authortille <tille>2002-06-25 13:39:50 (UTC)
committer tille <tille>2002-06-25 13:39:50 (UTC)
commita3f1ec6a75ea762a54ed218f205956ca28d61599 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent8501705e4e50602aaabe9877e6d8821555e3a05a (diff)
doing something ;)
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 43 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.cpp b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.cpp
index ddb1372..87b20ec 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.cpp
@@ -19,34 +19,34 @@
Ntp::Ntp( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: SetDateTime( parent, name, fl )
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
_maxOffset = cfg.readNumEntry("maxOffset",5);
_minLookupDiff = cfg.readNumEntry("minLookupDiff",10);
LineEditNtpServer->setText( cfg.readEntry("ntpServer") );
ntpProcess = new OProcess( );
connect ( ntpProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*,char*,int)),
this, SLOT(getNtpOutput(OProcess*,char*,int)));
connect ( ntpProcess, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*)),
this, SLOT(ntpFinished(OProcess*)));
connect(runNtp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRunNtp()));
connect(PushButtonPredict, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(preditctTime()));
- _nextCorrection = new QTimer( this );
- connect( _nextCorrection, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(correctClock()) );
+// _nextCorrection = new QTimer( this );
+// connect( _nextCorrection, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(correctClock()) );
void Ntp::accept()
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
cfg.writeEntry("ntpServer", LineEditNtpServer->text());
@@ -70,68 +70,74 @@ void Ntp::getNtpOutput(OProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen)
if (lineStr!=lineStrOld)
// outPut->append(lineStr);
_ntpOutput += lineStr;
lineStrOld = lineStr;
void Ntp::ntpFinished(OProcess*)
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
int lastLookup = cfg.readNumEntry("time",0);
int lookupCount = cfg.readNumEntry("count",-1);
int time = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
cfg.writeEntry("time", time);
+ cfg.setGroup("correction");
+ cfg.writeEntry("time", time);
float timeShift = getTimeShift();
if (timeShift == 0.0) return;
int secsSinceLast = time - lastLookup;
if ( lastLookup > 0 && secsSinceLast > 60*_minLookupDiff)
_shiftPerSec = timeShift / secsSinceLast;
// float nextCorr = _maxOffset / _shiftPerSec;
qDebug("secs since last lookup %i", secsSinceLast);qDebug("timeshift since last lookup %f", timeShift);qDebug("timeshift since per sec %f", _shiftPerSec);
-void Ntp::correctClock()
- qDebug("current time: %s",QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().latin1());
- Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
- cfg.setGroup("correction");
- int lastTime = cfg.readNumEntry("time",0);
- int now = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
- int corr = int((now - lastTime) * _shiftPerSec);
- struct timeval myTv;
- myTv.tv_sec = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(corr) );
- myTv.tv_usec = 0;
- if ( myTv.tv_sec != -1 )
- ::settimeofday( &myTv, 0 );
- Global::writeHWClock();
- cfg.writeEntry("time",now);
- qDebug("current time: %s",QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().latin1());
+//void Ntp::correctClock()
+// qDebug("current time: %s",QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().latin1());
+// Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
+// cfg.setGroup("correction");
+// int lastTime = cfg.readNumEntry("time",0);
+// if ( lastTime == 0 )
+// {
+// return;
+// }
+// int now = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
+// int corr = int((now - lastTime) * _shiftPerSec);
+// struct timeval myTv;
+// myTv.tv_sec = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(corr) );
+// myTv.tv_usec = 0;
+// if ( myTv.tv_sec != -1 )
+// ::settimeofday( &myTv, 0 );
+// Global::writeHWClock();
+// cfg.writeEntry("time",now);
+// qDebug("current time: %s",QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().latin1());
float Ntp::getTimeShift()
QString _offset = "offset";
QString _sec = "sec";
QRegExp _reOffset = QRegExp(_offset);
QRegExp _reEndOffset = QRegExp(_sec);
int posOffset = _reOffset.match( _ntpOutput );
int posEndOffset = _reEndOffset.match( _ntpOutput, posOffset );
posOffset += _offset.length() + 1;
QString diff = _ntpOutput.mid(posOffset, posEndOffset-posOffset-1);
qDebug("%s", _ntpOutput.latin1());
qDebug("diff = >%s<",diff.latin1());
return diff.toFloat();
@@ -166,18 +172,20 @@ void Ntp::readLookups()
TableLookups->setText( i,1,QString::number(shift));
TableLookups->setText( i,2,QString::number(last));
_shiftPerSec /= lookupCount+1;
void Ntp::preditctTime()
qDebug("current time: %s",QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().latin1());
Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
int lastTime = cfg.readNumEntry("time",0);
setenv( "TZ", tz->currentZone(), 1 );
int now = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
int corr = int((now - lastTime) * _shiftPerSec);
- TextLabelPredTime->setText(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(corr).toString());
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(corr);
+ setTime(dt);
+ TextLabelPredTime->setText(dt.toString());
diff --git a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.h b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.h
index fc233bf..d2e238d 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/ntp.h
@@ -12,30 +12,30 @@ class Ntp : public SetDateTime
Ntp( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 );
OProcess *ntpProcess;
virtual void accept();
QString _ntpOutput;
int _maxOffset;
float _shiftPerSec;
- QTimer *_nextCorrection;
+// QTimer *_nextCorrection;
int _minLookupDiff;
float getTimeShift();
void readLookups();
private slots:
void slotRunNtp();
void getNtpOutput(OProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
void ntpFinished(OProcess*);
- void correctClock();
+// void correctClock();
void preditctTime();
diff --git a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
index dac5bd4..01268c9 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.cpp
@@ -195,66 +195,68 @@ void SetDateTime::accept()
config.writeEntry( "MONDAY", weekStartCombo->currentItem() );
config.setGroup( "Date" );
DateFormat df = date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()];
config.writeEntry( "Separator", QString(df.separator()));
config.writeEntry( "ShortOrder", df.shortOrder());
config.writeEntry( "LongOrder", df.longOrder());
config.writeEntry( "ClockApplet", clockAppletCombo->currentItem() );
Config lconfig("locale");
lconfig.setGroup( "Location" );
lconfig.writeEntry( "Timezone", tz->currentZone() );
void SetDateTime::commitTime()
- Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
- cfg.setGroup("lookups");
- int time = TimeConversion::toUTC( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
- cfg.writeEntry("time", time);
// really turn off the screensaver before doing anything
// Needs to be encased in { } so that it deconstructs and sends
QCopEnvelope disableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" );
disableScreenSaver << 0 << 0 << 0;
// Need to process the QCOP event generated above before proceeding
// before we progress further, set our TZ!
setenv( "TZ", tz->currentZone(), 1 );
// now set the time...
QDateTime dt( dateButton->date(), timeButton->time() );
- if ( dt.isValid() ) {
+ if ( dt.isValid() ) setTime(dt);
+void SetDateTime::setTime(QDateTime dt)
+ Config cfg("ntp",Config::User);
+ cfg.setGroup("correction");
+ int t = TimeConversion::toUTC(dt);
struct timeval myTv;
- myTv.tv_sec = TimeConversion::toUTC( dt );
+ myTv.tv_sec = t;
+ cfg.writeEntry("time", t );
myTv.tv_usec = 0;
if ( myTv.tv_sec != -1 )
::settimeofday( &myTv, 0 );
// since time has changed quickly load in the datebookdb
// to allow the alarm server to get a better grip on itself
// (example re-trigger alarms for when we travel back in time)
DateBookDB db;
- } else {
- qWarning( "Invalid date/time" );
- }
// set the timezone for everyone else...
QCopEnvelope setTimeZone( "QPE/System", "timeChange(QString)" );
setTimeZone << tz->currentZone();
// AM/PM setting and notify time changed
QCopEnvelope setClock( "QPE/System", "clockChange(bool)" );
setClock << ampmCombo->currentItem();
// Notify everyone what day we prefer to start the week on.
QCopEnvelope setWeek( "QPE/System", "weekChange(bool)" );
setWeek << weekStartCombo->currentItem();
// Notify everyone what date format to use
QCopEnvelope setDateFormat( "QPE/System", "setDateFormat(DateFormat)" );
setDateFormat << date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()];
diff --git a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.h b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.h
index 053d17a..729bf4b 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/netsystemtime/settime.h
@@ -63,32 +63,33 @@ protected:
class DateButton;
class SetDateTime : public NtpBase
SetDateTime( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0 );
protected slots:
void tzChange( const QString &tz );
void formatChanged(int);
void commitTime();
+ void setTime(QDateTime dt);
virtual void accept();
virtual void done(int);
SetTime *timeButton;
DateButton *dateButton;
TimeZoneSelector *tz;
QComboBox *weekStartCombo;
QComboBox *ampmCombo;
QComboBox *dateFormatCombo;
QComboBox *clockAppletCombo;
// QPEDialogListener *dl;
DateFormat date_formats[4];