authorclem <clem>2004-09-30 15:11:21 (UTC)
committer clem <clem>2004-09-30 15:11:21 (UTC)
commita823eb5b367c32936a9958f69a9981a55e2022bf (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent5cb30454d4a974bacfae126a5b8b321bae8ca600 (diff)
- As Zecke suggested, we now hide the plugin list and authentication
configuration tabs if no authentication plugin is installed (but we tell the user a few things about authentication in a third tab). - Small warning about syncnet removed.
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 158 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.cpp b/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.cpp
index ff11e49..3c73d7b 100644
--- a/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.cpp
+++ b/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.cpp
@@ -1,701 +1,751 @@
#include "multiauthconfig.h"
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qvgroupbox.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qpe/qlibrary.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
using Opie::Security::MultiauthPluginInterface;
using Opie::Security::MultiauthPluginObject;
using Opie::Security::MultiauthConfigWidget;
/// keeps information about MultiauthPluginObject plugins
struct MultiauthPlugin {
MultiauthPlugin() : library( 0 ), iface( 0 ), pluginObject( 0 ) {}
/// plugin file
QLibrary *library;
/// the plugin object interface
QInterfacePtr<MultiauthPluginInterface> iface;
/// the plugin object itself
MultiauthPluginObject *pluginObject;
/// name of the plugin file
QString name;
/// should the plugin be launched during authentication or not
bool active;
/// order of the plugin, in the pluginListWidget and during authentication
int pos;
/// list of available MultiauthPlugin objects
static QValueList<MultiauthPlugin> pluginList;
/// extension of QToolButton that adds signals, icons and stuff (taken from todayconfig.cpp)
class ToolButton : public QToolButton {
ToolButton( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString& icon, QObject *handler, const QString& slot, bool t = FALSE )
: QToolButton( parent, name ) {
setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( icon ) );
setAutoRaise( TRUE );
setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
setToggleButton( t );
connect( this, t ? SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ) : SIGNAL( clicked() ), handler, slot );
-MultiauthGeneralConfig::MultiauthGeneralConfig(QWidget * parent, const char * name = "general Opie-multiauthentication config widget")
- : QWidget(parent, name), onStart(0), onResume(0), nbSuccessMin(0)
+ MultiauthGeneralConfig::MultiauthGeneralConfig(QWidget * parent, const char * name = "general Opie-multiauthentication config widget")
+: QWidget(parent, name), onStart(0), onResume(0), nbSuccessMin(0)
QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout(this);
vb->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
QGroupBox *lockBox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, tr("When to lock Opie"), this, "lock box");
QGridLayout *boxLayout = new QGridLayout( lockBox->layout() );
onStart = new QCheckBox( tr( "on Opie start" ), lockBox, "lock on opie start");
onResume = new QCheckBox( tr( "on Opie resume" ), lockBox, "lock on opie resume");
boxLayout->addWidget(onStart, 0, 0);
boxLayout->addWidget(onResume, 0, 1);
QGroupBox *nbBox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, tr("Multiple plugins authentication"), this, "nb box");
QGridLayout *nbBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( nbBox->layout() );
nbSuccessMin = new QSpinBox(nbBox);
QLabel *lNbSuccessMin = new QLabel( tr( "Required successes" ), nbBox);
nbBoxLayout->addWidget(nbSuccessMin, 0, 0);
nbBoxLayout->addWidget(lNbSuccessMin, 0, 1);
nbSuccessMin->setMinValue(1); // the max value is defined in MultiauthConfig constructor
QGroupBox *devBox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, tr("Debug options"), this, "dev box");
QGridLayout *devBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( devBox->layout() );
noProtectConfig = new QCheckBox( tr("Don't protect this config screen"), devBox, "don't protect config");
explanScreens = new QCheckBox( tr("Show explanatory screens"), devBox, "Show explan. screens");
allowBypass = new QCheckBox( tr("Allow to bypass authentication"), devBox, "AllowBypass");
QLabel *logicNote = new QLabel( "<p>" + tr("Note: the third option implies the second one") + "</p>", devBox );
devBoxLayout->addWidget(noProtectConfig, 0, 0);
devBoxLayout->addWidget(explanScreens, 1, 0);
devBoxLayout->addWidget(allowBypass, 2, 0);
devBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(logicNote, 3, 3, 0, 1);
connect( explanScreens, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(checkBypass()) );
connect( allowBypass, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(checkScreens()) );
/// nothing to do
/// Be sure that explanScreens is checked if allowBypass is
void MultiauthGeneralConfig::checkScreens()
if ( (allowBypass->isChecked() == true) && (explanScreens->isChecked() == false) )
/// Be sure that allowBypass is not checked if explanScreens is not
void MultiauthGeneralConfig::checkBypass()
if ( (allowBypass->isChecked() == true) && (explanScreens->isChecked() == false) )
/// Builds and displays the Opie multi-authentication configuration dialog
static void test_and_start() {
Config pcfg("Security");
pcfg.setGroup( "Misc" );
bool protectConfigDialog = ! pcfg.readBoolEntry("noProtectConfig", true);
if (protectConfigDialog && Opie::Security::Internal::runPlugins() != 0) {
- owarn << "authentication failed, not showing opie-security" << oendl;
+ owarn << "authentication failed, not showing opie-security" << oendl;
exit( -1 );
-MultiauthConfig::MultiauthConfig(QWidget* par, const char* w, WFlags f)
- : QDialog(par, w, TRUE, f),
- m_mainTW(0), m_pluginListView(0), m_pluginListWidget(0),
- m_generalConfig(0), m_loginWidget(0), m_syncWidget(0),
- m_nbSuccessReq(0), m_plugins_changed(false)
+ MultiauthConfig::MultiauthConfig(QWidget* par, const char* w, WFlags f)
+: QDialog(par, w, TRUE, f),
+ m_mainTW(0), m_pluginListView(0), m_pluginListWidget(0),
+ m_generalConfig(0), m_loginWidget(0), m_syncWidget(0),
+ m_nbSuccessReq(0), m_plugins_changed(false)
/* Initializes the global configuration window
- */
+ */
+ /* Checks (and memorizes) if any authentication plugins are
+ * installed on the system
+ */
+ QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/plugins/security";
+ QDir dir( path, "lib*.so" );
+ QStringList list = dir.entryList();
+ m_pluginsInstalled = ! list.isEmpty();
+ if (m_pluginsInstalled == false)
+ owarn << "no authentication plugins installed! Talking about it in the last tab..." << oendl;
setCaption( tr( "Security configuration" ) );
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
m_mainTW = new Opie::Ui::OTabWidget( this );
- m_pluginListWidget = new QWidget(m_mainTW, "plugin list widget");
- QVBoxLayout * pluginListLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pluginListWidget);
- pluginListLayout->setSpacing(6);
- pluginListLayout->setMargin(11);
- QLabel * pluginListTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Load which plugins in what order:" ), m_pluginListWidget );
- pluginListLayout->addWidget(pluginListTitle);
- QHBox * pluginListHB = new QHBox(m_pluginListWidget);
- pluginListLayout->addWidget(pluginListHB);
- m_pluginListView = new QListView(pluginListHB);
- m_pluginListView->addColumn("PluginList");
- m_pluginListView->header()->hide();
- m_pluginListView->setSorting(-1);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_pluginListView, tr( "Check a checkbox to activate/deactivate a plugin or use the arrow buttons on the right to change the order they will appear in" ));
- QVBox * pluginListVB = new QVBox(pluginListHB);
- new ToolButton( pluginListVB, tr( "Move Up" ), "up", this , SLOT( moveSelectedUp() ) );
- new ToolButton( pluginListVB, tr( "Move Down" ), "down", this , SLOT( moveSelectedDown() ) );
- m_mainTW->addTab( m_pluginListWidget, "pass", tr( "plugins" ) );
- connect ( m_pluginListView , SIGNAL( clicked ( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( pluginsChanged ( ) ) );
- // general Opie multi-authentication configuration tab
- m_generalConfig = new MultiauthGeneralConfig(m_mainTW);
- m_mainTW->addTab(m_generalConfig, "SettingsIcon", tr( "Authentication") );
+ if (m_pluginsInstalled)
+ {
+ m_pluginListWidget = new QWidget(m_mainTW, "plugin list widget");
+ QVBoxLayout * pluginListLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pluginListWidget);
+ pluginListLayout->setSpacing(6);
+ pluginListLayout->setMargin(11);
+ QLabel * pluginListTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Load which plugins in what order:" ), m_pluginListWidget );
+ pluginListLayout->addWidget(pluginListTitle);
+ QHBox * pluginListHB = new QHBox(m_pluginListWidget);
+ pluginListLayout->addWidget(pluginListHB);
+ m_pluginListView = new QListView(pluginListHB);
+ m_pluginListView->addColumn("PluginList");
+ m_pluginListView->header()->hide();
+ m_pluginListView->setSorting(-1);
+ QWhatsThis::add(m_pluginListView, tr( "Check a checkbox to activate/deactivate a plugin or use the arrow buttons on the right to change the order they will appear in" ));
+ QVBox * pluginListVB = new QVBox(pluginListHB);
+ new ToolButton( pluginListVB, tr( "Move Up" ), "up", this , SLOT( moveSelectedUp() ) );
+ new ToolButton( pluginListVB, tr( "Move Down" ), "down", this , SLOT( moveSelectedDown() ) );
+ m_mainTW->addTab( m_pluginListWidget, "pass", tr( "plugins" ) );
+ connect ( m_pluginListView , SIGNAL( clicked ( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( pluginsChanged ( ) ) );
+ // general Opie multi-authentication configuration tab
+ m_generalConfig = new MultiauthGeneralConfig(m_mainTW);
+ m_mainTW->addTab(m_generalConfig, "SettingsIcon", tr( "Authentication") );
+ }
// login settings page
m_loginWidget = new LoginBase(m_mainTW, "login config widget");
m_mainTW->addTab(m_loginWidget, "security/users", tr( "Login") );
// sync settings page
m_syncWidget = new SyncBase( m_mainTW, "sync config widget" );
m_mainTW->addTab(m_syncWidget, "security/sync", tr( "Sync") );
// read the "Security" Config file and update our UI
- /* loads plugins configuration widgets in mainTW tabs and in pluginListView
- */
- loadPlugins();
- for ( int i = pluginList.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- MultiauthPlugin plugin = pluginList[i];
- // load the config widgets in the tabs
- // (configWidget will return 0l if there is no configuration GUI)
- MultiauthConfigWidget* widget = plugin.pluginObject->configWidget(m_mainTW);
- if ( widget != 0l ) {
- odebug << "plugin " << << " has a configuration widget" << oendl;
- configWidgetList.append(widget);
- m_mainTW->addTab( widget, plugin.pluginObject->pixmapNameConfig(),
- plugin.pluginObject->pluginName() );
- }
- // set the order/activate tab
- QPixmap icon = Resource::loadPixmap( plugin.pluginObject->pixmapNameWidget() );
- QCheckListItem * item = new QCheckListItem(m_pluginListView, plugin.pluginObject->pluginName(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox );
- if ( !icon.isNull() ) {
- item->setPixmap( 0, icon );
- }
- if ( m_excludePlugins.find( ) == m_excludePlugins.end() ) {
- item->setOn( TRUE );
+ if (m_pluginsInstalled)
+ {
+ /* loads plugins configuration widgets in mainTW tabs and in pluginListView
+ */
+ loadPlugins();
+ for ( int i = pluginList.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ MultiauthPlugin plugin = pluginList[i];
+ // load the config widgets in the tabs
+ // (configWidget will return 0l if there is no configuration GUI)
+ MultiauthConfigWidget* widget = plugin.pluginObject->configWidget(m_mainTW);
+ if ( widget != 0l ) {
+ odebug << "plugin " << << " has a configuration widget" << oendl;
+ configWidgetList.append(widget);
+ m_mainTW->addTab( widget, plugin.pluginObject->pixmapNameConfig(),
+ plugin.pluginObject->pluginName() );
+ }
+ // set the order/activate tab
+ QPixmap icon = Resource::loadPixmap( plugin.pluginObject->pixmapNameWidget() );
+ QCheckListItem * item = new QCheckListItem(m_pluginListView, plugin.pluginObject->pluginName(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox );
+ if ( !icon.isNull() ) {
+ item->setPixmap( 0, icon );
+ }
+ if ( m_excludePlugins.find( ) == m_excludePlugins.end() ) {
+ item->setOn( TRUE );
+ }
+ m_plugins[] = item;
- m_plugins[] = item;
- }
- // set the first tab as default.
- m_mainTW->setCurrentTab(m_pluginListWidget);
+ // set the first tab as default.
+ m_mainTW->setCurrentTab(m_pluginListWidget);
- // put the number of plugins as the max number of req. auth.
- m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->setMaxValue( pluginList.count() );
+ // put the number of plugins as the max number of req. auth.
+ m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->setMaxValue( pluginList.count() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we don't have any installed plugin there. Let's tell
+ * that to the user in a third tab, using the m_pluginListWidget widget
+ */
+ m_pluginListWidget = new QWidget(m_mainTW, "plugin list widget (no plugins warning)");
+ QVBoxLayout * pluginListLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pluginListWidget);
+ pluginListLayout->setSpacing(11);
+ pluginListLayout->setMargin(11);
+ pluginListLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
+ QVGroupBox *warningBox = new QVGroupBox(tr("Important notice"), m_pluginListWidget, "noPlugins warning box");
+ pluginListLayout->addWidget(warningBox);
+ QLabel * warningText = new QLabel( "<p>" + tr("To be able to protect your PDA with one or more authentication plugins (for example, a simple PIN authentication), you must install at least one <em>opie-multiauth-*</em> package! Once you have done that, you will be able to configure your PDA protection here.") + "</p>", warningBox );
+ m_mainTW->addTab(m_pluginListWidget, "security/Security", tr( "Locking") );
+ // set the first tab as default.
+ m_mainTW->setCurrentTab(m_loginWidget);
+ }
/// nothing to do
void MultiauthConfig::accept() {
MultiauthConfigWidget* confWidget = 0;
for ( confWidget = configWidgetList.first(); confWidget != 0;
confWidget = )
void MultiauthConfig::done( int r ) {
QDialog::done( r );
/// moves up the selected plugin
void MultiauthConfig::moveSelectedUp()
QListViewItem *item = m_pluginListView->selectedItem();
if ( item && item->itemAbove() ) {
item->itemAbove()->moveItem( item );
/// moves down the selected plugin
void MultiauthConfig::moveSelectedDown()
QListViewItem *item = m_pluginListView->selectedItem();
if ( item && item->itemBelow() ) {
item->moveItem( item->itemBelow() );
/// reads the <code>Security.conf</code> Config file, and updates parts of the user interface
void MultiauthConfig::readConfig()
// pointer, so we release this Config when we want
Config* pcfg = new Config("Security");
- pcfg->setGroup( "Misc" );
- m_generalConfig->onStart->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "onStart", false ) );
- m_generalConfig->onResume->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "onResume", false ) );
- m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->setValue( pcfg->readNumEntry( "nbSuccessMin", 1 ) );
- m_generalConfig->noProtectConfig->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "noProtectConfig", true) );
- m_generalConfig->explanScreens->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "explanScreens", true ) );
- m_generalConfig->allowBypass->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "allowBypass", false ) );
- pcfg->setGroup( "Plugins" );
- m_excludePlugins = pcfg->readListEntry( "ExcludePlugins", ',' );
- m_allPlugins = pcfg->readListEntry( "AllPlugins", ',' );
+ if (m_pluginsInstalled)
+ {
+ pcfg->setGroup( "Misc" );
+ m_generalConfig->onStart->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "onStart", false ) );
+ m_generalConfig->onResume->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "onResume", false ) );
+ m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->setValue( pcfg->readNumEntry( "nbSuccessMin", 1 ) );
+ m_generalConfig->noProtectConfig->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "noProtectConfig", true) );
+ m_generalConfig->explanScreens->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "explanScreens", true ) );
+ m_generalConfig->allowBypass->setChecked( pcfg->readBoolEntry( "allowBypass", false ) );
+ pcfg->setGroup( "Plugins" );
+ m_excludePlugins = pcfg->readListEntry( "ExcludePlugins", ',' );
+ m_allPlugins = pcfg->readListEntry( "AllPlugins", ',' );
+ }
/* Login and Sync stuff */
int auth_peer = pcfg->readNumEntry("auth_peer",0xc0a88100);//new default
int auth_peer_bits = pcfg->readNumEntry("auth_peer_bits",24);
int mode = pcfg->readNumEntry("Mode",2); // Default to Sharp
switch( mode ) {
case 0x01:
m_syncWidget->syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( 0 );
case 0x02:
m_syncWidget->syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( 1 );
case 0x04:
m_syncWidget->syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( 2 );
if ( telnetAvailable() )
if ( sshAvailable() )
- */
+ */
// release the Config handler
delete pcfg;
// indeed, selectNet will open the config file...
connect( m_syncWidget->syncnet, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
this, SLOT(setSyncNet(const QString&)));
QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf";
Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File);
if (autoLoginName.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
} else {
connect(m_loginWidget->autologinToggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleAutoLogin(bool)));
connect(m_loginWidget->userlist, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(changeLoginName(int)));
connect(m_syncWidget->restoredefaults,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
connect(m_syncWidget->deleteentry,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteListEntry()));
void MultiauthConfig::writeConfig()
Config* pcfg = new Config("Security");
- pcfg->setGroup( "Plugins" );
- QStringList exclude;
- QStringList include;
- QStringList allPlugins;
- QListViewItemIterator list_it( m_pluginListView );
- // this makes sure the names get saved in the order selected
- for ( ; list_it.current(); ++list_it ) {
- QMap <QString, QCheckListItem *>::Iterator it;
- for ( it = m_plugins.begin(); it != m_plugins. end (); ++it ) {
- if ( list_it.current() == (*it) && !(*it)-> isOn () ) {
- exclude << it.key();
- } else if ( list_it.current() == (*it) && (*it)-> isOn () ){
- include << it.key();
- }
- if ( list_it.current() == (*it) ) {
- allPlugins << it.key();
+ if (m_pluginsInstalled)
+ {
+ pcfg->setGroup( "Plugins" );
+ QStringList exclude;
+ QStringList include;
+ QStringList allPlugins;
+ QListViewItemIterator list_it( m_pluginListView );
+ // this makes sure the names get saved in the order selected
+ for ( ; list_it.current(); ++list_it ) {
+ QMap <QString, QCheckListItem *>::Iterator it;
+ for ( it = m_plugins.begin(); it != m_plugins. end (); ++it ) {
+ if ( list_it.current() == (*it) && !(*it)-> isOn () ) {
+ exclude << it.key();
+ } else if ( list_it.current() == (*it) && (*it)-> isOn () ){
+ include << it.key();
+ }
+ if ( list_it.current() == (*it) ) {
+ allPlugins << it.key();
+ }
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "ExcludePlugins", exclude, ',' );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "IncludePlugins", include, ',' );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "AllPlugins", allPlugins, ',' );
+ pcfg->setGroup( "Misc" );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "onStart", m_generalConfig->onStart->isChecked() );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "onResume", m_generalConfig->onResume->isChecked() );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "nbSuccessMin", m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->text() );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "noProtectConfig", m_generalConfig->noProtectConfig->isChecked() );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "explanScreens", m_generalConfig->explanScreens->isChecked() );
+ pcfg->writeEntry( "allowBypass", m_generalConfig->allowBypass->isChecked() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "ExcludePlugins", exclude, ',' );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "IncludePlugins", include, ',' );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "AllPlugins", allPlugins, ',' );
- pcfg->setGroup( "Misc" );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "onStart", m_generalConfig->onStart->isChecked() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "onResume", m_generalConfig->onResume->isChecked() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "nbSuccessMin", m_generalConfig->nbSuccessMin->text() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "noProtectConfig", m_generalConfig->noProtectConfig->isChecked() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "explanScreens", m_generalConfig->explanScreens->isChecked() );
- pcfg->writeEntry( "allowBypass", m_generalConfig->allowBypass->isChecked() );
/* Login and Sync stuff */
int auth_peer=0;
int auth_peer_bits;
QString sn = m_syncWidget->syncnet->currentText();
//this is the *selected* (active) net range
//write back all other net ranges in *cleartext*
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
QString target;
target.sprintf("net%d", i);
- pcfg->writeEntry(target,m_syncWidget->syncnet->text(i));
+ if ( i < m_syncWidget->syncnet->count() )
+ pcfg->writeEntry(target, m_syncWidget->syncnet->text(i));
+ else // no more entry in the syncnet list -> we clear the line
+ pcfg->writeEntry(target, "");
#ifdef ODP
#error "Use 0,1,2 and use Launcher"
/* keep the old code so we don't use currentItem directly */
int value = 0x02;
switch( m_syncWidget->syncModeCombo->currentItem() ) {
case 0:
value = 0x01;
case 1:
value = 0x02;
case 2:
value = 0x04;
pcfg->writeEntry( "Mode", value );
if ( telnetAvailable() )
if ( sshAvailable() )
// ### write ssh/telnet sys config files
- */
+ */
//release the Config handler
delete pcfg;
QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf";
Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File);
if (autoLogin) {
} else {
/// slot used to record the fact plugins order has been modified
void MultiauthConfig::pluginsChanged() {
m_plugins_changed = true;
/// loads each multiauth plugin
void MultiauthConfig::loadPlugins() {
QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/plugins/security";
QDir dir( path, "lib*.so" );
QStringList list = dir.entryList();
QStringList::Iterator it;
// temporary list used to sort plugins
QMap<QString, MultiauthPlugin> sortList;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
QInterfacePtr<MultiauthPluginInterface> iface;
QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( path + "/" + *it );
QString libPath(path + "/" + *it);
if ( lib->queryInterface( IID_MultiauthPluginInterface, (QUnknownInterface**)&iface ) == QS_OK ) {
MultiauthPlugin plugin;
plugin.library = lib;
plugin.iface = iface; = QString(*it);
// find out if plugins should be launched
if ( m_excludePlugins.grep( *it ).isEmpty() ) { = true;
} else { = false;
plugin.pluginObject = plugin.iface->plugin();
// "prebuffer" it in one more list, to get the sorting done
sortList.insert(, plugin );
// on first start the list is off course empty
if ( m_allPlugins.isEmpty() ) {
pluginList.append( plugin );
// if plugin is not yet in the list, add it to the layout too
else if ( !m_allPlugins.contains( ) ) {
pluginList.append( plugin );
} else {
delete lib;
} // end for
// put m_allPlugins tempPlugin objects into pluginList
if ( !m_allPlugins.isEmpty() ) {
MultiauthPlugin tempPlugin;
QStringList::Iterator stringit;
for( stringit = m_allPlugins.begin(); stringit != m_allPlugins.end(); ++stringit ) {
tempPlugin = ( sortList.find( *stringit ) ).data();
if ( !( ( ) ) {
pluginList.append( tempPlugin );
void MultiauthConfig::deleteListEntry()
void MultiauthConfig::restoreDefaults()
QMessageBox unrecbox(
"<p>" + tr("All user-defined net ranges will be lost.") + "</p>",
QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::NoButton,
0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
unrecbox.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Cancel"));
unrecbox.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Ok"));
if ( unrecbox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes)
m_syncWidget->syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( 2 );
void MultiauthConfig::insertDefaultRanges()
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( "" );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( tr( "Any" ) );
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( tr( "None" ) );
void MultiauthConfig::updateGUI()
void MultiauthConfig::selectNet(int auth_peer,int auth_peer_bits, bool update)
QString sn;
if ( auth_peer_bits == 0 && auth_peer == 0 ) {
sn = tr("Any");
} else if ( auth_peer_bits == 32 && auth_peer == 0 ) {
sn = tr("None");
} else {
sn =
QString::number((auth_peer>>24)&0xff) + "."
+ QString::number((auth_peer>>16)&0xff) + "."
+ QString::number((auth_peer>>8)&0xff) + "."
+ QString::number((auth_peer>>0)&0xff) + "/"
+ QString::number(auth_peer_bits);
//insert user-defined list of netranges upon start
if (update) {
//User selected/active netrange first
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( tr(sn) );
Config cfg("Security");
//set up defaults if needed, if someone manually deletes net0 he'll get a suprise hehe
QString test = cfg.readEntry("net0","");
if (test.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// 10 ought to be enough for everybody... :)
// If you need more, don't forget to edit applySecurity() as well
bool already_there=FALSE;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
QString target, netrange;
target.sprintf("net%d", i);
netrange = cfg.readEntry(target,"");
if (! netrange.isEmpty()){
//make sure we have no "twin" entries
for (int i=0; i<m_syncWidget->syncnet->count(); i++) {
if ( m_syncWidget->syncnet->text(i) == netrange ) {
if (! already_there) {
m_syncWidget->syncnet->insertItem( netrange );
} else {
for (int i=0; i<m_syncWidget->syncnet->count(); i++) {
if ( m_syncWidget->syncnet->text(i).left(sn.length()) == sn ) {
odebug << "No match for \"" << sn << "\"" << oendl;
void MultiauthConfig::parseNet(const QString& sn,int& auth_peer,int& auth_peer_bits)
if ( sn == tr("Any") ) {
auth_peer = 0;
auth_peer_bits = 0;
} else if ( sn == tr("None") ) {
auth_peer = 0;
auth_peer_bits = 32;
} else {
int x=0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
int nx = sn.find(QChar(i==3 ? '/' : '.'),x);
auth_peer = (auth_peer<<8)|sn.mid(x,nx-x).toInt();
x = nx+1;
uint n = (uint)sn.find(' ',x)-x;
auth_peer_bits = sn.mid(x,n).toInt();
void MultiauthConfig::loadUsers()
QFile passwd("/etc/passwd");
if ( ) {
QTextStream t( &passwd );
QString s;
QStringList account;
while ( !t.eof() ) {
account = QStringList::split(':',t.readLine());
// Hide disabled accounts and some special accounts
if (*!="*" && *!="ppp" && *!="messagebus") {
// Highlight this item if it is set to m_loginWidget->autologinToggle
if ( * == autoLoginName)
void MultiauthConfig::toggleAutoLogin(bool val)
// if autoLogin is true, we will set by default the login currently visible in the userlist
if (autoLogin)
void MultiauthConfig::setSyncNet(const QString& sn)
int auth_peer,auth_peer_bits;
void MultiauthConfig::changeLoginName( int idx )
autoLoginName = m_loginWidget->userlist->text(idx);;
/// \todo do implement that? who? how?
bool MultiauthConfig::telnetAvailable() const
return FALSE;
/// \todo do implement that? who? how?
bool MultiauthConfig::sshAvailable() const
return FALSE;
diff --git a/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.h b/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.h
index 649815d..5287083 100644
--- a/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.h
+++ b/core/settings/security/multiauthconfig.h
@@ -1,144 +1,145 @@
* \file multiauthconfig.h
* \brief Configuration GUI for Opie multiauth. framework, login and sync
* \author Cl�ment S�veillac (clement . seveillac (at) via . ecp . fr)
=. This file is part of the Opie Project
.=l. Copyright (C) 2004 Opie Developer Team <>
_;:, .> :=|. This library is free software; you can
.> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software
- . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
._= =} : or (at your option) any later version.
.%`+i> _;_.
.i_,=:_. -<s. This library is distributed in the hope that
+ . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
: .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of
_.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more
++= -. .` .: details.
: = ...= . :.=-
-. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
-_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with
-- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <opie2/multiauthplugininterface.h>
#include <opie2/multiauthcommon.h>
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/otabwidget.h>
/* QT */
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
/* UI */
#include "syncbase.h"
#include "loginbase.h"
/// the "misc" configuration tab, about general Opie Multiauth settings
class MultiauthGeneralConfig : public QWidget
MultiauthGeneralConfig(QWidget * parent, const char * name);
QCheckBox *onStart, *onResume, *noProtectConfig, *explanScreens, *allowBypass;
QSpinBox *nbSuccessMin;
friend class MultiauthConfig;
private slots:
void checkBypass();
void checkScreens();
/// the whole configuration dialog
class MultiauthConfig : public QDialog
static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("security"); }
MultiauthConfig(QWidget *parent, const char* name, WFlags fl);
virtual ~MultiauthConfig();
void writeConfig();
QList<Opie::Security::MultiauthConfigWidget> configWidgetList;
protected slots:
void accept();
void done(int r);
void pluginsChanged();
void moveSelectedUp();
void moveSelectedDown();
private slots:
// Login and Sync stuff
void setSyncNet(const QString&);
void changeLoginName(int);
void toggleAutoLogin(bool);
void restoreDefaults();
void insertDefaultRanges();
void deleteListEntry();
/// the widget holding all the tabs (or pages)
Opie::Ui::OTabWidget *m_mainTW;
/// list of authentication plugins in the "Plugins" page
QListView *m_pluginListView;
QStringList m_allPlugins, m_excludePlugins;
QMap<QString,QCheckListItem*> m_plugins;
/// plugin list page
QWidget *m_pluginListWidget;
/// misc config page
MultiauthGeneralConfig *m_generalConfig;
/// login (root / ...) choice page
LoginBase *m_loginWidget;
/// synchronization settings page
SyncBase *m_syncWidget;
int m_nbSuccessReq;
bool m_plugins_changed;
+ bool m_pluginsInstalled;
void readConfig();
void loadPlugins();
// Login and Sync stuff
void loadUsers();
bool telnetAvailable() const;
bool sshAvailable() const;
void updateGUI();
static void parseNet(const QString& sn,int& auth_peer,int& auth_peer_bits);
void selectNet(int auth_peer,int auth_peer_bits,bool update);
bool autoLogin;
QString autoLoginName;