paint.begin( this );
paint.setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
// Note that the actual widget size can be slightly larger
// that the image (the size is truncated towards the smaller
// number of characters in `resizeEvent'. The paint rectangle
// can thus be larger than the image, but less then the size
// of one character.
QRect rect = pe->rect().intersect(contentsRect());
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
int lux = QMIN(columns-1, QMAX(0,(rect.left() - tLx - blX ) / font_w));
int luy = QMIN(lines-1, QMAX(0,( - tLy - bY ) / font_h));
int rlx = QMIN(columns-1, QMAX(0,(rect.right() - tLx - blX ) / font_w));
int rly = QMIN(lines-1, QMAX(0,(rect.bottom() - tLy - bY ) / font_h));
printf("paintEvent: %d..%d, %d..%d (%d..%d, %d..%d)\n",lux,rlx,luy,rly,
rect.left(), rect.right(),, rect.bottom());
// if (pm != NULL && color_table[image->b].transparent)
// erase(rect);
// BL: I have no idea why we need this, and it breaks the refresh.
QChar *disstrU = new QChar[columns];
for (int y = luy; y <= rly; y++)
for (int x = lux; x <= rlx; x++)
int len = 1;
disstrU[0] = fontMap(image[loc(x,y)].c);
int cf = image[loc(x,y)].f;
int cb = image[loc(x,y)].b;
int cr = image[loc(x,y)].r;
while (x+len <= rlx &&
image[loc(x+len,y)].f == cf &&
image[loc(x+len,y)].b == cb &&
image[loc(x+len,y)].r == cr )
disstrU[len] = fontMap(image[loc(x+len,y)].c);
len += 1;
QString unistr(disstrU,len);
unistr, image[loc(x,y)], pm != NULL, false);
x += len - 1;
delete [] disstrU;
drawFrame( &paint );
void TEWidget::blinkEvent()
blinking = !blinking;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Resizing */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
// printf("resize: %d,%d\n",ev->size().width(),ev->size().height());
//printf("approx: %d,%d\n",ev->size().width()/font_w,ev->size().height()/font_h);
//printf("leaves: %d,%d\n",ev->size().width()%font_w,ev->size().height()%font_h);
//printf("curren: %d,%d\n",width(),height());
// see comment in `paintEvent' concerning the rounding.
//FIXME: could make a routine here; check width(),height()
assert(ev->size().width() == width());
assert(ev->size().height() == height());
void TEWidget::propagateSize()
ca* oldimg = image;
int oldlin = lines;
int oldcol = columns;
// we copy the old image to reduce flicker
int lins = QMIN(oldlin,lines);
int cols = QMIN(oldcol,columns);
if (oldimg)
for (int lin = 0; lin < lins; lin++)
free(oldimg); //FIXME: try new,delete
//NOTE: control flows from the back through the chest right into the eye.
// `emu' will call back via `setImage'.
resizing = TRUE;
emit changedImageSizeSignal(lines, columns); // expose resizeEvent
resizing = FALSE;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Scrollbar */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::scrollChanged(int) {
emit changedHistoryCursor(scrollbar->value()); //expose
void TEWidget::hScrollChanged(int loc) {
hposition = loc;
// emit changedHorzCursor( hScrollbar->value()); //expose
void TEWidget::setScroll(int cursor, int slines)
disconnect(scrollbar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollChanged(int)));
connect(scrollbar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollChanged(int)));
void TEWidget::setScrollbarLocation(int loc)
if (scrollLoc == loc) return; // quickly
scrollLoc = loc;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Mouse */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Three different operations can be performed using the mouse, and the
routines in this section serve all of them:
1) The press/release events are exposed to the application
2) Marking (press and move left button) and Pasting (press middle button)
3) The right mouse button is used from the configuration menu
NOTE: During the marking process we attempt to keep the cursor within
the bounds of the text as being displayed by setting the mouse position
whenever the mouse has left the text area.
Two reasons to do so:
1) QT does not allow the `grabMouse' to confine-to the TEWidget.
Thus a `XGrapPointer' would have to be used instead.
2) Even if so, this would not help too much, since the text area
of the TEWidget is normally not identical with it's bounds.
The disadvantage of the current handling is, that the mouse can visibly
leave the bounds of the widget and is then moved back. Because of the
current construction, and the reasons mentioned above, we cannot do better
without changing the overall construction.
void TEWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
//printf("press [%d,%d] %d\n",ev->x()/font_w,ev->y()/font_h,ev->button());
if ( !contentsRect().contains(ev->pos()) ) return;
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
mouse_down_x = ev->x();
mouse_down_y = ev->y();
//printf("press top left [%d,%d] by=%d\n",tLx,tLy, bY);
if ( ev->button() == LeftButton)
QPoint pos = QPoint((ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
word_selection_mode = (ev->state() & ShiftButton);
if ( ev->state() & ControlButton ) preserve_line_breaks = FALSE ;
if (mouse_marks || (ev->state() & ShiftButton))
emit clearSelectionSignal();
iPntSel = pntSel = pos;
actSel = 1; // left mouse button pressed but nothing selected yet.
grabMouse( /*crossCursor*/ ); // handle with care!
emit mouseSignal( 0, pos.x() + 1, pos.y() + 1 ); // left button
if ( ev->button() == MidButton )
if ( ev->button() == RightButton ) // Configure
emit configureRequest( this, ev->state()&(ShiftButton|ControlButton), ev->x(), ev->y() );
void TEWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
// for auto-hiding the cursor, we need mouseTracking
if (ev->state() == NoButton ) return;
if (actSel == 0) return;
// don't extend selection while pasting
if (ev->state() & MidButton) return;
//if ( !contentsRect().contains(ev->pos()) ) return;
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
int scroll = scrollbar->value();
// int hScroll = hScrollbar->value();
// we're in the process of moving the mouse with the left button pressed
// the mouse cursor will kept catched within the bounds of the text in
// this widget.
// Adjust position within text area bounds. See FIXME above.
QPoint pos = ev->pos();
if ( pos.x() < tLx+blX ) pos.setX( tLx+blX );
if ( pos.x() > tLx+blX+columns*font_w-1 ) pos.setX( tLx+blX+columns*font_w );
if ( pos.y() < tLy+bY ) pos.setY( tLy+bY );
if ( pos.y() > tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 ) pos.setY( tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 );
// check if we produce a mouse move event by this
if ( pos != ev->pos() ) cursor().setPos(mapToGlobal(pos));
if ( pos.y() == tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 )
scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->value()+yMouseScroll); // scrollforward
if ( pos.y() == tLy+bY )
scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->value()-yMouseScroll); // scrollback
QPoint here = QPoint((pos.x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(pos.y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
QPoint ohere;
bool swapping = FALSE;
if ( word_selection_mode )
// Extend to word boundaries
int i;
int selClass;
bool left_not_right = ( here.y() < iPntSel.y() ||
here.y() == iPntSel.y() && here.x() < iPntSel.x() );
bool old_left_not_right = ( pntSel.y() < iPntSel.y() ||
pntSel.y() == iPntSel.y() && pntSel.x() < iPntSel.x() );
swapping = left_not_right != old_left_not_right;
// Find left (left_not_right ? from here : from start)
QPoint left = left_not_right ? here : iPntSel;
i = loc(left.x(),left.y());
selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
while ( left.x() > 0 && charClass(image[i-1].c) == selClass )
{ i--; left.rx()--; }
// Find left (left_not_right ? from start : from here)
QPoint right = left_not_right ? iPntSel : here;
i = loc(right.x(),right.y());
selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
while ( right.x() < columns-1 && charClass(image[i+1].c) == selClass )
{ i++; right.rx()++; }
// Pick which is start (ohere) and which is extension (here)
if ( left_not_right )
here = left; ohere = right;
here = right; ohere = left;
if (here == pntSel && scroll == scrollbar->value()) return; // not moved
if ( word_selection_mode ) {
if ( actSel < 2 || swapping ) {
emit beginSelectionSignal( ohere.x(), ohere.y() );
} else if ( actSel < 2 ) {
emit beginSelectionSignal( pntSel.x(), pntSel.y() );
actSel = 2; // within selection
pntSel = here;
emit extendSelectionSignal( here.x(), here.y() );
void TEWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
//printf("release [%d,%d] %d\n",ev->x()/font_w,ev->y()/font_h,ev->button());
if ( ev->button() == LeftButton)
if (QABS(ev->x() - mouse_down_x) < 3
&& QABS(ev->y() - mouse_down_y) < 3
&& ev->y() < qApp->desktop()->height()/8) {
emit setFullScreen(false);
if ( actSel > 1 ) emit endSelectionSignal(preserve_line_breaks);
preserve_line_breaks = TRUE;
actSel = 0;
//FIXME: emits a release event even if the mouse is
// outside the range. The procedure used in `mouseMoveEvent'
// applies here, too.
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
if (!mouse_marks && !(ev->state() & ShiftButton))
emit mouseSignal( 3, // release
(ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w + 1,
(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h + 1 );
void TEWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
if ( ev->button() != LeftButton) return;
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
QPoint pos = QPoint((ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
// pass on double click as two clicks.
if (!mouse_marks && !(ev->state() & ShiftButton))
emit mouseSignal( 0, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // left button
emit mouseSignal( 3, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // release
emit mouseSignal( 0, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // left button
emit clearSelectionSignal();
QPoint bgnSel = pos;
QPoint endSel = QPoint((ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
int i = loc(bgnSel.x(),bgnSel.y());
iPntSel = bgnSel;
word_selection_mode = TRUE;
// find word boundaries...
int selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
// set the start...
int x = bgnSel.x();
while ( x > 0 && charClass(image[i-1].c) == selClass )
{ i--; x--; }
emit beginSelectionSignal( bgnSel.x(), bgnSel.y() );
// set the end...
i = loc( endSel.x(), endSel.y() );
x = endSel.x();
while( x < columns-1 && charClass(image[i+1].c) == selClass )
{ i++; x++ ; }
actSel = 2; // within selection
emit extendSelectionSignal( endSel.x(), endSel.y() );
emit endSelectionSignal(preserve_line_breaks);
preserve_line_breaks = TRUE;
void TEWidget::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * )
// do nothing, to prevent repainting
void TEWidget::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * )
// do nothing, to prevent repainting
bool TEWidget::focusNextPrevChild( bool next )
if (next)
return false; // This disables changing the active part in konqueror
// when pressing Tab
return QFrame::focusNextPrevChild( next );
int TEWidget::charClass(char ch) const
// This might seem like overkill, but imagine if ch was a Unicode
// character (Qt 2.0 QChar) - it might then be sensible to separate
// the different language ranges, etc.
if ( isspace(ch) ) return ' ';
static const char *word_characters = ":@-./_~";
if ( isalnum(ch) || strchr(word_characters, ch) )
return 'a';
// Everything else is weird
return 1;
void TEWidget::setMouseMarks(bool on)
mouse_marks = on;
setCursor( mouse_marks ? ibeamCursor : arrowCursor );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Clipboard */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#undef KeyPress
void TEWidget::emitSelection()
// Paste Clipboard by simulating keypress events
QString text = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
// odebug << text << oendl;
if ( ! text.isNull())
text.replace(QRegExp("\n"), "\r");
QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress, 0, -1, 0, text);
emit keyPressedSignal(&e); // expose as a big fat keypress event
emit clearSelectionSignal();
void TEWidget::emitText(QString text)
QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress, 0, -1, 0, text);
emit keyPressedSignal(&e); // expose as a big fat keypress event
void TEWidget::pasteClipboard( )
void TEWidget::setSelection(const QString& t)
// Disconnect signal while WE set the clipboard
QObject *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
QObject::disconnect( cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
QObject::connect( cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
void TEWidget::onClearSelection()
emit clearSelectionSignal();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Keyboard */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//FIXME: an `eventFilter' has been installed instead of a `keyPressEvent'
// due to a bug in `QT' or the ignorance of the author to prevent
// repaint events being emitted to the screen whenever one leaves
// or reenters the screen to/from another application.
// Troll says one needs to change focusInEvent() and focusOutEvent(),
// which would also let you have an in-focus cursor and an out-focus
// cursor like xterm does.
// for the auto-hide cursor feature, I added empty focusInEvent() and
// focusOutEvent() so that update() isn't called.
// For auto-hide, we need to get keypress-events, but we only get them when
// we have focus.
void TEWidget::doScroll(int lines)
void TEWidget::doHScroll(int lines) {
hScrollbar->setValue( hScrollbar->value()+lines);
bool TEWidget::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
if ( (e->type() == QEvent::Accel ||
e->type() == QEvent::AccelAvailable ) && qApp->focusWidget() == this ) {
static_cast<QKeyEvent *>( e )->ignore();
return true;
if ( obj != this /* when embedded */ && obj != parent() /* when standalone */ )
return FALSE; // not us
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) {
QApplication::sendEvent(scrollbar, e);
static bool control = FALSE;
static bool alt = FALSE;
// odebug << " Has a keyboard with no CTRL and ALT keys, but we fake it:" << oendl;
bool dele=FALSE;
if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) {
QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
bool keydown = e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || ke->isAutoRepeat();
switch (ke->key()) {
case Key_F9: // let this be "Control"
control = keydown;
e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Control, 0, ke->state());
case Key_F13: // let this be "Alt"
alt = keydown;
e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Alt, 0, ke->state());
if ( control ) {
int a = toupper(ke->ascii())-64;
if ( a >= 0 && a < ' ' ) {
e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
a, ke->state()|ControlButton, QChar(a,0));
if ( alt ) {
e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
ke->ascii(), ke->state()|AltButton, ke->text());
if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) {
QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
actSel=0; // Key stroke implies a screen update, so TEWidget won't
// know where the current selection is.
// odebug << "key pressed is 0x" << ke->key() << ", ascii is 0x" << ke->ascii() << ", state " << ke->state() << "" << oendl;
bool special_function = true;
switch(ke->key()) {
// case 0x201b: // fn-5
// case Key_F1:
// switch sessions (?)
// emitText("\\"); // expose (??)
// break;
case 0x2016: // fn-p
case Key_F2:
case 0x2018: // fn-S
case Key_F3:
emit changeSession(1);
case 0x2019: // fn-n
emit newSession();
case Qt::Key_Tab:
if (ke->state() == ControlButton) {
emit changeSession(1);
} else {
special_function = false;
#if 0
case Qt::Key_Left:
if (vcolumns == 0) {
emit changeSession(-1);
} else {
special_function = false;
case Qt::Key_Right:
if (vcolumns == 0) {
emit changeSession(1);
} else {
special_function = false;
case 0x201b: // fn-5
case Key_F4:
emit toggleFullScreen();
case 0x200f: // fn-1 magnify minus
case Key_F5:
emit changeFontSize(-1);
case 0x2010: // fn-2 magnify plus
case Key_F6:
emit changeFontSize(1);
special_function = false;
if (special_function) {
return true;
// else if( ke->state() == ControlButton && ke->key() == Key_V) {
// pasteClipboard();
// }
// else if( ke->state() == ControlButton && ke->key() == Key_C) {
// pasteClipboard();
// }
emit keyPressedSignal(ke); // expose
if ( dele ) delete e;
return true; // stop the event
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Enter ) {
QObject::disconnect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Leave ) {
QObject::connect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, e );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Frame */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::frameChanged()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Sound */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::Bell()
//#ifdef QT_QWS_SL5XXX
//# ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope( "QPE/TaskBar", "soundAlarm()" );
//# endif
//# ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
// QSound::play(Resource::findSound("alarm"));
//# endif
// QApplication::beep();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Auxiluary */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::clearImage()
// initialize the image
// for internal use only
for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
image[loc(x,y)].c = 0xff; //' ';
image[loc(x,y)].f = 0xff; //DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR;
image[loc(x,y)].b = 0xff; //DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR;
image[loc(x,y)].r = 0xff; //DEFAULT_RENDITION;
// Create Image ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void TEWidget::calcGeometry()
int showhscrollbar = 1;
int hwidth = 0;
int dcolumns = 0;
Config cfg( "Konsole" );
if(vcolumns == 0) showhscrollbar = 0;
if(showhscrollbar == 1) hwidth = QApplication::style().scrollBarExtent().width();
contentsRect().height() - hwidth);
switch(scrollLoc) {
case SCRNONE :
columns = ( contentsRect().width() - 2 * rimX ) / font_w;
dcolumns = columns;
if(vcolumns) columns = vcolumns;
blX = (contentsRect().width() - (columns*font_w) ) / 2;
blX = -hposition * font_w;
brX = blX;
case SCRLEFT :
columns = ( contentsRect().width() - 2 * rimX - scrollbar->width()) / font_w;
dcolumns = columns;
if(vcolumns) columns = vcolumns;
brX = (contentsRect().width() - (columns*font_w) - scrollbar->width() ) / 2;
brX = -hposition * font_w;
blX = brX + scrollbar->width();
columns = ( contentsRect().width() - 2 * rimX - scrollbar->width()) / font_w;
dcolumns = columns;
if(vcolumns) columns = vcolumns;
blX = (contentsRect().width() - (columns*font_w) - scrollbar->width() ) / 2;
blX = -hposition * font_w;
brX = blX;
scrollbar->move(contentsRect().topRight() - QPoint(scrollbar->width()-1,0));
//FIXME: support 'rounding' styles
lines = ( contentsRect().height() - 2 * rimY ) / font_h;
bY = (contentsRect().height() - (lines *font_h)) / 2;
if(showhscrollbar == 1) {
hScrollbar->resize(contentsRect().width() - hwidth, hwidth);
hScrollbar->setRange(0, vcolumns - dcolumns);
QPoint p = contentsRect().bottomLeft();
if(scrollLoc == SCRLEFT)
hScrollbar->move(QPoint(p.x()+hwidth, p.y() - hwidth));
hScrollbar->move(QPoint(p.x(), p.y() - hwidth));
else hScrollbar->hide();
if(showhscrollbar == 1) {
lines = lines - (hwidth / font_h) - 1;
if(lines < 1) lines = 1;
//FIXME: support 'rounding' styles
void TEWidget::makeImage()
//FIXME: rename 'calcGeometry?
image = (ca*) malloc(lines*columns*sizeof(ca));
// calculate the needed size
QSize TEWidget::calcSize(int cols, int lins) const
int frw = width() - contentsRect().width();
int frh = height() - contentsRect().height();
int scw = (scrollLoc==SCRNONE?0:scrollbar->width());
return QSize( font_w*cols + 2*rimX + frw + scw, font_h*lins + 2*rimY + frh );
QSize TEWidget::sizeHint() const
return size();
void TEWidget::styleChange(QStyle &)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Drag & Drop */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* e)
e->accept(QTextDrag::canDecode(e) ||
void TEWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent* event)
// The current behaviour when url(s) are dropped is
// * if there is only ONE url and if it's a LOCAL one, ask for paste or cd
// * in all other cases, just paste
// (for non-local ones, or for a list of URLs, 'cd' is nonsense)
QStrList strlist;
int file_count = 0;
dropText = "";
bool bPopup = true;
if(QUriDrag::decode(event, strlist)) {
if (strlist.count()) {
for(const char* p = strlist.first(); p; p = {
if(file_count++ > 0) {
dropText += " ";
bPopup = false; // more than one file, don't popup
KURL url(p);
if (url.isLocalFile()) {
dropText += url.path(); // local URL : remove protocol
else {
dropText += url.prettyURL();
bPopup = false; // a non-local file, don't popup
if (bPopup)
// m_drop->popup(pos() + event->pos());
if (currentSession) {
// kdDebug() << "Drop:" << dropText.local8Bit() << "\n";
else if(QTextDrag::decode(event, dropText)) {
// kdDebug() << "Drop:" << dropText.local8Bit() << "\n";
if (currentSession) {
// Paste it
-void TEWidget::drop_menu_activated(int /*item*/)
+void TEWidget::drop_menu_activated(int item)
switch (item)
case 0: // paste
// KWM::activate((Window)this->winId());
case 1: // cd ...
currentSession->getEmulation()->sendString("cd ");
struct stat statbuf;
if ( ::stat( QFile::encodeName( dropText ), &statbuf ) == 0 )
if ( !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) )
KURL url;
url.setPath( dropText );
dropText = true, false ); // remove filename
dropText.replace(QRegExp(" "), "\\ "); // escape spaces
// KWM::activate((Window)this->winId());
+ Q_UNUSED(item);
void TEWidget::setWrapAt(int columns)
vcolumns = columns;