authorhash <hash>2002-08-19 18:03:39 (UTC)
committer hash <hash>2002-08-19 18:03:39 (UTC)
commit719dda9280813d323eebe3d2323271f953ed1144 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentd68e038d1ba78a816e60990d5a36d6c52d8e11d3 (diff)
added sample key color changing
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/inputmethods/multikey/configdlg.cpp b/inputmethods/multikey/configdlg.cpp
index 1e104a6..59a290b 100644
--- a/inputmethods/multikey/configdlg.cpp
+++ b/inputmethods/multikey/configdlg.cpp
@@ -128,132 +128,133 @@ ConfigDlg::ConfigDlg () : QTabWidget ()
QGrid *color_box = new QGrid(2, this);
color_box->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
addTab(color_box, tr("Colors"));
QLabel *label;
QStringList color;
label = new QLabel(tr("Key Color"), color_box);
key_color_button = new QPushButton(color_box);
connect(key_color_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(keyColorButtonClicked()));
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "240,240,240");
config.writeEntry("keycolor", color.join(","));
key_color_button->setBackgroundColor(QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt()));
label = new QLabel(tr("Key Pressed Color"), color_box);
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(color_box);
label = new QLabel(tr("Line Color"), color_box);
button = new QPushButton(color_box);
label = new QLabel(tr("Text Color"), color_box);
button = new QPushButton(color_box);
label = new QLabel("", color_box); // a spacer so the above buttons dont expand
label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
void ConfigDlg::pickTog() {
Config config ("multikey");
config.setGroup ("pickboard");
config.writeEntry ("open", pick_button->isChecked()); // default closed
emit pickboardToggled(pick_button->isChecked());
* the index is kinda screwy, because in the config file, index 0 is just the
* first element in the QStringList, but here it's the "Current Language"
* listItem. therefor you have to minus one to the index before you access it.
// ConfigDlg::setMap {{{1
void ConfigDlg::setMap(int index) {
if (index == 0) {
emit setMapToDefault();
else if ((uint)index <= default_maps.count()) {
emit setMapToFile(keymaps->text(index));
} else {
emit setMapToFile(keymaps->text(index));
// ConfigDlg::addMap() {{{1
void ConfigDlg::addMap() {
QString map = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName(1, QDir::home().absPath());
Config config ("multikey");
QStringList maps = config.readListEntry("maps", QChar('|'));
keymaps->setSelected(keymaps->count() - 1, true);
config.writeEntry("maps", maps, QChar('|'));
config.writeEntry("current", map);
// ConfigDlg::removeMap() {{{1
void ConfigDlg::removeMap() {
cout << "removing : " << custom_maps[keymaps->currentItem() - default_maps.count() - 1] << "\n";
cout << "currentItem : " << keymaps->currentItem() << "\n";
// move selection up one
keymaps->setSelected(keymaps->currentItem() - 1, true);
// delete the next selected item cus you just moved it up
keymaps->removeItem(keymaps->currentItem() + 1);
custom_maps.remove(custom_maps[keymaps->currentItem() - default_maps.count()]);
// write the changes
Config config ("multikey");
config.writeEntry("maps", custom_maps, QChar('|'));
// ConfigDlg::color {{{1
void ConfigDlg::keyColorButtonClicked() {
Config config ("multikey");
config.setGroup ("colors");
QStringList color = config.readListEntry("keycolor", QChar(','));
QColor newcolor = OColorDialog::getColor(QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt()));
config.writeEntry("keycolor", color, QChar(','));
+ config.write();
emit reloadKeyboard();
diff --git a/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp b/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
index 68918a6..8280297 100644
--- a/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
+++ b/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
@@ -423,257 +423,257 @@ void Keyboard::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
/* Keyboard::timerEvent {{{1 */
void Keyboard::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* e)
if ( e->timerId() == pressTid ) {
pressTid = 0;
if ( !pressed )
cout << "calling clearHighlight from timerEvent\n";
void Keyboard::repeat()
repeatTimer->start( 200 );
emit key( unicode, 0, modifiers, true, true );
void Keyboard::clearHighlight()
if ( pressedKeyRow >= 0 && pressedKeyCol >= 0) {
int tmpRow = pressedKeyRow;
int tmpCol = pressedKeyCol;
pressedKeyRow = -1;
pressedKeyCol = -1;
QPainter p(this);
drawKeyboard(p, tmpRow, tmpCol);
/* Keyboard::sizeHint {{{1 */
QSize Keyboard::sizeHint() const
QFontMetrics fm=fontMetrics();
int keyHeight = fm.lineSpacing() + 2;
return QSize( 240, keyHeight * 5 + (usePicks ? picks->sizeHint().height() : 0) + 1);
void Keyboard::resetState()
schar = mchar = echar = 0;
/* Keyboard::togglePickboard {{{1 */
void Keyboard::togglePickboard(bool on_off)
usePicks = on_off;
if (usePicks) {
//move(x(), y() - picks->height()); // not required anymore because QCopChannel::send
QObject::connect( picks, SIGNAL(key(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool) ),
this, SIGNAL(key(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool)) );
} else {
//move(x(), y() + picks->height());
QObject::disconnect( picks, SIGNAL(key(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool) ),
this, SIGNAL(key(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool)) );
* this closes && opens the input method
QCopChannel::send ("QPE/TaskBar", "hideInputMethod()");
QCopChannel::send ("QPE/TaskBar", "showInputMethod()");
/* Keyboard::setMapTo ... {{{1 */
void Keyboard::setMapToDefault() {
/* load current locale language map */
Config *config = new Config("locale");
config->setGroup( "Language" );
QString l = config->readEntry( "Language" , "en" );
delete config;
QString key_map = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/share/multikey/"
+ l + ".keymap";
/* save change to multikey config file */
config = new Config("multikey");
config->setGroup ("keymaps");
config->writeEntry ("current", key_map); // default closed
delete config;
delete keys;
keys = new Keys(key_map);
// have to repaint the keyboard
void Keyboard::setMapToFile(QString map) {
/* save change to multikey config file */
Config *config = new Config("multikey");
config->setGroup ("keymaps");
config->writeEntry ("current", map); // default closed
delete config;
delete keys;
if (QFile(map).exists())
keys = new Keys(map);
keys = new Keys();
-/* Keybaord::setColor {{{1 */
+/* Keybaord::reloadKeyboard {{{1 */
void Keyboard::reloadKeyboard() {
// reload colors and redraw
void Keyboard::loadKeyboardColors() {
Config config ("multikey");
QStringList color;
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "240,240,240");
config.writeEntry("keycolor", color.join(","));
keycolor = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor_pressed", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "171,183,198");
config.writeEntry("keycolor_pressed", color.join(","));
keycolor_pressed = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor_lines", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "138,148,160");
config.writeEntry("keycolor_lines", color.join(","));
keycolor_lines = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("textcolor", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "43,54,68");
config.writeEntry("textcolor", color.join(","));
textcolor = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
/* korean input functions {{{1
* one major problem with this implementation is that you can't move the
* cursor after inputing korean chars, otherwise it will eat up and replace
* the char before the cursor you move to. fix that
* make backspace delete one single char, not the whole thing if still
* editing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* how korean input works
* all following chars means unicode char value and are in hex
* ÃÊÀ½ = schar (start char)
* ÁßÀ½ = mchar (middle char)
* ³¡À½ = echar (end char)
* there are 19 schars. unicode position is at 1100 - 1112
* there are 21 mchars. unicode position is at 1161 - 1175
* there are 27 echars. unicode position is at 11a8 - 11c2
* the map with everything combined is at ac00 - d7a3
ushort Keyboard::parseKoreanInput (ushort c) {
if ((c != 0 && (c < 0x1100 || 0x11c2 < c) && (c < 0xac00 || 0xd7a3 < c))
(c == 0 && qkeycode != Qt::Key_Shift && Qt::Key_CapsLock != qkeycode
&& qkeycode != Qt::Key_Control && qkeycode != Qt::Key_Alt)) {
schar = 0, mchar = 0, echar = 0;
return c;
if ( 0x1100 <= c && c <= 0x1112 ) { // schar or echar was input
if (schar == 0 || (schar != 0 && mchar == 0)) {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
else if (mchar != 0) {
if (echar == 0) {
if (!(echar = constoe(c))) {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
else { // must figure out what the echar is
if (echar == 0x11a8) { // ¤¡
if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11a9; // ¤¡ + ¤¡
else if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11aa; // ¤¡ + ¤µ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
} else if (echar == 0x11ab) { // ¤¤
if (c == 0x110c) echar = 0x11ac; // ¤¤ + ¤¸
else if (c == 0x1112) echar = 0x11ad; // ¤¤ + ¤¾
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
} else if (echar == 0x11af) { // ¤©
if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11b0; // ¤© + ¤¡
else if (c == 0x1106) echar = 0x11b1; // ¤© + ¤±