authorzecke <zecke>2004-04-30 13:27:34 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2004-04-30 13:27:34 (UTC)
commitb313bfcc63e972b1dfe059d91fe364d535478c7c (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent7829ac6b0577bf2398110f327a4b5e40435c105b (diff)
some long outstanding 'freeze' bug..
having a function pause(){} conflicts with linux version of pause. So instead of doing nothing... we were forced to pause(2)
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/games/go/goplayutils.c b/noncore/games/go/goplayutils.c
index 9e2ce4c..91c6db2 100644
--- a/noncore/games/go/goplayutils.c
+++ b/noncore/games/go/goplayutils.c
@@ -791,257 +791,257 @@ short uMark;
groupIDs[xl][yl] = 0;
tryLevel = tryLevel - 1;
newGID = playStack[i].uval.add.nextGID;
if (showTrees)
rstone(xl, yl);
else if (playStack[i].kind == reMap)
gMap[playStack[i].gID] = playStack[i].uval.reMap.oldGID;
else /* change libs of group - gID is pre-mapped */
gList[playStack[i].gID].libC = playStack[i].uval.chLib.oldLC;
gList[playStack[i].gID].atLevel = playStack[i].uval.chLib.oldLevel;
playMark = uMark;
} /* undoTo */
restores the state of the world after trying a move sequence
{ /* restoreState */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "restoreState\n" );
if (playMark > 0)
playMark = 0;
tryLevel = 0;
} /* restoreState */
/* exception bpt; */
returns true if (the group (at gx, gy) is saveable.
if so, returns the point to play at in savex, savey
short saveable(gx, gy, savex, savey)
short gx, gy, *savex, *savey;
{ /* saveable */
short me, him, gx1, gx2, i, j, smark, mark2, tl, result;
char sChar;
sPointList dList;
point tp;
short libList[maxSPoint+1];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "saveable\n" );
dbStop = TRUE;
me = bord[gx][gy];
him = -me;
if (me == 1)
sChar = '|';
sChar = '>';
/* write(sChar); */
spanGroup(gx, gy, &plist3); /* find my liberties */
if (adjInAtari) /* one of my options is to kill */
listAdjacents(gx, gy, &aList);
for (i = 1; i <= aList.indx; i++)
if (gList[aList.v[i]].libC == 1)
spanGroup(gList[aList.v[i]].lx, gList[aList.v[i]].ly,
&pList1); /* find it's liberty */
plist3.indx = plist3.indx + 1;
plist3.p[plist3.indx].px = pList1.p[1].px;
plist3.p[plist3.indx].py = pList1.p[1].py;
for (i = 1; i <= maxSPoint; i++)
libList[i] = -1;
if ((utilPlayLevel > 4) &&
(gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > 1)) /* account for diags */
listDiags(gx, gy, &dList);
j = 0;
i = plist3.indx;
while ((j < dList.indx) &&
(i < maxSPoint))
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;
libList[i] = 100;
plist3.p[i].px = dList.p[j].px;
plist3.p[i].py = dList.p[j].py;
plist3.indx = i;
if (plist3.indx > 1) /* sort by decreasing lib count */
for (i = 1; i <= plist3.indx; i++)
if (libList[i] != 100)
mark2 = playMark;
tryPlay(plist3.p[i].px, plist3.p[i].py, me);
libList[i] = gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC;
if (libList[i] > treeLibLim) /* i'm safe */
*savex = plist3.p[i].px;
*savey = plist3.p[i].py;
result = TRUE;
goto one;
for (i = 1; i <= plist3.indx - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j <= plist3.indx; j++)
if (libList[i] < libList[j])
tl = libList[i];
libList[i] = libList[j];
libList[j] = tl;
tp = plist3.p[i];
plist3.p[i] = plist3.p[j];
plist3.p[j] = tp;
for (i = 1; i <= plist3.indx; i++)
*savex = plist3.p[i].px;
*savey = plist3.p[i].py;
if (legal[*savex][*savey])
smark = playMark;
tryPlay(*savex, *savey, me);
- pause();
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[*savex][*savey]]].libC > 1)
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > treeLibLim)
/* sClearChar(sChar, rXor); */
return TRUE;
else if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > 1)
if (! killable(gx, gy, &gx1, &gx2))
/* sClearChar(sChar, rXor); */
return TRUE;
result = FALSE;
/* sClearChar(sChar, rXor); */
return result;
} /* saveable */
marks unsavable groups as dead
{ /* markDead */
short i, j, gx, gy, result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "markDead\n" );
for (i = 1; i <= maxGroupID; i++)
if (killable(gList[i].lx, gList[i].ly, &gx, &gy))
result = ! saveable(gList[i].lx, gList[i].ly, &gx, &gy);
result = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i <= maxPoint; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= maxPoint; j++)
if (bord[i][j] == 0)
ndbord[i][j] = 0;
else if (gList[groupIDs[i][j]].isDead)
ndbord[i][j] = 0;
ndbord[i][j] = bord[i][j];
} /* markDead */
marks groups with two eyes as live
MLspan(x, y, saw1, sawm1, size, sMark)
short x, y, *saw1, *sawm1, *size, sMark;
{ /* span */
if (ndbord[x][y] == 1)
*saw1 = TRUE;
else if (ndbord[x][y] == -1)
*sawm1 = TRUE;
else if (sGroups[x][y] == 0)
sGroups[x][y] = sMark;
*size = *size + 1;
if (x > 0)
MLspan(x - 1, y, saw1, sawm1, size, sMark);
if (x < maxPoint)
MLspan(x + 1, y, saw1, sawm1, size, sMark);
if (y > 0)
MLspan(x, y - 1, saw1, sawm1, size, sMark);
if (y < maxPoint)
MLspan(x, y + 1, saw1, sawm1, size, sMark);
} /* span */
short CLspan(x, y, numEyes, who)
short x, y, *numEyes, who;
{ /* span */
markBoard[x][y] = marker;
if (ndbord[x][y] == 0)
if ((sList[sGroups[x][y]].sm != marker) &&
(sList[sGroups[x][y]].w == who))
sList[sGroups[x][y]].sm = marker;
if (sList[sGroups[x][y]].s > 6)
return TRUE;
*numEyes = *numEyes + 1;
if (*numEyes > 1)
return TRUE;
else if (bord[x][y] == who)
if ((x > 0) &&
(markBoard[x - 1][y] != marker))
if (CLspan(x - 1, y, numEyes, who)) return TRUE;
if ((x < maxPoint) &&
(markBoard[x + 1][y] != marker))
if (CLspan(x + 1, y, numEyes, who)) return TRUE;
if ((y > 0) &&
(markBoard[x][y - 1] != marker))
if (CLspan(x, y - 1, numEyes, who)) return TRUE;
if ((y < maxPoint) &&
(markBoard[x][y + 1] != marker))
if (CLspan(x, y + 1, numEyes, who)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} /* span */
short checkLive(x, y)
short x, y;
{ /* checkLive */
short numEyes, who;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "checkLive\n" );
numEyes = 0;
who = bord[x][y];
marker = marker + 1;
return CLspan(x, y, &numEyes, who);
} /* checkLive */
{ /* markLive */
short i, j, size, sMark = 0;
short saw1, sawm1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "markLive\n" );
diff --git a/noncore/games/go/killable.c b/noncore/games/go/killable.c
index 3ed2d2e..23a133d 100644
--- a/noncore/games/go/killable.c
+++ b/noncore/games/go/killable.c
@@ -1,283 +1,283 @@
/* By Stoney Ballard */
/* Ported from Pascal to C by Todd R. Johnson */
#include "go.h"
#include "goplayutils.h"
#include "amigo.h"
extern intBoard bord, groupIDs;
extern boolBoard legal;
extern groupRec gList[maxGroup];
extern short gMap[maxGroup], adjInAtari, adj2Libs, playMark, treeLibLim,
utilPlayLevel, killFlag, depthLimit, dbStop, showTrees;
extern pointList plist2;
returns true if the group (at x, y) is killable.
if so, returns the point to play at in killx, killy.
short me, him, depth, i, j, tryCount, tl, topMark, tkMark, mark2;
char sChar;
sPointList lList, dList;
point tp;
short libList[maxSPoint+1];
short esc;
short mtNbrs(x, y)
short x, y;
{ /* mtNbrs */
short n = 0;
if ((x > 0) && (bord[x - 1][y] == 0))
n = n + 1;
if ((x < maxPoint) && (bord[x + 1][y] == 0))
n = n + 1;
if ((y > 0) && (bord[x][y - 1] == 0))
n = n + 1;
if ((y < maxPoint) && (bord[x][y + 1] == 0))
n = n + 1;
return n;
} /* mtNbrs */
short killTree(tx, ty, gx, gy, escape, tkMark)
short tx, ty, gx, gy, *escape, tkMark;
{ /* killTree */
short curMark, mark2, mark3, i, j, k, tl, dStart, result;
sPointList lList1, lList2;
short libList[maxSPoint+1];
point tp;
short esc = FALSE;
tryCount = tryCount + 1;
if (tryCount > tryLimit)
/* for (i = 1; i <= depth - 1; i++)
sClearChar(sChar, rXor);
} */
depth = 1;
return FALSE;
/* write(sChar); */
depth = depth + 1;
curMark = playMark;
tryPlay(tx, ty, me); /* try my move */
- pause();
+// pause();
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[tx][ty]]].libC == 0) /* I'm dead */
result = FALSE;
goto one;
else if (killFlag) /* I killed something of his */
result = TRUE;
goto one;
else if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > treeLibLim) /* safe */
result = FALSE;
goto one;
sSpanGroup(gx, gy, &lList1); /* find his liberties */
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[tx][ty]]].libC == 1) /* he can kill me */
if (lList1.indx < maxSPoint) /* add that option to his list */
lList1.indx = lList1.indx + 1;
spanGroup(tx, ty, &plist2); /* find my liberty */
lList1.p[lList1.indx].px = plist2.p[1].px;
lList1.p[lList1.indx].py = plist2.p[1].py;
result = FALSE;
goto one;
for (i = 1; i <= maxSPoint; i++) /* init liblist so diags can be marked */
libList[i] = -1;
if ((utilPlayLevel > 4) &&
(lList1.indx > 1) &&
(gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > 1)) /* try diags */
listDiags(gx, gy, &dList);
j = 0;
i = lList1.indx;
while ((j < dList.indx) &&
(i < maxSPoint))
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;
libList[i] = 0; /* mark this as a diag */
lList1.p[i].px = dList.p[j].px;
lList1.p[i].py = dList.p[j].py;
lList1.indx = i;
if (lList1.indx > 1) /* sort by decreasing lib count */
for (i = 1; i <= lList1.indx; i++)
if (libList[i] != 0) /* diags are tried last */
mark2 = playMark;
tryPlay(lList1.p[i].px, lList1.p[i].py, him);
libList[i] = gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC;
if ((libList[i] > treeLibLim) ||
((libList[i] > (depthLimit - depth)) &&
(libList[i] > 2)))
*escape = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
goto one;
for (i = 1; i <= lList1.indx - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j <= lList1.indx; j++)
if (libList[i] < libList[j])
tl = libList[i];
libList[i] = libList[j];
libList[j] = tl;
tp = lList1.p[i];
lList1.p[i] = lList1.p[j];
lList1.p[j] = tp;
for (i = 1; i <= lList1.indx + 1; i++) /* try his responses */
mark2 = playMark;
if (i <= lList1.indx) /* try his move */
tryPlay(lList1.p[i].px, lList1.p[i].py, him); /* play his response */
- pause();
+// pause();
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[lList1.p[i].px]
[lList1.p[i].py]]].libC < 2)
goto two; /* a bogus move */
else if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC <= 1)
result = TRUE;
goto one;
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > treeLibLim)
*escape = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
goto one;
if (gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC > 1)
{ /* look at my responses */
sSpanGroup(gx, gy, &lList2); /* list his liberties */
dStart = lList2.indx + 1;
if (adjInAtari) /* he wins */
result = FALSE;
goto one;
if ((lList2.indx > 2) && adj2Libs) /* he wins */
result = FALSE;
goto one;
for (k = 1; k <= maxSPoint; k++)
libList[k] = -1;
if (utilPlayLevel > 4) /* account for diagonal moves */
listDiags(gx, gy, &dList);
j = 0;
k = lList2.indx;
while ((j < dList.indx) &&
(k < maxSPoint))
j = j + 1;
k = k + 1;
libList[k] = 100;
lList2.p[k].px = dList.p[j].px;
lList2.p[k].py = dList.p[j].py;
lList2.indx = k;
if (lList2.indx > 1) /* sort by increasing lib count */
for (k = 1; k <= lList2.indx; k++)
if (libList[k] != 100) /* diags go last */
mark3 = playMark;
tryPlay(lList2.p[k].px, lList2.p[k].py, me);
libList[k] = gList[gMap[groupIDs[gx][gy]]].libC;
for (k = 1; k <= lList2.indx - 1; k++)
for (j = k + 1; j <= lList2.indx; j++)
if (libList[k] > libList[j])
tl = libList[k];
libList[k] = libList[j];
libList[j] = tl;
tp = lList2.p[k];
lList2.p[k] = lList2.p[j];
lList2.p[j] = tp;
else if ((libList[k] == libList[j]) &&
(libList[k] == 1))
if (mtNbrs(lList2.p[k].px, lList2.p[k].py) <
mtNbrs(lList2.p[j].px, lList2.p[j].py))
tl = libList[k];
libList[k] = libList[j];
libList[j] = tl;
tp = lList2.p[k];
lList2.p[k] = lList2.p[j];
lList2.p[j] = tp;
for (j = 1; j <= lList2.indx; j++)
if (killTree(lList2.p[j].px, lList2.p[j].py, gx,
gy, &esc, tkMark))
goto two; /* this kills him */
if (esc && (j >= dStart))
result = FALSE;
goto one; /* don't bother with more diags if escapes */
result = FALSE; /* none of my responses kills him */
goto one;
result = TRUE; /* none of his responses saves him */
/* sClearChar(sChar, rXor); */
depth = depth - 1;
return result;
} /* killTree */
short tKillTree(tx, ty, gx, gy)
short tx, ty, gx, gy;
{ /* tKillTree */
short tkMark, escape;
tryCount = 0;
tkMark = playMark;
return killTree(tx, ty, gx, gy, &escape, tkMark);
} /* tKillTree */
short killable(gx, gy, killx, killy)
short gx, gy, *killx, *killy;
{ /* killable */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "killable\n" );
showTrees = TRUE;
dbStop = TRUE;
him = bord[gx][gy]; /* find out who I am */
me = -him;
/* if (me == 1)
sChar = '>';