authorharlekin <harlekin>2002-08-30 13:34:40 (UTC)
committer harlekin <harlekin>2002-08-30 13:34:40 (UTC)
commit6fddd961f703acc7b60fb49d5da6ee1a0ab01019 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent131ccdb3f2b18cdf6f0d7ce2eb9b31016ec3f1aa (diff)
do not kill all applets when setting the time .-)
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
index e3b2ddd..d1dc5b8 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
@@ -143,258 +143,258 @@ SetDateTime::SetDateTime(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
hb3->addWidget( dateFormatCombo, 2 );
config.setGroup( "Date" );
DateFormat df(QChar(config.readEntry("Separator", "/")[0]),
(DateFormat::Order)config .readNumEntry("ShortOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear),
(DateFormat::Order)config.readNumEntry("LongOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear));
int currentdf = 0;
date_formats[0] = DateFormat('/', DateFormat::MonthDayYear);
dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[0].toNumberString()) );
date_formats[1] = DateFormat('.', DateFormat::DayMonthYear);
if (df == date_formats[1])
currentdf = 1;
dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[1].toNumberString() ) );
date_formats[2] = DateFormat('-', DateFormat::YearMonthDay,
if (df == date_formats[2])
currentdf = 2;
dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[2].toNumberString() ) ); //ISO8601
date_formats[3] = DateFormat('/', DateFormat::DayMonthYear);
if (df == date_formats[3])
currentdf = 3;
dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[3].toNumberString() ) );
dateFormatCombo->setCurrentItem( currentdf );
dateButton->setDateFormat( df );
connect( dateFormatCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)),
QHBoxLayout *hb4 = new QHBoxLayout( vb );
l = new QLabel( tr("Applet format" ), FrameSystemTime );
hb4->addWidget( l, 1 );
clockAppletCombo = new QComboBox( FrameSystemTime );
clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("hh:mm"), 0 );
clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("D/M hh:mm"), 1 );
clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("M/D hh:mm"), 2 );
hb4->addWidget( clockAppletCombo, 2 );
int clockApplet = config.readNumEntry("ClockApplet",0);
clockAppletCombo->setCurrentItem( clockApplet );
vb->addStretch( 0 );
QObject::connect( PushButtonSetManualTime, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(commitTime()));
QObject::connect( tz, SIGNAL( signalNewTz( const QString& ) ),
timeButton, SLOT( slotTzChange( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( tz, SIGNAL( signalNewTz( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( tzChange( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( weekStartCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )),
SLOT(updateSystem(int ) ));
QObject::connect( ampmCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )),
SLOT(updateSystem(int ) ));
QObject::connect( dateFormatCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )),
SLOT(updateSystem(int ) ));
QObject::connect( clockAppletCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )),
SLOT(updateSystem(int ) ));
void SetDateTime::writeSettings()
Config config("qpe");
config.setGroup( "Time" );
config.writeEntry( "AMPM", ampmCombo->currentItem() );
config.writeEntry( "MONDAY", weekStartCombo->currentItem() );
config.setGroup( "Date" );
DateFormat df = date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()];
config.writeEntry( "Separator", QString(df.separator()));
config.writeEntry( "ShortOrder", df.shortOrder());
config.writeEntry( "LongOrder", df.longOrder());
config.writeEntry( "ClockApplet", clockAppletCombo->currentItem() );
Config lconfig("locale");
lconfig.setGroup( "Location" );
lconfig.writeEntry( "Timezone", tz->currentZone() );
void SetDateTime::commitTime()
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
// Need to process the QCOP event generated above before proceeding
// before we progress further, set our TZ!
setenv( "TZ", tz->currentZone(), 1 );
// now set the time...
QDateTime dt( dateButton->date(), timeButton->time() );
if ( dt.isValid() ) setTime(dt);
void SetDateTime::setTime(QDateTime dt)
// really turn off the screensaver before doing anything
// Needs to be encased in { } so that it deconstructs and sends
QCopEnvelope disableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" );
disableScreenSaver << 0 << 0 << 0;
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
int t = TimeConversion::toUTC(dt);
struct timeval myTv;
myTv.tv_sec = t;
cfg.writeEntry("time", t );
myTv.tv_usec = 0;
if ( myTv.tv_sec != -1 )
::settimeofday( &myTv, 0 );
// since time has changed quickly load in the datebookdb
// to allow the alarm server to get a better grip on itself
// (example re-trigger alarms for when we travel back in time)
DateBookDB db;
- QCopEnvelope timeApplet( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApplets()" );
- timeApplet << "";
+ //QCopEnvelope timeApplet( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApplets()" );
+ //timeApplet << "";
// Restore screensaver
QCopEnvelope enableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" );
enableScreenSaver << -1 << -1 << -1;
void SetDateTime::updateSystem(int i)
// really turn off the screensaver before doing anything
// Needs to be encased in { } so that it deconstructs and sends
QCopEnvelope disableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" );
disableScreenSaver << 0 << 0 << 0;
qDebug("SetDateTime::updateSystem(int %i)",i);
// set the timezone for everyone else...
QCopEnvelope setTimeZone( "QPE/System", "timeChange(QString)" );
setTimeZone << tz->currentZone();
// AM/PM setting and notify time changed
QCopEnvelope setClock( "QPE/System", "clockChange(bool)" );
setClock << ampmCombo->currentItem();
// Notify everyone what day we prefer to start the week on.
QCopEnvelope setWeek( "QPE/System", "weekChange(bool)" );
setWeek << weekStartCombo->currentItem();
// Notify everyone what date format to use
QCopEnvelope setDateFormat( "QPE/System", "setDateFormat(DateFormat)" );
setDateFormat << date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()];
// Restore screensaver
QCopEnvelope enableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" );
enableScreenSaver << -1 << -1 << -1;
// since time has changed quickly load in the datebookdb
// to allow the alarm server to get a better grip on itself
// (example re-trigger alarms for when we travel back in time)
DateBookDB db;
void SetDateTime::tzChange( const QString &tz )
// set the TZ get the time and leave gracefully...
QString strSave;
strSave = getenv( "TZ" );
setenv( "TZ", tz, 1 );
QDate d = QDate::currentDate();
// reset the time.
if ( !strSave.isNull() ) {
setenv( "TZ", strSave, 1 );
dateButton->setDate( d );
void SetDateTime::formatChanged(int i)
static const int ValueAM = 0;
static const int ValuePM = 1;
SetTime::SetTime( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: QWidget( parent, name )
use12hourTime = FALSE;
QTime currTime = QTime::currentTime();
hour = currTime.hour();
minute = currTime.minute();
QHBoxLayout *hb2 = new QHBoxLayout( this );
hb2->setSpacing( 3 );
QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr("Hour"), this );
// l->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
hb2->addWidget( l );
sbHour = new QSpinBox( this );
sbHour->setMinimumWidth( 30 );
if(use12hourTime) {
sbHour->setMaxValue( 12 );
int show_hour = hour;
if (hour > 12)
show_hour -= 12;
if (show_hour == 0)
show_hour = 12;
sbHour->setValue( show_hour );
} else {
sbHour->setMinValue( 0 );
sbHour->setMaxValue( 23 );
sbHour->setValue( hour );
connect( sbHour, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hourChanged(int)) );
hb2->addWidget( sbHour );
hb2->addStretch( 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Minute"), this );
//l->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
hb2->addWidget( l );
sbMin = new QSpinBox( this );
sbMin->setMinValue( 0 );
sbMin->setMaxValue( 59 );
sbMin->setValue( minute );
sbMin->setMinimumWidth( 30 );
connect( sbMin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(minuteChanged(int)) );
hb2->addWidget( sbMin );
hb2->addStretch( 1 );
ampm = new QComboBox( this );
ampm->insertItem( tr("AM"), ValueAM );
ampm->insertItem( tr("PM"), ValuePM );
connect( ampm, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(checkedPM(int)) );
hb2->addWidget( ampm );