authorandyq <andyq>2003-02-28 23:56:03 (UTC)
committer andyq <andyq>2003-02-28 23:56:03 (UTC)
commit7dd36872a3eb63eb1c3c7a17549f3eeba92f1b32 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent64423f1852a13178f23365f2bba995ef2c355b3b (diff)
Changed keyboard handling to accept UP, ENTER and RETURN for moving ship
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/games/sfcave-sdl/game.cpp b/noncore/games/sfcave-sdl/game.cpp
index e41e510..1ee0230 100644
--- a/noncore/games/sfcave-sdl/game.cpp
+++ b/noncore/games/sfcave-sdl/game.cpp
@@ -1,328 +1,332 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include "font.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "stringtokenizer.h"
#include "sfcave_game.h"
#include "gates_game.h"
#include "fly_game.h"
#include "starfield.h"
Game :: Game( SFCave *p, int w, int h, int diff )
parent = p;
sHeight = h;
sWidth = w;
difficulty = diff;
replayIt = 0;
replay = false;
terrain = 0;
player = 0;
thrustChannel = -1;
Game :: ~Game()
if ( terrain )
delete terrain;
if ( player )
delete player;
void Game :: init()
if ( replay )
setSeed( currentSeed );
replayIt = replayList.begin();
setSeed( -1 );
score = 0;
nrFrames = 0;
press = false;
// Load highscore
string key = getGameName() + "_" + getGameDifficultyText() + "_highscore";
highScore = atoi( parent->loadSetting( key, "0" ).c_str() );
void Game :: handleKeys( SDL_KeyboardEvent &key )
- if ( !replay && key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE )
+ if ( !replay &&
+ (key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE ||
+ key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER ||
+ key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN ||
+ key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP) )
if ( key.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )
if ( !press )
replayList.push_back( nrFrames );
press = true;
if ( press )
replayList.push_back( nrFrames );
press = false;
string Game :: getGameDifficultyText()
string ret;
if ( difficulty == MENU_DIFFICULTY_EASY )
ret = "Easy";
else if ( difficulty == MENU_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL )
ret = "Medium";
else if ( difficulty == MENU_DIFFICULTY_HARD )
ret = "Hard";
else if ( difficulty == MENU_DIFFICULTY_CUSTOM )
ret = "Custom";
return ret;
void Game :: setDifficulty( string diff )
if ( diff == "Easy" )
else if ( diff == "Medium" )
else if ( diff == "Hard" )
else if ( diff == "Custom" )
void Game :: setDifficulty( int diff )
difficulty = diff;
void Game :: update( int state )
nrFrames ++;
if ( score > highScore )
highScore = score;
if ( state == STATE_PLAYING )
if ( replay )
while( replayIt != replayList.end() && (*replayIt) == nrFrames-1 )
press = !press;
replayIt ++;
if ( press && thrustChannel == -1 )
thrustChannel = SoundHandler :: playSound( SND_THRUST, -1, -1, false );
if ( !press &&thrustChannel != -1 )
SoundHandler :: stopSound( thrustChannel, true, 300 );
thrustChannel = -1;
if ( state == STATE_CRASHING || state == STATE_CRASHED )
// fade out any trail marks remainin
if ( player->updateCrashing() )
parent->changeState( STATE_CRASHED );
void Game :: preDraw( SDL_Surface *screen )
void Game :: draw( SDL_Surface *screen )
char tmp[100];
string scoreText;
sprintf( tmp, "Score: %06ld High Score: %06ld", score, highScore );
FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_WHITE_TEXT, tmp, 3, 10 );
if ( parent->getState() == STATE_CRASHED )
string crashText;
crashText = "Game Over";
int x = (240 - FontHandler::TextWidth( FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str() )) / 2;
FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str(), x, 150 );
int fontHeight = FontHandler::FontHeight( FONT_WHITE_TEXT );
crashText = "Press Middle Button to play again";
x = (240 - FontHandler::TextWidth( FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str() )) / 2;
FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str(), x, 150 + fontHeight );
crashText = "or OK for menu";
x = (240 - FontHandler::TextWidth( FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str() )) / 2;
FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_WHITE_TEXT, (const char *)crashText.c_str(), x, 150 + 2*fontHeight );
if ( parent->showFPS() )
sprintf( tmp, "FPS : %d", parent->getFPS() );
FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_WHITE_TEXT, tmp, 20, 300 );
void Game :: stateChanged( int from, int to )
if ( from != STATE_CRASHING && to == STATE_CRASHING )
// play explosion sound
SoundHandler :: stopSound( -1, false );
SoundHandler :: playSound( SND_EXPLOSION );
// Check and save highscore
printf( "Got Highscore = %d\n", gotHighScore() );
if ( gotHighScore() )
string key = getGameName() + "_" + getGameDifficultyText() + "_highscore";
parent->saveSetting( key, getHighScore() );
void Game :: setSeed( int seed )
if ( seed == -1 )
currentSeed = ((unsigned long) time((time_t *) NULL));
currentSeed = seed;
PutSeed( currentSeed );
void Game :: saveReplay( string file )
FILE *out;
out = fopen( file.c_str(), "w" );
if ( !out )
printf( "Couldn't write to /home/root/%s\n", file.c_str() );
parent->setMenuStatusText( "Couldn't save replay file" );
// Build up string of values
// Format is:: <landscape seed> <game type> <difficulty> <framenr> <framenr>.......
string val;
char tmp[20];
sprintf( tmp, "%d %d ", currentSeed, difficulty );
val = tmp;
list<int>::iterator it = replayList.begin();
while( it != replayList.end() )
sprintf( tmp, "%d ", *it );
val += tmp;
val += "\n";
string line;
sprintf( tmp, "%d\n", val.length() );
line = tmp;
fwrite( line.c_str(), 1, line.length(), out );
fwrite( val.c_str(), 1, val.length(), out );
fclose( out );
void Game :: loadReplay( string file )
FILE *in = fopen( (const char *)file.c_str(), "r" );
if ( in == 0 )
printf( "Couldn't load replay file %s!\n", (const char *)file.c_str() );
parent->setMenuStatusText( "Couldn't load replay file" );
// Read next line - contains the size of the options
char line[10+1];
fgets( line, 10, in );
int length = -1;
sscanf( line, "%d", &length );
char *data = new char[length+1];
fread( data, 1, length, in );
string sep = " ";
StringTokenizer st( data, sep );
// print it out
vector<string>::iterator it = st.begin();
currentSeed = atoi( (*it).c_str() );
difficulty = atoi( (*it).c_str() );
for ( ; it != st.end(); ++it )
int v = atoi( (*it).c_str() );
replayList.push_back( v );
delete data;
fclose( in );
Game *Game :: createGame( SFCave *p, int w, int h, string game, string difficulty )
Game *g;
if ( game == "SFCave" )
g = new SFCaveGame( p, w, h, 0 );
else if ( game == "Gates" )
g = new GatesGame( p, w, h, 0 );
else if ( game == "Fly" )
g = new FlyGame( p, w, h, 0 );
if ( g )
g->setDifficulty( difficulty );
return g;