authormickeyl <mickeyl>2003-04-13 01:03:40 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2003-04-13 01:03:40 (UTC)
commit64d6b3e723b9b2fc3b1f3eea6da6344c5f26ce1e (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent0a2d3731e93a4738a4a3e4b2fce8d011a43b0966 (diff)
adjust for new icon size
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
index 1ef24d2..a8cadd8 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
@@ -41,325 +41,325 @@ const int col_channel = 3;
const int col_wep = 4;
const int col_traffic = 5;
const int col_manuf = 6;
const int col_firstseen = 7;
const int col_lastseen = 8;
MScanListView::MScanListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
:OListView( parent, name ), _manufacturerdb( 0 )
setFrameShape( QListView::StyledPanel );
setFrameShadow( QListView::Sunken );
addColumn( tr( "Net/Station" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 0, AlignLeft || AlignVCenter );
addColumn( tr( "B" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 1, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "AP" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 2, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Chn" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 3, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "W" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 4, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "T" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 5, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Manufacturer" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 6, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "First Seen" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 7, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Last Seen" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 8, AlignCenter );
setRootIsDecorated( true );
setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
OListViewItem* MScanListView::childFactory()
return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListView::serializeTo( QDataStream& s) const
qDebug( "serializing MScanListView" );
OListView::serializeTo( s );
void MScanListView::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s)
qDebug( "serializing MScanListView" );
OListView::serializeFrom( s );
void MScanListView::setManufacturerDB( ManufacturerDB* manufacturerdb )
_manufacturerdb = manufacturerdb;
void MScanListView::addNewItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal )
// FIXME: scanlistitem needs a proper encapsulation and not such a damn dealing with text(...)
qDebug( "MScanList::addNewItem( %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// search, if we already have seen this net
QString s;
MScanListItem* network;
MScanListItem* item = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( firstChild() );
while ( item && ( item->text( 0 ) != essid ) )
qDebug( "itemtext: %s", (const char*) item->text( 0 ) );
item = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( item->itemBelow() );
if ( item )
// animate the item
const QPixmap* pixmap = item->pixmap( 0 );
const QPixmap* nextpixmap = ani2;
if ( pixmap == ani1 )
nextpixmap = ani2;
else if ( pixmap == ani2 )
nextpixmap = ani3;
else if ( pixmap == ani3 )
nextpixmap = ani4;
else if ( pixmap == ani4 )
nextpixmap = ani1;
item->setPixmap( 0, *nextpixmap ); */
//qDebug( "current pixmap %d, next %d", pixmap, nextpixmap );
// we have already seen this net, check all childs if MAC exists
network = item;
item = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( item->firstChild() );
assert( item ); // this shouldn't fail
while ( item && ( item->text( 2 ) != macaddr ) )
qDebug( "subitemtext: %s", (const char*) item->text( 2 ) );
item = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( item->itemBelow() );
if ( item )
// we have already seen this item, it's a dupe
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "%s is a dupe - ignoring...", (const char*) macaddr );
s.sprintf( "(i) new network: '%s'", (const char*) essid );
- network = new MScanListItem( this, "networks", essid, QString::null, 0, 0, 0 );
+ network = new MScanListItem( this, "network", essid, QString::null, 0, 0, 0 );
// insert new station as child from network
// no essid to reduce clutter, maybe later we have a nick or stationname to display!?
qDebug( "inserting new station %s", (const char*) macaddr );
MScanListItem* station = new MScanListItem( network, type, "", macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
if ( _manufacturerdb )
station->setManufacturer( _manufacturerdb->lookup( macaddr ) );
if ( type == "managed" )
s.sprintf( "(i) new AP in '%s' [%d]", (const char*) essid, channel );
s.sprintf( "(i) new adhoc station in '%s' [%d]", (const char*) essid, channel );
void MScanListView::traffic( QString type, QString from, QString to, QString via, QString additional )
if ( type != "toDS" ) return;
qDebug( "MScanList::traffic( [%s] | %s -> %s (via %s)",
(const char*) type, (const char*) from,
(const char*) to, (const char*) via );
QString s;
MScanListItem* network;
QListViewItemIterator it( this );
while ( it.current() && it.current()->text( col_ap ) != via ) ++it;
MScanListItem* item = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( it.current() );
if ( item ) // AP has been shown up, so just add our new "from" - station
network = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( item->parent() );
MScanListItem* subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( network->firstChild() );
while ( subitem && ( subitem->text( col_ap ) != from ) )
qDebug( "subitemtext: %s", (const char*) subitem->text( col_ap ) );
subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( subitem->itemBelow() );
if ( subitem )
// we have already seen this item, it's a dupe
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "%s is a dupe - ignoring...", (const char*) from );
subitem->receivedBeacon(); //FIXME: sent data bit
// Hey, it seems to be a new item :-D
MScanListItem* station = new MScanListItem( item->parent(), "adhoc", /* network->text( col_essid ) */ "", from, false, -1, -1 );
if ( _manufacturerdb )
station->setManufacturer( _manufacturerdb->lookup( from ) );
qDebug( "D'Oh! Station without AP... ignoring for now... will handle this in alpha-4 version :-D" );
// MScanListItem
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListView* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null ),
_type( type ), _essid( essid ), _macaddr( macaddr ), _wep( wep ),
_channel( channel ), _signal( signal ), _beacons( 1 )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
- if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() && type == "networks" )
+ if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() && type == "network" )
playSound( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->soundOnNetwork() );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListViewItem* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
OListViewItem* MScanListItem::childFactory()
return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListItem::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeTo( s );
s << _type;
s << (Q_UINT8) ( _wep ? 'y' : 'n' );
void MScanListItem::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeFrom( s );
char wep;
s >> _type;
s >> (Q_UINT8) wep;
_wep = (wep == 'y');
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) _type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
if ( _wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
void MScanListItem::decorateItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal )
qDebug( "decorating scanlist item %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// set icon for managed or adhoc mode
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
// set icon for wep (wireless encryption protocol)
if ( wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
// set channel and signal text
if ( signal != -1 )
setText( col_sig, QString::number( signal ) );
if ( channel != -1 )
setText( col_channel, QString::number( channel ) );
setText( col_firstseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
//setText( col_lastseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
this->type = type;
_type = type;
_essid = essid;
_macaddr = macaddr;
_channel = channel;
_beacons = 1;
_signal = 0;
void MScanListItem::setManufacturer( const QString& manufacturer )
setText( col_manuf, manufacturer );
void MScanListItem::playSound( const QString& sound ) const
#ifdef QWS
if ( sound == "Ignore" ) return;
else if ( sound == "Touch" ) ODevice::inst()->touchSound();
else if ( sound == "Key" ) ODevice::inst()->keySound();
else if ( sound == "Alarm" ) ODevice::inst()->alarmSound();
void MScanListItem::receivedBeacon()
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "MScanListItem %s: received beacon #%d", (const char*) _macaddr, _beacons );
setText( col_sig, QString::number( _beacons ) );
setText( col_lastseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() )
playSound( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->soundOnBeacon() );