authorzecke <zecke>2004-10-14 01:44:27 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2004-10-14 01:44:27 (UTC)
commit474150327729d63706b89a54414ead68acd83fc9 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parenta1aed5edd5ccef77d79ccdd2d74f5c029d037617 (diff)
-FlowControl and LineTermination are saved and activated by numerical
value now. This makes it work across different translations -Switch code to use new PPPData::enter() and PPPData::flowcontrol()
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 45 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/connect.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/connect.cpp
index 128877a..8981e01 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/connect.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/connect.cpp
@@ -1202,34 +1202,34 @@ bool ConnectWidget::execppp() {
command += " ";
command += _ifaceppp->data()->ipaddr();
command += ":";
else {
command += " ";
command += ":";
if(_ifaceppp->data()->gateway() != "")
command += _ifaceppp->data()->gateway();
if(_ifaceppp->data()->subnetmask() != "")
command += " netmask " + _ifaceppp->data()->subnetmask();
- if(_ifaceppp->data()->flowcontrol() != "None") {
- if(_ifaceppp->data()->flowcontrol() == "CRTSCTS")
+ if(_ifaceppp->data()->flowcontrol() != PPPData::FlowNone) {
+ if(_ifaceppp->data()->flowcontrol() == PPPData::FlowHardware)
command += " crtscts";
command += " xonxoff";
command += " defaultroute";
command += " usepeerdns";
// PAP settings
if(_ifaceppp->data()->authMethod() == AUTH_PAP) {
command += " -chap user ";
command = command + _ifaceppp->data()->storedUsername();
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.cpp
index 5e2a04f..9457173 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.cpp
@@ -179,43 +179,36 @@ ModemWidget::ModemWidget( PPPData *pd, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
// connect(baud_c, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
// this, SLOT(speed_selection(int)));
tl->addWidget(baud_c, 4, 1);
tmp = tr("Specifies the speed your modem and the serial\n"
"port talk to each other. You should begin with\n"
"the default of 38400 bits/sec. If everything\n"
"works you can try to increase this value, but to\n"
"no more than 115200 bits/sec (unless you know\n"
"that your serial port supports higher speeds).");
- for(int i=0; i <= enter->count()-1; i++)
- {
- if(_pppdata->enter() == enter->text(i))
- enter->setCurrentItem(i);
- }
tl->addRowSpacing(5, 10);
//Modem Lock File
modemlockfile = new QCheckBox(tr("&Use lock file"), this);
// connect(modemlockfile, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
// SLOT(modemlockfilechanged(bool)));
tl->addMultiCellWidget(modemlockfile, 6, 6, 0, 1);
// l12->addStretch(1);
tr("<p>To prevent other programs from accessing the\n"
"modem while a connection is established, a\n"
"file can be created to indicate that the modem\n"
"is in use. On Linux an example file would be\n"
"Here you can select whether this locking will\n"
"be done.\n"
"<b>Default</b>: On"));
@@ -227,50 +220,41 @@ ModemWidget::ModemWidget( PPPData *pd, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
// modemtimeout->setLabel(tr("Modem &timeout:"));
// modemtimeout->setRange(1, 120, 1);
modemtimeout->setSuffix(tr(" sec"));
modemtimeout->setValue( _pppdata->modemTimeout() );
// connect(modemtimeout, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
// SLOT(modemtimeoutchanged(int)));
tl->addMultiCellLayout(timeoutLayout, 7, 7, 0, 1);
tr("This specifies how long <i>kppp</i> waits for a\n"
"<i>CONNECT</i> response from your modem. The\n"
"recommended value is 30 seconds."));
//set stuff from gpppdata
- for(int i=0; i <= enter->count()-1; i++)
- {
- if(_pppdata->enter() == enter->text(i))
- enter->setCurrentItem(i);
- }
+ enter->setCurrentItem( static_cast<int>(_pppdata->enter()) );
+ flowcontrol->setCurrentItem( static_cast<int>( _pppdata->flowcontrol() ) );
for(int i=0; i <= modemdevice->count()-1; i++)
if(_pppdata->modemDevice() == modemdevice->text(i))
- for(int i=0; i <= flowcontrol->count()-1; i++)
- {
- if(_pppdata->flowcontrol() == flowcontrol->text(i))
- flowcontrol->setCurrentItem(i);
- }
//set the modem speed
for(int i=0; i < baud_c->count(); i++)
if(baud_c->text(i) == _pppdata->speed())
tl->setRowStretch(1, 1);
QStringList devs;
for (int i=0;i<modemdevice->count();i++)
QString s = modemdevice->text(i);
@@ -325,63 +309,65 @@ ModemWidget::~ModemWidget()
// void ModemWidget::modemtimeoutchanged(int n) {
// _pppdata->setModemTimeout(n);
// }
bool ModemWidget::save()
//first check to make sure that the device name is unique!
if(modemname->text().isEmpty() ||
return false;
_pppdata->setDevname( modemname->text() );
_pppdata->setModemDevice( modemdevice->currentText() );
- _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(flowcontrol->currentText());
- _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(flowcontrol->currentText());
+ _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(static_cast<PPPData::FlowControl>(flowcontrol->currentItem()));
+ _pppdata->setEnter( static_cast<PPPData::LineTermination>(enter->currentItem()));
_pppdata->setModemLockFile( modemlockfile->isChecked());
_pppdata->setModemTimeout( modemtimeout->value() );
return true;
void ModemWidget::slotBeforeModemQuery()
m_oldModemDev = _pppdata->modemDevice();
- m_oldFlowControl = _pppdata->flowcontrol();
+ m_oldFlowControl = static_cast<int>( _pppdata->flowcontrol() );
m_oldSpeed = _pppdata->speed();
m_oldModemLock = _pppdata->modemLockFile();
m_oldModemTimeout = _pppdata->modemTimeout();
+ m_oldLineEnd = static_cast<int>( _pppdata->enter() );
_pppdata->setModemDevice( modemdevice->currentText() );
- _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(flowcontrol->currentText());
- _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(flowcontrol->currentText());
+ _pppdata->setFlowcontrol(static_cast<PPPData::FlowControl>(flowcontrol->currentItem()));
+ _pppdata->setEnter(static_cast<PPPData::LineTermination>(enter->currentItem()));
_pppdata->setModemLockFile( modemlockfile->isChecked());
_pppdata->setModemTimeout( modemtimeout->value() );
void ModemWidget::slotAfterModemQuery()
_pppdata->setModemDevice( m_oldModemDev );
- _pppdata->setFlowcontrol( m_oldFlowControl );
+ _pppdata->setFlowcontrol( static_cast<PPPData::FlowControl>(m_oldFlowControl) );
+ _pppdata->setEnter( static_cast<PPPData::LineTermination>(m_oldLineEnd) );
_pppdata->setSpeed( m_oldSpeed );
_pppdata->setModemLockFile( m_oldModemLock );
_pppdata->setModemTimeout( m_oldModemTimeout );
ModemWidget2::ModemWidget2( PPPData *pd, InterfacePPP *ip, QWidget *parent,
const char *name)
: QWidget(parent, name), _pppdata(pd), _ifaceppp(ip)
QVBoxLayout *l1 = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0 );//, KDialog::spacingHint());
waitfordt = new QCheckBox(tr("&Wait for dial tone before dialing"), this);
// connect(waitfordt, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(waitfordtchanged(bool)));
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.h
index a4dece4..0bb3136 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/general.h
@@ -68,35 +68,35 @@ private:
/* QLabel *label1; */
/* QLabel *label2; */
/* QLabel *labeltmp; */
/* QLabel *labelenter; */
QLineEdit *modemname;
QComboBox *modemdevice;
QComboBox *flowcontrol;
QComboBox *baud_c;
QLabel *baud_label;
QSpinBox *modemtimeout;
QCheckBox *modemlockfile;
PPPData *_pppdata;
- QString m_oldModemDev, m_oldFlowControl, m_oldSpeed;
+ QString m_oldModemDev, m_oldSpeed;
bool m_oldModemLock;
- int m_oldModemTimeout;
+ int m_oldModemTimeout, m_oldFlowControl, m_oldLineEnd;
class ModemWidget2 : public QWidget {
ModemWidget2( PPPData*, InterfacePPP*, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
bool save();
void sig_beforeQueryModem();
void sig_afterQueryModem();
private slots:
/* void waitfordtchanged(bool); */
/* void busywaitchanged(int); */
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/modem.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/modem.cpp
index 79f015b..7b2e2a3 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/modem.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/modem.cpp
@@ -212,34 +212,34 @@ bool Modem::opentty() {
initial_tty = tty;
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // nonblocking
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
tty.c_oflag = 0;
tty.c_lflag = 0;
tty.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | CSTOPB | PARENB);
tty.c_cflag |= CS8 | CREAD;
tty.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; // ignore modem status lines
tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR /* | ISTRIP */ ;
tty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; // non-canonical mode
tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHOKE);
- if(_pppdata->flowcontrol() != "None") {
- if(_pppdata->flowcontrol() == "CRTSCTS") {
+ if(_pppdata->flowcontrol() != PPPData::FlowNone) {
+ if(_pppdata->flowcontrol() == PPPData::FlowHardware) {
tty.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
else {
tty.c_iflag |= IXON | IXOFF;
tty.c_cc[VSTOP] = 0x13; /* DC3 = XOFF = ^S */
tty.c_cc[VSTART] = 0x11; /* DC1 = XON = ^Q */
else {
tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF);
cfsetospeed(&tty, modemspeed());
cfsetispeed(&tty, modemspeed());
@@ -342,41 +342,45 @@ bool Modem::writeChar(unsigned char c) {
s = write(modemfd, &c, 1);
if (s < 0) {
oerr << "write() in Modem::writeChar failed" << oendl;
return false;
} while(s == 0);
return true;
bool Modem::writeLine(const char *buf) {
int len = strlen(buf);
char *b = new char[len+2];
memcpy(b, buf, len);
// different modems seem to need different line terminations
- QString term = _pppdata->enter();
- if(term == "LF")
+ switch( _pppdata->enter() ) {
+ case PPPData::EndLF:
- else if(term == "CR")
+ break;
+ case PPPData::EndCR:
- else if(term == "CR/LF") {
+ break;
+ case PPPData::EndCRLF:
+ break;
int l = len;
while(l) {
int wr = write(modemfd, &b[len-l], l);
if(wr < 0) {
// TODO do something meaningful with the error code (or ignore it
oerr << "write() in Modem::writeLine failed" << oendl;
delete[] b;
return false;
l -= wr;
delete[] b;
return true;
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.cpp
index eb03ef4..1491ea2 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.cpp
@@ -374,38 +374,38 @@ const QString PPPData::modemDevice() {
// }
// bool PPPData::changeModemName(const QString &n) {
// odebug << "Setting modem name to >" << n.latin1() << "<" << oendl;
// _modemName = n;
// writeConfig(modemGroup(), MODEMNAME_KEY, n);
// return true; //FIXME
// }
bool PPPData::setModemDevice(const QString &n) {
odebug << "Setting modem dev to >" << n.latin1() << "<" << oendl;
writeConfig(modemGroup(), MODEMDEV_KEY, n);
return true; //FIXME
-const QString PPPData::flowcontrol() {
- return readConfig(modemGroup(), FLOWCONTROL_KEY, "CRTSCTS");
+enum PPPData::FlowControl PPPData::flowcontrol() {
+ return static_cast<FlowControl>(readNumConfig(modemGroup(), FLOWCONTROL_KEY, FlowHardware));
-void PPPData::setFlowcontrol(const QString &n) {
+void PPPData::setFlowcontrol(enum FlowControl n) {
writeConfig(modemGroup(), FLOWCONTROL_KEY, n);
const QString PPPData::speed() {
QString s = readConfig(modemGroup(), SPEED_KEY, "57600");
// undo the damage of a bug in former versions. It left an empty Speed=
// entry in kppprc. kppp did set the serial port to 57600 as default but
// pppd wouldn't receive the speed via the command line.
if(s.toUInt() == 0)
s = "57600";
return s;
void PPPData::setSpeed(const QString &n) {
@@ -707,38 +707,38 @@ const QString PPPData::modemRingResp() {
void PPPData::setModemRingResp(const QString &n) {
writeConfig(modemGroup(), RINGRESP_KEY, n);
const QString PPPData::modemAnswerResp() {
return readConfig(modemGroup(), ANSWERRESP_KEY, "CONNECT");
void PPPData::setModemAnswerResp(const QString &n) {
writeConfig(modemGroup(), ANSWERRESP_KEY, n);
-const QString PPPData::enter() {
- return readConfig(modemGroup(), ENTER_KEY, "CR");
+enum PPPData::LineTermination PPPData::enter(){
+ return static_cast<PPPData::LineTermination>(readNumConfig(modemGroup(), ENTER_KEY, EndCR));
-void PPPData::setEnter(const QString &n) {
+void PPPData::setEnter(enum PPPData::LineTermination n) {
writeConfig(modemGroup(), ENTER_KEY, n);
// functions to set/return account information
//returns number of accounts
int PPPData::count() const {
return highcount + 1;
bool PPPData::setAccount(const QString &aname) {
odebug << "setting account to >" << aname.latin1() << "<" << oendl;
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.h
index d1cbeb5..d731b62 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppdata.h
@@ -152,32 +152,43 @@ class Config;
// account list
#define ACCOUNTS_COUNT "Accounts_Count"
#define ACOUNTS_DEV "Accounts_Modem"
#define ACOUNTS_ACC "Accounts_Account"
#define DEVICESNAMES_LIST "DevicesNames_List"
#define DEVICES_LIST "Devices_List"
#define DEVICES_LIST_SEP ','
class PPPData {
~PPPData() {};
enum { NumInitStrings = 2 };
+ enum LineTermination {
+ EndCR,
+ EndLF,
+ };
+ enum FlowControl {
+ FlowHardware,
+ FlowSoftware,
+ FlowNone
+ };
// general functions
void save();
void cancel();
QStringList getAccountList();
static QMap<QString,QString> getConfiguredInterfaces();
static void setConfiguredInterfaces( QMap<QString,QString> );
// function to read/write date to configuration file
static Config config();
QString readConfig(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
int readNumConfig(const QString &, const QString &, int);
bool readListConfig(const QString &, const QString &,
QStringList &, char sep = ',');
@@ -209,65 +220,65 @@ public:
void set_show_clock_on_caption(bool set);
bool get_show_clock_on_caption();
void set_show_log_window(bool set);
bool get_show_log_window();
void set_automatic_redial(bool set);
bool automatic_redial();
// void set_iconify_on_connect(bool set);
// bool get_iconify_on_connect();
// void set_dock_into_panel(bool set);
// bool get_dock_into_panel();
- const QString enter();
- void setEnter(const QString &);
+ enum LineTermination enter();
+ void setEnter(enum LineTermination);
QString pppdVersion();
bool pppdVersionMin(int ver, int mod, int patch);
int pppdTimeout();
void setpppdTimeout(int);
int busyWait();
void setbusyWait(int);
bool modemLockFile();
void setModemLockFile(bool set);
int modemEscapeGuardTime();
void setModemEscapeGuardTime(int i);
void setModemEscapeStr(const QString &);
const QString modemEscapeStr();
void setModemEscapeResp(const QString &);
const QString modemEscapeResp();
// const QString modemName();
// bool setModemName(const QString &);
// bool changeModemName(const QString &);
const QString modemDevice();
bool setModemDevice(const QString &);
- const QString flowcontrol();
- void setFlowcontrol(const QString &);
+ enum FlowControl flowcontrol();
+ void setFlowcontrol(enum FlowControl);
int modemTimeout();
void setModemTimeout(int);
int modemToneDuration();
void setModemToneDuration(int);
QString volumeInitString();
int volume();
void setVolume(int);
int waitForDialTone();
void setWaitForDialTone(int i);
// modem command strings/responses
const QString modemInitStr(int i);